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"Deep Learning Prerequisites: The Numpy Stack in Python (V2+)" |
"Welcome! This is Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and Data Science Prerequisites: The Numpy Stack in Python.One question or concern I get a lot is that people want to learn deep learning and data science, so they take these courses, but they get left behind because they dont know enough about the Numpy stack in order to turn those concepts into code.Even if I write the code in full, if you dont know Numpy, then its still very hard to read.This course is designed to remove that obstacle - to show you how to do things in the Numpy stack that are frequently needed in deep learning and data science.So what are those things?Numpy. This forms the basis for everything else. The central object in Numpy is the Numpy array, on which you can do various operations.The key is that a Numpy array isnt just a regular array youd see in a language like Java or C++, but instead is like a mathematical object like a vector or a matrix.That means you can do vector and matrix operations like addition, subtraction, and multiplication.The most important aspect of Numpy arrays is that they are optimized for speed. So were going to do a demo where I prove to you that using a Numpy vectorized operation is faster than using a Python list.Then well look at some more complicated matrix operations, like products, inverses, determinants, and solving linear systems.Pandas. Pandas is great because it does a lot of things under the hood, which makes your life easier because you then dont need to code those things manually.Pandas makes working with datasets a lot like R, if youre familiar with R.The central object in R and Pandas is the DataFrame.Well look at how much easier it is to load a dataset using Pandas vs. trying to do it manually.Then well look at some dataframe operations, like filtering by column, filtering by row, the apply function, and joins, which look a lot like SQL joins.So if you have an SQL background and you like working with tables then Pandas will be a great next thing to learn about.Since Pandas teaches us how to load data, the next step will be looking at the data. For that we will use Matplotlib.In this section well go over some common plots, namely the line chart, scatter plot, and histogram.Well also look at how to show images using Matplotlib.99% of the time, youll be using some form of the above plots.Scipy.I like to think of Scipy as an addon library to Numpy.Whereas Numpy provides basic building blocks, like vectors, matrices, and operations on them, Scipy uses those general building blocks to do specific things.For example, Scipy can do many common statistics calculations, including getting the PDF value, the CDF value, sampling from a distribution, and statistical testing.It has signal processing tools so it can do things like convolution and the Fourier transform.In sum:If youve taken a deep learning or machine learning course, and you understand the theory, and you can see the code, but you cant make the connection between how to turn those algorithms into actual running code, this course is for you.Suggested Prerequisites:matrix arithmeticprobabilityPython coding: if/else, loops, lists, dicts, setsyou should already know ""why"" things like a dot product, matrix inversion, and Gaussian probability distributions are useful and what they can be used forTIPS (for getting through the course):Watch it at 2x.Take handwritten notes. This will drastically increase your ability to retain the information. This has been proven by research!Ask lots of questions on the discussion board. The more the better!Realize that most exercises will take you days or weeks to complete.WHAT ORDER SHOULD I TAKE YOUR COURSES IN?:Check out the lecture ""What order should I take your courses in?"" (available in the Appendix of any of my courses)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PNL: Teora y Tcnicas para Alcanzar tus Metas y Objetivos." |
"Si aprendes Programacin Neuro Lingstica y la aplicas a tu vida diaria podrs conseguir todos los cambios necesarios y largo plazo para el logro de tus objetivos y metas, ya que comprenders qu creencias, recuerdos, valores y criterios pueden estar boicoteando tu xito.Aprenders tcnicas efectivas para mejorar tu comunicacin interna y externa transformando de esta manera tus experiencias personales y por ende obtener un crecimiento personal y laboral.Por medio de este curso sers capaz de comprender los patrones internos que te hacen actuar de determinada manera y poder manejarlos y cambiarlos para obtener los mejores resultados en tu vida."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Make Power Wheels Faster With Aftermarket Batteries" |
"In this course I will teach you everything you need to know step by step by step to make a Power Wheels vehicle go faster using aftermarket batteries. I will go over the exact tools and materials need to complete this course successfully including:Wire CrimpersInline Fuse HoldersFusesWireBullet and Spade ConnectorsChargerI will provide direct links to all of the tools and materials I recommend and personally use myself. Then I will teach you the basics of voltage and amp hours along with an introduction to the after market batteries that I recommend. After that I will teach you how to prepare an aftermarket battery for use in a Power Wheels. This includes preparing an inline fuse holder that will replace the built in circuit protection that comes with Power Wheels branded batteries. I will also teach you how remove the stock female connector that you can use with your after market batteries as a way to not have to cut the wires on your vehicle. Then we will go over charging, which charger to buy and why. I will talk about the main benefits of going with an after market charger.Finally, we will get to the good part where we will wire a 12 volt and a 6 volt battery together in series which will make your vehicle go 50% faster. We will end with some tips and tricks and even let you watch me during a live demo as I do an intake on two vehicles that I just recently picked up from a thrift shop. You are going to love this course. THIS is the course I wish I would have had when I was getting started. I look forward to seeing what you will build!-James Hurst"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Pronunciation Secrets - Improve Your Career FAST" |
"DO YOU WANT TO FEEL CONFIDENT IN ENGLISH?Is English important for your career?Do you get asked to repeat yourself?Do you sound awkward in English?IS THIS IS YOU...You feel shy speaking English...You often get asked to repeat yourself...People treat you differently because of your accent...You dont feel confident giving presentations in English...You keep quiet in meetings...You don't feel like you're taken seriously in English...You know that English is important for your career...But you lack confidence speaking English in job interviews...And you don't feel like you have Influence or Personality in English...If this sounds like you... then keep reading!Imagine if there was a simple solution to this...Imagine if an English Pronunciation course showed you:- How to quickly STOP mispronouncing words you use everyday in English- How to Easily remove your embarrassing English Pronunciation mistakes...- Simple step-by-step tutorials that show you how to use correct English Pronunciation in your everyday English speaking- Powerful tutorials that you can use to STOP getting asked to repeat yourself- Fun and Engaging video tutorials that help you to FEEL your improvements as you go through the courseIf you want to discover how to Speak English Clearly-- quickly and easily --Join English Pronunciation SECRETS... today.The advice in this course has helped professionals just like you to:- Get better jobs- Go for promotions- Give confident presentations in English- Pass university exams- Sound natural in English- Develop a natural British Accent- Speak English clearly and ConfidentlyHave you taken other English Pronunciation courses?...But youre still not speaking English clearly?Heres why...Most courses teach you English sounds...But they DONT teach you how to pronounce English words...Heres the thing...English words are NOT pronounced as they are spelt!And if you don't know how to pronounce words in English...You'll still be hard to understand...And feeling unconfident in English.Knowing English sounds ISNT enough...One reason why students are finding THIS course so effective...Is because they learn how to clearly pronounce English words...And NOT just sounds ...In this course...Students learn the correct English Pronunciation of REAL English Speaking...So that they STOP mispronouncing wordsAnd START speaking English clearly...FAST!When you take this course today...The next time you speak English... You can be speaking MORE clearly...And MORE confidently.NO COMPLICATED EXPLANATIONS!This course doesn't give you complicated explanations.Instead...The course gives you easy to use video tutorials...That show you how to correctly pronounce the most common words in English...(the words you use everyday)And it shows you...How To STOP making the pronunciation mistakes... that make you hard to understand...And sound awkward in English.How would your life be different if you spoke English clearly?How would your life be different if you felt CONFIDENT in your accent?If you're like most people...When you STOP making the...Embarrassing pronunciation mistakes...that you'll learn in this course...You'll be able to do the following:Speak English clearlyFeel confident when you speakGet better jobsGive confident AND professional presentations in EnglishPerform better in Job InterviewsSpeak with Influence in work meetingsConnect to people more easilyExperience a better quality of life in EnglishPerform at your best at workDevelop your CareerSpeak English With a Clear British AccentRe-become YOU, in English By taking this course today...Youll discover the correct pronunciation of words in English...And youll be able to use them right away... in your next English conversation.And when you discover the mistakes you've been making...And start speaking clearly instead...Youll quickly become confident in English.Heres what you get when you... Join English Pronunciation SECRETS, today:INSTANT LIFETIME ACCESS to all the video tutorials showing you how to quickly start speaking English with Confidence and InfluenceEASY TO FOLLOW tutorials showing HOW to correctly pronounce the English words you use everyday5 HOURS OF VIDEO TUTORIALS giving you simple steps to sound natural in English CONFIDENTLY speak English in job interviews and work meetings knowing that youre NOT making silly pronunciation mistakesSCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN STRATEGIES - Proven advice that gets you results REAL-WORLD EXAMPLES you can use right away30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE if you're not amazed with your resultsHow Much Is All This Worth To Your Future... And Your Life In English?Many students I've helped have spent upwards of 30,000 on degree's, training courses and qualifications.They are skilled, highly qualified professionals.But their pronunciation is stopping from them getting the jobs they want.So... You can imagine the return on investment...When they STOP missing out on jobs and promotions... Simply because of their English.You can imagine how good this must feel!You can do this too!30-Day Risk Free Money Back GuaranteeWatch the videos.Follow along to the tutorials.Feel the increase in your confidence every time you speak EnglishYou get a full 30 days without risk.If anytime in this period you're not 100% convinced this is everything I've promised and more... Simply refund the course for a full refund.There's nothing I could do to make it anymore risk free.Because...Its mission to make world-class English Pronunciation training accessible.I want you to feel confident in English...And achieve the life you desire in English...That's why I've created this course...I can't guarantee the results you will get because I don't know if you'll do the work... But I can give you 30 days to try it out with the risk on me!WARNING: When you put the course to work for you and quickly feel the improvements in your daily life... the LAST thing you'll want is your money back!Who Should Invest In This Programme... And Who Shouldn't?The course is for:- Professionals who need clear English for their career- Non-native English speakers who live in English speaking countries- Foreign Professionals who need to speak English in meetings, presentations and job interviews- International Students at university - Professionals who want to speak English with a Natural British Accent- People who are serious about feeling confident in English- Lovers of English who want to sound like a native!If speaking English clearly isn't important to you... Or you don't want to invest in your future and career...This course isn't for youTHANK YOU FOR READING THIS....I'm looking forward to helping you in the course...I'm excited about how it could change your life!- MichaelP.S If you're serious about speaking English confidently...And growing you career in English...You need this course.You get 5 hours of high-quality video tutorials... That will help you to:Speak English CLEARLY and CONFIDENTLYREMOVE your English Pronunciation MistakesPerform at your best at workDevelop your CareerRe-become YOU, in EnglishRemember you have a full 30 Day Money Back guarantee.See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Blogging For Noobees" |
"In another course of our ""for Noobees"" series, we take the student into the world of online content creation. We start off by explaining what are blogs, how did they get their name, and how they are useful for your internet marketing plan. Then we discuss the major blog platforms out there from free to fee, and what may be best for your situation. Diving in deep, we discuss how keywords are essential to crafting your blog posts, and how to research the keyword phrases. We go into the best structure for writing a blog posts including titles that get read, improving readability, and practical tips for creating a lot of content regularly without going crazy. Then we move into images and how they help engage an audience. Finally we move into our Don't Panic module where we examine some things that could go very wrong and how to handle it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Business Plan: Executive Summary ""All You Need To Know!""" |
"In this no fluff, just over 60 minutes courseyou will learn:How to write a ""Winning"" Executive SummaryHow to attract investorsHow to create an Executive Summary that will better serve all stakeholdersI have structured the course so that you either watch all lectures in one seating or pick the lectures that are relevant to the particular questions you have in mind.CreateYou will benefit from this course if:You need to raise seed capital, or otherrounds of fundingYou have been struggling to raise finance for your businessYou have had your business plan rejectedYou want to make sure investors are keen on your ideaYou need clarity to your venture/project/businessThis course will help you cut your learning curve and position you above the 1000's seeking investments for their business idea!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Database modeling - Complete practical project for beginners" |
"This course has been designed to give you knowledge of how database-driven projects are built. I am focusing on practical implementations rather than theory or exams. Moreover, this course will give insights that how you can make your data model perfect so that it could fit in the next levels which are Data warehouse and Data mining."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn GIT Quickly" |
"This course is designed as a quick learning tutorial which covers all the basic commands of GITwith comprehensive example those are quite similar to real time environment ,the wayprogrammers dealwith version control on their own.This course is more like a step by step tutorial that covers every single fundamental to work with GIT as programmer and for this you don't even need any previous knowledge of version control or GIT. In today's world, GIT is the second best tool that helps in a collaborative and team work and keeps each and every one in sync with recent changes and it also provides various other benefit whether it is for nightly build due to code change or general cron job. GIT plays a great role in handling whole lot of task of collaboration of code.Wish you all a very great learning."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Use Hootsuite and Spend Less Time On Social Media Platforms" |
"Why not organize your social media accounts in one place on your computer, where you can see all of them at a glance, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and your Youtube videos.By putting each of your social media platforms into columns (streams) using a program called Hootsuite you can do that. Then you can quickly interact with your connections, keep your most important contacts right where you can see their comments, all from one convenient location. You can even share content you find on the Internet using their Hootlet browser tool. Although Hootsuite may seem daunting at first glance, it can be set up to monitor as little or as much as you need. In just minutes a day, you can streamline your social media tasks."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Straight Talking: How to a get a well paid Job" |
"This short and punchy course focuses upon the essential activities when applying for a job in any industry. It is applicable to all age groups. It does not matter what age you are, whether you are leaving college, returning to work after a career break, or bringing up a family. Perhaps you are in the mature age bracket seeking employment after layoff or redundancy, or just seeking part-time employment. This approach offers something to everybody. Most of the content concentrates on the social psychology of how people present themselves in public and, in this instance, to recruiters. It offers many common sense solutions, but also highlights elements of research in social psychology that have direct relevance to getting that elusive job. The presentation and the lectures are forthright, straight talking and firmly ask the student to take responsibility for their future and take action. Students taking this course will need to work through the exercises found in the PDF downloads and, together with the video series, should amount to 3 hours initially. We strongly suggest that students practise additionally especially regarding: Identifying, redefining and redesigning self and the image the student wants to project as a valuable brand and asset offering potential employers unique talentsDeveloping your Personal BrandAdding exceptional value to your employer by outlining the benefits of employing youWorking through a personal SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats) and taking action to put forward your strengthsRewriting a vibrant and attractive resume or CVBuilding rapport with recruiters and employers, and turning interest into employmentIdentifying potential interview questions and how best to respond to difficult questionsAssessing potential competency based questions that are likely to be asked, and preparing a positive and upbeat responsePreparing to project ones strengths and personality through positive body language"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Become a highly paid Consultant, Adviser, Coach or Trainer" |
"If you want to become a highly valued and well paid consultant this course is for you. You have to digest this program if you want to run your own business. If you want to become a consultant working in large corporate, all the information within the videos and PDFs is critical in supporting your work.This is for you if you are specialist in IT, Business Consulting, Website Design, SEO, Risk, Finance, Lean , Customer Service this course provides the building blocks to set up a successful and lucrative business. This course has been designed for those who are seeking to develop their own business in Consultancy or as a specialist or technical Business Advisor, Trainer, Coach or Mentor. This course is a vital foundation to make any Consultancy business work. It is founded on the experience of the author who has run several Consultancy and Coaching and Training businesses in the last 25 years + operating in the US, Europe and the UK. The course is structured into 10 lectures (including PDF downloads) and covers all the essential components of consulting including: Preparing your consultancy service and developing your own SWOT analysisDeveloping your Personal BrandUsing our Service Portfolio Matrix to develop and leverage the services you offerDeveloping business strategies to acquire new customersAdding exceptional value to your customers and clients which will be reflected in the fee structure you can chargeGenerating consulting fees commensurate with the top 10% in your professional fieldBuilding rapport with clients and turning interest into customer retention and client loyaltyApplying the 5 Stage Consulting MethodologyStudents can complete the course in about 5 hours but we strongly suggest that you go through the material several times. There are specialist exercises for you to perform and completion of these exercises will benefit the sustainability of your business."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Recording Vocals the Right Way" |
"This course breaks down all of the variables involved with recording vocals for music;how to choose the right microphone, set the preamp and compressor, and how to run your D.A.W. most effectively. We take you through the steps of a typicalrecording session using a professional studio (Madison Records) and singer (Alex Tru). Various microphones, Vintech 573 preamp, EL8 Distressor compressor, and Pro Tools softwareare all utilized and explained in detail. Additionally, there is a section dedicated to post-production techniques. We explain what to do after you have finished recording. Comping vocals, editing, and basic mixing techniquesare allcovered in this section. The entire course should take less than a week to complete. Reviewingspecific lectures after watching the complete course is recommended in order to refresh yourself on any topics needed. You will have lifetime accessand all videos can be downloaded, so you can easily review any of the videos at a later date. Thanks for checking out""Recording Vocals the Right Way,""and we hope to see you inside the course!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Python Celery for Distributed Tasks and Parallel Programming" |
"The aim of this course is learning programming techniques to process and analyze data Data Analysis Will learn how to load from different data sources (database/files) into data frames, Will learn both pandas data frame and spark date frame Will learn how to analyze the data (select, filtering, grouping and sorting) These operations will be done without hit the database which Make our analysis extremely faster Parallel Programming Insert the functions that need to be called as tasks in queues to be executed in the background while the main program still This will enhance the performance, as the functions will be executed in parallel not in sequence as traditional programming executing. "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Be an Epic Failure" |
"Do you spend so much time worrying what might happen if you don't havetheskills,motivation,energy,resources, finances, or knowledgeto reach your true dreams, that there's no time left to actually do it? Do you feel like everyone will ask, ""Who do you think you are?"" or ""What the heck do you think you're doing?""if you finally pursue what you've always wanted to do?Are you your own worst enemy when it comes to success?Learn how failing epically can actually help you overcome fears, beat procrastination, set realistic goals, and make real advancement in the direction of your boldest ambitions.When did we start thinking that messing up, making a fool of ourselves, and falling down were signs that were on the wrong path? In this brief course, you'll acquireconcrete steps for breaking old patterns, pushing your boundaries, and finding what works for you. Dawn will share why failure should be a part of every success story, how to createan effectivefailure plan andhold yourself to it, and specific stories and strategies to inspire you to stay the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"4 x zaubern mit Dank" |
"Du lernst auf vertiefte Weise ein praktisches, alltagstaugliches Werkzeug kennen, das Dein Leben jederzeit und berall wie magisch verbessert und sprbar mehr Leichtigkeit und Freude bringt.Nach dem Kurs bist Du in der Lage, mehr Angenehmes in Dein Leben zu ziehen und Erwnschtes wahrscheinlicher zu verwirklichen. Vor allem lernst Du, Unangenehmes sofort zu transformieren - fr Dich ebenso wie im Zusammensein mit anderen.Du erhltst fundiertes, solides Hintergrundwissen, wirksame Anleitungen und mit Freude erstellte Videos."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Build A Digital Online Business From Home For Passive Income" |
"This is a course which includes 30 baby step by baby step videos in which you will learn exactly how to create a digital product and an HTML online business website from scratch, how to drive high quality traffic to your product, and how to make passive income from it. The class is most suited for total beginners who are new to creating an online business, digital products, building websites, launching businesses, driving traffic, and making money online. Your class project will be to create a product and a website, launch them, and drive traffic to them. Because I am fully aware that one of the biggest problems that beginners encounter when they try to earn passive income online is ""Information Overload"" I have kept each video only a few minutes long, so you will not be overwhelmed by information. In this online business training you will discover exactly how to: 1. Locate a hot niche 2. Research your niche. 3. Register a domain 4. Obtain a hosting package. 5. Insert Nameservers 6. Acquire Graphics 7. Create an eBook 8. Create a video course 9. Create a audio 10. Outsource tasks 11. Create Folders 12. Download and Use an HTML Editor 13. Create Web Pages 14. Build A Mailing List 15. Upload Files 16. Open And Manage A Vendor Account 17. Create Upsells 18. Drive Traffic I will keep updating this course all the time, and once you join the course you will get lifetime updates for 100% free. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Web Development Course For Flipping HTML Websites" |
"This is a web development course which includes baby step by baby step lessons in which you will learn exactly how to create website from scratch, and sell it for profit on auction.There is simply zero risk with Udemy 30 day guarantee. The class is most suited for total beginners who are new to web development and selling websites on auction (website flipping). Your class project will be to create a a website, put it on auction, and sell it for profit Because I am fully aware that one of the biggest problems that beginners encounter when they try to make money online is ""Information Overload"" I have kept each video only a few minutes long, so you will not be overwhelmed by information. In this web development training you will discover exactly how to: 1. Locate a hot niche 2. Obtain content and graphics for your website. 3. Create your website 4. Build a mailing list 5. List your website on auction. 6. Manage your auction. 7. Transfer Your Website To Your Buyer 8. Support your buyers "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Excel & PowerPoint for Business" |
"We providing Online Courses to all who are working in the medical field (rep , senior , supervisor , team leader or any managerial level ) with all they need to know about Microsoft office products (excel and PowerPoint ) that related to their career and job needs -- This course is specially customized for Medical reps and all workers in sales field. -- We are realizing how busy you are thats why we are not distracting you with useless details and stick to the points that will serve you , your business field and your daily tasks directly , ( , , ) ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Biology 101: Reproduction" |
"Are you a student? Are are you simply seeking knowledge regarding Reproduction?This should be the ideal course for you to begin that knowledge seeking journey.In this course, you will learn about growth, and reproduction in both plants and humans. We will examine the parts of a flower, and discuss how a new plant develops from its parents plants. We will then examine the male and female reproductive systems. The menstrual cycle, fertilization and the development of the embryo is also discussed in this course.The contents of this course are mainly provided through video lectures. Additional resources are also provided at the end each lecture. You should make an effort to check all ofthe additional information that is provided in this courseThe contents that are provided are more suitable for students who are preparing for 'O' level examinations.The contents in this course followed the guidelines of the CXCBiology Syllabus,2015. However, if you are preparing for other similar 'O' levelexaminations, the contents will suit your needs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dos 0 aos 99.999 Fs: Como Crescer no Facebook" |
"Se queres MAIS FS, se queres MELHORES FS, se queres uma COMUNIDADE SUPER ACTIVA e uma PGINA DE REFERNCIA... ... este curso para ti. Como que eu sei isto? Porque eu prprio comecei do ZERO e hoje tenho uma pgina com mais de 100 mil fs. E no te preocupes, porque NO precisas: - de chatear os teus amigos para eles fazerem like na tua pgina- de ser um guru do Facebook Com este curso, o nosso objectivo vai ser que a tua pgina (actual ou futura) cresa em quantidade de fs, mas tambm em qualidade de fs ou seja, nada de likes falsos aqui. As 4 grandes tcnicas que vais aprender aqui... foram a base do meu sucesso no Facebook, desde o crescimento at aos tais 99.999 fs at ser distinguido pela AgoraPulse como uma das Melhores Pginas de Facebook do Ano. Por isso, vou assumir 3 grandes compromissos contigo: 1. Vais aprender tudo o que fundamental para fazeres crescer a tua pgina: - como se ganham novos fs - como se cria um bom post - como se transforma um bom post num grande post - como que o Facebook funciona (e como podes tirar partido disso) 2. Vais aplicar o que aprendes. 3. Vai ser divertido. Estamos aqui para subir o teu nvel de conhecimento e mestria do Facebook, mas quando s matria, matria, matria... chato. Por esse motivo, de vez em quando, vais ter um momento mais leve (em que tambm vais estar a aprender). V o ndice e os detalhes do curso e, se ests desejoso/a de comear, carrega no boto para te inscreveres.(Design da imagem: freepik)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de ingls completo. Uma jornada fluncia." |
"Ol pessoal! Sejam bem vindos ao meu curso!Vamos conversar sobre o seu professor?Meu nome Arthur. Sou professor de ingls h mais de 10 anos. Morei toda a minha adolescncia nos EUA - dos 12 anos 22 anos de idade. Possuo certificado de proficincia - CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) - emitido pela Universidade de Cambridge. O que voc vai receber em troca do investimento?Vrios mdulos, em torno de 50 (estou adicionando novos mdulos ao curso semanalmente), com todas as estruturas essenciais, assim como vocabulrio, para que voc possa atingir um timo nvel de fluncia em ingls.FATOR X DO CURSO: CENTENAS DE CARTES ESTRUTURADOS DE FORMA SISTEMATIZADAS, COM LISTENINGS INCORPORADOS A CADA CARTO, PARA VOC ESTUDAR NO ANKI. Diversos listenings, com suas respectivas transcries, para que vocs possam praticar a escuta e a fala.Vamos falar sobre a metodologia?O problema do aprendizado de qualquer lngua, muitas vezes, no est ligado ao mtodo pelo qual o aluno foi exposto ao idioma, mas frequncia a essa exposio. O maior problema dos cursos tradicionais que o aluno vai a uma aula duas vezes por semana e apenas ouve o professor ensinar algumas palavras ou regras gramaticais e faz algumas atividades em seu livro. Isto , no h uma exposio coordenada ao idioma nos outros dias da semana e, sobretudo, uma forma de revisar aquilo que fora aprendido em aulas anteriores.Alm disso, h ainda a dificuldade de desenvolver a fala. Isto decorre do modo de INPUT que est sendo exaustivamente utilizado. H basicamente dois tipos de INPUTS (entrada de informao) escuta e leitura -, e dois tipos de OUTPUT (produo de informao) fala e escrita. Para desenvolver uma boa fala, primordial que o aluno receba muito INPUT de listening (escuta), assim que uma criana aprende.Sempre fui muito interessado em mtodos de aprendizagem. Enquanto professor de ingls, sempre dei aula para as turmas mais avanadas e, por conseguinte, precisava estudar meios para ajudar meus alunos a memorizar muita informao em curtos espaos de tempo. Alm disso, estudei muito para concursos fui aprovado em vrios, sendo hoje Auditor do Tribunal de Contas do Estado da Bahia. Nessa jornada, estudei vrias formas de assimilar e memorizar informao de forma mais duradoura. Uma das que mais me ajudou foi a utilizao do aplicativo de repetio espaada chamado ANKI.Chegamos aqui agora ao ponto forte do meu curso. Eu te garanto que voc vai ter o curso com melhor estruturao de assuntos e elaborao de apresentaes. No apenas escrevi algumas palavras em um quadro e pedi para vocs repet-las, passei messes elaborando esse curso horas a fio. Mas esse no ainda o prmio que voc receber por comprar meu curso. Eu preparei vrios baralhos no ANKI de forma sistematizada correlacionados cada mdulo do. Pesquisei dezenas de livros para adicionar os melhores exerccios para a reviso perodica. No bastasse isso, adicionei udios em ingls de todas as atividades que sero resolvidas no ANKI.Voc ir aprender TUDO o que voc necessita para atingir um nvel bastante gratificante de fluncia e esse contedo ser fornecido de forma metdica. Ademais, receber os baralhos com centenas de cartes no ANKI com exerccios de fixao TODOS COM UDIO para que voc possa internalizar de forma efetiva no s o contedo de forma escrita, mas tambm em forma de udio.Pessoal, parece muita coisa, mas no parei a. Ainda elaborei vrios readings (textos) e listenings (udios) com histrias interessantes e conversas do dia a dia, para que possam colocar em prtica as estruturas que esto aprendendo.Espero muito acompanh-lo nesse processo de aprendizado."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Ritual de 6 Minutos al da para Cambiar tu Vida" |
" ""Super mis expectativas. El curso por internet mejor producido y el ms prctico de Desarrollo Personal que haya tomado. Fcil de aplicar. Bien explicado y con demostraciones reales, pero breve, directo al punto. He retomado la prctica recientemente y los resultados se notan. Gracias por este curso!"" -Miguel LandvarEste corto pero efectivo curso de Desarrollo y xito Personal cambiar tu vida si ests dispuesto a dedicarle a esta rutina unos pocos minutos cada maana. El tiempo es nuestro recurso ms valioso; por eso este curso, as como las tcnicas que aprenders en l, estn diseados lo ms eficientemente posible, para que las apliques y obtengas los beneficios de inmediato. Domina el estrs, aumenta tu capacidad de concentracin, desarrolla tu inteligencia emocional, multiplica tus posibilidades de alcanzar el xito, cumplir todas las metas y ganar dinero tomando mejores decisiones. ""Es sencillo y fcil de llevar a la prctica, lo recomiendo a todo el mundo, es una forma saludable de empezar el da con ganas y fortaleza."" -Susana ParraAprende un sencillo ""ritual"" de slo 6 minutos que puedes realizar al despertar para alcanzar tu mximo potencial en el menor tiempo posible y con poco esfuerzo. Esta rutina incluye simples pero poderosas tcnicas que te ayudarn en cada aspecto de tu vida. Los ejercicios cubren de forma integral nuestro ser, la parte fsica: el cuerpo; la parte mental, la emocional y la espiritual. En cada mdulo del curso aprenders mediante demostraciones y explicaciones detalladas cmo ejecutar cada una de las tcnicas correctamente. Y si an tienes alguna duda o comentario, escrbela en el foro o por mensaje y con gusto te ayudar. Respondo todas las preguntas. ""Excelente contenido y video del curso. Breve, claro, sencillo. Espero otras propuestas de cursos."" -Ramn MendozaEstas tcnicas no han sido inventadas por m, sino que varias de ellas han sido utilizadas y recomendadas por varios de los ms exitosos coachs y empresarios del mundo como Tony Robbins, Tim Ferriss, Bill Gates o Steve Jobs. Sin embargo, en este curso, aprenders una secuencia que he desarrollado a lo largo de aos de pruebas tanto en m mismo como en cientos de alumnos, emprendedores, profesionales, deportistas y empresarios en sesiones de Coaching; as como los 'secretos' para maximizar tus resultados en el menor tiempo posible. Han tenido un profundo impacto positivo en la vida de todos ellos, y ahora quiero compartirlas contigo. Nada sucede por casualidad. Si llegaste hasta aqu es por un motivo. Si ya has probado muchos programas, algunos complejos y costosos, pero an no has conseguido los resultados que deseas, lo que necesitas es mucho ms simple, y quiz lo tienes frente a t ahora!As que, si ests list@ para ahorrarte meses e incluso aos de investigacin, pruebas y errores, permteme ser tu Coach personal: toma este curso ahora y empieza a cambiar tu vida desde este instante. nete a nuestra comunidad de fanticos de despertar y utilizar al mximo el potencial propio.sta es mi promesa para ti: si sigues este curso y realizas esta rutina durante 21 das seguidos, notars una mejora significativa en varias reas de tu vida. Mi objetivo es impactar la vida de la mayor cantidad de personas que me sea posible alcanzar y me encantara que en unos das me escribas contndome cmo tu vida est cambiando desde que incorporaste este ""ritual"" a tus maanas. ""Muy bueno, solo tienen que practicar 6 minutos y su vida cambiar como la ma"" -Andrs GonzlesBienvenido a una vida de mayor productividad, abundancia, xito y felicidad."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SIP em profundidade" |
"O treinamentode SIP voltado:Aos profissionais deoperadoras VoIP,Aos profissionais de Call CentersAos desenvolvedores de aplicaes de comunicao multimdia Ele preparatriopara qualquer um que v trabalhar em provedores ,fabricantes de PABX ou integradores.Contedo:Arquitetura e Dispositivos SIPComponentes de uma mensagem SIPFluxo de Mensagens SIPMtodos no SIPMensagens de Erro SIPO Servidor de RegistrosConfigurando um SoftfoneComo capturar pacotes SIPno WireSharkProva 1 de SIP BsicoCodificao de MdiaRTP e RTCPSession Description ProtocolProva 2 - Transporte de mdiaTransaes SIPDilogos SIPProva de Transaes e Dilogos SIP"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Curso Virtualizao com VirtualBox e VMware Player" |
"Este curso lhe dar noes bsicas sobre virtualizao de computadores, suas vantagens e melhorias de utilizao de equipamentos. Mostrar como rodarmais de um sistema operacional na mesma mquina, para que possa fazer testes de softwares,aprender a utilizar novos sistemas operacionais e at mesmo garantir o acesso a bancos e web de forma segura sem comprometer os dados de seus computador.Este curso ir ensin-lo a instalar e operar um servidor web LAMP (Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP) em um ambiente de virtualizao Virtual Box, de modo que passe a ser o seu servidor web de sistemas ou sites desenvolvidos com a linguagem PHP e banco de dados Mysql. Suas principais vantagens so o baixo custo e a facilidade de implantao, escalabilidade, estabilidade e segurana.Voc tambm ir aprender a instalar e operar o software que possui a tecnologia mais avanada de ambientes virtualizados, o VMware. Para isso utilizaremos o VMware Player, a verso gratuita, mas que possui grandes vantagens comoafacilidade de implantao, escalabilidade, estabilidade e segurana. Utilizaremos o VMware Player para rodar mquinas virtuais com os sistemas operacionaisLinux eWindows. Iremos tambm rodar um LiveCD que possui diversas ferramentas de edio de udio sem precisar instal-las nos seu computador e um virtual Appliance, que uma mquina virtual j totalmente configurada.Tenhaem casa o poder e flexibilidade dos grandes datacenters.Voc tambm ter um servidor virtual comWordpress instalado!Depois de concluir este curso, voc estar preparado para instalar o servidor web LAMP de forma rpida e segura. Saiba como executar um backup completo da sua mquina virtual com todas as configuraes e como clonar o servidor, facilitando o aumento da capacidade rapidamente. Voc ter um servidor em seu notebook ou desktop para fazer prova de conceito ao seu cliente. Voc estar preparado para instalar o VMware e criar mquinas virtuaisde forma rpida e segura. Sabercomo clonar o servidorrapidamente. Voc ter um servidor em seu notebook ou desktop para fazer prova de conceito ao seu cliente.Vamos instalar o Apache, MySQL e PHP, e vamos estudar a sua configurao com um teste de execuo prtica. Finalmente, aprendemos a clonar e produzir um servidor modelo, transform-lo em um appliance para que voc possa instal-lo rapidamente em outros servidores fsicos (host) VirtualBox.Se voc quer o melhor ambiente de virtualizaousado em todo omundo para seus sistemas,inscreva-se no curso."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Curso Audacity para vdeo aulas e gravaes de voz" |
"ATENO:Este curso contm, propositalmente,partes dos vdeo sem tratamento algum do udio e pode apresentar variao intensa do volume de udio. Recomenda-se cautela com o controle de volume!!!!Audacity o melhor software gratuito de edio de udios. Superando inclusive muitos softwares pagos. Possui muitos recursos com uma quantidade imensa de configuraes possveis.Assim importante entender corretamente como usar estes recursos, pois o uso errado pode fazer com que seu udio fique pior que o original e no atenda aos requisitos mnimos de conforto e entendimento ao seu ouvinte.Neste curso aprenderemos no apenas como usar o Audacity, mas tambm os cuidados que devemos ter com a captao do udio , incluindo a correta configurao de seu driver da placa de som para o uso correto do conector do microfone. Verificaremos tambm como configurar o seu sistema de udio para ouvir as gravao de forma correta para uma boa edio do udio gravado.No Audacity, veremos como fazer a produo de seu udio de forma a preservar um histrico das alteraes, enquanto aprenderemos com configurar corretamente os efeitos queaplicaremos, tais como:Reduo de rudosNoise GateRemoo manual de rudosedio de amplitude deamostracorreo de erros de fala com ""eeeeee"", ""OK"".Eliminao de estaloscorreo de picosCompressoNormalizao"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"NodeJS made easy for MEAN or MERN Stack" |
"---All source code is available for downloadResponsive Instructor - All questions answered within 24 hoursProfessional video and audio recordings (check the free previews)----Look at any JavaScript ,Angular or React developer job posting out there, the knowledge and experience with Node.js is a must.In this course you will master all the NodeJS Fundamentals ,using Express, Mongo, Mongoose, Docker, React and more.Are you a developer with JavaScript experience ? Are you a developer who is just getting started with your web development career? then this course is for you .You will quickly master the fundamentals of Node and use them to create JavaScript backends . Enroll now andLearn the Fundamentals of NodeUse the in-built node packagesCreate REST APIs using ExpressPerform REST CRUD using Mongo ClientCreate REST Backend using MongooseWork on a Patient Clinical API projectDockerize your node applicationCreate a Docker fileUse Docker Compose to launch different contianersCreate a Single Page Frontend using ReactSecure your REST APIs using OAuthDeploy Your Node Application to AWSConnect and work with PostgreSQL database"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Digital Computer Electronic Engineering Circuit Simulations" |
"This course provides a solid foundation of digital electronic systems. How the electronic devices and subsystems work in a digital computer and similar machines. The course covers combination and sequential logic circuits. Topic study will include number systems, Boolean algebra, logic families, medium scale integration (MSI) and large scale integration (LSI) circuits, analog to digital (AD) and digital to analog (DA) conversion, and more related topics. Upon completion, students will be able to construct, analyze, verify, and troubleshoot digital circuits using appropriate techniques and procedures and test related equipment."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Rhinoceros + Grasshopper + Vray Fundamentals" |
"Rhinoceros is a 3D free-form modeller you can use to create anything from a heart valve to a ship hull and from a mouse to a monster. RhinoCeros is a NURBS modelling 3d software, used to conceptualize, design and fabricate products, in Various Industries form Architecture to Product Design,Grasshopper for Rhino is a node-based graphical algorithm plugin for Rhinoceros 3d NURBS modelling software. working on Grasshopper does not require any programming or scripting skills, allowing you to design and build complex forms and generative designs from the simple logic building process.V-ray Plugin for rendering that allows you to create massive ideas in 3dsMAX, Revit, Rhino3d, and Sketch-up and helps you visualize anything imaginable. Save time and create your best work realistic scenes of Interior and Exterior visualization for Architects, Interior Designers and other Civil Industry Professionals."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel Power Query Training - Beginners to Advanced level" |
"What is POWER QUERY (PQ)?It's aFREE tool provided by Microsoft for Excelusers.Yes you read it correctly. This tool isFREE!!!And Power Querycanmake novice Excel user toPRO-Exceluser very quickly & this training will make your journey easy and memorable.Power Query is available for ALLusers of Excel 2010 / 2013 / 2016 and PowerBI. InExcel 2016 it has been renamed as ""Get & Transform"".This course topics can be applied for all versions of Power Query - Excel 2010 / 2013 / 2016 & Power BI.Power Query is a toolthat can be used for data discovery, reshaping the data and combining data ( Merge / Blend / Consolidate, etc.) coming from different sources. Power Query can connect directly to Excel, Access, Text, CSV, Hadoop, Sales Force, Azure and many other different sources of data.You can perform and automate all the Extract > Transform > Load (ETL) tasks required to clean the data and make it usable for further analysisin Tableau, Power BI, Excel, Access, etc.Power Query isa tool...Tool that is veryeasy to learneven for novice excel users.A tool thatcan extract / connect to data from almostany source.Merge and shape data sourced to match your data analysis requirementsPrepare your datafor further analysis and modelling by tools likePower Pivot, etc.Keepssequential recordof all the steps performed from source till final outputYou canreview your automation stepslater and easily modify it.Thus, you can focus on turning data into insight and adding true value to your company and to yourself as well.The best part is that most of the automationfeatures in Power Query are located within its ribbon so you have to just click it withmouse and start your automation in Excel. ThisGUIis one of the most intuitive interfaces I have found in any tool yet.For learning about Power Queryyou do not need to learn or have priorknowledge about any programming languages like Excel VBA or SQL, etc.If you areplanning to implementData Analytics or Business Intelligence solutions usingPower Pivot,Power View,Power Map,Power BI,Tableau, Python orR, etc.then you must learnPower Querybefore all these other tools.Why should youlearn Power Query?Now let's try to relate how Power Query can be useful to you. See if youanswer positively toany one of the questions enumerated below:Do you work with data on daily basis?Do you regularly build multiple dashboards?Do you need to import data for above reporting from different sources?You have to perform extensive data cleansing before your perform analysis?Do you createManagement Information Systems (MIS) reports regularly?Are you workingas part of any Data Analytics Projects / Power BI / Tableau / Business Intelligence Projects?Do you use complex / advancedExcel formulas / Excel VBA coding (macros) / SQL?You might need to perform any of the following activities before data becomes usable:Filtering out data you don't needDeleting / sorting rows, columns or blanksTransforming text, numeric, and date columns.Removing spaces and special characters from your data.Fixing the layout into tabular format so that it will work in Pivot TablesRenaming, adding / removing, Splitting / joining and reordering columnsCreating calculating columns / fields which never existed in the source data.Merging / consolidating / appending data fromTextfiles, CSV files or databasetables.Incorporating the next month (or period) data to an existing report.Perform same steps again when receive new file or data in next month... and many more laborious repetitive tasks that consumes your day in and out.If you have answered positive for any of the questions or your job looks similar then you have come to right place - Power Query Training.It does not matterif you are anovice Excel user, orAdvanced Excel user, you regularly code VBA / macros to automate repetitive task in Excel,this Power Query Training course is must for you.In this course as a beginners you will learn all the features from scratch. And after completing this course you would be proficient in using almost 80% of features in Power Query.This will guide to how convert dirty data into clean data which you can provide to your Data Analytics or Business Intelligence or Data Visualization Software.Thought process behind POWER QUERY and this training course:I have noted at numerous occasions that people are not aware about these new amazing tools introduced by Microsoft. Also, few people who have heard about it but does find proper resource to learn about using this tool. Hence i thought of publishing this Power Query Training here so that you can learn in structured manner about how to perform various data cleansing task inExcel using Power Query.You DO NOT need any programming, Excel VBA coding or SQLknowledge to start using Power Query. After completing this course you would be proficient in using Power Query and can immediately apply concepts to your work. You will move from Power Query newbie to proficient user after this course.I can confidently tell you that your investment in this course will be paid off within a months by way of saving you lot of efforts and time while working on Excel. And if you are not satisfied from this Power Query Training you can get your money back within 30 days of enrolling into the course.So Enroll quickly and start learning & using Power Query."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) 12c Developer Course" |
"Join the most comprehensive and popular Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) 12c Developer Course on Udemy, because now is the time to get started!From basic concepts about Data Integration, Intelligence, Architecture, ODI Components, Project Development to Migration and Support, this course covers it all you need to know to become a successful ODI Developer! But that's not all! Along with covering all the steps of ODI developer functions, this course also has quizzes and projects, which allow you to practice the things learned throughout the course!You'll not only learn about the concepts but also practice each of those concepts through Projects.And if you do get stuck, you benefit from extremely fast and friendly support - both via direct messaging or discussion. You have my word!With more than two decades of IT experience, I have designed this course for students and professionals who wish to master how to develop and support industry-standard batch integration in Oracle Data Integrator.This course will be kept up-to-date to ensure you don't miss out on any changes once ODI 12c is required in your project!Why ODI?Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) is the integration tool every enterprise need. The key technical capabilities likeExtract-Load-Transform (ELT) approach, Near real-time data integration capability through Change Data Capture(CDC), Declarative design with fully modifiable Knowledge Modules, SOA capable through web-servicesIntegration of structured as well as unstructured dataexists only in ODI. It's Oracle's flagship, High-performance bulk data movement and transformation tool. Oracle is investing a lot in this tool.ODI is a built-in batch integration tool for Oracle BI Apps 11g onwards. The current Oracle BI Apps customers will have to replace their existing ETL tools with ODI.The Extract-load-transform(ELT) approach of ODI with a knowledge module based modular approach makes it the most complete and scalable batch integration tool.If you are looking for a thriving career in data integration and analytics, this is the right time to learn ODI.Get a very deep understanding of ODI Developer activitiesEvery new ODI version is coming with added features. The success of ODI implementation and its performance depends on the ODI developer. Pay once, benefit a lifetime! This is an evolving course! ODI12c development and later future versions will be covered in this course. You wont lose out on anything! Dont lose any time, gain an edge, and start now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Data Cleaning is the most tedious and time consuming task today. Industries spend lot of time in working out to get the right solutions, Hire Experts and Invest Time. All this cleaning work can be managed smoothly by Alteryx.Alteryx is Data Cleaning Tool Data Blending Tool Predictive Analysis Tool Spatial Analysis Tool5) ETL Tool6) Self Service Analytical ToolThis course is specially designed for participants having no knowledge about Alteryx and Want to upgrade skills to clean data set.After Learning from this course, you would be able to Join datasets, perform union operations, Find and Replace, Fuzzy Match, Sort, Filter etc.There are 260 + Tools available in Alteryx, This course covers the most important Tools used in the industry today.At the end of the course, there would be Case studies uploaded soon. (Will be updated soon !!!)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |