Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Premiere Pro for Beginners" |
"Have you always wanted to learn how to edit your videos using Adobe Premiere Pro? Then you've come to the right place!Whether you will be using Premiere Pro for the first time or you are already an existing user, this course is bound to help you.In this course we start from scratch by introducing you to Premiere Pro and and its interface. Here we learn about things like workspaces, creation of projects and understanding sequences.Once this basic knowledge is acquired, we go on to actually importing the clips and audio to perform our first edit.As with our other editing courses, you get access to the footage and audio files so you can edit along with us. This makes your video editing learning process very practical.In this first edit, we concentrate on the very basics. Going through this edit alone will make you very confident about the process of video editing.We'll be looking at things like trimming clips, using the source monitor, adding transitions and exporting our first edit.Then things will become more challenging as we will move towards our second edit. This time we will be looking at advanced things like synchronizing video and audio, adding B-roll footage and a lot more.In our third edit, we'll take things to the next level as we'll be learning advanced editing techniques and creating titles.Then we'll move on to the audio editing section where you'll be learning how to improve the quality of your audio by removing distracting sounds and noise from the audio.After that we will go through the process of exporting our video. This time we'll be going through the exporting process in a detailed manner.The next two sections will be a lot of fun as we'll first be seeing how to edit slow motion videos. Here not only will you be learning how to edit slow motion videos, you'll also be learning and understanding the entire process involved in editing slow motion videos. We'll be looking at three ways to create amazing and technically correct slow motion videos.Then we'll be moving towards the all important Lumetri Color Panel, where you will be learning how to color correct and color grade your videos so they start to look way better than how they were originally shot.To sum it up, this course is a one stop shop for all you ever wanted to know about video editing. Once you finish this course, you would have mastered basic and intermediate video editing skills inside Adobe Premiere Pro.I hope to see you inside the course :)"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"AI30AIAI AIAIAIAIAIPythonNumpyPandasMatplotlibScikit-learnXGBoostJupyter Notebook AI AI AIAIAI IT[ AI ]IDAISFAI"
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
"Bu eitim talal retim sektrnde istihdam olana salamak amacyla; Mesleki Yeterlilik Kurumu tarafndan belirlenmi kriterler nda, seni iki veya boyutlu olarak izilmi torna paralarndan takm yollar oluturup para imalat yapabilen, retim dosyalar oluturabilen, takm yolu mfredatna hakim, Mastercam 2018 torna sertifikasyon ilemini geebilecek ileri seviyedeki bir CAM programcsna dntrmek amacyla oluturulmutur. eriimiz de, birlikte adm adm ilerleyeceimiz 62 dersin yan sra 11 altrma, kendi banza yapacanz 7 meydan okuma projesi, lisansl Mastercam 2018 (Home Learning Edition) Program, X Plus eklentisi ve faydal bilgiler klasr bulunur. Kurs hakknda daha detayl bilgi iin giri blmnde bulunan pdf dosyalarn indirip inceleyebilirsin!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Merhaba... MasterCAM ART LE TASARIM VE RETM (SIFIRDAN LER SEVYEYE) kursuma ho geldin. Bu eitim, Mastercam Art' hzl bir ekilde renmenize yardmc olmak iin hazrlanmtr. zel ahap ustalar, reklamclar, mobilya reticileri, zel tasarmclar ve almalarna sanatsal bir yetenek katmas gereken herkes bu eitimden faydalanabilir. Mastercam Art; sanatsal objeler retebilmen iin zel olarak tasarlanm bir CAD / CAM yazlmdr. Parametrik bir program olan Mastrercam Art sayesinde istediiniz tasarm grnm elde edene kadar kabartma deerlerini deitirerek mkemmel sonuca ulaabilirsin. Mastarcam Art sizi basit 2D izimlerden, kk resimlerden, fotoraflardan ve CAD datalardan birka dokunula karmak ve ayrntl 3D artistik objelere gtrr. Bu sayede zamandan ve paradan tasarruf edersiniz. Balang seviyesindeki kullanclar artn ktphanesini kullanarak pek ok model oluturabilirler. Tecrbeli kullanclar iin ise ok eitli modelleme aralar bulunmaktadr. Bu sayede daha sofistike tasarmlar oluturabilirsiniz. Bu eitimde; 66 ders, 25 altrma, 4 proje yer almaktadr. Daha detayl bilgi iin kurs bilgi formunu indirebilirsin."
Price: 209.99 ![]() |
"Ofansif Ve Defansif Siber Gvenlik" |
" Uygulamalar Eliinde Ofansif Ve Defansif Giri Kursuna Hogeldiniz!Temel bilgiler eliinde tm temellerin verildii bu kurs ile etik hackerlk dnyasna adm atmak ok kolayHer ne kadar bu kurs balang kursuda olsa ou ileri seviye denilen kurstan kat ve kat daha ayrntl bilgi iermektedir.Gnmz biliim teknolojilerinde gvenlik kanlamaz bir gerektir. Kurumlar, byk ve kk lekli firmalar , devletler, istihbarat rgtleri kendi bnyelerinde siber gvenlik uzman altrmakta ve yetitirmektedirler.Gnmz dnyasnda her dakikada bir yeni siber saldr olaylar yaanmaktadr. Bu siber saldrlarn sonucu ok ar olabilmektedir.Sizde siber gvenlik uzman olmak istiyor veya kendi gvenliinizi kendiniz salamak istiyorsanz doru adrestesiniz. Siber gvenlie giri yapmak tm temellere sahip olmak ileri eitimleri daha iyi anlamak iin bu kursa sahip olmanz yeterlidir.Bu kurs ile sadece siber gvenlik deil TEMEL A BLGS, TEMEL SEVYE LNUX, TEMEL KRPTOLOJ bilgilerine de sahip olacaksnz. Bu kurs ile ayn anda aslnda 3 kursa birden sahip olacaksnz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Google Data Studio - Do bsico ao avanado!" |
"Aprenda a criar Dashboards online e profissionais com dados do Excel, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Search Console, YouTube e mais. ""Gostei muito do curso. Inclusive vou me aprofundar mais no tema, pois gostei bastante."" - Carla Cristina ""Adorei o curso. O professor foi bastante atencioso na resposta de algumas questes que eu encaminhei!"" - Victor de Paula ""Agora consigo fazer um Dashboard sem medo."" - Angelo AntonioApresente seus dados e resultados com o Google Data Studio, atravs de dashboards e relatrios profissionais, dinmicos, conectados em diversas fontes de dados e que podem ser editados e compartilhados pela internet.Com o Data Studio voc pode:Visualizar e apresentar seus dados atravs de grficos e tabelas altamente configurveis.Conectar seus dashboards a vrias fontes de dados com facilidade.Compartilhar insights com sua equipe ou com o mundo.Colaborar com sua equipe na gerao de relatrios.Se voc precisa transformar dados em dashboards e relatrios bonitos e inteligentes, este curso para voc! Se voc trabalha com marketing digital; ou em empresa com sistemas e Excel; ou empresrio; ou blogueiro ou blogueira; ou tem ecommerce, enfim, no importa sua rea, basta ter dados e querer transform-los em decises de negcios mais inteligentes.No Google Data Studio, tudo funciona sobre 3 pilaresConectarConecte seus relatrios e dashboards em fontes de dados como Facebook; Google Ads; Google Analytics; Excel; Google Planilhas; Sistemas corporativos; Twitter; Bancos de dados MySQL; Bancos de Dados PostgreSQL; entre vrias outras.VisualizarCrie relatrios e dashboards dinmicos usando tabelas comuns e dinmicas, grficos, filtros interativos, controle de perodo, links, campos personalizados e calculados, tudo de uma maneira simples e na forma de arrastar e soltar.CompartilharConvide pessoas da sua equipe ou do mundo para visualizar seus relatrios ou at mesmo contribuir com edies em tempo real, tudo atravs de links enviados ou e-mails programados."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"ZIGZAG 3D - Unity + C#" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a desenvolver jogos com Unity e C#, a Unity ferramenta muito poderosa e que vem ganhando cada vez mais espao no mercado de desenvolvimento de jogos.Aprenderemos a desenvolver um ZIGZAG 3D na pratica, onde aplicaremos conceitos consagrados de jogos famosos deste estilo, como: Criar uma fase do tipo Dinamicamente (em tempo real de jogo);Criar itens Dinamicamente junto com a fase fase;Fazer a Cmera Seguir o Personagem;Adquirir o efeito 3D da gua na Asset Store e inserir em nosso projeto;Criar Partculas para os coletveis;Entender o conceito de Collision e Trigger no mesmo objeto;Muitas outras caractersticas que um bom jogo 3D dever ter;Ao final deste curso voc estar apto aplicar tudo o que aprender aqui para criar seus prprios jogos 3D ou 2D."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"PAPI: Prosperidade, Abundncia, Progresso e Inovao" |
"Por que voc deveria fazer este curso?O que voc gostaria de ter mais em sua vida? O que quer que voc deseje - mais amor, alegria, riqueza, qualquer coisa - pode ser seu com este processo PAPI. Junte-se ao Pedro Marata para manifestar a abundncia e prosperidade que lhe permitir encontrar mais paz, tranquilidade e harmonia em todos os aspetos de sua vida.Amanh no est escrito ainda!Concentre-se em seus talentos, valores, objetivos, paixes e habilidades. Quais so os seus pontos fortes? No que voc bom? O que te faz vivo e cheio de energia, o que te entusiasma e traz aquela sensao de estar vivo e envolvido em cada momento da vida, para no ser desperdiado?Criando autoconhecimentoNeste curso criamos uma autoconscincia em relao abundncia, implementando uma mentalidade tangvel e forte (mindset) e um programa passo-a-passo para estabelecer metas e objetivos tangveis. A maneira como nos comunicamos conosco mesmos um reflexo direto da influncia que temos no mundo.Gesto financeiraHoje mais do que nunca necessitamos de saber como manejar e planejar os nossos investimentos financeiros, de modo a podermos gerar mais riqueza a todos os nveis. Tudo passa por estarmos conscientes de quanto ganhamos e quanto gastamos! A regra #1 no gastar mais do que recebemos.Prximo passo: Aceitao e execuoEncontre a energia que abastece sua MENTALIDADE, seu PORQU, seus PENSAMENTOS, sua ALMA e seu CORAO, e que lhe d o espao para sentir mais, para alcanar mais, para sonhar mais alto. Aceite onde voc est, se ancore, encontre seu centro e plante a semente que pode crescer no futuro que voc quer criar em sua vida.Acredite que possvelIr de zero a heri possvel e o primeiro passo acreditar que possvel. Ento, voc s precisa adicionar alguns outros elementos como a coragem, persistncia, foco, determinao e pacincia."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Arte de Sonhar: Acessando o inconsciente atravs dos sonhos" |
"Por que voc deveria fazer este curso?Venha desvendar o potencial dos sonhos, abrindo as portas do inconsciente e compreender que os sonhos sempre demonstram um aspecto de ns mesmos.Capacidade consciente de acessar o inconscienteSer que temos a capacidade consciente de usar a informaes que recebemos dos sonhos para vivermos uma vida mais tranquila e equilibrada ao nvel emocional, fsico e mental? Um dos preceitos dos sonhos que todos os aspectos dos sonhos so um aspecto de ns mesmos. Aprenda a ver para alm do que sua mente consegue enxergar e a confiar numa fora infinita de harmonia, paz e alegria.Aprender a interpretar sonhosQuando aprendemos a interpretar sonhos uma nova realidade se apresenta e um profundo reconhecimento do no inconsciente aflora e nos d clareza, viso e confiana. Esta confiana nos permite a sermos mais assertivos, determinados e corajosos. Esta confiana nos leva tambm a ter uma capacidade consciente de realizar nossos sonhos acordados! Aquela metas e objetivos que queremos realizar em nossas vidas.Fonte de inspiraoOs sonhos que temos quando dormimos sempre foram uma fonte de inspirao para muitos mdicos, neuro-cientistas, professores e investigadores. Desde Freud a Jung, os sonhos sempre causaram debates e profundos estudos a serem executados para uma maior compreenso da razo pela qual passamos cerca de 1/3 das nossas vidas a dormir e, por consequncia, a sonhar.Que tipos de sonhos existem?No fundo, o que um sonho e que tipos de sonhos existem? Porque sonhamos? Como relacionar os nossos sonhos com a realidade (ou a nossa percepo dela)? Saber os tipos de sonhos e como eles podem nos ajudar no autoconhecimento e crescimento pessoal, para que tenhamos uma aproximao ao nosso inconsciente, uma ferramenta que poucas pessoas esto a explorar neste momento.Um dos preceitos dos sonhos que todos os aspectos dos sonhos so um aspecto de ns mesmos.Aprenda a ver para alm do que sua mente consegue enxergar e a confiar numa fora infinita de harmonia, paz e alegria."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"El Taller est dirigido a personas deseen iniciar a modelar en Revit Architecture 2019, Renderizar en 3ds Max 2017 y V-Ray 2016, Se ensea crear un modelo bsico en Revit Architecture, para posterior ser renderizadas en 3D Max con el motor de render Vray y finalmente realizar un retoque fotogrfico en Photoshop.Enseamos al alumnos tcnicas y herramientas ms utilizadas en esta rama, para desarrollar en el alumno la destreza de crear escenarios 3D Realistas.Orientado a: Arquitectos, Ingenieros, Diseadores industriales, Diseadores de interiores, Diseadores de producto. Artistas de distintos medios."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Startup Investor Relations A-Z: Winning Strategies/Templates" |
"Have you always wanted to build amazingInvestor Relations Campaigns That Workbut didn't know where to start? May be you did not have any idea as to which skills were important to learn for raisingVenture Capital? May be you didn't want to dive too deep but still want to learn to get your future company funded.What if I told you that, with no previous knowledge at all you can actually build wonderful investor relations campaign starting today?In this course we will cover every concept that is important to raising venture capital and starting a successful investor relations campaign. We will be using the most famous framework for investor relations called6 T'sand integrate it with a investor methodology for assessing businesses rapidly and at a high level. Wewill touch uponInnovation requirements, financials,&marketing requirementsas well.We will cover every step in detail and I will explain why that step is important.By the end of this course creating an investor relations campaign will be a piece of cake for you.So, why choose me as an instructor? Why buy this course among all those other courses?Iam your new partner in transformation, we help companies and individuals re-imagine themselves, rapidly realize their value, and customize your delivery in a radically venture capital-empowered world.I am a software developer with a focus on brining entrepreneurship and raising capital to the masses. I plan to help usher in a new era of startups by empowering my students to increase their impact.Ever since I was 9 years old and I used the internet for the first time, I knew that I would master the tool and know I am ushering in a new era of entrepreneurship with my generation. My purpose is to increase the impact I am making by helping others increase launch businesses and raise capital.Iunderstandthe people who are passionate about learning new things. We will create this project together from start to finish.====Learn the basic fundamentals of investor relations, how to raise capital, and building a business that works! Learn to think like an investor and build a business an investor would want to invest in. We be believe that this course will be a great quick start guide to helping businesses start investor relations at a fraction of the price. This includes templates for 10x-ing your investor relations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Programmare con Python e Reverse Shell" |
"Il corso presenta le basi della programmazione Python: input/output, formattazione avanzata, tuple, liste, dizionari, gestione errori, operazioni su file e cartelle, metodo walk, invio email e metodi di compressione e socket. Si partir dalle basi e passo passo verranno mostrati i costrutti principali della programmazione Python. Dato che mi occupo di Sicurezza Informatica le ultime lezioni sono dedicate alla creazione di Socket UDPe TCP e alla creazione di una Reverse Shell creata con Python. Buon Corso"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacker 3 - WAPT & VA" |
"Il corso propone l'utilizzo dei tool pi utilizzati in ambito sicurezza informatica. Verr spiegato il Vulnerability Assessment e il Penetration Test. Le lezioni abbinano pratica e teoria e spiegano la maggior parte degli attacchi utilizzati nei WAPT (Web App Penetration Test), tra cui SQL Injection, XSS, XML Injection e tanti altri. Il corso d la possibilit di approfondire le proprie conoscenze in ambito di sicurezza informatica, permettendo allo studente di iniziare ad affrontare scenari reali. Il corso prevede l'utilizzo del sistema operativo Parrot (o Kali Linux anche se preferibile il primo). Per maggiori info sull'installazione dei sistemi (Parrot e Kali) bisogna aver seguito il primo corso o in alternativa cercare qualche guida online."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Corso Completo Di Ethical Hacking" |
"Il corso tratter tantissimi strumenti utilizzati nel campo della sicurezza informatica. Gli strumenti utilizzati saranno sia hardware che software. Il corso completo e prepara lo studente ad affrontare tantissime situazioni reali. Oltre alla descrizione passo passo di come procedere alla configurazione dei sistemi verranno anche spiegati tool e strumenti hardware e software che vengono utilizzati spesso nel campo della sicurezza. Alla fine del corso si avr un'ottima conoscenza di questa materia e si potranno approfondire gli argomenti trattati avendo una visione molto pi chiara di come approcciarsi a questo mondo. Si partir con una panoramica sul mondo dell'ethical hacker e successivamente ad una configurazione dei sistemi. Dopo aver fatto anche una breve introduzione sui comandi di base di Kali Linux e si partir subito in lezioni interessanti dove teoria e pratica si fondono contemporaneamente. Ci saranno esempi di Analisi di Vulnerabilit e di Penetration Testing. Ci saranno tool interessanti e soprattutto verranno spiegate le tecniche utilizzate dagli hacker per impadronirsi di altri sistemi e sferrare attacchi (come la SQL Injection, Session FIxation e tanti altri). Verranno analizzati tantissimi tool e soprattutto si arricchir la propria conoscenza sul mondo della sicurezza informatica."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Fotogrammetria, Video e Foto col Drone" |
"Il corso permetter di apprendere l'utilizzo corretto del drone ( in particolare del parrot Anafi ). Dopo aver analizzato tutte le funzionalit disponibili grazie all'applicazione FreeFlight 6 verr mostrato un piccolo esempio di post produzione, per analizzare i video realizzati e modificarli per creare scenari interessanti. Infine verr introdotto il mondo della fotogrammetria, con l'utilizzo di Pix4D. Ci sar un esempio pratico dell'utilizzo del software sul cellulare e sul pc per l'analisi dei dati raccolti"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Certificao em Hipnose" |
"Aprender hipnose pode parecer uma tarefa longa e difcil, mas hipnotizar algum , na verdade, surpreendentemente simples.Se voc deseja aprender hipnose de uma forma realmente rpida e sem mistrios, este curso para voc.Saiba como usar o tom de voz e a montar frases estruturadas para colocar as pessoas em hipnose de forma segura e simples. Aprenda os fundamentos para hipnotizar as pessoas rapidamente, aprofundar a hipnose, aplicar sugestes e rotinas hipnticas, a avaliar quando algum est respondendo a hipnose e sendo realmente hipnotizado, e por fim, aprenda a tirar a pessoa do estado hipntico ao final de uma sesso neste curso 100% on-line.Voc tambm ter acesso ao nosso grupo exclusivo para alunos, onde poder interagir com outros hipnlogos para aprender e evoluir ainda mais.O curso conta com material de apoio para download e ao final voc poder solicitar sua certificao de nossa instituio, o qual garantir tambm descontos para nossos cursos presenciais, com apoio total de nossos instrutores."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Change Your Perception, Change Your Self" |
"This course will not change who you are, but it will change the perception of who you are!The perception of who you are is the way in which others see you. It is the way in which others define and characterize you. It is what others talk about when they talk about you. And that perception of who you are is responsible for the situation you are in today! If you are not attracting the right partner to build an ideal relationship with, it is because of the perception of who you are. If you have not landed that dream job or promotion, it is because of the perception of who you are. If you are not successful in some aspect of your personal or professional life, it is because of the perception of who you are!The perception of who you are is your mirror image.It may resemble you in every way, but it is only your reflection.And it is two-dimensional!The dimension that is missing is your Identity!Change Your Perception, Change Yourself is a powerful way to become successful in anything you do, any challenge you undertake and any goal you want to achieve. You will purposefully and deliberately create a sense of urgency by treating today as the very last opportunity to decide what MUST BE DONE and HOW TO DO IT! Today is the time to act decisively, with extreme courage and a clear vision. No more dreaming or procrastinating. No more hoping, wishing, and praying that someday you will make all the changes necessary to make your Future more significant than your Past! From this day forward, you will leverage that precious commodity called time. To create a new image for yourself, you must first change the perception you have about yourself."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Coaching the Perception of a Career" |
"In this course, youll discover the four stages of your Identity and how these different stages conflate to create the Perceptions that are responsible for the career challenges youre facing TODAY!And unless youve been successful in achieving a rewarding and lucrative career, these Perceptions have failed you! In fact, the true villain is your Persona and IT is responsible for all the perceptions and misconceptions that have been created about you! If youre unhappy with your present job - these perceptions are to blame! If you are not successful at your job - it was these perceptions that failed you! If you created a dependency on drugs or alcohol - it was you Persona that created this addiction! If you are overweight or out of shape - your Persona was the cause! If you have lost your faith - it was your Persona who abandoned it! With Change the Perception of Your Career you will: i. Change the perception of who you are. ii. Create the perception you desire. iii. Develop a new Persona for the person who would be successful!This is the person you must become!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Coaching the Perception of a Relationship" |
"In this course, youll discover the four stages of your Identity and how these different stages conflate to create the perceptions that are responsible for the relationships youre in today!And unless your living a life full of joy and emotional abundance, these perceptions have failed you! In fact, the true villain is your Persona and IT is responsible for all the perceptions and misconceptions that have been created about you! If youre unhappy with the present state of your life - these perceptions are to blame! If you are not enjoying your life to the fullest - it was these perceptions that failed you! If you created a dependency on drugs or alcohol - it was you Persona that created this addiction! If you are overweight or out of shape - your Persona was the cause! If you have lost your faith - it was your Persona who abandoned it!With Change the Perception of Your Relationship you will:i. Change the perception of who you are.ii. Create the perception you desire.iii. Develop a new Persona for the person who would be successful!This is the person you must become!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Health & Wellness is just a Perception" |
"If you dont feel well, but you have not been diagnosed with a serious ailment or chronic health issue, its because of the perception you have about your health & wellness! This course will not change your health & wellness, but it will change the perception you have about how you feel in terms of personal health and physical wellness!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Wealth & Lifestyle is just a Perception" |
"The perception you have about your wealth has a major influence on your lifestyle! This course will show you how to change that perception! If youre not living a comfortable lifestyle or dont feel that youre getting control over your finances, its because of the perception you have about your wealth!This course will not change your overall wealth, but it will change the perception you have about living more comfortably!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Happiness is just a Perception" |
"In this course, youll discover the four stages of your Identity and how these different stages conflate to create the perceptions that are responsible for the relationships youre in today!And unless your living a life full of joy and emotional abundance, these perceptions have failed you! In fact, the true villain is your Persona and IT is responsible for all the perceptions and misconceptions that have been created about you! If youre unhappy with the present state of your life - these perceptions are to blame! If you are not enjoying your life to the fullest - it was these perceptions that failed you! If you created a dependency on drugs or alcohol - it was you Persona that created this addiction! If you are overweight or out of shape - your Persona was the cause! If you have lost your faith - it was your Persona who abandoned it!With Change the Perception of Your Relationship you will:i. Change the perception of who you are.ii. Create the perception you desire.iii. Develop a new Persona for the person who would be successful!This is the person you must become!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Success is just a Perception" |
"In this course, youll discover the four stages of your Identity and how these different stages conflate to create the Perceptions that are responsible for the success youre experiencing in your life today!And unless you are achieving your most important goals and objectives in life, these perceptions have failed you! In fact, the true villain is your Persona and IT is responsible for all the perceptions and misconceptions that have been created about you! If youre unhappy with the present state of your life - these perceptions are to blame! If you are not enjoying your life to the fullest - it was these perceptions that failed you! If you created a dependency on drugs or alcohol - it was you Persona that created this addiction! If you are overweight or out of shape - your Persona was the cause! If you have lost your faith - it was your Persona who abandoned it!With Change the Perception of Your Success you will:i. Change the perception of who you are.ii. Create the perception you desire.iii. Develop a new Persona for the person who would be successful!This is the person you must become!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Faith is just a Perception" |
"The perception you have about your faith is responsible for the connection you have with your spirituality! This course will show you how to change that connection! If you dont have a faith-based belief system, its because of the perception you have about your faith! If you dont have an intimate connection with your faith, its because of the perception you have about your faith. If you are not spirituality guided, its because of the perception you have about your faith! This course will strengthen your faith by changing the perception you have about your faith!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Coaching Proper Table Manners" |
"This course will guide you through the proper dining etiquette that applies to most common servings of meat, game and fish as well as a variety of ancillary dishes and desserts that complement most formal dinners. You will learn in simple and straightforward language how to assert yourself as an expert at the traditional and modern dinner table. I will give you many examples on what to do with the dishes that are placed in front of you and how to avoid any embarrassing faux pas.But most of all, I want you to experience the pure joy that you will derive from partaking in the ambiance and elegance of Modern European Dining Etiquette.Bonne apptit!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Give Your Personality a Makeover" |
"This course will not change your personality, but it will change the perception of your personality! The perception of your personality is the way in which you see yourself. It is also the way in which others see you through their own lens. It is what others talk about when they talk about you. And this perception of your personality is responsible for the situation you are in today! If youre not attracting the right partner to build an ideal relationship with, its because of theperception of your personality.If you havent landed that dream job or promotion, its because of theperception of your personality.If youre not successful in your personal or professional life, its because of theperception of your personality.The perception of your personality is a mirror image. It may resemble you in every way, but its only your reflection. And its two-dimensional! The dimension that is missing is YOU."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Your Relationship is just a Perception" |
"This course may not change your relationships, but it will change the perception of your relationships! The perception of your relationships is the way in which you see your relationships. It is also the way in which others see your relationships through their own lens. It is what others talk about when they talk about your relationships. And this perception of your relationships is responsible for the situation your relationships are in today!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Git" |
"This course was created for anyone interested in understanding how to use a distributed version control system (DVCS) for managing digital content - code, images, text. This course is intended for users that may haver heard about Git, but have never used it before. By the end of the course you will have hands-on experience using Git and be able to version control your digital content on a local repository on your own laptop or server and push or pull that content to/from a remote repository (we use GitHub as our example)."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"O curso de drone foi desenvolvido para o melhor aproveitamento dos alunos na teoria e na prtica. Ele rene informaes tericas e prticas baseadas no que o mercado mais necessita nos dias de hoje. um contedo completamente estruturado para o aprendizado de qualquer pessoa - conhea ela ou no sobre Drones previamente. Alm disso ainda dispomos de profissionais capacitados para acompanhar nossos alunos em todas as dvidas em nossas mentorias em grupo e individuais. O nosso processo de mentoria individual para quem deseja empreender na rea, junto com marketing digital tambm uma forma de desenvolver o aluno para o mercado, auxiliar ele na captura dos servios e at mesmo na formulao dos primeiros oramentos. , com certeza, o curso mais completo do mercado e o que mais desenvolve pessoalmente e profissionalmente."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Trafik Kazalar" |
"Trkiye' de nfusun artmasna ve dier sebeplere bal olarak artan ara says ve meydana gelen trafik kazalarnn istatistiksel olarak olduka yksek oranlar iermesi neticesinde trafik kazalar dosyalarn hukuki adan inceleme ihtiyac hissettik. Trafik kazalar dosyalarnn Yargtay kararlar dorultusunda uygulama alan hakknda bilgi verdik. Trafik kazalar sonucunda bavurulacak hukuki yollar anlattk."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"[SongWon] Korean Grammar for Speaking 1" |
"Song Wons Korean Grammar for Speaking is the quintessential text for learning how to speak and write Korean. As a proven, passionate, and dedicated teacher, Song Won has perfected his language learning system in the classroom. Now, hes finally put those same methods into an informative, easy-to-understand textbook. Korean Grammar for Speaking is methodically organized and broken down into separate units. In the beginning, students will build a foundation by learning how to read, write, and pronounce Hangul (the Korean alphabet). From there, students will learn everything from the counting systems and present tense verbs, to more complex and complicated grammatical concepts. Within each unit, there will be vocabulary lists, a wide variety of practice problems, and end-of-unit quizzes. This comprehensive language learning textbook will have you speaking, reading, and writing Korean in no time! Along with Korean grammar, this textbook will teach students important vocabulary words that are useful in many common, everyday situations. It will also highlight Korean slang and colloquialisms, as well. Song Wons language learning method is different from classic, traditional textbooks. This book will have students thinking and responding organically in Korean. The goal of Korean Grammar for Speaking is to make students fluent in Korean within six months. Although learning Korean will be a challenge, its a challenge that will reward students many times over."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |