Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Diplomado en Diseo Floral" |
"Diplomado en Diseo Floral Este curso es perfecto para toda persona que le gustara incursionar en el mundo del diseo floral y aprender a hacerlo en forma profesional , ya sea como negocio, para su hogar, como un hobby o decorar eventos. A lo largo del curso aprenders los principios y elementos del diseo floral as como diferentes tcnicas con una gua paso a paso para su realizacin, asegurndote el xito en todos tus diseos florales. Durante 10 aos, hemos estado ejecutando nuestro Diplomado en Diseo Floral presenciales y todos nuestros estudiantes han aprendido las habilidades y tcnicas que les permitan tener las herramientas y conocimiento para desarrollar su creatividad para la realizacin de hermosos arreglos florales y ser un gran Diseador Floral. Adecuado para:Personas con o sin experiencia previa.Idioma Espaol.Todos aquellos que quieren estudiar en tiempo parcial a su propio ritmo.Sobre el curso:Dirigido por Ana Sol CarreraVideos producidos profesionalmente con informacin detallada, consejos y puntos de vista profesionales.Contiene la teora y consejos los cuales son evaluados por nuestro equipo junto con un cuestionario al finalizar un grupo de temas.Al finalizar exitosamente Diploma de la prestigiada Escuela de Diseo Floral La Violetera.Acceso ilimitado al material del curso y videos. S un profesional en la industria del diseo floral e inicia hoy mismo!El talento es solo una pequea parte de ser un gran Diseador Floral, el aprender, practicar y dominar los principios, elementos y tcnicas son la pieza clave para lograrlo. Por eso nuestro curso esta encaminado al aprendizaje junto con la prctica en 6 meses.Tenemos ms de 12 aos de experiencia impartiendo cursos presenciales y ms de 12,500 alumnos satisfechos. Contamos con videos que garantizan un aprendizaje profesional a distancia o la devolucin de su dinero."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"VIDEO BASICS: Setup and Operate a Video Camera" |
"Video camera basic is a quick course that covers the setup and operation of three distinct cameras commonly used today, these cameras include consumer cameras and professional cameras. The cameras used in this course are are the Samsung, JVC PX-100 and Canon 550d DSLR. This course is a great starting point for anyone interested in learning the basics of Video cameras before moving on to more advanced operations of the camera. The course covers: Powering the camera, Starting the camera, Exposure, Focus, etc.This course is intended to give a basic lesson on how to setup and operate video cameras."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Business Plan : Outlines , Templates & Case Study" |
"This course is about understanding business planning and writing a qualitybusiness plan . You will be provided with all the relevant templates and case studies. You will be taught all the important concepts of business management quickly along the way so that you can walk away as abusiness owner after this course , ready to tackle all businesschallenges. It doesnt matter whether you want to open an ice cream stall, a small manufacturing setup or build a billion-dollar service, you need a quality business plan to understand your own idea and pitch it to different audiences. In this course, I will empower you with the tools and skills you need to create a simple, yet extremely effective(a) business plan presentation and (b) a business plan document for your new business or idea. (c) At the end of the course, I will provide you with a real world business plan presentation and document for you to look and take help of.(d) As you might not be familiar with certain business concepts, we will also go over some of them and do some assignments along the way to help you create this document. You will need this knowledge when you are pitching your idea to your friends, colleagues or investors. Internally, the business plan will help your critically analyze your own business situation and see whether it is worth your time and money in the long run. This course will help you answer the most critical questions you need to answer when you want to validate your business idea. Once you take this course, you will be able to create as many business plans as you want for as many ideas you want. And dont fool yourself into thinking that your idea is worth anything; its absolute garbage unless you make a business plan out of it and test all your assumptions. Again, remember that ideas are useless unless you make something out of them, and writing a quality business plan is the most crucial step. 98% of Ideas never see the light of the day because the fear of failure is very high. Well if you enthusiastically take this course, you will be able to know beforehand whether your idea will work or not, and you can avoid pitfalls. I am extremely excited to be a part of this journey and hope that you will help me help you bring out the best in you and your business idea. Lets show the world how great your idea is."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Projektziele managen inkl. Nutzwertanalyse (samt Vorlage)" |
"Was Sie erwartet Ziele beschreiben den zuknftigen und gewnschten Zustand nach erfolgreicher Projektdurchfhrung - sei es im privaten oder beruflichen Umfeld. Die Festlegung der Ziele mit dem Auftraggeber und die Steuerung des Projektes nach diesen Zielen ist ein nicht zu unterschtzender Prozess, den Sie in diesem Kurs erlernen. Mit der belastbaren Zieldefinition steht und fllt der Projekterfolg.Der Zieldefinition muss in der Startphase von Projekten und in der Projektdurchfhrung hchste Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet werden. Um Missverstndnisse bei den Beteiligten zu vermeiden, mssen Projektziele eindeutig, klar und widerspruchsfrei in ihrer Aussage sein. Das umfasst sowohl ein einzelnes Ziel als auch das Zusammenspiel aller einzelnen Projektziele untereinander. Die Projektziele bilden das Fundament fr die weitere Planung hinsichtlich Leistung (Inhalt, Umfang und Qualitt), Termine und Kosten. Ein Projekt gilt dann als erfolgreich abgeschlossen, wenn mit dem Projektergebnis die Projektziele erreicht sind - sofern diese messbar definiert wurden ...Beschreibung der ""Nutzwertanalyse""-Methode samt anpassbarem Excel-Werkzeug im DownloadDas weit verbreitete Verfahren der Nutzwertanalyse hilft Ihnen beim Umgang mit Zielkonflikten, wenn diese sich nicht durch einfache Techniken auflsen lassen. Sehr hufig wird die Nutzwertanalyse beispielsweise bei der Auswahl des geeignetsten Angebotes bei Ausschreibungen genutzt. Wenden Sie diese Technik sofort mit dem Excel-Werkzeug ""PAB-Nutzwertanalyse"" an (Download im Kurs). Das Tool ist bietet Funktionen fr die folgenden Aufgaben:Erfassung der Alternativen Definition der KriterienGewichten (Priorisieren) der KriterienBewertungsmastbe festlegen Bewerten der KriterienDarstellung des Ergebnisses tabellarisch und in verschiedenen AuswertungenKurs-berblickDer Kurs gliedert sich in folgende Abschnitte:Nach Durcharbeiten des Kapitels Einfhrung und berblick kennen Sie die Ziel-Definitionen, Ziel-Funktionen und die Arbeitsschritte zur Erstellung und Definition von Projektzielen.Im Abschnitt Projektziele definieren und Zielerreichung steuern lernen Sie anhand eines anschaulichen Beispiels die Ziele nach Regeln fr gute Zielformulierung zu definieren, hierarchisch nach GTE-Kriterien zu strukturieren, Zielbeziehungen zu analysieren und Ziel-Konkurrenzen aufzulsen. Sie wissen, wie Sie Ziele messbar festlegen und im Projektverlauf verfolgen.Die Analyse des Nutzwertes beschreibt, wie Sie eine Nutzwertanalyse durchfhren und dafr ein geeignetes Excel-Werkzeug ""PAB-Nutzwertanalyse"" (Download im Kurs) nutzen knnen.Im Abschnitt Anhang und BONUS finden Sie unter anderem eine kurze Zusammenfassung des KursesSind Sie bereit fr dieses spannende Projektmanagement-Thema? Dann sehen wir uns gleich im Kurs!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Emotional Intelligence: How To Be A Highly Effective Leader" |
"The key to successful leadership is emotional intelligence.More than 3000 studies on Emotional Intelligence (EI) have shown that it significantly contributesto both professional and personal success.The term Emotional Intelligence was a popularized by Daniel Goleman. His theory tell you what you need to do. I will tell you how todo it.In this course we will seek to develop those emotionalqualities that will make you stand out as a leader through helping you becomemore effective at managing yourself and others.When dealing with people, remember that you are not dealingwith creatures of logic but creatures of emotion, - Dale Carnegie, author of theworld renowned book; How to Win Friends and Influence People a book which promotes the development EI.The Great News is that you can drastically increase your EI anddoing so is the very focus of this course.Developing your EI will yield all kinds of great results, notonly for yourself, but the teams you lead, your family, friends and thosepeople in your life and the organisation you serve. Within this course, wellshare specific tips and strategies for developing your emotional intelligence.While this course touches on the skills and knowledge that youneed to be a great leader, it importantly explores in detail the attitudes andhabits that are the elements which really impact performance. Never before hasemotional intelligence and leadership been brought together in this way to helpyou develop your team's performance.This is because other proponents of life change focus only on asymptom like having more confidence or propose some magic pill formula thatwill supposedly turn your life around. What they fail toaddress are the driving forces behind your ability, actions, mental states andyour ability to stick to those lifestyle changes in this first place. In otherwords they focus on knowledge and skills but not the attitudes and values. Understanding this is key to the type oftransformation will help you accomplish in this course. The kind oftransformations that will make you a highly effective individual and leader.EI is the closest thing to a magic pill that I have found, butI will be honest enough to say that it will take some time and focus on yourpart but the benefits are staggering.Advantages of developing your Emotional Intelligence:improved communication with othersimproved relatiomshipsbetter empathy skillshow to live with integritygain the respect of othersimprove career prospectsdealing with change more confidentlyless susceptibility to falling prey to power dynamicsfeeling more confident and positivereduced stress levelsincreased creativityregaining control of your lifeThis course will support the above claims with both theoreticaland practical evidence that EI and your performance in general as a leader areconnected and that rather than being another here-today-gone-tomorrow fad. EI is here to stay and more and more organizations are investing large sums into Emotional Intelligence testing and training because they are wising up the many benefits that doing so will attract. EI development on a personal, professional, andorganizational level will lead to a sustainable high productivity successfuldriven and achieving experience.We will explore the competencies, skills, attitudes which it takes to become an effective leader. Have a look at the Curriculumto see what we which topics you go through in this course.Success in any field is not a matter of chance, nor thing to bewished for and waited on. It is a thing to be achieved through Patience,Belief, Confidence and Performance which are all by products of EI. If you wishleave that rut in your life and gain incredible success through the development of the mentioned areas, then you are welcomed to enroll in this course to get to your long lasting change under way."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"WordPress - Curso Completo WordPress y Sitios Web" |
"Para ver la Pgina Web que vamos a crear en este curso vea el video promocional aqui arriba... Si desea crear una Pgina Web o blog sin tener que aprender nada de programacin, este es el curso perfecto para ti! Usted no necesita conocimientos de programacin! No hay necesidad de escribir cdigo! Ni siquiera una linea! No se requiere experiencia previa. Construir un Pgina Web profesional de la etapa de cero a paso El objetivo de este curso es ayudarte y mostrarte paso a paso como crear una Pgina Web profesional estupendo para usted o su negocio utilizando WordPress. Y no es necesario saber nada de programacin. Vamos a estar juntos durante este curso, es como sentarse a mi lado mientras creamos una Pgina Web de Wordpress desde cero, vamos a paso a paso, explicando todos los detalles, para que pueda construir su sitio Wordpress mientras ve las lecciones de esta curso. En lugar de pagar un montn de dinero para un desarrollador, usted puede crear una Pgina Web facilmente utilizando WordPress. Este curso es para principiantes, si usted es un experto en Wordpress este curso no es para ti. Estos son algunos de los puntos que vamos abordar durante el curso: 1. Usted aprender algunos puntos muy importantes que hay que tener en cuenta para elegir el nombre de dominio perfecto para su sitio. 2. Te voy a dar una lista de plugins gratuitos que son esenciales para su sitio. 3. Usted aprender cmo utilizar plugins para aumentar su exposicin en Google, y para crecer su Pgina Web en redes sociales. 4. Va a utilizar herramientas increbles que le ayudarn a encontrar el dominio perfecto para su sitio. 5. Usted sabr cmo comprar un dominio por slo $ 1 por ao. 6. Usted sabr cmo iniciar su plan de hosting por slo $ 0,01 para el primer mes! 7. Va a configurar una cuenta de hosting para alojar todos sus sitios de WordPress. 8. Usted aprender paso a paso como instalar Wordpress en su sitio / blog. 9. Usted aprender como configurar WordPress para un rendimiento ptimo. 10. Va a instalar un tema de WordPress gratis en su Pgina Web. 11. Usted aprender paso a paso como personalizar Wordpress tema para adaptarse a sus necesidades o su empresa. 12. Usted aprender a crear entradas de Wordpress. 13. Usted aprender cmo crear pginas de Wordpress. 14. Instalacin de plugins en Wordpress. 15. Usted aprender a usar Wordpress! Al final de este curso tendrs un sitio sper profesional (Wordpress), publicado en Internet, y todo esto en menos de una hora! La mejor manera de aprender algo es hacindolo! Ahora ests en el lugar correcto! Vamos a empezar! Estoy listo para empezar a crear tu Pgina Web! Ests listo? Nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Green Screens and Virtual Sets" |
"This course will help students set up and use green screens for live broadcast and streaming. The course will start with tips on setting up effective green screens for video backgrounds. We will discuss lighting, tuning your camera and selecting backgrounds. We will then segway into use cases for various industries including: Finance/Banking, Sales/Marketing, Education and Churches.The course will then discuss the use of virtual sets. We will include a set of free virtual sets which can be used in live production software such as: vMix, Wirecast and NewTek TriCasters. The course will also include an interview with the CEO of Virtual Sets Works who will discuss the various use cases we are seeing in the live streaming and broadcast markets. We will discuss how you can customize virtual sets to create branded scenes for live streaming and best practices on using them to create professional broadcasts. Finally we will include a live virtual set demo from the 2016 NAB show in Las Vegas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Retail Sales Techniques that will Explode your store Sales!" |
"If you own a retail business or work in retail and want to improve your sales and customer service then this is the comprehensive course for you!Apply these amazing techniques and see the money flow into your cash register.In the course we cover:15 rules to live by that will make you a retail sales successWhy most companies loose 30% of their customers every year and how you can reduce that percentage for your businessWhat's happened and what's happing in Retail todayHow to build an ever growing stream of happy customers who tell their friendsHow to use this course:- Business Owners & Managers:This course is designed for the retail floor staff. If your a manager or owner of a retail establishment you can get each of your staff to complete this course and receive a certificate as proof. Its low cost per employee, they can do it in their own time online and includes a range of tests to prove they have retained the information. I'm happy to discuss bulk discounts.Retail Sales Staff: If you work in retail and feel your not getting recognised for your efforts or that you could be performing at a much higher level, this course will give you the practical tips that you can apply to lift your sales and get noticed by your boss. Don't wait for someone to give you training, train yourself and be the best!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Career Planning - in Arabic -" |
"22 10 2000 35 200 : : ( 40 ): ( ) ( ) ( ) ( Realistic occupations Investigative occupations Artistic occupations Enterprising occupations Conventional occupations) ( Achievement Independence Recognition Relationships Support Working Conditions) .: : : : : CV :"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
how-to-write-your-cv-arabic-languag |
"... . Resume Bio Data Curriculum Vitae . . ( ) . :: Chronological . : Functional . : Combined resume. ( / Accomplishments Capabilities Employment Education Skills Training, Conferences, and Seminars Licenses and Certificates Honors and Awards Publications Talents Memberships Personal Volunteer Work Other References : / /"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
sobhi_akbik_hrm1 |
". Street Smarts Book Smarts Business Smart . . : . - Charles Handy - Miles and Snow : ."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
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": KASOCs """" ( + + + ) : (Job Title) . (Channels of Communications) . (Authorities) (Activities and Tasks) (Job Dimensions) (Job Specifications). 140 . : Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) DACUM Management Position Description Questionnaire (MPDQ) Competency Modeling Functional Job Analysis (FJA) Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) Critical Incident Technique (CIT). .."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mastering English Telephone Calls for Arab" |
". . . () Phrasesfor Answering a Phone Call Availability Transferring a call Askingsomeone to wait professionally Problems & Solutions (phrases) Taking a message Clarification Makinga call Callingback ActiveListening Howto summarize the call Howto end the Call? Ending unwanted calls UnofficialConversation ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
modern_marketing_principles |
". . : . . . . ."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
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"( ) . . . ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
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"30 30 AIDA """" Elevator Pitch Corporate Brochure ."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Wordpress & e-commerce Course ( Project Based )" |
"This course is a Project based course ! That means we will work together on a real project from scratch ! The project is already hosted and existing online , so you can see it anytime and you can see what you will achieve ! ( I provided the link )We will cover everything from the configuration and installation until building our e-commerce platform with the required payment gateways. This course is made for all level students , even the beginners who want to build their Wordpress website or start their e-commerce Project. And we will cover even the security problems that you may face, so we will secure our project. If you are looking for the right project based course, straight to the point without theories and time wasting, if you want to be able to start a real career and start working on real projects , so this is the only & unique course that makes that happens. Your dream come true."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Emprender con Negocios Online" |
"No es un secreto que las compras por Internet, aprender de forma online, los sitios de membresa y todos los negocios online aumentan cada da y es inimaginable el alcance que tendrn en los prximos aos. No dejes pasar ms tiempo para saber las posibilidades que tienes en esta nueva Economa. En este cursode Introduccin a la creacin de negocios online, pretendo mostrarte de forma simple, clara y profesional cmo introducirte en el mundo de los negocios online, tanto para complementar una tienda o servicio que ya das o para comenzar a emprender desde hoy con un negocio 100% Online. Cmo lo haremos? Te Explico: Lo primero es comprender qu significa ser emprendedor o emprendedora, sacarnos cualquier paradigma limitante y ver las cosas desde una perspectiva real para luego poder ser capaces de detectar las ideas de negocios online reales que podemos realizar mediante anlisis de las correspondientes factibilidades. Despus pasaremos a analizar qu haremos en lo que al desarrollo web* se refiere y las mejores opciones para ste, como, por ejemplo; a quien contratar, opciones para hacerla nosotros mismos o mismas, etc. como una pgina web o tienda virtual no implica que llegue a las personas por s sola, aprenderemos las distintas estrategias de marketing que puedes utilizar y analizar la que mejor se adapta a cada proyecto. Hablaremos sobre productividad y cmo conseguirla dejando de lado las tareas pequeas y centrndolos en las tareas importantes de esta forma nuestra eficiencia crecer de manera progresiva y por ende nuestros negocios online. En la Seccin ltima utilizaremos lo anteriormente aprendido y seguirs aprendiendo an ms, pero como su nombre lo indica en la accin, para esto simularemos que queremos realizar una tienda virtual de accesorios de mascotas y pasaremos por los pasos anteriores para ver que tal funcionara la idea. *No es un curso de desarrollo web, por lo mismo aqu no aprenders a crear una tienda virtual."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Excel como un experto" |
"Curso orientado a ser una formacin significativa en MS Excel 2013 por medio de un camino prctico y eficiente para conseguir de forma rpida el aprendizaje se trata de un grupo de funciones para aprender, es una estructura slida que paso a paso y sin darte cuenta dominars esta herramienta en un tiempo rcord.""Aprenders de manera simple las herramientas de Excel que son necesarias para transformarte de principiante a experto de la Hoja de Clculo, mejorando tus competencias y habilidades laborales"".TEMASUnidad I: IntroduccinClase 1: Qu es y para qu sirve Excel?Introduccin a la Hoja de Clculo de Microsoft y sus enormes beneficios.Clase 2: Conoce la Interfaz de ExcelBase fundamental para el correcto desarrollo del aprendizaje del curso.Clase 3: Dentro de la Hoja de clculoTus primeros grandes pasos para el dominio de esta herramienta.Clase 4: Fuentes y Alineacin Mediante el desarrollo de un ejercicio aprenders a utilizar comandosUnidad II: Gestionando la Hoja de ClculoClase 5: Personaliza tu ExcelAprende a cambiar la configuracin de tu Libro para tus propias necesidades, crea distintos libros con configuraciones personalizadas.Clase 6: Conectando Libros Aprende a vincular libros por medio de la creacin de un Flujo de Caja que conectars a otro para ofrecer solo una parte de la informacin.Clase 7: Comparte y Protege tu LibroTrabaja en Equipo con tu archivo en Excel, comprtelo para que puedan trabajar ms personas y aprende a protegerlo de manera eficaz.Unidad III: Trabajando con EficienciaClase 8: Edita tu Libro de ExcelYa ests en condiciones de manejar fcilmente informacin en tu libro cambiando lo que necesites para realizar tu trabajo.Clase 9: Trabajando con las Vistas de Libro. Aprende a visualizar tu archivo dependiendo de lo que necesites realizar en un momento determinado.Clase 10: Trabajas con Mucha Informacin?No te asustes, Excel est hecho justamente para trabajar con gran cantidad de informacin, toma al toro por las astas.Clase 11: Agrupando DatosAprende a Esquematizar la Informacin como un experto.Clase 12: ReferenciasConecta y vincula celdas para gestiones ms ptimas.Unidad IV: Manejando DatosClase 13: Validando DatosAprende a crear Listas Desplegables para mantener intacta la integridad de los Datos.Clase 14: Ordenar y FiltrarUtiliza herramientas para ordenar automticamente y visualizar solamente lo que necesites sin la necesidad de ocultar filas ni columnas.Clase 15: Fecha y HoraAumenta das y obtn la fecha exacta, calcula aos, meses, das y horas de manera entretenida.Clase 16: Conoce y Aplica Funciones para Texto.Porque no solamente introduces nmeros, maneja estas herramientas que sern de un apoyo increble.Clase 17: Bsqueda y ReferenciaSorprndete con Funciones que no imaginabas que existieran.Clase 18: Funciones Lgicas y de InformacinAprende a utilizar Funciones que te harn llegar al segundo nivel.Clase 19: Asignando Nombres a RangosAsigna Nombres a un grupo de datos para trabajar con ellos de forma rpida y segura.Clase 20: Creando tus Primeras MacrosHabilita la pestaa Desarrollador y crea tus primeras actividades automticas.Unidad V: Analizando DatosClase 21: Usando Funciones MatemticasAlguna vez te costaron las matemticas? Mira que simple que es con Excel.Clase 22: Caractersticas de DatosAprende a obtener informacin rpida de una gran cantidad de Datos.Clase 23: Crea Tablas DinmicasNecesitas informacin clara y precisa de forma rpida y profesional? Entonces necesitas utilizar Tablas Dinmicas.Clase 24: Auditando las FrmulasSers capaz de ver de dnde proviene una frmula, qu celdas estn involucradas, verlas en pantalla y corregir las desviaciones si las hubiera.Clase 25: Anlisis de HiptesisQuieres saber distintos resultados solamente cambiando las variables? Esta es la Funcin que necesitas.Unidad VI: Presentacin del LibroClase 26: Presentacin del Libro IFinaliza con un libro 100% Ejecutivo.Clase 27: Presentacin del Libro IIProfundiza el trabajo con grficos en la presentacin de tu Libro de Excel."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Emprender: Tu Plan de Negocios paso a paso en tiempo rcord" |
"El emprendedor o emprendedora antes de implementar una idea debe reducir al mximo los posibles errores, para esto existe una herramienta fundamental que es el ""plan de Negocio"", el cual debe ser realista, aqu no sirven los sueos de liderazgo mundial, tampoco debe ser necesariamente una tesis doctoral, nada de eso, este curso te ensear de forma simple y muy profesional el cmo ir avanzando hasta que comprendas cmo podrs pasar desde una idea a un Pan de Negocio Efectivo, simple y claro.Qu sers capaz de responder cuando termines el curso?Qu es ser Emprendedor?Cmo puedo detectar ideas de negocios?Qu es un Plan de Negocio Efectivo?Cmo defino mi proyecto empresarial?Qu es el entorno de una empresa y cmo me afecta?Qu es y cmo se realiza un Anlisis FODA?Qu es y cmo se realiza una Investigacin de Mercado?Cmo hago un plan de mrketing?Cmo hago un Plan de Inversiones?Cmo hacer un Plan de Operaciones?Qu es el Plan de Recursos Humanos?Para qu necesito y cmo realizo un Plan financiero?Cmo expongo mi Plan Financiero-Econmico?Qu debo exponer en el Plan Legal?Qu es la Evaluacin de Proyectos?Cmo debo presentar mi proyecto una vez terminados todos los planes anteriores?Junto a lo anterior tendrs acceso a un ejemplo de plan ya redactado y un libro de Excel para calcular fcilmente el VAN y la TIR Qu es esto? Herramientas para evaluar si tu plan cumple con los requisitos necesarios en temas financieros."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Herbalism :: Longevity Herb Recipes [Certificate]" |
"Discover herbs and health foods that have profound effects on the quality of your life. This course is designed for those that want to feel their best and have more energy. When you are vibrant and strong on inside, it shows on the outside.In this course we will cover medicinal foods and herbs that have been enhancing health and quality of life for many cultures throughout history. They have been revered by long-lived sages as well as wisely incorporated into the diets of today. Even if new to you, these foods and herbs are readily available. Incorporate one new recipe into your eating habits for noticeable results. Add additional recipes as you go.Benefits of specific herbs and health foods covered in the course:Endurance, stamina and energy: ginseng, burdock, lycium berry, ashwaganda, fo-ti, astragalus Anti-aging, antioxidants and heart health: garlic, lycium berry, sesame seeds, cocoa, cayenne, royal jellyNutrient dense: spirulina, nutritional yeast, seaweed, sesame seeds, bee pollen, dandelion, molassesWe will also cover herbs and health foods for boosting brain function, immune response, and countering the harmful effects of stress. By end of course you will be able to:Know which foods truly make a difference to your to healthCreate great tasting recipes loaded with a powerhouse of minerals and vitamins Discover new and creative ways to use superfoods for ultimate healthThese remedies will easily and joyfully become a part of your everyday life. Join me in this truly life changing course!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Einstieg in C# - Software programmieren wie ein Profi" |
"Mache diesen Kurs und du hast in einer Stunde deine erste C#-Anwendung entwickelt. Viel wichtiger ist jedoch, dass du nicht nur Programmieren lernst, sondern die Arbeitsweise, die professionelle Softwareentwickler verwenden um herausragende Anwendungen zu entwickeln.Was du lernstDieser Kurs vermittelt dir NICHT alle Details der Programmiersprache C#. Er gibt dir einen Einstieg und berblick der wichtigsten Konzepte, Arbeitsweisen und befhigt dich mehr Details alleine schnell zu lernen.Damit bist du in der Lage sowohl deine eigenen Softwareprojekte zu starten, wie auch schnell in einem bestehendem Softwareentwicklungsprojekt mitarbeiten zu knnen. Du hast eine nervige Aufgabe, die sich immer wiederholt? Dann erstelle dir eine Anwendung, die dir die Aufgabe abnimmt oder dich dabei untersttzt sie schneller zu erledigen. Alles was du dafr brauchst, lernst du in diesem Kurs. Die bentigten Werkzeuge und viele weitere Informationen gibt es kostenlos im Internet. Ich zeige dir wo und begleite dich Schritt-fr-Schritt bei der Installation, Verwendung und natrlich, wenn du Probleme hast.Du willst zuknftig Web- oder Mobile-Apps vielleicht sogar fr verschiedene Plattformen entwickeln? Dann ist .NET und insbesondere C# eine gute Wahl. Microsoft ffnet .NET immer mehr und es stehen bereits jetzt viele beeindruckende Hilfsmittel und Projekte zur Verfgung um auch unter Linux und OS X mit C# zu entwickeln. Sobald du die Grundlagen verstanden hast, kannst du in das fr dich relevante Gebiet eintauchen.Auch im Bereich der Spieleentwicklung wird C# seit vielen Jahren erfolgreich eingesetzt. Die Entwicklung von Spielen ist NICHT Gegenstand dieses Kurses. Allerdings bringt jedes Spiel ein bliches Problem in der Softwareentwicklung mit sich: Komplexitt. Gerade weil du bei der Entwicklung von Spielen dich mit sehr vielen verschiedenen Aspekten beschftigen musst, hilft dir eine strukturierte Arbeitsweise sehr. Hast du also schon ein Grundverstndnis von C# und wie du ein Projekt umsetzen kannst, kannst du dich im nchsten Schritt voll auf deine Idee und Frameworks wie Unity, XNA oder MonoGame konzentrieren.Wie du mit diesem Kurs lernst ...... als absoluter Einsteiger: Gerade zu Anfang des Kurses zeige ich dir Alles. Whrend ich dir im Video zeige wo du die Entwicklungsumgebung Visual Studio 2019 bekommst, wie du sie installierst und das erste mal startest, was du machen musst um dein erstes Projekt zu erstellen und wie du deinen ersten Quellcode schreibst, kannst du diese Schritte direkt nachvollziehen. Zustzlich gibt es zu jedem Abschnitt eine bung bei der ich dir eine Aufgabe stelle und dann zeige wie ich sie lsen wrde.... als Umsteiger: Du brauchst nicht mehr soviel Details wie ein absoluter Einsteiger. Daher gibt es zu allen Lektionen eine kurze schriftliche Zusammenfassung. So kannst du die ersten Abschnitte schnell durcharbeiten und hast in Krze eine produktive Arbeitsumgebung. Anhand der bungen und Musterlsungen kannst du feststellen welche Bereich du bereits verstanden hast und wo du tiefer eintauchen solltest.Dir zu vermitteln was professionelle Softwareentwicklung ist und welche genialen Mglichkeiten dir die .NET-Plattform bietet ist mein Ziel. Hufig ist es jedoch so, dass man whrend der Softwareentwicklung und insbesondere whrend des Lernens alleine nicht weiter kommt. Die fehlende Interaktion mit dem Dozent hat mich bisher bei Videotutorials immer gestrt. Bei diesem Kurs hast du die Mglichkeit deine Probleme und Fragen direkt im Diskussionsforum zu diesem Kurs zu stellen. Dann bekommst du schnell Untersttzung von mir oder einem deiner Mitstudenten.Da du diesen Kurs zustzlich zu vielen anderen Aufgaben erledigen wirst, ist er so aufgebaut, dass du nicht mehr als 15-20 Minuten am Tag machen musst. Aus eigener Erfahrung wei ich, wie anstrengend es ist neben dem Beruf auch noch eine oder gar mehrere Stunden am Tag fr Weiterbildung aufzubringen. Hufig ist das der Anfang vom Ende, weil du nach wenigen Tagen einfach keine Motivation mehr hast (egal wie spannend das Thema und der Kurs ist). Du entscheidest natrlich selbst, aber ich empfehle dir jeden Tag wenige Lektionen anzuschauen und etwas zu ben. So wirst du innerhalb weniger Wochen beeindruckende Resultate sehen.Um diesen Kurs noch individueller auf deine Bedrfnisse anzupassen, beantworte ich jede Woche eine Frage eines Kursteilnehmers mit einem neuen Video. So kann ich dir ""fast"" ganz persnlich bei deinen Herausforderungen helfen.Zum SchlussIch bin beeindruckt, dass du bis hier gelesen hast. Du hast auf jeden Fall die Veranlagung ein professioneller Softwareentwickler zu werden. Einer der wichtigsten Aspekte dafr ist der Wille kontinuierlich zu lernen und die Neugierde was es noch alles gibt.Viel Spa beim Lernen und dem KursJan"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Einstieg in GitHub: Entwickle Software wie die Profis" |
"AKTION: Untersttzung (1-zu-1) auf GitHub bei deinen ersten Projekten fr jeden Teilnehmer im Kurs enthalten.Du kannst aufGitHub ben, lernen,mit anderen Entwicklern in Kontaktkommen,Untersttzung fr dein Open Source Projekt aus der Community bekommen unddein Wissenvermarkten. Es ist somit ein Turbo fr deine Karriere, deine privaten Softwareentwicklungsprojekte und deine Fhigkeiten im Bereich der professionellen Softwareentwicklung.Das wichtigste ist jedoch, dass du es auch einsetzen kannst. Ein gepflegtes GitHub-Projekt undprofessionelle Issues und Pull Request knnendein Ticket fr einen neue Jobsein. Einige Konzepte und Arbeitsschritte sind auf GitHub allerdings nicht unbedingt intuitiv. Das kommt auch daher, dass GitHub viele Freiheiten lsst.In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir Schritt fr Schritt wie du GitHub professionell verwendest um mglichst schnell zu den gewnschten Ergebnissen zu kommen. Alle Themen erklre ichdiranhand vieler Beispiele. Dazu gibt es reichlich bungen und Beispielprojekte, Issues und Pull Requests direkt auf GitHub.Zustzlich zu jeweils einigen Lektion bezglich der Kernthemen GitHub-Projekt, -Issues, -Forks und -Pull Requests, gibt es einen groen Bereich mit Tipps und Tricks.Als Entwicklungsumgebung verwende ich Visual Studio. Du kannst den Kurs auch verwenden, wenn du eine andere Entwicklungsumgebung nutzt. Allerdings sind mindestens 20% der Lektion auf Visual Studio ausgelegt.Ein Teilnehmer hat mir persnlich diese Rckmeldung geschickt ber die ich mich sehr gefreut habe:""Ich hatte bisher kaum bis keine Berhrungspunkte mit GitHub, abersehe,wiedu auch,einen starken Nutzen in GitHub.Mein Kernnutzen aus dem Kurs war das ich nun erstmal eigene Projekte dort bearbeite und ich meine Arbeit nun besser Dokumentieren kann was ich wo verndert und wie bearbeitet habe (Versionierung). Der Kurs ist fr mich sehr ausfhrlich gewesen und ich wrde mich sozusagen als Ideale Zielgruppe ansehen, sprich Programmier Anfnger mit wenig bis begrenzten Kenntnissen, die GitHub nicht kennen oder kaum nutzen."""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
mcsa2012-exam-70-410 |
"Windows Server 2012 . Windows Server 2012 Active Directory . Windows Server 2012"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Jira for Agile-Scrum with Admin-2020" |
"Atlassian Jira is the most widely used ALM tool for Agile Projects and as world continues to adopt Agile practices, Jira has evolved to suit the various Agile methods and customer needs.The course deep dives into the usage of Jira and its configuration and customization's for effective use of the tool required by teams. The concepts behind these configurations in Jira are explained through various scenarios and best practices that students will connect with instantly and help them imbibe the tool usage in particular situations. Course Outline: Jira Overview with Setup in Cloud Creating Projects in Jira with Templates Scrum Overview Working with Scrum Projects in Jira Roles in Jira Jira Board Configurations Workflows in Jira Screens & Schemes Configurations Issue Types and Fields Configurations JQL and Filters Dashboards & Report Configurations. Miscellaneous (Shared Configs, Components, Linking Issues, Time Logs, Watchers, Notifications) Scaling Projects in Jira Course Summary"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learning Russian cuisine with recipes from Chef Viktor!" |
"Want to learn delicious and easy recipes? Want to impress your friends and loved ones? Surprise dishes that will surely meet rarely to cook these dishes will be simple, easy and fun, and you can even arrange with guests a fun evening of cooking Russian dishes, and then dine together.Then, when you cook basic meals it will be possible to move on to more complex dishes, and most importantly you will be ready for it.The course covers some of the most basic and famous dishes of Russian cuisine. Knowing these dishes you will arrange a dinner in a Russian restaurant, but arrange it yourself, like some cool chef.Working together we can easily make your breakfast, lunch or dinner is excellent.The course is designed for any person with any skill in cooking. Even a child will be interested to participate in cooking.What did you learn from the course and what skills will receive:- The ability to cook Russian dishes- Will get acquainted with the history of Russian cuisine- Get easy recipes ""pancakes"", ""borsch"", ""pork"" Russian meat salad ""Mimosa"" and Russian drink ""Mors""-Get the secrets of getting unforgettable taste.What are the requirements?- Desire to learn and passionStarting bit of kitchen knowledge and skillsDesire to make an unusual breakfast, lunch or dinner- A simple and easy list of ingredients- Basic set of kitchen items that is on any kitchenWhat will I take from the course?55 min videolectures and more hours of contentLearn a few recipes of pancakesAn easy way to cook borschHow easy to prepare a hot meat dish called ""pork""How easy to cook simple and tasty salad called ""Mimosa""Learn a bit of history of Russian dishesEasily and accurately understand that to prepare the meals described in the course do not need complicated kitchen appliancesUnderstand what may be composed of Royal dinnerTarget audience- People who want to cook, learn new things, ranging from people with almost no skills in the kitchen to experienced cooks- From the teenager to the pensioner"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Become a Senior User Experience (UX) Design Strategist" |
" IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS IS A LEGACY COURSE This course has not been updated since 2017, and even the principles and tips are evergreen, you have to expect the visual design to be outdated *****Tip: Remember to add this course to your wishlist to be in the know of Udemy special promo prices ;)Our fast-growing community include UXers from global IT companies like Globant, Infragistics, Dokko Group, Elementary, DevSpark, Avenida and Ind-ie. Recently, even Microsoft has been recommending it!And there are a lot more things to come...****Come with me on a journey to the UX Consultancy fast-track ... in less than 4 hours!I've teached about digital business strategy to thousands of students thru LaEscuelaTK, University of Palermo, ITBA (Technology Institute of Buenos Aires) and by my advanced UX Bootcamp: Solutionants. This is the work of my lifetime as an entrepreneur & UX Project Leader. This system provides tested-in-the-field skills of management on product & service design, and also has everything I know about self-management.****Have you heard about the mighty Senior UX Design Strategist""? The one that everybody admires for being able to understand and manage the client, the team and the product... everything at the same time?I've been working in UX-related projects since 2009. Some of them were amazing, others were sh1t. And after all, I came to understand what REALLY works.My experiences have really paid off... and I decided to share them here for the very first time. I worked with a wide range of clients: from local SME's and StartUps in my hometown of Buenos Aires, Argentina to Fortune 500 companies from USA's Silicon Valley, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Israel and Chile. Nowadays, I'm part of the TopTal's 3% of elite UX Designers.I've gone from selling products as a digital marketer in MercadoLibre, to lead a software development team for several of the most important banks in the world. That was before I've decided to create the first advanced UX practicum in spanish, Solucionantes.So, I know a way to work it.Every single technique which I reveal in this course is easy to put in place in minutes - and aims to give you instant returns.All my knowledge is shown in the lectures, nothing is kept secret. In this UX course I reveal ALL I know, and as I test new things, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow.As well as the Udemy 30-day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be delighted by what you'll learn in the next 4 hours ... and you'll be shaming yourself if you already are a UX Design Consultant and have been missing out on this fabulous potential.****What this course is not:- This UX course does not cover items that are basic about UX Design. I'll present you management techniques, strategies and tactics.- I will not make one-on-one coaching or consultancy. I understand that for that, a written response is not enough. - This is not an english class: my english is kinda imperfect. I'm from Argentina, and you'll notice some errors. But please, don't let this be a blocker in trying the value of the contents that I share. Remember that you can always ask for a 30-day refund from Udemy, no questions asked.- I barely appear on camera: I like to get to the meat"" when I teach, to get each minute of each video full of value.If you want a complete system to work, crafted in the field- you need to get this course now.You'll even get a complete listing of all the free Tools of the trade"" that I use in my daily UX work.Every minute you delay is actually COSTING you money...Enroll now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Irish Dance for Beginners: The Light Jig" |
"In this course, Martin Percival takes students from no knowledge to dancing 2 full steps (sets of movements created for going in the right direction and the left). Each movement is broken down into incremental lectures that build upon the one previous. Before long you will be dancing along to the music"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Herausragende Bildgestaltung die auch wirklich funktioniert" |
"In diesem Kurs wird das Thema Bildgestaltung vertieft und zeigt anhand von unterschiedlichen Beispielen, warum manche Bilder funktionieren oder eben nicht. Es wird auf ber 20 grundlegende Regeln der Bildgestaltung im Detail eingegangen und erklrt, wie man diese umsetzt und was es zu beachten gibt. Ich zeige auf... ...was der goldene Schnitt, die Drittelsregel oder die Fibonacci Spirale sind. ...warum der Hintergrund eine hnlich wichtige Rolle wie das Hauptmotiv spielt. ...wie man mit wenig Aufwand bessere Bilder macht. ...warum weniger mehr ist. ...wo am meisten Potential liegt. ...wie man die richtige Distanz findet. ...wie man den richtigen Ausschnitt whlt. ...wie man den richtigen Moment erwischt. Ich zeige sehr viele meiner Bilder und erklre wie und warum ich sie so gestaltet habe. Aus diesem Grund ist es ein sehr praxis orientierter Kurs mit Material aus meinem Portfolio. Wenn Sie den Kurs absolviert haben... ...werden Sie mehr denken vor dem Auslsen. ...werden Sie aufmerksamer sein, was Bildgestaltung angeht. ...werden Sie Ihre Bilder besser gestalten. ...werden Sie mehr Spass an der Fotografie haben."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda rabe Agora parte 1" |
"Sejam bem vindos ao maior curso de rabe em Portugus no UdemyEsse o curso de rabe falado mais completo no mundo, explicando toda a lngua rabe.A aula comea com uma conversa, e no final voc ser capaz de entender e usar a conversa no dia a dia.Comeamos com vocs no nvel bsico e vamos at o avanado e profissional, sempre com o nosso jeito especial de ensino. Essa a primeira parte do curso, tem 12 horas de aulas em video.Estamos traduzindo esse curso para outras lnguas: Ingls e Francs.rabe a quinta lngua mais falada no mundo, quase 500 milhes de pessoas falam o idioma rabe em mais de 22 pases .O rabe ensinado nesse curso o rabe Egpcio. E por que rabe egpcio?O rabe egpcio tem o sotaque mais usado e conhecido no mundo rabe, Egito o maior pas rabe, com mais de 100 milhes de habitantes. Quase todos os filmes, sries e msicas so em rabe egpcio, at mesmo atores e cantores libaneses e srios falam e cantam em rabe egpcio, pois qualquer pessoa rabe entende o rabe egpcio."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Negotiate Salary: Increase/Double Your Pay In 3-12 Months!" |
"Updated: March 2015 Start on the path to increase your salary from today. Join those I have taught who have achieved results just by applying these Everyone Can" simple techniques. Please if you are looking for some instant double your income, get rich quick scheme then this is not the course for you. You will need to put into action the methods taught in this course over a short period of time and then you will get the results you want to experience. Depending on what stage you are; you can start experience an increase in your income in the next 3 months ====================== About this course: Unlimited questions & guidance from me Full, free lifetime access Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee my promise of your success All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free Regular updates and bonuses WHAT I WILL SHOW YOU How I used these techniques to increased my income from $15,000 - $100,000 in 18 months when I was in employment! Other people have used the same strategies too and got excellent results Just by hearing what is shared you will be persuaded on the results you can generate! Today, you can start using these methods. Your initial goal may be to generate just 10-20% increase in your current pay. As you apply the techniques you will see yourself surpass that. I can confidently tell you that most people in the workplace are not applying these strategies that will put you above the rest, cut your learning curve and move you forward. Why do you want to keep earning less than you deserve? Come Along & You'll learn How your original salary was set The 3 most important goals to have whilst in employment How to earn what you deserve What you need to do consistently to increase your value Why you need to improve for the sake of your business Those you need to help you along the way Keys to successful negotiation Why you need to negotiate everything Why you need to ask the 3 questions that will ensure your success The role your boss plays in your career and income level How to navigate around bureaucracy Why you need to be the Go To" person How to do more than expected without breaking your back .. and much, much more! So, you've read this far! Thank you. One final very important point. I have spent a lot of time in the course giving you some foundational information that are crucial to the whole system, please do not skip them You can simply start working the action plans laid out in this course and instinctive realize Yes I Can Earn More". It will no longer be a dream but a reality! Click the "take this course" button, top right, now ... every hour you delay is costing you money you should be earning ... Boomy Tokan"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |