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"Curso completo de APIs com Nodejs, Express + MongoDB, SQL" |
"Aprenda na prtica a criar Api's completas usando NodeJS.Nesse curso voc vai aprender de verdade e finalmente sair do zero, um curso totalmente na prtica onde vamos do zero ao avanado criando aplicaes reais do mercado.Vamos criar Api's completas usando NodeJS + Express e tambm aplicando banco de dados MongoDB e PostgreSQL. - Voce est comeando agora? Comeando do zero, esse curso pra voc? Sim, pode ficar tranquilo o curso est preparado para te levar totalmente do zero ao profissional aplicando as boas praticas usadas pelo mercado de trabalho.O Curso para qualquer pessoa, desenvolvedores que querem crescer como programadores na rea de desenvolvimento web.Vamos criar desde aplicaes mais basicas at Api's avanadas usando boas praticas, arquitetura MVC, sistemas de cadastro, autenticao de usuarios ( jwt ), criptografia de campos sensiveis, validaes, banco de dados no relacional como MongoDB, trabalhar com banco de dado Relacionais PostgreSQL, SQL. Tudo que necessario para criar aplicaes profissionais.Preparado?! Te vejo aqui do outro lado para comearmos essa jornada juntos."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Fabricacin de accesorios en Macram: Para principiantes" |
"nete a este taller en lnea de Macram para principiantes y disfruta de un pasatiempo relajante mientras te vuelves experto en esta tcnica que te permitir crear accesorios, pulseras, collares, anillos para ti, para regalar o para vender!O quizs anhela dar regalos hechos a mano con tu estilo propio y nico.Bueno, no esperes mas y compra este curso ya que despus de terminarlo, tendrs todas las herramientas y tcnica de Macram a tu alcance para poder crear un nuevo estilo especial y ser el centro de atencin exhibiendo estos accesorios y sintindote orgulloso de haberlos hechos por lo bonitos que son!Hacer bisuteria artesanal es una habilidad de por vida que cualquiera puede aprender y disfrutar. Con las instrucciones correctas y un poco de prctica, t tambin podrs hacer tus propias piezas y accesorios en Macram impresionantes en cuestin de minutos!*************************************************** ******************************************REGISTRATE AHORA y comienza a hacer hermosos accesorios en Macram. Los accesorios de MODA!*************************************************** ******************************************Hacer este tipo de actividades y manualidades nos ayuda a desestresarnos , es una manera creativa de desconectarse despus de un da difcil, de generar ingresos adicionales o simplemente desear hacer hermosos accesorios que nadie ms tendr, y en este curso puedo mostrarte cmo!!!Si eres un principiante o has incursionado en hacer un poco de bisutera como mi otro curso. Este curso te ensear de principio a fin a crear accesorios de moda que t y tus amigos se morirn de ganas de usar!Este es un curso con una gua completa para hacer accesorios en Macram para principiantes y para cualquier persona que quiera renovar y perfeccionar su tcnica.Aprender paso a paso con videos de primeros planos sobre cmo hacer diferentes nudos de Macram (aretes, pulseras y collares, anillos), as como la forma de terminar y ponerle un estilo muy chic a tus accesorios.Aprenderemos a hacer:Aprenders que es el Macram y cuales son las tendencias de hoyNudo Plano o CuadradoNudo SimplePulseras multicolorNudo Serpiente y RizoComo terminar o Rematar los accesoriosOtros Nudos sorpresay mucho ms!Al final de este curso, tendr el conocimiento y la confianza para hacer aretes, collares y brazaletes en Macrame de una forma profesional.*************************************************** ******************************************Su compra es 100% LIBRE DE RIESGOS con una garanta de devolucin del dinero de 30 das. Si no aprende nada nuevo de este curso, simplemente solicite un reembolso dentro de su perodo de 30 das para recuperar su dinero, sin hacer preguntas.COMIENCE A HACER ACCESORIOS EN MACRAME AHORA - INSCRBASE YA!*************************************************** ******************************************Para quin es este curso?Absolutos principiantes sin experiencia en Bisutera Macram.Cualquier persona que quiera practicar y refinar sus habilidades bsicas en Macram y quiera aprender nuevas ideas de diseo y variaciones paso a paso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
", , . , . . . . , . , . , , . .28 , Facebook.!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD 2019 desde cero a experto" |
"En este curso de AutoCAD aprenders desde cero, no se necesita experiencia alguna para realizar este curso. Puedes usar desde la versin 2014 de AutoCAD en ingls para realizar este curso.Aprenders desde lo mas bsico, conocers la interfaz de trabajo de AutoCAD 2D, sabrs como trazar una lnea, mover, copiar, trazar crculos, rectngulos, etc.Y aprenders herramientas avanzadas como los Layers, Estilos de dimensin, hasta el Layout para mandar a imprimir tus trabajos de AutoCAD.Para cualquier duda o pregunta referente al curso no dudes en escribirme."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Devops Tools Training: Learn Git,Jenkins,Docker, kubernetes" |
"This course helps to understand the devops methodology in detail and help them learn the devops tools and gain handson experience on the tools thereby :Apply DevOps strategies to your projectsUnderstand Continuous DeliveryAutomate the deployment processBuild a highly available and fully scalable application with docker swarmCreate CI/CD pipeline by integrating the toolsLearn Managing application for high availability,Load balancing, scaling and deployment strategies for no downtime."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Motion Graphics Design & Flat Animation in After Effects CC" |
"Motion Graphics Design & Flat Animation Buildup in Adobe After Effects & Adobe IllustratorDo you like to learn the best tips and techniques to become a SUPER HERO Motion Graphics Artist?Do you like to learn After Effects and Adobe Illustrator in 1 course?Do you like to learn how to create amazing, stylish, and stunning Motion Graphics from scratch?In ""Motion Graphics Design & Flat Animation Buildup in After Effects & Adobe Illustrator"" course you will learn how to create awesome and amazing 2d flat animation and create stunning Motion Graphics in After Effects in less than 1.5 hours from scratch! In this course you will learn Motion Graphics in After Effects STEP-BY-STEP, so even if you've never opened After Effects or illustrator before you can follow me up and you will see how easy is it to use these programs to create 2d flat graphic designs and create awesome Motion Graphics in After Effects quickly. YOU LEARN BY DOING:In this course, you can immediately DOWNLOAD all project files (After Effects and Illustrator scene files), Reference Image (Washing Machine photo), and the Magic Bounce Script. So you can learn by doing and you'll follow along and work on your own project while learning. In this course we'll create our 2d flat animation buildup and as you know this is a popular style of animation you can see in television, movies, video presentations, commercials, ... and after effects motion graphics.OUR PROMISE TO YOU:By watching ""Adobe After Effects: The Complete After Effects Motion Graphics Design Course"" you don't need any other resources to learn the basics of Adobe After Effects & Adobe Illustrator, but if you have any questions we'll be with you in every step you need help, So you can send us message and we'll be glad to help you quickly!We want to make this Motion Graphics in After Effects course the best resource on learning Adobe After Effects and Adobe Illustrator for beginners. So please watch all lectures and send us your feedback, this will help us to improve this course for future students and you will get updates for free.This course is appropriate for all Adobe After Effects and Adobe Illustrator users. So after you enroll in this course you will learn all essential tips and techniques you need to design and animate simple to complex 2d flat design objects in Adobe Illustrator and Adobe After Effects.This course is perfect for everyone who wants to learn how to design beautiful 2d flat objects in Illustrator and learn how to give them life in Adobe After Effects and create amazing flat animations and awesome After Effects Motion Graphics all in less than 1.5 hours!YOUR MISSION:After watching all videos in this class, go ahead and pick an object from your environment and use all the techniques you have learned in this course to create eye-catching Motion Graphics and 2d flat animation buildup.If you want to show us your great works dont hesitate to post it here and let me and other students enjoy your great 2d flat motion graphics in adobe after effects.I cant wait to see your animations, Well be really happy to see your videos, So ... pick an object and start creating your awesome flat animations buildup and after effects motion graphics right away!WHAT IS YOUR FIRST STEP?Just CLICK THE ENROLL button, and we'll see you in LESSON 1 ;)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"After Effects CC: Create Stunning Video Transitions Quickly!" |
"Learn How to Create Professional Video Transitions in After Effects & Design Awesome Motion Graphics for your stunning Video Transitions.Video Transitions are a post-production technique used in film or video editing to connect one shot to another.In this course, you'll learn how to create Video Transitions & Matte Transitions in After Effects and then you will learn how to export and use them in your Video Editing programs such as Premiere Pro CC,...You don't need any previous knowledge of Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro CC, You will learn all the essential techniques you need to create your first Matte Transition. In this course, you will learn Motion Graphics in After Effects so you can create stunning and professional video transitions quickly.Why you should use Video Transitions?While working on putting together great video work, you will come across breaks in scenes where they need to come back together. In most cases, a video transition effect is used to merge the scenes together instead of having one stop completely and the next one begins. A great video transition can improve and enhance the production value of your video.What will you learn in this course?How to create Professional Video Transitions using Video Mattes step-by-stepHow to export (render) your Video Transitions to use in other Video Editing Software (Example: Premiere Pro CC )How to add Visual Effects in After Effects to enhance your Video TransitionsEffective Motion Graphics techniques to create matte transitions quicklyCreate several awesome video transitionsImprove your videos with better transitionsWhat do you get in this course?Downloadable resources (After Effects project files + video clips)Premium support from instructor to answer all questionsFeedback on your video transitions projectsAll future extra lectures and updates are ALWAYS FREEIf you want to learn how to enhance your business videos stand out from your competitors with these practical After Effects transitions to boost your brand or even if you like to learn how to create beautiful video transitions by Motion Graphics for your home-made movies then THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!All matte transitions taught in this course are trendy, professional looking and in high demand for video editors, YouTubers, vlogger video editors, designers, Motion Graphics artists, etc. Once you watch the first video transition lecture you will love to create more and more awesome matte transitions in After Effects.So what are you waiting for?!If you like to learn, Enroll & Enjoy!I will see you in the first lesson!Cheers,Video Course Center"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Professional Lighting Logo Reveal in After Effects CC" |
"Do you want to create a cool Lighting Logo Reveal Animations like the one in the promo video?If so, you're in the right place.You'll learn how to create professional lighting effects, then you'll learn how to add special effects and create awesome environments, animate your camera and finally how to render your final logo reveal animation in less than an hour.Even if you are a new Adobe After Effects CC user, don't worry you'll learn everything you need from the basics and this is a great course for you.In this course, I have used a free plugin called SABER, and this is available in a downloadable ZIP project file. You can download and install it on your computer, restart your After Effects and you're ready to follow along with the course.What makes me qualified to teach you?I'm a professional motion graphics artist. And you can find my other Motion Graphics video courses on our website or here on our portfolio with over 19,000 satisfied students and hundreds of 5-star reviews.With our 30-day 100% money back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying the course out.Go ahead and CLICK THE ENROLL BUTTON, and I'll see you in lesson 1!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"After Effects: Convert Photos to Amazing Painting Animations" |
"Do you want to create awesome painting animations from your photos?If so, you're in the right place!THIS COURSE CONSISTS OF 2 PARTS:After Effects CC: After Effects: Convert Photos to Amazing Painting AnimationsIn this course you'll learn how to create fantastic cartoonish effects for your photos, then you will learn how to create amazing animations from your photos in less than 30 minutes.Well start by adding a cartoon effect to our photos, then I will use some ink drop effects to reveal the photo, then you will learn how to create edge lines from your images, And also you can create awesome animations by those edge lines, you will learn how to use blending modes to create different variations of the cartoon effect, then we will create a nice vignette effect together, and finally you will learn how to render your beautiful animation in Adobe After Effects.Even if you are a new Adobe After Effects CC user, don't worry you'll learn everything you need from the basics and this is a great course for you.All project files are available in a download section. You can download and follow along with the course.Adobe Photoshop CC: Learn How to Convert Photos to fantastic SketchesIn this course you'll learn how to create fantastic sketch effects for your photos in Adobe Photoshop CC in less than 10 minutes.This is an amazing and trending photo editing effect in Adobe Photoshop CC.I will take you through my process, including removing solid background from your photos and creating 4 different variations of the sketch effect.Well start by turning the photo into a black and white sketch, and then well create 3 different colorized versions.First using the photos original colors, then using a single color and finally well colorize the sketch using a gradient effect.Together we'll explore how I use a photo to create and convert it to an awesome sketch effect. You can use this process with any photos and start creating your own amazing sketches.Even if you are a new Adobe Photoshop CC user, don't worry you'll learn everything you need from the basics and you don't need any prior knowledge of Photoshop to follow along with the course.WHAT MAKES ME QUALIFIED TO TEACH YOU?I'm a professional motion graphics artist. And you can find my other Motion Graphics video courses on our website or here on our portfolio with over 19,000 satisfied students and hundreds of 5-star reviews.With our 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying the course out.Go ahead and CLICK THE ENROLL BUTTON, and I'll see you in LESSON 1!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Uzmanla Almanca Eitim Seti! Almanca ilac!" |
"Kymet Ik, senelerce Almanya'da bulunmu, Hacettepe niversitesi Almanca retmenlii mezunu, tecrbeli bir Almanca retmeni olarak, Almanca 'y A'dan Z'ye bu eitim ile siz deerli rencilere sfrdan retecek. Uzun yllar biriktirmi olduu Almanca tecrbesini ince ince sizinle paylaarak, Almanca eitiminize katkda bulunmay hedeflemektedir. Almanca 'nn her inceliini, Almanca ivelerini bilen ve Trkiye'deki en kkl kurumsal firmalara Almanca eitimler vermi olan Kymet hoca ile Almanca 'nn aslnda ne kadar kolay ve elenceli bir dil olduunu grecek ve anlayacaksnz. Sorularnza en ksa zamanda yant vererek, interaktif Almanca renmenizi salayacaz. Almanca reniminde dzenli ve sk bir alma nemlidir. Kursun sunduu Almanca kaynaklar ve alannda uzman ve tecrbeli Almanca hocas Kymet hanm ile Almanca renmek sizin iin olduka keyifli bir sre olacaktr. Almanca eitim videolarmz, dzenli olarak gncellenmekte ve yeni Almanca ierikler ile karnzda olmaktayz. Almanca'y hi bilmeyenler de, orta ve ileri seviye Almanca bilenler de, bu Almanca eitimi sayesinde yeni bilgiler renecektir. Almanca konusunda gndelik hayat kullanmlarndan, akademik alanlara dek, Almanca dilinin her tr inceliine hakim olan bir Almanca retmeninden, Almanca kursunu alyor olmanz sizin iin byk bir avantaj olacaktr. Almanca, ngilizce'ye olduka benzeyen bir dil olmakla birlikte, Almanca 'dan korkma sebebi olarak grdnz artikel konular aslnda Almanca eitiminin kolay bir blmn oluturmaktadr. Gznz sakn korkmasn! nk Kymet hoca ile Almanca renmek sandnzdan ok daha keyifli ve kolay olacak! Gnmz ekonomik ve teknoloji dnyasnda Almanca giderek daha nemli bir hale gelmitir. Doktorlarmz iin Almanca olduka nem kazanmtr. Mhendislerimiz keza, fabrikalarda Almanca kullanmaktadr (bilhassa otomotiv sektrnde Almanca ilk sralardadr) Almanca nn zengin dil yapsn etkili biimde bu Almanca eitimimiz ile renmek iin gnlk 2 saatinizi Almanca renimi iin ayrmanz ve 6 aylk bir Almanca eitim programna kendinizi sokmanz gerekmektedir. Dier diller gibi, Almanca da emek ister.Almanca renmek iin, sadece bu Almanca eitimi ile snrl kalmamanz, baka Almanca kaynaklardan, Almanca film ve Almanca dizilerden, Almanca arklar ve Almanca kitaplardan, Almanca makaleler ve Almanca haber kaynaklarndan, Almanca roman ve Almanca iirlerden, Almanca mobil uygulamalarndan ve cretsiz Almanca youtube videolarndan da faydalanmanz, Almanca eitiminizin olmazsa olmaz bir paras olarak grmekteyiz. Almanca ok zengin bir dildir ve Almanca, kkeni ok eski tarihlere dayanan zengin bir kltr, kelime hazinesi ve gramer iermektedir. Eitimde ilerledike Almanca y sevecek, hayatnza daha ok Almanca katacaksnz! Umarz Almanca y sayemizde daha ok seveceksiniz ve hayatnzda Almanca y akc ve etkin bir ekilde kullanacaksnz!Almanca eitimimiz, u anda platformdaki en kapsaml ve en yksek puan alm Almanca eitimidir. Almanca konuma pratiklerini de ilediimiz bu Almanca eitim serisinde, Almanca y iitsel, grsel, yazm ve okuma anlamnda ele alacaz ve bu sayede Almanca y 4 bir yandan reneceiz! Almanca snavlarnda aktif olarak iinize yarayacak bir Almanca seti olacaktr sizler iin. Sadece snavlarda deil, gndelik yaantnzda ve dahi i hayatnzda Almanca kullanabilir hale geleceksiniz! Dileriz ki, Almanca renmenize katkmz olur ve Almanca y size olduka sevdiririz! Sevgiyle ve Almanca ile kaln!Almanca rehberiniz..Kymet Ik"
