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"Creando Juegos Rapidos en Godot 3: PinBall" |
"En este curso enseamos a utilizar Godot 3 para la creacin de videojuegos gratis, de forma sencilla y explicado sin tecnicismos innecesarios, buscando los mejores resultados posibles a traves de la experiencia. En sta ocasin recreando el juego de Pinball aprenderemos los fundamentos bsicos que nos permitirn disear un juego de Pinball en sus aspectos bsicos y personalizables, comprendiendo las caractersticas fundamentales para llevarlo a cabo, especialmente fsicas.Recreamos los siguientes aspectos iniciales del juego:- Tablero y Sus Componentes- Elementos y Funciones Fsicas del Juego (Resortes, Impulsos Fsicos, Colisiones).- Sistema de Puntuaciones, High Scores y Guardado de Datos.Se exhiben lgicas y algoritmos ante diferentes aspectos de videojuegos de ste tipo y manejo del lenguaje GDScript."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Creando Juegos Rapidos en Godot 3: Bomberman" |
"En este curso enseamos a utilizar Godot 3 para la creacin de videojuegos gratis, de forma sencilla y explicado sin tecnicismos innecesarios, buscando los mejores resultados posibles a traves de la experiencia. En sta ocasin recreando el juego de Bomberman aprenderemos los fundamentos bsicos que nos permitirn disear ste clsico en sus aspectos bsicos y personalizables, comprendiendo las caractersticas fundamentales para llevarlo a cabo, as como features que lo conforman.Recreamos los siguientes aspectos iniciales del juego:- Tablero de Juego y Sus Componentes- Movimiento Top Down Basado en Grillas.- Sistema de Puntuaciones y Tiempo.- Enemigos y Breve IA.Se exhiben lgicas y algoritmos ante diferentes aspectos de videojuegos de ste tipo y manejo del lenguaje GDScript."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Creando Juegos en Godot 3: Pokemon Red (Capitulo 5)" |
"En este curso enseamos a utilizar Godot 3 para la creacin de videojuegos gratis, de forma sencilla y explicado sin tecnicismos innecesarios, buscando los mejores resultados posibles a traves de la experiencia. En sta ocasin recreando el juego de Pokemon Red aprenderemos los fundamentos bsicos que nos permitirn disear un juego RPG tanto bsico como complejo, comprendiendo las caractersticas fundamentales para llevarlo a cabo.En el captulo 5 recreamos los siguientes aspectos del juego:- Menu de Juego y Sub Menues Pokemon y Personaje.- Clase Pokemon, Propiedades, Generacion de Pokemons y Exhibicin de Datos.- Cargar y Guardar Partida.- Navegacin de Path Personalizada.Se exhiben fundamentos de la interfaz de Godot, Gimp2 (diseo de Sprites), lgicas y algoritmos ante diferentes aspectos de videojuegos RPG y manejo del lenguaje GDScript."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Il corso base di Javascript Es6 e TypeSript fondamentale se vuoi intraprendere un percorso formativo relativo a framework quali Angular o React.TypeScript ha nel suo nome la sua missione: fornire un JavaScript con il supporto opzionale della tipizzazione stretta e la cui compilazione genera codice JavaScript standard.Javascript un linguaggio di programmazione che riscuote sempre maggior successo in questi ultimi periodi, come testimoniano moltissimi sondaggi come quelle che ogni anno fornisce il celebre sito StackOverflow.La versione attuale di Javascript maggiormente diffusa ed utilizzata al momento EcmaScript 6 approvata in via definitiva nel 2015.Questa mini guida ti da le basi per poter studiare al meglio Angular, React o Vue.js. Se non conosci ESx o TypeScript ti sar difficile comprendere tali framework.Partiremo dalle basi fino ai concetti pi avanzati usando un linguaggio semplice che sia comprensibile a tutti. Nelle ultime sezioni realizzeremo una web app semplice ma completa sia in ANGULAR 8 che in REACT.JS.Se non capissi alcuni concetti ti chiedo la cortesia di contattarmi evitando di dare un giudizio negativo impulsivamente, parliamone e risolviamo assieme. Se vuoi puoi iscriverti al gruppo chiuso di facebook ""Angular dalla a alla web app"" , dove oltre a parlare di Angular si parla anche di Javascript e TypeScript.Che dire, vi auguro buono studio, spero che sia solo l'inizio di un percorso formativo e professionale lungo e prosperoso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"React st completamente trasformando lo sviluppo Front-End. React una libreria JavaScript che si presenta come la soluzione ottimale per gli sviluppatori frontend di app web e mobile.Saper sviluppare con la tecnologia React ti permette sia di poter accedere a tante posizioni lavorative in ambito web development in Italia e all'estero sia di poter sviluppare i tuoi progetti personali. La richiesta di sviluppatori React nel mondo in forte crescita.Perch usare React ?React una ""potente"" libreria JavaScript sviluppata da Facebook ideale per costruire interfacce ""data-driven"" interattive. Tra i grandi nomi che utilizzano React in produzione ci sono Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Netflix, Airbnb, eBay, PayPal, New York Time e molte altre.L'obiettivo di questo corso darti gli strumenti e l'esperienza necessari per entrare nel mondo degli sviluppatori React. React la base per chi di voi vorr poi imparare a sviluppare app per iOS e Android con React Native.Un vantaggio per chi usa React ?Una volta imparato, lo si pu utilizzare in molte tipologie di progetti, dallo sviluppo di web app a quello mobile con React Native e desktop.Il corso ti permetter di essere produttivo da subito, ti mostrer i concetti che necessario sapere per capire a fondo e sviluppare componenti React e strutturare le applicazioni con ReduxCominceremo con le basi di React, imparando a sviluppare componenti sia con React puro che con JSX, vedremo props"", state"", e altro. Per ogni lezione sar fornito il codice sorgente visto nella lezione. Dopo l'introduzione a React, passeremo a Redux, coprendo argomenti come reducers, actions, e state tree.Per realizzare User interface in stile Material Design vedremo Material CSS, bootstrap e utilizzeremo Material UI.Se la prima volta che sentite parlare di React e Redux, o se avete iniziato a studiarlo, ma volete approfondire questo il corso per voi!Alcuni argomenti che vedremo nel corso:Imparerete a costruire interfacce web in modo dichiarativoImparerete a usare il linguaggio di markup JSX per creare componente React personalizzatiImparerete a scomporre complesse interfacce in piccoli componenti React che saranno semplici da mantenere e riutilizzabili in altre vostre applicazioniImparerete a collegarvi agli End Point per poter scaricare datiImparerete aad utilizzare il mock Server Json-server per testare applicazioni dinamice anche in localeImparerete le differenze tra props"" e state"" e quando usarliSe l'applicazione inizia a essere difficile da mantenere ? Imparerete a sviluppare applicazioni pi complesse con ReduxQuali Web Application realizzeremo ?Per il corso ho previsto di realizzare pi applicazioni che ci permetteranno di applicare praticamente i concetti e permettervi di acquisire consapevolezza nei mezzi per poter trasformare le vostre idee in web application. Creeremo:Books: una web application che ci permetter di scaricare i libri da google books ApisNasdaq: una web application che ti permetter di monitorare in tempo reale l'andamento della borsa Americana.Heroes:un web App realizzata utilizzando gli Hook introdotti dalla versione 16.8.0 di ReactAltre...visto che manterr il corso aggiornato"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"O Mundo Ilustrado - Curso de Vocabulrio Latino" |
"O Orbis Sensualium Pictus, publicado pela primeira vez em 1658, foi a primeira cartilha ilustrada do mundo, concebida como um manual escolar em formato de enciclopdia visando o aprendizado do latim. Comnio justifica a aprendizagem sensorial com o seguinte argumento:""In intellect autem nihil est, nisi prius fuerit in sens.""""No h nada no intelecto que no tenha estado antes nos sentidos.""Esta a abordagem que procuramos seguir ao elaborar este curso. Ao introduzir um vocbulo novo, voc poder l-lo, ouvi-lo e, o melhor de tudo, visualiz-lo. Voc tambm ter a oportunidade de praticar o que aprendeu em um exerccio temtico.Alm das aulas, voc contar com uma infinidade de recursos para download, como listas de vocabulrio, flashcards e palavras-cruzadas, alm do suporte do professor.Inscreva-se j e aprenda latim com Comnio, o pai da didtica moderna."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"O Cosmo Ilustrado - Curso de Vocabulrio Grego" |
"O recm-lanado O COSMO ILUSTRADO - CURSO DE VOCABULRIO GREGO segue a proposta do curso O MUNDO ILUSTRADO - CURSO DE VOCABULRIO LATINO, publicado h alguns meses.Baseado no Orbis Sensualium Pictus, a primeira cartilha ilustrada do mundo, este curso tem por objetivo ensinar milhares de vocbulos gregos a partir da associao de texto, voz e imagem. Comnio justifica a aprendizagem sensorial com o seguinte argumento:""In intellect autem nihil est, nisi prius fuerit in sens.""""No h nada no intelecto que no tenha estado antes nos sentidos.""Esta a abordagem que procuramos seguir ao elaborar este curso. Ao introduzir um vocbulo novo, voc poder l-lo, ouvi-lo e, o melhor de tudo, visualiz-lo. Voc tambm ter a oportunidade de praticar o que aprendeu em um exerccio temtico.Alm das aulas, voc contar com uma infinidade de recursos para download, como listas de vocabulrio, flashcards e palavras-cruzadas, alm do suporte do professor.Inscreva-se j e aprenda o vocabulrio grego de forma fcil e divertida."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Learn Delta VFD From Scratch" |
"This course, named ""Learn Delta VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) from scratch"" is designed to teach you with practical training of hardware and software, with drawing, circuit details and more details. Complete practical training course from the basic level to understand and make concepts better. Complete Practical Training On Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). We Will Use Delta VFD To Train You Completely About Working Of VFD, Operation And Control. A variable-frequency drive, variable speed drive, AC drive, micro drive or inverter drive) is a type of adjustable-speed drive used in electro-mechanical drive systems to control AC motor speed and torque by varying motor input frequency and voltage. VFDs (variable frequency drive) are used in applications ranging from small appliances to large compressors. About 25% of the world's electrical energy is consumed by electric motors in industrial applications, which can be more efficient when using VFDs (variable frequency drive) in centrifugal load service; however, VFDs' global market penetration for all applications is relatively small.Over the last four decades, adroitness electronics technology has condensed VFD cost and size and has enlarged moving picture through advances in semiconductor switching devices, goal topologies, cartoon and run techniques, and control hardware and software. VFDs are made in a number of different low- and medium-voltage AC-AC and DC-AC topologies."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Become a Seaman Electrician (Exam's Preparation Course)" |
"If you want to become a seaman, or a seafarer, or want to pass the exam of seaman electrician to get certification from the government to work at ships. this course will help you to complete your preparation for the exam of seaman electrician to work at ships or sea. in this course I tried my best to cover all the basics and important topics of electrical technology which will be asked in the exam and you have to answer them orally. I recommend you to complete this course as soon as you can do you so you will get so many knowledge ways and information about your future as as seaman.This course covers the following topics,basic information of electrical circuit for example series parallel circuit single phase three phase and double phase circuit their calculation and theory.basic information of electrical units with their formulas and calculations.electrical measuring instrument details their working and construction with practical examples.AC DC motors and generators.electrical safety equipments there working and constructions.navigation lights circuits and construction and operation.answers of electrical important questions that will be asked at the exam.Note: if you will complete this course honestly with the purpose of learning concepts I believe that you will pass the exam to become a seaman and electrician of ships."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kali Linux Quick Start Guide - Learn Kali Linux Fundamentals" |
"***New Content Added August 2020***Kali Linux is the de-facto Linux distribution for penetration testers. It is by far the most popular way to test other systems using it is inbuilt tools and programs.However, many who begin their penetration testing journey neglect learning the fundamentals of the Linux operating system. This course fills in that gap by teaching you exactly what you need to know so that you can be very proficient at your job.With this course you will be very comfortable with any Linux distribution, so you should be able to navigate around any of the flavors that are out in the wild.This course isnt designed for experienced penetration testers, rather, it is for those who are more familiar with other operating systems such as Windows, or Apple.With this course, you will be able to better use the Kali Linux operating system so that you can use the tools provided to get the job done faster.With this course, you will be able to have a solid foundation before you get too deep in penetration testing. With this foundation of knowledge, you should be able to find better ways of doing things that maybe even your other instructors dont know about.Learning Kali Linux is crucial if you ever plan on being part of the penetration testing industry. So, it would behoove you to learn it as well as you can so that you will know that there are no knowledge gaps that may trip you up in the future.To be clear this course doesn't teach all of the Kali Linux tools that come with the distribution. Rather, this course teaches the Kali Linux operating system itself, something that is crucial for you to master first if you wish to ever become a great penetration tester!This course now includes tutorials on creating virtual testing labs! When you are starting out it is important to be able to test your skills on a variety of operating systems and I have just started to include that content in this course! Enroll in this course today to sharpen your Linux skills so that you can accomplish more in your day and either please your boss or your customers!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrap Real-time Project in Just 3 hr - From Scratch" |
"This course definitely takes you to next level to understand the practical usage of Bootstrap 4, to quickly create sample real-time projects with all amenities like grid system, tables, alerts, popovers, charts, icons, list groups, media elements, forms, validations etc.The first part of each video contains summary / overview of Bootstrap CSS classes used in the project.The second part of the video contains practical hands-on to create the target output quickly and easily.Each video of the course makes a progress in the sample project of the course.You need not have any prior knowledge of Bootstrap 3 or earlier, as this course provides complete knowledge of Bootstrap from scratch.This course mainly targets beginner and intermediate level of knowledge on Bootstrap 4 with practical usage on sample projects."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Angular 9 Jump Start - For Busy Developers" |
"Angular 9 Jump Start - For Busy DevelopersTHE BEST SELLING ANGULAR COURSE ON UDEMY*********************************************LEARN these HOT TOPICS in Angular 9:Data BindingsBootstrap Integration with AngularngIf, ngFor, ngSwitch, Style ManagementBuilt-in Pipes & Custom PipesModulesServices and Dependency InjectionRxJS Basics, ObservablesREST-API calls using AJAX with Asp.Net Core MvcObservable MapCRUD operations with real databasesREAL-TIME PROJECTSA mini project, ""Angular Task Manager"", where the admin can create projects with complete CRUD operations**************************************************************POTENTIAL BENEFITS OF THIS COURSEBy the end of this course, you will create all of the source code for a complete Angular real-time project, with all features like page navigation with routing, CRUD operations with real databases.You will type in every line of code with me in the videos ... all from scratch.I explain every line of angular code that we create. So this isn't a copy/paste exercise, you will have a full understanding of the code. I am a RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTOR .... post your questions and I will RESPOND in 24 hours, ASAP.All source code is available for download***************************************************************Key Points about this Course: AJAX videos will be shown with Asp .Net Core Mvc; prior knowledge of Asp .Net Core Mvc or any other server technology is recommended.All the concepts are progressively integrated into a sample mini project called ""Task Manager"".All the concepts explained in both theoretically and practically.We use Bootstrap from the beginning of the course.We use Windows O/S, Visual Studio Code, TypeScript, Angular 9."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Work With Civil 3D Alignments" |
"Auto CAD Civil 3D is a vastly used design software. Alignments is an Important component of Civil 3D which is used in designing Roads, Rails, Pipe Networks etc. In this course you will learn how to work with Civil 3D Alignments in the areas of Alignment styles, Alignment labels, Alignment creation methods, Editing Alignments and report creation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Successfully Pass Your First ACLS Class" |
"This online course is designed to help students prepare for their initial attempt to receive their ACLS certification. This will also be a great tool for those students who want to ""Brush-up"" on their skills before taking an ACLS re-certification class. In this easy to follow course, our hope is to allow our students to feel comfortable when attempting their first ACLS class. This course is not available for CMEs/CEUs at this time."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Anlise de Dados com Tabela Dinmica Excel - Curso Completo" |
"Com este treinamento definitivo, voc vai aprender como fazer Anlise de Dados com Tabela Dinmica e Grficos Dinmicos no Excel para aumentar sua produtividade de forma fcil e descomplicada.Aprenda a criar e utilizar este poderoso recurso do Excel para resumir, classificar, contar e criar grficos de seus dados. Descubra como navegar na complexidade das Tabelas Dinmicas enquanto aproveita o poder delas. Este Curso de Anlise de Dados com Tabela Dinmica Excel 2016 mostra como criar Tabelas Dinmicas a partir de fontes de dados nicas ou mltiplas, adicionar campos calculados, filtrar seus resultados e formatar o layout para torn-lo mais legvel. Alm disso, aprenda como criar Grficos Dinmicos para visualizar seus dados, aperfeioar Tabelas Dinmicas com Macros e usar o recurso Modelo de Dados para criar Tabelas Dinmicas a partir de tabelas relacionadas.No perca tempo e matricule-se agora mesmo. Trabalhar com o Excel fundamental para quem deseja atuar no mercado de trabalho, o Excel uma ferramenta muito importante na administrao de qualquer negcio, alm de ser um fator decisivo na hora da contratao.Ao final do Curso, voc vai estar mais preparado para o mercado de trabalho ou para impulsionar o seu negcio com os poderosos recursos dessa ferramenta to importante."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Dashboard Excel Formao Especialista - Curso Completo" |
"Com este treinamento definitivo, voc vai aprender como fazer Anlise de Dados com Dashboards Dinmicas e Interativas no Excel para aumentar sua produtividade de forma fcil e descomplicada.Dashboards, ou painis de indicadores so um poderoso recurso no Excel para analise de dados e tomada correta de deciso. Voc vai aprender tcnicas fceis de implementar que podem ajud-lo a criar rapidamente uma representao visual de seus dados utilizando formatao condicional, grficos, minigrficos, imagens, como importar dados externos, criar um modelo utilizando tabelas dinmicas, segmentaes, macros e botes de ao para tornar o modelo mais interativo.No perca tempo e matricule-se agora mesmo. Trabalhar com o Excel fundamental para quem deseja atuar no mercado de trabalho, o Excel uma ferramenta muito importante na administrao de qualquer negcio, alm de ser um fator decisivo na hora da contratao.Ao final do Curso, voc vai estar mais preparado para o mercado de trabalho ou para impulsionar o seu negcio com os poderosos recursos dessa ferramenta to importante."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Create an eCommerce Site With No Inventory Using Shopify" |
"Drop Shipping and Affiliate Marketing are great business models because you don't need to invest in initial inventory, you don't need a brick and mortar store, or manufacture your own products. All you need is a digital space to push customers to so that you can profit off the products they buy.Shopify is one of the hottest eCommerce platforms around, and I'm going to teach you, step-by-step, how to use Shopify, Amazon, and other leading retailers, to build a successful dropshipping/affiliate marketing business in no time at all - from scratch! You don't need any prior knowledge of Shopify, marketing, or any technical skills - if you can use a web browser you are good to go! Will also get into Print on Demand on Shopify.After this course, you will have your very own eCommerce, online shop! Whatever products you want, and will look very professional, so you can begin making sales right away!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Become A Social Media Manager By Getting Facebook Clients" |
"Join me as I share everything you need to get started being a Social Media Manager! This is a great side hustle, or business to add to any existing freelancing you may already be doing.Maybe you don't want this as a business, but want to build a brand of your own on social media, you want to tune in!Of course, Social Media is very big today for businesses, and only growing. Businesses now understand they need a presence on at least one, and even multiple platforms. These same companies also realize that they need to outsource and hire a professional to manage their presence online. This is where you can come in!I will show you advanced social media tactics so that you can be confident that you can help others. Next, I will also show you how to find content to share for your clients. I will also make sure you know all the tools I use, along with FINDING CLIENTS.You will also receive downloadable resources to help you run your business.After this class, you will be fully equipped to start making money as a Social Media Manager right away!I will share all tips that helped me grow my personal eCommerce brand (Print on Demand) from zero to over 15,000 followers in one year! Over 500 reactions per post... sound like something you want?"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Create & Sell Print on Demand Products On Etsy" |
"Have you ever wanted to make some money from the comfort of your own home without doing network marketing and having high upfront costs? The truth is that you can design coffee mugs and sell on marketplaces, such as Etsy and eBay with no experience, or design skills.I've been doing Print on Demand (POD) without being a designer, and you can too. Sometimes, it's easier to just use a road map that someone else has already had experience with. Why spend hours re-creating something that is already out there? That's what I do here, share with you the tools, resources, research, and knowledge to get you selling mugs and other similar products in no time.What will you be able to do after taking this course?Open an Etsy account and optimize itLearn What other channels you can sell onLearn which types of mugs sell the mostLearn how to create selling designs for mugs, which topics work bestMarket your mugs via ads and social mediaStart an eCommerce empire through a simple, yet robust business model of mugsNOTE: THIS COURSE IS HELPFUL TO SELL ANY POD PRODUCT ON ETSY, NOT JUST MUGS.This course includes:Text information, Video screen-shares, and downloadsTools that are FREE and some paid that I use personallyA teacher that is always available to help! Just send me a message!If you're ready to start this side hustle, enroll now!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 4 - OOP)" |
"This Python3: Deep Dive Part 4 course takes a closer look at object oriented programming (OOP) in Python.MAIN COURSE TOPICSwhat are classes and instancesclass data and function attributespropertiesinstance, class and static methodspolymorphism and the role special functions play in thissingle inheritanceslotsthe descriptor protocol and its relationship to properties and functionsenumerationsexceptionsmetaprogramming (including metaclasses)COURSE PREREQUISITESPlease note this is NOT a beginner level course. You must have a strong working knowledge of functional Python programming as well as some practical experience developing Python applications in order to fully benefit from this course. In-depth functional Python programmingfunctions, closures, scopes, decorators (using and writing them)zip, sorted, any, all, and the itertools module in generalsequences, iterables, iterators and generators (what they are and how to implement the corresponding protocols)generators, yield, and context managersmapping types, hashing and relation to object equalitysome prior knowledge of basic OOP conceptsknow how to work with Python virtual environments and pip installavailable Jupyter Notebook (freely available) to follow along with the course notebookshow to use git[Please note that this is not a cookbook style course - I don't show you how to solve specific problems, but rather a broad and in-depth look at how OOP works in the context of Python, that will allow you to apply these concepts and techniques to your own problems.]"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CEH Certified Ethical Hacker (Exam 312-50) Full Pratice Test" |
"Total number of question will be around 125+, the double amount ofany 80 dollars TestKing pratice test.CEH Certified Ethical Hacker (Exam 312-50) Test series 312-50 practice testThis course containthe Full Block ofPractice tests forCEH Certified Ethical Hackerexam312-50for EC-Council.It cover 100% of CEH Certified Ethical Hacker312-50certification syllabus and you can save money from buying any other pratice test online.TopicsIntroduction to Ethical HackingFootprinting and ReconnaissanceScanning NetworksEnumerationVulnerability AnalysisSystem HackingMalware ThreatsSniffingSocial EngineeringDenial-of-ServiceSession Hijacking Evading IDS, Firewalls, and HoneypotsHacking Web ServersHacking Web ApplicationsSQL InjectionHacking Wireless NetworksHacking Mobile Platforms IoT HackingCloud Computing Cryptography"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master the Basics of MS Excel 2016 - Essential for Beginners" |
"This course has been especially designed for the newbie Students seeking to learn MSOffice 2016 from Scratch.This course will help them enhance their Excel skills, That is:Design a whole new WorksheetCreate Title of WorksheetCreate TablesFormat TablesUnderstand Border OptionsFormat Table HeadersUnderstand the usage of Mathematical Functions in ExcelUnderstand the usage of Logical Functions in ExcelUnderstand the usage of Error-Handling Functions in ExcelFormat Foreground and Background color on the basis of desired condition"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Prvisionnel & Business plan pour avoir un prt bancaire pro" |
"Le prt bancaire pro accord par une banque une entreprise ou un auto-entrepreneur permet de :Financer une cration d'entreprise pour dmarrer plus rapidement avec de bons moyens disposition.Exploser la croissance d'une socit qui dsire catapulter ses publicits avec un plus gros budget car elle fait dj des publicits rentables !Je vais vous montrer dans cette formation consacre au prt bancaire comment :Crer un prvisionnel solide, mme sans avoir de comptences comptables.Crer un business plan qui m'a permis de lever plus de 380000 pour ma premire socit !Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur les pool bancaire, les risques et votre relation avec votre banquier.Et en bonus, je vous offre quelques pistes supplmentaires pour obtenir des prts d'honneurs, de l'argent des concours, des investisseurs et d'autres moyens de financement.Vous aurez alors toutes les armes ncessaires et la bonne manire de vous y prendre pour commencer faire les premires dmarches pour financer votre projet !"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Youtube : Rfrencement naturel pour grimper en top 1 !" |
"Youtube, c'est le deuxime plus gros moteur de recherche au monde aprs Google. On sait que Google possde Youtube, on peut alors travailler son rfrencement naturel sur Youtube avec des techniques encore plus avances qu'avec une simple optimisation de titre. Nous verrons ensemble les techniques ""traditionnelles""pour bien se rfrencer sur youtube et mes techniques particulires pour satisfaire google & youtube avec un exemple vido plus de 430000 vues ! On commencera par :Utiliser les bons outils qui permettent de trouver les mots cls que recherchent vos futurs clients.Optimiser la description, le titre, les mots cls (tags) pour maximiser son ranking dans le moteur de recherche Youtube.Bien segmenter la cration de son contenu pour optimiser son rfrencement.Mais bien au-del de a, nous verrons ensemble :Comment j'ai fait pour bien classer une vido plus de 430000 vues naturelles avec une description naze et peu de tags.Comment trouver des opportunits en or dans des domaines qui peuvent tre saturs pour gagner de nouveaux abonns !Tous les critres qui sont hors de la fiche youtube et qui permettent rellement d'augmenter son ranking dans le moteur de recherche de Youtube.Les cours sont simples mais terriblement... Terriblement efficaces !Nous irons droit au but avec deux tudes de cas. Vous avez un business sur Youtube ou vous dsirez acqurir des clients par ce biais ? Ce cours vous fera clairement sortir de l'ombre !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Affiliation : Les astuces d'un business d'affili au top !" |
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Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cracking Java Programming Interview for Selenium Testers" |
"This course contains various java programming questions and their solutions step by step. It covers String based and array based frequently asked programming interview questions for selenium testers or automation test engineers. Every section starts with an introduction about the section and it provides clear learning path.- Cracking Java Programming Interview for Selenium Testers- Java coding Interview questions for Automation Testers- Core java programming- Java for selenium interview- Coding in java for automation interview"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
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Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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Price: 24000.00 ![]() |