Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Reasoning For SSC/PSC/Railway/Vyapam & all competitive exams" |
"The course includes video explanations of solving complex Reasoning problems in seconds. We always wonder how to do so many questions in a competitive exam in such little time. This course will help you to crack competitive examsTime & Clock Calendar Decoding Relation Sense Test Test Arrangement Syllogism Test Dice Cube and cuboid Assumption of Arguments Strong or weak Arguments Statement & Conclusion Courses of Action Assertion and Reason Input output Computing"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Advance Maths SSC/PSC/Railway/Vyapam & all competitive Exam." |
"The course includes video explanations of solving complex Advance Maths problems in seconds. We always wonder how to do so many questions in a competitive exam in such little time. This course will help you to crack competitive exams (Algebra) (Geometry) (Co-ordinate Geometry) (Mensuration) (Trigonometry) (height and distance) (Permutation and Combination) (Probability) (Data Interpretation)"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Crer une audience de fan accro tes mails" |
"Apprendre crire des mails qui poussent passer l'actionApprendre crire des mails qui poussent passer l'actionApprendre crire des mails qui poussent passer l'actionApprendre crire des mails qui poussent passer l'actionApprendre crire des mails qui poussent passer l'actionApprendre crire des mails qui poussent passer l'actionApprendre crire des mails qui poussent passer l'actionApprendre crire des mails qui poussent passer l'actionApprendre crire des mails qui poussent passer l'actionApprendre crire des mails qui poussent passer l'action"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Crer 1 business en ligne rentable en partant de 0" |
"tes-vous dans cette situation ?Vous souhaitez crer un vritable business en ligne mais vous ne savez pas o commencer.Le paradoxe c'est qu'il y a normment d'informations sur le web mais vous n'arrivez pas faire le tri dans tous ces contenus. Aujourd'hui vous avez perdu trop de temps et vous avez envie de passer la vitesse suprieure avec un plan d'action concret.Je peux vous rassurer ?Vous tes au bon endroit !J'ai cre ce cours car j'tais comme vous il y a 2ans et aujourd'hui je vous partage tout ce que je sais dans ce cours pratique o je vous montre TOUT.Qu'allons-nous voir dans cette formation ?Ce cours a t pens autour des 5piliers du business en ligne.A savoir : Le MINDSET, c'est dire l'tat d'esprit indispensable avoir pour russirLe BRANDING, c'est tous les dtails qui creront une diffrence sur le web La LISTE MAILS, c'est la base de ton business pour crer une relation et vendreLa TECHNIQUE, c'est toute la partie invitable pour exister et je te guide clic par clicLe CONTENU, c'est ce qui te permettra de crer du trafic pour attirer des clientsLe programme vous plat ? Il ne vous reste plus qu' me rejoindre maintenant dans la formation complte.J'ai pens tous les modules pour les dbutants en particulier pour la partie technique qui fait souvent peur au plus grand nombre. Je filme mon cran et on avance ensemble sans pression.Vous avez maintenant l'opportunit de vous forger un MINDSET de feu, un BRANDING de qualit, une LISTE MAILS qualifi, un SITE scuris et des CONTENUS pertinents.A vous de jouer, je vous attends dans le 1er module !Si cette formation vous aide avancer, je vous invite laisser un commentaire c'est ce qui m'aidera le plus faire connaitre ce cours pratique."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Critical Reflection for Everyone" |
"The focus of this course is on personal and professional development through applying Critical Reflection to life, academic and work situations. You will first explore what Critical Reflection is and why it is important. Then you will learn about a simple Critical Reflection model, and hear an example of how to apply it. Next I will discuss some conditions and resources that can support your growing Critical Reflection Practice. We end by learning about some alternative Critical Reflection models that may suit your unique needs and situation better at times.While Critical Reflection is an educational mainstay in professions like teaching and nursing, my goal is to make it applicable for everyone. So, if you want to learn and grow, either professionally or personally, this course can give you some tools to assist you on your journey."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Scrapbook - lbum Costurado" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender a fazer toda a estrutura, montagem, capa e decorao externa, com o diferencial de utilizao da costura.A tcnica permitir que a estrutura do lbum tenha mais resistncia e ainda um design totalmente diferente.O projeto foi pensado para que voc possa guardar suas melhores lembranas por longos anos, misturando a resistncia do tecido, a durabilidade da costura e a delicadeza dos papeis.Se voc nunca costurou, no se preocupe, neste curso voc ir utilizar apenas costura reta, em mquina simples, ou poder deixa-lo sem as costura, aproveitando apenas das tcnicas de colagem que tambm mostraremos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Scrapbook - lbum Tcnicas Mistas" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender a fazer toda a estrutura, montagem, capa e decorao, com o diferencial de inserir pginas com profundidade e pginas pop-up.Aprender toda parte tcnica da montagem do miolo com papel de maior gramatura, permitindo mais flexibilidade para inserir mais pginas e de tamanhos variados.O projeto foi pensado para que voc possa guardar suas melhores lembranas, com o diferencial de usarmos uma coleo de papeis tambm pensada exclusivamente para este projeto.Se voc nunca fez um lbum, no se preocupe, neste curso voc ir aprender do bsico ao acabamento, com a vantagem de fazer uma decorao diferenciada e cheia de tcnicas."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"ETABS Eitim Akademisi (TBDY2018'e gre / 2020 GNCEL)" |
"Kayt ncesi muhendis-akademi web adresini ziyaret ediniz!ETABS; tpk SAP2000 gibi tm dnyada inaat mhendislerinin en ok kulland bir CSI (Computers & Structures Inc.) yazlmdr. ETABS yazlmnn hem arayz hem de ierii, spesifik olarak daha ok yksek katl yap analizine yneliktir.Mhendis Akademi tarafndan oluturulan ve tm anlatmlarn n. Yk. Mh. / Dr. Ad. Mehmet ner YELEEN'in yapt bu eitim setinde, yine bir yandan ETABS yazlmnn en nemli ksmlarna deinilirken dier taraftan da ok katl yap analiz sreleri A'dan Z'ye ele alnmtr.Ek olarak, tm tasarm sreci 2018 Deprem Ynetmeliine gre yaplmakta ve yeni ynetmeliin en nemli noktalarna eitim boyunca deinilmekte, zellikle yeni eklenen/deien blmlerle alakal nemli noktalar, uygulamal olarak vurgulanmaktadr.Eitim ieriinde; 18 kattan oluan ok bir bina sfrdan oluturulmakta, analiz edilmekte, kan problemler detaylandrlarak dzeltilmektedir. Eitim sonunda ""STATK ANALZ RAPORU"" da yer alacaktr.Her zaman olduu gibi, aklnzda hibir soru kalmasn diye bir ok dersi nizlemeli hale getirdik. Kursa kaydolmadan nce, ders nizlemelerine gz atmay unutmayn!"
Price: 359.99 ![]() |
"MS PROJECT Eitim Akademisi" |
"Kayt ncesi muhendis-akademi web adresini ziyaret ediniz!Microsoft Project, MICROSOFT tarafndan gelitirilen ve proje yneticilerine plan oluturma, kaynaklarn grevlere atanmas, aama takibi, bte ynetimi ve i yk analizi gibi konularda yardmc olmas amacyla tasarlanm bir proje ynetimi yazlmdr. Uygulama kritik yol zamanlamalar, kritik zincirleme ve olay zincirleme metodolojisi oluturur. Takvimler, grnmler, tablolar, filtreler ve alanlar gibi kiiselletirilmi nesneler; tm kullanclar tarafndan paylalan bir kurumsal globalde saklanrlar. Bylelikle ynetimsel anlamda bir ortak akl oluturulabilir.Microsoft'un nc Windows-tabanl uygulamas olan Microsoft Project, yaynlandktan birka sene sonra PC-tabanl proje ynetimi yazlm sektrnn lideri haline gelmitir. Farkl raporlama seenekleri, kolay kullanlabilir arayz ve zellikle MS Office programlar arayzne benzerliiyle kullanc dostu olarak bilinen bir planlama yazlmdr.te MS PROJECT Eitim Akademisi ile, bu esiz yazlmn tm detaylarn rahatlkla renebilecek, kolaylkla kullanabilecek ve bilinli bir planlama ile en zor ynetim srelerinin stesinden gelebileceksiniz.Bu eitim, tm planlamaclar hedef alnarak hazrlanmtr ve sadece belirli bir meslek grubuna ynelik deildir. Tm planlamaclarn yararlanabilecei, Mhendis Akademi kalitesiyle ve n. Yk. Mh. Mehmet ner YELEEN'in anlatmyla oluturulan bu eitimi KAIRMAYIN!Aklnzda hibir soru kalmasn diye bir ok dersi nizlemeli hale getirdik. Kursa kaydolmadan nce ders nizlemelerine gz atmay unutmayn!"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"TEKLA STRUCTURES for Beginners & Intermediates" |
"TEKLA STRUCTURES is the most constructible structural software for BIM. With it, you can create, combine, manage, and share accurate multi-material 3D models full of construction information.You can use Tekla Structures for design, detailing, and information management from conceptual planning to fabrication and construction on site. The Beginning of this course will provide you with the basic knowledge and skills to get you started with Tekla Structures. As the course progresses, you will develop your Tekla Structures abilities with a key focus on steel models, working through a series of practical examples and exercises.The Creator of the course, MEHMET NER YELEEN, is an experienced engineer and owner of the MHENDS AKADEM, which is a technical Youtube channel specially created for engineers. This course will teach you how to navigate and use the interface, model a steel structure, generate drawings and reports, and how to set up and maintain your system, giving you the confidence and skills to be more productive and efficient."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"REVIT Architecture 2020 Eitim Akademisi" |
"Kayt ncesi muhendis-akademi web adresini ziyaret ediniz!REVIT Architecture (Mimari), 3 boyutlu yap tasarm ve modelleme yaplabilen bir Autodesk yazlmdr. Parametrik yaps ve oluturduu Yap Bilgi Sistemi (BIM) sayesinde, dokmantasyon ilerine harcanan sreyi en aza indirerek, tasarma daha fazla zaman ayrlabilmesini salar. REVIT Mimari'de, tasarm srecinde herhangi bir veri sadece bir kez eklenir ve tm sre boyunca kullanlr ve yaplan her deiiklik annda tm dkmanlara yansr. Ksaca Revit Mimari, artk Mimari tasarm ve modelleme srelerinin bir vazgeilmezi haline gelmitir.Mhendis Akademi tarafndan oluturulan ve anlatmlar tamamen n. Yk. Mh. / Dr. Ad. Mehmet ner YELEEN tarafndan oluturulan bu eitim setinde, REVIT Mimari'ye ait bir ok zellik en ince detayna kadar anlatlmaktadr. Bylelikle reneceiniz tm detayl komutlar ve kullanm kolaylklar ile tasarm srecinizin hem daha ksa hem de daha kolay gereklemesi hedeflenmitir.Bu eitim setinde REVIT 2020 kullanlmaktadr. Bu balamda son eklenen zellikler ile REVIT Mimari'yi gncel bir ekilde kullanabilmeniz hedeflenmitir.Eitim ieriinde rnek bir proje tasarm anlatlmam, ancak tasarm srecinizde kullanacanz bir ok zellik adeta bir kullanm klavuzu hassasiyetinde ele alnmtr.Aklnzda hibir soru kalmasn diye bir ok dersi nizlemeli hale getirdik. Kursa kaydolmadan nce ders nizlemelerine gz atmay unutmayn!"
Price: 229.99 ![]() |
"Applied Cyber Security for Professionals" |
"Are you ready to defend your system or company against real Hackers and advanced Cyber Attacks?While Pen Testing may propose a theoretical scenario, Hackers attacking a company or a given system have been hired to do so; they are highly motivated and relentless!They study their target, crafting new exploits and malware accordingly. They wont stop at your brand new Firewall or latest trendy Antimalware.But how can you be prepared to defend against this type of pervasive attacks, unless you already understand how these are performed.Beyond Phishing emails and malicious websites and other tactics that may be surpassed by the users common sense, you need to know how Hackers actually hack into systems and companies when they have been paid to do so.What should you prioritize as a Cyber Security Officer for ensuring the safety of your users, integrity of the systems and that day-to-day businesses operations don't get hindered?Nowadays Cyber Security solutions pileup by the score. Which solutions actually work? What should the company invest into? Whats the right choice to make?This course will help you to answer all these questions, by teaching not just how Cyber Attacks actually occur in the real world, but what techniques are used by real Hackers (not only Pen Testers) to reliably hack into system and companies. And most importantly, what can you do to start protecting your system against such type of attacks.Moreover, this course was developed from experience of protecting companies under this type of circumstances.As such this course wasnt developed from performing Penetration Tests against these companies, but form actively defining them against real Hackers!For this reason, this course observes Cyber Security from a professional point of view, or from an environment in which budgeting, use of resources and implementation at big scale actually matters.And thus, is not the intention of this course to lead the user into install multiple third party applications, that cannot be realistically implemented in business environments and across multiple users.Nevertheless, and due how extensive and complex Cyber Security could be, as more than one single set of steps, is a series of different engineering disciplines put together under this term, this introductory course address the most simple elements of the matter, and hence focuses on Windows 10; versions Home and Professional.And for this same reason, and as a beginners level course, this doesnt pretend to cover every aspect of security present in Windows 10. But the core aspects that will allow you to protect your system against the type of Cyber Attacks described during this course. And which as a matter of fact are the most effective ones.Finally another very important aspect of this course, and that will allow you to further develop your skills, by putting you in the right track, is that it will teach you the core aspect of Cyber Security; what are we trying to protect exactly within a system and what could be the ideal scenario in which hacking is no longer possible!FAQ1. Is this a complete course about Cyber Security?No, this is an introductory course to the matter. But its aimed to those wanting to or being in the position of protecting systems or companies against real Cyber Attacks.Whats your experience regarding Cyber Security?As of now I have 10 years of experience working in Cyber Security, being the most significant highlight of my career to intervene when companies are being persistently attacked by hackers or Cyber Criminals.Although and while these are extreme cases, most of the time I help companies to perform security audits and train IT personnel.2. What do you mean not from Pen Testing only?There are many Cyber Security books and courses that are created from the assumption of what a Cyber Attack could be. And which mostly use commercial Pen-Testing tools as reference.However this will never prepare a Cyber Security officer for facing an actual Cyber Attack, as hackers (often times a team of 6 or more people), will most likely develop their own exploits and malware for attacking a given target.Nevertheless all these share a common goal. And by understanding what this is, you will begin taking the first steps for presenting an effective defense.3. I am a Network / System Administration with some experience in this subject. Is this course still useful for me?Yes, although this is an introductory course, you may have never faced an actual Cyber Attack or have whatever you have implemented in terms of protection, contested by real Cyber-criminals. And thus this course should at least give you a new insight regarding Cyber Security.4. Can you elaborate more into the subjects covered in this course?Sure, just please let me know what do you need me to cover in further detail and Ill be happy to add new lectures accordingly."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Logo Design in 5 minutes + Illustrator + Sketching" |
"Logo designing, you must understand what is Logo. What a logo means is more important than what it looks like. Logos identifies a company or product by the use of a mark, flag, symbol or signature. Their meaning from the quality of the thing they symbolize. It is only an 1 hour course after a very detail research and experience from a very experienced Atul Puri. you got point to point information about Logo design and important tips without wasting your valuable time.So join this course without any doubt for being a creative Logo designer:) To illustrate the logo concept, think about logos like you think for people. The logo identifies a business or product in its simplest form. In this same way a logo should not describe what the business does but identify the business in a way that is recognizable and memorable. After a logo becomes familiar it is also important it functions the way it is intended to do. We should prefer to be called it by name rather than by the confusing descriptions. Here are some tips we need to consider to make the perfect logo. Now you learned about logo design, these logo designing tips help you to become a good and quality logo designer. Keep in mind the theory of logo designing and also remember that there is no such particular rule to create a design. You can create what you think justify your brand or company. It should be justify with the product describe the clients product and business well. So now just sketch, create and explore your creativity."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Practical Mindfulness" |
"In our busy lives topped with distractions, we have conditioned ourselves to not live our life fully. Mindfulness appears as a meditating practice, however, it is a lot more than that. It can be achieved while you are running your errands and performing daily tasks. Daily, but little, mindful steps are the most powerful steps you can take to improve the quality of your mental focus, well-being, spirituality, health and clarity. This course does not teach meditations, but simple techniques that you can use on-the-go."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Implantando o Grafana" |
"Nesse curso iremos aprender como funciona o Grafana, desde a sua instalao at a integrao com Zabbix e PRTG. Mostrarei toda a estrutura do sistema, desde os painis at a instalao de outros plugins que aumentam suas funcionalidades.O Grafana torna a anlise de dados mais simples, dessa forma mesmo profissionais que no so da rea de TI conseguem interpretar as informaes com mais facilidade."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The course elaborately explains contents of IFRS 15 with the help of several animations, graphics and pictorial explanation. Further brief examples are being included to facilitate interpretations. The standard is significantly complicated and exhaustive in terms of the technical aspects; consequently, even a full 3-hour session would be inadequate to explain it fully with relevant examples. And therefore brevity is retained in incorporating examples and emphasis is more on making the bare provisions more explanative and pictorial which could help in quick grasping and long term retention of the provisions contained in the of the standard. A detailed understanding coupled with memorising the content should help in the practical implementation of the standard as the provisions would be demystified, and the materials would be part of the viewer as he/she looks and relooks at the lecture contents."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Remove Wealth Blocks & Create Abundance 30 Day Challenge" |
"Create Your Future Free of Financial Blocks and Struggle. Live an Amazing Life! This program specialises in creating Abundance for WomenIs this you?Do you desire to live abundantly and be financially free?Do you feel comfortable receiving money or other forms of abundance?Do you need an energetic cleanse to release your negativeemotions,programming, and suffering?Do you sabotage your intentionsto be financiallyfree?Do you want to change your financial relationship with money from fear, lack, and struggle to joy and ease that are unlimited and overflowing?Are you ready to remove your financial struggle and live with a new abundant mindset?""Life ChangerThank you Marisa for sharing your expertise and divine energy during the 30 days financial abundance challenge. Wow what a life changing experience. I thoroughly enjoyed every day and learnt so much about myself, my sabotages, my mindset, decision making, negative life patterns, planning my future, valuing myself and money! My life has catapulted in just 30 days and it's only the beginning for me : ) with all the new knowledge I have in my 'tool kit' my life is going to continually expand and grow as I continue to receive pure abundance in all areas of my life and am ever so grateful to be living in my full potential as a 'highly successful' and 'connected' Millionaire. Yep that's me! I can see it, I can feel it and I'm really enjoying the journey getting there. OMG Could My Life Get Any Better?"" Renae Charman""I was really stuck in my business. I thought I was going bankrupt. Idid this course and applied all the principles which turned my business around and within 30 days everything changed for the better. Now 3 months later Iam making 300% more money- this course really changed my life"" Marcie Roylands"" This course is geared for women who struggle maintaining financial independence.Marisa will be with you every day via the online videos. She will provide live stream videos/exercises/visuals/mantras/healings/insights, etc. to create financial freedom. You will ...Use methods and techniques to reverse poverty consciousness to creating an abundant mindsetGet a daily wealth creation posts to keep your financial goals moving forwardReceivea daily abundance plan to track your progress and raise your financial energy levelsOption to join the women's only Facebook 30-Day Abundance Community Group to mingle with others, read feedback, find an abundance buddy to complete the challenge. And get inspired by the transformations of the women from the first 30 Day Abundance Challenge Group.30 Day Program Schedule:Week 1Day 1: Welcome to the 30-Day Abundance Challenge. Exercise 1: What Do You Want - The Sky's The LimitDay 2: Know Yourself to Change Yourself!Exercise 2: Complete Negative Beliefs TableDay 3: Know Yourself to Change YourselfExercise 3: Create a New Abundant Childhood/BlueprintDay 4: Your Financial Sabotages and WeaknessesExercise 4: Find Your Sabotages and Reverse ThemDay 5: Your Financial Sabotages and WeaknessesExercise 5: Role PlayingDay 6: Sacrificers and Over-GiversExercise 6: List Thoughts/Behaviours on Over-giving or Money WorshipDay 7: Overcoming Money FearsExercise 7: Shift, Rise, Elevate, Transform Your Money FearsWeek 2Day 8: Victim to EmpoweredExercise 8: Do You Have a Victim Mentality?Day 9: The Myth about Spirituality and Money Exercise 9: What are Your Beliefs about Money?Day 10: The Myth about Spirituality and Money. Exercise 10: Mindsets of Rich People Verses the Poor and Middle Class:Day 11: Create New Beliefs and Associations with MoneyExercise 11: Write a Money LetterDay 12: Spend time in a Wealthy Persons mindExercise 12: Play Affirmation VideoDay 13: KarmaExercise 13: Clear and Build Good KarmaDay 14: GratitudeExercise 14: Gratitude MomentsWeek 3Day 15: Clean Out the Old EnergyExercise 15: Spring cleanDay 16: Making Decisions Exercise 16: Assessing your Decision Making TechniquesDay 17: Decision Making Day Exercise 17 Decision Making from Empowered EmotionsDay 18: When the Sh*t hits the FanExercise 18: Analysing Your MessagesDay 19: Love ChangeExercise 19: Create Daily ChangesDay 20: Connection, Intuition and GuidanceExercise 20: Tap into Your Feelings that Guide you to FreedomDay 21: Take a BreatherExercise 21: Relaxation TimeWeek 4Day 22: Remove Financial CursesExercise 22: Remove Financial Curses HealingDay 23: Spend a day as a Multi MillionaireExercise 23: Live a Day in the Shoes of A MillionaireDay 24: Morning RitualsExercise 24: Define Your Morning RitualDay 25: Storytelling and FocusExercise 25: Zero NegativityDay 26:Creation Day - Increase Your Income Exercise 26: Find New OpportunitiesDay 27: Creation Day - Putting Ideas into ActionExercise: 27 Take Your Best Idea and Create WealthDay 28 Read and LearnExercise 28: Choose a Book to Educate and InspireWeek 5Day 29: Imagination and VisualisationDay 30:Summary of Your Progression. Exercise 30: Where to From Here?""Thank you Marisa! As always, you never fail to deliver! This workshop was packed full of inspiration, challenge, growth and empowerment! And with an amazing group of wonderful women creating the most fabulous support network, the 30 days was life-changing! Blocks, beliefs, negative patterns were busted; new ideas, inspiration and guidance provided the steps for real change! Feeling so blessed to have been a part of this! Thank you!"" Tracey WoodsBONUS 1The entire 30 days have been recorded in a FB group so you can view other's responses and feedback as you complete the 30-Day Challenge. You can repeat the 30-Day Abundance Challenge for as many times as you like!BONUS 2Marisa's very recent and intense plant medicine experience removed suffering from herself and her ancestors. She was also challenged but she overcame the programming and coding that put her on the matrix. She feels it has shifted her energy and DNA to a brand new state of being.The study of consistencyThe 21-day rule originatesin the 1960's pop psychology book Psycho-Cybernetics. The book states that it takes a minimum of 21 days for an old mental image to dissolve and for anew one tobe created.There is a more recentstudyof 96 people published inThe European Journal of Social Psychology.These findings reveal that it takes an average of 66 days to form a habit. But in the study, the actual number of days ranged from 18 to 254 days. So it can take a very short or a very long time. The moral of the story is that your changes need to be done consistently to get maximum, lasting results.Absolutely incredible ""Dearest Marisa, I have just watched my last day-30's and ticking off the list.This course has been absolutely incredible for me!I had NO IDEA of the blocks revolving around money for me...i thought i had it all worked out and once i got my business up and running it would all pan out.I have done 8 healings in January to move on financially-woo hoo!The shit hit the fan for 2-3 weeks and was eventually resolved with my immediate family.I have spent 5 years working on every other aspect of myself through fh, but this has topped them all.I hope one day to be sipping on a pina colada with you in the bahamas too lol! Thankyou so so much for putting this all together! My mind is clear, heart is full of gratitude, the meditation gives me tingles everyday, i carry money in my purse now and also some on my body, i am booked in to do the summit entrepreneurs day with Jacinta. Booking in school fetes/fairs/expos locally just so I can bring what i do to this side of Melbourne!"" Leesa"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Spiritual Protection 14 Day Negative Energy Cleanse" |
"Advanced Spiritual Protection 14 Day Negative Energy Cleanse Online CourseWant to rid yourself of toxic and negative energy to change your life? If I say so myself, this is my speciality when addressing negative energies and removing them.Over the 14 days, you will receive information, webinars, lessons, healings and exercises to remove any negative or toxic energy. This will free the hidden blocks/obstacles that stop you from creating the life you desire.Negative Energy:Negative energy produces negative attractions. Most people know that when you change your energy, you change your life, however, this may seem easier said than done. Often, you dont know what is in your energy field that causes your blocks and struggles because you cant see the energetic damage.This damage is more pronounced if you endured a difficult or abusive childhood. You will, however, witness the side effects in emotional, physical and spiritual manifestations. Join me in this powerful 14 day cleanse to remove negative energy stored in your energy field.Here are some signs of negative energy or cursesNegative Thoughts: You feel negative and paranoid about yourself and othersNo Progression: Blocks in your relationships, health, and finances.Looming Dark Clouds: Dark clouds hanging over you that produce bouts of bad luck.Chronic Fatigue: You lack focus, clarity and experience chronic fatigue and exhaustion.Intense Anger: Certain people come to your mind and you feel anger towards themStrange People: You seem to constantly attract strange and angry people.Low Self Confidence: You suffer low self-confidence and low self-esteem.Medical Conditions: Unexplained short-term, chronic medical conditions.Unresolved Negativity: You have unresolved negativity and resentment with othersExtreme Guilt: You feel guilty around others and feel responsible for their problems.Sharp or Dull Pain: You experience sharp pain or a chronic dull ache.Addictions: You develop addictions to drugs, foods, alcohol, cigarettes etc.The Source of Your ProblemsThis program offers you decades of experience as founder of Forensic Healing and having studied and removed negative energies from thousands and thousands of people. I reveal the hidden reasons and truth of the effects of negative energy and how to remove them.With this ability to read energy fields, it the how, when, what and why people are spiritually targeted and attacked. The findings confirmed that 100% of peoples problems are sourced from some sort of low vibrational energy.What Makes You VulnerableAny low vibrational energy in your energy field makes you vulnerable to negative energies and entities to attach. There is no such thing as accidents, poor health, financial problems, bad luck, emotional or spiritual turmoil, all these conditions can be traced from a negative source of energy.The 14-day deep energy cleanse addresses every reason for any negativity in your life. You will participate in healing protocols and techniques to remove and cleanse your energy. You will travel deep into your mind, body, spirit and soul for a deep spiritual cleanse and develop techniques to supersede difficult situations and transform your life. The power of this course is that it expands over 14 days. This offers consistency and time to address every aspect of your energy. We tune up cars, spring clean houses, defragment our computers but rarely clean up our energy which is more important than any of the physical aspects of life as the source of all manifestations are from energy. This course is a must-have life skill that will transform your life.Spiritual Protection 14-Day Deep Energy Cleanse Course Curriculum:7 Days Prior: Optional preparatory work:Enhance your experience with five of the most powerful physical cleanses to remove energetic toxic attachments14 Day ScheduleDay 1 Self-awareness and Universal laws of negative connections, programs, attacks and energiesExercise 1: Everything is Energy Check Your RatingDay 2 Identify and remove emotions that cause negative attacksExercise 2: Find your Emotional CompassDay 3 Become accountable. Identify and strengthen your vulnerabilitiesExercise 3: List your Patterns of Vulnerabilities and Action PlanDay 4 Remove false karma and Negative Karmic SeedsExercise 4: Karmic Resolution Protocol to Energetically Release False Karma and Karmic SeedsDay 5 Using good Karma to release Negative AttachmentsExercise 5: Release Karmic Attachments processDay 6 Spiritual Attacks, Black Magic and CursesExercise 6: Examine your Energy Field for Energetic Attacks, Curses and Black MagicDay 7 Removing Curses and Black MagicExercise 7: Reverse Curses and Black Magic Healing ProtocolDay 8 Spiritual Cleanse of Negative KarmaExercise 8: Analyse your Negative Karma and Balance itDay 9 Removal of Rituals, Contracts and CeremoniesExercise: 9 Ritual Reversal ProtocolDay 10 Remove the Emotion of Fear to Remove NegativityExercise: 10 Release Fears Protocol and MeditationDay 11 RISE: The Only Way is Up!Exercise 11: Raise Your Energy ExerciseDay 12 Awareness, Self Talk, Choices and Focus Why Pain Exists!Exercise 12: Simplicity: Creating the right canvas to attract positive energyDay 13: Soul Cleanse Pathway HealingExercise 13: Soul Cleanse Pathway Intention and HealingDay 14 Summary Techniques 1-13Bonus Videos of Skype Readings and HealingsNB: This course can be done at your own pace and repeated as many times as you like."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"NEW Advanced Program to Heal Childhood Trauma & Conditioning" |
"Heal Your Childhood Trauma and Conditioning 14 Day ChallengeI was born innocent, pure, and freeAnd then my father took that away from meAs he inflicted abuse with anger and hateHe grabbed the belt; it was my fateI was in a battlefield, I was in a warHe beat meHe molested meHe was the lawEvery day I pleaded to God to take away the painBut he never did, it was always the sameAfter one day of horror, I shut myself downI put on a happy face and became a clownI said, This is not happening. I pretended it was fineI was frozen in pain; I was frozen in timeLife had no meaning; it was wasting awayI was living in fear and living in vainAs I peeled off the layers, I remembered the painI dropped to my knees, begging God to end it againIt was in those darkest moments that I connected to sourceI found my gift, I found my forceNow I am whole I can help others healI finally know what it means to be realMarisa RussoIs your dysfunctional childhood affecting your day to day life? Are you ready to heal your inner-child and create a new blueprint and program of freedom?Over 14 days, you will receive information, webinars, lessons, healings and exercises to heal your childhood. This will free the hidden blocks/obstacles that stop you from creating the life you desire.A 14 day online/interactive program liberating process of self-discovery and empowerment to; Remove the effects of emotional and physical childhood abuse along with subtle and obvious conditioning Reverse the damage from a dysfunctional childhood by returning soul fragments, removing negative imprints and programs. Release guilt, negative associations and crippling preconceptions. Receive the love your inner-child deserved and express yourself fully and feel free to be yourself. Learn the effects of childhood programming to recreate a new program for your advantage. Live a proven, daily system to create a richer, more rewarding, and happier lifeConsequences of Not Healing Childhood TraumaChildhood trauma impressed into the brain must be released for you to lead a healthy and happy life. Suppressing it will only worsen your condition over time. Below are some consequences of unhealed childhood trauma.Loss of Safety and TrustPeople who experienced childhood trauma finds it hard to trust others and may not feel safe around them. This can make a persons professional life to become difficult to manage.Victimhood ThinkingPeople who experienced childhood trauma often engage in negative self-talk and self-blame for their predicament. This sets up a feedback loop where negative thoughts attract more negative energy and outcomes.It can be difficult to snap out of this cycle because you are dis-empowered and feel like you are not in control of your life.Poor Long-Term HealthTraumatic events can affect a childs developmental process and increase their risk for various diseases, including asthma, cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.Poor RelationshipsChildrens most important relationship is with their parents or caretakers. It is essential for normal physical and psychological health. If this primary relationship is compromised or faulty in any way, it may influence how children relate with others later in life.Children may come to believe that the world is a scary place and resort to withdrawal as a coping strategy. Childhood trauma may also cause a person to struggle with romantic relationships in adulthood.Living the False SelfIf you suffer from childhood trauma, you are likely to bury your emotions and lose touch with your real self. This means that you may create a mask to shield yourself and present a different person to others. This mask will stay in place until you heal from the trauma.14-Day Online Interactive ProgramDay 1: What Happened To You and Your Feelings Do MatterExercise 1: What was your foundation built on? Identify the truths and the lies.Day 2: Childhood Programming, Conditioning, Stresses and Trauma Exercise 2: Make a list of your trauma and stressesDay 3: Theres a Ghost in Your GenesExercise 3: Identify the traits of your carers and ancestral lineage/genetics.Day 4: Find the Origin of Your BlocksExercise 4: Making sense of your life and finding the cause of your problemsDay 5: Release Your AngerExercise 5: Shifting Your Hurt and Remove the Guilt and BlameDay 6: Soul Loss and Fragmentation from Stress and AbuseExercise 6: Returning Your Soul FragmentsDay 7: Create a New Blueprint of Your Past, Present and FutureExercise 7: Rewriting history and your futureDay 8: Create a New Childhood Blueprint Vision BoardExercise 8: Create Your Childhood Blueprint Vision BoardDay 9: Inner Child Affirmations and MeditationExercise 9: Meditation and AffirmationsDay 10: Inner Child Affirmations and MeditationExercise 10: DAY 10 Inner Child Affirmations and Meditation video and audioDay 11: Revelations, Learning and RelationshipsExercise 11: Assessing Your Progress and UnderstandingDay 12: Your Purpose, Declaration and Promise to Your Inner-ChildExercise 12: Declaration of Your Purpose and PromiseDay 13: Change Your Environmental Energy and Start FreshExercise 13: Plan for removing bad habits, create positive habits and disconnect from the pastDay 14: Creating a Fresh StartExercise 14: The First Day of the Rest of Your LifeNB: This course can be completed at your own pace and repeated as many times as you like.Spread the love"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"14 Day Weight Loss Challenge for Mind, Body and Soul" |
"14 Day Weight Loss Challenge for Mind, Body and SoulI've been on the merry-go-round of struggling with my weight fluctuating. I was a skinny kid, but as soon as I hit my teenage years, I began emotionally eating to block the pain from the abuse I endured. Most of my life, I have had this struggle with food until I healed myself emotionally, physically and spiritually.It's imperative to incorporate positive habits that are easily maintained to stay on track for healthy weight loss. When following a system to keep healthy, it's become much easier to stay fit (and get healthier). No matter what your age, it's essential to take care of the body that houses your energy and soul.Would you like to take control of your body weight and state of your health? You must create the right foundation, so you don't keep riding the ups and downs of weight gain and loss.This 14 Day Challenge will create a solid foundation for permanent, gradual, failproof, weight loss program. The program covers the reasons and causes you have not succeeded prior and rectifies them. The program includes reversing the emotional, physical and spiritual blocks that have prevented your weight loss.Why this Program is Different:The 14-day program doesn't include time-consuming calorie counting, or a strict diet and exercise regimen to follow. These weight loss methods fail miserably as the research shows. This is it is a billion-dollar industry. These diets fail because they don't remove the underlying causes of why people overeat.The 14-day program will include changing habits (incorporates James Clear's tried and tested tips from best-selling book Atomic Habits) and creating a system that is failproof for your journey of taken care of the body that is a vehicle for you to experience this life.You will receive information, webinars, lessons, healings and exercises to learn the foundations of a permanent healthy body state and weight loss techniques. You will become more vibrant and excited about life. You will free the hidden blocks/obstacles that stop you from creating the life you desire.5 Reasons People OvereatOvereating is a common cause of weight gain, even among those who are conscious of what they eat. You can overeat healthy and nutritious food and the excess calories end up as fat. Pleasurable endorphins are released when you eat which subtly manipulates you into eating more than necessary without realising the consequence.1. Family Habits and GeneticsPeople rarely deviate from the habits they learn early in life, especially those linked to eating. If you have been trained to eat large portions, snack heavily on junk food, or told to leave nothing on your plate, you may find it hard breaking out of the habit. You may continue to overeat long into adulthood.Family genetics can also play a big part in emotional, spiritual, and physical over-eating. Over-eating and obesity is carried down through generations and can change through healing and self-development techniques.2. Emotional OvereatingEmotional overeating often results from stress or painful experiences. When you feel threatened or under immense pressure, you may binge on food as a physiological response to get relief.People handle negative emotions differently, while some may withdraw or take drugs; others seek comfort in more plates of fries. The eating provides temporary relief from the cause of pain or stress. This may become a routine leading to more weight gain.Eating may help to deal with stress that may arise from daily living. A stress-eating-reward loop may then be created in your brain to handle future challenges. If you abruptly stop eating as before, there will be cravings in your mind for the good times whenever you are stressed.Emotional overeating may also be triggered by low self-esteem concerning weight or size. This may result from comparing your weight with the popular/social standards. And when it seems hopeless to match up to them, you give up and eat more. Emotional overeating is said to affect more women than men.*3. Your Friends Eating HabitsYour current friends and especially those from your teenage years influence many parts of your lifestyle, including your diet. If your friends engage in ritualistic food and drinking binges, the chances are that you will adopt such practise yourself. Unfortunately, the result may be obesity.4. Not Drinking Enough WaterBefore you reach for the next pack of burger, be sure that you are really hungry. Sometimes, your body may mistake thirst for hunger, causing you to eat when you should be drinking more water. If you are dehydrated, you are bound to feel false hunger and thus overeat.5. Diet Plan ProcrastinationIf you discover a method which you believe may help you lose weight. It may cause you to indulge more food in anticipation of successful future weight loss. This is because your brain doesnt want to give up the pleasure of eating that easily.You may convince yourself that everything is under control and think that you can shed the excess weight anytime you want. The result is overeating. A specific aspect of weight gain in adults is the middle-age spread, which is covered below.Middle Age Spread and Why It OccursIt is everyones dream to maintain a great body while advancing in age. But this is rarely the case as aging comes with some unwanted changes to our body, one of which is the middle-age spread.The middle-age spread is the weight gained from early 30s to mid-50s. At this period, your muscles begin to thin out. The fat that is normally used by your muscles gets stored in the body.Men and women are likely to gain weight in middle age, even without a significant change in lifestyle. Hormonal changes are responsible for the loss of muscle mass and consequent weight gain.Men lose about 1% testosterone per year during their middle ages. In women, progesterone and estrogen declines during these years as menopause approaches.Hormonal changes lead to lower muscle mass which translates to lesser calorie burning. If you have less muscle mass but continue to eat as before, weight gain is inevitable.The extra weight from middle-age spread is usually deposited around the waist area, especially for menopausal women.14 Day Program:Week 1Day 1: Use a System, Find a Purpose and Get MotivatedExercise 1: Create Your Motivation and Find Your Purpose to Lose WeightDay 2: Build a Strong FoundationExercise 2: Analyse your Eating habits and influencesDay 3: Toxins, Negative Effects of Sugar and Artificial SweetenersExercise 3: High Sugar content foods and products and their alternativesDay 4: Toxins Make You FatExercise 4: Choose Your Detox MethodsDay 5: 25 Tips and Habits for Successful and Permanent Weight LossExercise 5: Weekly Habit ChecklistDay 6: High Protein and Nutritious FoodsExercise 6: Shopping list items and high protein recipesDay 7:Healthy Foods, Recipes and ImaginationExercise 7: Create Your Weekly Meal PlanWeek 2Day 8: Creating Positive Exercise Habits and RitualsExercise 8: Choose and Implement Your Exercise RegimesDay 9: The Power of Habits and SystemsExercise 9: Implement Your New Daily HabitsDay 10: Set Your Environment for SuccessExercise 10: Set Up Your Environment for SuccessDay 11: Get Inspired: Weight Loss Stories and SuccessesExercise 11: Tell Your Weight Loss StoryDay 12: Imagine and Visualise Yourself ThinExercise 12 Visualisation Video, Imagination and Vision BoardsDay 13: Reprogram Your Mind with Affirmations and Healthy Weight ScriptExercise 13: Affirmations and Reprogramming Healthy Weight and Body MeditationDay 14: Healthy Weight Healing and SummaryExercise 14: Summary Check ListNB: This course can be completed at your own pace and repeated as many times as you like.Disclaimer: The information posted on this group is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this page for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have a medical problem, contact your professional healthcare provider."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Dimensionamento de instalaes hidrulicas com o Excel" |
"Nesse minicurso de dimensionamento de instalaes hidrulicas com o Excel voc ir aprender a dimensionar seus projetos de instalaes hidrulicas de gua fria utilizando uma ferramenta completa concebida completamente dentro do Excel, a Hidrocalc. Com a HidroCalc voc poder dimensionar tubulaes, barriletes, reservatrios e at mesmo calhas. Em nosso minicurso te ensinamos com manusear a ferramenta dimensionando um projeto real, seguindo todos os preceitos das normas brasileiras. Vantagens do curso: Requisito: ter instalado no seu computador o software Excel.Instrutor: Eng. Civil Rafael Bragagnolo LimaEditor e revisor: Eng. Civil Renan Arajo Carvalho"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Revit MEP - Projeto Hidrossanitrio" |
"Nesse curso de Revit MEP - Projeto Hidrossanitrio ns abordaremos os principais passos do projeto hidrossanitrio de uma casa trrea de alto padro pautados nas NBRs regulamentadoras. Vale ressaltar que o projeto utilizado no curso REAL, fazendo parte de uma obra da nossa empresa (RR Engenharia), para acompanhar o andar da obra em questo basta acessar nossas redes sociais. Nesse curso o aluno aprender a fazer um projeto hidrossanitrio completo, das primeiras concepes at a elaborao das pranchas, tudo isso utilizando um template previamente configurado e que o aluno receber de graa com a compra do curso. Bnus 1: Template para projetos Hidrossanitrios da RR Engenharia.Bnus 2: Acervo de 600 MB em famlias para projetos hidrossanitrios.Requisito: ter instalado no seu computador o software REVIT 2019 ou superior.Instrutor: Eng. Civil Rafael Bragagnolo LimaEditor e revisor: Eng. Civil Renan Arajo Carvalho"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
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