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"Photoshop Lightroom CC 2020 Fotoraf Dzenleme Eitim Seti" |
"+37,500 rencisiyle popler eitmen statsne sahip Afgan Rasulov ile renin!Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC ile fotoraflarnz profesyonelce dzenlemeye balayn! Hzl renme dersleri ile hemen uygulamaya balayacaksnz!Fotoraflarnz profesyonel dzenlemenizi salayan bir fotoraf dzenleme uygulamas aryorsanz, Adobe Lightroom CC en iyi seenektir. Lightroom CC, dnya genelinde profesyonel dn fotoraflar, manzara fotoraflar, bebek fotoraflar, portre fotoraflar baka deyile tm fotoraflar tarafndan en iyi fotoraf dzenleme program olarak kullanrl. Yeni balayanlar iin Lightroom CC Hiper hzlandrlm kursu, uygulamay HIZLI renmeni ve HEMEN dzenlemeye balaman salayacaktr.Fotoraflar hayal ettiiniz gibi dzenleyin!Fotoraf dzeneleme yaparken uygulamalarla altrma yapn. Bu kurs egzersiz, pratik video dosyalarn ierir, bylece bir taraftan videolar izlerken dier taraftan pratik yapabilirsiniziniz. Mesleki uygulamalar ile daha verimli ren!Dn fotoraflar, Manzara fotoraflar, Bebek fotoraflar, Portre fotoraflar iin zel tasarlanm video dersler ile daha verimli renmenizi salayacaktr.Kursun sonunda, Lightroom CC programn profesyoneller gibi kullanmay reneceksiniz! Sfrdan hi bilginiz olmadan baladnz kursun sonunda fotoraf dzenleme teknikleri, manzara fotoraflarlar dzenleme, ileme pf noktalarn, portre fotoraflarnda profesyonel renk teknikleri ve efektleri gibi bir ok teknii reneceksiniz.Kurs Photoshop Lightroom CC srm kullanlarak hazrland. Ancak nceki bir srme sahipseniz (CS6, CS5, CS4, CS3 - Mac veya PC), bir profesyonel gibi halen fotoraf dzenlemeyi renebilirsiniz. Afgan Rasulov kimdir ve onu farkl klan nedir?Afgan Rasulov hem Adobe Photoshop hem de YouTube Sertifikal Uzman YouTube'da 240.000'den fazla abonesiyle Afgan Rasulov kendi adyla at Trkiyenin en byk YouTube ve Photoshop dersleri video eitimlerini paylaan YouTube kanalnn sahibidir. Eitimlerini 21 milyondan fazla kii izledi!Yllardr insanlara kendileri gelitirmeleri iin uzmanlat konularda online eitimler hazrlyor ve iini ok iyi yapyor. Tm bu zaman boyunca binlerce gzel yorum ald. Ekiszlk'te hakknda yazlm yorumlar iin adn aratabilirsiniz. Eitimleri 17,000+ renci ve yzlerce gzel yorum ald ve POPLER ETMEN statsn kazand! Afgan Rasulov hakknda yaplan Ekiszlk yorumlardan bazlar:Eitimlerini severek takip ettiim kii. Anlatm tarz, slubu gerekten gzel. Ayrca Photoshopa yeni balayanlar iin iyi bir rehber, umarz devam eder eitimlere - suyuarayanadamGerekten gayet kaliteli ve retici dersleri var. Umarm hep devam eder. u Dnya'da en ok sayg duyulmas gereken ilerden birini yapyor. - cokoprensAzerbaycan uyruklu olmasna ramen dzgn diksiyonu ve Trke'siyle skmadan, kafalar kartrmadan Photoshop eitimi veren gzel insan. Kendisinden renilecek ok ey var. - kafkasorcunBu Adobe Lightroom CC kursu ne hakknda?Adobe Lightroom CC fotoraf dzenleme kursuna ynelik yeni balayanlara zel bu eksiksiz klavuzda, yalnzca Lightroom CCde bulunan dzenleme aralarn deil, ayn zamanda profesyonel bir fotoraf zihniyetiyle dzenlemeyi de reneceksiniz.Bu kurs aadakiler de dahil olmak zere fotoraf dzenlemeye balamak iin bilmeniz gereken her eyi kapsayacaktr:Fotoraflar rtulama ve onarma iin en iyi yntem ve pf noktalarFotoraflarda istediin objeyi yok etmek iin en iyi rehberLightroom CC ile dudak rengi deitirme ilemiLightroom CC ile gz rengi deitirme ilemiLightroom CC fra aracn kullanrken yaplan hatalarLightroom CC degrade filtreleri ile patlam gkyz dzenlemeLightroom CC ile pratik gne efekti ekleme yntemiTebrikler! Adobe Lightroom CC eitimini tamamladnz!Her fotorafnn bilmesi gereken color harmony, renk harmonisi nedirRenk harmonisi iin kullanabileceiniz cretsiz web sitelerLightroom CC'da dramatik manzara fotoraf yapmLightroom CC'da fotorafa dinamizm ekleme pf noktalarDragan tarz dramatik ve gz-alc fotoraf efekti uygulamasPortre fotoraflarn yz przszletirme iin kullandm teknikPortre fotoraflarda gz ve dudak blgelerini vurgulama ilemiPortre fotoraflarna dinamizm nasl eklenir ve neden nemlidirBonus videolar ve gelimi verimlilik ipularok daha fazlas!u anda sektrde alan, en gncel fotoraf dzenleme tekniklerini bilen ve Trkiyenin en byk grafik ve tasarm kanalna sahip bir kiiden renin.BONUS: Bonus olarak, siz renirken uygulamalar pratik yapmanz iin indirilebilir ek video ve ses klipleri alacaksnz.Bu kursun sonunda, bir fotoraf olarak olan gveniniz artacak. ster hobi isterse de profesyonel sektrde Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC en iyi teknikler ile ksa srede fotoraf dzenlemeyi ve muhteem grntlere sahip efektleri nasl yapldn tam olarak anlayacaksnz.ETM MD SATIN ALIN VE NDRM KAIRMAYIN!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Premiere Pro CC ile Mzik Klibi Yapm ve Montaj" |
"Adobe Premiere Pro CC ile videonuzu profesyonelce dzenlemeye balayn! Hzl renme dersleri ile hemen uygulamaya balayacaksnz!Videolar istediiniz ekilde dzenlemenizi salayacak bir video dzenleme uygulamas aryorsanz, Adobe Premiere Pro en iyi cevaptr. Premiere Pro, dnya genelindeki profesyoneller tarafndan i ve pazarlama videolarndan, mzik videolarndan belgesellere, uzun metrajl filmlere, YouTube ocuk, oyun, vlog, video mzik klibine kadar her trl yapm iin video edit programlar iinde en iyi montaj program olarak kullanlr. Yeni balayanalar iin video dzenleme hzlandrlm kursu, dorudan uygulamay renmeni ve dzenlemeye balaman salayacaktr.Videolar hayal ettiiniz gibi dzenleyin!Video dzenleme yaparken uygulamalarla altrma yapn. Bu kurs egzersiz, pratik video dosyalarn ierir, bylece bir taraftan videolar izlerken dier taraftan pratik yapabilirsiniziniz. Kursun sonunda, en az uygulamal 3 farkl video montaj dzenleme reneceksiniz! Sfrdan hi bilgininiz olmadan video montaj yapmay, video mzik klibi, doum hikayesi, dn hikayesi, profesyonel gei efektleri gibi bir ok teknii reneceksiniz.Kurs Adobe Premiere Pro CC srmn kullanlarak hazrland. Ancak nceki bir srme sahipseniz (CS6, CS5, CS4, CS3 - Mac veya PC), bir profesyonel gibi halen dzenlemeyi renebilirsiniz. Afgan Rasulov kimdir ve onu farkl klan nedir?Afgan Rasulov hem Adobe Photoshop hem de YouTube Sertifikal Uzman YouTube'da 240.000'den fazla abonesiyle Afgan Rasulov kendi adyla at Trkiyenin en byk YouTube ve Photoshop dersleri video eitimlerini paylaan YouTube kanalnn sahibidir. Eitimlerini 19 milyondan fazla kii izledi!Yllardr insanlara kendileri gelitirmeleri iin uzmanlat konularda online eitimler hazrlyor ve iini ok iyi yapyor. Tm bu zaman boyunca binlerce gzel yorumlar ald. Ekiszlk'te hakknda yazlm yorumlar iin adn aratabilirsiniz. Eitimleri 17,000+ renci ve yzlerce 5 yldzl yorum ald ve POPLER ETMEN statsn kazand! Afgan Rasulov hakknda yaplan Ekiszlk yorumlardan bazlar:Eitimlerini severek takip ettiim kii. Anlatm tarz, uslb gerekten gzel. Ayrca Photoshopa yeni balayanlar iin iyi bir rehber, umarz devam eder eitimlere - suyuarayanadamGerekten gayet kaliteli ve retici dersleri var. Umarm hep devam eder. u Dnya'da en ok sayg duyulmas gereken ilerden birini yapyor. - cokoprensAzerbaycan uyruklu olmasna ramen dzgn diksiyonu ve Trke'siyle skmadan, kafalar kartrmadan Photoshop eitimi veren gzel insan. Kendisinden renilecek ok ey var. - kafkasorcunBu Adobe Premiere Pro kursu ne hakknda?Adobe Premiere Pro video dzenleme kursuna ynelik yeni balayanlara zel bu eksiksiz klavuzda, yalnzca Premiere Pro'da bulunan dzenleme aralarn deil, ayn zamanda profesyonel bir editrn zihniyetiyle dzenlemeyi de reneceksiniz.Bu kurs aadakiler de dahil olmak zere video dzenlemeye balamak iin bilmeniz gereken her eyi kapsayacaktr:En kolay ekilde yeni proje oluturmak Pratik ve hzl video dzenleme teknikleriMzikli video yapma ile ilgili en detayl bilgilerToplu video ve ses geileri eklemeProfesyonel ve modern video gei efektleri ekleme ve pf noktalarProfesyonel ve modern balklar eklemek (hatta bazlar hareketli)Videolarda dip sesi yok ederek ses kalitesinin artrnVideolara mkemmel bir tarz vermek iin renk dzenleme ve LUT kullanmProjelerinize video ve grsel efektler eklemeYeil perde, chroma key kullanm ve tm ayarlarInstagram, Facebook ve YouTube iin yksel kaliteli da aktarma yntemleriVideo krpma, kesme, birletirme ileminde bile artacak dzenleme teknikleriBonus videolar ve gelimi verimlilik ipularok daha fazlas!u anda sektrde alan, en gncel kurgu tekniklerini bilen ve Trkiyenin en byk grafik ve tasarm kanalna sahip bir kiiden renin.BONUS: Bonus olarak, siz renirken uygulamalar pratik yapmanz iin indirilebilir ek video ve ses klipleri alacaksnz.Bu kursun sonunda, bir video editr olarak olan gveniniz artacak. ster hobi isterse de profesyonel sektrde Adobe Premiere Pro'nun kariyer frsat olarak nasl kullanlacan tam olarak anlayacaksnz.Eitimi imdi satn aln ve indirimi karmayn!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Dijital Reklam iin Tasarm ve Animasyon Kursu" |
"+33,700 rencisiyle en popler eitmen statsne sahip Afgan Rasulov ile renin!Dijital pazarlama, sosyal medya reklamcl, Instagram, Facebook ve Google reklamlarn animasyonlar ile hareket katn! Pratik hzl reneme teknikleri ile bir ka saat iinde kendi animasyonlarnz oluturacaksnz.Adobe After Effects CC ile grafik almalarnz profesyonelce hareketli animasyona evireceksiniz! Hzl renme dersleri ile hemen uygulamaya balayacaksnz!Sosyal medya hesaplarnza profesyonel story videolar hazrlamak istiyorsanz doru eitim setindesiniz. Markanz, rnlerinizi, etkinliinizi veya aklnza gelebilecek herhangi bir eyi hareketli story videolarna evirin. Grafik almalarn profesyonel animasyon hareket eklemeye salayan bir animasyon program aryorsanz, Adobe After Effects CC en iyi seenektir. After Effects CC, dnya genelinde profesyonel animatrler ve grafiklere hareket vermek isteyen tm reklam ve dijital pazarlamaclar tarafndan en iyi animasyon grsel efekt program olarak kullanlr. Yeni balayanlar iin After Effects CC Hiper hzlandrlm kursu, uygulamay HIZLI renmeni ve HEMEN dzenlemeye balaman salayacaktr. Ayrca Hiper hzlandrlm Photoshop CC programn da reneceksiniz. ki program tek eitim seti iinde!Reklam ve Dijital pazarlama almalarna hayal ettiiniz gibi hareket verin!Reklam ve dijital pazarlama grafik almalarnza animasyon, hareket eklerken uygulamalarla altrma yapn. Bu kurs egzersiz, pratik video dosyalarn ierir, bylece bir taraftan videolar izlerken dier taraftan pratik yapabilirsiniz.Mesleki uygulamalar ile daha verimli ren!Reklam ve dijital pazarlama alanna zel tasarlanm video dersler ile daha verimli renmenizi salayacaktr.Kursun sonunda, After Effects CC programn kullanarak istediiniz animasyonu oluturabileceksiniz!Sfrdan hi bilginiz olmadan baladnz kursun sonunda animasyon ekleme teknikleri, grafiklere hareket ekleme ile ilgili pf noktalar, pratik ve kaliteli ekilde uygulamay kullanarak bir ok teknii ksa srede reneceksiniz.Kurs After Effects CC, Photoshop CC srm kullanlarak hazrland. Ancak nceki bir srme sahipseniz (CS6, CS5, CS4, CS3 - Mac veya PC), bir profesyonel gibi halen fotoraf dzenlemeyi renebilirsiniz.Afgan Rasulov kimdir ve onu farkl klan nedir?Afgan Rasulov hem Adobe Photoshop hem de YouTube Sertifikal Uzman YouTube'da 240.000'den fazla abonesiyle Afgan Rasulov kendi adyla at Trkiyenin en byk YouTube ve Photoshop dersleri video eitimlerini paylaan YouTube kanalnn sahibidir. Eitimlerini 21 milyondan fazla kii izledi!Yllardr insanlara kendileri gelitirmeleri iin uzmanlat konularda online eitimler hazrlyor ve iini ok iyi yapyor. Tm bu zaman boyunca binlerce gzel yorum ald. Ekiszlk'te hakknda yazlm yorumlar iin adn aratabilirsiniz.Eitimleri 33,700+ renci ve yzlerce gzel yorum ald ve POPLER ETMEN statsn kazand!Afgan Rasulov hakknda yaplan Ekiszlk yorumlardan bazlar:Eitimlerini severek takip ettiim kii. Anlatm tarz, slubu gerekten gzel. Ayrca Photoshopa yeni balayanlar iin iyi bir rehber, umarz devam eder eitimlere - suyuarayanadamGerekten gayet kaliteli ve retici dersleri var. Umarm hep devam eder. u Dnya'da en ok sayg duyulmas gereken ilerden birini yapyor. - cokoprensAzerbaycan uyruklu olmasna ramen dzgn diksiyonu ve Trke'siyle skmadan, kafalar kartrmadan Photoshop eitimi veren gzel insan. Kendisinden renilecek ok ey var. - kafkasorcunBu kurs kimler iin uygun:Sfrdan After Effects CCyi renmek isteyenlerSfrdan Adobe Photoshop CCyi renmekFacebook, Instagram, Google reklamlarna animasyona evirmek isteyenlerAnimasyon renerek sosyal medya reklamclarndan bir adm nde olmak isteyenlerok hzl ve pratik yoldan reklam ve dijital pazarlama grafiklerine animasyon eklemek isteyenlerPratik animasyon teknikleri ile grafikleri calandrmak isteyenlerInstagram hikayelerine hareketli animasyonlar eklemek isteyenlerReklam ve dijital pazarlama tasarm almalarnz iin Photoshop CC, animasyon ve grafiklere hareket ekleme iin After Effects CC dnyann en iyi iki uygulamas.ok hzl renmek isteyenler iin Hiper hzlandrlm kursu gelitirdik! Bylece 45 dakikada program renebileceksiniz!Ayrca kurs iine yeni videolar eklenecektir. Eitimi bir defa satn almanz yeterli. Eklenen yeni videolar iin ekstra para demek zorunda deilsiniz.Son olarak 30 Gn inde Para ade Garantisi veriyoruz! Bylece eitimi satn alp deneyebilirsiniz. Memnun kalmazsanz koulsuz iade edebilirsiniz.Afgan Rasulov hakknda Google ve Ekiszlkte yazlm olan yorumlar okuyabilirsiniz. Udemyde farkl eitim setleri bulunuyor. 19.000+ kii eitimlerini satn ald. Yzlerce gzel yorum yazld. Ayrca 250bin takipili bir YouTube kanal da mevcut.Eitimde grmek dileimizle. Kendinize iyi bakn, hoakaln!"
Price: 379.99 ![]() |
"Final Cut Pro X ile Video Dzenleme Balang Rehberi" |
"Final Cut Pro X ile video dzenlemeyi HEMEN renin! Bu kurs ile ksa srede Final Cut Pro X ile video dzenlemeyi en ksa srede reneceksiniz. Video montaj renmek isteyenler iin mkemmel bir kurs. zellikle YEN BALAYAN ve HIZLI RENMEK isteyenler iin tasarlanmtr.zellikle de video dzenleme gibi karmak bir eyleri renmek zor olabilir. Bu kurs sizi FCP X ile tantracak ve arayzde kendinizi rahat hissetmenize yardmc olacaktr.Mac OS iletim sistemi kullanyor ve videolarnz montajlamaya yardmc olacak bir video dzenleme uygulamas, program aryorsanz Final Cut Pro X en iyi seim olacaktr. Final Cut Pro X, dnya apnda profesyoneller tarafndan, i ve pazarlama, reklam videolarndan, mzik kliplerinden, belgesel videolarna, uzun metrajl filmlere kadar her tr retim iin kullanlmaktadr. Yeni balayanlar iin zel tasarlanm bu kurs ile video dzenleme, montaj konusunu hemen reneceksiniz.Bu kurs Apple'n Final Cut Pro X programna balamak isteyen herkes iin tasarlanmtr. zellikle yeni balayanlar iin idealdir. Tantmak istediiz bir video iinizi ya da sosyal medya kampanyalarnz iin dijital video ierie ihtiyacnz olabilir. Final Cut Pro X tm ihtiyalarnz iin tasarlanmtr ve bu program ile video oluturmak ok kolay.Ses, video ve resimlerin nasl ie aktarlacan reneceksiniz.Video dzenleme sreci hakknda her eyi reneceksiniz.almanz son cilalanm bir video olarak da aktarma hakknda bilmeniz gereken her eyi reneceksiniz.Ksayollar ile daha hzl video dzenleme yapabileceksiniz.iMovie veya Windows Movie Maker programlarn kullanm olabilirsiniz. Onlar ok snrl programlar. imdi adm atp byk liglere katlma zaman! FCP X, tam zellikli bir endstri standard profesyonel seviyede video editrdr. Bir ka saat iinde video montajlamay kolayca reneceksiniz!renirken pratik yapn! Uygulamal interaktif kurs pratik video dosyalarn ile videoyu izlerken takip edebilir ve pratik yaparak renebilirsiniz.Final Cut Pro X 10.4.6 srmn kullanarak kursu anlatlyor, ancak daha nceki bir srmnz varsa dahi bir profesyonel gibi dzenleme yapmay hala renebilirsiniz.Popler eitmen Afgan Rasulov kimdir?Afgan Rasulov hem Adobe Photoshop hem de YouTube Sertifikal Uzman YouTube'da 250.000'den fazla abonesiyle Afgan Rasulov kendi adyla at Trkiyenin en byk YouTube ve Photoshop dersleri video eitimlerini paylaan YouTube kanalnn sahibidir. Eitimlerini 21 milyondan fazla kii izledi!Yllardr insanlara kendileri gelitirmeleri iin uzmanlat konularda online eitimler hazrlyor ve iini ok iyi yapyor. Tm bu zaman boyunca binlerce gzel yorum ald. Ekiszlk'te hakknda yazlm yorumlar iin adn aratabilirsiniz.Eitimleri 17,000+ renci ve yzlerce gzel yorum ald ve POPLER ETMEN statsn kazand!Afgan Rasulov hakknda yaplan Ekiszlk yorumlardan bazlar:Eitimlerini severek takip ettiim kii. Anlatm tarz, uslb gerekten gzel. Ayrca Photoshopa yeni balayanlar iin iyi bir rehber, umarz devam eder eitimlere - suyuarayanadamGerekten gayet kaliteli ve retici dersleri var. Umarm hep devam eder. u Dnya'da en ok sayg duyulmas gereken ilerden birini yapyor. - cokoprensAzerbaycan uyruklu olmasna ramen dzgn diksiyonu ve Trke'siyle skmadan, kafalar kartrmadan Photoshop eitimi veren gzel insan. Kendisinden renilecek ok ey var. - kafkasorcunFinal Cut Pro X Video Dzenleme kursunun amac nedir? Apple Mac OS iletim sistemi kullanclar FCP X renmek isteyen herkesin sklmadan ve kolay ekilde program renilmesi iin tasarlanmtr.Bu kurs, video dzenlemeyi balatmak iin bilmeniz gereken her eyi kapsayacaktr.Video dzenleme balang rehberiVideo montaj ve birletirme teknikleriVideolara gei efektleri eklemeVideo proxy ile 2K, 4K videolar kolaylkla dzenleyinVideolara logo eklemeLogoya hareket vermeProjelerinize grsel efektler eklemekHzl almak iin ipularve ok daha fazlas...Bu kursun sonunda, video dzenleme konusunda gveniniz artacaktr. Video montaj eitimini aldktan sonra kendi vlog videolarnz montajlayacak, tantmlarnz, reklamnz, sosyal medya videolarnz hazrlayacaksnz.BONUS olarak, size retirken pratik yapmak iin ek video ve ses kliplerini CRETSZ indirebileceksiniz.Eitimi baarl ekilde tamamladktan sonra BTRME SERTFKASI alacaksnz.Hemen bu eitimi satn alp kariyerinizi bir adm ne tayn. stelik deneyip memnun kalmazsanz 30 gn iinde paranz geri alabilirsiniz."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Doum Fotorafl Fotoraf Dzenleme Kursu Photoshop CC" |
"Gereksinimlerrenciler takip edebilmek iin bilgisayarlarnda Adobe Photoshop CC ykl olmaldr. ndirilebilir uygulama klibi ile bu kurs boyunca bir ok uygulama altrmas var. Eitimi izlerken uygulamal pratik yapmanz istiyoruz.Bu kursu Adobe Premiere Pro CC'nin (creative bulut) en son srmn kullanarak retiyoruz, bu yzden CC'yi kullanyorsanz en iyisi budur. Ancak daha nceki bir srm varsa (CS6, CS5, CS4, CS3 - Mac veya PC), bir profesyonel gibi dzenleme yapmay hala renebilirsiniz.AklamaBu fotoraflk kursu Doum, Bebek ve Yenidoan Fotorafs olmak isteyenler iin zel tasarlanm Photoshop CC eitimidir. Doum fotoraf ekimlerini profesyonel dzenleme ilemi yapabilmeniz iin bu kursa katlmalsnz.Trkiyenin en kapsaml Yenidoan Fotorafl Eitim Setidir ve srekli gncellenmektedir.Online Doum Fotorafl Kursu olduu iin ister Bilgisayar, isterse de Mobil uygulama zerinden eitimleri izleyebilirsiniz.** Tek sefer deme yapmanz yeterlidir. Aylk deme alnmaz. Bir defa deme yaptktan sonra tm eklenecek yeni videolara cretsiz ularsnz.* En iyi fiyat garantisi* En kapsaml ders ierii* zel soru sorma imkan* Baar ve Eitim Sertifikas* Tek deme ile mr boyu eriim* Mobil ve bilgisayardan izleme imkan* Yeni eklenen videolara cretsiz eriimYenidoan fotoraflarn profesyonelce dzenlemeye balayn! Hzl renme dersleri ile hemen uygulamaya balayacaksnz!Yeni doan bebek fotoraflarn dzenlemek istiyorsanz Adobe Photoshop CC en iyi uygulamadr. Photoshop CC program globalde tm amatr ve profesyonel fotoraf ve sanatlar tarafndan kullanlr.Dnya genelinde profesyonellerin kulland teknikleri uygulamal olarak renmeni salayacaktr.Yenidoan fotoraflar istediiniz ettiiniz gibi dzenleyin!Fotoraf dzenleme yaparken uygulamalarla altrma yapn. Bu kurs egzersiz, pratik video dosyalarn ierir, bylece bir taraftan videolar izlerken dier taraftan pratik yapabilirsiniz.Kursun sonunda, bir profesyonel gibi fotoraf dzenleme reneceksiniz!Doum, bebek ve yenidoan fotorafl kursu ile sfrdan hi bilginiz olmadan profesyonel fotoraf dzenleme tekniklerini reneceksiniz.Kursun leyiiDers online video eklindedir. Eitmen videoda konu konu anlatacaklarn anlatr. Katlmclar akllarna taklan sorular Soru&Cevap blmnde sorabilirler. Eitmen, bu sorular da yantlayacaktr.Ayrca ""Yenidoan Fotoraf Dzenleme"" ile ilgili dkmanlar, fotoraflar da paylalacaktr.Kurs bitiminde katlan tm kursiyerlerimize bitirme sertifikas verilmektedir.Bu Fotoraf Dzenleme Kursu Sayesinde Neler reneceksinizA'dan Z'ye yenidoan fotoraf dzenleme ile ilgili her detay reneceksinizPhotoshop CC ile Doum Fotoraf dzenleme tekniklerini ve pf noktalar greceksinizektiiniz yenidoan fotoraflarnda profesyonellerin kullandklar yntemleri ve nasl ilemeniz gerektiini reneceksinizAfgan Rasulov kimdir ve onu farkl klan nedir?Afgan Rasulov hem Adobe Photoshop hem de YouTube Sertifikal Uzman YouTube'da 250.000'den fazla abonesiyle Afgan Rasulov kendi adyla at Trkiyenin en byk YouTube ve Photoshop dersleri video eitimlerini paylaan YouTube kanalnn sahibidir. Eitimlerini 21 milyondan fazla kii izledi!Yllardr insanlara kendileri gelitirmeleri iin uzmanlat konularda online eitimler hazrlyor ve iini ok iyi yapyor. Tm bu zaman boyunca binlerce gzel yorum ald. Ekiszlk'te hakknda yazlm yorumlar iin adn aratabilirsiniz.Eitimleri 22,000+ renci ve yzlerce gzel yorum ald ve EN POPLER ETMEN statsn kazand!Afgan Rasulov hakknda yaplan Ekiszlk yorumlardan bazlar:Eitimlerini severek takip ettiim kii. Anlatm tarz, uslb gerekten gzel. Ayrca Photoshopa yeni balayanlar iin iyi bir rehber, umarz devam eder eitimlere - suyuarayanadamGerekten gayet kaliteli ve retici dersleri var. Umarm hep devam eder. u Dnya'da en ok sayg duyulmas gereken ilerden birini yapyor. - cokoprensAzerbaycan uyruklu olmasna ramen dzgn diksiyonu ve Trke'siyle skmadan, kafalar kartrmadan Photoshop eitimi veren gzel insan. Kendisinden renilecek ok ey var. - kafkasorcunBu Doum, Bebek ve Yenidoan Fotoraf Dzenleme kursu ne hakknda?Adobe Photoshop CC fotoraf dzenleme kursuna ynelik yeni balayanlara zel bu eksiksiz klavuzda, yalnzca Photoshop CC'de bulunan dzenleme aralarn deil, ayn zamanda profesyonel bir yenidoan fotorafs zihniyetiyle dzenlemeyi de reneceksiniz.Bu kurs aadakiler de dahil olmak zere bebek fotoraf dzenlemeye balamak iin bilmeniz gereken her eyi kapsayacaktr:Pratik ve hzl doum, yenidoan ve bebek fotoraf dzenleme teknikleriYenidoan fotoraf rtu ilemleri ile ilgili en detayl bilgilerCamera RAW kullanarak bebek fotoraflarna k ekleme teknikleriniYenidoan profesyonel fotoraflarn kulland renk ekleme teknikleriniYenidoan fotoraf zemin deitirme ilemiLUT kullanarak bebek fotoraflarna renk eklemeDoum fotoraflarnda bebek modellere boyut kazandrma teknikleriniPhotoshop CC programn profesyonel kullanmanz iin notlarBonus videolar ve gelimi verimlilik ipularok daha fazlas!u anda sektrde alan, en gncel Photoshop CC tekniklerini bilen ve Trkiyenin en byk grafik ve tasarm kanalna sahip bir kiiden renin.BONUS: Bonus olarak, siz renirken uygulamalar pratik yapmanz iin indirilebilir ek fotoraf dosyalarn indirebileceksiniz.Bu kursun sonunda, bir video editr olarak olan gveniniz artacak. ster hobi isterse de profesyonel sektrde Adobe Premiere Pro'nun kariyer frsat olarak nasl kullanlacan tam olarak anlayacaksnz.Eitimi imdi satn aln ve indirimi karmayn!Bu kurs kimler iin uygun:Sfrdan doum, yenidoan ve bebek fotoraf dzenlemeyi renmek isteyenlerok hzl ve pratik yoldan fotoraf dzenleme renmek isteyenlerProfesyonel yenidoan fotoraflarnn kullandklar teknikleri renmek isteyenlerPhotoshop CC programn verimli ekilde kullanmak isteyenlerA'dan Z'ye yenidoan fotoraf dzenleme ile ilgili her detay renmek isteyenlerYenidoan fotoraf renk efektlerini ve pf noktalarn renmek isteyenlerProfesyonel yenidoan fotoraf ileme srecini merak edenler"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Ev Kadnlarna zel YouTube Para Kazanma Eitimi" |
"Evde video ekerek para kazann. Bebeinizin, ailenizin telefonla videosunu ekerek para kazann. Ailenize, ocuklarnza ve tm sevdiklerinize daha fazla zaman ayrn. YouTube para kazanma eitimi ile internetten para kazann. Evde ek i yaparak para kazann, hayat kalitenizi artrn. Yaam standardnz ykselsin.Telefondan video ekerek evden para kazannEvde i yaparak para kazanmak hayal deil. Bir telefona sahip olmanz yeterlidir. Hem iPhone hem de Samsung, Huawei gibi Android telefon kullananlar iin uygundur. Eitim dili sadedir. Yeni balayanlar iin uygundur. Herkes anlasn diye tm eitim telefon kullanarak hazrland. Elinizde telefon olmas yeterlidir.Kendi iinizin patronu olun!Her anne ve baba ocuunu sever. Onlara daha fazla vakit ayrmak ister. Ama i koullar, sevdiklerimizle vakit geirmemize engel olur. stresi ve yorgunluu akama kadar enerjimizi tketir. Eve geldikten sonra eimize, ocuklarmza istedii ilgiyi vermek zorlar. nk akama kadar i bizi tketmitir. nternetten para kazanma ile evden para kazanabilirsiniz. Evde para kazandran en iyi i imkanYoun i hayatndan ve kouturmalardan bkp usandysanz YouTube en iyi zm. Sadece telefon ile video ekerek bunu baarabilirsiniz. Hem ailenize daha fazla vakit ayrr hem de YouTubedan para kazanarak daha mutlu bir hayata sahip olabilirsiniz. Eitim dili sadedir. Her yatan anne ve baba iin uygundur. Az aln ok kazann!Kadnlar iin yeni i frsatEv hanm ya da almayan kadnlar iin YouTube yeni bir i frsatdr. Telefon ile ocuunuzun, ailenizin gnlk videolarn ekerek evden para kazanacaksnz. Eviniz, aileniz iin ek gelir eldem etmenin en iyi yolu internetten para kazanmaktr.Aileler iin yeni i fikirleriYouTube evde para kazanma iin yeni i fikirleri arasnda en iyisidir. Aileniz ile gzel vakit geirerek video ekecek ve huzurla yaayacaksnz. Sevdiiniz ii yaparsanz, bir gn bile alm saylmazsnz.YouTubedan ne kadar para kazanrmEn kolay iler arasnda YouTube diyebiliriz. Evde ek i olarak YouTube para kazanmak iin en iyi yollardan bir tanesidir. Dolar olarak kazanrsnz. Bebek videolar, ocuk videolar ve aile videolar eken YouTube kanallar aylk 500$-10000$ arasnda para kazanabiliyor. Hatta milyoner dahi olabilirsiniz!Bu kurs kimler iin uygun:Her yatan anne ve babalar iin uygundurVideo ekerek para kazanmak isteyen ocuklu aileler iin uygundurEvden para kazanmak isteyen anne ve babalar iin uygundur.Gnlk video ekerek para kazanmak isteyen her yatan aileler iin uygundurGiriimci kadnlar, anneler ve babalar iin uygundurKadnlar iin yeni i frsat arayan kiiler iin uygundurVideo ekerek ek gelir elde etmek isteyenler iin uygundurBu kurs YouTube Para Kazanma iine balamak iin bilmeniz gereken her eyi kapsayacaktr. Kurs iinde anlatlan konularn bazlar:YouTube nedir ve reklamlardan nasl para kazanrsnYouTube kanal nasl alr cretsiz, pratik ve hzlYouTube kanal iin bir Gmail hesab amakYouTube kapak grseli nasl tasarlanr - cretsiz ve programszYouTube kanal grseli nasl yklenirYouTube logosu nasl tasarlanr - cretsiz ve programszTelefon ile profesyonel video nasl ekersinYouTube videosu ekerken nelere dikkat etmeliyimYouTube videolar iin parlak k elde etmenin pratik yolunsanlarn videolarnz sklmadan izlemesi iin en nemli teknikiPhone iin internetten mzik ve video nasl indirilirAndroid iin internetten mzik ve video nasl indirilirYouTube video montaj telefondan nasl yaplr - pratik, hzl ve cretsizDoru yoldan video ykleme nasl yaplmalYouTube kk resim yapm - cretsiz ve programszYouTube'da baarl olmak iin bilmeniz gereken nemli kuralYouTube kanalnzn kapanmamas iin bilmeniz gerekenlerBonus videolar ve gelimi verimlilik ipularok daha fazlas!Ksa, net ve pratik anlatmKurs 3 saat sryor! Anne ve babalarn hzl renmesi iin kursu ksa tuttuk. Bylece ok ksa sre iin YouTube para kazanma tekniklerini renceksiniz!Her yatan anne ve babalar iin zel tasarlandEitim seti her yatan anne ve baba dikkate alnarak tasarland. Onlarca kaliteli video ile sadece telefon kullanarak tm pf noktalar reneceksiniz.Yeni videolara cretsiz eriinAyrca kurs iine yeni videolar eklenecektir. Eitimi bir defa satn almanz yeterli. Eklenen yeni videolar iin ekstra para demek zorunda deilsiniz.30 Gn koulsuz para iade garantisiSon olarak 30 Gn iinde para iade garantisi veriyoruz! Bylece eitimi satn alp deneyebilirsiniz. Memnun kalmazsanz koulsuz iade edebilirsiniz.ETM MD SATIN ALIN VE NDRM KAIRMAYIN!+21,000 rencisiyle popler eitmen statsne sahip Afgan Rasulov ile renin!Afgan Rasulov kimdir ve onu farkl klan nedir? Afgan Rasulov hem Adobe Photoshop hem de YouTube Sertifikal Uzman YouTube'da 250.000'den fazla abonesiyle Afgan Rasulov kendi adyla at Trkiyenin en byk YouTube ve Photoshop dersleri video eitimlerini paylaan YouTube kanalnn sahibidir. Eitimlerini 21 milyondan fazla kii izledi!nternet bu eitmeni seviyorYllardr insanlara kendileri gelitirmeleri iin uzmanlat konularda online eitimler hazrlyor ve iini ok iyi yapyor. Tm bu zaman boyunca binlerce gzel yorum ald. Eki szlkte hakknda yazlm yorumlar iin adn aratabilirsiniz. Eitimleri 21,000+ renci ve yzlerce gzel yorum ald ve POPLER ETMEN statsn kazand!Afgan Rasulov hakknda yaplan Eki szlk yorumlardan bazlar:Eitimlerini severek takip ettiim kii. Anlatm tarz, slubu gerekten gzel. Ayrca Photoshopa yeni balayanlar iin iyi bir rehber, umarz devam eder eitimlere - suyuarayanadamGerekten gayet kaliteli ve retici dersleri var. Umarm hep devam eder. u Dnya'da en ok sayg duyulmas gereken ilerden birini yapyor. - cokoprensAzerbaycan uyruklu olmasna ramen dzgn diksiyonu ve Trke'siyle skmadan, kafalar kartrmadan Photoshop eitimi veren gzel insan. Kendisinden renilecek ok ey var. - kafkasorcun"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Autonomous Robots: Model Predictive Control" |
"Learn to Program A Self-Driving Car In My Online Course!In this course you will make an autonomous car drive itself! You will create an algorithm that will give the car the ability to:Follow the speed limit.Pull into parking spaces.Avoid obstacles.If you love cars (or robots) and want to see if you can code a car that can park, control its speed, and avoid obstacles all on its own this course is for you. Whether you have extensive coding knowledge or just an interest in robotics, this course will take your skills to the next level. Most importantly, youll have fun throughout the process. You wont just learn about the concepts, you will have a chance to actually implement them, test them, and see the results in real time. Learning sticks better when you put it into action, and seeing results is what makes the process so rewarding. With my custom simulator, you can see how your algorithm would work on a real car.Model Predictive Control is a useful concept to understand for all areas of robotics, but learning about it doesnt have to be a drag. It also doesnt have to be impossible to understand. I break down each concept to be fully digestible for every kind of student. With this course, you can level up your knowledge, add an additional skill to your robotics arsenal, and do it all through a program that feels more like a game than it does a class. What are you waiting for?Enroll now and see what you can learn."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Autonomous Robots: Path Planning" |
"Ever Wondered How Google Maps Calculates the Route To Your Destination? Learn How To Design A Path Planning System of Your Own!Knowing how to plan a path between your current location and your goal is an essential skill whether its for a self-driving car / autonomous vehicle, a roomba, or even an app like Uber, Waze, or Google Maps.In this course you won't just learn concepts but will also have a chance to implement, test, and a see the results of your work in real time. For the final project of this course you will need to plan a path between any two locations in New York City. Like Frank Sinatra says, if you can plan a path there, you can plan one anywhere!With this course, you can level up your knowledge, add an additional skill to your robotics arsenal, and do it all through a program that feels more like a game than it does a class. This course will teach the A* search algorithm, which is a fundamental robotics algorithm. This algorithm is so fundamental it was even used on the very first mobile robot, Shakey the Robot.What are you waiting for?Enroll now and see what you can learn."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"UX Fundamentals: User Testing" |
"Being a UX designer does not mean you should be able to design any feature or interface perfectly. We are all biased with our own perspectives and experiences, and that's why it's so crucial to validate our design decisions in more objectives ways. This course will introduce the concept of testing with real users through a number of methods, to ensure business risk is minimised and designs are properly evaluated. We will cover a range of topics:What user testing is and why it is a crucial element of a design processWhat are the most common elements of user testsIntroduction of various research methods, with the most attention dedicated to usability testingPlanning testing sessions and conducting them to extract maximum insightAnalysing and reporting the findingsThe core of user testingLearn what are the core components and principles of user testing - from administration and designing test through conducting the tests. You will be able to understand what are the shared elements and useful documents for any type of tests in the product design process.The most popular methodsGet into the details of usability testing, card sorting, tree testing, split testing and feedback surveys to understand the strengths, weaknesses and elements of each of those methods. Explore the pros and cons of running remote, in-person, moderated and unmoderated studies.Maximising the value of researchTo make sure you get the most out of your tests, learn about effectively communicating with the participants and leveraging the approach of active listening. Learn how to triangulate your research, analyse qualitative data and prepare reports which will be digestible to your stakeholders and focused on the priorities.The author of the course is Micha Mazur."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Side Hustle: Start a Side Business Startup Step by Step" |
"Starting your own profitable side hustle doesn't need to be hard, ATALL. With so many different options that you can choose, which ones are the ""best"" to get startedwith?Take it from a person who's been able to make 5 figures online and consulant multiple 7-8 figure businesses all before the age of 18. Almost anyone (regardless of age) can start a side hustle. If you're reading this, you can surely start one too!What you'll learn:- Side hustles you can start today that will likely be profitable from day 1.- Side hustles you can start that will likely be profitable from 1-2 months.- Side hustles you can start that will likely be profitable from 6 months+ out.Even though I've been able to achieve many things before Ihad turned 18 year olds, I've also spent a lot on my education to learn what Iknow.Cut down the time and resources it would take you to start a side hustle on your own, and enroll in this course to jump years ahead most people that get started.Again, Ilook forward to seeing your inside the course!============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 10+ years, and have taught over 25,000 students how to improve their own skills. I've become a eBay Powerseller and Amazon Best Selling Author and active consult with multiple 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses. From what I've learned from these experiences, I'd love to share the knowledge with you.My goal is to help as many people possible by teaching each student everything Iknow about each topic. I teach to ensure each student leaves each of my courses feeling like they've learned something new.============================BONUSESINCLUDED* Extra downloadable worksheets to make the course even more valuable!*Priority customer support. Have a question, get an answer back within at most 24 hours!*Entry to get automatically entered to get chosen for my student of the month (get featured in a shout out email)!============================GETONE-ON-ONE HELP You can get my help and advice at any time - simply email me through Udemy! Regardless if your just starting your course or have been done for months, I'm happy to help you. Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I aim to answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I really enjoy helping students who've taken my courses and I look forward to helping you!============================AMAZINGVALUE:LEARNFROM10+YEARSOFEXPERIENCEALLINJUSTACOUPLEHOURS!The information that you'll learn in this course can be either learned from many years of experience, or you can learn valuable skills all best summarized within a couple hours of time. Is it really worth taking hundreds or even thousands of hours of your time to learn this information by yourself? The choice is yours to make.============================PROVEN STRATEGIESTOGROWYOURBUSINESSAll strategies that I share are either from my personal experience or are well proven strategies based off industry experts.============================WHYTAKETHISCOURSE?Simply put, save time, save money and learn valuable skills that you can implement into your life (for the rest of your life). Learn from others that have done it before you, and learn what have proven to work best for them. Don't do it all by yourself!============================CERTIFICATEOFCOMPLETIONWHENYOUFINISHTHECOURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you'll be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy!============================MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course absolutely risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will improve your skills after completing this course.Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Buzzsumo 2020: How to Find Popular Content Step by Step" |
"Tired of nobody liking your content? Is there not as many people interested in your content as you'd like right now?If you're ready to take your content marketing to the next level, then this course is for you.In case you didn't know, BuzzSumo allows its users to see what content online has done the best.In other words, BuzzSumo allows you to see which content has gotten the most likes, shares, comments, etc!Getting to know this information will help you create more effective blog posts, videos, etc!If you're ready to get started, enroll in the course today!============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 10+ years, and have taught over 25,000 students how to improve their own skills. I've become a eBay Powerseller and Amazon Best Selling Author and active consult with multiple 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses. From what I've learned from these experiences, I'd love to share the knowledge with you.My goal is to help as many people possible by teaching each student everything Iknow about each topic. I teach to ensure each student leaves each of my courses feeling like they've learned something new.============================BONUSESINCLUDED* Extra downloadable worksheets to make the course even more valuable!* Priority customer support. Have a question, get an answer back within at most 24 hours! *Entry to get automatically entered to get chosen for my student of the month (get featured in a shout out email)!============================GETONE-ON-ONE HELP You can get my help and advice at any time - simply email me through Udemy! Regardless if your just starting your course or have been done for months, I'm happy to help you. Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I aim to answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I really enjoy helping students who've taken my courses and I look forward to helping you!============================AMAZINGVALUE:LEARNFROM10+YEARSOFEXPERIENCEALLINJUSTACOUPLEHOURS!The information that you'll learn in this course can be either learned from many years of experience, or you can learn valuable skills all best summarized within a couple hours of time. Is it really worth taking hundreds or even thousands of hours of your time to learn this information by yourself? The choice is yours to make.============================PROVEN STRATEGIESTOGROWYOURBUSINESSAll strategies that I share are either from my personal experience or are well proven strategies based off industry experts.============================WHYTAKETHISCOURSE? Simply put, save time, save money and learn valuable skills that you can implement into your life (for the rest of your life). Learn from others that have done it before you, and learn what have proven to work best for them. Don't do it all by yourself!============================CERTIFICATEOFCOMPLETIONWHENYOUFINISHTHECOURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you'll be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy!============================MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course absolutely risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will improve your skills after completing this course.Invest in your future. Enroll now.**PLEASENOTE**This course is not sponsored or affiliated with BuzzSumo in anyway."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"House Hacking: Real Estate Investing For Beginners" |
"Did you know that it's possible to live in your own home and have others pay for it for you?Sounds almost too good to be true right? The good news, it that is something that thousands of people are doing it right now...It's call ""House Hacking"" - This is where you purchase a multifamily property and rent out the other units that you're not using.Do you need to be ""rich""?Nope!Maybe this sounds interesting, but have absolutley no idea where to start?If so, that's exactly why I've created this course. To help people just like you get started in real estate and help you understand the important in's and out's. I'll be showing you what has worked for others on how they've been able to live at their own home for little to no cost!I invite you to watch the preview lessons of this course for even more information. Then, enroll in this course today to open your eyes to the world of house hacking!__Please note:In this course, I mention that you have 100%control with your decisions on wheather you use any tips given within this course. Everything discussed in this course has the intention of being as accurate as possible. Since laws change, and are also different from location to location, please see a professional to help you with your specific situation (if you so choose). There are no financial guarentees with this course, just the information that has helped others. This course is not partnered or affilated with any specific real estate company, etc."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Resume Writing - Step by Step Resume Writing Done in 1 Hour" |
"I remember spending over 7 days writing my first resume...That's right, 7 days of writing, rewriting, deleting, repeat...The funny thing is looking back at it, Icould have written the resume from scratch in under an hour if Ijust knew what to do. When Idid this, Ididn't have ANY clear guide to go off of.BUT for you - Iwant this course to be your clear guide. Ifully believe that you can write a professional resume in under an hour once you've completed this course.Not only are you going to learn step by step what you absolutey must include in your resume, but also many new tactics that will help YOUstand out from everyone else.Remember, if you're doing what everyone else is doing, how are YOU going to be memorble to the employer? Iinvite you to enroll in this course to boost your confidence in submitting your fantastic new resume.And the best part of all?They have know idea that you were able to get it done in under an hour!Besides writing my own resume, I've reviewed hundreds of real resumes for real jobs. I know what to be looking for, and if you're ready...Enroll in this course today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Real Estate Agent Training: Real Estate Leads for More Sales" |
"Is your in the mail flyers not working as well as you'd hoped?Really, why are you supprised? EVERYONE as in nearly every real estate agent sends out flyers...What makes YOU so special over all the other real estate agents or for sale by owners?That's where this course in handy for you.I'll going through step by step PROVENways to get more real estate leads to help you grow your business. These real estate lead generation tactics aren't what you see from typical ""lets hope for the best"" real estate agents.You see, only top level real estate agents are using these strategies to the max. I've even included BONUS tips within each strategy in this course to help you even further!IF you're ready to take your real estate agent training to the next level, this is your course to help you attract more leads!============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 10+ years, and have taught over 25,000 students how to improve their own skills. I've become a eBay Powerseller and Amazon Best Selling Author and active consult with multiple 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses. From what I've learned from these experiences, I'd love to share the knowledge with you.My goal is to help as many people possible by teaching each student everything Iknow about each topic. I teach to ensure each student leaves each of my courses feeling like they've learned something new.============================BONUSESINCLUDED* Extra downloadable worksheets to make the course even more valuable!*Priority customer support. Have a question, get an answer back within at most 24 hours!*Entry to get automatically entered to get chosen for my student of the month (get featured in a shout out email)!============================GETONE-ON-ONE HELP You can get my help and advice at any time - simply email me through Udemy! Regardless if your just starting your course or have been done for months, I'm happy to help you. Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I aim to answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I really enjoy helping students who've taken my courses and I look forward to helping you!============================AMAZINGVALUE:LEARNFROM10+YEARSOFEXPERIENCEALLINJUSTACOUPLEHOURS!The information that you'll learn in this course can be either learned from many years of experience, or you can learn valuable skills all best summarized within a couple hours of time. Is it really worth taking hundreds or even thousands of hours of your time to learn this information by yourself? The choice is yours to make.============================PROVEN STRATEGIESTOGROWYOURBUSINESSAll strategies that I share are either from my personal experience or are well proven strategies based off industry experts.============================WHYTAKETHISCOURSE?Simply put, save time, save money and learn valuable skills that you can implement into your life (for the rest of your life). Learn from others that have done it before you, and learn what have proven to work best for them. Don't do it all by yourself!============================CERTIFICATEOFCOMPLETIONWHENYOUFINISHTHECOURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you'll be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy!============================MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course absolutely risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will improve your skills after completing this course.Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Blog Post Writing Pro: Exactly How 6 Figure Bloggers Write" |
"What do all famous bloggers have in common?They ALL can write a really good blog post...Although a really good blog post DOESN'T mean you have to have really good writing abilities. That's a fact!Instead, it's about your style of writing and how YOU keep your reader engaged.THAT'S KEY!!If you want to take your ability to write awesome blog posts to the next level, this is the course for you! I've worked with MULTIPLE 6 FIGURE BLOGGERS on how they design and create their blog posts.At the end of the day, they've found their style, and SO CAN YOU. I'm here to help you step by step of the way!Enroll in this course today to start your journey to become a blog post writing pro!============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 10+ years, and have taught over 30,000 students how to improve their own skills. I've become a eBay Powerseller and Amazon Best Selling Author and active consult with multiple 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses. From what I've learned from these experiences, I'd love to share the knowledge with you.My goal is to help as many people possible by teaching each student everything I know about each topic. I teach to ensure each student leaves each of my courses feeling like they've learned something new.============================GET ONE-ON-ONE HELP Regardless if your just starting your course or have been done for months, I'm happy to help you. Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I aim to answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I really enjoy helping students who've taken my courses and I look forward to helping you!============================AMAZING VALUE: LEARN FROM 10+ YEARS OF EXPERIENCE ALL IN JUST A COUPLE HOURS!The information that you'll learn in this course can be either learned from many years of experience, or you can learn valuable skills all best summarized within a couple hours of time. Is it really worth taking hundreds or even thousands of hours of your time to learn this information by yourself? The choice is yours to make.============================PROVEN STRATEGIES TO GROW YOUR BUSINESSAll strategies that I share are either from my personal experience or are well proven strategies based off industry experts.============================WHY TAKE THIS COURSE? Simply put, save time, save money and learn valuable skills that you can implement into your life (for the rest of your life). Learn from others that have done it before you, and learn what have proven to work best for them. Don't do it all by yourself!============================CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION WHEN YOU FINISH THE COURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you'll be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy!============================MONEY BACK GUARANTEE The course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course absolutely risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will improve your skills after completing this course.Invest in your future. Enroll now.**PLEASE NOTE** This course is not sponsored or affiliated with any of the bloggers shown in this course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"77-728 MOS Excel Expert 2016 Training (Deutsch)" |
"---- Letztes Update Februar 2020----Neues automatisiertes System zur Inanspruchnahme des kostenlosen TEST4U-Abonnements---- Update Juni 2019 ----Zustzliche Aufgaben hinzugefgt---- Update Mrz 2019 ----Zustzliche Aufgaben hinzugefgtDer TEST4U 77-728 MOS Excel Expert 2016 Training KursDas TEST4U-Team erkannte, dass fr die Prfung 77-728 ein vollstndig praktisches Trainingssystem erforderlich ist. Daher haben wir den Kurs fr die Microsoft-Zertifizierungsprfung 77-728 fr MOS Excel Expert 2016 erstellt. Es richtet sich an Personen, die die Prfung 77-728 bestehen wollen.Der Kurs auf einen BlickIn diesem Kurs finden Sie:52 Aufgaben kategorisiert52 verschiedene Dateien fr jede der oben genannten Aufgaben52 Lsungsvideos fr jeden Auftrag10 Projektfragen hnlich wie in der Prfung2 Vortrge zur Erluterung des Prfungsprozesses und der Struktur der Multiprojektfrageber 310 zustzliche Aufgaben mit dem zugehrigen TEST4U-AbonnementDer Kurs im Detail52 Aufgaben kategorisiertIn diesem Kurs ben Sie in folgenden Kategorien:1. Verwalten der Optionen und Einstellungen von Arbeitsmappen2. Anwenden von benutzerdefinierten Datenformaten und Layouts3. Erstellen erweiterter Formeln4. Erstellen von erweiterten Diagrammen und Tabellen5. Finanzfunktionen6. Funktionen, die nur in Excel 2016 Pro verfgbar sind7. Projekte52 verschiedene Dateien fr jede der oben genannten AufgabenJede Aufgabe wird mit eigenen Dateien geliefert, die zur Beantwortung der Aufgabe erforderlich sind52 Lsungsvideos fr jeden AuftragAlle Auftrge werden von detaillierten Videolsungen begleitet. Wir empfehlen, dass Sie versuchen, die Aufgaben zu lsen, ohne die Lsung zu sehen. Auf diese Weise knnen Sie Ihre Grenzen besser verstehen und sich auf sie konzentrieren. Sie knnen das Video dann sehen, nachdem Sie es gelst haben, um zu wissen, ob Sie die Frage richtig beantwortet haben.10 Projektfragen hnlich wie in der PrfungSeit der Verffentlichung von Office 2016 hat Microsoft eine neue Art der Prfung eingefhrt. Diese Prfung besteht aus mehreren Projektfragen. Wir haben 10 solcher Projektfragen in diesen Kurs aufgenommenSchnelles Feedback von unseren InstruktorenWir geben Feedback zu allen Auftrgen, in der Regel innerhalb von ein oder zwei Werktagen. In vielen Fllen antworten wir innerhalb weniger Stunden.ber 310 zustzliche Aufgaben mit dem zugehrigen TEST4U-AbonnementWir bieten 5 Stunden Zugang zur TEST4U Trainingsplattform. bung macht den Meister. Deshalb bieten wir allen unseren Schlern 5 Stunden freien Zugang zu unserer TEST4U Trainingsplattform. Diese Windows-Anwendung gibt Ihnen die Mglichkeit, sofort und automatisch eine Rckmeldung zu erhalten, ob Ihre Antwort auf die Aufgaben richtig oder falsch ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der letzten Vorlesung.Wir empfehlen Ihnen, dieses Tool zu verwenden. Wir geben uns viel Mhe, damit unsere Schler das beste und innovativste Werkzeug haben, um Sie bei ihrer Ausbildung zu untersttzen."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"77-725 MOS Word 2016 Training (Deutsch)" |
"---- Letztes Update Februar 2020----Neues automatisiertes System zur Inanspruchnahme des kostenlosen TEST4U-Abonnements---- Update Juni 2019 ----Zustzliche Aufgaben hinzugefgt---- Update Mrz 2019 ----Zustzliche Aufgaben hinzugefgtDer TEST4U 77-725 MOS Word 2016 Training KursDas TEST4U-Team erkannte, dass fr die Prfung 77-725 ein vollstndig praktisches Trainingssystem erforderlich ist. Daher haben wir den Kurs fr die Microsoft-Zertifizierungsprfung 77-725 fr MOS Word 2016 erstellt. Es richtet sich an Personen, die die Prfung 77-725 bestehen wollen.Der Kurs auf einen BlickIn diesem Kurs finden Sie:70 Aufgaben kategorisiert70 verschiedene Dateien fr jede der oben genannten Aufgaben70 Lsungsvideos fr jeden Auftrag14 Projektfragen hnlich wie in der Prfung2 Vortrge zur Erluterung des Prfungsprozesses und der Struktur der Multiprojektfrageber 440 zustzliche Aufgaben mit dem zugehrigen TEST4U-AbonnementDer Kurs im Detail70 Aufgaben kategorisiertIn diesem Kurs ben Sie in folgenden Kategorien:1. Erstellen und Verwalten von Dokumenten2. Formatieren von Text, Abstzen und Abschnitten3. Erstellen von Tabellen und Listen4. Verweise erstellen und verwalten5. Grafische Elemente einfgen und formatieren6. Projekte70 verschiedene Dateien fr jede der oben genannten AufgabenJede Aufgabe wird mit eigenen Dateien geliefert, die zur Beantwortung der Aufgabe erforderlich sind70 Lsungsvideos fr jeden AuftragAlle Auftrge werden von detaillierten Videolsungen begleitet. Wir empfehlen, dass Sie versuchen, die Aufgaben zu lsen, ohne die Lsung zu sehen. Auf diese Weise knnen Sie Ihre Grenzen besser verstehen und sich auf sie konzentrieren. Sie knnen das Video dann sehen, nachdem Sie es gelst haben, um zu wissen, ob Sie die Frage richtig beantwortet haben.14 Projektfragen hnlich wie in der PrfungSeit der Verffentlichung von Office 2016 hat Microsoft eine neue Art der Prfung eingefhrt. Diese Prfung besteht aus mehreren Projektfragen. Wir haben 14 solcher Projektfragen in diesen Kurs aufgenommenSchnelles Feedback von unseren InstruktorenWir geben Feedback zu allen Auftrgen, in der Regel innerhalb von ein oder zwei Werktagen. In vielen Fllen antworten wir innerhalb weniger Stunden.ber 440 zustzliche Aufgaben mit dem zugehrigen TEST4U-AbonnementWir bieten 5 Stunden Zugang zur TEST4U Trainingsplattform. bung macht den Meister. Deshalb bieten wir allen unseren Schlern 5 Stunden freien Zugang zu unserer TEST4U Trainingsplattform. Diese Windows-Anwendung gibt Ihnen die Mglichkeit, sofort und automatisch eine Rckmeldung zu erhalten, ob Ihre Antwort auf die Aufgaben richtig oder falsch ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der letzten Vorlesung.Wir empfehlen Ihnen, dieses Tool zu verwenden. Wir geben uns viel Mhe, damit unsere Schler das beste und innovativste Werkzeug haben, um Sie bei ihrer Ausbildung zu untersttzen."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"77-727 MOS Excel 2016 Training (Deutsch)" |
"---- Letztes Update Februar 2020----Neues automatisiertes System zur Inanspruchnahme des kostenlosen TEST4U-Abonnements---- Update Juni 2019 ----Zustzliche Aufgaben hinzugefgt---- Update Mrz 2019 ----Zustzliche Aufgaben hinzugefgtDer TEST4U 77-727 MOS Excel 2016 Training KursDas TEST4U-Team erkannte, dass fr die Prfung 77-727 ein vollstndig praktisches Trainingssystem erforderlich ist. Daher haben wir den Kurs fr die Microsoft-Zertifizierungsprfung 77-727 fr MOS Excel 2016 erstellt. Es richtet sich an Personen, die die Prfung 77-727 bestehen wollen.Der Kurs auf einen BlickIn diesem Kurs finden Sie:66 Aufgaben kategorisiert66 verschiedene Dateien fr jede der oben genannten Aufgaben66 Lsungsvideos fr jeden Auftrag14 Projektfragen hnlich wie in der Prfung2 Vortrge zur Erluterung des Prfungsprozesses und der Struktur der Multiprojektfrageber 320 zustzliche Aufgaben mit dem zugehrigen TEST4U-AbonnementDer Kurs im Detail66 Aufgaben kategorisiertIn diesem Kurs ben Sie in folgenden Kategorien:1. Erstellen und Verwalten von Arbeitsblttern und Arbeitsmappen2. Verwalten von Daten in Zellen und Bereichen3. Tabellen erstellen4. Durchfhren von Vorgngen mit Formeln und Funktionen5. Erstellen von Diagrammen und Objekten6. Projekte66 verschiedene Dateien fr jede der oben genannten AufgabenJede Aufgabe wird mit eigenen Dateien geliefert, die zur Beantwortung der Aufgabe erforderlich sind66 Lsungsvideos fr jeden AuftragAlle Auftrge werden von detaillierten Videolsungen begleitet. Wir empfehlen, dass Sie versuchen, die Aufgaben zu lsen, ohne die Lsung zu sehen. Auf diese Weise knnen Sie Ihre Grenzen besser verstehen und sich auf sie konzentrieren. Sie knnen das Video dann sehen, nachdem Sie es gelst haben, um zu wissen, ob Sie die Frage richtig beantwortet haben.14 Projektfragen hnlich wie in der PrfungSeit der Verffentlichung von Office 2016 hat Microsoft eine neue Art der Prfung eingefhrt. Diese Prfung besteht aus mehreren Projektfragen. Wir haben 14 solcher Projektfragen in diesen Kurs aufgenommenSchnelles Feedback von unseren InstruktorenWir geben Feedback zu allen Auftrgen, in der Regel innerhalb von ein oder zwei Werktagen. In vielen Fllen antworten wir innerhalb weniger Stunden.ber 320 zustzliche Aufgaben mit dem zugehrigen TEST4U-AbonnementWir bieten 5 Stunden Zugang zur TEST4U Trainingsplattform. bung macht den Meister. Deshalb bieten wir allen unseren Schlern 5 Stunden freien Zugang zu unserer TEST4U Trainingsplattform. Diese Windows-Anwendung gibt Ihnen die Mglichkeit, sofort und automatisch eine Rckmeldung zu erhalten, ob Ihre Antwort auf die Aufgaben richtig oder falsch ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der letzten Vorlesung.Wir empfehlen Ihnen, dieses Tool zu verwenden. Wir geben uns viel Mhe, damit unsere Schler das beste und innovativste Werkzeug haben, um Sie bei ihrer Ausbildung zu untersttzen."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"77-729 MOS PowerPoint 2016 Training (Deutsch)" |
"---- Letztes Update Februar 2020----Neues automatisiertes System zur Inanspruchnahme des kostenlosen TEST4U-Abonnements---- Update Juni 2019 ----Zustzliche Aufgaben hinzugefgt---- Update Mrz 2019 ----Zustzliche Aufgaben hinzugefgtDer TEST4U 77-729 MOS PowerPoint 2016 Training KursDas TEST4U-Team erkannte, dass fr die Prfung 77-729 ein vollstndig praktisches Trainingssystem erforderlich ist. Daher haben wir den Kurs fr die Microsoft-Zertifizierungsprfung 77-729 fr MOS PowerPoint 2016 erstellt. Es richtet sich an Personen, die die Prfung 77-729 bestehen wollen.Der Kurs auf einen BlickIn diesem Kurs finden Sie:73 Aufgaben kategorisiert73 verschiedene Dateien fr jede der oben genannten Aufgaben73 Lsungsvideos fr jeden Auftrag14 Projektfragen hnlich wie in der Prfung2 Vortrge zur Erluterung des Prfungsprozesses und der Struktur der Multiprojektfrageber 320 zustzliche Aufgaben mit dem zugehrigen TEST4U-AbonnementDer Kurs im Detail73 Aufgaben kategorisiertIn diesem Kurs ben Sie in folgenden Kategorien:1. Erstellen und Verwalten von Prsentationen2. Einfgen und Formatieren von Text, Formen und Bildern3. Einfgen von Tabellen, Diagrammen, SmartArt und Medien4. Anwenden von bergngen und Animationen5. Verwalten mehrerer Prsentationen6. Projekte73 verschiedene Dateien fr jede der oben genannten AufgabenJede Aufgabe wird mit eigenen Dateien geliefert, die zur Beantwortung der Aufgabe erforderlich sind73 Lsungsvideos fr jeden AuftragAlle Auftrge werden von detaillierten Videolsungen begleitet. Wir empfehlen, dass Sie versuchen, die Aufgaben zu lsen, ohne die Lsung zu sehen. Auf diese Weise knnen Sie Ihre Grenzen besser verstehen und sich auf sie konzentrieren. Sie knnen das Video dann sehen, nachdem Sie es gelst haben, um zu wissen, ob Sie die Frage richtig beantwortet haben.14 Projektfragen hnlich wie in der PrfungSeit der Verffentlichung von Office 2016 hat Microsoft eine neue Art der Prfung eingefhrt. Diese Prfung besteht aus mehreren Projektfragen. Wir haben 14 solcher Projektfragen in diesen Kurs aufgenommenSchnelles Feedback von unseren InstruktorenWir geben Feedback zu allen Auftrgen, in der Regel innerhalb von ein oder zwei Werktagen. In vielen Fllen antworten wir innerhalb weniger Stunden.ber 320 zustzliche Aufgaben mit dem zugehrigen TEST4U-AbonnementWir bieten 5 Stunden Zugang zur TEST4U Trainingsplattform. bung macht den Meister. Deshalb bieten wir allen unseren Schlern 5 Stunden freien Zugang zu unserer TEST4U Trainingsplattform. Diese Windows-Anwendung gibt Ihnen die Mglichkeit, sofort und automatisch eine Rckmeldung zu erhalten, ob Ihre Antwort auf die Aufgaben richtig oder falsch ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der letzten Vorlesung.Wir empfehlen Ihnen, dieses Tool zu verwenden. Wir geben uns viel Mhe, damit unsere Schler das beste und innovativste Werkzeug haben, um Sie bei ihrer Ausbildung zu untersttzen."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"77-726 MOS Word Expert 2016 Training (Deutsch)" |
"---- Letztes Update Februar 2020----Neues automatisiertes System zur Inanspruchnahme des kostenlosen TEST4U-Abonnements---- Update Juni 2019 ----Zustzliche Aufgaben hinzugefgt---- Update Mrz 2019 ----Zustzliche Aufgaben hinzugefgtDer TEST4U 77-726 MOS Word Expert 2016 Training KursDas TEST4U-Team erkannte, dass fr die Prfung 77-726 ein vollstndig praktisches Trainingssystem erforderlich ist. Daher haben wir den Kurs fr die Microsoft-Zertifizierungsprfung 77-726 fr MOS Word Expert 2016 erstellt. Es richtet sich an Personen, die die Prfung 77-726 bestehen wollen.Der Kurs auf einen BlickIn diesem Kurs finden Sie:69 Aufgaben kategorisiert69 verschiedene Dateien fr jede der oben genannten Aufgaben69 Lsungsvideos fr jeden Auftrag14 Projektfragen hnlich wie in der Prfung2 Vortrge zur Erluterung des Prfungsprozesses und der Struktur der Multiprojektfrageber 320 zustzliche Aufgaben mit dem zugehrigen TEST4U-AbonnementDer Kurs im Detail69 Aufgaben kategorisiertIn diesem Kurs ben Sie in folgenden Kategorien:1. Verwalten von Dokumentoptionen und -einstellungen2. Entwerfen von erweiterten Dokumenten3. Erstellen von erweiterten Verweisen4. Erstellen von benutzerdefinierten Word-Elementen5. Projekte69 verschiedene Dateien fr jede der oben genannten AufgabenJede Aufgabe wird mit eigenen Dateien geliefert, die zur Beantwortung der Aufgabe erforderlich sind69 Lsungsvideos fr jeden AuftragAlle Auftrge werden von detaillierten Videolsungen begleitet. Wir empfehlen, dass Sie versuchen, die Aufgaben zu lsen, ohne die Lsung zu sehen. Auf diese Weise knnen Sie Ihre Grenzen besser verstehen und sich auf sie konzentrieren. Sie knnen das Video dann sehen, nachdem Sie es gelst haben, um zu wissen, ob Sie die Frage richtig beantwortet haben.14 Projektfragen hnlich wie in der PrfungSeit der Verffentlichung von Office 2016 hat Microsoft eine neue Art der Prfung eingefhrt. Diese Prfung besteht aus mehreren Projektfragen. Wir haben 14 solcher Projektfragen in diesen Kurs aufgenommenSchnelles Feedback von unseren InstruktorenWir geben Feedback zu allen Auftrgen, in der Regel innerhalb von ein oder zwei Werktagen. In vielen Fllen antworten wir innerhalb weniger Stunden.ber 320 zustzliche Aufgaben mit dem zugehrigen TEST4U-AbonnementWir bieten 5 Stunden Zugang zur TEST4U Trainingsplattform. bung macht den Meister. Deshalb bieten wir allen unseren Schlern 5 Stunden freien Zugang zu unserer TEST4U Trainingsplattform. Diese Windows-Anwendung gibt Ihnen die Mglichkeit, sofort und automatisch eine Rckmeldung zu erhalten, ob Ihre Antwort auf die Aufgaben richtig oder falsch ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der letzten Vorlesung.Wir empfehlen Ihnen, dieses Tool zu verwenden. Wir geben uns viel Mhe, damit unsere Schler das beste und innovativste Werkzeug haben, um Sie bei ihrer Ausbildung zu untersttzen."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"77-730 MOS Access 2016 Training (Deutsch)" |
"---- Letztes Update Februar 2020----Neues automatisiertes System zur Inanspruchnahme des kostenlosen TEST4U-Abonnements---- Update Juni 2019 ----Zustzliche Aufgaben hinzugefgt---- Update Mrz 2019 ----Zustzliche Aufgaben hinzugefgtDer TEST4U 77-730 MOS Access 2016 Training KursDas TEST4U-Team erkannte, dass fr die Prfung 77-730 ein vollstndig praktisches Trainingssystem erforderlich ist. Daher haben wir den Kurs fr die Microsoft-Zertifizierungsprfung 77-730 fr MOS Access 2016 erstellt. Es richtet sich an Personen, die die Prfung 77-730 bestehen wollen.Der Kurs auf einen BlickIn diesem Kurs finden Sie:58 Aufgaben kategorisiert58 verschiedene Dateien fr jede der oben genannten Aufgaben58 Lsungsvideos fr jeden Auftrag12 Projektfragen hnlich wie in der Prfung2 Vortrge zur Erluterung des Prfungsprozesses und der Struktur der Multiprojektfrageber 340 zustzliche Aufgaben mit dem zugehrigen TEST4U-AbonnementDer Kurs im Detail58 Aufgaben kategorisiertIn diesem Kurs ben Sie in folgenden Kategorien:1. Erstellen und Verwalten einer Datenbank2. Tabellen Erstellen3. Erstellen von Abfragen4. Erstellen von Formularen5. Erstellen von Berichten6. Projekte58 verschiedene Dateien fr jede der oben genannten AufgabenJede Aufgabe wird mit eigenen Dateien geliefert, die zur Beantwortung der Aufgabe erforderlich sind58 Lsungsvideos fr jeden AuftragAlle Auftrge werden von detaillierten Videolsungen begleitet. Wir empfehlen, dass Sie versuchen, die Aufgaben zu lsen, ohne die Lsung zu sehen. Auf diese Weise knnen Sie Ihre Grenzen besser verstehen und sich auf sie konzentrieren. Sie knnen das Video dann sehen, nachdem Sie es gelst haben, um zu wissen, ob Sie die Frage richtig beantwortet haben.12 Projektfragen hnlich wie in der PrfungSeit der Verffentlichung von Office 2016 hat Microsoft eine neue Art der Prfung eingefhrt. Diese Prfung besteht aus mehreren Projektfragen. Wir haben 12 solcher Projektfragen in diesen Kurs aufgenommenSchnelles Feedback von unseren InstruktorenWir geben Feedback zu allen Auftrgen, in der Regel innerhalb von ein oder zwei Werktagen. In vielen Fllen antworten wir innerhalb weniger Stunden.ber 340 zustzliche Aufgaben mit dem zugehrigen TEST4U-AbonnementWir bieten 5 Stunden Zugang zur TEST4U Trainingsplattform. bung macht den Meister. Deshalb bieten wir allen unseren Schlern 5 Stunden freien Zugang zu unserer TEST4U Trainingsplattform. Diese Windows-Anwendung gibt Ihnen die Mglichkeit, sofort und automatisch eine Rckmeldung zu erhalten, ob Ihre Antwort auf die Aufgaben richtig oder falsch ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der letzten Vorlesung.Wir empfehlen Ihnen, dieses Tool zu verwenden. Wir geben uns viel Mhe, damit unsere Schler das beste und innovativste Werkzeug haben, um Sie bei ihrer Ausbildung zu untersttzen."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ECDL / ICDL Base Module Word Processing" |
"----- UPDATED FEBRUARY 2020 -----New automated system for claiming the free TEST4U subscriptionThe TEST4U ECDL / ICDL Word Processing CourseThe TEST4U team realized that there is a need for a complete hands-on Training system for ECDL / ICDL Word Processing exam, so we created the ECDL / ICDL Base Module - Word Processing, course. It is targeted to people, who want to succeed in the ECDL / ICDL Word Processing exam. The Course at a glanceIn this course you will find:48 assignments properly categorized48 distinct files for each of the above assignments48 solution videos for every assignment250+ additional assignments, using the accompanying TEST4U subscriptionThe Course in detail48 assignments properly categorizedIn this course you will practice on the following categories, using Microsoft Word:1. Using the Application2. Document Creation3. Formatting4. Objects5. Mail Merge6. Prepare Outputs48 distinct files for each of the above assignmentsEach and every assignment comes with its distinct file(s) that are necessary to answer the assignment48 solution videos for every assignmentAll assignments are accompanied by detailed video solutions. We recommend you try to solve the assignments without viewing the solution. This way you will better understand your limitations and be able to focus on them. You can then see the video after you have solved it, to know if you answered the question correctly.Fast feedback from our instructorsWe give feedback to all assignments, usually within one or two working days. Although in many cases we have been known to answer within a few hours.250+ additional assignments, using the accompanying TEST4U subscriptionWe offer 5 hours access to TEST4U training platform. Practice makes perfect. This is why we offer to all our students 5 hours free access to our TEST4U training platform. This Windows application gives you a way to instantly and automatically get feedback on whether you answer to the assignments is correct or incorrect. Check the last lecture for more information.We encourage you to use this tool. We put a lot of effort in it, so that our students could have the best and most innovative tool to help them in their training."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ECDL / ICDL Base Module Spreadsheets" |
"----- UPDATED FEBRUARY 2020 -----New automated system for claiming the free TEST4U subscriptionThe TEST4U ECDL / ICDL Spreadsheets CourseThe TEST4U team realized that there is a need for a complete hands-on Training system for ECDL / ICDL Spreadsheets exam, so we created the ECDL / ICDL Base Module - Spreadsheets, course. It is targeted to people, who want to succeed in the ECDL / ICDL Spreadsheets exam.The Course at a glanceIn this course you will find:55 assignments properly categorized55 distinct files for each of the above assignments55 solution videos for every assignment210+ additional assignments, using the accompanying TEST4U subscriptionThe Course in detail55 assignments properly categorizedIn this course you will practice on the following categories, using Microsoft Excel:1. Using the Application2. Cells3. Managing Worksheets4. Formulas and Functions5. Formatting6. Charts7. Prepare Output55 distinct files for each of the above assignmentsEach and every assignment comes with its distinct file(s) that are necessary to answer the assignment55 solution videos for every assignmentAll assignments are accompanied by detailed video solutions. We recommend you try to solve the assignments without viewing the solution. This way you will better understand your limitations and be able to focus on them. You can then see the video after you have solved it, to know if you answered the question correctly.Fast feedback from our instructorsWe give feedback to all assignments, usually within one or two working days. Although in many cases we have been known to answer within a few hours.210+ additional assignments, using the accompanying TEST4U subscriptionWe offer 5 hours access to TEST4U training platform. Practice makes perfect. This is why we offer to all our students 5 hours free access to our TEST4U training platform. This Windows application gives you a way to instantly and automatically get feedback on whether you answer to the assignments is correct or incorrect. Check the last lecture for more information.We encourage you to use this tool. We put a lot of effort in it, so that our students could have the best and most innovative tool to help them in their training."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ECDL / ICDL Intermediate Module - Presentation" |
"----- UPDATED FEBRUARY 2020 -----New automated system for claiming the free TEST4U subscriptionThe TEST4U ECDL / ICDL Presentation CourseThe TEST4U team realized that there is a need for a complete hands-on Training system for ECDL / ICDL Presentation exam, so we created the ECDL / ICDL Intermediate Module - Presentation, course. It is targeted to people, who want to succeed in the ECDL / ICDL Presentation exam.The Course at a glanceIn this course you will find:60 assignments properly categorized60 distinct files for each of the above assignments60 solution videos for every assignment180+ additional assignments, using the accompanying TEST4U subscriptionThe Course in detail60 assignments properly categorizedIn this course you will practice on the following categories, using Microsoft PowerPoint:1. Using the Application2. Developing a Presentation3. Text4. Charts5. Graphical Objects6. Prepare Outputs60 distinct files for each of the above assignmentsEach and every assignment comes with its distinct file(s) that are necessary to answer the assignment60 solution videos for every assignmentAll assignments are accompanied by detailed video solutions. We recommend you try to solve the assignments without viewing the solution. This way you will better understand your limitations and be able to focus on them. You can then see the video after you have solved it, to know if you answered the question correctly.Fast feedback from our instructorsWe give feedback to all assignments, usually within one or two working days. Although in many cases we have been known to answer within a few hours.180+ additional assignments, using the accompanying TEST4U subscriptionWe offer 5 hours access to TEST4U training platform. Practice makes perfect. This is why we offer to all our students 5 hours free access to our TEST4U training platform. This Windows application gives you a way to instantly and automatically get feedback on whether you answer to the assignments is correct or incorrect. Check the last lecture for more information.We encourage you to use this tool. We put a lot of effort in it, so that our students could have the best and most innovative tool to help them in their training."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ECDL / ICDL Intermediate Module Using Databases" |
"----- UPDATED FEBRUARY 2020 -----New automated system for claiming the free TEST4U subscriptionThe TEST4U ECDL / ICDL Using Databases CourseThe TEST4U team realized that there is a need for a complete hands-on Training system for ECDL / ICDL Using Databases exam, so we created the ECDL / ICDL Intermediate Module - Using Databases, course. It is targeted to people, who want to succeed in the ECDL / ICDL Using Databases exam.The Course at a glanceIn this course you will find:40 assignments properly categorized40 distinct files for each of the above assignments40 solution videos for every assignment180+ additional assignments, using the accompanying TEST4U subscriptionThe Course in detail40 assignments properly categorizedIn this course you will practice on the following categories, using Microsoft Access:1. Understanding Databases2. Using the Application3. Tables4. Retrieving information5. Forms6. Outputs40 distinct files for each of the above assignmentsEach and every assignment comes with its distinct file(s) that are necessary to answer the assignment40 solution videos for every assignmentAll assignments are accompanied by detailed video solutions. We recommend you try to solve the assignments without viewing the solution. This way you will better understand your limitations and be able to focus on them. You can then see the video after you have solved it, to know if you answered the question correctly.Fast feedback from our instructorsWe give feedback to all assignments, usually within one or two working days. Although in many cases we have been known to answer within a few hours.180+ additional assignments, using the accompanying TEST4U subscriptionWe offer 5 hours access to TEST4U training platform. Practice makes perfect. This is why we offer to all our students 5 hours free access to our TEST4U training platform. This Windows application gives you a way to instantly and automatically get feedback on whether you answer to the assignments is correct or incorrect. Check the last lecture for more information.We encourage you to use this tool. We put a lot of effort in it, so that our students could have the best and most innovative tool to help them in their training."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ECDL / ICDL Advanced Module - Advanced Word Processing" |
"----- UPDATED FEBRUARY 2020 -----New automated system for claiming the free TEST4U subscriptionThe TEST4U ECDL / ICDL Advanced Word Processing CourseThe TEST4U team realized that there is a need for a complete hands-on Training system for ECDL / ICDL Advanced Word Processing exam, so we created the ECDL / ICDL Advanced Module - Advanced Word Processing, course. It is targeted to people, who want to succeed in the ECDL / ICDL Advanced Word Processing exam.The Course at a glanceIn this course you will find:56 assignments properly categorized56 distinct files for each of the above assignments56 solution videos for every assignment300+ additional assignments, using the accompanying TEST4U subscriptionThe Course in detail56 assignments properly categorizedIn this course you will practice on the following categories, using Microsoft Word:1. Formatting2. Referencing3. Enhancing Productivity4. Collaborative Editing5. Prepare Outputs56 distinct files for each of the above assignmentsEach and every assignment comes with its distinct file(s) that are necessary to answer the assignment56 solution videos for every assignmentAll assignments are accompanied by detailed video solutions. We recommend you try to solve the assignments without viewing the solution. This way you will better understand your limitations and be able to focus on them. You can then see the video after you have solved it, to know if you answered the question correctly.Fast feedback from our instructorsWe give feedback to all assignments, usually within one or two working days. Although in many cases we have been known to answer within a few hours.300+ additional assignments, using the accompanying TEST4U subscriptionWe offer 5 hours access to TEST4U training platform. Practice makes perfect. This is why we offer to all our students 5 hours free access to our TEST4U training platform. This Windows application gives you a way to instantly and automatically get feedback on whether you answer to the assignments is correct or incorrect. Check the last lecture for more information.We encourage you to use this tool. We put a lot of effort in it, so that our students could have the best and most innovative tool to help them in their training."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ECDL / ICDL Advanced Module - Advanced Spreadsheets" |
"----- UPDATED FEBRUARY 2020 -----New automated system for claiming the free TEST4U subscriptionThe TEST4U ECDL / ICDL Advanced Spreadsheets CourseThe TEST4U team realized that there is a need for a complete hands-on Training system for ECDL / ICDL Advanced Spreadsheets exam, so we created the ECDL / ICDL Advanced Module - Advanced Spreadsheets, course. It is targeted to people, who want to succeed in the ECDL / ICDL Advanced Spreadsheets exam.The Course at a glanceIn this course you will find:55 assignments properly categorized55 distinct files for each of the above assignments55 solution videos for every assignment200+ additional assignments, using the accompanying TEST4U subscriptionThe Course in detail55 assignments properly categorizedIn this course you will practice on the following categories, using Microsoft Excel:1. Formatting2. Functions and Formulas3. Charts4. Analysis5. Validating and Auditing6. Enhancing Productivity7. Collaborative Editing55 distinct files for each of the above assignmentsEach and every assignment comes with its distinct file(s) that are necessary to answer the assignment55 solution videos for every assignmentAll assignments are accompanied by detailed video solutions. We recommend you try to solve the assignments without viewing the solution. This way you will better understand your limitations and be able to focus on them. You can then see the video after you have solved it, to know if you answered the question correctly.Fast feedback from our instructorsWe give feedback to all assignments, usually within one or two working days. Although in many cases we have been known to answer within a few hours.200+ additional assignments, using the accompanying TEST4U subscriptionWe offer 5 hours access to TEST4U training platform. Practice makes perfect. This is why we offer to all our students 5 hours free access to our TEST4U training platform. This Windows application gives you a way to instantly and automatically get feedback on whether you answer to the assignments is correct or incorrect. Check the last lecture for more information.We encourage you to use this tool. We put a lot of effort in it, so that our students could have the best and most innovative tool to help them in their training."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ECDL / ICDL Advanced Module - Advanced Presentation" |
"----- UPDATED FEBRUARY 2020 -----New automated system for claiming the free TEST4U subscriptionThe TEST4U ECDL / ICDL Advanced Presentation CourseThe TEST4U team realized that there is a need for a complete hands-on Training system for ECDL / ICDL Advanced Presentation exam, so we created the ECDL / ICDL Advanced Module - Advanced Presentation, course. It is targeted to people, who want to succeed in the ECDL / ICDL Advanced Presentation exam.The Course at a glanceIn this course you will find:38 assignments properly categorized38 distinct files for each of the above assignments38 solution videos for every assignment150+ additional assignments, using the accompanying TEST4U subscriptionThe Course in detail38 assignments properly categorizedIn this course you will practice on the following categories, using Microsoft PowerPoint:1. Slide Masters and Templates2. Graphical Objects3. Charts and Diagrams4. Multimedia5. Enhancing Productivity6. Managing Presentations38 distinct files for each of the above assignmentsEach and every assignment comes with its distinct file(s) that are necessary to answer the assignment38 solution videos for every assignmentAll assignments are accompanied by detailed video solutions. We recommend you try to solve the assignments without viewing the solution. This way you will better understand your limitations and be able to focus on them. You can then see the video after you have solved it, to know if you answered the question correctly.Fast feedback from our instructorsWe give feedback to all assignments, usually within one or two working days. Although in many cases we have been known to answer within a few hours.150+ additional assignments, using the accompanying TEST4U subscriptionWe offer 5 hours access to TEST4U training platform. Practice makes perfect. This is why we offer to all our students 5 hours free access to our TEST4U training platform. This Windows application gives you a way to instantly and automatically get feedback on whether you answer to the assignments is correct or incorrect. Check the last lecture for more information.We encourage you to use this tool. We put a lot of effort in it, so that our students could have the best and most innovative tool to help them in their training."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ECDL / ICDL Advanced Module - Advanced Databases" |
"----- UPDATED FEBRUARY 2020 -----New automated system for claiming the free TEST4U subscriptionThe TEST4U ECDL / ICDL Advanced Databases CourseThe TEST4U team realized that there is a need for a complete hands-on Training system for ECDL / ICDL Advanced Databases exam, so we created the ECDL / ICDL Advanced Module - Advanced Databases, course. It is targeted to people, who want to succeed in the ECDL / ICDL Advanced Databases exam.The Course at a glanceIn this course you will find:39 assignments properly categorized39 distinct files for each of the above assignments39 solution videos for every assignment150+ additional assignments, using the accompanying TEST4U subscriptionThe Course in detail39 assignments properly categorizedIn this course you will practice on the following categories, using Microsoft Access:1. Tables and Relationships2. Queries3. Forms4. Reports5. Enhancing Productivity39 distinct files for each of the above assignmentsEach and every assignment comes with its distinct file(s) that are necessary to answer the assignment39 solution videos for every assignmentAll assignments are accompanied by detailed video solutions. We recommend you try to solve the assignments without viewing the solution. This way you will better understand your limitations and be able to focus on them. You can then see the video after you have solved it, to know if you answered the question correctly.Fast feedback from our instructorsWe give feedback to all assignments, usually within one or two working days. Although in many cases we have been known to answer within a few hours.150+ additional assignments, using the accompanying TEST4U subscriptionWe offer 5 hours access to TEST4U training platform. Practice makes perfect. This is why we offer to all our students 5 hours free access to our TEST4U training platform. This Windows application gives you a way to instantly and automatically get feedback on whether you answer to the assignments is correct or incorrect. Check the last lecture for more information.We encourage you to use this tool. We put a lot of effort in it, so that our students could have the best and most innovative tool to help them in their training."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ECDL Base Textverarbeitung - Word (Deutsch)" |
"---- Letztes Update Februar 2020----Neues automatisiertes System zur Inanspruchnahme des kostenlosen TEST4U-AbonnementsTEST4U ECDL Base TextverarbeitungDas TEST4U-Team erkannte, dass ein komplettes praktisches Schulungssystem fr die Prfung ECDL Base Textverarbeitung erforderlich ist. Daher haben wir den Kurs ECDL Base Textverarbeitung erstellt. Es richtet sich an Personen, die die Prfung ECDL Base Textverarbeitung bestehen mchten.Der Kurs auf einen BlickIn diesem Kurs finden Sie:48 Aufgaben kategorisiert48 verschiedene Dateien fr jede der oben genannten Aufgaben48 Lsungsvideos fr jede AufgabeMehr als 250 zustzliche Aufgaben mit dem zugehrigen TEST4U-AbonnementDer Kurs im Detail48 Aufgaben kategorisiertIn diesem Kurs ben Sie mit Microsoft Word in den folgenden Kategorien:1. Programm verwenden2. Dokument erstellen3. Formatierung4. Objekte5. Seriendruck6. Ausdruck vorbereiten48 verschiedene Dateien fr jede der oben genannten AufgabenJede Aufgabe wird mit eigenen Dateien geliefert, die zur Beantwortung der Aufgabe erforderlich sind48 Lsungsvideos fr jede AufgabeAlle Aufgaben werden von detaillierten Videolsungen begleitet. Wir empfehlen, dass Sie versuchen, die Aufgaben zu lsen, ohne die Lsung zu sehen. Auf diese Weise knnen Sie Ihre Grenzen besser verstehen und sich auf sie konzentrieren. Sie knnen das Video dann sehen, nachdem Sie es gelst haben, um zu wissen, ob Sie die Frage richtig beantwortet haben.Schnelles Feedback von unseren InstruktorenWir geben Feedback zu allen Auftrgen, in der Regel innerhalb von ein oder zwei Werktagen. In vielen Fllen antworten wir innerhalb weniger Stunden.ber 250 zustzliche Aufgaben mit dem zugehrigen TEST4U-AbonnementWir bieten 5 Stunden Zugang zur TEST4U Trainingsplattform. bung macht den Meister. Deshalb bieten wir allen unseren Schlern 5 Stunden freien Zugang zu unserer TEST4U Trainingsplattform. Diese Windows-Anwendung gibt Ihnen die Mglichkeit, sofort und automatisch eine Rckmeldung zu erhalten, ob Ihre Antwort auf die Aufgaben richtig oder falsch ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der letzten Vorlesung.Wir empfehlen Ihnen, dieses Tool zu verwenden. Wir geben uns viel Mhe, damit unsere Schler das beste und innovativste Werkzeug haben, um Sie bei ihrer Ausbildung zu untersttzen."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ECDL Base Tabellenkalkulation - Excel (Deutsch)" |
"---- Letztes Update Februar 2020----Neues automatisiertes System zur Inanspruchnahme des kostenlosen TEST4U-AbonnementsTEST4U ECDL Base TabellenkalkulationDas TEST4U-Team erkannte, dass ein komplettes praktisches Schulungssystem fr die Prfung ECDL Base Tabellenkalkulation erforderlich ist. Daher haben wir den Kurs ECDL Base Tabellenkalkulation erstellt. Es richtet sich an Personen, die die Prfung ECDL Base Tabellenkalkulation bestehen mchten.Der Kurs auf einen BlickIn diesem Kurs finden Sie:54 Aufgaben kategorisiert54 verschiedene Dateien fr jede der oben genannten Aufgaben54 Lsungsvideos fr jede AufgabeMehr als 210 zustzliche Aufgaben mit dem zugehrigen TEST4U-AbonnementDer Kurs im Detail54 Aufgaben kategorisiertIn diesem Kurs ben Sie mit Microsoft Excel in den folgenden Kategorien:1. Programm verwenden2. Zellen3. Arbeitsbltter4. Formeln und Funktionen5. Formatierung6. Diagramme7. Ausdruck vorbereiten54 verschiedene Dateien fr jede der oben genannten AufgabenJede Aufgabe wird mit eigenen Dateien geliefert, die zur Beantwortung der Aufgabe erforderlich sind54 Lsungsvideos fr jede AufgabeAlle Aufgaben werden von detaillierten Videolsungen begleitet. Wir empfehlen, dass Sie versuchen, die Aufgaben zu lsen, ohne die Lsung zu sehen. Auf diese Weise knnen Sie Ihre Grenzen besser verstehen und sich auf sie konzentrieren. Sie knnen das Video dann sehen, nachdem Sie es gelst haben, um zu wissen, ob Sie die Frage richtig beantwortet haben.Schnelles Feedback von unseren InstruktorenWir geben Feedback zu allen Auftrgen, in der Regel innerhalb von ein oder zwei Werktagen. In vielen Fllen antworten wir innerhalb weniger Stunden.ber 210 zustzliche Aufgaben mit dem zugehrigen TEST4U-AbonnementWir bieten 5 Stunden Zugang zur TEST4U Trainingsplattform. bung macht den Meister. Deshalb bieten wir allen unseren Schlern 5 Stunden freien Zugang zu unserer TEST4U Trainingsplattform. Diese Windows-Anwendung gibt Ihnen die Mglichkeit, sofort und automatisch eine Rckmeldung zu erhalten, ob Ihre Antwort auf die Aufgaben richtig oder falsch ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der letzten Vorlesung.Wir empfehlen Ihnen, dieses Tool zu verwenden. Wir geben uns viel Mhe, damit unsere Schler das beste und innovativste Werkzeug haben, um Sie bei ihrer Ausbildung zu untersttzen."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |