Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Butterfly Gardening: Attract North American Pollinators" |
"In a technology-crazed, fast-paced, stressed-out and over-stimulatedculture, a butterfly garden is a sweet oasis of serenity.Did you know there are butterflies in your neighborhood you canattract?Connecting to naturehas been proven to offer health, healing and calming effects, and it's practically free!This quick and fun course is designed to introduce youto the miracles in the natural world.We have hundreds of butterflies flying inNorth America.This course lists ten of the most common, and explains what you must do to invite them to your garden!Follow the easy,yet,specific""Take Action""steps at the end of each section tocreate a butterfly habitat in your outdoor space.You will be amazed.You will be free toobserve the stages of their life,watch them emerge and finally, you will learn how to give a butterfly to a friend!This course is taught by a passionate butterfly hobbyist, turned obsessed, eh, Imean, Professional. Jessica studied entomology and horticultureat the University of Florida and spends her time outside with butterflies any chance she gets. Her life is much richer because of it."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Successful Job Interviews in Under 60 Days" |
"A step by step guide on how to land your first high paid job where I will teach you the technical aspects and the correct attitude required to succeed. Its based on +400 job applications that I sent, with methods developed over years of testing and learning. The course comes with a promise, that inside you will find all you need to get a job in under 60 days."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a la lectura del Nuevo Testamento Griego" |
"Contenido:Breve historia de la lengua griegaDos formas bsicas de pronunciar la lengua griegaEl valor de la transliteracin y sus modalidadesEl alfabeto griego y la pronunciacin erasmianaEl alfabeto griego y la pronunciacin reuchliniana Los signos de puntuacin empleados en el Nuevo Testamento GriegoLos espritus La acentuacin griegaLos proclticos y los enclticosCambios fonticos Examen 1) con un valor de 25 puntos, con base en el alfabeto griego, tomando en cuenta la pronunciacin erasmiana y la pronunciacin reuchliniana.Ejercicio de lectura y transliteracin del griego al espaol segn la pronunciacin erasmianaEjercicio de lectura y transliteracin del griego al espaol segn la pronunciacin reuchliniana Nombres en griego de los 27 libros que componen el NT.Examen 2) con valor de 25 puntos, con base en los nombres en griego de los libros del Nuevo Testamento.Examen 3) con valor de 25 puntos con base al uso de la Concordancia y Diccionario Manual Griego Espaol. Descripcin: Buscar en la Concordancia y Diccionario Manual Griego Espaol, 25 palabras prefijadas, con dos objetivos bsicos: en primer lugar, citar slo y estrictamente el primer significado que all se le atribuye; en segundo lugar, transliterarlas fonticamente segn la pronunciacin erasmiana.Examen 4) con valor de 25 puntos con base en la lectura del Nuevo Testamento Griego. Recursos adicionales:Una copia del Nuevo Testamento Griego (edicin crtica serie Novum Testamentum Graece Nestle-Aland)Concordancia Manual y Diccionario Griego Espaol del Nuevo Testamento. La fuente griega para poder escribir en griego desde el computador u ordenador.Una gua que explica la manera de instalar y usar la fuente griega en el computador u ordenador. Lee el Nuevo Testamento en su idioma original, da el primer paso en la especializacin de los estudios de la Biblia."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk 3DS Max - Particles 201" |
"Autodesk 3DS Max uno dei software pi diffusi al mondo e gode di un robusto modulo per la simulazione di Particles. In questo corso sar affrontato il modulo avanzato di creazione delle stesse: Il Particle Flow (detto anche PFlow) con esempi pratici che ti permetteranno di realizzare in autonomia effetti visivi o effetti naturali da utilizzare nei tuoi render o animazioni.Alla fine di una serie di lezioni puramente teoriche avrai modo di visionare esempi pratici pensati proprio per coloro che si avvicinano la prima volta a tale modulo avanzato, oltre a svelare alcuni segreti da utilizzare nelle tue produzioni. Per una miggiore comprensione dei concetti basilari consigliata la visione anche del corso ""Autodesk 3DS Max Particles 101 - Introduzione ai Particle Systems"". Cosa imparer in questo corso?Gestire il Particle Flow in varie situazioniCreare effetti di forte impatto visivoBasi forti sul modulo PFlow"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Fundamental of Static Timing Analysis (Part 1)" |
"Fundamental of Static Timing Analysis is going to cover almost all the details which you need to know to understand STA. In this course, you will learn What are the things you should know to understand STA?How tool do the calculation of a particular problem?What's the meaning of Analyzing something and solving something?Always remember - Tool is something which work based on user command - so it's very important to know what command we have to provide at what time. Which command - that's the something depends on Tools but what should be the approach is independent of Tool. In this course, Approach is main thing which you will understand."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Core Java Programming from Scratch to Advanced" |
"Do you want to learn how to code in Java programming language, compile, test, debug and package it and much more? Using your own computer with an internet connection; JDK version 8, Notepad++, Eclipse and Windows.Java is used to create Core, Desktop, Web based, Mobile applications and supported on the many other types of devices, software and hardware platforms; popular applications servers Oracle WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, Apache-Tomcat and Android development platforms supports it.Target students for this Course:This course is targeted for students who have got no programming skills and beginning to learn Core Java Fundamentals on WindowsThose who are committed to constantly learn and improve themselves and those who are planning to enter the job market for an entry level Java programmer jobsYou will know how to apply real world OOPs concepts, code Abstract Classes and Interfaces, Collections frameworkA professional who wants to become a better programmer by improving your skillset.Then this course is for YOU! We will learn about: Classes, Anonymous Inner Classes, Constructors, KeywordsVariables, Datatype, OperatorsControl Statements, Arrays and LoopsCode Methods, Access Modifiers, Exception HandlingOOPs in real world, code Abstract Classes and Interfaces, Collections frameworkMultithreading essentials, Producer-Consumer Problem and Threading conceptsDuring the course, I will support you with theory and concepts. It includes hands-on demos, quizzes, assignments; to challenge you as a part of learning process."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sleep For Life - The Ultimate Insomnia Treatment" |
"IF YOU SUFFER WITH INSOMNIA YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACEWelcome to the Sleep for Life Ultimate Insomnia Treatment created by internationally-renowned sleep therapist and bestselling author, Sasha Stephens. You don't need to go elsewhere, you don't need to look any further. The answers you seek are here. All of them. If you are an insomniac, you spend your days exhausted and miserable. You feel different and alone. I understand this. You may well be dependent on sleeping pills that leave you groggy and unrefreshed. You may have spent hundreds or even thousands on useless insomnia cures and over the counter sleep aids. You may be worried that your problem is getting worse. You may feel you would give anything to get over your problem, that the usual cures for insomnia never seem to work. I know why that is.Your sleeping problems may be affecting your work, your career, your social life and even your relationships. You may spend your days in fear and stress at the thought of the sleep you are going to miss. Your heart may be pounding, right now, at the thought of what tonight will bring. I can take away that fear.Do you have these sorts of unwanted thoughts about sleep?Lack of sleep is ruining my lifeSleep aids and sleeping pills dont work for meIll never get betterMy sleep mechanism is brokenIm just a bad sleeperMy insomnia is incurableCan I die of insomnia?Then this course is for you. Because no matter how long you have suffered, IT STOPS HERE!In this course, Im going to take you back to basics, to the beginning, back to the child inside you that sleeps effortlessly, without thinking or worrying or stressing. Im offering you an easy to follow, yet powerful system that not only allows you to become a better sleeper, it teaches you to become a great sleeper, rediscovering your innate ability to sleep, normally and naturally. Ill speak to you on a deep emotional level by changing your core beliefs and feelings about sleep. This results in a transformation that is long lasting. RE-DISCOVERING YOUR NATURAL ABILITY TO SLEEPWe are all born with the ability to sleep, without thinking or wondering or stressing. Where does that ability go? Did we lose it or outgrow it? Did the stresses of modern life destroy it? The truth is, our ability to sleep never leaves us. Its always inside, safe and secure. Were going to rekindle your inborn power to sleep. We will take you back to the child inside you that sleeps perfectly, without thinking, without stressing or wondering.Lets trigger that falling asleep instinct so that it works perfectly every night.THE COURSE IS DIVIDED INTO SIX MAIN SECTIONS:1. GETTING STARTED We start by making the proper preparation for good sleep to enter your life once again. This first lesson will provide an introduction to the course and its philosophy and methodology. Ill give you an outline of how to get the best out of this course and tell you all about my own history with insomnia, and my incredible recovery. This will reassure you that no matter how bad your problem, you can recover.2. WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO YOU? In this section, Ill show you the mechanics of the problem, why insomnia occurs in the first place, and how it can escalate. I'll explain how we often get it wrong without realising. There are certain actions and activities that will always work to keep insomnia firmly wedged in your life. In this section, well begin shaking loose all these destructive influences, eliminating all those things that keep your insomnia locked into your life. Ill expose some of the myths you may currently believe about sleep and overcoming insomnia. I'll also explain exactly why nothing seems to work and that sleeping pills, far from helping you to overcome insomnia, often just make the problem worse. And most importantly, Ill show you how to begin setting things right.3. PUTTING THING RIGHT The course really begins to kick off with this powerful and motivating lesson. I'll explain that good sleep is not something we make happen while lying in bed. You'll learn that rather than focusing on the bad night itself, we should be more concerned with everything that has led up to it. In this way, when bedtime approaches you will be in the perfect state for sleep to occur. Sleep will then happen automatically, naturally, and without having to do anything at all once we get into bed.4. THE TWELVE PROMISES At this stage f the course, your insomnia is already beginning to crumble; its foundations have been weakened and the problem is now on shaky ground. And now, we move onto the real meat of the course. In this lesson we begin tackling the sleeping problem head on, with the precise steps necessary to create a new great sleeping habit. Much of this advice will be completely new to you and may even contradict what you have been told in the past. But trust me: follow the easy steps on this lesson and youll watch in wonder as insomnia begins to retreat out of your life, allowing deep delicious sleep to re-enter your life. 5. THE FINAL PIECE IN THE JIGSAW This super-motivational, confidence-boosting lesson ties everything up together and leaves you feeling empowered and optimistic about the future and your ability to sleep. Ill tell you where to go from here, what to do when the 30 days is up and finally I reveal to you the last essential step in total insomnia recovery.6. THE SAFETY BLANKET Deisigned specifically for the bad nights, I have created a series of 5 videos for those who might be feeling panicky or extra low. Each recording provides comfort with just the right words and advice when you need it the most. Youll also getBonus 1. A FULL SET OF BRAIN ENTRAINMENT SLEEP TOOLS These audio recordings were specially created for this program using brain entrainment technology. They are designed to guide your brain into just the right state for sleep. They include The Sleep Booster Tool. A powerful SMR recording that has the incredible effect of making it easier to sleep in the future.Sasha's Sleep Inducer. To guide you all the way down to Delta sleep - the deepest and most refreshing sleep of allSasha's Fantastic Stress Reliever. For a relaxing daytime break.Plus LOADS more..Bonus 2. SIX CUTTING-EDGE RELAXATION TECHNIQUES Recorded in Sashas own voice, you'll find these techniques quite unlike anything you have heard before and they go way beyond the usual breathing or visualisation methods Bonus 3. THREE FULL-LENGTH PEACEFUL MEDITATION AUDIO TRACKS Take a break from the outside world. Just put on your headphones, sit back and let the gentle nature sounds work their magic. Choose from gentle rainfall, ocean sounds or a babbling stream. Note: The techniques, ideas, and opinions here are not intended as a substitute for proper medical advice. The information provided here is solely for informational purposes only. Users are not to rely on this information as medical advice and to consult a qualified medical, dietary, fitness or other appropriate professional for their specific needs."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Philosophy of Education" |
"The course includes six lessons on the philosophy of education. The course considers basic topics involved in the process of education at all levels. It seems logical that teachers should discuss and analyze topics such as ontology, axiology and epistemology and related issues in education and learning. This course is instructed by using a series of videos taught by Dr. Larry Gilbert. These classes were taught to students who were training to be teachers at different levels."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basic Communication Skills for New Leaders & Managers" |
"Miscommunications can be costly, time consuming and frustrating, especially in high-stakes work environments, with team members, customers, or even within personal relationships. This course is designed to expand your communication intelligence and learn how to leverage a valuable framework for recognizing communication breakdowns or potential challenge areas before they impact your messages. This course will also review best practices for driving the results you want every time you interact or share information with someone else. Our Dream.Hustle.Hack learning approach will shortcut your success and help you integrate each lesson into your life and work right away. Join our community of leaders and start getting better outcomes with the Communication Cycle and other key tools for success today!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso de manejo forestal con ArcGIS (Intermedio-Avanzado)" |
"Es un curso dedicado y aplicado al manejo forestal mediante la tcnica de sistema de informacin geogrfica; donde conocers las herramientas esenciales para poder emplear una planificacin y operativa dentro del rea de manejo forestal en nivel Intermedio y Avanzado. Eres estudianteuniversitarioy quieres aprender el rea de SIG? O no tienes tiempo de ir a clase? Necesitas aprender y sobre todo ejercitar tus habilidades SIG de una manera sencilla,rpida y amena? Si has contestado s, este curso es para ti."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Wardrobe Wisdom Clutter to Clarity" |
"Turn your collection of clothes into a wardrobe:Learn how to organize your wardrobe. This will simplify your life.Smart processes and tools that professional image consultants work with.This class is specificly designed for women who have a closet full of clothes but experience they have nothing to wear.With a 7-step approach you will organize your wardrobe from how it is now to how you would like it.Finally you will learn how to combine your clothes in a flattering way."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Reiki Solas 1&2 Practitioner Certification Energy Healing" |
"Reiki Solas is an advanced system of chakra energy healing and spiritual healing taught and guided by Yogi Ricky Mathieson. 'Solas' means 'Light' in Scottish Gaelic and references the spiritual illumination these courses offer you.Learn Reiki Solas Level 1 & 2, a unique and advanced system for chakra healing, self-healing, personal growth and spiritual healing and uncover the secrets to achieving true lasting peace, happiness and joy.This advanced Reiki training includes Usui Reiki and Karuna Reiki training, plus additional advanced spiritual energy healing techniques, plus full Reiki certification and a free certificate of completion.Learn the Life Changing Concepts, Tools and Secret Practices for Becoming a Fully Certified Reiki Solas Practitioner. Learn advanced techniques for health & happiness from Yogi Ricky MathiesonAchieve the power and capability to influence your environmentReveal the secrets to making your goals and wishes become realityRecognize your ability to positively influence your health and well-beingThe power to succeed is within your handsLearning Reiki Solas, my unique system of energy channelling, puts the power to create positive change within your capable hands. You will learn the traditional Usui Reiki system of healing as well as uncover advanced techniques, symbols and wisdom from me, Yogi and Reiki Master Ricky Mathieson, and have access to my 19 years experience of energy channelling. Upon successful completion of this eCourse you will have all the skills necessary to set-up your own Reiki practice and provide Reiki healing treatments to the general public. You'll also discover all the tools necessary for creating positive change in the lives of your clients as well as yourself. Content & Overview of Your CourseSuitable for the complete beginner, these 71 extensive lectures will help you build a firm knowledge and practical ability to successfully perform Reiki for yourself and others. Each course level includes a mixture of live headshot video tutorials, end of level quizzes, advanced techniques, empowering tips and practical real life assignments so you can put your new found skills to immediate use. Starting with your Reiki Solas Level 1 eCourse, you will lay a firm foundation onto which you'll build more advanced practices. In your Reiki Solas Level 2 eCourse I'll share advanced techniques that reveal how to heal from the inside and develop the true lasting peace and happiness you deserve. You'll also receive a free complementary gift of a further two powerful Reiki symbols to help promote deep healing and help you maintain a finer balance and harmony in your life. Upon completion of these two levels of Reiki Solas you will have discovered the advanced wisdom and techniques necessary for creating positive change in the life of yourself and others and will uncover the secrets to making your goals and wishes become a reality. All while developing the good health and well-being to enjoy these successes. "
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Reiki Solas 3&4 Master Teacher Certification Energy Healing" |
"PLEASE NOTE: **You must complete Reiki Solas Level 1&2 before enrolling on this course.**Reiki Solas is an advanced system of energy healing and spiritual development taught and guided by Yogi Ricky Mathieson. 'Solas' means 'Light' in Scottish Gaelic and references the spiritual illumination these courses offer you.Learn Reiki Solas Levels 3 & 4, a unique and advanced system for self-healing, personal growth and spiritual development, uncover the secrets to self-mastery and become a Reiki Solas Master Teacher and pass attunements to others.This advanced Reiki training includes Usui Reiki and Karuna Reiki training, plus additional advanced spiritual energy healing techniques, plus full Reiki certification and a free certificate of completion as a Reiki Master Teacher.Discover Advanced Wisdom And Techniques For Revealing Your Life Purpose and Gain The Necessary Skills for Becoming a Fully Certified Reiki Solas Master-Teacher. Learn expert master techniques from Yogi Ricky MathiesonAttune to the full power of TEN REIKI SYMBOLS and supercharge your capabilitiesUnlock the secrets of becoming a master of yourself and your surroundingsReveal the wisdom for finding true and lasting Peace, Love, Happiness and JoyThe gift of infinite Love rests within your Heart Become a Reiki Solas Master-Teacher with my unique system of energy channelling and open up the inherent power of your Heart to shine your gift upon the world. You will learn the traditional Usui Reiki system of healing as well as uncover advanced expert techniques and wisdom from Japanese, Tibetan and Indonesian Reiki practices from Yogi and Reiki Master, Ricky Mathieson, who has over 19 years experience of energy channelling. Upon successful completion of this eCourse you will have all the skills necessary to set-up your own Reiki teaching practice and provide guidance and attunements to the eager students that await you. You will also discover little known advanced techniques for mastering yourself and creating positive change in the world around you while helping to improve the lives of friends, family and loved ones. Content & Overview of Your Course This advanced eCourse is for students who have completed the 'Reiki Solas Level 1&2 eCourse' prior to enrollment on this course. The 59 tutorials include in depth expert advice that will help you significantly advance your spiritual knowledge and greatly enhance your power and ability to channel energy for yourself and others. Each course level includes live headshot video tutorials, end of level quizzes, expert techniques and tips, as well as practical real life assignments to help you understand the deeper concepts and meanings of energy channelling. All courses come with lifetime access and lifetime guidance and support from me, Yogi Ricky Mathieson. Your Reiki Solas Master Level eCourse will delve deeper into key aspects of how to grow and develop spiritually and energetically. It's with this understanding that you'll continue to expand your awareness towards realizing the many truths hidden from your eyes. In your Reiki Solas Teacher eCourse I'll share expert techniques to speed this process along, as well as disclose full details on how to pass Reiki Solas Level 1 to 4 attunements to others, anywhere in the world, including from a distance. Including the three traditional Usui Reiki symbols you will be attuned to, you will also receive the free complementary gift of a further SEVEN powerful Reiki Solas symbols. These symbols focus upon expanding the Love and Compassion in your heart and will help you discover the true lasting Peace, Love, Happiness and Joy I'm sure you've been longing for. Upon completion of these two levels of Reiki Solas you will have become a fully qualified and certified Reiki Solas Master-Teacher and will have discovered the expert knowledge and wisdom necessary for finding your direction and purpose in life. All while further improving your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health and well-being so you can enjoy life to the fullest. "
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Probability and Statistics" |
"This course will begin with an overview of data types and descriptive Statistics. There will be extensive coverage of probability topics along with an introduction to discrete and continuous probability distributions. The course ends with a discussion of the central limit theorem and coverage of estimation using confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. This course is equivalent to most college level Statistics I courses."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
intro-to-accounting |
"Web3 3Part1Part2Part3Part4Part5StepPart6StepPart7Step"
Price: 10200.00 ![]() |
"HTML5WebHTML5CSS3JavaScriptAPIHTML5HTML5HTML5 has evolved into Web applications from those that make the traditional home page, games and utilities can now be created easily.The HTML5, CSS3 of design, program of JavaScript, further was also added API that will provide a variety of functions.In this course, the HTML5 as an introduction of, we will introduce you sprinkled with actual coding the ""what can do with HTML5."""
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
WebCSS3 |
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"WordPress for Writers" |
"Welcome to WordPress for Writers! Everyone knows a website is foundation of a strong author platform and is the first place where existing and potential readers go to find information about you and your books. But you may be wondering how you, a writer, can get one without spending several hundreds or thousands of dollars to hire a web designer.Well, I've got the answer to that question! WordPress makes this process so easy once you finish this course you'll wonder why it to you so long to even try!This course will show you how to do exactly that. I've designed this course to get you to a professional, branded, self-hosted website quickly and without the need for any technical know-how, and at a fraction of what it would cost to hire it out. By the end of this course you will have a professional, branded home-base for your author platform, all without a trace of code!This course is designed for beginners. As long as you understand basic computer usage including things like uploading/downloading, navigating around a web page, right click/left click and so on, you've got the skills needed to design your own website with WordPress. This course makes it fast and easy, so you can get back to what's most important to you: your writing.This course is not appropriate for anyone looking for advanced topics such as creating your own WordPress Theme or the implementation of specific plugins. It is designed for beginners. There is no programming, no HTML, and very little technobabble.There are costs involved in this course beyond the cost of this course. You should plan on spending about $60.00 (USD) in addition to the cost of the course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"/ Swift5.x~" |
"...2020iPhone&() MacMac---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WEBPythonJavaC++---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Swift....2014AppleiPhoneiPadApple watchAppleSwift2019Swift5---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2020/9/214Xcode122020/9/215Xcode12"
Price: 16800.00 ![]() |
"Dog training - Introduction to Obedience" |
"The videos contained in this course are identical to the ones offered in Jeff's Dog Trainer Certification program. His full program retails for $2499.00. Now, exclusively on Udemy, Jeff is offering his Obedience videos for a ridiculously low price. These videos will provide the fundamentals of obedience training. Whether you are a dog trainer, pet professional or a dog owner, these videos will help you be better equipped to help and train dogs. Also included are a few PDF files to compliment the video tutorials."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Level Up Your CSS Animation Skills" |
"Bring animation to your websites and stand out from the rest. By the end of this course you'll have the skills and confidence to build impressive animated landing pages.Through almost 4 hours of high quality video lessons, I'll guide you through building animated hover and button animations, activate animations on scroll, make use of parallax animations, responsive animations and more. Each section includes fully working examples that you can apply to real-world projects. Learn practical skills you can apply to future work.The perfect primer for anyone whos looking to add animations to their websites. It was the perfect balance of theory and practical examples and I recommend it highly.- Andrew Clarke, Author of Hardboiled Web DesignNow is the time to learn CSS animationAs browsers (including mobile) continue to get more powerful, we have more opportunities than ever to bring animation into our designs. At the same time, quality user experience is a massive differentiating factor for web and app-based businesses.Adding the right animation to your designs will help your sites and apps shine and help your apps stand out from the rest.Who this course is forYou want to delight and amaze your visitors, and make your websites stand out from the rest. You want to use animation not just to wow, but also to help make your sites more useful, polished and professional. You're already creating websites but you want to take your knowledge to the next level. This is the course for you. This course will give you the practical tools you need to bring animation to your projects.This is a video course full of real downloadable code examples. You'll be able to take the knowledge, as well as the real working code, to your projects and make sure they stand out.Learn by doingMost courses concentrate only on the theory. In this course well create a practical example landing page, step by step. Over 6 modules of practical, hands-on lessons, well create real examples of animation you can use on your own projects.Help and inspirationNot only do you get a load of practical, useful starting projects in this course, you can also head over to for more, and even sign up to a weekly newsletter packed full of tutorials, inspiration and tips for animating on the web.- Donovan"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Rapid Sequence Intubation" |
"Are you someone who is not familiar with this process? Perhaps you are new to Critical Care, be that a nurse, doctor, physio or any of the other professions who work in this area. There is no need to be wary of this process as long as you have a good understanding of what is happening. In this series of video lessons I will take you through all the essentials for your understanding."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Singing Bowl FUNdamentals:" |
"Calm the chaos. Mend the mind. Balance the body. Soothe the spirit. That's what BLISSbowls do!!! Have you experienced the healing power of sound and vibration from singing bowls? With a few skills and a metal or crystal singing bowl, you can unleash a healthier, more blissful, resonant life for yourself and others. For thousands of years, cultures around the world have used sound healing and vibrational medicine to treat illness, revitalize the body, and elevate the spirit. Now you can learn potent techniques from International Educator, BLISSbowls innovator, and recognized authority on modern healing methods using singing bowls, Ann Martin. Let's learn to use that singing bowl!Take this FUN entry-level course and learn the secrets to successfully playing, using, and appreciating the singing bowls in lots of different ways. Every section is punctuated with a unique ""BLISSbowls Bonus Video"" offering one-of-a-kind ways to immediately enjoy your bowl. Once you've completed this course, you'll have the confidence and the skills necessary to advance to the next levels of BLISSbowls instruction in meditation or healing techniques with singing bowls! BLISSbowls Sound Healing Methods Certification series - This class is the Level 1 prerequisite course for the BLISSbowls Sound Healing Methods Certification series; for students who want to work with singing bowls in a therapeutic capacity. Create your own sound sessions with confidence and affect the healing and comfort of others:Level 1: Singing Bowl FUNdamentals the essential foundation that all other levels depend upon.Level 2: Singing Bowls for Energy Work learning how to use bowls creatively in energy and healing sessions. (Due out in March 2020)Level 3: Singing Bowls for Body Work effective use of bowls on the physical body to effect change in the muscles, bones and organs. (in production)Level 4: Singing Bowl Layouts and Mixed-Bowl Sessions How to use more than one bowl in healing work including layouts and mixed bowl sessions (both metal and crystal bowls). (in production)These 4 Levels of training represent over 30 years of research, experimentation, and training from my family of bowls. Once you have completed all 4 Levels, I will personally send you an official BLISSbowls Certificate of Completion. If your goal is to help others, then here is a tool whos whole purpose is to help the human condition. Together, you and your bowl can bring Whole Person Healing benefits to your world, thru the transformative power of sound and vibration."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Day Trading Stocks - Gap Trading" |
"Learn the proprietary strategy Gap Edge Trading uses to align trade ideas with the big money moving the market. The Beginners Gap Course is not purely conceptual, it is a step-by-step system for producing repeatable results. This course includes over eight hours of instructions on how to trade gaps.1) Learn specific rules for when to buy, when to sell and when to stay put.2) Know how to understand, and trade every type of market environment.3) Learn how to properly manage risk so you can succeed over the long run.4) Put all the concepts together so you can trade with objectivity and 100% confidence.5) Learn 8 Gap SetupsSimple Art of Trading - Learn to think like a professional trader, learn how market trends develop, and the best setups in each type of market.You will get a deeper understanding of how candlesticks affect trends, how to use supply and demand and prior price support for your entries."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Darbuka Drumming: Learn how to play the Darbuka Dounbek" |
"This course will teach you all the basics of playing the Darbuka Dounbek Goblet drum originating in the Middle East. The drum dates backover 2000 years ago to it's beginnings inBabylon. Learn how to play this fascinating instrument. It has a sharp crisp clear sound that makes you want to dance. Over an hour of videoinstruction by master middle eastern musician Malik Terblizi, hosted by Somesh De Swardt. It's an interactive teaching experience. The course takes place in 5 sections starting right at the beginning of learning the basics until basic rhythms and exercises. Both beginner and intermediate players will have plenty of substance to further their study and playing ability. Take this course if you are interested in learning how to play and improve your technique. Finding teachers for this instrument isn't easy, but with this course you can learn at your own speed and in your own time.Malik Azeri is a master percussionist, vocalist and producer who plays Nagara, Darbouka, Daf, Tombak & Congas. His music is influenced by a variety of Middle-Eastern, South Caucasus and Latin traditions. Since moving to London he has worked with oriental, hip-hop and contemporary dancers and has given master classes and performed in concerts and festivals throughout the country and worldwide. Through an exploration of different ethnic rhythms and fusion music Malik has created a unique personal style through which he hopes to reflect unity in diversity.Many thanks to Malikfor his amazing playing and to Theo at Inclusive Video http://www.inclusivevideo.comfor their production of the video."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Fixed-Wing Drone Design" |
"Drones will soon be used for agriculture, search and rescue, package delivery, and many missions not even thought up yet. Because drones have to be specially designed for each mission, this means that now is the best time in history to be involved in aircraft design. Today we have the best tools and methods and can design aircraft like never before. Come explore the world of aircraft design and get involved in this exciting industry!In this course, aircraft designers Doug Hunsaker and Sam Weiss give you an overview of fixed-wing drone design. Students will learn the basics of aircraft design with an emphasis on the drone industry needs and missions. Topics include basic sizing for mission requirements, propulsion system selection, design tradeoffs, 3D modeling, airfoil analysis, and some pointers on detailed aerodynamic design.By taking this course, you'll see the world of aircraft design differently and have a deeper understanding of the exciting challenges that await in this burgeoning world of drone design."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Modelado 3D Props" |
"Buenas mi nombre es Exer y en este curso ser su instructor, lo que aqu veremos es un curso de modelado de props para games, en este caso crearemos un muro de rocas para plataformas como UE4 o Unity. Utilizaremos tcnicas de modelado principalmente con Zbrush, complementndolo con 3D Max, Photoshop y texturizando con Quixel Suite espero que les guste saludos y nos vemos pronto"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel - Advanced Excel Formulas & Functions" |
"See why this is one of the TOP-RATED Excel courses on Udemy:""One of the best Excel courses I've ever taken. You can see through his videos how passionate he is about Excel. Thanks for this awesome course, and count me in for the next ones!""-Julio Garcia""This is an exceptionally valuable course. The information is vital with examples of best practices from a true Excel expert. Chris Dutton can teach!""-Barbara S.""Chris Dutton is an EXPERT in Excel. He makes comprehensible to the student the complex (sometimes super-complex) nature of the formulas he uses. Everything that is written at the course description, although it may seem pure marketing and publicity at first glance, is indeed true. If I could rate it higher I definitively would. THANKS Chris!""-Bruno Ricardo Silva Pinho__________FULL COURSE DESCRIPTION:__________It's time to show Excel who's boss. Whether you're starting from square one or aspiring to become an absolute Excel power user, you've come to the right place.This course will give you a deep understanding of the advanced Excel formulas and functions that transform Excel from a basic spreadsheet program into a dynamic and powerful analytics tool. While most Excel courses focus on simply what each formula does, I teach through hands-on, contextual examples designed to showcase why these formulas are awesome and how they can be applied in a number of ways. I will not train you to regurgitate functions and formula syntax; I will teach you how to THINK like Excel.__________By the end of the course you'll be writing robust, elegant formulas and functions from scratch, allowing you to:Easily build dynamic tools & Excel dashboards to filter, display and analyze your dataGo rogue and design your own formula-based Excel formatting rulesJoin datasets from multiple sources with Excel's LOOKUP, INDEX & MATCH functionsPull real-time data from APIs directly into Excel (weather, stock quotes, directions, etc.)Manipulate dates, times, text, and arraysAutomate tedious and time-consuming tasks using cell formulas and functions in Excel (no VBA required!)__________We'll dive into a broad range of Excel formulas & functions, including:Lookup/Reference functionsStatistical functionsFormula-based formattingDate & Time functionsLogical operatorsArray formulasText functionsINDIRECT & HYPERLINKWeb scraping with WEBSERVICE & FILTERXML__________What gives you the right to teach this class? Can't I just Google this stuff?I have a genuine passion for Excel that most people reserve for things like kittens, ice cream, and significant others. The only thing I love more than learning Excel is teaching it, and as the founder of Excel Maven and Maven Analytics I've been lucky enough to teach Excel to 200,000+ students across 180+ countries. My teaching style is conversational, authentic and to the point, and I will always communicate complex concepts in a framework that is clear and easy to comprehend.As a full-time analytics consultant and Excel instructor, I cut my teeth using Excel to solve real-world business problems and develop award-winning analytics & data visualization tools for Fortune 500 companies. If you care about creds, I'm a card-carrying MOS Certified Excel Expert and my work has been featured by Microsoft and the New York Times. Ok so I don't actually carry the card, but you get the idea.If you're looking for the ONE course with all of the advanced Excel formulas and functions that you need to know to become an absolute Excel ninja, you've found it.See you in there!-Chris (Founder, Maven Analytics)__________Looking for the full business intelligence stack? Search for ""Maven Analytics"" to browse our full course library, including Excel, Power BI, MySQL, and Tableau courses!*NOTE: Full course includes downloadable resources and Excel project files, homework and course quizzes, lifetime access and a 30-day money-back guarantee. Most lectures compatible with Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016, Excel 2019 or Office 365."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel - Data Visualization, Excel Charts & Graphs" |
"Hear why this is one of the TOP-RATED Excel courses on Udemy, and the #1 Excel Data Visualization course:""Absolutely great stuff. I really enjoyed it! Chris is truly a Excel guru. I strongly recommend this course to all users looking to improve their skills with Excel charts & graphs.""-Nirav M.""Excellent from start to finish! I picked up a bunch of Excel data visualization tips that will be useful in the workplace, including some very cool advanced Excel visuals and custom charts & graphs. Loved all of it, and hope I can learn more from this wonderful individual!""-Robert C.""At the first part I just said to myself, ""Wow, Excel is capable of that? It's amazing!"" Then at the second part I told myself ""This guy is doing magic!"", and now I feel like I'm capable of doing the same. I'm definitely buying his other Excel and data visualization courses!""-Judit B.__________ FULL COURSE DESCRIPTION:Ask people what comes to mind when they think of Excel, and odds are they'll say ""spreadsheets"". The truth is, Excel is an incredibly powerful and dynamic data visualization platform for those willing to think beyond rows, columns, and primitive pie charts -- and I'm here to prove it.This course gives you a deep, 100% comprehensive understanding of Excel's latest data visualization tools and techniques. I'll show you when, why, and how to use each Excel chart type, introduce key data visualization best practices, and guide you through interactive, hands-on demos and Excel exercises every step of the way.__________We'll kick things off by exploring each of the 20+ charts & graphs introduced in Excel 2016, including: Bar & Column chartsHistograms & Pareto charts (Office 365, Excel 2016 or Excel 2019)Line charts & trend lines Area chartsPies & DonutsScatter plots & Bubble chartsBox & Whisker charts (Office 365, Excel 2016 or Excel 2019)Tree Maps & Sunbursts (Office 365, Excel 2016 or Excel 2019)Waterfall & Funnel charts (Office 365, Excel 2016 or Excel 2019)Radar & Stock chartsHeat maps, 3-D Surface & contour chartsChloropleths & Geospatial mapsCustom combo charts & graphsSparklinesAnd more...__________From there we'll dive into a series of 12+ advanced Excel demos guaranteed to turn you into an absolute data viz rockstar. These aren't ""textbook"" demos that you can find on Excel YouTube channels; these are projects adapted from actual, award-winning work featured by Microsoft, MIT, and the New York Times. I've built my analytics career around data visualization, and I can help you do the same.We'll cover advanced Excel data viz topics that you won't find anywhere else, including:Custom image overlay chartsAutomation with named ranges and OFFSET/COUNTA functionsScroll & Zoom functionality with Excel form controlsAnimated charts to visualize changes over timeDynamic, custom Excel dashboardsValue-based chart formattingCustom gauge charts & pacing chartsGrid visuals using Excel array formulasWhether you're looking for a quick primer, trying to diversify your Excel skill set, or hoping to step up your Excel data visualization game in a major way, this course is for you.See you there!-Chris (Founder, Maven Analytics)__________Looking for the full business intelligence stack? Search for ""Maven Analytics"" to browse our full course library, including Excel, Power BI, MySQL, and Tableau courses!*NOTE: Full course includes downloadable resources and Excel project files, homework and course quizzes, lifetime access and a 30-day money-back guarantee. Most lectures compatible with Excel 2016, Excel 2019 or Office 365."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Cooking Asian Delicacies Made Easy" |
"Bored of Western food?Try out this course to learn to cook some simple yet delicious Asian delicacies namely; Bird's Eye Chilli Fried Rice, Thosai, Dhal Curry, Date Fritters, Layered Cake, Marie Fudge Cake, and Sour Plum Popsicles.You (literally) got to see it to believe it!This course is a really simple step-by-step tutorial that is easy to follow along. Prepare your tummy for some awesome meal. Or at least, impress people with your Asian-food cooking skill.People of all background are invited to take up this course to experience some mouth-watering dishes, pastries and desserts that will not disappoint.I personally ask you for your time to be spent with me to get to know more about some of our Asian delicacies we have been enjoying.Join this course now and let me know what you think about it later.Cheers,Hafiz"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trick Photography and Special Effects" |
"Trick Photography & Special Effects (2nd Edition) - Your complete instructional guide on taking breathtaking special effects shots and cool images your friends won't believe... It comes with over 270 pages of instruction and contains over 300 creative photographs created by some of the most talented photographic artists worldwide. Inside the course, you will learn things like...How to create stunning special effects images that other people simply won't even understand - they'll think you've spent hours with Photoshop, but in reality they're just regular photos...How to create images of objects that appear to levitate in mid-airHow to use laser pens, flashlights, fire torches, external flash units, LED strips, and other household items to create spectacular light painting effectsHow to use infra-red light to enhance colorHow to capture beautiful High Dynamic Range nature or landscape shots with amazing detailHow to capture bubble images with fantastic swirling rainbow colorHow to create amazing 360 degree panoramic shots The secret behind stitching and stacking multiple light paintings togetherHow to manipulate shadows to create various illusionsHow to use Layer Masks in Adobe Photoshop software to create complex photomanipulationsHow to put ""the invisible man"" into your picturesHow to freeze motion and take crystal clear high-speed photographsHow to take 3D images with your cameraHow to capture amazing star and star trail shots at nightWhy your flatbed scanner is the key to some of the coolest, wackiest pictures you've ever seenBonus: Advice on flashes and how how to use them to beautifully light up your subjectBonus: Advice and recommendations for filters and Photoshop plug-insBonus: How to market stock photographs and art photographs in order to sell them for profitBonus: General advice on adjusting camera settings so you can take a great photo using any camera in any situationand much more...This amazing guide will show you exactly how to break through the ranks of ""ordinary"" photographers and become the person who takes shots that amaze everybody.This course is broken down into three modules:Module 1: Light Painting and Long Exposure EffectsModule 2: Trick Photography and Special EffectsModule 3: Photoshop Projects (Requires Adobe Photoshop)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |