Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Decompression Theory And The RDP" |
"Thiscourse for divers who planning to be dive guides or dive instructors. You donot need to have prior knowledge to follow this course. This course consists offive parts with the total 28 videos and 6quizzes. All you need to know aboutdecompression theory will find in this course, it is the largest coursecontains all the details about one of the main subjects of diving science. Thisis the beginning of this series of diving science. . . 28 6. . I hope you enjoy by learning dive through this series of courses about diving science."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Advertising: Target Audiences That Convert" |
"This course is for anyone who is interested in growing their business through Facebook advertising.Perhaps you've tried Facebook ads in the past and have found they didn't work?The most common reason for a failed campaign is poor targeting. You'll discover the post powerful and profitable way to target people on Facebook, allowing you to grow your audience, generate leads and make more sales.Learn how to use Facebook advertising targeting to grow and scale your businessRetarget website visitors and turn them into paying customersReach out to your current customers and email databaseHarness the power of lookalike audiences and reach out to people who are identical to your current customersImprove the ROI of your campaigns by targeting warmer, more relevant,audiencesMaster how to target the audiences on Facebook that are more likely to convertThe course begins by teaching you about custom audiences. I've create multiple videos around custom audience to ensure you fully understand what they are, why to use them and then how to create them.Then we're going to learn about retargeting. Facebook retargeting all starts by installing the Facebook pixel onto your website. In the course, you'll learn all about the Facebook pixel, as well as how to install it on your site.We'll then cover how to check the pixel is installed correctly and how to create your Facebookretargeting audiences and adverts.Finally we'll cover lookalike audiences and how you can harness them to reach cold audiences on Facebook that match the same characteristics as your current customers and fans.Using these Facebook targeting methods is the best way to reduce your Facebookadvertising cost and boosting your ROI. You'll learn everything you need to know, in easy, short videos, walking you through each step."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Science-Based Bodyweight Workout: Build Muscle Without A Gym" |
">>COURSE REGULARLY UPDATED: NEW TIPS, MORE LESSONS<<>> CERTIFIED NUTRITIONIST AND FITNESS TRAINER<<>>OVER 55,000 STUDENTS IN TOTAL<<Looking For A Bodyweight Workout Program That Is Based On Actual Science And Proven To Get You Results? The ""Build Muscle Without A Gym"" program is designed for people who are looking for an alternative to the traditional gym. Bodyweight exercises are great for that. You need nothing but your own body, can choose your own workout location and train whenever you want. But this program does more than teach you a few exercises and workout tips. In the course I go over the science behind building muscle and successful dieting, the perfect beginner workout plan and show you how to set clear and well-defined fitness goals that keep you motivated.By giving you the necessary tools to reach your fitness goals, I will also have to debunk certain training myths that have been around for decades. How many times have you been told that if in order to build muscle you need to Exercise at least five times per weekTrain two or even three hoursDrink two or more protein shakes per dayAnd perfectly time your meals no more than three hours apart.As you will see in the course, most of these tips are nonsense and some will even work against you in the long run. Instead I will show you the exact training methods that are scientifically proven to work. Here is what's inside the program:The Step-By-Step Muscle Building FormulaThe Step-By-Step Fat Loss FormulaThe Full Bodyweight Workout ProgramExercise Videos To Help You Train With Perfect FormEverything You Need To Know About Nutrition And Dieting My 100 page ebook ""Bodyweight Basics"", with 44 Additional Bodyweight Exercises (Pictures Included) A Lesson On How To Stay Motivated Through Clear Goals This home workout is great to build muscle, lose weight and workout at home. You can do basic bodyweight exercises and bodyweight fitness anywhere which makes this bodyweight workout the perfect muscle building course if you are looking to boost your fitness. Body weight exercises are really the simplest to gain muscle and lose fat. __________________________________________Lets See What My Students Have To SayAs far as the teaching goes it is exactly what I had hoped for. The simplicity in explanation makes it far easier for a beginner like myself to follow, understand, and go back to when I need it. The believability of the course is ultimately the best part about it. I feel like I can trust Felix in what he is saying. I look forward to continuing this path. - Daniel David WolfertIm learning a lot of new information in a very easy to understand format. Its true that everyone has something they swear by to lose weight and get in shape... so its tough to sort through the junk science. I really like the presentation of the information. - DeniseCame into this course expecting details for a good workout routine, but wasn't expecting the dieting and nutrition tips. I wouldn't have considered that the timing of meals matters as much as it does or that taking in excess calories might be a good thing in some cases. I feel like I learned a lot and I'm hoping to put this knowledge to good use! - Tristan Balgemann__________________________________________Join me and thousands of other students to start your own fitness journey!Scroll Up And Get ""Build Muscle Without A Gym"" If You Want To See Real Results"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Organizao e produtividade para o seu mestrado" |
"Este curso voltado para alunos de mestrado que esto iniciando o processo de escrita da sua dissertao mas que no sabem por onde comear, que tm dificuldade de organizar seus materiais de apoio (relatrios, resultados de ensaios/simulaes, bibliografias),que sofrem de dificuldades para se concentrar e ser produtivos na tarefa de escrita ou que no conhecem todas as ferramentas do Microsoft Word que facilitam o trabalho de escrita.As tcnicas que apresentarei para vocforamdesenvolvidas por mim durante o perodo em que escrevi minha prpria dissertao de mestrado e me ajudaram enormemente a sair da inrcia daprocrastinao."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"How to be Financially Free" |
"If you're reading this, you too want to be Financially FREE!Many times the stuff they teach in the classroom has little to do with the real world. Though I have an accredited business degree from a solid University and am a former licensed Registered Representative underthe Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the majority of my teaching will come from my experiences in business. There are people much more skilled as professors andpolishedspeakers, yet I believe my perspective has tremendousvalue. Knowing how to play the game of life and what makes people financially successful and what doesn't will be on display. Ihumbly and gratefully welcome you to take this course. Ihave spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in classes, mentoring, continuing education courses,and the school of hard knocks and have compiled what Ithink is one of the best and moststraightforward tools you will ever be given. I wish Ihad been given this amazing opportunity for such a low price when I was at the beginning of my journey. I'm elated to share my knowledge and experience that has helped me to be one of the highest earners in the world. Are you ready to get started? Let's do it!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Discover Italy - A Two-Week Vacation" |
"Italy is an amazing country,that offers its visitors spectacular views, beautiful landscapes, an infinite amount of culture, and a long, profound history.Our itinerary will take you from North to South, guiding you to the discovery of a country that is full of different traditions.At the end of this course, you will know much more about Italy and its most popular travel destinations:RomeMilanFlorenceVeronaVeniceand many more cities!Based on the content of our course, the videos and the detailed documents,youwill be able to easily plan your own enjoyablevacation, and make the most of it.Take your time and take everything in: the churches, the museums, the streets, the boutiques, the restaurants, the pizzerias, the people around you. It will be a long journey, and it will be unforgettable."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Chanter #1: Echauffement Complet de la Voix et Respiration" |
" Apprenez chanter avec un coach vocal professionnel et thrapeute Lucas FanchonComme les centaines d'lves qu'il a accompagns, librez votre voix et dveloppez la avec plaisir, puissance et justesse.Voici quelques tmoignages de ses lves :""Au dpart suivre des cours de chant, ctait un peu comme un dfi pour dmentir ce qui mavait t dit trs jeune.que je chantais faux.Et puis au fil des sessions, je me suis rendue compte que ce qui me plaisait ctait dexplorer toutes mes voix, toutes mes voies ? en fait ctait oser et du coup gagner en confiance.Jai trouv jouissif de mentendre avec une voix que je ne me connaissais pas. Jai pris du plaisir chanter haut alors que lon ma toujours dit que javais une voix grave. Cest comme si ce moment jai pu sortir de limage que lon mavait assigne. Il y a eu ce moment lors dune session o jai vraiment peru ma voix vibrer librement lintrieur et jai senti mon corps comme une cathdrale. Dcouvrir ma voix me permet une connaissance de moi plus approfondie, me permet dexplorer dautres motions et me fait prendre conscience de ma respiration comme un souffle de vie. Lucas est un enseignant ouvert tous les possibles, un accompagnateur, un facilitateur et cest ce qui donne toute cette puissance lapproche quil propose et qui va mon avis bien au-del dun cours de chant.""Sylvie,55 ans""Juste merci, j'ai beaucoup de chance de tavoir rencontr. Raliser qu'il y a encore sur terre des gens positifs et bienveillants comme toi m'a redonn foi en la vie et une (certaine!) confiance en l'avenir et en ma voix! Pour tout cela tu as toute ma gratitude!"" Sarah, 40 ans""Je fais de la musique, guitare, depuis plus de 20 ans. Je n'avais jamais os passer le pas et chanter. Les quelques tentatives se sont avres peu convaincantes. Je m'tais dit qu'il fallait abandonner toutes vellits vocales. Je suis tomb par hasard sur une confrence web anime par Lucas Fanchon. J'ai t trs intress par son approche trs ""dculpabilisante"". Oser chanter! J'ai donc os et me suis inscrit sa formation. Lucas est trs l'coute, trs disponible et a rpondu toutes mes questions. Il a dbloqu ma gne et maintenant je commence prendre plaisir chanter. Je suis d'ailleurs dans un groupe de rock et mon premier concert en tant que chanteur s'est droul de la meilleure manire possible grce aux conseils aviss de Lucas."" Laurent, 38 ans""Pour ce qui est de ma voix, je me suis rendu compte queje chantais avec beaucoup de souffle, et ceci est certainement du au fait queje ne chante que dans ma chambre et je tente de chanter sans que l'onm'entende. Mais grce au cours de Lucas, je me suis libre et j'ai appris accepterma voix. En dehors des sessions de chant en elles-mmes, cela m'a permis desortir de cette ""timidit"" et d'tre plus ouverte aux autres. Donc cen'est pas uniquement un cours de chant, c'est vraiment une libration del'esprit."" Margot, 20 ans""Lucas m'a aid comprendre ce qui ""bloquait"" ma voix et m'empchait de prendre du plaisir chanter. Avec des exercices tout simples, il m'a appris contrler les nombreux mcanismes qui interviennent lorsqu'on chante. Rsultat : je dcouvre ma voix et j'ai le sentiment de la travailler de manire efficace. C'est tout simplement l'approche qu'il me fallait."" Julien, 28 ans""Jaime beaucoup lapproche avec le physique et le ressenti qui ma permis daccder une plus grande ouverture et une vraie amlioration dans ma voix chante. Merci toi."" Bettina, 60 ans""Jai dcid de suivre vos cours pour trouver confiance dans ma voix, et pour le plaisir de chanter. J'ai effectivement dcouvert ma voix, qu'elle tait belle et puissante, et que je pouvais m'exprimer sans avoir de complexes en chantant. Quel bonheur !!! ""Fabienne, 45 ans ""Je me suis inscrite en esprant que a m'apporterai de la confiance en moi, j'avais un peu peur de m'inscrire, mais le prof est super et depuis 3 ans a m'a aid prendre confiance en moi, ma voix est beaucoup plus juste et plus assure. Cest gnial.""Alexa,18 ansAlors est ce que vous aussi, vous aimez chanter ? oui ? Mais peut-tre que vous ne trouvez pas le temps, et n'avez pas les moyens de prendre des cours toutes les semaines avec un prof de chant ? et pourtant vous avez envie de chanter mieux, de trouver votre voix, peut-tre de savoir comment elle fonctionne. Comment l'chauffer et la dvelopper sainement sur la dure ? Ce que veut dire "" respirer par le ventre"" ou ""avec son diaphragme"" et surtout comment le faire ? Trouver plus d'aigus et de graves, et le plus important. .. Chanter votre chanson prfre avec plus de facilit et de libert ! Celle que vous avez peut tre mise de ct parce qu'elle trop difficile et que vous ne vous en sentez pas capable.Je vous propose aujourd'hui un chauffement complet et global qui va rpondre toutes ces questions : Respiration / chauffement / rsonnances / posture / fonctionnement et physiologie de la voixVotre corps et votre voix vont vraiment souvrir et vous allez contacter plus de puissance, de libert et de plaisir et chanter cette fameuse chanson :)Si Vous tes dbutant(e) et souhaitez construire des habitudes de chant saine et avoir une meilleure comprhension de votre voix pour mieux lutiliser.Si Vous tes dj avanc(e) mais cherchez une manire simple pour tre prt(e) chanter rapidement, continuer dvelopper votre voix sur le long terme, gagner en charisme, mieux connatre votre instrument et ne plus jamais tre fatigu(e) aprs 3 rptitions et plusieurs concerts. Alors pour le prix de 2 cours de chant individuels, vous avez une formation complte porte de main que vous pouvez regarder 7 jours sur 7 et 24h sur 24 (dormez un peu quand mme). Je suis Lucas Fanchon coach vocal et thrapeute, auteur compositeur interprte, voix off et chanteur professionnel. Jai enregistr 4 albums, jai tourn avec mon groupe en Europe et en Amrique, finaliste avec M.Pokora en 2003 dans popstar o j'ai, ma foi, appris avec plaisir quelques pas de danse. Jai eu depuis la chance daccompagner des centaines dlves dbutants et professionnels et de les aider trouver et librer leur voix, gagner en puissance et en confiance. Ce serait un rel privilge de vous aider atteindre cet objectif galement. Dans cette formation vous allez trouver :12 modules (sections) 50 vidos faciles suivre et appliquer (Presque 4 heures) Des explications compltes sur l'anatomie de la voix ... Des cordes vocales la respiration (avec des planches, des diagrammes, des photos et des explications visuelles ) Une mthode complte avec des exercices pour apprendre respirer par le ventre, utiliser vos rsonateurs, trouver la bonne posture , et chauffer votre voix.Des astuces pour appliquer a sur une chanson Un chauffement complet avec moi.... comme si on tait ensemble en face face dans mon studio o je vous montre comment faire tous les exercices pas pas 30 minutes d'chauffement en mp3 tlcharger et emmener partout avec vous (sur votre tlphone, votre tablette ou dans votre voiture pour chanter sur la route) Un livret imprimer avec les essentiels de cette formation la possibilit de rejoindre mon groupe d'lves priv o vous pouvez poser toutes les questions que vous souhaitez (le groupe Ose ta voix sur facebook)La plupart des chanteurs et chanteuses que je rencontre et accompagne sont frustrs car il veulent faire des choses avec leur voix que leur voix n'est pas encore prte faire. Cette formation va concrtement vous aider prendre conscience de vos possibilits en travaillant sur des points clefs pour librer votre voix des tensions et de la pression (celle sur les cordes vocales). Et finalement vous allez accder plus facilement toutes les parties de votre voix.Vous avez vraiment le choix : Prenez votre temps pour faire de cette formation une exprience intense et enrichissante ou finissez la en quelques jours, pratiquez et revenez y chaque fois que vous le souhaitez pour la redcouvrir avec un regard neuf. Trouvez votre rythme !Sachez enfin qu'il y a une garantie de 30 jours satisfait ou rembours. Vous ne prenez donc aucun risque et c'est bien normal car c'est la moindre des choses de pouvoir essayer et tre sr que cela vous convient.Il vous suffit de cliquer sur le bouton vert et on se voit dans quelques minutes.PS: cette formation n'est pas une baguette magique qui va vous transformer en Cline Dion ou Adele ou [remplacez par votre chanteur ou chanteuse prfre] en l'espace d'une nuit. Cela demande de la pratique et je suis l pour vous aider et rpondre vos interrogations.D'avance, merci pour votre enthousiasme et votre confiance."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Guide How To Crash it on Fiverr 2017" |
"Dear Friend,Let me ask you: What are the common problems you have when you're starting out an internet business? Your answer will probably be: I have no product, no website, no list, and no traffic.Even if you have a product and website, you will probably have no clue on how to market it. And when you market your product and drive traffic to it, another issue comes up: You are afraid that no one will buy your product.Making money online is not easy, but that doesn't mean it has to be hard either. You just need to apply the right strategies to see those extraordinary results. What if I tell you that you can make money easily by selling products and services via a website that already has targeted traffic?Fiverris a website that allows you to sell products or services for $5Now I know you are about to say that $5 is too small... YES, I am fully aware... BUT you can actually earn far more than that from a single order,..."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"License your photos online: Create photographs that sell" |
"You love photography. You share your photos with friends and they like it, but you want more.Your photos deserve better than to collect dust on your hard drive! Stop throwing money at your photography hobby, let it throw some back!Learn how to make your expensive camera pay for itself, learn how to license your photos online.There is many ways to earn money with your photography, but most of them include either boss or clients to deal with, or website to maintain and promote. Online licensing with agencies is different - you upload your photos and agencies do all the rest for you. Depending on your dedication, this can be fun little set-it-and-forget-it project to support your hobby, or it can be a full-time adventure that pays for all your bills. The course is packed with actionable steps and activities - make sure you follow along and participate in the activities!Forget the money for a second, though: imagine holding a book with your photo on cover, imagine your friends texting you ""just saw one of your photos in a magazine I'm reading!"". The satisfaction is priceless.Join this course and learn all I had to trial-and-error myself over seven years. Learn what CUQQ - the four pillars of success - stand for. Learn how to optimize your workflow to get the results with minimal effort. Sample student reviews:""I am a total beginner at this and I feel like I've already learned so much. It is a very practical course, filled with how to's and do's and don'ts. Thanks so much for sharing this!""""I thoroughly enjoyed this introduction, and I feel I have the tools needed to start selling my pictures online. The instructor is likable; he has a great sense of humor, and sets realistic expectations. He included some wonderful life lessons about dealing with feedback, and ways to spend one's earnings. [...] """"The course is well organized and the material is very concise. I particularly like the use of actual screen shots to support the topic. After viewing and reading a good bit on getting into stock photography, this course was exactly what I needed to take the final step toward getting my photos online."" I'll see you in the course!(And when I say ""see you"", I mean it - this is not one of those courses where a guy reads his PowerPoint slides to you. You'll see me demonstrating concepts and talking to you in each single video.)"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Autodesk Fusion 360 and Navisworks" |
"Welcome to this 2 part course! In this two part course you learn the basics of Autodesk Fusion 360 and Navisworks. We first start off with Fusion 360 and then get into NavisworksFusion 360 is a powerfulCAD platform thatis usedfor product design and engineering. It connects your entire product development process in a single cloud-based platform that works on both Mac and PC.In this course, you'll learn all about Fusion 360straight from the pros with proventutorials and training to design, build and fabricate your designs.This course is an overview of the interface where you'll learn aboutmodeling, sculpting, and rendering workflows in Fusion 360.This course has everything you need to get up and running withFusion 360 to translate your ideas into elegant CAD drawings and fabrication-ready designs.Next up is Navisworks. Navisworks is used primarily in construction industries to complement 3D design packages. It is used among professional designers, architects, engineers, contractors and others seeking professional advancement and job transition through acquiring 3D and 4D modeling review skills.In this course you'll learn all the essentials of Navisworks. You'll learn how to manage models, clash the models for interference, and virtually construct a building using a construction timeline. By the end of this course, students should have a full understanding of how to use Navisworks. Students will be able to effectively run object-interference checks on 3D models from multiple disciplines, create 4D simulations, interactive animations, and photorealistic renderings using Navisworks tools."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Online de Tcnica Vocal Gospel" |
"Este material de estudo tem como objetivo auxiliar todos aqueles que utilizam a voz, seja, servindo dentro de um ministrio de louvor, ministrio independente, aqueles que utilizam a voz profissionalmente ou professores que atuam na rea de voz cantada. Esperamos que cada aluno(a), dedique-se na leitura e nas tarefas propostas para que possa tirar o maior proveito."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC 2019 for Beginners: Master Photoshop Essentials" |
"New Updates:Welcome to Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 for Beginners course. In this course Ibehelping students to learn creative designs, retouching images,clipping, cropping, different techniques of selection and digital painting.Adobe Photoshop is one of the world's most powerful software. Nearly every computer user definitely knows about Photoshop in some way. Ever wonder how Photographers use Photoshop for retouching and How designers use Photoshop for web and app designing and how digitalartists design textures, makeconcept digital painting, digital portrait and landscape?If no, thenthis course if for you.While being a professional Computer Graphic designer I have decide to cover all these topic in this course Adobe Photoshop CC for beginners where we will be guiding yourall topics with easy steps and techniques."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Make Great Sales Calls" |
"This course teaches you how to make sales calls - successfully.Unfortunately, we receive too many phone calls today which are very poorly carried out - which try and pressurise us into a sale, and which are often rude, abrupt and deceitful.However, there is a good way to make calls - one which focuses on the caller rather than you, and which is 180 degrees different to the traditional call.There are ten modules to go through, each one is short, no longer than eight minutes. A workbook is included for you to download, and to use in the exercises.Also included are questions to test your knowledge and to see how much you have learnt!Good look, and enjoy!Happy selling..."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Top five lessons to be a successful entrepreneur" |
"I have been the coach of entrepreneurs for some years now and in this class I will share with you five areas cover the most common obstacles and when mastered the strongest foundation I will share the top five lessons I have learned from coaching successful entrepreneurs and working in different advisory projects.There is a group of common challenges and a pattern in how to solve them. In these lessons I will share my learning, give you exercises to helpreview your own unconscious beliefs that might slow you down andprovide you with some practical tools to overcome some of the most common obstacles entrepreneurs and leaders are facing.Each lesson has a presentation and then leaves you with a piece of simple practice that you can start doing right away."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Student Short Film-The First Five Weeks-Pre Production Basic" |
"You hear everyday that high-school students and lots of other people who want to make films. Granted with digital technology things have gotten easier but the steps to produce and create good films are still the same. You might have the technology to assist you but a good story and strong pre- production basics are an absolute necessity for a good film.Are you a high school students who loves the idea of filmmaking and do not know what to expect in one of the beginning filmmaking classes in college ?Are you passionate about filmmaking but do not quite know if it is worth going to film school. Try out the weekly guide that is laid out for you in the first five weeks of student short film.Enroll now!!Why This Course?Learn from a Filmmaker and a educator about what is involved in the pre-production stages of Filmmaking.These basics have already been tested in a classroom environment and we have gone to create and produce amazing short films. We have found out students at the end of the semester love this bootcamp method or hate it. Based on their experiences they findcareer paths which they are are more interested in . Students who love theenergy,chaos and the limitedcreativityof being on shoe string budgetshave gone on to crowd fund andproduce their next short.This is astep by step guide as to why do we need certain production documents?Why do we have to limit our locations and the characters?I have put together the first five weeks of work that is required for producing and directing a short film. This course will give you a weekly breakdown of the work that a student filmmaker absolutely needs to do before they film."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Design Experimental em Lingustica" |
"O curso pretende capacitar os alunos para a concepo, elaborao e aplicao de mtodos experimentais em Lingustica, em especial na reas de Psicolingustica e Aquisio da Linguagem. Voltado para os aspectos bsicos da experimentao em cincias da linguagem, seu objetivo permitir aos discentes o domnio inicial dos delineamentos mais simples, com vistas construo posterior de experimentos mais sofisticados. Com isso, visa-se ampliar os horizontes acadmicos dos alunos, inserindo-o em um novo campo metodolgico."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Practical English for Chinese speakers -" |
".This course is for any Chinese who want to learn practical and useful English phrases for communication in daily life. If you want to improve your English communication skills, then this is the right course for you. Students will learn how to apply the right language for greetings, introduction, applying numbers in daily life, telling time and dates, eating out, shopping and taking public transport.This course is meant for Chinese speakers with little foundation in English. You do not need to have any previous knowledge of English language. Direct Chinese interpretation is provided throughout the course. No preparation is required on the part of the student. Just watch the video, listen attentively and practise speaking."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn more on Fibonacci Sequence" |
"Thecourse will address the Fibonacci Sequence.It will address who is Fibonacci and how is the sequencegenerated through recursion. Well see that different problems in life have solutionsreferred to Fibonacci Numbers (Well see an example related to climbing a staircase). Moreover,well learn about the Golden number (also known as Golden ratio or divinenumber). How divine is this divine number?!Binet came up with a method to calculate the numbers intheFibonacci Sequence non recursively. We'll investigate Binet's formulaand how he came up with it.Moreover, the course discusses the variouscharacteristicsof the sequence such as the Cassini's Identity. Cassini's identity presents an arithmeticrelationshipbetween various Fibonacci Numbers.We'll investigate the formula to simply the sum of the first""n"" Fibonacci numbers."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Entrepreneurship Finance, Theory and Enterprise Valuation." |
"Welcome to the world of entrepreneur finance. You will be introduced to the theory and practice of finance as it applies to entrepreneurship. If you are an entrepreneur, a business owners, an investor, finance student or you have curious mind for learning, this course is for you. You will have an opportunity to learn the theory of entrepreneurial finance as it applies to entrepreneurship, areas covered are Fundamental of entrepreneurship Principles of entrepreneurial finance Stages of successful venture lifecycle Major type of venture financing Types of business organizations Key elements of a business organization Intellectual property You should not be scared of numbers. Where numbers are used, you will be walked through calculations steps. Numbers are used to explain the concept and application of finance in entrepreneurship and how you can use numbers to ascertain value of enterprise, calculate ownership dilution and make managerial decision. Areas involving calculations are, Enterprise valuation Valuation process Capitalization table Dilution of ownership Pre-Money and Post Money valuation calculation Ration Analysis This course is delivered through video and prepared script. The main objective is to equip student with the knowledge and skills for creating a business, application of the theory in executing business idea and understanding of how the valuation of enterprise is performed, the effect of outside investors have on ownership dilution and the use of ratios to make managerial decisions. You will learn the role of finance in entrepreneurship application. Background in finance is not required for this coarse, what is required is passion for finance and entrepreneurship and a curious mind to learn."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Speed Maths - Tricks for faster, smarter Maths" |
"Maths is an essential component in all competitive examinations. The key to acing the mathematics section of competitive examination is to master shortcuts and improving the speed and agility with which you approach the section.EdVinci's SpeedMathserieshelps you with learning simpler and more creative ways to solve maths questions. Delivered by Shruti, in an engaging style,SpeedMathcan be you best companion in your competitive exam preparations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cracking the HR job interview" |
"Hi. Welcome to EdVinci's newcourse - ""Cracking the HR job interview"".Several factors affect success in job interviews. A great resume, job expertise, a pleasingpersonality,interpersonal skills,and greatpresentation skills are all important for successfully landing your dream job offer. Whileseveral of us are aptly qualified for the job, we sometimes miss out on getting the all important interview call or inprogressing through the various stages of the interview.The course contain a series of videos that will help you identify the various pitfalls that stop you from cracking the interview. You will also get to know of some great ways to approach the all important HR interview questions.A quiz at the end of each video will help you to revise the concepts learned.This course is anendeavor by EdVinci Innovation Labs. We, at EdVinci, are passionate about helping young minds unleash their limitless potential through products that drive inquisitiveness and creativity. The 5W (Why, When, Where, What, Who) series is a set of educational videos covering a wide range of general awareness topics.If you feel more clear and confident about attending an interview, by the end of this video, then we have definitely accomplished our task. Also, this is an ongoing endeavor from our end. We would be uploading more parts to this series that would address various facets of career development.If you have any queries or suggestions, please do write back to us at wait. Get start right away!!!."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"General Awareness for Competitive Exams" |
"Hi. Thank you very much for taking a look at our course. General Awareness for Competitive Exams is a set of 32compelling video lectures covering topics across geography, history, world events, inventions, discoveries, and many more. With concise coverage of topics at hand, professional presentation style, and engaging graphics, the lectures are a fun way to learn GK. The course is in fact equally attractive to students, job seekers, and any general knowledge enthusiasts. Our goal is to imbibe and encourage the natural interest of the human mind to question anything and everything around them and seek answers. A quiz at the end of each video will help you to revise the concepts learned. This course is part of the 5W series endeavor by EdVinci Innovation Labs. We, at EdVinci, are passionate about helping young minds unleash their limitless potential through products that drive inquisitiveness and creativity. The 5W (Why, When, Where, What, Who) series is a set of educational videos covering a wide range of general awareness topics. The biggest takeaway you can have from this course is a rekindled sense of inquisitiveness and a keen interest to question and explore more on similar topics. This is also an ongoing series. We would be publishing more such videos for you in the coming weeks. So, why wait? Do sign in start right away.."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Android Development for Beginners: Your first app in 2 hours" |
"Welcome to the ""Android Development for Beginners"" course.This is a project oriented coursewhich willhelp you to learn Android app development in a straightforward and consistent way by guiding you through the real life app development process. Main objective of this courseis to build aNotes app for Android using latest development tools,following material design guidelines andAndroid development best practices.First we will cover key concepts and components of the Android app such as activities and their lifecycle, intents, layouts, views,resources and data storage (sqlite). After each bit of theory we will use gained knowledge to develop Notes app.Each lecture is followed bylink to the more detailed guides and documentation regarding the topic. Source code of the project app is available at each step.This course is for everyone who wants to start building Android Apps and has at least basic knowledge of Java and Object Oriented Programming."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Networking: The secret to getting job interviews" |
"Many talented people loseout on jobopportunities due to poorcareer skills, and the biggest challenge for them is networking.This course isa step-by-step approach on how to improve your networking skills.If you are tired of submitting resumeafter resumetoonline job portals andnot getting the job interviews you want, then this course is for you.Why Networking is crucial:It is the secret to unlocking the hidden job market where80% of all jobs areIt is the most effectiveway to by-pass the online job portalprocess for a jobItis the best way to practice your interview skillsBy theend of the course you should be able to:Define what networking isExplain its importance in the practical worldExecute the five steps of effective networkingThiscourse is taught usingthe same active learning method used in5stepCareers'flagship bootcampsthat have received an average rating of 4.6 out of 5.0. The entire course is broken down into 5 easy-to-followsteps, each of them 10 minutes or less, suited tothe average adult attention span. There will be quizzesto reinforce your learning by forcing you to recall the information you just learned andapplication exercises so thatyou can put your learning into practice.Carefully selected resources are also providedto further augment your learning.The five stepsin this course are:LinkedInDeveloping a target listThe approach e-mailInformational InterviewThe follow-up"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Jump Start in Automation - Selenium WebDriver with Python" |
"BECOMEAWEB AUTOMATIONSUPERHERO!COURSECONTINUALLYUPDATEDSINCELAUNCH- LASTUPDATESEP 30, 2018You are about to learn, the best comprehensive course in Web Automation Testing: You will Learn Selenium, Python and Manual Testing. All you need to secure your dream job in Automation testing orfor a Top Learning experience!Nothing is Impossible, we're hear to help you on your journey. Join us! Your Career will never be thesame again..!Here Is What You Get By Enrolling In This Course:Word-By-Word Explanation:In the entire course, I explain each line of code, without skipping a single line of code.Well Structured & Easy To Learn:Course has been specially designed to make it easy for the students to learn Testing Concepts, Why Automation Testing, Python and Selenium.24 X 7 Support:I will always be there to guide you in your journey to become an Automation TestEngineer.Note: Student queries and problems will be answered immediately._________________________________________________________________________Here Is Everything You Will LearnIn This CompleteCourse:The Complete Course is divided into 3Major sectionsSection 1. Software TestingSection 2. PythonSection3. SeleniumSection 4 : Robot Framework_________________________________________________________________________So let's begin the journey of becoming a Web Automation Test Engineer! In addition to theUdemy30-day money back guarantee,you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course. If you ever have any questions please feel free to message me directly and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible!_________________________________________________________________________Make sure to enroll in the course before the price changes.Take yourself one step closer towards becoming a professional Automation Test Engineerby clicking the ""take this course button"" now!Join the journey.Sincerely,Joby Joseph"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Online Business How to Attract and Land Your Dream Customers" |
"About This CourseHave you ever wanted to grow your home business online, but you just dont know where to start or dont know how to monetize your current website? Do you want to STAND OUT from the crowd online without being salesy or pushy?How would you like to attract your dream clients and customers EVERY DAY? Do you want qualified people seeking you out for a change? Thats exactly what youll learn how to do, step-by-step, in this course.Student Review: ""David's take on landing dream customers has completely demystified the process of getting my own website up and running. The course content is curated for maximum effect and laid out in an efficient manner. Well worth the time and cost!"" Kari BarlowMaybe youre a network marketer. Maybe youre a freelance writer, designer or photographer. Maybe youre a makeup artist or personal trainer, or maybe you have your own products to sell.If you have a business that serves a particular audience, then I guarantee you there are people online looking for and needing what you have. This course will teach you how to attract them, serve their needs, and have them WANTING to do business with you.Were talking about creating something that works for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Growing your business online is NOT a way to get rich quick. But, yes, you can start making money online within 24-48 hours using what you will learn in this course.This IS a way to create an online extension to your business that attracts the customers and clients you want so that they are finding you!Student Review: ""The course is broken down with step-by-step examples of how to target your dream customers, grow your online business and holds your hand the entire way. I highly recommend this course if you are serious about either starting an online business or looking for other avenues to grow your income."" Travis AndresLike any legitimate business, there are no guarantees. But in this course I will show you exactly how I created several successful product and service-based websites that generate residual income for me every month.How would you like to know exactly what your target market is wanting and searching for? What if I told you that your dream clients are online EVERY DAY telling you exactly what they want and need?Well, they are, and in this course youll learn how to quickly and easily find that online so you can create valuable content that serves those wants and needs. This attracts the exact people you're looking for, and by the end of this course, you'll learn how to turn them into paying clients and customers.Read? Let's get started!Your dream customers are waiting for you.P.S. Taking this course for your business? That can be a tax write off!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"The Complete iMovie Course - from Beginner to Advanced 2020!" |
"[Last update: 26 July 2020]Join the more than 7000 students from over 120 countries who enrolled in this bestselling course!Do you want to create a short cool video of your family vacation?Do you want to create an amazing trailer of a fun day with friends?Do you need to create a short movie for work to promote a product or explain some concepts?This course will give you all the tools to accomplish this in iMovie!THIS COURSE WAS CREATED INSIDE THIS COURSE!There is no similar iMovie course available anywhere. Everything you need is here.I used iMovie to create this iMovie course and in the course I show how I built different elements of this course itself!Even though I use the more professional movie editor Final Cut Pro X in my work, I used iMovie in this course to prove that everything I did is actually possible to achieve with this apparently simple application.If you have a Mac, you most certainly have iMovie or can download it, probably even for free. Maybe you've even used iMovie before.But do you know everything there is to know about iMovie?iMovie was especially designed to be a very easy to use movie editor. And it is. But it still packs a ton of features. Most people aren't aware of the breath of functionality that is hidden inside iMovie.In this iMovie course I will cover everything you need to know in order to master this application completely. Even if you've already used iMovie before, after taking this course you'll be able to accomplish things you didn't even know were possible with such a ""simple"" application. And you will certainly wow friends and family or your co-workers with your works of art.This course is meant for all levels, from beginners to advanced users.For beginners: because I explain everything. You need no prior knowledge before taking this course. And after finishing this course you will know everything about iMovie and you'll be able to produce amazing movies and trailers, with movie clips, photos, transitions, titles, backgrounds and maps, with video and audio effects, using themes, etc.For advanced users: because this course has tons of PRO lectures. I will show you how to overcome and work around many of iMovie's limitations and help accomplish many things that iMovie's designers and developers never meant you could even do with iMovie. Just check the list of PRO lectures (they're all marked ""PRO"" at the beginning of their name) and see for yourself.Because I give so much information, this course is about 10 hours in length!You can choose to view all the lectures and get the most out of it.But you can also decide to view this course as a reference. The lectures are clearly organized in logical sections and you can decide to only take those lectures that you want to take. Except for the PRO lectures, most lectures are self-contained so that you could understand each subject in each lecture without having to view previous lectures. And if you do find yourself not understanding something, just find the lecture that explains that concept. So you can watch anything you want, in any order that you want.With Udemy's 30-day guarantee, you can't lose. But I'm certain that everyone will find enough new information in this course to make it worth.What this course is not:I will not teach you how to shoot your footage. That may be part of a different course, but this course only focuses on video editing in iMovie.I will not give you ideas on what movies you should make. The creative process should come from you. I will show you all the tools and techniques you could use in iMovie and chances are these will spark ideas in your mind for you to pursue in your movie creation.This course only covers iMovie for the Mac and not iMovie for iOS, even though obviously many concepts are similar. The UI is clearly different. I may add a section in the future about moving a movie from iMovie for iOS to iMovie for Mac so you could start editing on your iOS device and then continue editing on the Mac.iMovie has a small functionality called App Preview which is meant for developers to create short movie app previews to be put on the App Store. Basically it only adds a few additional elements you could use in your movies. I will not cover this feature. Maybe I'll add another section about it in the future, but I believe that if you've mastered this class, you should know how to use this feature as well.I'm sure you will enjoy this class and I can't wait to see the amazing movies you will make!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Windows Performance Troubleshooting" |
" How To Fix a Windows Slow Boot in 10 minutes With This Proven Technique?A few years ago, I was working as a system administrator and also as a desktop support engineer.One of the most frustrating problems I was facing was bad computer performance; A Windows computer that takes 5 minutes to boot, Windows Explorer that takes ages to display folder content, Applications that are slow to open ...and so and so. You Wasted My Time Without Fixing My Problem!!I was spending hours on the user's computer trying to fix those performance issues, and most of the time, I end up re-installing Windows hoping this will fix the problem.But guess what? A few days later, the user comes back with the same problem, but angrier.I was feeling like incompetent! Until one day, I Discovered Windows Performance Toolkit.Windows Performance Toolkit made my life easier than before. And he can do the same thing for you.I'm going to teach you how to use Windows Performance Toolkit with a proven troubleshooting technique so that you can solve those tricky Windows slow performance problems quickly.This will make your users and customers happier and make you more successful.In this course you are going to learn how to:=> Record a trace.You are going to learn how to record a trace that contains all the events happening inside the operating system during the problematic period.=> Interpret and analyze the trace.In this section, I'm going to show you how to analyze the trace and extract the valuable information that leads you to the main issue.=> Review real case studies.In this section, I'm going to walk you step by step and show you how to troubleshoot real problems I solved myself.This is just the tip of the iceberg of what's covered in this amazing course!If you want to get your hands on it and start diving deep and be well on your way to boost your career or your business... Then Heres What You Need To Do Next...Invest these few bucks and get your hands on this amazing course.That's just a drop in the ocean compared to what you'll be getting from this course and what the troubleshooting technique in this course can do in transforming your career.Go through the entire course, as many times as you need. Then take what you've learned and put it into action.Remember, learning is good, but putting what you've learned into action is better.100% Guaranteed For 30 Days, Or Your Money BackIf, for any reason, you are unhappy with the course, just ask Udemy for a full refund. No question, no hard feeling!So, What Are You Waiting For?Get instant access to the course now and be well on your way to being the guy who solves the problems the others can't."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Introduo ao Marketing de Contedo" |
"Hoje em dia todas as marcas esto presentes no mundo digital. Seja com uma pgina no Facebook, perfil no Instagram, blog ousite.A questo que mesmo com toda essa presena, nem todos conseguem engajamento com seus seguidores e principalmente, no conseguem transformar seus seguidores em clientes.Nesse curso eu abordo a importncia docontedo no Marketing Digital e ensino como planejar e organizar todo contedo produzido.O Marketing de Contedo foi avaliado como a ttica mais importante para gerar vendas em 2017, de acordo com a Smart Insights.Invista em si mesmo e em sua carreira, mantendo-se atualizado sobre as mais recentes prticas do Marketing de Contedo.Crie sua estratgia em uma estrutura e metodologia que alinha Marketing e Vendas.APOSTILAcom exerccios para colocar em prtica tudo que voc aprender!O que Marketing de Contedo?O que contedo com propsito?Como planejar o contedo?Que tipo de contedo criar para cada etapa do funil de vendas?Vrios conceitos so parte desse curso, como:Marketing de PermissoJornada do CompradorCiclo de Vida do ClienteVoc vai aprendertambm como usarmodelos de calendrio para organizar o contedo."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Beginner: Build WordPress Website , No Coding Required" |
"WordPress is most popular Content Management System(CMS) in the world. 74.6 million sites depend on WordPress. Average 120,000 domains are registered worldwide per day.I manage 20+ wordpress website, Backing up website, Installing updates, Comments Processing, Setting up security every day, Keeping track of website health, Optimizing website database, Portfolio Update, search engine rankings, Optimize for better speed, Optimize images, Optimize Posts, Manage user account etc. So step by step I will give clear idea how to build your wordpress website. After complete this course anybody can build wordpress website and maintain from anywhere in the world. IF YOU WANT TO LEARN WORDPRESS ---No Need Become a Web Designer and Developer No Need Purchase Expensive Software No Need Become an HTML or PHP guru WordPress Web Software, Wordpress Plugin, WordPress Theme Everything Is Free. I DON'T KNOW ---What Is WordPress? What Is Website Design? What Is HTML,CSS,PHP? What Is Cpanel? How To Use Cpanel? How To Install WordPress Web Software,Plugin,Theme? No Basic Idea About This NO PROBLEM BUT YOU WILL LEARN 100% PROFESSIONAL WORDPRESS WEBSITE STEP BY STEP IN THIS COURSE. BECOUSE THIS COURSE ---Complete Solution for Beginner LevelStudents A to Z step by step No Need Any Programming Knowledge or Experience. Who Interested To Build Own Website Who Interested To Start Online Business Anybody, Any Age, Any Profession Can Complete This Course Get More Confidence After Complete This Course OnWordPress After Complete This Course Can Create Many Different Professional WordPress Website In Your Self-Hosting. Please Feel Free, Ask Me Any Question Using Udemy. As Soon As Possible I Will Reply"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Moving Past Defeating Thoughts" |
"Moving Past Defeating Thoughts will cover the definingdefeating, negative thoughts that may keep us captive. They keep uscaptive by preventing us from moving forward in life.This course isaboutbeing in the present and being able to easily come back to thepresent when our minds present us with overwhelming and defeating thoughts,such as, being unworthy, being unloved,or simply reliving moments thathave been reconciled in the past. Sometimes it's a matter of thoughts that tell us that we are just not goodenough.This course will cover methods by whichto move past these negative thoughts to help give our lives richer meaning.These type of thoughts may never fully go away in ones life, but techniquescan be put into place that assist with moving past these type of thoughts, ifthat is necessary. Sometimes thesethoughts come back up because they need to be dealt with, sometimes though thethought needs to be asked to leave the space thatit holds inone's mind, andthat is the students choice."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |