Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Boost Website Brand With Highly Engaging Royalty Free Images" |
"This course is designed for all levels . As Everyone love to use high quality images over the internet without knowing anything & someone it become so risky as More of them are already copyright protected.To Avoid You From Such dangerous risk I mIntroducing this course with you. In this course You will learn most valuable techniques to get to know royalty free images with any risk .In this course I also let you know where to find & how to search whether it is copyright protected or don't have to be an artist,game artist to use this course .As everyone willingto have high quality images for their personal work ,web development & for their upcoming project.You should not use any of the images directly without knowing anything as Internet is so complex ,it can be easy very complex to figure out which is under licensed or not as google show all images as copyright protected,isn't it?But lots of them are not copyright protected,with this course you will easy find out very high quality images without any copyright restriction .Why you should take this course:You don't have to be an artist or game artist to use this courseAre You looking for veryHigh quality royalty free images for your upcoming website development,blog & project. You are at Right Place.To attract your website visitor & get them engage every easily.You will be easily download high quality images with any riskMost Importantly ,Are you curious then this course is absolutely for you.As I also want to let you know at every week I will provide you very high quality video for more best resources for downloading high quality royalty free images & may include your query if it relevant to the course to include for benefit for other.Be curious & ask lots of question relevant to the course & be part of the course"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Qigong for Instant Health!" |
"Qigoing is an ancient form of exercise to promote energy (qi,), but don't let that intimidate you! Everyone can use these forms to build strength, flexibility, reduce stress, and much more.21 minutes each day is all it takes. Students can expect to see results after only a few weeks!Today, many people struggle from health issues that can be solved by fitness. Heart and respiratorydisease, arthritis, and back pain are some of the most common physical ailments found among individuals today. Qigong is a very effective way to build core strength to support the spine, andlower your heart rate by reducing stress.I am confident that you will be satisfied with the course! Individuals who have started and continued this program have found this method to be LIFECHANGING! You can experience the same benefits. Hope to see you in the course!qigong qi gongchi kung meditation back pain health stress relief martial arts"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Martial Arts Iron Arm Qigong Program" |
"True iron arm training is very difficult to come by. In this course, we will tackle the traditional Qigong of Iron Arm. Lectures include daily solo exercises. When I was training with my teacher, he described the results from when he did this program as ""having steel cables for arms"". The rigorous program is easy to learnand extremely effective.Note: Iron arm training is very difficult, and you should consult with a medical professional to determine youreligibility for the course."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"The Law of Attraction: A Practical Guide" |
"Hosted by husband and wife team Craig and Melissa Merrett,'The Law of Attraction: a practical guide' is an 18part videolecture series split into 6 sections:1. What is the LOA and how it works2. How to attract through your mind3. How to attract throw your vision4. How to attract through yourwords5. How to attract through your emotions6. How to attract through your faithLife is amazing! It is designed to help you achieve, nurture, and grow! This coursewill help you fufilllyour endless potential by both explaining and teaching the Law of Attraction in a practical manner with real-world examples.Blending scienceand spiritual truth, this course will help you understand how the LOA actually operates and how to put it to best practice in your life.Included is abonusquiz to help students determine how they are travelling on their journey, aswell as written notes covering key competencies of eachsection."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Game Development using Unity - Part I" |
"A 2D game will be developed from scratch and youll learn the basics of game development and more.Perfect for Middle and High School students and just about anyone else who wants to get started developing games. No programming experience at all is required - just an interest in creating a game in Unity, the same software used to create Pokemon Go and so many other best selling games! Youll painlessly learn the basics of scripting too, because the videos introduce scripting as necessary along the way in both Part I and Part II of the course.Youll be amazed at how fast you can learn Unity. And, youll quickly become confident with all the game-creating basics. The pace of each video is designed for ease of learning, and not designed to cram as much as possible into each lesson. As an option, for those of you who want to continue game development using more features of Unity, the Part II course is available to add to your journey(BTW, the 2D game developed in this series is based on the Flappy Worms game available on Google Play).What are students saying about this course?AWESOME!!!!!! This tutorial is clear and easy to understand. You have explained everything perfectly and I had no problems at all as well as in the last few tutorials. I have got to understand about developing games and I love it.- The video has very good graphic's quality- The sound is clear- You speak nice a slow which makes me understand everything really easily- This tutorial is really for the very beginners and I have learned new thing without problems at all.PS: I was trying to search tutorials like this for weeks and now I found your videos, You won't even believe how proud am I because I would like to be a software or a game developer. Sorry for my English, but I am still learning. Thank You ! BlenderModeling CZ"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Game Development using Unity - Part II" |
"This course continues the development of the 2D game from the free Intro to Game Development using Unity - Part I course and you'll learn how to use more of the powerful built-in capability that Unity has by adding exciting features to your game.Physics, particle systems, audio, animations, scoring - these topics may seem complex, but the step-by-step approach in this this course makes them easy to understand. You'll be flying the bird with simple taps (mouse clicks) to catch the worm, and avoid colliding with other game objects along the way.Most of the scripting to implement these advanced features is done with just a few lines of code! Once you're finished with this super fun course, you'll be fully prepared to understand the vast amount of documentation and tutorials available on Unity to take your game development skills to the next level if you choose to do so.(BTW, the 2D game developed in this series is based on the Flappy Worms game available on Google Play)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Build a Personal Buffer & Stay Out of Debt" |
"The goal of these tutorials is to help you direct cash to places that improve your financial life, even before taking steps to increase your earnings.Each lecture comprises a video tutorial explaining the reasoning behind a particular step and your next action.You are also provided with templates and a done for you calculator to enable you to speed up your progress. Plusexamples of how to use them.The aim of this course is to give you an overview and a structure to start taking back control of how your money flows in and out of your life.Money management is an ongoing process and improves over time. Many people just do not know where to start and are overwhelmed by financial jargon. This course moves youfrom the starting blocks, in plain English, without drowning you in toomuch information.I believe that if you followallthe steps in this course there is no reason you won't make back the cost of the course' and more, in savings and ""hidden"" cash."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Steps to Success. Goals, dreams and your future in 100 days." |
"Do you haveunfulfilled dreams? Goals that you have yet to achieve? Have you been struggling to achieve your goals for some time? Do you dream of a happy and fulfilling life but are struggling to get there? Have you been struggling foryearsand you don't know what's holding you back. or have you just decided on what you future is going to be and want to get there. fast?If you want to change and have the happy and fulfilling life that at the moment you are only dreaming about then you will increase you chances of arriving at your futurewiththe support of a coach.Take control and take action toto achieve your future.Simple steps to focus you on what you really wantA verysimple plan that will mean that you canachieve your future.High quality lessons andsupporting toolsthat take you to where you want to beSteps to Success is a coaching programme. I'mBridget Marchi and I'ma professional executive coach with over 25 years of experience on working with individuals to achieve their goals. I haveworked with people from all walks of life, with many different goals and who are tackling different barriers to success. With support and guidance they have found their way and you can to.This course is a coaching programme that,regardless of what you want to achieve,large orsmall will support you to achieve your success. Have you gotone goal or many?Steps to Success givesyou the tools that you need and byasking you powerful questions unlocksyour future.This programme gives you the tools that mean that, with just 5 minutes a day that you spendanswering a question and planning your day, you can achieve your goalshowever short of time you are.Like you I have dreams and goals that I amworking to achieve and Iusemyown programme to fuel mysuccess and Ishares some of myexperience along the way as well as bringing you inspirational stories and thought provoking quotes to inspire you to achieve.Steps to Success is a tried andtested programme that will support you as you bring about your change for your future and I look forward to welcoming you onboard."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Hair Up with Celebrity Hairdresser Charlotte Murray" |
"In this course students will learn how to prepare hair for styling, and how to executesixhair-up styles.The course is suitable for novices and professionals alike, whether you have been styling hair for years, or you just want the perfect up-do for a special occasion.Watch as celebrity hairdresser Charlotte Murray instructs and aids our model, Natasha, in styling her own hair.The course consists of six styles:Ballet BunChignonClassic PonytailFaux BobHalf up Half DownOn the Side Vintage StyleTo complete this course you will need ahairdryer, abarrel brush, apaddle brush,hair ties,hair pins,clips,a tailcomb, small rubber bandsandhair-styling products including volume spray, hairspray and shine spray to finish. We recommend Redken products, available at Charlotte Murray Salon.All videos are available for download."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Angstfrei & sicher durchs Leben: Selbstschutz & Verteidigung" |
"Stell dir vor, du gehst spt abends durch einen einsamen Teil deiner Stadt. Du bemerkst, dass eine offensichtlich angetrunkene Person dich aggressiv verfolgt. Was machst du? Und httest du etwas tun knnen, um diese Situation gar nicht erst entstehen zu lassen?Fr Frauen und Mnner aller Altersgruppen stellt sich die Frage: Wie schtze ich mich effektiv gegen bergriffe und Gewalt? Viele denken sofort daran, einen Kurs in Selbstverteidigung zu belegen -doch das wre zu kurz gedacht. Ein wirksamer Schutz besteht aus viel mehr als aus einzelnen, voneinander getrennten bungen.Vielmehr muss der Selbstschutz-Kurs ein ganzheitliches Konzept aus mentaler Vorbereitung, Risikovermeidung und einfach auszufhrenden Techniken der Selbstverteidigung bilden.Im Selbstschutz-Kurs von SurviCamp lernst du dieses Konzept kennen und verinnerlichen. Der Kursbehandelt diese Themen:Tter-Opfer-Beziehung & Risikofaktoren:Wie vermeide ich es, zum Opfer zu werden?Selbstverteidigung:Was bringt den grten Effekt mit geringstem Aufwand?Einsatz von Alltagsgegenstnden &Waffenzur VerteidigungMentale VorbereitungKrpersprache &Stimmeprventiv einsetzenDu lernst diese Techniken von Daniel Schfer,einem ausgebildeten Einzelkmpfer (Bundeswehr), Kriminalkommissar und Kampfsportler (Judo, Karate, Jiu-Jitsu, Nahkampf, Waffentraining), der heute als zertifizierter Trainer und Coach arbeitet."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Natural Raw Food Diet For Dogs & Cats (a Training Series P1)" |
"This video training course is a LIVE RECORDING and part of Nikki'sthree day workshop. The course is aimed at those who wish to gain full education on natural pet diet and nutrition and how to safely make the switch fromprocessed pet foodonto a raw food diet.The course goes into detail about how toprovide the optimum nutrition through feeding a raw, species appropriate diet to dogs and cats, which pet foods to avoid, the correct onesto give, how much, how often and how to make further money savings on lifetime pet care bills by feeding a raw and natural diet.Includes extra bonus training on Natural DogWhispering Methods and a special bonus video from Udemy Instructor, Barry Mapp, all about dog poo which is a MUSTSEE!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"5 Tips for Creating a Powerful Online Lesson" |
"The course, 5 Tips for Creating a Powerful Online Lesson, utilizes 5 powerful tips to enhance online lessons that engage students. You will gain ideas to put together lesson plans for your online course. Engage in 5 web tools that inspire creativity among you and your students. Gain special access to tutorials on using the web tools, and explore samples that demonstrate how to use the web tools in an online and face to face classroom environment. This course is for novice or veteran educators whod like to inject online learning elements into their educational environments, or for EdTech instructors whod like to take a different look at teaching."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn Modern JavaScript: Getting Started" |
"JavaScript has changed and matured since its humble beginnings in 1995. One of the originalgoals ofJavaScriptin those early years was to make it easy for beginners. That goal has made it accessible for all types of people. However, this has also meant that JavaScript has been taught and learned incompletely by many.In Learn Modern JavaScript:Getting Started, you are taught the fundamentals of JavaScript the right way. We won't skip topics. Some topics may seem more advanced, but that is because they are crucial to a complete grounding of JavaScript. Most importantly, you are taught the why, not just the what and how.This course contains 12sections, 113different topics, over 13 hours of video tutorials, 12 exercises and everything you need for the proper grounding in JavaScript.If you are ready to jump into the world of JavaScript or you want to increase you new found skills,this course is for you!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Create a vSphere 6.0 VCP Lab with VMware Workstation" |
"NOTE - I have created a new version of this course for vSphere 6.7!! I strongly recommend that course vs. this one. You may have issues finding the files for this version. Search Udemy for vSphere 6.7 Home Lab to find it. My new course can be used to create a Home Lab for vsphere 6, 6.5, or 6.7.This course will walk you through the process of creating a vSphere 6 lab on your home computer. You'll learn how to use VMware Workstation, and will create multiple virtual machines.When you are done you will have a completely functional vSphere 6 lab environment, complete with a router, domain controller, virtual NAS device, and multiple ESXi hosts. You will also have vCenter deployed, and will be able to launch the vSphere Web Client and manage your environment.The course is about 40 minutes in length, but if you are following along at home the process to completely build your Home Lab should take about two hours."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Clear and Simple VMware NSX 6.2 and vSphere Virtual Networks" |
"Are you looking for NSX Training? Do you want to learn from an experienced trainer who makes complex concepts simple and easy to understand?I am a VMware Certified Instructor who has taught thousands of hours of live training directly for VMware.Most lectures in this courseare 5 - 15minutes long. A few deeper topics are slightlylonger.This course gives you a complete understanding of NSX concepts.So join me in becoming anNSX Guru today!VMware NSX is the most disruptive network technology in recent memory. Demand for employees who understand NSX will continue to grow as the product reaches maturity.This course is designed to help you understand all of the concepts behind NSX. We'll start at the very beginning, and learn basic networking. If you are a vSphere Administrator with a limited networking background this will be a huge help.We'll then learn about the networking tools included with vSphere Enterprise Plus, including Standard and Distributed virtual switches. Basicconcepts such as port groups and VMkernel ports will be explained in a clear and simple manner. We'll also look deeper into the feature set, covering topics like Private VLANs, Port Mirroring, and Network I/O Control.NSX will be covered in a few different sections. First we'll learn the basics about NSX objects, and differentiate the Management, Control, and Data Planes. From there we'll dig deep into switching and routing functions within NSX. We'll also cover security, and how NSX can provide microsegmentation. I'll explain how Service Composer can be used to provide third party integration. And we'll look at Cross-vCenter NSX, which was released with NSX 6.2.This course will also help you prepare for the VMware VCP exam. The new VCP-NV 2019 Certification can be achieved by passing the NSX 6.2 exam that this course is based on. In order to take the VCP6-NV exam you will need to complete some course requirements from VMware as well. Be sure to check those out as you prepare to get certified."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Transforming Your Passion Into a Business" |
"This course will guideyou on how to transform yourpassioninto a business. We all have a special gift that we know how to do so well, and enjoy doing it.Through this course, you will learn how to manage and perfect it, and I will provide you strategiesyou willneed to transform it intoa lucrative business.No matter your age, you can still achieve your dreams and aspirations. We've allexperienced challenges that made it difficult for us to pursue our passion. However, by remaining focused you can achieve them.You will learn how to gradually transform what makes you happy or content, into a profitable business. We will cover everything from ""Learning the business you are passionate about to LowCost Marketing Ideas"".Enjoy this course and best of luck!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Artisan Sourdough Made Simple" |
"Master the ancient art of baking with a wild yeast leaven to create nutritious, delicious and beautiful sourdough breads.Learn how to make and manage your own leaven and bake genuine artisan sourdoughs with surprisingly little effort. Follow step-by-step video instructions from expert artisan bakers Complete six authentic sourdough bread projects Get the sourdough taste and texture youve always wanted, from mildly tangy to truly tart- and, if you like it that way, properly holey! Discover the trick of fitting slow dough into the fastest lifestyles! Learn a wonderfully simple sourdough routine thats good for you, body and soul. Hand-made sourdough bread is real bread. Its better for your body, thanks to its low GI, and the way fermentation modifies gluten, making it easier for your gut to digest, while making nutrients in the flour more bio-available. Its also good for your soul. A freshly baked artisan sourdough on the table is guaranteed to warm anyones heart - and the good news is that you can easily do this every day. Content and overview Our practical course is designed to give you crystal clear instructions on how to build beautiful, sourdough bread-baking into your everyday life. No stress, no fuss. Just a simple, 5-minute routine. We start by explaining what a natural, wild yeast starter (leaven) is, and exactly how to make and look after your own. Creating the starter takes about 1 minute a day for 5 days, but after that you can keep it going for the rest of your life. Once your starter is established, youre ready to begin the first of our six authentic sourdough projects. Each one gives you an insight into a different technique, a different flour, or ways to incorporate other ingredients. Together, they build your knowledge and experience of key sourdough principles such as leaven use, hydration, fermentation and retardation. Whether its a crackling baguette, a fragrant thyme and olive bread or a rich walnut rye, we aim to give you enough knowledge and confidence to regularly bake all your own sourdough breads for yourself with virtually no effort at all. Here are a few of our favourite 5 star testimonials from our other courses:I gave five stars because the genuine enthusiasm of Penny and Dragan is so infectious, and all the various aspects are explained and demonstrated in such an easy to follow manner. I felt drawn in and couldn't wait to get a starter going. I'm looking forward to the time when I have rocked & rolled & chafed and, hopefully, ended up with a lovely smooth ball of dough - like the one that Dragan cradled in his hands so affectionately. Looks a little like play dough for grown-ups. George.E. MorleyPenny and Dragan removed the mystique surrounding sourdough and made it very ""do-able."" Really love the FAB recipe! Bobby OllarThe bonus too is they show the stages of dough development clearly and this was something I struggled to understand before this course. They keep it simple as bread baking should be. I'm really looking forward to more courses. Julia BileckiDragan and Penny! Thank you for putting together such an awesome course. Incredible support, you know what you are talking about. Very insightful course. I really learned a lot, all of the additional advice/tips very helpful and useful. All the best for you. Marcelo AriattiThe videos are priceless! AdenWhy not check out the promo video and the free lectures for yourself?"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso completo de Lgica de Programao e Algoritmos" |
"OCurso Online de Lgica de Programao o primeiro treinamento para quem deseja ingressar no mundo da TI. Na verdade, voc utiliza a lgica para tudo em seu dia-a-dia. Quando prepara o seu caf, voc utiliza lgica. Quando voc vai escola, utiliza lgica. E at para investir em um curso na Becode voc utiliza lgica.Enfim, utilizamos lgica para quase tudo em nossas vidas, nada mais justo que utilizarmos tambm para a rea de TI. Voc ver que todos os assuntos relacionados a TI obrigatoriamente utilizam conceitos e prticas que sero lecionadosdurante este curso:Voc precisadesenvolver um site, lgica de programao;Um software, precisa de lgica de programao;Aquele relatrio sensacional no Excel, lgica de programao;Um aplicativo mobile para o seu chefe/cliente acessar a qualquer momento, de qualquer lugar precisa de lgica de programao!Ou seja, para voccrescer e evoluir dentro do enorme universo que a TIabrange, necessrio que voc possua uma excelente base de conhecimentos sobre lgica de programao, o qual o objetivo principal deste treinamento!"
Price: 459.99 ![]() |
"Diastasis Recti Recovery System" |
"Diastasis Recti is a common core injury that causes pain, discomfort, and possiblysome serious health problems. This course is designed to help you learn recovery techniques torecover from thisinjury, as well as learn and review techniques to improvegeneral core health.This course includes 10 Modules, starting with self-diagnosis, charting progress, learning the therapy systems that help improve chance of recovery, and modifications for daily activities and fitness. From beginning to end, thiscourse takes six weeks to complete. However, it is recommended that if the injury is not recovered in the six week period, that the student continues reviewing and revisiting the modules until he or she has passed through the testing in Module 9.This all-encompassing system will help you recover and repair safely from Diastasis Recti,without stopping your life.Diastasis Recti can occur in any pregnancy. It also occurs in Olympic or Crossfit style weight lifters, and people who have gained weight in their midsection. All of these injuries may occur for different reasons, but the outcome appears the same; a separation of the abdominal wall down the vertical line. Diastasis Recti can leave the abdomen appearing swollen. A person with Diastasis Recti can also suffer from digestive discomfort and back pain.It can occur up near the ribcage, around the navel, or close to the pelvic floor. Some injuries occur from top to bottom. Some are a centimeter of width, while some push the walls completely into the sides of the body. Some are shallow injuries, and some are very deep.The important part is to recognize that there is an injury, and then take the measures to heal it.Some students of my systems have Diastasis Recti thatcloses completely in a couple of weeks. Sometimes, it takes a bit longer. Many factors are involved, such as adherence to the guidelines of healing, herniation of the umbilical cord or intestine, and extent of injury. The important part is to decide to take precautions necessary in healing, to continue practicing, and to see a medical professional if hernia is a possibility. Even if there is a hernia present, this course will help the student in recovering the muscles around the hernia, which makes any necessarymedical intervention less invasive.As an expert in the field, I am here to guide you through the process of healing your core and recovering from Diastasis Recti. Start this journey with me and take a few minutes a day to focus on your healing. It will make a big difference in your core health, strength, posture, breathing, and functional movement."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Credit Analysis, Repair & Travel Hacking - Reward Points Way" |
"This course will not only help you analyze your credit and repair/improve it but also completely change your perspective about Credit Card Reward Programs. You will soon have you Credit Score soaring & find yourself taking advantage of the BESTshopping deals, Premium Hotel Stays and Handsome $$ Cashback. The techniques in this course will help anyone with reasonable monthly credit card spending to stretch every $$ they spend much further than they ever thought possible. Guaranteed!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollo Web con Spring Boot - De Cero a Ninja" |
"Bienvenido al curso ms nuevo y completo de desarrollo con Spring Framework 4.3!En este curso aprenders a crear aplicaciones web desde cero, entendiendo perfectamente lo que estshaciendo en todo momento. Aprenders a diferenciar todas las capas del lado del servidor, de quse encarga cada una y cmotrabajan juntas. Todo con laconfiguracin ms nueva mediante SpringBoot y sus starters. Spring Security conanotaciones Java, Hibernate con Spring Data JPA yQueryDSL, etc... Tambin veremos diferentes mdulos muytiles en proyectos profesionales como Spring Batch, Spring Rest, etc...Tanto como si eres nuevo en este mundillo como si vienes de otros frameworks y quieres reciclarte, estecurso te permitir integrarte en equipos reales de desarrollo, desde un punto de vista prctico.Ms de 3000 alumnos de 36 pases,ms de 400 valoraciones con 5 estrellas:Rodrigo Daz ""He llegado al final del curso (aun me falta completar la tarea de jHipster y todo eso), pero quiero indicar que he quedado maravilladsimo con el contenido y presentacin de ste. Soy un ingeniero informtico con aos de experiencia desarrollando pero que por variados motivos no haba podido meter mis manos en Spring. Intent seguir algunos tutoriales sueltos por ah pero nada me serva mucho, y adems el 90% de ellos son un tpico ""Hola Mundo"". Este curso va demasiado ms lejos de lo esperado. Las explicaciones de los pasos son las suficientes. Ni muy por encima ni muy profundas para no perder tiempo. Encontr correcta primero la presentacin de las ideas en la primera parte y despus borrar casi todo para empezar casi desde cero con una aplicacin real y que adems tuviese los agregados de la seguridad, REST, etc para no quedarse en un simple CRUD. Tambin encontr que el haber ido ""ms rpido"" en dicha segunda parte (y hacer lo mismo que el instructor hacia en el mismo momento que lo deca) hizo que me forzara a seguir y entender rpido lo que iba haciendo, como sucede en el trabajo real cuando no tienes mucho tiempo para digerir 100% lo que haces. De verdad muy satisfecho con el curso. Me sent como viendo una serie de Netflix en que al finalizar un captulo (clase en este caso) te da una comezn por ver el siguiente captulo(clase) pero claro, hay que dormir tambin xD 5 estrellas no le hacen suficiente mrito, deberan ser 10 y doradas, no verdes :D""Miguel Suarez ""Para empezar nunca haba logrado entender el concepto de Spring, y ya haba tomado otros cursos en youtube y no senta que me explicaran bien y paso a paso todo, con este curso y con el brillante tutor que lo imparte todo esta mucho ms claro. Lo recomiendo ampliamente.""Francisco Javier Torres Siles""El curso es excelente, el profesor es muy claro, la importancia de lo que ensea es relevante, se nota que conoce muy bien la materia y est al pendiente de respondernos a nuestras inquietudes. Lo recomiendo quienes quieren aprender Java Spring Web MVC este cursos les dar las bases ms slidas y bastas que puedan encontrar en Internet.""Ariel Duarte""El curso me pareci excelente, muy actualizado con respecto a otros cursos de Spring, en mi opinin personal podra decir que dentro de los pocos cursos de Spring en espaol este es el mejor que he visto, muy completo con todo lo necesario para hacer una aplicacin web, el profesor Miguel ngel explica todo muy bien y espero que en el futuro pueda seguir haciendo mas cursos sobre la tecnologa de Spring.""Vladimir Jose Castaeda G""Cumple con el objetivo de cada video, de manera clara, directa y sin perder tiempo.""Jose Eduardo Repiso Castro""Ya he finalizado el curso, me ha resultado muy dinmico y comprensibles sus ejemplos. El curso muy estructurado parte por parte, lo que facilita su seguimiento.""Guillermo Sanchez Arca""Te deja los conceptos muy claros, no se va por las ramas y te ensea varias maneras de hacer cada cosa. En cuanto termine este curso, buscar ms de el mismo profesor. Muy recomendado.""No Montes Alvarez""Me parece un curso muy completo, muy bien explicado con muchos ejemplos. Todos los temas impartidos estn muy bien divididos en videos de corta duracin por lo que en ningn momento se hace pesado. Al no cortar el video, se ven los errores que se comenten en el desarrollo de las aplicaciones, algo que nos pasa a todos, y esta muy bien verlos en el video y como solucionarlos.""Mr Roberto Aguilera""El curso es bastante bueno. Los temas estn bien explicados y el instructor los domina totalmente.""Maximiliano Rodrigo""La verdad que muy til, estoy aprendiendo muchas cosas nuevas.""Alan David Nungaray Becerra""Es un curso excelente para comenzar. Tiene una diccin clara y precisa. Los ejercicios son comprensibles y funcionan para entender las bases de Spring. Altamente recomendable para aprendices de habla hispana.""Andrs Garca""Bien estructurado y con claridad en los conceptos introducidos.""Emerson Torrealba""Excelente curso, muy bien explicado y de manera sencilla para entender todo""Csar Alejandro Mostacero""Una introduccin lo bastante precisa y concreta para comenzar con la idea conceptual sobre lo que posteriormente se va a desarrollar, excelente!""Da el siguiente paso en tu carrera profesional y frmate en la tecnologa ms demandada en la actualidad!Become a true Ninja Backend!---Welcome to the most complete and current course of development withSpring Framework 4.3.In this course you will learn how to create web applications from scratch understood perfectly what you do at all times. You will learn to differentiate all available layers on the server side, what each one and how to join together. All with the newest in configuration withSpring Bootand Starters,Spring Securitywith Java annotations,HibernatewithSpring Data JPAandQueryDSL, etc ... Also you see different modules, useful in professional projects likeSpring Batch,Spring Restand etc ...Whether you're a newcomer to the web world as if you come from other frameworks and want to retrain, this course will allow you to learn enough to integrate into real development teams, from the practical point of view.Become a true Ninja Backend!---"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ingls bsico para brasileiros" |
"Aprenda ingls facilmente!Eu fiz esse curso de ingls para as pessoas que no tem muito tempo para estudar mas querem falar e entender coisas bsicas em ingls para o dia a dia ou viagens para fora do pas.Nesse curso, voc ir aprender: -Come se apresentar -Como fazer um pedido em um restaurante -Como fazer compras -Como se apresentar na imigraoe no hotel -Como encontrar lugares e pedir informaes Voc tambm vai aprender nmeros, o alfabeto, cores, partes do corpo, atividades dirias, comida e bebidas, roupas, horas e datas. Os vdeos so visuais e bem claros e tem muitas perguantas para ajuda-lo entender melhor e voce no precisa saber nada em ingls para fazer o curso. Eu uso o minimo de portugues para que dessa forma voc pense e entenda em ingls."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Technical Analysis Fundamentals: Reading Stock Charts" |
"In this course you will learnhow to use Technical Analysis to read and view the charts, to help you invest and trade in stocks or any financial instrument that uses charts.You will start from the basics, learning about the stock market and different kinds of charts. Before slowly moving on to more advanced and intermediate features of Technical Analysis. Finally in the end, you will learn aboutthe different kinds of indicators and what important considerations you need to note when forming your own investing or tradingstrategy.You will seea very simple strategybeingtested it on a real stockand the results of thisstrategy!What this course offers is:An effective learning curriculum to give you a strong basicfoundation in Technical AnalysisSimple relatableexamples are given to help you understand the concepts in Technical AnalysisLectures aredelivered in a clear and concise manner and notes are providedReal world examples are used to let you see how the concepts work in theactual marketsYou will also be taught how to manage your risk and emotions, important but often overlooked points when creating a strategyYou will be shown abasic trend following strategy and you can see its performance in the actual stock marketAnd many more useful itemsThis course does not teach any trick to get rich quick nordoes not offer any 100% success rate topick stocks. You will see how money can still be madeconsistently evenwith a low success rate,as long as proper risk & money management is done.Wait no more and Signup Now to begin your Masterclass into the fundamentals ofTechnical Analysis now!!"
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNA 200-125: Introduccin a las redes - Bloque I" |
"La certificacinCCNA es un referente desde hace muchos aos utilizado en elaprendizaje de las redes, no solo esutilizado por profesionales, sino tambin por institutos, universidades, y centros educativos de referencia para iniciar a las personas en el mbito de las comunicaciones.En este primer curso os presentamos un temario desarrollado a partir de los contenidos necesarios para superarla certificacinCCNA 200-125 de Cisco(ltima actualizacin 2016) realizandounenfoque de aprendizaje y metodologa totalmente diferente. Podris entender de una manera entretenida y en poco tiempo todos los entresijos necesarios para realizar la certificacina travs de contenido audiovisual. El objetivo principales entender las redes desde un punto de vistareal y prctico, trabajando de una manera lo ms cercana posible a situaciones cotidianas de la profesin del ingeniero o tcnicode redes.Estaversin que hemos creado deCCNA 200-125 se estructura en 4 cursos. En este primer curso os enseamos las partes principales de una red. Entenderis cosas tan importantes como el funcionamiento de los protocolos, elementos de una red, Qu es una IP?o cuales son las principales diferencias entre un router y un switch."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Friendly Portuguese" |
"I invite you to study in an easy and friendly way. In this course you'll learn what you need to communicate, you don't need to learn many hard rules. Let's be practical! I will teach in a simple way the basic grammar in 25 short videos. You can read what I am teaching in portuguese and search in the dictionary for words that You do not know. Videos have some sentences in Ingls to help in your understanding. Each lesson has its homework. After you finish you will send me the homework for correction. Some exercises you can check the answers automatically. After These 25 grammar lessons. There is a section with songs, readings, sentences important ... You can vary your studies between grammar and varied lessons. I will be available in the email and on Facebook to answer your questions and help in your studies. I can help in Ingls. The most important part is the exercises and research, because only Then you'll assimilate the language."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop for Beginners: Start Your Photoshop Journey" |
"In this Photoshop for Beginners course, you're going to learn the fastest way to editin Photoshop. Not only will you learn the fundamentals, but there's also anadvanced section at the end to help with more complex editing in the program. You'll also get advanced techniques along the way!A few (kind!) words from Matt R: ""This is the best Photoshop course I have ever watched to get you from opening the software to fast results even if you just need to export layers from or slightly edit existing images......shortcuts and all the tips from experienced instructor really add to practical skills you should use every time when working with Photoshop.""Most beginners don't understand the importance of working quickly in software. I teach from a keyboard shortcut first approach to help teach Photoshop for Beginners in a practical and useful way. Interested in shaving 10-20 minutes (or more) from your projects?What's Unique About this Photoshop for Beginners Course?I've taken all of the trial and error parts from learning Photoshop as a beginner and packaged it into a course. I'm really adamant about teaching fast and effective methods. Don't think that just because you're a beginner that you can't learn the quick ways from the start.Many of the Photoshop for beginners tutorials I watchdon't always show the quickest method to get projects done. Even though there are multiple ways to get one task done, it's helpful if you can save time.I've usedPhotoshop for yearswith web design, image manipulation, social media marketing, and continue to push out Photoshop tutorials on YouTube. The trick?More work in the software = more learning! Not really a secret, huh?Olaf Z.(cool name!) says this:""I am working from time to time with Photoshop. It always takes me a lot of time to work on my photos. I thought it is too complicated to use it just once in a while and be effective. This course teaches effective methods to work with photoshop in just 3 hours.""Don't worry about the learning curve in the software. You'll understand even more than just basic skills with Photoshop for Beginners and how to effectively work in your projects.Here are some examples of what to expect in the course:Complete setup of the program from the startHow to set preferences for an efficient workflowCreating a workspace for easier navigationThe importance of keyboard shortcutsHow to save time with exportingWho is this Photoshop for Beginners Course Designed For?If you're a novice with no experience or you'vebeen hesitantto learnPhotoshop and you'reready to get started, this course is definitely for you! Even if you have some experience and are looking to be more efficient in the software, this will help.ThisPhotoshop for Beginnerscourse is madefor amateurs that have not opened Photoshop before. The tutorials are at a great pace to follow along and start mastering the software. You'll even receive updates in the future when I post new videos!What is My Software Expertise and How Can IHelp You Learn Photoshop?For almost two decades, I've learned hundreds of computer programs and I have a degree in Computer Information Systems. This has helped me teach Photoshop in the most efficient and workflow-friendly way. Photoshop for Beginners uses all of this prior experience to help you get the grasp on Photoshop --and work faster!Don't wait any longer!Join the creative community and start conquering (and only hitting the tip of the iceberg)withPhotoshop now! It truly is an amazinglypowerful piece ofediting software. Of course, you'll understand using Photoshop as a beginner and then transitioning to understanding, mastering, and perfecting your creative art."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn After Effects: A Comprehensive Course for Beginners" |
"Do You Want to LearnAfter Effects to Jumpstart Your Motion Graphics Skills?If you find yourself looking online for tutorials and other ways to learn After Effects, this course is going to compile all of the beginner's criteria and be delivered to you in a simple manner. The videos are short, to the point, and will teach you all the basics and best ways to learn After Effects efficiently!Would You Consider Yourself an After EffectsMotion Graphics Newbie?Motion graphics are a huge part of video and will take your creative skills to the next level! Learning After Effects motion graphics are top notch and not to mention anindustry leading software. Best of all, it works well with all the other programs in the Creative Cloud suite. Using Photoshop?After Effects pairs well together to integrate graphics, text, and even items like lower thirds.Have You Wanted to Learn After Effects, but the Software was Intimidating?We;ll work with the fundamentals and get the ""why"" behind much of the animation and the course material. You'll even work with projects in the course and the project files are included. Learning motion graphics will help learnAfter Effects in a way sureto boost your skill level and make you more likely to be hired if you work with video.Start Learning After Effects and Stop Thinking About It!You'll receivecontinually updated material in this Learn After Effects: A Comprehensive Course for Beginner courseand you'll learn the best way to stay up-to-date with your software. Once you learn the basics, you'll understand why to learnAfter Effects forthe most powerful visual effects software one can use.Here's a look at some of the what you'll find inLearn After Effects: A Comprehensive Course for Beginners:Critical preferences for an efficient workflow""Quick Tips""along the wayto help your understanding and faster projectsFree Third Party Plug-Ins and Software to monitor and get the best from After EffectsExtensive visual effects sectionsWorking with After Effects andother programs like Photoshop, Premiere Pro, andIllustratorBasic Color CorrectionStarting in 3D CompositionsExporting your projects in multiple formats/resolutions at once!To learn After Effects, you have to be consistent. Moving along in the software and always pursuing trying to master it. Although you can't learn absolutely everything there is to know with After Effects (because even 20courses wouldn't show it all), be confident that once you start, you'll never want to stop!This is only the beginning of mastering After Effects as a beginner. You'll be receiving updates along the way that will reinforce the fundamentals and help you to learn even more about using After Effects as a professional.If you aren't confident that you can learn After Effects with this course, rest assured that Udemy offers a 30-day money back guarantee. And, no hard feelings! Iwant to teach and help people understand. If it doesn't work for you, I hope someone else can show you After Effects."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn to use QGIS for remote sensing and map making" |
"Hello everybody. Welcome to this tutorial.I will try to guide you to analyze satellite images and to create a beautiful map .The course covers a theoretical aspect of GIS, installing GIS, downloading GIS free data from the web, importing the data in the software, creating some vector layers, manual and automatic classification of satellite images, applying some basic spatial functions and exporting the result. At the end you will be able to create a map. Hope you find it useful. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
createbook |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"c# programming language fundmental form zero to hero" |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn fighting in a day!" |
"This is the course where only the EASIEST and SIMPLEST techniques are taught which require less or no practice. Moreover, the best part is that these techniques are taken from the methods of Bruce Lee.This course consists of 15 videos which are downloadable.Finally the best part is that these techniques can be learnt without requiring any specialisation.Advantages of this course :1) Very easy techniques yet powerful2) Even an old person can learn these techniquesWhat am I going to get from this course?Training your natural awareness to increase your perception of situations.How to deal with a variety of scenariosBecome Combat ReadyImprove rapid ResponseLearn hot to Finish a Fight in SECONDSUnderstand about dynamic entryDelivering devastating StrikesUnderstanding the methods for Street FightingPositioning the body correctly, knowing where and how to standCommon attacks and how to FightControlling your attackerUnderstanding your powerInstinctive responsesLearn to protect your family and people you care aboutSituational awareness prevents problems before they startAttacking vulnerable points of the bodyConditioning your body into a weapon"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |