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responsibility-for-children |
"in Englishwith subtitles and a companion book in Greek 4-6 / /. , . / . , . . ; ; , . , , . . ? . , . 4-6 . 31 Score . 4-6 ; , . , . . STD (Space Time Disorder) Score ., . , , . , Score . , . , . : , , , , , ,, , : , . . ; , ,, (STD). , . . o ., , , 4-6 STD . master class , , reiki master , (Self Communication and Relation). , , . (PhD) , (STD) ( )."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How you can convert kids play and how to use the TELEPLAY" |
"This course has been updated with the teleplay for this method, play from a distance for one child or a team. The play has got a lot of benefits for a child's development. These benefits will be presented in this class. One of these benefits is that can be used to prevent and for the therapy of Space and Time (S.T.D.) disorderMoreover, in this course, you will learn the basic steps to organize your children's play to learning. These steps are based on the unique W.W.W anthropocentric Self Communication and Relation (Score) method. We have been educated to do what other people are choosing for us, we have been educated to be controlled and to be directed. We are used in doing useful ""activities"" that are useful for those that have chosen them. We are educated to be directed and controlled from external. But, what is a useful activity for our growth? Do we educate our children to find their own useful activities for their needs to grow? Do we teach and counsel them not to be directed?The method is nondirective proved and easy to be applied. After you have finished this course you will have the skills to organize nondirective children's play and convert it into learning and therapy like an expert. You will be able to use it for prevention and therapy of the Space and Time Disorder (STD) You will be able to maximize the learning outcome with less effort. You will increase children's and student's abilities, self-esteem, and organizing skills. This course is for teachers, counselors and parents who want to facilitate their children's or student's learning process as well as for school and counseling or coaching center administrators for their faculty development. Just press the button to enroll. There is a money-back guarantee. How many times have you asked your child to stop play because it has to do his/her lessons? How many times have you stopped doing what you like because you have to do other more important things? I have done it also because I was feeling that I was not good enough as a parent or as a teacher if I don't stop kid's play to teach them ""real lessons"", making this way children to feel frustrated, unhappy and not to be able to concentrate. But on the other hand, if you permit all day playing then there is chaos and actually, there is not any more an ""organized"" learning process. With this nondirective method, we learn gradually to organize the chaos into development and learning for our children's benefit. In this course, you will learn why play is important for the development and the learning process as well as for the perception of space and time and the prevention of Space and Time Disorder STD which is one of my research and counseling practicing fields. After you finish this course you will know how to use the method and play with a kid or a team from distance with teleplay sessions1. will know the benefits of play 2. will have the skills to organize children's play and convert it to learning like an expert. 3. you will be able to maximize the learning outcome with less effort. 4. you will increase children's and student's abilities, self-esteem, and organizing skills. 5. you will not lose any more moments to help children learn and develop6. moreover, if you are already working in the facilitating area or counseling and teaching you will be able to teach, counsel, coach or help adult parents to manage and prevent STD. 7. you will have a tool to use it with adult therapy or teams with adults for personal development8. You will have in hand ways and tools to use for intervention and therapy of STD (Space and Time Disorder). "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to cook with kids to make them happy and healthy" |
" In this course, you will learn how to teach your children to organize cooking. Cooking is one of the most joyful plays for children which if you know how you can turn it to a valuable activity. Cooking with children will help you to create a deep relationship with children. You will be the best parent/teacher that you were always dreaming. Children will be able to choose more types of food if they are picky eaters.I have been teaching university students how to do this activity in their school program for many years. Moreover, I'm an expert through my PhD on the benefits of cooking activities on kid's development.This course will give you the ability to organize cooking with your child/children or student/students.Cooking with a child is not as easy as we think. There can easily be chaos. Or you may want to control anything in a way that the child is learning and doing nothing and feels more stressed and without any value. But if you know the way to organize it can be one of the best activities for all the dexterities as well as brain development. Cooking can be the food for the brain. You will learn the procedure which will transform cooking, simple recipes in-home or as an activity in school, to a real learning process. You will learn all the benefits that cooking with children has got.Children will benefit from the ability, information and knowledge that you will get from the course about the cooking procedure which you will be able to implement instantly. You will be able to prepare with your child easy recipes like salads, cakes, cookies and other simple recipes, which are not presented in the course. Children will learn how to prepare a meal. This contains a lot of higher thinking activities. The smell with the relationship with the father or mother or the adult who is cooking with them has a positive effect on the development of the brain and for space and time perception. You will have in hands a tool to prevent and to heal Space and Time Disorder (STD).Moreover, this course is giving an alternative view and is trying to fill a gap for the acquisition of knowledge.Like all of my courses, there is a lot of space for you to work with yourself. This is also an ideal course for school administrators for teacher training and counselling centres for their faculty training and clients counselling. Always think about safety when you cook with a child and do not allow to do something which is not safe for his /her age.My name is Anastasia Makratzi and I am a teacher, a counsellor, researcher and a reiki master therapist founder of the anthropocentric Self Communication and Relation approach and the anthropocentric sand tray play. I have been working many years now on how to be in full functionality in our everyday life, and how to help our children to be happy, fully functional persons, not to be afraid to take the steps in order to accomplish their dreams, desires, and core needs. I have got a specialization (PhD) and I practice counselling and teaching for Space and Time Disorder (STD) prevention, identification and therapy. I also practice male counselling and I have created the Male Counselling Questionnaire, the S.core Questionnaire as well as the S.T.eTest Test and specific intervention and online counselling programmes and seminars."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Advanced EFT Meridian Energy Tapping Techniques" |
"This is a comprehensive course in Advanced Concepts and Techniques in the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Energy Meridian Tapping. The course takes students from their past studies and experiences in basic and intermediate concepts to higher level skill sets at more advanced techniques and applications. It is highly recommended that students have past knowledge/experiences in understanding and using EFT/Meridian Tapping in order to follow along and be successful with this Advanced Course.Students will explore protocol based Meridian Tapping, such as Thought Field Therapy (TFT), its history and how protocols were developed. An experience with a protocol based process is included. Advanced techniques that are used in TFT and that are often used by EFTPractitioners, such as the 9-Gamut Procedure and the Floor-to-Ceiling Eye Roll are presented and demonstrated included indications for use.The Thymus Gland is detailed and studied including its role in immunity and as a powerhouse of energy. The Thymus Thump Procedure is presented and demonstrated as an adjunct for use in EFT and Energy Meridian Tapping. Students will follow along with the instructor doing the procedure and also explore the benefits of adding this technique to their practices.Content is presented on Disease States and Illness and how we can use specific EFT/Energy Meridian Tapping practices and processes to work more effectively with such states and issues. Alecture is also provided on the use of positive affirmations with Energy Meridian Tapping when working with disease states and physical symptoms.Students will look deeper into the Meridian Systems of the Energy Body. A look at the major meridians used in EFT/Tapping and their corresponding innervation of body organs is presented.Discuss and techniques are presented to work with removing energetic blocks to our successes. Students will lean how to better identify their own blocks to success and how to effective clear these energetic blocks to bring about transformations in their EFT/Meridian Tapping practice and in their lives.Students will learn how to incorporate the following more advanced tapping points and techniques into the EFT/Meridian Tapping Practices:Tapping the Wrist PointsHow to do Mental EFTHow to doProxy EFTHow to do One Point EFTTapping the Brow ChakraHow to do Proxy Animal EFTThis is a highly interactive course and students will follow along with the instructor in many EFT/Meridian Tapping exercises as new advanced techniques are learned.There is a Bonus Section to this course that provides a lecture on ""What is EFT,"" as well as a lecture/demonstration of the Meridian Accupoints that are tapped in EFT. This provides an excellent review for those who may have been away from EFT for awhile and serves as a refresher and prepares them to take this advanced techniques course.The course also provides for three (3) Bonus E-Books filled with various articles on EFT and Meridian Tapping. Students also receive handouts of all of the Power Point Slides presented in the lectures. Other handouts include a chart of the tapping points and the Animal EFTProtocol.For those who feel not ready to take this advanced course but desire to learn how to do EFT/Meridian Tapping, you may want to preview my other two courses on Udemy:Learn EFT Energy Meridian Tapping: From Basics to Intermediate TechniquesThe EFT Learning Series: How EFT Works"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Learn Positive EFT and Positive Meridian Energy Tapping" |
"This course focuses on using the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Meridian Energy Tapping from a ""Positive"" perspective of the techniques and modalities. Both techniques have been most commonly used in dealing with body energy disturbances and blocks related to negative emotions. However, we have learned that EFTand Meridian Energy Tapping can be extremely beneficial in transforming our body energy into highly ""positive"" states if approached in the correct ways. When we transform our body energy into states of free flowing ""positive"" energy remarkable and transformative things start happening. We live on the ""positive"" side of lifein better states of health and wellness, we have more physical and emotional energy, we find that negative thinking and feelings start to abate on their own, we see things in our life from a more positive perspective, we attract more positive experiences into our lives and we actually see our positive affirmations coming to fruition.Learning and working with Positive EFT & Meridian Energy Tapping awakens us to a whole new world of highly therapeutic energy healing modalities. Are you ready to take your EFT&Tapping practices to a higher level of quality outcomes and learn how to live on the ""positive""side of life? Then this course is for you!Amost interesting and fast paced course, you will learn all about positive energy, positive states and how to use EFT& Meridian Energy Tapping to achieve positive living ! As you learn, you will ""tap"" along with the instructor and experience the learning and the outcomes for your self.You will also learn how to put your positive affirmations on ""steroids"" by using EFT & Meridian Energy Tapping to instill them into your Body's Energy System. You would learn various methods that can be used to overcome any subconscious resistance to positive affirmations that will go a long way in enhancing your success. You will learn a whole new way of thinking and working with energy and the energy body by employing the concepts and principles of EFT & Meridian Energy Tapping ! If you love EFT& Meridian Energy Tapping, this is a course you do not want to miss.This course includes complete handouts of all of the Power Point slides. It also includes three (3) E-Books containing many articles on the Emotional Freedom Technique. APrintable Chart of the Tapping Points is also included. Another bonus is an E-Book on Positive Living.ABonus Section is included of video lectures for those who would like a refresher on the concepts of EFT. There is also a Bonus lecture with a slow presentation and demonstration of the tapping points and how to correctly tap on the acupoints. This is a great re-view for those who may have been away from EFTand Meridian Tapping for awhile and will prepare you to be able to take the course.To take this course it is advised that you have some past experience or knowledge of EFT or Meridian Tapping. For those who are highly motivated and without past exposure to EFT/Tapping, watching and studying the Bonus Video lectures on the concepts of EFT and the Tapping points and how to tap, may be enough to allow you to move on with this course, as there is a time-period in which you can request a refund if you feel you are not ready for the full course. Ialso offer two other courses on UDEMY, ""The EFTLearning Series:How EFTWorks"" and ""Learn EFT & Energy Meridian Tapping:From Basics to Intermediate,"" that you might want to consider taking before taking this course on Positive EFT & Meridian Energy Tapping. For those ready to enroll now, welcome to your journey of learning how to use EFT and Meridian Energy Tapping in a new and wonderful way!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Learn EFT & Meridian Tapping: The Beginner's Tool Box" |
"This is an introductory course to the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Meridian Tapping. It is designed for those who have no previous knowledge or background in EFT and Meridian Tapping or who would like a short refresher course in the subject matter.It provides participants with a good foundation of lecture and discussion on what EFT/Meridian Tapping is, how it works on the body's energy system, what it can be used for, how to do it correctly and offers many useful tips to do it correctly and effectively. Participants also have the added benefit of tapping along with the instructor in several actual EFTsessions so that they can experience EFT and Tapping for themselves and understand its incredible positive effects on their energy bodies and feelings!This course prepares participants to ready themselves to go forward and enroll into the other courses in EFT and Meridian Tapping that are offered on UDEMY and other venues with great confidence and understanding of what EFTis and how to do it correctly and effectively! It opens up for participants a whole new world of foundational knowledge and experience to energy modalities and energy healing!Topics cover in this course include:What is EFT/Meridian Tapping?The Uses of EFT and TappingThe Energy Body and the MeridiansThe Meridian Tapping Points used in EFTTips for Correct & Effective TappingThe Subjective Units of Distress ScaleThe Set-Up & The Reminder PhrasesEFT:Putting It All ToegetherExperience EFTSessions: Tapping AlongWhen Not to Use EFTon Yourself"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Create Better Requirements with Use Cases" |
"This course is about a foundational technique of Business Analysis, use cases. For those of you who have taken ourBusiness Analysis Simplified: Master These 10 Techniques to Deliver Requirements in Less Time, you will recognize use case modeling as one of the golden techniques. This is our second courseon use case modeling. Our first course,Business Analysis Simplified - Model Use Case Diagram, focusedon the use case diagram and the overall framework and why it's so successful. In this course, we are taking a deep dive into the use cases and explain how to document detailed requirements with use case technique.So why use case modeling? In our opinion, itis the most important, useful, and efficient technique for analysis of system functional requirements. Once you learn thistechnique, you will not be able to approach a project without it and just like us for the last 15 years, willbecome a use case aficionado!Here are our top three reasons why use case modeling is such a powerful technique:Focuson value - this technique will guide all your elicitation and analysis activities and help you keep laser focus on the business needsClear structure - using this technique, you will be able toorganize all your system requirements clearly and consistently around the goals of the usersSupport of all delivery methodologies - use case modeling enables Iterative and Waterfallmethodologies and is really a technique for all agesAs with all our courses,this course is focused on practice.You will work through a software developmentproject as it's being delivered by a Business Analyst, named Laura, so that you can see use casesapplied in a real-life scenario. You will also have an opportunity to practice use case technique in the assignment section of the course.In this course, you will learn:What areuse casesand why its a powerful techniqueWhen to use use casesHow to create a use case step-by-stepExample to work through"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"MonoGame: Introduction to C# Game Programming" |
"Over the past several years, game development has grown into something that anyone can do. The barrier to entry is continually getting lower, and with so many tools to make the process easier, theres nothing stopping you from getting started! In this course, we will learn the basics of creating games using MonoGame, a game framework with a rich history rooted in indie development. Hundreds of successful titles have been published that utilize this software, including Stardew Valley, Fez, and Bastion, each of which has well above one millionsales on Steam. The programming language we will be using is C#, one of the most widely used languages in the industry. The combination of a solid game engine and a well-documented programming language will provide everything you need to create any game you can imagine.This is a project-based course: we will apply the programming and game development fundamentals that we learn to create our own MonoGame projects. The lectures assume no prior technical knowledge, and whether or not you have programmed before, there is content in this course that can be utilized by anyone. After the introductory section, the course will be divided into three sections discussing C# programming, and three sections that go through the process of developing with MonoGame. We will alternate between programming sections and game development sections in order to get started making games as quickly as possible.We will develop three games from scratch using MonoGame within this course, startingwith a Shooting Gallery game where you click on targets that appear on the screen. Then well create a Spaceship game where you move around the screen using the arrow keys to avoid incoming asteroids, andthen well round off the course by creating a top-down action RPG, where we control a player that can walk around and shoot projectiles at enemies. Each new game that we develop will build on what was learned in the previous one, and in the end, you will have a great understanding of what you will need to develop games of your own, which includes:Creating a playable characterKeyboard and mouse inputDisplaying images to the screenDetecting collisionsShooting projectilesEnemiesPlayer score and healthAnimationsTimersLevel design with TiledCameraIn order to successfully implement these aspects of our games, we will need a solid understanding of several C# concepts. Throughout all three programming sections, we will cover a wide variety of topics, including:Variables and Data TypesConditional StatementsClasses and InheritanceMethodsLoopsSwitch StatementsData StructuresAlthough these concepts will be explained in the context of C#, they are common throughout most programming languages and can be applied to topics beyond the scope of the course. That being said, if you already have a background in programming, there is a syntax review lecture, where well do a quick walkthrough of how to do these simple programming tasks in C# specifically. So, if you already know what these are, you can quickly get up to speed on its use in this context.With all the skills acquired from this course, you will have everything you need in order to get started with projects of your own using MonoGame. By coding along with the lectures, the information will stick with you as we go through the material, and you will have the projectswe complete available on yourcomputer thatyou canlook back on and reference. With a solid understanding of C# and MonoGame, there will be nothing stopping you from developing anything you can think of!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Prospect like a Champion to Win in Sales" |
"Why take this course?Do you ever wonder what the top five percent of an industry's sales professionals are doing differently? The truth of the matter is, they're not just lucky when they get far more commitments from clients.Top sales professionals and persuasion experts utilize repeated successful techniques to capture and keep the attention of clients. After taking ""Prospect like a Champion to Win in Sales,"" you will gain exclusive knowledge into some of these proven techniques and have the confidence to prospect like a champion.This course is for anyone looking to take their persuasion and selling ability to the next level. The science of learning how to capture and keep a client's interest without speaking to them in person is a skill all salespeople need in today's digital age. Whether you have ran our own business for five years or you just got a job as a sales representative at a start-up, you need to know how to sell over the phone smartly. What you will learn in this course.... From taking the course you will learn valuable prospecting insights from my 25 years of selling and coaching. You will gain access into effective tips on how to prepare for a call, and how to navigate an intelligent prospecting call. After completing this course, not only will you be able to maintain rapport and empathy with your prospect to spark genuine interest, you will be able to move past hesitations and gain a commitment for next steps. In addition to much more material, hear are some of the key topics you will be able to learn and master:Successfully planning for the call and create a value propositionGathering intelligence and using social engineering to position your callAvoiding common mistakes in the introductionAsking the best open-ended questions which are tailored to the prospectBest practices for handling resistance from a prospect Building rapport and gaining a commitment for next stepsAfter taking this course.... By the end of this course, you will be able to dramatically increase your confidence and effectiveness in your phone selling abilities. You will learn how to build trust and rapport over the phone, which will end up increasing the number of times prospects say yes to taking next steps with you. It's exciting to share these insights with you, so please enjoy ""Prospect like a Champion to Win in Sales."""
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning and Data Science Essentials with Python & R" |
"Meet Machine Learning, the in-demand and Highest Paying job skill of 2018 and beyond. Machine learning is increasingly shaping future of work and jobs. With an average salary of $120,000 (Glassdoor and Indeed), Machine Learning will help you to get one of the top-paying jobs.Machine Learning, provides computers the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience.Today, data scientists are generally divided among two languages, some prefer R, some prefer Python. The course touches both R and Python implementations of Machine Learning.By the end of the course you will be able toMaster Machine Learning using Python and RUnderstand Linear AlgebraMatrix Operations in R and PythonImplement Linear Regression with R, Python & TensorflowLogistic Regression with R, Python & TensorflowPractical Machine Learning Problems and solutionImplement K-means and K-NN algorithm on RImplement K-NN on python using tensorflowLearning Machine Learning is a definite way to advance your careerand will open doors to new Job opportunities.100% MONEY-BACKGUARANTEEThis course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. If you're not happy, ask for a refund, all your money back, no questions asked.Feel forward to have a look at course description and demo videos and we look forward to see you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Deep Learning: An Introduction" |
"Deep Learningis the most exciting, highly sought and one of the fastest-growing field nowadays. If you want to pursue a career in Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning will help you do so. Actually Deep Learningis a subfield of Machine learningconcerned with algorithms inspired by artificialneural networks i.e the structure and function of the brain.DL is a key enabler of AI powered technologies being developed across the globe.DL training can help professionals to build a solid career in a rising technology domain and get the best jobs in top organizations.Deep Learning is a definite way to advance your career Join in, As for gettingDeep Learning,this course is the authority and equally important you will get a certification of completion that validates your skills.Feel forward to have a look at course description and demo videos and we look forward to see you inside."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"React: Web Apps with ReactJS and Redux - The Complete Course" |
"React and Redux are the skills that will put you more in demand in the modern web development industry. React JS is the future of web developmentThis course will get you up and running quickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build React components and structure applications with Redux.With this course you can easily and quickly build and launch real-world React based web applications.The Complete React Redux Course starts with the basics and covers everything youll need to build and launch React web apps. Youll will practice how to build and launch a React app, from the first line of code to the final production deployment.Take the dive into React JS and Redux. Lets get started coding!At the end of this training, you will be able to Understand the terminology and concepts of React and ReduxDevelop entire React JS and Redux applications from scratch.Build powerful, fast, user-friendly and amazing applications with React JS and ReduxDevelop cross-platform (iOS and Android) mobile apps Apply for high-paid jobs or switch careersWork as a freelancer in one the most-demanded sectors100% MONEY-BACKGUARANTEEGet Lifetime access and 30 Days 100% Money Back Guarantee by Purchasing this course now. If you're not happy, ask for a refund,all your money back, no questions asked.This course is now available at the best price and the price can increase anytime. Taking action and buying this course now is better than doing nothing!Join in, As for learning React and Redux,this course is the authority and equally important you will get a certification of completion that validates your skills.Feel forward to have a look at course description and demo videos and we look forward to see you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Selenium WebDriver: A Step by Step Guide to Test Automation" |
"The Software Testing industry is expected to grow sky rise at 11 percent of CAGR in next 3 years. The average salary of Selenium Automation Engineer as per Indeed Salary Data is $94000Selenium WebDriver Automation Testing is a lucrative and stable career with high financial gains.This course is designed by the Industry experts and undoubtedly is one of the best on Selenium WebDriver. With a step by step approach, even a beginner, with no experience in automation testing can easily master Selenium WebDrive and can work for any organisation Selenium is the most desired automation testing tool as it Supports different Browsers, OS and programming languagesThis Selenium WebDriver Training and Certification will help you in master all the concepts of Selenium from scratch. This Selenium Certification Training is the gateway to your successful Automation testing career.At the end of the course you will be able to Master Selenium WebDriver & Selenium IDERun WebDriver Commands and LocatorsLearn Basic to Advanced TestNGUse IFrames, AutoIT and Desired CapabilitiesWork with Robot Class in SeleniumUse JavaScriptExecutor, Parameterization, Headless Automation, Screenshot in SeleniumHandle Excel, SSL Certificate, AJAX in SeleniumWork with MavenImplement Page Object and Page Factory ModelRun Frameworks in SeleniumWork with CucumberLive Project30 DAYSMONEY-BACKGUARANTEEGet Lifetime access and 30 Days Money Back Guarantee by Purchasing this course now. Taking action and buying this course now is better than doing nothing!Join in, As for learning Selenium WebDriver,this course is the authority and equally important you will get a certification of completion that validates your skills.Feel forward to have a look at course description and demo videos and we look forward to see you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"JMETER Bootcamp: An overview of Test Plans in JMeter" |
"TheApache JMeterapplication is open source software, a 100% pure Java application designed to load test functional behaviour and measure performance. It was originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test functions.This comprehensive course covers all the essential principles of Testing with JMeter.The course is designed and developed by JMeter Industry Expert have extensive knowledge of the subject.This course is concise with to the point explanations and is divided into 4 sectionsFirst section explains Introduction and Installation of JmeterSecond section describes the Elements of JMeter, Working with Jmeter GUI and First Test Plan in JmeterThird section is the detailed Description of Elements of Jmeter i.e Assertions, Listerners, Timers, Logic Controllers, Configuration Elements, Processor, Pre Processor, Post Processor, Testing UIFourth section helps you understand the various Test Plans in Jmeter i.e Testing for HTTP Proxy Server, Performance, Distributed , Web Service, FTP, Test File Upload and Download, DataBase, UsingTemplates and Debug In Jmeter30 DAYSMONEY-BACKGUARANTEEGet Lifetime access and 30 Days Money Back Guarantee by Purchasing this course now. Taking action and buying this course now is better than doing nothing!Join in, As for learning JMeter,this course is the authority and equally important you will get a certification of completion that validates your skills.Feel forward to have a look at course description and demo videos and we look forward to see you inside."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Mark Teacher's IELTS Video Answer Library" |
"Let an experience native English IELTS tutor guide you through IELTS topics with high-band sample answers to real IELTS Speaking Test questions. In this course, you will get access to: OVER 100 full-length, high-band IELTS example answers, written and recorded by myself (with Transcripts included) Downloadable Word-Webs and Mind-Maps to help you organise and remember your new vocabularyClear definitions with dozens of example sentences to demonstrate style, context and tone. British English pronunciation from a native British teacher. Relevant synonyms, collocations and variationsPractice worksheets, quizzes and crosswords to help you remember your new vocabulary. All the vocabulary has been extracted from native English answers to real IELTS questions - so you can feel confident that all the vocabulary in this course is appropriate, up-to-date and natural-sounding English. This course has been organised based on different IELTS topics, so it's easier to follow and remember. You can even download blank word-webs and create your own vocabulary webs. Thanks to lifetime access, you can keep improving your English even after you've taken your IELTS Speaking Test! Happy learning! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Intermediate Game Asset Creation - 3D Modeling in Blender" |
"Getup to speed on the techniques and pipelines used to create high quality, AAA ready game assets!This online course will teach you how to use Blender and 3D-Coat to create aPRACTICALREALWORLDprojectfor your game asset ideas!Do you want to take your3d modeling, texturing, and rendering, skills to the next level?Have you spent time and energy Googling Blender tutorials online, only to find out that it never covers exactly what you need?Do your 3D renders look plain and boring, and you want to know how to take your 3D models to the next level?If you answered yes to any of these questions,you'rein the right place!I know it can be frustrating watching other people post gorgeous looking rendersand game assetsonline, while always wondering how they did it. You can spend hours or even days trying to find the right tutorial online to recreate a 3D asset.Even then they don't always cover the complete pipeline from start to finish.That's why wecreated this course - to teach people just like you how to easily get started with Blender.This course has been specifically designed with you in mindand wehave developed a system to allow you to learn just what you need to know, only when you need it.Have fun while learning!Learn by actually doing!After enrolling in this course, you'll be taken through a complete intermediateproject that will show you how to recreate a 3D game asset from start to finish.Follow along and practice while learning!Downloadable project files make it easyto follow along and practice.The best part about a course like this is that you won't waste time learning tools and functions inside of Blenderthat you will never use. Most courses will tell you about every little part of the program, which is daunting to most people.Intermediate Game Asset Creation - 3D Modeling in Blenderwillshow you the necessary tools as you apply them.This course will cover every aspect of:Blender and 3D-Coat's Interface and How to Navigate It3D Modeling a Complicated3D Game AssetUVUnwrapping and Understanding How UVs WorkHow Normals Work and How to Bake Textures Into Your ModelTexturing Your Game Asset with Smart MaterialsExporting Your Model to Unity, the Number One GameEngineand so much more!Whether you want to create game assets just for fun, or you work in a production studio and need this information done right this instant, this course is for you. We will guide you every step of the way and are here to make sure you succeed in your ventures. Wearealways available to answer any messages, discussions, questions, or feedback that you have.Get a Certificate of Completion when you finish the course!With our 30-Day 100% money back guarantee, there's no reason hesitate!ENROLLNOW"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a programar! Aprende con C++!" |
"Aprende los conceptos bsicos de la programacin desde 0 para comprender y poder utilizar las distintas herramientas que nos proporcionan los distintos proyectos de software hoy en da.Construye un slido conocimiento en los fundamentos del diseo e ingeniera de softwareEvolucin de las computadorasUnidades de una computadora para el manejo por programacinElementos de la programacin estructurada y orientada a objetosTipos de estructura de controlManejo de librerasDe manera sencilla aprende los principios que rigen a los proyectos de software ms elaborados!Adquiere sencillos y poderosos conocimientos Aprender los fundamentos de la programacin en C++ es la manera ms directa de relacionar las operaciones que hacen que funcionen las computadoras y utilizar las facilidades de los lenguajes de programacin modernos para elaborar software mantenible y eficiente. La utilizacin de sus principios te permitir entender porque se toman ciertas desiciones y se siguen ciertos patrones en la elaboracin de programas complejos y te permitir ir escalando tu conocimiento de manera secuencial en la elaboracin de tus propios proyecto e intereses.C++ es un lenguaje multiparadigma con una rica sintxis que te permitiran entender facilmente otros lenguajes de programacin.Contenido: Adecuado para personas completamente novatas, a travs de ms de14 horas de video podrs conocer cuales son los requerimientos bsicos para comenzar a programar en tu computadora y convertirla en tu centro de trabajo customizado. Al curso se le iran agregando videos para enriquecer su vasto contenido y resolver dudas que se vayan presentando; todo, a excepcin del capitulo de introduccin es contenido totalmente prctico donde se muestra directamente como funcionan las cosas pues una gran cantidad de ejemplos y la secuencia de los mismos fueron tomados de distintas fuentes bibliogrficas dentro de las que destacan el libro ""C++ How to program 9th edition"" de Pearson Prentice Hall y Deitel por HarveyM. Deitel y Paul J. Deitel, entre otras cosas los capitulos de este curso se relacionan estrechamente con los nombres de las secciones en el libro para que si lo deseas puedas consultar ms informacin y validar tus conocimientos en la obra escrita."
Price: 570.00 ![]() |
"Top 30 Linux Commands for Beginners" |
"Top 30 Linux Commands for Beginners course covers 30 useful linux commands. These are must know commands for all linux beginners, without learning these commands you cannot master Linux. This course comes with 30 day money back guarantee, so their is no risk if you enroll in this course. Enroll Now and get ready to enter in the world of Linux.Commands covered in this course are:1. mkdir2. rmdir3. touch4. ls5. pwd6. date7. cal8. logname9. hostname10. cd11. reboot12. poweroff13. rm14. cat15. cp16. mv17. history18. history -c19. head20. tail21. wc22. useradd23. userdel24. groupadd25. groupdel26. lock/unlock user27. usermod28. top29. lsof30. more......"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Strip Painting" |
"This course is intended to show the Strip Painting technique I developed over 20 years ago. It takes the students through the entire painting process, discussing things like color selections and painting composition and shows how to apply that knowledge to easily create their own masterpieces. By the time the students arefinished they will be able to paint any imageusing oil or acrylic on canvass with amazing precision."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Digital Marketing Course 2020 All in 1 + Strategies" |
"Learn Digital Marketing and Become an Expert With Only One Course!With over 180 lessons, dozens of strategies,100+ tools,checklists, templates, blueprints andpractical steps you can follow-this is the best place to learn and master Digital Marketing!Thanks to My Marketing Strategies that YOU will Learn Here, you will gain actionable and practical knowledge and skills, that you can use immediatelly.With the skills learned here you can:Start and Growyour own online businessBuild a website, no coding required!Conduct SEO to increase ranking of your site in GoogleGet a job as a Digital or Social Media Marketing ExpertSell and Promote your products onlineUse Social Media to Build a strong brandCreate Content that your audience will loveHack Instagram'sAlgorithm (and other Social Media)Become an InfluencerWHYTHISCOURSE?!All the lessons are well organized and connected in a way that makes sense and is easy to follow!The Course consists of three major parts:The First Part deals with Marketing Fundamentals:Target AudienceBuyer PersonaMarketing ResearchMarketing FunnelsContent MappingCopywritingThe Second Part is all about Website Marketing:Building a WordPress WebsiteSEOEmail MarketingGoogle AnalyticsThe Final Part is focused on Social Media Marketing:Social Media Marketing FunnelHow to Make Money on Social MediaHow to Pick Your NicheContent StrategyFacebook MarketingInstagram MarketingTwitter Marketing,etc.All sections include My Very Own Marketing Strategies, that are proven,actionable, easy to follow and flexible, so You can use them for Your business!Make sure to follow all the projects and practices!By the end of The Course, you'll have Your very own:Target Audience and Buyer PersonaMarketing FunnelContent MapSEO optimized WebsiteAutomated Email Marketing FunnelPerformance Tracking in Google AnalyticsOptimized Social Media ProfilesYouTube Channel with great videos and 1000s of subscribersFacebook Page with over 1000 LikesInstagram Profile with 10KFollowersTwitter ProfileAfter this Course you will also be Future Proof, since You will learn How to Think Like an Expert, so you will be able to adapt to any challanges that might come Your way.WITHTHISCOURSEYOUGETDOWNLOADABLE:StrategiesTemplatesChecklistsBlueprintsGuides and moreWhat are You waiting for?!Take Action!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENROLLNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Change Your Life!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Opresente curso faz uma abordagem das etapas necessrias contratao dos prestadores de servios no mercado, sintetizadas a partir de umponto de vista prtico e com suporte acadmico.Dentre outros temas relacionados ao processo de aquisio de servios, mencionamos os principais: Terceirizaes, Outsourcing,Procurement, Parcerias, Trabalho Temporrio, Processo de Aquisio e suas fases.O contedo foi estruturado em bases slidas e diretrizes seguras, baseadas em cerca de trinta anos de mercado,possibilitando aos profissionais realizarem suas atividades em consonncia s estratgias das empresas, identificando as vantagens econmicas, minimizando-se riscos e garantindo contrataes de qualidade junto ao mercado."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Eiticinin Eitimi" |
"Eiticinin eitimi,eitimi verecek veya etkili sunum yapmak isteyecek insanlar iin bir rehber konumundadr.Eitimimiz 6 blmden olumaktadr;GiriYetikin EitimiEitimin PlanlanmasEtkili Sunum TeknikleriGrsel Materyallerin Etkin KullanmEtkili Kapan Nasl Olur?Eiticinin eitimi eitimimiz ilerleyen zamanlarda deneme sorular, notlar ve yeni videolarla yenilenecektir. Sorun yaayanlar veya merak edilenler iin sorulara olabildiince hzl cevap verilecektir."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Persuasione per l'eccellenza" |
"**** aggiornamento 5 Marzo 2020 ****lemergenza coronavirus rappresenta per tutti noi un momento difficile, sia dal punto di vista emotivo che economico.Laugurio che si ritorni presto alla normalit, ma nel frattempo possiamo anche usare questo tempo per imparare nuove competenze.Per questo ho deciso di aprire alcune lezioni in tutti i miei corsi qui su Udemy fino alla fine di Marzo: voglio consentire a chi ha voglia di studiare in questi giorni di formarsi gratuitamente.A seconda del corso, si arriva fino al 20% delle lezioni completamente libere, che potrai guardare in anteprima, senza nemmeno doverti iscrivere.E il mio modo per aiutare chi ha voglia di studiare e vuole usare questo tempo per acquisire nuove competenze.--------------------Vorresti essere pi capace di difendere le tue idee e i tuoi valori ? Vorresti ""saperlo dire"" meglio ? Vorresti essere pi abile nel convincere gli altri ( amici, familiari, clienti, colleghi ) ?E nello stesso tempo vorresti capire quali sono le regole del gioco per poterti a tua volta difendere, consapevolmente, da trucchi e strategie di chi vuole portarti dalla sua parte senza il tuo consenso ?Sei nel posto giusto ! Questo ' un corso con solide basi teoriche ma allo stesso tempo facile e divertente, dedicato a chi non si accontenta di formule teoriche e di promesse facili ma preferisce trovare gli stimoli concreti, i casi reali, i modelli e gli esempi per una crescita vera, sia nella vita personale che professionale.Grazie anche ai tanti esempi citati, ti sar utile per:- dare una spinta in pi alla tua attivit- fare carriera nella tua organizzazione- rendere pi piacevoli le tue relazioni personali- formare i tuoi collaboratori per ottenere perfomance migliori- aiutarti nelle sfide quotidiane in cui hai una relazione diretta o mediata con altre personeCosa invece non questo corso: non un corso sulla vendita, o sulla comunicazione ""accademica"", o sul marketing, o sulla pubblicit e nemmeno sullo sviluppo personale. In qualche modo tutti questi argomenti sono presenti, ma si tratta di un corso focalizzato proprio sulla persuasione, ovvero sulla capacit di dare valore e forza alle proprie caratteristiche, partendo dal presupposto che la tua identit diversa da quella di qualsiasi altro e che occorrano strategie specifiche per valorizzarla e difenderla.Vengono condivise strategie che hanno basi scientifiche ( negli ultimi anni si sono fatti passi da gigante su questo fronte ) ma anche psicologiche e di osservazione dei modelli vincenti.Acquisirai sensibilit su questo argomento, si apriranno nuove porte e nuovi scenari, avrai a disposizione molti strumenti in pi per ottenere consenso e autorevolezza. E lo potrai fare in modo etico, nel rispetto dell'intelligenza altrui e usando le giuste leve.Devi solo avere un p di pazienza per superare la parte iniziale, pi teorica, e arrivare alla fine delle lezioni, in cui ci sono pi esempi.E ci tengo a dire che io non sono lass , su una cattedra: al contrario sono felicissimo di avere un rapporto con gli studenti anche attraverso il mio sito o le mie pagine social. Molto spesso sono nate partnership con chi frequentava i corsi: per me questo il senso profondo della formazione ( sia umanamente che come business ) : creare relazioni di valore, non vendere lezioni.Buon divertimento !"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Curso Kung Fu Estilo da guia - Nvel I" |
"Esse curso tem com objetivo proporcionar ao aluno elementos tcnicos e tericos da arte marcial ( Wushu) estilo da guia , seus principais fundamentos tcnicos e mtodos de treinamento.Esse curso destinado aos apreciadores do Kung Fu e cultura chinesa.Para esse cursos foram desenvolvidos elementos de fcil aprendizagem de forma a poder ser praticado pessoas de qualquer idade , ou preparo fsico anterior .Esse curso destinado para pessoas que procuram uma atividade fsica relacionada ao preparo fsico , mental e ao auto conhecimento,proporcionando dessa forma uma melhor qualidade de vida em todos os setores . Se voc um apreciador das artes marciais tradicionais , esse curso foi feito para voc ,"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Tai Chi Chuan para a Sade e bem estar" |
"O Curso tem como objetivo oferecer atravs de uma abordagem prtica tcnicas corporais e energticas para manuteno e equilbrio fsico e mental atravs da pratica do Tai Chi Chuan e tcnicas corporais chinesas . Ser abordado exrcios para flexibilidade e sade articular , exerccios de meditao e reequilbrio energtico.O curso possibilitar o aprendizado dos movimentos do Tai Chi Chuan direcionados para o bem estar e relaxamento, bem como uma srie simplificada para praticar em casa , se voc deseja aprender essa prtica milenar e experimentar seus benefcios , inicie agora sua prtica.Namast"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Yoga para sade e bem estar" |
"Esse curso direcionado a todos que desejam se beneficiar da prtica do Yoga , para alivio do stress e manter uma boa forma fsica.Exerccios respiratrios com tcnicas simples para se obter um perfeito ritmo respiratrio na execuo das tcnicas propostas no curso , Asanas ou posturas executados de forma completa e facilitada para que tanto o praticante que esta iniciando ou o que j possua vivncia na prtica do yoga ou prticas corporais possam se beneficiar do curso , sries de asanas ou posturas especialmente criadas para o desenvolvimento de sua flexibilidade, fora e equilbrio .Se voc procura uma prtica corporal que lhe proporcione sade , bem estare um excelente condicionamento fsico , lhe convido a se inscrever em nosso curso.Namast"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Diseo Digital con Adobe Photoshop DESDE 0 HASTA EXPERTO!" |
"Domina el Diseo Digital con Photoshop CC desde CERO a Nivel Profesional. Disea Webs, Apps, Videojuegos 2D y Texturas y mucho mas. Adquiere conocimientos previos, logrars que tu fotografa de retrato se vea sensacional con este fcil curso de Photoshop. Aprende a restaurar fotografas viejas y daadas con Photoshop: Grietas, faltantes, manchas, texturas, colorizacin y mucho mas. Si requieres comenzar Photoshop desde cero o casi desde cero y establecer fundamentos slidos para seguir estudiando el programa, este curso es para t.Puedes prcticar en cualquier momento y escribirme si tienes dudas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"30 Days to Shift Your Money Mindset" |
"You all know the importance of affirmations in attaining your goals, these stemmed from optimistic auto suggestions derived from a French therapist.But did you know that sometimes your affirmations may be more detrimental to your mindset than helpful because of the emotional attachment to them and the opposing beliefs you currently hold?Thats why I have put together this 30 day package to help expand your money mindset in less than 10 mins a day. There is a journal with a particular affirmation and a tap-a-long video for each and every day.Tapfirmations are particularly helpful as they help tap out any resistance you may be experiencing to a particular affirmation so it can begin to work for you in expanding your money mindset. These are quick and easy to do, just follow along!I have had great success for several clients using only my special affirmation technique, let alone adding tapfirmations into the mix.So don't delay, get your Money Affirmation Bundle today"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IP Addressing and Subnetting From Scratch" |
"Jumping into the field of IT Networking and starting a career?Welcome to the IP Addressing and Subnetting From Scratch course. This is an in-depth course for anyone who is willing to learn how to configure network.If you are keen to learn IP addressing and Subnetting in depth or you are interested in learning more core concepts of Information Technology Networking Essentials, then this is the right course for you!I have designed this course for all individuals who are in the IT industry or someone who wants to start his/her career in this ever growing field.In this in-depth course, you will learn:Learn fundamentals of IP address and Subnet maskUnderstand IP address classes and why we use themCreate Network ID and Host ID. Decimal to binary conversion techniqueGain solid understanding of Default GatewaySee MAC Address in actionHow DHCP works, LAN, WAN, TCP/IP and all other important conceptsLearn the basic concept of cloud computing and network typologiesWork with variable length subnet masksBe able to successfully create Subnetting according to the HostCreate and configure Subnet masks on various networks and much more...See what our students say It is such a comprehensive course and I am very confident with IP address and subnet masks along with networking concepts. Bravo! to the instructors. I would without a doubt recommend it to everyone. - Cheryl JonesThis is such an awesome course. Clear instruction, and I loved every bit of it Wonderful learning experience! Vishnu.Enroll now in IP Addressing and Subnetting From Scratch course today and revolutionize your learning. To re-enforce learning, you will do several assignments and quizzes. Stay at the cutting edge of learning new skills - and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in class!MyraTeam ClayDesk"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Become AWS Certified - Solutions Architect Associate 2018" |
"This course is not just videos! It includes a detailed lab manual with 26 exercises that you can complete. But there are great videos as well, including over 25 live demos. The lectures are full of illustrations that will help you understand the concepts behind the technology.Are you looking for the best possibleAWS Training? Learn from an experienced instructor that has taught the official AWS curriculum for Amazon.This course aligns to theAWS Certified Solutions Architect (CSA) - Associate Exam. Absolute AWS beginners will be able to follow along with this course easily.There is no programming experience required.The course begins with a high level overview of many AWS products. Most lectures are around5 - 10minutes long. Some topics require in-depth knowledge, and go longer.To access the labs you will register for a free account with TrainerTests. There is no charge, and access to the lab materials are permanent."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete React Js & Redux Course - Build Modern Web Apps" |
"React has rapidly become one of the most powerful tools for building Web Applications. Top sites using React include Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, Airbnb, and more!This course is perfect for entrepreneurs or startups looking to bring their ideas to life and React developers command some of the highest salaries in the development world.Master React and Redux in this fun and exciting coursewith top instructor Rayan Slim. With over 15,000 students, Rayan is a highly rated and experienced instructor who has followed my ""learn by doing"" style to create this amazing course. You'll go from beginner to extremely high-level and your instructor will complete each task with you step by step on screen.By the end of the course, you will have built a sophisticated Photowall Web Application with React, Redux and CSS. This powerful application will impress even the most senior developers and ensure you have hands on skills in React and Redux that you can bring to any project or company.This course will show you how to:Build a sophisticated Photowall Web Application with React, Redux and CSSUse Redux to manage your data, make it more predictable and easier to debug.Connect your application to Firebase, a powerful database. Use React Router to navigate through your applicationCreate Class ComponentsUse JSX to build your User InterfaceUse Props to pass DataCompartmentalize your web page into Components Update Component State to ensure responsive and interactive applications. No experience required. This course is designed to take students with no programming/web development experience to accomplished React developers. This course also comes with all the source code and friendly support in the Q&A area."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |