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"Ionic Framework - Conexo com Firebase" |
"O Ionic um SDK de software livre completo para desenvolvimento de aplicativos mveis hbridos criado por Max Lynch, Ben Sperry e Adam Bradley da Drifty Co. em 2013.O Firebase uma plataforma de desenvolvimento de aplicativos para dispositivos mveis e Web desenvolvida pela Firebase, Inc. em 2011 e adquirida pelo Google em 2014. Em outubro de 2018, a plataforma Firebase possua 18 produtos, usados por 1,5 milho de aplicativos.Vamos unir as 2 tecnologias e criar um aplicativo simples de cadastro de clientes, mas que iremos aprender muitos conceitos para a partir daqui, comear a desenvolver incrveis aplicativos mobile!"
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Ionic Framework - Aplicativo Lista de Tarefas" |
"O Ionic um SDK de software livre completo para desenvolvimento de aplicativos mveis hbridos criado por Max Lynch, Ben Sperry e Adam Bradley da Drifty Co. em 2013.Nesse curso vamos criar um aplicativo de lista de tarefas, utilizando o LocalStorage para gravar e ler as informaes, passando claro por diversos recursos e conceitos do Framework."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Ionic Framework Essencial" |
"Bem-vindo ao curso de Ionic Framework Essencial.O Ionic um SDK de software livre completo para desenvolvimento de aplicativos mveis hbridos criado por Max Lynch, Ben Sperry e Adam Bradley da Drifty Co. em 2013.Aqui voc ir aprender conceitos e utilizao deste framework para comear a desenvolver aplicativos mobile.Desde a instalao, passando por estrutura de pastas, conceitos, components, at a prtica, voc se sentir animado e completo para comear a ganhar dinheiro desenvolvendo aplicativos."
Price: 324.99 ![]() |
"Ionic 3 + API Wordpress" |
"Ol, voc possui um blog ou site em Wordpress?Saiba que possvel facilmente, atravs de um plugin que torna uma API, espelhar os posts do seu Blog/Site Wordpress em um aplicativo, utilizando o Ionic Framework, por exemplo.Nesse curso vou ensinar voc a desenvolver esse aplicativo e a partir daqui voc ser capaz de personalizar o seu blog/site em Wordpress e o seu aplicativo.Vamos aprender muitos conceitos interessantes!!!"
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Javascript Essencial" |
"Ol,Bem-vindo ao Curso de Javascript Essencial!Vou destacar os principais pontos aqui deste curso, so eles:Tipos de dadosEstruturaFunesDOMPOOVariveisOperadoresConversesCondiesLaes de RepetioSwitchDatesHTMLCSSE muito mais....Abordagem com slides e exemplos em cdigo, bem intuitivo!Vamos criar um formulrio, um sistema de clculo de IMC, criar um passador de slides e muito mais!!Aproveite e bons estudos!!!Eu me coloco disposio para sanar dvidas e/ou crticas..Obrigado"
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"React Native - Essencial" |
"O React Native uma estrutura de aplicativo mvel de cdigo aberto criada pelo Facebook. Ele usado para desenvolver aplicativos para Android, iOS e UWP, permitindo que os desenvolvedores usem o React junto com os recursos da plataforma nativa. Do bsico recursos mais avanados, neste curso voc ir aprender os principais conceitos e utilizao do Framework React Native."
Price: 459.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine 4: Dal Game Design al Videogioco Completo" |
"OFFERTA A 12.99 CON IL CODICE SCONTO RIPARTIAMO2020 FINO AL 25/10/2020Il primo corso italiano completo su Unreal engine 4 che ti spiegher le basi del videogame making ricreando un grande classico dei generi platform come Crash Bandicoot.Se vuoi imparare tutto del videogame making da come si ragiona l'idea di un videogioco e si creano i documenti alla programmazione in generale fino a creare un prototipo tecnico funzionante allora sei nel posto giusto!in questo corso creerai:Il concept del videogioco partendo dall'idea fino ai documenti essenziali GDD(Documento di Game Design) e GDS(Schema di Game Design)Imparerai le basi dell'informatica e la programmazione con le Blueprint di Unreal Engine 4Un prototipo tecnico funzionante e modulare di un gioco su Unreal Engine 4 Un prototipo pi raffinato grazie all'importazione di asset di produzioneL'organizzazione e la strutturazione ordinata del tuo codice e del tuo progettoTi immergerai totalmente nello sviluppo di un progetto indie in tutte le sue varie fasi.Attraverso pi di 90 lezioni mirate attraverserai tutto quello che necessario per sviluppare un videogioco a prescindere dal genere.Ti immergerai nella creazione di un platform stile Crash bandicoot dalle sue fasi di prototipo iniziale fino ad importare asset completi e farli funzionare perfettamente nella struttura che hai creato.Testerai il tuo metodo di studio attraverso challenge impegnative che metteranno alla prova tutte le conoscenze che hai acquisito e che ti renderanno in grado di espandere la tua idea in qualsiasi modo tu voglia.i Quiz di fine sezione ti aiuteranno a sedimentare la tua conoscenza e a renderti padrone della materia.Alla fine del corso sarai in grado di usare le tue conoscenze per costruire il gioco dei tuoi sogni senza pi avere il timore di dove cominciare.Sarai in grado di lavorare sia solo che in team e potenziare cosi il tuo lavoroFarai anche networking con me e con gli altri studenti per potenziare ancora di pi il tuo apprendimento e velocizzare il tuo percorso.E per ultimo ma non meno importante saprai usare in maniera ottimale uno degli engine pi acclamati e professionali dell'industria videoludica e cio Unreal Engine 4Perch imparare da meQuello che ti insegner non sono semplici istruzioni o metodi per realizzare un solo gioco.In questo corso ti passer tantissimi strumenti e un mindset che ti metteranno sulla giusta strada per entrare nell'industria del videogame making in maniera professionale.Il mio obiettivo renderti capace di ragionare autonomamente e grazie alla teoria spiegata in maniera semplice ed ad un costante esercizio pratico potrai padroneggiare gli strumenti e usarli a tuo piacimento.Ehi ma aspetta c' di pi !Il corso migliorer costantemente attraverso i tuoi feedback e riceverai costantemente aggiornamenti su nuovi contenuti che verranno aggiunti.Se sei interessato anche ad approfondire la tua conoscenza su altri tipo di giochi o su differenti tecnologie allora controlla gli altri corsi udemy che saranno disponibili nei prossimi mesi.Unisciti a me in questo percorso e costruisci da oggi favolosi videogiochi in UE4!OFFERTA A 12.99 CON IL CODICE SCONTO RIPARTIAMO2020 FINO AL 25/10/2020"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Do-In (acupresso)" |
"Nos dias de hoje, imprescindvel a preveno! Lutemos juntos, em favor da humanidade, com o conhecimento milenar disponvel na palma da sua mo, graas tecnologia.Utilizando s as mos, espero que esse curso seja bem usado e que ele no fique somente na teoria, mas que tenha a ao atravs da aplicao dos acupontos sempre que voc ou algum prximo necessitar. Abrao e sucessoThiago NishidaDo-in significa automassagem...Dvidas FrequentesComo saberei se estou no ponto certo?O tato precisa ser trabalhado, mas procure seguir com a maior exatido possvel as minhas orientaes e preste ateno no seu corpo. Ao passar o dedo pela regio fazendo a presso, procure sentir um ponto com uma dor maior. Uma dor aguda bastante caracterstica.Com prtica, a sua palpao ficar mais acurada.E se no melhorar?H duas hipteses em caso de no melhora:1) Voc no acertou a localizao exata do ponto;2) Sua patologia pode ser grave, recomendo a procura de um mdico. Isso tambm vale em alguns casos graves, como os pontos para concusso, derrame, etc...Nesse Curso voc vai aprender Pontos para:AmigdaliteAngina agudaAnsiedade, nervosismo e stressApendicite agudaApetite (PARA ESTIMULAR)AsmaAziaBronquiteCimbrasChoque eltricoCirculao deficiente (m circulao)CistiteClaustrofobiaClica em geralClica estomacalClica instestinalClica renalColiteCongesto nasalConjuntiviteContuso nos testculos (para aliviar a dor)DenteDentes (DOR)DesmaioDiarreiaDificuldades no partoDispneiaDistenses, luxaes e torcedurasDor de Cabea na cabea inteiraDor de Cabea Atrs dos olhosDor de Cabea frontalDor de Cabea no vrtex (topo da cabea)Dor de Cabea occipitalDor de Cabea temporalDor de gargantaDor de ouvidoDor em geralDores MuscularesEjaculaoEpicondilite lateralEpicondilite medialEsgotamento fsico e mentalEstritura aguda (reteno urinria dolorosa)FebreFerimentos, cortesFgadoFraturasFriagemFrigidezGasesGastriteGengiviteGotaGravidez (enjoos, nusea e vmito)Hemorragia geralHemorragia uterinaHemorridaHipoglicemiaImpotncia SexualIndigestoInsolaoInsniaIntoxicao alimentarIntoxicao por Monxido de CarbonoIrritao repentinaJoelhoLaringiteLombarMedoMemriaMenopausa (para aliviar desconforto)Menstruao atrasadaMenstruao dolorosa e irregularMenstruo muito frequenteMicoMordidas e PicadasNuseaNevralgia facialPalpitaoPrecocePresso alta (Hipertenso Arterial)Presso baixa (Hipotenso Arterial)Priso de ventreProblemas na Pele Prtata (distrbio)QueimadurasResfriado (incio)Resfriado com febreResfriado com tosseRessacaRouquido (ronco excessivo)Sinusite e RiniteSonolnciaSuor noturnoSurdezTabagismo (parar de fumar)TaquicardiaTenso nos ombrosTorpor mentalTosseVertigemZumbido nos ouvidos"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Coaching de carreira com Design Thinking" |
"Atualmente mais de 80% das pessoas dizem que esto insatisfeitas com o trabalho atual. A semana de trabalho comea e grande parte dos trabalhadores comeam a contar nos dedos para chegar o final de semana e ""aproveitarem a vida"" fora do trabalho, pois no suportam mais a rotina. A carga de trabalho da maioria das pessoas 8 horas por dia. Some a isso o tempo de deslocamento no trnsito que uma pessoa gasta, e voc vai perceber que passamos mais da metade das horas uteis do nosso dia dedicados a exercer a profisso escolhida. Se passamos grande parte da vida fazendo algo que no gostamos, no de se surpreender que vivemos em uma sociedade com altos ndices de estresse, depresso e ansiedade. Encontrar o trabalho que ama fazer, que traz propsito e realizao um caminho para criar uma vida satisfatria. Todos queremos achar um trabalho que gostamos e sentimos prazer em fazer. Como disse Confcio ""encontre o trabalho que ama, e voc no vai ter que trabalhar um nico dia da sua vida"". O curso ""Coaching de carreira com design thinking"" vem mostrar tcnicas para voc descobrir suas preferncias e habilidades de carreira, usar sua criatividade para criar novas carreiras para sua vida e projetar aos poucos sua transio. Com o modelo de prototipagem de carreira voc no vai precisar ""jogar tudo para o ar"" e mudar de uma vez correndo altos riscos. Voc vai aos poucos descobrindo qual trabalho faz sentido para voc e comear a criar sua nova carreira e projetar uma vida que lhe traga felicidade."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Curso vendas B2B com CRM RD Station gratuito" |
"Vendas o corao de qualquer empresa, o que garante a sobrevivncia da empresa e consequentemente dos scios e dos empregados. Porm 20% dos vendedores no batem as metas propostas. A rotatividade de vendedores grande, o que s piora os resultados de venda das empresas. A maioria das empresas/profissionais autnomos no utilizam nenhum sistema para gerenciar seu processo de vendas, deixando oportunidades na mesa e tendo um ndice baixo de converso de clientes. Neste curso voc vai aprender como melhorar a efetividade do seu processo de vendas trabalhando nas etapas: Criao de lista, prospeco, qualificao dos potenciais clientes e fechamento. Alm disso o curso vai ensinar como utilizar um CRMgratuito para gerenciar online suas aes com os clientes. Deixe aquele monte de planilha de lado para comear a trabalhar com um sistema que monitore de forma efetiva seu processo de vendas."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Como viajar gastando pouco" |
"Como viajar gastando pouco vai ensinar voc: Como encontrar as melhores ofertasde passagens areas Como viajar para mais de um pas pelo preode uma nica passagem area. Como comprar passagem area quase de graacom milhas areas. Como acumular milhas areas de forma mais rpida. Como vender suas milhas areas e ganhar dinheiro. Como se hospedar nos melhores bairros, em apartamentoscompletos pagando menos que um quarto de hotel. Como se hospedar gratuitamente pelo Brasil e pelo Mundo."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Como comear um negcio na internet sem ter produto" |
"Gostaria de ter uma renda extra? J pensou em trabalhar da sua casa? Gostaria de ter um trabalho que possibilitasse liberdade de tempo para estar com sua famlia, amigos e fazer seus Hobbies? Cada vez mais pessoas buscam uma renda extra atravs da internet, porm muitos no obtm o sucesso que gostariam. Entre as principais razes para isso esto: No sabem por onde comearNo tem oramento suficiente para contratar especialistas Falta de tempo para se dedicar ao projetoNo sabem que produto vender. Existe uma frmula pouco conhecida no Brasil, porm muito divulgada nos EUA para negcios digitais. Esse mtodo o que vou compartilhar com voc neste curso. Voc vai aprender como encontrar produtos para vender na internet e comear a gerar uma renda extra, crescer seu negcio, fazer vendas constantes e alcanar a desejada liberdade financeira que muitos produtores digitais esto construindo nos ltimos anos graas aos negcios online. Esse mtodo ensina como voc pode se tornar um produtor digital e comear a vender na internet em diversos nichos de mercado sem ter nenhum produto. Esse o mtodo mais rpido para iniciar como produtor digital e criar um negcio baseado em vendas online."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Como criar pgina de venda e funil de e-mail gratuito" |
"Como aumentar as vendas pela internet? Muitos empreendedores buscam vender pela internet, aumentar seu faturamento, gerar uma renda extra. Mas quando iniciam seus negcios no conseguem bons resultados. Os clientes chegam ao produto e no compram. O empreendedor no trabalha a lista de clientes que chegam at seu produto. No existe uma sequncia de e-mails para educar os futuros clientes e assim ter um aumento de vendas. Durante esse processo muitos gastam dinheiro com anncios e no conseguem o retorno esperado. Para todos que buscam comear ou aumentar suas vendas pela internet o curso ""como criar uma pgina de vendas e um funil de e-mail gratuito"" foi criado. Neste curso voc vai aprender quais so os principais elementos de uma pgina de vendas que converte visitantes em clientes. Voc vai aprender como criar um formulrio para capturar os e-mails dos seus futuros clientes e como criar uma sequncia automtica de e-mails para gerar vendas recorrentes, possibilitando voc faturar mais e trabalhar menos. Neste curso selecionei 2 ferramentas gratuitas que possibilitam voc realizar estas tarefas, desse modo voc pode comear a vender sem precisar investir em pagamentos recorrentes."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Gesto de mudanas" |
"Quem no muda, morre.A tecnologia faz com que as mudanas hoje aconteam cada vez mais rpido. Para geraes anteriores algo velho era um produto que possua 40 anos, hoje algo com 5 anos de uso considerado ultrapassado. Essa velocidade de pensamento e forma de vida exige que as empresas e seus funcionrios se adaptem cada vez mais rpido a esse mundo de constante transformao.Empresas de sucesso so aquelas que conseguem a cooperao do seu time de funcionrios para as mudanas necessrias.O curso gesto de mudanas prepara lderes e futuros lderes a entender como as mudanas acontecem e como atuar com cada membro da equipe para que o time aceite as mudanas propostas pela empresa."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"3D Motion Graphics: An Introduction" |
"Ever considered starting a career as a 3D motion graphics designer?Then this course 3D Motion graphics: An Introduction is a great place to start!About this courseLearn at your own pace, any time, any place!In this flexible online course, you will gain the fundamental skills required to create a modern aesthetically pleasing 3D motion graphics animation.You'll learn the process from start to finish, starting with mind-mapping, concepts and storyboards, before jumping into production and creating your 3D motion graphics animation within After Effects, using the new Cinema 4D renderer. Along the way, you'll also learn some best practices for working within the industry, along with tips and tricks for speeding up workflow.There will be tasks to complete throughout the course, but don't worry - your lecturer will be at hand to help and advise if needed via the comments section.By the end of the course, you will have learned the skills required for creating your own motion graphics animations from start to finish, and you'll have a good understanding of the workflow.What will I learn?Creating concepts and storyboards ready for client approvalThe basics of using Adobe Illustrator and/or Photoshop to create your 2D graphics.Importing your 2D graphics into After Effects and convert to 3D graphics.Changing the preferences and settings within After Effects for faster and smoother previews.Setting up cameras and lights within the scene.Animation techniques within After Effects using keyframes and expressions.Various ways to output your animation to a playable movie file, including a high quality for post production and an optimised version for uploading to the web.Who is the course for?This course is aimed at anybody wanting to make their static 2D graphics more dynamic, perhaps as an opening title sequence, a promotional video, or an animated infographic for example.What will I need to get started?Although a graphic design background may help, no experience in graphic design or animation is necessary.You will need access to the following:A desktop/laptop computerAdobe After Effects CC (2017 or above)Adobe IllustratorStudents and teachers can subscribe to Adobe Creative Cloud containing 20+ apps at a discounted rate"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Music Production For Beginners: The Blueprint To Beatmaking" |
"DESCRIPTIONImagine being able to take the sounds you hear in your head and translate those into real life...How it would feel to create beats easily without feeling confused or stuck in the process?If youre anything like most producers who are beginning you love music, but youre not sure where to start.You download the software and watch some tutorials on youtubeYou learn the basics but still feel a little overwhelmed...It feels like every time you begin making a track you either get frustrated by the software or confused about what to do next.Or maybe you get inspired and find yourself starting ideas but never finishing them.You end up making a lot of 8 bar loops that dont ever go anywhere.You feel discouraged and honestly a bit lost.I know the feeling.-Im Kia Orion. Ive been making music for over 10 years and teaching music production for the last 4.I wasted a lot of time learning how to make beats. What took me years to learn could have been shortened to a few months.Why?I had no direction and I was completely on my own.Sure, I picked up some techniques and ideas from various tutorialsBut my music still didnt sound how I wanted it to.I would leave production for months and even years at a time.Then get inspired and come back to it just to run into the same problems.Looking back, I realize I made three key mistakes:1. I focused too much on watching tutorials (instead of actually doing anything)2. I tried to learn advanced concepts too soon3. I had no framework or process. I split my attention between too many different elements of production and progressed at a snails pace.-Thats why I created The Blueprint To Beatmaking: A focused online production program designed to help beginning and intermediate music producers experience rapid growth in a short period of time.I made the mistakes so you don't have to. In this course I take a decade worth of my learning and package it into 3 modules.Blueprint teaches you everything you need to get started making your own hip-hop music, as quickly as possibleYoull learn:-A clear step-by-step system to building out beats start to finish-Exactly what you need to know in order to start making music quickly (no crazy advanced stuff so you dont get overwhelmed with everything all at once).-A proven framework for making your own music and creating an original sound-How to listen to music in a way you never have before-How to build out 8 bar loops into a full song-How to finish ideas (not just start them)-A way to train your ear so you can accelerate your growth and remake your favorite beats-My secret sauce to mixing with stock plug-ins (might not be what you think)-How to master your own tracksWhat makes The Blueprint To Beatmaking Different?Blueprint is designed to condense skill development into short periods of focused doing rather than only watching.The program consists of downloadable projects, a customized learning plan, video tutorials, resources, and the project stems so you can build your own beat along with me.Blueprint is for hobbyists, beginners, and intermediate producers who are tired of wasting time on trial and error and want a clear path to rapid growth.It's ideal for those who have made beats before, but feel lost in the mixing process or find themselves making a bunch of 8 bar loops and never finishing them.Who this course is for:People who want an easy and effective music production system to followBeginners who want to master the fundamentals and get going quicklyIntermediate producers who want to break out of multi-year plateausProducers who want to advance many years forward in their beatmaking in a short period of time"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Music Production Masterclass: How To Mix Radio Worthy Beats" |
"Do you hear songs on the radio and wonder why yours dont sound the same?Its not because they have a super special technology. Its because theyve nailed the mix.If youre like most hip-hop producers you love creating the music, but the engineering side leaves you feeling confused and maybe a bit lost.In this course I teach you how to make radio ready songs from your bedroom or home studio.We do all the mixing with stock plug-ins, so theres no fancy gear or software necessary.I'll be using Ableton Live but you can follow along in FL Studio, Logic Pro X, and any other DAW. It's not about the plug-ins I'll be using, but the practical principles of EQ that make a great mix. _Imagine being able to mix your tracks without the confusion of what next?A good mix comes down to a few key concepts that I share with you in this course.Youll learn:How to properly organize your mix to save yourself timeMistakes most people make mixing their 808s (and how to avoid them)How to easily master your track to make it BUMP in car speakers or headphonesA way to utilize your effects to get your tracks to popSome of the best stock plug-ins for hip-hop music productionShortcuts to your workflow to speed up your processAs with all my courses I believe practice is the most important. As such, I provide the downloadable raw audio files so that you can practice in real time and mix along with me. -My goal is that by the end of this course you'll be on your way to mixing better music and achieving the sonic vision you hear in your head. If there's anything I can do to make this course better for you, let me know. As an instructor I strive to continue to make better courses so tell me what's working best for you. I'll also be sure to update this course with any latest skills or practices that will benefit you.You ready to rock?Set aside a few focused hours, grab your beverage of choice, and lets make some music.See you at the top.Kia"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Music Production Fundamentals: Make Hip Hop Beats That BANG" |
"How much time are you willing to waste learning music production?One year?Five?It took me 10 years to learn how to make beats I was proud of, which is 4X longer than it should have.How come?Because I had no structure.I tried to learn on my own through random youtube tutorials and blogs I read online.I spun my wheels for years.And after teaching hundreds of students I know now why.The answer is simple:We think because the information is out there we can do it ourselves.But with the internet sending us new tutorials every other day it leaves us feeling even more confused than when we started.How do you warp audio to chop better samples? What instrument should I start the beat with first? What plug-ins are best for mixing hip hop beats?I remember I had a million questions and couldnt find the answers all in the same place.It took me years of trial-and-error, wasting time trying to learn concepts I thought I needed only to end up months later in the same spot.So whats the alternative?-After being frustrated with how confusing my own journey was learning music production I decided to do something about it...I created Beat School, an online academy that teaches the foundational elements of music production in a simple and effective way.This course on hip-hop production is one of the beginner programs designed to help students gain an understanding of beat making with a step-by-step approach.In this course you'll make your own oldschool boom-bap beat from scratch. Throughout the process you'll learn:-How to easily warp, chop, and manipulate audio samples-A simple four step process to build hip hop beats from scratch-How to mix and master your own tracks without having to pay an engineer-How to achieve the sound you want without wasting money on expensive gear-How to create banging beats with only stock plug-ins and free resources-How to design your own sound-How to make better decisions in terms of sample choice and sound designMy goal is simple:I am here to teach you a simple process to chop samples, warp audio, easily create drums patterns, mix, and make hip-hop beats that BANG.In this course I wont overwhelm you with fancy software or advanced techniques. Youll learn exactly what you need to get producing as fast as possible.In doing so, I have built what I believe is the most effective way to easily make boom bap beats.-My courses are effective, impactful, and include extra resources to help you level up.In the Course Project section you'll be able to download all the files I use so that you can create your own beat and follow along with me.That being said, your progress is completely up to you. I cant do the work for you.But I CAN lessen the learning curve, provide an easy to follow blueprint, and shave years off your path to mastery.I hope to empower you with the knowledge, practice, and resources you need to realize that this isnt rocket science.You can do this.If you are willing to invest in yourself and commit to learning a few hours a week, I have no doubt youll be able to achieve your goals with music.You ready to rock?Download the stems, set aside a few hours for dedicated learning, and lets make some beats!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Music Production Masterclass: Mixing With Automation" |
"Do you listen to your tracks and feel like somethings missing?It is.Every song tells a story.If you arent in control of your dynamics youre leaving a lot of that story untold.Automation gives you the power to manipulate audio in a way you didnt know was possible.Or maybe you did, but youve been using simple automation lines going up and down on a straight slope.There are many more ways to get creative with automation shapes: square or saw waves, lines with curves, and even drawing in your own.Automation gives you the freedom of more fine-tuned creativity that can be unleashed by using shorter shapes.And I show you exactly how to make that work.----It took me years of trial-and-error, wasting time trying to learn concepts I thought I needed before I finally figured out how to automate in an easy and effective way.So whats the answer?Beat School.Beat School is an online academy that teaches the foundational elements of music production in a simple and effective way.This course on automating effects is part of the beginner series designed to help students gain an understanding of music production and mixing with a step-by-step approach.In this course, my goal is simple:I am here to teach you how to automate effects, create unique patterns, and easily make more dynamic music.----In this course I wont overwhelm you with fancy software or advanced techniques. Youll learn exactly what you need to start implementing these ideas as fast as possibleIn doing so, I have built what I believe is the most effective way to automate your effects.My courses are effective, impactful, and include extra resources to help you level up.That being said, your progress is completely up to you. I cant do the work for you.But I CAN lessen the learning curve, provide an easy to follow blueprint, and shave years off your path to mastery,I hope to empower you with the knowledge, practice, and resources you need to realize that this isnt rocket science.You can do this. If you are willing to invest in yourself and commit to learning a few hours a week, I have no doubt youll be able to achieve your dreams in music.You ready to rock?Download the stems, set aside a few hours for dedicated learning, and lets make some magic."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Music Production Fundamentals: Make DOPE Chill Lofi Beats" |
"Do you listen to chill hip-hop beats and wonder how they do it?Are you curious how these producers achieve that gritty vintage sound?Do you wish you could make your own beats to study, chill, or relax to?Now you can.If youve listened to study beats on Youtube or Spotify then you know what I'm talking about.Those beats that are so chill you put them on when you're working or just kicking it.You think they've gotta be a piece of cake to make.Lofi beats seem simple on the surface theres more to them than you'd expect.How do you get your drums to bounce?How do you achieve that gritty, dusty, analogue sound?Where do you find the right samples for this genre?It took me hundreds of beats to finally figure out what was missing in my production.I tried to learn on my own through random youtube tutorials and blogs I read online.I spun my wheels for years.And after teaching hundreds of students I know now why.The answer is simple:We think because the information is out there we can do it ourselves.But with the internet sending us new tutorials every other day it leaves us feeling even more confused than when we started.How do you apply sidechain compression?What plug-ins are best for lofi beats?How do you manipulate audio to chop better samples?There's no clear cut path.It took me years of trial-and-error, wasting time trying to learn concepts I thought I needed only to end up months later in the same spot.So whats the alternative?----After being frustrated with how confusing my own journey was learning music production I decided to do something about it...I created Beat School, an online academy that teaches the foundational elements of music production in a simple and effective way.This course on lofi music production is one of the beginner programs designed to help students gain an understanding of beat making with a step-by-step approach.----In this course you'll learn:-How to easily warp, chop, and manipulate audio samples-The key elements that go into a lofi track-Mixing techniques that are essential to achieving that lofi sound-How to achieve the gritty analogue sound you want without wasting money on expensive gear-How to create lofi beats with only stock plug-ins and free resources-How to design drums to get that J Dilla swing-How to make better decisions in terms of sample choice and sound design-Only the necessary information that you need to make lofi beats, without the overwhelm and confusion of complicated techniques-My goal is simple:I am here to teach you a simple process to chop samples, warp audio, easily create swing for J Dilla drums, mix, and make chill lofi hip-hop beats that you can vibe to.In this course I wont overwhelm you with fancy software or advanced techniques. Youll learn exactly what you need to get producing as fast as possible.In doing so, I have built what I believe is the most effective way to easily make lofi beats.-My courses are effective, impactful, and include extra resources to help you level up.In the Class Project section you'll be able to download all the files I use so that you can create your own beats and follow along with me.That being said, your progress is completely up to you. I cant do the work for you.But I CAN lessen the learning curve, provide an easy to follow blueprint, and shave years off your path to mastery.I hope to empower you with the knowledge, practice, and resources you need to realize that this isnt rocket science.You can do this.If you are willing to invest in yourself and commit to learning a few hours a week, I have no doubt youll be able to achieve your goals with music.You ready to rock?Download the files, set aside a few hours for dedicated learning, and lets make some beats!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Tudo Sobre Criptografia no Windows Server - Teoria e Prtica" |
"TUDO SOBRE CRIPTOGRAFIA NO WINDOWS SERVEREste um assunto que Voc, como Administrador de Servidores com oWindows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016 ou Windows Server 2019 tem a obrigao de dominar.Se o recurso de Criptografia no for corretamente planejado, configurado e implementado na empresa, podero ocorrer desastres IRREPARVEIS, tais como a perda de acesso a arquivos com dados de vital importncia para a empresa.O Windows Server 2012 R2 fornece suporte a criptografia de pastas e arquivos atravs do EFS Encripted File System (Sistema de arquivos com Criptografia). O suporte ao EFS foi introduzido no Windows 2000 Server e tambm est disponvel no Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista (edies Business e Ultimate), Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016 e Windows Server 2019. A criptografia de pastas e arquivos somente est disponvel em volumes formatados com o sistema de arquivos NTFS.Com o uso de criptografia o usurio tem um nvel de segurana maior do que somente com o uso de permisses NTFS. Somente possvel criptografar arquivos e pastas em volumes formatados com o sistema de arquivos NTFS. Com a criptografia o Windows Server garante que somente o usurio que criptografou um determinado arquivo tenha acesso ao arquivo. Criptografia o processo de converter dados em um formato que no possa ser lido por um outro usurio, a no ser o usurio que criptografou o arquivo. Depois que um usurio criptografar um arquivo, esse arquivo permanecer automaticamente criptografado quando for armazenado em disco. Descriptografia o processo de converter dados do formato criptografado no seu formato original. Depois que um usurio descriptografar um arquivo, esse arquivo permanecer descriptografado quando for armazenado em disco. Com este curso voc vai entender como funciona a Criptografia e ter todas as condies de implementar este importante recurso de maneira correta, evitando problemas que possam comprometer dados vitais para a sua empresa.O QUE SER VISTO NESTE CURSO:Criptografia de Arquivos em Parties NTFSCriptografia Definies e ConceitosCriptografando Arquivos e PastasAlgumas Observaes muito ImportantesOperaes com Arquivos CriptografadosDescriptografando Arquivos e PastasComo Permitir Acesso a Outros UsuriosComo Garantir a Recuperao dos DadosExemplo Prtico Backup do Certificado do Agente de RecuperaoComo Fazer o Backup do Certificado do UsurioComo Importar o Certificado a Partir de um ArquivoAlterando a diretiva do Agente de Recuperao do DomnioRecomendaes Sobre a Criptografia de Pastas e ArquivosO comando cipherConclusoUm curso completo e prtico, de fcil entendimento e implementao.Alm das vdeo aulas voc tambm recebo um E-book, em formato PDF, com todo o contedo do curso.Isso tudo por um valor muito em conta.Desejo a todos um Excelente Estudo.Cordialmente,Jlio Battisti"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Content Marketing" |
"This course provides students with an introduction to content marketing with a focus on understanding what content marketing is, how content marketing works, setting goals, the importance of storytelling and how to create buyer personas.What is content marketing and how does content marketing work?How to define your content marketing goalsHow to creat your content marketing budgetWhy storytelling is critical for successful content marketingUnderstanding the consumer and business buyer buying processHow to create consumer and business buyer personasBONUS CONTENT - All students receive my Consumer and Business Buyer Persona Template"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Awaken Your Kundalini Energy to Open All Seven Chakras" |
"Do you want to learn How to Awaken your Kundalini Energy? Do you really want to open your Seven Chakras with the help of Kundalini Shakti which is laying inside you in sleeping mode? A lot of people around the want to be happy through Yoga & Meditations but results are not that fast because of many blockages in the body. In this course you will learn what Kundalini Energy is and how you can awaken it with two Ancient Techniques of India. These two Ancient techniques of India are being used since many thousands of years to open all Seven Chakras with the help of Kundalini Awakening techniques.With Your Active participation in this course you will learn fundamentals of Kundalini Energy which is very Powerful Energy. You will come to know about two very Power Ancient Techniques to Awaken your kundalini Energy to open you all chakras, which will lead you to cleansing of all blockages of your body and to an infinite source of energy.Through your practice of these two Kundalini Awakening Techniques, you will learn how to purify your consciousness from the first Chakra to Seventh Chakra, and experience of ultimate truth, pure being, consciousness, bliss and Enlightenment. As you reach into the deepest state of Being, you'll also regain the presence of the Divine in your life.Outline, Benefits and Outcomes of Course- Practice of full classes for two Ancient Indian techniques to open your Seven Chakras ( One technique is Passive and Second is Active yet both are super powerful )- Learn about the Basic Fundamentals of Kundalini Energy within you.- Awakening of your own Kundalini Energy with connection to Master Fakira and if you practise these techniques, you will be able to awaken your own Kundalini Energy.- Opening of You all 7 chakras with Kundalini Energy.- Get emotionally and mentally fit and relaxed, develop your natural core strength and inner energy !- Learn how to deeply relax the body and mindAfter completing the course you will feel a new life for you, a life with motive, refreshed, motivated and vibrantly connected with life and with your own being. You will feel healthier in body, mind and spirit and you will have learned how to tap into the sublime energy of Kundalini-Shakti.Who Can do this course :All spiritual seekers who are not getting results of Meditations/Spiritual Practise and People looking to awaken their Kundalini to open up all seven chakras to its highest potential.With LoveFakira"
Price: 2560.00 ![]() |
"Business Analyst Interview Questions and Answers Masterclass" |
"The purpose of this course is to help the Business Analysts prepare properly for the interview. In order to get the job you have to prepare accordingly, know what to expect on the day of the interview and answer all the questions correctly or in the best possible way to give you advantage so you get the job.Many times candidates fail because they didnt expect the questions, were not prepared, so its good not to give it to chance but best solution is to be in control of the situation, for the interview day.Best way to prepare for the interview is to be familiar with the questions you might be asked and create a cheat sheet to create some context. Know your resume, all your jobs/projects and the responsibilities and contribution for each project.This course is a compilation, a guide comprising all the information you need in order to ace your interview and get the job. At the end of this course you will find the cheat sheet to use to prepare yourself to be successful in any interview. Feel free to use coupon UDEMY09 for this course. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"K faktr Nasl Hesaplanr?" |
"Sac metal imalat zerine alan herkesin bir k faktr ans vardr. te bu anlar gzel hatrlamak adna byle bir eitim seti hazrladm. Benim uurlu bir k faktr deerim maalesef yok. Size bu eitimde byle uurlu bir deerde paylamayacam. Bu eitimde size abkant banda k faktrnn nasl hesaplandn tm ayrntlaryla gstermeye alacam. Ayn zamanda DIN 6935'e gre sac anm hesabnn nasl yapld gstereceim.Keyifli seyirler dilerim."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Patron Revizyon stiyor" |
"Merhaba,Bir makine mhendisi olarak bir ok projenin revizyonunda aktif rol aldm. Bazen tasarm bana aitti bazen ise bir bakasna. Patronlarn bitmeyen revizyon isteklerine cevap verebilmek kimi zaman ok kolayd kimi zaman ise anlatlmaz yaanr :) Bu eitimde de anlatlmaz yaanr bir tasarm yapp, patronumuzun bitmeyen isteklerine cevap vermeye alacaz. Eitim iin Solidworks ve Excel'i iyi bildiiniz varsaylarak videolar hazrlanmtr. Umarm izlerken benim ekerken aldm keyfi birlikte paylarz."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Python ---PythonDjango" |
"PythonPython Python ---Python,Selenium,Selenium38.....160...PythonPython djangoPythonSeleniumHTML5CSS3JavaScript,XPATHHTML5CSS3RWD,PythonPythonMySQLSQLite,,.Python -PythonPython Python--Python 1.Python1-1.MacPythonpip install pip install pip uninstall pip listAnaconda,Numpy,MatplotilibMacLaunchpadAnaconda NavigatorMacSpiderjupyter notebook1-2.Window 10PythonWindow 10PythonWindow 10Python,C:ProgramsWindow 10PythonPythonShellwin,pythonpythonpythonexit()Windows 10AnacondaAnaconda,Numpy,MatplotilibPython 3.6condaSpiderJupyter Notebook1-3PyCharmMacPyCharmPython,PycharmPythonJupyter notebookPycharmWindows 10PycharmCommunity2.PythonMac/usr/local/binWindowsC:python36set path=%path%;C:python36utf-8-*-#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-#python$ python+-*/,,,=,2-1Python:(floating point)(char)(integer)(object)(Boolean)(null)(string)2-1-1>>> 8888888888>>> 9999999999>>> 10001000>>> 1010>>> 1515int()int,2-1-2TrueFalse2-1-3Python,float,complexdecimal.Decimal3.141591.0e9=10000000001.0e-3=0.001float()Complexfloat,j.>>> z=58-3.14159j>>> z.real58.0>>> z.imag-3.14159DecimalDecimal,.Decimal,.,IEEE754.2-1-4>>> """"'>>> '''str()ntab tab\\[] 2-1-5Pythonclass>>> a='justin'>>> type(a)<class 'str'>>>> x=5>>> type(x)<class 'int'>>>> y=8.9>>> type(y)<class float>2-2(_)PythonaA2-32-3-1and,or,notPythonand,or,not.short-circuit,isin,,in2-3-2(TrueFalse)2-3-32-4,2-5(az),(AZ),(09),(_) ,Python(__main__)3.tuple,settuple,()tuple,{}Set{:}4.,TrueFalseifwhileWhile.ifif:if : 1else: 2while,for:for in range(,):TrueFalseandTrueFalseorTrueFasleFalsenotTruenotFalseFalsenotTrueifif : if5:if (1):1elif (2):2elif (3):3elif (4):4else (5):5forPythonfor(statement)whileifwhile5.,,.,,.pass.,fib()fib(0)=0fib(1)=1fib(index)=fib(index -1)+fib(index-2);,*nametuple,**name*argsLambdaLambdaLambdaforecastModule__init__ Python forecastModule__init__Pythonsyspath,Pythonlen()split()join()+*6.init__(self,..),self__init__(self), __del__(self)Python class(object oriented programmingOOP)inheritancepolymorphism()public____public(subclass)(extended class)(super class)()__new__()new__()Python__init__()x=Complex(3.0,4.0)Python__new__()Complex(3.0,4.0),__init__()ComplexxComplex(3.0,4.0)Complex(3.0,4.0)x()ComplexxclinetobjectobjectobjectPythonClass Private __ _ __name__tricks__init__() class private7.class (1,2,3,..): 1 2 (inheritance) (attribute) (method) :getEngine()Python (subclass)(extended class)(super class)()()(Polymorphism),CirclePoint__repr__(),repr()__repr__()8.raise,fp=open(,)9.matplotlibMatplotlib.pyplot.pyplot10.Python tuplesetScipynumpyPandasMatplotlib11.tuplesetScipytuple,()tuple,{}SetScipy12.numpynumpyreshape()np.zeros((10,3))10*313.Pandaspip installpandasPandascsvcsv,big5SeriespandasDataFramelambda14.Matplotlib2Matplotlibplt.plot([1,2,3,4])X# r','bs','g^'scatter()meshgrid()15.PythonPythonhttpclientServerPython webUrlibhttprequestxResponseParseURLOSIPythonhttp200HTML<html>WebBottlehttp://localhost:9999/static_file().FlaskWebBeautifulSoupScrapea16. Process.start()os.getpid()QueueThread17.,wtwbwithJSONensure_ascii=False,indent=2dump18.PythonSQLiteSQLiteWindow 10SQLiteMacSQLite3PythonSQLSQLSQLiteSQLDDLCREATE TABLE DMLSQLSELECTSELECT 1, 2 FROM WHERE ORDER BY SQLINSERTmyreviewSQLinsert into myreview(review,sentiment,date) values ('I would like the movie,1,DATETIME('now')SQLUPDATEUPDATE myreview SET sentiment =1WHERE review='I will like the movie'SQLDELETEdelete from myreview WHERE review='I will like the movie'SQLite3#sqlite3 import sqlite3#myreviews.sqliteconn=sqlite3.connect('myreviews.sqlite')#cursor()mycur=conn.cursor()#mycurSQLmycur.execute(#commit()conn.commit()#close()conn.close()19.ySQL Python MySQL_Windows MySQLWindows MySQL_MAC MySQL_MAC PythonMySQL PythonMySQL 20.Python selenium1-1.pipselenium1-21-3selenium1-4XPath1-5CSSBy1-6ActionChains,,WebDriverWait1-7,1-81-9cookie,JavaScript21.Python1-1.Python1-2BeautifulSoupScrape1-31-4SQLitefirefoxChineseOilHistoryGasPriceSQLite1-5MySQL1-6Python,1.Python2.django3.4.Djangoadmin5.View6.Templates"
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"Projeler ile Python Programlama" |
"Python Programlama Dili ile Gnlk Hayatta imize Yarayacak Onlarca Modl ve Teknii Kullanarak Projeler Gelitireceiz. Basit uygulamalardan, Karmak ve ok Kullancl Yaplara Kadar Birbirinden Farkl Yazlmlar Gelitirerek Kendinize Gvenerek Python Programlar Gelitirmeyi reneceksiniz.Kursumzda;leri Seviye Programlama Tekniklerini,Sqlite3 ile Veri Taban Kullanmn,Pyqt5 Modl ile Arayz Gelitirme lemlerini,sqlalchemy Modl ile Database Toolkit Yapsn ve ORM yapsn,openpyxl ile Excel iemlerini,OpenCV ile Grnt leme lemlerini,Selenium ve Beautiful Soup ile Web Scarping ilemlerini ve daha onlarca Python Modln ve kullanmn reneceiz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Realism Studies Masterclass" |
"Hi there! Welcome to the Realism Studies Masterclass! This is going to be a very extensive course on rendering different materials with digital art. Studies are an excellent way of improving your skills and I believe that the more life studies or photo studies you make, the more realistic your paintings will become. As digital artists we sometimes need to be able to render things like wood or stone or metal - and many more!This is going to be a two part course. In the first part, Ill walk you through my whole process of creating a fully rendered, very realistic still life study. I'll start by creating a rough sketch, and then a line art sketch. Ill then show you how I work with colours by building up layers on top of my sketch. Finally, Ill show you my process for rendering these different materials and making them look as lifelike as possible. In the second part of the course, Ill show you a fun little exercise where Ill quickly render six different materials. If youre not a fan of large still life compositions, this exercise will be a good alternative and it will also help you improve your rendering skills.This class is recommended for : All LevelsBasic digital art knowledge is recommended, because I won't be going over all the fundamentals. But I truly believe that everyone can benefit from painting studies, no matter their skill level. The more studies you paint, the more experienced you'll become, and the more realistic your studies will look."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"70-741 Windows Server 2016 le Rseau" |
"Ce WorkShop vous expliquera les fonctionnalits rseau disponibles dans Windows Server 2016. Dcouvrez comment implmenter DNS, DHCP et IPAM; mettre en uvre des solutions de connectivit rseau et daccs distance; mettre en uvre des solutions de rseau distribues; et mettre en place une infrastructure de rseau avance.Ce WorkShop vous prparera galement lexamen Microsoft 70-741, lun des trois examens russir pour recevoir votre certification MCSA: Windows Server 2016. Cool !!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Azure fondamentale AZ-900T01" |
"Ce cours fournira une connaissance de base des services cloud et de la manire dont ces services sont fournis avec Microsoft Azure. Le cours peut tre considr comme une premire tape facultative de lapprentissage des services cloud et de Microsoft Azure, avant de suivre des cours complmentaires sur Microsoft Azure ou les services cloud Microsoft.Le cours couvrira les concepts gnraux de l'informatique en nuage, ainsi que les modles et services gnraux de l'informatique en nuage tels que le cloud public, priv et hybride, ainsi que l'infrastructure en tant que service (IaaS), la plate-forme en tant que service (PaaS) et les logiciels. en tant que service (SaaS).Il couvrira galement certains services et solutions Azure de base, ainsi que les principaux services de pilier Azure concernant la scurit, la confidentialit, la conformit et la confiance. Il couvrira enfin les services de tarification et de support disponibles avec Azure.Comprendre les concepts gnraux du cloud computingComprendre les services de base disponibles avec Microsoft AzureComprenez la scurit, la confidentialit, la conformit et la confiance avec Microsoft AzureComprendre les modles de tarification et de support disponibles avec Microsoft"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |