Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"8 Delightful Easy Guitar Pieces by Caruli, Guiliani and Sor" |
"This course containing music composed from around 200 years ago is perfect for guitar students who have been learning for at least a year and who have reached Grade 3 (ABRSM/Trinty) exam level standard, and also appeal to guitarists of advanced levels of playing., I have carefully selected each of the pieces for their ease of playing, lyrical qualities and diversity and feel they are representive of the style of each composers compositions and most enjoyable to both perform and listen to."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Top 10 Reasons To Teach On Udemy (Unofficial)" |
"(This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.)""This course was a quick study of how and why to work with Udemy as a new course provider. The information provided was clear, concise, and , very helpful."" ~ Stephen H.Are you an instructor, teacher, or trainer, or someone who has extensive knowledge or expertise on a specific subject? Have you thought about teaching a course on Udemy, but are not yet convinced it is something you could do? Welcome to The Top 10 Reasons To Teach on Udemy. I am Lilia Fallgatter, your Instructor. I have a law degree, Im a publisher, I have a passion for education and have extensive experience in online learning as a higher education administrator and instructor. Im the Author of two books: The Most Important Letter You Will Ever Write, and The 5 Decisions That Can Transform Your Life Forever, and I teach three other Udemy courses, all of which are excellent partner courses to this one. Over the course of my career, I have developed content for numerous courses and training programs, as well as content for my books. This course covers the benefits of teaching online courses on Udemy, and specifically focuses on the 10 reasons I decided to teach on Udemy. In addition to outlining the reasons to teach on Udemy, there is a section on how to get started.Heres what you will discover: - How you can touch the lives of others by sharing your knowledge - Why Udemy is an ideal platform for teaching online courses- How Udemy can help build credibility and branding - How teaching on Udemy can lead to a passive income stream- The process for getting started as a Udemy InstructorReady to start? Click the Take This Course link to the right of your screen and Ill See you online!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Working with Dates in Excel - Date Functions and Date Format" |
"This course focuses on using dates in Excel. Learn how to enter dates correctly on a worksheet including some really useful shortcuts. Understand how Excel stores dates and to overcome common problems with using dates.Masterhow to perform calculations on dates - calculate the number of days, months and years between two dates, what day of the week your birthday will be in 20 years time. remaining working days in a month, when an invoice is due or what to charge a customer on a pro rate basis. Discover the power of date calculations that keep themselves up to date based on the current date.Date Functions featured in the course are:TODAY() - calculations on the current dateDATEDIF() - calculate the difference between two dates in years. months and daysWORKDAY() - calculate when you will finish a task based on working daysNETWORKDAYS() - calculate the number of working days between two datesEOMONTH() - calculate onmonth end or beginning of monthdatesEDATE() - calculate on monthsDATE() - calculate on years, months or datesDATEVALUE() - convert text dates to number datesDAY(), MONTH(), YEAR() - extract parts of adate to perform calculations or analysisWEEKNUM, ISOWEEKNUM - calculate the week number for a specified dateWEEKDAY - calculate the week day for a specified dateYEARFRAC - calculate the portion of a year elapsed between two datesThe course also covers formatting dates including showing the day of the week as- Monday, Tuesday etc andcreating custom date formats including your own text Discover how to apply conditional formatting to dates to highlight datesthis week, this month, this year,in the past or onthe current date.You will also learn how to create lists of dates easily and quickly including a list working days, week commencing dates or the same date each year/month."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gesto Emocional" |
"Gerenciar emoes no uma discusso nova e apesar disso poucos de ns sabem exatamente o que isso significa e para que serve.Quantos conflitos foram causados por uma exploso, o famoso: fiz sem pensar, falei sem querer?Quantos relacionamentos acabaram ou ficaram abalados por impulsos seus?Quantas vezes seu filho, seus familiares, amigos ou amores, se entristeceram ou assustaram por uma reao sua?Voc j perdeu alguma oportunidade profissional por conta de como se sentia em relao a algo ou algum?A falta de gesto emocional pode ter consequncias muito graves em todos os mbitos de nossa vida:Profissional: demisses, conflitos, inimizades, ansiedades e estresse, baixa produtividade, desorganizao, falta de foco, falta de criatividade, dificuldades de tomar decises e solucionar problemas, so algumas das consequncias negativas da falta de gesto emocional. Pessoal: relacionamentos superficiais, brigas, desentendimentos, dificuldades de comunicao, trminos, perdas, cimes, insegurana, baixa autoestima, violncia, isolamento, baixa atividade social, dificuldade de expressar e demonstrar sentimentos, pensamentos destrutivos, sofrimento alheio provocado por ns. Para si: problemas de sade, insnia, ansiedade, depresso, auto sabotagem, crenas limitantes, autodestruio, desnimo, frustrao, apatia e tantas outras situaes de sofrimento e fracasso por conta da falta das habilidades de usar as emoes de forma inteligente. Portanto, podemos dizer que aprender como as emoes funcionam e como reagimos o fator mais importante do desenvolvimento pessoal em busca de uma vida de bem-estar. E para quem se destina esse curso?Esse curso para voc que sente que pode mais, que quer mais, que inconformado, que sofre por conta de aes e sentimentos que podem ser melhorados."
Price: 339.99 ![]() |
"NCM: Learn Chinese Common Mistakes and Useful Tips" |
"Over 20,000 students have enrolled in New Concept Mandarin courses. We know exactly what mistakes Chinese learners may make and what tips they may find useful while leaning the Chinese language.You dont have to make the same mistakes again. We will present you the most useful language tips in an easy and clear way.What mistakes do most Chinese learners make and how to avoid them? Mistake 1 Use sh all the time, e.g. T sh piolin (She is beautiful) Tips: Just remember when you say I am fine you say w hn ho. You never say w sh hn ho.Mistake 2 Put the place in the wrong place. Tips:In English you say ""Sb. do sth. at sp."" However, in Chinese it is ""Sb. at sp. do sth."" You have to go to the place first then take action. So place comes first. Does it make sense? Mistake 3 Say xinshen Wn for Mr Wang Tips: Just remember how you can call me: Julia Laoshi. Job titles and addressing always come after. Mistakes are also opportunities to learn. Take this opportunity and take this course!If you want to start learning Chinese from the very beginning with a structured course in an easy way, you can check out my other course New Concept Mandarin - A New Way to Learn Chinese with Julia""."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tu Negocio desde Casa: Convirtete en Freelance de xito" |
"Despertar en el lugar donde siempre quisiste estar, prepararte un caf y comenzar a trabajar. Sin necesidad de acudir a la oficina, lidiar contra el trfico o soportar a tu jefe... Qu maravilla ! Por fin tienes tiempo para dedicar a tu familia, pareja o aficiones. Ya no necesitas huir 20 das de vacaciones para olvidar todo lo que trabajaste durante un ao. Tampoco necesitas pasar la semana deseando que llegue el viernes. Eres dueo de tu tiempo, lo que significa que puedes llevar tu oficina en una maleta, ponerte un traje de bao por uniforme y andar a la playa a trabajar. Sueas con esta vida?Mi sueo era el mismo que el tuyo y ahora es mi realidad. Por eso djame decirte que puedes librarte de las cadenas que te atan a un trabajo tradicional y ser LIBRE. El trabajo 3.0 pone ante nosotros una nueva realidad donde ya no existen las fronteras lo que significa que podemos trabajar para cualquier empresa y desde cualquier parte del mundo. Si an no perteneces al trabajo digital djame presentrtelo, te aseguro que cambiar tanto tu vida que nunca ms podrs volver al sistema tradicional. ESTE CURSO ES PARA TI SI...-Sueas con escapar de la oficina.-Despedir a tu jefe.-Ser dueo de tu tiempo.-O convertirte en nmada digital.ORGANIZACIN DEL CURSO:Este curso est centrado en la plataforma de trabajo freelance UPWORK (Dentro del curso se explica con detalle qu es Upwork). Pero antes de comenzar, me gustara subrayar que este curso NO ES UN GASTO sino una INVERSIN a tu nueva vida porque recuerda que al finalizarlo ENCONTRARS UN TRABAJO FREELANCE con lo cual LA RENTABILIDAD EST ASEGURADA.Estos son los resultados de algunos de mis alumnos:Anabel Martinez Galera:Despus de unos das, conseguido y entregado mi primer trabajo en Upwork! Espero que sea el primero de mucho ms. Gracias Cristina Garca por darnos a conocer Upwork :)Estefana Fuentes Lpez:Gracias por hacerme descubrir el mundo UPWORK. He encontrado mi primer trabajo, no puedo estar ms feliz.Detalles sobre el curso:El curso est dividido en 9 secciones y 25 clases en las que aprenders cada una de las enseanzas que necesitas antes de comenzar a trabajar desde casa: crear tu perfil en Upwork, encontrar aquel trabajo que se adapta a ti, enviar una propuesta al cliente, superar la entrevista, configurar tu pago y organizar tu vida para desenvolerte en el mundo del trabajo freelance con xito. Todo lo que necesitas saber para comenzar tu carrera profesional dentro de Upwork y ganar dinero 100% desde tu casa haciendo aquello que te gusta: Se incluyen ms de 10 recursos aadidos como: plantillas para crear tu propuesta al cliente, herramientas para ser ms productivo, consejos para disear tu propuesta as como descubrir las fortalezas que debes destacar, entre otros. Recuerda que tienes 30 das de garanta de devolucin de tu pago. As que no pierdes nada por adquirir este curso y s que ests perdiendo mucha libertad al continuar acudiendo cada da a tu oficina.SOBRE EL INSTRUCTOR:El curso est presentado por Cristina Garca, periodista, blogger y experta en Upwork quien ha conseguido posicionarse como ""Top Rated"" es decir: una de las mejores de su sector dentro de esta increble plataforma de trabajo freelance. Si quieres saber ms puedes leer qu es lo que dicen de ella sus clientes:""Una de las mejores freelancers que han pasado por aqu. Ilimitado potencial, inteligente y muy buena persona. Sin duda posee una gran personalidad. No dudara ni un segundo en volverla a contratar."" ""Definitivamente recomendara a Cristina como freelancer. Entrega sus trabajos a la hora justa y con gran resultado. Me gustara volver a trabajar con ella.""Si tu tambin quieres obtener estos resultados trabajando desde tu casa no dudes en aprender de ella y de sus consejos para conseguir el xito freelance."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Candlestick Analysis For Professional Traders" |
"For the first time, a course that reveals thehistorical performance of all the classic Japanesecandlestick patterns.Candlestick charts are the number one way to present financial price data. I love them because they allow me to quickly and easily visualise the market and analyse recent price actionbefore placing a trade.Whether its in a particular stock, a currency pair, or a commodity, once you know how to read candlestick charts you can very quickly gauge strength or weakness in the market of your choice.Now, candlestick charts have been around for centuries and there are numerous books and courses that detail specific candlestick patterns. Patterns such as the shooting star, the Doji and the Hammer.However, most of these books and courses fail to address just how good these patterns really are.On this course, not only will I teach you all about Japanesecandlestick charts and how to find the most popular candlestick patterns, but I will show you the historical performance of 25 of the best patterns. In other words, Im going to show you which candlestick patterns are the best and which ones you should pay attention to in your trading. And I'm going to show you which ones you should simply ignore.Ive analysed 21 different futures and forexmarkets, over 100 stocks and Ive made thousands of historical trades to see which patterns produce the most profitable results. And the results are indeed surprising.In fact, the results suggest that some patterns are not profitable at all and I present the results clearly for you to see. However, the results also reveal that one specific candlestick pattern is better than every other candlestick pattern that I tested. On this course, youll learn preciselywhich candlestick pattern that is. Youre also going to learn how to spot thecandlestick patterns and how to incorporate them into your own trading and investing. Then, I put what weve learnt into action when I build a fully fledged trading system based on the best patterns found.But thats not all you're going to get.Because, when you take the course today, youllalsoreceive a number of bonuses.Bonus 1:you'll get theA3 candlestick cheat sheet so you can quickly locate candlestick patterns by eye. You can even print this out and stick in on the wall if you want to.Bonus 2:youre going to get access to the accompanying eBook and all the tables of results.Bonus 3: youre going to receive the formulas that I used to code up each candlestick pattern. If you have the back-testing program Amibroker, youll be able to use this code to run an exploration and scan for the latest candlestick signals on your own machine.So, if you want to learn how the professionals use financial charts and you want to take your candlestick trading to another level, just click take this course now and lets get started learning about Japanese Candlesticks.All the best of luck with your own trading and learning."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Get Control of Your IT Project Portfolio" |
"DescriptionAre you having trouble managing your incoming software development work?Do you have more projects than you can finish?Do you have lots of emergencies?Do you have multiple places where work is submitted, tracked and managed?Do you have trouble determining what the priorities are?Or, do you know that your IT work in-take processes could be better but dont know where to start to fix them?This course can help you!Every IT department takes in work but not many have the right processes to take in the right work at the right time and deliver on those commitments each and every time. That takes a consistent and repeatable approach to help filter out the work that doesn't add value and focus resources, time and money on work that needs to be done. My experience over the years is that too many IT shops focus on delivering everything that comes in the door and not enough time helping their customers find and complete work that is the most valuable. This course introduces a simple 4-phase framework that, when introduced, has shown time and time again to improve the quality of the work coming into IT and can solve many of the delivery problems that plague IT departments. In this course, you will learnWhat IT Demand Management is, where it falls in the software delivery lifecycle and its purposeThe lifecycle of a work item that comes through the demand management and why that lifecycle is important to committing to the workThe primary roles that support IT Demand Management and their responsibilitiesA simple 4 phase framework for demand management that will work for every organizationThe high-level activities and key decisions that define each phase of Demand Management and how that impacts work coming through the processDifferent categories of work that come into an organization and how to apply these to your demand management activitiesHow to scale the IT Demand Management process for different types of projects that flow through the processHear case studies of common demand management issues and how they were solvedUnderstand how Demand Management works with Agile practicesLearn some key metrics to start reporting on the benefits of your Demand Management processBy the end of the course, you will . . .Create a backlog of the work that has been requested of your IT teamsDraft your organizations demand management processDocument your organizations Demand Management roles and responsibilitiesYoull have a set of actionable plans and artifacts to start a Demand Management practice at your organization.Who this course is for:Portfolio managers, Program managers, and Project ManagersEnterprise Analysts or Business Analysts and other roles who are responsible for defining, managing or reporting on work in-take. IT or Business Managers who request technology work. IT or Business team members who have been asked to create or improve work in-take processes."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"BIM Diploma in the design of infrastructure projects-level 1" |
": --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The goal of the course: In this course, we will be able to identify what is being implemented and how to implement it in the design of the project infrastructure We also know that BIM has become more widespread in recent times as it is widely applied in engineering projects especially buildings Therefore, in this course, we decided to make reference to the importance of implementing BIM in infrastructure projects Course content: 1- Introduction to PIM 2 - the relationship between the BIM and the infrastructure 3 - How to start a new project on the infraworks. 4 - how to design bridges on the program 5- How to design and modify roads 6. How to design infrastructure networks 7- Studying the conflicts between infrastructure networks 8. Transition to detailed design 9 - Work out visual projects and deliver the idea At the end of this course . you will be able to make attractive design of infrastructure .it will be level 1 in arabic . and followed by level 2 in english .know the concept of implementation BIM on infrastructure design , infraworks 360The guide to create amazing design of your infrastructure engineering.Course will be free for the first 500 students, Don't miss the chance to get your diploma certificate.Do not forget to evaluate and encourage us to offer more useful courses in the future.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don't forget to subscribe in our Courses : BIM applications for Roads, Highways & Transportation designBuilding Information Modelling : Essentials of BIM level-2Fundamentals of Bridge Design: Concept , modeling and designEng. Ayman Kandeel"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"InfraWorks InfraWorks 360 .Suitability Maps for InfraWorks 360 InfraWorks , !!!! , ,"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IT Professional 2.0: Take Your Career To The Next Level" |
"Join more than 11,000+ students to learn skills and methods that will enable you to have a successful career in IT. These skills and methods will make you stand out from the rest of IT professionals. Taught by an award-winning IT leader with 20 years of experience. Build the foundation of your IT career success and reach your full potential with this course.Learn the pillars of success for IT professionalsRecognize the skills to take your IT career to the next levelBecoming the obvious choice for job promotionOvercoming things people hate about ITLearn how changes in the industry, trends and technologies impact your careerTake Your IT Career to the Next LevelWhether they just started or in the middle of the road, many IT Professionals struggle to progress through their careers and dont reach their true potential. Are you one of them? Or you are already progressing well but want to accelerate your progress and reach your ultimate goal? Content and OverviewThis course is specifically made to fresh graduates, young IT Professionals or anyone that value their career and would like to learn what are the elements of a successful career in IT are. In a competitive, constantly changing industry, it is not enough anymore to be good at your technical skills only. You will need more than that and this is what you will learn in this course. This course starts with the story of Dave and John who had a similar start in their IT career but their progress was very different. Dave has been more successful while John is struggling. Through this fictional and animated story, together we will learn the pillars of success for IT Professionals. You will learn to recognize the skills required to advance your career using an established and well-recognized framework. We will learn how you can become the obvious choice to your manager to consider you for additional responsibilities to enrich your career and be recommended for job promotions. This course is for IT professionals that value their career and would like to reach their full potential in a challenging, highly-competitive and evolving job market. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photorealistic Car Rendering with 3Ds Max and VRay" |
"This class is about rendering photorealistic car with3DS Max and VRay. By the end of thiscourse:.You will learnhow to set up a studio for car renderingYou will be able to creatematerials for different part of your car.You will learn how to set up different lights to create reflection on thecar.You will learn how to prepare your final render for high quality still image.You will learn how to use XRender render farm to render your final work.In this 35 minutes course:You will learnhow to lit a studiowith a single light.Youwill discover how to create reflection on the curvyand angular surface of acar.You will learn how to create realistic car'material with glossy and flakes.You will be able to create material for major part of a car.Youwill learn how to setup render setting to generate high quality still images while keeping a balance between render time and render speed.The last part of this coursewill focus on using Render farm (cloud rendering)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Improve English by Movies" |
"Lets go back to our childhood and think about primary school for a moment.I am talking about the time when we were six or seven years old.The question here is,What was the first thing they taught us at primary school? First thing they taught us was Writing and Reading, right?Why it wasnt Listening and Speaking? Of course, listening and speaking were the core abilities that we were accepted to a primary school.And we all know that none of us teach our children how to pronounce vowels, consonants and words like the lessons we get in a language learning school?But how did we learn to speak and to understand what we hear when we were a child?In my opinion, one of the reason is that we hear words many times. When we hear the sound of a word many times, we will have enough sound information in our memory and then our brain will send the right command to our speaking organs how to produce that sound. Make sense?Did you think about this, sometimes we pronounce a word wrong and somebody else tells us the correct spelling, maybe we cant pronounce that word correctly after hearing it once, but in most cases we will be able to pronounce that word correctly after 3-5 times we hear that word, and we are doing this just by hearing.Sometimes we feel the need of a little bit of time, just after the full pronunciation of a word, to clearly identify that word. Why this happens is that, our brain trying to match the sound we heard with an existing sound information in our memory. But we did not put that sound information in our memory. In most cases we will be expecting the pronunciation of a word, just like we saw that word on a paper.In this course we are going to use some digital tools to improve our listening experience and as a result of listening we are also going to improve our speaking skills."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Data Warehouse and ODI 11g - Step by Step Guide" |
"Would you like to be a data warehouse expert with IndependentConcept Data Warehouse Training? In order to professionalize you at this topic,we gathered up all of the trainings and performed the application of thetheorical informations to provide a better education. After obtaining these informations, youll learn the Data Warehouse systems and its properties. In this training, all of the abilities that a Data Warehouse & Business intelligence specialist must have will be explained. In the end of the course, well present a live sample of data warehouse. By using ODI (Oracle Data Integration) in the trainings content, you wont need to do extra payment for the training of ETL tools. Youll be able to have a wide range of informations over the topics listed bellow:Data Warehouse Data ,Entegration,KnowledgeData Warehouse DefinitionETL/ELT ArchitectureIncremental LoadBatch LoadReal Time LoadChange Data CaptureReal TimeContinuoslyBatchSlowly Changing DimensionData ModellingConceptual Data ModelLogical Data ModelPhysical Data ModelFact TableDimension TableOperational Database Properties and structure(OLTP)Data Warehouse Schema ArchitectureStagingn Area Properties and structure(STG)Operational Data Store Properties and structure(ODS)Datawarehouse Properties and structure(DWH)Datamart Properties and structure(DM)Data ProfilingData QualityData CleaningMetadata ManagementEnd to End Data Warehouse Project Demo ODI (Oracle Data Integrator) Introduction to Oracle Data Integrator 11gIntroduction to oracle Data integratorODI Studio ComponentsODI RepositoriesCreating Master RepositoryCreating work RepositoryOverview of Topology NavigatorCreating Physical ArchitectureCreating a Data ServerTesting a Data Server ConnectionCreating a Physical SchemaCreating Logical ArchitectureOverview of Logical Architecture and Context ViewsLinking the Logical and Physical ArchitectureUnderstanding Metadata in ODIUnderstanding Reverse EngineeringCreating ModelsOrganizing ModelsCreating Data storesOverview of ODI ProjectsCreating a New ProjectIntroduction to Knowledge ModulesTypes of Knowledge modulesCreating a Basic InterfaceDesigning an InterfaceIntegration knowledge module (IKM) overviewUsing Knowledge Modules (KM) with ODI InterfaceExecuting the interfaceOperator OverviewViewing the session log in operatorExploring the code in operatorCreating simple mappingsSetting knowledge module option Truncate to TrueJoin TransformationsSet Operators TransformationsImplementing SCD Type-1 TransformationsImplementing SCD Type-2 TransformationCreating Packages in ODIWhy you should have this course?Because; Im not just talking about the concept, but with its installations, Im moving on with examples over ODI suitable for data warehouse structure and heavily used in the sector.Despite the course language is English, Im providing English subtitles support in order not to miss important points.With various documents and end-of-chapter quizes, I aim to reinforce the topics.As being more than 10 years in the sector and being an instructor in companies that have big DWH structures, I provide this course.You are choosing an instructor that can provide support for any type of questions about the training or about DWH structures that does not fall within the training."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Android Programming with basic and high level examples" |
"In this course you will learn How to install and setup your Android studio. You will learn the basic concepts of the android. Such as Interaction of Java with XMLHow to build GUI in XML.What are views.How to handle events.After that you will learn how to create different basic level and high level applications which includes..How to create a CalculatorHow to create a Prime number gameHow to create a Message appHow to create a Phone-book appHow to create an AnimationsHow to do ThreadingHow to create Web ServicesHow to create a CAR GAMEAnd Many more!!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Macronutrient Nutrition Mastery" |
"Macronutrient Nutrition MasteryLearn Diet & Nutrition From Mitch To Transform How You Look And Feel. I Promise You Will Feel Confident To Succeed- Bonus interview included with Amazon #1 Best Selling Author, CHEK Institute Panel Member and highly sought after speaker, Joanna Rushton.Nutrition & Diet - Flexi Dieting: Count Your Macros & Eat What You Want is a beginner's nutrition course that focuses on Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins. Most importantly though, Mitch is qualified in Food Psychology, a ground breaking qualification that few posses. All diets and nutrition programs are useless, unless you know the behavioural patterns, behind the choices you are making. From Mitch: ""If I could show you a way to change your diet, where you can still get the body of your dreams while still being able to eat your favourite sweet delights (in moderation of course) would that be something you would be interested in?"" Imagine if you could find the ""fountain of youth"" and experience boundless energy, vitality and newly discovered health through proper nutrition and dieting. Think about how you would FEEL if you could shake off chronic illnesses for good and step into a brand new body. What would it mean to you, to add another 5, 10 maybe even 20 years of prosperous life to watch your kids grow up into adults, and have children by having a proper nutrition plan or diet. Then you can watch those children have children and know you have lived and given as much love to your family as you possibly could. You will learn the following in this diet and nutrition course: Nutritional Food Psychology Why Do We Eat What We Eat? What Drives Our Diet Choices? What Are Macronutrients And Good Foods To Choose For Your Diet? - Fats - Carbohydrates -Protein -Alcohol Diet Meal Timing & Do You Really Need To Eat 7 Meals A Day? Common Nutritional Tricks And Tactics That Are Misleading You What Your Ideal Calorie And Macronutrient Intake Is For Your Diet! At the very least, watch the first video on nutrition. You will be given actionable steps for you to take away and use straight away in your diet, regardless of if you invest in this program or not. As you watch this online nutrition course in it's entirety you will Boost Cardiovascular Health, Increase Mental Health, Reach and Sustain Maximum Vitality. As well as Increase General Health, Reduce Stress and it will help you stay Disease Free.Isn't it your turn to look and feel your best?My passion in life is to inspire and reach as many people as I can to live a more fulfilled life through lifestyle and health awareness and coaching. This is just a small gift I give to you, to reboot your inner-self and get you on track to living a life where you thrive!No matter who you are, I guarantee you'll learn at least one thing from this diet and nutrition class. I will personally respond to any questions you may have as you go through the diet and nutrition course so there's no worry if you're not sure how to take all of the information and apply it to your life. So sign up now! The 100% Money Back Guarantee - This course comes with a 100%, no questions asked, money back guarantee. I am so confident in the course that if for whatever reason you are not fully satisfied, you will receive a full refund direct from Udemy. So there is no risk on your part.Stop Sitting Around Any Longer, Click ""Take This Course"" At The Top Right, Enrol In This Course Now And Learn The Nutrition & Health That Will Get You The Body You Desire!To your diet and nutritional success,Mitch"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Overcome Fatigue & Get More Energy" |
"OVER 25 EXPERTTEACHERSINTHISCOURSE======================================================================Can I ask you a life changing question?What are you giving your energy to?Are you tired of being tired all the time?You may already know that we all experience the daily rat race lifestyleYou see it every day as you hear the hustle and bustle of the world with no time to stop and smell the roses. The more you think about how draining your current lifestyle is the more you become aware of the fact that you are in desperate need of a swift change to experience the energetic, abundance, and healthy life you deserveAllow yourself to experience energy beyond belief by listening to the most innovative leaders from the thought, mind, body, and behavior movement.27 Incredible Speakers27 Opportunities to Gain More Energy27 Moments to Appreciate Change in Your Life!The Speakers & Their Topics:Karen Knowler - Eat More Real RAW Food & Feel More AliveTyler Tolman - Intermittent & Extended Juice and Water FastingMatt Catling - P.E.A.C.EBrandon Epstein - Spiritual FitnessTroy Casey - The Truth About Health Detoxification & Plant MedicineTrish Blackwell - Be Authentic. Be Real. Live Energized!Reed Davis - Hormonal Issues & How To Fix ThemBill Farr - How To Cultivate & Unify Mind, Body & Soul For Optimal Energy Michael Janda - Zone Exercises and Working InDan Witmer - Efficiency Hacks: Jump Rope & Intermittent FastingKylie Ryan - Mindset & Motivation For More EnergyRodolfo Young - The Physics Of Reality & The Ability To ManifestJulie Montagu - SuperFoods To Boost Your EnergyKate Marolt - Balancing Your Energy With YogaJo Rushton - Mistakes You Make When Trying To Get Healthy & How To Avoid ThemPaul Eliseo - How Past Trauma Steals Energy From The PresentAmy Landry - Yoga & Ayurveda; Digestion & Seasonal HabitsAdele Appleby - How Resistance Training Can Help You Find More Energy In LifeKale Brock - Fermented FoodsJuliet Lever - How Negative Energy Affects Your Life & How To Clear ItAdam Mizner - Discover Tai Chi For Internal Energy & PowerAngie Von Buelow - Long Term Benefits Of JuicingJosh & Jeanne Rubin - Boosting Your Energy With Proper Thyroid HealthLynne Goldberg - How meditation will boost your energyMichael Austin Jacobs - Mindfulness Meditation Anthia Koullouros - Why You Need To DetoxJP Sears - Creating A Healthy Relationship With YourselfThis will be the most comprehensive health and energy building course you will find on Udemy. So what are you waiting for? The 100% Money Back Guarantee - This course comes with a 100%, no questions asked, money back guarantee. I am so confident in the course that if for whatever reason you are not fully satisfied, you will receive a full refund direct from Udemy. So there is no risk on your part.Stop Sitting Around Any Longer, Click ""Take This Course"" At The Top Right, Enrol In This Course Now And Begin To Master Your Energy For Life with the worlds most leading experts.Get Started NOW!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Hips: Yoga Anatomy for Strength and Mobility" |
"This course (recorded live from an online workshop, then edited into accessible sections) teaches yoga-related hip anatomy in a conversational lecture / discussion format with two dedicated movement practices within.Why learn about the hips?Hip opening is the most popular request in yoga classes. Many people in general feel that their hips are chronically tight. But are they tight? And is more ""hip opening"" the answer?When stretching isn't enoughHave you been stretching your hips for years in yoga, yet they still feel tight? Are you wondering if maybe you need to try something else?Tight and weak muscle patterns become embedded into our bodies through furniture, lifestyle and these patterns don't ONLY follow us onto the yoga mat (no matter how many sun salutations we do):...these unserving patterns can also be created on the mat.What can we do on the yoga mat that helps our hips?Discover specific ways to move your hips mindfully on the mat to unlock hip flexors and awaken hip stabilizers.Dive into the deep world of ""hip healthcare"" including rotational strength, joint centricity, stabilization, muscular activation and so much more.How does this course line up with the science of sustainable hip health?From tight hip flexors to the distance between your knees and the floor in cross-legged, explore and play with movement-science informed ways to enhance true, sustainable mobility (openness + strength) in this pivotal part of your body.Guided by a doctor of physical therapy and yoga teacher of 2 decades, you will get to know the muscles surrounding your hips, understand the role of the hips in balance and core stability, and find new levels of ease and freedom in yoga asana.What props do I need?For the movement practices, ideally have on hand:a yoga mata yoga block or sturdy throw pillow--This workshop is all levels and is designed for anyone who sits for any length any day of the week, for cyclists, for runners, for truckers, and of course, for yogis.2 contact hour CEUs for Yoga Alliance, IAYT, and more. Downloadable certificate available at completion of the course."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How To Build An Online Business From Start To Finish" |
"WARNING: This is not your typical Internet Marketing or Make Money Online course. This is a evergreen business blueprint for starting or running your own successful online business. Learn Proven Systems, Strategies, and Techniques that All Successful Entrepreneurs Must Use to Build a Sustainable Online Business that Will Generate Potentially Unlimited Income 24-Hours a Day on Autopilot! In theory, making money online is easy. With little to no techie skills, and a budget of less than $50, almost anyone can launch a website and be in business tomorrow. So why is it that almost 98% of online businesses never actually turn a profit and create the lifstyle that most have heard Internet Marketers claim is ""easy to do?"" The answer almost always lies in false expectations and a lack understanding of any one of these areas: Mindset, Research, Strategy, and Implementation. It rarely has anything to do with how your website looks, what you think you do or don't know, how many fans or followers you have, your budget and how much money you can throw at it, or even your background, history, or any such nonsense! There IS a simple step-by-step formula that applies to ALL online endeavors. It is 100% proven, works ALL the time (without fail), and is not some magical secret or something that is outside of your reach! 24 Hour Success is not for those seeking the next get rich quick version of making money online. There are plenty of those all over the Internet making plenty of money for those praying on the hopes of other for push button success. With all due respect to you, while it is possible to make A LOT of money online, and quickly, what you do not ever see, is all the hard work and planning that went into that multimillion dollar online success. Allowing yourself to get distracted by hype will only lead to confusion, frustration, and overwhelm. If you do not believe me now, you will later. 24 Hour Success is everything you need to know to start, manage, and scale up, a successful online business in any niche or area of expertise that excites you. You will be walked through step-by-step with no stone left unturned to ensure you understand all aspects of the online world, including... understanding your strengths and weaknesses and how to use them to your advantage eliminate procrastination, fear, and any limitations or excuses that are effecting your ability break through your income earning barriers how to find endless opportunities in any niche and formulate a profitable business around it that is guaranteed to succeed fast and simple content and product creation techniques that can position you as an expert in any industry and give you the boost that you need how to effectively leverage the work of others rather than creating another ""job"" that owns you rather than you own it how to quickly and effectively build your clientele, generate endless leads, and make high converting sales without spending a dime on advertising or marketing of your own understanding sales psychology, relationship building, and what people are really looking for, how you can help them, and keep them coming back for more why failure is almost impossible if you follow the steps outlined in this course and what the key factors are that are missing all failures how to approach industry leaders with confidence and help then help you break into your market with ease and so much more... no hype, no fluff, and no stroking of egos! There simply is no better way to launch an online business in any economy, with any budget, and any level of expertise... because what you will learn here is the foundation of ALL successful online businesses... bar none! Over four decades of experience, and years of trial and error, along with direct and personal mentoring of industry giants went into the creation this course. If you have a computer with internet then you are ready to get started now. It is as simple as that. 24 Hour Success is the only course you will ever need to build a 6 figure business, from scratch, without an pre-requisites. If you have ever found yourself asking, ""how do they do it?"" Then this course is especially for you! * * * * * * * FREE GIFT * * * * * * * The 5 Keys to Online Success Mindset: Usually left out of many courses and programs and probably the single greatest reason why people never achieve the success they deserve. It is also the last thing that most people want to look at, or admit, is in their way. Why? Because it means taking responsibility and no longer blaming others for what you do or don't have. The only thing in the way of your success is you... 100% of the time. Period. Let go of your excuses and take charge. 24 Hour Success walks you through powerful exercises to take you to where you want to be and provides you with tools to overcome all limitations on the road to your success. What: Whatever your product, service, or idea you wish to create your online empire around be passionate about it. Feel good about what you do or don't bother. So many people take jobs that they dont want. With the online world you have the freedom to build a business around almost anything you want. So do what inspires you? Doing anything for the money is just plain stupid. I am sorry but it is true. It will never lead to your real goal. People are wiser and smarter and so are you. With 24 Hours Success we show you how to uncover your interests and how to build a viable business doing what you enjoy and love... whatever that is! Research: Everything you need to succeed online is literally at your fingertips. The Internet has all the answers you will ever need, whether it be access to resources, statistics, trends, competitive analysis, content creation ideas... all for free. Research determines your market entry point. It refines your ""what,"" and helps you better target your products and services to your what your audience is actually looking for and willing to pay for. 24 Hour Success will show you simple ways in which you can become and expert in identifying your industries needs and wants and how to focus your time and energy on profitable endeavors rather than great ideas that are doomed to fail. Strategy: At the end of the day, your success will depend on the sustainability of your business, and how you leverage the many tools and resources available to you to generate sales and an income. Traffic without conversions is like having a store without sales. Who cares if you have millions of people visiting your website, or liking you on Facebook, if you aren't able to pay your bills. So many people go online naively expecting that lots of traffic or fans will magically make them millions. You are being sold a lie. This is not Hollywood. Without a tested and proven back-end strategy or sales funnel in place you will be popular and broke in no time flat. Build credibility, create relationships, position yourself correctly, and target your audience correctly. Be authentic, honest, and real. 24 Hour Success will help you create a winning strategy and teach you how to structure you online properties to maximize your income potential so that you too can become a 6-figure winner in no time at all. Implementation: Prioritize, systemize, test, and scale. Implementation is the most important and least important of the keys above because successful implementation is the culmination of all them. If you fail to implement any aspect of the 4 keys above, then no matter what you do, how fancy your website is, how great you ""think"" your idea is, you will leave your success to chance and statistically the 98% likelihood of failure. Ironically, if you don't give up first, you will probably buy those hypey courses and programs, to try to figure out why and will eventually discover the truth and begin implementing some of the strategies that are meticulously covered in this course. With trial and error, and much lost time and effort, you will succeed.But don't worry... you're not alone. The other group of people, won't fail and or succeed. They just never actually implement anything. Usually it is because they get caught up in the ""how to's"" and eventually convince themselves that it is too hard or that they do not have the skills for all this ""techie"" stuff. The truth is, with all sincerity, that implementation for the most part will take care of itself by taking action in the first 4 areas in a systemized way. By going through this course, you will realize that you are not alone. That help is available, but only if you put yourself out there, and at least try. Why do you think we are here? The greatest part about creating an online business is that success is only a matter of time. It is inevitable if you do not give up, but unlike a brick and mortar business, where you have one chance at sometimes great cost and expense. With the online world you can test and tweak, and even the worst converting website, product, or service, can be made into a winner with little to no cost or outlay if you know how. With the right mindset, research, and strategy in place, along with the willingness to test and know that nothing online is set in stone, hope can finally be restored. All the fear and guess work is immediately taken out of the equation and you all you are left with is success... 24 Hour Success."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso ISO/IEC20000 Foundation Bridge" |
"Este um treinamento introdutrio de fundamentos do Gerenciamento de Servios de TI, sendo o primeiro nvel de conhecimento nos padres da norma ISO/IEC 20000:2011.Neste treinamento voc ir aprender os princpios e elementos essenciais da norma ISO/IEC 20000. A ISO/IEC 20000-1 (Parte 1) a especificao formal que define os requisitos que devem ser satisfeitos pelas empresas que desejam conquistar a certificao, e a ISO/IEC 20000-2 (Parte 2) descreve um cdigo de prtica.Este curso a porta de entrada para o esquema de qualificao profissional em Gerenciamento de Servios de TI (ITSM) baseado na ISO/IEC 20000 e prepara o participante para o exame de certificao ISO/IEC20000 Foundation Bridge.Ateno:AISO 20000 Bridge Foundation da EXIN para que j tem a certificao ITIL e queira fazer uma ponte para a ISO 20000 Foundation da EXIN. Caso seja aprovado no exame daISO 20000 Bridge Foudantion da EXIN, voc obrigado a apresentar o certificado do exame da ITIL Foundation para adquirir a certificao ISO 20000 Foundation da EXIN."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Complete Salesforce Lightning Experience User Training" |
"Learn how to use the newSalesforce Lightning Experience user interface efficiently - you should select my courses because Ihave 6 Salesforce Certifications, which are the most of any instructor you will find on Udemy. Ihave also been featured in InfoWorld and have taught more students and received more 5 star reviews than any other Salesforce instructor on Udemy. I invite you to read the reviews of my courses.This course introduces you to the new user interface for Salesforce - Lightning Experience. I walk you through each section and function of this new user interface to help you make the transition from the Salesforce Classic user interface.Ihave structured this course to cover the key UI components of Lightning Experience to make you productive quickly on this new interface. Icover all of the key Salesforceconcepts and functions for:MarketingSalesServiceAnalyticsReports and Dashboards have undergone a major transformation with this new user interface. I walk you through the highlights of new report types, as well as dashboard layouts of up to 7 columns (up from the old limit of 3).We alsowalk through the new sales enablement and enhancement tool only found in Lightning Experience, called Sales Path. There areno other course on Udemy that coverLightning Experience, and how to use it. So get up to speed Lightning fast with the Complete Salesforce Lightning Experience User Training Course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Salesforce Classic and Mobile New User Training" |
"After Thousands of Udemy Survey ratings for my courses, the students have spoken:""Are you learning valuable information?"" 99.6% answered YES""Are the explanations of the concepts clear?"" 99.8% answered YES""Is the instructor knowledgeable about the topic?"" 99.9% answered YESIf you are new to Salesforce and need a firm understanding of the platform, as a whole, this course is for you. Improve your performance on the Salesforce platform to be more productive, AND profitable. Acquire marketable skills in todays marketplace, and close more deals along the way.This course covers:Core functionality and common tasks, such as searching, creating records, running reports, sending emails, logging calls.Customer Relationship Management Fundamentals as specifically performed on the Salesforce PlatformEncompasses the entire lifecycle of the typical sales process fromMarketing (Attract Customers)Sales (Attain Customers)Service (Retain Customers)In this course, I show you and walk you through customizing your own Salesforce instance to automate and optimize your Marketing efforts. We will cover Campaign Management and automation. Well cover lead-based marketing and discuss lead sources and how to track all of this in Salesforce. Track leads from various channels, such as Email, Web, Phone, Tradeshows, and Social.I demonstrate key Sales Management and Enablement techniques around team-based selling, prospecting, and setting up multiple and varied Sales Processes.Learn Salesforce analytics to measure user adoption, and key metrics for Marketing, Sales and Service through our Reports and Dashboards section.The Salesforce1 Mobile interface is covered as well, once you understand the core concepts of the desktop experience. You'll also find helpful tips sprinkled in, all along the way. Go from Salesforce newbie to ninja in no time! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Autodesk Maya 2018" |
"Autodesk Maya is powerful 3D Animation and Modelling software capable of producing stunning effects. In this course I teach the basics of using Maya Modelling and Animation. In this course I will be starting to teach about Autodesk Maya 2018 from very basic to advance level of training, covering all aspects of Maya from simple to advance techniques.Iss course mein hum maya ke tamam tools and techniques ko esplore karein ge. Hum course ko bilkul basics see start karein ge aur yeh course bilkul easy tarikey see Maya ko sikhaey ga. yeh course MAya ke Modeling se shoro hoga aur sath sath maya ke tamam modling tools ko tafseel mein samghaye ge. modeling ke sath is mein hum texturing bhi kerty jaye ge aur dekhain ge ke objects ko materials aur textures ksey assign kerty hay maya mein. uss ke bad lighting aur camera work ka istmal ke lessons karein ge."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"2020 How To Create A Bitcoin Business WordPress Website" |
"Join over 60,000+ students who study with me. Want to start a Bitcoin business or other business and want to create a WordPress website in a few hours so your customers can see you on the internet today!WordPress Business Websites No Coding - No Techie Skills Needed - Complete For Beginners: Finally a simple way to create beautiful WordPress Business Websites in a step-by-step way for those with no time, no money and no patience. No skills needed just point and click the mouse to build your business website today!Ideal for local business owners, consultants and coaches, authors, and those who simply want to earn an income online.In this picture rich video course you will discover 10 Easy Ways to Make Money with your new, easily and quickly learnt WordPress skills. Unlike other beginner WordPress courses, we cover topics that are key to creating professional-looking websites for others as a service business and charge $500 or more.This is not WordPress theory. You can follow along by turning on your computer, put the keyboard on your desk, and in seconds start building your WordPress website today no coding needed no technical knowledge!Join the thousands of people who are making $1,000+ per month making WordPress websites that you can make from home in your spare time with a $50 Computer.Student Reviews:Great CourseThiscourse certainly deserve appreciation. Easy to understand and complete withperfection, which lead me to understand this course within a short period oftime. I thanks for such an amazing course and I enjoyed my learning experience. by Jebul RahmanVery well structured andDetailed courseWow...Iam blown off with the little minute details this course is structed with. Nickis very prompt to mention that the use of this course knowledge can help youmake money by taking action and not false promising that you'll make guaranteedmoney by showing well-mocked pay reports.Ireally adore the minute details Nick has covered in the course. Especially themenus and the static page for the site and 7 page website.I'veto thank Nick, by following this course I could get my worpress blog online.Thanksfor the course and the great value you portray in the course. by Ashok Kumar N RaoSee you inside the courseNick Walsh"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AngularJS 1.0 Masterclass - Deep Dive & Understand AngularJS" |
"[COURSE UPDATED on 30 April 2015] Why AngularJS? AngularJS is the most popular JavaScript framework out there in the market backed by Google. AngularJS helps you in creating complex web applications in less time. It's gonna add value to your resume and even help in getting good salary job. Why You Should Take This Course? This course is gonna help you make complex web application in AngularJS. This course will not only help you learn AngularJS, but to understand it, as it covers lot of JavaScript, HTML, Clean Coding, Design Pattern concepts, which you should understand to know better about AngularJS. This course uses AngularJS Version 1.3. What's Inside This Course? Why You Should Know AngularJS? AngularJS Core Concepts along with JavaScript, HTML, Design Patterns & Clean Code Concepts. Using Directives & Filters to Make Views How to Keep Data in Scope & Business Logic in Controllers AngularJS Built in Services Which Includes Server Side Interaction Using Mongo Lab API & Creating Your Own Custom Services Create Single Page Application Using Routing Create Custom Directives & Custom Filters Hands on With Practical Application And More Contents to Come Exercise Files: This course contains all the exercise files, divided into two folders, one as starting folder and other one as completed folder."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Piano Scales & Chords (For Beginners)" |
"Welcome to ""Learn Piano Scales & Chords (For Beginners)""If you are brand new to playing the piano or music theory then this is the perfect course to help get you started.If you already know music theory and how to play scales and chords efficiently, then please do not enroll in this course - it is for beginners! By the end of this short course you will be able to Play ANY basic chord or scale on the piano in ANY key, using a simple formula even a 3 year old child could use and learn.Most of the lectures are only 2 to 5 minutes long and the whole course can be finished in under an hour. This means you can learn at your own pace or quickly get the information you actually need to start really playing the piano, now!Also even if you don't currently own a piano or keyboard, don't worry! You can still benefit from taking this course because will be using several virtual pianos and keyboards you can find online.We will start out with an overview of the piano, the note names, how to find middle C, and several other basic principles. Then we will go over octaves, half steps, and whole steps. And after that, we will wrap up with the secret formulas used to play ANY basic scale or chord in ANY key on the piano, as well as a few practice exercises you can use daily to improve your skills. Check out what current students are saying after taking this course:""Dude, I loved the way you taught major and minor chords. You mad the whole 88 keys easier to understand as a whole...."" - C G""Wonderful way to learn and have fun doing it at the comfort of home"" - Jesse Rivera""This is a very basic course for beginners, but gives you the foundation building blocks with which to build your playing on. It's a short course but gives you scales chords and exercises you can go on to practice and improve on in your own time. I like his style, it was enjoyable to go through."" - SteveSo save yourself time and money trying to learn on your own and improve your skills today!Enroll Now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Easy Strategies For Finding And Flipping Items Online" |
"Course SummaryIn this course I will help you earn extra money by teaching you simple methods i used to make money using Ebay, Amazon and other sites. If you wanna flip itmes online, but don't know how to find anything to sell, this is the course for you. Learn how you can find good deals By watching live examples of me showing actual screen recordings of me browsing the net checking for deals. I also compare the price of the deals i find to Amazon and Ebay, so you can see the potential profit you can make. I show you my favorite websites to go to when it comes to getting good dealsI show you the tool you can use to determine the exact profit you will make after your item sells. In this course the methods i use include drop shipping and buying items to flip on Ebay and other platforms. I show proof of how much i made online as a beginner on Ebay. This is not a get rich quick course, this is a course showing you how you can make extra money. In this course all of the methods i teach are the methods i used as a beginning seller on Ebay. I'm not someone just talking the talk, i actually walk the walk and I'm someone who actually did everything i preach in this course, so when you sign up for it, you will be learning from someone with experience. Thanks for checking out my course and if you sign up, you will not regret it!! You can text me @ 718-205-1132"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get Promoted NOW! Getting ahead for new managers" |
"Course Overview - How to Become a ValuableHigh-PerformanceManager Whose Actions and Opinions Matter to Your CompanyAre you a new manager? Congratulations - you've gotten here, but can you stay here? And can you move up?In this course you'll learn how anyone can become a top manager who is respected, effective and marked outby senior management as on the way up. You'll learnthe core principles of effective team management and the mindsets required torapidlybecome a rising star in your company, and how to leapfrog everyone around you while being known as a teamplayer who isn't afraid to speak your mind or intelligently promote yourself in a way you deserve.Basically, this course will teach you how to maximize the long-termcareer potential of yournew role as a leader andmanager in just 2 hours, ultimatelyensuring your rapid rise in your company.The Mindsets and Strategies I'll be teaching you in this courseI'll be teaching you a specificset of managementstrategiesand performancemindsets from my time in the trenchesas a Regional Manager at Thomson Reuters whichwill be useful for any new or first-timemanagers, including:- Why conflict is not always a bad thing (and can be healthy) - and why you absolutely must get comfortable with (respectful)conflict if you want to succeed in the long-term- Why only have one default mode of being (for many people it'sbeing ""nice"") can be to your detriment- Why doing competent (and even outstanding) work is not enough!Strategies for becoming widely known and influential in your company. It's not only about how good your work is!- Your new reality as a manager vs your old reality as an individual contributor- How to manage your direct and indirect reports in your office and around the world - and the differences in each of these situations- How to leadteam meetings and how your style and substanceimpacts your credibility in front of your team and organisationLearn fromfirst-hand experienceIsn't management something you learn by experience? Yes - you could, but research shows that more than half of new managers fail to live up to the expectations of those who promoted them to this new role. Rather than stumbling into the best practices (and making needless mistakes along the way), shortcut your success in a safe, easy way bylearning from mysuccesses and failures instead.How I'll be teaching this courseStudents will be learning via video lectures in this course.This course is 2 hours in length in total, and is structured around severalcore sections covering both strategic mindsets andtactical techniques for specific situations."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Guide to Professional Trading with Elliott Wave" |
"80% + Forecast Accuracy : My 2018, 2017 and 2016 Track Records : can be checked in Module 1 Lecture 3.Watch the preview enabled videos in Module 9 (Predicting the Future)in which I predict theprice levels for S&P 500 (An index of American Stock Markets)and see how the targets are getting hit.If you want to learn how to predict -Stock Market, Forex,Commodities & Cryptocurrenciesthen enroll in this course.Throughout the course I have used my Live Trades and Forecast videos to prove that markets can be predicted over and over again.What is this course about?This course is about the practical application ofElliott Wave Theory developed by SirRalph Nelson Elliott, according to which the prices in the stock market reflect the crowd psychology of humanswhich being repetitive forms patterns. These patterns being recognizable on the chart give us predictive power.In this course you will learn all about these patterns from the point of application in Day Trading, Swing Trading and Investment,also you will see how can we use the concept of Fibonacci Ratios and the concept of Channeling along with some other concepts to add more predictive power to our analysis.What is special about this course?This is a PRACTICALCOURSE (on Elliott Wave Principles), that is I have explained all the concepts on live chartsrather then a meaningless slide show, also I will keep updating this course with more examples on regularbasis so as to keep new ideas coming.I have included various case scenarios throughout the course, some chartdiscussions depict Intraday Trade analysis, some depict Swing Case scenario while others discuss long term prospects from an Investors point of view.You will learn trading using Technical Analysis in it's purest form.Throughout the courseI have discussed the basic thought process in a systematic manner so that viewers can understand the complete application part.What is the aim of this course?The aim behind this course is to make anyone who takes this course efficient enough to do theirownanalysisbased on the Elliott WavePrinciples and be able to make Intraday Trading, Swing Trading or Investment decisions based on their learning."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Statistics explained easy 1 - Descriptives" |
"Woooow! Are you at university and you don't understand what your statistics teacher is talking about? Here Iwill explain everything in an easy way :) Just day to day examples, and you will learn that statistics is not hard at all ;) A lot of my students who first did not pass statistics get not only a pass but a really high grade :)Of course this will not be a completely tailored course for you, (every statistics subject is different),like my private lessons, but Iwill structure it for you in such a way that you only have to learn the subjects which are relevant for you! This will mean that you can skip a lot of lessons. But hey, perhaps you will become a statisitics geek, and you can finish all the lessons (hahahaha, don't think so!)I guess to finish one statistics subject on average you will need around40 hours, but for some people it can be much more or muchless.In this course you will find:all the descriptive statistics which you need to knowBasic math skills which you need to perform the statistical calculationsCalculate correlation coefficient and a regression slope by handNext to the calculations Iexplain you fully what all topics mean and how to interpret them :)Most important Iexplain it in an easy going way.A lot of clear examples and hand on exercises to master your new skills.In the next course Iwill explain everything about the Normal Distribution (and explain also other distributions) (Coming soon!)And afterwards all inferential statistics (hypothesis testing) (coming soon!)And in my last course (Statistics Explained Easy - SPSS)(Already available), I explain completely to you how SPSSworks! (Statistical package which will do all the calculation for you ;) )Anyway, please look through the course topics (Curriculum) and watch (some of)my preview videos :)See you inside the course!Cheers from the Netherlands,Ton"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |