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"Lei da Atrao Treinamento Mental com Luci Porcino" |
"Treinamento Mental com Tecnologia de Ondas Cerebrais para Lei da Atrao=> Voc vai adquirir a habilidade da Lei da Atrao do Filme O Segredo e manifestar na sua vida tudo aquilo que deseja e sonha => Lei da Atrao do Filme O Segredo vai se tornar uma realidade atravs dos seus pensamentos e das suas visualizaes => Algumas pessoas tireveram dificuldade de acreditar no Filme o Segredo, e duvidaram do poder das suas prprias mentes para manifestar a Lei da atrao em suas vidas => Voc vai treinar a sua mente para ter a Lei da Atrao aprendendo que tudo que desejar, lutar, manifestar e aproveitar as oportunidades se tornaro uma realidade no seu cotidiano. Esse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a Lei da Atrao do Filme O Segredo Esse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme. Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro. Lei da Atrao do Filme O Segredo o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida. Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento. Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para Lei da AtraoVoc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvimento Pessoal - Treinamento Mental Brainwave" |
"=> Voc vai adquirir a habilidade para DESENVOLVIMENTO PESSOAL que progride sempre e estar em patamares superiores na sua vida=> DESENVOLVIMENTO PESSOAL se tornar uma realidade na sua vida te fazendo alcanas suas metas, objetivos e sonhos usando suas prprias capacidades=> Algumas pessoas no se desenvolve em nenhum setor na vida, lhes falta a motivao interna para serem melhores do que so hoje, e vivem um deixa me levar que no as levaro a lugar nenhum=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para DESENVOLVIMENTO PESSOAL se tornando uma pessoa mais focada na sua auto expanso, no seu sucesso, na sua realizao em todos os setores, conforme vai se auto desenvolvendoEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a DESENVOLVIMENTO PESSOALEsse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme.Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro.DESENVOLVIMENTO PESSOAL o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida.Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento.Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para DESENVOLVIMENTO PESSOALVoc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fora de Vontade para fazer Dieta - Treinamento Mental" |
"=> Voc vai adquirir a habilidade para FORA DE VONTADE PARA FAZER DIETA voc ter mais motivao para manter a sua dieta=> FORA DE VONTADE PARA FAZER DIETA se tornar uma realidade na sua vida te fazendo seguir sua dieta do comeo ao fim=> Muitas pessoas simplesmente comeam toda semana uma dieta diferente e no alcanam o sucesso, devido a falta de fora de vontade de chegar at o fim com a dieta escolhida=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para FORA DE VONTADE PARA FAZER DIETA se tornando uma pessoa focada em emagrecer com sade, procurando a dieta que seja adequada para sua vida e atingindo as metas estabelecidas por voc nesse processo de emagrecimentoEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a FORA DE VONTADE PARA FAZER DIETAEsse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme.Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro.FORA DE VONTADE PARA FAZER DIETA o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida.Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento.Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para FORA DE VONTADE PARA FAZER DIETAVoc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Collaboration: Work together for the best results" |
"Did you know that nearly 75% of employers rate teamwork and collaboration as one of their most important activities, yet only 18% of employees get communication evaluations during their performance reviews?If you can believe that, then you wont be surprised to learn that: 39% of employees dont believe their organization collaborates enough 86% of employees and executives cite lack of collaboration and ineffective communication for most workplace failures Less than half of employees believe their organization communicates truthfully and effectively 73% of employees believe their organization would be more successful if they were able to work in more flexible and collaborative ways Eye-opening statistics, dont you think? So the question then becomes What are you doing to support, encourage, and develop a collaborative environment within your organization? Because, lets face it if your organization isnt collaborating effectively, youre missing out on one of the most important factors of high-performing teams and business success and potentially hurting your business. At the individual level, effective collaboration can: Improve and speed up work Teach new skills and techniques Strengthen business understanding Develop interpersonal skills Provide additional safety and support At the organizational level, it can:Shorten development time Lower costs Improve scalability Increase trust across the business Create more flexibility as the business grows Simply put, collaboration is not something your business can choose to ignore. So how exactly can you make sure your business and all of its employees are collaborating effectively? Well, thats exactly what were going to cover in this course. Well cover: The benefits of collaboration and why its an essential part of how businesses get work done today How to ensure collaborative teams work successfully within a company The fundamentals of forming and leading a collaborative team How to organize and get the most out of collaborative meetings Online collaboration and how to effectively collaborate across different teams Collaboration lessons you can apply from different industries What you need to create and support a thriving culture of collaboration By the end of this course - whether youre an employee, a manager, or executive - youll know how to set the example in your business by creating effective groups and building collaboration into both your companys goals and values for long-term success. Lets get to it! "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to Master Hiring: Pick the right candidate every time" |
"Did you know that the average cost to hire a new employee is more than $4,000?And if that wasnt enough, consider this: It takes an average of 27 working days to hire a new employee (an all time high!) The best candidates for a job are off the market within 10 days 60% of candidates will quit an application because it takes too long 64% of applicants will share a negative application experience with friends and family, and 27% will go as far as actively discouraging others from applying to the company Alarming statistics, wouldnt you agree? All signs seem to be pointing to the job market being stacked against you. So the question then becomes Are you doing everything you can to attract, identify, and select the perfect candidates for your job? Because, lets face it if your hiring process isnt as effective and efficient as possible, youre not only missing out on the best talent, youre also wasting time and money trying to fill needed positions and potentially damaging your companys reputation. So how exactly can you optimize your hiring process to attract the best candidates for the job and represent your company in the best way possible? Well, thats exactly what were going to cover in this course. Well cover: How to identify if and when a new hire is needed, and how to align them with your companys goals and objectives The role of a hiring manager, their responsibilities, and how they can be most effective How to put together a great job posting that attracts the best talent Where to look for talent and which tools can be used to help the process Screening methods and techniques to identify the best possible candidates How to promote diversity in your hiring process by using blind hiring techniques How to conduct effective interviews and select the best candidate for the job Making and negotiating job offers & onboarding new hires to your organization By the end of this course, you'll have a great understanding of how to put yourself in the best position to attract, identify, and select the best candidates for any job you need to fill. Lets get to it! "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Lean Management: Reduce waste and boost efficiency" |
"Did you know that 20% of all businesses fail within their first year and only 50% make it to year five?Simply put: Good processes reduce waste Bad processes cost your business money Improving processes directly improves your profitability Efficient processes create more opportunity for your business to thrive So the question then becomes How do you make sure you have the right processes in place to ensure your business is primed for success and in a position to be as profitable as possible? Because, lets face it if the processes in your business arent as effective or efficient as they can be, youre not only reducing your profitability, youre also doing a disservice to both your customers and your entire organization. Thats where Lean Management comes in. Lean Management is an approach that seeks to eliminate any waste in a business process by cutting out steps that dont create value. This waste can be caused by: Delays in your production process Too much time spent working on features you dont need Too much inventory sitting idle, costing you money Any mistakes or defects you have to fix And by using lean management principles to reduce this waste, youll not only be able to increase the value of whatever you provide, youll also be able to pass the savings onto your customer and potentially be in a position where virtually no one can compete with you. Effective lean management can also: Boost sales Improve customer satisfaction Increase customer lifetime value Create a massive following of brand evangelists who religiously promote everything your company has to offer So how exactly can you use the principles of lean management to optimize your production process, maximize customer value, and build a lean culture within your organization? Well, thats exactly what were going to cover in this course. Well cover: What lean management is and how to make it work for your organization How to effectively lead and improve your team using lean principles Eliminating unnecessary tasks and delays in your production process Reducing mistakes, overproduction, and overprocessing caused by your workflow Mapping out, analyzing, and optimizing your own process How to improve your team using lean principles What it takes to build a lean culture within your organization By the end of this course, youll be able to apply lean principles and create teams that thrive by eliminating waste, maximizing customer value, and developing their workers into highly skilled and motivated teams. Lets get to it."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Onboarding New Employees: Increase retention and performance" |
"Did you know your business could be throwing away at least $4,000 with each new hire if you have a poor onboarding process in place?If you can believe that, then you wont be surprised to learn that: One third of all external hires are no longer with an organization after two years 15% of new hires leave a business almost immediately if the onboarding process is poor Lack of onboarding training can lead to a loss of 60% of a companys entire workforce Approximately 35% of companies spend zero dollars on onboarding Pretty staggering statistics, dont you think? So the question then becomes What are you doing to ensure a smooth onboarding process for your new hires? Because lets face it if youre not mastering your onboarding process, youre literally throwing away money that could be invested back into your business. When done right, an effective onboarding process can: Increase employee retention by 25% Improve employee performance by 11% And, most surprisingly, can help keep more than 69% of employees with your company for 3 years or more! It certainly pays to have an effective onboarding process in place. So how exactly can you optimize your onboarding process to make sure new employees are excited, feel comfortable, and are both productive and efficient from day one? Well, thats exactly what were going to cover in this course. Well cover:Why onboarding is such an important function within your business Creating an onboarding checklist to organize and track progress during the onboarding process Onboarding lessons you can apply from different industries How to prepare your team for a new team member Day one with your new hire and what to do if theyre a remote worker Pairing your new hire with a mentor and other unique onboarding tactics How to properly evaluate your onboarding process for adjustments and improvements Beyond onboarding: How to support your new hire when theyre no longer new By the end of this course, youll have everything you need to set up an onboarding process that effectively orients new hires and allows them to be productive and efficient as soon as they start. Lets get to it."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Modern Copywriting: Writing copy that sells in 2020" |
"The words you write for your business are directly tied to the overall success of your marketing efforts.On top of that, choosing the right words can make the difference between your launch hitting 5 figures or 7 figures ... your clickthrough rates hovering at 15% or 70% your Facebook posts being shared 20 times or 2,000 times your landing pages converting at 5% or 65%And most important The right words can make the difference between your business fighting to keep the lights on vs. your business breaking sales records every time you launch a new promotion. All because of the words you chose to put on the page.The best part?You dont have to guess what to write.You can learn exactly what words will increase the level of your success Every. Single. Time. No guesswork, no finger crossing, no hoping and praying the words you write will do what you need them to do.When you hit send or publish, you can feel comfortable knowing the words youve chosen have the best chance to get you more engagement, more subscribers, more conversions, more sales, or more of whatever it is youre looking to accomplish.And you can do this by learning how to effectively apply copywriting best practices to everything you write.Whether youre aware of it or not, copywriting is one of the most essential elements of effective marketing.Its the art and science of strategically delivering words that get people to take some form of action.Need more subscribers? Copywriting can help.Need more opens, more engagement, more conversions? Youve got it. Copywriting can help there, too.How about more sales? Of course!Becoming good at copywriting gives you one of the most powerful and predictable tools to transform the success of your business.Sound too good to be true?Well, imagine this Youre sitting at your computer, coffee in hand, writing an email to your list of subscribers.Youre excited because you know - based on the copywriting techniques youve used in both the subject line and body of your email - theres a high likelihood your subscribers will not only open your email, but also read whats inside and be motivated to click on your call to action.Youre even more excited because those very same users are going to click-through to a landing page with proven persuasion tactics baked into the copy on the page almost guaranteeing a flood of conversions and sales for your business.You wrap up the email, hit send, take a deep breath, and start watching the orders roll in.Sounds pretty amazing, dont you think?Well, thats exactly what youre going to learn how to do in this course.Lets take a look at whats covered inside:Section 1Still unsure what copywriting is? You wont be after this section. In addition to the basics, youll also learn the importance of having a thorough understanding of your audience, products, competition, and your brands unique voice. Once youve got this down, then you can start writing.Section 2Youre ready to start crafting your copy. But first, you need to understand the techniques and tactics copywriters use to put it all together. How do you use persuasion tactics or stir up emotion in your reader? What power words get people to take action? This is the section where you find out.Section 3Ahh, good ol formulas - making life easier for everyone since the dawn of time. Well, maybe not that long but you get the idea. In this section, youll learn classic copywriting formulas that nearly eliminate writers block. Applying them to your own work will make writing a breeze once youre done.Section 4Plan on writing for a B2B audience? Its going to require something a little different. Here youll learn the strategies you need to hit the right tone and messaging when targeting other businesses. So pay attention, because understanding these nuances will dramatically improve your results.Section 5If copywriting had an MVP, it would likely be headlines. If you dont create an excellent one, your reader will move on to something else in the blink of an eye. In this section, youll learn how to craft captivating headlines that draw people in and keep them moving down the page. Oh, and more formulas? Yes, please!In sections 6 through 11, youre going to learn the know-how of nailing copywriting for specific types of projects, including:Landing pages and Calls to Action (CTAs)EmailSocial MediaVideoPress Releases& Content MarketingEach of these sections will dig into what kind of copywriting works best, and the methodologies and techniques you can use to get the results you want each time you sit down to write.To top it all off, youll get access to worksheets and handouts for each section, hours of instructional videos guiding you through the topics, and a high-level breakdown of relevant case studies to support your learning and make sure your new copywriting skills are able to shine.By the end of this course, youll have everything you need to take your business to the next level through the art and science of Copywriting.Are you ready to write copy that does all the heavy lifting for you?Enroll now and join us inside today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Recruiting Talent: How to find & attract the best candidates" |
"Did you know 86% of the most qualified candidates for your open positions are already employed and not actively seeking a new job?And if that doesnt make recruiting challenging enough, consider this:44% of job applicants are found to be unqualified75% of recruiters cite unqualified candidates as their biggest challengeIt takes an average of 3-6 weeks to finalize an offer, after which time most top candidates are likely to move on55% of applicants abandon applications after reading negative reviews, and only 45% of employers ever monitor or address those reviews online86% of recruiters and 62% of employers feel the labor market is candidate-drivenNo wonder its increasingly difficult to fill open positions.All signs seem to be pointing to the labor market being stacked against you.So the question then becomes Are you doing everything you can to find top talent for your open positions and attract them to your organization?Because, lets face it if your recruiting efforts arent as effective, innovative and efficient as they can be, youre going to miss out on opportunities time and time again to find the best candidates for any jobs you need to fill.So how exactly can you optimize your recruiting efforts to find top talent who fit within your culture and create a pool of candidates you can draw from whenever you need to?Well, thats exactly what were going to cover in this course.Well cover:The goals of recruiting and how the process works from start to finishMethods to develop your recruiting strategy and use online platforms to raise your companys profileHow to develop a talent pool and pipeline you can use whenever you have a position you need to fillFinding the perfect candidates through existing employees, social networks, and various other placesHow to convince someone to join your company when you feel theyre a great fitWhen and how to hire an outside recruiter to fill open positions for your companyBy the end of this course, you'll have everything you need to raise your companys profile, find top talent, and make sure candidates are a perfect fit for any positions you need to fill.Lets get to it!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Building Your Team: How to put together the perfect team" |
"Did you know 86% of all workplace failures can be traced back to poor teamwork and ineffective communication?And if that wasnt bad enough, consider this:Companies that have teams with low levels of engagement earn, on average, 2.5X less revenue than competitors with higher levels of team engagement97% of employees and executives believe lack of alignment within a team impacts the outcome of a task or projectTeam members with low levels of engagement are 87% more likely to leave a companyLess than one-fifth of employers actually focus any effort on improving teamwork within their organizationPretty staggering statistics, dont you think?It just goes to show how important building an effective team really is even though it remains such a commonly underutilized tool.So the question then becomes Are you doing everything you can to build, support, and lead more effective teams within your organization?Because, lets face it if your organization isnt building high-performing teams, youre missing out on one of the most important factors of business success.Among many other benefits, effective teams can:Stimulate creativityEncourage engagement Establish strong relationshipsBoost productivitySpark innovationTheres no denying it Team building is one of the most important investments you can make for both your organization and the people within it. So how exactly can you build more effective teams within your business?Well, thats exactly what were going to cover in this course.Well cover:The attributes of a highly successful teamHow to evaluate and lead an effective teamWorking with virtual teams and how theyre differentBringing teams together through trust and communicationHow to use team-building exercises to strengthen your teamEvolving with your team to succeed in the futureHow to develop a culture of teamwork within your businessBy the end of this course, youll have everything you need to build, support and lead more effective teams & create a thriving culture of teamwork within your organization.Lets get to it!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Motivating Your Team: How to keep morale high" |
"Did you know that 69% of employees would be motivated to work harder if they felt their efforts were better appreciated?And if that doesnt make employee recognition seem important enough, consider this:When managers recognize employee contributions, engagement increases by 60%Highly engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave an organizationTeams with high employee engagement rates are 21% more productiveEngaged companies grow profits as much as 3X faster than their competitors Surprising statistics, dont you think?All from taking a little extra time to appreciate your team's efforts.So the question then becomes Are you doing everything in your power to motivate your team and keep them engaged?Because heres the reality If you dont have the tools you need or an effective strategy in place to engage team members and keep them motivated, youre effectively putting obstacles in the way of achieving your business goals and objectives. Among many other benefits, highly motivated teams:Are more productiveCommunicate betterMake more money Spark innovation Drive engagementTheres no denying it ...When your team is well motivated, youll be able to hit your business goals faster and more easily. So how exactly can you motivate your teams more effectively?Well, thats exactly what were going to cover in this course. Well cover:The importance of satisfying your teams basic needsHow to analyze leadership actions that can demotivate teamsOrganizing great team meetings and empowering your teams through accountability Methods of motivating different kinds of teams, including creative teams and virtual teamsHow to deal with low morale and leadership changesStrategies to keep yourself motivated at the same timeBy the end of this course, you'll have everything you need to improve communication with your team, build an environment of trust and accountability, and also make sure your team remains engaged and motivated enough to effectively complete the tasks at hand.Lets get to it!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Building a Team from Scratch: Recruit, Hire, Onboard, & more" |
"Its time for you to build a team from the ground up.But you have no idea where to start With so many moving pieces, its easy to get overwhelmed. You have to recruit the right people, bring them through the hiring process, make sure theyre onboarded correctly, and then integrate them into a healthy and productive team environment. All the while, youre dodging massive hurdles along the way. Consider this:86% of the most qualified candidates for your team are already employed or not even actively looking for work;Of the remaining candidates who are up for grabs, the best of them are off the market within 10 days;Once you do find someone, you could be throwing away at least $4,000 with each new hire if you have a poor onboarding process in place;And finally, if you make it through all those hurdles and bring someone new onto your team, theyre 87% more likely to leave your company if you dont keep them engaged.Crazy, right?All odds of building a great a team seem to be stacked against you. So the question then becomes How do you build a team from scratch that achieves synergy and works toward accomplishing your companys goals and objectives?Because, lets face it if youre not doing everything you can to recruit, hire, onboard, and champion a culture of teamwork effectively, theres no chance youll be able to build a rockstar team for your organization. So how exactly can you optimize these processes to ensure you have the best chance of building a team that carries your company forward?Well, thats exactly what were going to cover in this comprehensive combo course.Youll be getting access to all of the material from the following four courses:Recruiting Talent: How to find & attract the best candidatesHow to Master Hiring: Pick the right candidate every timeOnboarding New Employees: Increase retention & performanceBuilding Your Team: How to put together the perfect teamInside well cover:The goals of recruiting and how the process works from start to finishFinding the perfect candidates through existing employees, social networks, and various other placesWhere to look for talent and which tools can be used to help the processHow to conduct effective interviews and select the best candidate for the jobWhy onboarding is such an important function within your businessHow to properly evaluate your onboarding process for adjustments and improvementsHow to evaluate and lead an effective teamBringing teams together through trust and communicationHow to develop a culture of teamwork within your businessAnd much, much moreBy the end of this course, you'll have everything you need to recruit, hire, onboard, and build the best possible team for your organization.Lets get to it!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Project Management Fundamentals: Run projects effectively" |
"Did you know only 2.5% of companies successfully complete 100% of their projects?You read that right only 2.5%!And if that wasnt bad enough, consider this:The average cost overrun of any given project is 27%57% of projects fail due to breakdowns in communication39% of projects fail due to lack of planning, resources, and activities51% of organizations have no project management training program in placeFewer than one-third of projects are successfully completed in a given yearAlarming statistics, wouldnt you agree?Hard to believe this could be the case when a staggering 97% of organizations believe project management is critical to business success.So the question then becomes Are you doing everything in your power to successfully manage your projects? Because heres the rub If youre not managing your projects correctly, youre not only setting yourself up for failure, youre also wasting precious time, money, and resources doing things ineffectively and likely damaging your company in the process.So how exactly can you manage projects effectively and efficiently to make sure they come out successful each and every time?Well, thats exactly what were going to cover in this course. Well cover:The role of a project manager and the skills you need to be successfulDefining, developing, and pitching an idea to get a project initiatedHow to plan out and properly execute your projectHow to accept, process, and integrate changes to your project along the wayHelping teammates overcome obstacles and challenges, and how to keep them motivated to maintain progressWhat to look out for when monitoring project progress How to review finished projects to ensure successful completionProject Management styles and how to choose the right oneBy the end of this course, you'll have everything you need to correctly analyze, plan, and execute projects effectively, ensuring you never fall short of accomplishing your companys goals and objectives.Lets get to it!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Marketing 2020: Hashtags, Live, Stories, Ads &more" |
"***Join the over 8,900 students that have joined this course in the first 4 days of being live!***** This course was recently featured in Entrepreneur Magazine**This is the most comprehensive course on Instagram Marketing anywhere. With over 23 hours of video and 165+ custom resources & guides, you wont find a more thorough and up to date course out there. We cover everything you need to know to start from scratch and grow an account to 20k, 40k, even 100k followers. This course is for both beginners to Instagram and more advanced students that have some experience with the platform. Well first start by teaching the basics of: Setting up and optimizing an account Developing a content strategy Creating your first batch of content Learning how to post & how to optimize hashtags After that, well start exploring intermediate growth strategies like: Shoutouts Bots & automated systems Top post targeted hashtags After we establish a consistent system for growing our audience well start diving into advanced concepts: Hiring low-cost content producers and designing a production system Introducing automation into content production, posting, and even outreach Using stories to increase engagement through your feed and expand your reach Designing an Instagram Live strategy to consistently create spikes in follows Creating zombie accounts that help drive traffic to your main account Design effective Instagram ads and how to incorporate them into your overall growth strategy How to run competitions to grow engagement and follows. And much much more! This course is designed to apply to both individuals that want to grow a following for themselves, but also businesses that want to start a presence on the platform and use it to grow their brand. ---------------------------------------------------- Are you tired of courses that just repeat information you could have found on a blog or YouTube? Or maybe youve been stuck with instructors that TELL you what to do but have no idea what it takes to really accomplish what theyre teaching? In this course, we dont just TALK the TALK. We will actually DO what we are teaching. Follow along as we take an account from complete scratch to 47,000 followers. UPDATE: The account currently has 141,000 followers!We start from the absolute beginning with conceptualizing the account, and we end with a well-defined content strategy, over 700 posts, and have even started to generate revenue with our account. @innovationstation <<check it out No fake followers, no boosted posts, & no cheating. 47,000 REAL followers with an average engagement rate over 7%. Our account is growing by over 300+ followers a day, using the strategies taught in this course. ---------------------------------------------------- Beware other Instagram courses are outdated, shallow, and taught by instructors who have never grown an account themselves. Outdated: Instagram changes its system, its features, and its algorithm at least 3 times a year. That means if your instructor filmed their course in 2015, theyve missed at least 9 different cycles! Their advice is not only out-dated, but its also worthless. Shallow: Instagram is a huge opportunity and a very complicated product. Anyone who tells you that you can master Instagram in 4 hours simply is not telling the truth. Its not enough to just SHOW you how to add a hashtag. You have to understand how they work, how to track them, and how you can apply a comprehensive strategy to your posts to stay ahead of the game. Your Instructor: Evan Kimbrell is in the top 1% of Udemy instructors with over 30 courses on Entrepreneurship & Marketing. His courses have over 456,000 students, 35,000+ 5 star reviews, and have been covered in publications such as TechCrunch, Entrepreneur Magazine, and Buzzfeed."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Linear Optimization: Simplex method" |
"You can optimize the best logistic plan , you can suggest best possible ways for productions that can save resources and provide maximum profit. You could be instant hit in your work circle , if you know how to optimize ! Linear Optimization is one of the first step in the field of optimization. This basic course will make you master in Simplex method , a method used for linear optimization. We have also discussed construction of LP models under this course. Solution by graphical method and by software has also been demonstrated. With this course you get an opportunity to learn and master Simplex method and LP model constructions.Happy Learning"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Estratgias de Marketing para Redes Sociais" |
"As redes sociais esto transformando continuamente a maneira como os consumidores interagem entre si e com as marcas. Essas mudanas constituem algo fundamental no mercado - os consumidores tm maiores oportunidades de expressar suas opinies e se conectar, alm de maior influncia sobre os profissionais de marketing e as marcas.Neste curso vamos abordar como as organizaes aproveitam as redes sociais e as interaes entre os consumidores para apoiar seus esforos de Marketing. Seguindo uma perspectiva estratgica e prtica, em vez de uma perspectiva tcnica ou de plataforma. O foco est no conhecimento necessrio para criar contedo atraente nas plataformas e avaliar o sucesso de seus esforos.Entender as rede sociais crucial para os empreendedores em um ambiente digital. Aprenda como usar as conversas nas redes sociais para informar suas tomadas de deciso e como aproveit-las para promover seus produtos, servios e sua marca. Alm disso, os alunos entendero como as redes sociais podem ser usadas para atingir objetivos organizacionais especficos e medir a eficcia desses esforos.Uma perspectiva estratgica sobre marketing de mdia socialComo aproveitar as redesCriar contedo atraenteEscutar e cocriar nas mdias sociaisO papel das mdias sociais para a marcaDesenvolva as habilidades necessrias para transformar seus negcios e implemente sua Estratgia de Marketing para Redes Sociais. Aprenda a planejar e executar o Marketing na Era Digital, identificando oportunidades para levar seus negcios ao prximo nvel."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Rocket Science, with Falcon 9" |
"""Rocket Science is Not Tough. It is marketed to be a tough subject. Let's change the perception!""This course comes with a promise - any query of yours will be replied and resolved within 24 hours. Sundays included!Let's first tell you the important highlights.This course is based on the premise that it is much easier to learn rocket science when you have a strong context so as to easily relate the concepts being taught. For the course, the context is Falcon 9. Throughout the course, everything you learn will be related to Falcon 9 to see how the concepts are being implemented in real-time. For example, we will cover all the major combustion cycles of engines in separate detailed videos. And then we will describe the working of Merlin Engine combustion cycles. So, this way your foundations will be strong and memorable.On Completion of course you will have a strong understanding of Fundamental concepts of Rocket Science and know how one of the most advanced rocket - Falcon 9 works, in detail.We promise to reply to all your queries within 24 hours. What the course is all about?The course is about understanding how rockets work, from basics. All concepts of Rocket Science from Rocket Equation to Control systems to Orbit transfers can be explained just using school level physics. There is no need to unnecessarily complicate the subject. What makes this course different?This course is the only course that uses an advanced rocket as a base and then covers all aspects related to it for easy and contextual learning. Think of it in this way, it is easier to understand a working of engine when you have the context of a car or rocket. Learning without any context becomes quite boring (read, tough).We ensure throughout the course to avoid any jargon and short-forms that are quite common in this subject. This will enable you to ""Learn"" Rocket Science and not memorize it!Also, we have tried to not leave any aspect related to this subject. So things like what is shown on YouTube screen during a rocket launch, Droneship, Payload types which many times are skipped in course of Rocket science, has been covered, in detail.So I will learn both Falcon 9 and Rocket Science?Yes!!What are pre-requisites?You have basic knowledge of physics - so things like Newton's laws of motion, velocity is obtained by differentiating displacement, shouldn't be new to you.A system with internet to watch the videos and complete the course.Curiosity to Learn.What if any topics aren't covered?We instructors love this subject and would respond to new topic suggestions by creating more content regularly. The course curriculum is not a fixed one. Format of the course?95% of the course is in video format. It will have white-board videos, power-point videos and couple of reading materials in pdf formats. Along with it, quizzes and experiments are also included.Any certificates?Yes! All students who complete the course will receive a signed certificate.Anything else?Go and watch the preview lectures, check out the curriculum. If you are able to comprehend the lectures then go for it and be part of an exciting journey on Rocket Science.I have some more questions not answered above. How to connect?Click on the instructor names and drop us a message."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Hyperloop - Working and Concept" |
"This course is on working and concept of Hyperloop. It is based on the paper (open source), ""Hyperloop Alpha"", authored by Elon Musk.Consider this course to be a video version of the paper ""Hyperloop Alpha"".Why should you take this course?If you are fascinated by the basic concept of Hyperloop and desire to understand the working of it.If you have tried to understand the working of Hyperloop and are not satisfied, then this course is for you.Why should you NOT take this course?If you have read the ""Hyperloop Alpha"" research paperand have understood each and everything, then this course wouldn't be a much of a value addition for you.Purpose of making this course?After making popular courses on Automobile, Airplanes and Submarines, some of the students requested for short course on Hyperloop. So, here it is.How much time I need to complete the course?30-45 minutes.Is there any refund?Yes. 30 day money back guarantee. No questions asked.Any pre-requisites?Basic awareness of science.Internet, System to watch videos, and pen/paper to take notes.Will I get certificate on completing the course.Yes. At end of completion a downloadablecertificate with your name will be provided.Anything else?Yes!To make this more interesting,I promise to reply to each and every genuine queries of the students, irrespective of the level of toughness of the query WITHIN 24 HOURS!I wish to have every student enrolled in the class andenjoythis journey with me.At the end of the course, you will have a strong understanding of how Hyperloop works, whether it is feasible technically and economically or not.______________________________________________Thanks to Elon Musk and his team for making the paper, ""Hyperloop Alpha"" open source. All content and material of the course is based on the same paper."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trading con Velas Japonesas: Los 25 Patrones Ganadores" |
"Este es un programa de formacin intensivo de trading con Velas Japonesas orientado a todas las personas que desean crecer y dominar el anlisis tcnico de los mercados financieros. El objetivo principal del curso es aprender cmo funcionan las Velas Japonesas, entender sus diversas clasificaciones (Patrones de 1 Vela, 2 Velas y 3 Velas), as como la correcta interpretacin que debemos hacer de cada una.Al finalizar dominars al 100% los patrones de velas japonesas. Este conocimiento te dar mucha claridad al observar los grficos, lo cual es un requisito previo indispensable si realmente quieres mejorar tu trading y alcanzar el xito.Iniciaremos con los patrones de velas japonesas bsicos y gradualmente iremos avanzando hacia las lecciones ms complejas.Una gran ventaja de este curso es que revisaremos ejemplos EN VIVO de trading real, donde aprenders cmo se aplican las velas japonesas de forma sencillas para obtener resultados ganadores.Para complementar, al final del curso tendrs una seccin de ejercicios prcticos con numerosos casos con los que podrs poner a prueba tu capacidad de identificar los patrones de velas japonesas en grficos reales.Este curso ser actualizado continuamente con nuevas lecturas y materiales, y yo estoy aqu para responder cualquier duda que tengas.Espero verte pronto en clases!Atentamente, Jess Planas"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Win Any Job Interview - TOP Strategies For Job Interviews" |
"Over 136,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesFeatured in ""Entrepreneur"", ""FoxNews"" and ""Business Insider"" magazinesWinner of the first Udemy Innovation AwardOverall, 14,000+ TOP Reviews Speaker at international stages such as DNX, MindvalleyU, DigitalK and WeFest JapanExplored 76 countries while running entrepreneurial venturesCo-authored the international bestseller: Ignite Your Life for MenWould you like me to hand you a blueprint for landing your dream job? If you want to learn how to hack job interviews this is probably the most important course you will ever take. Here's Why... After the success of my first course Double Your Confidence and Self Esteem"" more and more people kept asking me: What about job interviews? Can you create a course on that topic?"" This is how the idea was born. After finishing this course you will know how to: - understand the science of non-verbal signals (body language) - develop the winner's mindset and become more confident in your abilities - prepare and what to do right before your interview - make a great first impression - handle challenging questions during the interview itself - handle phone/Skype interviews - negotiate you salary & more... I've just outlined only the backbone of the course and I encourage you to go ahead and check the full list of topics yourself. Also, I want you to see the real value of this course before making any investment. This is why I've included several free videos you can watch RIGHT NOW. Have a fabulous day, Jimmy "
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Back In The Saddle Again" |
"A complete study of Acrylic childportraitpainting with mynew methods, creating remarkable results.A wide variety of different texture studies, from smooth peach fuzz baby skin, to felt cowboy hat, to rustic barn wood and a sherpa wool blanket, a shiny leather saddle ,with brass bucklesand finally a waxed lariat."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Online de Ecommerce com Opencart 1.5" |
"O Opencart uma plataforma web para comrcio eletrnico, esse curso aborda a verso 1.5 que apesar de no ser a mais nova um timo pontap inicial para quem deseja conhecer a plataforma ou tem o intuito de mostrar pra um gestor uma viso geral do que um profissional web consegue desenvolver e o tempo que isso dura.O fato do Opencart ser gratuito abre muitas portas no mercado de trabalho ou lhe possibilita montar a sua loja online com baixo investimento, tendo que gastar apenas com um servidor web para hospedagem de sua loja e um domnio com o nome de sua empresa.As vdeo aulas so bem objetivas e possuem uma sequencia didtica para ajudar o aluno a alcanar o seu potencial mximo.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ABC do Adobe Photoshop" |
"O Adobe Photoshop uma das ferramentas para tratamento de imagem mais respeitadas do mercado internacional, ao longo desse curso iremos apresentar os recursos bsicos da plataforma com objetivo de lhe ajudar a dar voos mais altos no uso profissional da plataforma.A verso desse treinamento no a mais atual, mas o aluno poder ver que a mesma traz conhecimentos de extrema utilidade para o profissional que estiver utilizando qualquer verso, alm de que o professor especialista no assunto.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Especializao em Gatilhos Mentais na Persuaso" |
"Se comunicar bem um pr-requisito para qualquer rea de atuao profissional, pois as pessoas que se comunicam melhor e so mais influentes alcanam mais rapidamente os seus objetivos e tem seus desejos atendidos mais facilmente.Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99Professor Andr Rossiter se destaca em treinamentos para o mercado udio visual e s contrata e interage com profissionais certificados e com experincia no mercado para que o curso se torne o mais didtico possvel.....Esse esmero na produo dos treinamentos e seleo de profissionais que faro parte do projeto tem ajudado a desvendar talentos desde 2008!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Empreendedorismo. Como Ganhar Dinheiro com Edio udio" |
"Esse curso baseado em orientaes de empreendedorismo para profissionais que trabalham com edio de udio, mas no um curso de edio de udio.O mesmo tem um intuito social de ajudar nossos alunos de edio de udio ou profissionais ou empreendedores que desejam ter uma viso mais ampla de possveis oportunidades do mercado de trabalho.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Curso Microsoft Office Completo. Word, Excel e Power Point" |
"Um curso pr requisito primordial para qualquer profissional que deseja ingressar no mercado de trabalho, apresentado por meio de vdeo aulas em alta definio com professor experiente.No decorrer desse curso o aluno ir aprender: Word, Excel e Power Point e de brinde o aluno ir receber os conhecimentos, treinamento e orientao multimdia sobre a verso genrica desses recursos pela abordagem prtica dos mesmos na plataforma de recursos do Google, apresentando: documentos do Google, Apresentaes do Google e Planilhas do Google.Como diferencial didtico esse curso foi desenvolvido para ajudar o aluno a alcanar o seu potencial mximo, trazer mais oportunidades para sua vida profissional, acadmica e com certeza aprimoramento de seu currculo abrindo ainda mais portas do mercado de trabalho.A grande maioria das vdeo aulas possuem recursos grficos para ajudar e ilustrar os pontos didticos que so abordados no decorrer do treinamento.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Etkili Sunum ve TED tarznda Topluluk nnde Konuma Sanat" |
"ETKL SUNUM VE TOPLULUK NNDE KONUMA SANATININ HAREKETE GERC GCEtkili sunum yaparak seyircinizin iindeki gc uyandrmak, topluluklar eitmek, motive edip ilham vererek kitleleri harekete geirmek elde edilecek en byk baarlardan biridir. Kim byle bir tecrbeye sahip olmak istemez ki? Tabi ki, bunu sylemesi kolay ama doru ynlendirme, pozitif dnce yaps, kararllk ve her admda renmeye ve kendinizi gelitirmeye odakl ekilde pratik yaptnzda etkili sunum ve topluluk nnde konuma sanat sizin gcnz olacaktr. ETKL SUNUM VE TED TARZINDA TOPLULUK NNDE KONUMA SANATI KURSUNDA NELER RENECEKSNZ?Bu kurs size hem doru becerileri kazandrarak hem de zihninizi doru dnce yaplaryla zenginletirmenize yardmc olarak etkili bir konumac olmak iin ktnz bu yolculukta sizin odaklanmanza ve karnza kabilecek herhangi bir zorluu kolayca amanza yardmc olacaktr. Bu kurs bitiminde aadaki konularla donanarak elinizi kaldrp beni takip edin diyebilecek kadar etkili bir konumacya dneceksiniz. Sunumunuzun erik YaplandrmasMaksimum Etki iin Sunum TeknikleriKonumaclarn AnalizleriSunumunuzla ilgili Kiiselletirilmi Geri BildirimNEDEN BU KURSTA ETMENNZ OLARAK BENMLE YOLA IKMALISINIZ?Benim adm Evrim. Giriimciyim ayn zamanda angayda uluslararas bir okulun letme Blm bakan olarak iletme, ekonomi ve giriimcilik dersleri veriyorum. Bir retmen ve giriimci olarak, her gn farkl byklkteki topluluklarn nndeyim. Hem kurumsal irketlerin ve komnitelerin etkinliklerinde hem de uluslararas giriimcilik etkinliklerinde konumalar yapyorum. TEDx inde 450 kiilik seyirciye ve ayn anda beni internetten canl yaynla izleyen 500bin kiiye bir konuma gerekletirdim. Farkl altyaplardan gelen kiilere topluluk nnde konuma, sunum teknikleri ve yatrmc sunumlar ile ilgili birebir danmanlk veriyorum. Daha detayl bilgi iin Eitmen profilime ve Linkedin profilime gz atabilirsiniz. Tecrbelerimi ve bilgilerimi sadece ders verdiim snftaki rencilerimle snrl tutarak deil, sizinle, yani dnyann her yerinden gelen rencilerle de paylamak iin kararlym. O yzden, bu kursta eitmeniniz olarak birlikte yola koyuluyoruz. Bu kurstan mezun olan baz rencilerimin dncelerini de sizinle paylamak isterim:'' Bu kursta sunulan bilgiler ve eitmenin retme tarz renme erisini hzlandrarak renciye byk avantaj salyor. Kursta retilen detaylar ve tavsiyelerin yaptm sunum ve konumalara son derece faydas oldu. Kursun mfredat son derece profesyonel ve takibi kolaylatracak ekilde hazrlanm. Eitmen son derece bilgili ve gzel anlatm ile kursu ilgi ekici klyor.''-Perihan lger, stanbul''Evrimin kurslarn ok seviyorum. Topluluk nnde konuma sanat ve sunum teknikleri kursunu Trke de yaynladn duyunca hemen kayt oldum. Eitmen, her bir videonun arkasndaki emek, konuya hakimiyeti ve kurs ieriini yaplandrma ekli ile ok keyifli bir renme tecrbesi sunuyor. Kursta anlatlan teknik bilgilerin gerek hayattan sunulan rnekler ve kendi tecrbesi ile harmanlanmasnn benim becerilerimi gelitirmemde byk faydas oldu. Sunum teknikleri ve topluluk nnde konuma becerilerini gelitirmek isteyenlere bu kursu iddetle neririm.''-Gken Kurt, Singapur''Son derece ilham verici bir kurs. Gerek hayattan verilen rneklerle eitmenin ok net bir anlatm tarz var.''-Sinan Erk Mutafolu, anghay''Harika bir kurs! rneklerle zenginletirilen ierik son derece faydal. Topluluk nnde konuma sanat ve sunum teknikleri benim iin kiisel bir ilgi olmasna ramen sunulan bilgileri hayatmn her alannda rahatlkla kullanyorum. Evrimin ak ve net anlatm ve retme tarz kursu elenceli klyor.''-Elif Atay, BaliSizleri, bu kursta anlatlan TED tarz topluluk nnde konuma sanat ve etkili sunum tekniklerinden baaryla mezun olmu ve rendikleri bu bilgiler sayesinde kariyerlerinde daha da st noktalara gelmi rencilerimin arasnda grmeyi diliyorum. Konuma sanat ve sunum becerilerinizi bir st seviyeye tamak iin ilk adm atp bu kursa imdi kayt olun.Kursta grmek dilei ile"
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Improve Your Productivity Using Bullet Journaling" |
"What Is a Bullet Journal and Why Should You Have One?A bullet journal is a place to keep all your lists, your calendar, your notes, even your memories. You can use it to keep track of your day and to help you reach your goals.While digital organization tools are incredibly popular, there is still a place for a paper planner. But, many people decide that paper planners aren't suitable for them because they can't find one that is perfect and suits their needs. Off-the-shelf planners may have sections you don't need or miss out on those you feel are essential. If you're trying to use something that doesn't suit your needs, it can be frustrating and discouraging.A bullet journal could be the answer to your planning needs. It is a system you create based on your needs. No two bullet journals will be the same. To get started all you need is a notebook and a pen. It really is as simple as that.While it is called a journal and can include journaling elements and pages if you want, primarily it is a planning and tracking system.Why Should You Have a Bullet Journal?The answer is simple. It will help you create a personal organization system that works for you and your life. You can plan and track:Your schedule: daily, weekly and monthlyGoalsHealthExerciseDietMeetingsStudiesSocial mediaContent for your blogEvents such as weddings and birthdaysTo-do listsFinancesMotivational quotesNotesImportant memories that you want to record and keepBooks readMovies to watchAnd on and onIn fact, what you can use your bullet journal for is only limited by your imagination and needs.If you want to organize yourself and take back control of your life, then creating a bullet journal may be the ideal tool for you. Why not pick up a notebook and pen and get started today?Take Action Now!Join the course now by clicking on the ""Buy Now"" button above. Soon, you'll have your own bullet journal ready to go and be more productive than ever!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Australian privacy law awareness" |
"In Australia, like the rest of the world, privacy matters. This course is about Australian privacy law awareness. Youll learn how to protect your personal information privacy. And, youll explore key workplace information privacy concerns.The Australian privacy law awareness courseIdentifies Australian federal and state privacy legislationHelps protect your personal information privacyExplores key workplace information privacy concernsAustralian privacy law awarenessYour personal privacy is important. It helps you attain autonomy and maintain individuality. However, there are concerns about gathering, storing, using and sharing personal information.Globally, privacy laws are changing. Legislators are trying to find a balance between personal privacy, security and overall societal benefit. Of course, Australian privacy is no exception.This awareness course addresses three privacy topics.1. Federal & state legislation outlines federal and state privacy lawsWell also explore the notifiable data breaches scheme2. Your privacy approaches Australian privacy legislation from your personal viewpointHow to make a privacy complaintWhat to do if you get a data breach notificationYour My Health Record privacy3. Workplace concerns addresses key privacy issues frequently occurring at workExplore compliance obligations, health privacy and employee privacyImportant as privacy is, it can be dry. To break it up, Ive included some privacy tales. These are simple, cartoon-like stories, inspired by real Australian privacy complaints.Each topic has several online quizzes and a bibliography.Workbooks help you reflect on privacy-related questions. Indicative solutions are provided after the final lecture.By course completion, you'llBe aware of Australian privacy lawKnow how to look after your own privacyAppreciate key workplace privacy concerns"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"PHP & MySQL For Beginners" |
"Learn Best: Php For Beginners - Mysql For Beginners By the end of this course, you will be a PHP coder .But this is important subject, you can't write dynamic site with only PHP. Besides You should learn Mysql (recommended) or another database management systems. Also if you want to be web developer, you should keep an eye on these subject : How may it's design be What it will include and how you will build it When you plan on completing it This may seem like a waste of time and effort, but attempting to build a web site with Php & Mysql. It seems difficulty but you never think such as that , because Php and Mysql have very strongable structure and you will learn Php&Mysql with easy way. Let's Get started , How should You build a Web Site ? First Step: Why Php ? Php is the most using web programming language in the world. So programmers has chosen php for doing forum scripts, All Forum scripts(vBulletin,datalife engine,Worpress Cms,Joomla Cms, etc..) and besides Php was famous in 2003 within using of Facebook ..Facebook , Twitter, ....etc (Big Company) have used PHP on their systems. Php is open source language. If you want to develop your algorithms , You should start to learn Php. You will learn Php by this course easy way.. This Course contains all things about php last version..This course was prepared for the beginners.But everybody can join this course . Because This course is very actual , easy coding that consist HD videos..(720p) .if You start php now ,this course is for you. This course contains pure php videos and everything about php 5.4 for beginners . I shared codes of this course. Let's Get Started..End of This Course, You will start your web project with php.. Besides You will want to learn Object oriented programming of php with Php Frameworks with Codeigniter,Zend ,Kohana,Cakephp,Symfony..etc. in the future our course Analyze This Course if You like that Start learn Php in Best Way First Chapter on Php Operators Conditions(if,switch case) Loops Global Variables Functions Text Functions (strlen,strcount,trim..etc.) Mathematical Functions Include & Require Encode Functions (md5() , Crc32() , sha1()) Time and Date Functions Cookie and Session create Arrays (Advanced) Files Management (Advanced) File Upload Send Mail with PHP Mysql is very popular DBMS(Database management system) and is free . You use mysql with an interface -> (PhpMyAdmin). Phpmyadmin is handy tool. You may do your processes on Phpmyadmin manuelly or with Sql Code. Mysql was popular owing to Php . You can use Php and Mysql for Dynamic Web Sites (CMS). Dynamic WebSites must contain Cms(Content Management System). Because your customer will want to be Website's Admin Panel. if you learned Php then You should learn this course Using Mysql on phpmyadmin detaily Using Mysql with Php (with Mysql functions) We will learn mysql_fetch_array,mysql_fetch_row,mysql_fetch_assoc,mysql_fetch_object on this course .Besides we will learn select (submitting), Insert ,Update , Delete, Like,Limit,etc.. on this course, I Hope This course will usefull for you ,this course starts for beginners to advanced Create Db Create Table Using Phpmyadmin Insert,Update,Delete,Select on Phpmyadmin manuelly Select where select like (search) order by ,group by Joins -> inner join,left join,right join Php and mysql lib Mysql fetch (array,object,row,assoc) mysql affected rows etc.. Take this free Php For Beginners - Mysql For Beginners and learn everything you need to get started."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VFX Production On-Set: Becoming a Visual Effects Supervisor" |
"Always wondered if there was more to visual effects than just sitting behind the computer screen?If you are the kind of person that loves the outdoors or simply want to find out how to apply your visual effects knowledge to a film set instead of directly onto a film shot, this course will take you through the journey and process of becoming a visual effects supervisor for any live-action film production.Enjoy the Best Part of the Visual Effects Industry - On-Set and with the Director and Actors.Learn by doing and preparing your very own visual effects on-set methods, team and toolkit by following these steps from pre-production to post-production of your very own visual effects shot that will put your supervision skills to the test.Why This Course?Taught by someone who has amassed experience in both film production, visual effects supervision as well as post-production visual effects on short and feature filmsStep-by-step walkthrough from pre-production to post-production of a visual effects production with captured footage from film sets and useful production documentsDetailed insights and know-hows from real industry experts that would save you time, money as well as your reputation when supervising on-set and working with the director and castUnique behind-the-scenes footage and clips from various productions and Hollywood studios Move Beyond the Computer Screen to Working on Studio Lots and Experience the Best of Both Worlds - Visual Effects and Film Production.You will Learn How: To work your way into becoming a visual effects supervisorThe visual effects bidding process worksTo identify key team members and visual effects vendors to work withTo supervise and lead visual effects productions from pre-production to post-productionTo work with members of the crew including the director, director of photography and production designTo capture and utilize on-set data and information for visual effectsTo prepare for a visual effects shootVisual effects supervisors think and planComplete with additional resources, and a fun and engaging live teaching style (alongside multiple industry veterans), students who complete the course will also be welcomed to connect with the instructor for additional educational or collaborative opportunities.If you participate in this course, you will walk on a film set more empowered and confident, able to command your visual effects crew to ensure that they dress in the right shade of green and pull off the most impressive post-production-saving moves ever - Because you know what they say about fixing it in post. Don't.DISCLAIMER: the thoughts and opinions of all speakers in this course are not representative of any organization, company or business and are to be taken as personal opinion and insights shared only."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |