Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
WordPress5.4 |
"XFREEWordPressWordPressWordPress(MTS Simple Booking)301WordPress()WordPress(ver.5.0.3)XFREEWordPress5.0.3WordPress5.4WordPressURL()BGM BGM YOU (storeG)"
Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
"Google Maps Platform GoogleWEB" |
"4/2 XFREE1/21 GoogleMaps 1/20 ... Google Maps PlatformQ&AGoogle Maps PlatformSNAZZY MAPSGoogleWEBGoogleWEBiOSAndroidGoogleGoogleWebGoogle Maps PlatformGoogle Maps PlatformGoogle Maps API2018611Google Maps PlatformGoogle Maps API Google Maps PlatformGoogle Maps PlatformGoogleAPI 3API Google2.API APIGoogle3.200GoogleHTMLCSSJavaScriptWEBWEBGoogle()PVBGM BGM YOU (storeG)"
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
"WordPress Twenty Seventeen5.2 Jaco" |
"WordPressTwenty SeventeenTwenty SeventeenWordPressWordPress2()Twenty SeventeenTwenty SeventeenWordPressWordPressWordPressCSSCSSTwenty SixteenBGM BGM YOU (storeG)"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"WordPressTwenty Sixteen5.2Jaco" |
"WordPressWordPressTwenty SixteenTwenty SixteenWordPressWordPress22Twenty SixteenTwenty SixteenWordPressWordPressWordPressCSSCSSTwenty SeventeenBGM BGM YOU (storeG)"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"GarageBandDTM vol.2iOSiPadiPhone" |
"GarageBandDTM vol.1 GarageBandDTMiOSGarageBand[iPad]iOSMacGarageBandMacGarageBandiOSGarageBand(vol.1)AppleLoopsGarageBand(vol.2)(A)BGarageBandBGM (izanapi)YOU (storeG) (Illust AC)BGM YOU (storeG)"
Price: 8400.00 ![]() |
"5/1HTMLCSSWEB 4.CSS1WEB 5.CSS2WEB 6.marginpaddingWEB 7.marginpaddingWEB 8.CSS3WEB 9.CSS44/8WEB44/3Adobe XDWEB()Adobe XDWEB() 4/2()3/31Udemy3/24Adobe XDWEB() WEB 3/12Photoshop1232/12Photoshop2/9WEB()WEBCSSWEBWEB Photoshop,Adobe XD,HTML,CSS,WordPress,,WEB30UdemyWEBWEBWEBWEBWEBWEBGoogleChromeBracketsPhotoshopAdobe XDFTPFileZillaCreative Cloud WordPressWEBQ&AWEBWindowsMacWEB()WEB()WEBWEB30 HTMLCSSWEBWEBWEBBGM BGM YOU (storeG)designed by freepik .comdooderpikisuperstarquinkyslidesgoMacrovectorImage by rawpixel .comAC"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Prepositions ""IN/AT/ON""" |
"Students will learn the grammar rules for learning IN/AT/ON which is often a confusing topic for many English learners. In this lesson you will learn the rules and we will walk through several examples for when to use these prepositions along with many common phrases that are used with these 3 commonly confused prepositions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"High Fat, Low Carb - Faster Weightloss (The Fruitful Method)" |
"The Fastest Way To Lose Fat Without Cravings, Willpower Or 'Magic Pills'Never Give Up Wine Or Chocolate Again!Youre exhausted. You feel like crap from the time you drag yourself out of bed in the morning, until you crawl back in at night and try desperately to get to sleep. You LIVE off of coffee & pop (anything with caffeine), hit a complete WALL by 3 oclock and CONSTANTLY crave food like chocolate, chips, cheese & popcorn.Your body aches in places you didnt know existed, while your moods are all over the place and you walk around with a mini pharmacy in your purse (Advil, Zantac, Tums, etc etc etc). Youre also so bloated some mornings that your pants literally wont do up.**Stop Eating Healthy & Exercising Like Crazy & Start Seeing Actual Weight Loss!***>>YOU'RE PERFECT FOR THIS IF: 1. You can't seem to get rid of your belly fat no matter what diet you try or pill you buy and you're crazy bloated. 2. You need accountability & support.3. You want to figure out what foods you NEED to be eating going forward, and the ones to stay away from.4. You're sick of all the diet B.S and you want to be empowered NOT restricted. 5. You're sick of spending hours doing cardio and not seeing any results.**YOUR MIGHT NOT WANT TO ENROLL IF:> You enjoy depriving yourself and don't mind dieting OR you already know exactly how to eat to feel vibrant & well (and your weight is exactly where you want it).> You don't have an internet connection (or access to one).> You have medical issues that prevent you from changing the way you eat (of course you should consult your health practitioner before starting ANY new diet or exercise regime).> You're a vegan (I'm not an expert in this type of eating so you probably want to find someone who is)."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Construo de Personagens" |
"O curso ora apresentado oferece um conjunto de abordagens tericas e sua respectivas prticas, para a construo de personagens na vrias linguagens da dramaturgia. Teses dos maiores pensadores de todos os tempos desde o nascimento do teatro na Grcia at os nossos dias. Constantin Stanislavisky o grande mestre ocidental escreveu um livro inteiro sobre o assunto e por isso o principal foco desse volume especial do curso de construo de personagens."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Leitura Dramtica" |
"Leitura Dramtica o resultado de todas as leituras que os atores desenvolvem em suas atuaes. Leitura literal, leitura subjetiva e leitura cnica. Juntas elas manifestam voz, expresso e movimento fazendo com que os personagens falem, andem e com sua expresso promovam a emoo do pblico expectador, tanto teatro como no cinema ou na televiso."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Forensic Examination of Wounds and Injuries" |
"This will be my most interesting course so far for sure! Ienjoyed the most while studying this subject and so I have created a course for all of my students that will give them some AH-MA-ZING knowledge!This course will help you to understand the forensic perspective of injuries, how to observe and analyze them for clues as to what kind of weapon was used? Was a weapon even used at all? If not, what could be the cause of death? and a whole lot more questions that may arise as a forensic case develops. So join in! it will be a fun, interesting and an exciting course, i promise! Student Discretion is advised. The course may contain some images that may seem disturbing to some individuals."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"89 ngy thnh ti vi amazon dropshipping" |
"Bn s c cm tay ch vic, ni r mi ngy bn nn lm g. Trong 1 thng bn c nhng u vic g cn thc hin, o lng hiu qu ca cng vic l g ?Nh vy vic ca bn l hy lm theo ng nhng g c dy v thc hin cng vic theo ng m t.Nu bn quan tm n DROP th y l kim ch nam thnh cng, duy nht hin nay gip bn nm r cng vic v dropshipping."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Phng php lp ti khon Amazon mi nht thng 5 2019" |
"Bn ang khng bit lp tk Amazon 2019 th no, clip ny s hng dn bn cch thc chi tit thc hin vic lm ti khon vi Amazon 2019. Nu bn cn ng bn khon v khng bit lp ti khon Amazon nh th no th y s l kho hc ph hp vi bn v to cho bn nhng kin thc chun nht bt u lm ti khon Amazon d dng."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Thnh tho Facebook marketing thc chin" |
"Bn s tip thu kin thc c th bt u thc hin qung co Facebook marketing , kin thc hc s c hc mi miBn s hc c :+ Hc chin lc Facebook marketing kiu ht vng : l gii cc hin tng kim bc t/ thng nh bn hng trn Facebook bng chy qung co Facebook ads.+ Hc chin lc Facebook marketing sn bn v nui dng : l gii cc hin tng ti sao lc u bn hng rt hiu qu trn Facebook, ra n nhiu, chy ads tt nhng sau li gim n, gi qung co Facebook ads b tng cao v nhiu khi ht n v thua l.+ Hc chuyn su v tm ngun hng, sn ngun hng bn bun tn gc.+ K thut tm sn phm n hng trn Facebook, phn tch v nghin cu i th.+ Hc chuyn su v phn tch i tng trn Facebook, phn tch Customer insight cho tng i tng B quyt ln nht thnh cng trn Facebook l im ny.+ Hc mi k thut Facebook t Profile, bo mt, phn quyn, to Fanpage, groups, events, ng dng trn Facebook n cc k thut chy qung co Facebook t Canvas, Leads, Video, Slide, Multi-ads, Album ads, Post ads, Link ads, APP install ads+ Phng php khai thc insight vit Qung co Facebook theo AIDA, content t on hiu qu nht Th gii hin nay.+ Khai thc Insight, Audience lc v c v khch hng ti u qung co Facebook.+ Lp k hoch Facebook marketing chun t ca hng nh n thng hiu ln.+ K thut vit qung co Facebook + 24 loi hnh content Viral trn Facebook v k thut Viral conten+ Nguyn l copywriting tng tng tc : Like, Share, Comments, Tag, Click trn Facebook.+ Hng dn lm concept content cho Fanpage tng reach/ like.+ Hng dn cc k thut tng like Fanpage nhanh v siu r nhng cht.+ 56 thut ton tng Reach ca Facebook post gim gi thu ca qung co."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Kho hc kim tin vi Facebook adbreak" |
"Ad Break l ngi sng to video trn Facebook iu kin c th kim tin bng cch a nhng qung co ngn vo trc hoc trong khi pht video iu kin. Ngi to video s nhn c mt phn doanh thu t qung co video hin th cho ngi xem. Khn gi phi xem ht qung co th mi c th xem tip video. V mi nh qung co li nhm mc tiu n mt loi i tng ring, nn mi ngi xem c th nhn thy mt qung co khc nhau trong cng mt thi gian ngh qung co.Qua kho hc ny bn s hc c 1- Cch lm ti khon Facebook adbreak2- Lm th no c facebook duyt ti khon fanpage kim tin 3- iu kin c duyt kim tin 4- Nghin cu ch lm ni dung5- Phn tch i th6- Cch lm video hp dn ngi xem 7- Cc ngun video 8- Cch n xut ca facebook9- Cch chy qung co facebook kim ra tin ...V cn rt nhiu nhng th c th kim tin c vi facebook s c ni trong kho hc ny Mi cc bn tham d v tho lun nh"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Apache Kafka for developers" |
"Apache Kafka is a popular tool used in many big data analytics projects to get data from other systems into big data system. Through this course students can develop Apache Kafka applications that send and receive data from Kafka clusters. By the end of this course, students will be able to , set up a personal Kafka development environment, master the concepts of topics, partitions and consumer groups, develop a Kafka producer to send messages and develop a Kafka consumer to receive messages. You will also practice the Kafka command line interfaces for producing and consuming messages.This is a hands on development course and you will practice more than 20 programs during this course. All programs can be executed in Eclipse and can connect to a Kafka cluster to send or receive messages."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Big Data Foundation for Developers" |
"Apache Hadoop, Yarn, Hive and Spark are popular big data tools used by many organizations to develop big data analytics solutions. Through this course students can develop big data applications using these tools to process data and derive valuable insights from data. By the end of the course, students will be able to set up a personal big data development environment, master the fundamental concepts of Hadoop, Yarn, Hive and Spark, copy data into and from a big data cluster, process the data using the Map/Reduce paradigm, run Map/Reduce and Spark jobs on Yarn, Learn to process big data using Scala programming language in Spark, Use RDDs and dataframes to process big data, use Parquet format to store data, and finally use Machine Learning Libraries of Spark to develop Machine Learning solutions like decision trees, recommendation engine, Linear Regression and Anomaly detection. This is a hands on development course and you will practice more than 50 activities during this course. While Java knowledge is assumed, fundamentals of Scala are taught so that you can write Scala code to process data in Spark. The course provides a foundation for developers to join big data development teams in their organization."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mutluluk Psikolojisi" |
"Bu kurs, psikoloji biliminin ne temeli, ne de ileyii ile ilgilidir. Bu kurs, insan psikolojine ait bilimsel verilerin sonucu olarak elde edilen bilgilerin, insan yaantsndaki ""mutluluk"" kavramna katk salamas ile ilgilidir. Bu kurs, size ""insan mutluluunun"" bilimsel ve pratikte, uygulanabilir ltlerini, anlamn, formllerini ve sonuta kestirilebilir formllerini retecek. Bu kursla, sosyal ve bireysel yaantnzda, i ya da okul hayatnzda, aile yaantnzn temelinde, kariyerinizde ve dier bireylerle ilikilerinizde, iletiiminizde, hayat felsefe ya da dzeninizde ok mesafe kat edeceksiniz.te size bu parayla llmez deerleri kazandracak kursu imdi evinizin rahatlnda izlemeniz iin frsat. Bu kampanya, size hem de bu kursa mr boyu eriim sunmakla dersleri tekrar tekrar izlemeniz iin de frsat sunmaktadr. Yine anlamadnz yerleri tekrar edebilmeniz iin teknolojinin sunduu bir frsattr.Bu kursta u anda onlarca ana ders bulunmakta. lk derslerde konuyu ana hatlar ile ilemekteyiz. Tm dersler srekli gncellenmekte olduu iin mr boyu kurslara eriiminiz, bu gncellemelerden istifade etmenizi salayacaktr. Bu, daha ok konuya konsantre olmanza yardmc olacak. leriki derslerde ise gnlk hayatta pratiklerle uygulayabileceiniz konu ve tyolar reneceksiniz. Bunlar, kiisel, aile ve kariyer yaamnzda size yardmc olacak.Bu kursa kaydolduunuzda ok daha fazlasn bulacaksnz. Bu kursa kaydolmanz kesinlikle neriyoruz. Bu kursa katlmak iin hibir altyapya gerek yok. Hangi yatan, cinsten olursanz olun imdi bu kursa katlabilirsiniz. Hemen imdi mr boyu eriim iin, kendinizi ve kariyerinizi geleceinizle ekillendirmek iin daha fazla neden bekleyesiniz ki?"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
vfrgdfui |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
snewqdxi |
""" "", . . - , - Bilal Semih Bozdemir - , . , , , . , , . , , ."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Sant du Sommeil" |
"Ce cours traite du sommeil, des choses que nous avons exprimentes pendant le sommeil, des rves, etc., afin que notre mtabolisme et notre physiologie puissent continuer notre vie correctement. Les cours crits par nos acadmiciens sur ce sujet et qui bnficient de livres et de recherches qui intressent toutes les couches de la population, vous fournissent les informations absolument ncessaires jusqu la fin de votre vie. Plus beau sommeil, rythme du sommeil, besoin de sommeil, recherches, exemples et rsultats, dure du sommeil, effets des rves et autres sur ce cours."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
vmsiwuxs |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
lnstoanl |
", . , , , , , , , , , . , , . , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basic Psychology" |
"This course has been created by the experts who are ""fully qualified"" expert in our field and our expert team. In this course, you will see what psychology means, the concept of psychology, details of psychology, the structure of the brain and the system of psychological work, the functioning of the psychology system, the functions of the brain, the neurons, the laws of the mind and the psychological effects we are exposed to every day. These lessons will make you like psychology, clarify, confirm or refute your little guesses in mind. He'il make you say you're not even predicting psychology so well."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Psikoloji Srlar" |
"Bu kurs, dzgn ve anlalr Trkesi ile seslendirmesi yaplarak, keyifle takip edeceiniz, konularn gnlk yaantnzdan alan bilgi, tecrbe ve saptamalar anlatmaktadr. Kurs sresinde aldnz bilgileri gnlk hayatta da keyifle uygulayacaksnz. Bu kurs, size her zaman yeni batan izleme frsat da sunacak olmasyla, bilgi ve tecrbelerinizde insan psikolojisini daha iyi anlamak ve insanlar aras ilikilerinizi gelitirme frsat sunacak. Ayn zamanda kendinizi tanma ve gelitirme imkann da bursta yakalayarak insan psikolojisini anlalmaz teknik terimlerle deil, bir arkadanzla konuur ve tartr gibi alglayacak, renecek ve sorgulayacaksnz."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Yalanma ve Psikoloji" |
"Yalanma, ya ilerledike yannda baz psikolojik etkiler ve deiiklikler getirir. Yalanma ve psikolojinin etkisinin anlatld bu kursta, fizyolojik deiikliklerin yannda, psikoloji nasl etkileniyor konusuna odaklanlmtr. Psikolojik etkiler asndan deerlendirilince ya deiimi, insan psikolojisinden ne gibi etkileri ortaya koymaktadr, ne yaplmal ve nasl bir takm yntemler izlenmelidir; bu kurs tm bu konularn hepsine aklk getirmekte. Bu kursu izlediinizde, geen zamanla, kendiniz ve yaknlarnzda ne gibi psikolojik deiikliklerin olaca hakknda temel ve genel bilgiler edineceksiniz."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
qmnqjncd |
", -. -. . , , , . . . ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
bksrfapt |
". , . , . ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
yjosevfx |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
qwvviiqh |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"nsan Psikolojisi ve Gven" |
"Bu kurs, evlilik, arkadalk, i, ortaklk, iyi bir insan olmak ile ilgili benzer bir ok kavramn temel ta olan ""gven"" kavramn ilemektedir. nsan psikolojisi, ""gven"" i nasl ve ne eklide yorumlamaktadr, bu kursta reneceksiniz. nsan, sosyal ve bireysel yaantsnda, gven unsurunu hissetmek zorundadr. Felsefi adan incelenmeyen dersler, her kesimden herkesin anlayaca bir ekilde anlatlmtr. nsan, psikolojisini ve birok iliki temel kavram olan ""gven"" i, bu derslerle daha iyi anlayacak, kavrayacak ve sorgulayacaksnz. Gven kavramnn, dndnzden daha nemli anlamlar ierdiinin farkna varacaksnz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |