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"Clojure: The Complete Beginner's Guide" |
"Why learn ClojureClojure is a general purpose, Java inspired, functional programming language.In 2019, the popular site StackOverflow rated Clojure as the highest paying programming language in the world, and second highest in the United States.Many big players like LinkedIn, Cisco, CitiGroup etc use Clojure as one of their main languages.This course teaches you:to install the Clojure environment on a PC or Macthe language basics likefunctionsdata typesvariablesetcthe fundamentals ofloopssequencesexception handlingetcadvanced topics such asnamespacesagentsreference valuesetcpractical applications of all studied concepts plenty of coding challengesWe will apply everything we learned through coding small applications to solidify what we are studying.This course opens up many opportunities to work in a niche market, where your skills will be highly values by employers. There is a huge shortage of Clojure skills, and you can claim the top spot.Clojure is also a fun language to learn. Being a LISP language, it makes it much easier to write code, with Clojure code being on average much smaller than Java or JavaScript. It's a great skill to have if you're looking to expand your programming tool belt.Sign up today and let's start learning Clojure together.30 day money back guarantee - provided by UdemyHighly rated instructor with over 8000 active students and growing monthly."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Build a classic Snake game for Android" |
"This course is simply created as a fun weekend project, to help you build a classic Snake game in Android.I will go through the building process line by line to explain and help you understand how to build this fun game.I will not explain the fundamentals like what a function or a variable are, but I will explain each line of code to show you what it does and why.We will build a simple game engine, simple graphics and simple gameplay, enough for this game to work fine on all devices out there.So if you enjoy a bit of nostalgia and are interested in building this game, sign up for this course and let's get started."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Android Monetisation AdMob & in-app billing with Kotlin" |
"Learn how to make money from your app with this complete course on Android Monetisation.Most online resources show you one strategy and don't go into practical details about how to build that strategy into a real Android app in Kotlin.This course will take you step by step and will show you how to implement all the strategies we talk about in a real world example app. We will learn about:AdMobBanner AdsInterstitial AdsRewarded AdsHow to publish an App to the Google Play StoreFree vs Paid AppsSell digital productsSell subscriptionsThe purpose of the course is to give you the knowledge and the confidence to make money from your application.You have worked hard coming up with an idea for an app, designing it, developing it, maintaining and debugging it, marketing it and building an audience. Now it's time to be rewarded for your effort. This course will teach you how.The more people make money from their apps, the more awesome apps there are out there, so it's a win for everyone.Sign up now and let's learn how to monetise your Android App"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Android Jetpack: Room, Navigation and Data Binding" |
"Learn how to use Jetpack Room, Navigation and Data Binding with this quick and efficient course.Most tutorials online talk about these libraries but don't show you how you would actually implement them. In this course we will implement these 3 libraries in a practical application. This will be a note taking app, that stores the notes in a local database. We will create, read, update and delete data from a local database.The app navigation is implemented using the new Android Navigation library.Finally, we will display the data using the Data Binding library.We will go through a bit of theory, before starting to apply these concepts in the practical application.Sign up today, and let's learn how to use the Room, Navigation and Data Binding libraries.30 day money back guarantee - provided by UdemyHighly rated instructor with over 10.000 active students and growing monthly."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Android Jetpack masterclass in Kotlin" |
"Use Jetpack to build a modern Android App with this new course on Android development and Kotlin.Most tutorials and how to's on Udemy show you the basics of app building, but they don't show you how to use the latest technologies and libraries.Most projects and jobs require you to know how to use the latest libraries. This is what this course is all about.The purpose of this course is to teach you most of the Jetpack libraries, and give you a practical example of how to use these technologies, all while building a simple example app.We will learn about:NavigationRoomData BindingAndroidXKTX extensionsLifecyclesLive DataViewModelNotificationsPermissionsSharingPreferencesFragmentsLayoutsPaletteMultidexAs a bonus, we will also learnMVVM architectureRetrofitRxJavaGlideAnd we will build the app in Kotlin.We will cover a lot of technologies and we will implement them all in an application, so you can have a practical example.If you want to build an app that scales and is robust, these technologies will make your life easy in the long term.Sign up today, and let's learn how to use Jetpack to build a modern Android Application."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"State of the Art Android App Development in Kotlin" |
"Build a State of the Art Android App with this new course on Android development and Kotlin.Most tutorials and how to's show you the basics of app building, but they don't show you how to use the latest technologies and libraries.Most projects and jobs require you to know how to use the latest libraries. This is what this course is all about.The purpose of this course is to give you a practical example of how to use these technologies, all while building a simple example app.We will learn about:MVVM architecture using the Google recommended Android Lifecycle ExtensionsRetrofit and JSON for remote server communicationRxJava as a reactive frameworkDagger2 for dependency injectionJetpack navigation for navigating the user through the app screensJetpack Data Binding for building UI screensGlide for seamless image loadingJetpack Palette for extracting colors from imagesUnit tests to test the application and make it stable and robustAnd we will build everything in Kotlin, the shiny new language that Google recommendsIf you want to become an expert Android Developer, you need to know how to use these technologies.If you want to build an app that scales and is robust, these technologies will make your life easy in the long term.Sign up today, and let's learn how to properly build a State of the Art Android Application."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Android Jetpack masterclass in Java" |
"Use Jetpack to build a modern Android App with this new course on Android development and Java.Most tutorials and how to's on Udemy show you the basics of app building, but they don't show you how to use the latest technologies and libraries.Most projects and jobs require you to know how to use the latest libraries. This is what this course is all about.The purpose of this course is to teach you most of the Jetpack libraries, and give you a practical example of how to use these technologies, all while building a simple example app.We will learn about:NavigationRoomData BindingAndroidXKTX extensionsLifecyclesLive DataViewModelNotificationsPermissionsSharingPreferencesFragmentsLayoutsPaletteMultidexAs a bonus, we will also learnMVVM architectureRetrofitRxJavaGlideAnd we will build the app in Java.We will cover a lot of technologies and we will implement them all in an application, so you can have a practical example.If you want to build an app that scales and is robust, these technologies will make your life easy in the long term.Sign up today, and let's learn how to use Jetpack to build a modern Android Application."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"State of the Art Android app development in Java" |
"Build a State of the Art Android App with this new course on Android development and Java.Most tutorials and how to's show you the basics of app building, but they don't show you how to use the latest technologies and libraries.Most projects and jobs require you to know how to use the latest libraries. This is what this course is all about.The purpose of this course is to give you a practical example of how to use these technologies, all while building a simple example app.We will learn about:MVVM architecture using the Google recommended Android Lifecycle ExtensionsRetrofit and JSON for remote server communicationRxJava as a reactive frameworkDagger2 for dependency injectionJetpack navigation for navigating the user through the app screensJetpack Data Binding for building UI screensGlide for seamless image loadingJetpack Palette for extracting colors from imagesUnit tests to test the application and make it stable and robustAnd we will build everything in JavaIf you want to become an expert Android Developer, you need to know how to use these technologies.If you want to build an app that scales and is robust, these technologies will make your life easy in the long term.Sign up today, and let's learn how to properly build a State of the Art Android Application."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Modern Android app using Java, MVVM, Dagger2, RxJava &more" |
"Learn how to make a modern Android App with this new course on Android development in Java.Most tutorials and how to's on Udemy show you the basics of app building, but they don't show you how to use the latest technologies and libraries.Most projects and jobs require you to know how to use the latest libraries. This is what this course is all about.The purpose of this course is to give you a practical example of how to use these technologies, all while building a simple example app.We will learn about:MVVM architecture using the Google recommended Android Lifecycle ExtensionsDagger2 for dependency injectionRxJava as a reactive frameworkRetrofit and JSON for remote server communicationGlide for seamless image loadingUnit tests to test the application and make it stable and robustAnd we will build everything in JavaIf you want to get that job as an Android Developer, you need to know how to use these technologies.If you want to build an app that scales and is robust, these technologies will make your life easy in the long term.Sign up today, and let's learn how to properly build a modern Android Application.30 day money back guarantee - provided by UdemyHighly rated instructor with over 8000 active students and growing monthly."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Complete Kotlin development masterclass" |
"This course is a unique experience on Udemy. There are loads of Kotlin resources online to choose from, but this is the only course that takes you from a complete beginner in software development, teaches you the fundamentals, advanced topics, and makes you an expert in this field.In addition, you have loads of practice exercises, challenges and projects to work on. I didn't just add a bunch of exercises at the end. Instead, each concept is put in code and practiced so that we make sure you apply and learn everything through action.You get over 30 hours of on-demand videos, exercises and most importantly projects to apply the knowledge we talk about.I've spent years building applications in Kotlin, and years again teaching people how to build code for themselves.This is the most complete course I've ever done, and it's all to help you on your journey to become an expert developer.We will cover basic topics such aslanguage fundamentalscollectionsflow controlloopshandling errors and exceptionsfunctionspackagesAs well as advanced topics such asObject Oriented ProgrammingPrinciples of developmentStandard functionsTypes of classesExtensionsGenericsCoroutinesAnd we will put everything in practice through examples and projects.If you want to take ONE COURSE to master Kotlin take this course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Kotlin Coroutines development course" |
"This is the most complete resource online for learning about Kotlin coroutines.This course will take you step by step, through each concept related to coroutines, discuss it in detail, then apply it in a practical project in Kotlin.We will cover topics such as:ScopeContextSuspending functionsJobsDispatchersasyncwithContextException handlingAsynchronous flowPropertiesFlow cancellationOperatorsBufferingComposing flowsChannelsProducerPipelinesFan-in and fan-outBuffered channelsTicker channelsIn addition, we will also be working on several Android apps to apply the knowledge we learned.A background image processing appA network communications app using Coroutines, Retrofit and MVVMA Room database using coroutinesA news ticker app using Asynchronous Flows, Retrofit and MVVMThis course is great if you want to take your multithreading and parallel processing skills to the next level. Sign up today and let's start learning about Kotlin Coroutines."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Clean architecture & SOLID principles for Android in Kotlin" |
"Learn Clean Architecture and SOLID principles with this new course on Android development and Kotlin.Most tutorials and how to's show you the basics of app building, but they don't show you how to use the latest technologies and libraries.Most projects and jobs require you to know how to use the latest libraries. This is what this course is all about.The purpose of this course is to give you a practical example of how to use Clean architecture, all while building a simple example app.We will learn about:Clean ArchitectureComponents and layersSOLID principlesMVVMApplying Clean architecture in an example appJetpack navigationRoom databaseDependency InjectionIf you want to become an expert Android Developer, you need to know how to structure and build your applications correctlySign up today, and let's learn how to implement Clean architecture and SOLID principles in your projects."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"SAP All-in-One Anwendungen im SAP ERP" |
"SAP All-in-One - Anwendungen im SAP ERPIn diesem Kurs werden die SAPAnwendung Vertrieb; Beschaffung (Einkauf); Finanzbuchhaltung ; Controlling; Personal besprochen. Der Kurs enthlt die nachfolgenden aufgezhlten Lernvideos: SAPmv0101010416.12 - Folge 12: Anwendung Vertrieb (35:24)SAPmv0101010416.13 - Folge 13: Anwendung Beschaffung (Einkauf) (40:03)SAPmv0101010418.14 - Folge 14: Anwendung Finanzbuchhaltung (1:24:37)SAPmv0101010419.15 - Folge 15: Anwendung Controlling (56:22)SAPmv0101010420.16 - Folge 16: Anwendung Personal (37:46)"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"SAP All-in-One Prozesse im SAP ERP" |
"Diese Kurse richten sich an Personen, welche knftig mit SAP arbeiten werden. Es werden die Grundlagen und Grundbegriffe von SAP ERP theoretisch und teilweise an praktischen SAP Beispielen erklrt. SAP Trainer / Berater erklren die SAP Begriffswelt. Inhalt des Kurses: SAPmv0101010421.27 - Folge 27: SAP NetWeaver (46:01)SAPmv0101010422.28 - Folge 28: Geschftsprozesse Logistik - Beschaffung (17:24)SAPmv0101010422.29 - Folge 29: Geschftsprozesse Logistik - Produktion (16:10)SAPmv0101010422.30 - Folge 30: Geschftsprozesse Logistik - Vertrieb (16:45)SAPmv0502010102.03 Folge 503 Vertriebsprozesse berblick - (25:16) SAPmv0101010422.31 - Folge 31: Geschftsprozesse Rechnungswesen (19:33)SAPmv0101010423.33 - Folge 33: SAP Services (21:34)SAPmv0101010422.32 - Folge 32: Geschftsprozesse Personalwesen (17:53) - Folge 202: SAP Grundlagen im Personalwesen - Unternehmens -und Personalstrukturen (23:24)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
SAP-ABAP-Programmierung-Teil-3 |
"Die Kurse vermitteln wissen in den Themen ABAP Objects, ABAP Advanced und Datenbernahme.In diesem Kurs sind die nachfolgende Lernvideos enthalten:ABAP Objektorientiert - Folge 1101:Klassen, Objekte, Referenzvariablen 7:32 Min (Minuten)ABAP Objektorientiert - Folge 1102:Komponenten von Klassen, Sichtbarkeitsbereiche 6:09 Min (Minuten)ABAP Objektorientiert - Folge 1103:Methoden, Schnittstellen, Konstruktor 9:59 Min (Minuten)ABAP Objektorientiert - Folge 1104:Casting 7:16 Min (Minuten)ABAP Objektorientiert - Folge 1105: Vererbung und Interfaces 9:06 Min (Minuten)ABAP Objektorientiert - Folge 1106: Ausnahmeklassen 8:34 Min (Minuten)ABAP Objektorientiert - Folge 1151:Seminarzertifizierungsvorbereitung Grundbegriffe 19:45 Min (Minuten)ABAP Objektorientiert - Folge 1152:Seminarzertifizierungsvorbereitung Vererbung, Interfaces und Exceptions 14:54 Min (Minuten)ABAP Advanced - Folge 1201: Assertions und Breakpoints 10:03 Min (Minuten)ABAP Advanced - Folge 1202: Dynam. Programmierung mit Feldsymbolen und Referenzen 15:29 Min (Minuten)ABAP Advanced - Folge 1203: Run Time Type Services (RTTS) 11:44 Min (Minuten)ABAP Advanced - Folge 1204: Shared Objects 10:07 Min (Minuten)SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench (LSMW) - Folge 2041: Grundlagen 37:33 Min (Minuten)SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench (LSMW) - Folge 2042: Aufzeichnungen 12:13 Min (Minuten)SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench (LSMW) - Folge 2043: Spezielle Themen 20:41 Min (Minuten)"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Pinterest Marketing, die meist unterschtze Plattform" |
"Ich zeige dir Schritt fr Schritt, wie du Pinterest Account zu einer Trafficmaschine machen kannst. Du brauchst dafr keinerlei Vorkenntnisse. Es wre gut wenn du bereits einen Blog oder einen Onlineshop hast, wodrauf wir dann die Besucher leiten knnen. Selbst wenn du keinen hast kannst du mit Pinterest bspw. auf eine Affiliateseite die Besucher leiten und damit Geld verdienen."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Starte dein erfolgreiches T- Shirt Business noch heute" |
"Ich werde dir in diesem Kurs alles Schritt fr Schritt erklren. Angefangen mit dem Punkt, welche Plattform die nutzen solltest und was dort die Vor - und Nachteile sind. Des weiteren wirst du auch lernen, wie du organisch Sales generieren kannst. Nach diesem Kurs wirst du kein Problem mehr haben profitableT-Shirt Designs zu finden. Du wirst lernen selbst Shirt Designs erstellen zu knne, jedoch zeige ich dir auch wie du diese sehr gnstig an Designer abgeben kannst. Und du lernst, wie Facebook Werbung funktioniert, womit du dann deine Shirts promoten kannst."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"A Banking Project - BigData/Hadoop Process Loan Data" |
"In this course, students would be able to understand how big-data is used in banking and finance domain. We have processed loan data set in Map Reduce, PIG and Hive and after completing this course students will have fair idea which tool can be used in which scenario and which tool is easy to use which kind of scenario in any domain."
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Redes Sociais e Vdeos para Campanhas Polticas" |
"Esse curso mapeia a comunicao de uma campanha poltica sob o olhar de uma jornalista que trabalhou em diversas campanhas e tambm nas maiores emissoras de TV do Pas. Aqui, voc ir aprender todos os formatos possveis de vdeos, como planejar a gravao em cada um desses formatos, como produzir vdeos incrveis, como planejar contedo para as redes sociais, afinal de contas, elas so fundamentais para a construo do relacionamento com o pblico. Tambm haver informaes relevantes para lidar com haters, fake news e muito mais!Tenho certeza que esse curso te levar a um outro patamar na hora de planejar suas aes de mdias digitais em campanhas polticas."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
facebook-instagram |
", - , , ! , ... , , ! , ! , , ! :) , ! - ! :)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvimento de aplicaes para web e sites com Django 3" |
"Aprenda os conceitos fundamentais do Django verso 3.0 e crie o seu prprio blog na nuvem da Google.Aprenda desde o desenvolvimento ate o deploy na nuvem desse maravilhoso framework.Aprenda os conceitos fundamentais do Django verso 3.0 e crie o seu prprio blog na nuvem da Google.Aprenda desde o desenvolvimento ate o deploy na nuvem desse maravilhoso framework."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aplicao web completa integrando Django e Angular Framework" |
"Nesse curso vamos criar uma aplicao de gesto de membros, onde teremos uma API Django 3 para backend o a App web frontend utilizando Angular 8. Alm do mais faremos o deploy das duas aplicaes de foma independente em VPS Linux utilizando uWSGI, NGINX, Apache e Postgres no ambiente Google, no entanto o aprendizado desse processo de deploy poder ser replicado na AWS, IBM, Microsoft, Digital Ocean, Linode e etc.Todo o projeto ser versionado via Git + GitHub com as melhores prticas do mercado"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine 4 Blueprint - We Create Game" |
"This basic course shall teach you every fundamental part of Unreal Engine 4. How to download it, install and create your first project. It will break down the key interface elements and how to navigate through the whole program. Next thing will be explaining the term 'Blueprints' and how to use them to create a simple 3D platform game. Easy process, with simple mathematics and essential algorithmics. Creating a game logic from scratch and building a special test level to see how it all fits together. Lastly it will teach you a correct game-testing protocol. How to fix possible bugs and deliver a satisfying level of QA.This course is designed for anyone who want to take his first steps into the game development industry through the use of Unreal Engine 4 software. An Experienced game developer will take you on a journey to understand the basic concept of the engine and help you create your very first 3D oriented project."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"FHRP - Gateway Redundancy Protocols (HSRP - VRRP - GLBP)" |
"CCNAve CCNPSnavna hazrlanacak kiiler iin, ITSektrnde alan zellikle Network veya Security Departmannda alan ya da almay dnen kiilere uygulamal olarak Gateway yedekli sistemlerin nasl alldnn anlatld bir kurstur. Kursa katlan kiilerin temel Network bilgisine sahip olmas onlar iin bir avantaj tekil etmektedir. Ancak kursun anlalabilirlii herkes tarafndan mmkndr."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"HSRP-STP-VTP-DHCP-EtherChannel-DataCenter(All in One)" |
"Bu kurs, profesyonel hayatta kullanlmakta olan Core-Aggregation-Access topoloji dizayn baz alnarak;Yedeklilik (HSRP), loop preventetion (STP), redundant interface (EtherChannel), Ip Adress datm (DHCP), Vlan Datm (VTP), HTTPve DNS'in alma sistematiinin anlalmas gibi konulara k tutmaktadr. Network, IT, DataCenter Network alannda alan ya da almak isteyen kiiler iin orta seviye bir bak as kazandrmak amalanmtr. Kurs, CCNA R&S, CCNP R&Ssnavna hazrlanan kiiler iin snava yardmc dkman olarak deerlendirilmektedir."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Access Control Lists - Standart, Extended, Named ACL" |
"Bu kursta kiiler Access-List eitleri ve farklar hakknda bilgi edinecekler. Daha sonra bu farklar rnek topolojiler zerinden nce gzlemleyecek daha sonra da uygulayacaklar. Kurs, gerek hayat rnekleriyle rencilere ACL'in pratik kullanm ile ilgili tecrbe kazandrmay amalamaktadr. Gvenlik, Network, IT ve Yazlm ile ilgili alanlarda alan ya da almak isteyenlere ynelik bir kurstur."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Network Address Translations (NAT) Eitimi" |
"Bu kursta Network AddressTranslations'n Gerek Senaryolar zerinden Nasl alt Anlatlacaktr. Bu Senaryolar, Simlasyon Program zerinden Gerek Hayat Uygulamalarnn Birebir Ayns ile Salanmaktadr. Kursun Sonunda Kiiler, Router, Firewall, Modem gibi Cihazlar ile WAN'dan Erimek stedikleri Servislere Uzaktan Erime ya da Profesyonel Sebepler Dolaysyla Internet Kullanclarna, WEB,DNS vb. Servis Salayabilme Yetisi Edineceklerdir."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"EIGRP, RIP Eitimi - Routing Protocols" |
"Bu kursta katlmclar, Routing Protokollerine genel bir bak as kazanacaklardr. Daha sonra kazandklar bak alarn pratik uygulamalar zerinden pekitirecekler ve kursta yapm olduumuz gerek hayat senaryolar sayesinde irket WANtopolojilerini ynetebilmek adna nemli bir adm atacaklar. Kursta kullanlan RIPve EIGRPprotokolleri, routing manatalitesini anlamak adna kullanm olduumuz referans protokollerimizdir. Kursiyerlerin ayrntl bilgi ve konfigrasyon yeteneini, bu protokoller araclyla kazanmalar hedeflenmektedir."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"OSPF Eitimi - Routing Protocols" |
"Bu kursta OSPFRouting Protokol hakknda teori bilgisi verilmitir. Teori bilgisinin akabinde yaplan pratik uygulamalar ile OSPF'in gerek hayat kullanm ve konfigrasyonlar ile i hayatndaki olas senaryolar gereklenmitir. Eitimde ""Cisco Packet Tracer"" Simlasyon program kullanlmtr. Kursu CCNAR&S ve CCNP R&Ssnavna hazrlanan kiiler ile ITsektrnde alan kiilerin izlemesi kiilere i ile ilgili kazanm salayacaktr."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Routing Protocols Redistribution Eitimi" |
"Farkl Routing Protokollerinin anonslarn birbiriyle paylaabilmesi iin Layer 3 cihazlarda Redistribution ileminin gerekletirimesi gerekmektedir. Bu ilemin gerekletirildii durumlar ve konfigrasyonlar hakknda deteyl bilginin verildii kursumuzdur. Kursiyerlerimizin pratik uygulamalar sayesinde, gerek hayat senaryolarna aina olmalar ve konuya tam olarak hakim olmalar hedeflenmektedir. Senaryolar ""Packet Tracer"" simlasyon program zerinden gereklenmitir. CCNA R&S ve CCNPR&S snavna hazrlananlar ve ITsektrnde alanlar iin hazrlanm bir eitimdir."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Temel Router Konfigrasyon Eitimi" |
"Bu kurs, balang seviyesindedir. CCNA Snavna Hazrlanan ya da IT Alannda Kendisini Gelitirmek steyen Kiiler in Hazrlanmtr. Kursun n Koulu IP Subnetting Seviyesinde Network Bilgisidir. Kiiler Cisco Packet Tracer Uygulamas ile Kursta Anlatlan Konularn Uygulamasn Yapabilir. Derslerde Router zerinden Uygulamalar Yaplrken, Kursiyerin Eksiklik Yaama Olasl Olan Konulara da Dokunulacaktr. . . ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |