Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Word Press Training Basic to Advance in Urdu and Hindi" |
"WordPress is a CMS (Content Management System) which is used by millions of web masters and developers to create powerful dynamic websites, WordPress is the most popular online software to create and manage large and small websites. It is very necessary for every web developer to learn WordPress because without it, a web developer is incomplete. This course covers all the basic and advance aspects of WordPress CMS, and after learning this course, youll be able to manage your WordPress website by yourself & youll be able to create WordPress websites for companies & clients. In this course, well teach you the latest version of WordPress which is 4.0. And this course is in Urdu/Hindi. Course Short Details: Number of video:19 Course Duration: 2 Hours Instructor:Sarwar Ahmed Projects: Yes, Included The Outline of the Course: How to Create Website on word press? How to buy domain? Domain suggestion idea. How buy Hosting? How to use c panel? How to upload word press theme? Ho to setup theme? How to start posting on word press? How to write article? How to add pictures in article? How to set future image? How to set Seo friendly? How to add video tutorial in your post? How to add social button in your website? Plugins"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Node.js Master. Da zero a esperti in API e Javascript ES67" |
"Javascript con Node.js la combinazione pi moderna nello sviluppo backend e fullstack!C' molta richiesta di sviluppatori node.js visto che possiamo fare di tutto con nodejs: REST API, webservices realtime, pagine web dinamiche e molto altro.Questo corso ti insegner tutto questo partendo da zero fino a livello esperto. Se hai solo le basi di javascript, nessun problema: C' tutta una sezione dedicata a javascript ES6-ES7.Ecco cosa imparerai:Le basi di Node.js . Variabili di ambientiProgrammazione asincrona e capire cos' il loopI core module come http, filesystemEseguire chiamate htttp e httpsLeggere e creare file sincronamente e asincronamenteStreamsBuffersEventEmittersCreare server e client httpParsificare la request e inviare response al serverUsare Express.jsPattern Model-View-Controller con expressjsUtilizzare Node.js con SQL , mysql, e SequelizeUtilizzo di sessione Autenticazione utentiValidazione input con SequelizeSvilppo diREST APIAuthentication in REST APIsDeploy dell'app todo list su herokuCostruiremo diversi progetti pratici come una WEATHER APP e una TODO LIST APP.Vedremo tutte le fasi di CRUD: Create, Read, Update e Delete con expressjs, mysql e Sequelize"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python in Science - Introduction to numpy" |
"Get started with scientific Python by learning numpy. This module is widely used throughout the whole realm of science or data science.Learn the Power of numpy Arrays. The Ipython console Magic functions The Spyder IDE Jupyter Notebook The attributes of numpy arrays Data types Numpy arrays with constant values Numpy arrays with uniformly or logarithmically spaced values Numpy arrays with diagonals set to specific values Numpy arrays created from functions Indexing numpy arrays Slicing numpy arrays Views and copies Fancy indexing Boolean indexing Reshaping numpy arrays Merging numpy arrays Arithmetic operations on numpy arrays Broadcasting Mathematical functions Aggregation Comparing numpy arrays Conditional functions Logical functions Random numbers Set operations Non-elementwise operations on numpy arrays The dot product"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Croquis Arquitectnicos con PhotoShop. Acciones Automticas" |
"Croquis Arquitectnicos con PhotoShop. Acciones AutomticasCrea increbles acabados para tus renders o fotografas arquitectnicas, interiores, exteriores, detalles, ambientes.Instructor: Arquitecto lvaro Garca.Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Mediante este curso de acciones en Photoshop aprenders a crear y modificar tus propias acciones as como a cargar y modificar acciones de terceros. Las acciones te permitirn ahorrar mucho tiempo aplicando una serie de comandos con solo un clic.Tambin aprenders a procesar lotes de archivos de forma automatizada, haciendo que Photoshop se encargue del trabajo sobre mltiples documentos... Mientras t realizas otras tareas!Aprenders a realizar acciones de forma profesional evitando o corrigiendo los errores ms comunes, y podrs darle una apariencia profesional a tus retratos con unos pocos clics, efectuando retoques de belleza muy fcilmente.El curso incluye ms de 120 acciones para descargar que podrs utilizar sin restricciones para tus proyectos personales y comerciales:Acciones ideales para fotgrafos que te permitirn modificar muy rpida y fcilmente los parmetros de tus fotografas.Acciones con filtros fotogrficos similares a los que puedes ver en algunas redes sociales.Acciones con efectos artsticos, para darle otro aspecto a tus imgenes.Acciones de retoques de belleza que te permitirn mejorar muy rpidamente tus fotografas de retrato: Ojos, labios, dientes, pmulos, cabello, suavizado de la piel, etc.Este curso es ideal tanto para novatos, como para usuarios avanzados y fotgrafos.No se trata de un simple tutorial de Photoshop, ni una mezcla de tutoriales, sino un curso de acciones en Photoshop, estructurado como tal desde los conceptos iniciales imprescindibles hasta la realizacin de acciones de forma profesional.Por tratarse de un curso de Photoshop online, podrs acceder a l desde cualquier dispositivo (pc, Mac, tablet, celular, TV, etc.) con conexin a Internet... Donde y cuando te resulte ms cmodo. No estars solo, yo estar para ayudarte, para responder tus dudas, como un tutor online.Te garantizo que lo disfrutars, y aprenders cosas tiles, as que antate en el curso y aprende a crear acciones y a automatizar lotes de archivos en Photoshop.El curso incluye las imgenes JPG para realizar los trabajos prcticos y ms de 120 acciones para descargar.La formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano del instructor lvaro Garca. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este curso te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que esta formacin incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este curso es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Robotic Drives & Physics: Robotics, learn by building III" |
"Please note: Content is being uploaded through November/December. This is a new course. Thanks for your patience!Building on the knowledge you gained in the Analog Electronics and Digital Electronics modules, you'll open even more doors to diverse careers and hobbies by learning how to physically move robots and mechatronics. Robotic drives and physics are intimately intertwined - almost the same topic in fact. And think about all the things around you that are moved or operated automatically: from the furnace and air handlers in your office building, to so many functions in your car, and then the booming robotics field in industry, mass production, even entertainment! People are needed who understand how those robots work in order to design, install, program and maintain those robots. Maybe you're interested in building a submarine robot to dive to shipwrecks or places normally unreachable by humans. We'll actually look at a real-world case study and use our new-found knowledge of physics to design a submarine robot to operate at depths of 600 meters or more. Or perhaps you are just interested in competition robotics like the gladiator-style battle robots which go head-to-head to destroy each other. 3D printers (of which we design and build one in course 4) are essentially robots! All of these topics involve a good understanding of robotic drive systems and physics which you will learn in this course.With over 21,000 students enrolled in the first two courses in the ""Robotics: Learn by building"" series, more than 4,000 five star ratings in the first course alone, students aged 8 to 60+ have enjoyed the course series and its projects.No prior knowledge of mechanics, physics or robotics is needed. You will need a good understanding of electricity & electronics and digital control and some basic math. If you have completed course 1 ""Electricity and Electronics"" and course 2 ""Digital Electronics"" you have the background you need as we will be using those skills in this course to drive different kinds of electric motors. All courses have captions for the hearing impaired. Course materials:You will need the analog electronic parts and a breadboard, which you can purchase as an accompanying kit (i.e., the Analog Electronics Kit from module I) or provide your own, as well as the parts from the digital electronics kit (i.e., the Digital Electronics Kit from module II) or provide your own Arduino controller board and some logic-level, high power MOSFET's.You will also need the Robotic Drives & Physics Experimenter's kit which again you can purchase as an accompanying kit or provide your own parts. The first lesson is a walk-through of what is in the kit and acts as a parts list for this module.This series of ""Robotics: Learn by building"" modules has an end-goal focus on the diverse field of robotics. In module I we learned the basics of electricity and electronics. In this module II you further developed your knowledge and skills to include digital electronics and practice your skills on real-life digital components. In this third course you will learn physics principles (from simple to very complex) with a specific goal of understanding and even designing your own drive systems for robots. You will learn details about different robotic drive systems you will see in commercial, industrial robots like how timing belt drives work and why they are so important in robotics, as well as the more esoteric drives like the harmonic drive - what it is an how that amazing system works.We will even look at a real-life case study as we design a submarine robot, remotely operated and able to withstand the bone-crushing operating depths of over 600 meters minimum. The unique challenges we will face will build up your knowledge so that you too can design sea-floor robots facing harsh environments to perform inspection, welding or maintenance on submarine pipes or cables.This course is the prerequisite for the module IV course where you'll learn prototyping skills, and gain a wide variety of knowledge and skills so you can actually build your own robots and manufacture your own parts. In module IV, you'll culminate all you've learned so far as you build a 3D printer from scratch, hook it up to a desktop computer and make your own plastic parts. The 3D printer is, in effect, a robot which you can then use to make parts for your other robot designs. In module V you can take your robot design and construction skills to the next level with a hands-on approach to autonomous robotic systems: learning about various sensors to know where you are and what your robot is doing, GPS navigation, basic artificial intelligence, powerful microchips known as FPGA's where you literally design a custom circuit on the chip, vision systems and more.Lesson overview:In this course we'll be covering:Simple machines (which all come into play in surprising ways you probably haven't seen before)Designing an arm robotThe toggle mechanism (again, comes into play in a ridiculous number of surprising ways you probably haven't seen before)harmonic drives, cycloidal drives, epicyclic drives, traction drivesstrength of materials & construction challengecase study: design challenges of a deep-submarine, remotely operated vehiclehydraulics & pneumatics (including building your own)air & hydraulic muscles, muscle wire servos (speed, pressure, force, position, etc...)DC motors, BLDC motors, BLDC servo motors, stepper motors, AC motors, AC servo motors, single and three phase power, electrical generationfrequency drives, PWM AC signal generationregenerative / rheostatic / dynamic braking, looking at electric vehicle design and locomotive designcounter-force systems you will encounter in industrial robotssafety around robot systems, in industry and hobbyrobot designs: articulated arm, gantry, spine, collaborativecase study: combat robotsand more!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master Power BI - De A Z" |
"Quer exibir seus dados para os usurios de ume forma elegante e clara? E se os seus dados no esto em um formato adequado? Quer aprender a trat-los?E quanto aos ambientes empresariais? No seria uma boa entend-los e montar um ciclo completo no Power BI?Curtiu a idia? Voc est no curso certo!O Master Power BI foi criado para cobrir a ferramenta de A Z e no apenas a parte visual como a maioria dos cursos!E o curso foi feito para todos os nveis. Aqui voc encontra-r desde os exemplos bsicos para aprender os fundamentos e ter uma base slida at cases mais complexos onde voc consolidar o seu aprendizado.Tenha um servidor de arquivos dedicado apenas voc, aluno, e no perca tempo procurando programas e arquivos na inernet!Aprenda tambm a agendar a sua prova de certificao do Power BI.Monte um servidor de Business Intelligence com ferramentas Microsoft DO ZERO!E tambm no perca o banco de questes, o mdulo gravado de acordo com as perguntas mais recorrentes do curso!E claro, monte seus Dashboards com um visual incrvel e compartilhe com quem voc quiser na web!No se esquea, o seu acesso vitalcio!E a, t esperando o que? Te vejo nas aulas!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Fondamenti di Marcatura CE e Normativa di Prodotto" |
"Per poter fabbricare, importare, distribuire e vendere un prodotto nell'Unione Europea, necessario che il bene rispetti le normative di prodotto applicabili, e, se del caso, venga marcato CE.La Marcatura CE non solo un segno grafico, ma presuppone il rispetto di una procedura di conformit che in taluni casi richiede anche l'intervento di organismi esterni o il ricorso a laboratori accreditati.In questo corso imparerete:- come e dove trovare la legislazione applicabile al vostro prodotto- quali sono gli aspetti chiave di questa legislazione- chi sono gli operatori economici coinvolti, come il fabbricante, importatore, distributore, ecc.- quali sono le responsabilit, sanzioni e organi di vigilanza- quali sono i documenti e dichiarazioni da preparare per la marcatura CEQualunque sia la vostra posizione professionale o i vostri piani per il futuro, questo corso vi fornir un bagaglio culturale indispensabile per una carriera di successo.Buon apprendimento!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso Elementos de Estadstica Descriptiva" |
"Curso Elementos de Estadstica Descriptiva El curso relacionado con Los elementos de Estadstica Descriptiva, comprende tpicos que van desde la descripcin de las principales reas de aplicaciones estadsticas, continua con las Matemticas bsicas para el anlisis estadstico, luego con la recoleccin y descripcin de los datos o informacin, la aplicacin de los grficos tales como histogramas, polgonos de frecuencia, de lneas, de barras, torta o pastel, entre otros de gran aplicacin el este campo investigativo.El curso se completara con las medidas de tendencia central y de dispersin.Descriptive Statistics Elements CourseThe course related to The Elements of Descriptive Statistics, includes topics ranging from the description of the main areas of statistical applications, continues with the basic Mathematics for statistical analysis, then with the collection and description of data or information, the application of graphs such as histograms, frequency polygons, lines, bars, cake or cake, among others of great application in this research field. The course will be completed with measures of central tendency and dispersion."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ciencia de Datos Intensivo: Matrices con Numpy" |
"Bienvenidos!Has llegado al mejor curso de Numpy en espaol. En este curso, encontrars todo lo que neccesitas aprender de Numpy y realizar tus propias aplicaciones numricas.Empezaremos desde lo ms bsico hasta llegar a conceptos y mini aplicaciones numricas haciendo uso de solamente Numpy.A lo largo de todo este curso, encontrars clases con explicaciones paso a paso, as como tambin consejos, artculos, notas adicionales, quices y ms para asegurarnos de tu aprendizaje mximo.Algunos de los beneficios son:Gua exhaustiva de numpy: constructor, atributos, mtodos, argumentos, opciones y msUso de docstrings para Ayuda de inmediato para cualquier mtodo de NumpyUso de Abreviaciones (Hotkeys) para un trabajo ms rpido y eficienteIndexacin y Seleccin de datos a partir de matrices NumpyFunciones Universales y Broadcast: Conceptos Fundamentales para cualquier Analista de DatosRelacin y Explicacin de Numpy con PyTorch (mdulo de Deep LEarning de Facebook)Ejemplos de aplicaciones matemticas, matriciales, estadsticas, etc.Mini Proyectos para poner en prctica lo aprendido sobre la marcha (con su respuesta)Quizes cortos para poner a prueba los conocimientos adquiridos (con su respuesta)Videos de Programacin en playback rpido para no desperdiciar tiempo de aprendizajeGrandes Proyectos para terminar de asociar todos los conocimientos con trabajo realTe invito a que pases por la primera seccin del curso para que te des una mejor idea de lo que te ofrece.Adelante!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Baguazhang - Jiang System" |
"A review of the first four Qigong palms of Cheng style Jiang system of Bagua that were taught in the previous course. The second four palm structures are discussed and demonstrated in this course. Transition work along the circle between palm structures is demonstrated for students to practice. Bagua is a unique art that uses compact spirals to strengthen the body, condition the fascia, and teach a student to develop very potent short range power."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Certified Wireless Network Administrator - Practice Test" |
"Certified Wireless Network Administrator Practice test is intended for IT professionals who wish to master the advanced features of the WIFI and wireless networking and have certification on the same.This Practice test will have two sections with 75 questions each. You have 60 mins to finish each section of the course and you have to score a minimum of 80% to pass the exam. The objective of the course is to get confidence in your preparation before appearing for the actual certification exam by practicing with real-time questions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Database 12c Administration - Practice Test" |
"The Oracle Database 12c Administration Certification Exam - Practice Test is intended for IT professionals who wish to master the advanced features of the Oracle Database and have certification on the same.This Practice test will have two sections with 100 and more questions each. You have 120 mins to finish each section of the course and you have to score a minimum of 80% to pass the exam. The objective of the course is to get confidence in your preparation before appearing for the actual certification exam by practicing with real-time questions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SQL - MySQL" |
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"Hip Hop Dance Moves for Beginners - Hip Hop Fundamentals" |
"In this program you will learn a set of fundamental hip hop dance moves! These dance moves serve as the foundation for the hip hop dance style. Once you've learned and mastered these moves, you'll be able to move and groove to any hip hop song.This class is broken down into 3 separate segments:In the first segment, you will learn the 2 foundation hip hop grooves that make up all the hip hop dance moves. You will learn these grooves and practice them to music,.In the second segment, you will learn the down-groove dance moves. These dance moves involve a down-groove motionIn the third segment, you will learn the up-groove dance moves. These moves are lighter on the feet and are based on the up-groove movement.Once you've mastered the dance moves from this course, you will be able to get down to any hip hop music at any party."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Foto Lectura - Lectura Rpida de Mxima Velocidad." |
"Domina el Mayor Dispositivo de Manejo de Informacin que Posee la Humanidad; Tu Cerebro.Despus del xito arrasador del curso Sper Cerebro, Lectura Rpida, Sper Lectura y Foto Lectura, llega este nuevo curso que supone ir mucho ms lejos de lo que jams imaginaste posible. Tu mente, literalmente, cambiar para siempre, porque podrs lograr lo que quieras al tener el poder de leer todos los libros sobre un tema determinado en unas pocas horas.Vivimos en una poca en la que sobresalen dos cosas: la falta de tiempo y el exceso informacin. Para tener xito en estas condiciones debemos desarrollar nuevas capacidades de gestionar la informacin y aprender. Para eso debemos dominar el mayor dispositivo de procesamiento de informacin que tiene la humanidad, nuestro cerebro.En este curso aprenders un sistema y un conjunto de tcnicas para sacarle el mximo provecho a todo el poder de nuestra mente. No solo vas a leer ms rpido, sino que vas a aprender cualquier cosa mucho ms rpido.Acostumbramos a leer con nuestra mente consciente, dejando de lado todo el poder de la mente no consciente. En este curso aprenders a utilizar toda la mente en la lectura y el estudio, mediante una comunicacin entre la mente consciente y la no consciente.Bienvenidos a Foto Lectura, el curso que desbloquear todo tu potencial!!!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"CAIIB Bank Financial Management Part 1" |
"Welcome to your course CAIIB Bank Financial Management Part 1.CAIIB is the short form for Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers. It is an examination conducted by Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF) twice a year. Once in May and once in November. In order to be eligible for award of CAIIB, candidate must pass both the compulsory papers and any one of the electives of the candidate's choice. This course teaches you one of the compulsory paper called Bank Financial Management.By taking this course, you will get insight into Module A of the course - International Banking covering -Forex Exchange-Foreign Exchange Markets-Factors determining Exchange Rates-Exchange Rate Mechanism-Forward MarginsThis course is structured in self paced learning style. Several lectures of the course are structured in MCQ / True or False / Fill in the blanks model with an intention to post queries first and then explain the concepts next. This will remove the boredom in understanding heavy theory topics.This course is ideal for CAIIB Aspirants as it focuses on CAIIB Exam only.See you inside the course!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Goal setting success: How to achieve lasting results" |
"""I don't focus on what I'm up against. I focus on my goals and I try to ignore the rest."" Venus WilliamsWhat stops you from having the life, business success and rewards you desire?. How do you feel when you hear the words: Goal Setting? You know that goals work. You wouldnt be here if you were not searching for an easier, more effective way of creating, sticking to and achieving goals would you?You already know that you can change your life instantly, no matter what you want in life. Yet setting goals is more than just a yearly process. The first step is simply to decide, commit, set a goal. If you read any autobiography of a great achiever you know this to be true.Yet maybe it just gnaws away at you; knowing that you will never achieve your true potential until you call yourself out and set goals to do so. Perhaps the though of truly taking time out to set goals fills you with the same dread as having homework did when you were a child or perhaps finishing your end of year tax return. So you resist. You procrastinate. You set goals and then ignore them. You fail and feel like a failure.Goals are instructions to yourself when you set a goal your commanding yourself getting momentum in your own life in the direction of your vision or dream.Goal setting is the most important skill you can ever develop.Logically you know that goals are just action points you consciously decide upon and you then have to turn up and be willing to make them work.Yet what is not to love about a process that allows you to not only get the most out of life but to create a life of your dreams?Goal setting is a skill. The skill of goal setting is 100% learnable. People and organizations with clear visions, values, and plans accomplish far more and do it faster than their competitors.Ask yourself how much is not setting goals costing you ..So what is it that stops you? You may not be able to put your finger on it you just know it is not working for you.Before today, all of your best intentions and best efforts in setting and achieving goals may have failed. Repeatedly. Year after year after year. Leaving you frustrated with the process. Possibly feeling like a failure and that is your fault.The truth is, up until now, your best efforts have been undermined by, well, your mind.What if you could, by watching and listening to ten bite sized coaching and training modules, have a blueprint for setting goals that will take you via daily steps to the BIG goals for your life and business that you feel are outside of your reach? What is more, in addition to these proven tools and techniques, you will embed the learning at a subconscious level through a highly effective and award-winning hypnotic technique called Rapid Transformational Therapy. This will rewire your thinking to change your beliefs and actions about goals so that you become a goal setting machine.Identifying, understanding and letting go of old patterns of thought and behaviour can rewire their brains. In doing this, their thoughts and habits are changed, leading to new behaviours and ways of feeling. This not only allows you to reach your goals and re-frame your future, but also to do it with passion and purpose. You can do more because you ARE more. A freer, more successful version of you.By dealing the unseen root causes that have been keeping you in a Groundhog Day of repeated unwanted behaviours, you can achieve what you want.This unique course goes deeper than other traditional goal-setting courses. It harnesses the proven power of Rapid Transformational Therapy, imagery, mindset and World-class coaching to engage your subconscious mind and take you from unwanted feeling, beliefs and behaviours to a new destiny by your own design. Changing the way you think at the deepest level changes the way you feel and act. It is that simple. And by rewiring yourself at this deepest level it becomes a permanent part of you. With your full commitment to the process of course!Starting with your introductory Rapid Transformational Therapy recording Open your mind for goal setting success you will create the right mindset and start the transformative process to move you through the course and absorb effortlessly and permanently the coaching advice and training content.How is the course structured?Starting with your introductory Rapid Transformational Therapy recording Open your mind for goal setting success you will create the right mindset and start the transformative process to move you through the course and absorb effortlessly and permanently the coaching advice.Your coaches Stuart Ross and Rosalyn Palmer bring three decades of proven business, coaching and therapy skills together. Stuarts tried and tested High Growth Coaching strategies that have made millions for some of the entrepreneurial individuals and companies in the world, whilst Rosalyns unique mix of Advanced Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), Clinical Hypnotherapy, Psychology and NLP have enhanced and elevated top performers in all fields to new levels. No other goal setting course fuses this practical, psychological and proven expertise. Many are good on theory. Some are good in practice but none offer this incredibly powerful mix.Learning the importance of goals setting you will become clear on not just how to goal-set but to create goals that inspire you, that fill you with the drive and ambition and excitement to be achieved as you will tap into your reason why.Touch points along the entire programme will allow you to reflect, reassess and recalibrate your overriding goals plus you will be able to chunk those goals down into yearly and quarterly goals. Each step of the way will become increasingly effortless as your brain will be altered for your benefit by the transformational hypnotherapy recordings."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Next Level Emotional Intelligence: Developing for the Future" |
"How can you build your knowledge and skills around emotional intelligence?There are many introductory courses on emotional intelligence. Many of them are very good and cover the topic well. But what if you want to learn more than just the basics?This course has been designed to take a deeper dive into emotional intelligence looking at the various elements of emotional intelligence in more depth. Emotional intelligence is how you combine your thinking with your feelings in order to build good quality relationships and to make good authentic decisions. It is managing who you are in the moment to meet your emotional needs through conscious choice and is fundamental to leading a full, rich and rewarding life.Your knowledge and skills in this area will enable you to understand that emotional intelligence is the difference that makes the difference. Being human, you are not going to get it right all the time as you are going to have values, preferences and ways of experiencing life that lead to prejudice and bias. Awareness of these and working with these is a part of being emotionally intelligent. Your emotional intelligence is your responsibility! How you react and respond to events is governed by your emotional intelligence. You can work to develop your emotional intelligence, but this is not easy. The course covers Emotional Intelligence and your Inner WorldEmotional Intelligence and your Outer WorldEmotional Unintelligence - Behaviours that are NOT Emotionally IntelligentThere is a practical activity exploring the behaviours of Emotionally Unintelligent Leaders for you to complete outside of the course to find out what behavioural traps you can fall into. This involves some honesty and some reflection. It will help to guide you on what and how you need to change. [WARNING: this takes some effort and you may not like what you find out!]Changing the way that you work with your emotions is not easy. This course will give you some insights BUT developing your emotional intelligence will take you time and a lot of effort, and even then you are not going to get it right all the time!! Emotional intelligence is about improving performance, engagement and well being in a sustainable way, so that it sticks.The course contains narrated videos, activities and some fun material to download. The course material makes up part of a one week advanced workshop that has been endorsed by the Institute of Leadership and Management. PLEASE NOTE - This course is NOT for you if you are not prepared to work through the practical activities that make up a fundamental part of the course. Emotional intelligence cannot be developed by learning some techniques through watching a few video lectures. The course requires you to do some reflective thinking, to get some feedback and to discuss your development with others. I'm afraid that you won't get the best from the course unless you are prepared to do this.This course is being continually refined and updated to ensure it remains current and relevant.There are THREE practical activities included within the course that are designed to help you to develop your emotional intelligence. These activities require you do some work outside of the course. The emotional brain learns from doing things and through activity. Repetition and rehearsal over weeks will embed in changes.Latest update - July 2020"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Journaling: Draw a Ghost Mood Tracker" |
"Journaling is one of the best things you can do for your daily life. It helps you to keep track of yourself, your mood, your health and your productivity which makes you overall feel better. In this course I show you how to get into Journaling. You learn all the stationery you need for journaling and, to get started, I show you how to draw your own Ghost Mood Tracker. This course shows you how to draw the Mood Tracker but if you feel that you want to get started immediately decorating your Journal you can just grab the added template, download, print and use that for your Journal.The Ghost Mood Tracker is not just for Halloween or Fall. It's for all year. To me the Mood is one of the important things to track and to keep yourself happy and see how happy you've actually been over the month is one of the best things to track. It basically means that you don't fall into depression because you see that life isn't actually as bad as you feel sometimes it is. This is a tremendous help!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Writing an equity research report" |
"Writing an Equity Research Report focuses on the skills that matter in financial reporting. You can complete the course in under two hours, and youll come away with a powerful method for transforming thorough research into writing thats clear, concise and compelling.Every day, banks and brokerages send out 6,000 financial reports. And yet perhaps no more than 5% of them are ever read. How can you make your report stand out?By creating compelling investment ideas, and communicating them clearly.This course will help you do those two things.What youll learn in this courseThis is a project-based course. It's designed to take you through the stages of producing a real research report. All the assignments contribute to that aim. If you want to use the course in this way, you can have a real report, ready to publish, by the time you have finished.Although we focus here on equity research, the course will be useful for other kinds of analyst as well. And for new graduates entering the dizzy world of finance. Or even experienced and possibly hardened researchers looking for a fresh approach.By the end of this course, youll be armed with a veritable arsenal of techniques to craft compelling reports and to write in language thats clear, concise and compelling.Youll start by learning how to place the skills of report writing within the context of all the other skills analysts need to employ. Youll learn a method to help you produce reports more efficiently, and techniques to benchmark your work against objective quality criteria. The tools and techniques youll learn have been tried, tested and given the whole-hearted thumbs up by our own clients in workshops conducted over 25 years.Youll also learn about how to make a real impact with your writing in a global environment: essential knowledge if English isnt your first language or if youre working as part of a global team.Effective research reports arent successful just because of the words you use or what you know. Good writing means figuring out what youre trying to say and why it matters to your clients.So, youll learn how to formulate your investment ideas quickly and efficiently, and how to support those ideas with logical arguments and coherent explanations.Youll also be able to organize your ideas to fit the strategies we all use as readers to seek out what matters to us.All of these tools and techniques will save you time as a writer - and save your audience time as readers.Youll also learn how to construct powerful paragraphs and stunning sentences, so that you can communicate your expertise without baffling your reader. And how to add warmth to your words so you forge a deeper connection with busy clients.Finally, youll learn simple techniques for proofing and polishing your work - so you can weed out embarrassing errors that could undermine your credibility as an analyst.By the end of this course, youll be able to:Identify and develop compelling investment ideasSave time when producing your reportsApply a method to produce sound financial reportsDelight your audience by saving them time when reading your reportQuickly identify what you want to say - and how to say itStructure the report for maximum impactPresent your arguments so that clients can instantly home in on your most important pointsCommunicate your expertise clearly and compellinglyRid your writing of confusing tech talk and off-putting corpspeakEngage your readers by making your writing warmer and more humanEstablish credibility by proofing and polishing your work effectivelyWhat youll learnCreate research reports efficiently and painlesslyGenerate compelling investment ideas, supported by persuasive arguments and coherent explanationsExplain your research findings coherentlyUse compelling language that holds your readers attention from beginning to endCreate reports that amplify your authority as a researcherRequirementsA willingness to roll up your sleeves and get writing!You'll need some of your own writing to complete several of the exercisesYou should have a new report in mind that you can use to exercise some of the techniques on the courseHands-on practiceThe only way to improve your writing is to roll up your sleeves and get writing. Thats why weve designed Writing an Equity Research Report as a project-based course.All the assignments on the course contribute to producing a real report. All the exercises are opportunities to develop skills that you can transfer directly and immediately to the research report you are working on.Youll also be encouraged to reflect on your own report writing. Youll find the course particularly useful if youre working on a report while taking the course, which you could plan, review and improve while developing your skills.Course resourcesWriting an Equity Research Report gives you a wealth of resources for crafting clearer, punchier, more persuasive reports, including:links to free online tools for analysing and improving your writing200+-page downloadable course workbook featuring course exercises and assignments - including model answers - and summaries of the key points of each lecturelinks to useful articles and other online sources to help you produce better research reportsIs this the right course for you?Writing an Equity Research Report has been designed for time-pressed analysts who want to get maximum results from their reports in the minimum time.If youre looking for a more wide-ranging course that will take you from business writing beginner to the level of a copywriting pro, you might prefer to enrol in one of Clare's other courses, Writing With Impact: Writing To Persuade. Business Writing For Busy People covers some of the same ground as Writing With Impact: Writing To Persuade and includes all-new exercises.Who this course is for:Busy analysts who want to write more effective and compelling research reportsNew graduates in their first role as financial analystsExperienced analysts who want to refresh and renew their skills"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Social Selling Essencial com LinkedIn - Vendas B2B" |
"No perca mais oportunidades, aumente a sua visibilidade e gere mais negcios atravs do LinkedInCom o curso online Social Selling Essencial LinkedIn voc profissional liberal, vendedor ou empreendedor no segmento B2B vai aprender a se posicionar, prospectar, interagir e criar relacionamentos com novos clientes potenciais na maior rede social profissional do mundo.O LinkedIn uma ferramenta de vendas muito eficaz, para quem sabe usar e aproveitar ao mximo.Este curso aborda as etapas essenciais que voc deve executar para evitar ficar para trs, incluindo:-Melhorar o seu perfil do LinkedIn para atrair novos clientes;-Ser notado como referncia no seu mercado;-Aumentar a sua rede profissional com clientes potenciais;-Conectar e interagir efetivamente com tomadores de deciso;-Gerar leads qualificados;-Rotina diria de sucesso.Comece agora."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"Discovering the Psychology of Social Media" |
"Hi, my name is Dr Ciarn Mc Mahon and I am the author of The Psychology of Social Media. In this course you're going to learn the Six Most Important Psychological Concepts for Understanding Social Media. These are:social capitalcontext collapseonline disinhibitionhyperpersonal communicationtelepresencethreat of invisibilityWhat you will learn here will help you understand how your friends and family behave online. Having taken this course, not only will you better understand your relationships with them, and social media phenomena generally. But more importantly, you will also better understand your own relationship to social media - and your self."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"El cachorro perfecto" |
"En este curso tienes todo lo que necesitas para criar un cachorro perfecto: socializacin, educacin, cmo solucionar los tpicos problemas de cachorrosNo desperdicies tu mejor oportunidad para tener un perro perfecto y empieza HOY con una educacin adecuada y amable.EXTRA: Obtendrs un IMPORTANTE Descuento en el precio del Curso si utilizas el siguiente Cdigo de Descuento: CACHORROAdems incluye estos 3 BONUS de regalo que encontrars durante el curso:Ebook: Gua de prevencin para las mordeduras a niosInfografa tamao A3: Etapas del cachorroListado de seales de calma caninas"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Complete Machine Learning and Deep Learning With H2O in R" |
" YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO H2O: POWERFUL R PACKAGE FOR MACHINE LEARNING, & DEEP LEARNING IN R This course covers the main aspects of the H2O package for data science in R. If you take this course, you can do away with taking other courses or buying books on R based data science as you will have the keys to a very powerful R supported data science framework. In this age of big data, companies across the globe use R to sift through the avalanche of information at their disposal. By becoming proficient in machine learning, neural networks and deep learning via a powerful framework, H2O in R, you can give your company a competitive edge and boost your career to the next level!LEARN FROM AN EXPERT DATA SCIENTIST:My name is Minerva Singh and I am an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment), graduate. I finished a PhD at Cambridge University, UK, where I specialized in data science models. I have +5 years of experience in analyzing real-life data from different sources using data science-related techniques and producing publications for international peer-reviewed journals.Over the course of my research, I realized almost all the R data science courses and books out there do not account for the multidimensional nature of the topic. This course will give you a robust grounding in the main aspects of practical neural networks and deep learning. Unlike other R instructors, I dig deep into the data science features of R and give you a one-of-a-kind grounding in data science... You will go all the way from carrying out data reading & cleaning to finally implementing powerful neural networks and deep learning algorithms and evaluating their performance using R.Among other things:You will be introduced to powerful R-based deep learning packages such as H2O. You will be introduced to important concepts of machine learning without the jargon. You will learn how to implement both supervised and unsupervised algorithms using the H2O frameworkIdentify the most important variables. Implement both Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) with the H2O frameworkWork with real data within the frameworkNO PRIOR R OR STATISTICS/MACHINE LEARNING KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED:Youll start by absorbing the most valuable R Data Science basics and techniques. I use easy-to-understand, hands-on methods to simplify and address even the most difficult concepts in R. My course will help you implement the methods using real data obtained from different sources. Many courses use made-up data that does not empower students to implement R based data science in real-life.After taking this course, youll easily use the data science package H2O to implement novel deep learning techniques in R. You will get your hands dirty with real-life data, including real-life imagery data which you will learn to pre-process and model Youll even understand the underlying concepts to understand what algorithms and methods are best suited for your data. We will also work with real data and you will have access to all the code and data used in the course. JOIN MY COURSE NOW!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Professional Accredited Chair Yoga Teacher Training Diploma" |
"Study In Confidence with Dr Karen E Wells : Bestselling Instructor with over 71,000 Udemy students (over 43,000 students buying additional courses) in 177 countries!Professional Accredited Chair Yoga Teacher Training DiplomaFully Accredited Course Extending Teaching Techniques Of Chair Yoga For Students Of All Abilities. Easy Techniques!This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association.This course is aimed at those who are already qualified in Yoga as a teacher or for those that have an in depth knowledge of Yoga for themselves and wish to extend their knowledge by incorporating techniques to use within Chair Yoga. The techniques could be used for building your business as a Yoga Teacher by offering Yoga Chair sessions within offices, or helping those with less mobility like elderly students. The course does not have a training manual as it is assumed that by taking the course, the student has the full technical and theory based knowledge of Yoga, therefore the course is videos modules only.Our easy to learn modules include:Introduction to your Professional Accredited Chair Yoga Teacher Training Diploma courseWhat Is Chair Yoga?The benefits of Chair YogaWhen not to do Chair Yoga with studentsTeaching in OfficesTeaching students with less mobilityLeg TechniquesHip TechniquesShoulders & ArmsBack Arch TechniquesTwists & Resting20 minute workout incorporating Legs, Hips, Twists and making your own techniqueFinal Summary & Bringing It All TogetherAccreditationFAQAnd much more! This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Messaging with RabbitMQ" |
"In this course, you will learn about Systems Messaging followed by the ins and out of RabbitMQ.You will learn why RabbitMQ is a good message broker and use case scenarios of where you might want to use it.In this course, we go through the installation of RabbitMQ on different environments (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) up to managing RabbitMQ using both the Web-based Management User Interface as well as the command line tools.This course is essentially split into 2 parts. The first part covers the theory behind messaging, messaging protocols and RabbitMQ.The second part covers the application of the theory and demonstration of RabbitMQ features using a fictitious consulting company called ""Ledner Solutions"" which gets jobs to solve problems using RabbitMQ. In the second part we demonstrate RabbitMQ use cases and live code solutions to the problems. We also increase our knowledge of RabbitMQ by developing actual Queues, Exchanges and Bindings with Java. It is here that we will build Producer and Consumer applications to send and retrieve messages from RabbitMQ.RabbitMQ is the most popular open source message broker and it used by big organisations such as Google and JP Morgan Chase so it is definitely worth it to learn it. Hope to see you in the course."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Contenerizacin de Aplicaciones .NET Core utilizando Docker" |
"Este curso te enseara a Instalar & Configurar Docker (Imgenes, Contenedores, Volmenes, Redes, etc.) para el despliegue de aplicaciones .NET Core en Contenedores (Proceso de Contenerizacin de Aplicaciones .NET Core).Todo el material necesario en este curso es brindado con enlaces de descarga.El curso est estructurado en secciones con evaluaciones finales.Debes realizar este curso si deseas aprender a:Instalar, Configurar & Administrar la Plataforma Docker.Contenerizar Aplicaciones .NET Core utilizando Docker."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Master English Speaking 3" |
"Master and learn hundreds of most common English phrases for everyday life You can speak English easily, and powerfully for business, travel, or fun. You just need to change your learning methodMany English students are tired of using the same methods in learning english .. But this course is something different ..Would you like to understand the formal and Informal Language well ? Many students have trouble Using English in formal and Informal situations .. But in this course we would help you understand these differences and explain How , where and why to use them ... This course includes 22 great lessons , But we will update it later and add more lessons Every lesson in this course is separated into 4 parts Master 10 most common english phrases Practice these phrases in real situations Practice phrases in movies and different films and see how native speakers pronounce them Practice and check yourself and see if you can still understand the whole content This way , Im sure you will never forget them .. but Remember Practice is the best way to Improve ..In this course we Have tried to choose the most common topics people use in their Conversations Such as : Phrases for Avoiding Answering a QuestionPhrases for Compliments......Phrases for Facial Expressions.....Phrases for Talking about the Future......Phrases for Talking about StatisticsPhrases for Estimating & GuessingPhrases for making decisions Phrases for Bad Travel Experiences ..... and many so on ...Included in this course : Most common Topics you need to master English Conversation You will find 10 Phrase in each Lesson Clear Definitions and Examples given for each Lesson and phrases are used in real life situation Hundreds of short movies and films to help you see how native speakers use these phrases PDF for you to download contains all of the lessons and Phrases "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Human Resource Management (HRM) - How to manage better?" |
"This course has been designed for all students who are new to the subject of Human Resource Management. It introduces students about basic Human Resource Management. It is highly suitable for students preparing for O level or AS level business. This course is also useful for all the students preparing for subjects like introduction to Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management fundamentals, Human Resource Management principles."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de decoracin con Globos: Globo Aerosttico" |
"Tanto si quieres IMPRESIONAR A FAMILIARES Y AMIGOS en tus fiestas o EMPEZAR UN NUEVO Y LUCRATIVO NEGOCIO decorando con globos de manera profesional, ste es un curso que necesitas. En este curso aprenders a elaborar de manera PROFESIONAL, fcil y clara, un hermoso Centro de Mesa Infantil en forma de globo aerosttico, utilizando globos de diferentes formas y tamaos.Conocers desde las herramientas y materiales imprescindibles, hasta las tcnicas ms avanzadas. Te ensear y te guiar a travs de lecciones sencillas y amenas PASO A PASO, explicadas de manera muy exhaustiva en vdeo, que te llevarn a poder realizar esta figura que tanto te gusta, en muy poco tiempo, y sin necesidad de tener conocimientos previos de decoracin con globos."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Particles in Maya -1" |
Price: 64.99 ![]() |