Price: 329.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Uzmanla ngilizce Eitim Seti 59 saat ngilizce!" |
"Bu kurs dier ngilizce eitim setlerine pek benzemiyor! Birlikte ngilizce arklar sylediimiz, ngilizce belgesel ve ngilizce film kesitleri izlediimiz, srekli gelien ve srekli deien dinamik bir ngilizce kurs yaps olma zellii tayor! Sfrdan balayarak uzmanlk seviyesine kan bu ngilizce kursu, ilerleyen safhalarda sadece ngilizce anlatma sahiptir. ok farkl ngilizce eitim metodlarndan yararlanarak hazrlanan bu ngilizce eitim seti ile, ngilizce'yi her yn ile renmi olacaksnz! ngilizce retiminde r amasn hedeflediimiz bu interaktif ngilizce kursu ile, sizlere en gncel bilgileri, en keyifli ekilde sunmaya altk. ngilizce seviyeniz ne olursa olsun, bu ngilizce kursunu mutlaka deneyimlemelisiniz! ngilizce seviyenizin nasl gelitiine adm adm ahit olacaksnz! ngilizce, derin kltrel altyaps olan bir dildir ve ngilizce'de milyonlarca kelime bulunmaktadr. Dnyada en aktif olarak konuulan ve ortak dil kabul edilen ngilizce yi; ngilizce gramer ve konuma bilgisine sahip olan ve ngilizce yi ok ynl ele alp ileyebilecek bir eitmenden almanz olduka nem arz etmektedir. lavaten elinize geen her tr ngilizce kayna incelemeniz de, ngilizce geliiminiz asndan olduka nem arz etmektedir. Yazlm dili ngilizce'dir, tasarm dili ngilizce'dir, akademik aratrmalarnz ngilizce yapmanz gereklidir, dnya zerindeki her tr aratrmay, ngilizce yapmanza olanak tanyan bir ngilizce eitimini sizlere sunuyorum. Bu ngilizce eitim setini, 3 ay iinde salkl olarak tamamlama ansnz bulunuyor. Dzenli ngilizce renimi, aktif ngilizce renimi iin olmazsa olmazdr. ngilizce de dier diller gibi, srekli konuulduka geliir ve unutulmaz. ngilizce yi dier dillerden ayran ey, ngilizce nin daha kolay gramer altyapsna sahip olmas ve popler-ekonomik dnyada kendine yer bulmasdr. Aldnz, bildiiniz tm ngilizce eitim setlerini unutun! Apayr bir ngilizce eitimi tecrbe edeceksiniz! Temel seviye ngilizce ve ileri seviye ngilizce sorularnz platform zerinden, en ge 10 saat iinde cevaplanmaktadr. Eitimde ilerledike ngilizce yi daha ok anlayacak ve seveceksiniz. ngilizce nin en keyifli ve en yaln eklini bu ngilizce seti ile grecek ve ngilizce konumak iin abalayan, ngilizce yi hayatnn her alanna entegre eden ngilizce sever bireyler olarak bu ngilizce eitimini tamamlayacaksnz! ngilizce zerine belgesellerin, ngilizce youtube kanallarnn, ngilizce dizilerin ve ngilizce sinemalarn incelendii bu eitim, eitmenin kendi bana ektii ngilizce konumalarn ve iki kiilik ekilen ngilizce diyaloglar da barndrmaktadr. laveten siz rencilerden gelen ngilizce ierikler de bu ngilizce eitiminin bir paras olarak eitmen tarafndan yayna alnmakta ve sizlere interaktif bir ngilizce renme deneyimi sunulmaktadr. Bol keyifli ve ngilizce'li gnler dilerim!Sayg ve sevgilerimle..@lp hocanz!"
Price: 289.99 ![]() |
"Come Diventare Consulente d'Impresa Freelance" |
"Fa per te lavorare in proprio? Hai un' idea di valore da vendere? Come iniziare una carriera freelance? Trova in questo corso le risposte a queste e molte altre domande utili per avviare la tua nuova carriera da Consulente Freelance. Conosciamo tutti qualche grafico, developer, o coach, che lavora in proprio. Ma c' un bisogno anche per i consulenti d'impresa freelance. E questo corso la tua mappa per realizzare questo sogno. Inizia qui per:Decidere se la vita da imprenditore fa per te (un esercizio utile!)Creare un prodotto di consulenza semplice da vendereUsare le relazioni umane per far crescere il tuo businesse molto di pi.Questo corso offre un metodo per scoprire davvero le tue abilit e preferenze, per aiutarti a creare una carriera che ti divertir. Imparerai poi a creare una presentazione pubblica e fare la giusta impressione, e finalmente a come sviluppare una rete di connessioni per trovare clienti. Lavora da casa, con i clienti che vuoi tu! La versione inglese di questo corso ha pi di 1400 iscritti, ed stato tradotto come primo corso di questo tipo per il pubblico italiano di Udemy. ""...ritengo tu abbia un'ottima padronanza e competenza dell'argomento, abilit nel catturare l'attenzione dell'interlocutore e chiarezza espositiva encomiabile.....non da ultimo...emerge in pieno la tua passione verso ci che fai..complimenti!"" - Viviana Vigiak, studente""Chiara, sintetica, Rebecca va dritto al punto con questo corso, che voglio rifare in maniera pi approfondita. Veramente consigliato!"" - Claudio Ciani, studente"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Viral 2019" |
"Hola y bienvenidos a este curso de Facebook viral 2019, para nadie es un secreto que Facebook cada da est cambiando el algoritmo de su plataforma, esto reduce el alcance de las publicaciones orgnicas y hace que las cosas ya no funcionan como funcionaban antes y que tu contenido quede sepultado bajo toneladas de publicaciones de tu competencia.Facebook para que hace esto? Facebook quiere obligarte a pagar publicidad y que inviertas en su plataforma y eso est bien, porque los anuncios de Facebook son muy poderosos y efectivos sin embargo no todo el mundo los sabe manejar y muchas veces pierden dinero en el proceso de aprendizaje. Adems si tu aprendes a crear contenido viral puedes ahorrar mucho dinero en campaas de publicidad. Ahora recuerda que al inscribirte a este curso podrs acceder a l siempre que quieras, podrs llevar las clases a tu ritmo, podrs acceder a todos los materiales y los nuevos vdeos de actualizacin para siempre y podrs consultarme tus dudas siempre que lo necesites y plantearme preguntas en cualquier momento del curso, tambin recuerda que al terminar el curso obtendrs un certificado de finalizacin. As que no pierdas ms tiempo si quieres dominar de una vez por todas, el arte del contenido viral en Facebook y mantenerte al tanto de novedades y actualizaciones no lo dudes COMPRA ESTE CURSO ahora mismo y nos vemos en clase Luis German Gil"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Math Tricks and Hacks" |
"Learn easy Math Tricks To Master NumbersApproach math using these tracks and hacks to master doing sums in your head.Work out percentages easy in your head,Learn new ways to multiply quickly and easily,Master fractions,Square any number that ends in 5 faster than a calculator,Japanese and lattice multiplication techniques,Learn 6, 7, 8 and 9 multiplication tables quick and easy,and much, much more!approach numbers in a different way to be a human calculator.My interest in doing math in unusual ways started when I was a child struggling to learn numbers, my grandfather took me under his wing and showed me how he was taught way back in 1930. He showed me ways to learn that my school teachers didn't understand. I left school and studied mechanical engineering where I quickly found better ways to do the calculations that I needed for my career.For over 26 years I worked as an engineer and my math tricks enabled me to push my calculator to the side and use my brain to work out complex math quicker than my colleagues that used a calculator."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fusion 360 tutorial for CNC machinists" |
"Using Fusion 360 to make parts for CNC machines has just got easier.Do you own a CNC router? Maybe you are a CNC machinist wishing to make parts using CAD/CAM.Whether you are a hobbyist or a professional, this course will teach you how to use Fusion 360 to produce parts for your CNC machine.Fusion 360 is free for hobbyists, startups and makers. Its the perfect CAD/CAM system for CNC.Fusion 360 has lots of features that can be overwhelming. This course ignores all the fluff and focuses on the parts of Fusion that are needed to produce a finished product for a CNC machine.Written by a machinist for machinists.This course starts by getting you familiar with the parts of Fusion that are needed to produce a component on a CNC machine.Then we jump right in and make our first model, each step is explained as we sketch using constraints and best practices.Next is CAM, Computer-aided manufacture. In this section, we decide how we will machine the part and create the tool paths to produce excellent results every time.Wish to do engraving? I cover that too!Learn how to import DXF files and turn vector graphics into G-Code files.Once you have a feel for Fusion we get stuck into a more complex part.We look at 3D milling roughing cycles, how to use finishing passes correctly and how to adjust our CAM tool paths to do exactly what we need to produce a great part on our CNC machine.If you are a CNC machinist, hobbyist or professional, this course is made for you."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Fusion 360 CAD/CAM for CNC routers" |
"Do you own a CNC router? Want to master your machine to make any part?Whether you are a hobbyist or a professional, this course will teach you how to use Fusion 360 to produce parts for your CNC Router.Fusion 360 is free for hobbyists, startups and makers. Its the perfect CAD/CAM system for CNC Routers.From affordable DIY desktop CNC routers to expensive industrial machines, this course covers it all.Gain full control of your machine and program any part you can imagine with CAD/CAM!A complete Fusion CAD/CAM training package aimed specifically at CNC router owners/programmers and operators.Course includes:Mastering the menus and navigation of Fusion 360 How and when to use constraintsCAD best practicesCAM best practicesSketchingUsing the correct too pathsMastering the post-processorTips and tricks used in industryAll taught by a time served CNC machine tools engineerIf you are a CNC Router, hobbyist or professional, this course is made for you."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"STM32F4 Discovery Kart le Arm Programlama Dersleri" |
"Arm mimarisi gml sistemler alannda en yayn olarak kullanlan ve en gl ilemci mimarisine sahip olan mimaridir. Bu sebeple kurs mfredatmzda arm mimarisini iinde barndran STM32F4 Discovery kart ile srdrdk. Piyasada bulunan ders rneklerinden farkl olarak bu kursta STDPeriph (SPL) Ktphanesi, Register seviyesinde kodlama ve Hal Ktphaneleri kullanlarak anlatmlar yapld, bylece mimarinin temeline inerek ktphanelerin mutfa gsterildi. Eitim mfredatnda arm mimarisinde saat konfigurasyonlarndan en ileri seviye evresel birimlerin konfigurasyonlarna kadar genel hatlar ile neredeyse tm evresel birimler detayl bir ekilde anlatlarak ve bol rnek proje yaplarak anlatld. Her evresel birimin alma mant detayl olarak anlatldktan sonra, referance manual ve datasheetler ile desteklenerek ezber eitim tarzndan ziyade yorum yaparak rencilerin kendi bana kendilerini gelitirecei tarzda bir yol izlenerek anlatld. Eitimler sonunda bir gml yazlmcda aranan kriterlere sahip olunacan dnmekteyiz."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Bata otomobiller olmak zere teknolojik aralarda ve baz fabrika otomasyon sistemlerinde maksimum verim ve gvenlik salanabilmesi iin gelitirilen CAN BUS sistemlerini ilk blmde teorik olarak incelendi. Sizler bu blmn sonunda CAN BUS sistemini hayal dnyanzda canlandrm olacaksnz. Devam eden derslerde teorik bilgileri yazlmsal olarak kullanarak CAN BUS sistemleri ile alma yapld. Belirli rnekler ile CAN BUS haberlemesi pratik olarak tamamland. Bu derslerin sonunda CAN BUS sistemlerini ileri seviyede anlam olacaksnz.STM32F4 Discovery kart ile CAN BUS programlamay tm detaylar ile renerek uzmanlan, adm adm CAN BUS mesaj gnderme ve alma, can bus filtreleme kavramlarn renin ve hzl bir ekilde kendi CAN BUS sisteminizi oluturup kendi projelerinizi gelitirmenin tadn karn.Bu kursta ilk olarak sfrdan CAN BUS'n tm kavramlarn renerek STM32F4 ile kullanabilmek iin salam bir temele sahip olacaksnz.Edindiiniz bu salam temelden sonra; STM32F4 ile ilgili tm kavramlar detaylar ve mantklaryla reneceksiniz.STM32F4 le CAN BUS Projeleri GelitirmeBu kursun Trkiyedeki en byk, en kapsaml ve de en retici STM32F4 ile CAN BUS Projeleri gelitirme kursu olmasn salamak adna , kurs ierii zengin tutuldu ve uygulama gelitirirken ihtiyacnz olacak kavramlar, bilgiler, 3. parti ktphaneler tm detaylaryla anlatld.Kursta yer alan baz nemli kavramlarCAN BUS temel kavramlar, tasarmsal bilgilerSTM32F4 Discovery Kart temel kavramlar, tasarmsal bilgilerSTM32CubeMx temel kavramlar, tasarmsal bilgilerProfesyonel uygulamalar gelitirmek iin bilinmesi gereken kavramlar, ktphanelerCAN BUS Sistemleri iin zaman ayarlamalarCAN BUS Sistemleri iin Bit Hzok daha fazlasn kursta bulabilirsiniz.zellikle kursta yaplan projelerin tantm videolarn izleyerek bu kurstan sonra neler baarabileceinizi renebilirsiniz. Kurstaki rnekleri gelitirerek gerek hayatta daha detayl projeler ortaya koyabilirsiniz.Kurs boyunca kafanza taklan sorular kursun soru cevap blmnden bana ulatrabilirsiniz. En ksa srede cevaplanacandan emin olabilirsiniz.CAN BUS renmesi ve uygulamas ok keyifli bir prokol. Siz de bu son zamanlarn en popler haberleme protokoln renmek ve de hzl ve kolay bir ekilde uygulamalar gelitirmek istiyorsanz bu kursa katln ve beraber gzel projeler yapalm.reneceklerinizCAN BUS'n ne olduunu ve nasl altCAN BUS'ta filtrelerin ne olduunu ve nasl altrldCAN BUS'ta mesaj gnderme ve alma aamalarnn nasl olduuC programlama dilinde olan temel yaplarn ne olduunu ve nerede neden kullanldnAtollic ile ilgili nemli kavramlarn tm detaylarSTM32CubeMx kullanmSTMStudio kullanmYazlmsal olarak CAN BUS konfigurasyonlarYazlmsal olarak CAN BUS FiltrelemeleriYazlmsal olarak CAN BUS ile Data aktarm I2C protokol2X16 LCD Display ve kullanmKurs gereksinimleri veya n koullar var m?Temel seviyede C dili bilgisiTemel seviyede arm mimarisi bilgisiTemel seviyede STM32CubeMx, Atollic IDE ve STMStudio bilgisiTemel seviyede I2C protokol bilgisiBu kurs kimler iin uygun:Daha nce CAN BUS ile almam ama heyecanla renmek isteyenSavunma sanayi alannda almak isteyenOtomobil sektrnde almak isteyenProgramlama ile ilgili belli yaplara hakim ama klasik basit rneklerden sklp kendini daha fazla gelitirmek isteyenCAN BUS ile ilgili ileri seviye kavramlar renmek ve bunlara hakim olmak isteyenCAN BUS ile uygulama proje yapmadan nce CAN BUS protokolne tam anlamyla hakim olmakKod ve tasarm bilgisini bir st seviyeye karmak isteyenCV'sine CAN BUS protokolne olduka fazla hakimim maddesini eklemek isteyen tm arkadalarmz iin uygundur."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SEO: Come analizzare il log del web server con Excel" |
"In questa guida SEO ti insegner a trovare, scaricare, aprire ed interpretare i log del web server con Excel. Prima di tutto per vediamo perch dovremmo dedicare tempo a questo file. Analizzare i dati presenti nel log del web server fondamentale per capire come gli spider dei motori di ricerca navigano un sito web, ovvero la frequenza di scansione, il volume di scansione e la profondit di scansione. Studiare il comportamento di Googlebot sul sito infatti pu far emergere importanti considerazioni oltre ad identificare potenziali criticit.Il corso si sviluppa in un video e due guide testuali. Il video ti mostra la teoria e la pratica, vedremo come scaricare il log del web server, aprirlo con Microsoft Excel ed infine interpretare i dati dal punto di vista SEO. Le guide testuali approfondiscono e proseguono il discorso. Vedrai come possibile monitorare in tempo reale il log con un semplice software da installare nel web server."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SEO: Come ottimizzare le immagini per Google" |
"In questo corso di 45 minuti imparerai tecniche SEO per migliorare le immagini sotto tutti gli aspetti.Le immagini sono elementi molto importanti per creare contenuti unici ed originali. Ottimizzare le immagini per Google aiuta ad aumentare la visibilit online del sito web dove sono ospitate. Quando si inserisce una immagine in una pagina web importante seguire sempre alcune semplici regole che andr a descrivervi.Indice:Scopri quante immagini sono indicizzateOttimizza lAlt TagCome scrivere la tag TitleUna sitemap.xml per le immaginiIl nome del file importanteIl testo intorno allimmagineOttimizza il tempo di caricamentoQual il formato migliore?Inserisci testi nelle immaginiUsa immagini per ottenere backlinksUsa OpenGraphOspita le immagini su un CDNCome usare SRCSET per la SEORisorse e approfondimenti"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PHP OOP (Nesne Ynelimli Programlama) ve Proje Gelitirme" |
"Merhaba Sevgili renci;Bu kursa kim, neden kayt olmal sorularn ve giri derslerini kursun giri videolarnda cretsiz olarak paylatm. Mutlaka bu cretsiz dersleri izlemeni neriyorum.Kaptan Garantisirencilerim bana genelde Kaptan Der;Bugne kadar Udemy ve Youtube zerinde on binlerce rencim oldu. Tanynca seninde eitimlerimi seveceinden hi phem yok. Eer Sabr, Dikkat ve Merak lsn sen garanti ediyorsan bende sana bu eitimde Uygulamal olarak retmeyi garanti ediyorum.Kurs erisinde Yer Alan Balca Blmler ve Derslerrencilerimin ProjeleriKurslarma kaytl rencilerimin rendikleriyle yaptklar projeleri grmek istersen internet sitemde rencilerim/Projeleri menlerini izleyebilirsin.PHP OOP (Nesne Ynelimli Programlama) Giri DersleriOOP (Nesne Ynelimli Programlama) Nedir Ne iimize yaracakClass Snf NedirSnf ve Metod OluturmaKurucu (_construct) ve Ykc (_desctruct) MetodlarNesne Oluturma, Eriim ve This Szde DeikeniMiras Alma Kaltm (nheritance)Grnrlk (Visibility)Geersiz Klma (Override)Static KullanmInterface Tanmlamaok Biimlilik (Polymorphism)Namespace TanmlamaAutoload Otomatik Snf YklemeZincirleme Metod KullanmFinal Anahtar SzcClass_Exists() Snf Varlk KontrolMethod_Exists() Method Varlk KontrolOOP ile Ynetim Paneli Gelitirme ProjesiKodlayacamz Admin Paneli nceleme ve HazrlamaAdmin Panel Paralama lemleriKontrol Noktas V1Login Sayfasnn Tasarmnn HazrlanmasVeritaban ve Admin Tablo Yapsn OluturmaDbconfig Veritaban Bilgilerini Tutan Sabitleri OluturmaCRUD Snf ve Veritaban Balant Metodunu OluturmaAdmin Giri Metodunun OluturulmasAdmin Giri Metodunu altrma ve SESSION'dan Bilgilerin OkunmasGvenli k lemi ve SESSION Profil Fotosu AyarlamaSayfalarda Giri Kontrollerinin SalanmasBeni Hatrla Uygulamas Admin Panel Ynetici Bilgilerini HatrlamaSESSION Sre Sonunda Otomatik LoginAdmin Aktif-Pasif Yetki KontrolYnetici Listeleme Tablo Yaps ve Sayfa TasarmGvenli k lemi COOKIE Silme - Dzeltme DersiVeri ekme Read() Metonunun OluturulmasVeri Ekleme Form Alannn TasarmYnetici Ekleme Form TasarmYnetici Ekleme adminInsert Metodunun Yazmarray_values Fonksiyonunun Kullanmarray_map Fonksiyonunun Kullanmarray_keys Fonksiyonunun KullanmOto Insert Metodunun YazmOto Insert Metodunu Users Tablosu ile Test EdelimInsert Metodu erisinde ifrelere MD5 UygulamaInsert Metodu erisinden Dosya Ykleme lemleriDzenleme lemleri Form Alan Tasarmwread Metodunu Oluturma ve Tekil Veri ekme lemleriimageUpload() Metodunun Oluturulmas ve Kullanmupdate() Metodunun Yazm ve Gncelleme lemleriGncellenen Eski Resim Dosyalarnn SilinmesiSESSION File Bilgisinin GncellenmesiINSERT leminde ki imageUpload() Hatasnn DzeltilmesiUsers Modl in Update() Metodunun UygulanmasDelete() Metodunun Yazm ve Silme lemleriSite Ayar Tablosunun Oluturulmas ve Ayalarn GirilmesiAyar Form Dzenleme lemleriAyar Form Dzenleme lemlerinde CKEditr KullanmAyar Form Dzenleme Update lemlerin yze Ayarlarn ekilmesiHarici SQL Cmlesi Oluturma Metodunun YazmKontrol Noktas V2Sliders Modl Oluturma lemleriAdmin ve Slider Resim Dzenleme leminde SESSION Silinme Hatasnn GiderilmesiBlogs Modl Oluturma lemleriread() Metodu Order By ve Limit zelliklerinin EklenmesiUsers Tablosu Sortable Sralama lemlerinin UygulanmasAdmins Tablosu Sortable Sralama lemlerinin UygulanmasSliders Tablosu Sortable Sralama lemlerinin UygulanmasSettingsTablosu Sortable Sralama lemlerinin UygulanmasJQuery UI Sortable ile Srkle Brak SralamaJQuery UI Sortable ile Srkle Brak Sralama - Makale Olarak AnlatmOOP ile Gelitirdiimiz Ynetim Paneline rnek Tema EntegrasyonuGiydirilecek Template nceleme ve Paralama lemleriEntegre Edilecek Temay ndirinSite Ayarlarnn Fonksiyon Olarak Kullanm ve ekilmesiSliders Giydirme lemleriBlog Genel Listeleme Sayfas Oluturma lemleritDate() Tarih Zaman evirme Metodunun YazmBlog Detay Sayfas ve .htaccess Dosyas OluturmaSeo() Methodu ile Slug Link HazlarlamaSeo() Metot KodlarBlog Detaynn Oluturma lemleriAnasayfaya Bloglarn ekilmesi ve st Men Dzenlemesizel Slug Yaps Oluturma ve Bloglar Slug Yapsna Gre ekmeKurumsal Sayfa Modl Tablo ve Panel OluturmaKurumsal Sayfa Detaynn ekilmesi ve Link Yapsnn OluturulmasKurumsal Sayfalarn Listelenmesi ve Akfit Sayfann aretlenmesislugRead() Metodu ile ilk Kurumsal Sayfaya UlamaJQuery ile Dinamik Title Yapmimdi Ne Yapmalym!Eitmen Tavsiyesi"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Statistics Masterclass for Data Science and Data Analytics" |
"Starting a career in Data Science or Business Analysis ?then this course will help you to Built a Strong Foundation of statistics for Data Science and Business Analytics This course is Very Practical, Easy to Understand and Every Concept is Explained with an Example !I have added real life examples to understand the applications of statistics in the field of Data Science...We'll cover everything that you need to know about statistics and probability for Data Science and Business Analytics !Including:1) Levels of Measurement2) Measures of Central Tendency3) Population and Sample4) Population Standard Variance5) Quartiles and IQR6) Permutations,Combinations7) Intersection, Union and Complement8) Independent and Dependent Events9) Conditional Probability10) Bayes Theorem11) Uniform Distribution, Binomial Distribution12) Poisson Distribution, Normal Distribution, Skewness13) Standardization and Z Score14) Central Limit Theorem15) Hypothesis Testing, Type I and Type II Error16) Students T-Distribution17) ANOVA - Analysis of Variance18) F Distribution19) Linear Regression and much more...So What Are You Waiting For ?Enroll Now and Empower Your Career !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python Programming Bible: Hands-On Python 3 with 10 Projects" |
"Welcome to this mega course on Python, We have designed this course to become a professional Python Programmer and to learn the most demanding skill in the job market !This is a comprehensive, straight-forward and fun project-based course to learn python programming. With this python mega course you will Go from Beginner to Expert in Python 3Learn Python Programming by Building 10 Projects,1) Create a Text Editor like Notepad++2) Encryption Decryption using Python3) Number Guessing Game4) Simple Calculator5) Making a Deck of Playing Cards6) Rock, Paper, Scissors Game7) Validation of Password8) Conversion of Numbers in Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal9) Removing Vowels10) Speech Recognition SystemWe will Cover a wide variety of topics including,1) Data Structures in Python2) File Handling Basics, Operators and Built in functions in Python3) Statements and Loops4) Functions and Lambda Expressions5) Object Oriented Programming6) NumPy : NumPy array, Indexing and Selection, NumPy Operations7) Pandas : DataFrames, Series, Matrix, Working on missing data, Reading and Writing files8) Matplotlib : Data Visualization, Plotting different graphs9) Modules and Packages10) Errors and Exceptions Handling11) Decorators and Generators12) Regular Expressions13) Graphical User Interface (GUI) in Python14) Working with different Files16) Working with the Images17) Hash Function, Encryption and Decryption18) Datetime Module and More !Learn Python to advance your Career and increase your knowledge in a fun and practical way !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Plus de revenus, une meilleure vie" |
"Plus de revenus, une meilleure vie est une formation pour toute personne qui dsire amliorer ses finances! Que ce soit pour faire le bilan de ses finances, payer ses dettes, grer son argent, pargner, investir, dmarrer son entreprise, cette formation saura combler vos besoins! Le tout dans un cours de moins de deux heures! Toute vido est accompagne de la transcription text et d'un support visuel!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Ad Creatives Workshop 2019" |
"Want the confidence to start crushing it with winning ads on Facebook? This course is designed for online marketers that want an easy way to swipe the top performing Facebook ads in any niche in minutes.And avoid wasting a lot of time and money testing ad creatives and landing pages.In this 3 part workshop, you'll learn:How to quickly and easily find the top performing ads on Facebook, using the latest ad research tools, like AdvertSuite and Facebook Insights. How to model these winning ads into your own ad creatives, using some of the most popular image editors on the market today.How to up your advertising game with viral style video ads using tools like Placeit, Clipman, and Powtoons.And finally, you'll also get some bonus training on how to create dozens of award winning logos for your clients using Placeit.Here is what you'll also get from this course:Tip #1: Helps You Lower Your Ad CostsTip #2: Gets You More Leads And Sales Conversions From Your Facebook AdsTip #3: Makes It Easy To Swipe The Top Performing Facebook Ads In Any Niche In MinutesTip #4: Gives You The Confidence To Start Crushing It With Winning Ads On FacebookTip #5: Avoid Wasting A Lot Of Time And Money Testing Ad Creatives And Landing PagesTip #6: The Real SECRET For Making Sales By Running Ads That Are Already Proven To ConvertTip #7: How To Recreate These Winning Ads Yourself In A Fraction Of The Time It Would Take To Find, Hire, And Use The Right Graphics GuyTip #8: Effortlessly Recreate The Top Performing Ads On Facebook With The Tools You Already OwnTip #9: Quickly Find And Recreate Winning Ads And Get Them Ready To Use On Your Facebook AdsTip #10: Escape The Very Expensive Start Up Process Of Split-testing Ad Creatives And Landing Page CopyTools that are used in this course are not required. However, I have tried hundreds of video and image editing tools over the last few years and frankly these tools are the easiest and best supported that I've found. What you'll discover in this course is how I use these graphical editing tools on a daily basis to create professional ad creatives for both my clients and my own projects. It's not about being perfect is about finding the right methodology to consistently create ads that get the clicks.So sit back and enjoy this workshop.Damon NelsonPS. I still use TechSmith Camtasia, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe Premiere. However, this course is about being efficient with your time and efforts, to crank out winning ad creatives in minutes, instead of days."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Pro Tips on Buying & Selling Domain Names" |
"Here's a special message for every Online Entrepreneur who needs an easy way to earn some extra income, but can't afford to waste a lot of time and money learning an entirely new skill.Hi, my name is Damon Nelson and if you want to succeed with a simple method for earning extra income by buying and selling domain names, then pay very close attention!Many online entrepreneurs suffer from the idea that finding a profitable domain name is really time consuming and can be almost impossible without some help.But nothing could be further from the truth.And if you're a marketer, business owner or an entrepreneur who wants to easily generate some extra income by flipping profitable domain names, then THIS is exactly what you're looking for.I'd like to introduce you to ""Pro Tips on Buying and Selling Domain Names"" which will guide you step-by-step video lessons on how to quickly and easily find profitable domain names that can be bought and resold for profit.""Pro Tips on Buying and Selling Domain Names"" makes it simple for you to:Uncover a completely new way to make extra income without a lot of work and not much moneyLeverage a simple strategy and an affordable software tool to discover profitable domain names in a matter of minutes and for less than the cost of a movie ticketDiscover some secret ""Honey Holes"" where you can find undervalued domain names and bundles of niche specific names for new business opportunitiesUtilize the power of auctions and online marketplaces to sell domain names quickly and easilyLearn how to increase a domain names value with these simple strategies... and much, MUCH more!And what makes this even better?Now you never have to worry about It's very time consuming searching the internet for undervalued domain names that can be resold for a profit again!Which also means you're not stuck feeling like you have to sit on a computer 24 hours a day typing name variations to find a profitable unregistered or unused domain name.And best of all...You'll start seeing results with ""Pro Tips on Buying and Selling Domain Names"" within days of consuming this mini-course and it costs less than a fancy dinner out on the town.So again, if you're an online entrepreneur who wants to generate extra income flipping profitable domain names, understand this:You need a way to quickly set up this side hustle without taking much time and very little moneythis one domain name search method can only be found inside this courseStart quickly building a portfolio of winning domain names and you'll soon be recognized as a player in this lucrative domain name flipping business.And ""Pro Tips on Buying and Selling Domain Names"" from Damon Nelson holds the key to your success with how to profit flipping domain names.Claim Your Copy Today!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Reiki Usui Tibetano y Japons Nivel 2" |
"En el segundo nivel de Reiki buscamos conseguir una sanacin profunda y duradera que, para ser posible, ha de comenzar en nuestro interior con el fin de eliminar antiguos problemas y traumas olvidados que repercuten en nuestra salud, tanto fsica como mental, y aprendemos a dirigir la energa con nuestra intencin, sin barreras fsicas ni temporales. Por ello este nivel es conocido como el nivel mental / emocional.No es un perfeccionamiento del Nivel I, porque cada uno es un mdulo con contenidos propios, pero aumenta el grado vibratorio del Iniciado y su capacidad para canalizar energa. Como consecuencia, los tiempos de tratamiento se reducen.Muchas personas vienen a este curso ya iniciados, buscando contrastar, refrescar o ampliar sus conocimientos. Es por ello que las Iniciaciones solo se las hago a quienes las solicitan, de forma opcional, no incluida en el coste del curso.Un diploma emitido por m est incluido con la Iniciacin. Tambin puedo enviarte uno de la Federacin Espaola de Reiki, como vers en la web.Puedes obtener ms informacin sobre Iniciaciones y diplomas en https://www.cursodereiki.onlineTenemos un grupo de alumnos en Facebook, para que podis practicar la sanacin a distancia, charlar y hacer ms ameno el aprendizaje. Encontrars amigos y podrs permanecer en el grupo aunque termines el curso, hasta que t quieras."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Reiki Usui Tibetano y Japons Nivel 3" |
"Conocido como ""el nivel espiritual"", el tercer nivel de Reiki nos ayuda a bucear en lo mas profundo de nuestro ser, y aumenta nuestra frecuencia vibratoria y capacidad para canalizar energa.Aprenders diversas tcnicas avanzadas: Canalizar con la mirada. Aplicar Reiki mediante el Soplo Dorado. Posiciones de manos avanzadas para tratar dolencias y rganos especficos. Canalizar ms energa cerrando tu sistema energtico mediante el circuito microcsmico. Cmo alcanzar estados profundos de consciencia mediante la meditacin y el Reiki. El Reiju. Con esta tcnica podrs iniciar a otros para que practiquen Reiki, de forma temporal o permanente, como explicaremos,. El Circuito Microcsmico. Desarrollado en la India para manejar la energa de forma avanzada, esta tcnica aumenta el caudal de Reiki de forma considerable.Tambin aprenderemos: Tres nuevos smbolos y sus funciones. Veremos cmo se dibujan y la forma de emplearlos para mejorar resultados en tcnicas que ya conocemos, as como en las que aprenderemos en Reiki Nivel III Demostracin de las posiciones de las manos para un auto tratamiento y un tratamiento avanzado del Nivel III a otra persona. En el manual repasaremos las tcnicas de segundo nivel, aadiendo los nuevos smbolos y veremos consejos tiles para darnos Reiki en cualquier situacin, protejer y limpiar, etc.Muchas personas vienen a este curso ya iniciados, buscando contrastar, refrescar o ampliar sus conocimientos. Es por ello que las Iniciaciones solo se las hago a quienes las solicitan, de forma opcional, no incluida en el coste del curso.Un diploma emitido por m est incluido con la Iniciacin. Tambin puedo enviarte uno de la Federacin Espaola de Reiki, como vers en la web.Puedes obtener ms informacin sobre Iniciaciones y diplomas en https://www.cursodereiki.onlineTenemos un grupo de alumnos en Facebook, para que podis practicar, charlar y hacer ms ameno el aprendizaje. Encontrars amigos y podrs permanecer en el grupo aunque termines el curso, hasta que t quieras.Me encanta ayudar con las dudas!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Rock Solid Single Hander: One Handed Backhand Blueprint" |
"*** THIS WEEK ONLY SPECIAL DEAL WITH 97% OFF - GET THIS PREMIUM ONLINE TENNIS COURSE for JUST 15.99 USE TENNISSEPTEMBER at Checkout ***""DISCOVER HOW TO DEVELOP THAT ""ROCK SOLID SINGLE HANDED BACKHAND"" SO YOU CAN START ATTACKING YOUR OPPONENT FROM BOTH SIDES WITH EASE!""( WITHOUT COMPLETELY CHANGING YOUR TECHNIQUE OR NEED TO PAY FOR EXPENSIVE COACHING SESSIONS...)Imagine being able to rely on your Single Handed Backhand, have that power, spin and control & finally be able not just to push the ball back in the court, but to ACTUALLY ATTACK your opponents!HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IN YOUR NEXT MATCH KNOWING YOU CAN FINALLY RELY ON YOUR SINGLE HANDER?""I'M GOING TO SHOW YOU EXACTLY HOW TO GET THERE, SO YOU WON'T END UP ""SLICING ONLY"" AGAIN! ""YES, I KNOW... IT DOES GET EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING WHEN...YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO REGULARLY RELY ON YOUR BACKHAND...YOU CAN'T HIT YOUR SINGLE HANDER WITH CONSISTENCY, POWER AND CONTROL WHEN MOST NEEDED...YOU CAN'T DEAL WITH HIGH BALLS AND BEEING ALWAYS EXPOSED TO THEM BY YOUR OPPONENT...YOU HAVE NO TIME AS YOU GETTING LATE INTO POSITION TO HIT IT PROPERLY...YOU SLICING ALL THE TIME INSTEAD OF HITTING THAT NICE POWERFUL BACKHAND...YOU ARE AFRAID TO HIT IT AND YOU ALWAYS RUN AROUND IT...YOUR OPPONENT KNOWS YOU ARE NOT SOLID ON THAT SIDE AND PLAYS EVERYTHING THERE JUST TO WAIT FOR YOUR ERRORS...But there is finally THE SOLUTION to FIX all of these above....LET ME SHOW YOU MY ONE HANDED BACKHAND BLUEPRINT ONLINE COURSE >>""ROCK SOLID SINGLE HANDER""UNLOCK YOUR BACKHAND POTENTIAL""ROCK SOLID SINGLE HANDER"" IS AN EFFECTIVE ""SINGLE HANDER BLUEPRINT"" ONLINE PROGRAM WITH 3 WEEKS STEP BY STEP TRAINING PLAN THAT IS DESIGNED TO HELP YOU DEVELOP THAT ""ROCK SOLID BACKHAND"" YOU CAN FINALLY RELY ON & BE ABLE TO ATTACK YOUR OPPONENTS FROM BOTH SIDES!AN ULTIMATE ONLINE PROGRAM WITH THE MOST EFFECTIVE BACKHAND PROS'S SECRET TIPS AND EXERCISES, (WHICH ARE USED BY ATP PROS) , AND HOW TO EASILY APPLY THEM INTO YOUR BACKHAND.YOU WILL SEE NOTABLE RESULTS IN FIRST 2 WEEKS OF TRAINING! GUARANTEED!DISCOVER THE ""SINGLE HANDER BLUEPRINT"" OF THIS ONLINE PROGRAM AND ITS BENEFITS...Over 35+ video training sessions with MOST CRUCIAL technics used by ATP Pros and How To Easy Apply Them into your Backhand! Plus a FREE Training Plan as a Bonus...AFTER COMPLETING THIS ONLINE PROGRAM YOU WILL BE ABLE TO:HAVE THAT ""WAWRINKA STYLE ROCK SOLID SINGLE HANDER""..HIT WITH MORE POWER, CONSISTENCY AND CONTROL...HIT THROUGH THE BALL WITHOUT NEED OF SLICING...DEAL WITH HIGH ""SPINNED"" BALLS...STOP RUNNING AROUND YOUR BACKHAND AND COMFORTABLY RELY ON IT...HIT WITH MORE SPIN AND CONTROL...TO ATTACK THOSE SHORTER BALLS WITH NO PACE...JUDGE THE RIGHT CONTACT POINT AND DISTANCE FROM THE INCOMING BALL...FIX THE MOST COMMON ERRORS THAT YOU HAVE DEVELOPED OVER PAST YEARS...BUT HOW?....BECAUSE YOU WILL FINALLY KNOW:How to apply correct biomechanics used by ATP Pros...How to get more consistency, power & control WITHOUT changing your technique...How to generate those effortless BACKHANDS...How to get early into the right ""POWER POSITION"" and how to hit the ball at right place and time...How to attack those short balls and stop SLICING them...How to deal with deep and high balls coming to your Backhand over and over...How to push your opponent off the court with your new bigger Backhand from any position on the court...How to get more topspin and control...How to APPLY ATP Pro's footwork patterns...How to improve your racket head speed and use right ""lagging effect"" to generate more of the effortless power...and much, much following my PLB Tennis Method""OVERALL, AFTER COMPLETING THIS ""SINGLE HANDER BLUEPRINT"" PROGRAM YOU WILL BE A BETTER PLAYER AND YOU WILL FINALLY ENJOY YOUR BACKHANDS!!!""HERE IS WHAT YOU GET WITH THIS ULTIMATE SINGLE HANDED BACKHAND BLUEPRINT PROGRAM>>12 Modules of Incredibly Valuable VIDEO TRAINING SESSIONS covering every part of this stroke... ATP Pros Single Handed Backhand Biomechanics + Exercises and Tips to Enhance Your Backhand Results... 'Tested' Tennis Pros Secrets To Gain More Consistent, Powerful yet Effortless Backhand... Systematic ""PLB Tennis Method"" Formula which helped more than 700 club tennis players over the past 12 years to transform their game...Proven tennis drills & tennis wall exercises that worked for some top national and ITF tennis players...Lifetime access to online tennis training program and all videos anytime, so you can take them with you on court and start improving TODAY.. *** THIS WEEK ONLY SPECIAL DEAL WITH 97% OFF - GET THIS PREMIUM ONLINE TENNIS COURSE for JUST 11.99 USE SUMMERTENNIS at Checkout ***WHO IS ""ROCK SOLID SINGLE HANDER"" PROGRAM FOR?This Single Hander Blueprint Online Training Program is designed for Intermediate to Advanced level adult club tennis player, who is wishing to take his tennis to the next level, and finally get that bigger, more solid, more accurate, more consistent and yet more effortless Single Handed Backhand that will help him to WIN more tennis matches and to enjoy tennis at a better level!Beginners will also benefit from the information value that I cover in this program as learning by following my PLB Tennis Method, they will easier understand how to apply the very same biomechanics that are used by tennis pros and how well it can work for them too.The information inside this online tennis program is also great for professional tennis coaches who wish to learn more and be able to help more their students or to help their juniors who want to step up their game as knowledge learnt in this program can also raise the value of their coaching skills.WANT TO KNOW THE ""SECRETS"" OF GUSTAVO KUERTEN'S BACKHAND? of the greatest ever!UNLOCKIN YOUR GAME...DON'T JUST TAKE MY WORD FOR IT...See What Some Of My Members Have Said About Their Experience with my PLB Tennis Method and My Training Program...I was hopeless, literally hopeless! First time I trained with Jan he told me about his PLB Tennis Method and how I could use it on my backhand.I was not sure as my single hander was never my strength, reallyBut I gave it a go and Jan sent me a specific formula to follow. I had nothing to lose. I could only gain!And, so I did!After 4 weeks of training and following Jans method, day by day I started to feel the difference and then that one day, I hit my first huge effortless backhand!And I just knew that was it! That was the ONE!Since then I enjoy my backhand and I feel much more confident than ever before!Thanks Jan, cant wait to come down to train with you again, show you all in person and finally beat you!Cheers. AndyAndy McCall, Advanced Level Club tennis player, UKHi Jan, I havent Seen all the training sessions yet, as Im just in the first week into applying the right Position from your method, but it already helped my weight transfer and off loading of my Backhand! Thanks, will be back soon with more updatesMatthias K, Medium Level Club tennis player, AustriaBeen training with Jan for some time now and we constantly work on my Single Hander. His method works. Just follow his steps and you will completely rethink the way you need to play your backhand and what to focus on more as he knows what is working for Pros and how it can work for you too!Matteo G, Advanced Level Club tennis player, BarcelonaAre You Ready To UNLOCK Tennis Pros Biomechanics? With my PLB Tennis Method, You Will Reach a New Level Of Your Game!Discover The ""PLB Tennis Method"" & Finally Start Feeling Confident To Hit That ""Rock Solid Single Hander"" Over and Over Again...WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW HOW TO APPLY THE VERY SAME BACKHAND BIOMECHANICS USED BY STAN WAWRINKA HIMSELF?Over the years I have been studying correct biomechanics used by ATP Tennis Pros which I now apply to all of my tennis training programs with my unique PLB Tennis Method. Don't miss on this great opportunity to discover what the best tennis players do and apply on daily basis!IMAGINE YOU COULD FINALLY RELY ON YOUR NEW ""ROCK SOLID SINGLE HANDER""Meet Jan MetelkaFounder of PLB Tennis Method AcademyJan is an inspirational tennis coach and founder of PLB Tennis Method, who after 15 years on court as a Pro Performance Tennis Coach now created a successful online tennis training program helping thousands of adult club tennis players with their tennis game.Passionate and well recognised tennis authority in the field of correct tennis biomechanics, tennis movement, tennis fitness, mental approach of the game and correct mind set used by tennis pros, Jan has a power to transmit all of these onto his players, who reach new tennis highs in less time than ever before. Serving to enthusiastic tennis players and helping them to finally overcame their biggest obstacles in their tennis game, also thanks to his wide knowledge and his big experience from Pro tennis circuit being a top national player himself, Jan is here to transform your tennis game and to show you that anybody can improve regardless age or level.I will look forward to see you on the inside and together we will ""Unlock Your Full Single Hander Potential!!!""Jan MetelkaUSPTR Pro Performance Tennis Coach & Founder of ""PLB Tennis Method""*** THIS WEEK ONLY SPECIAL DEAL WITH 97% OFF - GET THIS PREMIUM ONLINE TENNIS COURSE for JUST 15.99 USE TENNISSEPTEMBER at Checkout ***"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Unlock Your Double Hander - Two Handed Backhand Blueprint" |
"*** THIS WEEK ONLY SPECIAL DEAL WITH 97% OFF - GET THIS PREMIUM ONLINE TENNIS COURSE for JUST 13.99 USE TENNISSEPTEMBER at Checkout ***Are you tired of loosing your matches just because your opponent hits everything he can to your ""weaker"" Double Handed Backhand side? Do you struggle with Power, Consistency & Control? Do you find it difficult to rely on your Double Handed Backhand when most needed or do you end up slicing instead of hitting it through? I know, It is hard to play or to enjoy tennis when you are not confident with your Backhand!Did you know that up to 90% of club tennis players never reach their full tennis potential?They keep on loosing their matches and they carry that inner frustration like a 50 pound chain around their neck!Here is a problem you face:Most club players never use the very same biomechanics that are used by ATP Pros, and they only rely on their arms which leads to powerless strokes, getting tired way too soon and not being able to enjoy tennis at a better level! (not even mentioning the unnecessary injuries that come with it).When it comes to your Two Handed Backhand, by not following the right biomechanics you will struggle with loosing your matches over and over again!You will never be able to hit those nice, crispy and effortless Backhand strokes and you will never reach the level of the game you would love to!After 15 years of working with club tennis players, here are some of the most common problems that players share:- They lack power and can't rely on their Backhand which leads into loosing confidence and matches.- They lack depth, as their balls are too short and their opponents easily attack them.- They dont position themselves well, which leads into hitting balls late and with no power.- They don't know how to correctly use their whole body to generate more effortless power.- They don't know how to properly use their left arm and they end up pushing the ball instead of easily swinging it through. (case of right handers)- Their Backhand is way too inconsistent and they usually end up slicing when under pressure which leads into giving points away.If any of those above now resonate with you - >> you wont be able to play those better players, you will never be picked to play in your Club's Team and you will not be invited to play Doubles match with the best players in your club!On top of that, by not using right effortless technique - you will most likely get injured and destroy your knees, lower back and you will end up with a tennis elbow or shoulder injuries! (I have seen it, believe me...had so many players on court which had a same problem like you!)(that is a cruel reality, that most players are facing, when not taking the right action)Luckily for you, theres now a solution.Let me introduce you to my new UNLOCK YOUR DOUBLE HANDER - TWO HANDED BACKHAND BLUEPRINT COURSE - a brand new online tennis course to help every club tennis player unlock his full tennis potential on Backhand Side!Robert P: ""This Two Handed Backhand Blueprint course has definitely exceeded my expectations. Jan goes well in depth in all elements on how to apply the very same biomechanics that are used by ATP pros and for me this is the most fundamental and most complete online tennis course covering everything that Club tennis player needs to know or more importantly has to apply in order to reach a better level of his game! I highly recommend this Backhand course and all other Jan's courses to anybody who really wants to transform his tennis game! Thanks, Rob P. Ireland. ""And What You Will Get Inside This ""Two Handed Backhand Blueprint"" Course:Access to 13 Modules of Video Training Sessions & BONUSES + How to Fix Sessions.Here is What You Will Discover:- How to apply my unique PLB Tennis Method so you can get More Powerful yet More Effortless Double Handed Backhand which will help you win more of your tennis matches without need of slicing or getting extra tired!- How to train sessions with technical videos so you can improve your Consistency, Power & Control which will help you not to miss anymore in those most crucial moments and you will be finally able to stop slicing and feel more comfortable!- How to Improve Your Footwork, Your Positioning & Level of Your Tennis Fitness so you can move just like ATP Pros do without loosing your breath which will help you gain more Confidence for your next match!- How to hit deep balls and how to be able to deal with short balls and balls in defensive position so you will be more prepared for your next match!- How to win more of your points with your New, Big, Laser sharp Backhands so you can dominate your opponent from any position on court which will massively help you win more of your points & get edge in your matches!- How to train on your own by following my 3 Weeks Tennis Training Plan with ""Self Training Drills & Exercises"" so you can improve your game anytime without need of a paying for extra - expensive ""private coaching sessions"" which will save you lots of time and lots of MONEY!- ULTIMATELY you will know how to UNLOCK YOUR DOUBLE HANDER & how to finally feel more confident with your game to be able to WIN MORE OF YOUR TENNIS MATCHES & to compete against players that you have been loosing to!And Who Will Be Your Coach? ?Hi there, my name is Jan. I am a USPTR Accredited Pro Performance Tennis Coach, Tennis Biomechanics Expert and Founder of PLB Tennis Method and I've helped over 2000 students worldwide just on Udemy alone.In this course I will show you all that you need to know in order to take your Two Handed Backhand to absolutely new Level!I will show you how to efficiently use your whole body just like ATP Pros do and thanks to my unique PLB Tennis Method, I will walk you through a Step-by - Step Systematic way how to apply all those correct steps into your game with Ease!Ian R: ""Jan's PLB Tennis Method just does it for me on every stroke I apply it. Jan really knows what works well and how to help us ""Club Players"". In my case I was never aware about how to get more effortless power on my Backhand and how to apply the right biomechanics! Thanks Jan for so much info and for finally showing me how to do it!.""Besides the instructional sessions, there are many exercises for you to practise and I will even give you my proven 3 Weeks Tennis Training Plan that you can Download - with Step-by-Step walk though on how you going to get those effortless, solid Backhands.Also I will be around to help - if you get lost you can drop a post on the video 'Questions and Answers' below each video and I'll be sure to get back to you as soon as I can as I always want to make sure my players improve.Mark T: ""So thankful for this course! it's my first time learning with Jan, but I can confidentially say that Jan is a TOP choice as a tennis instructor. You can tell he's been walking his talk for years! What I really love is his passionate and inspirational teaching in each session he delivers! Unique quality with so much info. What else to say: Just thanks Jan, will recommend to all my tennis mates! Glad I get to learn through here!""I will share with you every tennis tip and trick I have used or learnt in the last 15 years of coaching. My goal is for you to finish this course with all the necessary skills to finally UNLOCK YOUR DOUBLE HANDER and be more confident on your Backhand side.But don't just take my word for it. Take a look at this ?""The PLB Tennis Method from Jan Metelka, together with his training exercises took my game beyond what I thought was possible!""- Andy McCall, Medium Level Player, UK""Jan's method makes me focus on parts of the game I have never focused on before! I can definitely see a huge benefits!""- Juanjo Morales, Club tennis player, Barcelona""I've struggled with my Tennis Strokes for years, but now its certainly much more effortless and enjoy tennis more!""- Ian Robertson, Medium Level Player, London""Clarity on the process, complete and passionate about coaching""- Bernando G.5 Stars! I left this rating because instruction was top notch""- Ishmael G.""Really liking it so far, and haven't even finished the first course!""- Huy D.""I've had many coaches, but Jan Metelka is absolutely amazing!""- Bilal N. ""I was able to experience much improved Forehand""- Glenn L.Also with ROCK SOLID 30 Days Money Back Guarantee You have absolutely nothing to loose, you can only gain & improve your game!So are you ready to finally Unlock Your Double Hander?I believe together we can do it!I will look forward to see you on the inside.Jan MetelkaUSPTR Pro Performance Tennis Coach helping thousands of players to Unlock Their Full Tennis Potential!PLB Tennis Method & TennisFit AppFrequently Asked Questions:Who is This Online Two Handed Backhand Blueprint Course for?This Course will help all club tennis players from Medium level players to More Advanced players and also to Juniors who want to step up their game. If you a Beginner or Advanced Beginner then you will greatly benefit from all that is inside as having the right fundamentals is crucial if one wants to really improve!If I am a Tennis Coach, Can I Also Benefit from This?Definitely, in fact lots of our members are tennis coaches who want to learn more and apply all that has been working for me and to help their players even more. Dont forget, more good knowledge you have, more you can help your players, which leads into more happy players = more recommendations and ultimately more Money for you! Plus...Better results you will have as a Coach, more you can charge = More money per sessions will allow you having to coach less, which gives you much more free time to spent with your loved ones! (been there, know what Im saying..)If I am a Parent of a Performance Junior, Will This Work For Me?Yes, absolutely! Lots of our members are parents of Performance Juniors who want to help their kids more. Its a great way how you can self - train your kid - by following my online sessions and see a gradual improvement of your tennis juniors.What Happens If I Am Not Happy with This Program, is there a Refund?If you wont be happy with the content inside this program you have 30 Days Money Back Rock Solid Guarantee. If this program will not work for you, you get refund anytime. (but make sure to try all on the court first ;-) ) *** THIS WEEK ONLY SPECIAL DEAL WITH 97% OFF - GET THIS PREMIUM ONLINE TENNIS COURSE for JUST 13.99 USE TENNISSEPTEMBER at Checkout ***"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
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Price: 409.99 ![]() |