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"#1 Complete NodeJs Express Single-Page App [The FUTURE]" |
"I HELP ALL STUDENTS VIA TeamViewer USING Skype CALL TO FIX ALL INITIAL ISSUES.Creative way to turn any version of NodeJs Express Application Into Single-Page Application Within 2 minutes after using my (toufiqElahySPA.js)Jquery Plugin. Here, toufiqElahySPA.js is a Jquery Plugin which is responsible to turn any web application into single page application. I developed this Plugin to minimize developer's effort while working on Creating Single Page Application. Let's see, how my Plugin can make developers life better.Single page applications are more capable of decreasing load time of pages and the amount of data transfer from server to client.Why This Course? There are several pain points while working with Javascript framework like AngularJs, React, VueJs, Knockout, meteor e.t.c. in a NodeJs Express application in order to create Single-Page Application. Few Pain Points Are:Need to specify routing for each requestNeed to modify Server side technology according to Javascript frameworkOnly possible to debug on run time Hard-coded data-binding caused too many errorIncrease the complexity a lot developer no need to learn any javascript framework and also no need to write much Jquery code to make Single Page Application after using my Jquery Plugin(toufiqElahySPA.js). Note: developer can also use other JavaScript framework(angularjs, knockout, react e.t.c.) side by side with my Jquery Plugin. But no need, i will prove. I applied the Plugin in a Nodejs Express Web application. This plugin will also work for Other Web Technologies too. I will show in my future course.This course is so important to Developer who loves: Strongly Typed data-bindingCompile time error checking, auto code completion(IntelliSense), Re-usability ,not to get Run-time error unexpectedly to get rid from complexity should definitely take this course.Why (toufiqElahySPA.js)Jquery plugin is better than any JavaScript framework:(1) Developer won't need to write too much Javascript code after using my plugin wheres developer usually writes too many javascript code while working with AngularJs(javascript framework)(2) Developer won't need to write Jquery ajax code because the plugin has ajax function specified which will be called automatically as a common function(3) Developer won't need to specify routing as like AngularJs because My plugin will follow nodejs express routing by default.(4) Developer can learn using my plugin easily and quickly. just need to follow only 5 rules of my plugin and any complex scenario can be achieved through this plugin like AngularJs [i will prove] (5) Developer can also make Single-Page app even not following those 5 rules of the plugin. Those rules are for critical situation. First 2 rules is enough to solve any heavy lifting work.What technology is used in front-end?Mainly JqueryHTML CodeWhat technology is used in back-end?NodejsMongodbJavascriptWhat tools you will need?Any text editorNodejs will need to be installed in your MachineAny browser Whatever you like mostWhy I applied My Plugin to NodeJs Express application:Cross-platform needs.High-performance and scalable systems.Within this course I will Show: How powerful and complex cross-platform single page application we can build with my Plugin And how my SPA technique can improve the Software performance both on server and client side.How toufiqElahySPA.js(jquery plugin) works:If End user click any Link or submit any Form or click Backward or Forward button on browser, the common ajax function of the Plugin will be invoked automatically.5 rules of the plugin to handle critical situation:I will explain all these 5 rules within this course. True fact is: learning these 5 rules are enough to learn this entire Course. Learn By Doing. If something is still unclear, you can ask question in the forums, i will reply. Make sure you followed my video's and source code and specially my 5 rules. Happy Coding!I hope! You will Enjoy this magic Course.Important Notice: i want to ensure all the Student that my Plugin(toufiqElahySPA.js) will not be responsible for any server related error while applying the Plugin(toufiqElahySPA.js) in your own Project. you may just need to modify toufiqElahySPA.css according to your application need. If you get a server related exception that means your implementation has problem which need to be fixed. Don't ever think that the Plugin maybe the reason for this exception. please, give good ratings and comments if you want to get this type of creative and unique course in future. Good feedback will definitely encourage me to make more course on Udemy. Thank you!Notice(to all): If i don't get good ratings and comments, i will not able to get inspired to share more content. if u really want to get Advanced Topics . please give me true ratings and comments."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"#1 Complete Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Wallet Development" |
"How to create your Own Cryptocurrency.This is the complete Cryptocurrency making Course based on blockchain technology using C#.. Here, What You will Learn: > How Miners can join the Network > How Proof Of Work function Works by solving Cryptographic puzzle based on Sha256 algorithm > How real-time transactions is added to the mempool > How Mining Works and Generates New Coins > How Transactions are added in a Block after MiningAnd:> How new block is added in BlockChain after adding transactions in a Block > How System resolve the conflicts from a longest chain by validating each block along with verifying each transactions [ Consencus: How Longest chain Win ] > How Signature of a Transaction get verified By using public key > How public and private keys get generated using RSA algorithm > How Client User generates Signature using Private keyAnd:> How Wallet Transaction Works > How ""Blockchain Client"" for users to generate wallets and send coins > How to Buy digital content from Online Shopping Site using this cryptocurrency > How user can check Life-time Transaction and balance > How user can send coin to another user using mobile wallet after scanning QR Code > How user can generate QR Code image to send/receive coins And many more.Why Cryptocurrency is the Future?All you need is to generate public and private keys then save it in order to make transaction. [No Need Bank to follow complex process] Anyone can receive money using their publicKey only. And anyone can send money using wallet app to generate signature using privateKey. This is the most easiest way to transfer money within seconds. In near future the process will be so efficient that user will able to make transaction using human body parts [Artificial Intelligance]InitialStory:Anyone who will download the script can join the network by broadcasting the network and they are recognized as Miner. At genesis(initial) 1st block, only miner will have few coins. So, 1st miner will give coins to new user . Thus transactions will take place and then Miner will mine the transactions and system will give few coins to miner as reward. This way new coins get generated. Whole information is saved in miners machine. You will understand whole process once I will explain blockchain theory and You will better understand once you finish building Cryptocurrency application with me.How this Coin will Get Real ValuesIf Miners confident with this script and start joining the network and if so many users do transaction with real fiat currency that time this cryptocurreny will have real values. Its totally based on trust and faith.. And coin values also follows demand and supply rules of economicCourse SummaryWithin This Course: Module 1: I will explain Blockchain Theory Module 2: I will build BlockChain application then expose through web api. Module 3: I will build blockchain client application to interact with BlockChain apis Module 4: I will Build Shopping Site using core, SignalR Module 5: I will build Mobile Wallet app using Xamarin to buy digital contents from the shopping site.What technology is used infront-end?Jquery , AjaxHTML &RazorCodeWhat technology is used in back-end?c#,LinqASP .NET-MVC CoreAsp.NET Web ApiWhat tools you will need?Visual Studio2017ASP.NET Core 2.0will need to be installed in your MachineAnybrowserWhatever you like mostWhyI applied My Plugin toAsp .NET Core application:Cross-platformneeds.High-performanceand scalable systems.Allcoding best practices(asynchronous programming, dependency injection)Within this course I will Show:How powerful and complexcross-platformreal-time blockchain and cryptocurrencyapplication we can build using core, web api and also mobile wallet using XamarinIm always updating this course with fresh content, too.Its no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New, more powerful hardware and software are being releasedevery day, meaning its crucial to stay on top with the latest knowledge.Thats why Im always adding new, up-to-date content to this course atno extra charge. Buy this course once, and youll have lifetime access to it and any future updates (which are on the way as we speak)."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Create Instagram Like App For Android" |
"Create Instagram Like App For Android Devices (Using Android Studio & Java)Learn How to Create A CompleteAndroid Application Like Instagramever wanted to create an application like Instagram?ever wondered how do companies like Instagram created such an awesome app?well,let me tell you. It's not that difficult, & guess what? you can too create anInstagram App In Android.Sounds grate right :)In this course we will useAndroid Studio & Javato createInstagramAppandyou will not just learn how to create UI designs like Instagram but also you will learn how to create code that will implement awesome operations like Follow & Unfollow, Like & Dislike, Add a comment to an Image and much much more!What you are gonna learn?Create Ui Designs Just Like InstagramCreate Login/Register activities that authenticate usersCapture image or choose photo from device & upload it to serverSearch for users by their usernamesUse Shared Preferences to store user dataCreate Profile, Image feed, Search & Likes activitiesMake a request to server and get response with dataMake GET/POST requests using Volley LibraryFetch data from Json ResponseWrite a code that will make Current User Follow/Unfollow othersAdd a Comment to a specific ImageLog User Out With Confirmation WindowWrite code toLike/Dislike ImagesWrite code to Follow/Unfollow usersWrite PHP scripts to talk to server ***BONUS***Write MySql statements to Get,Insert,Update & Delete data from databaseCreate a Complete Instagram-Like app in AndroidNot just this but you also will improve your Back-End Skills as you will write a lot of PHP code that talks to your server & gets data back. In addition to enhancing yourMySql statement skills as you will write a lot of SQL statements.Is that course right for me?well, If you have a good Java skills & you're at abeginner level inAndroid or higher then you can definitely join us :)What is this course gonna add to my skills?well, It's gonna make you create a real life app that you can either monetize and upload to Google Play and get profile & It's gonna add a lot toyour resume as you apply to any company or technology firm. Itwill also take your beginner/Intermediate skills toa higher levelas you will have created a complete project in Android.Why should I take this course?well, instead of creating apps that will not add much to your portfolio you can now learn to create anInstagram app in Androidand Impress either your customers and/or your boss andget a better job in technology companies.What version of the software or programming language you use in the course?We will be usingAndroid 8.0 (Oreo) which is the latest version in Android Studio 3.0 & we will be using java programming language8"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build E-Commerce Website in Laravel" |
"In this course you'll learn how to create E-Commerce Website from scratch in Laravel. The process has never been easier we'll take you from the very beginning stages of downloading Laravel till the last steps of adding products to cart and Paypal Payment as well.Build E-Commerce Website in Laravel:E-commerce is online shopping store for selling/buying products. We'll use Laravel framework to build a complete E-commerce website. If you've good understanding & experience in php & mysql then this course is for you. Laravel is a framework based off php so instead of creating your php code which would take a lot of time and effort to create,maintain and add special features to it. Laravel has made the process utterly simple because Laravel is based on the MVC concept which makes your code clean,easy to use & debug. Moreover, Laravel provides many features that would be hard to create by just using php alone. For example, user authentication, pagination, password hashing, sharing data with all pages & restricting access to pages all these and more are so simple to create in Laravel unlike php. Finally, learning a commonly used framework like Laravel will put your feet at the door of any potential employer & you'll be desired to be hired by many companies.Some Of What you will learn in Build E-Commerce Website in Laravel :Downloading Laravel & Create New ProjectCreating Models,Controllers & ViewsLearning Organized Templates With BladeCreating Shopping CartCreating Admin Panel for E-CommerceUploading New Products & ImagesMiddlewares & restricting Access To AdminsAdding Pagination to E-Commerce WebsiteCreating Categories for E-Commerce WebsiteSearching for Specific ProductsAdding Admin control panel for products & orderIntegrate Paypal Payment gateway in your storeSending emails to your customers upon order creationAnd Much Much More!Notes:Laravel version used 5.6php version used 7Source code of this course is attached to the end of the course, and you can download it, use it & even develop it more."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Do Zero a WebDesigner c Guilherme: Html5, Css3, Js, Php, SQL" |
"Quer Descobrir como criar Sites e Aplicativos Web com facilidade?Quer Descobrir como Programar Comeando Completamente do Zero de um Jeito Fcil e Descomplicado?Quer Descobrir como Transformar suas Ideias em Grandes Projetos que daro Notoriedade e Renda para Voc?Quer Aprender Html5, Css3, JavaScript, Php e MySQL num nico Curso?Ento, Venha Participar do Curso do Zero a Web Designer com Guilherme!Neste curso eu, Guilherme Pereira, irei te ensinar o que Voc Precisa Saber para Criar seus Projetos Online Comeando completamente Do Zero, s com uma Ideia em mos.Objetivo do CursoTe Mostrar como Fcil e Tranquilo trabalhar com Linguagens Web como Html5, Css3, JavaScript (Js), Php e SQL. Te Ensinar a Criar um Banco de Dados (database) com MySQL ou MariaDB que atendam s necessidades dos seus Projetos Web.Te Ensinar a como Transformar Ideias em Projetos Digitais.Te Ensinar que Ideias Simples podem Viram Projetos Grandes.Te Mostrar que No Preciso ser Um Grande Especialista para Criar Projetos Interessantes Apreciados pelo Pblico.Vantagens do CursoVoc Descobrir do Zero o que so linguagens web (sejam de marcao, estilizao ou programao), como us-las do jeito certo para criar Sites, Blogs e Lojas virtuais e Aplicativos web.Voc Descobrir Como Criar Projetos com Contedo Dinmico (vindo do Database/Banco de Dados) de um Jeito Descomplicado.Voc Descobrir como Transformar Ideias em Projetos Digitais.Aulas com Fala e Didtica fcil de entender, afinal, sou professor h mais de 12 anos."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Reinforced Concrete Design I" |
"This course is structured for Civil engineering students to give them concept and theory behind the reinforced concrete design.In this course, the students will be able to understand the basic concepts behind RCD. The main topics that are going to be covered are Concrete,, its ingredients, Why we neglect tensile strength, why we provide reinforcement and finally terms and concepts behind singly reinforced beam and then design problem.If you have any problem understanding the course then shoot ma a message and I will provide you the most appropriate answer to help you in studies.Regards,Muhammad Shafique"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Mathematics Test [All your need for primary students]" |
"Hello ! Here I will keep updating math topic for all primary students. Here Elementary topics are in order. Like tables Addition then subtraction multiplication division. Place value fraction, types of fraction decimal. If you are a teacher it will make your job easy you can take test. Assign test and much more. Hope you find it useful."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"jQuery for Beginner to Advanced: 12 Projects included" |
"Add cool features to your websites and web apps easily...This is a Beginner to Advanced course and perfectly suitable for anyone interested to learn some amazing jQuery effects and animations for their web projects. If you have basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript then you're good to go. After finish, you'll learn 12 really cool effects that you can use in your web projects. Moreover, using this knowledge you'll be able to do more interesting effects on your own. The ideal student for this course should have a basic understanding of HTML & CSS, though we'll briefly explain CSS selectors. A basic understanding of JavaScript or another programming language is beneficial but not required, we'll briefly talk about programming concepts (like variables, functions, operators, arrays, etc) when we dive into jQuery.This jQuery course will teach you what jQuery is and how to start using it to create animations and advanced features for your websites or web applications."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Canto: como usar a voz" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender como funciona a voz (fisiologia vocal), e quais os recursos voc pode utilizar para deixar seu trabalho ainda melhor. Seja cantando, atuando, gravando vdeos, dando palestras, em todos os casos voc vai poder usar o material desse curso para melhorar e desenvolver mais sua voz.Criado pela professora e fonoaudiloga Dbora Abreu, com mais de 15 anos trabalhando com msica e voz, e atendendo diversos profissionais da rea artstica, esse curso vai te surpreender e ajudar a tornar sua voz melhor do que j imaginou."
Price: 324.99 ![]() |
"How to find a profitable niche (in under 1 hour)" |
"Welcome to this course on 'How to find a profitable niche (in under 1 hour)' !My name is Tim Sharp. I'veover 25 years experiencein IT and business and I've been involved in ecommerce since 2004. In that time I've built successful businesses in web and database development, affiliate marketing and of course ecommerce. And now I'm one of the mostsuccessful ecommerce instructorson the Internet with over45,000 studentsin 170 countries and a thriving Facebook group of over 5,000 members.So you're in good hands !Whatever your ecommerce business, finding a profitable niche is key to success and should be theultimate goalfor anyone looking to build at least a6-figure income. But finding a profitable niche is not always easy and people often get stuck either in endless research, or they simply don't know where to start.This short, super-high content course, will allow you to find your profitable inunder 1 hour. In fact, it's likely you will end up withseveral profitable nichesto choose from and I will guide to picking the best one for your business. But that's not all, as this course contains 2 incredibly valuable bonus sections !Bonus #1Now that you have your profitable niche, I'm going to show you a super-powerful technique to help youidentify your ideal customer. And not only that, we are going to uncover the brands and sites your ideal customer buys from. This information will allow you to :1) enormously improve the effectiveness of yourFacebook advertising2) identify the key players in your niche and discover thebest-selling productson auto-pilot.Bonus #2So now that you have your profitable niche AND you understand your ideal customer, all that remains is to add-value to your site. I'm going to give you a handful of quick tips, that together will help you build the all-important customer trust and loyalty that's so key toimproving conversions and profitabilityin your business.So wherever you are in your ecommerce journey,this course is for you. Let's get going, and as ever I can't wait to share my knowledge with you !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Shopify Amazon Affiliate course" |
"Welcome to the 'The Complete Shopify Amazon Affiliate' course. Shopify is one of the hottest products around andI'm going to teach you,step-by-step,how to use Shopify and Amazon to build a successful affiliate marketing businessin no time at all- fromscratch! Youdon't need anyprior knowledgeof Shopify or any technical skills - if you can use a web browser you are good to go!My name is Tim Sharp and I've been a successful online entrepreneur since 2004 andI'm one of the most successful ecommerce lecturers here on Udemy. Over the years, I've builtsuccessful businesses in eCommerce, WordPress,Affiliate Marketing andWeb and Database Development. I haveextensive knowledge of the complete business cycle and a wealth of real world experience. But the best part is I've been able tolive the Internet lifestyle, making great moneyworking from anywhere and having the flexibility to do what I want when I want. And that's what I'm going to teach you !At the end of this course you will have an in-depth knowledge of how to use Shopify and Amazon to build a successful affiliate marketing business. This knowledgecould help yousupplement your existingincomeor eventransform your life allowing you to escape the 9 to 5altogether. It's entirely up to you, your commitment, your determination !So what are you waiting for,let's get started right nowon building a financially secure future."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Wordpress Amazon Affiliate course" |
"Welcome to the 'The Complete Wordpress Amazon Affiliate' course. Wordpressis one of the best knownproducts around andI'm going to teach you,step-by-step,how to use Wordpress and Amazon to build a successful affiliate marketing businessin no time at all- fromscratch! Youdon't need anyprior knowledgeof Wordpress or any technical skills - if you can use a web browser you are good to go!My name is Tim Sharp and I've been a successful online entrepreneur since 2004 andI'm one of the most successful ecommerce lecturers here on Udemy. Over the years, I've builtsuccessful businesses in eCommerce, WordPress,Affiliate Marketing andWeb and Database Development. I haveextensive knowledge of the complete business cycle and a wealth of real world experience. But the best part is I've been able tolive the Internet lifestyle, making great moneyworking from anywhere and having the flexibility to do what I want when I want. And that's what I'm going to teach you !At the end of this course you will have an in-depth knowledge of how to use Wordpress and Amazon to build a successful affiliate marketing business. This knowledgecould help yousupplement your existingincomeor eventransform your lifeallowing you to escape the 9 to 5altogether. It's entirely up to you, your commitment, your determination !So what are you waiting for,let's get started right nowon building a financially secure future."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"[Aprenda a criar] Sistemas Supervisrios em C# [USB, RS232]" |
"Treinamento Bsico para criao de sistemas supervisrios e/ou interfaceamento baseados na linguagem C#. Nesse treinamento ser apresentado as principais estruturas e tipos de dados da linguagem C#, veremos blocos de deciso, de lao de repetio e de tratamento de erros.Mostrarei como criar uma tela em modo visual e utilizao de exemplos simples de comunicao Serial RS232 e USB HID, alem de casos de uso que sero includos no decorrer do tempo.Esto sendo includas aulas com a configurao e utilizao de componentes grficos.J conta com a criao de componente em formato LED, usando as caractersticas grficas do C#.Com o que passado nesse treinamento ser possvel, at desenvolver seus prprios componentes grficos.Agora conta tambm com um exemplo de como decodificar dados da balana Toledo Modelo 9097.O treinamento estar em constante evoluo, no deixe de conferir."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"[Aprenda a executar] Comunicao RS232 com microcontrolador" |
"Esse treinamento tem por objetivo habilitar voc a realizar uma comunicao RS232 utilizando o mikroC, que tem ports para as linhas 8051, PIC, ARM, AVR, PIC32, dsPIC e FT90x. Portanto com o mesmo cdigo possivel comunicar com essas linhas de microcontroladores. Todos os conhecimentos desse treinamento podem ser utilizados em outros compiladores bom como tambm em outras linhas de microcontroladores.Falo um pouco sobre a histria da RS232, como funciona, caractersticas desse padro chegando a algumas realizaes praticas de como fazer essa comunicao.Todos os princpios mostrados nesse treinamento podero ser utilizados em comunicaes no padro RS232, RS485 e RS422."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Firebase Firestore for iOS" |
"Firestore for iOSWelcome tobeginner Firestoredevelopment. In this course you'll learn all about the brand new Firestore, a NoSQL document based technology.We start from the ground up and teach you everything you need to knowfrom the fundamentals, authentication and a deep dive into Firestoresecurity rules.*BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF SWIFT AND XCODE IS ASSUMEDWHY TAKE THIS COURSE?Learning the new Firestoreshould be taught using real world examples. In this course you're going to learn to code the Devslopes way. We teach by building real world, professional, amazing looking apps from start to finish.Here are some of the things you'll be able to do after taking this course:Build your own apps using the new Firestore real time databaseLearn how to create and save data to your FirestoredatabaseAdd powerful login capabilitiestoyour apps using firebase authenticationUse Firestoresecurity features to protect your database and restrict access to authorized users onlyWho this course is for:People who want to build advanced iOS apps!Those who want to create their own startupThose looking to get a full time job as a developerBusiness ownersStudents &teenagersPeople who want to make money building appsIf you are a student of ouriOS 11:From Beginner to Paid Professional-or have any other basic understanding of iOS development,then this is a perfect next step to advanced youriOS and Firestore skills.Don't forget to join the free live community where you can interact with other students and ask questions to the community."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Firebase Firestore for Android" |
"Firestore for AndroidWelcome tobeginner Firestoredevelopment. In this course you'll learn all about the brand new Firestore, a NoSQL document based technology.We start from the ground up and teach you everything you need to knowfrom the fundamentals, authentication and a deep dive into Firestoresecurity rules.*BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF ANDROID IS ASSUMEDWHY TAKE THIS COURSE?Learning the new Firestoreshould be taught using real world examples. In this course you're going to learn to code the Devslopes way. We teach by building real world, professional, amazing looking apps from start to finish.Here are some of the things you'll be able to do after taking this course:Build your own apps using the new Firestore real time databaseLearn how to create and save data to your FirestoredatabaseAdd powerful login capability toyour apps using Firebase authenticationUse Firestoresecurity features to protect your database and restrict access to authorized users onlyWho this course is for:People who want to build advanced Androidapps!Those who want to create their own startupThose looking to get a full time job as a developerBusiness ownersStudents &teenagersPeople who want to make money building appsIf you are a student of ourAndroid N:From Beginner to Paid Professional-or have any other basic understanding of Androiddevelopment,then this is a perfect next step to advanced your Androidand Firestore skills.Don't forget to join the free live community where you can interact with other students and ask questions to the community."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Unity 3D location based game development with Mapbox" |
"Mapbox Unity 3D Essentials by DevslopesLearn how to build experiences for exploring the world with Mapbox. Add location into any game with their mapping, navigation, and location search SDKs. Harness the power of location like Pokmon GO, Ingress, & Zombies, Run! These videos were produced in collaboration with the good folks at Mapbox.ThisUnity course is forbeginners&seasoned programmers!You'll learn what Mapbox can do, how to add the Mapbox SDK to your Unity 3D projects, then build some amazing games that leverage the power of location and maps.First off, youll build PocketDroids GO where your players will capture Droids into their collection, based on real-time location data which is seamlessly integrated into the game with Mapbox. Youll build both a main world scene as well as a capture scene where players can attempt to capture rogue bots in the wild.Moving on, youll build another game called Drenches of War a super fun, portable, defense game. Youll learn all about ARTabletopKit from Mapbox so that you can get your drench on anywhere theres a flat surface! Defend a city from hordes of oncoming enemies bent on soaking you and your home base. Well be dynamically generating buildings and obstacles with Mapboxs Terrain Vector Tile system and their curated Points of Interest.Here are some of the things you will learn:Installation & SetupCreating a map in UnityCustomizing a map in Mapbox StudioLocation ProvidersVector TilesTerrainCustom VisualizersAR Root, MapHolder, & FocusSquareLocation-based AI for Enemy motionUtilizing Mapboxs Points of InterestNow is the time to learn how Mapbox adds more powerful and engaging experiences to your games!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Embodied Energy Solutions" |
"Embodied emissions are becoming increasingly in the spotlight. Life cycle analysis traditionally has shown that operational energy accounts for most of the impacts of a building, but as our buildings become more efficient with energy, proportionally cement will have a greater impact. In this course you will be given the 'play book' to work with structural engineers to reduce embodied energy of concrete buildings."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Basics of R Programming Language for Buddies" |
"Hi all this course is designed for elementary level students in R who want to enjoy in learning R. This course is designed with simple examples for beginners and its created with my young research team who has worked on the will gethere :Introduction to RInstallation Procedure of ROverview of RData types in RBasicData management in RBasicFlow control in RBasic Graphs in RBasic Statistics in R"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"#1 Learn How To Cook The Right - No Experience Needed!" |
"Are you frustrated to see all the products that chefs are making in restaurants and think that is not achievable for you? Well you're wrong. Here you will learn how to cook and bake from start to finish step by step from an international expert chef with over 25 years of experience world wide. When you learn correctly, everyone can succeed and get compliments already at the next meal that you will cook for your guests. So if you want to improve your cooking skills once and for all now is the most appropriate time. I invite you to take your cooking and baking to another level in the most comfortable and pleasant way in your home. Remember knowledge is power in everything. Whether if you are getting starting cooking or you have been cooking for a while and want to take your cooking to the next level here you are going to learn how to do it right, and get the confident and the skill you need to become a better cook and get good understanding of what are you doing exactly in each step of your cooking and baking. Note: All the cooking you will learn through the entire course is real life cooking and applicable for everyone.After you learn these key fundamentals you will be able to understand any new recipes easily or adjust it to your own taste or dietary, or on the other side: improve tremendously your exciting recipes and meals that you already cooked before. At the end of each session you will get the exact recipes.This course consists 4 sessions and this is the first of a series of courses. It is important to know that all the ingredients in this course are:- Not industrialized - Healthier for you.- Accessible to everyone - Easier for you- Kosher ingredients - Healthier for you."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Soundtrack Composer Masterclass: Score Films and Video Games" |
"Do you want to score epic soundtrack musicfor films and video games? Compose finished, polished, triumphantorchestralcompositions that sweep emotions to new heights? From the best selling instructor on music producing, comesa new course: THESOUNDTRACK COMPOSER MASTERCLASSTHIS COURSE WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO: Use a digital audio workstation to score soundtracks for films and video gamesApply music theory (the practical stuff you can actually use. With a focus on how to use it rather than memorizing). Themes Motifs Leitmotifs Scales Modes Develop musical ideas from out of thin air. No more music writers blockHow to make scary musicOrchestrate using software Arrange for string instruments Create realistic orchestral strings using softwareCreate realistic orchestral pianousing softwareCreate realistic orchestralpercussionusing softwareImprovise bass guitar melodies Score trailers Export music from software for musicians to understand and play The basics of reading and writing music (only what you need)Prepare for working with the film director and game designer And much much more ITWILLNEVERBEABETTERTIMETOSTARTSCORING SOUNDTRACKS THANTODAY For the first time, you can harness the full power of an orchestra at your fingertips with the push of a few buttons. What do you need to get started? No prior music background is required for this course. This course will cover from complete beginner all the way to advanced techniques. You dont need to know how to make music or play an instrument (although it helps) You just need a desire to create, experiment, and find joy in making music. Its now possible to learn all the tricks and tools to become a soundtrack composer from the comfort of your own home. You dont need to shell out thousands of dollars for a professional studio or degree to learn to score soundtracks. Everything you need can be done from home on your computer and this course will show you how.Have fun, experiment, and make lots of music. See you inside!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Der schnelle Weg zu deine Ziele, Glck und Zufriedenheit" |
"In diesem Kurs erfhrst du was geistige Entwicklung im wissenschaftliche Sinne heit, wie es funktioniert und wie du es zu deinem Vorteil benutzen kannst. Du bekommst eineSammlung einfacherpsychologische Werkzeuge die du selber anwenden kannstum deine Ziele schneller zu erreichen, deiner Glckseligkeit zu erhhen, und deine Zufriedenheit im Leben zu verbessern."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Siegessicher in Immobilien investieren - Lerne Wie und Wieso" |
"Investieren ist eine der wichtigsten Fhigkeiten im Leben!Sei es das investieren von Aufmerksamkeit, Wissen, Zeit, Geld oder anderem.Wir mssen die uns verfgbaren Ressourcen effektiv nutzen wenn wir eine bessere Zukunft fr uns gestalten wollen.Wenn es um das investieren von Geld geht ist es wichtig es so einzusetzen das man eine mglichst hohe Rendite zurckbekommt. Bist du also daran interessiert zu verstehen:warum esso wichtig ist zu investieren?warum Immobilien so ein effektives Investment Medium sind?wie du selber anfngst sicher & siegreich in Immobilien zu investieren?Wenn Deine Antworten auf diese Fragen Ja lauten ist dies genau der richtige Kurs fr Dich.Es ist eines wichtigsten Aufgaben im Leben das ""was man tun muss"" hinter sich zu bringen um mit dem ""was man tun mchte"" anfangen zu knnen. Eine Finanzielle Freiheit durch die richtigen Investitionen knnen Dich in dieser Aufgabe untersttzen.Warte nicht lnger denn, je frher du anfngst zu investieren um so schneller kannst du finanziell unabhngig sein.Dieser Kurs hat eine""30 Tage Geld zurck Garantie""undes werden keine Fragen gestellt falls du um eine Erstattung bittest.Du kannst also nur gewinnen &nichts verlieren!Wir sehen uns im Kurs!Viel Spass und ErfolgThomasWas wirst Du lernen?Am Ende des Kurses kannst Du:erprobte Schritte nehmen, um in erfolgreich Immobilien zu investieren.wichtige Konzepte nutzen knnen um Immobilien zu analysieren und effektiv zu verhandeln.erklren, warum investieren so wichtig fr Deine Zukunft ist.artikulieren, warum Immobilien eine elegante und effektive Anlageform istgrundlegende Immobilien- und Investitionsfragen beantwortenDer Kurs enthlt:VideosNotizen zu allen Lektionen zum lesen/ausdrucken.ArbeitsvorlagenQuizAndere ntzliche AnlagenDer Kurs ist unterteilt in 4 Abschnitte:Die erste Sektion dient dem einstieg und bietet Hintergrund rund um den KursIn der zweiten Sektion konzentrieren wir uns auf die Hauptgrnde die das Investieren in Immobilen so effektiv machen.Die dritte Sektion beantwortet generelle Fragen die oft rund ums investieren in Immobilien gestellt werden.Und in der vierten Sektion erklre ich dann Schritte die Dir helfen werden um selber ein effektiver Immobilien Investor zu werden.VorraussetzungenNotizblock/Papier und StiftComputer mit Internetzugang"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Data Mining" |
"Learn the fundamentals of data mining and predictive analysis through an easy to understand conceptual course. Whether you are brand new to Data Mining or have worked on many project, this course will show you how to analyze data, uncover hidden patterns and relationships to aid important decisions and predictions.Data Mining has become an essential tool for any enterprise that collects, stores and processes data as part of its operations. Learn the steps of a real-world project, from defining the problem to putting the solution into practice. We will walk through each step of a typical project, from defining the problem and gathering the data and resources, to putting the solutioninto practice.This course is ideal for business users, data analysts, business analysts, business intelligence and data warehousing professionals and for anyone who wants to learn Data Mining."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Decision Trees in Machine Learning" |
"A tree has many analogies in real life, and turns out that it has influenced a wide area of machine learning, covering both classification and regression. In decision analysis, a decision tree can be used to visually and explicitly represent decisions and decision making.If you're working towards an understanding of machine learning, it's important to know how to work with decision trees. This course covers the essentials of machine learning, including predictive analytics and working with decision trees.In this course, we'll explore several popular tree algorithms and learn how to use reverse engineering to identify specific variables. Demonstrations of using the IBM SPSS Modeler are included so you can understand how decisions trees work.We'll also explore advanced concepts and details of decision tree algorithms.This course is designed to give you a solid foundation on which to build more advanced data science skills."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pain Relief Hypnosis System for Accute and Chronic Pain" |
"The pain relief hypnosis system is for you to manage pain and start to heal and release the emotional and spiritual factors that create pain in your life.At the age of 30 while working in the stock market I suddenly developed kidney failure. When the doctors told me they did not know what to do save my life, I faced powerlessness over losing my life., As I surrendered to my circumstances I had a heavenly timeless experience come over me and I heard avoice say""find a spiritual solution"".The doctors managed to stabilise my condition, but I was left withkidney failure and suffered painful gout attacks, muscle pain, cramps and intermittent pains in different parts of my body.The spiritual experience I hadresulted in my looking for a spiritual solution to my problems and so Itrained in Rei-Ki, spiritual healing, hypnotherapy, NLP, A Course in Miracles and studied under enlightened teachers such as Dr David R Hawkins and Mooji.Using the techniques I learned and consistently applying them,my gout attacks, cramps and muscle pains eventually became less and then stopped,I have now been free for many years from these pains. I am alsoable to deal with acute pains and accidents when they happen effectively with the tools in this course.My wish is for you to gain relief, healing and freedom from pain in your life."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Grief Bereavement & Coping with Loss - Fast Recovery System" |
"This course is for you if you are suffering with bereavement and loss of a loved one.I was inspired to make this course after my mother was unexpectedly admitted to hospital and then died within a week.Using the tools I share in this programmeI was able to let go of about most of grief within about 5 weeks. You will be benefiting from my18 years of dedicated study and practice in the fields of spirituality, hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programing.I am the author of the book Bulletproof Peace, 30 Spiritual Secrets of Peace and Happiness, my work has been published in magazines and the newspaper and I am a spiritual coach with my own YouTube Channel.The tools I am sharing with you can reduce your griefing process from moths and years to weeks and months. The tools will eventuially take you to a place of peace, acceptance and a renewed feeling of connection."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Stop Drinking Alcohol - 16 Tips To Quit Drinking Today" |
"This course gives you 16tips to help you quit drinking today.I was inspired to make this course for people who want to stop drinking as I recovered from several addictions which to near death with kidney failure.As doctors were trying to save my life in hospital I had a near death spiritual experience. This lead me on a search to find a solution to my life threatening addictions. I have been over 10 years abstinent from my primary addiction and I share tips with you from my background as a hypnotherapist, Neuro Linguistic Programming practitioner, spiritual coach and a participating member of several 12 step addiction recovery groups.If this course is for you hit the enrol button and remember you are covered by the Udemy 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Quitting Smoking with Hypnosis -Neuro Linguistic Programming" |
"Nothing to Fear in Quitting Smoking with Hypnosis and Everything to GainHypnosis is possibly as old as mankind. The old myths and misconceptions about hypnosis have given way to proven, scientifically sound applications. Today, the use of hypnosis is seen in a variety of fields, including: medicine, dentistry, law enforcement, professional sports, and education.Most people have a limited understanding of the positive results that can be achieved in hypnosis. I would like to dispel some of the myths and answer the most frequently asked questions about hypnosis. How does hypnosis work? Our minds work on two levels the conscious and the unconscious. We make decisions, think, and act with our conscious mind. The unconscious mind controls our habits. In the relaxed state known as hypnosis, I can communicate directly with the unconscious mind. This is why it is so quick and easy to change habits of a lifetime with hypnosis. Will hypnosis work for me? Generally speaking, every normal person is ""hypnotisable"". That is, people with an IQ of at least 70, and no severe mental disorders.Therefore, virtually anyone can achieve successful results using hypnosis. How will I know if I am hypnotised? Most people cannot tell the difference between the hypnotised and the waking states.Some people feel relaxed and lethargic, others feel a lightness. One thing that peopledo notice is an inexplicable change in their daily behaviours. Is hypnosis safe? Hypnosis is completely safe. You are aware and in control at every moment and can terminate the session at any time. Hypnosis is not sleep, nor can you get ""stuck"" in a state of hypnosis. You cannot be made to do something against your will! Hypnosis is a safe, relaxing, and enjoyable experience. How does hypnosis help me to kick the smoking habit? Because smoking is a habit, it is controlled by the unconscious mind. Since hypnosis and NLP work directly with the unconscious,this is the only method that makes sense! I can help you effortlessly transition into the healthy lifestyle of a happy non-smoker.Why People Dont Stop SmokingMost people know that by stopping they will save several thousand pounds or dollars a year. Most people know that they could add years to their life. And most people know that if they stop smoking right now, they could save their health before its too late.So, why do people continue to smoke? It all comes down to one thingFEAR. Fear that youll have to give up your crutch or pleasure Fear that you wont be able to enjoy life or handle stress Fear that you will put on weight Fear that youll have to go through an awful trauma to get free Fear that youll never get completely free of the cravingAll of these fears are just examples of oneoverriding fear. The one simple reason that you have not stopped smoking is thatyou:Fear that it is going to be too painful and too difficult!Hypnosis Makes it EasyIn fact hypnosis makes it so easyfor you to be a happy non-smoker not feeling deprived, not feeling that youve made a sacrifice, and not feeling any pain.Instead, youll have a huge sense of relief and elation that you have at last achieved what all smokers long to achieve, you have become a happy, permanent, non-smoker.When smokers try to stop with othermethods they suffer misery and depression caused by the feeling that they are being deprived of a pleasure or a crutch.The beauty of hypnosis,and the way Iuse hypnosis in particular, is that it removes this feeling of deprivation.It removes the need, and the desire,to smoke. You wont need useless aids, gimmicks, or substitutes. No nicotine gum or patches. No inhalers or nasal sprays. No needles or lasers. All that you have to do with hypnosisis sit back inanice comfortable chair,and relax. It doesnt get much easier than thatThe Unique ApproachSince the British Medical Association (BMA) and the American Medical Association (AMA) approved the use of clinical hypnosis in the 1950s, thousands of people have found hypnosis to be an effective way to stop smoking, lose weight, and otherwise improve their lives. You will be benefiting from over 15 years of my experience as a hypnotherapist.The beauty of my unique approach is that I use the best of traditional hypnotherapy techniques,and combine them withthe newscienceof Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), which takes hypnosis to an evengreater level of effectiveness.One of the reasons why its not painful or difficult to stop smoking with our method, in fact one of the reasons why it is so easy, is that I transfer the pleasure derived from smoking to a healthier habit of your choice (e.g. exercise, drinking more water, or relaxation)."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to get over binge eating - The Emotions Hypnosis System" |
"The how to get over binge eating system is for overeaters and sugar addicts is for the overeater who eats on emotions or stress, who is addicted to food or sugary foods and for the overweight person who want to lose weight so they can be a healthy body weight , it will help you to maintain a healthy body weight and rise into your power , and higher purpose in life.My story is that since being a child I was obese and had chronic low self esteem and negativity which was compounded in my early teens .When I went from Primary school to secondary school I had a medical check up , and as a kid I was sent to clinic for obsese children to try to control my weight.As a teenager I tried many extreme diets and exercise routines to loose forward to age 30 and I was extremely stressed, anxious and paranoid working as the head analyst in a stock broking form,And at the end of a super charged adrelilised and stressful day I would binge in the eat as much as you want restaurantson a flight my feet swelled up and I was facing death and had a spiritual experience.This lead to me learning rei-ki, spiritual healing, TM meditation, training as a hypnotherapist, joining many 12 step addiction recovery programs, studying ACIM and meeting and studying under Enlightened teachers over the last 17 years of study which has given me to maintain a healthy normal body weight for over 10 years with essentially no food or body obsession for 7 years and given me levels of happiness, loving relationships, health and a feeling of meaningful contribution in all areas of my life.With my eating disorder and addictive nature taking me to deaths door and having a spiritual awakening and working on myself with spiritual and hypnotherpeutic tools I now have a healthy body weight no food cravings or body obsession, do the work I was destined to do.II have published a book, have a YouTube channel , run a weekly spiritual group and I am a spiritual coach and have been featured in the newspaper and magazinesIn this stop binging system I will be teaching you, how to release the underlying nagtive emotions and thought that lead to overeatingso that you can have a life at a healthy body weight and being who you are meant to be in your life.This course will include spiritual emotional and hypnotherpetic tools to help you overcome binge eating and sugar cravings and loose weight if you are overweight.So to get started today hit the enrol button and remember you are covered by the Udemy 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Python 3 Para Machine Learning: Desde Cero (Es Facil)" |
"CURSOENLNEACON ACCESOPARASIEMPREEste esel cursoen espaolms Facil que encontrars sobre Python 3 para Machine Learning en Udemy.Perfectamente estructurado y balanceado, introduce todos los temas de forma sencilla,gradual y100% prctica (incluye configuracin del entorno enWindows, Ubuntu Linux y Mac OS X).Dividido en varias fases y Facil de Completar.En muchas leccionesse ensea conejemplos y ejerciciosrealesde mi propia experiencia como programador.Es uncurso innovador que utiliza herramientas avanzadas para apoyar el aprendizaje, comoJupyter Notebook, gracias al que sers capaz de crear tus propios apuntes a la vez que aprendes cada lnea de cdigo.No esperes ms ydescubre por qu Python es el lenguaje de moda, mejora tus conocimientos y da un salto adelanteen tu carrera profesional.A quin est dirigido?Aprendices que nunca hayan programadoEstudiantes que quieran mejorar sus conocimientos de programacinProgramadores que quieran aprender el lenguaje Python"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |