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"Profesyonel Atlet Gibi Antrenman Yapmay renin" |
"Vcudunuzu profesyonel seviyede atelemeye hazr olun!!Bu kurs ierisinde circuit trainingi (dairesel antrenman) renerek, maksimal kuvvet, maksimal kas geliimi, kuvvette devamllk, dayankllk, maksimal ya yakm, erkekler ve kadnlar iin plaj vcudu / bikini vcudu almalarn reneceksiniz. Bu kurs ierisinde, profesyonel sporcularn alma sistemi ile almay reneceksiniz.Circuit TrainingCT (Dairesel Antrenman) ok geni uygulama alanna sahip, kasrdiyovaskler kapasiteyi arttrrken, kas geliimi ve ya yakm imkanlarn beraberinde sunan antrenman metodudur. Fitness seviyesini arttrmaktan, yarma hazrlna kadar ok farkl ekillerde uygulama yapmak mmkndr. Vcudunuzu atelemek iin, kullanabileceiniz verimi yksek antrenmanlar bu kurs ierisinde bulabilirsiniz.Hangi Yetilerinizi Gelitireceksiniz?Aada bahsettiim her antrenman sisteminin temelleri ve nasl oluturulacan detayl ekilde anlattktan sonra, indirilebilir pdf formatnda her seviye iin farkl farkl antrenmanlar ders sonrasnda bulabilirsiniz.Maksimal Kuvvet :Bir seferde kaldrabileceiniz arlk miktarn arttrmanz salayan antrenman yntemidir. Maksimal kuvvet almalar, kas enine kesit alannda art salar. Hzl kaslan kas liflerini en iyi seviyede altrr. Bu sayede daha kasl bir grnm elde edersiniz.abuk Kuvvet (G) :Kas sinir sisteminin, bir dirence kar, byk bir hzla kaslmas ve hareketi gerekletirmesidir. Atlamalar, atmalar, vurmalar ve byk hzla yn deitirmeler gerektiren spor dallar da, abuk kuvvet performansn belirleyicisidir. abuk kuvvet (g) almalar ile, fiziksel performansnz en st dzeye kacak.Kuvvette Devamllk :Kuvvette devamllk, organizmann yorgunlua kar koyabilme yetenei veya kapasitesidir. reneceiniz kuvvette devamllk antrenmanlar, daha ge yorulmanz salarken, ya yakmn arttrarak, daha yasz atletik bir grnm elde etmenizi salayacak.Dayankllk :Dayankllk, vcudun yaplan fiziksel bir etkinlie kar diren yetisidir. Bu, kiinin kalp-dolam sistemi, solunum sistemi, sinir sistemi ve psikolojik yaps ile belirlenir. zel olarak tasarlanm dayankllk antrenmanlar, maksimum seviyede ya yakmanz ve en st dzeyde yorgunlua kar koyma kapasitenizi arttracaktr.Fitness Dzeyini ArttrmaSadece fitness dzeyini arttrmak isteyenler ve adaptasyon sreci iin hazrlanm antrenmandr. zellikle yeni balayanlar iin, sakatlklar nlemenin en etkili yoludur.Her Seviyeye Uygun AntrenmanlarBu kurs ierisinde, her seviyeye uygun, indirilebilir pdf formatnda antrenmanlar bulunmaktadr.Kurs ieriine daha net ekilde anlayabilmeniz iin, gereken n bilgiler 2.blmde, bilinmesi gereken antrenman kavramlar ierisinde size sunulmutur.Amaca Gre PeriyotlamaVerim dzeyini, atletik performansn, kas geliimini ve ya yakmn arttrmak isteyen her sporcu amacna gre zel periyotlama yapmaktadr. Bu kurs ierisinde pro sporcularn uyguladklar periyotlamaya benzer periyotlamay nasl yapabileceimizi reneceiz. Ayrca amalara gre periyotlama rneklerini indirilebilir pdf formatnda derslerin ierisinde bulabileceksiniz. Periyotlama rnekleri unlardr : Maksimal kuvvet (maksimal kas geliimi) periyotlama rnei Kuvvette devamllk (ya yakm) iin periyotlama rnei. abuk kuvvet (g) geliimi iin periyotlama rnei. Plaj ve bikini vcudu iin periyotlama rnei Btn fiziksel yetileri gelitirmek iin genel periyotlama rneiBu Kurs erisinde Ne Yok? Her yerde kolaylkla (youtube) bulabileceiniz egzersizleri uzun uzun anlatarak kursun ieriini iirmedim. Gerekmedike kitabi ve terimsel anlatm yapmadm. Herkes kolaylkla anlayabilir. e yaramayan kulaktan dolma antrenmanlar yok. Onun yerine kaynaklara dayanan geerlilii kantlanm antrenmanlar var.#### Profesyonel bir atlet gibi antrenman yapmak ve vcudunuzu bir atlet grnmne kavuturmak iin bu kursa hemen balayabilirsiniz. Her sorunuza yant vermek iin burada olduumu unutmayn. ####Daha nceki Kurslarm Hakkndaki Yorumlar:""6 ayda 15 kilo vermeme fit bir grntye ulamama vesile olan harika bir kurs. Vcut gelitirme ncesi zayflamak amal baladm kurs sayesinde gzle grlr ekilde karn kaslarm bile kt. Teekkrler hocam iyiki sizler varsnz.""mer Ta""Antremanlara baladktan sonra kolaym gibi grnen egzersizlerin ok zor ve bir o kadar da keyif verici olduunu anladm. Vcut arl kullanarak plan dahilinde almak ve hedefine hrsl bir ekilde ulamak isteyenler bu eitimle birlikte beslenme eitimini de almallar.""Fatih TezelPostr eitim setini hazrlarladnz iin teekkr etmek isterim bu egzersizlerle ne den boynumun nasl dzeleceini anlamam haldeyken ksa bir sre eitiminizi uygulamam sonucu boynumu normal ne dm ekilde tutarken artk ense ksmmn ardn , geriye daha rahat ektiimi omuzlarmn daha dik durduunu ve hafif kk krek kemiklerimin biraz daha dz halde olduunu farketttim tekrardan teekkrler iyi akamlar.Krat Volkan DemirArkadalar kurs tam anlamyla mkemmel. Neden mkemmel derseniz :) Umut hocam her eyi en ince ayrntsna kadar anlatyor. Anlamadn soruyorsun. Anlatmlar o kadar sistematik ki bu sporun iinde 5 seneden beri varm sakatlklarim oldu toplasan 1.5 sene antrenman yapmisimdir ve mahalle salonu hocalarndan internetteki yanl bilgilerden kafam acayip karti. Ama umut hoca bu sporun en ok kafa kartran ksmn program nasl yazlr onu retti.Cneyt GkayBugne kadar baka yerde ya da spor salonlarndaki hocalardan renemediim birok ey rendim. Bundan sonra daha bilnli alma yapmam salayaca kesin. Ayrca sorduum sorulara hemen ve ok detayl ekilde cevaplar aldm. Teekkr ediyorumCihan ErsoySizde binlerce rencimin arasna katln ve amacnza birlikte ulaalm.SayglarmlaUmut VarolKiisel Fitness Eitmeni"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Zayflamak ve Ya Yakmak in ntermittent Fasting (IF)" |
"Aralkl Oru, ntermittent FastingZayflama probleminizi zn! Ya yakn, kilo verin, yalanmay yavalatn!Gnmzde poplerleen intermittent fasting (IF) yani aralkl oru faydalar ve uygulmas hakknda blk prk birok bilgi duyuyoruz. Bu konu zerine says 5000den fazla olan rencilerimden ok sk soru almaya balamtm. Bunun zerine sizlerin kaynaklara dayandrlm derli toplu bilgiye en sade ekliyle ulaabilmeniz iin bu kursu hazrladm.Hadi balayalm.IF Uygulamasnn DetaylarIF beslenme eklini uygulayabilmek iin, temellerini renmek ve kendinize uygun esneklii belirleyebilmeniz gerekir. Temel detaylar sade ve anlalr ekilde, kendinize uyarlayabileceiniz esnek yaklamlar ile anlattm.IF FaydalarIf faydalarn ksaca anlatmak gerekirse, zaman kontrol, kilo kaybn kolaylatrmas, anti-aging etkisi, olumlu ynde hormonal deiiklikler, beyin fonksiyonlarn glendirebilme yetenei, kolestrol dengelemesi inslini dzenlenmesi, besinlerin verimli kullanlmas, dk kan ekeri ile byme hormonunun artmas diyebiliriz.Vcut Mekanizmas Nasl alr?Bu kurs ierisinde, temel anlamda vcudumuzun toklua ve ala verdii tepkileri anlattm. Mekanizma hakknda bilgi sahibi olmamz sayesinde daha istikrarl bir uygulayc olabiliriz.Deiik Spor Dallar in IF UygulamasSporcularn her birinin yaptklar spor tarznn farkl olmas, beslenme ekillerinde eitlilie gitmelerine sebep olmaktadr. Ksacas her sporun besin gereklilikleri farkldr. Bu kurs ierisinde vcut gelitirme, performans sporcular, pilates ve yoga uygulayclar iin farkl farkl IF uygulama ekillerini anlattm.nlerin ayarlama ekillerini, protein, ya, karbonhidrat miktarlarn detayl ekilde akladm.Makro BesinlerProtein, ya ve karbonhidrat kabaca tanmlansa da genel anlamda aklda karklk yaratr. Burada makro besinleri sade ekilde akladm ve nasl kullanacamzdan bahsettim.Gnlk Kalori htiyacTam olarak hesaplanmas ve yaplan spor dzeyine gre belirlenmesi gerekli olan, gnlk kalori ihtiyac hesaplama eklini detayl ekilde anlattm. Bu sayede younluk durumumuza gre kalori almn dengeli ekilde dzenleyebileceiz.Anlattm konular daha detayl incelemek iin, dersler blmne bakabilirsiniz. Faydal olmas dileiyle..Umut VarolPersonal Fitness Trainer"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"5-Minute Mindfulness Meditations for Busy People" |
"As technology intensifies the human experience, people are more stressed with less time on their hands than ever before. 5-Minute Mindfulness Meditations for Busy People is a course focused on bringing the health benefits of meditation into the rapidly accelerating and stressful world we all live in. Those health benefits include:Reducing stressRegulating emotionsBoosting the immune systemIncreasing mental clarity andSlowing the aging process.If youre busy and stressed, this course will lead you into calm and peace, in just a few minutes.Students who complete this course will become proficient in utilizing 12, five-minute mindfulness meditation techniques, focused on specific areas with practical results. Then, they will be able to lead their own meditations for the rest of their lives. Or they can continue to use these brief mindfulness meditations whenever the need arises.The only requirement for this course is that you have a deep desire to learn how de-stress, find peace, and improve the quality of your internal world, in just minutes a day. If youre new to meditation or just too busy to find the time, this course is for you. All you need to do is devote five minutes of your precious time.In this course students will learn:How to successfully implement 12, FIVE-MINUTE, MINDFULNESS MEDITATION techniques.How to successfully implement BREATH as the foundation for all mindfulness meditations.How to successfully implement a WALKING mindfulness meditation to combine peace with exercise.How to successfully implement a SITTING mindfulness meditation, great for computer breaks.How to successfully implement a full-body DEEP RELAXATION mindfulness meditation.How to successfully implement a COUNTDOWN mindfulness meditation, to experience a profound trance-like meditative state. How to successfully implement a SOUND mindfulness meditation, to increase peace and calm.How to successfully implement a GROUNDING mindfulness meditation, when feeling frazzled or scattered. Also effective in preventing jet lag.How to successfully implement a HIGHER SELF mindfulness meditation, for relaxation, mental clarity, and vision.How to successfully implement an ENERGIZING mindfulness meditation, to increase energy.How to successfully implement an INTEGRATION mindfulness meditation, to resolve inner conflict and calm disruptive emotions. Also excellent for making decisions.How to successfully implement a MAGIC BLANK CANVAS mindfulness meditation, for enhancing creativity.How to successfully implement a NATURE mindfulness meditation, to experience nature as a living creature.What students are saying about Josephs courses: the meditations are next-level awesome. Courtney SeardI'm doing a couple of Joseph Drumheller courses and he's a really fantastic teacher. His approach is very genuine and authentic. He spent many years providing support to terminally ill cancer patients. Highly recommended. Phil StrongYou know, Joseph, I really appreciate the reminder that unresolved emotional charges INFLUENCE our decision making and behavior. I can see that this has played out in my life to my great misfortune. At this stage of my life, it is very important for me to take charge of these ancient emotional triggers, and create a much healthier and happier existence. I love your class, Joseph. Thanks again for all of your hard work! Laurel Gay Edwards Your delivery was warm and natural and your sincerity and love of meditation shines through. I can see how much work has gone into this course and I'm sure it will reach and help many, many, many people. It's so nice to 'meet' someone with very similar views on meditation and an approach to teaching that chimes with my own. I wish you every success! Linda HallJoseph Drumheller's practical, earthy approach to meditation, along with his soothing voice and approachability provide a comfortable place to begin a new practice or gain deeper insights to those more established. Speaking as a lifelong meditator myself, I recommend his work. Judy BlackwellI will say that the main thing I look for in someone in such a course is that they exude calm, and joy....and you do......and that they look trustworthy, good energy when you look at their eyes.... when they speak....and you do. Marika MarksVery informative about getting started at home meditation. I am excited to dive into Josephs course! Kari MooreVery professional and I loved the videos! If this is your first class online, I wouldn't have known it. You did a great job! Judy Lynne"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Hypnotherapy, Mysticism, & Darkness - A Podcast Seminar" |
"Hypnotherapy, Miracles, Mysticism, & Darkness - A Podcast Seminar is a refreshing departure from my other courses. Instead of providing how-to instruction and meditation techniques, Ill be telling true stories, in an interview format, of actual spiritual awakenings, mystical experiences, and miraculous healings. These stories have been gathered from nearly three decades in my work as a Clinical Hypnotherapist.When someone starts dabbling in the worlds of meditation and energy healing, sooner or later, something will happen that defies logic and the laws of the physical world. In my years of experience, Ive found it nearly impossible to teach people how to have these experiences. Theyre too unpredictable and unique for each person.They only way I know how to prepare people for the powerful, meaningful, and surreal experiences that go with spiritual growth is to tell true stories of other peoples experiences. So this course will be teaching through storytelling.If youre genuinely interested in the unusual dynamics behind meditation and spirituality, then this is for you. In this course you will learn:What genuine SPIRITUAL AWAKENINGS can be like.What KUNDALINI EXPERIENCES can be like.What DIVINE DOWNLOADS can be like.About MIRACULOUS PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL and SPIRITUAL HEALINGS.How meditation can ATTRACT a SOUL MATE and prepare for a FATED UNION between TWIN FLAMES.About incredible encounters with ANGELS and SPIRIT GUIDES, who have appeared in the physical world to aid in healing.About life-threatening confrontations with DARKNESS.About inspirational and healing experiences with NATURE.Students will receive a PERSONALIZED CERTIFICATE upon course completion.What students are saying about Josephs courses: the meditations are next-level awesome. Courtney SeardI'm doing a couple of Joseph Drumheller courses and he's a really fantastic teacher. His approach is very genuine and authentic. He spent many years providing support to terminally ill cancer patients. Highly recommended. Phil StrongYou know, Joseph, I really appreciate the reminder that unresolved emotional charges INFLUENCE our decision making and behavior. I can see that this has played out in my life to my great misfortune. At this stage of my life, it is very important for me to take charge of these ancient emotional triggers, and create a much healthier and happier existence. I love your class, Joseph. Thanks again for all of your hard work! Laurel Gay EdwardsYour delivery was warm and natural and your sincerity and love of meditation shines through. I can see how much work has gone into this course and I'm sure it will reach and help many, many, many people. It's so nice to 'meet' someone with very similar views on meditation and an approach to teaching that chimes with my own. I wish you every success! Linda HallJoseph Drumheller's practical, earthy approach to meditation, along with his soothing voice and approachability provides a comfortable place to begin a new practice or gain deeper insights to those more established. Speaking as a lifelong meditator myself, I recommend his work. Judy BlackwellI will say that the main thing I look for in someone in such a course is that they exude calm, and joy....and you do......and that they look trustworthy, good energy when you look at their eyes.... when they speak....and you do. Marika MarksVery informative about getting started at-home meditation. I am excited to dive into Josephs course! Kari MooreVery professional and I loved the videos! If this is your first class online, I wouldn't have known it. You did a great job! Judy Lynne"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Best Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification Course, Part 3" |
"The Best Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification Course, Part 3 is a course designed for existing, or those studying to be, professional hypnotherapists, healers, life-coaches, counselors, and psychologists. The material in this course will provide insights into theory, practical applications, and session-related nuances that will help you maximize your effectiveness as a leader in meditative healing.Although this course is not focused on providing new hypnotic techniques, it is a course addressing the numerous questions and situations that face a professional Clinical Hypnotherapist, as they develop mastery and experience in their career as a healer.This course builds on the techniques and fundamentals learned in my previous courses, The Best Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification Courses, Parts 1 and 2. The information provided is based on nearly three decades of work in my career as a Clinical Hypnotherapist. Most of this material you will not find in any book and has been garnered by experience from literally thousands of one-on-one and group sessions. Students who complete this course will have the much-needed information to enhance their effectiveness and take their practice to the top of their game. Furthermore, the insights presented can be readily assimilated into anyones existing hypnotherapy practice.Course material will be presented through video lectures, text summaries, and some sample guided meditations.In this course, students will be presented with a variety of SUPPLEMENTAL PROFESSIONAL INSIGHTS, to perfect their craft as a professional healer. Students will learn:Theories explaining WHAT THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND IS and how it pertains to Clinical Hypnotherapy.The necessity for FREE CONSULTATIONS and how to construct them.The predominant FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS posed by potential clients and how to answer them.How much to CHARGE FOR SESSIONS.How to provide HEALING PACKAGES for clients.How to create INTAKE FORMS, required LEGAL DOCUMENTS, and POST-SESSION NOTES.The absolute necessity of maintaining PROFESSIONAL BOUNDARIES and ETHICAL CONDUCT.How to effectively address potential PROBLEMS and UNUSUAL OCCURRENCES that may come up during a session.About TOOLS, PROPS, and ACCESSORIES to enhance effectiveness in a session.What to do AFTER A SESSION.About conducting GROUP EVENTS and RETREATS.Upon completion, students will also receive a PERSONALIZED CERTIFICATE and a FREE EBOOK, that summarizes the entire course.What scientific research is telling us can help you assist your clients. Meditation promotes numerous health benefits including:Reducing stress, anxiety, and depressionRegulating emotionsBoosting the immune systemIncreasing empathy, compassion, and emotional intelligenceIncreasing mental clarityWhat students are saying about Josephs courses:This course is quite unique in many ways and I just loved every bit of it: 1.) It talks about how Hypnotherapy can help across multiple areas of life and where it may not as much as one would want it to 2.) The professional boundaries and ethics a therapist needs to have (Joseph has done a fantastic job of correlating those with his own personal real-life examples) 3.) How to handle in-session challenges with examples and proposed challenges that are so practical and realistic 4.) Establishing protection through a clearing of energy 5.) The synergy one could create through Group events and retreats. AnandI literally cried when I got to part 2 of your hypnotherapy courses because it covered everything I had been so desperate to learn in such a concise way. Im dumbfounded by the amount of powerful content you were able to squeeze in courses that only took a couple of hours to complete. Before finding your courses I thought hypnotherapy would take 4+ months for me to grasp, but because of your courses, I was able to understand how to practice hypnotherapy in about 48 hours. Lauren CarterYour process takes me into such a deep peace that it's both restorative and cathartic. You are extremely talented, thank you. I'll definitely be writing a full-length review with a glowing 5 stars :-) Sonia AchesonExcellent clarification and just amazing. Wow!! Mollie Shannon RamaI am pleased with the straightforward, relaxed approach Drumheller has. He is calm, informed, and reassuring that anyone can learn hypnotherapy. Susy Goins the meditations are next-level awesome. Courtney SeardI'm doing a couple of Joseph Drumheller courses and he's a really fantastic teacher. His approach is very genuine and authentic. He spent many years providing support to terminally ill cancer patients. Highly recommended. Phil Strong"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Best Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification Course, Part 4" |
"Welcome to The Best Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification Course, Part 4. If youve studied this far, then youre serious about being a hypnotherapist. In this course, well be taking your game up a notch, by discussing practical approaches and strategies for specific advanced issues youll be facing in your practice as a healer.This course builds on the techniques and fundamentals learned in my previous courses, The Best Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification Courses, Parts 1, 2 and 3.The information provided in this course is based on nearly three decades of work in my career as a Clinical Hypnotherapist. Most of this material you will not find in any book and has been garnered by experience from literally thousands of one-on-one and group sessions. Ive also helped clients successfully overcome and heal each topic presented in this course.This course is designed for existing, or those studying to be, professional hypnotherapists, healers, life-coaches, counselors, and psychologists. When you complete this course will have much-needed information to enhance your effectiveness, making you the best healer you can possibly be. Furthermore, the strategies presented can be readily assimilated into your existing hypnotherapy practice.Course material will be presented through video lectures, text summaries, and homework assignments.In this course, students will be presented with a variety of STRATEGIES AND PROFESSIONAL INSIGHTS, to perfect their craft as a professional healer. Students will learn Clinical Hypnotherapy strategies and insights for:DEEP GRIEF.DEATH AND DYING.UNWORTHINESS (NOT GOOD ENOUGH).ABANDONMENT.RELATIONSHIP ISSUES.ADDICTIONS.SEXUAL ABUSE.STRESS.CANCER AND OTHER SERIOUS ILLNESSES.VISION AND SUCCESS.TRANSCENDING HYPNOTHERAPY.Students will also receive a PERSONALIZED CERTIFICATE upon completion, at their request.What scientific research is telling us can help you assist your clients. Meditation (i.e. Hypnotherapy) promotes numerous health benefits including:Reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.Regulating emotions.Boosting the immune system.Increasing empathy, compassion, and emotional intelligence.Increasing mental clarity.What students are saying about Josephs courses:This is my 4th video with Joseph. He is calming, responsive to all my questions, a great teacher and I love his meditations. I highly recommend it! Kimberlee HermanI literally cried when I got to part 2 of your hypnotherapy courses because it covered everything I had been so desperate to learn in such a concise way. Im dumbfounded by the amount of powerful content you were able to squeeze in courses that only took a couple of hours to complete. Before finding your courses I thought hypnotherapy would take 4+ months for me to grasp, but because of your courses, I was able to understand how to practice hypnotherapy in about 48 hours. Lauren CarterYour process takes me into such a deep peace that it's both restorative and cathartic. You are extremely talented, thank you. I'll definitely be writing a full-length review with a glowing 5 stars :-) Sonia AchesonExcellent clarification and just amazing. Wow!! Mollie Shannon RamaI am pleased with the straightforward, relaxed approach Drumheller has. He is calm, informed, and reassuring that anyone can learn hypnotherapy. Susy Goins the meditations are next-level awesome. Courtney SeardI'm doing a couple of Joseph Drumheller courses and he's a really fantastic teacher. His approach is very genuine and authentic. He spent many years providing support to terminally ill cancer patients. Highly recommended. Phil Strong"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Professional Visualization Techniques for Athletes" |
"Professional Visualization Techniques for Athletes is a course of guided mindfulness visualizations for athletes who want to take their game up to the next level. These professionally proven techniques take on real-life challenges athletes face--to reduce the choke factor, instill confidence, and establish a strong mental / emotional foundation to optimize future performance.We'll be using a progressive, systematic approach to program your subconscious for success, by harnessing the power contained within your own mind. These full-on mindfulness visualization techniques will teach you how to command and direct your internal process, to take your talent in sports to its highest capacity.Course material will be presented through video lectures, text summaries, and guided visualizations.The course will include visualizations to:learn how to enter and stay in 'THE ZONE'.reduce PERFORMANCE ANXIETY and the CHOKE FACTOR.ignite and maintain MOTIVATION, COMPETITIVE FIRE, and MENTAL TOUGHNESS.sharpen MENTAL CLARITY and LASER FOCUS.develop and reinforce CONFIDENCE.strengthen DETERMINATION, DRIVE, and WILL.implement 15 QUICK VISUALIZATION TECHNIQUES to be used at game time.maximize SUCCESS for your given level of TALENT. Students will receive a free EBOOK, summarizing the course.Through course lectures, you will come away with tools to positively influence your mental/emotional attitude, and how to harness the power of your subconscious mind to your benefit. In addition, these profound experiences will go with you for the rest of your life.This mindfulness course is ideal for golf, baseball, basketball, tennis, soccer, football, bowling, track and field, climbing, kayaking, and any highly competitive sport where optimal performance is the goal.What students are saying:the visualizations are next-level awesome. Courtney SeardI am so happy that I've found this course. It's a great course with exercises and guidance for optimal performance. Bravo, indeed! Paulo DichoneIt is my second course with an amazing teacher Thank you! Sandra BarI'm doing a couple of Joseph Drumheller courses and he's a really fantastic teacher. His approach is very genuine and authentic. He spent many years providing support to terminally ill cancer patients. Highly recommended. Phil StrongExcellent course. Well-structured and very informative. Konstantinos ValavanisThe instructor makes the information highly accessible. He is a compassionate teacher with heart! Donna Rose MulcahyI knew right away that the instructor was at peace and very grounded. The connection matters when it comes to healing and meditation. The instructor's voice is so soothing which ables me to have a connection regarding higher learning. Tonyia Moore"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"5-Minute Mindfulness Meditations for Children, 8 Years & Up" |
"Children are magical people with amazing inner worlds, just waiting to be opened. In this course, 5-Minute Mindfulness Meditations for Children, thats exactly what were going to do, open the doors to the magical inner worlds of your children.For KidsThis course provides six unique 5-minute meditations, designed especially for your kids. This course provides tools to enrich the lives of your children by fostering their emotional and mental health, enhancing their creativity, and deepening their spirituality for as long as they live.For Grown-upsEach meditation is also accompanied by a video lecture and written summary script for adults. The scripts can be used for you to lead meditations with kids later on. Don't forget, the meditations are great for you old folks too!Benefits of MeditationMeditation can give your children a significant advantage in their development as they enter this rapidly accelerating world. Science has illuminated numerous health benefits associated with meditation that can have a positive impact on their lives as they grow. Some of those benefits include:Reducing StressCalming Unwanted Behavior and EmotionsExpanding their Capacity for Creativity and LearningIncreasing the Likelihood of Happiness and Well-BeingI know children today are born into a world filled with challenges. But thats why I created this course. Ill teach you techniques you can share with your kids, in just a few minutes. Its easy, its wonderful, and anyone can do it. All you need is the desire to make their lives better.In this course, kids will learn meditations to:Enhance CREATIVITY.Increase ENERGY.SETTLE DOWN.CALM disruptive EMOTIONS.Create magical feelings with SOUND.Deeply connect with NATURE.In this course adults will learn:Through VIDEO LECTURES, the strategies, techniques, and methodology behind leading meditations for children.Through WRITTEN SUMMARIES the strategies, techniques, and methodology behind leading meditations for children. The summaries also include outlined scripts, to assist you in leading your own meditations for kids.Adults will receive a FREE EBOOK, summarizing the course.What students are saying about Josephs courses:I enjoyed the course. There was very good practical tips to ground energy and I especially like the integration of calming disruptive emotions meditation which could work for adults also. I like the magic blank canvas meditation to enhance creativity for children or adults also. You gave a great insight in a simple way of what energy is to kids and you get that across very nicely to them in a practical and calm manner. Loved it. Thank you, Melissa O'Neill the meditations are next level awesome. Courtney SeardI'm doing a couple of Joseph Drumheller courses and he's a really fantastic teacher. His approach is very genuine and authentic. He spent many years providing support to terminally ill cancer patients. Highly recommended. Phil StrongYou know, Joseph, I really appreciate the reminder that unresolved emotional charges INFLUENCE our decision making and behavior. I can see that this has played out in my life to my great misfortune. At this stage of my life, it is very important for me to take charge of these ancient emotional triggers, and create a much healthier and happier existence. I love your class, Joseph. Thanks again for all of your hard work! Laurel Gay EdwardsYour delivery was warm and natural and your sincerity and love of meditation shines through. I can see how much work has gone into this course and I'm sure it will reach and help many, many, many people. It's so nice to 'meet' someone with very similar views on meditation and an approach to teaching that chimes with my own. I wish you every success! Linda HallJoseph Drumheller's practical, earthy approach to meditation, along with his soothing voice and approachability provide a comfortable place to begin a new practice or gain deeper insights to those more established. Speaking as a lifelong meditator myself, I recommend his work. Judy BlackwellI will say that the main thing I look for in someone in such a course is that they exude calm, and joy....and you do......and that they look trustworthy, good energy when you look at their eyes...when they speak...and you do Marika MarksVery professional and I loved the videos! If this is your first class online, I wouldn't have known it. You did a great job! Judy Lynne"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Guided Mindfulness Meditations for Love and Intimacy" |
"Guided Meditations for Love and Intimacy contains insightful lectures and profound mindfulness mediations to create something everyone desires a deep, heartfelt love connection with someone else.These meditations are experiential and will take you into the deeper parts of your being, to assist you in attracting the love you desire.Course material will be presented through video lectures, text summaries, and guided meditations. You will come away with the knowledge and experience of how to manifest love in your life.The course will include:Mindfulness insights into why RELATIONSHIPS ARE SACRED.Mindfulness insights into why RELATIONSHIPS ARE LIKE MIRRORS.Mindfulness insights into the BLAME AND DEFEND RITUAL.Mindfulness insights into the advantage of creating 'THE LIST'.Mindfulness contemplations to gain INSIGHTS into your PAST RELATIONSHIPS.Guided meditation techniques to REMOVE BLOCKS INHIBITING INTIMACY.Guided meditation techniques to TAP INTO THE SOURCE OF LOVE ITSELF.Guided meditation techniques to ATTRACT THE LOVE YOU DESIRE.A true story of successfully MANIFESTING A SOUL MATE.A text SUMMARY of the entire course.Through course lectures, students will come away with a deeper understanding of what guided meditation is and how it can transform the very essence of their being. In addition, the meditations will provide profound experiences to aligning them with the very person they are meant to be.What students are saying:I wanted to tell you that Ive taken a lot of online courses & yours are some of the best Ive come across. Lauren Carterthe meditations are next-level awesome. Courtney SeardThis course was delivered in a simple to follow fashion. I especially enjoyed the meditations and feel as though I really connected with and was able to truly feel a presence and full-body energy vibrations from each of them. This is a huge plus for me! So many courses and meditations out there that you end up not really connecting with and you leave feeling empty or dissatisfied with. This was not the case with this course. If you are in the early stages of a spiritual journey that you give this a try. You need to be connected with yourself and in the right frame of mind and this course walks you through each stage clearly and with easy to follow exercises. So worth it! Kevin DickensDrumheller asks me to go deep right off. He is gentle in his delivery, providing a safe space for me to resolve stuff I thought I had taken care of. I am looking forward to the rest of the course. Susy GoinsExcellent clarification and just amazing. Wow!! Mollie Shannon Rama"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Guided Meditations for Weight Loss" |
"At some point in their lives, almost everyone has had to deal with their weight and the image of their body. Thats because our bodies, metabolism, and emotional states change over time. Its a universal theme. In Guided Meditations for Weight Loss, A Mindfulness Approach to the Perfect You, the focus is on healing and improving your emotional and mental states. Well be using meditation to look at your deeper influences, to create the body you so deeply desire.This course is intended as a supplement for your on-going weight loss program. Ill be providing insightful lectures, contemplation exercises, and profound meditations, to set the energetic and emotional foundation for you to obtain your desired body.Topics include:IMPROVING your perception of your BODY IMAGE.DISSOLVING the negative emotional influences of SOCIETAL CONDITIONING.HEALING and releasing TRIGGER EMOTIONS.Igniting MOTIVATION, CONFIDENCE, and DETERMINATION.Curbing unwanted eating habits with BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION techniques.Time-tested future VISUALIZATIONS techniques to help create the perfect future you.Text TRANSCRIPTS of the entire course.Although there are no prerequisites for this course, some experience in meditation will be helpful. But more than anything, what you really need is the determined desire to create a body you love.In my earlier years, I went through a 2-year period where I Iost about 20 pounds. It has never come back. So I know first hand about the struggles and strategies needed to successfully lose weight and keep it off. So what we begin today will be laying the foundation for the relationship with you and your body for the rest of your life.What students are saying: the meditations are next-level awesome. Courtney SeardThis course was delivered in a simple to follow fashion. I especially enjoyed the meditations and feel as though I really connected with and was able to truly feel a presence and full-body energy vibrations from each of them. This is a huge plus for me! So many courses and meditations out there that you end up not really connecting with and you leave feeling empty or dissatisfied with. This was not the case with this course. If you are in the early stages of a spiritual journey that you give this a try. You need to be connected with yourself and in the right frame of mind and this course walks you through each stage clearly and with easy to follow exercises. So worth it! Kevin DickensDrumheller asks me to go deep right off. He is gentle in his delivery, providing a safe space for me to resolve stuff I thought I had taken care of. I am looking forward to the rest of the course. Susy GoinsExcellent clarification and just amazing. Wow!! Mollie Shannon Rama"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Guided Mindfulness Meditations for Asthma" |
"Guided Mindfulness Meditations for Asthma is a course focused on healing the deep, inner influences of the subconscious mind, in relation to asthma.If you, or someone you know, suffers from asthma, then you know how debilitating asthma can be. There can be a number of factors contributing to asthma, such as environmental influences, an overly sensitive immune system, smoke inhalation, infections, or what we'll be focusing on exclusively in this course--stress and anxiety.Over the last decade, scientific research has illuminated numerous health benefits from practicing meditation on a regular basis. Some of the benefits can directly help asthma including, boosting the immune system, reducing stress, and healing anxietyand those benefits will be the focus of this course.In each section, I'll be providing useful lecture material with contemplative and deep meditative experiences, that you'll be able to use for the rest of your life.Topics will include:One CONTEMPLATION EXERCISE to gain insights into your relationships with asthma.A discussion on the different TYPES of STRESS.How to enter DEEP RELAXATION during meditation, and at the onset of an asthma attack.Understanding ANXIETY and the NATURE of EMOTION.How to heal SUPPRESSED EMOTION from the past, that can cause an asthma attack.Healing deep-seated emotions from PAST LIFE INTERFERENCE, that may be contributing to asthma attacks.VISUALIZATION techniques to create a future free of asthma.What students are saying:...since I've started taking your courses I've decreased my asthma medication quite significantly. Let me just say that I haven't been this symptom-free without medication for many decades. DECADES!!!!! Sonia AchesonThis is my second course with Joseph and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I feel like he explains things simply and efficiently. The sample meditations after each lesson are gold. Tracey Lubben the meditations are next-level awesome. Courtney SeardThis course was delivered in a simple to follow fashion. I especially enjoyed the meditations and feel as though I really connected with and was able to truly feel a presence and full-body energy vibrations from each of them. This is a huge plus for me! So many courses and meditations out there that you end up not really connecting with and you leave feeling empty or dissatisfied with. This was not the case with this course. If you are in the early stages of a spiritual journey that you give this a try. You need to be connected with yourself and in the right frame of mind and this course walks you through each stage clearly and with easy to follow exercises. So worth it! Kevin DickensDrumheller asks me to go deep right off. He is gentle in his delivery, providing a safe space for me to resolve stuff I thought I had taken care of. I am looking forward to the rest of the course. Susy GoinsExcellent clarification and just amazing. Wow!! Mollie Shannon Rama"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Guided Mindfulness Meditations to Heal Unworthiness" |
"Guided Mindfulness Meditations to Heal Unworthiness uses the power of contemplation and meditation to heal deep feelings of unworthiness, inadequacy, and not being good enough. Quite often, these feelings are found in your wounded inner child. Once your inner child is recognized and healed, well activate your inner truth; you are someone who is deeply loved and perfect as you are. Techniques offered in this course will elevate your self-esteem.This course includes:Insightful lectures discussing feelings of unworthinesswhere they come from and how to heal them.A discussion on the value of deep relaxation and a deep relaxation exercise.One contemplation to expand your perception of yourself from being wounded to deep self-acceptance.Three in-depth meditations, to heal unworthiness and the wounded inner child.A Verification Sheet to chart your progress.What students are saying: the meditations are next-level awesome. Courtney SeardThis course was delivered in a simple to follow fashion. I especially enjoyed the meditations and feel as though I really connected with and was able to truly feel a presence and full-body energy vibrations from each of them. This is a huge plus for me! So many courses and meditations out there that you end up not really connecting with and you leave feeling empty or dissatisfied with. This was not the case with this course. If you are in the early stages of a spiritual journey that you give this a try. You need to be connected with yourself and in the right frame of mind and this course walks you through each stage clearly and with easy to follow exercises. So worth it! Kevin DickensDrumheller asks me to go deep right off. He is gentle in his delivery, providing a safe space for me to resolve stuff I thought I had taken care of. I am looking forward to the rest of the course. Susy GoinsExcellent clarification and just amazing. Wow!! Mollie Shannon Ram"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Siemens S7-1200 PLC and HMI via TIA Portal (Advanced)" |
"This course is advanced version for Learn Siemens S7-1200 from scratch. In this course you will primarily learn:How to structure the PLC program using Struct and UDTHow to interface RFID via IO-Link master in Siemens S7-1200How to interface SmartLight via IO-Link master in Siemens S7-1200How to read PROFINET device statusHow to use Siemens web-serverHow to use high speed counter instruction for EncoderHow to use layout in HMIHow to use scripts in HMIHow to login to HMI via RFID tagsIn order to follow through this course, student must know basics of PLC programming and HMI Screen designing. The course is explained via real hardware and devices not just simulation. In order to follow through this course it is recommended that the student should have TIA Portal installed and running in their computer. There are sufficient quizzes and exercise to make the course interactive and interesting. After completion of the course, student will get the course completion certificate. Once enrolled, you can access this course for lifetime and in case you encounter any doubts or if any student needs some help, he/she can contact to the instructor via student dashboard."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Facebook and Google Ads Master Class" |
"Marketing Landscape has changed enormously in the digital era since Facebook and Google dominated the online world and those who master how to use are ultimately the leaders of this new era. Do you want to become an EXPERT in digital marketing? This is the course for YOU. In this course, You will learn how to run and optimise Facebook and Google Ads like a PRO and become a specialist for digital marketing. WHY You should take this course? 1. You will learn how to run Facebook and Google Ads Campaign from A-Z2. You will learn great examples of how to optimise Ads Campaign 3. You will learn how to analyse the effectiveness of your campaign WHO should take this course? Startup/Small business ownersBloggers, Influencers, Public FiguresOnline marketers and marketing repsAdvertising managersCorporationsANYONE Who wants to master Digital Marketing So why wait? Take it NOW and become an EXPERT."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Complete Web Development with Wordpress For Beginners" |
"Are you looking for a short course from which you can learn how to build A PROFESSIONAL Website from scratch ? You are on the right page, you spend only two hours and you will learn how to build a professional website for your business on your own. This course will teach you how to design website step by step and walk you through essential tools that you need to build awesome website and it's hands-on lesson, so YOU can do it in parallel. YOU will learn the following content in this course and once you finished this course, you will be able to create website on your own, I promise. 1. Choose Web hosting and Domain registration to get your website2. Install Wordpress for your website 3. Select and Install beautiful theme for FREE4. Design your website to make it look professional 5. Install Plugins to boost SEO and view traffic on Google Analytics 6. Create Google Ads Campaign to boost traffic 7. Bonus Lecture : Google Ads Campaign to drive web traffic and App promotion"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Extreme Photoshop Training: From Learner To Professional" |
"*** Latest Update for CC 2019 *** This course is designed specially for you to learn everything from A to Z in Photoshop, even if you havelittle or no experiencein it.This course focuses on techniques that will make you an expert in Photoshop, not only you will be able to learn how to use Photoshop but also you will know how you can generate monthly income from it. With this course you'll become a well Profession Graphic Designer and also you will learn how to become a successful Freelancer. Through this course you will learn about managing your designs and how to showcase them and distribute them to the world.Also it should be kept in mind ""this course do not need any coding skills as well"".This course will teach you everything about :Graphic Designing2D and 3D GraphicsMattee PaintingsDigital PaintingsAnimationsRotoscopyCinematographyWebsite DesigningVisiting CardsBrochuresBannersAnd a Lot More...And also how to deliver your PSDFiles.Not only you will learn the Photoshop Software but also about Portfolio Building and Freelancing."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Guide To Beginners 101" |
"This course to Photoshop covers all the functions to get started with editing and improving photos. The student learns how to customize work spaceand panels, navigate the canvas effectively, work with multiple images and file types, and use various methods of image enhancement, including layering, selecting, and many things. Support files are included for this course, so students can follow along using the support files provided to them with the lectures. If you're a beginner to Photoshop then this is the course for you!!!The course is structured in a way to maximize learning and provide the best of the guidance to our students. Topics that are covered in this course are how to use basic tools and functions in Photoshop likeCreating and adjusting settings of new documentsNavigating around the canvasChanging screen modes according to the requirementWorking with multiple images and layersComplete Tool BarMenu BarSwatch CreationColor TheoryPrinciplesCropping and resizing imagesCreating basic shapesPhoto restoringBlemish RemovalPhoto Restoration Photoshop CustomizationCareer GuidanceLayer StylingEffects and FiltersAnd Lot More...The course includes follow-along exercises for students,You will also learn by creating images for online advertising and social media in Photoshop.I have more than a decades of experience using Photoshop, including doing web social media advertising and freelance work. I've also been managing an animation and graphic designing institute and I'm currently a full-time professor of graphic design and digital media. I've taken classes on Graphic Designing, Animation and Vfx during my Graduation.So enroll today and let's learn about Photoshop and its amazing capabilities of photo editing and digital effects and become a professional graphic designer."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Guide To Intermediate 102" |
"This course to Photoshop covers all the functions to get skilled with editing and improving photos. In this course students will firstly go through a quick revision of all the topics done in Photoshop Guide For Beginners.This course will help student to improve and learn more about Photoshop. This is an intermediate level course in which we will be focusing on the trending topics and towards improving skills and speeding up the work process.Best thing to keep in mind while working is Best quality with speed, you are going to learn how you can produce best quality work with speed. Support files are included for this course, so students can follow along using the support files provided to them with the lectures. If you're an intermediate to Photoshop then this is the course for you!!!We have provided the quick revision topics for Photoshop Guide For Beginners. But i would suggest you to go through the Photoshop Guide to Beginners before starting this course. So that you can understand this course nicely. because this course is mostly about Quality and Speed with lots of activities.The course is structured in a way to maximize learning and provide the best of the guidance to our students. Topics that are covered in this course are how to use basic tools and functions in Photoshop likeBrush CreationFont CreationPattern CreationGradient CreationColor ThemeDouble ExposureDuotone EffectsGlitch EffectsMisprint EffectsVisual Interference EffectsColor ChannelFluorescent Duotone EffectsRGB SplitGarish ColorsAbstractionism,Cubism,CutoutsPhoto MaskingText Effect PosterMatte PaintingSpeeding UpQualityQuality With Speed ActivitiesActionsAnd Lot More...The course includes follow-along exercises for students,You will also learn by creating images for online advertising and social media in Photoshop.I have more than a decades of experience using Photoshop, including doing web social media advertising and freelance work. I've also been managing an animation and graphic designing institute and I'm currently a full-time professor of graphic design and digital media. I've taken classes on Graphic Designing, Animation and Vfx during my Graduation.So enroll today and let's learn about Photoshop and its amazing capabilities of photo editing and digital effects and become a professional graphic designer."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"How to Build Wealth With Wholesaling Real Estate" |
"Most people think you have to have a lot of money to operate a real estate business. That is just inaccurate. In this course, I will lift the veil and show you how to do one type of real estate that requires little to no money. The type that I am referring to is called wholesaling. The premise of this type of real estate is about finding people that who for one reason of the other must sell their property, they are known as motivated sellers. Often at times, these motivated sellers are distressed as a result of debt, divorce, being an absentee owner, probate, foreclosure, having bad tenant. Regardless of what is causing them to be distressed, they all have one goal to be rescued.In How to Build Wealth with Wholesaling Real Estate I will teach you how to locate these people, evaluate their property, make them an offer, and put their property under contract. Simultaneously you will learn how to locate buyers or other investors and assign a contact to them at a marked up price. In essence, I will show you how to become the middle man between motivated sellers and buyers. You will learn how to coordinate between the two, close the deal, and collect a check. There are some essential documents that must be executed, I will show you what they are and provide a copy to use as an example in crafting your very own, with the help of your attorney. Everything you need to know from initiating a conversation with a motivated seller to showing up at the Title Company at the day of closing to collect your check with be explored. You will leave this course with a clear plan on how to run your own wholesale business from A to Z.This course is about Wholesaling HousesYou Need This Course If You Want:To successfully wholesaleTo acquire skills in real estateTo keep more of your own moneyTo be financially astuteTo enjoy economic freedomTo create a plan for your financesTo become an entrepreneurTo build wealthTo properly protect wholesale business"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Best Strategies For Real Estate Fix and Flip" |
"The business of fix and flip is one that requires proper training and paying attention to details. There are several stages with moving parts and well cover it all in its entirety. This course is designed to teach you how to start your business by first selecting the correct structure. When you have formulated business entity, youll enjoy a many benefits including legal distinction between your personal assets and that of your business. Additional asset protection will also be covered. With your business fillings underway, well dive into finding properties that are priced at well below market value. Everything from locating the properties of motivated sellers to evaluating and making an offer will be discussed extensively. The documents and forms will be provided so youll have a complete inventory of resources needed to successfully do your deals.Once the offer is accepted, you will then sign a contract to purchase along with the seller. Although I provide this document, I want you to only use it as an example. It is best for you to have a real estate attorney is your state or province draft a similar document to ensure compliance with local regulation. This course will walk you through the closing process and how to secure money to purchase the property.Well continue with showing you how to screen and hire contractors and what documents are required for a smooth project completion. This lesson will help you avoid all the problems that could ensue. There are stipulations that must be made and all of this will be covered. I will reveal in totality how to hold the contractors feet to the fire so you dont have to closely monitor them during construction.Upon completion of the rehab, you will learn essential things that must be done to quickly sell the property. The closing process with the Title Company and associated fees will all be explored. By the end of this course, you will be able to initiate and do your first fix and flip deal using the lessons I teach. This course is about Fixing and flipping housesYou Need This Course If You Want:To successfully establish and operate a fix and flip businessTo acquire skills in real estateTo buy low, do rehab and sell highTo be financially free through real estateTo know how to work with contractorsTo create a plan for your financesTo become an entrepreneurTo build wealth with real estateTo properly protect fix and flip business"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Guide To Real Estate Rental Income Properties" |
"In the world of real estate rental properties, many wonderful benefits are available for those that recognize them through proper training. In this course I will teach what everything you need to quickly setup your rental house business and start enjoying these benefits. Well cover how to properly structure a real estate rental business and the other forms of asset protection. The lessons you learn will help you with setup your business correctly with maximum benefits.Well then dive into finding properties well below market value. Doing it this way allows you to start off with some equity and youll learn strategies to strip the equity for the next property you acquire. Then well get into the real reason for rental property, cash flow. Ill walk you through the fundamental of what to buy, how to rehab and things that should be covered and sign with the contractor to keep them honest. This step can make or break your business so well spend time dissecting scope of work and upon completion of the rehab, well go into how to position the property for fast rental and profitable rental. Everything you need to know from properly screening tenants to renting for passive income will be covered.You Need This Course If You Want:To successful start and maintain a rental property businessDevelop valuable real estate skillsTo buy low, do rehab and rent highTo be financially free through real estateTo know how to work with contractorsTo create a plan for your financesTo become an entrepreneurTo build wealth with real estateTo properly protect rental property business"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso completo de Guitarra Blues em Portugus" |
"O Blues um dos gneros musicais mais fceis de se aprender a tocar na guitarra mas, ao mesmo tempo, pela sua simplicidade, um dos mais difceis.Aps longos anos de pesquisas, cheguei na concluso que existem 3 elementos fundamentais para um guitarrista se destacar neste gnero. este trip que ser estudado em detalhes neste curso.Gradativamente o aluno ser conduzido ao aprofundamento do conhecimento deste trip atravs de exerccios prticos que levaro ele, no final do curso, a tocar como os grandes."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Criatividade para Guitarristas e Violonistas" |
"A criatividade pode ser aprendida e ensinada tambm.Podemos nos tornar criativos cada dia mais, e controlar, atravs de nosso instrumento, o grau de nossa criatividade diariamente.Neste curso voc aprendera a fazer isto. Atravs de uma serie de exerccios prticos que sero apresentados, voc ser conduzido lentamente ate o seu interior mais profundo onde reside a SUA criatividade.Uma vez tendo acesso a esta ""ferramenta"" (que sua) voc ver resultados incrveis em sua maneira de tocar, e em outras reas da sua vida tambm."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Vende sin hablar: Secretos del Lenguaje Corporal" |
"Leer la mente de las dems personas es casi posible mediante el lenguaje corporal, y durante estas 2 horas de curso distribuidas en 9 mdulos aprenders a un nivel intermedio como influir, dominar y como anticipar los pensamientos ajenos. Esta informacin valiosa puesta en prctica te ayudara a conseguir ms fcilmente tus objetivos, metas y propsitos que tengas. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Excel VBA - UserForms and Charts" |
"This course will teach you how to create UserForms and Charts in Excel. Learn How to Initialize a UserFormLearn How to Populate a ComboBox using a With StatementLearn How to Define the Last Used Row and the Next Blank Row of a WorksheetLearn How to Populate Cells from a UserFormLearn How to Create a Chart from a UserFormLearn How to Clear a UserForm After Each EntryLearn How to Change the Chart Title and Add Data Labels to the ChartLearn How to Navigate between different UserFormsLearn How to Display a UserForm When Opening a File"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Python Beginner To Developer Course: Build Projects" |
"************************************ As I have expected from the previous reviews, I confirm that this course is very informative and well taught. I highly recommend it- Thamir benelbar************************************ As a beginner it's The best course i saw ever, easy to understand, professional, a lot of practice which made it really recommended.- x86 Assembly Community************************************ This course is really amazing. I got all the things that I need to learn to become a good python programmer thank you So much sir, for making courses like this for us. Thank you so much again- Tabish Raza************************************ I have been watching YouTube video for a long period, but this course is really different, it's really complete and well organised and I have really learned a lot. I would thank the instructor for this great work!- Salah Eddine************************************One of the best courses... 10/10 and fully satisfied with the instructor- Greg Kirk************************************ In my first steps in this course, I feel really that I have made a good progression in a short time in a very organised way. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who want to learn Python in a good and stable method.- Azizbouaziz************************************ such a wonderful course im really looking forward to finish it soon..,I have learned alot with great way of explanation i really recomend- David Stafford************************************ I have really enjoyed learning from this course, and I can't stop watching the videos one after the other.- Benharkat Mohamed Ali************************************this cours is very useful and full of impotant information, and the method of explanation is very enjoyable, i strongly recommend it!- Mohamed Nacef************************************Hello Everyone and welcome to The New Complete Python Course 2020!In our course you will enjoy learning a plenty of new concepts in python, even if you don't have any prior knowledge about programming, because our course will take you from Zero To Hero, from an absolute beginner to a real life python developer, and after that it will teach you what to do next, and even how you may get a job!Now, Let me explain to you why you should Enroll in this course:This Course will start with the basics, and teach you a lot of algorithms that you will need 100% in all the programming languages (Specially if you are a python student in real life) through all your career.Than it will push you forward to learn more advanced concepts like the Oriented-Object Programming (OOP), and Exceptions handling.After that it will teach you how to exploit a lot of useful python libraries that can help you to perform plenty of useful tasks.With each new lesson you will find an attached PDF in which I have wrote for you all what you may need out of that lecture, so like that you will have a readable support that can be very handy and easy for you to check it every time you forget something. Also In this course you will build 6 python projects that can be used in real life, and that can help you to practice what you have learned.With what you have been taught you can build your own programs that can help you in your daily life routine or that you can sell and earn money, because our 6 projects are just examples, and with the information that you will learn you can build whatever you want.In the last section of the course you will be oriented to what you should do next to improve more your skills, and also how you can earn money out of programming, and how to prepare for a job interview. By buying the course you will gain lifetime access to all its videos, coding exercises, quizzes, projects codes, and the Q&A inside the course where you can ask your questions and get an answer the same day. On top of that you are covered by the Udemy 30-day money back guarantee, so you can easily return the course if you don't like it."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ISO9001:2015 Ynetim Sistemini Sfrdan Kurulum Dokman ile" |
"Ba Deneti Nasl olunur ve Yaplmas Gerekenler ve Yaplacak olanlar renilecek SSK hizmet dkm ile spat edilemeyen 5 sene alma kouluna zmISOKalite Sistem Ynetimi Danman Nedir ve Nasl Olunur renilecekISO Kalite Ynetim Sistemi Nasl Kurulur ve Danman Nasl olunur bunlar reneceksiniz.ISO Kalite Ynetim Sistemi Stantdartnn eriini reneceksiniz.ISO 9001:2015 Maddelerinin ierikleri konusunda detayl bilgileneceksiniz.ISO Kalite Ynetim Sistemi Prosedrleri Nasl Oluturulur ve letmede Ykselmek isteyen ve Firma mdrnn iletmesine ISO kalite sistemlerini nasl kuraca retilecek letmeye zg yeni bir Dokman hazrlamasn reneceksiniz.Ba Deneti olmadan da ISO kalite Ynetim Sistemi Nasl Kurulur Sorular ve Konu erisine Eklenecek Dokmanlar ile Srekli Desteklenecektir Eitim eriiISO9001 Dokman, Sorular ve PowerPoint de Hazrlanm Slaytlar VerilecekBa Deneti Ne Kadar kazanr, ISOkalite sistem yneticisi Danman Ne kadar Kazanr.Trkak Ba Denetisi Olma koulu Nedir , alma Sresi Dolduramayanlara Frsat Eitlii retilmesiPower Point Dersi retilecek ve Sizde Danman Olarak letmelere Sunum Gsterisi Hazrlayabileceksiniz."
Price: 389.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Word - Labels & Mail Merge for Small Businesses" |
"In this course, you will use Microsoft Office 365 to create labels. The course will teach you how to select your desired label template, how to create labels with text and graphics and how to edit them. You will also learn how to merge Excel files with Word to increase your productivity. Using the techniques from this course, you will be able to generate labels for your business, to label sample products, for your collection and for many other purposes."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Brother ScanNCut SDX125" |
"Would you like to take your crafting skills to a whole new level with the help of your Brother ScanNCut SDX125? This course is loaded with practical examples and projects. Follow along using your materials and then practice what you learn. The course never expires so there will be chances to review the material again as you want to try the skills you learn. I encourage you to share your work with other students in the course. Feel free to interact with the course content, to ask questions and to share your experiences with your ScanNCut. I look forward to embarking on this crafty adventure with you. The Brother ScanNCut SDX course covers the following topics:SDX125 SettingsCutting out PatternsCutting Stamped ImagesUsing Scan to Cut DataCutting Patterned PaperSaving and Retrieving FilesWireless Setup Canvas Workspace ProjectsDrawing with your ScanNCutEmbossing with your ScanNCut Cutting Vinyl with your ScanNCut"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Card Making with the Brother ScanNCut" |
"Would you like to take your card making skills to a whole new level with the help of your Brother ScanNCut? This course is loaded with practical examples and projects. I show how to use both the SDX125 and the CM350 or ScanNCut 2. You can follow along with whichever model of ScanNCut you have. Use materials from your craft stash and learn how to make professional cards by watching the detailed tutorials and then practicing what you learn. The course never expires so there will be chances to review the material again as you want to try the skills you learn. I encourage you to share your work with other students in the course. Feel free to interact with the course content, to ask questions and to share your experiences with your ScanNCut. I look forward to embarking on this crafty adventure with you.This course Includes the following topics:Creating Z-Fold CardsCreating Easel CardsCreating Mini Notes CardsCreating Pop-Up or Box CardsCreating Envelopes"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft AZ-303 / 300: Azure Architect Technologies" |
"The AZ-303 exam is now available for students to take. This course has been updated and upgraded from the former AZ-300 course to meet the expectations fo the AZ-303 Skills Measured by Microsoft.Targeted at experienced IT experts, the exam covers a variety of subjects and services, all of which are covered in Skylines Academys latest course. In order to understand core architect technologies, Skylines Academy will lead you through a series of sections, modules, and demos to prepare you for taking, and ultimately passing, the Microsoft Azure AZ-300 or 303 exams.This course includes both AZ-300 and 303 content.The AZ-303 course curriculum is as follows:Understand Azure Active Directory (AD) and SubscriptionsImplement Virtual NetworkingImplement Virtual Machines for Windows and LinuxCreate and Manage Storage AccountsDeploy Automation and Configure ResourcesImplement Azure ADImplement and Manage Hybrid IdentitiesConfigure Cloud Infrastructure MonitoringImplement and Manage Governance SolutionsImplement Load Balancing and Network SecurityManage Security for ApplicationsImplement an Application InfrastructureDeploy Container-based ApplicationsImplement and Manage Data PlatformsThe AZ-300 course curriculum is as follows:Azure FundamentalsAnalyze Resource Utilization and ConsumptionCreate and Configure Storage AccountsCreate and Configure Virtual MachinesAzure Virtual NetworkingManaging and Securing IdentitiesGovernance and RBAC ControlsCreate and Deploy AppsServerless ComputingDesign and Develop Apps that Run in ContainersServer MigrationsAutomationLectures will educate you on the fundamental terms and principles of the Azure platform and demos will enable you with a hands-on experience using scenarios to empower you in the real world.Welcome to the Skylines Academy AZ-303 & 300 courses! Were happy youre joining us!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |