Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Ultimate Guide To PHP IDEs" |
"""If you know your tool good, probably you know your job good."" There are a lot of PHP IDEs available for PHP developers, both free and commercial. Having a good understanding and experience of different tools help you better decide which IDE is right for you, without spending too much money. In the meantime, this knowledge gives you a deeper insight into the different tasks performed by these IDEs. This course is for people who are curious about different PHP IDEs, but simply cannot risk their workflow by changing their current IDE as well as those who are just getting started and wonder which IDE is better. The course will try to tell you what you need to know about different IDEs including PhpStorm, NetBeans, Eclipse, Atom, and VS Code in a summarized and efficient fashion. Along the way, you will learn about the features available in different IDEs, pricing, and basic usage and decide for yourself which tool is right for you. In this course, I will gladly share with you my years of experience and knowledge of working with different tools and technologies to help you get started easily and quickly. The course comes with a 30-day guarantee, during which you can take your money back if you didn't find the course meeting your expectations, thus, there is absolutely zero risk in taking this course. So, if you want to become a better PHP programmer, do not hesitate to buy the course and join me in this amazing path. Note: PhpStorm, Eclipse, NetBeans, Atom and VS Code and other trademarks used in the course are the properties of their respective owners."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Quick Guide to Using HomeBrew on Mac" |
"It is hard to find a professional or power user in the world of computing that is not familiar with terminals. Everyone a little bit hacky and nerdy loves them. One of the reasons that have historically made terminals attractive to such people is the ability to manager their software right from their terminal via simple commands rather than going through sophisticated wizards and installer files. HomeBrew is a fabulous package manager that makes your life as a Mac power user easier as it brings the world of terminal package management to the macOS operating system. Using HomeBrew you will be able to install tons of free open source software on your mac without leaving the comfort of your terminal. If you are a system admin, web developer, system developer, or simply a nerd who wants to get more possibilities realized with his system and achieve more efficiency and creativity with their Mac, this course is for you. The course is quick and dirty, but I assure you'll find valuable information in it found nowhere else. By the way, the course comes with 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, so rest assured if you didn't like the course for any reason whatsoever, you will be able to get your money back in full within 30 days of purchase. Talk is cheap, let's dive in the course and familiarize ourselves with HomeBrew! I look forward to seeing you in the course. "
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop CC Essential Training For Beginners 2019" |
"The course goes thru the fundamental aspects of Photoshop which helps with editing and enhancing photos. My students will learn to efficiently customize their workspace and toolbar in order to start editing in an effective manner to improve layering, masking and imageenhancing. if you are looking to learn more about Photoshop and want to learn about the several masking and layering tactics then this is the right course for you!This course will come alongside many techniques that will allow you to add clipping mask effect and create a sharpening portrait effect alongside a high dynamic range portrait I have several years of experience with Photoshop including designing web, creating advertisements and even designed a few newspaper ads. I have also been doing freelance work for over a decade now. I have also taken classes the range from digital production to designing artwork.This course is broken down into the following way, which will allow for a linear growth in learning InterferenceTools for Everyday ProjectsStart Adding LayersBegin Playing With MaskingStart Using The Selection ToolUsing TypographyMasking Out With The Pen ToolCovering Colors And Swatches Creating An Optimized Work Flow And Much More!With all that being said if this course matches your needs then enroll today and let's start exploring the capabilities of Photoshop!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mathematik (1) - (Aussagen-) Logik" |
"Herzlich Willkommen und Guten Tag!Die Reihe ""Mathematik (auch fr Informatiker)"" umfasst viele Themenbereiche der Mathematik, die im Umfeld von Schule und Studium relevant, vor allem klausurrelevant, sind. Die Reihe besteht aus insgesamt acht Teilen:(Aussagen-) Logik (dieser Kurs)Relationen und AbbildungenMatrizenrechnungLineare GleichungssystemeGraphentheorie(Binre) BumeVektorrumeLineare AbbildungenDie einzelnen Kursteile bauen z.T. aufeinander auf, so dass behandelter Stoff aus vorausgegangenen Kursteilen als bekannt vorausgesetzt wird.Welche Themen werden in diesem Kursteil behandelt?Wir werden uns im Kursteil ""(1) Aussagen-Logik"" mit folgenden Themen beschftigen:Logische AussagenLogische AusdrckeVerknpfung logischer Ausdrckequivalenz und ImplikationIm Verlauf des Kurses werden verschiedene Beispiele und auch Aufgaben zur eigenen Bearbeitung angeboten. Zu jeder Aufgabe wird ein schrittweiser Lsungsweg aufgezeigt, so dass Du diese Aufgaben als Lernkontrolle und Klausurvorbereitung nutzen kannst.Was bringt Dir dieser Kurs?Kurz und knackig: Dieser Kurs bereitet Dich auf Deine Klausur vor. Natrlich ist jede Klausur anders (und meistens auch neu), aber das Grundprinzip ist doch immer gleich, oder? Weil sich weder die Mathematik noch die Informatik dahinter ndert. Und die lernst Du hier!Auch kurz und knackig, was dieser Kurs NICHT ist: Eine Garantie, dass Du die Klausur bestehen wirst. Lernen ist etwas sehr individuelles, das muss jeder selbst erledigen; so, wie es fr sie oder ihn am besten ist. Aber dieser Kurs kann Dir dabei helfen! Also, was meinst Du?Ich denke, wir sehen uns im Kurs! Bis dahin!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mathematik (4) - Lineare Gleichungssysteme" |
"Herzlich Willkommen und Guten Tag!Die Reihe ""Mathematik (auch fr Informatiker)"" umfasst viele Themenbereiche der Mathematik, die im Umfeld von Schule und Studium relevant, vor allem klausurrelevant, sind. Die Reihe besteht aus insgesamt acht Teilen:(Aussagen-) LogikRelationen und AbbildungenMatrizenrechnung Lineare Gleichungssysteme (dieser Kurs)Graphentheorie(Binre) BumeVektorrumeLineare AbbildungenDie einzelnen Kursteile bauen z.T. aufeinander auf, so dass behandelter Stoff aus vorausgegangenen Kursteilen als bekannt vorausgesetzt wird.Welche Themen werden in diesem Kursteil behandelt?Wir werden uns im Kursteil ""(4) Lineare Gleichungssysteme"" mit folgenden Themen beschftigen:Lineare GleichungssystemeGau-AlgorithmusGau-Jordan-AlgorithmusLU-ZerlegungDeterminanten einer MatrixIm Verlauf des Kurses werden verschiedene Beispiele und auch Aufgaben zur eigenen Bearbeitung angeboten. Zu jeder Aufgabe wird ein schrittweiser Lsungsweg aufgezeigt, so dass Du diese Aufgaben als Lernkontrolle und Klausurvorbereitung nutzen kannst.Was bringt Dir dieser Kurs?Kurz und knackig: Dieser Kurs bereitet Dich auf Deine Klausur vor. Natrlich ist jede Klausur anders (und meistens auch neu), aber das Grundprinzip ist doch immer gleich, oder? Weil sich weder die Mathematik noch die Informatik dahinter ndert. Und die lernst Du hier!Auch kurz und knackig, was dieser Kurs NICHT ist: Eine Garantie, dass Du die Klausur bestehen wirst. Lernen ist etwas sehr individuelles, das muss jeder selbst erledigen; so, wie es fr sie oder ihn am besten ist. Aber dieser Kurs kann Dir dabei helfen! Also, was meinst Du?Ich denke, wir sehen uns im Kurs! Bis dahin!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 2020 6 Practice Tests" |
"The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner examination is intended for individuals who have the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively demonstrate an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud, independent of specific technical roles addressed by other AWS Certifications. The exam can be taken at a testing center or from the comfort and convenience of a home or office location as an online proctored exam.6 complete high-quality practice tests of 65 questions each will help you master your AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam (CLF-C01):These practice exams will help you assess and ensure that you are fully prepared for the final examination.Any question you might fail will contain first an explanation and then a link to the AWS Official documentation explaining the concepts in depth.I recommend you re-watch video lectures in the main course to go over again AWS services you don't feel confident about.Are you ready to assess yourself and practice the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam?See you on the course!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Dropshipping FBM Vendedor Premium Servicio al Cliente" |
"Ms de 25,000 estudiantes de 153 pases inscritos en Nuestros Cursos!Suscrbete y disfruta el contenido de este curso PARA SIEMPRE!En este curso, te mostraremos Cmo Ofrecer un Servicio al Cliente ptimo al Hacer Dropshipping en Amazon, algo que no es tan sencillo como puede sonar... Te Contaremos Cmo Cuidar de Tus Mtricas de Vendedor, Cmo Evitar o Resolver Suspensiones en tu Cuenta, Cmo Procesar Adecuadamente Tus Pedidos y Cmo Convertirte en un Vendedor Premium.TENGA EN CUENTA, este curso es para Amazon Dropshipping FBM, no para vendedores FBA.Hay 2 razones principales por las que te podra interesar adquirir este curso:1. Te Gustara Aprender Cmo Gestionar tu Tienda de Vendedor en Amazon, Ofreciendo un Servicio al Cliente Excelente y Convirtindote en un Vendedor Premium.2. Te gustara dar este curso de gran valor y su informacin a Tu Asistente Virtual, para que l pueda encargarse de Gestionar Tu Tienda Mientras tu Asumes el Rol de Supervisor, Ayudndote de toda la Informacin Suministrada en este curso.Este es el plan para decir adis a tu trabajo de 9 a 5 ...Para trabajar desde casa con su propio horario y poder disfrutar de su tiempo con sus seres queridos.O hay otros como nosotros, que prefieren trabajar en lnea mientras viajan alrededor del mundo como nmadas digitales.Cualquiera que sea su propsito, estamos junto a usted para lograrlo.Con la Informacin contenida en este curso, Podrs Manejar tu Tienda de Amazon y Hacer Dropshipping por muchos aos, Ganando Muchsimo Dinero con ello!!Regstrate y comencemos AHORA!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ebay Dropshipping 2020 Create Your Store & Make Money Online" |
"More than 25,000 Students from 153 countries enrolled in Our CoursesSubscribe and Enjoy the Content of This Lifetime Course!New Times Require For New MeasuresIn This Course We Will Show You How To Make Money Online on Ebay. How to Create And Set Up A Seller Account On Ebay To Sell Items And How to Make Dropshipping Full Online Way. We Will Talk About Common Problems That You May Encounter During This Process, The Precautionary Measures To Be Taken When Entering This Business Model And We Will Try To Transmit Our Knowledge To Help You Create This Business Model And Achieve Your Financial Freedom.This is the Plan to Say Goodbye to Your Work from 9 to 5 ...To Work From home having your own schedule and being able to enjoy your loved ones.Or there are like us, who prefer to work online while traveling around the World as Digital Nomads.Whatever your purpose is, we are together with you to achieve it.Sign up and Let's Start Right NOW!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Past Lives For Healers -3 Sessions of Spiritual Regression" |
"A program of Past Life Therapy to get personal sessions as a client.My other courses teach Past Life type modalities, to give sessions as a therapist.This course acts as a personal session to shift your healing career to a new level.* Are you a newer healer, needing confidence to go fully professional?Are blocks affecting you in sessions, or preventing you from taking sessions, or from charging a higher price for sessions? Do you have doubts if you can be a healer, of if healing fits your life purpose?Are you a certified healer, yet feel inside I am not a real healer because you dont have much experience, which can block you from getting experience.What if you could recall lifetimes of experience as a healer, and see future lives as a healer?This course can help move you from being a student, to a professional. Get an inner clarity and connection that launches your healing path into action.* Are you an experienced healer at career crossroads, or a low point?Do you need to reconnect with your purpose as a healer, to get back the motivation, inspiration and confidence you once had?Do you need to disconnect from blocks that prevent you going up to the next level of creative and financial fulfilment? Or are blocks pulling you down, and possibly out of healing?This course can be a form of mentoring to revitalise your healing skills, passion and sense of life purpose, to break out of a rut and break through to a new level.* Do you know if you were a healer in past lives? Do you know the full story, and how that is affecting your journey as a healer in this life?Past life karma has a powerful affect on your present and future. Understand and work with it, so it works for you, and not against you.When you know who you really are at a deep level, your spiritual evolution goes to another level, and uplifts your evolution as a healer.Course Structure & PLRT Process;* The program focuses on Past Lives related to a calling or profession as a healer.There is a difference between simply regressing and recalling part of a past life, and having Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT).PLRT done professionally has implicit within it three other highly connected forms of regression therapy, so sessions include;0) Interviews; to focus on presenting issues related to the healer journey. And pre-talks to prepare for hypnotic inductions and guided meditations.1) Age Regression Hypnotherapy; to clarify the presenting issue and story in this life, that connects with past lives.2) Past Life Regression; to clarify the past lives causes, events and people, and begin to work with, or be at peace with, the karmic effects.3) Future Life Progression; to see how learning spiritual lessons effects our path into this life and the next, growing confidence, motivation and life purpose.Course Highlights;- Case Study Exercises; guide you to write your own past life case studies, focusing on your journey as a healer over time.- Case Study Examples; from my past lives relating to healing, illustrating themes relevant to most healers.- Clarify your own goals with worksheets and interviews before sessions.- Understand each technique and key themes with pre and post session talks.- Experience three regressions to the Present, Past and Future lives.- Get therapeutic resolutions to enhance your core healing practice.* Your experiences can relate to my past lives connected to healing.In this course, I will share details and spiritual themes of my past lives, including how they intertwine, teach lessons and resolve karma.On my Stages To Becoming A Healer, a set of connected lives all take place in India, but over 2,500 years in distinctly Buddhist, Hindu and British eras.On my The Healers Path we visit past lives to reconnect with abilities from the sleep temples of Egypt, remove blocks from a monastic life in Tibet, and find a soulmate from many lives who is vital to my progress as a healer in this life.Abilities and Limitations of Online Sessions; No online course can be fully interactive. This course has an in-depth set of sessions, tools and writing assignments to give value, especially suited to self-starting talented people with spiritual healing experience. I do offer premium ways to help and go even deeper.Self Mentoring; Many people will gain valuable past life insights they can understand and resolve by following the written exercises themselves. This course includes many worksheets to prompt your own writing and realisations, allowing self-mentoring.One Skype Call - Personal Mentoring; Some people like to discuss their experiences to get interactive feedback and confirm their understanding.My website Past Life Awakening Institute offers a premium version of this course that includes a one hour skype/zoom mentoring session based on the written exercises, to help with realisations and connections to present issues.Three Skype Calls - Personal Sessions; Some people prefer a fully interactive experience of the interviews and sessions.My website Past Life Awakening Institute offers a premium personal program of Past Life Regression sessions over skype/zoom.Further Study; Past Lives for Healers is designed to enhance your progress with your existing healing modality through your own person sessions. If it also inspires you to study or become a past life regression therapist;To gain skills, you could take my course Past Life Regression - Therapist Training.To gain certification, you could take my premium course Past Life Regression Therapist, from my website for the Past Life Awakening Institute. This course includes skype/zoom personal mentoring sessions to assist with the curriculum, special interest areas, and your client cases. It has exam and case study requirements to become a certified Past Life Regression Therapist.Reviews for sister course Past Life Regression - Therapist TrainingIt is really good, covering the all aspects of past life regression. I also loved the audio session given in the last lesson on various common subjects. Overall it is good and it's really worthy to invest time to learn & heal yourself.""I'm amazed with this course. I'm already conversational hypnotist myself. Just listening to the audio I was able to view some of my past lives and benefit from it. Thank you, Mark!If you have any questions, feel free to message me.Visit my Bio Page for links to my website and youtube, that offer deals on my courses and free educational content.Thanks, Mark :)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn to cook Delicious Low Sodium Chicken Entrees and Meals" |
"Do you struggle with finding low-sodium food options to fill you up and satisfy your taste buds?!?! If you answered yes, then this is the course for you!Enroll today to receive immediate help in lowering the sodium for your loved ones! Do you struggle with finding low-sodium chicken recipes that are easy to prepare, look terrific, and taste great?!?! Udemy provides a 30 day money return for all COURSES. You have nothing to loose and a whole low sodium life ahead of you to gain. Join me in attacking sodium every day.This course is full of ideas to help you keep daily sodium low, over 15 downloads (recipes & tip sheets), and extra tips in the lectures to help lower your sodium intake.LOW SODIUM WATCHERS - It's dangerous to take even a day off of watching your sodium! This course will teach you how to stay on your low sodium food program!!! In this course, I'll share what you need to know to enjoy low sodium chicken meals !!!I created this course for people just like you. Why? Because when my husband was diagnosed with congestive heart disease I was DESPERATE for an answer to ""How can I cook for him?"". After months of research, tweaking recipes with low-sodium ingredients, and testing the results on my family (some great... some not so great) I have a enough heart healthy, low sodium recipes to fill a cook book!!I'm so excited to share what I've learned with you!! My goal is to make your journey to cooking low sodium easier, and to provide you with information that will enable you to have food that may become your family's new favorites!In this course, l provide the background you'll need to create delicious low sodium chicken meals, and the information to start your journey to becoming a low sodium chef for your family and friends! I'm Judy, The Sodium Attacker, and I'm always looking for ways to reduce sodium and keep the flavor! YOU can be the sodium attacker for your family!Upon completion of this course, you will learnHow to prepare truly great chicken meals, sides, and appetizersWhere sodium hidesWhy it is critical to read food labels, and what you can learnThe importance of knowing sodium content of every ingredient in every recipeLow sodium cooking DOES NOT have to be blandThere are a lot of low sodium items we can take advantage ofWhich sour cream has the lowest amount of sodiumWhat to have in your pantry or freezer to prepare great mealsTo have confidence in ability to eat low sodiumWhere to purchase Unsalted Cheddar CheeseWhy bottled water has replaced our tap waterHow to spend daily sodium allowance Leftover turkey can be substituted in some recipes, but turkey has more sodium & has to be calculatedUpon completion of this course, you will have the following printed recipes or sheets Recipe for Tortilla Strips - 30 mg sodium in over 100 strips List of beers with their sodium content Recipe for Roasted Green Chili - NO SODIUM - A small can has 480 mg Recipe for low sodium Cornbread Muffins - 16 mg sodium each - or with cheese 30.17 mg each List of NO SODIUM and low sodium crackers for your soup Recipe for NO SODIUM Crust for Chicken Pot Pit - Flaky & very tasty Recipe for very low sodium fried chicken using your Air Fryer - Recipe has two breading options. Recipe for low sodium Chicken Salad - Appetizer, Side, or Main Course - Less than 132 mg per cup Recipe for low sodium Chicken Noodle Soup - 46 mg sodium per cup - canned has 790 to 940 per 1/2 cup Recipe for low sodium Chicken and Rolled Dumplings - 66 mg sodium per cup Recipe for Low sodium battered chicken or codIncludes low sodium battered onion rings, bell pepper rings, dill pickles, and jalapenos Recipe for low sodium Chicken and Rice Soup - 31 mg per cup - Canned has 820 to 1020 mg per cupRecipe for low sodium Chicken Pot Pie - 50 mg sodium per serving Recipe for low sodium Green Chili Enchiladas - less than 68 mg each Recipe for low sodium Tortilla Soup - 29 mg sodium per cup Recipe for low sodium Oven Fried Chicken - 155 mg sodium per 7 ounce piece Recipe for low sodium Chicken and Potato Casserole - 99 mg per serving Recipe for low sodium White Chicken Chili - 27 mg per cup Recipe for low sodium Chicken Stew and Drop Dumplings - 119 mg per serving"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"A Manager's Bundle: Goal Setting & Employee Performance" |
"This 2-Course Bundle saves you 20%!!Bundle Includes: Goal Setting for ManagersManaging Employee PerformanceThe portion of this course based on Goal Setting for Managers is a part of the New Management Fundamentals Series. The overall goal of this program is to enable managers to learn and apply a practical, management-centric goal setting process. A process that is designed to reflect the current reality managers are facing -- dynamic, fast moving, complex, team-based, and cross-functional. Upon completion, each learner will have completed the process as well as identified future opportunities for development.The portion of this course based on Managing Employee Performance is part of the New Management Fundamentals Series. The overall goal of this program is to enable managers to learn and apply a practical approach to managing the performance of employees in a way that will achieve organizational results while enhancing the development and engagement of employees. Our performance management process is designed to get past the traditional annual performance plan and presents tools, templates and skills that reflect the current reality managers are facing -- dynamic, fast moving, complex, team-based, and cross-functional. Learners will complete each stage of the process, understand the management skills required to put it into practice as well as identify future opportunities for development."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"3 Web Development Essentials" |
"The 3 Web Development Essentials can be compared to Building a House: HTML5 - Writing a Static Layout (Tag Structure) / Framing your House.CSS3/CSSNext/SASS - Writing Style-sheets (Visual Customization) / Decorating your Home.JavaScript/ES6 (Optional) - Programming Anything / Wiring a Home with Special Features.As with the house example above, you can apply code skills to so other skills and crafts! This is the same logical thinking with these 3 Essentials. You will find in nearly every programming language you will need ""Tags/Data/Info"" (HTML). ""Appearance"" You often make it look great (The way you Dress, Mobile Design, User-Interaction which affects ROI (Return on Investment <ROI>)). Last, Scale your skills in Simple to Advanced Front and back-end skills if you choose to! HTML5 (Tags/House Frame) likened to: Build Furniture, Create Kids Tree-House.CSS3/CSSNext/SASS likened to: House Decor, Design Clothing & Setup a Wardrobe.JavaScript likened to: Wiring a Car with a Sub-woofer, Adding Spinner Rims (I know it's not 1999!)Want to re-use knowledge like I still do?! Let's Do it!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Hands-On Dynamics 365 AI for Business Insights" |
"AI is on everyone's mind in the IT world, and Microsoft is at the forefront when it comes to investing in both AI and business applications. With AI built into Dynamics 365, businesses can change their business landscape, become more efficient, and reduce manual processes.In this course, you will reap the benefits of the new AI applications introduced by Microsoft in terms of sales, market, and customer service insights. You will begin with a quick installation and overview of Dynamics 365 and AI. You'll use AI for Customer Service Insights to achieve actionable insights into critical data and trends from your customer service system.You will also use AI for Sales to enable stronger customer relationships, perform actions based on market insights, close sales faster, and make your business more efficient. Finally, you will discover how Market Insights connects organizations based on the conversations and opinions that their customers and the broader market are engaged in.By the end of the course, you will be able to use Dynamics 365 AI applications to achieve efficient and intelligent business insights.About the AuthorLuke Mathers is an architect and CRM consultant and has been working with Microsoft Dynamics CRM since version 3.0 (released near the end of 2005). In that time, he has designed and implemented dozens of projects in multiple geographies and across many industries.Some of these projects included worldwide software deployments, where training users across different languages, job functions, and cultures was a critical success factor. Luke currently works with large enterprises, helping them adopt the latest capabilities from Microsoft business applications, including Dynamics, the Power platform and AI.While both the capabilities and complexity of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform grow daily, Luke enjoys contributing to the user community and enabling more people to get the most out of their careers and Microsoft Dynamics deployments."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Hands-On Shaders and Effects in Unity 2019" |
"Do you have a unique visual style for your game in your mind? And you dont want to learn coding to write shaders or create a fancy particle effect? No problem! Unity 2019 has come up with exciting features to add shaders and effects to your 2D or 3D games without writing a single line of code. Its the worlds leading cross-platform game engine and has helped create about half of the worlds games.In this course, you will learn how to create shaders and cool particle effects with Unity 2019s new features and tools. It will start with an introduction to the new features in Unity 2019 and then deep dive into Scriptable Render Pipeline, Shader Graph and Visual Effects Graph with its hands-on application on 2D and 3D scenes. You will also learn about all the post-processing stack effects with examples.By the end of this course, you will be able to create stunning visual effects that can be used in your games and high-quality graphics.About the AuthorAnton Semchenko is an experienced Unity3D developer. He has worked exclusively with Unity3D for the past six years. During these years, he worked mostly on VR/AR projects. In his free time, he developed two games in Unity. Received The Best Design award and The Best Game award for one of his games. Having graduated from physics, he is a self-taught programmer and as such he knows what makes a course exciting or boring, practical or useless. Previously worked on Unity Game Development in 4 hours course."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach - Practitioner" |
"Start your journey and studies today to become a certified Law of Attraction Practitioner - Certified and quality checked by a third Party organisationThis certified Training from Matt Barnett is a comprehensive study into the Law of Attraction . In this course you will discover the Law of attraction and how it can easily be applied to your life to assist you in manifesting the life of your dreams. The Law of attraction is a powerful phenomenon which when understood provides a useful tool for achieving success. Discover the power of directed thought Discover the power of language so that you can communicate your intention in the most effective way Discover how to attract money to you and why it is so often difficult to manifest Learn the power of positive intention"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Php OOP Object Oriented Programming With Project" |
"Php OOP (Object Oriented Programming) With ProjectHey Guys Hope you All of fine, in this course, you will learn OOP (Object Oriented Programing) Language in Php with Projects. You want to learn Basic to Advance Usage of OOP in Php, I will teach with you How You can use OOP in Php Basic to Advanced Knowledge.Once We Complete it, then We Will Learn How to Use OOP (Object Oriented Programming) Concept to Develop the Applications Such as CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) And Also We Will learn How to Design and Also Develop Login & Registration System Using OOP Concent in Php.Guys, OOP (Object Oriented Programming) one of the best tactics used to reuse the Codes. If you are an expert in any Programming Language, you must learn OOP Concent. There are many OOP Supported Programmings available on such as C#, Java, Python, etc.Those are OOP Supported Programming Languages and Php Also Supported OOP Concept. If you want to work with Any Frameworks in Php such as Laravel, Codeigniter etc, You must have knowledge in OOP (Object Oriented Programming) Concept.Once you learned OOP (Object Oriented Programming ) Concentp, then you will able to understand working process of any Framework in Php.So, I've designed the course especially for newbies or beginners, they are interested to learn OOP in Php."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's Guide to Freelance" |
"What will you learn in this class?Everything Ive learned from 10+ years of freelancing to help you get started and grow.How to figure out what services you can offerHow to make money AND do what you loveHow to find people who are WILLING to hire youHow to sell your services without having to become some sales genius or slime ballHow to build your freelance business as a sustainable business you can sell or hand to your kids and grandkidsAnd, ultimately, be YOUR OWN boss and control YOUR OWN destiny.Who is the instructor?The course is taught by me, John Morris. I've been a freelance web developer for over 14 years. I have 11 other courses here on SkillShare. I've taught thousands of students. I have a YouTube channel of nearly 60,000 subscribers and growing.I, also am an Army veteran that trained solders deploying overseas. Teaching is what I love to do and my goal is to help you become a highly skilled, well-respected and well-paid freelancer. I believe this class help you put together concepts and teach you skills that will help you do all that faster.So, if you're ready to get rolling, enroll in the course and I will see you on the inside.REVIEWS FROM OTHER PLATFORMS""this class was a major game changer.. helped me to really think about and streamline the business i want to build .. i will definitely be taking more courses from him"" -- Eva Nickson--""The bonus section on Scope - The cure for fear of failure has the most impact on how i view freelance web developer. I too have the fear on whether i should embark on this endeavor as a side business whilst maintaining my full time job. John has expertly and through his experiences shared his most honest view and i'm thoroughly convinced that i too can be successful as a freelance web developer by taking the necessary steps in his course."" -- K.L. Lai--""This is one of the best tutorials I have ever seen on freelancing from any tutor. I will highly recommend this course among my peers and others as well."" -- Mehandi Islam--""If you're a beginner freelancer this course is a must!"" -- Marko Savicevic"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Learn LabView from Scratch A-Z in 30 days" |
"This Course is for any individual including:Students Teachers Engineers and ScientistsWho want to Create and simulate control application within LabView Software which is one of the most powerful software with graphical environment that makes coding very easy. It is made for students with any skill level and background as long as you enjoy creating your code.I am Very Excited to show you some of the most fundamental skills that will help you develop your own code with Labview. so common in!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"AWS Advanced Security" |
"Curious about security on AWS? Read about data breaches on cloud providers and want to avoid it yourself? Learn now how to protect your data, and manage your infrastructure in a secure way! Your course instructors are AWS consultants with years of experience in Cloud & Security.Our goals:We aim to get you better informed about the security considerations when running infrastructure on AWSWe want to do this using simple, but accurate and real world examples, we want to make complex topics easy to understandThe lectures range from simple security features to really complex event driven systems to keep your AWS accounts in compliance based on a set of rules. All the scripts and commands are on our GitHub repository so you can easily download everything to your workstation (GitHub URL is in document after this lecture"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Profesional en Material Design/Theming para Android. UX y UI" |
"Importante: Este curso esta en constante actualizacin/incremento, cada semana se aade material nuevo(el curso comenz con 4hrs.).Bienvenido al curso de Diseo profesional para Android con Material Design y Material Theming. Aqu veremos lo ltimo en diseo nativo para android, todo basado en las recomendaciones oficiales por parte de Google para el correcto desarrollo de la UI(interfaz de usuario), desde como diferenciar entre un diseo con o sin Material Design, hasta notar las diferencias entre Material Design y Material Theming. Todo se realizar paso a paso, tanto en aplicaciones nuevas creadas para practicar, como en las ya terminadas, que lo nico que requieren es migrar su interfaz.Aplicaremos los Material Components(MDC), en nuestras aplicaciones, veremos como personalizar cada elemento, desde su color de fondo, contorno, forma, texto, y dems propiedades particulares de cada componente. Hoy en da las aplicaciones no solo tienen que tener un solo diseo, por eso este curso tambin contempla una de las vistas ms solicitadas en la actualidad, nos referimos al modo oscuro(dark theme). Tambin veremos las ltimas recomendaciones y Best Practices que mejoren la UX(experiencia del usuario). Sin olvidar el uso correcto de animaciones y transiciones(ejemplo: Motion).Y cmo son las clases? Que tan cierto es que el curso seguir creciendo? Para resolver esas dudas, te invito a mirar sin ningn compromiso las primeras clases de este curso, as podrs ver si te gusta mi forma de ensear, si la imagen y/o sonido es legible, entre otros detalles. Con respecto a que el curso se actualice y se mantenga creciendo de forma consistente, me complace decirte que soy un instructor comprometido con mis alumnos y mis cursos, puedes darte cuenta de esto al ver las calificaciones y comentarios de mis ms de 70,000 estudiantes y 4.5+ estrellas en mi promedio.Aqu tienes un pequeo listado de los temas ms importantes a tratar en el curso:Que es Material Design?Diferencias entre Holo, Material Design y Material Theming.MDC: Material Components(MaterialButton, NavigationBar, Text field, FloatingActionButton, Checkbox, etc.).Contenedores(ConstraintLayout, MaterialCard, LinearLayout, FrameLayout, etc.).GuasMigracin a Material Theming.Dark Theme.Animaciones y Transiciones.Dimensiones.Estilos.Temas.Drawables(backgrounds, vectorDrawables, states, etc.).Formas.Tipografa.Motion.Colores.Compatibilidad y recurso alternos.Interfaz de usuario(UI).Experiencia del usuario(UX).Buenas prcticas y ms.Y hablando ms del instructor, Que hay que saber de el? Que experiencias tiene? Es capaz de transmitir conocimientos?Son preguntas muy importantes antes de que tomes una decisin, y para no darle ms vueltas al asunto, te hago un breve resumen: Soy Ingeniero en Sistemas Computacionales con especialidad en Desarrollo de Software, tengo certificaciones en programacin y la gran mayora son de desarrollo en Android nativo. Mi experiencia como programador es de mas de 8 aos en el sector profesional, y como instructor en Udemy, tengo 3 aos impartiendo cursos y mis resultados hablan por si mismos, miles de estudiantes me han otorgado calificaciones de 4.5+ en promedio, ya que no solo me gusta hacer cursos completos y actualizados, si no que tambin me tomo muy enserio la parte de resolver todas las dudas, adems de escuchar sugerencias y aadir material extra que complemente mis cursos.Soy consciente de que tu tiempo es muy valioso, por eso siempre procuro hacer las clases sin rodeos, enfocadas ms a la prctica, si hay teora en el curso, es importante entender algunos conceptos, pero soy de la idea que se aprende ms aplicando los conocimientos, que solo oyendo o leyendo. Adems del material disponible en este curso, siempre voy complementando con clases extras en YouTube, para aquellos temas que no encajen en el objetivo del curso, que en este caso es dominar el uso de Material Desing y crear buenos diseos en interfaces para android, adems de ofrecer referencias para quin quiera leer ms sobre el tema y por supuesto, siempre proporciono el cdigo completo para que vayas comparando tu progreso con el de los proyectos que se realizaron en los vdeos.Que ventajas o beneficio hay en tomar el curso si sigue creciendo?Quiero superar las 20hrs. de contenido(pero si puedo ms de 25, lo har con mucho gusto), y en lo que eso pasa, quiero compensar de alguna manera, a los estudiantes que toman el curso mientras an crece, y la mejor forma es haciendo que sean ellos quien tomen parte del control del curso Cmo? Tomando en cuenta sus sugerencias sobre que temas debo contemplar para el futuro, cuales de los temas ya vistos deberan ser profundizados, que errores o dudas en casos de la vida real, puedo incluir para evolucionar las aplicaciones propuestas por mi. Esto ya lo he hecho en otros cursos como uno de Firebase y MVP, el cual comenz con 4.5hrs. y hoy en da tiene +31hrs. y sigue creciendo, pues mis alumnos han solicitado ms contenido y pienso aadirlo en un futuro.ExtrasOtro punto a considerar en el curso, es el uso de dependencias o recursos complementarios, que si bien no vienen del equipo de desarrollo oficial de Google, nos ayudarn a programar de una forma ms eficiente y rpida. Y por parte de la implementacin de Material Design, hay diseos o componentes que an no tienen documentacin oficial o estn en fase beta, por lo que tendremos que valernos de trucos o implementaciones propias, todo esto ser de mi parte, para que obtengas los resultados deseados sin tener que esperar a que Google libere este material faltante.Espero que esta informacin te sea til, y te invito a que no te quedes solo ah, me encantara que tomaras accin y dieras un paso hoy mismo para cumplir tus objetivos y metas. Adquiere el curso ahora mismo, aprovecha esta oportunidad de incrementar tu nivel de diseo nativo en android y se un profesional!Nos vemos en clase!El xito es para aquellos con el valor de superarse as mismos, de los que dan el primer paso y persisten, an sin estar seguros del destino.Un cordial y amistoso saludo.Ing. Alain Nicols Tello.Cursos Android ANT"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Baguazhang |
"Basic tools for understanding how to explore the concepts of Bagua. Discussion continues with regards to Jing, Qi, and Shen, and some of the Qigong palms of the Cheng system are explored. Understanding how to root and sit into the lower half of the body is essential to being able to express full body structure and develop a deeper awareness of Jing, Qi, and Shen."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Reconhecimento de Gestos e Aes com Python e OpenCV" |
"Dentro da rea da Viso Computacional existe a sub-rea de reconhecimento de gestos e aes, que visa identificar aes especficas que pessoas podem executar em imagens ou vdeos. Um tipo de aplicao um sistema de vigilncia por vdeos, no qual aes suspeitas podem ser detectadas, como por exemplo: um passageiro abandonando uma bagagem no aeroporto ou uma possvel futura ao de assalto! A ideia detectar os pontos chave do corpo e da mo, podendo treinar um algoritmo para qualquer tipo de cenrio.E para levar voc at essa rea, neste curso voc desenvolver passo a passo dois projetos prticos utilizando a linguagem Python e a biblioteca OpenCV! No primeiro projeto, vamos analisar o exerccio fsico polichinelo para verificar se a pessoa est fazendo o exerccio corretamente. Por outro lado, no segundo projeto faremos a deteco por imagem ou vdeo das principais letras do alfabeto em Libras (Linguagem Brasileira de Sinais), ou seja, baseado no movimento das mos conseguiremos prever qual letra a mo representa.O objetivo principal deste curso que voc tenha uma viso prtica de como utilizar o OpenCV nesses projetos, portanto, ns mostraremos somente uma intuio bsica sobre o funcionamento do algoritmo. Este curso para todos os nveis, ou seja, se este for o seu primeiro contato com a rea de Viso Computacional voc conseguir acompanhar o curso. Da mesma forma, se voc j tem experincia na rea tambm aproveitar o conhecimento adquirido com o desenvolvimento dos projetos prticos.Preparado(a) para dar um importante passo na sua carreira? Aguardamos voc no curso! :)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Ecualizacin Prctica" |
"Al finalizar este curso usaras cualquier tipo de ecualizador, comprendiendo su funcionamiento y su aplicacin en la prctica.Aprenderas a tomar decisiones creativas y tcnicas en tus producciones, ecualizando con una razon especifica y no simplemente porque ""hay que ecualizar""Al aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en el curso notaras un gran cambio en el sonido de tus producciones y mezclas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Programming For absolute beginners : Hands-on Python" |
"Welcome to the course on Python programming for Data Science and Machine Learning course.Python is one of the most in demand skill in today's software industry and entry point to get started with data science analytics machine learning and Artificial intelligence world.Python is one of the most favorite language among data scientist.I have designed this course for absolute beginners to get started with Python.This course is not for experience Python developer.Following topics of python we will cover throughout this whole courseAnaconda distribution for pythonJupyter notebookPython basic data type number integer float string BooleanDifferent collections available in Python list tuple dictionary and setsHow to create a custom function in Python and lambda expressionDecision making and looping in Python.Data Science with Python section addedNumpy - Numerical ProcessingPandas - General data ProcessingMatplotlib - Data VisualizationComplete Data Science and Machine Learning WorkflowML Logistic regression algorithm implementation steps with Scikit-learn Library.Every single video in this course hands on Python programming to understand the Python concept.This course is in draft mode, will continue to add more content to it.I hope you are excited to enter world of python data science and machine learning.ThanksAnkit Mistry"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Shamanic Moon Magic & Psychic Mediumship Guide (Certified)" |
"Shamanic Moon Magic, Psychic Mediumship & More is happily waiting for your attendance. This course will show YOU HOW TO manifest your desires working with shamanism and psychic mediumship with the moon as a way of transforming your spiritual practice to a new level of consciousness. You will be working toward rebuilding your spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental health. You will be able to think clearer, sleep better, feel better, and feel fewer negative emotions simply by syncing with the moon. Sharon and Julian offer you a certificate of attunement and lineage by request for free at the end of this course.What people are saying about this hot, new Shamanic and Psychic Mediumship Moon course:""The course is really unique - Ramel makes things that you just can't find in this particular area anywhere on the market"". Gustaf H. - 2019""I wanted to know more details about Moon ceremonies and manifestation. Both tutors delivery is engaging. Great course."" Katherine J. - 2019""I am never disappointed in any of Sharon's courses. She is a walking blessing. Even in our first meditation, I was being drawn into the magic and mystery of her words. I do not know Julian, but if Sharon chose to work with him, I am immediately relieved of any concern. I am eager to get on with this course. Although it would be useful for anyone at any level, I would personally recommend that this not be a student's first course with Sharon so that they can get the fullness of the way Sharon teaches and leads. We are here together in this special place of healing and spiritual creativity. We are working genuinely with the Moon for gifts of revelation"". Carol C - 2019""This collaborative lesson is a wonderful pairing of Julian and Sharon. Julian is engaging and entertaining in his presentation of the material. I love his meditations and sessions. I connected instantly with him from day 1. Wonderful and knowledgable teacher! Sharon is an amazing teacher who connects instantly with her students. Her courses are packed with information and all material is accessible to masters and beginners alike. This course taps into the moon energy and its phases. It is exactly what I have been drawn to for several weeks and it has come to me at the perfectly right time with the perfectly right teachers."" Jennifer N - 2019The Moon can be a potent enabler in our lives - witchcraft and shamanic practices globally have always paid homage to the power of the cycling moon. By knowing how to harness the energies of each lunar phase and understanding how they affect us, we can then positively channel our intentions as we bathe in its light. The pure power of the Moon and its enchanting glow has long been associated with shamanic lore, witchcraft and magic rituals globally. For moon magic to be ceremonially useful and deep, it needs to be built on the knowledge of the nature and cycles of the Moon. Integral experience is key of any calling or Moon working. We will show you how to effectively work with the power of the moonThe Moon always reminds us that no matter what phase we are in that we are still whole. Ritual and ceremony will guide us into our core truth.The Moon is always with us and accompanies and influences us in many ways, even if we cant still perceive it.In days long gone people were extremely sensitive to the lunar cycles and sensed the effect that the Moon and its phases were having on them. They worked with her phases.Discover how to re-wild yourself and once more tune into the unique gifts of the Moon. We will show you how to use this information to make better decisions and expect better results in life matters. Join:Julian Jenkins, experienced and renowned psychic medium and Sharon Ramel who will weave the shamanic pathway of direct revelation leading you to discover through your direct experience with spirit. Sharon is one of Udemy's top instructors and pioneered teaching shamanism online globally.Here's A Peek At Some Of What's Inside This Shamanic Mediumship Moon Offering:How to do an Elemental ceremony, to re-wild and re-connect with the sacred elementsHow to create your Moon altarMeet your Moon course guides, Julian and SharonDiscover the Moons' magical pathway and mediumship phasesHow to do an effective Moon meditation to empower your lifeLearn about the new moon and the dark moon, how to retreat, restore and renew your dreamsDiscover Dadirri and how to effectively use moon manifestation to achieve stillness in your mind.The Waxing Crescent Moon - how to work effectively with the silvery crescent moonDiscover how to do simple effective spells which are sprinkled throughout the courseHow to balance and work effectively with the half Moon or First Quarter Moon.How to do the Moon magic thirteen breath meditation to make spaceWork effectively with the Waxing Gibbous Moon, this is a high energy moment before the full moonHow to fully manifest with the Full Moon. It is the time to reap the opportunities from our new moon intentionsReflect and see how to work with the Waning Gibbous Moon as it calls us to be groundedLearn about the Last Quarter Moon (Half Moon), it can sometimes be seen as the conflict moonHow to actively withdraw working with the Waning Crescent Moon Wrapping up our Moon time togetherThroughout history, Witches have never 'tuned out' remaining well aware of the power of the Moon and her changing phases, they instinctively developed spells and rituals that adjust to take as much advantage of this beautiful moon energy as possible.All who depart from the world of the body go to the moon. In the bright half, the moon delights in their spirits. In the dark half, the moon sends them on to be born again."" - Kawshitaki Upanishad Shamanism is not a belief system nor is it a religion. It is a pathway of direct revelation. What you discover, you will do so through your experiences and through direct contact with the spirits. If shamanism is to live, it must work and be useful for your life.Being able to work with and harness the power of the moon is such a powerful spiritual tool, and when there is a real understanding of the phases, you can dig down into the many ways to amplify your mediumship and shamanic skills.For me the ability to connect with yourself and spirit is very much the critical path to realising your spiritual goal and life's purpose, but if you add the ability to connect and build a humble relationship with the moon everything will increase tenfold.Understanding the different forms of meditation and practices will allow you to hook into the core phases and develop a relationship with your moon guides in a way that will resonate on so many different levels. Mediumship is a powerful tool to use to connect with spirit, but once we learn to amplify that connection with the power and beauty of the moon our spiritual toolbox opens allowing us to use all the wisdom, love and magic to help heal and raise the vibrations of those people who need it the most.I am proud and privileged to be working on this course with Sharon Ramel and together with our blended energies ensure that this course will truly help you advance along your spiritual pathway and get the spiritual results you so desire.Know that, you are sheltered by the sky and the stars. Always there shining upon you.If you're already a healer in any modality (eg. massage therapist, Reiki practitioner, etc) you'll be able to quickly apply and integrate these practices in your own life and work with them to provide healing to others.#Shamanic #Psychic #Mediumship #Shamanism #MoonMagic #Manifestation"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Analytics for Business Strategy: Core Executive Skills" |
"This course uniquely combines business strategy scenarios, metrics, advanced analytic approaches, and simplicity of Excel examples for real-world applications.The course covers Strategic Metrics, Strategic Scenarios, and Strategic Decision Models with downloadable examples in Excel. You should learn techniques and practical tools for selecting the most effective strategic option for your business. You should learn how to quantify your business strategy decision. You should learn how to test strategic scenarios for your business and test various market conditions. You should learn how to construct a Monte-Carlo model in Excel to predict business outcomes in uncertain environments. You should learn the most commonly used strategic metrics and the formulas behind them.The course consists of 23 lectures + bonus, split into three chapters.Chapter 1. Strategic MetricsYou should learn:9 sets of commonly used strategic metricsMonetary and non-monetary metrics classificationFormulas behind the strategic metricsBusiness areas of use for each strategic metricChapter 2. Strategic ScenariosYou should learn:3 fundamental business scenariosStrategic approaches for each scenarioStrategic models for each strategic approachChapter 3. Strategic Decision ModelYou should learn:3 types of strategic decisionsDecision models for each type of strategic decisionQuantitative Strategic Planning Matrix and SWOT analysisAnalytical Hierarchical ProcessMonte-Carlo SimulationsDownloadable Excel spreadsheet examples for each decision modelThis course has downloadable Excel files with examples that you can use for practice.By the end of the course, youll be eligible to pass an exam and apply for a personalized Certificate in Analytics for Business Strategy from the Scandinavian Institute of Business Analytics."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Twinmotion: Easy VR and 3d Rendering For Arch Viz Projects" |
"*Join this course now to get instant access to the project models, including many very high quality furniture assets for you to add to your library.WHY LEARN TWINMOTIONTwinmotion is a real time software, specifically aimed at making visualizations easier for architects who are untrained in 3d. The great strength of the software is its ease of use, and large library of 3d assets that can be used in any scene. So, if you are an architect, designer or 3d artist, jump into Twinmotion now and you will see that within a few hours you will be creating exciting imagery, animations and full virtual reality! WHY THIS COURSEPerhaps the most exciting thing about this course is that you will see exactly how to turn the provided model, and therefore any of your own models, into a finished product that can be proudly shared with clients, all in just a couple hours (or even faster). There is no prior expertise needed in 3d or this specific software. The goal of this course is to take you from nothing, to creating full VR walkthroughs, animations and still shots in a few easy steps. THE FORMAT OF THE COURSEAt first we will be learning the basics of bringing in our 3d models (there are a few tricks to get this just right). From there we will start exploring all the navigation, UI elements and tools in Twinmotion. We will also be adding to our own models with the vast library of models that Twinmotion provides. Next we will be adjusting the materials that come with the project models, adding custom ones, and using some of the provided library materialsWe will look at proper lighting, reflections, etcFinally, we will set up animations, still shots and VR, and examine the proper settings for creating a nice result that can be shared.We will go through all of this quickly and efficiently so that students can be up and running, visualizing their projects almost instantly.CONCLUSIONDon't waste your time (and $$$) fidgeting around in a new software, I've already done that for you. For a very good price, I'll teach you everything I know, and you can have all my models too (<--these took a long time to make and are high quality). You'll be confident in your Twinmotion rendering skills in no time.So, I'll see you in class!*Buy now for lifetime access to all current and future content of this course**Satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied, request a refund within 30 days of purchase. No questions asked.NOTE: This course is offered by instructor Adam Zollinger, founder of Learn Arch Viz. Learn Arch Viz is an online resource for teaching and training architectural visualization pros and aspiring artists. Learn Arch Viz has 15 training courses currently in various different software. LAV has helped to train over 70 thousand students (!) around the world with the skills they need to be arch viz professionals."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Certified Vision Creation Practitioner Diploma [Accredited]" |
"JOIN MY > 36,000 HAPPY STUDENTS FROM 166 COUNTRIES WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN MY UDEMY COURSES AND GAVE ME OVER 1,400 5 STAR REVIEWS!As a Prominent Online Instructor and the Authority Figure in the field of Positive Psychology, Happiness and Human Flourishing I am actively involved in this amazing community of happier people and do my best to answer all the questions within 48 hours.This course is a fully-accredited professional Certification by the The CPD Accreditation Group. This comprehensive training course contains HD video content, course transcript, workbook, assignments, supplementary resources, and complimentary tutor support 24/7. Upon completion of this training you will be eligible to apply for and receive an Official ""Vision Creation and Communication"" Certification with 20 CPD / CE Credit Hours (Continuing Professional Development / Continuing Education Credits).*In addition to the course content students should be prepared to study and practice the material for a minimum of 20 course hours. If you answer YES, to any of the following statements, this Accredited course is for you:I am an Ordinary, Everyday Person and want to Create my Better FutureI am an Average Human and want to Dream Big and Create my Vision and Purpose I am a Manager and want to learn how to help Communicate Company Vision to my Direct ReportsI am an HR Manager and want to share Vision Communication Tools and Plans with Managers I am a Small Business Owner and want to Review and Update my Company VisionI am a Business Owner and want to Communicate my Vision to Employees About this course:Fully Accredited CPD / CE Certification Program by the The CPD Accreditation Group and when completed you will be eligible to receive an Accredited Certificate with 20 CPD / CE Credit HoursA Short, and to the point with everything you need to Create Your Vision, Purpose, Company Vision and Communicate Vision to Your Employees Vision Course includes a full Transcript, Workbook and many practical Assignments (100 Pages)Complete Audio Format of the Course for your FREE upload so you can listen on the go Entire Course Power Point / Keynote Slides Related Articles and Research Papers Learning and Reflection Assignments Certification Program - Receive Udemy + become eligible to receive an Accredited Certification with 20 CPD / CE Credit Hours.Full, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success!Regular free surprise bonuses to help you apply the course material At the end of this course, you will be able to: Practice 4 Best Ways to Create Your VisionCreate Your Personal Vision and Vision StatementUnderstand and Document your Purpose Communicate Company Vision to Your EmployeesEstablish Short, Mid Term and a Long Term Year Business Vision Align Your Employees Vision with the Company Vision Create Small Business Vision Communication Plan And much more..._________________________________________________________________________This program is Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the The CPD Accreditation Group and when completed you will be eligible to receive Accredited Certificate with 20 CPD / CE Hours. Our CPD provider Number is 777313CPD / CE is beneficial for employees career progression and advancement. CPD research confirmed that for anyone hoping to get promoted, or wanting to specialize in a different area, demonstrating their learning agility and dedication to CPD / CE can make a substantive difference. In real terms, this means that Accredited Certificate contributes to achieving higher salaries.For employees, CPD / CE helps them keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date. It also ensures that the professional standard of their qualifications and registrations is maintained. Furthermore, it contributes to their professional sense of direction. Completing CPD / CE helps build their confidence and credibility, allows them to showcase their achievements and equips them with tools to cope positively with change.Within different regions, there can be different terminology used. For example, CPD can be known as Continuing Education (CE) or Continuing Professional Education (CPE). It is important to note that these terms are completely interchangeable with CPD, and are both focused on a structured approach to lifelong learning.Global Acceptance of CPD Standards AccreditationWhile based in the UK, the CPD Standards accreditation operates internationally and meets the CPD / CE requirements and expectations for all professional bodies, regulators and membership organizations across the globe. This means that a professional attending an accredited CPD / CE training activity can receive a CPD / CE Certificate of Attendance, which can then be used towards their national CPD / CE requirements.Due to the research undertaken by the CPD Standards Research Project with various professional bodies and regulators the accreditation is recognized and respected internationally. Formal CPD Standards certificates are issued and accepted in a multitude of countries and across all professional sectors.CPD in the United States of America often uses slightly different language to describe the practice of CPD e.g. CE Continuing Education, CPE Continuing Professional Education, CME Continuing Medical Education, or CLE Continuing Legal Education.Similar to the UK, there are stringent requirements for professionals to undertake CE within different sectors, with over 4000 professional bodies, institutes, and regulators across the country.It is a rather complex area as each of the 52 States has different CE requirements in place for regulated areas e.g. lawyers in Alaska have to under 4 hours of CPD a year, whereas lawyers in Ohio have to undertake 24 hours of CE over 2 years.For additional knowledge and tools on Positive Psychology please check my other programs. "
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"PIC Microcontroller Communication with SPI Protocol" |
"SPIPIC Microcontroller Communication with SPI Bus: A step by step guide to Master SPI Protocol and Start using it in your projectsSPI Allows communication of data between SPI devices over four wires. which makes it easier for anyone to exchange information without too much wiring.What You Will Learn in This Course:What is SPI and how it worksHow to implement SPI in your project What is the difference between SPI and other communication methodsWhy using SPI will make your life easier The advantages and disadvantages of using SPIHow to code SPI the right way and how to talk to multiple devices easily A practical example of SPI"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Developing Single Page Applications" |
"React.js is the web development library of choice by many web developer and there is still a huge demand for React developers. Also, Ruby on Rails is now a mature web development framework still favoured by start-ups. With the Rails 6, it is very easy to develop front-end applications in JavaScript. Combining these two technologies gives developers powerful tools to develop full-stack web applications.Im Emmanuel Asante, a freelance developer and the creator of comprehensive Rails testing courses using Rails, RSpec and Capybara, and this course is no different.This course will show you, step-by-step, how to take static html pages and turn them into a dynamic application using the awesome Ruby on Rail 6 framework. You will learn to build a fully functional application with authentication and authorization and deployed to Heroku.With the Rails application deployed, we switch gears and learn step-by-step how to turn the Rails application into a single-page application using React.js. This second part will give you an awesome experience with the great React library. You will go from an absolute beginner to a pro by the time you are done with the course. You will learn how to create components, manage state, use advanced features of react-router-dom to switch views. Authentication and authorization will be covered. Also, you will learn about and use React hooks and advanced concepts such as higher-order components to simplify our code. What is so cool about this course is the fact that you can just start with the React development part if you so desire and you wont be lost in it. The course is loaded with many hands-on coding challenges. By the time you are done with the course, you will be a Rails and React pro. Guaranteed! Come along with me on this amazing journey and you will be glad you did."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Agile Kanban Project Management/Development with JIRA tool" |
"This course will help everyone to know detailed/complete Kanban Agile practices using JIRA tool. All the JIRA features are explained in detail with the help of a Kanban lean model project.This course discuss about the Kanban Agile practices model from the beginning. Also included a project to understand Kanban in detail."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |