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Dart |
"Dart Dart Become a Dart Programmer and learn one of employer's most requested skills of 2019!This is the most yet straight-forward course for the Dart programming language on Udemy! Whether you have never programmed before, already know basic syntax, or want to learn about the advanced features of Dart, this course is for you! In this course we will teach you Dart. This course will teach you Dart in a practical manner.We will start by helping you get Dart installed on your computer.We cover a wide variety of topics.So what are you waiting for? Learn Dart in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
nfifedvr |
"LayoutsRes FilesToastViewSetOnClickListenerIntentWebViewIc Icon LuncherAPKPutExtraIntentFilterGet Data From ActivityTextWacherAnimationList ViewCustom ListViewRecycler ViewGrid ViewSpinnerLayoutInflaterAlertDialogFragmentsScrollable Tabs((Material Design))Data StorageLocation((Firebase))"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Django 2 for beginners" |
"Become a Python Programmer and learn one of employer's most requested skills of 2019!This course will teach you Django in a practical manner.We will start by helping you get Django installed on your computer.We cover a wide variety of topics, including:Terminal BasicsInstalling DjangoViewsTemplatesModelsReview(MVT)StaticSo what are you waiting for? Learn Django in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Advance Course on Permutations and Combinations" |
"This course contains expert level techniques of Permutations and Combinations. Use of Permutations with some restrictions. Use of Permutations in passwords.Use of Permutations in daily life. Permutations problems start with Consonant and Vowels.Use of Permutations when same alphabets are always together in a Permutation.Use of Permutations when 1st letter is Consonant and last letter is Vowel."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Plantas para o Quarto pra Voc Dormir Melhor" |
"Ao contrrio da crena popular, plantas no quarto podem ser muito benficas para voc.Neste treinamento voc vai descobrir as plantas que, ao contrrio das outras, liberam oxignio enquanto voc dorme......e que ajudam voc a manter o crebro mais oxigenado durante a noite e melhoram a sua qualidade de sono.Voc tambm vai receber o passo a passo para fazer pequenos vasos e colher os benefcios que essas plantas oferecem, mesmo se voc tem pouco espao em casa.E voc vai conhecer uma prtica para fazer diariamente com sua planta e trazer benefcios mais profundos pra voc e para sua sade."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Create a Point & Click Adventure using Unity 3D" |
"In this course we will create a short Point & Click Adventure game (Monkey Island, Full Throttle) from scratch in Unity. You will learn about object oriented programming and have an overall better understanding of C#.We will provide you with all the assets needed to create the game (including 3d models, audio), feel free to use these assets in your own games. We will also discuss the concepts and advantages using Object-Oriented approach, such as Inheritance, and also discuss Editor Scripting heavily to create a custom inspector for ease of development. We will also delve into Entity State concept, where every entity instance state can be saved, so it will persist on each sessions, multiple save system with thumbnail on each entry base on the last screenshot, and also we will learn about baking light for the scene.Basic knowledge in Unity API C# is required.Who is the target audience?Anyone who wants to learn how to make gamesIndie game developersGame DevelopersGame enthusiastsUnity developers"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Gua completa de GraphQL con Angular de 0 a Experto." |
"Bienvenido/a a GraphQL con Angular de 0 a Experto. JWT, Sockets, MongoDB, en el que aprenderemos a desarrollar APIs con GraphQL mediante Node.js y Typescript en la parte Backend y en cuanto al Frontend vamos a aprender a consumir nuestras APIs en GraphQL en el Framework Angular con Apollo Client.GraphQL es un lenguaje de queries que te permite definir qu datos pedirle a un API. Se trata de una tecnologa que Facebook public en el ao 2015, despus de usarlo como herramienta interna desde el ao 2012.Es una de las alternativas que han surgido para solucionar la mayor parte de los problemas que se dan en el uso de una API REST. Uno de esos problemas puede ser tener que realizar mltiples llamadas para obtener una informacin o que la informacin que se ha obtenido tiene datos que no vamos a utilizar, entre otras muchas cosasDe qu trata el curso?El objetivo principal del curso es claro: aprender a crear APIs en GraphQL con NodeJS y Typescript desde un ""hola mundo"" hasta un sistema de votaciones en tiempo real donde aadiremos JWT, Sockets, MongoDB.Obtenemos los conocimientos de GraphQL desde 0, hacemos una comparativa GraphQL VS REST para entender como funciona y vamos paso a paso aprendiendo a base de proyectos hasta convertirnos unos expertos.Como aadido con el objetivo de darle un carcter Fullstack consumiendo y creando aplicaciones en Angular, donde trabajaremos con la informacin de esas APIs desarroladas en el curso, hasta conseguir publicar estos proyectos en produccin con Heroku.Es evidente que las limitaciones de REST han dado origen a GraphQL y muchos equipos ven a esta herramienta como aquella alternativa, o solucin cuando el tiempo es importante, puesto que tu API es un servicio desechable y solamente un cliente la va a consumir. Otros la ven como el futuro de las APIs sobretodo por su flexibilidad y consistencia entre las APIs.Cul es la razn de crear este curso?Al ser una manera diferente de trabajar respecto a REST a muchas/os profesionales nos da miedo meternos en algo diferente. Esa es la principal razn por la que se ha creado este curso, para mostrar hay otras alternativas para el desarrollo de APIs.Aunque ya lleve unos aos entre nosotros, la informacin est bastante desperdigada y eso supone que tenemos que invertir un tiempo que nos pueda resultar necesario en investigar en la red para buscar lo que necesitamos.Por ello, en este curso se intenta englobar todo lo que se puede considerar indispensable saber, empezando desde 0 hasta obtener conocimientos avanzados que nos permitirn ser capaces de trabajar con cualquier reto que nos propongamos trabajando con esta tecnologa.Qu aprenderemos durante el curso?Empezamos de 0 y paso a paso siguiendo una curva de aprendizaje lgica y ascendente, donde podemos encontrar:Introduccin a GraphQL: Qu es GraphQL? / Comparativa GraphQL VS REST / Ejemplo prctico GraphQL y REST.Schemas GraphQL - Type System: Crear schemas siguiendo las reglas y convenciones recomendadas.GraphQL Playground Apollo Server: Obtenemos conocimientos bsicos para probar APIs GraphQL con el Playground de Apollo Server.APIs GraphQL: Desarrollo de proyectos desde un ""hola mundo"" hasta un sistema de votaciones en tiempo real con NodeJS, Typescript y Apollo Server Express.API GraphQL en POSTMAN: Aprenderemos a consumir APIs GraphQL paso a paso desde 0.MongoDB: Nociones bsicas para trabajar con Bases de Datos de MongoDB con Mongo Shell y MongoDB Compass.MongoDB Atlas: Trabajar con Bases de Datos MongoDB en la nube.JWT: JSON Web Tokens. Sistema de autenticacin completo en GraphQL con base de datos MongoDB.Angular: Crearemos aplicaciones Angular que consumen las APIs GraphQL mediante el Apollo Client.Heroku: Publicar APIs GraphQL (Backend) y Aplicaciones Angular (Frontend).Apollo Datasource REST: Crear nuestra propia API con GraphQL haciendo uso de una API REST para beneficiarnos de las caractersticas de GraphQL.APIs con PostgreSQL mediante Hasura: Crearemos APIs GraphQL de manera muy sencilla y rpida trabajando con las bases de datos PostgreSQL.Testing APIs GraphQL: Introduccin a las pruebas de tipo de test con Mocha y Chai en APIs GraphQLDocumentacin: Documentar los proyectos en formato markdown para tener + informacin de los recursos de la API.Durante las ms de 25 horas del curso veremos todo lo relacionado al desarrollo de APIs y sus herramientas complementarias, haciendo todo el proceso muy prctico y con una curva de aprendizaje lgica y ascendente, donde vamos a obtener unos conocimientos Fullstack acerca de esta materia.Se tratarn todos los temas paso a paso y poco a poco hasta conseguir un buen nivel en los diferentes aspectos descritos anteriormente.Con el objetivo de aprovechar al 100% el curso, te recomiendo tener conocimientos bsicos de Git, Javascript, Typescript y en el desarrollo de Angular. Aun as, no os preocupis, ya que los proyectos los iremos desarrollando poco a poco y no es necesario conocimientos avanzados.El cdigo del curso est 100% accesible en Github y tambin para su descarga en los apartados correspondientes a las clases del curso.Habr tambin actualizaciones peridicas con nuevo contenido propuesto, como pueden ser proyectos y retos.Y una de las cosas ms importantes, tendris apoyo, soporte y toda la ayuda de manera rpida y eficaz, siendo el tiempo de respuesta lo ms reducido posible para que la experiencia del curso sea lo ms agradable posible y se aprenda mucho ;)Si quieres ser un experto desarrollador de APIs GraphQL y quieres obtener los conocimientos necesarios para trabajar con el Apollo Client (en este caso con el Framework Angular) sin tener ninguna nocin bsica sobre ello, este es tu curso, en el que vas a conseguir aprender a trabajar de otra forma a la hora de desarrollar tus proyectos de API, a medida que vas mejorando como profesional.La metodologa de aprendizaje es la siguiente:Todo explicado desde cero y paso a paso.Combinacin terico / prctica.7 proyectos completos escritos desde 0 en el que se intenta tocar los aspectos ms importantesMs de 300 clases explicadas al detalle.Ms de 25 horas de contenido en video.Orden lgico y progresivo, para que el aprendizaje no nos resulte frustrante y veamos progresos a medida que avanzamos.Retos prcticos para trabajar ms con lo que vamos aprendiendo.Soporte completo sobre el contenido del curso y orientacin en los retos propuestos.Actualizaciones peridicas con nuevo contenido propuesto como proyectos y retosAl finalizar el curso seremos capaces de:Crear y definir Schemas completos aplicando buenas prcticas.Crear APIs GraphQL completas con JWT, Base de datos MongoDB, conexiones Web Sockets mediante subscriptions.Crear APIs GraphQL consumiendo desde una API REST con la librera Apollo Datasource REST.Crear aplicaciones Angular completas paso a paso que consumirn la informacin de la API GraphQL mediante Apollo Client.Trabajar con Bases de datos MongoDB con soltura.Crear APIs con Bases de Datos PostgreSQL en unos pocos pasasos con Hasura.Consumir APIs de GraphQL con Postman.Publicar nuestros proyectos en Heroku.Testear desde las ba APIs de GraphQL desde 0.Y mucho ms."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PCI DSS Internal Security Assessor (ISA) Practice Exam" |
"Please Note: for the next 30 days this test will be offered at a reduced rate. Please use the coupon code:80E0FCCD11FC794CB75AThe Internal Security Assessor qualification was designed to help people perform internal audits for their own company and to make a list of fix items as they relate to PCI DSS compliance. You should be sponsored by your company before registering for the official exam with the Security Council. This certification will enable you to act as a go-between with external PCI auditors such as a Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) and your company.The practice test is 60 multiple choice questions and a second test with 20 bonus questions. Before taking the ISA exam with the security council, students will need to take and pass the online PCI fundamentals primer before completing the qualification course. The security council offers a 2-day course that will cover the PCI DSS requirements and what the Report on Compliance (ROC) entails. After completing the class, you can take the test and annual re-certification will be required similar to the Qualified Security Assessor certification. Please refer to the PCI DSS Security Council website for more information regarding ISA training classes and exams.PCI DSS Version 4.0 will be coming sometime in 2020 and test questions will be updated upon release."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gnosis y Metafsica" |
"En este curso brindamos las estructuras fundamentales coherentes y cohesivas del mundo sagrado.Temas:Introduccin a la Gnosis y a la Metafsica.Sistema de Copas.Conexin con la Fuente Universal.El Camino Espiritual.Energas Yin y Yang.Miedos, Deseos y Necesidades.Mente y Cuerpo.Sistema Japones: Hara: Conciliacin de energas bajas, medias y Altas.Meditacin.Introduccin al sistema de Chakras.Cuatro Elementos."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Geometra Sagrada: Modelos Metafsicos" |
"En ste curso Leandro Tiberio explica cul es la geometra sagrada que utiliza la vida para crear. Aprender modelos de entendimiento metafsicos de una forma clara y ordenada. Aplicando lo aprendido y habiendo realizado todos los ejercicios propuestos, usted podr utilizar ste conocimiento en su vida para poder arquitectarla a su voluntad.Temas- Modelo Mnico- Modelo Binario- Modelo Ternario- Modelo Cuaternario- Modelo Quintaesencial- Modelo Sexal- Gua de Ejercicios Prcticos."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"PNL: Programacin Neurolingustica" |
"La Programacin Neuro-Lingstica (o PNL) articula una serie herramientas que te permiten disear, arquitectar y dirigir tu vida a voluntad.Conocers entre otras cosas la verdadera raz de tu autoestima, cules son las cosas que te afectan y por qu lo hacen, aprenders a empoderarte y construir confianza.Todo lo que se proyecta ante ti en tu vida es la manifestacin de tu mente. Conoce los fundamentos esotricos de la programacin mental para hacerte consciente de los mecanismos que dictan tu conducta."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Meditacin Trascendental" |
"La meditacin es una disciplina trascendental. En nuestro curso aprender las tcnicas correctas para conocerse en profundidad, alcanzar serenidad y consciencia.Orientado tanto a quienes comienzan por primera vez con esta disciplina como tambin a quienes hayan ya practicado alguna vez la meditacin.DescripcinEl objetivo primordial de la meditacin es que Ud. llegue a un estado de equilibrio total en el cual su mente encuentre la calma y le permita ver las cosas con total claridad. Para ello enseamos tcnicas que te entrenen en la relajacin, la concentracin y la expansin de la consciencia.Equilibrio: interior y exteriorConexin entre Cuerpo, Espritu y MenteTcnicas de respiracinPosturas y ejercicios de preparacin y meditacinTcnicas Orientales de Meditacin (Yin)Tcnicas Occidentales de Meditacin (Yang)Meditacin Trascendental (Tao)"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Elif Kutlubay Keman reniyorum Balang Seviyesi'nin davam olarak temel bilgiler;Kemanda '' Nota Ba'' nasl yaplr.Mzikte ''Ton Bilgisi'' ne demektir? ''Majr ve Minr Ton'' ne demektir?''Gam ve Arpej'' ne demektir? Kemanda eitli gam ve arpej teknikleri nelerdir ve nasl yaplr?La Majr, La Minr, Re Majr, Re Minr, Sol Majr ve Mi Minr tonlarnda Gam ve arpej almalar nasl yaplr?Kemanda ''Vibrato'' nasl yaplr?Kemanda ''Vurgu'' nasl yaplr ve porte zerinde nasl gsterilir?Kemanda ''Staccato'' nedir ve nasl yaplr? Kemanda ''Pizzicato'' nedir ve nasl yaplr? Kemanda ''Trill'' nedir ve nasl yaplr ? bunlarn hepsini Elif Kutlubay Keman reniyorum Orta Seviye kursunda bulabilirsiniz."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Elif Kutlubay Solfej reniyorum 1" |
"Elif Kutlubay Solfej reniyorum 1 'de Nota ve sus deerleri nelerdir ve nasl okunur,Porte, l, l izgisi nedir,Sol Anahtar nedir,Notalara neye gre isim veririz ve neye gre okuruz,Ritmik okuma nedir,Bona nedir,Solfej nedir,Melodik okuma nedir,Mzikte Zaman nedir,l Says nedir,Basit ller nelerdir,Donanm nedir,Diyez ve bemol nedir,Do dizisi nedir ve nasl okunur,Piyano eliinde sesleri duyarak nasl notalar okuruz,l saylarna gre el vuruu nasl yaplr,Bir mzik cmlesi nasl okunur reniyoruz."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Get My Official French DELF A1 Certificate + PDF Cheat Sheet" |
"This French course includes the ""Advanced Cheat Sheet to get My French DELF A1 by Christophe Daniel Ternay"" PDF file. (For the French Beginner's Level (A1) Official Exam called ""DELF A1"") and it is the only French DELF A1 Level Cheat Sheet on the web! SAVE TIME! In only 4,5 hours I can guarantee you that you will get your Delf A1 Exam at the first Strike!I believe French learning is best done when it's enjoyable. And I know people learn in different ways.That's why I am providing multiple ways to learn in this French Language Course and successfully handle with hundreds of Everyday Phrases and Expressions .WATCH:Watch this French course online, on your mobile (Udemy mobile app), on a Tablet (the course is fully responsive), on any computer or anywhere else.JOIN THE COMMUNITY:Join the Private Facebook group ""SpeedyFrench"" to ask questions and get feedback from me or the other French learners.LISTEN and REPEATListen to the audio version of this French course (MP3), present in every section, to learn French on the go (in a car, on a bus, in your bed,...)READ and WRITEDownload the PDFs present in every section and take some notes so as to build your own French Sentences.Read the FRENCH DELF A1 CHEAT SHEET included in this Resource.Take the COLORED QUIZZESAt the end of the day, I just want to help you succeed. I hope that by providing all of these additional resources, you can learn French in a fun and high-quality way.Important Notice: This course is presented in English AND French. At the beginning, more English is used, so that you can learn step by step.What Students say about my Online Courses: I am only 1/4 of the way through however, what I like about the instructor is his engaging online presence and his approach to learning including little hacks for remembering words. I get the impression he is sincerely dedicated to teaching the French language in a way that it can be immediately useful to anyone wanting to learn and/or improve. (Patricia Russel) The way the instructor teaches helps the retention of all the new vocabulary. I have memorized many different phrases and I can remember what they mean, which will help me to form more sentences in different situations and tenses. Above all it has helped my pronunciation greatly. (Joy Thornton) Learning French through his courses, explanations and exercises are a great opportunity to be well motivated for further improvement. (Mine Durmaz) About the Author:He is fluent in French, English, German and Spanish.He is a graduate teacher in Teaching French for foreigners. (From the French Alliance)He is teaching French since 2015 to students from all over the world thanks to offline and online French Courses in Peru.That's why he knows how important it is to know exactly how to pronounce French words.How important French vocabulary is to be able to make you understand.And how important it is to quickly understand and decrypt French words in common sentences ...... So he developed this comprehensive approach to learning French A1 level based on his learning of 4 languages, the challenges faced by his Peruvian Students, his Worldwide Online courses (900 + hours) and what he studied informally: Neuroscience.What includes the course: This French A1 level course includes more than 50 HD pictures so your Brain can easily can link the new words with a clear imageThis French Beginners Level course also includes Quizzes that I highly recommend that you take because it is the best way to improve quickly. This French (DELF A1 Level) Learning course includes Pdf Flashcards that will also be very useful to take some notes during the course. This French course includes the complete Audio Version of the whole course to use it on the go.What it is NOT Specialized in: Grammar lessons and exercises (this course contains only little chunks of grammar that will help you build your own A1 LEVEL sentences quickly)This French Language Course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course or your progress, simply let me know and Ill refund you 100%, every last penny, no questions asked.You literally cant lose.Ready to get started, French learner?Enroll now using the Enroll Now button on the right, and get started on your way the French World. Or, take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know youre 100% certain this course is for you.See you on the inside (hurry, class is waiting!)CheersChris---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- French Version----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Je pense quil vaut mieux apprendre le franais en y prenant du plaisir. Et il faut noter aussi que les gens apprennent de diffrentes manires.C'est pourquoi je propose plusieurs faons d'apprendre le franais et dassimiler facilement des centaines de phrases et d'expressions de tous les jours.REGARDEZ:Regardez ce cours de franais en ligne, sur votre tlphone portable (application mobile Udemy), sur une tablette (le cours est entirement adapt sur mobile) ou sur nimporte quel ordinateur.REJOIGNEZ LA COMMUNAUT:Rejoignez le groupe priv Facebook ""SpeedyFrench"" pour poser des questions et obtenir des commentaires de moi ou des autres lves de franais.COUTEZ ET RPTEZcoutez la version audio de ce cours (MP3), prsente dans chaque section, pour apprendre le franais depuis nimporte o (dans une voiture, dans un bus, dans votre lit, ...)LIRE ET CRIRETlchargez les PDF prsents dans chaque section et prenez des notes afin de construire vos propres phrases en franais.Lisez et tudiez la feuille de triche (en anglais) intitule: ""Advanced Cheat Cheat to get your DELF A1 par Christophe Daniel Ternay"" pour vous prparer l'examen officiel de niveau dbutant franais (A1) appel ""DELF A1""Noubliez pas les QUIZZ, ils vont vous aider mieux retenir les mots et expressions franaises.En fin de compte, je veux juste vous aider russir. J'espre qu'en fournissant toutes ces ressources supplmentaires, vous pourrez apprendre le franais de manire amusante et qualitative.Avis important: Ce cours est prsent en anglais ET en franais. Au dbut, on utilise davantage l'anglais pour que vous puissiez apprendre pas pas.Ce que les tudiants disent de mes cours en ligne:Je ne suis cependant qu' un quart du parcours, mais ce que j'aime chez l'instructeur, c'est sa prsence en ligne attrayante et son approche de l'apprentissage, y compris des petits trucs pour se souvenir de mots. J'ai l'impression qu'il se consacre sincrement enseigner le franais de manire ce qu'il puisse tre immdiatement utile quiconque souhaite apprendre et / ou se perfectionner. (Patricia Russel) La faon dont l'instructeur enseigne aide conserver tout le nouveau vocabulaire.J'ai mmoris de nombreuses phrases diffrentes et je peux me souvenir de ce qu'elles signifient, ce qui m'aidera former plus de phrases dans des situations et des temps diffrents. Surtout cela a beaucoup aid ma prononciation. (Joy Thornton) Apprendre le franais travers ses cours, explications et exercices est une excellente occasion dtre bien motiv pour encore progresser. (Mine Durmaz) Qui est l'auteur?Il parle couramment franais, anglais, allemand et espagnol.Il est professeur diplm par l'Alliance Franaise dans lenseignement du franais pour les trangers.Il enseigne depuis 2015 des tudiants partout dans le monde grce aux cours offline et online...Cest pourquoi il sait exactement quel point il est important de bien savoir prononcer les mots franais.A quel point le vocabulaire franais est important pour pouvoir vous faire comprendre.Et combien il est primordial de pouvoir rapidement comprendre et dchiffrer les mots franais dans une phrase du quotidien... Il a donc dvelopp cette approche complte d'apprentissage du franais de niveau A1 sur la base de son apprentissage des 4 langues, des dfis rencontrs par ses tudiants au Prou, des cours en ligne donns dans le monde entier (plus de 900 heures) et sur ce qu'il a tudi de manire informelle: La Neuroscience.Ce qui comprend le cours:Ce cours de franais comprend plus de 50 photographies HD afin que votre cerveau puisse facilement associer les nouveaux mots une image claire.Ce cours de franais comprend des quizz que je vous recommande vivement de prendre car cest le meilleur moyen de samliorer rapidement.Ce cours de franais comprend des cartes-mmoires au format pdf qui seront galement trs utiles pour prendre des notes pendant le cours.Ce cours de franais comprend la version audio complte de lensemble du cours de franais A1 utiliser lors de vos dplacements.Ce cours n'est PAS spcialis dans:La grammaire et les exercices de grammaire (ce cours ne contient que quelques fragments de grammaire qui vous aideront construire rapidement vos propres phrases en franais de niveau A1)Ce cours de franais est assorti d'une garantie de remboursement de 30 jours. Cela signifie que si vous n'tes pas compltement satisfait du cours ou de vos progrs, faites-le-moi savoir et je vous rembourserai 100%, sans poser de questions.Vous ne pouvez littralement pas perdre.Prt commencer apprendre le franais?Inscrivez-vous maintenant en utilisant le bouton Acheter ds maintenant sur la droite et lancez-vous dans le monde du franais. Ou, cliquez sur afficher un aperu de ce cours (cest gratuit), afin de savoir que vous tes sr 100% que ce cours est fait pour vous.Rendez-vous l'intrieur (faites vite, la classe attend!)Et prenez soin de vous !Chris"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"French 5 Days Challenge: French for Beginners (Certificate)" |
"I believe learning is best done when it's enjoyable. And people learn in different ways.That's why I am providing multiple ways to learn French for Beginners and successfully handle with hundreds of Everyday Phrases and Expressions .WATCH:Watch this French course online, on your mobile (Udemy mobile app), on a Tablet (the course is fully responsive) or anywhere else.LISTEN and REPEATListen to the audio version of this course (MP3), present in every section, to listen on the go (in your car, on the bus, in your bed,...)READ and WRITEDownload the PDFs present in every section and take some notes.Take the QUIZZAt the end of the day, I just want to help you succeed succeed in you French a1 Learning. I hope that by providing all of these additional resources, you can learn in a fun and high-quality way.Important Notice: This course is presented in English AND French. At the beginning, more English is used, so that you can learn step by step.What Students say about my Online French Courses: I am only 1/4 of the way through however, what I like about the instructor is his engaging online presence and his approach to learning including little hacks for remembering words. I get the impression he is sincerely dedicated to teaching the French language in a way that it can be immediately useful to anyone wanting to learn and/or improve. (Patricia Russel) The way the instructor teaches helps the retention of all the new vocabulary. I have memorised many different phrases and I can remember what they mean, which will help me to form more sentences in different situations and tenses. Above all it has helped my pronunciation greatly. (Joy Thornton) Learning French through his courses, explanations and excercises are a great opportunity to be well motivated for further improvement. (Mine Durmaz) Author's words:I know exactly how challenging it can be for you to learn the French language and how to pronounce the French wordsHow much efforts you have to give to learn French Grammar and VocabularyHow close you have to pay attention to understand what French people say...How much time you can need to build an answer in French ...So I developed that A1 Level French learning approach sample based on what I learned from my Skype students difficulties. (900 hours +) and on what I studied informally: Neuroscience. What includes the course: This French A1 course includes HD photographies so your Brain can easily can link the new words with a clear imageThis French Beginners course includes a Quizz that I highly recommend that you take because it is the best way to improve quickly. This French level A1 course includes a Pdf Flashcard that will also be very useful to take some notes during the course. This French Language course includes the complete Audio Version of the course to use it on the go.What it is NOT Specialized in: French Grammar lessons and exercices (this course contains only little chunks of grammar/conjugation that will help you build your own French A1 LEVEL sentences quickly)This French Course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course or your progress, simply let me know and Ill refund you 100%, every last penny, no questions asked.You literally cant lose.Ready to get started, French learner?Enroll now using the Enroll Now button on the right, and get started on your way the French World. Or, take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know youre 100% certain this course is for you.See you on the inside (hurry, class is waiting!)CheersChris"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Francs para principiantes hispanohablantes: Reto de 28 das" |
"Creo que el aprendizaje de la lengua francesa se hace mejor cuando es divertido. Y s que las personas aprenden de diferentes maneras.Es por eso que te ofrezco mltiples formas para aprender el idioma francs y manejar con xito cientos de frases y expresiones cotidianas.OBSERVA: Puedes ver este curso de francs para principiantes en lnea, en tu dispositivo mvil (aplicacin mvil Udemy), en una tableta (el curso se adapta a todas las pantallas), en cualquier computadora o en cualquier otro lugar.UNETE A LA COMUNIDAD: nete al grupo Facebook privado ""SpeedyFrench"" para hacer preguntas y recibir comentarios de mi parte o de otros estudiantes de francs nivel Delf A1.ESCUCHA Y REPITE:Escucha la versin de audio MP3 de este curso de la lengua francesa para aprender francs mientras ests en un automvil, en un autobs o en tu cama y mejorar tu pronunciacin en francs.LEE Y ESCRIBE:Descarga los archivos PDF presentes en cada seccin y toma algunas notas para construir tus propias oraciones en francs y haz los ejercicios del PDF. Realiza las evaluaciones.Espero que con todos estos recursos adicionales, puedas aprender la lengua francesa de una manera divertida y de alta calidad.Lo que dicen los estudiantes sobre mis cursos en lnea:Slo estoy en una cuarta parte del camino, lo que me gusta del instructor es su motivadora presencia y su enfoque para el aprendizaje, incluye pequeos trucos para recordar palabras. Tengo la impresin de que est sinceramente dedicado a ensear el idioma francs de una manera que puede ser inmediatamente til para cualquiera que quiera aprender y / o mejorar. (Patricia Russel) La forma en que el instructor ensea ayuda a retener todo el vocabulario nuevo.He memorizado muchas frases diferentes y puedo recordar lo que significan, lo que me ayudar a formar ms oraciones en diferentes situaciones y tiempos. Sobre todo, me ha ayudado mucho en mi pronunciacin en francs. (Joy Thornton) Aprender francs a travs de sus cursos, explicaciones y ejercicios es una gran oportunidad para estar bien motivado para seguir mejorando. (Mina Durmaz) Sobre el Autor:Habla con fluidez francs, ingls, alemn y espaol.Graduado como docente en ""Enseanza de francs para extranjeros"". (De la Alianza Francesa)Ensea el idioma francs desde el ao 2015 a estudiantes de todo el mundo dando cursos de francs en lnea y como docente presencial en Per.Conoce la importancia de pronunciar correctamente las palabras en francs.Lo esencial que representa tener un vocabulario amplio para poder hablar francs.Y lo poderoso que es comprender y descifrar rpidamente las palabras en el idioma francs en oraciones comunes.As que desarroll este enfoque integral para aprender el nivel de francs Delf A1 basado en su aprendizaje de 4 idiomas, los desafos que enfrentan sus estudiantes, y el estudio que hizo sobre la neurociencia.Lo que incluye el curso: Este curso de nivel Delf A1 del idioma francs incluye ms de 50 imgenes en HD para que tu cerebro pueda vincular fcilmente las palabras nuevas con una imagen clara Este curso de nivel de principiantes de francs tambin incluye cuestionarios que recomiendo porque es la mejor manera de mejorar rpidamente. Este curso para aprender la lengua francesa (DELF nivel A1) incluye fichas (en PDF) que tambin sern muy tiles para tomar algunas notas durante el curso. Este curso de francs incluye la versin de audio completa (MP3) de todo el curso para usarlo en tu auto, en un bus o en tu cama para pronunciar francs como un nativo!En qu NO est especializado este curso de francs: Lecciones y ejercicios de gramtica francesa (este curso contiene slo pequeos fragmentos de gramtica francesa que te ayudarn a construir tus propias oraciones de francs para principiantes NIVEL A1 rpidamente)Este curso de francs para principiantes viene con una garanta de devolucin de dinero de 30 das. Es decir, si no ests completamente satisfecho con el curso o tu progreso, simplemente avsa Udemy y te devolver el 100%, hasta el ltimo centavo sin hacer preguntas.Literalmente no puedes perder.Listo para empezar?Inscrbete usando el botn ""Comprar Ahora"" a la derecha, y empieza tu camino hacia el mundo francs. O bien, prueba este curso con la funcin Vista previa de este curso, para saber que ests 100% seguro de que este curso es para ti.Nos vemos en clase (Date prisa, la clase te est esperando!)Chris---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Versin francesa:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Je pense quil vaut mieux apprendre le franais en y prenant du plaisir. Et il faut noter aussi que les gens apprennent de diffrentes manires.C'est pourquoi je propose plusieurs faons d'apprendre le franais et dassimiler facilement des centaines de phrases et d'expressions de tous les jours.REGARDEZ:Regardez ce cours de franais en ligne, sur votre tlphone portable (application mobile Udemy), sur une tablette (le cours est entirement adapt sur mobile) ou sur nimporte quel ordinateur.REJOIGNEZ LA COMMUNAUT:Rejoignez le groupe priv Facebook ""SpeedyFrench"" pour poser des questions et obtenir des commentaires de moi ou des autres lves de franais.COUTEZ ET RPTEZcoutez la version audio de ce cours (MP3), prsente dans chaque section, pour apprendre le franais depuis nimporte o (dans une voiture, dans un bus, dans votre lit, ...)LIRE ET CRIRETlchargez les PDF prsents dans chaque section et prenez des notes afin de construire vos propres phrases en franais et faites les exercices prsents sur ce PDF.Noubliez pas les QUIZZ, ils vont vous aider mieux retenir les mots et expressions franaises.En fin de compte, je veux juste vous aider russir. J'espre qu'en fournissant toutes ces ressources supplmentaires, vous pourrez apprendre le franais de manire amusante et qualitative.Avis important: Ce cours est prsent en espagnol ET en franais. Pour que vous puissiez apprendre pas pas.Ce que les tudiants disent de mes cours en ligne:Je ne suis cependant qu' un quart du parcours, mais ce que j'aime chez l'instructeur, c'est sa prsence en ligne attrayante et son approche de l'apprentissage, y compris des petits trucs pour se souvenir de mots. J'ai l'impression qu'il se consacre sincrement enseigner le franais de manire ce qu'il puisse tre immdiatement utile quiconque souhaite apprendre et / ou se perfectionner. (Patricia Russel) La faon dont l'instructeur enseigne aide conserver tout le nouveau vocabulaire.J'ai mmoris de nombreuses phrases diffrentes et je peux me souvenir de ce qu'elles signifient, ce qui m'aidera former plus de phrases dans des situations et des temps diffrents. Surtout cela a beaucoup aid ma prononciation. (Joy Thornton) Apprendre le franais travers ses cours, explications et exercices est une excellente occasion dtre bien motiv pour encore progresser. (Mine Durmaz) Qui est l'auteur?Il parle couramment franais, anglais, allemand et espagnol.Il est professeur diplm par l'Alliance Franaise dans lenseignement du franais pour les trangers.Il enseigne depuis 2015 des tudiants de diffrents ges et horizons grce aux cours dans des instituts au Prou ainsi que des cours en ligne....Cest pourquoi il sait exactement quel point il est important de bien savoir prononcer les mots franais.A quel point le vocabulaire franais est important pour pouvoir vous faire comprendre.Et combien il est primordial de pouvoir rapidement comprendre et dchiffrer les mots franais dans une phrase du quotidien... Il a donc dvelopp cette approche complte d'apprentissage du franais sur la base de son apprentissage des 4 langues, des dfis rencontrs par ses tudiants pruviens, des cours en ligne (plus de 900 heures) et sur ce qu'il a tudi de manire informelle: La Neuroscience.Ce qui comprend le cours:Ce cours de franais comprend plus de 50 photographies HD afin que votre cerveau puisse facilement associer les nouveaux mots une image claire.Ce cours de franais comprend des quizz que je vous recommande vivement de prendre car cest le meilleur moyen de samliorer rapidement.Ce cours de franais comprend des cartes-mmoires au format pdf qui seront galement trs utiles pour prendre des notes pendant le cours.Ce cours de franais comprend la version audio complte de lensemble du cours de franais A1 utiliser lors de vos dplacements.Ce cours n'est PAS spcialis dans:La grammaire franaise et les exercices de grammaire franaise (ce cours ne contient que quelques fragments de grammaire franaise qui vous aideront construire rapidement vos propres phrases en franais de niveau A1)Ce cours de franais est assorti d'une garantie de remboursement de 30 jours. Cela signifie que si vous n'tes pas compltement satisfait du cours ou de vos progrs, faites le savoir Udemy et il vous rembourseront 100%, sans poser de questions.Vous ne pouvez littralement pas perdre.Prt commencer apprendre le franais?Inscrivez-vous maintenant en utilisant le bouton Acheter ds maintenant sur la droite et lancez-vous dans le monde du franais. Ou, cliquez sur afficher un aperu de ce cours (cest gratuit), afin de savoir que vous tes sr 100% que ce cours est fait pour vous.Rendez-vous l'intrieur (faites vite, la classe attend!)Et prenez soin de vous !Chris"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Selenium with Java,Cucumber + Live Project" |
"Selenium is anopen source automation testing toolfor web based applications. It runs directly on a web browser such as Firefox, chrome,Chrome,IE, Opera, Safari etc., and supports Windows, Linux, and Macintosh platforms.This Selenium course will be covering from verybasic Selenium to the Expert Level. During the course to explain all ways of interacting with web pages using Selenium. Covering each topics with examples of live websites.During course will be covering all best practices used with Selenium WebDriver i.e TestNG, Maven, Sikuli, Maven to be name few. Covering all popular frameworks available i.ePage Object ModelWill be updating new videos whenever new features/API is added to Selenium WebDriver so that you are always update in IT Industry.Topics Covered in this Course:Module-1: Overview on Automation & SeleniumWhat is Software Testing?Manual Testing & its challengesChallenges in Manual testingAutomation Testing beats Manual testingSelenium as an automation testing toolAdvantages and Disadvantages in SeleniumSelenium V/s Other ToolsSelenium Suite of ToolsModule-2: Java Essentials for SeleniumDownload and install JavaSetup Java EnvironmentDownload and install EclipseHow to use EclipseBasic Java ProgramCompile and run a Java programUnderstanding console outputJava Variables and Data TypesJava OperatorsConditional statementsLoopsBreak and continueArraysSingle Dimensional arrayDouble Dimensional arrayString ClassString methodsModule-3: Java OOPS ConceptsClasses and ObjectsJava methodsPassing parameters to the methodsCall by value and call by referenceJava ConstructorMethod OverloadingConstructor Overloadingthis keywordStatic variables and methodsJava InheritanceMethod Overridingsuper keywordfinal keywordJava InterfacesJava PackagesAccess ModifiersException HandlingArray ListHash MapJDBCModule-4: Selenium WebDriverIntroduction to WebDriver and architectureWebDriver features and drawbacksSelenium Webdriver Jars download and configureCreate WebDriver Project in EclipseCreate WebDriver test caseExecute test case on multiple browsersLocators in SeleniumTypes of Locators - name, id,cssSelector & XpathCapturing Xpath & ChroPath plug-inDifference Between Absolute And Relative XpathWriting XpathBuilt-in functions in XPathHandling Dynamic elements using XpathWebDriver commandsBrowser commandsClose and QuitGet commandsgetgetTitlePageSourcegetCurrentURLgetWindowHandle()getWindowHandles()Navigation commandsConditional commandsisDisplayedisEnabledisSelectedWaitsImplicit, Explicit and Fluent WaitsPage Load TimeHandling Web ElementsTextbox/Input boxWeb ButtonRadio ButtonCheckboxDropdown box/Combo boxLinksBroken LinksAlerts/PopupsIframesBrowser windowsDate PickerWeb TablesWorking with Web Table with PaginationScroll Web pageMouse HoverMouse double clickMouse right clickDrag and DropSliderResizingTooltipsKey Down and KeyPressKeyboard ActionsHandling AJAX Calls in WebdriverSikuli integration with SeleniumUpload FilesDownload FilesHandling cookiesDesired Capabilities in SeleniumBrowser ProfilesSelenium Headless Browser TestingChrome headlessHTMLUnitDriverModule-5: Data Driven TestingWhat is data driven testing?Usage of Apache POI APIRead data from Excel fileWrite data into Excel fileExcel Utilities ClassData Driven testing using Microsoft ExcelData Driven Testing using DatabaseData Driven Testing using Java Hash MapModule-6: TestNG FrameworkTestNg Introduction and AdvantagesConfiguring TestNg in Project/EclipseHow to write TestNG Test caseTestNg annotationsUnderstanding testng.xmlTestNG ReportPrioritizing testsdependsOnMethodsSkipping testsGrouping methodsTestNG batch testingHow to Parameterize TestsPassing parameters using xmlParallel testingData ProviderTestNG ListenersExtent reportsCapturing screenshotsModule-7: Advanced ConceptsLog4j for loggingPage Object Model - Page FactoryModule-8: Maven integration with SeleniumWhat is Maven and Why Maven?Installing/Configuring MavenCreating Maven ProjectImporting Maven Project into EclipseWhat is POM.xml?Adding Dependencies to POM.xmlModule-9: Selenium GridWhat is Selenium Grid?When to Use Selenium Grid?What is a Hub and Node?How to Install and Use Grid?Designing Test Scripts That Can Run on the GridRunning a Test Case on the GridModule-10: Hybrid Driven Framework implementation on Live ProjectWhat is Framework?Types of FrameworksPrerequisites for designing frameworksImplementation of Hybrid Driven FrameworkCreating Maven ProjectUpdate pom.xml with dependenciesCreating page objects and Object repositoryCreating utility filesSetting up configuration filesCreating automation test scriptsCreating data driven test scriptsGenerating extent reportsGenerating logs using log4jExecute test scripts using TestNG XML FileEmailing test reportsExecute test scripts through Maven CLIExecute test scripts using bat fileModule-11: Continuous Integration (CI) Maven, Jenkins and GITWhat is Continues Integration?Continuous Integration ToolsDownload and install JenkinsMaven integration with JenkinsRun selenium test scripts through JenkinsDownloading and Installing GITWorking with GITHUBUpload project to GITHUBModule-12: Cucumber BDD FrameworkCucumber IntroductionSet Up Cucumber with EclipseCucumber BasicsTest Scenario,Feature File, Step definitionsJUnit Test Runner Class optionsGherkin KeywordsData Driven TestingScenarios outline &ExamplesData tableCucumber TagsCucumber HooksModule-13: Real Time Scenarios and FAQ's"
Price: 12160.00 ![]() |
"Learn Manual Software Testing with Live Project + Jira Tool" |
"Learn and Start your career as Software Testing field from the experienced professional.You would be guaranteed become a perfect software tester after taking this course. You would start from your role as a tester andyour team responsibilities. Then, you would get theintroduction of the live project, Agile Methodology, Test plan, Test cases, Test defects, Defectlife cycle, Different environments, Release process, API testing, and much more. Also, you would be learning how to perform testing in real time. You would also get liveexperience in Agile and test management tools likeJira.Topics Covered:Module-1: Software Testing ConceptsSDLC & STLCProject Vs ProductV-ModelQA & QC & QEDifferent Levels of Software TestingWhite Box & Black Box TestingStatic Testing & Dynamic TestingVerification & ValidationSystem Testing TypesGUI TestingFunctional & Non-Functional Testing Test Design TechniquesRe-Testing & Regression testingExploratory TestingAdhoc TestingSanity & Smoke TestingEnd-To-End TestingSTLC (Software Testing Life Cycle)Use case, Test scenario & Test caseTest Environment and ExecutionDefect ReportingTest ClosureTest MetricsModule-2: Software Testing Live ProjectProject introductionUnderstanding Functional Requirements from FRS Creating Test ScenariosCreating Test CasesTest ExecutionBug Reporting & TrackingTest Sign offPhase-3: Agile Testing + Jira ToolAgile/Scrum Process:What is AgileWhat is Scrum / Scrum TeamWhat is SprintWhat is User StoryHow to give story points / How to estimate user storyWhat is Definition of Done and Definition of ReadyDifferent Sprint Activities: Sprint Planning / Backlog Refinement / Sprint Review / Sprint Retrospective Jira ToolHow to install and configure JIRA toolHow to create Project in JiraHoe to create users in JiraHow to create Backlog, Epic & User Stories in JIRACreating sprint in JiraStarting sprintSprint life cycle in JIRACreating bugs in JiraHow to write test cases in JIRA with Zephyr pluginCreating Test Cycles Execute/update Test cases in Jira"
Price: 10560.00 ![]() |
"Learn API & Webservices Testing" |
"Webservices/API Testing course is designed to make you an expert in working with Back end Testing. Nowadays, almost all web applications use web services to communicate or interact with each other. Most modern day web services are built on Representational state transfer (REST) architecture; REST has gained a lot of popularity and it will continue to do the same due to its simplicity in comparison with other technologies.90%of the IT industry now heading towards this API for automating Services. On course completion You will be familiar with REST API testing using Postman, SOAPUI & RestAssured and can implement Successfully it in your work place or will surely land on High Paying Job.Topics Covered:Module1: Basics of API & Web services TestingWhat is Client and Server?Client Server architecturePresentation, Business & Database LayerWhat is Request & ResponseWhat is APIWhat is API TestingAPI Testing VS Unit TestingWhat is Web ServiceDifference between API & Web serviceComponents of Web services ( WSDL & UDDI)Types of Web servicesSOAP VS Rest servicesURI, URL & URNAPI/Web service testing challengesWeb Service API testing toolsWeb services API Testing processWhat to test in Webservices /API TestingHTTP Methods(GET/POST/PUT/DELETE)Status CodesExamples of Web service API'sModule 2: API Testing using PostmanDownload and Install PostmanPostman NavigationCreating Requests & Analyzing ResponseRequest Parameters in PostmanPostman CollectionsEnd to End test case(GET , POST, PUT , DELETE)Basic Authentication in PostmanTest and Collection Runner in PostmanWorkflows in PostmanPre-Request Script in PostmanVariables in POSTMANEnvironment/Global variablesAdding Postman EnvironmentPostman workspaceHow to share collections in workspacesPostman CodingData Driven testing using Json & CSV filesHow to Run data-driven TestsJSON, XML & HTML PayloadsAuthorization Types in PostmanRun Postman tests in command LineGenerating Reports in PostmanReal Time Examples - Facebook APIImporting Facebook API's into PostmanHow to handle SOAP Web service Requests in PostmanModule 3: SOAPUI /Ready API (Functional Testing)What is SoapUI? Why to use SoapUIHow to Download and Install SoapUIGUI components of SoapUIHow to create a SOAP API ProjectHow to add WSDLHow to create Test Suite - Test CasesHow to add AssertionsRun Test Step - Test Case - Test SuiteHow to run in sequence and in parallelHow to create API DocumentationCreate a REST ProjectAdd a REST requestHow to add request parametersCreate a Test CaseAdd assertionsRun and ValidateWhat are assertions? Why do we add assertionsDiff types of assertions in SoapUIWhat is property in SOAPUI? Why do we use itHow to create properties at different levelsHow to refer propertiesHow to add groovy scripts in SoapUIProperty Transfer/Value TransferParameterization /Data Driven testingWorking with Data Sources in SOAPUI Pro/ReadyAPIData Driven Testing using Excel fileData Driven Testing using Text FileData Driven Testing using GridData Driven Testing using JDBCData Source - Data GenerationData Source loop and Data SinkHow to run a Tests from SOAPUI GUIGenerate Reports in SOAPUIHow to run a Tests from Command LineGenerate reports from Command LineReal Time Examples - Flickr & Google MapsModule 4: SwaggerUISwagger UI overviewThe Swagger UI Petstore exampleAuthorize your requestsMake a requestVerify that your pet was createdSome sample Swagger UI doc sitesCreate a Swagger UI display with an OpenAPI spec documentModule 5: API Automation Testing using REST Assured using Java & TestNGIntroduction to HTTP methodsREST Assured Setting up environment (Eclipse, Maven & TestNG)Send GET request using REST-AssuredSend POST request using REST-AssuredSend PUT request using REST-AssuredSend DELETE request using REST-AssuredREST-Assured Extracting values from the response.Validating Response codes and status lineJSON Schema ValidationValidating HeadersValidating Authenticated API'sRest Assured End-to-End Test CaseModule 6: Rest Assured Framework using TestNG, Maven,Jenkins, Git & GithubCreate Maven ProjectUpdate pom.xmlCreate Folder structureDevelop Utilities ( & Creating Test CasesCreate Extent ReportsRun Tests using TestNG XMLCreate TestBase ClassAdd logs to Tests using Apache log4jRun Project through pom.xmlRun Project through command promptRun Project through JenkinsUpload project to Git & Git hub Module 7: API Automation Testing using REST Assured using BDD (Behavior Driven Development) ApproachEnvironment setupKeywords used in BDD ApproachHow to send GET RequestHow to send POST RequestHow to send PUT RequestHow to send DELETE RequestValidating HeadersAuthorization parametersBasic validations on JSON ResponseBasic validations on XML ResponseHow to rooPath & detachRootPath in RestAssuredDifferent ways of Reading ResponseWorking with Response HeadersWorking with Response CookiesWorking with Authentication API'sTypes Parameters and working with ParametersHow to use Request Specification Builder & Response Specification BuilderLoggingSerialization & De-serializationRest API Testing without Serialization & De-serialization- JSONRest API Testing using Serialization & De-serialization - JSONRest API Testing without Serialization & De-serialization- XMLRest API Testing using Serialization & De-serialization - XML"
Price: 12160.00 ![]() |
"Learn Python3 Programming" |
"Why Learn Python?Python is a general-purpose, versatile and popular programming language. It's great as a first language because it is concise and easy to read, and it is also a good language to have in any programmer's stack as it can be used for everything from web development to software development and scientific applications.Take-Away Skills:This course is a great introduction to both fundamental programming concepts and the Python programming language. By the end, you'll be comfortable programming in Python.Topics Covered:Getting started with pythonInstalling Python 3Running python programsDatatype & VariablesPython numbersPython StringsPython ListsPython DictionariesPython TuplesDatatype conversionPython Control StatementsPython FunctionsPython LoopsPython Mathematical FunctionPython Generating Random numbersPython File HandlingPython Object and ClassesPython Operator OverloadingPython inheritance and polymorphismPython Exception HandlingPython ModulesPython PackagesPython *args and **kwargsPython Coding Examples (Frequently Asked Interview Programs & Solutions)Basic Programs:Python program to swap two numbersPython program to check whether a number is Prime or notPython Program for factorial of a numberPython Program for Fibonacci numbersArray Programs:Python Program to find sum of arrayPython Program to find Max and Min elements in an arrayList Programs:Python Ways to find length of listPython program to swap first and last elements in a listPython program to swap two elements in a listPython program to remove Nth occurrence of the given wordPython Ways to check if element exists/search in listDifferent ways to clear a list in PythonPython Reversing a ListPython Cloning or Copying a listPython Count occurrences of an element in a listPython program to find sum of elements in listPython program to find smallest number in a list** Many more Coming SoonPython program to find largest number in a listPython program to find second largest number in a listString Programs: Python program to check if a string is palindrome or notReverse words in a given String in PythonPython Check if a Sub string is Present in a Given String(Coming Soon)Find length of a string in python (4 ways)Remove all duplicates from a given string in PythonPython Program to check if a string contains any special characterGenerating random strings until a given string is generatedPython program to split and join a stringPython program to find uncommon words from two StringsPython Check for URL in a StringPython Counter Find all duplicate characters in stringDictionary Programs:(Coming Soon)Python Sort Python Dictionaries by Key or ValuePython program to find the sum of all items in a dictionaryPython Ways to remove a key from dictionaryWays to sort list of dictionaries by values in Python Using itemgetterWays to sort list of dictionaries by values in Python Using lambda functionPython Merging two DictionariesFind all duplicate characters in stringPython Remove all duplicates words from a given sentencePython Dictionary to find mirror characters in a stringTuple Programs:(Coming Soon)Create a list of tuples from given list having number and its cube in each tupleSort a list of tuples by second Item"
Price: 8320.00 ![]() |
"Learn Appium - Mobile Automation Testing" |
"*****Course fully updated with Latest Appium 1.12.0 Version videos ***""Learn Everything You Need to Know About Mobile Automation Even If You've Never Programmed BeforeOn course completion You will be Mastered in Mobile Automation Testing and can implement Successfully it in your work place or will surely land on High Paying Job .Mobile market is booming tremendously and need of Quality Testing in these Platforms becoming a major challenge, especially finding a right Automation tool which works on all mobile platformsAll the topics were taught from basic to advanced level with a lot of tricks and tips which makes users to get perfection on the things. At the end of this course you can pick any Mobile application and can automate it what ever the way you wantVideos will be updated on regular basis based up on latest released versions of APPIUMI teach the Concepts from the Scratch assuming my students are new to Mobile Automation and will get them through real time examples to boost confidence on them and finally make them ready for Interviews with my lectures.CURRICULUMModule-1: Introduction to Mobile Testing and AppiumImportance of Mobile PhonesVarious Mobile Operating SystemsTypes of Mobile AppsAvailable Mobile Testing ToolsWhy Appium?Advantages & Limitations of AppiumWhat is am AppiumAppium ArchitectureModule-2: Environment setup on Windows for Testing Android AppsModule-3: APK File, Simulators, Emulators and real devicesWhat is APK file?What is Emulator & SimulatorsReal Device Vs Simulator Vs Emulator TestingModule-4: Creating Virtual Device using Android studio - AVD ManagerAndroid Studio & Create Virtual Device using AVD MangerSDK Manger in Android StudioWhat is adb under SDK Platform tools & its usageModule-5: Install APK(Mobile App) on Virtual Device & Real Device using Appium DesktopVysor AppReal Divice/Mobile settingsHow to install apk file on Real device using Appium Desktop/serverModule-6: Install apk file on Real device using adb.exeWays to install APK file(App) on Mobile devices(Virtual/Real device)Install APK(Mobile App) on Real Device using adb.exeModule-7: Object Locators and TechniquesIdentify Elements using Appium inspectorIdentify Elements using uiautomatorLocating Elements on the AppWhat all can be locatableLocating elements within elementsLocating multiple elementsFind Element By Android UIAutomatorExploring UIAutomator APIFinding Elements by ClassNameFinding Elements by idsFinding Elements by Xpathsadb commandsModule-8: Configure Eclipse IDEAppium Client LibrarySelenium stand-alone serverAdding libraries to Project Build PathModule-9 Developing Script for Install Apk file(App)Script for Install Apk file(App) on Real DeviceScript for Install Apk file(App) on Virtual DeviceModule-10: Working with Native,Web & Hybrid Apps on Android AppsHandling different types of ElementsScript for Install Apk file(App) on Virtual DeviceSwitchesDrop-downAlertsDrag & DropHorizontal scrollVertical ScrollingText box, Check boxes & Radio buttonsExpandable listDate Picker/TimeSpinnerSeekBarRatingStarCapture ScreenshotSwipe TouchCapture the screenshotTouchActions and Events Handling user gesturesOverview on System/built-in apps and identifying package and activity namesAdding a new contact to PhonebookWebApp Test Automating Web based testing on Chrome BrowserHybrid App Test messagingHybrid App Test CalculatorHybrid App Test DailerModule-11: Working with IOS Apps on Mac OSSetting up Environment on Mac to test IOS Applications using Appium XCode & UICatalog Ios appHow Build UICatalog iOS App using Xcode & How Open with Appium Desktop ToolHow to install IOS App on Simulator using scriptIdentifying Elements on IOS AppHandling Alerts on IOS AppHandling Acton SheetsHandling Wheelers(Picker View)Handling Date Picker"
Price: 8640.00 ![]() |
"Learn TestNG using IntelliJ IDEA" |
"TestNG is most popular framework used with Java and it is open source. It is become very popular in Test Automation especially in Selenium.IntelliJ IDEA is an IDE specifically designed to maximize developer productivity. It has lot of options which will make user feel friendly UI.In this course you will learn TestNG Framework using Intelllij IDEA specially designed for Java Developers and Selenium Automation Testers.Topics Covered:Introduction to TestNGCreate & Run Tests in TestNGTestNG ReportAnnotations in TestNGPrioritizing TestsDependency TestsGrouping TestsAssertionsParameters in TestNGDataProvider in TestNGParallel TestsTestNG Listeners"
Price: 8960.00 ![]() |
"Learn JMeter" |
"JMeter is most popular and open source performance testing tool. Also JMeter can be used to perform API testing.In this course you will learn JMeter from scratch and how to perform performance testing and API testing. After this course you can work with JMeter for personal and enterprise projects.Topics Covered:1) Overview on Performance Testing2) Introduction & Usage of JMeter3) How to install JMeter on Windows4) How to install JMeter on Mac5) JMeter Elements (Thread Group,Sampleres,Listeners & Configuration)6) First JMeter Test7) Assertions in JMeter8) Listeners in JMeter9) Timers in JMeter10) Logic Controllers - Loop Controller11) Logic Controllers - Recording Controller12) Logic Controllers - Simple,Module & Include Controllers13) Logic Controllers - Random & Random Order Controllers14) Logic Controllers - Interleave Controller15) Logic Controllers- Throughput Controller (Build a Distributed Load Test) 16) How to create a JDBC Test Plan(Load Test on Database)17) How to create assertions for JDBC Test Plan(Load Test on Database) 18) How to run jmeter from Command Line (non GUI mode) & view results19) How to create HTML Reports from command line(non GUI mode)20) How to test FTP upload and download( FTP Request Sampler)21) JMeter PreProcessor & PostProcessor22) JMeter Plugins Manager23) Correlation with Regular Expression Extractor24) API Webservices testing in JMeter25) Parameterizaton/Working with CSV file26) Functions & Variables27) Templates in JMeteretc.."
Price: 8640.00 ![]() |
"Learn SDET Essentials" |
"SDET Essentials Course is designed for Automation Testers who want to go next Level as SDET/Test Architect/DevOps Automation Engineers.Course Outline1) Docker for Testers2) Selenium Grid with Docker3) Selenium Grid, Docker Integration with Jenkins4) SauceLabs & BrowserStack5) Git & GitHub - Commit,Push,Pull,Branching, Pull Request & Merging6) Jenkins CI & CD7) Jenkins Pipeline Setups using Plugins8) Jenkins Pipeline Creation using Groovy Script9) JDBC & ODBC10) AWS for Testers11) Zelenium*** I will upload more content soon...."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Learn Selenium with Python using Robot framework" |
"Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD). It has easy-to-use tabular test data syntax and it utilizes the keyword-driven testing approach.Its testing capabilities can be extended by test libraries implemented either with Python or Java, and users can create new higher-level keywords from existing ones using the same syntax that is used for creating test cases.Topics Covered:IntroductionBasic Test CaseHandling Web ElementsInput-boxRadio Buttons and Check boxesHandling Drop downsWaitsClose Browsers,Alerts & FramesHandling Browser WindowsLinksNavigation'sCapture ScreenshotsMouse actionsUser Defined KeywordsScrolling pageFor loopTableData driven Testing using scriptData driven Testing using Excel and csvDatabase TestingSetup-Tear downTaggingPage Object ModelParallel executionHeadless Browser TestingJenkins Integration*** I will upload more content soon...."
Price: 9920.00 ![]() |
"Learn Rest API Testing using Robot Framework" |
"Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD). It has easy-to-use tabular test data syntax and it utilities the keyword-driven testing approach.Its testing capabilities can be extended by test libraries implemented either with Python or Java, and users can create new higher-level keywords from existing ones using the same syntax that is used for creating test cases.Topics Covered:1) Robot framework Environment setup2) HTTP Requests- GET- POST- PUT- DELETE3) Video Game API - End to End API Testing4) Validating JSON Files5) Validating XML Files6) Validating Complex XML & JSON Files7) Types of Authentications8) Google Maps API - End to End API Testing*** I will upload more content soon...."
Price: 8640.00 ![]() |
"Phrases for Business Meetings" |
"Course LayoutSection 1 - The Beginning of a MeetingLecture 1: The BeginningThe OpeningThe Minutes Tip #1 - Writing the minutesThe Agenda Part Tip #2 - Preparing the agendaStating the Purpose of the MeetingSection 2 - During the MeetingLecture 1 - Presenting and Supporting an ideaLecture 2 - Asking For and Giving OpinionsLecture 3 - Agreement and DisagreementLecture 4 - InterruptingLecture 5 - Questioning and ClarifyingLecture 6 - ProposalsLecture 7 - PersuadingLecture 8 - CompromisingSection 3 - The End of the MeetingLecture 1 - The EndPutting to a voteMoving to a voteCasting a voteTo reach an agreementTo postpone a discussionAOBClosingTip #1 - Meeting FormsTip #2 - Cultural Differences"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Boost Your Assertiveness and Communicate With Confidence" |
"Do you often fail to stand up for yourself because you don't know how? Or maybe you push your own objectives too much?Here's a course that will change your life!MODULE 1: Good and Bad Behavior TypesThis module contains:How to Change Your LifeAssertive BehaviorThe Benefits of AssertivenessPassive behaviorAggressive BehaviorPassive-Aggressive BehaviorMODULE 2: Recognizing and Dealing with Bad BehaviorThis module contains:Recognizing and Dealing with Passive BehaviorRecognizing and Dealing with Aggressive BehaviorThe LEEP Model for Handling AggressionRecognizing and Dealing with Passive-Aggressive BehaviorMODULE 3: Assertiveness and You - An Honest Look at YourselfThis module contains:Self ReflectionHow Others Perceive YouFaulty AssumptionsHow Being Assertive Will Help YouMODULE 4: Your Inner Voice: Being More ConfidentThis module contains:Your Inner Voice: What Does it Say?Reprogramming Your Inner VoiceThe Power of Positive ThoughtSuccess Generates SuccessMODULE 5: Assertive Body LanguageThis module contains:Demonstrating Assertive Body LanguageBody Language as Part of CommunicationMaking Sense of Body LanguageThe Nature of Assertive Body LanguageMODULE 6: Three Steps to Being AssertiveThis module contains:Finding the Right WordsGuidelines for Assertive LanguageThe Three Step Approach to Being AssertiveMODULE 7: Proven Assertiveness TechniquesThis module contains:""What Would You Do in My Shoes?""Reflecting/PlaybackFoggingBroken RecordPositive and Negative EnquiryAsking for More TimeExplaining the ConsequencesSelf-DisclosureThe Power of Silence""What If""""What do You Think?""MODULE 8: Putting Assertiveness into ActionThis module contains:Assertive NegotiatingWin-Win OutcomesSaying ""No"" NicelyMaking Requests AssertivelyPutting Assertiveness Into Action"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Effective Time Management" |
"MODULE 1: How to PrioritizeThis module contains:Benefit versus EffortUrgent versus ImportantWhy We Need Time ManagementValues and PrioritiesThe Prioritization GridMODULE 2: Time RobbersThis module contains:Time Robbers Imposed by OthersTime Robbers Imposed by YouMODULE 3: Planning Your WorkThis module contains:Benefits of PlanningGuidelines and Tools for Efficient PlanningThe Difference Between Planning and SchedulingFive Minutes Before the HourMODULE 4: The Four D'sThis module contains:What makes the 4 Ds easyGuidelines for Keeping a Piece of PaperDump, Delay, Delegate and DoUsing the 4 DsMODULE 5: How to Delegate EffectivelyThis module contains:What is Delegation?The Five Levels of DelegationFive Steps to DelegationKeeping ResponsibilityWhen You Cannot DelegateMODULE 6: Setting SMART Goals for YourselfThis module contains:Why You Need to Set Goals NOWKnowing What You Want to AccomplishThe Three Ps of GoalsSMART GoalsMODULE 7: Techniques for Getting OrganizedThis module contains:The Need for OrganizationOrganizing your Day - Using a ""To Do"" ListPareto - the 80-20 Rule - and Quick WinsOrganizing your WorkspaceEffective E-mail OperationThe Batching TechniqueStreamlining Your Approach with STINGMeetings and Phone CallsMODULE 8: Time MappingThis module contains:Using TechnologyProductivity AnalysisScheduling of Demanding TasksWhat is a Time Map?"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Effective Communication Skills: Be a Better Communicator" |
"Do you feel that people sometimes don't get your message?Dont you agree that better communication will improve everyones lives?Whether you are having problems with communication, or just want to improve your understanding of how things fit together, youll pick up a host of tips, tricks and techniques for improving your life whether in business or at home.With every ZandaX business and personal development course, you get a workbook with an Action Plan (downloadable from the short General Introduction module at the start of each course). These are a great addition because they enable you to revisit and review your progress in a structured framework that is proven to work.Our business and soft skills presenters have been chosen for their clarity and professionalism in getting the message across. You'll be engaged as well as educated!And we dont woffle! Do you want to sit through hours of over-explaining before you get the knowledge you need? We doubt it! So we make sure that everything is covered in easy-to-follow video lessons, and we get to the point so you make the best use of your time.The course teaches you:How Communication Works do you influence or persuade?Face to Face Communication how to improve your techniqueTelephone Conversation how to use it to its full advantageWritten Communication how to be more effectiveQuestioning and Listening Skills use Active Listening to get real resultsHow to be an Effective Communicator look at yourself and change your approachOvercoming Communication Problems dealing with conflict, opposition and barriersGetting Better Outcomes using Best Practice to get what you needEach lecture is self-contained, so you dont need to sit through them all: once youre at a comfortable level, youll be able to use this as your reference library, where you can select what you want to view.The course is aimed at anyone who wants a focused, practical guide to a skill thats central to success and happiness in all our lives.Upon completion (and with a little practice) you will be able to give and receive communications in a way that improves the clarity and effectiveness of the way you deal with people.Well say it again: dont forget the course workbook and Action Plan downloadable with the first General Introduction module at the start of each course which uses in-course summaries and assessments with post-course reviews to really help you to develop your skills. And dont forget to revisit and review the course as often as you want!So this course is genuinely much more than just a talk-through video. We dont think youll find better value, so why not enrol with us now?"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |