Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Osez la confiance en vous ! - David Laroche" |
"Comme le dit David Laroche, le succs, cest davantage la capacit faire de petites actions rgulirement plutt que de relever de grands dfis de temps en temps. Peu importe qui vous tes, do vous venez et peu importe votre niveau de confiance actuel, vous pouvez rapidement avoir confiance en vous.Tout au long des 7 tapes de cette formation, David Laroche vous fait partager son histoire, ses expriences et ses conseils pour que vous puissiez librer votre potentiel, augmenter votre confiance en vous et atteindre vos objectifs.La confiance s'entrane la manire dun muscle, en ltirant, en pratiquant, en progressant!Derrire l'enthousiasme de l'auteur se cache une mthode redoutablement efficace qui a fait ses preuves auprs de milliers de personnes, de salaris d'entreprises et de managers, d'horizons totalement diffrents et que David Laroche souhaite prsent partager avec vous.Avoir confiance en soi, c'est possible, ds maintenant !David Laroche est expert en confiance en soi et en Motivation. Il est ralisateur, consultant et confrencier sur les thmes de la confiance en soi et latteinte dobjectifs.Il est connu pour les nombreux dfis quil relve et pour sa capacit faire passer laction les milliers de personnes quil accompagne."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Accompagnez votre enfant sur le chemin de la russite" |
"Vous avez un enfant timide, rserv, qui a du mal se rvler en socit? Pourtant, vous croyez vritablement en lui car il vous tonne par sa crativit et par les ressources quil sait mettre en place lcole ou en socit.Vous aimeriez quil dveloppe suffisamment de confiance en lui pour qu'il ait toutes les chances de russir sa vie future ?Avoir confiance en soi, cest avant tout se connatre et cest la condition sine qua non pour russir dans la vie et avancer serein et ouvert au monde.Cette formation va vous permettre daccompagner votre enfant sur les chemins du succs en dveloppant son estime de lui et en lui apprenant croire en lui.La mthode CALME dveloppe par David Laroche vous aidera dans cette dmarche. David Laroche propose ici les moyens d'initier la communication avec votre enfant, lui apporter une attention positive, lui donner des espaces de libert et savoir comment tre un modle pour lui.Au travers dexemples rels et de mthodes prouves, vous dcouvrirez comment mettre en uvre cette mthode et obtenir des rsultats durables.David Laroche est expert en confiance en soi et en Motivation. Il est ralisateur, consultant et confrencier sur les thmes de la confiance en soi et latteinte dobjectifs.Il est connu pour les nombreux dfis quil relve et pour sa capacit faire passer laction les milliers de personnes quil accompagne."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Rveillez loptimisme en vous ! - Michel Poulaert" |
"Beaucoup dchecs dans la vie proviennent de gens qui nont pas ralis quel point ils taient proches du succs lorsquils ont abandonn. Thomas EdisonObservez un optimiste: tout semble lui sourire. Il a beaucoup de succs, il sait rebondir face lchec et il prend la vie du bon ct Il semble heureux, en toutes circonstances!Soyez-en sr:vous pouvez devenir cet optimiste. Car loptimisme est dj en vous, il suffit de le dvelopper. En regardant cette formation et en appliquant les exercices pratiques, vous aussi, vous verrez la vie en rose!Loptimisme,ce nest pas quun tat desprit, cest aussi un mode daction permettant datteindre nos objectifs. Car le cerveau possde un outil puissant, le Systme Rticul Activateur, qui, chez les optimistes, est orient vers la ralisation des succs.Mme le plus grand des pessimistes a, en lui, la capacit devenir optimiste. Oui, le bonheur est entre vos mains!Michel Poulaert est confrencier, coach, expert en motivation et coach en dveloppement personnel. Ses confrences, ses nombreuses publications et surtout son loquence ont fait de lui un intervenant apprci et demand."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lutter contre le stress au travail - Patrick Legeron" |
"Le travail nest pas quun mal ncessaire, cest aussi un facteur essentiel dpanouissement.Ltre humain a besoin de travailler pour vivre. Mais attention, dans certaines conditions, le travail peut causer des risques pour notre sant et notre bien-tre.Le stress au travail, mme sil a des aspects positifs, est le plus souvent ngatif pour les salaris. Il peut entraner des troubles srieux : dpression, burn-out ou maladies cardiaques. Parfois mme, nous le savons, le suicideAvec Patrick Lgeron, psychiatre et spcialiste franais de la question du stress, vous comprendrez ce phnomne physique et psychologique. Mieux cerner le stress, cest commencer le combattre. Car il existe diffrentes techniques pour diminuer le stress au travail. Cette formation vous les enseignera travers des exercices pratiques et des situations concrtes.Rassurez-vous, certes le stress au travail peut tre nfaste lindividu et cote cher aux entreprises, mais il existe des solutions pour le rduire voire sen dbarrasser pour de bon!Visionnez cette formation, suivez les conseils de notre expert et laissez, enfin, le stress au travail derrire vous!Docteur en mdecine, psychiatre et titulaire dun post-doctorat de lUniversit de Californie, Patrick Lgeron s'est trs tt spcialis dans le stress en entreprise. Il a ainsi fond en 1989 Stimulus, le premier cabinet franais exclusivement consacr au stress au travail."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Librez votre potentiel cratif pour innover - Arnaud Groff" |
"Il faut innover tout prix! Une technologie innovante est la cl pour vendre un nouveau produit! En tes-vous sr? Savez-vous que linnovation va bien au-del de la technologie?Innover, cest tout simplement amener une nouveaut dans lordre tabli. De fait, il sagit dun concept essentiel dans toute la chane de production du produit.Toute innovation ayant une chance de percer repose sur trois piliers. Le premier, la socialisation, est la manire dont une innovation est accepte par le public. La valeur, ensuite, permet de chiffrer linnovation. Pour finir, une innovation digne de ce nom repose sur la crativit, une ide-force qui marque lidentit du produit.Heureusement, le processus cratif, la base de linnovation, est accessible tous, travers trois phases distinctes : la pose du problme, la recherche dides et la slection.Cette dmarche ne doit pas tre laisse au hasard. Dans cette formation, Arnaud Groff vous prsente les diffrents outils pour trouver les rponses efficaces aux problmes poss et librer votre potentiel cratif.Arnaud Groff est docteur de l'cole nationale suprieure des Arts et Mtiers et ingnieur expert en conception de produits nouveaux."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre grer la colre - Portanry & Muller" |
"Que cache vritablement la colre?Nous avons fait appel deux spcialistes de lentreprise et de ses rapports humains pour comprendre en profondeur cette motion. Ce nest pas un secret, la colre, sil elle nest pas utilise bon escient, est potentiellement nfaste, surtout dans le monde de lentreprise.La colre vient rgulirement perturber notre vie personnelle et professionnelle. Se confronter la colre de lautre, mieux comprendre la sienne ou savoir lvacuer sontles objectifsde notre formation.On trouve la colre personnelle, un sentiment profond qui nous envahit soudainement.Tenter de laccueillir, puisquon ne peut lviter, permet dj de se tirer de situations dlicates. Puis lirritation de lautre, laquelle il faut tre capable de faire face afin de lapprivoiser.Mais il existeune colre saine, quil est bon dexprimer: quand un collaborateur ne prvient pas de son retard, par exemple. Dans cette situation, trois types de colre sont contre-productive: colre inhibe, vous ne manifestez qu peine votre gne. Exacerbe, vous enguirlandez ce pauvre collgue qui dispose par ailleurs dune excuse valable, dguise, vous le faites culpabiliser.Pour sortir de cette impasse, il importe de cultiver une colre saine qui sacquire par la pratique, grce diffrentes mthodescomme les 3 phrases ou encore les 4 P.Alors, tes-vous prt vous confronter la colre, cette motion mconnue?Aprs avoir t responsable de formation de l'universit Paris 9 Dauphine et directeur Cegos, Jean-Louis Muller est consultant indpendant. Il est l'auteur de nombreux ouvrages et notamment directeur duGuide du management et du leadershipparu chez Retz.Emmanuel Portanry intervient en formation et en coaching dans les domaines du management, du leadership, de la ngociation et du dveloppement personnel pour les dirigeants et les cadres haut potentiel."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"L'affirmation de soi - Charly Cungi" |
"Dans la vie professionnelle ou personnelle, savoir s'affirmer est une des cls du succs. C'est le moyen indispensable pour tre cout et se faire respecter en toutes circonstances. Saffirmer est aussi primordial pour trouver son quilibre dans les relations avec les autres.Cette formation est une vritable mthode d'entranement l'affirmation de soi pour ceux qui peinent communiquer ou qui doutent de leurs capacits relationnelles. Cette mthode rigoureuse se fonde sur les acquis des recherches en psychologie et en communication.De nombreux exemples et conseils pratiques vous permettront de vous placer efficacement dans une dmarche daffirmation. Vous pourrez modifier durablement vos comportements et vos relations avec autrui.Ds maintenant, affirmez-vous pour entretenir une communication saine avec votre entourage!Mdecin psychiatre diplm de lUniversit de Lyon et psychothrapeute, ainsi que charg de cours lUniversit, Charly Cungi exerce en France et en Suisse."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology for beginners" |
"Struggling to learn Anatomy & Physiology? This course is for you!Learn the basics of Anatomy & Physiology easily with this course, developedfor beginners.If youre looking to learn the basics of anatomy, physiologyand body systems you need to enrol in this course, you will receive unparalleledsupport from our team of experienced instructors who have over 30 years of experience in the medicalfield.Course content and overview This course covers everything you need to know including:AnatomyAnatomical positions and terms Body systems Physiology Bonus: Bleedingcontrol course, learn how to apply first aid techniques to stop minor to severebleeding! taught by emergency care professionals learn to Stop the bleed andSave a life!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to code by building 6 games in the Unreal Engine!" |
"""I learned a lot from this course! Plus when I am stuck at a specific place, the teacher always responds to the problems/questions I have. Worth the money and time I invested here and thank you!"" -Kevork M.""I teach university students game development, mainly using the Unreal Engine 4, the six different games give a good insight into using C++ to create functionality with Unreal Engine 4. This area of development is a minefield with basic issues like intellisense not integrating with UE4 C++ projects and the vastness and complexityof UE4, these tutorials have helped me create course material, which in turn has helped all levels of students; to get the most from UE4."" ""Absolutely jumps right in to creating, editing, etc, with ZERO setup and explanation -- this is exactly what I was looking for, but beware, if you're not familiar with the Unreal editor or C++."" - Luke C.""Great pacing, good sound and voice quality, clear instructions, and good explanations."" - Fazaad Feroze------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Learn how to code and make games in the popular Unreal Engine 4. Learn by building actual games.This course was funded through a massively successful Kickstarter campaign.This course is project based so you will not be learning a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course you will have real world apps to use in your portfolio.We feel that project based training content is the best way to get from A to B. Taking this course means that you learn practical, employable skills immediately.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""Very good course for those learning how to use C++ with Unreal Engine! The instructor was very clear and easy to understand. Having the multiple games to work on helped me fully understand the concepts. And I liked the fact that each game was a totally independent game and not dependent on the previous one.""You can use the projects you build in this course to add to your LinkedIn profile. Give your portfolio fuel to take your career to the next level.We go through the content quite quickly! You can pause videos or use the Speed tool at the bottom of a video to slow down or speed up lectures if you want to.Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math and learning how to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future.You will get full lifetime access to this course for a single one off fee. John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology.This is an instructor that does not only teach, he produces apps. This means you get the most relevant information on how to code. Most courses do not show you practical skills and real world examples.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""Great for people that know little about programming""What makes you a good teacher?I have released over 40 games and apps that have done very well in the app store.I run a company called Mammoth Interactive so I am actively in the field building apps and making moneyI have been teaching since 2002I personally love learning online and my life is much better because I have learned online rather than a classroomI am one of the top 10 highest grossing Udemy teachersI have been a Udemy instructor since 2011.I make sure people learn how to make money from their creations.I have over 150k students worldwideHow you will make money by learning new skillsLearn practical skillsLearn about how leverage your new skills to greater wealthLearn through practical examplesWhy should you learn online?There is an online education revolution taking place. You may have heard about it in the news or heard it from a friend. Either-way, education is going to be changed forever. In this short course I talk about how Online Education hasMotivated meHelped my careerHelped me as a teacherImpacted several lives around the planetI promise that this course will be better and more effective than reading books. I show how to master technology through the use of video. This course will give you everything you need to thrive in our technological society."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ruby Crash Course" |
"Learn how to use the Ruby programming language!One of the best features is that you can watch the courses at any speed you want. This means you can speed up the or slow down the video if you want to.This course is basic and for beginners to Ruby. You can give your portfolio fuel to take your career to the next level.Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math and learning how to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future.You will get fulllifetimeaccess to this course for a single one off fee. John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. This is an instructor that does not only teach, he produces apps. This means you get the most relevant information on how to code. Most courses do not show you practical skills and real world examples.What makes you a good teacher?I have released over 40 games and apps that have done very well in the app store.I run a company called Mammoth Interactive so I am actively in the field building apps and making moneyI have been teaching since 2002I personally love learning online and my life is much better because I have learned online rather than a classroomI am one of the top 10 highest grossing Udemy teachersI have been a Udemy instructor since 2011.I make sure people learn how to make money from their creations.I have over 150k students worldwideWho is this class for?People who want to improve their technical skillsComplete beginnersPeople who want to make money. I show people the tools on how to make money through various methods of passive incomePeople who want to get ahead of the pack by learning online.How you will make money by learning new skillsLearn practical skillsLearn about how leverage your new skills to greater wealthLearn through practical examplesWhy should you learn online?There is an online education revolution taking place. You may have heard about it in the news or heard it from a friend. Either-way, education is going to be changed forever. In this short course I talk about how Online Education hasMotivated meHelped my careerHelped me as a teacherImpacted several lives around the planetI promise that this course will be better and more effective than reading books. I show how to master technology through the use of video. This course will give you everything you need to thrive in our technological society."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to build a Chess game in iOS 10." |
"""Omg this was freakin amazing. Whoever you are who worked together to put this together, you have my immense gratitude. This is so perfect for what I needed right now to help me create a professional chess related app for iPad and iPhone. I have a modest amount of programming experience (just enough to get by for supporting my day job which is not as a programmer) and never heard of xcode before now. I'm amazed what a nice experience you designed for someone like me to even create something that looks like a chessboard on an iPhone in one video lesson. Thanks so much, I'm excited to continue on."" Chris Balcom, Modesto CaliforniaDo you want to make apps? Do you want to learn to code? This course is for you! In this course you will learn how to make a Chess Game in iOS 10. This course requires you to have basic knowledge of Xcode and programming. If you are a complete beginner, this course isn't for you.This course is the result of a very successful Kickstarter!""I really enjoyed this course. I have no knowledge of chess game engines but this was a very good introduction to them. Keep 'em coming.""One of the best features is that you can watch the courses at any speed you want. This means you can speed up the or slow down the video if you want to.This course isproject basedso you will not be learning a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course you will have real world apps to use in your portfolio. We feel that project based training content is the best way to get from A to B. Taking this course means that you learn practical, employableskills immediately.You can use the projects you build in this course to add to your LinkedIn profile. Give your portfolio fuel to take your career to the next level.Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math and learning how to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future.You will get fulllifetimeaccess to this course for a single one off fee. John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. This is an instructor that does not only teach, he produces apps. This means you get the most relevant information on how to code. Most courses do not show you practical skills and real world examples.What makes you a good teacher?I have released over 40 games and apps that have done very well in the app store.I run a company called Mammoth Interactive so I am actively in the field building apps and making moneyI have been teaching since 2002I personally love learning online and my life is much better because I have learned online rather than a classroomI am one of the top 10 highest grossing Udemy teachersI have been a Udemy instructor since 2011.I make sure people learn how to make money from their creations.I have over 150k students worldwideWho is this class for?People who want to improve their technical skillsComplete beginnersPeople who want to make money. I show people the tools on how to make money through various methods of passive incomePeople who want to get ahead of the pack by learning online.How you will make money by learning new skillsLearn practical skillsLearn about how leverage your new skills to greater wealthLearn through practical examplesWhy should you learn online?There is an online education revolution taking place. You may have heard about it in the news or heard it from a friend. Either-way, education is going to be changed forever. In this short course I talk about how Online Education hasMotivated meHelped my careerHelped me as a teacherImpacted several lives around the planetI promise that this course will be better and more effective than reading books. I show how to master technology through the use of video. This course will give you everything you need to thrive in our technological society."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Learn Concept Art Manipulation" |
"Welcome to the course 'Learn to create Concept Art- Photo Manipulation in Photoshop for Beginners!'Im so happy youre here.You might be wondering,is this the right Course for me? Let me see if I can help -- I designed this coursefor the Beginners or IntermediateLearner of Photoshopin mind, who either doesnt knowhow to do Photo Manipulation in Photoshop, or a Little more experienced person in Photoshopwho wants to learn how I madethisConcept ArtPhoto Manipulation in Photoshop. This course is for you if :- Youre someonewhoscreative, interestedinPhoto Manipulation, and, most of all,You love to Play with different tools in Photoshop. At the End of this Course you will be able to createYour own Creative Art Photo Manipulation. Right approach to take this CourseisFollow Alongusing yourFree access to Exercise filesor if you wantyou can use your own resources. And create Your own Photo Manipulation and post the same on Course Discussion Board and Get feedback from instructor as well as all the other students. or even if you are justwatching this course you would enjoy the Process How I create this Amazing Photo Manipulationwhich wouldfeed creative juices to your mind. So What are you waiting for? Go Ahead and Get this Amazing Course & Start Creating Concept Art & Take your Post Processing to whole new level!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Travel on a Dime: Thrifty Travel Tips" |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to play Piano - Go from a Beginner/Intermediate to a Pro" |
"This is a Comprehensive and Complete Piano & Music Course. With hundreds of positive ratings and more than 30 thousand students and the huge amount of valuable course content, you definitely will not regret enrolling in this course. There is a Q and A forum where you can ask questions and you can also send a direct message to the instructor and ask him questions.Join over 30,000 students who have enrolled in this course and over 40,000 students who have enrolled in all my 10 Music Courses.WITH MORE THAN 40 HOURS OF CONTENT AND 300+ Lessons , this course is a COMPLETE & COMPREHENSIVE PIANO COURSE that includes video content, PDF sheets and other lectures. This Piano & Music Course will help you to be able to play any style of music. This Piano Course is a thorough and structured course that has been designed to take you from a Beginner Level to an Advanced Level on the Piano and musically. By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge required in order to be able to play the Piano/Keyboard. This Course is for anyone that wants to learn how to play the Piano/Keyboard and it is also for the people that play the Piano/Keyboard and want to learn more about it. This course consists of ""Beginner"", ""Intermediate"" and ""Advanced"" Materials. This course also complements my other course that is called ""Intermediate to Advanced Piano Course; Become a Top Pianist"".This course is part of my 10-Part Series Music Courses which includes the following courses:""How to play Piano - Go from a Beginner/Intermediate to a Pro"" Course""Intermediate to Advanced Piano Course; Become a Top Pianist"" Course""How to create unique/colourful Piano Chord Progressions"" Course""How to compose Beautiful & Catchy Melodies on the Piano"" Course""How to use Slash Chords to create unique sounds & Basslines"" Course""Learn to Read & Write Music to play Piano & more instruments"" Course""Train your ears to recognise Scale Degrees & a Song's Key"" Course""How to use Altered Chords in your Chord Progressions' Course""How to Recognise Chords by ear;Develop a Skilled Musical ear"" Course""How to use Borrowed Chords in your Chord Progressions"" CourseBelow are the different sections that this Course consists of:IntroductionGetting StartedThe Development of Independence between the Right Hand and the Left HandBrief Overview of what is to Come in the CourseMusical IntervalsScales/Major ScalesPractical Exercises that you can do to master all the 12 Major ScalesMinor Scales/Natural Minor ScalesHarmonic Minor ScalesMelodic Minor ScalesScale DegreesMore about Musical IntervalsChords (Triad Chords)Major Scale Triad ChordsNatural Minor Scale Triad ChordsMelodic Minor Scale Triad ChordsHarmonic Minor Scale Triad ChordsThe Triad Chord Patterns in each Major Scale & in each type of Minor Scale7th Chords, 6th Chords & Suspended ChordsThe Seventh Chord Patterns in each Major Scale & in each type of Minor ScaleScale Degrees for Chords (Number System for Chords within a Scale)Pentatonic, Chromatic & Blues Scales Chord Inversions & ArpeggiosSharps & Flats Explained FurtherCircle of FifthsHow to Play Songs by ear and How to use different types of Chords in each KeyThe Primary and Secondary Chords in all Major and Minor ScalesTransposition Developing the ability to be able to play comfortably in all 12 KeysDifferent Chord Progressions in all the 12 KeysRhythms & ImprovisationPassing Chords Using Diminished & Augmented Triad Chords as Passing ChordsHow to use Diminished 7th Chords and the uniqueness of Diminished 7th ChordsHow to use an Augmented Triad and the uniqueness of an Augmented Triad ChordUsing 7th Chords in Chord ProgressionsHow to use Secondary Dominant Chords to add Flavour to your Chord ProgressionsHow to use Suspended & Diatonic Chords to add Colour to your Chord ProgressionsModulationCadencesHow to use Suspended Chords and Diminished ChordsImprovisation (filling the empty Spaces in Songs with Piano runs, Licks & Riffs)Using non-diatonic Chords to add colour to your Chord ProgressionsSlash ChordsThe Sustain PedalHow to use Music to create different AtmospheresHow to find the key of a songExtended Chords (9th, 11th and 13th Chords)Chord Voicings and How to use 9th, 11th and 13th ChordsAltered ChordsModesThe Classification of Modes into Major and Minor ModesImprovising with ModesOther types of ScalesConclusionMusical Documents to make references to whenever you need toIn this course, you will learn about how many scales and chords are built. You will learn how to be to play any song you want to play. Furthermore, you will also learn about how to figure out the chords of a song and how to play a song by using chords. Moreover, you will also learn about other topics."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Wirecast Video Production and Live Streaming Master Class" |
"The Wirecast master class is a complete video production course based around the popular live streaming and recording software. This course will review the basics of professional video production and live streaming which include: titles, overlays, capturing content, live streaming, recording, controllers, shortcuts, working with images, audio, graphics, building cameras shots and much much more! This course will include a $10 OFF coupon for Wirecast (if you want to take advantage of this offer please call our office at 610-518-2200)! So once you are done with your 60 day free trial don't forget to use our coupon."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"From Peer to Manager: Skills for New Managers" |
"Welcome to your career in management. But most importantWelcome to leadership. Why did you make this big move? To grow personally and professionally? To make a difference? To lead others to realize their success? All of the above?All this, and more! Even for the most gifted individuals, the process of becoming a leader is a rigorous and many times an exhausting journey. The rewards, however, can be enormous. I surveyed a group of managers across many disciplines and asked the question, As a new manager, what do you wish you learned early in your career? What follows in this course, is a result of the responses, as well as my personal experience coaching and mentoring new managers. I will begin by asking you to be patient with yourself. You do not develop leadership skills overnight. It takes practice, it takes trying new things, it takes making mistakes. Yes, sometimes you will fail. That is ok. It is ok to acknowledge when something doesnt work, it is ok to celebrate and build on your successes. I have broken this course into individual modules. These are small bite sized modules that you can view either one after the other, or one at a time as you drink your morning coffee. Feel free to jump around and view the modules that are of the most importance to you. Take what works, challenge what doesnt, try new things.The Chapters include:Introduction to ManagementDeveloping Your Leadership StyleLeadership ResponsibilitiesLeadership CommunicationTeam DevelopmentYour Growth and DevelopmentManagers Toolkit Im excited to join you in this journey. Its time to think about success. Lets Get Started."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Create value for your business. An innovation workshop" |
"This course will be free until09/24Join 600+ stundents!Join 1000+ from 90+In the ""Create Value for your business series""Do you think breakthrough, creative, disruptives ideas come once in a lifetime?Have you ever felt a creativity block?Do you want to create innovative products or services consistently?Innovation and creativity can be achieved in a regular basis with the appropiate tools and techniques to create projects or ideas that addvalue for any businessWith this course youll be able to manage a innovation and creativitytoolbox that will allow to create innovativeideas that addvalue on a regular basis.This course is from a series called Create Value for your business and it is aligned with the PMI talent triangle and develops a topic related to the technical project management axisA PMI study showed that 66% of organizations indicate that PM with the appropriate technical skills are very hard to find.With this course you can claim 2 professional development unitsAt the end of this course you'll be able to:...Provide innovative ideas consistently... Unblock repetitive brainstorming sessions...Apply techniques to improve brainstorming a creativity exercises in a regular basisWe'll go overWhat is innovation?Rule bustingProblem redesignImprovisationIn each section we'll solve a couple of illustrationof every conceptWhat are the requirements?Nothing.What is the target audience?Professionals related to project management (Managers, Sponsors, Business analysts)EntepreneursPeople in creative businesses (Designers, etc)Product Managers"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Produo e Edio de Vdeos com Camtasia Studio 9." |
"Como um exemplo do tamanho domercado de produo de vdeos nos dias atuais,temos oYouTube quetem mais de um bilho de usurios, quase um tero dos usurios da Internet e, a cada dia, as pessoas assistem a milhes de horas de vdeos gerando bilhes de visualizaes,e o que voc vai aprender neste curso te dar conhecimento para atender essa demanda crescente e muito pouco explorado ainda, a produo e edio de vdeos com foco no mercado online.Neste curso aprenda de formarpida e objetivaa edio e produo de vdeos, comexemplos prticose divertidos,trabalhe com vdeos, efeitos, transies, efeitos sonoros, etc.Nesse curso voc aprender fazer entre outras coisas a:Editar vdeos.Inserir msicas em seus vdeos.Trabalhar com transies em seus projetos.Usar o famoso efeitoChroma key.Aprender usar o melhor formato para obter a melhor qualidade em seus vdeos.Ser mostrados vrios recursos e efeitosutilizados pelos maiores youtubers do momento.Aprenda a criar vdeo aulas.Omercado de criao de vdeos cresce a cada dia, se prepare para atender a esse pblico, utilizando o Camtasia Studio 9 voc ser capaz de criar vdeos de uma forma incrivelmente simples.Veja uma das aulas grtis disponveis e conhea o poder dessa ferramenta."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Write It for the Young at Heart" |
"What are the prevailing trends of and possibilities for books written for the young at heart? How do enduring stories get made? What do we do with the beguiling reality that not all teens think the same, talk the same, want the same? What can we learn about teen readers when we ask them what they read, and why?Write It for the Young at Heart, a ten-part video series, offers an insiders view. With segments ranging from Bad, Good, Excellent? From Truth to Fiction, and Getting the Facts Right in Fiction to Building the Hearth of Your Story, He Said/She Said, and War Stories, the series names and defines key writing challenges, celebrates the work of authors who have gracefully met those challenges, and offers writing tips and cautions. The series goes far beyond a traditional how to series by placing issues within historical, literary, and personal context.With a dozen acclaimed young adult books to her name, Beth Kepharts books have received multiple stars and best-of-year citations, been selected by the Junior Library Guild and Scholastic Book clubs, and been translated into multiple foreign languages. Kephart is a frequent review contributor to the Chicago Tribune, has presented keynote addresses on behalf of Bank Street, Publishing Perspectives, and elsewhere, has appeared on numerous national and local panels, and has traveled the country to visit high schools, middle schools, and libraries. She chaired the 2001 Young Peoples Literature Jury for the National Book Awards, where she first developed her criteria of excellence. She is a teacher of creative nonfiction at the University of Pennsylvania, where she won the Beltran Family Award for Innovative Teaching and Mentoring. She is the author of a dozen other award-winning books for adults and a monthly contributor to the Philadelphia Inquirer. Finally, she is a partner in Juncture Workshops."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Stress-Free Results" |
"Do you find yourself overloaded with work? Feel you can't set priorities? Exhaust yourself daily without accomplishing something meaningful?There are 35% Australians and 44% Americans suffer through stress. The biggest challenge for everyone is having a long To-Do List and not having the Time Management Skills for Stress-Free Results.There are 168 hours each week. With Work,classes, activities, Study, Family and Entertainment, planning becomes essential to get things done.In this course you'll learnWhat, Why & How of Time Management.Goal Setting.Prioritising your tasks or to-do list.Daily &Weekly Time Scheduling.4 most popular time management techniques.Utilising technology to help you stay stress-free and achieve more.Enrol in the course andyou'll be able to create your own Time Management system which suits your lifestyle, values and priorities. The techniques taught here are tried & tested by millions of people and will give you stress-free life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Weight Loss: 55 Science Backed Tips and How To Implement It." |
"Losing weight is easy but keeping it off and staying healthy is really hard.The demands that we all face each day can often feel overwhelming in maintaining a healthy body. Due to these demands of life and work, we ignore our health.Thisis a unique, powerful, eCourse for well-being and weight loss. And unlike all the other weight loss approaches out there, we have collectedgood scientific evidence that this tips works.Is this for me?This is for, anyone who answers YES to any of the following questions:Are you struggling with your weight or unhappy about your body?Do you feel as though youve tried everything but nothing has produced lasting results?Are you frustrated by the ever-prevalent stream of contradictory weight loss advice?Are you wondering whether its even possible for you to achieve your desired body weight?We will teach you to create your ownweight loss program or diet plan or exercise plan according to your lifestyle.We want you to be the CEOof your of your body."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Trading Options For Consistent Returns: Calendar Spreads" |
"*****Join over 1,840 happy students enrolled in this course*****Learn how I profit from trading Calendar Spreads using options on stocks and ETFs. This course is a complete step-by-step guide on how to create a consistent monthly income. If you have an internet connection and a computer, you can trade this strategy from anywhere in the world. Whether you are a brand new investor, or veteran trader, this course will provide you with the tools necessary to reach your financial goals.You can more than pay for the price of this course with your first trade!PLEASE COMPLETE OUR FREE COURSE - ""Trading Options For Consistent Returns: Options Basics"", BEFORE ENROLLING IN THIS COURSEWhat you will get from this course:The NavigationTrading Implied Volatility Indicator - Load it directly to your trading platform! The NavigationTrading Watch List - The most profitable symbols to trade...AND which ones to avoid!Learn to make money trading 15 minutes per day. You DO NOT have to be glued to your computer screenHow to place High Probability Calendar Spreads, that win over 75% of the timeLearn how to make money on trades if the market goes UP, DOWN or SIDEWAYSHow to open and close winning trades...and most importantly, how to fix a trade that goes badA little known trick to learn your Probability of Profit, before you even enter the tradeLots of real life trade examples...using my own moneyStudents of our course can get a reduced commission rate at a top rated options brokerUnlimited email support from the instructor and his trading team"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Trading Options With Money Flow" |
"***Join Over 1690 Happy Students Enrolled In this Course***Learn how I make winning options trades EVERY month. This course is a complete step-by-step guide on how to create a consistent monthly income. If you have an internet connection and a computer, you can trade this strategy from anywhere in the world. Whether you are a brand new investor, or veteran trader, this course will provide you with the tools necessary to reach your financial goals.You could pay for the cost of this course with your first trade!!!PLEASE COMPLETE OUR FREE COURSE - ""Trading Options For Consistent Returns: Options Basics"", BEFORE ENROLLING IN THIS COURSEWhat you will get from this course:The Navigation Money Flow Indicator - Institutional Money Flow is what drives market direction. Are you trading with the Flow? Or, against the Flow?The Navigation Relative Strength Indicator- A great visual to measure the strength of each stock you tradeThe Navigation Over bought/Over Sold Indicator - A critical tool to time your trade entries and exitsLearn to make money trading 15 minutes per day. You DO NOT have to be glued to your computer screenHow to supercharge your returns using Institutional Money FlowLearn how to make money on trades if the market goes UP, DOWN or SIDEWAYSThis course is a guide from A to Z on how to enter and exit Money Flow TradesLearn the value of using options VS buying stocks outrightLots of real life trade examples...using my own moneyStudents of our course can get a reduced commission rate at a top rated options brokerUnlimited email support from the instructor and his trading team"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress Speedoptimierung - So wird Wordpress zur Rakete!" |
"MIT DEM GUTSCHEINCODE ""BESTPREIS_2018"" (ohne """") NOCH EINMAL KRFTIG SPAREN!Wenn Millisekunden die Welt bedeuten: In diesem Kurs werden Sie - von unseren Experten einfach und verstndlich erklrt - lernen, wie sich jeder noch so kleine Baustein Ihrer WordPress-Seite optimieren lsst. WordPress ist als simpel zu bedienende Webanwendung eine wunderbare Plattform, ber die Sie Ihre Ideen einfach und effizient verwirklichen konnten. Aber es geht noch weiter. Denn als Internetagentur mit jahrelanger Erfahrung wissen wir, wo Sie noch Hilfe brauchen und wie wir aus Ihrer bereits guten Wordpress-Website, eine erstklassige Website machen knnen. Dass das kein Hexenwerk sein muss, wird auch im Leitfaden fr diesen Kurs ersichtlich: Performance und Stabilitts-Optimierungen fr WordpressReduktion der Seiten-Ladezeiten Steigerung der Seiten-Sicherheit Ihre einzigartige Seite geht im riesigen Pool aus Websites leider unter, wenn sie nicht gefunden wird oder das Laden der Seite bei schlechter Internetverbindung zu lange dauert. Doch das muss nicht sein - wir schaffen mit Ihnen eine Website, die nicht nur in Millisekunden geladen ist, sondern insgesamt eine gesteigerte Performance aufweisen kann. Gemeinsam machen wir Ihre Wordpress-Installation zur Rakete!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"macOS X Unix Linux Command Line Training" |
"This course is targeted for new students who are interested in learning the command line.This is built for mac OS X, but can be studied by any Unix terminal, such as Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.)Impress everyone you know, including your boss by using the command line like an expert.Learn basic commandsManipulate files and directoriesWrite text to filesBecause a terminal super userYou'll quickly understand the difference between the Graphical User Interface and the Command Line, and why the Command Line is so much faster!When someone opens the command line, and starts typing, you have to admin, its pretty cool. Don't you wish you could open it up and bust out some super awesome commands?You'll probably even get a raise at work for looking so cool.If you've ever been asked to open the terminal, and got nervous, here is your chance to understand it and really master the basics.By the end of this course, you'll feel completely amazing about how much you've learned, and how quickly you learned it.Are there anyrequirements?You need access to a Terminal. This could be Linux or any mac OS X computer.What will you achieve from this course?High level understanding of the command lineKnowledge of file structure and file navigationAbility to manipulate files and directoriesWrite text to filesSearch directories and files for textAnd much moreWhichaudience does this course target?This course was originally intended for Quality Assurance Engineers, but can be followed by anyone.If you already have a lot know knowledge about the command line, and know the basics, you probably do not need to take this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende y crea sitios web con Wordpress sin complicaciones" |
"Alguna vez ha intentado crear o mejorar un sitio web para hacer crecer su negocio?Ha pasado mucho tiempo aprendiendo WordPress, cmo trabajar con plug-ins y cmo ajustar su sitio web para aumentar el trfico y las ventas, slo para que produzca resultados mediocres?Los diseadores web le han cotizado un precio de varios miles de dlares slo para construirlo para ti?Con este Wordpress para novatosaprenderas con misconsejos, ajustes y herramientas que puede utilizar, sin programacin complicada, para impulsar su sitio web WordPress y transformarlo en un imn de trfico - en menos tiempo, con menos dinero , Y con mucho menos esfuerzo.Qu plug-ins crean los mejores resultados?Cmo trabajar con temas y plantillas para optimizar el potencial de su sitioY cmo evitar errores comunes cometidos por los diseadores de WordPress.Este curso wordpress tellevar a travs de lo basico en el mundo de Wordpress, incluyendo administracin,seguridad, diseo, usabilidad. Tambin se sumerge en cmo trabajar con temas y plantillas, y cmo ajustarlos de manera mucho ms eficiente.Adems, este curso le mostrar cmo ajustar la apariencia de su sitio web usando estilos, grficos y trucos de diseo."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Cmo hacer interfaces grficas en Java con Swing desde cero" |
"En este curso aprenders a realizar todo tipo de interfaces grficas de usuario en Java.Qu es una interfaz grfica de usuario?Una interfaz grfica de usuario (User Graphical Interface en ingls) es el nombre que se le da a la forma actual que tenemos las personas de comunicarnos con el ordenador.Una persona (que en informtica recibe el nombre de usuario) se comunica con el ordenador a travs de un programa. Todo lo que vemos en el ordenador soninterfacesgrficas de usuario. Puedotener enun programa ms de una interfaz grfica de usuario?S, todo programa puede tener una o ms de una interfaz grfica. Un ejemplo es el navegador de internet. Vemos que hay una ventana que tiene los famosos botones decerrar, maximizar y minimizar y puede tener muchas pestaas. A la vez podemos tener varias ventanas que contengan varias pestaas cada una, especialmente ahora que se lleva la multipantalla (un ordenador, al igual que los mviles, puede tener ms de un escritorio). Pues cada ventana del navegador sabemos que es una ventana por esos botones mencionados anteriormente y cada una de ellas no es nada menos que una interfaz grfica de usuario.Como podemos verun solo programa como es el navegador de internet puede tener una o ms interfaces grficas de usuario.Para realizar el curso necesitoalgn ordenador o sistema operativo concreto?No, este curso se puede realizar en cualquier ordenador con cualquier sistema operativo. Puede ser un Mac, un HP, un Lenovo, ... en el caso de los ordenadores. El sistema operativo puede ser iOS (Mac), Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10) yLinux.Qu voy a aprender en este curso?A realizar programas con una o ms interfaces grficas de usuario. Empezaremos desde cero explicando cada cosa que se introduzca como si fuera nueva y llevaremos las interfaces al mximo.No slo haremos interfaces, tambin aprenderemos a que sean bonitas, formas de optimizar el rendimiento, de realizar la interfaz de forma sencilla y con una esttica segn el tipo de programa que deseemos hacer.Para hacer esto usaremos algunos pocos conceptos de matemticas como son las matrices que si no conocemos o no recordamos no pasa absolutamente nada porque tambin se explica en el curso.Para qu me puede servir este curso?Puede servir para realizar videojuegos para tu propia diversin, para publicarlos y ganar dinero con ellos, para llevar tu creatividad al lmite, para hacer videojuegos a tu medida, para demostrar tu potencial y como no, para hacer el videojuego de tus sueos o lo que se te ocurra.Pero no todo son los videojuegos, se pueden disear editores de texto, programas para gestionar la informacin y datos de una empresa, programas para tener el control sobre las tareas realizadas y no realizadas de los trabajadores de una empresa, un programa que sea una agenda, una calculadora.Concretando un poco ms, podemos hacer cualquier tipo de programa. Absolutamente todo lo que se nos ocurra.Adems, todo el cdigo que programemos a lo largo del curso estar a completa disposicin para descargarlo y tambin todos los recursos que necesitemos tambin estn disponibles en la plataforma.Qu necesito saber antes de hacer el curso?Para hacer el curso lo que necesitas es tener conocimientos bsicos de Java y de programacin orientada a objetos en Java.No necesitas tener ningn conocimiento en interfaces o si los tienes este curso te va a servir para aprender mucho ms ya que es muy amplio de contenido.Si no quedas satisfecho con el curso recuerda que tienes 30 das para devolver el curso sin ningn compromiso. Siempre lopuedes probar y en el caso de que no sea lo que buscas o que ya lo conoces todo o que no te veas preparado para llevar a cabo el curso puedes pedir la devolucin del dinero en el plazo de 30 das."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Dbuter avec Windows Server 2012 et le rseau" |
"Ce cours vous permettra de dcouvrir comment crer un rseau d'entreprise de A Z.Vous installerez windows serveur 2012, ainsi que toute les rles et fonctionnalits ncessaire pour en faire un contrleur de domaine.Vous apprendrez a administrer les groupes, les utilisateurs de l'annuaire active directory, mais aussi les diffrentes faons de grer les ressources mis a disposition de vos utilisateurs.Nous aborderons en fin de formation l'administration d'IPCOP afin de filtrer au niveau du domaine la navigation Internet des utilisateurs."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Unity3D Dvelopper, Montiser un jeu pour Smartphone ANDROID" |
"Bienvenue dans cette formation complte sur Unity3D et le dveloppement de jeu vido.Cette formation va vous permettre de dvelopper un jeu destin aux smartphonesANDROID, mais aussi de le distribuer grce au store Google PLAY, et de le rentabiliser rapidement grce la publicit.Cette formation a pour vocation de vous apprendre matriser deux outils :le langage de programmation C#le moteur de jeu UnityVous apprendrez utiliser ces deux technologies conjointement ou sparment pas pas.Vous disposerez des ressources (sprites, modles, sons, etc...) afin de suivre ce cours le plus facilement possible et pourquoipas,les rutiliser dans votre propre jeu ?Tous les chapitres sont enregistrs enHD 1080ppour que vouspuissieztout voir clairementpendant le cours (vous pouvez regarder lespreviews gratuites).Je rpondrai personnellement vosquestions si vous en avez, et je fournirai autantd'aide que possiblepour vousaider matriser le C# et Unity.N'attendez plus etcliquez surSuivre ce coursen haut droite.C'est parti !"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"BPMN 2.0: Aprende a Modelar Procesos como un Experto" |
"En este curso aprenders cmo modelar procesos de negocio utilizando la notacin BPMN 2.0. Iniciaremos por los aspectos bsicos y gradualmente iremos avanzando hacia las enseanzas ms complejas. Las habilidades y conocimientos adquiridos mediante este curso te permitirn modelar cualquier proceso de negocio existente, as como crear modelos de procesos completamente nuevos. Para explicar las lecciones utilizaremos la plataforma Bizagi Process Modeler, ya que es gratuita y fcil de utilizar. Sin embargo, los aprendizajes que obtendrs son totalmente compatibles con cualquier otro software de modelado de procesos que decidas utilizar.A lo largo del curso tendrs la oportunidad de medir tus aprendizajes mediante estudios de casos y quizzes cortos.Este curso es actualizado continuamente con nuevas lecturas y materiales, y yo estoy aqu para responder a cualquier pregunta que puedas tener. Espero verte pronto en clases!Atentamente,Jess Planas"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Redes sociales para la bsqueda de empleo" |
"Esta es la tendencia: 93% de las empresas buscan sus candidatos con redes sociales, el 92% usa LinkedIn, el 60% Facebook y el 54% Twitter. En 2015 el 70% de las empresas consiguieron candidatos con redes sociales, porque es ms rpido (20%) y logran mejorar la calidad de los candidatos (42%). De manera saber usar las redes sociales es fundamental para lograr un nuevo empleo, fortalecer tu marca profesional y personal y consolidar tu xito profesional. Aprende a estructurar tus perfiles con excelencia, a sacar el mayor provecho y estar vigente en el mercado laboral. No pierdas ventaja frente a otros, hoy en da la tecnologa y la globalizacin exigen actualizacin y conexin y reflejarlo profesionalmente."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |