Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"LEAN Six Sigma - White Belt" |
"Previously, the product quality was the defining factor for a customer when selecting a product or service. Then came the time of price being the determining factor. Now, however, the determining factor is no longer either of these, but the value chain. With LEAN:Six Sigma, you can achieve the benefits of an optimized value chain, which has the opportunity of dazzling your customers - placing you leaps and bounds ahead of the competition.The main goal with LEAN:Six Sigma is not to work harder or faster, but to work smarter. The greatest achievement you should be able to pick up from this course, is how to identify time wasters, and eliminate them form your business."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Oil & Acrylic Painting - Tuscany Impressionist Landscape" |
"This Oil & AcrylicPainting Tuscany - Impressionist Landscape courseis designed for beginners to intermediate artists with a desire to learn how to paint Impressionistlandscapes in acrylics or oils using a simple step by step approach.In thePainting Tuscany - Impressionist Landscape courseyou will learn how to get started painting easy landscape with an Impressionistic style inacrylic paints or oil painting capturing the feel of the Tuscany landscape. You will learn simple techniques for painting each of the elements that are important to painting good landscape paintings including how to create a sense of depth by using aerial perspective, and atmosphere.ThePainting Tuscany - Impressionist Landscape courseis designed forbeginnerswho have never picked up a brush before, through tointermediatelevel artists who are looking to try out acrylics or oil paintsand learn new approaches to the various elements found within a landscape.Covered in the course are key techniques for various landscape elements including:* Capturing the feel of a Tuscan Landscape* Paint Loose and Impressionistic for Atmosphere* Which Acrylic Paints to use and why * The simple palette you need to get started painting Landscapes* Which brushes work best for landscape painting* The mediums that will help you with painting in acrylics* How To Paint Landscapes In A Loose Impressionistic Style* How to paint the various elements in this landscape painting* Understanding How To Create DepthUsing Aerial Perspective* A simple yet effective technique to painting trees and grasses* Plus understanding the importance of COLOUR Mixing &COLOURTemperatureThe course is taught in Arylics so you will learn various acrylic painting techniques and how they apply to landscape painting. It could equally apply to oil painting as the techniques we use in the course are very similar to how you would approach the painting in oilsBONUS- As a special BONUS video I have included a power point presentation video where I walk you through the various elements of effective landscape painting and how they apply to the Tuscany Villa project. The video comes with a PDFof the power point slides.EXTRABONUS- As an added extra bonus you will also be receiving the complete painting project of the Tuscany Farmhouse. This detailed step by step video walks you through how to paint a slightly more complex Tuscan landscape.Rod Moore of Moore Art School has taught hundreds of students in one day art classes and more than 15,000 students globally through our online courses. He is a highly regarded teacher who has helped thousands of beginners start to paint. He is the creator of the Moore Method of Painting and the star of 2 TV shows broadcast in Australia & New Zealand.Join us today for thePainting Tuscany - Impressionist Landscape courseand let's have some fun learning to paint landscapes using these acrylic painting techniques."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Watercolor Painting Course - Pen & Wash Technique Beginners" |
"This WatercolorPainting course is designed for beginners with a desire to learn pen and wash techniques.In theWatercolor Painting - Pen &Wash Techniquescourse you will learn how to get started sketching in ink and applying watercolor washes. By following along with what you learn you will know how to create great looking pen and wash sketchesat the end of the course that you will be proud to hang on the wall.This Watercolor Painting courseis designed for beginners who have never picked up a brush before, through to intermediate level artists who are looking to try out watercolour painting and sketching.The course covers some of the key things you need to know about painting with Acrylic paint including:The characteristics of Watercolor PaintThe equipment needed for pen and wash sketchingWhich pens to use for sketchingHow to use Watercolor washesto best effectThe basic primary colour palette to useThe key to painting effectively with pen and wash techniquesHow to create a sketchbook full of simple pen and wash paintingsThe basic equipment to use for pen and wash paintingsPlus the course will teach you abut how to paint simple landscape &seascapepaintings including:The correct use of Values in paintingHow to use Aerial Perspective in landscape &seascape paintingThe basic composition of good landscape paintingHow to create a sense of realism in your landscape &seascapepaintingCreating light in your landscapes and seascapesDeveloping layers of depth in your landscapesPainting structures and objects in your landscapesHow to paint moody skies in landscape and seascapesIf you have always wanted to learn a simple approach to Watercolor Painting then this is the course for you. By the end of it you will know how you can fill up your sketchbooks with simple easy to do pen and wash paintings. They take fifteen minutes each to do and are ideal for when you are travelling or on holidays.By the time you have completed this Watercolor Painting course you will have developed the skills and knowledge to continue on in your learning of how to paint with watercolor, and more importantly how to create terrific little paintings using the pen and wash technique.Join us today for theWatercolor Painting- Pen &Wash Techniques courseand let's have some fun doing your first watercolorpainting today.The course is taught by Rod Moore of Moore Art School and the host of the weekly online TVshow Learn To Paint TV. Rod's method of teaching has enabled beginners who have never painted before to pick up the brush and start painting right away. He has taught more than 15,000 people globally how to paint and hundreds in his one day workshops."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Watercolor Painting - Introduction To Watercolor Painting" |
"This WatercolorPainting Introduction course is designed for beginners with a desire to learn watercolor painting techniques with instruction designed for beginner through to advanced levels.In theWatercolor Painting Introductioncourse you will learn how to get started with watercolor painting andapplying watercolor washes. By following along with what you learn you will know how to create great looking watercolor paintingsat the end of the course that you will be proud to hang on the wall.This Watercolor Painting courseis designed for beginners who have never picked up a brush before, through to intermediate level artists who are looking to try out watercolor painting techniques taught with easy to follow instruction.The course covers some of the key things you need to know about watercolorpainting including:The characteristics of Watercolor PaintingThe equipment needed for starting Watercolor PaintingHow to mix your watercolor paintsHow to use Watercolor washesto best effectThe basic primary color palette to use for watercolor paintingThe key to painting effective looking watercolor painting landscapesThe three stages of completing a watercolor paintingTechniques for improving your watercolor paintingPlus the course will teach you abut how to paint simple landscape &seascapepaintings including:The correct use of Values in watercolorpaintingHow to create effective looking landscapes &seascape in watercolorThe basic composition of good landscape paintingHow to create a sense of realism in your landscape &seascapepaintingCreating light in your landscapes and seascapesDeveloping layers of depth in your landscapesPainting structures and objects in your landscapesHow to paint moody watercolorskies in landscape and seascapesIf you have always wanted to learn a simple approach to Watercolor Painting then this is the course for you. By the end of it you will know how you can start and finish great looking watercolorpaintings. With a bit of practice your watercolor paintings will be proudly hanging on your walls.By the time you have completed this Watercolor Painting course you will have developed the skills and knowledge to continue on in your learning of how to paint with watercolor, and more importantly how to create terrific looking watercolorpaintings using the various watercolor painting techniques.Join us today for theWatercolor Painting- Introduction To Watercolor Painting courseand let's have some fun doing your first watercolorpainting today.The course is taught by Rod Moore of Moore Art School and the host of the weekly online TVshow Learn To Paint TV. Rod's method of teaching has enabled beginners who have never painted before to pick up the brush and start painting right away. He has taught more than 15,000 people globally how to paint and hundreds in his one day workshops."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Learn Cryptocurrency from Scratch (Info, Trading, Mining)" |
"So you want to learn about Crypto, huh?Greatchoice fam!I already know alittle about the Blockchain and Crypto, how can this course benefit me?This course includes TONSof new things and add on to your skills!You can start RIGHTNOW and better your knowledgewithin a month!Who is the instructor?My name is Amit Kalra, a Crypto Investor and Blockchain Developer!Why should I take your course?I'm not going to teach you the extra stuff that you'll NEVERneed. I'm going to show you in-depth from the basics and get the base really stuck in your head!Then, I'llbreak it down and show you how it's done. We'll learn a lot!What if I don't have enough time?That's not a problem at all!!You can take all the time in the world inthe comfort of your home to complete this course! I've designed this course for everything to be learned within 5 hours! So once you get the basics, you're ready to go out in the real world and know all about Cryptocurrency and the Blockchain!Here are some reviews I've gotten from teaching others!""I went from knowing NOTHINGin Cryptocurrency to making my own tutorials on how to invest!""""Amitteaches in a veryunique way. He doesn't teach in a normal way. He teaches in a waythat's super natural andit's so detailed!""""His teaching style is really fun!It's really boring when he explains the terms but that stuff won't even be needed in the future and teachesyou the way he learned!""What will I get if I buy this course today?Iwill show you all about Crypocurrency. I'm going tostart from thebeginning covering the basics of the blockchainand how to use that knowledge when going into Cryptocurrencies! Then, we'lldive into advanced concepts such as forks, whitepapers, and more,so you can understand how to invest into the right coin! Alongside this course, you also get FREEsupport! FORFREE!!You'llalso receive a UNLIMITED support on Udemy forums. Iam very active on forums and make sure that every questions is answered.Can you believe you get all this (and MORE) for just $170? (Also being constantly updated!!)""I saw the preview of this course and it's amazing!It'sjam-packed with information so grab your popcorn and get ready to learn!""Well, you're not dreaming!This is a reality. Take advantage of this great courseNOW!!Why should you evenlearn about Cryptocurrency and the Blockchain?Cryptocurrency is the future!There's lot of money to be made here.BlockchainSoftware Engineers are becomingthe most wanted in the tech community and you can land a very high paying job!Who is this for?This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to invest in Cryptocurrencies, Mine, and learn all about the Blockchain!Is this course right for me?YES!If you have a passion to learn and you enjoy learning, I encourage you to purchase this course right now!!What are the requirements?NOTHING!ATALL! Just come with an open mind ready to learn!What am I going to get from this course?An idea on how to invest in Cryptocurrencies!How to develop a whitepaper!How to mine!So much more!Who is the target audience?Anyone who wants to learn about Cryptocurrency!Anyone who wants to learn about the Blockchain!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Saia do Bsico e Domine o PowerPoint S Com Este Curso" |
"Acredito fielmente que voc ira subir de nvel aps comear estudar o PowerPoint com este curso. O contedo abordado aqui, segue uma lgica de aprendizado onde voc no se sentir ""enrolado"" com contedos mau elaborado.Na 1 aula do curso, detalho a interface do PowerPoint para que voc, meu aluno possa encontrar as funcionalidades e recursos de forma mais rpida. Na 2 aula, trago 32 atalhos que iro facilitar o desenvolvimento das suas apresentaes, na 3 aula dou dicas importantes que voc deve aprender e a partir da 4 aula s mo na massa onde damos incio ao desenvolvimento das apresentaes.No 2 Mdulo deste curso, vamos literalmente praticar o aprendizado que tivemos no Mdulo 1, desenvolvendo Slide de Fotos, Capas para Apresentaes, Apresentaes Profissionais e Animaes.Eu planejei e executei este curso de modo que voc tenha o mnimo de dificuldades durante o aprendizado, mesmo assim, se voc precisar do meu suporte estarei a disposio para lhe ajudar."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Modern JavaScript From The Beginning" |
"This is a front to back JavaScript course for absolutely everybody. We start with the basic fundamentals and work our way to advanced programming WITHOUT relying on frameworks or libraries at all. You will learn a ton of pure JavaScript,whether you are abeginner or an established JS programmer. There is something for everyone...#### WHATSINCLUDED? ####Basics & Fundamentals: Data types, let & const variables, functions, conditionals, loops, object literals, arrays, etcDOM Manipulation: Selectors, traversing the DOM, show/hide, creating & removing elements, event listenersOOP: ES5 prototypes, inheritance, ES2015 classes & sub-classes, constructorsAsync JS: Ajax & XHR, Fetch API, callbacks, promises, async / awaitES2015+: Arrow functions, template strings, generators, iterators, maps & sets, symbols & moreJavaScript Patterns:Module, Factory, State, Observer, Mediator, SingletonOther: Local & session storage, regular expressions, try/catch error handling10 Projects of all kinds#### PROJECTS ####Task List With Local StorageLoan CalculatorNumber Guess GameOOP Book Listing App (ES5 Prototype & ES2015 Classes Version)Chuck Norris Joke GeneratorEasyHTTP - Custom HTTP Library (3 Versions -Callbacks / Promises / Async & Await)Github FinderWeatherJS AppCalorie Tracker (Module Pattern)Microposts - Frontend CRUD for RESTAPI (Webpack & Babel)"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Materialize CSS From Scratch With 5 Projects" |
"This course is for anyone that knows basic HTML and a little CSS that wants to take their frontend website and UI creation to the next level using the Materialize CSS framework which is based off of Google's Material Design scheme. You will learn all of the CSS and JavaScript components, animations/transitionsand build 5 beautiful and completely responsive, real world themes from absolute scratch.Custom MaterializeSandboxI have created a completelycustomHTML learning environment for the first few sections of this course. Each lecture has an html page associated with it and has a start state. As we move along through the lectures, you code along with me learning all that Materialize offers including CSS components, utilities, JS widgets and more.5 Real Projects/ThemesWe will create the following projects from scratch..Travelville - Atravel agency website/theme (Carousel slider, autocomplete, scrolling navigation)Quazzu - Cloud hosting theme (SideNav, cards, CSS overlays)Madmin- Interactive admin theme (Working todo list, charts, preloader, counter script)BizLand - Business consultation theme with a full screen landing page (Scrollfire, Google maps integration)Galappear - Graphic design portfolio (Uses Sass and scrollfire for scroll animations)"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"MERN Stack Front To Back: Full Stack React, Redux & Node.js" |
"Welcome to ""MERN Stack Front To Back"". In this course we will build an in depth full stack social network application using Node.js, Express, React, Redux and MongoDB along with ES6+. We will start with a blank text editor and end with a deployed full stack application. This course includes...Building an extensive backend API with Node.js & ExpressProtecting routes/endpoints with JWT (JSON Web Tokens)Extensive API testing with PostmanIntegrating React with our backend in an elegant way, creating a great workflowBuilding our frontend to work with the APIUsing Redux for app state managementCreating reducers and actions for our resourcesCreating many container components that integrate with ReduxTesting with the Redux Chrome extensionCreating a build script, securing our keys and deploy to Heroku using GitUPDATE: The entire course was updated to use React Hooks, Async/Await and better overall code. This is NOT an ""Intro to React"" or ""Intro to Node"" course. It is a practical hands on course for building an app using the incredible MERN stack. I do try and explain everything as I go so it is possible to follow without React/Node experience but it is recommended that you know at least the basics first."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Javascript Completo do iniciante ao mestre (2020)" |
"Com este treinamento voc ser capaz de desenvolver seus cdigos javascript para sites e sistemas que rodam no browser.O objetivo fazer voc conseguir desenvolver vrios tipos de projetos e mdulos como carousel, requisies ajax, validao de formulrios e diversos outros exemplos prticos que vo fazer voc pensar como um desenvolvedor front-end de verdade.Se quer aprender tudo de javascript, est no lugar certo.Ateno. Esse curso tem como pr-requisito lgica de programao. Se voc j sabe o que uma funo, um loop, um if e um switch, ento esse curso foi feito pra voc."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Dicas e macetes de CSS. Entenda quando e porqu no funciona" |
"Sabe aqueles casos em que voc escreve sua folha de estilo achando que ter um resultado no browser e quando vai avaliar no navegador o resultado visual no nada daquilo que voc estava imaginando? Pois bem, este treinamento visa minimizar este sentimento indesejado, te mostrando dicas valiosas de CSS que vo aumentar sua proficincia na linguagem.Este no um treinamento que vai te ensinar a base da CSS, mas sim te mostrar alguns ""efeitos colaterais"" de determinadas regras de CSS.Este curso tambm no vai utilizar nenhuma ferramenta adicional como postCSS ou um pr-processador como LESS ou SASS. Fique tranquilo, a idia mostrar erros comuns que podem acontecer no seu dia-a-dia, independete de utilizar ou no uma ferramenta.Espero que no final deste treinamento voc tenha muito mais controle do visual da sua pgina, minimizando as famosas ""tentativas e erros"" no que se refere s suas folhas de estilo."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Curso Web Design Completo: HTML5, CSS3 e JS + 5 Projetos" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender e desenvolver suas habilidades com HTML e CSS, alm de ter uma boa base da linguagem de programao Javascript.Ver conceitos avanados de HTML, incluindo semntica e uma introduo ao SEO (otimizao para sites de busca) e acessibilidade.J com relao ao CSS voc ver em detalhes todas as propriedades necessrias para criar layouts de pginas e sites na web. Iremos tambm desenvolver um projeto responsivo, ou seja, que funciona bem em todos os dispositivos, mobiles, tablets e desktop.Dar os primeiros passos com Javascript e descobrir o poder dessa linguagem, que atualmente a mais utilizada entre os desenvolvedores web."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"GOPRO, Prise en main MATERIEL et LOGICIELS" |
"Vous souhaitez comprendre et savoir mieux utiliser vos produits GOPRO, vous tes dj possesseur d'une Camra GOPRO HERO 3, 3+, 4 ... !? Vous voulez mieux comprendre les boutons de votre camra, vous souhaitez transfrer vos images de manire sereine avec le Wifi et faire des petits montages vidos pour votre plaisir ou pour votre mtier! Ds l'installation de votre logiciel GOPRO STUDIO 2.5 et de l'APPS QUICK dans sa version2.5 vous pourrez vous dbrouiller tout(e) seul(e).Pour Dbutant, Amateur, Sportif ou bien Professionnel et Artisan."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"SONY Alpha 7R, 7S, 7 - Guide Complet pour Tous" |
"L'homme est Gaga de l'Alpha 7 de SONY et il vous propose un cours incroyablement facile comprendre. Vous souhaitez comprendre et savoir mieux utiliser les Hybrides Plein Format 24x36mm de la marque SONY. Vous tes dj possesseur ou bien vous souhaitez l'acqurir ... !? C'est clair que vous souhaitez comprendre tous les boutons de votre appareil photo numrique, vous aimez utiliser le format RAW, vous souhaitez transfrer vos fichiers JPEG de manire sereine avec le Wifi et savoir quel accessoires acheter pour complter vos comptences photographiques ! Au fait , les APPLIS SONY vous connaissez ? C'est fait pour le Dbutant, l'Amateur passionn, le futur Professionnel de la photo ."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Tensor Flow and Keras" |
"This course is focused in the application of Deep Learning for image classification and object detection. This course includes a review of the main lbraries for Deep Learning such as Tensor Flow 1.X (not 2.x) and Keras, the combined application of them with OpenCV and also covers a concise review of the main concepts in Deep Learning. We will also enter in the study of Convolutional Neural Networks for image classification reviewing its principal components and different robust architectures such as VGG-16, ResNet and Inception.We will explore the concepts of Object Detecting and Transfer Learning using the last state of the art algorithms for object detection such as Faster R-CNN, TensorFlow Object Detection API and YOLO, applying this models on images, videos, and webcam images. Finally you will learn how to construct and train your own dataset through GPU computing running Yolo v2, Yolo v3 and the latest Yolo v4 using Google Colaboratory.You will find in this course a consice review of the theory with intuitive concepts of the algorithms, and you will be able to put in practice your knowledge with many practical examples."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"TOEFL Strategies: A Complete Guide to the iBT" |
"TOEFL students all ask: How can I get a high TOEFL iBT score? Answer: Learn argument scoring strategies. Why? Because the TOEFL iBT recycles opinion-based and fact-based arguments for testing purposes from start to finish. In other words, the TOEFL iBT is all arguments. That's right, all arguments. If you want a high score, you need essential argument scoring strategies. That is what TOEFL STRATEGIES A COMPLETE GUIDE gives you, and more! Test-Proven Strategies: Learn essential TOEFL iBT scoring strategies developed in American university classrooms and proven successful on the TOEFL iBT. Rhetorical Analysis: Learn how to maximize scoring by rhetorically analyzing all reading, listening, speaking and writing tasks. Argument Recycling: Learn how the TOEFL iBT recycles opinion-based and fact-based arguments for testing purposes in all four test sections. Argument Mapping: Learn how to apply the strategy called argument mapping to all TOEFL tasks for maximum scoring."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Managing your child's meltdowns - how to do it calmly" |
"In this course you'll learn how to manage your child's meltdowns and stay calm while they are happening. It's not a magic wand and takes a bit of time and effort, but if you want to create a more harmonious home this approach can work.The course is based on the NVR approach which focusing on developing strong relationships with our children and reducing unwanted or unacceptable behaviours.The course is made up of a series of videos and downloadable documents.You have life time access to the courseYou can receive FREE ongoing support from me through my closedgroups. Check the welcome email for details.By the end of the course you will understand how to:stay calm during your child's meltdownssupport yourself and develop your inner calmcommunicate with them in a way strengthens the bonds you haveuse different strategies to reduce the length of the meltdownEverything you learn, I use every day as my way of parenting and now teach other parentsas a trained parent coach and NVR Practitioner. It has literally changed our lives at home, so if you're ready for change, come and join us now."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Sleep and insomnia: Improving health with CBT and meditation" |
"This is a course about the importance of a good night's sleep for your health, happiness and productivity. We live in a world that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and we are so productivity driven, that it sometimes comes at the cost of our health. In addition, we are constantlyconnected to the world through technology like smart phones, computers, and other wearables. Both of these amazing features of today's world can have negative and potentially dangerous impact on our sleep, both quantity and quality.People don't realize just how important sleep is to our health. A good healthy diet, frequent exercise as well as proper sleep cycles are three pillars of our health though for some reason health oriented peopleoften focus only on the first two, in an attempt to be more productive and utilize more hours of the day. In fact, poor sleep can make us much LESSproductive in our waking hours, in addition to the other health risks that come about.This course is built with3 main parts:To help people understand the importance of a good quality sleeping schedule to our health, and overall wellbeing.To give valuable tools and life hacks, which have been proven to work better than medication to help overcome sleeping problems and other forms of insomnia.Discuss the effects, as well as side effects of various medication and drugs that are used to overcome sleep problems.Tools that are discussed and taught in this course include:Sleep hygieneMeditationCognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)Learning about medication, as well as supplementsThis course will cover all the important information for those who are health conscious, and want to have a better overall wellbeing. We will also address myths and superstitions around sleep, and make sure that the facts are understood, along with presenting the evidence behind the facts."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Perfect Pregnancy Guide: Yoga, Meditation, Checkups and More" |
"Pregnancy can be a tough and sensitive time, and it istoo easy to forget the beauty of the miracle that is transpiring inside of you.This course has a number of sections to help you throughout the entire pregnancy, and properly prepare you for birth. Pregnancy deserves a multi-factorial approach to make sure that you and your baby are healthyphysically, mentally and spiritually. As the baby grows inside of you, there is an incredible opportunity to connect, and provide them with an environment which allows them to grow and thrive in this critical time. Give your baby what they deserve and need, and do this by taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.This course was put together by an extensiveteam including medical professionals, yoga/pilates instructors, physiotherapists, as well as doulas. This team got together to create a course which brings you the essentials of pregnancy from every direction that you need.What's in this course?- Pregnancy Education:While pregnancy can be new and exciting, often physical and hormonal changes can be scary and unknown. In this guide we take you through all of the changes that you go through, and what to expect. We also provide tips and tricks to minimize the discomfort, and keep you healthy throughout. In addition to this we go through all of the medical check ups that you might go through, talking about what to expect, how important the test is and to help you understand the importance of some of the results.- Meditation:Stress runs high during pregnancy, as this can be an emotionally charged time in your life. Our guided lectures will help you reduce the stress in your life, create incredible connections with your baby, as well as help you sleep better!- Yoga:We have a complete section in this course which combines techniques from the teachings of eastern yoga and physiotherapy, providing your body with the appropriate exercises and techniques to keep yourself balanced, strong and stable, as well as physically connected to yourself.- Preparing for Birth:When you get to the hospital it is too easy to let the medical team make the generic recommended decisions for you, and it's too easy to be passive in this situation. Giving birth how you want requires understanding the process that you go through from the medical side, and understanding what you need to ask for ahead of time. This way you can create a plan that's right for you, taking control of the birth how you want it to be. This can only be done if you are informed, and this section of the course will guide you through that.What you can expect:This course will introduce you to topics that you may have not heard of, but are essential to understand in order to take your own fate into your hands. With our course you can expect to be much better prepared for the pregnancy, and for the birth itself. Our exercises and recommendations will give you the best chance of staying healthy, preventing complications and providing an environment which is best for you and your growing baby.Along with the lectures, we have many additional resources including articles, studies and Q&A support throughout.Take control of your fate, and the fate of your baby with this course. Click the enroll button, and we'll see you in the first section!Congratulations and see you soon,The MedScreen Team"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ansible para SysAdmin" |
"Voc um SysAdmin ou profissional da rea de tecnologia que trabalha diariamente executando tarefas repetitivas e provisionando ambientes de infraestrutura? Se respondeu sim para esta pergunta, vai desfrutar de bons resultados com este treinamento.O Treinamento Ansible para SysAdmin foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de auxiliar os administradores de sistemas a automatizar tarefas de seu dia-a-dia. Com ele, voc ser capaz de provisionar ambientes inteiros como instalao de softwares, servios e/ou atualizaes/instalao de Sistemas Operacional com apenas a execuo de um nico comando. Pensando em um melhor aproveitamento para este treinamento, o mesmo foi desenvolvido quase que 100% no mtodo Hands-on, facilitando assim o entendimento prtico referente a usabilidade do Ansible."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Get Motivated Today with 20 Motivation Tips & 7 Downloads!" |
"WELCOME to my Latest Course on MOTIVATION! In this Course I will be Talking about and Strengthening your Personal Motivation! we will also be talking about Grounding your Body...sometimes we need to balance our Spiritual side-of our Mind and Body! How did last year go for you? Were you on Track? Did you stay Motivated in the things you wanted to try! Or did you run out of MOTIVATION! Its a Fresh New Year Join me on this Course and I will do my very Best to Get you Motivated this Year! This Course is an Exciting look at Motivation! How it Works and What We can do to Motivate our self better!What gets us Personally Motivated? = Well even reading the things in this Course,can get us Motivated and Switched on! - Motivation - can also be many many things! = Maybe we are fed up with one part of our Life! -Maybe we want to move because those around us are Negative and Drain us of our Energy! - Maybe we are being Driven Forwards by the things we truly Love doing! - Our Passions also keep us Motivated! - Maybe we have found our Purpose in this Life,and that Purpose is calling us for Change! - Maybe its a Shock in our Life that Creates Change for our Motivation! - Maybe its Depression that is affecting us and we want change from that! - Maybe we have fallen in Love and that Starts off our Motivation in some way! - Maybe its a Hobby we enjoy doing and we want to expand on that! - Or maybe we want a Fresh Career Move,and that means working for yourself! whatever it is that Creates our Motivation,we could always do with More of it in our Life! So we have to have a reason for getting Motivated Don't we!What helps our Motivation? = Well Focus helps - Positive thinking - Planning - Our Imagination of seeing it Happen,in our Minds Eye! - talking to others that have done it - Being around Positive Motivated People! - Feeding Ones Mind on Positive things! - Charting our Progress! - Wanting to make Our self Happier! - Wanting to Please our Partner! - Affirmations can also help! - Self Hypnosis - Meditation - Relaxation - Exercise! - Winning the Lottery (That's a joke but yes it would help lol ) - Growing Mentally - Spiritual Growth - Helping Others! - Progressing! - Getting Qualifications in a Subject we Enjoy! - Bringing in more Money also Motivates us! - Wanting to Eat Better! - Wanting to Tone up our Body! - That is just a Few I've Rattled off there are loads more! (#SFP - find out in this course what this # is all about)What are you personally doing this Year to better Motivate Yourself ? It is time to Live out your Dreams my Friend-so get Planning-You are a Creator now get Creating!YOU GOT THIS! I have Faith you can do anything you put your Mind to!(REMEMBER = STRENGTH COMES FROM THE MIND) it then Motivates the Body into Action!So this Fresh New Year-Get Yourself More Motivated than You did Last Year...and You can't go far wrong! Lectures in this Course1/ Introduction-on Motivation!2/ What does this Course Cover?3/ What Gets You Motivated?4/ 25 Picture Quotes made by Me to get you more Positive and Motivated!5/ Staying Positive in Life!6/ How to use your Six PDF Motivation Sheets,from this Course! = 1:Weekly Happy Planner PDF-2:Goal Sheet PDF-3:Driving Poster-4:Hill Motivation Poster-5:=10 Affirmations for Confidence & 6:Instructions Sheet...7/ Exercise and Grounding helps with our Motivation!8/ Say after me-Your 10 Affirmations for Confidence!9/ Walk with Me-and I will show you 10 more ways to get Motivated!10/ 10 more Motivation Hacks!So thank you for joining me on this Course-Remember I have given you 6 PDF Sheets to Keep-Including Two Posters-and will tell you how to use them in Lecture 6...It is Now your Time to get yourself More Motivated in 2019! It is Never to late to become the Person you have always wanted to be! So what are You waiting for--LETS GET MOTIVATED! SEE YOU ON THE NEXT LECTURE! See You in a Bit...{KEEP GOING} Sending you Love MK X"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Positive Daily Affirmations-for you to do on the go!" |
"Master K-is a Spiritual Teacher-Motivation Coach-Meditation Teacher-Anxiety Consultant-Chi Kung Master Healer-Kung Fu Master- andAdvancedMaster Life Coach,andaQualifiedTherapist!-to name a few things,Master K has been Training in the Spiritual Arts for 40 Years,strengtheninghis own Spiritual Gifts the Universe has given him!In this Course he shows you how Daily Affirmationswork!And why you need to do them Daily for a good result! In this Course he also builds you up to believe in the power of your own Mind! Once you believe in yourself and your Mind Power,then your half way to making your Affirmations come true! This Course is a Great follow on from his Motivation Course!QUESTION? Do you want to Strengthen things inyour Life! or Personality! YourWork! or in your mind set! or maybe you want to work onGoals in your life?whatever your weaknessesare, you can Strengthenthem by doing->>>DAILYAFFIRMATIONS! The Mind is a Powerful is us that Creates the Reality we see Life to be! What we think we Create! its that simple...WORDS are alsoPowerful...They are Like Spells...Everything is Vibrating Energy!When we say words those wordshave frequencyVibrations and go outto the Universe,those Vibrations if they are Positive invite Positive things back to usfrom the Universe!Also by Saying out Loud our Daily Affirmations we Retrain the Brain to Believing those Affirmations are very Important to us,the brain then Focuses in andfinds ways to prove this to betrue! Daily Affirmations help our Brain Focus on the Positive things we wish to make happen in our Life! Affirmations really work but we need to stay Focused-and don't just do them a few times,because the Mind takes that as not having something solid to work on!In this Daily Affirmation Course we look at ways we can do our Affirmations! We look at how the Brain works to make them happen! we look at Retraining the Mind in a Positive way,and we also look at the Law of Attraction when it comes to Manifesting what we want out of life! Master K has done his best to wake you up Spiritually to your own Power,it is now time to tap into that Power! This Course is a Confidence builder-and as you complete the Lectures Master K has given you Homework to do between someLectures! Also he has given you47 AffirmationsPDF Print outs to keep! covering Affirmations for Confidence! Affirmations for The Law of Attraction! Affirmations for Self Development & Spiritual Growth! and Affirmations for Anxiety! The Affirmation Lectures are also made into Audio for you to Download and listen to on the go,or when you are relaxing with Nature! In this Course you will be repeating out loudAffirmations after Master K has said them,this imprints them on the Brain!in some Lectures you will also be Breathing with Master K to get rid of those everyday cobwebs! There is also a Lecture showing some Positive Picture Quotes made by Master K-/An Old Dog Story with a moral to it,about Two Dogs that entered a Hall of One Thousand Mirrors-/And a Powerful Meditation for Self Empowerment as regards your Affirmations and believing in yourself!The Meditation for Self Empowerment is also made into Audio for you to DownloadKeep and Play on the move! All of the Affirmations are made up by Master K-You can keep them and download the PDFs and Audios-and are entitled to give them away for FREE if you so wish! Master K really gets you involved in this New Exciting Affirmation Course! And as a Spiritual Teacher he gives you a Spiritual look at your Life!So join me on this Course where we will take a closer look at Affirmations!PS-The Affirmations for Confidencein this Course are different from those Affirmations that were in Master K - Motivation Course!ENJOY THIS WONDERFUL-SPIRITUAL AND POWERFUL COURSE!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Create A 3D Game In Augmented Reality Step-By-Step Videos" |
"AR Gaming has never been so much fun. Learn how to create a retro remake of the classic duck hunting game in augmented reality for IOS & Android devices from the ground up.This course provides you with the tools needed to break into Augmented Reality gaming (AR) in a fun way. Using a hands on approach and step-by-step instructions, you will learn how to create an AR game from the ground up.No experience in prior coding languages is necessary as I guide you through the basics, explaining the why as well as the how when building your game.This is a very hands on learn by doing course. I provide all assets which you can download via the course resources section.INCLUDED ASSETS : Duck modelAudio sound filesEnvironmental assets via a downloadGun modelGraphics for the on screen displayI start with the absolute basics, how to setup Unity and Vuforia, how to import 3D models into unity and then make it all come together.As we progress I explain how to use the Vuforia image targets how to build games in Unity 3D. What better way to learn to code for augmented reality than creating an addictive classic game?Unity is an ever evolving piece of software which I try to stay on top of, if something does differ slightly along the way just ask and I'll give you additional instruction.Recent student feedback""Fantastic course covering so many elements. Teaches you how to build an amazing AR experience from scratch through to completion. Thanks Diego, keep the courses coming!"" - Karen Ackermann""This is my second course on AR Vuforia with Diego Herrera, as usual Excellent course. Recommended."" - Ghco""Instructor had designed and works hard to make this course work even for beginners or first time users."" - Sheetanshu SheetanshuTo have Unity 3D and a few example applications on your job profile is an enormous advantage for someone looking to work in this field or improve an existing job position internally. Linked In recently listed Unity developer as the 6th most posted job for companies in 2018-19.This course is put together specifically for the beginner to intermediate gaming community. (Advanced welcome although may wish to skip initial section one videos due to the topic being installation and understanding the Unity 3D workspace and C# basics).WHY ME?I have over 16 years experience working in the digital field building 1000s of websites and various mobile apps. I also have a teaching background and ensure you understand why we do things and the purpose of what each tool is for.Please read the reviews from other course I teach and see what others think and with a 30 day no questions asked policy and lifetime access what do you have to lose?Sign up now to get a head start on others and really strengthen your portfolio."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Discover Voice Controlled AR AppsUnity & A Cloud Based AI" |
"IT'S FINALLY HERE!Augmented reality with voice commands. My most anticipated course is finally live. After many hours of research and development I found the fusion between the latest Augmented Reality technology from Vuforia, the Unity game engine and a voice controlled cloud based machine learning AI.As a student, business owner, developer, marketing executive or IT professional, it's vital to stand out from the crowd and with the skills you will learn on this course you will do more than just stand out.THE GOALThe primary objective is to create 'Real World' augmented reality applications, mixed reality apps that can be used to boost sales by impressing the client so much, they will have to share your apps with everyone they know. A common trend with AR courses is to demonstrate the technology by creating simple mini apps, projecting a 3D model on a surface in front of the user, this is usually done with an image target or possibly a ground plane. Although this is... 'cool' it doesn't capitalise on the marketing power AR offers. On this course you will break this trend by creating beautiful apps fit for commercial demonstration to potential customers!This course is completely hands on, we learn by doing (plus a few scripts I give you as time savers). Together, we use the latest versions of Unity (upgrading to 2018 mid way), Vuforia and the online AI bot. No additional in course purchases are required along the way and all materials are provided. Beginners to this technology and computer programming are more than welcome.WHY ME?As of today, I have three published courses and I'm currently the highest rated AR instructor on Udemy. I currently teach in over 150 countries to over 15,000 students. I'm proud to be a top rated instructor. I also offer additional support for side projects on a student support group free of charge. Furthermore, students have free access to additional resources on my buildandrun website which also includes an active support forum. I listen to my students and add/change content as technology evolves.WHAT EXACTLY WILL I LEARN?TRUE INNOVATIONI have fused 3 powerful technologies to create a simplified approach to connect a voice controlled Augmented Reality application to an online AI brain using Unity. You will learn how to build commercial ready apps, record your voice in unity and automatically send the voice command through to an online AI which we train along the way. The AI learns and processes your voice request, returning commands to the code in Unity. Using the response, we then manipulate the scene. The additional benefit of this is that you will learn how to send and receive information from an app to a website API. Opening doors for other development projects you may have where information would need saving online or retrieving.Examples include - ( This is not the full course application list )Creating a vehicle showcase app. Projecting a full size vehicle in the real world. Then using voice commands, open the car doors, change the colours etc. Even view a car promotional video on an augmented reality video screen placed on the dashboard of the car.Take marketing to the next level with a high end property mixed reality brochure. We use a property advert as a placeholder to project a 3D model of a house (approx 1 metre in size). We then use voice commands to remove the roof and look inside and use virtual buttons to do the same. We push this further by then switching to an internal 3D view where we take the potential buyer on a walk through of the property using mobile touch controls.WHAT MORE?The bot currently understands English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Polish, Swedish, Portuguese, Estonian and Russian. Over the coming months 39 new languages are coming out of beta : Albanian Croatian Icelandic Persian Turkish Arabic Czech Indonesian Romanian Ukrainian Azerbaijani Danish Japanese Serbian Vietnamese Bengali Finnish Korean Slovak Bosnian Georgian Latin Slovenian Bulgarian Greek Lithuanian Swahili Burmese Hebrew Macedonian Tagalog Catalan Hindi Malay Tamil Chinese Hungarian Norwegian Thai Additional sections are currently in development and will be added to this course as FREE additional content. Although comprehensive in itself, the course has been released slightly earlier than the full curriculum plan due to demand from current students. That said, there's over 10 hours of content for you to jump right into today!Unity is an ever evolving piece of software which I try to stay on top of, if something does differ slightly along the way just ask and I'll give you additional instruction.YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT :)Aside from the course material, you have additional support from me directly. Not to mention if you don't feel the course is a good fit for you, you can always request a refund from Udemy no questions asked :)Join my team of students today....."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Introduction To Unity For Absolute Beginners 2018 ready" |
"If you are looking for an introductory course for the Unity 3D game engine then this is the course for you.To have Unity 3D and a few example applications on your job profile is an enormous advantage for someone looking to work in this field or improve an existing job position internally. Linked In recently listed Unity developer as the 6th most posted job for companies in 2018. I'm Diego Herrera, a Unity and Augmented Reality instructor on Udemy and I've realised that each time I put together a new course, I tend to re-record the installation process and basics videos for each individual new course.In order to make things easier for all students I wanted to put together this fundamentals course, so the installation process and a solid Unity foundation could be learnt in one place which I hope will be beneficial for people just like you. Unity is an ever evolving piece of software which I try to stay on top of, if something does differ slightly along the way just ask and I'll give you additional instruction.In order to cater for everyone this course is aimed at absolute beginners and I do not expect any prior knowledge of the Unity 3D game engine or C# programming language. If you are already familiar with Unity / C# and are simply looking to learn a few new things, the later videos in the course are a better place for you to start. For everyone else, let's have a look at what this course covers.So What Are We Going To Actually Learn About Unity?The unity course is broken into a few sections, the first being an explanation into what Unity 3D is and how you install it. We look at the different licensing options and I guide you through the installation process including a few new tips on how to set Unity up using local cloud software to save your work and I also cover the new version of Unity where the Vuforia Augmented Reality software is now included. Vuforia is not covered in the course as my other courses go into AR / Mixed Reality in more depth, however, I mention it in the installation process ensuring the package is installed ready for future use.After installing the software I then look at each individual panel in Unity, what they are for and how they affect the scene.I look at game objects both 3D and 2D. How to rotate, scale and move objects in the world before we move into our first script to demonstrate how Unity objects are controlled via C# programming script.I don't go into advanced C# programming I simply demonstrate how basic code interacts with the game objects and give you the foundation to continue learning in your own time from that point.We then move on into having a little fun, I show you the asset store and how we can get free 3D models and animate them in the software. Progressing through the course onto creating a simply GUI graphic user interface to add a button to the screen and make it work.I touch on how the Unity physics engine can effect the gravity of game objects and we have a quick look at how 2D games are made with physics to effect the game objects.The exploration continues by moving into using a Unity 3D terrain, this is effectively the ground you walk or drive on in a game. We look at altering the height of the terrain, adding textures and finally trees and wind.I then look at using the first person controller to walk around the terrain we have created and see the effects of the wind up close.We make it snow using a particle system. Later, after a little more fun, I demonstrate how you can export the app to a mobile device for both IOS & Android.The point of this course isn't to make you an instant master in Unity 3D but to make you feel comfortable using the software, learn the terminology and open your eyes to app development the easy way.I hope you have lots of fun along the way and if you enjoy my teaching manner feel free to check out my more in depth courses, just type my name into the search bar on the Udemy website,See you in the course guys, learn lots, fun and easily :)"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"How To Build Your First Augmented Reality App In Under 2 Hrs" |
"This fantastic Vuforia augmented reality course has been created for absolute beginners who are looking to create their first AR app and are looking to learn a fun new skill or possibly prototype marketing ideas in a creative manner.On this course you will learn how to create a great vuforia AR App in less than 2 hours. Go from complete beginner to feeling comfortable creating AR experiences. You will learn how to import and animate 3D characters, add music and build the app out to an Android or IOS device to see the AR magic come together.The course begins by introducing you to both the Unity website and vuforia's augmented reality software development kit. After installation I guide you through the basic configuration and we import the assets I provide to complete your first AR experience. Unity is an ever evolving piece of software which I try to stay on top of, if something does differ slightly along the way just ask and I'll give you additional instruction.Recent Student FeedbackA great short course which was very engaging for a complete novice like myself. The delivery is spot on - Diego explains each part in detail and at a pace that allows you to digest the information while keeping up with each stage of the tutorial. His enthusiasm and exceptional knowledge shows through in his delivery and this makes you, as a student, want to progress and learn.Having completed the free tutorial (Thank You Diego!!), and this, my first AR app, I have now gone on to purchase all the tutorials that Diego has on offer as to date (the Duck Hunt app is going well too) - PLEASE CONTINUE to produce these great resources for us all to learn. - Shirley ThornleyAmazing course! I really liked the instructor's pace and experience. Totally recommend it! - Dr. Christos MalliarakAssets Included : 2 Character modelsDancing AnimationsAn audio trackThe image target file and the unity packageA couple of bonus wallpapers I createdWho is the most suitable student for this course?This is a crash course introduction on how vuforia works and how to use their image target asset to create your first app. As this is a bitesize course it doesn't cover all aspects in vuforia's array of assets but it does give you a solid foundation from which you can build upon to create mini augmented reality experiences for marketing prototypes, 3d model spawning and covers the basic use of extended tracking. By the end of this introductory course you will be able to : Have the confidence to expand on the base knowledge taught in the courseKnow how to import additional models, music, animations etcConfigure Unity 2018 and Vuforia 7 to generate Augmented reality experiences using an image targetExport the mini prototype app to an Android or IOS device for testingIs this course for you?This course is aimed at absolute beginners who want to learn the basics in just a few hours. The ideal candidate is a developer looking for high quality guided instruction who prefers a hands on approach rather than textbooks. Maybe you've seen a few YouTube videos but were left confused. You could possibly be looking for a creative way to market a proposal to a client and need a 3D AR mockup fast. If this sounds like you, feel confident that you'll be able to get the base skills from this mini course after just a few hours.Anything else?Indeed, If you run into any problems I'm here to help via the Q&A section. Don't forget, there's also a 30 day money back guarantee operating on Udemy as a platform.So what are you waiting for, get the course now and I'll see you on the inside :)"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to manage conflict in the workplace" |
"Dealing with conflict is an inevitability for a manager. In this course we are going to cover a number of topics to equip you for those more difficult conversations and scenariosin the workplace. We will look at what conflict is and how it manifests itself in the workplace. I will present the five different styles that we can adopt when we're in conflict situations, and how you can manage other peoples styles. I will provide you with a framework to help you find the words to say in preparation for a difficult conversation, and finally we will discuss theseven scenarios that you will come acrossat some point in your management career, and demonstrate how you may deal with them."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Presentation Skills" |
"Someone on a training courseonce remarked to me that they would rather crash their car on theway to work than arrive safely and have to deliver their presentation!Maybe you would echo that sentiment, or maybe you are more comfortable in the lime light. In either case, this course on presentation skills will change the way you approach a presentation for the better.There are a number of qualities whichcontribute to a successful and engaging presentation, butthe topic should not be one of them! Whether you are talking about putting a man on Marsor the speed at which paint dries, we can utilise the same fundamental tools and techniques to ensure that we are connecting with our audience and driving our residual message home.Fromconfidence, to psychological techniques, toyour use of slides, this course is a complete guide to presentation skills."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photography - Canon 2000D/1500D/REBEL T7 Camera User Course" |
"Check out the two free videos belowThis course on the Canon 2000D / 1500D / Rebel T7 is designed for you !This Canon 2000D / 1500D / Rebel T7 tutorial is a superb course for anyone who wants to get the best out of their Canon EOS 2000D 1500d Rebel T7 (this is the same camera, but Canon has branded it differently around the world). Ideal for anyone who has just bought their first DSLR, it covers all the basics, explaining each button and setting in detail. Then it explains how to use the settings so that you can produce beautiful professional-level photography. The author, Jeremy Bayston, has been a picture editor for national newspapers for nearly 30 years and brings a wealth of experience to the course. He has produced over 4 hours of specially made, over the shoulder, training videos, which go into greater detail on Effects, Menus, Modes, Shooting Videos, getting the best sound for movies, and much more. This tutorial offers Has 17 exclusive videos about the Modes, Tabs, Autofocus, Filters, Flash and moreHelps you get a great feel for the camera, exploring the shooting modes, and effectsExplains the settings to get better results from exposure, lighting and focusIncludes videos on shooting video and recording sound with the Canon 2000D / 1500D / T7Jeremy Bayston also discusses the best equipment you should get for your DSLR and offers great tips and advice for improving your picture taking. This course tells you all you need to know to get started with the Canon EOS 2000D 1500D Rebel T7. Then it shows you how to take great pictures and videos with this Canon DSLR camera. For more experienced photographers, these videos explain the advanced functions so that you can quickly get started. They also explain the camera controls, and guide you through all the Menu Tabs and Custom Settings to help you best set up the camera for your specific shooting needs. With this video course, you get the perfect blend of photography instruction and camera reference that will take your images to the next level.Contents include: Getting to know your 2000D: Exploring the Canon EOS 2000D - This chapter explains every button, dial, and indicator on your camera. Where to Start: Walks you through setting up your camera for immediate use. The Buttons in detail: This chapter teaches you how each of the 2000Ds modes functions and effects can help you produce excellent results. Lenses: A chapter on the best lenses to use for stills and video. Flashguns: How to use flash and what to look for look for in Flashguns.This SUPERB Canon EOS 2000D 1500D Rebel T7 tutorial course can help you progress you from absolute beginner to accomplished DSLR photographer!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with .NET Core" |
"Get Started with .NET Core and Build your first App!Are you a student or professional in the field of softwareengineering or maybe contemplating an educational orcareer move to the software engineeringworld? Have you been looking for a quick and easy way to get up and running with the new Cross Platform.NETCore technology and don't want to go through an overwhelming amountof material just to get your environment setup and ready for building yourown apps?Don't worry asTHIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU!In my course, I will teach you how to get your environment setup for .NET Core and help you to build your first set of apps quickly and through a step-by-step guided approach. I will be showing you all the necessary installation and setup needed for .NETCore, Visual Studio Code, and also Visual Studio IDE.Take this course and feel proud of the fact that you will be one step closer towardsthe rewarding field of Software Engineering using .NETtechnologies!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to solve ANY Rubik's Cube and 3x3 Blindfolded" |
"THE BEST RUBIK'S CUBE COURSE ON UDEMY. The course has the BEST SELLER BADGE and before the HIGHEST RATED BADGEIn this course you will not only learn how to solve any standard Rubik's cube ( from 2x2x2 to nxnxn ) but you will learn how to do it very fast using smart ways to avoid hard cases of the cube. My main goal is to let you know every thing about the Rubik's cube not only the basic method to solve it which take at least 40 seconds to solve it, but i'll teach you how to solve it under 20 seconds maybe under 15 also, it depends on your practice using F2l ( advanced method ) which is the method champions use. Also you will learn how to solve the 2x2x2 & the 3x3x3 Rubik's cube blindfolded without seeing it in very easy way using very easy remembering techniques.There will be a section for every cube start from 2x2x to 7x7x7 and every section will contain a detailed explanation for solving the cube. After learning the 4x4x4 and the 5x5x5 Rubik's cube you will be able to solve any other standard Rubik' cube without knowing anything more, but to make sure you understand everything well i made a detailed explanation for the 6x6x6 & the 7x7x7 You will have any algorithm you are going to need in solving any standard Rubik's cube either in a PDF in the start of the section of the cube or on the video itself. I am not using any software inn explanation, just the cube to make sure you see it very well and observe how i am solving it Don't worry about the duration of the course, that's because i made a detailed explanation for every cube and a walk through tutorial ( tutorial for me solving this cube ) for every cube which you can ignore"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |