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"Amazon FBA Product Launch & PPC Training" |
"The purpose of this course is to provide 100% actionable steps and processes that you can implement right away and launch your product effectively. Learn everything about optimizing your listing for best conversion rates. Master advanced PPC tactics as well as keyword research methods for PPC.Whether you've never launched a product before or you've been selling private label on Amazon for sometime now, you will be sure to learn loads of insight and actionable information."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Circuito Impresso: Criando uma Shield para Arduino" |
"Seja bem-vindo ao curso Circuito Impresso: Criando uma Shield para Arduino. Neste curso voc vai aprender o que uma PCB ( Printed Circuit Board ), ou Placa de Circuito Impresso (PCI), e como preparar um projeto para fabricao. Vamos criar uma Shield para Arduino como exemplo para que voc possa assimilar tudo o que preciso para ter uma placa de qualidade. Com este curso voc ver como criar sua placa de circuito impresso para o projeto que desejar, com ou sem microcontrolador ou Arduino. Vamos usar a Shield para Arduino como exemplo, mas nada impedir sua criatividade de aplicar em outras situaes.Vamos falar dos mtodos de fabricao, seja para um prottipo simples ou profissional, e voc ver que seus projetos podem deixar de ser apenas um prottipo em protoboard, ou placa padro, para ser algo com a qualidade de produto final.Com este curso voc poder dar um passo adiante e criar projetos profissionais tirando a ideia do papel e da protoboard ao criar seu prprio circuito e fabricar sua placa. Aps a criao do esquemtico e de tudo que preciso para fazer a placa, o projeto ser enviado para fabricao profissional com baixo custo. Ento mesmo que voc j conhea algumas tcnicas de fazer seu circuito em casa voc poder ter uma placa com a preciso industrial em suas mos.Ento, se voc profissional, estudante de engenharia, eletrnica, automao, robtica ou apenas um amante da eletrnica, este curso para voc. D o prximo passo para desenvolver seus projetos de forma profissional.Voc poder criar suas prprias Shields para Arduino ou qualquer outro circuito. Est em dvida? Experimente! O curso incluiGarantia de devoluo do dinheiro em 30 dias;Acesso total vitalcio;Acesso no dispositivo mvel e na TV/Chromecast;Certificado de Concluso.>>> VEJA O QUE OS ALUNOS ESTO COMENTANDO <<< ""O curso bem organizado , objetivo, bastante informativo. O professor bem didtico e claro nas explicaes gerais, no uso do software e nas dicas para a solicitao de compra das placas de circuito impresso."", Julio Henrique de Oliveira. ""muito bem explicado com simplicidade"", Clemilton do Nascimento Fortes. ""execelente curso e foi o q eu esperava"", Santos Araujo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Devenez Auto-entrepreneur et crez votre entreprise" |
"Comment crer une Auto-entreprise ? Comment crer une Micro-Entreprise ? Comment s'inscrire en Micro-Entreprise ? Avantages et inconvnients du statut de Micro entrepreneur Il n'a jamais t aussi facile de crer son entreprise, son activit, son business qu'en 2019 ! LACCRE, devenue exonration de dbut dactivit au 1er janvier 2019, permet tous les micro-entrepreneurs de bnficier dune exonration partielle et dgressive de leurs cotisations sociales personnelles. Vous ne paierez qu'entre 3,2% et 5,5% de charges l'anne de votre cration ! Alors qu'attendez pour vous lancer ? Dans ce cours vous dcouvrirez tout ce que vous devez savoir pour franchir le pas.Des videos, des tutoriels, des guides en pdf, choisissez votre format prfr pour en apprendre toujours plusDcouvrez le statut en 2019-2020. Les aides la cration d'entreprise. La fiscalit de la micro-entreprise. En cadeau le guide PDF indispensable pour l'auto-entrepreneur micro-entrepreneur."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"O Manual do Infoproduto" |
"Seu guia prtico para voc transformar o seu conhecimento em dinheiro, criando infoprodutos (ativos digitais) do jeito certo, dando base para criar o seu empreendimento digital de forma sustentvel e lucrativa. Nesse treinamento em vdeo voc vai aprender a forma correta de criar os 6 principais tipos de infoprodutos de modo rpida e fcil.Esse treinamento praticamente o caminho das pedras para voc criar eBooks, udioBooks, Srie de palestras, Treinamentos ao vivo e on-line e Treinamentos gravados."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Como se tornar Livre das Dvidas" |
"Nesse curso, voc ir aprender como ser uma pessoa mais organizada com seu dinheiro e criar um plano de ao para quitar suas dvidas e no ter mais problemas com o dinheiro. Voc vai seguir o passo a passo para criar formas de proteger o seu dinheiro e evitar as armadilhas que acabam levando voc a se enrolar com dvidas e nunca poder aproveitar a vida de verdade."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Primavera P6 nivel Avanzado, 100% Prctico en Espaol" |
"Proyectos con Primavera P6, nivel AvanzadoObjetivos:Abarcar las herramientas de Primavera P6 para el optimo manejo del Programa-El curso se desarrolla a partir del conocimiento completo del programa y todas sus herramientas y ayudas, para, en cada tema, ir desarrollando con el contenido y los ejercicios resueltos-Los alumnos conseguirn a final del curso ser capaces de desarrollar por completo la planificacin de cualquier proyecto, bien entendido que el sucesivo uso de Primavera dar la suficiente agilidad y experiencia en el uso del programa. Por lo que recomendamos que adems de los ejercicios propuestos.Contenido Programtico:Como desarrollar el proyecto en Primavera P6.Creacin del OBS, EPS, Proyectos y WBSTipos de ActividadesTipos de DuracionesElaboracin del esquema del proyecto.Relaciones mtodo PDMMetodo CPMDiagrama de RedDiagrama de Gantt.Esquema del proyecto.Anlisis de costos. Duracin. Secuencias. Recursos. Tipos de TarifasVariaciones de costosDisponibilidades de recursosGastos del Proyecto (costos fijos)Asignacin. Curvas. Jerarqua. Perfiles. Tablas.Calendarios.RiesgosUmbrales IncidenciasProductos de Trabajo y DocumentosProgramacin y control.Seguimiento de las tareas.Indicadores de Valor GanadoCreacin y asignacin de Lnea Base.Evolucin de los planes a travs de reportes grficos.Reportes de control y anlisis.Curva SEjemplos y ejercicios prcticos aplicados.Dirigido ido a: Este curso de Primavera Project Planner 6 est dirigido a arquitectos o ingenieros que pretendan trabajar como Project Manager y a cualquier tcnico que trate de desarrollarse en la administracin y gestin de proyectos para convertirse en un experto Project Planner en cualquiera de las reas de arquitectura, construccin e industria de telecomunicaciones.Se ofrecern instrucciones para la descarga de una versin de prueba del software. Si ya se dispone del programa se requerir disponer de Primavera Project Planner versin P6 u Oracle Primavera versin P6 8.2 en adelante.METODOLOGIANos enfocamos en que el participante maneje las principales prestaciones de esta herramienta mediante una metodologa de aprender haciendo, desde el primer momento nos enfocaremos en el uso de las prestaciones de este software enfocados en la aplicacin de control de proyectos, de tal forma que, se estimule al participante a visualizar su aplicacin en sus puestos de trabajo una vez culminado el curso.BENEFICIOS DE ESTE CURSODominar las principales herramientas de Primavera Planner P6Maximizar eficiencia en el uso de esta herramienta de vanguardia en el control de proyectos empresariales.Mejorar los tiempos de respuesta ante solicitudes de informacin y seguimiento de proyectos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Administracin de Proyectos con Ms Project, nivel AVANZADO" |
"Fundamentacin Microsoft Project es un software estndar para la gestin de proyectos de diferentes industrias, dado que complementa los procesos, mtodos y estrategias de Project Management. En este curso aprenders a monitorear y controlar efectivamente el progreso de su proyecto, as como identificar tcnicas avanzadas de planificacin de cronogramas. Este curso le ayudar a identificar el estado de las tareas, definir restricciones y nivelar recursos a travs de un sistema avanzado de administracin de actividades y recursos. Adems, incrementar la performance del proyecto a travs de un monitoreo y control de la lnea base. Tambin permitir dominar el anlisis de la ruta crtica y a controlar las holguras, a travs de una programacin avanzada. Finalmente, facilitar mantener a los interesados del proyecto satisfechos a travs del desarrollo del anlisis de valor ganado y de un sistema de reportes. Optimice su estrategia de gestin de proyectos, mientras reduce los riesgos y mejora la probabilidad de cumplir con los objetivos del proyecto a travs del tiempo, con las herramientas avanzadas de Microsoft Project.Objetivo general Planificar y controlar cualquier tipo de proyecto con la herramienta MS Project, centrndose en el proceso avanzado de control de proyectos a travs de la actualizacin de recursos, costos, progreso y gestin del valor ganado, as como en el desarrollo de tcnicas y herramientas para brindar consistencia y viabilidad a la lnea base del cronograma, como son la nivelacin de recursos, la definicin del WBS y la implementacin del mtodo de la ruta crtica.Objetivos especficos Al finalizar el curso, el participante estar en la capacidad de: Identificar un conjunto de procesos avanzados para planificar y controlar cualquier tipo de proyectos con MS Project. Reconocer la importancia del mtodo del valor ganado. Aprender a nivelar los recursos del proyecto. Actualizar los recursos, costos y progresos de las actividades. Emitir reportes avanzados de proyectos.Contenido Programtico1. Planificacin de la gestin del cronograma Proceso avanzado de planificacin y control de proyectos Exploracin de tablas de datos de MS Project Calendario de actividades Calendarios de recursos 2. Definicin de las actividades Work Breakdown Structure Tareas repetitivas Tipos de tareas Restricciones 3. Secuencia de las actividades Mtodo de diagramacin por precedencias Diagrama de red Vinculacin automtica Vinculacin grfica 4. Estimacin de los recursos y duracin de las actividades Frmula de programacin Histograma de recursos Nivelacin de recursos Duracin estimada 5. Desarrollo del cronograma Parmetros del mtodo de la ruta crtica Mltiples lneas base Informes visuales Curva S6. Control del cronograma Actualizacin de actividades Actualizacin de recursos y costos Actualizacin del progreso Mtodo del valor ganado"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Presentaciones con PowerPoint y otras Herramientas Digitales" |
"Presentaciones de Alto Impacto con PowerPoint y Otras Herramientas DigitalesObjetivo General: Explicar la metodologa prctica para la creacin de presentaciones estructuradas, combinando una buena diagramacin con un apoyo visual que facilite la comunicacin de las ideas, aprovechando las bondades que ofrece el Microsoft Power Point. Y herramientas de diseo grfico orientado a pantalla, diseo de video digital, edicin y mezclas de audio, grficos y pelculas de Flash.Objetivos Especficos:Manejar la metodologa para la realizacin de una presentacin.Conocer las principales tcnicas para la diagramacin de las diapositivas en PowerPoint.Revisar otras herramientas multimedia compatibles con PowerPoint que permitan agregar contenido multimedia de alto impactoApredender a crear diseos propios mediante el uso de Adobe Fireworks como editor grfico orientado a pantallaDominar tcnicas de edicin de sonidos y clips de video personalizadosCrear Grficos con calidad de flash para las presentacionesCONTENIDOElementos que Contribuyen a una Buena Presentacin, Claves y base para crear una presentacinMetodologa para realizar una presentacinTrabajo con Plantillas de PowerPointAnimacin de series de grficas provenientes de ExcelInsercin de documentos grandes tipos pdf con gran contenido dentro de una sola diapositiva de PowerpointControlar Videos en una diapositiva con el reproductor de video de WindowsEditar y crear clips de videos con Windows Media MakerPresentaciones con componentes multimediaPresentaciones porttiles y para la WEBIntegracin de PowerPoint con otras Herramientas MultimediaUso de otras herramientas Multimedia:FireworksUlead Video StudioSwhish GraphPrint to FlashIspringFlash SlideShow MakerDirigido A: Todas aquellas personas que por su actividad laboral deben desarrollar presentaciones con apoyo de diapositivas de PowerPoint, y que deseen utilizar herramientas tecnolgicas como vehiculo para comunicar con mayor claridad y conviccin sus ideas, logrando atraer a la audiencia.MetodologaNos enfocamos en que el participante maneje las principales prestaciones de esta herramienta mediante una metodologa de aprender haciendo, desde el primer momento nos enfocaremos en el uso de las prestaciones de este software enfocados en la aplicacin en diferentes ejercicios prcticos, de tal forma que, se estimule al participante a visualizar su aplicacin en sus puestos de trabajo una vez culminado el curso. Instalar los diferentes softwares multimedia compatibles con PowerPoint para maximizar la eficiencia en el momento de realizar las presentaciones.Beneficios de este curso:Permite un dominio del Microsoft PowerPoint como herramienta de apoyo para la creacin de presentaciones exitosas.Dominar una metodologa internacional para la creacin de una presentacin en sus diferentes etapas.Dominar algunos programas de edicin de imgenes, creacin de fondos, botones, etc. Editor de Sonidos y Audios y un generador de grficos alternativos al Excel con calidad de pelcula de flash"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Be Confident on Camera" |
"Imagine people calling to do business with you because they feel as if they already know, like, and trust you...even thought you have never met.That is the power of sharing your expertise and stories through videos.It is easier than ever before to scale your business by using the very device on which you are reading this course description!Why? Because the best way to show someone you can help them help them! Give them a tool, a tip, an example, a story of someone else who did what they want to do or just show them exactly how do to it!There are a couple of things that keep a lot of business people from capitalizing on this FREE ANDPOWERFUL marketing tool.One is the dislike of seeing yourself on camera (this is about self-talk). The other is a lack of belief that you have a lot of value and can help a lot of people with what you already know, if you just got out there and helped them (this is about confidence). Here is what you need to know about learning how to self-talk like a pro and grow your confidence into a positive force to be reckoned with:There are a few simple skills that can take you quickly from fear to confidence. The cool thing is that they are skills and, just like any other skills, they can be learned!Getting comfortable talking with people on camera is a skill set that can quickly set you apart and engage both your current and potential audiences and help you grow your business. Think about it...Every time you get in front of people and talk, you are marketing yourself! What they see begins with what is going on inside of your head (!) - how do you mange that conversation in your head to make sure you are able to show up with calm and confidence? Those are characteristics of people who are ""go to"" problem solvers (as a business person, what you really ARE is a problem solver).More and more business people understand the power and impact of incorporating both short videos into their marketing scheme and even online courses into their product offerings. Doing this consistently helps you to know, like, and trust you before you have even met!Whether you are just starting out in business or have years of face to face or phone experience under your belt, this is an empowering course that allows you to fill your personal toolbox with real-world tools that ""level-up"" your 'on camera' speaking presence beginning immediately.This course will teach you the mental and physical skill-sets that will help you raise your confidence, improve your self-talk to be supportive instead of self-defeating, and show-up like the knowledgeable expert that you already are, so that you can grow your business by hitting the record button."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre Autocad : Formation avance" |
"Bienvenue sur cette formation AutoCAD - La formation complte.Au cours de cette formation, vous allez apprendre l'intgralit des fonctionnalits du logiciel de Dessin Assist par Ordinateur AutoCAD.( dans cette formation vous allez trouver chaque vido avec son pdf la formation 100% pratique)Cette formation a t ralise sur la version d'AutoCAD 2016. Vous pouvez galement suivre cette formation si vous utilisez une version antrieure d'AutoCAD.A l'issue de cette formation, vous serez capable de matriser l'intgralit du logiciel AutoCAD et pourrez l'utiliser dans le cadre de projets professionnels."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"From Idea to The App Store using React Native" |
"This course starts from a brainstorming session about an idea. First, we're expanding it with many possible features; then, we contract it back by choosing our most impactful features from the long list. Then, we bootstrap a React Native app, slowly building up the UIand functionality; this is done using React Native, yarn, and npm. Once it's ready, we are diving into the Google Play Store, filling out all the necessary paperwork and details, till the app is fully launched."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"next-js with socket-io crash course" |
"We start from scratch to build up a full app in reactjs, using nextjs.As the project builds up slowly, it's well suited for beginners.We build two medium-complexity pages, one for a trivia participant and one for the quiz master; each contains two ""screens"".We then hook up the two using socketio, synchronizing both sides, forming a fully playable trivia game."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Angular & NestJS - The Modern MEAN Stack Guide" |
"We can use Angular to create powerful frontend web applications powered by TypeScript / JavaScript. What if we can use the Angular knowledge to build backend applications also, here comes NestJS to the rescue. NestJS is heavily inspired by Angular. Even If you don't know Angular, You should give NestJS a try. NestJS is the most popular NodeJS by github stars this year.This course takes you from zero to published app, taking a very practice-orientated route. We'll build a quotes app throughout this course, we'll see how we can use Angular Material library, how to fetch and handle user input, how to store data and much more!We will also see, how we can document our api with the help of Swagger.We will touch on various topics like Architecture, Components, Navigation, User Input, CRUD, Http, CLI etc...And since building apps is only part of the fun, you'll also learn how we can deploy the application we build from Development to Production Envrionment using Heroku, Netlify, Cloud MongoDB Atlas.What exactly are you going to learn then?NestJS FundamentalsNestJS Controllers, ServicesUsing Swagger Using MongoDB CompassDebugging NestJSCORSWorking with MongoDB, MongooseCreate, Read, Update, Delete with MongoDBBackend Validation, LoggingAngular FundamentalsAngular CLIUsing Angular SchematicsUsing Angular Material For UIResponsive Layouts using Flexbox and Media QueriesLazy LoadingAsync DataObservablesSetup Development and Production Envrionments in AngularDeloy Backend app to HerokuDeploy Database on Cloud MongoDB AtlasDeploy FrontEnd app to Netlifyand much more ...So Let's Get Started."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Geometric Grid-Based Designs in Adobe Illustrator" |
"Level up your Illustrator skills & unleash your creativity by taming & mastering a range of tools & techniques for creating precise, eye-catching & unique geometric designs in Adobe Illustrator with our special tips & workflows ranging from beginner to advanced levels.It is fascinating how many completely different things you can create by only using geometric elements as a basis for your design! Working with geometric shapes and creating precise, coherent and original work can seem like a complex and laborious process, but it does not have to be! Versatile tools available in Adobe Illustrator make the creation of even more elaborate geometric designs relatively quick and painless, and with this course I invite you to tame and master a range of Illustrator tools & techniques so you can easily work with precision, speed up your workflow and unleash your creativity by focusing on the most fun and important part of the creative process which is experimenting with different compositions and developing your visual ideas!I am Evgeniya Righini-Brand, a graphic designer with 5 years experience teaching graphic design at university and an online teacher with over 100k students. In this course I will share with you my special tips, tricks & workflows for creating bold, eye-catching & unique geometric designs in Adobe Illustrator and my favourite game-changing approach to developing and using custom geometric grids as a creative instrument and structural basis for your designs. Apart from showing you how to take full advantage of Adobe Illustrator's tools and techniques, I will also share with you how to methodically develop and tackle creating geometric designs one step at a time, and highlight design principles and considerations to help you make conscious design decisions and push the boundaries of your creativity.Whether you are into creating elaborate geometric designs, or something minimalistic, or something in-between, this course will provide you with a framework which you can use to create:surface patterns;print designs,illustrations & graphic art;digital lettering & custom typefaces;packaging designs;logos* & icons;infographics.This course is suitable for graphic designers, illustrators, surface pattern designers & digital artists who are interested in creating geometric designs, and I will walk you through everything you need to know to create precise and exciting geometric grid-based designs in Adobe Illustrator. Whether you want to create your very first geometric design in Illustrator or take your geometric designs and Illustrator skills to a next level and unlock your creative potential by exploring new creative techniques, this is a course for you!In this course you will learn:How to take advantage of document settings and Illustrator preferences to have a smooth workflow and work with precision;How to easily create a range of standard but versatile geometric grids and how to get the most out of a range of Illustrator tools when devising custom grids;How to use your grids to develop both shape-based and linear designs;How to add more personality to your geometric designs by styling them in a number of different ways;And how to finalise your designs and prepare them for output.I cannot wait to see what you create!What students say:Sara: ""I have explored the tools mentioned before but not to that extent. The courses I have attended at school don't even come close to the level of excellence given in this class. Evgeniya is a really fantastic teacher and you can bet she knows her craft. I recommend this class to anyone really wanting to explore grids, geometric shapes and start really mastering Adobe Illustrator.""Elspeth: ""I wish I had been able to take this class years ago. It would have saved me a lot of time and energy if I'd known how to design based on custom grids, which are so simple to make in Illustrator once you know how. Very comprehensive but easy to understand class with lots of basic know-how but also more advanced tips and tricks and advice on creating attractive grid-based designs in Illustrator.""Maria: ""You're given a lot of tools, resources, and inspiration that will have you making geometric designs long after you've finished the class exercises. It becomes this meditative and satisfying process that helps you produce content that can be used for any type of design project: surface patterns, brand identities, statement swag, etc. So versatile and yet such a powerful method of creating!""* In this course we will be developing grids as systems of various adjacent modules, which you can build upon in any desired way. And whilst you can use the tools & techniques covered in this course to create any kind of geometric designs you want, in this course I won't be concentrating on working with geometric shapes in a more freehand way when shapes are loosely arranged in relation to each other (which is often used in logo design)."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Sosyal Bilimlerde Aratrma" |
"Bu ders kapsamnda bilimsel aratrma almasna ilgi duyan herkese ynelik aratrma tasarm, aratrma srecinde kullanlacak yntemler, veri toplama aralarnn gelitirilmesi ve bilimsel aratrma verilerinin analizi hakknda bilgi ve beceriler kazandrlmas hedeflenmektedir.Bu ders sosyal bilimler alanndaki tm disiplinlere ynelik olmasnn yan sra zellikle eitim bilimleri alannda daha fazla somut rnek iermektedir."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PMP Prfungsvorbereitung" |
"Dieses Prfungsset umfasst 68 Fragen in 2 Gruppen.Wenn Sie die PMP-Prfung wirklich bestehen mchten, sollten Sie die 6. Ausgabe von PMBOK-Guide verstehen und mglichst viele Fragen lsen.In diesen Prfungsstzen beziehen sich die Antworten auf PMBOK 6. Ausgabe mit Erluterung (nicht fr alle Fragen), aber zgern Sie nicht, dem Ausbilder eine Frage zu stellen."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Arduino Artk ocuk Oyunca" |
"Arduino elektronik ile hobi amacyla uraan ya da profesyonel olarak ilgilenen herkes iin mucizevi bir rn olarak piyasaya srld. Gerekten pek ok nemli bir proje gelitirebileceiniz bir rn olan Arduinoyu MBLOCKve ARDUINOile ile programlamay reneceiz. Bunu yaparken ok sk kullanlan elektronik devre elemanlarn da derinlemesine reneceksiniz. Bunlar LED, RGBLED, BUTTON, 7 SEGMENTDISPLAY, 4 DIGIT7 SEGMENTDISPLAY, SERVOMOTOR, STEPMOTOR, LCDEKRAN, LDRvb. pek ok rnn kullanmn renebileceksiniz."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Job Interview Guide: Preparing for THE Interview" |
"Discover the things to get ready for your interview.Whether you're a regular interviewee or just started your search for your first job, or even if you are an interviewer yourself, this course is designed for all levels; who wants to further enhance their knowledge or practice of interview. Welcome to Job Interview Guide: Preparing for THE Interview! Interview is a formal meeting at which someone is asked questions in order to find out if they are suitable for a job or a course of study. This definition is based on Collins English Dictionary. In this course context, we explore the job interview part of it but the tips here can be applicable to the course of study.What words or feelings come to mind when you hear interview? A job, money, fear, nervous, anxious, excited, company of your dreams, big boss, butterflies in your stomach, etc? The list goes on. The question that arises as an interviewee is what do I do?. You need to prep yourself and its not about a question and answer session but its actually a conversation between the interviewer or interviewers and the interviewees.Get ready for the interview!Each lecture is filled to the best of my experience. As much as I can cover on interviews, methods or questions may change overtime, especially in this dynamic world. At the end of this Interview course, here's what you can expect:How to prepare for an interviewDiscover common interview questionsLearn what not to say in a job interviewComplete the course and I'd appreciate if you could leave a positive feedback. If you have find this course useful, do recommend to your friends who will find this beneficial.Thank you for taking this course and I'll see you inside the course!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"[A-Z] Google Data Studio crea reportes, informes y dashboard" |
"Hola a tod@s,siendo uno de los cursos ms solicitados de analtica digital y analtica de datos, este curso sobre visualizacin de datos Google Data Studio, aprenders a consolidar los conceptos de la analtica a travs de la representacin de los datos en forma dinmica en grficos y generar informes, report, dashboard e insight. Consta de dos partes principales;los fundamentos, parte terica donde se hablar:Introduccin de analticaConceptos de visualizacin de datosBusiness Analytics y BI vs Data AnalyticsQu es Data StudioFuente de datos o conectoresTipo de datosDimensiones y mtricasFunciones y Campos calculadosUna parte ms tcnica y prctica:Crear un informeCargar un datasetGrficosStorytelling o contar una historia a travs de los datosCasos prcticos con los diferentes conectoresEn la primera parte y presentacin se hablar de analtica web, plan de medicin e implementacin, tag management system y tag manager. La segunda parte de este curso como instalar tag manager e implementacin de las etiquetas. Los objetivos del curso completo es avanzar desde cero hasta ya personalizar las etiquetas. El curso ser impartido por:Marco Russo:Vengo del mundo de la economa y finanza, he trabajado como financial advisor en BBVA para banca de inversin, pasando por el Marketing Digital y especialista de trfico de pago (Google Ads). La pasin por resolver problemas me motiva a estudiar Business Analytics & Data Analytics y mantener este perfil hbrido de (business e informtica).Actualmente conozco y trabajo con los siguientes lenguajes JavaScript, SQL, Python, R. He trabajado como front/back principalmente con HTML, CSS, PHP, Go para las tareas de creacin de analtica de medicin. Especializado en minera de datos, marketing digital, SEO SEM, y conjuntamente con la explotacin y visualizacin de datos.He creado hace aos tres escuelas de formacin KPIschool, DataSchool y aiSchool proyecto en pleno crecimiento. Separados por programas de fundamentos y avanzados de Digital Marketing (Google Ads, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Data Studio y Optimize, y Data Science: Big Data y modelado de datos, base de datos SQL y noSQL, Python, Lenguaje R, Data Visualization y de Business Intelligence. Disciplina STEM, cules Raspberry Pi y Arduino, e IoT Internet de las cosas adems de las herramientas de anlisis y visualizacin de datos, Power BI, Tableau.Finalmente tengo muchas cualidades como profesor y tutor desde analtica digital a analtica de datos. Desde 2012 como docente en programas de msters y postgrados en diversas escuelas de negocios, entre ellas EAE Business School, IMF, IIM Instituto de Marketing, AdveiSchool, Digital Brain, Neoland, Fictizia adems de formador en la Cmara de Comercio de Madrid y otras tantas asociaciones y cooperativas.Creador de varios cursos de digital marketing en plataformas premium, seminarios y webinar en varias escuelas de negocio. Adems de ser profesor colaborador con la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (asignaturas de visualizacin de datos, minera de datos y machine learning) y tutor del mster oficial de Data Science.Actualmente estoy colaborando en diferente proyectos de formacin acercndome ms al mundo americano, especialmente Per, Colombia, Mxico, Argentina, Chile, entre otros con planes de aprendizaje ms a medida del alumno. "
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Create a 3D multi-player game using THREE.js and Socket.IO" |
"With Socket IO it is very easy to create a game where multiple remote players can share data. In this course we start by installing NODE.js, a prerequisite of Socket IO. NODE.js is an open source server environment. We make sure NODE.js is working correctly and that you understand how to run it by running through a few very simple examples. In section 3 we move on to building a simple chat app using Socket IO and I show you how to use the rooms capability of Socket IO to limit inter-Socket communication to groups of sockets that share a room. Section 4 introduces the WebGL library, THREE.js, and shows how to display assets using this library..Section 5 looks at accessing online 3D resources both models and animations and shows how you can use Blender to edit these assets.Section 6 covers in more detail using THREE.js for games.Section 7 brings 3D and Socket IO together to create a framework for a game where we see remote players moving.Section 8 shows how we can chat to remote players by sending a private chat message, socket to socket.Section 9 shows how to take your game to a live server. The final section gives some important tips when using NODE.js and Socket IO with the THREE.js library in an online game. Having completed the course you will have all the skills necessary to create 3D multi-player games of your own. With the 30 day money back guarantee you can start the course today with complete confidence.Here is are some reviews of the course:Nik's tutorials are brilliantThe instructor really explained the whole concept of the process of setting up a complete 3D multi-user chat app using the latest and hottest technologies in a nutshell; I'd like to say he demystified it.""This course helped me a lot to finish my running project. I loved this course very much. It is probably the only course which shows the use of THREE.js to create a 3d game. It's socket io implementation is amazing. I would surely recommend to enroll in this course.""... and what students on my other THREE.js courses have to say:Easy to Understand and detailedThis course is really awesome! I enjoyed every second of this learning experience.""Really good course, highly recommend. ... The last time I tried to learn the source code was 20,000 lines of C#. Without the helper classes, this author achieves an awesome 3D Car game in less than 400 lines. In the past I have had a lot of issues with getting FBX from Blender into a THREE.js scene but here it is easily explained and worked effortlessly. Huge thanks to Nik for this fantastic course."""
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Learn GLSL Shaders from Scratch" |
"In this course we're going to look at GLSL ( OpenGL Shading Language) to create amazing effects. Maybe you are a designer who has seen some terrific, cutting edge websites using cool transitions and wondered how it was done. You may have heard about WebGL and know that you can use some simple THREE.js code to do some remarkable things. a developer trying to visualise some data in a striking way. a game developer wanting to add some custom effects to your 3d objects surfaces.GLSL is how you can use OpenGL to display a surface. The code syntax is based on the C language, but fear not, we will assume you have literally no knowledge of this language at all and we will, as the course title states, learn this from scratch. GLSL uses the GPU ( the Graphics Processing Unit) to handle multiple programs at the same time, so it is unbelievably fast. In the course we will be writing code for the browser, because this allows us to focus on GLSL, without needing to worry about installing any additional software. We will be using the THREE.js WebGL library and CodePen so you can instantly edit the source and see the results, needing nothing other than a browser to experiment. Only a small amount of Javascript is used but this will be explained thoroughly as it comes along. But you can also use what you learn about GLSL in a C/C++/C# program or a Python program.We will start from really simple examples and progress slowly through each stage of developing a custom shader. You will be able to play with the shader code on CodePen, so you can experiment with different values to see the impact it has on the end result. GLSL shaders are split into vertex shaders and fragment shaders and we will focus initially on the fragment shader, working essentially in a 2d environment. With dozens of shaders in the course resources you will learn the language in gentle stages. Creating your own shaders means understanding the GLSL language and that is the aim of the course. You could search for a suitable shader on ShaderToy, ShaderFrog or glslViewer and then try to adapt the code. But without knowing the language you're going to find that difficult to do. To really be effective you need to know about the GLSL language, shaping functions, tiling, polar coordinates and lighting calculations. To do this you will need to follow along with the course and complete the many challenges suggested. At the end you will then be able to create any shader that you can imagine. As usual there is a 30 day money back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose. Let's get shading today! What students say""I came here interested in making a custom lighting shader on an obj model, and I really found answers to my questions and more. The two faced aspect of the lessons and the CodePen sketches [are] great. I thank you !""""A great course! Methodical, step by step explanations not only of the GLSL but also of the general theory behind shaders, usable with any shader system. Essential if you are into computer graphics or generative art. Thank you!""""I've tried to pick up shaders in the past but found it quite difficult. Unlike other resources I've found, this course was the course that finally helped me get a much better grasp of glsl. It is well structured and very informative. I would recommend it to anyone looking to pick up glsl.""""This is exactly what I needed. I am a web designer/developer with design background and a good a good deal of javascript experience I'm trying to get into 3D visualizations for web. Since GLSL is written in C language it had been a huge barrier. I totally recommend this course to anyone having problems to get a clear understanding of GLSL.""""So far this course has been really amazing. Very few courses on shaders really take the time to explain the math behind what's happening in a way that let's ""non-math"" folk develop an intuition for it. Great job!""""I was always intimidated by the idea of GLSL, even though I'm an advanced front-end developer. I've always been terrible at math; and yet Nik's style of teaching made me understand everything very intuitively and I'm so comfortable with shaders now. I've bought 60+ courses on Udemy; and I quit most of them after a couple videos. This one has me hooked on my chair until I finish everything! Coding along to this course is fun and Nik's challenges feel very rewarding to either solve or understand through his crystal clear explanation!"""
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Passive Income for Beginners - Build Your Online Empire" |
"Is this course for you?This course is for you if you don't know much about passive income and would like to learn about it and how to create your own passive income streams. If you are already well-versed in passive income then this course is NOTfor you. What will you learn?What passive income meansWhy you should care about making passive income10 different passive income streams you can start todayWhy choose this course?This is a very simple course for beginners on what passive income is and how to create streams of passive income. It is basic and very easy to understand. Ihave been working on my passive income streams for over a year now and the success I have found with this concept Iwould very much like to share with others. Ikept this course short, sweet, and easy to digest on purpose so that others can start making passive income the same day that they take this course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Leadership" |
"Ethical Leadership means using ethics and making an ethical decision in situations that are faced by leaders. Ethical leadership is a must for all the leaders as well as employees of any organization. If the leaders are themselves not ethical, the organization cannot expect to function on the lines of ethics and moral values. Let us learn about Ethical Leadership in detail."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing" |
"The Web has a widespread reach and has a flexible information management structure that can help any business to connect with other businesses as well as consumers in all parts of the world. The digital strategy should have the right mix from a business and customer perspective. Therefore, the right Digital Marketing plays a key role in a brands success. This course helps us in learning how to achieve marketing objectives through applying digital technologies or in other words through use of electronic communications technology."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Diversity Management" |
"Diversity Management is defined as planning and implementing organizational systems and practices to manage people so that the potential advantages of diversity are maximized while its potential disadvantages are minimized. This course helps you understand different culture and how to communicate across cultures. The course helps you find out how diversity works, lists down the ways to encourage diversity and teaches you how to successfully build a diverse organisation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Consumer Behavior" |
"Every human being's subconscious mind is responsible for making decisions much before the conscious one interferes. Consumer Behavior involves studying the processes a consumer uses to make purchase decisions, to dispose of purchased goods or services and study the factors that influence purchase decisions and the use of products. We will discuss in details about some important topics, like: Types of Consumers, Role of Consumer Behavior in Loyalty, Model of Consumer Behavior, Steps of Decision-Making Process, How to Reduce Cognitive Dissonance, Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior, Role of Consumer Behavior & Value Drivers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Neuroscience for Leaders & Managers" |
"The knowledge and understanding of Neuroscience help understand neutron activation patterns which is crucial to help Managers and Leaders to engage effectively with clients and subordinates, and facilitate change of uncomfortable, or less helpful patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Using Neuroscience for management can contribute to a better performance in several areas such as - change management, self awareness, decision making, conflict resolution, anger management etc."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Meeting Skills" |
"People do not like to waste their time; hence running efficient and successful meetings is a key skill that every individual should learn for growing in their career. Running an effective meeting is more than sending out a notice that your team is to meet at a particular time and place. The course teaches you all the skills required to conduct effective meetings."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"McClellands Theory of Needs" |
"McClellands Theory of Needs is a very useful concept that needs to be understood and applied by managers for motivating their subordinates. The course covers in detail about the three types of motivational needs identified by McClelland - Need for Achievement or Achievement Motivation (n-ach), Need for Power or Authority/Power Motivation (n-pow) and Need for Affiliation or Affiliation Motivation (n-affil)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cyber Law Analyst" |
"Cyber Law & Cyber Security Management can be defined as a bundle of decisions and acts which a Cyber Law Analyst undertakes and which decides the result of the firms cyber security strategy. This course covers various areas in securing against internet related offenses. It covers important areas in electronic signature, UNCITRAL, attribution, acknowledgment and dispatch of electronic records, certifying authority, IPR protection, international organization, COE, IT Act and judicial review."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Improving Employee Performance" |
"Individual performance levels affect not only the employee but also the team as well as the organization as a whole. The main aim of any manager is to help his/her employees produce good work, and enhance their ability to do this work over time. In this course, we will discuss about the strategies for creating a culture that encourages high performance as well as best practices for improving employee performance in the modern workplace. The course also discusses about how to get to the root of poor employee performance and coach both high-performing and low-performing employees."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |