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"Corso fondamentale di PowerPoint 2016" |
"Il livello del corso un base intermedio, ed illustrato su PowerPoint 2016; per quanto riguarda la versione del software va bene anche chi ha installato sul pc una versione meno recente, come il 2010 o il 2013, perch le nozioni, di base, sono le stesse.Il tutto strutturato in 11 sezioni, con due metodi dillustrazione, video con voce dello speaker e video senza voce. Perch abbiamo notato che i video senza voce permettono quasi di dimezzare la durata del video, cos da allegerire anche il carico di chi segue il corso.Nelle prime 6 sezioni, vengono illustrate principalmente nozioni e operazioni di base, ad esempio: Da come inserire una casela di testo, come modificarne le dimensioni, colori e font A come inserire le animazioni di entrata, uscita ed enfasi.Tutte queste funzioni di base. Che sono, semplici da comprendere e facili da illustrare.Poi dalla sezione 7 in poi, sono i video con la voce. Per illustrare nozioni che senza voce non si riuscirebbe.Abbiamo progettato le lezioni con un mix di teoria e di pratica, in modo da rendere pi facile lo scorrimento del corso.Sezioni principalmente pratiche, li potete trovare ad esempio qui, la sezione 8, la sezione 10; e altre lezioni presenti nelle varie sezioni."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Corso Excel 2016" |
"Il livello del corso un base, ed illustrato su Excel 2016; per quanto riguarda la versione del software va bene anche per chi ha installato sul pc una versione meno recente, come il 2010 o il 2013, perch le nozioni fondamentali sono le stesse.Il tutto strutturato su 6 differenti sezioni, ognuna con le varie lezioni.Nella prima sezione andremo a illustrare su come gestire un nuovo foglio di Excel e le operazioni di base per modificare righe e colonne.Nella seconda sezione andremo a vedere operazioni e personalizzazioni che possiamo andare a fare sulle celle.Poi, nella terza sezione vedremo le tabelle e alcune funzioni fondamentali.Spostiamoci sulla sinistra, troviamo la sezione quattro, dove andremo a illustrare i metodi per creare e modificare elementi grafici.Ed infine nelle sezioni cinque e sei andremo a vedere lutilizzo delle formule per eseguire calcoli matematici, creare operazioni logiche, e formattare il testo."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Ruby on Rails 6: Business Texting App with Stripe System" |
"You'll learn how to code your own Business Texting App web application using the most powerful and user-friendly framework available to web developers, Ruby on Rails.What are the requirements?Basic understanding of the Ruby on Rails frameworkBasic knowledge of HTML/CSSHave a Ruby on Rails setup on your systemWhat am I going to get from this course?Build custom Ruby on Rails Business Texting App application with latest Stripe PaymentIntegrate latest Stripe javascript formUse Bootstrap 4.3.1 for your Rails appInstalling DeviseAdding Users with DeviseExploring Our New Devise FunctionalitySign Up and Sign In LinksCustomize Devise RoutesRedesigning the Sign and Sign Up PagesCreating a ScaffoldResources in RailsIntegrate Stripe Payment Through Current UserForcing People to Log InDesign Navigation bar and javascript"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Laravel 8.x:Dating Website" |
"You'll learn how to code your own Dating website using the most powerful and user-friendly framework available to web developers, Laravel.By the end of the course, you'll also be able to build and add powerful features to your website including Captcha If you have basic knowledge of Laravel and you want to go to the next level - this course is definitely for you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Laravel 8.x: ECOM SHOP" |
"You'll learn how to code your own E-commerce web application using the most powerful and user-friendly framework available to web developers, Laravel.By the end of the course, you'll also be able to build and add powerful features to your web apps including PayPal Payment SystemIf you have basic knowledge of Laravel and you want to go to the next level - this course is definitely for you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Vue.js 2 - Le guide complet pour dbutant" |
"Le framework Vue.js est le plus prometteur de tous les frameworks JS du moment ! Il est simple d'utilisation, puissant dans son fonctionnement et rapide via son excution, que demander de plus ?Sa popularit est grandissante, et son utilisation galement, on peut l'utiliser tout moment : soit ds la cration d'un site web, soit pour amliorer un site web dj existant. En tant que dveloppeur, utiliser Vue.js est un vrai plaisir ! Pas besoin de passer du temps la mise en place comme pour React.js ou Angular, ici en trs peu de ligne on obtient ce que l'on veut, et de manire optimise !"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Do your own UK Tax Return" |
"In this ""How to do your own tax return"" I will show you step-by-step how to submit your own UK self assessment tax return online with HMRC.If you are a UK based small business owner with a straightforward business or an individual who needs to submit a tax return you can easily do it by yourself.You will save on accountants fees and you will be in control of when your tax return is submitted.I will cover what you need to include on your tax return, explain where you can find the information and then show you how to input on the HMRC website.It's not an accounting course, so you will need to know your self employment income and expenses to include on your return.It's also not meant for complex businesses, where I would still recommend using an accountant.If you have capital gains or foreign income, please be aware that I haven't covered these. But for most people, these sections will not be required.At the end of the course, you will realise that completing your own UK tax return is not as scary as you think. You can do it, and next year you will find it even easier!The examples I show you are for the 2017-2018 tax year, but can still be used to help you complete your 2018-2019 tax return."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Xero Online Accounting - the Practical Data Entry Course" |
"*THIS COURSE USES THE LATEST VERSION OF XERO WITH THE ALL NEW IMPROVED XERO NAVIGATION INTRODUCED AT THE END OF NOVEMBER 2018*My 'Xero Online Accounting - Practical Data Entry' course will take you from beginner level to being confident using Xero for all your ongoing data entry.As the name suggests, it's a very practical course, so perfect for the student who enjoys learning by doing. The course is video based where I show you how to do something in Xero, then give you a practical assignment for you to complete at the end of each lesson.Here's what's included in the course:After a quick welcome and an explanation of the course format, you will be shown how to register for your 30-day free trial in Xero.The course includes no less than 24 practical assignments, so there's plenty for you to do. For each assignment there is a video lesson where I show you step by step what you need to do in Xero. Then you are given the opportunity to repeat the assignment in your own Xero account. You have the option to refer back to the videos as often as you need to, and you can always ask me questions if you are unsure about anything.Here's what we cover in the assignments:*Assignment 1.1* - Setting up your Organisation*Assignment 1.2* - Tidying the Chart of Accounts*Assignment 1.3* - Opening Balances*Assignment 2.1* - Sales Invoice Setup *Assignment 2.2* - Sales Invoices and Credit Notes*Assignment 2.3* - Sales Reporting*Assignment 3.1* - Adding Suppliers*Assignment 3.2* - Purchase Invoices and Credit Notes*Assignment 3.3* - Purchases Reporting*Assignment 4.1* - Importing a Bank Statement*Assignment 4.2* - Customer Receipts*Assignment 4.3* - Customer Receipts Reporting*Assignment 4.4* - Supplier Payments*Assignment 4.5* - Supplier Payments Reporting*Assignment 4.6* - Sundry Bank Receipts and Payments*Assignment 4.7* - Sundry Bank Receipts and Payments Reporting*Assignment 5.1* - Customer Defaults*Assignment 5.2* - Item Codes*Assignment 5.3* - Supplier Defaults *Assignment 5.4* - Repeating Purchase Invoices *Assignment 6.1* - Merging Duplicate Contacts*Assignment 6.2* - Amending Sales Invoices*Assignment 6.3* - Amending Purchase Invoices*Assignment 6.4* - Find and RecodeThroughout the course I share with you my expert knowledge - I'm a UK qualified accountant and I've been using Xero for over 7 years.I look forward to sharing my love of Xero with you and welcome any questions during or after the course.This course is specifically geared towards beginners, so it doesn't include the more advanced topics of Payroll, Fixed Assets and VAT.What are you waiting for, let's get started!!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Xero: How to become a Xero Superuser" |
"This HOW TO BECOME A XERO SUPERUSER Course will take you being a Xero User to a Xero Superuser in only a few hours.In the video lessons I show you step by step my A-Z of Xero Superpowers. You can watch the videos, then follow what I have shown you, always having the option to refer back to the videos at any time.At the end of each section you can test your new knowledge with a multiple choice quiz.If you are already comfortable using Xero, but are eager to learn more, then this is definitely the course for you. I've learned my Xero skills over the past 7 years, using Xero on a daily basis.I'm using the UK version of Xero but this course is suitable for Xero users around the globe.Here's the Xero Superpowers I've included in the course:A Add NotesB Bank RulesC Custom ReportsD DiscussE Email SettingsF Find and RecodeG GroupsH HelpI Item CodesJ JournalsK Keyboard ShortcutsL Lock DatesM MergeN NotificationsO Opening BalancesP Payment ServicesQ QuotesR Repeating InvoicesS SearchT TrackingU UsersV View Status UpdatesW WatchlistX Xero CalculatorY Your XeroZ Zero ExcusesAnd, with a promise to continue adding new Superpowers to the course at a later date.If the idea of being promoted to the Xero Superuser league excites you, then why wait any longer.Let's get started!!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ingeniera Inversa y Cracking de Software [Preventivo]" |
"Que opinan mis Estudiantes: Alfredo Santiago Villaoslada [5 estrellas] ""Excelente curso de fundamentos, eminentemente prctico y desde nivel cero, totalmente recomendable, es de destacar el gran conocimiento de la materia por parte del profesor y la forma sencilla y clara de explicar las lecciones. La nica pega que le encuentro es que me he quedado con ganas de mas"". Romero H. Ariel M. [5 estrellas] ""excelente curso y muy bien explicado.... fcil de entender... muy recomendable"". Adrin Jos Vargas Aurioles [5 estrellas] ""Una muy buena eleccin"". Hugo Andrade Y [5 estrellas] ""buena y clara explicacion"".Descripcin:En esta doceava parte de mis cursos sobre Tecnologa, Hacking tico y Seguridad Informtica, de carcter Profesional y prctico, aprenders acerca de la mecnica por la que transita la Mente de un Cracker de Software y la aplicacin de la Ingeniera Inversa para desvelar los Secretos del cdigo fuente original y poder posteriormente, entender y aplicar varios procedimientos de securizacin o contramedidas a tus propias piezas de software,Utilizando pedaggicos procedimientos de enseanza de tipo ""cmic"", logrars entender la Magia del Cracking del cdigo,Conocers la utilidad de la Ingeniera Inversa y el posterior Cracking del lado defensivo,Podrs moverte en la jerga de los Crackers entendiendo sus frases e historias (Magos Blancos, quemar cromo, break-pointear y mucho mas),Entenders la arquitectura interna de un microprocesador, como se mueve la informacin por los buses, desde sus registros hacia la memoria RAM, ALU y unidad de control,Sers capaz de trabajar con OFFSETS, STRINGS, COMBOS y PATCHERS, Podrs recrear las lneas de programacin en lenguaje ensamblador a partir de cualquier archivo binario (.exe),Sabrs, mediante el uso de debugers, desensambladores y editores hexadecimales, como modificar la lgica de un programa a tu antojo y dar con cualquier parte del cdigo que te interese reemplazar,Mediante laboratorios prcticos, podrs entender cmo se realiza un programa en cdigo ensamblador y como operan las instrucciones ms importantes para un Cracker,A travs del Estudio minucioso de 3 especmenes reales (no crackmes), logrars derrotar la doble comparacin, algunas tcnicas anti crackeo (cierre de nags, ofuscacin del cdigo binario, etc.) y las protecciones por archivos companion,Sabrs las diferentes formas de recorrer el cdigo y obtener resultados positivos, an sin tener casi ningn indicio para seguir adelante,Construirs un PATCHER (parcheador) de aplicaciones en RAM automtico, para simplificar las tareas de crackeo,Cmo BONUS final, conocers metodologas para construir las firmas en ""Arte ASCII"" de las piezas modificadas y como incluirlas en los patchers,Finalmente aprenders las CONTRAMEDIDAS a esta problemtica,Nos vemos en ste fascinante Curso!5 -wht-"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ingeniera Social y ataques sin tecnologa" |
"Que opinan mis Estudiantes: Jareth Vsquez [5 estrellas] ""Fue una de las mejores decisiones que he tomado, ya que sin darme cuenta he sido victima de algunos de estos ataques de ingeniera social"" Jos Dugarte Laguado [5 estrellas] ""Definitivamente es uno de los mejores cursos que he realizado en el rea de informtica. Mis felicitaciones al instructor ya que tiene una gran capacidad para hacer que el alumno entre en situacin y disfrute cada minuto dedicado en las clases. Espero estar en los dems cursos."". Alfredo Santiago [5 estrellas] ""Excelente, merece la pena cada minuto, bien explicado y con ejemplos claros y amenos de las tcnicas tratadas en el curso. totalmente recomendable."". Cristian Pesse [5 estrellas] ""Muy buen curso ya creo que hice todos o me falta uno solo de los que sacaste en udemy, tambien realice anteriormente los de cevicas....asi que un gusto haberme cruzado con vos como profe y persona. A la espera del proximo curso de hackeo a celulares. :D saludos."". Jose Andres Guerra Vega [5 estrellas] ""Literal me termine un curso anterior y ya compre este :)""Descripcin:En esta treceava parte de mis Cursos sobre Tecnologa, Hacking tico y Seguridad Informtica, de carcter Profesional y prctico, aprenders acerca de la mecnica por la que transita un Ingeniero Social avezado, para lograr vulnerar la mente de los individuos y que estos le cedan informacion privada sin percatarse de ello. Conocers que es la Ingeniera Social y sus diferentes tipos, Aprenders las 12 bases de manipulacin psicolgica que utilizan los Ingenieros Sociales para tener xito en sus actividades, Podrs convertir un telfono mvil en una cmara oculta y crear cdigos QR de ataque, utilizando la herramienta SET, Entenders la utilizacin de la ""generacin de necesidad"" como una herramienta psicolgica de persuasin devastadora, Sers capaz de identificar (y crear) correos electrnicos falsificados y unidades USB de seuelo, diseados para tomar el control del ordenador vctima, Podrs recrear las condiciones mentales de un objetivo, analizando su entorno fsico y ""calibrar"" tus tcnicas de persuasin, Sabrs ejecutar tcnicas de Ingeniera Social invasivas y seductivas mediante el uso de escenarios reales, Podrs realizar efectivos ataques sin tecnologa, Mediante laboratorios prcticos, podrs entender cmo se realiza la toma de Metadatos desde archivos pertenecientes al objetivo, incluso la ""recontruccion de partes no visibles de las imgenes"" obtenidas, A travs del Estudio minucioso de 2 especmenes reales, con los cuales han intentado realizar Phishing hacia mi persona, sers capaz de identificar cada parte (tcnica y psicolgica) de las amenazas y no ser vctima de este tipo de ataques, Sabrs las diferentes formas de recabar informacin desde las redes sociales, mediante el uso de complementos en el navegador web y pginas de bsqueda especializadas, Construirs un ""PERFIL DE OSINT"" (perfil por adquisicin de datos mediante el uso de Inteligencia de fuentes abiertas) del objetivo, utilizado una de las mismas herramientas que utilizan las agencias Gubernamentales (Maltego), Cmo BONUS final, conocers 3 metodologas ""MAN IN BLACK"", para adquirir datos (incluso de sitios que ya no sean vulnerables en la actualidad), Finalmente aprenders todas las CONTRAMEDIDAS a esta problemtica, tanto sea en lo personal como para empresas,Nos vemos en ste fascinante Curso!5 -wht-"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Virus y Anlisis dinmico de Malware bajo Windows" |
"Que opinan mis Estudiantes: Jos origel [5 estrellas] ""EXCELENTE CURSO, FELICITACIONES MAESTRO!, primero Dios!!!, te veo en el siguiente curso de FORENCE PARA CELULARES...."" Dilan leon [5 estrellas] ""Excelente!"" Alfredo Santiago [5 estrellas] ""Excelente, desde la creacin de una prueba de concepto de un prototipo de virus hasta el analisis y deteccin de funcionamiento de malware desde distintas herramientas, supone una introduccin perfecta al mundo de los virus y el malware para comprender su funcionamiento y saber como actua y protegernos de sus efectos. totalmente recomendable para todos los niveles."" Maximiliano Calabrese [5 estrellas] ""Excelente curso!!! Al igual que los anteriores, lo recomiendo al 100%. Gracias por compartir tu conocimiento!""Descripcin:En esta catorceava parte de mis cursos sobre Tecnologa, Hacking tico y Seguridad Informtica, de carcter Profesional y prctico, aprenders mediante casi 7 horas de de laboratorio en mquinas virtuales y pedaggicos procedimientos de enseanza de tipo ""cmic"", como detectar amenazas informticas (malware) desconocidas, de da cero (0day) o que no sean detectados an por las soluciones antivirus, Logrars entender que es y como funciona el malware, realizando prcticas reales, Conocers como pera un antivirus y sus puntos dbiles explotables por los Virus, Podrs moverte en la jerga de los Viri Makers entendiendo sus frases e historias (cdigo polimrfico, antidebugging, companion, spawners, payload y mucho mas), Entenders la arquitectura interna de un Virus y como se mueve a travs de la mquina vctima para realizar sus operaciones, Sers capaz de crear y compilar un Virus PoC (prueba de concepto) en lenguaje de programacin C, que se copie a si mismo, modifique el registro, cree archivos para guardar datos, enve sondas por la red, dibuje ventanas de mensajes al usuario, desactive la actualizacin de los Antivirus, etc, (lo entenders aunque jams hayas programado antes), Vers como demostracin, el xito (y su cdigo de 333 bytes) de un Virus del tipo ""0day"" a la hora de no ser detectado por las soluciones Antivrus ms conocidas, Sabrs como utilizar un gran set de herramientas para la deteccin dinmica de malware, Mediante laboratorios prcticos podrs entender cmo se interpreta cada seal de una infeccin, analizando en un entorno controlado y por separado, las 7 partes de nuestro Virus PoC y posteriormente otro malware de alcance mundial, Aprenders a utilizar monitores de procesos de red y comunicaciones, generadores de redes falsas, hash seeker's y auditores de unidades de almacenamiento, para detectar el accionar de las amenazas, Sabrs realizar comparaciones de estado del registro de Windows, ver si un proceso se camufla dentro de otro o desaparece, comparar las cargas en el hardware y los procesos del sistema, para detectar la presencia oculta de malware, Podrs analizar todas las ubicaciones de inicio del sistema en busca de malware y comprobar sus firmas digitales, para detectar posibles compromisos a la Seguridad, Utilizars e interpretars los resultados de las ""cajas de arena"" o Sandbox y los detectores en lnea, para comparar y/o complementar los resultados de tus detecciones, Finalmente aprenders las CONTRAMEDIDAS a esta problemtica,Nos vemos en ste fascinante Curso!5 -wht-"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Make Money in Stock Market (3-Course Bundle)" |
"Learn buy and sell $200 a day without Technical Analysis. Get up to 12% returns with your Dividend stocks. You don't have to go through countless hours of stock trading videos and understanding technical indicators. We will show you how you can trade 1-4 stocks each day with no technical or fundamental analysis. Our table will show you how you can get financial freedom at any age with simple stock trading strategy. We will also show you why if this was so easy, not everyone is doing it already!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crer un site web Pro en C# avec ASP.NET Core" |
"Apprendre par la pratique est important pour vous ? Pas envie de se coltiner le gros bouquin Apress de 2000 pages ?Je comprends :) ... A la fin de cette formation vous saurez l'essentiel pour crer un site web en C# avec ASP.NET Core 3.1 et Bootstrap.A qui s'adresse la formation ?Le formation est pour les gens qui veulent PASSER A L'ACTION. C'est un point important et si vous souhaitez juste ""approfondir vos connaissances"" en regardant une formation de plus par curiosit intellectuelle, vous risquez d'tre du. Du moins c'est ce type de personne qui m'a laiss les commentaires les plus ngatifs donc je prfre prvenir...La formation s'adresse des dbutants clairs (notions de HTML et de dveloppement orient objet). Je ne vais pas reprendre ici les fondamentaux du type qu' est ce qu'une classe ? ).En revanche si vous ne connaissez rien ASP.NET Core vous aurez toutes les rponses pour faire un site web avec cette technologie.Vous me verrez crer pas pas un site web pro que vous pourrez copier ( code source inclus ) et utliser pour crer plus rapidement le votre. Je vous explique tout ce que je fais. Vous me voyez dvelopper chacune des fonctionnalits du site web, avec les explications (et parfois les erreurs) qui vont avec.Ce qui est couvert :Cration pas pas d'un site web pro.Comment rcuprer et insrer des donnes avec Entity Framework Core et SQLServer ?Cration de pages dynamiques avec ASP.NET Core et C#Design des vues pour un site web vraiment prsentable avec BootstrapRoutage (Comment crer des jolies URLs que Google adorera ?)Gestion des utilisateurs (connexion/inscription)Dploiement ( Peu de formations/livres couvrent cette partie, pourtant importante)Code Source Inclus !Ce qui est n'est pas couvert :Tout ce qui n'est PAS ncessaire la cration d'un site web chez soi. Pas de processus ou d'outils corporate. Dans toute technologie il y a des trucs qui servent rien, je ne vais parler que de ce que j'utilise presque tous les jours dans ma vie de dveloppeur.Si vous souhaitez apprendre l'injection de dpendance, les design patterns, les tests automatiss... ben c'est pas cette formation."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"ios Swift new 2019" |
" . , . . . .In this course, all disassembled regarding the topic Design Patterns. This course will help to understand this topic well, and the experienced to improve their knowledge. Let us consider all possible approaches to download from the network. And much more. All on practical examples."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"iOS Swift Xcode - Max level (50 )" |
"Swift - , Apple. (Android, desktop .) StackOverflow, Swift, . ! 2-3 ! iPhone/iPad OS , Swift, , Java . : Swift , iOS. , . , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Object Recognition with Deep Learning using OpenCV and C#" |
"CODE: DL-08-20This course is the first course in its field using C# programming language and OpenCV Deep Learning Module to teach you to develop object detection or recognition applications using Deep learning techniquesThis course is going to teach you How to develop Object Recognition Applications from images ( either static or webcam/video) using popular computer vision library OpenCV, its Deep learning Module and C# Programming LanguageOverview of how Neural Networks detect objects from imagesOverview of what Convolutional Neural Networks mean and how they are trained to detect objects from imagesOverview of ImageNet image recognition competition, base image detection frameworks ( VGG, SSD, GoogLeNet)Types of object detection frameworks such as YOLO, Caffe, DarkNetYou will be able to develop object classification and detection using Caffe and DarkNet framework models:We'll be creating an object classification application using Caffe framework and GoogleNet base's framework that can distinguish between 1000 objects. We'll be creating an object detection application using MobileSSD base and Caffe framework which can detect and label objects if they belong to any of the 80 different classes of objects and their probability of match.We'll be converting the object detection application to an app which can work on webcam images or video streams in real-time(To be uploaded by next week)We'll be using DarkNet framework and YOLO(You Only Look Once) algorithm v2 to detect images in real-time for faster results(To be uploaded by next week)Enjoy the course!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Curso bsico de preparao desportiva" |
"OBJETIVOOferecer contedo que permita ao aluno construir a base terica do treinamento desportivo para fundamentar a organizao de um plano de preparao desportiva para esportes de resistnciaO treinamento de um atleta amador para provas de resistncia exige uma estrutura que atenda os diversos componentes da preparao: treinamento fsico, tcnico, psicolgico, mdico, etc...Para chegar ao nvel de elaborar um plano de preparao desportiva, especfico e individualizado, capaz de abordar os tipos de treinamento necessrios, o treinador precisa uma capacitao especializada. O curso bsico apresenta os fundamentos do treinamento desportivo para que o profissional de educao fsica tenha uma base terica para justificar a sua prescrio.So contedos apresentados em 4 mdulo, dos aspectos gerais do treinamento desportivo at os conceitos aplicveis especificamente para provas de resistncia. o primeiro passo na formao de preparao desportiva da plataforma de cursos Treino Eficiente.Todo atleta amador merece a experincia de uma preparao profissional."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Linux Interview Questions" |
"Linux is the best-known open-source operating system. Developed in the 90s, the operating system has a wide user base and is very popular among software developers as it offers more flexibility and configuration options. These Linux interview questions will expand your knowledge and help crack your Linux interview. The practice test contains a series of questions grouped into three different levels basics, intermediate and expert."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Articulate Storyline 360 Problem Solver!" |
"You've been working on your Storyline course and the deadline is right around the corner. What do you do? Enroll in the Storyline 360 Problem Solver course! This course is designed with you in mind - solutions that are applicable, easy to understand, and most importantly easy to implement.I'll take you through the following:Triggers and Variables - How to show your learners their progress and how to ensure they view the required contentScenarios - Taking the built-in quiz engine to create scenario-based questionsClear images, video, and text - Assistance in solving fuzzy outputJavaScript - An introduction to learn how it works and ideas on how to write your own codeThis course is designed to grow with you as I'll be adding new content as Storyline is an evolving product and gets updated frequently.Please note: This course shows Storyline 360 screens. You may use Storyline 3 but screens may differ from time to time as Storyline 3 is updated less frequently."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Learn Excel functions" |
" sum , average,max,min,count,counta,countblank,countif,if,ifand,sumif,lookup,hlookup,vlookup,match,index,today, etc"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Qt C++ GUI Development - Intermediate" |
"Qt is a mature cross platform application development framework you can use to develop for Windows, Mac ,Linux, Mobile and Embedded Devices.This course will teach you some of the advanced features of the Qt framework. This is not a beginners course. It is a follow up course on our Qt 5 C++ GUI Development for Beginners course, so you should have completed that course or have similar experience from elsewhere. The course is packed with lots of tips and tricks, to help you master what it takes to build professional GUI applications using C++ and Qt. The lectures are carefully designed and revolving around demos that are to the point and easy to understand. Cutting down the fat and helping you understand a given topic at hand.This course is is not just about theory and simple demos. No !We will do theory and simple demos because you need that to understand the basics. But we will go even further and not build full fledged practical projects for you to put together and practice all the knowledge in the course. You will build a clone of the Flappy Bird game and a full fledged painting application that supports tons of cool features like drawing with the pen, erasing , re-sizable shapes, copy, cut and paste, drag and drop , undo redo , saving and loading documents and many more features.Here are some of things you'll get to master in the course : Event Programming in QtBuilding Custom WidgetsPainting and Drawing with QtDrag and Drop in Qt WidgetsAdvanced Features in Qt Model View ProgrammingGraphics View FrameworkCopy, Cut and Paste Features in GUI applicationsBuilding Resizable Graphics Items Saving and Loading Documents in your Qt applicationsUndo RedoBuilding read only and editable tree models from scratch Supporting multiple languages in your Qt C++ GUI applicationsDeploying your Qt applications on Windows, Mac and Linux and way way more...Towards the end we will build a complete Graphics View based Painting application and a clone of the popular Flappy Bird game for you to put together and use all the knowledge in the course on real projects.The course was carefully designed to get you to build projects step by step, making even complex concepts easy to understand. If you're looking to build professional grade Qt C++ GUI applications, then this course will help you get there in the shortest amount of time possible.Qt is the platform of choice for thousands of software projects, both open source and commercial, including the one we to record our videos. If you want to use C++ to build professional grade GUI applications, that can run virtually on any platform out there, Qt is second to none in that regard. Please check out some of the preview videos and let's get you started building professional C++ GUI applications using Qt."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Multi-Threading and IPC with Qt C++" |
"Qt is a cross platform application development framework , you can use it to develop applications for windows, mac, linux , mobile and embedded devices.This course will enable you to take advantage of the Multi-threading and Inter Process Communication features offered by the Qt framework, using the C++ programming language.You will learn and master different ways you can create and manage threads, give them work they can do in the background and let them report back to you when they are done with the results.The course won't just show you how to create threads and use them to improve the design of your application; you will also understand why each technique works and the common pitfalls one comes across when using threads and IPC in their C++ applications.The lectures are carefully designed backed by engaging demos for you to try out the concepts on your own, right away. If you're looking to use Multi-threading or Inter Process Communication in your Qt C++ applications, this course will get you up and running in the shortest amount of time possible. Here are some of the things you'll get to master as you go through the course : Creating and Managing ThreadsSending Feedback to main threadThread SynchronizationThread Safety and ReentrancyUsing Thread PoolsQt Concurrent : High level Threading APIManaging ProcessesInter Process CommunicationDBusand moreQt is the platform of choice for thousands of software projects, both open source and commercial, including the one we passionately use to record our videos. If you want to use threads and inter process communication mechanisms in your cross platform applications, Qt is going to make your life a whole lot easier. Please check out some of the preview videos, and let's get you started using Threads and Inter Process Communication, in your Qt C++ cross platform applications."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Overcoming Stress & Anxiety: The Calm Mindset Programme" |
"In this course, were going to be focusing on how to managing our stress levels effectively, in order to improve our physical and mental health and enable us to cope with the challenging aspects of modern lives. Across eight modules we will look at: The causes of stress in your life and the impact it's having.Our biological response to stress and how this impacts our health.Recognise the signs of depression and anxiety and understand the different treatments available for them.How to establish routines and systems within your work and personal life in order to boost productivity and reduce overwhelm. Improve your relationships and master effective communication techniques for expressing your feelings and needs.Identifying signs of healthy and harmful relationships in our lives, which contribute to stress.Put in place healthy habits to support your well-being. Establish self-care plans. Add a sense of purpose and joy into your life."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Word de Zro Hro" |
"Vous dbutez avec linformatique et vous souhaitez apprendre vous servir de Word, lditeur de texte par rfrence ? Ce cours est fait pour vous !Lobjectif nest pas de savoir utiliser Word 100% mais de bien matriser les fonctionnalits les plus basiques ainsi que les fonctionnalits les plus utiles et couramment employes pour crer des documents. Vous apprendrez aussi au passage quelques astuces qui vous permettront de mieux utiliser Windows.Ici, pas de ton monotone et soporifique !"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre et Matriser Powerpoint de A Z" |
"Ce cours vous donne toutes les instructions ncessaires pour exploiter efficacement PowerPoint , de sa prise en main l'utilisation de ses fonctions avances.Peu importe si vous tes dbutant ou si vous avez dj utilis une version prcdente de PowerPoint : vous trouverez dans ce cours un ensemble de pratiques qui deviendront vite une seconde nature pour vous."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Rock Star Groom: A Man's Guide To Getting Married" |
"You're getting married! Congrats!Now let's make sure you don't look like a dummy on the big day!Unfortunately, women get all the attention for the wedding while dudes are left stressed out and confused, expected to figure everything out alone.This course is a step-by-step instruction manual for engaged men who want to be Rock Stars on their wedding day but don't have the time and energy to figure out everything they need to do. Who wants to read annoying wedding blogs anyways?Here's What You'll Get In This Course:Professional guidance for dudes, by a dude who is married to a wedding planner.Pre-written vows, speeches and love letters ready to personalizeBest practices for surprising your fianceFill-in-the-blank email templates for family communicationsTips for how to handle in-laws like a proHow to avoid the most common mistakes grooms makeEasy tricks to keep your lady happy during the planning processAnd much more!At the end of this course you will know everything a groom needs to do AND all the thoughtful bonus stuff the Rock Stars do.As icing on your wedding cake, most of it will be done for you...just fill in the blanks.From the instructor:What's up my dude? Congrats on your engagement! Hopefully you're getting excited for the party of a lifetime.When I look back on my wedding I feel shame and embarrassment. My wife blew me out of the water with thoughtful surprises and gifts, my speech and vows were garbage, and I completely neglected my family. Total #fail. I wish someone would have told me how important and symbolic the big day really is. I wish I had a coach that held my hand and showed me all the cool stuff I could do for my friends, family, and especially my fiance.My wedding is over, but it's not too late for you. The goal of this course is to make you look like a total stud and feel ultra-confident walking into your big day. You'll know everything a groom needs to do along with all the extra credit stuff the rock stars do.-Eric"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
Python |
"15.5 Pythonwhile for Python"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
R |
" 16.5 ======while for ======"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"SQL Introduction to SQL" |
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
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Price: 1000.00 ![]() |