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"Tcnicas de PNL - Para Autoconhecimento Profundo" |
"MENTIRAM PARA VOC quando disseram que s MUDAR COMPORTAMENTOS E RESSIGNIFICAR CRENAS. Muitas pessoas mudaram hbitos e melhoraram a forma de pensar e no revolucionaram completamente a prpria vida. No tiveram transformaes profundas, como o famoso morador da favela que se transformou em bilionrio.A verdade que ""Comportamentos"" e ""Crenas"" so 2 partes de 7. s um pedao do mapa. Existem mais 5 partes importantssimas que no esto te contando.Se voc s faz mudanas nessas 2 partes, voc pode melhorar, mas se voc quer revolucionar sua vida, voc precisa fazer mudanas mais profundas, nas outras 5 partes tambm e deixar tudo alinhado. E isso que os grandes lderes Tony Robbins e T Harv Eker fizeram: Mudanas profundas em todas as 7 partes, e isso que voc precisa fazer para revolucionar a sua vida e se tornar quem voc quiser.Essas 7 partes so os ""Nveis Neurolgicos"", uma contribuio de Robert Dilts para a PNL.7 Nveis neurolgicos, que so organizados hierarquicamente.E nesse curso eu vou revelar quais so esses 7 nveis, e alm disso, vou te mostrar como voc pode fazer mudanas profundas em cada um deles.Est tudo organizado, de uma forma simples e fcil e objetiva, para voc assistir e usar na sua vida hoje mesmo.No perca mais tempo. Faa agora mesmo e revolucione a sua vida."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Tcnicas de PNL para ficar RICO" |
"Voc j se perguntou como faz para ficar rico? Ganhar mais dinheiro? Melhorar de vida? Ser que isso possvel ou sorte?Algumas pessoas acreditam que preciso nascer em famlia bem de vida ou ento ganhar na loteria para ficar rico. Porm, somente no ano de 2018 o Brasil ganhou 42 mil novos milionrios. E isso equivale a 115 novos milionrios aproximadamente por dia.E esses novos milionrios no so pessoas que nasceram ricas, e no a loteria que est fazendo isso tambm.A pergunta , ento: Como ficar rico? Como ganhar mais dinheiro e melhorar de vida?A verdade que a riqueza comea a ser criada na nossa mente, no nosso PROCESSO DE TOMADA DE DECISES. Todos os dias voc toma decises, e essas decises te trouxeram at aqui.No sei exatamente como est a sua vida, se voc est bem financeiramente ou se est quebrado; Se sente realizado ou se sente distante dos seus objetivos. Mas, de qualquer forma, voc tomou decises. Deciso de entrar em uma faculdade ou no, deciso de casar ou no, deciso de investir em educao ou no.E foram essas decises do passado que criaram a vida que voc tem hoje. No sei se isso faz sentido isso para voc.Mas, a verdade que quando voc muda suas DECISES, voc muda seus RESULTADOS.E sabe o que muda das pessoas ricas para as pessoas que sofrem por causa do dinheiro? A FORMA COMO OS RICOS TOMAM DECISESE por isso eu fiz esse curso para voc, para te ensinar como PROGRAMAR O SEU CREBRO para tomar DECISES SBIAS, como uma pessoa de sucesso.Nesse curso eu vou te ensinar o que eu aprendi investindo DEZENAS DE MILHARES DE REAIS para estudar grandes lderes mundiais, como Tony Robbins, T Harv Eker, Robert Kyosaki, Richard Bandler entre outros. Por meio de treinamentos presenciais, cursos e livros.Mas no vou te ensinar aqui s o que eu aprendi. Eu vou te ensinar aqui o que eu coloquei em prtica.Vou te ensinar o que em menos de 5 anos fez com que eu e minha esposa sasse de uma situao de MISRIA, morando em uma casa de dois cmodos, telha eternit, para 5 ANOS DEPOIS estarmos ganhando MAIS DO QUE PRECISAMOS PARA VIVER, morando em um sobrado de nove cmodos, situado em um dos bairros mais valorizados da cidade, e ainda podendo ajudar outras famlias com doaes.Mas eu no quero que voc fique pensando em como sua vida vai mudar aps assistir as aulas desse curso. Eu quero que voc apenas se faa uma pergunta:Voc entende que quando voc muda suas decises voc muda seus resultados, e que esse o caminho para melhorar de vida?Se sim, esse curso para voc. Vem!!!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Online Social Media Intern Induction" |
"This is not a study Graduate or University program, and we are not paid to run the program (including government funding). The aim of the program is to provide help to small business owners, particularly in Online Social Media management. This is a free service for both you and the business owner.This program is open to anyone. We have already received interest from partners and children of business owners looking to get more involved, sole parents looking for flexible and returning to work arrangements, Over 55s looking for supplemental income. Anyone that has an interest in social media for any reason."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Byzantine Iconography Series 4: Drawing the Full Figure (P1)" |
"In this course (Part 1 of Series 4) we will be laying the foundation for drawing full figure Saints and their garments, by putting into practice what was learned in the previous series on Garment Basics.This course presupposes that students have followed the previous three series on Drawing the Face, Drawing the Half Figure and Garment Basics.In Section 1 we will study the basic structure of the full figure and it's measurements as well as how to draw it on a curved and S-axis.In Section 2 we will learn how to draw feet in various stances.In Section 3 we will study the garments worn by Christ, the Apostles and Prophets.In Section 4 will draw the garment worn by Women Martyrs and the Theotokos.We will finish of this first part of the series in Section 5 studying the garments worn by Monastics."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Byzantine Iconography Series 4: Drawing the Full Figure (P2)" |
"In this course (Part 2 of Series 4) we will continue to draw full figure Saints and their garments, by putting into practice what was learned in the series on Garment Basics. In Section 1 we will be studying the bishop's vestments including the phelonion and the sakkos.In Section 2 we will be studying the garments of priests and hieromonks and will draw the contemporary Saint Amphilochios of Patmos and discuss the difficulties that arise in drawing contemporary saints.Finally in Section 3 we will learn how to draw the deacon's vestments."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Byzantine Iconography Series 4: Drawing the Full Figure (P3)" |
"In this course, Part 3 of Series 4, we will continue to draw full figure Saints and their garments, by putting into practice what was learned in the series on Garment Basics. We will also go more in depth into the use of the transverse principle in created rhythm and harmony in our figures as well as how it is used in composing icons of more than one figure.In section one we will be studying the garments of Imperial and Noble Saints.In Section two we will learn to draw the garments of the martyrs.Finally, in Section 3 we will draw the garments of the Unmercenary Saints and learn basic rules of composition for drawing two figures together. Required Materials: Pencil, paper and eraser."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Terraform - Integrating with Jenkins and Ansible" |
"Learn how to deploy lambda functions using terraformAutomating infrastructure provisioning using terraform and AWS basic to advanced, Configuring networking (Route tables, Internet gateways, public subnets, private subnets)Automatic deployments of terraform code using JenkinsUse Ansible terraform modules to apply terraform changes Managing NAT instances, Terraform, resources, loops, functions, data sources, variables, outputs and modules, Terraform, deploy lambda functions, Managing remote state files using S3, Understanding terraform fundamental concepts, Create ELB, ALB and auto scaling, Setting up Route53Build reusable modules with terraform"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Recursos Humanos e a Gesto de Talentos" |
"Este curso aborda questes estratgicas da Gesto de Pessoas e Talentos, conhecendo tcnicas de Recrutamento e seleo, desenvolvimento de liderana, administrao de empresas e gerenciamento de equipes, comunicao eficaz e mediao de conflitos, feedback, motivao, implantao de programa de qualidade de vida no trabalho visando melhoria do clima organizacional.Curso no formato de slides e udio com metodologia didtica e objetiva."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Recrutamento e seleo na prtica" |
"Curso sobre tcnicas do processo seletivo, abordando questes de forma didtica, utilizando ferramentas estratgicas apoiadoras no recrutamento e seleo e na gesto de pessoas. Falamos sobre a importncia do planejamento do processo seletivo, como conduzir a seleo de pessoal de forma eficaz, atravs de tcnicas facilitadoras e administrao de pessoal bem desenvolvida. Curso no formato de slides e udio com material complementar."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Administrao geral. Teoria da Gesto Empresarial" |
"Este curso abora questes da moderna Gesto Empresarial embasada na Gesto de Pessoas. Iniciando com assuntos fundamentais da teoria da administrao, passando por assuntos de Gesto atravs ferramentas apoiadoras dos processos dirios, tais como: anlise SWOT, Teoria das hierarquias das necessidades, ciclo PDCA, 5W2H, Matriz BCG, gesto de equipes, feedback, comunicao eficaz e motivao.Curso didtico voltado a iniciantes na Gesto empresarial, no formato de slides e udio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Recursos Humanos Estratgico" |
"Neste curso falamos sobre as atividades pertinentes ao setor de RH, iniciando com teorias fundamentais da rea de Gesto de Pessoas, passando por assuntos de recrutamento e seleo e seus processos, cultura organizacional, feedback, desenvolvimento humano, gesto, liderana e qualidade de vida no trabalho. O curso foca questes estratgicas do setor de RH, atravs de contexto de capital e desenvolvimento humano. No abordamos assuntos de departamento pessoal e/ou questes tradicionais/burocrticas da administrao de recursos humanos. Curso no formato de slides e udio com abordagem didtica."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Avaliao do desempenho na gesto de equipes" |
"Este curso aborda questes fundamentais da Gesto de pessoas, administrando equipes. Falamos sobre os novos papis da Gesto de pessoas, estratgia organizacional, cultura organizacional, ciclo de atrao e desempenho, treinamentos, motivao, comunicao eficaz, mediao de conflitos, feedback, seleo por competncias, recompensando pessoas e avaliao de desempenho.Tipos de avaliao de desempenho e seus modelos.Mtodo de abordagem didtica, em slides e udio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Wats App Animation In After Effects" |
"You are a web designer, a designer of mobile solutions and want to improve your skills or you are the one who is interested in the motion design welcome! We will create many cool cases.In this class, we will make the messenger animation.You will learn about shape layers, paths, masks, key framing, null object and key frame velocity."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Taxi Mobile App Animation In After Effects" |
"You are a web designer, a designer of mobile solutions and want to improve your skills or you are the one who is interested in the motion design welcome! We will create many cool cases.In this class, we will make the messenger animation.You will learn about shape layers, paths, masks, key framing, null object and key frame velocity."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Mulesoft MULE 4 from scratch" |
"This course teaches you the Mulesoft from scratch. No prior knowledge is required to understand this course.This course will cover all major connectors and events which are required to understand the Mule-ESB concept.After completion of this course you can easily work on Mulesoft platform.At the end of this course, students should be able to:Build an application network using API-led connectivity and Anypoint Studio.Use Anypoint Exchange as a central repository for the discovery and reuse of assets.Use flow designer to build apps that consume assets and connect systems.Use API designer to define APIs with RAML, the RESTful API Modeling Language.Use Anypoint Studio to build and debug integrations and API implementations and integrations.Connect to databases, files, web services, SaaS applications, JMS queues, and more.Transform data using DataWeave, the powerful transformation language.Add application logic and handle errors.Structure applications to facilitate development and deployment.Debugging application in local.Deploy API implementations and integrations to CloudHub.Build Munit for Unit testing."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"CH 2 Unit and Dimensions & Errors for IITJEE NEET Physics" |
", , , ,"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Android Android Privacy" |
", ! 10(!!!) Secure Phone Android! , Android ! , !""Secure Phone"" - Android, : ()0 , ( , ) . , , ? GSM 3- (, p2p) "" ""VPN DNS Android 30 ! ! !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Disk and Partition Encrypt" |
", ! , VeraCrypt * , .* . .* , ( 2FA)* Personal Itterations Multiplier (PIM) .* , ! Bitlocker! VeraCrypt! , !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"V2. Volume 1" |
"! , ! "" "" "" v.2"" , . , ! VPN :) .Hack the Planet! And Stay Tuned!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"V2. Volume 2" |
", "" V.2"" , Volume 2 ,. "" "" "" v.2"" , . , ! VPN :) .Hack the Planet! And Stay Tuned!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"LUDUS PUERILIS - Curso Bsico de Latim Clssico" |
"O curso de Latim para crianas -intitulado como LUDUS PUERILIS - O Jogo Infantil, est sendo desenvolvido pela metodologia de ensino Ludus Schola - fase Demo com verso 1.0, tendo como espinha dorsal o Trivium e o Quadrivium, mtodos de ensino da Idade Mdia, ainda empregado em muitos pases - ainda em fase de adaptao -. O curso envolve lies de Latim Clssico, com lies abordando o cotidiano simples da vida em Roma e um pouco de seus costumes. Em cada lio h um texto moderado apresentando dilogos e narrativas da escola de Semprnia, a professora (magistra) e suas alunas (discipulas), fatos do cotidiano romano so apresentados nesse curso, esclarecendo os enigmas da gramtica latina de forma recreativa e ldica, desmantelando as barreiras que assombram o estudo do Latim e despertar o interesse do aluno para o cultivo e aprendizado da lngua clssica. Este curso para alunos que cursam a partir do terceiro ano das sries iniciais, ensino fundamental e mdio, professores, pais e demais interessados em Lngua Latina."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"A scuola di Cyber Security" |
"Tutti al giorno doggi comunicano attraverso social network, chat, siti e forum, questi strumenti sono entrati nelle nostre vite, il loro uso ormai una consuetudine, ma bisogna ricordare che le informazioni personali che vengono immesse nella rete, possono essere accessibili a chiunque e rimarranno memorizzate sulla rete. E fondamentale acquisire consapevolezza su quali sono i pericoli della rete. Proprio a causa della scarsa consapevolezza nelle azioni degli utenti che vanno ad insinuarsi i pericoli. Internet non stato creato per essere un posto sicuro ed uno spazio accessibile a chiunque.Secondo il rapporto Clusit 2018 dellAssociazione italiana sulla sicurezza informatica nel periodo 2011-2017 i costi generati globalmente dalle sole attivit cybercriminali sono quintuplicati, passando da poco pi di 100 miliardi di dollari nel 2011 a oltre 500 miliardi nel 2017, quando truffe, estorsioni, furti di denaro e dati personali hanno colpito quasi un miliardo di persone nel mondo, causando ai soli privati cittadini una perdita stimata in 180 miliardi di dollari. Cosa pu fare il privato nel suo piccolo?Nel momento in cui l'utente, si trova coinvolto in un atto criminale sulla rete, pu fare diverse cose per difendersi, verranno approfondite allinterno del corso."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Crowdfunding e Autosostenibilit" |
"Il corso fornisce una panoramica su questa attivit di autofinanziamento, raccogliendo tutte le informazioni utili per i curiosi e per coloro che vorrebbero iniziare una raccolta fondi oppure investire in un progetto, ma non sanno da dove iniziare. In rete ci sono diverse piattaforme di crowdfunding, ognuna fa riferimento a un tipo di crowdfunding diverso. Prima di scegliere bene avere chiari i propri obiettivi e capire di conseguenza quale pu essere la strada migliore."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build Your Digital Training Empire" |
"This course will help you get an insightful learning on what entails in a training business and how to start one, if you are a fresher/aspirant or currently a teacher, trainer, coach then this course is for you. Dive into learn the principals and secrets of online training business, you can start your very own from your home and help adding value to peoples lives across the globe."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SQL for Data Science from Basic to Intermediate By Projects" |
"Learn MySql by doing projects, start programming directly, learning during playing with dataset. You will use SQLite as SQL query tools. If you are a programmer, it also covers how to connect to sql using python as well. You will learn SQL basic syntax and queries, WHERE, CASE, nested queries, CTE (Common Table Expressions)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tableau for Data Visualisation and Story Telling" |
"You will play with different datasets and draw beautiful graphs with Tableau, telling wonderful stories with hidden information in data. You will learn the advantages and disadvantages of each graph, draw geo graphical maps easily with Tableau. Extract key features in your dataset. Find business insights and present your business ideas with data driven decisions. Get Started Today!Working with Tableau isn't just lucrative - it's fun! And unlike most data analysis tools, Tableau uses a drag-and-drop interface, so you don't need to be a programmer to learn Tableau. If you can learn Excel then you can learn Tableau.Learn and Apply Fundamental SkillsGet a step-by-step walk-through of the fundamentals of data visualization and data discovery with Tableau. You'll learn how to:Sort, filter, and group your dataCreate tables, bar charts, line chartsShow location using geographic mapsAggregate with sum, average, min, max, and countsCreate new fields using calculationsCombine data using joins and blendsBut just watching the videos won't make you an expert. For mastery, you need to go hands-on by answering questions that reinforce the skills from the videos. To go hands-on, you'll install the Public version of the Tableau software, which is available for free and easy to install on Mac or Windows. Then you'll download the sample data set included with the course, and Tableau to answer questions about this sample data."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Build First Blockchain Application with Hyperldger" |
"So you want todeploy a blockchainbut are overwhelmed by the sea of information out there that is half-baked and seems to want to do too much at the same time.If so,this course is for you. We will start byexplaining exactly what a blockchain is from a technical perspectiveinstead of a high-level business overview. We start from absolute zero,assume no backgroundand give the details only as much as necessary. Then, we move on to the highly popular and industry backed blockchain framework --Hyperledger Fabricandits high-level library --Composer. We explain how to set everything up and then move to creating our first blockchain and then asmart contract.We will also cover how this blockchain can be used from anexisting application using a REST API. This would enable you to start using blockchainsin your own applicationsthat can benefit from a blockchain or distributed ledger.We take acase study-based approachand motivate why we need the commands we're running and how everything fits together. If there is a concept that is typically covered in similar courses but isn't immediately necessary for deploying our first smart contract, we'll skip it. We aim to have our first smart contract up and runningin about an hourand then integrate with it from outside the Fabric environment by the end of this course.There is also areal-time chat systemin place for students who enroll in this course. With a free signup, you get access to real-time chat with myself and fellow students who are working to complete this course (or have completed the course before you). We plan on creating this network of like-minded experts who can help each other out and collaborate on exciting ideas together.What will I learn?Basics of ahashHow this simple concepts enable thepowerful blockchainarchitectureInstall and configureHyperledger Fabric using the easiest methodavailableInstall and run Composer -- ahigh-level, easy to use interface to FabricSet up aREST APIto use our blockchain from outside FabricUse a REST APItesting application and then PHPto access data from our blockchainAbout the instructor:Blockchain Engineer at IBMExperienced in Enterprise Level blockchain application development"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Develop Your Blockchain Application with Ethereum" |
"You will learn how to develop decentralized blockchain based application using Solidity. With no related experience needed, you will learn through doing projects. You will learn consensus mechanisms, solidity programming, blockchain application architectures and the process to issue tokens. After finishing the course, you will be able to issue your own token on Ethereum."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Excel & VBA for Business Analytics" |
"""A Business Analyst Career is one of the top-paying entry-level jobs on the market. ""Even in the toughest job markets, the best candidates find great positions."", ForbesYou simply have to find a way to acquire practical skills that will give you an edge over the other candidates.But how can you do that?You havent had the proper training, and you have never seen how analysts in large firms do their work ...Stop worrying, please! We are here to help.At completion of this course you will have mastered the most popular Excel tools and come out with confidence to complete any Excel tasks with efficiency and grace. Below are just a few of the topics that you will master:Creating effective spreadsheetsManaging large sets of dataMastering the use of some of Excel's most popular and highly sought after functions (SUM, VLOOKUP, IF, AVERAGE, INDEX/MATCH and many more...)Create dynamic report with Excel PivotTablesUnlock the power and versatility of Microsoft Excel's AddIn, PowerPivotAudit Excel Worksheet formulas to ensure clean formulasAutomate your day to day Excel tasks by mastering the power of Macros and VBAUnderstand how to use the right syntax in VBAUseful Excel VBA codes you can directly use for your workUse the macro recorder for simpler tasks and improve the codeWorking with the Visual Basic EditorDebugging tools and error handling methodsDifferent ways to reference ranges and cellsDifferent methods to loopHow to work with data typesPivotTables in Excel using VBAImporting data from other files and exporting data to text filesInteracting with other applications (Word, PowerPoint, Outlook)ActiveX and Userforms to enhance the Excel interfaceBasically all the knowledge you need to automate tasks in Excel"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"R for Statistics and Machine Learning by Project" |
"R Programming for Statistics and Data ScienceR Programming is a skill you need if you want to work as a data analyst or a data scientist in your industry of choice. And why wouldn't you? Data scientist is the hottest ranked profession in the US.But to do that, you need the tools and the skill set to handle data.R is one of the top languagesto get you where you want to be. Combine that withstatistical know-how, and you will be well on your way to your dream title. This course is packing all of this, and more, in one easy-to-handle bundle, and its the perfect start to your journey.So, welcome to R for Statistics and Data Science!R for Statistics and Data Science is the course that will take you from a complete beginner in programming with R to a professional who can complete data manipulation on demand. It gives you the complete skill set to tackle a new data science project with confidence and be able to critically assess your work and others. Laying strong foundationsThis course wastes no time and jumps right into hands-on coding in R. But dont worry if you have never coded before, we start off light and teach you all the basics as we go along! We wanted this to be an equally satisfying experience for both complete beginners and those of you who would just like a refresher on R."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Python for Natural Language Processing(NLP) by Projects" |
"This comprehensive NLP Practitioner course is guaranteed to equip you with a broad range of powerful tools, techniques, verbal and non-verbal communication skills that you can build into your life right away, to help yourself, or other people understand the thoughts and feelings that influence their habits, actions and behaviours.As a field of study, NLP is packed full of unconventional ideas that break down unwanted habits and limiting beliefs, build confidence and create compelling, life-transforming anchors. The skills you will learn at Practitioner level can be applied in areas such as business, sports, education, coaching, therapy or even just for your own personal development and growth.In this courseyou will learn how to:Become an influential and inspirational communicatorUse NLP for setting goals, outcomes and life coaching.Become competent at reading nonverbal communicationsIncrease your sensory acuity and (un)conscious awarenessMaster your thinking and take control of your emotional statesUnderstand fears, anxieties and other destructive emotionsDevelop strategies for making better values-based decisionsDevelop strong personal and professional relationshipsEnvision success, create success and achieve lasting resultsModify undesired behaviours in yourself and other peopleEfficiently extract and elicit information from others.And much, much more ..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |