Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Mailchimp -" |
"Mailchimp Windows Mac Chrome Firefox Email"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
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"LiveChatZendeskZopim Intercom Windows Mac Chrome Firefox Email"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"Biology Foundation Course,Become master in basics of biology" |
"The mission of this course is to deliver world-class international education in Biology through the provision of high-quality curricula, assessment and services. It has been designed considering the following qualities to bring in our students:confident in working with information and ideas their own and those of othersresponsible for themselves, responsive to and respectful of othersreflective as learners, developing their ability to learninnovative and equipped for new and future challengesengaged intellectually and socially, ready to make a difference.This course is suitable for biology students of IGCSE GCSE O level AQA Edexcel and other relevant syllabus.It is to allow learners to recognise that science is evidence based and understand the usefulness, and thelimitations, of scientific method to develop skills that: are relevant to the study and practice of biology are useful in everyday life encourage a systematic approach to problem-solving encourage efficient and safe practice encourage effective communication through the language of scienceAlso, to develop attitudes relevant to biology such as: concern for accuracy and precision objectivity integrity enquiry initiative inventiveness- to enable learners to appreciate that: science is subject to social, economic, technological, ethical and cultural influences and limitations the applications of science may be both beneficial and detrimental to the individual, the communityand the environment"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Knee Joints Pain-Free! Complete Taping Methods & Techniques" |
"At the end of this course, YOU will be able to: Choose the Right Tape for your Muscles and Joints Pain. Apply the right skills of taping on your KNEE PAIN. Use the taping concept to relief your Knee joint and muscles pain instantly. Discover the magic effects of a piece of tape on your knee pain. Learn Taping, A Physiological Treatment Method that has been used successfully all over the world for decades to treat muscle-skeletal imbalances and reduce pain. In this course, you will learn how to perform Taping on yourself and others. This book is designed for the Healthcare, Sports, and Fitness Professional to help their clients to reduce pain, muscles spasm, and imbalance. In addition, this book is designed to help in the rehabilitation programs of the sports professional players before and after games in the unstable joints, ligaments, swelling soft tissue structures and more. This book is done by offering integrative skills that can be offered in professional settings and at home. These techniques may also be used for education purpose only. You will receive this comprehensive course as well as a complete guide for the Elite Taping Techniques and Methods. You will receive this manual from your Taping Instructor, who has been in the healthcare and Sports industry for nearly 17 years. He offers international experience, traveling all over the world and collecting the most tangible knowledge in the Taping techniques. He is able to give Healthcare Professionals power over their daily practice. Helping their clients with accelerating the healing process. This course designed to teach you how to use this magical tool to relive muscle-skeletal pain and reduce soft tissue pain, swelling, or dysfunction after trauma or injury. This tool is known for years as Kinesio Taping, Kinesiology Taping, Kinesio tape, KT tape. However, this course will challenge you and gets you the most up-to-date Techniques and methods. The magical effects of applying this tape on your clients skin is a remarkable science. This tape is one of the safest and easy ways to learn to reduce muscles pain with a piece of tape in less than few minutes. Some the patients use to call it the magic tape, others called it the miracle I call it simple science! If you never heard about this magical method to relief pain this is your chance to do so. As a matter of fact, I doubt if someone out there yet does not come across this magical technique even by chance. If you are a football fan, then the tape will be on one of your favorites players arm, leg, or even wrist. If you are not a fan of any sports, then you must have watched the last Olympics games, and you get the chance to see it on the cyclists or swimmers body. However, if that is not the case and you never watch sports then one of your friends, or neighbors went to visit chiropractic, physical therapy, or orthopedic clinic. And they shared with you how this tape was very helpful in their muscles or joints pain."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Social Injustice: What Should Christians Do" |
"We are experiencing a very a difficult time in our country due to the intense racial climate. The recent police shootings have thrown gasoline on the suppressed racial fires,bringing out the true character, fears, and the mixed emotions of individuals in this county.The mindset that is held by many is,marching, protesting,rioting, even violence will bring in a new era. Then there are those who believe that if theystay silent, that things will pass.Even the church is twisted between the two viewpoints. There is a state of confusion in the air, and it will only get worse.In the midst of all this confusion, there is an answer, one that comes by the word of God. Whether you are a christian or a non-christian, if you are interested in another point of view of how to overcome this racial issue, this course if for you.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Through this course we provide 1 hours worth of7 lectures that explain:1.What Is The True Origin Of Social Injustice.2. How Has Social Engineering Disguised Racial Issues Through Time.3. Black Business v.s. Christian Business4. Understanding Past As History Is Repeating Itself.5. What Should Christians Do At A Time LikeThis?+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++IF YOU HAVE EVER WONDERED ABOUT THE ANSWER TO THIS ISSUE.... THIS COURSE ISFOR YOURIF YOU ARE CURIOUS ABOUT ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW......THIS COURSE IF FOR YOU...ALL ARE WELCOME FROM BEGINNERS TO THOSE MATURE IN THE FAITH &KNOWLEDGE++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++TAUGHT BY: Andrae B. Ricketts, Evangelist, Chaplain, Missionary, Youth leader and Christian Author of ""Raising The Foundations: Understanding The Character of Jesus Christ"""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete ARM Cortex-M Bare-Metal Programming Ground Up" |
"Welcome to the Complete ARM Cortex-M Bare-Metal Embedded-C Programming course.This course assumes no prior knowledge of either cortex-m or embedded-c programming. All it requires from students is curiosity.The course takes a practical approach to cover key areas such as pointers ,structures, memory navigation and the Cortex-M Software Interface Standard. The main aim of this course is to provide learners with practical skills and a strong foundation that they can build upon to start producing well written code which runs efficiently and leverages the key aspects of the ARM Cortex-M ecosystem. This course has many key sections. The goal of the assembly peripheral section is to teach you how to navigate the microntroller reference manual and datasheet to extract the right information to professionally build peripheral drivers and firmware. To achieve this goal, no libraries are used in this course, purely ARM Assembly Language and bare-metal embedded CBy the end of this section you will be able configure microcontroller peripherals like ADC, UART, GPIO, TIMER etc in assembly. You will also master the ARM architecture, ARM Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) and building professional embedded firmware in assembly for ARM processors.Please take a look at the full course curriculum. REMEMBER : I have no doubt you will love this course. Also it comes with a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So put simply, you really have nothing to loose and everything to gain.Sign up and lets start toggling some register bits."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Arduino FreeRTOS From Ground Up : Build RealTime Projects" |
"Thiscourse teaches you the foundations of real-time systems and how to build real-time applications using FreeRTOS on Arduino boards.The coursegivesa detailed overview of the characteristics of the FreeRTOSreal-time kernel, provides a detailedtutorial on the APIs required to implementthe various features of FreeRTOS on Arduino and then goes on to build about 30 real-time projects .This course does not assume prior knowledge of real-time systems and application programming. By the end of this course you should be able to build your own multitaskFreeRTOSreal-time applications which useall the features of a modern real-timeapplication (features such as semaphores, mutex, eventflags, hooks, queues, mailboxes etc)and thentest the performance of these features .You should also be able to :Calculate the CPU Utilization of an RTOS,Understand Rate Monotonic Schedulers,port FreeRTOS to any Arduino board,Understand Round-Robin Schedulers,Understand Weighted-Round-Robin Schedulers,Understand First Come First Served Schedulers,Implement and explain popular scheduling algorithms and so much more. Please take a look at the full course curriculum."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Teach Your Child to Read Early!" |
"This course is directed at parents of young pre-school children, nannies of such children, and operators of early-age child care facilities. The course purpose is assisting these adults in helping children gain some skills in recognizing images of words that are already in their small vocabularies and to read the printed word associated with these images.The course suggests how to identify and prepare images, taken from various sources, especially the Internet, which fall within the child's vocabulary, how to use images to expand the child's vocabulary, and to link the printed word(s) to images. This is the basis of all reading.The course helps expand a child's limited vocabulary to include phrases and sentences found in children's books that feature stories with a small number of different words.Recommendations are made about outside reading material for the parent or teacher to use with the child to expand reading capabilities. The course is intended to be a guide which can be utilized over and over, as the child gains reading skills.This course is important, because a child can only gain academic knowledge in any subject by reading textbooks. A lack of reading skills inhibits and delays, sometimes permanently, a child's ability to progress in school."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to land the World Bank Group Internship 2017" |
"Hi! Are you dreaming of getting an internship atthe World Bank? Wellcome to this course about the World Bank Group Internship in 2017.My name is Anna Mazing. As a professional atYPUN, Ltd. on every-day basisI support applicants to go through all recruitment stagesto land a job at theinternational organisations like theUnited Nations and theWorld Bank.During the course together we will dive into the World Bank internship program. You will understand if you fit the program and what you can expect from the internship. In real time I will go through each step of the application form and give youall tips how to master it. Later we will discuss the process of writing Resume/CV, including its content and structure. I will provide you with hints to write a structured and appropriate CV for the World Bank Internship. Besides CV I will show you how to makean impressive cover letter. My recommendations will demonstrate you how to adjust your cover letter to pass the screening stage.Real examples of aResume/CV and a cover letter will give youa chance to familiarise with the format and model documents required for the World Bank Internship.So, if you are really eager to get an internship in the World Bank, join me for the course and boost your chances to land your dream job!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Managing Staff with Challenging Behavior" |
"This course will equip managers with skills needed to manage staff with challenging behavior. Wewill explore different types of challenging behavior, and the consequences of letting them go unchallenged. There will be a strong focus on how to prepare, conduct, and follow-up difficult conversations with staff displaying challenging behavior. Students will learn how to identify helpful and unhelpful norms in their teams, and how to develop positive norms, so as to prevent challenging behavior.The course is 3 hours long. This includes lectures and tasks. Students are strongly encouraged to complete these practical tasks, so as to apply learning to their reality."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Boost your Computer Amazing tricks to Speed up PC" |
"Having trouble using your Personal Computer? does it runs slower or always Hangwhile youare working or listening to songs or watching videosor most often surfing internet?If this is your issue than you have come to the right place! this course is bundlePackage for windows users after which your PC will run more than itsmaximum level and will never Hang or Lag!+Plusif it doesn't effect your PC speedafter taking this course you will receive my contact info I will personally examine your PC Via Skype or email and will personally assist you and make sure that your PC will runmore than its maximum capacityThank you so much"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Organization Change - Getting Started" |
"Not all change is the same use the right change model for better results! This course is an introduction to organizational change, preparing a foundation to go deeper into how individuals and organizations change. This course is for the manager who is facing challenges and needs a pathway to a solution. Content for the course comes from 40+ years professional and academic experience - practical solutions with supporting resources. This course is NOT for those wanting entertainment. (However, I can provide some recommendations for cat videos on request.) In addition to having an introduction into org-change, the course also covers the essentials for successful change with a project. This set of lectures will help you clarify your beliefs about change and your role in influencing change in yourself and others. Further, many authors and instructors throw the term Change Models around freely, which often causes great confusion since there are many models, often with very different purposes and perspectives on the change process. This online course is an attempt to cut through the confusion with a classification scheme that ties the model choice to the purpose served in the change project. Further, by approaching model choice from a purpose perspective, the change leader can narrow the models to those most appropriate and avoid using a hammer when a screwdriver is needed. Upon completion of this course, you will have more confidence in starting a change initiative while also understanding what more you need to know to become a competent change manager. Do you understand your problem situation and which change model is needed? Are you ready to Confront Your Assumptions and Improve Your Results? Enroll now! to take your first step toward realizing your management potential"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Storytelling para negocios, impacta contando historias" |
"Ests comunicando el valor de negocio o de tus ideas correctamente?La mayora de las veces no lo hacemos y esto pasa por que no tenemos un plan y no sabemos por dnde empezar.Storytelling para Negocioste guiar en un paso a paso a travs de un procesodeDesign Thinkingpara crear historias irresistibles que tengan impacto.Este curso es perfecto para cualquier persona que busca ser ms persuasivo y comunicar sus ideas con impacto. No importa si quieres incrementar tu ventas, que tu jefe implemente tu idea, encontrar inversores o encontrar el trabajo de tus sueos, Storytelling te posicionar al xitoEstructura del cursoIntroduccin,en este primer captulo aprenders los conceptos bsicos del StorytellingDesarrolla tu brief, aqu aprenders a analizar a tus segmentos de clientes, sus necesidades y a definir esa gran idea que quieres comunicar.Eleccin del medioAdHoc, aqu conocers cuales son los medios existentes para contar tu historia y las herramientas necesarias para elegir el idneo.Prototipado,aqu veremos cmo crear mltiples versiones y medios por los cules podrs mostrar tu mensaje.Iteracin,aqu recibirs un feedback o retroalimentacin por parte de tu segmento y lo integrars a tu prototipo para hacer mejoras y definir tu versin final.Diseo y Estructura de tu historia,aqu obtendrs habilidades para construir tu historia desde el punto de vista narrativo, persuasivo y a ponerle el tono adecuado con los ingredientes finales para hacerla irresistibleConclusin, en este ltimo captulo vers historias de xito""Aquellos que cuentan historias dominan al mundo"" ProverbioNativoAmericano."
Price: 495.00 ![]() |
kqnypxdo |
Price: 6600.00 ![]() |
"Curso de Estilista (Peluquera)" |
"Aprende las tcnicas de un gran estilista. Ya sea porque quieres aprender un nuevo hobby para ti o para tus amigos y familiares o porque buscas una nueva salida laboral, con poca inversin y de manera rpida; este curso es para ti.Solo necesitas dedicarle un par de horas a la semana o todas las que creas necesarias. Abre tu propio saln de belleza en poco tiempo.Aprende tcnicas de corte, coloracin, decoloracin, bucles, torzadas, anillados, corte con maquina, navaja y tijera, etc, etc.Los materiales a utilizar no son costosos y te servirn para desempear el oficio, por lo cual te recomendamos invertir en materiales de buena calidad. En cada capitulo se detallan los materiales a utilizar."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn PHP Procedural From Scratch in Urdu Hindi" |
"This detailed course is designed for those students who want to start their career as a PHPweb developer. The aim of this course is to take you from scratch to strong understanding of PHPfundamentals. After completing this course, students will be readyfor the next level of PHPwhich is Object Oriented Programming.What is PHP?PHPis a recursive acronym which stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. Originally PHPstood for Personal Home Page. It is open source (freely available) which was originally created in 1994 by Resmus Lerdorf. It is a general purpose programming language but widely used in web development.What is PHPProcedural?PHP procedural orPHPfundamentals (two names of the same thing)is extremely important forone who want to start his/her career as a PHP back end developer. If you have command on PHP procedural, you will be able to learn rest of the stuff very easily. Whether you are writing a WordPress plugin or making an MVC application, the fundamentals go hand in hand. If you are not good at fundamentals, that means, you are not a good developer.Market value?PHP has a high demand in web development. There are famous Content Management Systems written in PHP for example WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Open Cart, Zen Cart, Magento and many more. Famous Model View Controller frameworks are CodeIgniter, Laravel, Sympfony, CakePHP, Yii and Zend."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Investing for People Who Hate Wall Street" |
"Today, more information about investing is available than ever before at a click of a button. Yet, investors are more scared and confused aboutthe future than ever before. If you read or watch the financial news, you'll find pundits debating with each other over what the future holds; one pundits will tell you the market will crash and another will tell you the DOW will triple in the next few years.YIKES! Most of us aresuffering fromabundance of misleading information about finance and investing, and end up turning to financial advisors to take over our investing. Thetruth is, most financial advisors charge high fees, put your money into expensive mutual funds, and end up underperforming the market year after year. I don't blame you; Wall Street makes investing seem like rocket science in order to get you to delegate your investing to their (mostly) mediocre advisors and brokers.Join my course and simplify your investing today and learn the secrets that Wall Street does not want you to know about!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Empower your voice for better client contact" |
"Become aware of the important role your voice plays when talking to clients or customers. Learn how you can improve your natural speaking habits, so that your voice can contribute to workplace success.Train Your Voice To Improve Verbal Communication At Work With This Speech Training Course:Recognize your body language and tone of voiceLearn about the do's and don'ts when talking on the phone Become aware of the effects of thougth and emotion on the voiceLearn exercises for good posture and healthy breathingEmpower your voice with speech exercisesMaster voice techniques to improve the quality of your professional relationships Communication is not just about the words you say. By learning voice techniques, you can consciously choose the right tone of voice in any situation, and you will always know how to express yourself to the fullest. Your voice will become a tool in your ability to influence, persuade and negotiate.Whether you are a consultant or an account manager, owning a small business or working at customer services or sales: speech training can be helpful for anyone doing business.Content and overviewThis course is open for all levels. Within 1 hour and 25 lectures, you will learn to communicate with more decisiveness and expressiveness.To start with, you'll become aware of the reasons why a good voice is important, and how you and your clients will benefit from improved voice use. You will also learn what defines a good voice.Then we will look into the specific subject of client contact. You will become aware of the important role body language and tone of voice play during professional interaction, and how they contribute to your message. Since your voice becomes even more important while talking on the phone, we've made a seperate lecture about telephone conversations. In the next chapter you will become aware of the fact that emotions can affect your voice unintentionally, for instance when you're anxious. Learn to focus on breathing and regulating your thoughts and emotions.Now we're halfway through the course, and we will practise basic voice techiques together. We'll start with exercises for posture and breathing, and move on to speech exercises to improve resonance, volume, articulation, accents, intonation, pace and rhythm. For each technique you can download a pdf file with exercises, so you can practise in your own time as well.We finish with a bonus chapter about how to take care of your voice in order to avoid damage. A second bonus chapter contains tips to take care of your voice when it's temporarily hoarse or damaged, due to illness.After taking this course, you will have a clear idea of your own vocal habits and the waysyou can improve.You will have learned basic techniques to train specific aspects of your voice. Keep on practising daily, and your voice will become a powerful tool in enjoyable and rewarding communication with your clients!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Yoga & Life Empowerment" |
"Yoga and Life Empowerment is designed for beginners and advanced yoga practitioners alike. It is a personal, six week guide for anyone seeking a positive change in their life by transcending negative thought patterns and finding both physical and spiritual strength. The program brings out the spiritual practice of Nahi Warrior Yoga, which encompasses connection to the spirit, release our fears, and discover that we are all connected in every way. The lectures, classes, and manual provide yoga sequences, nutritional recommendations on eating clear and pure foods, including a fruit feast, and offers interactive and dynamic self-practices to begin living the life you want. Included with this course is more than 6 hours of video and the Best Selling book Yoga and Life Empowerment!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to do Mindfulness (In a gorgeous nutshell)" |
"A clear, simple, effective course to help get you in control and enjoying life to the full.We show you how to practice daily Mindfulness,with this straight-to-the-point, practical, immediately usable introduction.Mindfulness is the current health and wellness 'buzzword' and it's our expertise! We can't wait to teach you the skills and techniques you need,to make all those positive changes.The materials are delivered as videos to watchand prerecorded audios to download and use everyday, there are also bonus live recordings focusing on mindfulness and getting into shape.As Mindfulness is a skill that develops over time the daily practice recordings are downloadable to listen to wherever you are anddesignedto useeveryday.This course is designed for complete beginners and those wanting to refresh their mediationThis course will teach you:What Mindfulness isWhat it isn'tThe skills and attitudes for a successfulpracticeHow to start your personal practice'Have a practice with us' introduction4 guided downloadable daily practices*Bouns* How to use Mindfulness to get into shapeAll you will need is:An interest in learning and exploring MindfulnessPC or devicewith good internet connection to view and download resourcesA few minutes each day to develop a personal meditation habitThis course is written and delivered by Tanya & Claire, who, between them have 45 years experience in delivering coaching,courses and public speakingin mindfulness, well being, confidence, mindset and nutrition, They are excited to bring tis course to you so that you can experience the benefits that mindfulness will bring to you"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"5 Minute Miracle Meditations- Vol 1" |
"This Course Is By Self-Help Guru And Experienced Yoga Teacher Janey Bowyer. Join thousands of other Udemy studentswho have benefitedfromone of Janey's courses.Bonus giveaway: Those who enrol on this course also get a Free Meditation Guide + Free recorded yoga class. Just check your in box once you have signed up. Plus extra special bonus on the last lecture.Do want to learn how to meditate but can't sit still for long?Do you yearn to be happier, more fulfilled and with less stress in your life?Do you want to get the most out of living?Do you want to learn how meditation can help you make you amazing?Curious about learning easily five-minute Meditation Miracles?Busy, anxious and a worrier?If you answer yes, then this course is for you.This course will help guide you in easy bite-size chunks on how to master meditation ina world that seems to be getting busier by the moment."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"20 Days And Beyond To A Happier You!" |
"FREE GIVEAWAY: GET FREE ACCESS TO MY ONLINE HAPPINESS YOGA CLASS WHEN YOU SIGN UP FOR THE COURSE!----------------------------------------------------------------------Let me ask you a questionWHATS YOUR HAPPINESS WORTH TO YOU?So many people live their lives thinking that happiness can only be acquired once theyve achieved success. The truth is we dont have to wait until everything in our lives is great to feel happy.Lots of people spend countless days, weeks, and years overworking towards success and happiness, only to end up spending most of their lives miserable.You dont have to wait that long.You can choose to OWN YOUR HAPPINESS NOW and live your life to its fullest.And thats exactly what my course will do for you :)You will learn to find happiness amidst a busy day.To tell you a little bit about myself, my name is Janey Bowyer, and I am a self-help guru who helps busy people worldwide to easily find happiness via yoga, meditation and personal development. Through my personal experienceof having to be creative with my time and my quest for happiness, I came up with this course for you!This course will help you:Eliminate StressHelp You Fit In Personal Development Into Your LifeImprove Your RelationshipsEnjoy Inner PeaceAs well as...Live ALife Of Joy AndAbundanceWhile the course has a price tag on it, I promise you the results itll get you will be priceless!I want you to know that you have the time,the skills andwhat it takes to be truly happy!So, if your happiness is important to you (and it should be), join me in this course to help you become the happiest youll ever be!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress for Non-Technical People" |
"This course teaches you to build beautiful professional websites without knowing how to code html, or css, or any web technology. If youhave basic computers skills, if you can create documents in a word processor like MS-Word, you can create any site you want or need. Wordpress is designed to managed by non-technical people, this course shows you how.Benefits of taking this course:1 Year Free Web Hosting ($199 value).Website Design Skills - create professional websites using Wordpress.Free Internet resources that rival paid professional resources.Marketable skill - 26% of entire Internet uses Wordpress.A professional website developer would charge anywhere from $500 to $5000 to create a custom site. You will learn how to create professional custom sites worth $5000 or more while taking this course.To take this course, you will need 3 hours of your time and willingness to learn. To follow the course material students will need to purchase a domain name. Domain names are as cheap as $5.00. You have probably heard of Godaddy, I recommend purchasing a Domain name from Godaddy. It isn't the cheapest but the friendly website makes working with Domain names easier. Godaddy also allows use of the domain name within 15 minutes, most other registars (sites to buy domain names) while probably cheaper take anywhere from 12 to 48 hours.Knowing how to create Wordpress is also a very marketable skill. Wordpress is used by 26% of all websites on the Internet. Sony Music, Apple, MTV News , Xerox, Best Buy and BBC America all use some form of Wordpress on their sites. In this course, we will take you through the entire process from purchasing this course, to publishing your professional website. This is a hands on, step by step course.After completing this course, students will be able to install Wordpress, configure Wordpress, customize Wordpress's appearance and extend Wordpress beyond to selling products or showcasing talent. Students will also learn where to find free resources to optimize their sites. Students will save up to $5000 dollars and learn a very marketable skill."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Finanzielle Unabhngigkeit-1: Erste Schritte zur Million" |
"Was habe ich von diesem Kurs?Erfahre in diesem Kurs, wie du Dir in simplen und leicht nachvollziehbaren Schritteneine Basis schaffst um finanziell unabhngig zu werden.Setze diese Schritte unter Anleitung Stck fr Stck um undanalysiere dabei deine aktuelle finanzielle Situation.Lerne von Menschen, die bereits(mehrfach) finanziell unabhngigsind wie man sein Geld fr sich arbeiten lassen kann, statt fr Geld arbeiten zu mssen.Verschaffe Dir einen klaren berblick ber deine Finanzen undverliere deine Unsicherheitengegenber diesem ThemaVerstehe die verschiedenen Anlagemglichkeiten undlerne zu unterscheiden, was sich lohnt und was ebennicht.Lerne selbststndig deine Finanzen im Griff zu haben und hilf deinem Umfeld aktiv dabei, dasselbe auch fr sich zu tunDarstellung des Kurses:Wir haben uns Mhe gegeben den Kurs so abwechslungsreich wie mglich zu gestalten. Lerne bei uns mit:VideosAnimationenBildernGraphiken /ChartsArbeitsbltternQuizetc.Wie lange dauert es bis zum Abschluss?Wenn du bereit bist mit diesem Kurs aktiv zu arbeiten,dich auf die Inhalte einlsst und ber den Tellerrand hinaus schaust bist bist du innerhalb vonwenigenTagen auf eineneuen Level im Bezug auf deine finanzielle Intelligenz!Wie ist der Kurs strukturiert?Wir beginnen mit Grundwissen und arbeiten uns Schritt fr Schritt vor, bis hin zur Analyse von bestehenden Produkten und Mglichkeiten sein Geld so anzulegen, dass eswirklich mehr wird. Lerne, was finanzielle Unabhngigkeit bedeutet und wie Du diese erreichst.Warum sollte man diesen Kurs machen?Das hchste Ziel des Kapitalsist nicht, Geld zu verdienen,sondern der Einsatz von Geldzur Verbesserung des Lebens.Henry Ford,Erfinder und Unternehmer (18631947)Geld alleine macht vielleicht nicht glcklich, aberes verschafft dir Freiheit. Finanzielle Unabhngigkeit verschafft dir Zeit.Zeit, die du gestalten kannst wie du es willst, mit deiner Familie, deinenFreunden oder deinen Hobbys.Worauf wartest du noch? Jeder Tag an dem Du dein Geld nicht fr dich arbeiten lsst ist ein verlorener Tag Freiheit. Sorge dafr, dass Du dir um Geld keine Gedanken mehr machen brauchst und Dich auf die schnen Dinge im Leben konzentrieren kannst.Natrlich hast du wie bei allen unseren Kursen eine""30 Tage Geld zurck Garantie"", solltest Du aus (welchem Grund auch immer)unserem Kurs keinen Mehrwert ziehen knnen.Trete in direkten Kontakt mit uns Dozenten und unserenMentoren und tausche Dich mit uns in regelmigen Diskussionsrunden via Internet aus, stelle uns Fragen und erhalte wertvolle Informationen aus erster Hand."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Finanzielle Unabhngigkeit-2 Millionr werden mit Investment" |
"Nachdiesem Kurs wirst du auf dem Gebiet Investment ein wahrer Experte seinErfahre wie du Renditen von 6% und darber hinaus ohne groes Risiko erzielen kannst.Duwirst in der Lage sein selbststndig zu recherchieren und Entscheidungen zutreffen wie du dein Geld individuell auf deine Situation bezogen sinnvollanlegst.Schritt fr Schritt werden wir gemeinsam erarbeiten, wie du dir ein leicht nachvollziehbares Depotsystem aufbaust.Du wirst erfahren, was die Auswahlkriterien fr Fonds sind, und wie du die richtigen Fonds und Gesellschaften findest.Duwirst am Ende dieses Kurses das Wissen erlangt haben jederzeit die richtigenEntscheidungen fr kurz-, mittel-,und langfristige Anlagen treffen knnen.Darstellung des Kurses:Wir haben uns auch hierMhe gegeben den Kurs soabwechslungsreichwie mglich zu gestalten. Lerne bei uns mit:VideosAnimationenBildernGraphiken /ChartsArbeitsbltternQuizetc.Wie lange dauert es bis zum Abschluss?Wenn du bereit bist mit diesem Kurs aktiv zu arbeiten,dich auf die Inhalte einlsst und ber den Tellerrand hinaus schaust bist bist duinnerhalb vonwenigenTagenauf eineneuen Level im Bezug auf deine finanzielle Intelligenz!Undkeine Sorge - dafr brauchst du keinen Doktor in Finanzwissenschaften -Investment ist leichter als dir die Sachbcher und dein Berater wei machenwollen. Wir geben dir das ntige Know-How an die HandWie ist der Kurs strukturiert?Wir schauen uns zunchst die verschiedenen Anlageklassen an und schaffen dir ein Grundwissen im Bereich Investment. Was ist der Dax, was sind Aktien und worin unterscheiden sie sich von Fonds? Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Zockerei und solidemInvestment? Wir gehenSchritt fr Schritt mehr ins Detail, sodass du am Ende Know-How besitzt, welches Dir erlaubt selbststndig zu handeln durch mehr Wissen, als 90% der deutschen Bevlkerung.Worauf wartest du noch?Jeder Tag an dem Du dein Geld nicht fr dich arbeiten lsst ist ein verlorener Tag Freiheit. Sorge dafr, dass Du dir um Geld keine Gedanken mehr machen brauchst und Dich auf die schnen Dinge im Leben konzentrieren kannst.Natrlich hast du wie bei allen unseren Kursen eine""30 Tage Geld zurck Garantie"",solltest Du aus (welchem Grund auch immer)unserem Kurs keinen Mehrwert ziehen knnen.Trete indirekten Kontaktmit uns Dozenten und unserenMentoren und tausche Dich mit uns inregelmigen Diskussionsrundenvia Internet aus, stelle uns Fragen und erhalte wertvolle Informationen aus erster Hand."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Finanzielle Unabhngigkeit-3 Millionr werden mit Immobilien" |
"Dulernst in diesem Kurs, wie Du es schaffst wirkliches Vermgen aufzubauen unddeutlich vor Rentenbeginn Millionr zu sein.Wirbringen dir bei, wie du das ohne groen Kapitaleinsatz schaffst. Wie du ohnegroen Kapitaleinsatz Millionr wirst. Wirwerden dir an aktuellen Beispielen beweisen, dass schon zu Beginn passiveEinnahmen von einigen hundert Euro mglich sindWir zeigen Dir,wie man in wenigen Jahrenmehrere passende Immobilien finden underwerben kann.Du wirst lernen, wie du den Kauf einer Immobilie intelligent finanzierst und dadurch das Objekt entweder eher abbezahlst oder diese plus einen Kapitalberg besitzt.Wo du passende Wohnungen findest und auf was fr Kriterien du achten solltest zeigen wir Dir auch.Du wirst erfahrenwelches Mietklientel sich optimal eignet und warum gngige ngste, wie Mietnomaden oder Mietausfall fr dich nicht gelten mssen.Schluss endlichzeigen wir Dir wie du einen Generationsbergreifenden Vermgensaufbau betreiben kannst und deinen Kindern und Kindeskindern ein Vermgen hinterlsst, sodass diese niemals sozialen Abstieg frchten mssen.Darstellung des Kurses:Wir haben uns auch hierMhe gegeben den Kurs soabwechslungsreichwie mglich zu gestalten. Lerne bei uns mit:VideosAnimationenBildernGraphiken /ChartsArbeitsbltternQuizetc.Wie lange dauert es bis zum Abschluss?Wenn du bereit bist mit diesem Kurs aktiv zu arbeiten,dich auf die Inhalte einlsst und ber den Tellerrand hinaus schaust bist bist duinnerhalb vonwenigenTagenauf eineneuen Level im Bezug auf deine finanzielle Intelligenz!Ergnzedein Wissen aus den vorherigen Kursen nun mit dem letzten fehlenden und vor Allem auch dem wichtigsten Puzzleteil zudeiner finanziellen Unabhngigkeit.Nachdiesem Kurs bist du optimal gewappnet dir wirkliches Vermgen aufzubauen, undso fr dich und deine Nachkommenfinanzielle Unabhngigkeit zu erlangen.Wie ist der Kurs strukturiert?Zu Beginn wollen wir unseinpaar wichtige Punkte zur Finanzierung anschauen.Wir rechnen anschlieend gemeinsam an einem Beispiel durch, wie der Plan zur finanziellen Unabhngigkeit aussehen knnte und du damitsogarnoch vor Rentenbeginn Millionrsein kannstWie schaffst du das mit minimalen Kapitaleinsatz? Wie kannst du dieses Modell mit Investment kombinieren?Auerdemgehen wir auf die Auswahlkriterien ein und welcheStdte sich besonders gut eignen fr eine Kapitalanlage Immobilie.Am Ende beweisen wir Dir anhand echter Beispiele, wie verschiedene Szenarien aussehen knnen und welche passiven Einnahmen mglich sind und dass es sich tatschlich auch in scheinbar nicht so tollen Objekten lohnt mit der richtigen Herangehensweise.Worauf wartest du noch?Jeder Tag an dem Du dein Geld nicht fr dich arbeiten lsst ist ein verlorener Tag Freiheit. Sorge dafr, dass Du dir um Geld keine Gedanken mehr machen brauchst und Dich auf die schnen Dinge im Leben konzentrieren kannst.Natrlich hast du wie bei allen unseren Kursen eine""30 Tage Geld zurck Garantie"",solltest Du aus (welchem Grund auch immer)unserem Kurs keinen Mehrwert ziehen knnen.Trete indirekten Kontaktmit uns Dozenten und unserenMentoren und tausche Dich mit uns inregelmigen Diskussionsrundenvia Internet aus, stelle uns Fragen und erhalte wertvolle Informationen aus erster Hand."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DevOps: CI/CD using AWS CodePipeline & Elastic Beanstalk" |
"Automated Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD)is a critical part of DevOps and is a skill that is in high demand.In this course, we will examine the subject in complete depth by walking through an example projectand building a complex CI/CD pipeline on AWS. You will gain the followingfiveextremely valuable andhighly soughtafter skills:Learn to conceptualize anddesign CI/CD pipelines for your own web applicationsDeploy and scale web applications on Amazon's Cloud infrastructure usingAWSElastic BeanstalkBuild pipelines on Amazon's Cloud infrastructureusingAWSCodePipelineLearn advance topics such as Elastic Beanstalk Extensions andAWSLambda to run custom actions in your CodePipelineMonitor your automated CI/CD pipelinesThe tech landscape today is extremely competitive and is moving at an incredibly fast pace. With the emergence of cloud-based infrastructure, many startups are disrupting long-established businesses, industries and sectors almost on a daily basis as their entry barriers and costs keep on going down. DevOps and continuous integration / continuous deployment processes allows team to iterate often andinnovate faster.After taking this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of continuous integration and continuous deployment processes.You will be able to confidently design a CI/CD pipeline for your own web applications.You will gain an in-depth understanding ofAWSCodePipelineandAWS Elastic Beanstalkservices.With these skills, you will be able to build fully automate deployments of your web applications on Amazons Cloud infrastructure.Thecourseis very hands-onand together we will walk through an example project. We will pick a web application and deploy it on Amazons Cloud usingAWS Elastic Beanstalk. I will then demonstrate and create a fully automated CI/CD pipeline for our web application usingAWS CodePipeline. I will cover both of these AWS services incomplete depthwhile also giving you easy to follow step-by-step instructions.We will also cover some advance topics such asebextensionsand adding AWSLambda functions in your AWSCodePipeline. 4000+ students enrolledRated highlyby students70% courseispractical based"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Assignment Writing using the STOP method" |
"This course will guide you step-by-stepthrough the process of writing a paper. Westart from the instructions the teacheror professor gives you or other instructions youare given. We utilize the STOP methodunique to Noa English Academy. This is aclear, logical and easy to followmethod that can be used as the basis for all types ofpapers. This course flows from ourbrick and mortar school and our classes on writing. The school has been around for 10years and is run by my wife and me."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft windows server 2016 industry lab MCSA ""fast track""" |
"MCSA 2016Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016 Take course 740. Networking with Windows Server 2016 Take course 741.Identity with Windows Server 2016 Take course 742.About this courseThis course is designed primarily for IT beginners &professionals who have some experience with Windows Server. It is designed for thesewho will be responsible for managing storage and compute by using Windows Server 2016, and who need to understand the scenarios, requirements, and storage and compute options that are available and applicable to Windows Server 2016.To follow this course, you needPC with i5 or I7 CPU or any equivalent,8GB of RAM ""16GB is better"", 250GB harddisk.Win 8 or 10 professional to run Hyper-v, or any OS supportsVMware 12 app.ISO copy for windows 2012R2 ""download link is provided in course""..ISO copy for windows 2016. "" ""download link is provided in course"".How to study this courseFollow allclasses.Perform labs on your lab.Answer questions.Follow real industry labs which will be added from time to time.Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016exam 70-740Course OutlineModule 1: Installing, upgrading, and migrating servers and workloadsThis module explains how to prepare and install Nano Server and Server Core. This module also explains how to upgrade and migrate server roles and workloads. Finally, this module explains how to choose an activation model based on your environment characteristics.Lessons Introducing Windows Server 2016Preparing and installing Nano Server and Server CorePreparing for upgrades and migrationsMigrating server roles and workloadsWindows Server activation modelsLab : Installing and configuring Nano ServerImplementing Nano Server Completing post-installation tasks on the Nano ServerPerforming remote managementAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Choose the appropriate version of the Windows Server operating system, and describe the installation options and new features of Windows Server 2016.Prepare and install Nano Server and Server Core.Consider whether an upgrade or migration is the best approach, and use tools to help determine upgrade or migration suitability.Migrate server roles and workloads within a domain and across domains or forests.Choose an activation model based on your environment characteristics.Module 2: Configuring local storageThis module explains how to manage disks and volumes in Windows Server 2016.Lessons Managing disks in Windows Server 2016Managing volumes in Windows Server 2016Lab : Managing disks and volumes in Windows Server 2016Creating and Managing virtual hard disks by using Windows PowerShell Converting virtual hard disks from .vhd to .vhdx Resizing a volumeAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Manage disks in Windows Server 2016.Manage volumes in Windows Server 2016. Module 3: Implementing enterprise storage solutionsThis module describes the direct-attached storage (DAS), network-attached storage (NAS), and storage area networks (SANs). It also helps you understand Microsoft Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) Server, data center bridging, and Multipath I/O (MPIO). Additionally, this module also compares Fibre Channel, Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI), and Fibre Channel Over Ethernet (FCoE), and describes how to configure sharing in Windows Server 2016. Lessons Overview of direct-attached storage, network-attached storage, and storage area networksComparing Fibre Channel, iSCSI, and FCoEUnderstanding iSNS, data centre bridging, and MPIOConfiguring sharing in Windows Server 2016Lab : Planning and configuring storage technologies and componentsPlanning storage requirements Configuring iSCSI storage Configuring and managing the share infrastructure After completing this module, students will be able to:Describe DAS, NAS, and SANs, and the usage scenarios for each topology.Compare Fibre Channel, FCoE, an iSCSI target and initiator.Describe iSNS, MPIO, data center bridging, and Windows Storage Server 2016 (two versionsWorkgroup and Standard).Configure server message block (SMB) and network file system (NFS) shares by using Server Manager and Windows PowerShell.Module 4: Implementing Storage Spaces and Data DeduplicationThis module explains how to implement and manage Storage Spaces. This module also explains how to implement Data Deduplication.Lessons Implementing Storage SpacesManaging Storage SpacesImplementing Data DeduplicationLab : Implementing Storage SpacesCreating a storage spaceEnabling and configuring storage tiering Lab : Implementing Data DeduplicationInstalling Data DeduplicationConfiguring Data DeduplicationAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Implement Storage Spaces as an enterprise storage solution.Manage Storage Spaces by using Server Manager and Windows PowerShell.Implement Data Deduplication.Module 5: Installing and configuring Hyper-V and virtual machinesThis module provides an overview of Hyper-V. This module also explains how to configure, manage, and install Hyper-V.Lessons Overview of Hyper-V Installing Hyper-VConfiguring storage on Hyper-V host serversConfiguring networking on Hyper-V host serversConfiguring Hyper-V virtual machinesManaging Hyper-V virtual machinesLab : Installing and configuring Hyper-VInstalling the Hyper-V server roleConfiguring Hyper-V settingsCreating and configuring a virtual machineManaging a virtual machine by using PowerShell DirectAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Describe Hyper-V and virtualization.Prepare to install the Hyper-V role.Configure storage on Hyper-V host servers.Configure networking on Hyper-V host servers.Configure Hyper-V virtual machines.Move virtual machines from one host to another host, using PowerShell Direct to manage a virtual machine, and manage miscellaneous virtual machine settings.Module 6: Deploying and managing Windows Server and Hyper-V containersThis module provides and overview of containers in Windows Server 2016. It also explains how to deploy, install, configure, and manage containers in Windows Server 2016.Lessons Overview of containers in Windows Server 2016Deploying Windows Server and Hyper-V containersInstalling, configuring, and managing containersLab : Installing and configuring containersInstalling and configuring Windows Server containers by using Windows PowerShellInstalling and configuring Windows Server containers by using DockerAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Explain the purpose of Windows Server and Hyper-V containers.Deploy and manage Windows Server and Hyper-V containers.Install, configure, and manage containers.Module 7: Overview of high availability and disaster recoveryThis module provides an overview of high availability, business continuity, and disaster recovery. It further explains how to plan high availability and disaster recovery solutions. Additionally, in this module you will know how to back up and restore the Windows Server 2016 operating system and data by using Windows Server Backup. Finally, you will learn about Windows Server 2016 high availability with failover clustering.Lessons Defining levels of availabilityPlanning high availability and disaster recovery solutions with Hyper-V virtual machinesBacking up and restoring the Windows Server 2016 operating system and data by using Windows Server BHigh availability with failover clustering in Windows Server 2016Lab : Planning and implementing a high availability and disaster recovery solutionDetermining the appropriate high availability and disaster recovery solutionImplementing storage migrationImplementing Hyper-V ReplicaAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Describe high availability, business continuity, and disaster recovery.Plan for high availability and disaster recovery solutions with Hyper-V virtual machines.Back up and restore Hyper-V hosts, virtual machines, Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), and file and web servers by using Windows Server Backup.Describe Windows Server 2016 high availability with failover clustering.Module 8: Implementing and managing failover clusteringThis module explains how to plan, create, configure, maintain, and troubleshoot a failover cluster. This module also explains how to implement site high availability with stretch clustering.Lessons Planning a failover clusterCreating and configuring a new failover clusterMaintaining a failover clusterTroubleshooting a failover clusterImplementing site high availability with stretch clusteringLab : Implementing a failover clusterCreating a failover clusterVerifying quorum settings and adding a nodeLab : Managing a failover clusterEvicting a node and verifying quorum settingsChanging the quorum from Disk Witness to File Share Witness, and defining node votingAdding and removing disks from the clusterAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Describe the requirements and infrastructure considerations for a failover cluster.Create and configure a new failover cluster.Monitor and maintain failover clusters.Troubleshoot failover clusters by using various tools such as Performance Monitor, Event Viewer, and Windows PowerShell.Configure and implement a stretch cluster. Module 9: Implementing failover clustering for Hyper-V virtual machinesThis module describes integrating Hyper-V virtual machines in a clustered environment. It also explains how to implement and maintain Hyper-V virtual machines on failover clusters. Additionally, this module also explains how to configure network health protection.Lessons Overview of integrating Hyper-V in Windows Server 2016 with failover clusteringImplementing and maintaining Hyper-V virtual machines on failover clustersKey features for virtual machines in a clustered environmentLab : Implementing failover clustering with Hyper-VConfiguring a failover cluster for Hyper-V Configuring a highly available virtual machineAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Explain the integration of Hyper-V in Windows Server 2016 with failover clustering.Implement and maintain Hyper-V virtual machines on failover clusters.Describe and configure network health protection. Module 10: Implementing Network Load BalancingThis module provides an overview of NLB clusters. It also explains how to plan and configure an NLB cluster implementation.Lessons Overview of NLB clusters Configuring an NLB clusterPlanning an NLB implementationLab : Implementing an NLB clusterImplementing an NLB clusterConfiguring and managing the NLB clusterValidating high availability for the NLB clusterAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Describe NLB and how it works.Configure an NLB cluster.Describe the considerations for implementing NLB. Module 11: Creating and managing deployment imagesThis module provides an introduction to deployment images. It also explains how to create and manage deployment images by using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT). Additionally, it explains how to evaluate an organizations requirements for server virtualization.Lessons Introduction to deployment imagesCreating and managing deployment images by using MDTVirtual machine environments for different workloadsLab : Using MDT to deploy Windows Server 2016Installing and configuring MDTCreating and deploying an imageAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Explain the purpose of deployment images and the tools that you use to deploy and maintain them.Implement and manage deployment images by using MDT.Evaluate their organizations requirements for server virtualization. Module 12: Managing, monitoring, and maintaining virtual machine installationsThis module provides an overview on WSUS and explains the deployment options. It explains how to update management process with WSUS and also how to use Performance Monitor. Additionally, this module also provides an overview of PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) and Windows Server 2016 monitoring tools. Finally, this module describes how to use Performance Monitor and monitor Event Logs.Lessons WSUS overview and deployment options Update management process with WSUSOverview of PowerShell DSCOverview of Windows Server 2016 monitoring toolsUsing Performance MonitorMonitoring Event LogsLab : Implementing WSUS and deploying updates Implementing WSUS Configuring update settingsApproving and deploying an update by using WSUSLab : Monitoring and troubleshooting Windows Server 2016Establishing a performance baseline Identifying the source of a performance problemViewing and configuring centralized event logsAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Describe the purpose of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and the requirements to implement WSUS.Manage the update process with WSUS.Describe the purpose and benefits of PowerShell DSC.Describe the monitoring tools available in Windows Server 2016.Describe how to use Performance Monitor.Describe how to manage event logs.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Networking with Windows Server 2016 Exam 70-741About this courseProvides the fundamental networking skills required to deploy and support Windows Server 2016 in most organizations. It covers IP fundamentals, remote access technologies, and more advanced content including Software Defined Networking.Course OutlineModule 1: Installing, upgrading, and migrating servers and workloadsThis module explains how to prepare and install Nano Server and Server Core. This module also explains how to upgrade and migrate server roles and workloads. Finally, this module explains how to choose an activation model based on your environment characteristics.LessonsIntroducing Windows Server 2016Preparing and installing Nano Server and Server CorePreparing for upgrades and migrationsMigrating server roles and workloadsWindows Server activation modelsLab : Installing and configuring Nano ServerImplementing Nano Server Completing post-installation tasks on the Nano ServerPerforming remote managementAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Choose the appropriate version of the Windows Server operating system, and describe the installation options and new features of Windows Server 2016.Prepare and install Nano Server and Server Core.Consider whether an upgrade or migration is the best approach, and use tools to help determine upgrade or migration suitability.Migrate server roles and workloads within a domain and across domains or forests.Choose an activation model based on your environment characteristics.Module 2: Configuring local storageThis module explains how to manage disks and volumes in Windows Server 2016.Lessons Managing disks in Windows Server 2016Managing volumes in Windows Server 2016Lab : Managing disks and volumes in Windows Server 2016Creating and Managing virtual hard disks by using Windows PowerShell Converting virtual hard disks from .vhd to .vhdx Resizing a volumeAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Manage disks in Windows Server 2016.Manage volumes in Windows Server 2016. Module 3: Implementing enterprise storage solutionsThis module describes the direct-attached storage (DAS), network-attached storage (NAS), and storage area networks (SANs). It also helps you understand Microsoft Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) Server, data center bridging, and Multipath I/O (MPIO). Additionally, this module also compares Fibre Channel, Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI), and Fibre Channel Over Ethernet (FCoE), and describes how to configure sharing in Windows Server 2016. Lessons Overview of direct-attached storage, network-attached storage, and storage area networksComparing Fibre Channel, iSCSI, and FCoEUnderstanding iSNS, data centre bridging, and MPIOConfiguring sharing in Windows Server 2016Lab : Planning and configuring storage technologies and componentsPlanning storage requirements Configuring iSCSI storage Configuring and managing the share infrastructure After completing this module, students will be able to:Describe DAS, NAS, and SANs, and the usage scenarios for each topology.Compare Fibre Channel, FCoE, an iSCSI target and initiator.Describe iSNS, MPIO, data center bridging, and Windows Storage Server 2016 (two versionsWorkgroup and Standard).Configure server message block (SMB) and network file system (NFS) shares by using Server Manager and Windows PowerShell.Module 4: Implementing Storage Spaces and Data DeduplicationThis module explains how to implement and manage Storage Spaces. This module also explains how to implement Data Deduplication.Lessons Implementing Storage SpacesManaging Storage SpacesImplementing Data DeduplicationLab : Implementing Storage SpacesCreating a storage spaceEnabling and configuring storage tiering Lab : Implementing Data DeduplicationInstalling Data DeduplicationConfiguring Data DeduplicationAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Implement Storage Spaces as an enterprise storage solution.Manage Storage Spaces by using Server Manager and Windows PowerShell.Implement Data Deduplication.Module 5: Installing and configuring Hyper-V and virtual machinesThis module provides an overview of Hyper-V. This module also explains how to configure, manage, and install Hyper-V.Lessons Overview of Hyper-V Installing Hyper-VConfiguring storage on Hyper-V host serversConfiguring networking on Hyper-V host serversConfiguring Hyper-V virtual machinesManaging Hyper-V virtual machinesLab : Installing and configuring Hyper-VInstalling the Hyper-V server roleConfiguring Hyper-V settingsCreating and configuring a virtual machineManaging a virtual machine by using PowerShell DirectAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Describe Hyper-V and virtualization.Prepare to install the Hyper-V role.Configure storage on Hyper-V host servers.Configure networking on Hyper-V host servers.Configure Hyper-V virtual machines.Move virtual machines from one host to another host, using PowerShell Direct to manage a virtual machine, and manage miscellaneous virtual machine settings.Module 6: Deploying and managing Windows Server and Hyper-V containersThis module provides and overview of containers in Windows Server 2016. It also explains how to deploy, install, configure, and manage containers in Windows Server 2016.Lessons Overview of containers in Windows Server 2016Deploying Windows Server and Hyper-V containersInstalling, configuring, and managing containersLab : Installing and configuring containersInstalling and configuring Windows Server containers by using Windows PowerShellInstalling and configuring Windows Server containers by using DockerAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Explain the purpose of Windows Server and Hyper-V containers.Deploy and manage Windows Server and Hyper-V containers.Install, configure, and manage containers.Module 7: Overview of high availability and disaster recoveryThis module provides an overview of high availability, business continuity, and disaster recovery. It further explains how to plan high availability and disaster recovery solutions. Additionally, in this module you will know how to back up and restore the Windows Server 2016 operating system and data by using Windows Server Backup. Finally, you will learn about Windows Server 2016 high availability with failover clustering.Lessons Defining levels of availabilityPlanning high availability and disaster recovery solutions with Hyper-V virtual machinesBacking up and restoring the Windows Server 2016 operating system and data by using Windows Server BHigh availability with failover clustering in Windows Server 2016Lab : Planning and implementing a high availability and disaster recovery solutionDetermining the appropriate high availability and disaster recovery solutionImplementing storage migrationImplementing Hyper-V ReplicaAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Describe high availability, business continuity, and disaster recovery.Plan for high availability and disaster recovery solutions with Hyper-V virtual machines.Back up and restore Hyper-V hosts, virtual machines, Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), and file and web servers by using Windows Server Backup.Describe Windows Server 2016 high availability with failover clustering.Module 8: Implementing and managing failover clusteringThis module explains how to plan, create, configure, maintain, and troubleshoot a failover cluster. This module also explains how to implement site high availability with stretch clustering.Lessons Planning a failover clusterCreating and configuring a new failover clusterMaintaining a failover clusterTroubleshooting a failover clusterImplementing site high availability with stretch clusteringLab : Implementing a failover clusterCreating a failover clusterVerifying quorum settings and adding a nodeLab : Managing a failover clusterEvicting a node and verifying quorum settingsChanging the quorum from Disk Witness to File Share Witness, and defining node votingAdding and removing disks from the clusterAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Describe the requirements and infrastructure considerations for a failover cluster.Create and configure a new failover cluster.Monitor and maintain failover clusters.Troubleshoot failover clusters by using various tools such as Performance Monitor, Event Viewer, and Windows PowerShell.Configure and implement a stretch cluster. Module 9: Implementing failover clustering for Hyper-V virtual machinesThis module describes integrating Hyper-V virtual machines in a clustered environment. It also explains how to implement and maintain Hyper-V virtual machines on failover clusters. Additionally, this module also explains how to configure network health protection.Lessons Overview of integrating Hyper-V in Windows Server 2016 with failover clusteringImplementing and maintaining Hyper-V virtual machines on failover clustersKey features for virtual machines in a clustered environmentLab : Implementing failover clustering with Hyper-VConfiguring a failover cluster for Hyper-V Configuring a highly available virtual machineAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Explain the integration of Hyper-V in Windows Server 2016 with failover clustering.Implement and maintain Hyper-V virtual machines on failover clusters.Describe and configure network health protection. Module 10: Implementing Network Load BalancingThis module provides an overview of NLB clusters. It also explains how to plan and configure an NLB cluster implementation.Lessons Overview of NLB clusters Configuring an NLB clusterPlanning an NLB implementationLab : Implementing an NLB clusterImplementing an NLB clusterConfiguring and managing the NLB clusterValidating high availability for the NLB clusterAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Describe NLB and how it works.Configure an NLB cluster.Describe the considerations for implementing NLB. Module 11: Creating and managing deployment imagesThis module provides an introduction to deployment images. It also explains how to create and manage deployment images by using the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT). Additionally, it explains how to evaluate an organizations requirements for server virtualization.Lessons Introduction to deployment imagesCreating and managing deployment images by using MDTVirtual machine environments for different workloadsLab : Using MDT to deploy Windows Server 2016Installing and configuring MDTCreating and deploying an imageAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Explain the purpose of deployment images and the tools that you use to deploy and maintain them.Implement and manage deployment images by using MDT.Evaluate their organizations requirements for server virtualization. Module 12: Managing, monitoring, and maintaining virtual machine installationsThis module provides an overview on WSUS and explains the deployment options. It explains how to update management process with WSUS and also how to use Performance Monitor. Additionally, this module also provides an overview of PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) and Windows Server 2016 monitoring tools. Finally, this module describes how to use Performance Monitor and monitor Event Logs.Lessons WSUS overview and deployment options Update management process with WSUSOverview of PowerShell DSCOverview of Windows Server 2016 monitoring toolsUsing Performance MonitorMonitoring Event LogsLab : Implementing WSUS and deploying updates Implementing WSUS Configuring update settingsApproving and deploying an update by using WSUSLab : Monitoring and troubleshooting Windows Server 2016Establishing a performance baseline Identifying the source of a performance problemViewing and configuring centralized event logsAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Describe the purpose of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and the requirements to implement WSUS.Manage the update process with WSUS.Describe the purpose and benefits of PowerShell DSC.Describe the monitoring tools available in Windows Server 2016.Describe how to use Performance Monitor.Describe how to manage event logs.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Identity with Windows Server 2016 Exam 70-742About this courseDeploy and configure Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) in a distributed environment, how to implement Group Policy, how to perform backup and restore, and how to monitor and troubleshoot Active Directoryrelated issues with Windows Server 2016. Additionally, this course teaches how to deploy other Active Directory server roles such as Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) and Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS).Course OutlineModule 1: Installing and configuring domain controllersThis module describes features of AD DS and how to install domain controllers (DCs). It also covers the considerations for deploying DCs.Lessons Overview of AD DSOverview of AD DS domain controllersDeploying a domain controllerLab : Deploying and administering AD DSDeploying AD DSDeploying domain controllers by performing domain controller cloningAdministering AD DS After completing this module, students will be able to:Describe AD DS and its main components.Describe the purpose of domain controllers and their roles.Describe the considerations for deploying domain controllers.Module 2: Managing objects in AD DSThis module describes how to use various techniques to manage objects in AD DS. This includes creating and configuring user, group, and computer objects.Lessons Managing user accountsManaging groups in AD DSManaging computer objects in AD DSUsing Windows PowerShell for AD DS administrationImplementing and managing OUsLab : Managing AD DS objectsCreating and managing groups in AD DSCreating and configuring user accounts in AD DSManaging computer objects in AD DSLab : Administering AD DSDelegate administration for OUsCreating and modifying AD DS objects with Windows PowerShellAfter completing this module, students will be able to:Manage user accounts in AD DS.Manage groups in AD DS. Manage computer objects in AD DS.Use Windows PowerShell for AD DS administration. Implement and manage OUs.Administer AD DS.Module 3: Advanced AD DS infrastructure managementThis module describes how to plan and implement an AD DS deployment that includes multiple domains and forests. The module provides an overview of the components in an advanced AD DS deployment, the process of implementing a distributed AD DS environment, and the procedure for configuring AD DS trusts.Lessons Overview of advanced AD DS deploymentsDeploying a distributed AD DS environmentConfiguring AD DS trustsLab : Domain and trust management in AD DSImplementing forest trustsImplementing child domains in AD DSAfter completing this module, students will be able to:Describe the components of an advanced AD DS deployment.Explain how to deploy a distributed AD DS environment.Explain how to configure AD DS trusts. . . Module 4: Implementing and administering AD DS sites and replicationThis module describes how to plan and implement an AD DS deployment that includes multiple locations. The module explains how replication works in a Windows Server 2016 AD DS environment.Lessons Overview of AD DS replicationConfiguring AD DS sitesConfiguring and monitoring AD DS replicationLab : Implementing AD DS sites and replicationModifying the default siteCreating additional sites and subnetsConfiguring AD DS replicationMonitoring and troubleshooting AD DS replicationAfter completing this module, students will be able to:Describe how AD DS replication works.Configure AD DS sites to help optimize authentication and replication traffic.Configure and monitor AD DS replication. Module 5: Implementing Group PolicyThis module describes how to implement a GPO infrastructure. The module provides an overview of the components and technologies that compose the Group Policy framework.Lessons Introducing Group PolicyImplementing and administering GPOsGroup Policy scope and Group Policy processingTroubleshooting the application of GPOsLab : Implementing a Group Policy infrastructureCreating and configuring GPOsManaging GPO scopeLab : Troubleshooting Group Policy infrastructureVerify GPO applicationTroubleshooting GPOsAfter completing this module, students will be able to: Explain what Group Policy is.Implement and administer GPOs.Describe Group Policy scope and Group Policy processing.Troubleshoot GPO application.Module 6: Managing user settings with Group PolicyThis module describes how to configure Group Policy settings and Group Policy preferences. This includes implementing administrative templates, configuring folder redirection and scripts, and configuring Group Policy preferences.Lessons Implementing administrative templatesConfiguring Folder Redirection, Software Installation, and ScriptsConfiguring Group Policy preferencesLab : Managing user settings with GPOsUsing administrative templates to manage user settingsImplement settings by using Group Policy preferencesConfiguring Folder RedirectionPlanning Group Policy (optional)After completing this module, students will be able to:Implement administrative templates.Configure Folder Redirection, software installation, and scripts.Configure Group Policy preferences. Module 7: Securing Active Directory Domain ServicesThis module describes how to configure domain controller security, account security, password security, and Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSA).Lessons Securing domain controllersImplementing account securityImplementing audit authenticationConfiguring managed service accountsLab : Securing AD DSImplementing security policies for accounts, passwords, and administrative groups Deploying and configuring an RODCCreating and associating a group MSA After completing this module, students will be able to:Secure domain controllers.Implement account security.Implement audit authentication.Configure managed service accounts (MSAs). Module 8: Deploying and managing AD CSThis module describes how to implement an AD CS deployment. This includes deploying, administering, and troubleshooting CAs.Lessons Deploying CAsAdministering CAsTroubleshooting and maintaining CAsLab : Deploying and configuring a two-tier CA hierarchyDeploying an offline root CADeploying an enterprise subordinate CA After completing this module, students will be able to:Deploy CAs.Administer CAs.Troubleshoot and maintain CAs. Module 9: Deploying and managing certificatesThis module describes how to deploy and manage certificates in an AD DS environment. This involves deploying and managing certificate templates, managing certificate revocation and recovery, using certificates in a business environment, and implementing smart cards.Lessons Deploying and managing certificate templatesManaging certificate deployment, revocation, and recoveryUsing certificates in a business environmentImplementing and managing smart cardsLab : Deploying and using certificatesConfiguring certificate templatesEnrolling and using certificatesConfiguring and implementing key recovery After completing this module, students will be able to:Deploy and manage certificate templates.Manage certificates deployment, revocation, and recovery.Use certificates in a business environment.Implement and manage smart cards Module 10: Implementing and administering AD FSThis module describes AD FS and how to configure AD FS in a single-organization scenario and in a partner-organization scenario.Lessons Overview of AD FSAD FS requirements and planningDeploying and configuring AD FSOverview of Web Application ProxyLab : Implementing AD FSConfiguring AD FS prerequisitesInstalling and configuring AD FSConfiguring an internal application for AD Configuring AD FS for federated business partners After completing this module, students will be able to:Describe AD FS.Explain how to deploy AD FS.Explain how to implement AD FS for a single organization.Explain how to extend AD FS to external clients.Implement single sign-on (SSO) to support online services. Module 11: Implementing and administering AD RMSThis module describes how to implement an AD RMS deployment. The module provides an overview of AD RMS, explains how to deploy and manage an AD RMS infrastructure, and explains how to configure AD RMS content protection.Lessons Overview of AD RMSDeploying and managing an AD RMS infrastructureConfiguring AD RMS content protectionLab : Implementing an AD RMS infrastructureInstalling and configuring AD RMSConfiguring AD RMS templatesUsing AD RMS on clients After completing this module, students will be able to:Describe AD RMS.Describe usage scenarios for AD RMS.Describe the AD RMS components. Module 12: Implementing AD DS synchronization with Microsoft Azure ADThis module describes how to plan and configure directory syncing between Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) and on-premises AD DS. The modules describes various sync scenarios, such as Azure AD sync, AD FS and Azure AD, and Azure AD Connect.Lessons Planning and preparing for directory synchronizationImplementing directory synchronization by using Azure AD ConnectManaging identities with directory synchronizationLab : Configuring directory synchronizationPreparing for directory synchronizationConfiguring directory synchronizationManaging Active Directory users and groups After completing this module, students will be able to:Plan and prepare for directory synchronization.Implement directory synchronization by using Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect (Azure AD Connect).Manage identities with directory synchronization. Module 13: Monitoring, managing, and recovering AD DSThis module describes how to monitor, manage, and maintain AD DS to help achieve high availability of AD DS.Lessons Monitoring AD DSManaging the Active Directory databaseActive Directory backup and recovery options for AD DS and other identity and access solutionsLab : Recovering objects in AD DSBacking up and restoring AD DSRecovering objects in AD DS After completing this module, students will be able to:Monitor AD DS.Manage the Active Directory database.Describe the backup and recovery options for AD DS and other identity access solutions."
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