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"Autodesk Inventor Aa ileme Wood CAD CAM Uygulamalar" |
"Autodesk inventor wood eitim setimiz hizmetinizdedir. Autodesk Inventor Wood seenekleri ile siz kullanclarna 2D, 3D kat ve yzey rn tasarm, makine tasarmlar, enjeksiyon kalp tasarmlar gibi bir ok alanda alma imkan sunmaktadr. Ayrca bir tasarm yazlmndan istenebilecek byk montaj datalarn hzl ve kaypsz ynetimi, standart elemanlarn ktphaneden kullanlmas, kullanlan standart elemanlarn bir tablo eliinde sunularak matematik hesaplarnn kolayca yaplmasn salamaktadr. Tasarmlarnz 3 Boyutlu olarak dzenleyip, mekanik olarak altrabilirsiniz. Inventor yazlm ile teknik resimler alabilir, teknik resimleri llendirme, kesit alma, balonlama ilemlerini gerekletirebilirsiniz. Autodesk Inventor Wood yazlm ile plastik para tasarm , (profil) konstrksiyon tasarm, borulama ve kablolama tasarmlarn kolayca yapabilirsiniz. Ayrca, Autodesk Inventor Wood yazlmnn sizlere sunduu statik (yapsal) analiz ile retime gemeden tasarmlarnz test edebilirsiniz. Kavramsal ve teknik anlatmn bir arada olduu grsel eitim seti, Autodesk Inventor Wood renmek ve yeni srmle gelen yenilikleri grmek isteyenler iin sahip olunmas gereken bir kaynaktr."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Inventor Profesyonel CAD Uygulamlar" |
"Autodesk Inventor seenekleri ile siz kullanclarna 2D, 3D kat ve yzey rn tasarm, makine tasarmlar, enjeksiyon kalp tasarmlar gibi bir ok alanda alma imkan sunmaktadr. Ayrca bir tasarm yazlmndan istenebilecek byk montaj datalarn hzl ve kaypsz ynetimi, standart elemanlarn ktphaneden kullanlmas, kullanlan standart elemanlarn bir tablo eliinde sunularak matematik hesaplarnn kolayca yaplmasn salamaktadr.Tasarmlarnz 3 Boyutlu olarak dzenleyip, mekanik olarak altrabilirsiniz. Inventor yazlm ile teknik resimler alabilir, teknik resimleri llendirme, kesit alma, balonlama ilemlerini gerekletirebilirsiniz.Autodesk Inventor yazlm ile plastik para tasarm , (profil) konstrksiyon tasarm, borulama ve kablolama tasarmlarn kolayca yapabilirsiniz. Ayrca, Autodesk Inventor yazlmnn sizlere sunduu statik (yapsal) analiz ile retime gemeden tasarmlarnz test edebilirsiniz.Kavramsal ve teknik anlatmn bir arada olduu grsel eitim seti, Autodesk Inventor renmek ve yeni srmle gelen yenilikleri grmek isteyenler iin sahip olunmas gereken bir kaynaktr."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"NLP ile Hzl ve Kolayca ngilizce ren" |
"NLP, yaammzda zerinde dnmeden, otomatik olarak gerekletirmi olduumuz alglama, dnme ve davran srelerini, bilinli hale getirme ve gelitirmede zerinde yaplan aratrmalar sonucunda, zihnin ileyii ile ilgili, yetmili yllarn sonlarna doru Amerika'da gelitirilmi bir model ve metodolojidir.Bu yntem ngilizce renme srecine adapte edilerek NLP teknii kullanlarak hzl ve kolay ngilizce renme seti hazrlanmtr."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mhendisler iin Mukavemet Mechanics of Materials" |
"Mechanics of Materials ( Mhendisler iin Mukavemet )Analiz programlarn kullanp sonular deerlendirmek ve/veya gerek hayat problemlerini bilgisayar ortamna aktarabilmek iin temel bilimleri ok iyi bilmek gerekmektedir. Bildiiniz gibi piyasada kullanlan analiz yazlmlar (Ansys, Solidworks v.b.) analizlerini girdiimiz verilere bal olarak saysal yntemler ile yaparlar. Saysal yntem analizleri de direk saysal sonu odakl almaktadr. Bize analitik bir forml vermez. Bu durum bazen avantaj bazen dezavantaj olabilir. Hazrlanan bu eitim videolar sayesinde temel Mukavemet yasalarn ok iyi bir ekilde renebilirsiniz."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mastercam CAD CAM and CNC Programming Professional" |
"Mastercam CAD CAM and CNC Programming ProfessionalMastercam software has the easiest interface and the easiest to learn in the world. This software is used in many small and medium-sized companies and is a Cad-Cam software. Cad = Computer-aided design and Cam Computer-aided Manufacturing. You can design and manufacture using the same interface with the help of Mastercam software. In addition, the design and manufacturing are parametric and you do not need to re-enter the manufacturing parameters when you change any parameter in the design. When you watch the training videos, you will be able to learn CNC working logic, M, G codes, 2D and 3D design, 2 axis milling, 3 axis milling, 4 and 5 axis milling, turning, C axis turning with all industrial applications."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CNC Machine, ISO and Macro Programming, SwanSoft Simulation" |
"Want to climb the ladder as a CNC machinist? You can learn CNC machine ISO programming SwanSoft simulation programme and macro program programme. FANUC Macro B parametric GCode programming. Know how to program G-Code but don't consider yourself an expert? Or perhaps you strive to be the best of the best?This course will complete your CNC machine programming knowledge and help you earn more money, why be just another machinist when you can be the best in the business!With this course you will learn:CNC machine and FUndamentals of CuttingHow to optimize your cutting time and cutting priceProgramming using variables. All G and M codeHow to write one program that can be used to machine a family of parts.Using subroutines and subprograms to streamline your machining.Using equations and maths within your program.Write custom canned cycles.Programming with logical expressions.Parametric and macro programming.SwanSoft CNC simulation software"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Messenger Marketing - Conversations to Conversions" |
"Did you know messenger broadcasts has 50% higher opening rate than email marketing?Here are 3 reasons why you should invest your time and efforts in Facebook Messenger Marketing:With just 7,000 messenger subscribers, I saw more than 80% organic reach of my content and here are some examples.Reason 1:Every single time I sent a broadcast to people on Messenger, almost 50 to 80% of people read it which is a better open rate when compared to SMS and Email Marketing.Reason 2:I connected all my Facebook Post comments to messenger, so every-time someone comments on my Facebook page post they become my messenger subscriber. Like how I Posted about my Free Ebook and asked people to comment if they are interested in availing the ebook got me 1200+ comments organically overnight, growing my messenger subscribers.Reason 3:For my clients, instead of investing in a lead generation campaign which generally gets a lot of poor quality leads, I started focusing a lot on engaging their prospective customers in conversations through chatbots which also prompted them to submit their data to us.Chatbots Are The New Conversion Tools:Remember, on a website today majority of conversions doesnt happen by the contact us form you place, but by the chatbots or by live chat features as people are more comfortable in chatting and clarifying their doubts than calling.Its time for you to shift to Facebook Messenger Marketing and exponentially grow your business by making highly relevant people subscribe to your messages by choice.If you would like to learn the art of converting your customers through conversations, I have just launched a Facebook Messenger Marketing course with 20+ videos, 5+ case studies and some great tips out there for you!Facebook Messenger Marketing course includes:Introduction to Facebook Messenger Marketing (With a case study on Messenger Marketing for a Salon)Case Study: How we use Messenger Marketing for Real Estate & Fashion Retail StoreCase Study: How we use Messenger Marketing for a Jewellery Brand & My Personal BrandKey Approaches Of Messenger MarketingWalk Through Of the ManyChat Messenger Marketing ToolCreating Your Welcome ChatbotCreating A Lead FlowSetting up the Keywords for Lead Generation On Manychat app. Lead Generation How To Create Sequence and RulesMessenger Lead Generation (Targeting + Designing of Ads)Tracking Results of Messenger Marketing Lead Generation CampaignHow to drive people from Facebook comments to Messenger to Grow SubscriptionResults + Facebook Engagement Campaign To Drive More CommentsBroadcasting To Engage Your AudienceHow to add a Sequence to your Broadcast (Automation)Automation Rule: Transferring Email Ids to Google Excel SheetMore relevant case studies."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
10-rwdfl |
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
wwxdnuxh |
Price: 6600.00 ![]() |
"La Composizione Fotografica: idee, spunti, suggerimenti" |
"Quante volte dopo aver scattato una foto ti sei chiesto perch questa non comunicasse alcuna delle emozioni che hai provato mentre stavi fotografando?Forse il motivo che non hai prestato attenzione a chiederti chi o cosa doveva essere il soggetto della tua foto, come creare dinamismo, come sfruttare gli elementi geometrici, di colore o di luce per creare contrasto, o come guidare lo sguardo dell'osservatore verso quello che tu consideravi essere l'elemento pi interessante della foto.Insomma, forse perch non hai applicato i principi base della composizione.La composizione fotografica proprio questo: spunti, indicazioni e semplici regole che, applicate correttamente, trasformano una foto banale in un soggetto interessante.Il corso rivolto a chi possiede poche o nessuna nozione di composizione fotografica e vuole afferrare i principi che si celano dietro questa bellissima metodologia che a met strada fra l'arte e la scienza.A differenza di un designer grafico che pu disporre su di un foglio gli elementi a suo piacimento, il fotografo deve essere in grado di individuare, in quello che gi presente intorno a lui, i soggetti e le inquadrature migliori per dare un senso compositivo a ci che sta fotografando.Vedremo una serie di spunti, idee e suggerimenti per allenare l'occhio a riconoscere i principi fondamentali della composizione, quali la ricerca del soggetto, l'uso delle linee, dei colori e dei contrasti, la staticit e il dinamismo, la prospettiva, e molto altro ancora.Il tutto affiancato a qualche semplice nozione di tecnica fotografica funzionale ai principi volta per volta illustrati (ad esempio, come isolare il soggetto sfocando lo sfondo, il concetto di esposizione, l'uso delle lenti per giocare con la prospettiva, ecc).Il corso non segue una scaletta predefinita, ma pi un viaggio itinerante, dove coglieremo gli spunti che man mano si presentano per illustrare (e a volte ripetere in pi occasioni) i principi base della composizione fotografica."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
Terraform |
"Terraform 0.12 AWS - Amazon Web Services. Microsoft Azure Google Cloud Platform. GCP - Google Cloud Platform. HashiCorp Certified Terraform Associate : Terraform Windows Linux Atom, AWS AWS AWS Web Server' - file () - templatefile TerraformLifeCycle Zero DownTime :) - Outputs - depends_on Data Source AMI id Data Source Web Server' c Zero DownTime Green/Blue Deployment - variables - tfvars - locals - local-exec , SSM Parameter Store Conditions Lookups - count, for if AWS Regions AWS Accounts Terraform Remote State -1 - Terraform Module -2 - Terraform Module Prod, Dev, Staging - Global Variables Google Cloud Platform - GCP Terraform - terraform import - terraform taint remote state terraform state - Code Refactoring Terraform Workspaces Terraform Cloud Terraform Enterprise Terraform 0.13 HashiCorp Certified Terraform Associate"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Jenkins DevOps" |
"Jenkins. DevOps . , DevOps . : CI/CD Linux Ubuntu Jenkins Plugins Jobs Deployment Slave/Node Jenkins CLI ClientDeployment GitHub Build Job - Jenkins Build Triggers Build Job GitHub - Jenkins trigger from GitHubBuild Deploy GitHub AWS Elastic Beanstalk - DevOps Engineer Groovy Scripts - Jenkins Build Jenkins Pipeline Jenkinsfile"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Debutante com Vestido de Cetim em Biscuit ( Porcelana Fria )" |
"Curso em Vdeo aulas de Biscuit ou porcelana fria, em passo a passos detalhados gravado em alta qualidade e definio .Nestas vdeo aulas completas, voc vai aprender a modelar um linda debutante de 15 cm de altura, toda em biscuit com vestido em cetim na cor verde e pedrarias , toda modelada a mo.As aulas so divididas Aula 1 - Cabea Aula 2 - Corpo da Debutante de Vestido Verde de CetimAula 3- Enxerto e pintura dos OlhosAula 4 - Como Costurar a Saia da DebutanteAula 5- Corpete e Colagem da SaiaAula 6 - Cabelo e Coque da Debutante de vestido VerdeAula 7 - Finalizando a pea"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Renda Passiva com E-books e Cursos Online" |
"Aprenda a gerar renda passiva por meio da internet para complementar sua renda ou aumentar seus investimentos. Com esse curso voc no vai precisar mais depender apenas de uma fonte de renda. importante que voc entenda que inicialmente ser necessrio trabalho duro, dedicao e esforo para conseguir sua renda passiva, mas com o curso esse trabalho vai ficar mais simples de ser executado.Alm disso os resultados comeam a aparecer em pouco de tempo sendo questo de apenas alguns meses. Depois que tiver concludo todo o projeto ou investimento no ser mais necessrio o mesmo esforo que inicialmente!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Harmony and Chords 1 for Ableton & Push" |
"Harmony and chords are probably the most complex part of music, even so this course will teach you some simple theory and tricks to get you composing chord progressions straight away. It starts with basic chord patterns in in key mode like diatonic progressions, 3rd and 4th patterns and more.After we touch on progressions, we look more in depth at chords and chord types like major, minor, 7ths chords and how these are constructed in key mode and chromatic mode.Finally, we demonstrate some tricks you can use for making chord progressions quickly using Abletons built in midi and Max plugins."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"OpenFOAM Intermediate" |
"The results are in - OpenFOAM can solve all the major industrial CFD problems that established competitors can. The power to design anything from jet airplanes and engines to pipes and heat exchangers is a simple download away. Unfortunately, as I learned the first time I used it, OpenFOAM has a very steep learning curve. Having learned the basics several years ago I quickly realised just how complicated CFD could get. Even though I knew how to set up a case and use blockMesh with some simple solvers it wasn't always clear how to do realistic problems with knowledge of the basics. The principle difficulties were:- Turbulence: all the really interesting flows included some aspect of this and it's often more art than science!- Meshing: simple meshes can't account for fighter jet bodies or turbine blades, I knew there must be a better way.- Mesh Behaviour and Convergence: without solutions with which to compare I never knew whether I could trust my results.I made this course with my younger self in mind. It's these things, among other tips and tricks, that gave me the most trouble in practice and which require the most experience/correct techniques to do well. The aim of this course, by its end, is to show you how to do this. There are many specialist topics that we can't cover and to learn CFD to an industry standard (where salaries past $100,000 a year are not unusual) could easily span a PhD and many years experience. Even so, there are a few general skills you will need again and again when you face practical problems in CFD. If you can master these, in my experience, you can pick up a lot of the rest as you go and quickly acquire the skills that are already propelling modern engineering into the future.Disclaimer:This course is not a substitute for a degree in aerospace engineering or specialist consultancy, by purchasing this course you agree that the course instructor is in no way liable for any disputes, claims, losses, injuries, or damage of any kind that might arise out of or relate to the content of this course or any supporting communications between instructor and student."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Introductory Excel for Scientists and Engineers" |
"This course is designed to teach you the broad outlines of modern computational physics using no programming or coding whatsoever. To do this, we'll use the sort of tool almost everyone has installed on their machines: spreadsheet software. Excel, WPS, Libreoffice, any will do. We're going to see that just the capacity to add in formulas and iteratively calculate across your worksheet is enough to achieve spectacular things.This course is split into two sections, representing the most common uses of computing for students of the sciences and engineering:Differential EquationsWe're going to use modern techniques, especially variants of the finite difference method, to find solutions to differential equations numerically without any expensive or complicated specialist software.Euler's MethodTaylor SeriesRunge-KuttaHigher Order EquationsStiff EquationsPredictor-Corrector MethodsWhile for advanced applications like fluid dynamics this must be extended, these topics provide a good grounding of the fundamentals for all modern methods. Experimental StatisticsIf you have experimental data, interpreting its meaning can be complicated and prone to mistakes that can destroy the validity of your whole experiment! We're going to look at the tools common spreadsheet software has available to us to fit distributions, extract statistical details and test hypotheses.Normal distributionsThe Mean and Standard DeviationThe Weibull DistributionFailure analysisStudent's T-TestDisclaimer:This course is not a substitute for a degree in applied mathematics or specialist consultancy, by purchasing this course you agree that the course instructor is in no way liable for any disputes, claims, losses, injuries, or damage of any kind that might arise out of or relate to the content of this course or any supporting communications between instructor and student."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Introduction to LAMMPS" |
"Molecular Dynamics has a bright future - in the next few years we expect huge advancements in medicine, materials science, nanoscale machines and so on. Combined with recent advances in computing there has never been a better time to get into the field. It's no wonder then that something with so much potential should be so complicated and have so many requirements and issues that must be solved in order to get it to work properly. This course will:Take you through the structure of all LAMMPS cases so you can navigate any common LAMMPS case file and directory.Explain the most common Commands, Fixes and similar LAMMPS functions that control every simulation and give the power to organise anything from the stressing of crystals to the folding of Enzymes.Explore the way complex molecules are put together with classical mechanics based molecular dynamics simulations and the formats used by LAMMPS in particular.Demystify the fundamentals of molecular dynamics and demonstrate that it can be straightforward and easily understood providing you have at least a lower undergraduate level background in atomic science.My main intention is to give enthusiastic students a solid grounding in LAMMPS simulation use and construction from which they can expand into any area of interest.Disclaimer:This course is not a substitute for a degree in molecular dynamics or specialist consultancy, by purchasing this course you agree that the course instructor is in no way liable for any disputes, claims, losses, injuries, or damage of any kind that might arise out of or relate to the content of this course or any supporting communications between instructor and student."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mind-Body & Wellness Complete Course" |
"Welcome to my course! A journey for the mind, body and soul!Here I hope to inspire you to take charge of your body, disease, stress and other ailments. We may have some stress & debilitating illnesses but we can manage them the best way we can with the strength of our minds. Every pill or medication we take alters our bodies, minds, and thoughts. Work with me to maneuver our illnesses and limiting beliefs that are holding you back as natural as possible with the help of nutrition, herb, essential oils, homeopathy, crystals, breathing, qigong, chakras, reiki, and more!We have all these things at our disposal, and our strong minds to help us stay our strongest, longer!This course is not meant to replace western medicine, just complement it, especially in these hard times. Look forward to assisting you on your journey and follow me on mine!NamasteTanya"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Eyaculacin precoz y hombre multiorgasmico" |
"La eyaculacin precoz es un problema por el que pasan muchos hombres, en este curso te brindare las razones fundamentales de este problema junto a soluciones, ejercicios prcticos que puedes aplicarlos, tambin te brindare conocimientos bsicos sobre como ser un hombre multiorgasmico, un hombre que puede controlar su eyaculacin a voluntad, tendrs conciencia de tu vialidad y la importancia misma de eyacular."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"financial problems in marriage" |
"A comprehensive course to:Why we are not going anywhere Where we areWhere we want to beHow to structure money to work for us for the direction of life we wish to go I will also be sharing more my background in finances and where I am going.I use as much logic as I can to make this course more comprehensive ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Startup CEO 101" |
"Most startup founders learn by making mistakes. Most startup CEOs kill their first compaanies making those mistakes.I've looked back over 15 years of being a startup CEO, building my own companies, playing co-founder or senior executive roles in others, and being a mentor for startups funded by some of the world's top VCs.I've distilled it down into 10 simple things startup CEOs should get right. CuriosityTime ManagementStratic ThoughtEfficiencyResilienceCommunicationNetworkingFinancialsBranding, andSalesEach lesson is about 5 minutes long and gives you the distilled experience of 15 years of failure, suffering and hard won and bitterly fought success.There's no bullshit here, just facts from the graveyard of my companies and dozen others. I use stories of entrepreneurs I have known, disguised so I don't get fired on the spot if I am still advising them :DAbove all you get to hear it like it is with clear lessons that you can take away and use immediately to make your startup better.Hopefully you won't need all of the lessons. If you do, listen to them again and again and then nail it!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teste de invaso em rede interna" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo demonstrar tcnicas e mtodos para conseguir acessar a rede interna de uma empresa em um pentest. Por que rede interna? Em um pentest, um dos principais objetivos e conseguir acessar a rede interna de uma empresa vindo da internet. Para isso so utilizadas algumas tcnicas e mtodos para localizao de pontos mais vulnerveis e mais comuns que uma empresa deixa em sua infraestrutura interna para a internet.O curso est dividido em:Seo 1 - Como localizar pontos fracos nas empresas a partir da internet. O que um Active Directory, como fazer sua instalao e a utilizao de ferramentas para captura de trfego de rede, invaso de sistemas Windows e coleta de crednciais. E explorao utilizando o CVE-2017-0144 (Vulgo Wanna Cry).Seo 2 - Coleta de informaes sobre o Alvo. Coleta de e-mails no LinkedIn. Verificao de senhas vazadas e enumerao de domnios.Seo 3 - Como criar uma pgina de phishing realista sem utilizao do SET TOOL KIT.Seo 4 - Como quebrar senhas em wi-fi (link externo) e sites que disponibilizam um ambiente de treinamento gratuito para pentest."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Connect Ideas Efficiently With ""For, And, Nor, But, Or, So.""" |
"Hello! ** Hola! **! **! ** Merhaba! ** Ciao!Coordination Of Ideas In English: The Ultimate Guide isan academic Englishcourse developed byme, Yanina.You will learn about:1. Single-word conjunctions FOR, AND, NOR, BUT, OR, YET2. Multi-word conjunctions BOTH...AND, NEITHER...NOR, EITHER...OR, NOT ONLY...BUT ALSO3. Alternative ways to connect ideas by using AND...TOO, AND SO, AS WELL AS, JUST AS...SO, NOT...AND...EITHER4. How conjunction express a variety of meanings, such as ADDITION, CAUSE AND EFFECT, CONDITION, TEMPORAL SUCCESSION, CONCESSION, ALTERNATIVES, CONTRAST5. Ways to reduce a sentence with coordination to avoid repetition of ideas. You will become confident identifying appropriate meaning that conjunctions expressandmake the right choices to complete the ideas.If you want your writing to be a) more coherent, b) organized, c) readable and clear for your audience, this course is for you.Don't be intimidated by writing in English! My step-by-step, easy to follow structure of lecturingwill give confidenceyou need in academic writing.This course includes:lectures for important conceptsstep-by-step guides for learningclear explanation of coordinating conjunctions with examplesdownloadable PDFpractice worksheetsdownloadable PDF lecture notesprofessional guidance from me as a teacher and a learner of the English Languagefuture updates - this course will continue to grow and developAll the valuable PDF materials are yours to keep!If you want to write withmore coherence,structure,andbuild yourconfidencein English academicwriting,this course can help you achieve your goal ofbringing your English to the next level.This course is alsoperfect for anyonetaking acollege level writing course for English language learners."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Hands-on Web Development with ASP.NET Core & Angular 7" |
"Have you been thinking why so many applications do not become successful or popular? Are you looking to create a user-friendly cross-platform application with a powerful UI? Hands-on Web Development with ASP.NET Core & Angular 7 will teach you to blend the power of Angular UI and .NET Core to create an interactive, real-world application that can easily communicate between frontend and backend & in our case, an online DVD Movie store for purchasing films using a shopping a cart as a user along with and admin panel to manage selections as an administrator.You will create a strong Angular UI and a flawless cross-platform ASP.NET Core shopping application leveraging web services for querying data. You will be structuring Angular routing and building the components needed to complete a nice Angular UI & .NET Core shopping experience. By the end of the course you will have built a complete application from scratch using the skills of a full-stack developer who can easily build components/models for Angular & ASP.NET projects."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Wprowadzenie do testowania dla programistw .net" |
"Potrafisz ju programowa - wietnie. Chcesz si mie pewno, e to co napisae dziaa poprawnie i jest gotowe na wszystkie przypadki? wietnie! A moe chcesz si upewni, e wszystkie twoje klasy dobrze si komunikuj? wietnie i fantastycznie. Masz ju aplikacj i zamierzasz j refaktoryzowa - najwietniej na wiecie.Na kursie opowiadam i pokazuj jak tworzy testy jednostkowe, testy systemowe oraz testy automatyczne - jak je uruchomi Omawiam rne podejcia do tworzenia testu. Pokazuje jak uruchomi testy przy wykorzystaniu Visual Studio, JetBrains R#, Vistual Studio Code czy z linii polece.Dowiesz si jak sprawdzi pokrycie kodu przez testy, bez koniecznoci posiadania drogich narzdzi i wygenerowa adne raporty z informacjami o stanie aplikacji.Na koniec przeprowadzam refaktoryzacje pod czujnym okiem testw, dziki czemu mog dowolnie zmienia kod, bez obaw e wprowadze niechciane zmiany w kodzie.Na sam koniec podrzucam kilka dodatkowych narzdzi, ktrymi mona zainteresowa si w wolnym czasie."
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"Change your Brain: Create an Excellent Life" |
"This course will teach you in 10 simple steps what you must do to bring excellence into your life. You do this by becoming aware of the thoughts in your brain. You will discover your brain can be changed and I will teach you a technique to change your negative thoughts to positive. And it only takes a few minutes!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to trade stocks and crypto-currencies? - Elliot wave" |
"Yes ! you are correct!!You can use Elliot wave for stocks and crypto currencies.When Istarted to learn about technical analysis in 2009, Iwas confused about which method to use. There is no technical analysis software that can plot this method. After learning this course, you will be able to find the waves 1 to 5 within 5 minutes. No advance software needed.Why should trading stocks or cryptoz have to be difficult?If you choose the right stock or crypto, you are sure to pocket the profits!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to trade stocks and crypto-currencies? - MACD" |
"One technical indicator which works amazing and I have been using this for SWING TRADING with the 30 minutes time frame. Its super effective really and with each trade I gain more experience. We tried different methods to make money and read thousand pages of techniques. But most of us failed!!There is no book that can help you teach the core principles of trading because it's an art.It's because the chart patterns are unique and we didn't pay attention to it!!Here we use the tool called ""MACD"" to find good trades.Even if you make one good trade , its awesome!!Chart patterns are the big lessons that you must learn as a trader. MACD can clearly help you plot that trend. There are some stocks which are always sideways and there will no price increase. Find the right way to trade with the stocks or CRYPTO. You will find the exact method taught by my mentor and now teaching you the same stuff. Why do I want to sell it??I want other traders to learn more and thats my MOTTO. My early days with stocks were the worst period of my life and I wasnt much educated with trading back then. Once when I started to notice the chart patterns, I was able to judge the price movements easily."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to trade better without worrying about charts?" |
"Calculate these values by yourself EODand trade them the next day. Iwill provide you the exact steps on using these values, you should take action only when there is a crossover signal.There is no need for technical analysis and Ihave been using this method for trading with stocks and futures. It's good to choose a group of 3 to 5 cryptos only.Sometimes there will be minor profits and at other times there will be jackpot waiting for you. Just follow the rules , Iprefer to only BUYand not SHORTSELLRemember this course contains only 5th grade math and not much stuff needed"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introducing RSI technical indicator in a new light" |
"Iwant to get 2 to 5 percent return from my investment. Is it possible daily?Well, there is only thing that Ican say to you!Stop believing the stuff on TV. The popular news sites never give you the right information, they want to increase their returns. The tips and stuff they provide never work because you are your own master. I can only give you some guidance and you will have to learn and earn. You should have a plan and why are following other's plan.Follow the basics , that's more than enoughThe old systems of technical analysis is valid and do the chart reading. Look where the volumes are higher, they repeat. The actions of the past and present are the learning steps for the future chart patternWhat am i going to teach you today?Using RSI, EMAand StochasticsI will give you the simplest way to trade using these values or technical indicators. You can use it on day trading or use it within a week time ( Weekly short term traders)Enroll this course today !!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |