Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Zombie Inspiration - Live an awesome life, zombie style" |
"Zombie Inspiration is designed for people who want to be the best person they can be, but who love a laugh along the way. Taking lessons learned from self-improvement and personal developmentbooks, videos and seminars, this course bases those lessons around gross,disgustingzombies, and looks at how things they do can inspire us to become as awesome as possible. Things like setting goals, focusing, giving our all, taking action, standing out and more.A workbook is included as a back-up to the videos, but also is filled with activities, all designed to help you work towards reaching your potential.The course is divided into 10 lectures (and an introduction). Each lecture is split into sections, so that no one section will have you sitting around for too long. The course can be done at your own pace, whether that's barrelling through it in one go, or doing a lecture a day, lecture a week, whatever! Do it at your pace, but make sure you do it!Nothing happens if you don't take action!This course is designed to be a starting point, a kickstart for you to get moving towards your goals, towards living a life you desire. But you can only do it if you take action. If you don't take action, the zombies will bite your face off and then you'll be all gross and that will be the end of that!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Get Credit for Your EIN That's Not Linked to Your SSN" |
"Did you know that your business has its own credit report? This credit report that's linked to your business EIN number is not linked to your consumer credit report or your SSN. Business credit can be obtained without you providing your SSN on the credit application, so your consumer credit quality isn't a factor in approval. And you're not personally liable for the business credit you can obtain. The quality of your business credit will determine if you'll get approved for business loans, the amount you'll be approved for, and the terms you'll pay. Anybody who wants to can see your business credit including your competitors, prospects, and clients, so it's essential you manage your business credit wisely. Not only does business credit seperate your business and personal liability, but it's also one of the only ways you can obtain funding for your business if you have consumer credit issues, don't have collateral, and regardless of your collateral.This course maps out all you'll want and need to know to get credit for your EIN that's not linked to your SSN."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get Sexy! Learn Luscious Lap Dance" |
"Our kick ass, funny, and educational online videos will help you to feel more confident in your body and gain a better understanding of how to turn on your partner through touch, sight and sound. InLap Dance Level 1, you will learn to give a super sexy, oozy, delicious lap dance to your partner.Learn Everything You Need to Perform a Jaw-Dropping Lap Dance Using Sultry StripXpertease Dance Moves.Learn how to position your partnerPickout the best chairSeduce through movementMaster your facial expressionsMaster the art of seduction through movement.Women need to feel comfortable and powerful in their bodies and sexuality. The StripXperteasemoves in the class aresimple yet effective to connectyou to your inner diva.And unlike Pole classes, thismovement directly connects you to your partner. Oneon one, body to body. These moves come directly form the stripclub, combiningmy knowledge from working as an exoticdancer for ten yearsand then teachingfor 12yearsThis class is perfect for adult beginners of any fitness level and any body type. You don't need any dance experience and two left feet can learn dance too!You don't need a partner to learn these moves but it dos help to have a ""body"" to practice on. But with online lessons, you never worry about parking, weather or a sitter for the kids. Using the StripXpertease method of lap danceIwill cover what to do with your hands, and how to position his body onthe chair from his feet to his torso. The perfect chair to use in your lap dance also discussed. Eachmoveis broken down step by step in X different videos. I have also included 2 full run-throughs so that you can seehow to put it all together. If you want to woo your partner or just feel more intouch with our body and sexuality then this is the perfect lesson for you.So what are you waiting for? Close the door and put on your heels. No one will know what we do Behind Closed Doors.."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Interactive Introduction to Anthropology" |
"In this course, students will be able to explore the four subfields of anthropology (biological/physical, archaeology, linguistics & cultural anthropology)and how each relates to their life. The course consists of 5 modules, each including:- Video/Powerpoint lectures- Subfield handout highlighting the primary concepts of each module-Additional exercises to apply anthropology (critical thinking questions, TED talks, and applied exercise)-End of module quiz to test their knowledgeThe goal of this course is to introduce students to anthropology and allow the information to be applied to their life. This course is informative and fun, and a good option for anyone interested in learning the basics of the four subfield approach to anthropology!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Real Estate School of Sales" |
"When taking this course you benefit from my 21years in the real estate profession. The majority of agents quit the real estate sale profession within 24 months of starting. In this course I teach you all the things to watch out for and to glean on to make a strong start int real estate sales and how to last the distance!My sessions offered are comprehensive and tackle the day to day challenges of starting out and working through the basic you would not normally be informed about. Included in the course is my top performing prospecting letter which works really well even in the modern internet age.My course offers you 17lesson topics covering everything you need to know to launch your career. Take this course if you want to have a career that starts strong and you want to make a long term career in the industry with points you will remember for years to come."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Como Investir no Tesouro Direto para Iniciantes [2020]" |
"O cursoComo Investirno Tesouro Direto para Iniciantes ensinar o passo-a-passo para sair da poupana e investir em ttulos do Tesouro Nacional. Este investimento atualmente o mais seguro do pas, com rentabilidades superiores poupana e aos planos de Previdncia Privada.Pela sua alta segurana e facilidade para investir ( possvel investir com apenas R$ 30,00), o Tesouro Direto ideal para quem est comeando no mundo dos investimentos, ou para quem possui pouco dinheiro para investir. possvel realizar aplicaes mensais ou peridicas, e escolher o prazo e a taxa mais adequadas aos seus objetivos.O objetivo principal que o investidor iniciante consiga, ao final do curso, entender tudo o que preciso para alcanar seus objetivos financeiros com o Tesouro Direto, atravs de um passo-a-passo com exemplos reais e prticos.Vantagens em Investir no Tesouro Direto:Investimento mnimo de R$ 30,00 ou 1% do valor do ttulo;Variedade de prazos para o resgate;Flexibilidade nos investimentos: ttulos com vrios prazos, taxas e rentabilidades diferentes;Existem ttulos que protegem da inflao;Baixas taxas de administrao;Imposto de Renda cobrado somente sobre o rendimento do investimento, e apenas no resgate dos ttulos;Liquidez diria - possvel comprar e vender em todos os dias teis;Permite aplicaes mensais; possvel fazer tudo pela internet.Neste curso, voc aprender os conceitos bsicos sobre o Tesouro Direto e o mercado financeiro, as diferenas entre os ttulos e como escolher o mais adequado para o seu dinheiro. Alm disso, voc tambm encontrar um passo-a-passo explicativo, em vdeo, sobre como comprar e vender os ttulos. Todo o contedo didtico e explicado em linguagem simples, intuitiva e direta.A grande vantagem de realizar um curso online pela Udemy a garantia da qualidade do contedo. Os instrutores passam por um rigoroso processo de aprovao antes do curso ser publicado. Ao realizar este curso, voc ter acesso a um contedo de qualidade, didtico e focado, com tudo o que voc precisa saber para investir no Tesouro Direto concentrado em um nico local!O curso contm uma srie de videoaulas, artigos e links para facilitar a sua jornada no mundo dos investimentos. Ao final do curso, voc ser capaz de escolher por conta prpria os melhores ttulos para investir, e realizar as operaes de compra e venda de maneira segura e inteligente. Ao longo do tempo, a alta rentabilidade do Tesouro Direto far seu dinheiro se multiplicar, e voc ser capaz de planejar seu futuro e realizar seus sonhos mais rapidamente graas ao poder dos juros compostos."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Dan Rather on Journalism & Finding the Truth in the News" |
"Whether youre an avid consumer of the news or just beginning your journalism career, renowned news anchor Dan Rather shares his first-hand experiences to guide you through the 21st century state of journalism.In this course, Dan teaches invaluable foundations on great writing, the essentials of telling a good story, and how to remain calm and captivating on camera useful skills for anyone fascinated by the power of the news or anyone who wants to contribute to serious journalism. Dans rich history and extensive knowledge of journalism, paired with practical, hands-on exercises, creates a unique learning opportunity and rare insight from an American legend. Dan believes that a truly free press is the beating heart of democracy and he has put this belief into practice with a career spanning over 60 years in the news industry and over 20 years as the CBS Nightly News anchor. Using stories and advice from the field, Dan peels back the curtain on what it takes to create and deliver impactful news and how this process has changed over time from the Civil Rights Movement to the 2016 election.A leader in the industry to this day, Dan Rather explains how objective truth is in peril more than ever before. Moreover, he provides actions you can take now to help ensure that journalism continues to serve its key role in a well-functioning democracy. Learn how the news is made from one of the most recognized names in journalismUnderstand the obstacles in the changing landscape of journalism and receive actionable advice for a successful journalism careerChallenge the media you consume on a daily basis to find the truth and become a much more informed consumerLearn to hunt down and break stories that will impact both your career and the future of a free pressLearn to write with the efficient elegance of a top journalist and tell beautiful, flowing stories that jump off the pageContents and OverviewAfter an introduction to Dan Rathers background youll dive into understanding the role of the free press and how thats been thoroughly altered by the involvement of corporate interests in the news business. Youll examine the role that technology has played in changing how information is relayed to the public, both good and bad, and what that means for you.Next, youll look at the differences between networks who pursue real reporting versus those who seek out ratings and youll learn how to discern between the two in what you consume and create.Youll learn how the information we consume is controlled by only a few corporations and what that means for the state of a free press.Next, Dan will share his first-hand experience of some of the biggest stories from the past 60 years, where his career and news coverage as a whole were changed by these events. Youll dive into an exercise on how to write a broadcast piece around a critical news story from your life. Dan will then help you dissect the essentials of a good interview and give you the tools of the trade for using interviews to enrich the stories you tell. Hell share stories from his own high profile interviews and what he learned. At the base of every good story is good writing. Youll learn how to write well and understand the different ways to tell a story. Next, youll learn how to speak and present (both on camera and off) with hands-on exercises to continue improving.Lastly, Dan gives you guidance on how to stay informed and shares some of the biggest lessons hes learned before signing off."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Dcouvrez InDesign en 1 heure" |
"FORMATION VOLUTIVE : Rgulirement, de nouveaux modules sont ajout cette formation ! Profitez ds maintenant du prix de lancement !InDesignest le logiciel de rfrence pour la mise en page graphique. Il vous permettra de proposer toutes sortes de documents sur tout type de support :cration de catalogues, de flyers, de rapports, daffiches, mais galement de prsentation ou de document multimdia contenant mme de la vido.Ce logiciel est doncune des bases fondamentales du graphistepuisquil permet detraiter du texteet de nombreux documents.Quest-ce que vous allez apprendre dans cette formation Indesign d'1h ?Dans cetuto vido sur le logiciel Adobe InDesign, vous serez en mesure, en 1 heure de formation, decomprendre le principe debasedInDesign. Vous apprendrez ainsi utiliser et prendre en main les diffrentsoutils et principes de base pour limpression, mais galement, vous serez en mesure de faire la diffrence entre lesmodes de couleurs colorimtriques RVB et CMJN.Le tutoriel sera galement accompagn dun exercice pour crer un rapport. Vous pourrez ainsi suivre pas pas la mise en page de ce type de document.Nous allons dbuterpas pas dans ce tutorielen vous prsentant dans un premier temps les diffrents profils colorimtriques RVB et CMJN, puis nous passerons par une prsentation des diffrents outils et principes de base du logiciel.Par la suite, nous allonscrer un rapport simple via un atelier, en utilisant les outils et les astuces vus avant.Ce tutoriel est ralis en collaboration avec Mlanie Duroux, designer UXet graphiste. Il est destin un public dbutant sur le logiciel.Suite ce tutoriel InDesign, vous serez capable de :Comprendre les modes de colorimtrieUtiliser les principaux outils de InDesignConcevoir et mettre en page un rapport avec une mise en page simpleUtiliser des styles de caractres et des styles de paragraphesUtiliser les modes de fusionsditer des documents InDesign"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sketch 3 de A Z" |
"FORMATION VOLUTIVE : Rgulirement, de nouveaux modules sont ajout cette formation ! Profitez ds maintenant du prix de lancement !Sketchest un logiciel dedesign dinterfacesqui sadresse auxwebdesignerssur Mac. Encore trs jeune, Sketch russit, pourtant, simposer progressivement auprs de la communaut desUX designerset dans de grandes socits telles queFacebook,Google,Twitter, DropboxCe logiciel est doncun outil de choix du graphiste UX/UIpuisquil permet de traiter du texte et de nombreux documents.Quest-ce que vous allez apprendre dans cette formation Sketch?Dans cetuto vido sur le logiciel Sketch, vous serez en mesure, decomprendre le principe de base de Sketch. Vous apprendrez ainsi utiliser et prendre en main les diffrents outils et principes de base pour la ralisation d'interface, mais galement, vous serez en mesure de savoir comment travailler avec les dveloppeurs.Letutorielsera galement accompagn dun exercice pour crer un interface mobile. Vous pourrez ainsi suivre pas pas la ralisation du produit.Ce tutoriel est ralis en collaboration avecFabrice Liut,designer UX. Il est destin un public dbutant sur le logiciel.Suite ce tutoriel Sketch 3, vous serez capable de :Comprendre les principes de base du design d'interfaceUtiliser les diffrents outils de Sketch 3Connatre les notions de bases pour travailler avec un dveloppeurRaliser vos premires interfaces pour mobileComprendre l'utilisation du Design System et du travail collaboratif"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Essential Leadership Skills for the New Manager" |
"Did you just take over a new leadership position, or are you about to? Is your time limited, but you need to know the essential leadership skills to make your new team successful? If so, then this course is for you. As a Colonel with 26 years active duty in the U.S. Army Infantry, I have a lot of great tips, tools, and techniques to share with you about how to take charge, establish authority, lead teams, and get things done.In this course Ill show you the key leadership skills you need to have to lead effectively, from your first meeting with your boss, to setting your vision, and organizing your team for action. By the end of the course you will have the leadership skills you need to lead your new team, and will be confident in your ability to take them where they need to go.Course Design: This course will expose you to cornerstone concepts and skills that you can apply to your work situation immediately. Most videos are short (6-8 minutes), get straight to the point, and include a down-loadable leadership guide that summarizes key action items, and shows you how to apply them wherever you work.Several assignments help you apply the course material immediately, and in a way that you can use in your own personal situation. Course Description The course is divided into five modules, each with a specific focus. The modules are arranged in a logical sequence that supports you as you take on a leadership role, from the first meeting with the boss and team, to building trust, setting team goals, and establishing a positive, productive team culture. Module 1: Get Ready Prepare for your first meeting with your boss and lay the groundwork for a successful working relationshipBoost your trust levels with your team on day one; use the six components of trust to elevate trust across your team Master simple non-verbal techniques that communicate your confidence to others Use motion to attract and hold attention, and to add power to your spoken words Downloads: New Boss Interview Guide; Building Your Trust Account Guide Module 2: Establish Authority Identify competencies where you fall short and develop a plan to get smart while developing the trust of your experts Engage with your team on that first day in a way that calms their anxieties, garners respect, earns trust, and sets a positive tone for the future Connect with teammates in a way that grows trust, reduces fear, and helps you learn where you can have the greatest impact Gain the confidence of the team with an early victory, while avoiding four common pitfalls Break out of the peer group you now have to lead by using nine proven techniques; engage the support of your friends to establish yourself in the leadership role Downloads: Building Competence Worksheet, Initial Team Meeting Guide, Teammate Interview Guide, Quick Win Planning Guide, 3. Communicate Effectively Get connected with the right network of people to strengthen your leadership position Employ passive and active approaches to open up communication within your team, lift the mood of meetings and encourage positive action in others Improve your working relationship with your boss using nine effective approaches that will quickly mark you as one of the more mature leaders on the team Downloads: Networking Checklist, Working With the Boss Accurately assess anyones motivational state based on five criteria, then use 18 action ideas to help them accomplish more and strengthen loyalty to the team Understand the pitfalls of a coercive leadership style and how you can magnify your results with a positive approach Add eight reward tools to your leadership kit that can have a greater impact than money Recognize the four stages of team development and match your leadership style for the best effect; lead in a way that accelerates your team through the stages Downloads: Hierarchy of Needs Guide, Rewarding Without Cash Guide, Team Development Guide4. Set Direction Understand the five qualities of a good vision statement, use two simple techniques to craft your own, and put it to work for your team Put the power of strong goal setting skills to work for you using five criteria that will help you and your team achieve results Build an effective plan to achieve your goals using a simple technique that produces specific, actionable tasks that your teammates can execute Delegate with clarity and efficiency so that you keep your leadership focus clear, the work gets done, and your team gets stronger Downloads: Establishing the Vision Guide, Goals Guide, Delegation Tracker 5. Build the Team "
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Surviving Twin Flame Separations and Breakups" |
"I want to save you all the time I lost trying to navigate the twin flame waters.I believe you have to go through these relationships, but the amount of time and pain you are willing to experience is up to you.I want to give you real world advice. Not airy fairy spiritual mumbo jumbo.There are so many sites out there based heavily in the spiritual airy fairy advice for twin flames, but the reality is many of us are normal people who want to live in the real world. We want families, marriage, and physical earthly relationships. We want to feel good and have partnerships that feel good, not ones only focused on growth and dealing with past life karma.I dont believe all twin flame relationships will reunite in this lifetime. There is plenty out there on the internet on how to call in your twin flame or explaining why a runner runs and some vague ideas on how to get them back.But whatif you have had enough of the craziness and are ready to move on with your life.How do you get over an intense relationship like that?How will anyone else compare to them?How can I cut off communication?How can I ignore the huge loss in my life?I want to offer you support and healing around this issue. Ive been there and made it through the other side."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Astrology: Producing and Understanding an Astrological Chart" |
"If you love astrology and want to learn how to produce an astrological chart for you and your friends, and understand what it actually says - this is the course for you.In the course you will receive a deep andthorough introduction to astrology,You will learn how to create a chart and get to know all its different ingredients.You willmake your first steps into understanding the astrological symbols and the astrologer's vocabulary: the zodiac, the elements, the planets, signs, houses and all the other necessary ""need to know""s when you read a chart.At the end of this course you would be able to create an astrological chart for you and your family/friendsand tell everybody what is their rising sign, where their moon is and much more.If you want to produce charts just for fun, or take it forward towards becoming a certified astrologer - this is the course to begin with !"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Complete Video Editing Course on FCP7 in Hindi" |
"Film and Video Editing is an upcoming and popular career option, this is a key role in the post-production process. As a film or video editor, you'll be responsible for assembling recorded raw material into a finished product that's suitable for broadcasting. In this course i will teach you how to Convert raw footage & edit it using FCP7. I will also teach you how to Colour correct your video, how to do Voice over recording, timecode generating, chroma keying, applying Cinemascope filter etc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Guitar Course - ""Try it and love it"" method" |
"This is a to the point guitar course that will help you learn 2 rock classics. Unlike other courses Barnabas shows you how to play the refrain of an actualsong before going into any theory. This way, you'll get to try and hopefully love playing the guitar before you even know the fundamentals. The reason whythis isimportant is that weneed to love and be enthusiastic about what we master. Learning takes lots of practice and you need to have that initial good experience that cancarry you through the journey.The course consists of 15HD videos from Barnabas Nagy, lead guitarist and singer-songwriter of the rock band Lookingdoor."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Python para Android, iOS, Win, Linux e Mac - Desde o Bsico" |
"DO BSICO AO PROFISSIONALApenas um curso com tudo o que voc precisa! Quer se tornar um programador, entrar no mercado de trabalho ou desenvolver softwares autorais? Aprenda nestecurso completodePythoneKivydesde algica da programao,orientao a objetos,banco de dadosat odesenvolvimento de aplicaes profissionaispara desktop e/ou dispositivos mveis Android, iOS, Windows, Linux e MacOSX e sua comercializao em lojas de apps:AppStoreeGooglePlay. Por ser destinado tanto para quem queraprender uma nova linguagemou mesmo asbases da programao, quanto para quem deseja se tornar umprofissional da rea, atravs de umadidtica claraeobjetiva, o curso ensina: INICIANTEFundamentos Iniciais;Conceitos Bsicos;Lgica da Programao;Linguagem Python em sua verso 3x.INTERMEDIRIOOrientao a objetos;Estudo de Algoritmos;Desenvolvimento modular;Padres de projetos.PROFISSIONALAmbientes Virtuais(Virtualenv e Anaconda);Construo de janelas grficas(Kivy);Linguagem SQL e banco de dados relacional(SQLite e MySQL);Controle de Versionamento de Cdigo(Git);Framework ORM(SQLAlchemy);Manipulao de linguagens de marcao(XML/JSON/HTML);Integrao com servios de mensagem(envio de torpedo e Telegram);Integrao com a Nuvem(Firebase);Sincronizao de dadosem tempo real entre vrios dispositivos.Atravs de aulasamplamente ilustradas,que apresentam a teoria e a prtica por meio deexemplosecdigos simpleseeficazes, ao longo dos estudos tambm sero construdaspequenas aplicaesde aprofundamento e em sua concluso ser desenvolvido umaplicativo profissional, constitudo decadastrosefuncionalidades,compartilhamento automtico de dadosentre dispositivos e plataformas,recursos de disco,uso de perifricos, etc.Tudo isto com apenas um nico cdigo e executveis nativos! Portanto, este curso foi projetado para quem desejaconhecer os fundamentos da programaodesde a sua lgica, para quem desejaaprender Python, uma linguagem simples, que disponibilizamilhares de pacoteseampla documentao, bemcomo para quem desejadesenvolver aplicativos profissionaispor meio de diversas tecnologias e atravs doKivy, um frameworkmultiplataforma, rpido, estvel e gratuito. Se este um dos seus objetivos, desde jseja muito bem-vindo!"
Price: 519.99 ![]() |
"Slavery to Success Graduate Course" |
"This course explores the thoughtprocesses, tools, and strategies used by millionaires around the world to attain financial freedom,and explains how you can use them in your everyday life to develop wealth of your own. Learn andmaster the same strategies and habits used by the wealthy to develop passive income streams and attain financial freedomCreateand usea financial statement to chart your financial courseStartyour own small business and get out of the rat raceCreatesteady passive income streams using assetsMoney is something we all have to learn how to manage. Some people do it better than others. Have you ever wondered what the truly successful do differently than everyone else?Well-known millionaires like Warren Buffet and Robert Kiyosaki use simple and timeless blueprints for creating wealth. This course is structuredto provide you witha game planfor creating the same kind of success in your life, regardless of your current situation. Changing our habits can be a daunting process, and it's almost impossible to do alone! Through video instruction and practical application, this course will help you gain the patterns andskills you needto take your financial development to the next level."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Database 12c Introduction to SQL/" |
"125 30 061 100% 061 071 ... . ."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Certified Reiki Level I for Children, Young Adults & Parents" |
"Learn ReikiLevel I,a universal energy used throughout the world, includinghealing centres and hospitals, such as Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital in London, England.Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritualself-improvement,thatrestores emotional, physical and mental balance to ourbodies, minds and souls, itstimulates the immune system and our ownnatural healing abilities.Reiki is amazing for babies, toddlers and teenagers, they are very intuitive and particularly receptive to Reiki energy. Once they have learn how to perform self-reiki, the treatmentsworktorelieve stress and anxiety andhelpwith personal growth and development, such as learning difficulties, temper tantrums, unexplained fears, sleep problems, injuries and anypain they may be experiencing. When children have experienced traumas from loss, a move, abuse or exhibit depression or behavioural problems then Reiki can help.Reiki helps children to transition through the stages of life, through puberty, adolescence, into adulthood as it reduces stress, anxiety and fears.As reiki relieves stress, it is a good idea toeither perform self-reiki prior to any tests or exams to calm, ground and balance the child, to reduce fear and worry. For Teenagers it helps them with:Self confidence and communication issuesBalancing emotions, feels of anger, sadness, anxiety or shynessWhen going through PubertyWhen taking Exams or life tests, such as Driving LessonsRelationship problemsDiscovering their Life PurposeLearning self-reiki as young as possible can be truly life forming and provide children with excellent grounding, coping and relaxing skills that they can use throughout life."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Practical Fundamental Basics in Creating Revit Families" |
"In 2D Autocad, you could work with no dynamic blocks or even blocks. In 3D BIM Revit, you simply cannot start your revit project without knowing how to create your own parametric revit families. A Revit Project is a compilation of items, called Revit Families. This course Practical Fundamental Basics in Creating Revit Families shows you the important fundamental basics, lecture by lecture .. in creating your own parametric Revit Families. Learn & understand these fundamental basics (types, instances, reference plane, work plane, creation forms, locks, visibility settings, parameter type.. etc.) through detailed step by step instructional videos demonstrating How-To create a DOOR & WINDOW, 2 of the most common revit families. Apply these important fundamental basics will enable you to start your journey in creating your own parametric revit families .. start working on a revit project & move ahead.This training course is structure into Sections w/ Lectures. The Revit Family File (if any)required for the specific lecture can be downloaded from url link in the 'resource available'folder. Browse Sections & Lectures in a sequential manners .. lecture by lecture will be the most efficient way to learn. If you choose to skip earlier Sections or Lectures, you could download the Revit Family File (if any)required for the specific lecture from url link in the 'resource available'folder, and start learning from the Section or Lecture you preferred and moved onwards ..Note:All completed revit families covered in this course can be downloaded to try-it-outfromMY personal revit bim website (refer toInstructor Biography)..even before you taking this course. Searchkeyword'udemy' ..Gotry it out ! andTAKE THIS COURSEto learn how to create your own parametricrevit families .."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Ready For a New Location? Move! Here's How." |
"Hello Dear Students,In considering all the topicsI'm able to teach, moving has to be one I've the most experience with. And it's said that for most, moving is akin to loosing a job, or even a death in the family as to how much havoc can be inserted into your life.In this course, it's my job to helpminimize that distress for you, and perhaps your family as well, should you have one. Along the way, I'll be giving you real life, international stories of what I've done in particular situations.If you're just trying to get out of your small town and start a life somewhere else, I can help. If you're ready for a new city, for any particular reason, I can help. If you need help prioritizing all of the important issues going into this move, I can also help with that.As for myself; I was born in Alaska, raisedaround the world, but most of myformative years werein Hawaii. Later,we moved to Sacramento CA as a young teenager.Joined the Navy at 18. After my service,I moved to San Francisco, then Seattle, then Prague- The Czech Republic. Then on to Valencia Spain, Costa Rica (Tamarindo and San Ramon), Portland Oregon. After building off-grid at 6000'on Mt. Shasta, in CA, I spent 6 months in a small motorhome driving over much of the country,with my two dogs before settling in Austin TX, in a home on a lake.The point of the above is to show you I know the feeling of dread that can be associated with a move. It's to your advantage to turnthat anxietyinto excitement!Some examples of what's in the course:running from or going to?zeroing in on a cityidentifying your needs and wantsdetermining potentialsmaking contactmanners for successputting it all togetherefficiency firstmaking the movePlus a lot more... As mentioned-I've got some greatinternationalstories for you. Almost all of them had to do with not surprises that I couldn't have foreseen- this brings us to your attitude and just how very important that is- both in process and execution.If you're unhappy where you are, and really want to get of there and build your life elsewhere, make sure your leaving your discontent in your old location.Be open to feeling different, because you will- and hopefully it's:happy. Remember, one way or another, you are moving- might as well make it a move up, a move for the better-right?My best to you all,Andrew D. Moore"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tips for Better Skateboarding- Excel Faster!" |
"Hello Fellow Rider,""In 2002, in this country, there was an observation that for the first time in America, more kids were actively pursuing skateboarding than baseball."" Stephen BaldwinMy name's Andrew Moore and I first started skateboarding in Hawaii as a kid- the first thing I wanted to do was to go as fast as possible. This desire led me to many painfullessons along the way. Let me help you hack your learning curve.:)Skated; Hawaii, Sacramento, San Francisco, Philippines, Hong Kong, Milwaukee, San Diego,Reno, Portland OR, Seattle, Prague, Valencia Spain, Barcelona, Costa Rica, and most of the skateparks north of Santa Cruz CA, through Oregon and Washington,to the Canadian border.In this course I outline some of the tips and techniques that I've learned over the years. There have been many times when I've been able to help kidsskateparks, skate better. That's what I want to do here.Topics include:basics of how to adjust your trucksprinciple of weight/unweightbreathing betterexcelling fasterstaying on tophow to roll when you fallyears of insights and storiesthe value skateboarding has given to mylifemy love and appreciation for the art andcultureIt's my wish to keep expanding this, and all of my courses. There are many people I'd love to interview, for example...If youever a question,do not hesitate to ask- I love to help.Best wishes and smooth streets,Andrew"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Breakthrough the Barriers of Fear to a More Confident Life" |
"One hour is standing between you and a life of living your dreams. Do the interior work to manifest the exterior. Start today! This could be the most important hour you spend this week. Free yourself from what is holding you back.What is it your anxiety or fear? Fear of public speaking, taking examinations, making decisions, changing jobs, or ending a relationship? Or is your life going along perfectly and you fear it will change for the worse? Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone? You will learn to embrace and face your anxieties. This course will guide you through a series of exercises, practical techniques and coping skills that you will participate in. Learn how to let go of negative programming, experience more happiness and make your dreams a reality. It will take courage on your part, but, I am here to guide you and encourage you. There is a downloadable workbook that accompanies the course.Learn about the power of your sub-conscious mind. It is a gold mine! Discover the ancient Egypt Law of Polarity and put it to work for you. Explore your anxietiesand learn to trust and have faith in yourself. Create a detailed vision and use it in a powerful visualization exercise. Practice eleven different coping tools and techniques. Learn a simplemeditation. Experience the difference between avoiding fears and embracing fear. Stop procrastinating about your dream life and create an action plan to move forward. Create your own real-life coping skills. Understand the power of your words and begin to use affirmations. At the end of this course you will: Unleash the power of your sub-conscious mind and be aware of how your thoughts manifest into your life. Learn to identify your anxietesand ways to overcome them. Have an action plan with goals to move forward. Create a detailed vision to overcome your fears. Generate a Tool Box of 11 different tools and techniques to face your anxieties. Be prepared with real-life coping skills. Be ready to face your fears with confidence."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Certificate in Digital Marketing" |
"What makes this program specialUnlike other courses, the Lowercase Academy Digital Marketing Training Program is based on the methods, practices and strategies used by theworlds most successful online entrepreneurs.Its aPRACTICAL coursewith easy to follow online video sessions, showing you exactly what to do and how to do it.Noprevious marketing or technical experience required. Even the trained and seasoned digital marketer will find plenty of value-adding tips to create a complete and successful online marketing strategy.This program offers aTIME EFFICIENTlearning experiencing, meaning, you only need to spend a few minutes a day to learn and then put your knowledge into practical use.How it worksThe online training program is a high-impact course consisting of easy-to-follow instructional video sessions.Its highly recommended to follow the program in chronological order, as sessions are built on one another. Each session assumes that the knowledge provided in the prior section are attained and fully comprehended.SUPPORTwill be provided throughout the program and will assist on topics covered in this course.Why choose us The digital marketing training program was designed, based on the methods and practices of the worlds most successful online entrepreneurs and millionaires. Youll learn these proven tactics, methods and exactly how to implement these in your own career and business.The Digital Marketing Training Program:presented by Barry la GrangeBarry is the founder and CEO of Lowercasedigital agency with 10 years experience in the online industry; is working with global corporate clients in the areas of Search Engine Optimization; Web Content Management and Digital Marketing Consultation.I started to incorporate these methods and practices into my own ventures and agency and it transformed my business Barry"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SAT Practice Test: Watch Me Solve! (official 2016 new test)" |
"If you're tired of struggling to decipher the explanations provided by the SAT test makers, then this course is for you. I don't know about you, but sometimes it seems to me like they don't even want you to understand the explanations!I created this course with that exact problem in mind. This course allows you to watch me solve these problems in the time required - or less - with easy-to-understand explanations as I go.I've tutored for nearly 10 years now, so I understand the struggles that most students have. It is my goal to break down each question into easily-digestible pieces that allow you to solve the problem quickly, skillfully, and with confidence. This course is perfect for students who have done some studying but are looking for something to take them to the next level. This course will teach you to be faster, make you aware of the 'tricks' and shortcuts, and give you the confidence you need to succeed on the SAT.Disclaimer: These videos demonstrate me solving problems to an Official 2016 SAT Practice Test. These questions are not my own, and I did not write them. They can be found online on the SAT website."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Cat essentials: Litter box" |
"Hello & meow!My name is Constance and I am a professional cat therapist.Booh, there is pooh on the couch!In this course, I tell you everything about how to create the correct toilet cirumstances for your cat. I will give you information on how these things are kept in nature (when cats live wildly) and thus, how you can adapt your home cat toilet situation best possible to fit the instincts of your cat. And sssh! I will share the secret with you, why my cat toilet (and I have 3 fellow felines!) never stinks!Additionally, I describe several common cases of litter box issues from my experience as a cat therapist and how I was able to solve them and you can solve them too! Sign up now!***********************What Udemy's quality review team says about this course:Hidden gem! Hello and meow, as instructor and cat therapist Constance Boehle says by way of introduction. In this course, she wants to help you create the correct toilet circumstances for your cat. Even if you have multiple felines living with you, Constances advice will make them happy doing their business while also keeping your home odor-free. This might be our favorite course this month!(Source: Udemy Blog Post Instructors / ""Hidden gems for November"")"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Digital kommunikasjon og digital marketing" |
"Kurs iDigital Kommunikasjon og Digital marketing passerttil engasjerte ledere og markedsfringsansvarlige ibedrifter av alle strrelser.Mine kurs er rettet spesielt motnystartede bedrifter og etablerere, samt bedrifter som trenger styrke sin markedsfrings evne.Kurser er et resultat av flere rs erfaring med varierte oppdrag.For eksempel en av mine kunder trengte ke effektivitet i et virtuelt team. Den andre nsket promotere en av sine ansatte som landets ledende ekspert p omrde. Jeg lrer mine kunder om at suksess i digital kommunikasjon avhengig av mange aspekter, blant annet av forst potensiale som ligger i forskjellige digitale kanaler. Mine kurs fokuserer p reelle problemstillinger og mulige lsninger, teori og praksis. En perfekt lsning er den som underbygger bedriftens strategi. Min bakgrunn er fra Digital Kommunikasjonsledelse, Nyskaping og Kommersialisering ved BI i Oslo. Jeg har jobbet med konsulentoppdrag innenfor business kommunikasjon, alt fra relasjonsbygging, salg og markedsfring til utvikling av hjemmesider.Dette kurset vil ta deg gjennom viktigste temaer innenfor digital kommunikasjon:Dette kurset bestr av fire moduler. Hver modul vil har opplysninger som til sammen gir deg et komplett bilde av digital marketing i praksis i dag. Modul 1 gir et overordnet oversikt over kommunikasjonsstrategi samt hva skiller salg fra markedsfring. Kursdeltagere vil lre om mekanismen som gjr kommunikasjon til et effektivt verkty for oppn virksomhetens ml. I modul 2 vil kursdeltagere gjennomg alle designelementer som er med p skape et universelt kommunikasjonsplattform, alt fra brukervennlig hjemmeside til etiske normer for bruk av kanaler. I modul 3 vil vi g gjennom temaene om annonsering p Internett: videoannonsering, SoMe annonsestrategi, bruk av SMS, e-mail markedsfring. Til slutt, modul 4 gir oversikt over strategier for integrert markedsfring p tvers av tradisjonelle og sosiale medier. Vi avslutter med case-studier fra Lexus. Velkommen!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Top 7 Secrets: How to Improve Your Business Operations" |
"Top 7 Secrets On How To Improve Your Business Operations & Increase Net Profit Course is like a magic for the any business whatever youve just started or operating for few years. Obviously nothing difficult in correct business management, but definitely a lot of business owners today simply losing their focus due to daily routine, internal problems and market change. This way is exactly current course helping your business to get right track to the general directions covering most common obstacles business owners dealing daily.Were guiding you on: Business diagnostics what will it give to you defining a problem Analysis what do you need to keep an eye on to stay competitive & profitable Strategic planning how to build a competitive strategy to move your business up Human resource management precise steps to make your team work better Selling strategies working today what are they based on? Innovation where and when your business needs to innovate Companys structure types and its efficiency Internal communication why this process is so important and how to build it right Customer care service why is this the one thing that can destroy or move your business to the TOP, and how to make it right These steps formed into TOP 7 Principles are the core for the business effectiveness and when every of these processes works right, your business operations are optimized, - which will increase a net profit as a result. Why we called it TOP 7 Secrets? because were revealing points that are really secrets for most business today, especially when these principles are up-to-day. You know that what worked 10 years ago for your business rather will give some result for your business today. Thats why our Top 7 Secrets On How To Improve Your Business Operations & Increase Net Profit Course is a set of your success recipes.What are the requirements? Any business or sole entrepreneur will find material useful and with correct application of our principles will get significant results What am I going to get from this course? Solution for the most common business problems inside, outside, marketing and management, change all right with our guidanceCourse Authors:Jim Woods Experienced Strategist, Management Consultant, CEO of JimWoods Group Lucy Kovalova Strategist, Management Consultant, Published Author, KLCGroup Founder Together were building better business coaching future within BusinessCoachingGroup Project"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Come trasformare la tua passione in un lavoro" |
"In questo corso ti suggerir una strada per costruire un lavoro su misura a partire dalle tue passioni e dai tuoi interessi. Che tipo di lavoro? Qualsiasi, purch possa svilupparsi e comunicarsi sul web.Hai mai pensato che il lavoro negli anni 2000 non si trova ma si crea? Per adattarti al mercato del lavoro indispensabile avere un approccio creativo ed intraprendente: non esistono pi lavori pronti, fatti e finiti.La mia scommessa credere che creativit ed intraprendenza possano essere messe al servizio di quello che gi sappiamo e ci piace fare. Anzi, la mia scommessa che potrai guadagnarci.Certo, niente avviene per inerzia. Alla passione serve a ancare metodo, determinazione e strategia. Ecco, quindi, in due parole largomento di questo corso: come costruire la propria personale strategia di business. In particolare, prendendo spunto dalla mia esperienza personale, ti proporr una guida per creare, avviare, gestire e monitorare un sito web o un blog online.Ricordati che il lavoro occupa un terzo della tua vita: lavorare divertendosi una bella prospettiva, non trovi?"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Google My Business" |
"Hai un ristorante o un hotel? Gestisci unattivit commerciale con almeno un puntovendita? La cosa che deve interessarti di pi farti trovare da chi sta cercandoil tuo servizio. Sai gi cos Google, ma non hai idea di come posizionare la tuaattivit tra i primi risultati di ricerca. Magari hai addirittura creato una scheda suGoogle+ Local ma non lhai mai aggiornata e non sai come sfruttarla.In questo corso partiremo insieme proprio dalla tua situazione per mostrarti leopportunit di visibilit che Google ha studiato per attivit come la tua e che nonstai ancora cogliendo pienamente. In particolare, descriveremo nel dettaglio ilfunzionamento di Google My Business, il nuovo servizio geolocalizzato che hacambiato il modo di cercare aziende, prodotti e servizi in rete.Utilizzandolo nel modo giusto potrai facilmente incrementare il numero deicontatti, di prenotazioni, di visite, di recensioni... a costo zero! Tutte le funzionalitdi Google My Business, infatti, sono gratuite e facilmente integrabili con altriservizi in rete. Devi solo imparare ad usarle!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Fast Start Guide to Facebook Ads 2018" |
"Get full lifetime access to all lecture material + NEWMaterial as it is added each monthFull access to ask me any questions you have and get your response within 24 hours, guaranteed.Learn how to build profitable Facebook campaigns in any niche quickly and easily. Take the steps you know you need to bring your business to the next level! There is no time like right now to FINALLY jump into the best Marketing platform in the world!Have customers lining up for your products & services!Upon completion you should be set to get straight into running your very own Facebook ad campaigns and making money!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Get Motivated and Get it Done!" |
"When you enjoy the tasks in front of you, its easier to get started, keep going, and complete your projects. Enjoyment helps you to get in the flow and it stimulates your creative juices. Get Motivated and Get it Done helps you to become more productive and enjoy the process. Although I designed this course for busy professional women, anyone can benefit from it. All you need is an open mind and a willingness to experiment.This short, easy course can change tasks that you KNOW are dreadful and that have never been enjoyable into something you experience with pleasure. This approach works because I guide you through the ways to focus your attention, change your perspective, and create a new context for your tasks. You will be asked to reflect on ways that you can adapt the different strategies to your own particular personality and tasks.Within one short hour, you'll be creating your own Disliked Task Enjoyment Plan to put what you've learned into practice. To take you there, the course videos and presentations highlight perspectives, strategies, and techniques. Journal assignments take you a step further by guiding you through the adoption of these practices into your life.When you apply the techniques in this course, you can appreciate and enjoy tasks that you normally would dread. This can lead to reducing procrastination, increasing creativity, improving the quality of your work, and increasing your productivity. Along the way, you'll gain tools to make your whole life more fun. Join me on this motivational tour to get things done."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |