Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn Portuguese in 1 hour - Practice Tests" |
"This course has practice tests that will help you to learn portuguese and test your knowledge. Every day or at least 3 times a week, a new Test will be added.Testing your knowledge with this exams will help you succeed while learning a new language. If you need any extra discount due to personal reasons, send a message to the instructor.Forextra help, please feel free to contact the instructor at anytime."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Become a Great Fortnite Builder - Fast Building Course" |
"The course will focus on the main points to develop skills and strategies needed to Master Fortnite Building FAST. If you need any extra help, please let my team know. We believe that helping people to learn from a game can bring good benefits in their own life. This is a non-official course that is not affiliated with Epic Games, the publisher and creator of Fortnite."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Construa um forno de Raku para queima de cermica artstica" |
".Este forno alm de funcional e com o custo bem baixo, voc poder fazer tanto a queima esmaltada do raku, como a primeira queima da cermica, importante ressaltar que este forno no indicado para queimas de peas utilitrias, somente decorativas, no meu canal de cursos aqui na Udemy, jesta disponvel tambm vdeos aulas de como esmaltar e usar o forno de Raku."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a fazer uma mscara africana de argila" |
"Neste curso voc aprender a fazer uma mscara africana com placas de argila, uma tcnica muito simples onde voc poder usar sua criatividade para desenvolver diversas peas.Voc apenas vai precisar abrir uma placa de argila e colocar vrios detalhes enriquecendo seu trabalho, quando se fala do mercado de vendas, a mscara uma das peas com maior aceitao, muito fcil de vender por um custo bem interessante, boa sorte, gratido."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Faa um colar difusor para aromaterapia de argila." |
"Esta bijuteria de cermica bem interessante, alm de ter sua funo esttica ela tambm tem sua funo teraputica, podendo ser usado leos essenciais em seu interior, hoje este tipo de colar esta sendo muito utilizado na aromaterapia, e o custo benefcio desta pea sem igual, pois se usa muito pouco material, podendo assim agregar valor."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprend After Effects CC 2018 rpido" |
"Curso planificadopara personas ocupadas que no pueden hacer largos cursos pero que quieren aprender After Effects CC 2018. A lo largo de aproximadamente 80 minutos vamos a ver los fundamentos bsicos del software, que te permitirn realizar animaciones con fotografas, vdeos, textos yvectores. La metodologa es prolija, vemos sin rodeos el funcionamiento de los paneles, efectos y herramientas para que en pocos minutos puedas animar tu primer proyecto motion graphics.- Como descargar los materiales de soporte?- Como instalar el After effects CC 2018 en la computadora?- Personalizar y ordenar workspace- Importar y ordenar archivos- Como trabajar con las composiciones?- El funcionamiento de la lnea del tiempo- Configuraciones de las composiciones- Zoom- Diferentes cualidades/render- La diferencia entre footage, composition y layer - Modos de capa- Edicin bsica- Duracin y velocidad de los vdeos- Efectos- keyframes - Shorcuts- Texto- Audio- Parent- Trabajando con archivos .psd, .ai y .png- Shapes- Solid- Render- Cmo exportar"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"After Effects CC 2018 rpido" |
"Curso planejado para pessoas ocupadas que no podem fazer cursos demorados mas que querem aprender After Effects CC 2018. Durante aproximadamente 80 minutos vamos ver os fundamentos bsicos do sotfware:- Como baixar os materiais de suporte?- Como instalar o After effects CC 2018 no computador?- Personalizar e organizar o workspace- Importar e organizar arquivos- Como trabalhar com as composies?- O funcionamento da linha do tempo- Configurando as composies- Zoom- Diferentes qualidades/render- A diferena entre footage, composition e layer- Modos de camada- Edio bsica- Durao e velocidade dos videos- Efeitos- keyframes- Shorcuts- Textos- udio- Parent- Trabalhando com arquivos .psd, .ai e .png- Shapes- Solid- Render- Como exportar?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Premiere CC 2018 rpido" |
"Curso planejado para pessoas ocupadas que no podem fazer cursos demorados mas que querem aprender Premiere CC 2018. Premiere um programa de montagem de vdeo muito utilizado em canais de TV e produtoras de cinema, um software completo e profissional, diretores como Martin Scorsese j gastaram 150 milhes de dlares em filmes como O Aviador e confiaram toda a edio no Premiere justamente porque ele permite edio offline, multicam, EDL, correo de cor e vrias outras aes de uma grande produo.Durante aproximadamente 80 minutos vamos ver os fundamentos bsicos do sotfware:- Como instalar o Premiere CC 2018-Personalizando o workspace-Organizando pastas e arquivos-Multiplas timelines-Insert e overlay-Edio com dos paineis-Timeline-Adicionar pistas-Snap-Zoom-Transio-Atalhos-Efeitos-Render-Keyframes-Chroma key-Como trabalhar com textos-Novidades CC 2018-Velocidade-udio-Exportando"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprend Premiere CC 2018 rpido" |
"Curso planificado para personas ocupadas que no pueden hacer largos cursos pero que quieren aprender el Premiere CC 2018. Premiere es un programa de montaje de vdeo muy utilizado en canales de TV y productoras de cine, es un software completo y profesional, directores como Martin Scorsese ya gastaron 150 millones de dlares en peliculas como El aviador y confiaron toda la edicin en el Premiere justamente porque el ofrece edicin offline, multicam, EDL, correccin de color y vrias otras acciones de una gran produccin.Durante aproximadamente 80 minutos vamos a ver los fundamentos bsicos del sotfware:- Cmo instalar el Premiere CC 2018- Personalizar el workspace- Organizar carpetas y archivos- Multiplas timelines- Insert e overlay- Edicin con dos paneles- Timeline- Agregar bandas- Snap- Zoom- Transiciones- Shorcuts- Efectos- Render- Keyframes- Chroma key- Cmo trabajar con textos- Novedades CC 2018- Velocidad- udio- Exportando"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Electronic Circuits Analysis by PSpice" |
"It simulates complex mixed-signal designs containing both analog and digital parts, and it supports a wide range of simulation models such as IGBTs, pulse width modulators, DACs, and ADCs. Its built-in mathematical functions and behavioral modeling techniques enable fast and accurate simulation of designs with efficient debugging. PSpice A/D also allows users to design and generate simulation models for transformers and DC inductors.Scalability options include PSpice Advanced Analysis capabilities and integration with MathWorks MATLAB Simulink for co-simulation. Advanced capabilities such as temperature and stress analysis, electro-mechanical simulation, worst-case analysis, Monte Carlo analysis, and curve-fit optimizers help engineers design high-performance circuits that are reliable and withstand parameter variation.Electronic circuits Analysis by PSpice aims to teachStudents, engineers and designers who want to simulate the operation of electronic circuits before producingin a unique environment.Simulation and performing of various tests on electronic circuits and their DC or AC analysis in the domain of time, frequency, etc."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"How to Connect LabVIEW to Data Dashboard on iOS and Android" |
"Data Dashboard has a graphical approach which means you can program the way you think. It enables you to control, measure & monitor any device and sensor online from around the world. Also, Projects which developed on data dashboard can be shared or run on your ios/ Android and windows.""LabVIEW & Data Dashboard on iOS and Android "" by Data Dashboard, helps you connect LabVIEW to your smart device, work with different data and make applicative projects in order to have smart houses, factories and environment.In this course we have explained Data Dashboard application in detailed. So you will be able to design your program wirelessly and short,this course students learn:How to connect Labview to smart devices How to work and launch different sensors from your smart devicesHow to share data from both Data Dashboard and LabVIEW.How to make houses, workplaces and environment smartWho is the target audience?Students, researchers and engineers in the field of mechanics of electronics, robotics, mechatronics, industries, medicine, production managers and ...industrial automationProgramming enthusiasts"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"4 Week Pure Beginners Yoga Course" |
"If youre like me, then youve also probably been caught up in the busy-ness of life leading to feelings of overwhelm and stress and at some stage you realise that things need to change and I assume that that is possibly one of the reasons why you are here... So if you are looking for change, a place to start very simply, very easily, then youre at the right place. Yay! Ive put this 4-part course together with a Pure Beginner in mind. Someone who has never tried Yoga before. Maybe you thinkyoure too stiff, too large, too old, too busy, too unhappy... not to worry, give this course a try and see if we can make a few changes together.There are 4 classes, each class includes very gentle and simple warm up practices, a few Yoga postures or movements, breathing practices and a relaxation practice.I look forward to seeing you on the mat!Nina"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Time Management Techniques Explained" |
"Over 20 videos explaining themost effective time management techniques asused by some of the most effective leaders and managers in the world.The followingtechniques and resources are provided and fully explained along withpractical suggestions about how to immediately apply them to your life.Introduction to the idea of time managementUnderstanding your why- the importance of your vision and valuesThe myth of multi-taskingKnow your current reality bycompletinga time auditLearn the real value of your timeMaking use of thesimple 'to do' listSoftware that will help you listen and watch quickerThe value of developing a low energy task listThe importance of good sleep, diet and exerciseHow to create an ultimate morning routineLearn how to save time using the lumping techniqueUnderstanding the difference between urgent and important using theCovey MatrixLearning to identify and focus on your MIT (Most Important Task)Use the Pomodoro method towork in focused bursts of timeAn introduction to the 4D's of Getting Things Done:Do, Decide, Delegate and DeleteHow to getcontrol over youremailHow to better delegate tasksusing checklists and videosHow to run better meetingsPractice unsubscribing to things that are wasting your timeHow you can use meeting minutes to achieve better outcomesGet control by learning to break tasks downThe value of having an end of day routineHow to use Kanban and MIT togetherThe importance of Deep WorkThe 5 skills of the most productive and valuable employees"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"SAP PM Mdulo II - Gestin de Avisos de Mantenimiento" |
"Este curso va dirigido a todas aquellas personas que quieren continuar capacitndoseen el mdulo de Mantenimiento de Planta SAP PM tanto como consultor funcional como usuario del sistema. Se detalla paso a paso el procesamiento de los avisos de mantenimientoas como la configuracin necesaria de manera detallada y con ejemplospara su funcionamiento.El acceso al curso es de por vida y podrs realizarlo al ritmo que desees. Adems desde nuestra pagina web te ofrecemos diversos paquetes que podrs adquirir para realizar tu curso desde el propio sistema SAP, podrs configurar y realizar ejemplos y procesos en el sistema.En este curso te ofrecemos:Ms de 40clases tanto prcticas como tericas del procesamiento en el sistema completamente detalladas y con ejemplos reales.Documentacin en PDFdel contenidolas clases.Presentaciones tericas.Manuales de usuario paso a paso.Manuales de configuracin paso a paso.Asesoracon el instructor 24x7.El contenido del curso es el siguiente:Seccin 1: Introduccin-)Bienvenida -)Recomendaciones InicialesSeccin 2: Informacin Terica-)Qu son los Avisos de Mantenimiento? -)Clases de Aviso de Mantenimiento estndar-)Clases de Aviso especficos-)Estructura de un Aviso-)Integracin con otros mdulos SAP-)Interlocutores-)CatlogosSeccin 3: Estructura Organizativa SAP PM-)Configuracin de Avisos de Mantenimientp-)Navegacin por SPRO Men de Avisos-)Definir clases de avisos-)Configuracin de mscaras de imagen-)Configuracin de seleccin de campos-)Especificar rangos de nmeros-)Especificar valores iniciales de transaccin-)Asignar clases de aviso a clases de rdenes-)Catlogos-)Asignar catlogos a avisos-)Definir esquema y funcin interlocutor-)Definir prioridades y tiempos de respuesta-)Definir barra de actividades-)Definir acciones siguientes-)Control de impresin-)Definir estatus de usuario-)Definir clave de informacin para avisos-)Resumen de clases de avisoSeccin 4: Procesamiento de avisos de mantenimiento-)Crear avisos de avera-)Crear avisos de actividad-)Crear solicitud PM-)Crear avisos de mantenimiento especficos-)Modificar avisos de mantenimiento-)Visualizar avisos de mantenimiento-)Liberar avisos de mantenimiento-)Posponer avisos de mantenimiento-)Concluir avisos de mantenimiento-)Fijar peticin de borrado para avisos de mantenimiento-)Cambio de estatus de avisos de mantenimiento-)Gestin de barra de actividadesSeccin 5: Reportes y tablas de avisos de mantenimiento-) Modificar tratamiento lista de avisos de mantenimiento-) Visualizar tratamiento lista de avisos de mantenimiento-) Visualizar listado de avisos de mantenimiento-) Otros reportes de avisos de mantenimiento-) Tablas relevantes para avisos de mantenimientoSeccin 6: Conclusin y Cierre-)DespedidaSe entregar material multimedia conSesiones de Videos con demostraciones prcticas del uso del sistema yDocumentacin Terica y prcticapaso a paso en PDF."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Crazy Talk 8" |
"CrazyTalk es el software de animacin facial ms popular del mundo que utiliza voz y texto para animar vvidamente las imgenes faciales.El nuevo CrazyTalk 8es un fantstico programa con el que puedes convertir fotos en personajes animados parlantes de gran realismo.Incluye un puado de imgenes con las que experimentar todo el potencial que ofrece, pero lo ms interesante es que te permite usar tus propias fotografas. Simplemente marca los puntos de expresin y CrazyTalk, con su potente motor de efectos de morphing, conseguir que se mueva y hable casi como si fuera real.El contenido generado puede utilizarse de varias maneras: como vdeo de bienvenida para tu web, como grfico para clientes de mensajera instantnea, como tarjeta de felicitacin electrnica o simplemente para divertirte un rato dndole vida a tus fotos.mejoras:Edicin multipistaMejor malla facialMejor control de los ojosMejor rendimientoExportacin para web"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Data Studio - Master the Advanced Concepts" |
"In this course you'll master the advance features in Google Data Studio, so that you understand all the options available for transforming your data sets and data visualisations into the format you need.Target AudienceThis course is for people who have an intermediate knowledge of Google Data Studio and want to gain advance knowledge.You already have experience with Data StudioYou have experience with Functions in Excel and/or Basic knowledge of SQLWant to understand the full range of capabilities that Google Data Studio offersCurriculumIn this course you will cover in detail:Visualisations - Pivot Tables, Combination & Dual Axis Charts, Stacked Bar & Area ChartsLayout -How to set global colour palettesTransforming Data Sets - Transforming Metrics &Dimensions with Calculated Fields and a range of functions that Data Studio supports e.g Median(), Variance(), Percentile(), Concat(), Substr() as well as Case Statements for grouping dimension values together.Hyperlinks and Clickable images - Adding images and links to data tables to show and link through toyour products in your reportsFilters - Group and Page Level filters to add more control to your reportsEmbedding - How to embed your reports into an external application or website.Databases -Connecting to SQLdatabase tables, views and custom queries. We will connect to BigQuery.RolesYour role might fall into one of the followingOnline MarketerProduct AnalystData AnalystFinance AnaystProduct Owners/ManagerSmall business OwnerData Sources you may already useGoogle Analytics,Adwords or other Google ProductGoogle SheetsExcelSQL Database e.g MySQL, BigQuery, PostGresQLThe Power of Data StudioIntuitive Design -create dashboard designs that are more intuitive than dashboards in GA &Google SheetsScale your insights-build shareable dashboards saved in Google DriveSpeed up time to insight-build reports andvisualisations to answer questions within minutesUser friendly Templates and Layouts-will make it easier for users to interpret the data.Data Studio is aData Visualisation Tool created by Google.It is partof the Google Suite including Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides.Data Studio is FREEand allows you to connect to a range of data sources.It's an incredible tool to create powerful and interactive dashboards for you to explore your underlying data.I look forward to showing youhow to master the advance concepts in Google Data Studio so that you understand the full range of capabilities at your fingertips."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Fight Right: Conflict Management for Any Relationship" |
"After working with countless relationships, one thing is clear: We will fight. The course has been created for people who are tired...Tired of having the same argument.Tired of not being able to discuss issues with a friend, family member, or significant other.Tired of living in the past, because every discussion drags you back to ""what happened in...""Sure it is easy to make threats, or leave, but at what cost? By taking this course, you are taking the first steps towards dealing with conflict and alsoresolving conflictsin the relationships that matter to you.CONGRATULATIONS!Take your time, take great notes, and be sure to ""turn inward"" for your answers. Do not blame anyone, just own your part in the conflict, and decide who your are...and what you need.Conflict resolution and conflict management is an important part of having relationships, so thank you for taking the time to learn how to FIGHTRIGHT."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Lightning : Practical Coding Examples" |
"This is a beautiful course which includes useful practical examples. If you are a developer who hasbasic understanding of lightningcomponents,Apex and SLDS and wish to learn the application part then this is the right course for you. Course contains very important cases like pagination, search functionality, csv download, email sending, using youtube videos in your lightning component,using wrapper class to reduce server side calls, quick action,etc you can easily master the art of component development."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Bulgarian language for Beginners - Part 3" |
"The course ""Bulgarian language for Beginners, Part 3"" is the third part in a series of courses for learning Bulgarian language. This course introduces the vowels in Bulgarian language.You will learn the place of each vowel in the alphabet and how lowercase and uppercase letters are written. Next you will read your first words and get to knowthe sound and letter model of words. You will form sentences by looking at pictures and find letters in text."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Bulgarian language for Beginners - Part 4" |
"The course ""Bulgarian language for Beginners, Part 4"" is the forth part in a series of courses for learning Bulgarian language. This course introduces five consonants (, , , , ) in Bulgarian language.You will learn the place of these consonants in the alphabet and how capital and small letters are written. Next you will read words with these consonants and make the sound and letter model of words. You will also read sentences and text."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bulgarian language for Beginners - Part 5" |
"The course ""Bulgarian language for Beginners, Part 5"" is the fifth part in a series of courses for learning Bulgarian language. This course introduces ten consonants (, , , , , , , , , ) in Bulgarian language.You will learn the place of these consonants in the alphabet and how capital and small letters are written. Next you will read words with these consonants and make the sound and letter model of words. You will also read sentences and text."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Bulgarian Language for Beginners - Part 6" |
"The course ""Bulgarian language for Beginners, Part 6"" is the sixth part in a series of courses for learning Bulgarian language. This course introduces six consonants (, , , , and ) in Bulgarian language.You will learn the place of these consonants in the alphabet and how capital and small letters are written. Next you will read words with these consonants and make the sound and letter model of words. You will also read sentences and text."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Bulgarian Language for Beginners - Part 7" |
"The course ""Bulgarian language for Beginners, Part 7"" is the seventh part in a series of courses for learning Bulgarian language. This course introduces the sound and letter combinations (, , and ) in Bulgarian language.You will learn the place of these letters in the alphabet and how capital and small letters are written. Next you will read words with these letters and make the sound and letter model of words. You will also read sentences and text."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Drawing - Step by step" |
"In the course ""Drawing - Step by step"" you will learn to draw some of the most popular animals:snailmonkeymousecowchickenfishdolphincatYou will be shown an easy way to draw each of these animals. Drawing them is easy when you do it in steps. Each animal is presented together with its first letter in the Bulgarianalphabet."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Bedtime Stories and Riddles in Bulgarian Language" |
"This course ""Bedtime Stories and Riddles in Bulgarian Language"" introduces some of the most popular bedtime stories and folklore riddles in Bulgaria.The purpose of the course is to practice listening to Bulgarian language. Students, who have enrolled in our other courses ""Bulgarian Language for Beginners (Parts 1 to 7)"" will have the chance to practice what they learned so far."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNP Switch 300-115 : Full Course And Lab Exercises" |
"CCNP 300-115 Switch training includes advanced switching videos (clarified and illustrated) that will benefit you in preparing for the CCNP certification exam. This course will help you develop more about the switches and prepare you for the Cisco CCNP certification exam. Educational training videos are supported with step-by-step configuration examples so you can easily understand topics and you can be a network professional!WHAT IS THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS COURSE?To get the most out of this training, you need to have basic networking knowledge (at least CCNA level). To practice, you must install GNS3 or Packet Tracer applications on your computer.WHATIWILLGETFROMTHISCOURSE?You will get important informations about advanced switching. If you want to prepare for the CCNP exam, this course will be a great step for you.WHOISTARGETGROUP?Anyone who wants to prepare for the CCNP examAnyone who wants to learn switching at professional levelRegister now and build your future with us!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Cisco Certified Technician R&S (640-692) Training" |
"This CCT course will help you to improve yourself about networking basics, switching & routing technologies, IPv4 and IPv6. If you are a beginner for networking technologies, our CCT certification program is great for you! You will get the CCT certification easily with this course and begin your career in networking industry.Networkels CCENT course , which is prepared by a Cisco Networking Academy Instructor , covers ALL topics that you need to prepare for the 640-692 CCT certification exam. You can see the full list of the topics at the curriculum. Two main sections of the training are :1- Intro To Networks2- Routing And Switching EssentialsYou can watch our CCT course videos from anywhere you want with any device such as laptop, tablet, mobile phone etc. ! If you dont understand about a topic in the lesson, you can easily rewind the video and watch that part again and again.WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR CCT COURSE ?You dont need to know anything about networking, Networkels training will teach you every topic from zero. For lab sections, you need to install Packet Tracer or GNS3 to your computer.WHAT I WILL GET FROM THIS COURSE ?You will learn about networking basics , IPv4, IPv6, switching and routing and that means you will be ready for certification exam ! CCT certification is an excellent step to start a career in networking industry.WHO IS THE TARGET GROUP ?Everybody who wants to prepare for CCT 640-692 examAnyone who needs to build a cereer in networking industryStudents that currently in college or universitySubscribe now and build your future with us !"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNP Route 300-101 : Full Course And Lab Exercises" |
"CCNP 300-101 Route training includes advanced routing videos (clarified and illustrated) that will benefit you in preparing for the CCNP certification exam. This course will help you develop more about the routers and prepare you for the Cisco CCNP certification exam. Educational training videos are supported with step-by-step configuration examples so you can easily understand topics and you can be a network professional!WHAT IS THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS COURSE?To get the most out of this training, you need to have basic networking knowledge (at least CCNA level). To practice, you must install GNS3 or Packet Tracer applications on your computer.WHATIWILLGETFROMTHISCOURSE?You will get important informations about advanced routing. If you want to prepare for the CCNP exam, this course will be a great step for you.WHOISTARGETGROUP?Anyone who wants to prepare for the CCNP examAnyone who wants to learn routing at professional levelRegister now and build your future with us!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNP Snavna Hazrlk Kurs ve Uygulama rnekleri" |
"Networkel CCNP eitimi, CCNP Enterprise sertifika snavna hazrlanmanzda size fayda salayacak ileri dzey routing, switching ve troubleshooting videolar (aklamal ve rnekli) iermektedir. Bu kurs router'lar ve switchler hakknda kendinizi daha fazla gelitirmenize yardmc olur ve sizleri Cisco CCNP sertifikasyon snavna hazr hale getirir. Eitimdeki teorik videolar, adm adm konfigrasyon rnekleri ile desteklenmektedir, bylece konular kolaylkla anlayabilir ve siz de bir a profesyoneli olabilirsiniz !BU ETM N GEREKSNMLER NELERDR ?Bu eitimden en iyi ekilde yararlanmak iin temel a bilgisine (En azndan CCNA seviyesine) sahip olmanz gerekir. Pratik yapmak iin GNS3 veya Packet Tracer uygulamalarn bilgisayarnza kurmalsnz.BU KURSTAN NE ELDE EDECEM ?leri dzey routing, switching ve troubleshooting hakknda nemli bilgiler edineceksiniz. CCNP snavna hazrlanmak istiyorsanz, bu kurs sizin iin harika bir adm olacaktr.ETMN HEDEF GRUBU KM ?CCNP snavna hazrlanmak isteyen herkes Profesyonel seviyede routing, switching ve troubleshooting renmek isteyen herkesimdi kayt olun ve geleceinizi bizimle ina edin!"
Price: 209.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNP Enterprise ( ENARSI + ENCOR ) Training" |
"CCNP Enterprise training includes advanced routing, switching , troubleshooting , security, SDN etc. (clarified and illustrated) that will help you in preparing for the CCNP Enterprise certification exam. This course covers all two exams of CCNP Enterprise :1- ENARSI - Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services (300-401)2- Encor - Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (350-401)Educational training videos are supported with step-by-step configuration and troubleshooting examples so you can easily understand topics , get hands on experience and you can be a network professional!WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS COURSE?To get the most out of this training, you need to have basic networking knowledge (at least CCNA level). To practice, you must install GNS3 or Packet Tracer applications on your computer.WHAT I WILL GET FROM THIS COURSE?You will get important informations about advanced routing, switching , tshoot , security , SDN etc. If you want to prepare for the CCNP Enterprise certification exams, this course will be a great step for you.WHO IS TARGET GROUP ?Anyone who wants to prepare for the CCNP Enterprise certification examsAnyone who wants to learn routing at professional levelRegister now and build your future with us!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA Network+ N10-007 (2020) Video Bootcamp" |
"Welcome to the ""CompTIA Network+ N10-007 Full Course"".This course isdesigned to help prepare you for the CompTIA Network+ N10-007 certification exam (the latestversion)andcovers the five domains for the Network+ N10-007:1.0 Networking Concepts2.0 Infrastructure3.0 Network Operations4.0 Network Security5.0 Network Troubleshooting and ToolsCourse totallyconsists of70 lessons in the five domains aboveand %100 compatible with the latest version of Network+ Certification Exam (N10-007).You can watch our """"CompTIA Network+ N10-007 Full Course"" videos from anywhere you want with any device such as laptop, tablet, mobile phone etc. ! If you dont understand about a topic in the lesson, you can easily rewind the video and watch that part again and again."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |