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"100% Responsive design: Aprende diseo web con bootstrap 4" |
"Desde las clases hasta la estructura html de tu pgina web. En este curso aprenders a dominar Bootstrap 4, la ltima versin de Bootstrap. Logrars utilizarlo para disear pginas web como un autntico experto de una manera sencilla. Tus pginas web sern responsive y se adaptarn a cualquier tipo de pantalla de cualquier tipo de dispositivo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python ile Yapay Zeka: A'dan Z'ye Reinforcement Learning (7)" |
"Merhaba arkadalar,Bu kurs 7 admlk Yapay Zeka yolculuumuzun nihai hedefi olan Yapay Zeka (Reinforcement Leaning) kursudur.Python: Python Sfrdan Uzmanla Programlama (1)Data Science ve Python: Sfrdan Uzmanla Veri Bilimi (2)Data Visualization: A'dan Z'ye Veri Grselletirme (3)Machine Learning ve Python: A'dan Z'ye Makine renmesi (4)Deep Learning (Derin renme) Statistical Learning (statistik) Artificial Intelligence (Yapay Zeka) Bu Kurs ile Alacaklarnz Sfrdan Kodlama Becerisi: Sizinle birlikte kod yazyoruz. Her ders bo bir sayfa ile balar ve kodu sfrdan yazarz. Bu ekilde ilerleyebilir ve kodun nasl bir araya geldiini ve her satrn ne anlama geldiini tam olarak anlayabilirsiniz.Kodlar ve ablonlar: Kursta oluturduumuz her Python ablonlarn ve kodunu indirebilirsiniz. Bu, sizlere hem daha sonra kod zerinde pratik yapma hem de kendi projelerinizi ablon sayesinde daha kolay bir ekilde yaratma imkan salayacaktrTeori ve Mantk: Size yalnzca kod yazmay deil, hem yazdmz kodun arkasnda yatan mant ve teoriyi hem de neden byle bir kod yazdmz anlatyoruz.Kurs ii destek: Size sadece video ile ders anlatm yapmyoruz. Size destek olmak iin profesyonel Veri Bilimcilerinden oluan bir ekip oluturduk. Bu da ders ve ya ders d sorularnza en fazla 72 saat iinde yant alacanz anlamna geliyor.Yapay Zeka(Reinforcement Leaning) kursu ierii: Giri Blm Reinforcement Learning GiriAnaconda ve Python KurulumuKurs kaynaklarnn gsterimiQ-LearningAgent-Environment-State-Action-RewardBellman EquationDeterministic vs StochasticMarkov Decision ProcessQ-LearningTemporal DifferenceQ-Table/AlgoritmaExploitation vs ExplorationLiving PenaltyTaxi ProjesiFrozen Lake ProjesiDeep Q-LearningQ-Learning vs Deep Q-LearningDeep Q-LearningExperience ReplayAdaptive Epsilon GreedyCart Pole ProjesiLunar Lander ProjesiEnvrionement DesignGame DesignPlayer-Sprite-EnemyCollisionEnvironment DesignDQL AlgoritmasDeep Convolutional Q-LearningDeep Convolutional Q-Learning Nedir?Pong Oyunu Kodlama PlanEnvironment Design Sabit DeikenlerPong Oyunu nitializer, Display, Update, Action, ProcessPong Oyunu Train Agent Model EitimiPong Oyunu Train Agent Sonulareriin ngilizce olmas sizi yanltmasn arkadalar. Derslerim tamamen Trkedir. Hemen kaydolun ve bir an nce balayalm."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Deep Learning ve Python: leri Seviye Derin renme (5.1)" |
"leri Seviye Derin renmeleri seviye Derin renme kursu ile hem Residual Networks, Transfer Learning, Autoencoders ve Generative Adversarial Networks konularnn mantn hem de Python ktphanelerinden olan Pytorch ve Keras ile kodlamasn reneceiz.leri Seviye Deep Learning (Derin renme) kursu ierii: Giri Blm leri Seviye Derin renme ders programPython KurulumlarGithub Kaynaklarndirilebilir KaynaklarConvolutional Neural Networks (CNN) Gzden GeirmeConvolutional Neural Networks Nedir?Proje1: Python (Keras) ile Fruit360 veri seti kullanarak Convolutional Neural Networks kodlamaProje2: Python (Keras) ile MNIST veri seti kullanarak Convolutional Neural Networks kodlamaDeep Residual Networks (DRN)Convolutional Neural Networks vs Deep Residual NetworksVanishing Gradient Problem (Kaybolan Gradyan Problemi)Deep Residual Networks Nedir?Proje3: Python (Pytorch) ile IR Pedestrian veri seti kullanarak Deep Residual Networks kodlamaTransfer Learning (Transfer renmesi)Transfer Learning Nedir?Transfer Learning rnekleriProje4: Python (Keras) ile Fruit360 veri seti kullanarak Transfer Learning (VGG16) kodlamaProje5: Python (Keras) ile CIFAR10 veri seti kullanarak Transfer Learning (VGG19) kodlamaAutoencoders (Otomatik Kodlayc)Autoencoders Nedir?Proje6: Python (Keras) ile MNIST veri seti kullanarak Autoencoders kodlamaGenerative Adversarial Networks (GANs) (retken Rakip Alar)Generative Adversarial Networks Nedir?Generative Adversarial Networks kullanm alanlarProje7: Python (Keras) ile MNIST veri seti kullanarak Generative Adversarial Networks kodlamaEK1: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)Convolutional Neural NetworksSame PaddingMax PoolingFully Connected NetworkImplementing with KerasCreate ModelOptimizerCompilerBatch and EpochData AugmentationFitting ModelEvaluate ModelCNN with PytorchNeden Python?Python 2018 IEEE aratrmasna gre dnya apnda en ok kullanlan ve tercih edilen programlama dili.Python kolay renilebilirlii sayesinde kodlamaya yeni balayanlarn ilk tercihi oluyor.Python open source (ak kaynak) olmas nedeni ile Facebook yada Google gibi dnyann en byk irketleri tarafndan destekleniyor.Veri bilimi, makine renmesi yada yapay zeka denince akla ilk olarak Python dili geliyor. Bu durumda Python'n dnya apnda byk bir kitlesinin olmasna neden oluyor.Python renmesi en kolay olan dillerin banda geliyor.Kariyer asndan Python en ok frsata sahip dillerinden biri.Neden Derin renme?Derin renme modelleri veri says artt zaman klasik makine renmesi yntemlerinden ok daha baarl sonular veriyor.Derin renme furyas tm dnyada gibi byyor ve bizlerde yolun bandayken derin renmeyi renmeliyiz.Derin renme bilgisine sahip olmak i hayatnda fark yaratacak.Derin renme herkesin renebilecei kolay bir konu deil bu nedenle derin renme bilen biri olarak her alanda daha kymetli olursunuz.Bu Kurs ile Alacaklarnz Sfrdan Kodlama Becerisi:Sizinle birlikte kod yazyoruz. Her ders bo bir sayfa ile balar ve kodu sfrdan yazarz. Bu ekilde ilerleyebilir ve kodun nasl bir araya geldiini ve her satrn ne anlama geldiini tam olarak anlayabilirsiniz.Kodlar ve ablonlar: Kursta oluturduumuz her Python ablonlarn ve kodunu indirebilirsiniz. Bu, sizlere hem daha sonra kod zerinde pratik yapma hem de kendi projelerinizi ablon sayesinde daha kolay bir ekilde yaratma imkan salayacaktrTeori ve Mantk:Size yalnzca kod yazmay deil, hem yazdmz kodun arkasnda yatan mant ve teoriyi hem de neden byle bir kod yazdmz anlatyoruz.Kurs ii destek:Size sadece video ile ders anlatm yapmyoruz. Size destek olmak iin profesyonel Veri Bilimcilerinden oluan bir ekip oluturduk. Bu da ders ve ya ders d sorularnza en fazla 72 saat iinde yant alacanz anlamna geliyor.eriin ngilizceolmas sizi yanltmasn arkadalar. Derslerim tamamen Trkedir. Hemen kaydolun ve bir an nce balayalm."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Python GUI: Gerek Dnya Python Projeleri ile Tkinter&PyQt5!" |
"PYTHON GRAFKSEL KULLANICI ARAYZ: GEREK DNYA PYTHON PROJELER LE TKINTER & PYQT5!KURS TANITIMITkinter ve PyQt5 kullanarak grafiksel kullanc arayz (GUI) programlarnn Python ile nasl oluturulacan reneceksiniz. Python, Tkinter ve PyQt5'in temellerini inceleyeceiz. Kullanamayacanz, vizyonunuzu ve bak anz geniletmeyen bir proje yaratmaktan daha kts yoktur. Bu nedenle, yapay zeka(derin renme ve makine renmesi) ve ticaret analizi ile ilgili drt proje yapacaz ve elbette ilk nce bunlarn ne olduunu reneceiz.DERS PROGRAMI VE PROJELER: Daha ayrntl kurs programlar iin kurs ieriini kontrol edebilirsiniz.GiriPython TemelleriTkinter Widgets(Grafik Bileenleri)Tkinter ile Forex Ticaret Analizi ProjesiTkinter ile Deri Kanseri Snflandrma ProjesiPyQt5 widgets(Grafik Bileenleri)PyQt5 ile Kmeleme(Clustering) ProjesiPyQt5 ile Rakam Snflandrma (Digit Classification) Projesi BU DERS EN Y YAPAN NEDR?Bu Python GUI iin en kapsaml bir kurstur.En popler ve faydal ktphanelerden olan Tkinter ve PyQt5 birlikte aklanmaktadr.Gerek dnya projeleri ile TkInter ve PyQt5 'i alrken grecek ve karlatrabileceksiniz.Bu kurs daha iyi renmek iin birok snav ierir.BU DERS ALMADAN NCE BR EYE HTYACINIZ VAR MI MESELA PYTHON GB ?Bu kursa katlmak ve baarl olmak iin Python hakknda nceden bilgi sahibi olmanz gerekmez. Adm adm Python temellerini, Tkinter ve PyQt5'i reneceiz. te yandan, derin renme, makine renmesi ve Forex ticareti ile ilgili projeler yapacaz. Bu nedenle, derin renme, makine renmesi ve Forex ticaretinin temellerini aklayacam. Yapmanz gereken tek ey sylediklerimi dinlemek, adm adm uygulamak ve dersin tadn karmak.NEDEN PYTHON, TKINTER ve PYQT5?Python'un kullanm kolay, gl ve ok ynldr, yeni balayanlar ve uzmanlar iin mkemmel bir seimdir. Python'un okunabilirlii onu harika bir ilk programlama dili yapar. Bir programc gibi dnmenizi ve kafa kartrc sz dizimi(syntax) ile zaman kaybetmemenizi salar. Python, GUI uygulamalar oluturmann hzl ve kolay bir yolunu salar.Tkinter, Python iin standart GUI ktphanesidir. Tkinter, bir GUI uygulamasnda kullanlan dmeler, etiketler ve metin kutular gibi eitli kontroller salar.PyQt5, Qt v5 iin kapsaml bir Python ciltleri kmesidir. 35'ten fazla eklenti modl olarak uygulanmtr ve Python'un iOS ve Android dahil olmak zere tm desteklenen platformlarda C ++ 'a alternatif bir uygulama gelitirme dili olarak kullanlmasn salar.BU KURS LE SAHP OLACAKLARINIZSfrdan kodlama yetenei: Birlikte kodlayacaz.Kodlar ve ablonlar: Kursta oluturduumuz her Python ablonunu ve kodunu indirebilirsiniz. Bu kod ve ablon sayesinde daha sonra yapacanz uygulamalar ve projeler iin alt yap oluturmu olursunuz.Teori ve Mantk: Size sadece kod yazma deil, ayn zamanda yazdmz kodun arkasndaki mantk ve teoriyi ve neden byle bir kod yazdmz da anlatyoruz.Snf ii destek: Size sadece video dersleri vermiyoruz. Sizi desteklemek iin profesyonel bir Python Programc ekibi oluturduk. Bu, sorularnza 72 saat iinde cevap alacanz anlamna geliyor.BZ KMZ: DATAI TEAMDATAI TEAM, Python Programclar ve Veri Bilimcilerinden oluan bir ekiptir.Hadi kursa kayt olalm ve Python GUI macerasna balayalm."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"""I Am Present"" Lessons from ""The Power of Now""" |
"Whether your suffering from anxiousness or depression, or simply want to experience more peace and happiness, the answer is always to develop awareness under the busy mind and get into the Present Moment. Eckhart Tolle's classic book, ""The Power of Now"" is a wonderful study, but many people have a hard time 'understanding' it by themselves. This course takes you through the main parts of it and also each Lesson includes a meditative process to heal, clarify and awaken. Pulling from this book, and the teachings of the I AM Source Code (also on Udemy) Dr. Freeman leads in you an experiential journey into deeper spiritual awareness.You will be able to experience greater peace, healing and happiness as you delve into the Present."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Azure step by step." |
"Following are the labs covered in 8 hours.Lab 1:- Azure,Cloud,SAAS,PAAS and IAAS. Lab 2:- SQL Server on Azure ( DTU & EDTU) Lab 3 :- Azure Functions. Lab 4:- Azure storage (Blobs,Table,File and Queue). Lab 5:- Azure Cosmos DB. Lab 6: - Microservices & Azure Fabric in 90 Minutes. Lab 7 :- Azure tables, Partition and Row keys. Lab 8: - Block blobs, Append blobs & Page blobs. Lab 9 :- Azure Queues , visibility timeouts ,Peek & De-Queue. Lab 10 :- App services and Cloud services Lab 11 :- WebJob and background processing. Lab 12 : - Azure DevOps using Azure Pipeline.Lab 13 - Microservices using Docker and Azure.Lab 14 - Azure Virtual Network(VNET) and Network Security Groups(NSG)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"c# design patterns" |
"The best way to learn design pattern is by doing a project. If you learn something with a project you learn quickly and you learn to the point. So in this training series we have started with 10 labs which completes a customer data entry screen and implements some important patterns like Factory , Repository , Unit of work , Decorator , Iterator , Mediator and so on. One of the shortcomings of learning with a project is you can not implement all design patterns in one project. So to cover them i have also created individual videos for each design pattern. These specific videos goes more in-depth in to those individual design pattern videos.In this syllabus i have also stressed on architectural concepts like DI , IOC , SOLID principles , Micro services architecture and so on.Below is a the full syllabus of this course :- Lab 1: - Project kick start with requirement , planning and initial coding(Factory pattern,Lazy Pattern and RIP Pattern).Lab 2: - Unity, Strategy, IOC, SRP and SOC.Lab 3: - Template pattern and Repository pattern with ADO.NET.Lab 4: - Adapter Pattern and Repository with EFLab 5: - UOW(Unit of Work)Lab 6: - Decorator PatternLab 7: - Iterator PatternLab 8: - Prototype and Memento PatternLab 9: - Implementing complex object creation using Factory MethodLab 10: - Implementing NULL design pattern and Mediator pattern.Explain SOLID?Factory pattern and Abstract Factory PatternBuilder PatternPrototype PatternSingleton PatternAdapter PatternBridge PatternComposite PatternDecorator PatternFacade PatternFlyweight PatternProxy PatternMediator PatternMemento PatternInterpreter PatternIterator PatternCOR PatternCommand PatternState PatternStrategy PatternObserver PatternTemplate PatternVisitor PatternExplain IOC(Inversion of Control)?Dependency InjectionFluent interface and method chainingLazy LoadingExplain RIP(Replace IF with Polymorphism) Pattern?Immutable object design patternExplain Null Design Pattern and its usage.What is Microservices Architecture?Happy learning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Tableau step by step for beginners." |
"This series will teach you Tableau basic step by step. We have 10 labs which covers the below syllabus. :-Lab 1: - Explaining Tableau, its various versions, installation & understanding tool UI.Lab 2: - Publishing/distributing report, various interface, Tableau file extensions.Lab 3: - Datatypes, Managing Metadata & Extracts, Cross Database Joins, Data Blending.Lab 4: - Explaining Cube and Relational Datasource with their difference, Data preparation in Tableau.Lab 5: - Visual Analytics(Sorting, Grouping, Filters, Drill Down & Hierarchies) - Part 1.Lab 6: - Visual Analytics(Parameters, Forecasting, Clustering & Trend) - Part 2.Lab 7: - Explaining and Creating Dashboards & Stories in Tableau.Lab 8: - Understanding, using various options & services in creating, customizing Maps in Tableau.Lab 9: - Explaining different Calculations and LOD(Level of Detail) expression in Tableau workbook.Lab 10: - Exploring and working with different types of Charts available in Tableau."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"sql server tutorial" |
"It has 21 labs which covers the below syllabus.Lab 1:- Basic Fundamentals Database, Tables, rows and columns.Lab 2:- Primary key, foreign key, referential integrity and constraints.Lab 3 :- Database Normalization (1st, 2nd and 3rd normal forms).Lab 4: - SQL basics(Select, Insert, Update and Delete)Lab 5 :- DDL (Data definition language) Queries.Lab 6: - Transactions, Locks and Isolation level in SQL Server.Lab 7: - ISNULL and Coalesce functions.Lab 8: - Row_Number, Partition, Rank and DenseRankLab 9: - Triggers, inserted and deleted tablesLab 10: - Instead of and after triggers.Lab 11: - Denormalization, OLTP and OLAP.Lab 12: - Understanding Star schema and Snow flake design.Lab 13: - SQL Server 8 kb pages.Lab 14 :- Index and performancesLab 15 :- Page Split and indexesLab 16 :- Clustered vs non-clusteredLab 17: - Stored procedures and their importance.Lab 18: - Change Data Capture.Lab 19: - Explain Columnstore Indexes?Lab 20: - SQL Server agentLab 21: - How can we implement Pivot & Unpivot in SQL Server?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ASP NET MVC 5 for beginners" |
"Lab 1: - Simple Hello worldLab 2: - Explain MVC RoutingLab 3: - Explain ViewData, ViewBag, TempData & Session Variables?Lab 4 :- Explain Model and Strongly typed views Lab 5: - Explain Model BindersLab 6 :- Why MVC and MVC vs Webforms ?Lab 7 :- Explain TempData , Peek and Keep ?Lab 8: - Explain Data Annotations and HTML Helpers classes?Lab 9: - What is the need of ViewModel in MVC?Lab10: - How can we use Entity Framework in MVC?Lab 11: - How to implement viewmodel, partial view and webgrid?Lab 12: - What is the difference between ActionResult and ViewResult in MVC?Lab 13: - How to implement AJAX using JSON and jQuery using MVC?Lab 14: - What is the use of Async Controllers in MVC?Lab 15 :- How to deploy MVC Application on IIS ?Lab 16:- How can we do Windows and Forms Authentication in MVC?Lab 17: - How can we use MVC areas for better modular development ?Lab 18:- How to implement MVC with Angular ?Lab 19:- Can we Overload MVC Action methods ?Lab 20:- How to improve Reusability using Angular ?Lab 21: - What is the need of WebAPI in MVC?Lab 22: - How to do exception handling in MVC?Lab 23: - How to do update & delete using MVC, WebAPI, EF & Angular?Lab 24: - How to use MVC Webgrid?Lab 25:- How to implement Validation using Angular and MVCLab 26:- What is SPA (Single page application)?Lab 27:- How to Organize MVC project and Understanding CORS issue ?Lab 28:- Explain the importance of DisplayModes ?Lab 29:- How to do unit testing with MVC projectsLab 30:- How to implement SPA using Angular Routing ?Lab 31: - How to create decoupled systems using MVC DI?Lab 32:- How can we have multiple submit buttons in ASP.NET MVC ?Lab 33: - What is the importance of AntiForgery in MVC?Lab 34:- What is the importance of ValidateInput and AllowHTML in MVC?Lab 35:- Bundling and MinificationLab 36:- Layout pages in RazorLab 37: - What are ActionFilters in MVC?Lab 38: - What is WebAPI (Theory)?Lab 39: - How can we create and consume WEB API (Practical)?Lab 40:- MVC 6/ASP.NET Core Training-Part 1.WebAPI."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Statistics for Data science" |
"When you talk about data science the most important thing is Statistical MATHS . This course teaches statistical maths using simple excel. My firm belief is MATHS is 80% part of data science while programming is 20%. If you start data science directly with python , R and so on , you would be dealing with lot of technology things but not the statistical things.I recommend start with statistics first using simple excel and the later apply the same using python and R. Below are the topics covered in this course.Lesson 1 :- What is Data science ?Chapter 1 :- What is Data science and why do we need it ?Chapter 2:- Average , Mode , Min and Max using simple Excel.Chapter 3:- Data science is Multi-disciplinary.Chapter 4:- Two golden rules for maths for data science.Lesson 2 :- What is Data science ?Chapter 4:- Spread and seeing the same visually.Chapter 5:- Mean,Median,Mode,Max and MinChapter 6:- Outlier,Quartile & Inter-QuartileChapter 7:- Range and SpreadLesson 3 - Standard Deviation, Normal Distribution & Emprical Rule.Chapter 8:- Issues with Range spread calculationChapter 9:- Standard deviationChapter 10:- Normal distribution and bell curve understandingChapter 11:- Examples of Normal distributionChapter 12:- Plotting bell curve using excelChapter 13:- 1 , 2 and 3 standard deviationChapter 14:- 68,95 and 98 emprical rule.Chapter 15:- Understanding distribution of 68,95 and 98 in-depth.Lesson 4 :- The ZScore calculationChapter 16:- Probability of getting 50% above and 50% less.Chapter 17:- Probability of getting 20 value.Chapter 18:- Probability of getting 40 to 60.Lesson 5 - Binomial distributionChapter 22:- Basics of binomial distribution.Chapter 23:- Calculating existing probability from history.Chapter 24:- Exact vs Range probability.Chapter 25:- Applying binomial distribution in excel.Chapter 26:- Applying Range probability.Chapter 27:- Rules of Binomial distribution."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Power BI for beginners" |
"Learn Power BI Step by Step:- BeginnersChapter 1:- What is Power BI?Chapter 2:- Downloading and installing Power BI.Chapter 3:- Importing Data in Power BI.Chapter 4:- Viewing data, fields, designer and model.Chapter 5:- Table, bar chart and line chart components.Chapter 6:- Formatting visualization components.Chapter 7:- Applying Analytics.Chapter 8:- Auto filtering.Chapter 9:- Exporting report to PDFChapter 10:- Adding a calculated column.Chapter 11:- Adding a measure column.Chapter 12:- Adding Pages.Chapter 13:- Stacked bar chart, Column chart components.Chapter 14:- Legend, Axis and Values.Chapter 15:- Apply filters using Power Query Editor.Chapter 16:- Line Chart, Pie chart, Map and Card Components.Chapter 17:- Slicer component.Chapter 18:- Modeling relationship.Chapter 19:- Publishing and sharing report online.Chapter 20:- The Market place.Chapter 21:- Themes.Chapter 22:- Revising things.Lab 2:- Connecting SQL Server with Power BI.Chapter 23:- Downloading and installing SQL Server.Chapter 24:- Importing CSV file data in to SQL Server.Chapter 25:- Connecting Power BI with SQL Server.Chapter 26:- Import and Direct Query options.Lab 3:- Line, Area, Stacke, API, Gauge and Funnel.Chapter 27:- Line chart, Area chart and stacked charts.Chapter 28:- Gauge charts.Chapter 29:- KPI, Key performance indicators.Chapter 30:- Funnel Graph.Lab 4 :- Star Schema and Snow flake designChapter 31 :- OLAP and OLTP design.Chapter 33 :- Fact tables and dimension.Chapter 34 :- Star schema design.Chapter 35 :- Stressing Denormalized design.Chapter 36 :- Redundant data issue.Chapter 37 :- Snow flake design.Chapter 38 :- Consuming in Power BI.Chapter 39 :- SQL Scripts of the lessons.Lab 5 :- DAX queriesChapter 38 :- DAX Definition Chapter 39 :- Cloning a table Chapter 40 :- Applying filter Chapter 41 :- SUM and SUMX Chapter 42 :- FilterContext and RowContextChapter 43 :- Calculate :- Changing the contextChapter 44 :- Akk and AllExceptChapter 45 :- SelectColumnsChapter 46 :- Inner Join, Left Join and Cross JoinChapter 47 :- Joins with out releationshipsChapter 48 :- Summarize, Applying group by"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python for beginners using sample projects." |
"What's the best way to learn any technology , by doing a PROJECT. That's what exactly this tutorial intends to do. This course teaches Python machine learning using project based approach. Below is the full syllabus for the same. Happy Learning.Chapter 1:- Installing Python framework and Pycharm IDE.Chapter 2:- Creating and Running your first Python project.Chapter 3:- Python is case-sensitive Chapter 4:- Variables, data types, inferrence & type()Chapter 5:- Python is a dynamic languageChapter 6:- Comments in pythonChapter 7:- Creating function, whitespaces & indentationChapter 8:- Importance of new lineChapter 9:- List in python, Index, Range & Negative Indexing Chapter 10:- For loops and IF conditionsChapter 11:- PEP, PEP 8, Python enhancement proposal Chapter 12:- ELSE and ELSE IFChapter 13:- Array vs PythonChapter 14:- Reading text files in PythonChapter 15:- Casting and Loss of DataChapter 16:- Referencing external libarariesChapter 17:- Applying linear regression using sklearnChapter 18:- Creatiing classes and objects.Chapter 19:- What is Machine learning?Chapter 20:- Algoritham and Training data.Chapter 21:- Vectors.Chapter 22:- Models in Machine Learning.Chapter 23:- Features and Labels.Chapter 24:- Bag of words.Chapter 25:- Implementing BOW using SKLearn.Chapter 26:- The fit Method.Chapter 27:- StopWords.Chapter 28:- The transform Method.Chapter 29:- Zip and Unzip.Chapter 30:- Project Article Auto tagging.Chapter 31 :- Understanding Article auto tagging in more detail.Chapter 32 :- Planning the code of the project.Chapter 33 :- Looping through the files of the directory.Chapter 34 :- Reading the file in the document collectionChapter 35 :- Understanding Vectorizer , Document and count working.Chapter 36 :- Calling Fit and Transform to extract Vocab and Count.Chapter 37 :- Understanding the count and Vocab collection data.Chapter 38 :- Count and Vocab structure complexityChapter 39 :- Converting CSR matrix to COO matrixChapter 40 :- Creating the BOW text file.Chapter 41 :- Restricting Stop words.Chapter 42 :- Array vs List revisitedChapter 43 :- Referencing Numpy and PandasChapter 44 :- Creating a numpy arrayChapter 45 :- Numpy Array vs Normal Python arrayChapter 46 :- Why do we need Pandas ?Chapter 47 :- Revising Arrays vs Numpy Array vs PandasChapter 47 :- Corupus / Documents, Document and Terms.Chapter 48 :- Understanding TFChapter 49 :- Understanding IDFChapter 50 :- TF IDF.Chapter 51 :- Performing calculations of TF IDF.Chapter 52 :- Implementing TF IDF using SkLearn Chapter 53 :- IDF calculation in SkLearn."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Apple mac MacMac" |
"MacOffice for MacExcelOffice for Mac 2016mac"
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
"Beginner's Guide To Entrepreneurship: Starting a Business" |
"You don't have to quit your day job to get started on your dream business today.This course will provide you with everything you need to know and consider before you start a new part-time venture as well as useful hints, tips and strategies to turn your part-time extra income into a full-time success.We could all benefit from an extra or residual income and all crave the financial freedom to do it for ourselves, but most new ventures fail. This is because of a lack of basic planning or insufficient business knowledge.Research scientists all agree on the benefits of starting a new business as a side project but relying entirely on your new business to provide a full-time income from day one can be highly unsuccessful.In this course Andrew Pitt will teach you how your dream business can be achieved with minimal expense as long as you are a good communicator, have clear objectives and create effective business systems to attain results that are consistent, measurable, and ultimately beneficial. His teaching topics include goal setting, public speaking, body language, storytelling, marketing, sales, business development and motivation.Every lesson is engaging and will make you evaluate your own situation and how you can move forward.In a nutshell, this course is for you if:-> You want to start (and grow) a business.-> You need to become more effective in life and work.-> You're looking to learning new skills for becoming a part-time entrepreneur.-> You're ready to start working on what is truly important to you; your Legacy.About the Instructor:Andrew is a natural motivator, presenter, trainer, keynote speaker and entrepreneur who has amassed over 1000 stellar reviews and has received praise on his 21st-century presentation style from all over the world.Having coached and mentored people from all walks of life including politicians, sports people, business leaders and actors. Andrew prides himself on his ability to bring out the best in others, helping them discover, attain and surpass their goals during his training, courses and coaching sessions.Andrew is the co-founder and director of Gallery of Ideas, an organisation that every year brings international minds and business entrepreneurs together to inspire, get inspired and share their newest creations."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Revit Masterclass: A Complete Guide for Beginners" |
"If you are looking to learn the foundations of Autodesk Revit Architecture, look no more! This course is for those who are looking to learn this industry standard BIM software from the ground up. With hands-on practice, you will learn everything you need to know in order to create professional BIM Projects. Packed with over 7 hours of video lessons, this course will get you from knowing nothing, up to a level where you can start working with Revit. You will be able to download all the training and exercise files to accompany the lectures so you can follow along."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Professional Lighting Techniques in Cinema 4D" |
"Have you always wondered how to create great renders in Cinema 4D? The key is to understand how lights work.Professional Lighting Techniques is your ultimate guide to lighting in Cinema 4D. With hands-on lessons, you will be guided through some of the core concepts of lighting as well as the advanced techniques and tools. Ozgur, who is one of the very few Maxon Certified Cinema 4D Instructors in the world, has spent over a decade mastering these lighting techniques and created this comprehensive course to teach you how to use lights Cinema 4D. You will start this course by using basic light setups, then move onto more advanced techniques such as creating physically accurate lights, studio setups, improving shadow quality, working with global illumination and ambient occlusion, creating glowing objects, understanding volumetric lights, reflections, caustics and more. Each lesson is accompanied with the source files you can download in order to follow along and practice what you've learnt. At the end of each chapter, you will also have quizzes to test your knowledge.Whether you are an existing Cinema 4D user with years of experience, or a new designer, you will learn countless lighting tips and tricks used throughout the industry, which will help you create better looking renders in less time.If you are looking to improve your renders by using lights properly, then this course is for you!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk AutoCAD Masterclass: The Ultimate Guide to AutoCAD" |
"Autodesk AutoCAD is the industry standard software used by professionals all around the world to create computer-aided designs (CADs), 3D models and architectural drafts as well as technical drawings.This course takes you from knowing nothing about AutoCAD to a level where you can start creating your own drawings and working on existing drawings. You will learn topics such as drawing basic and complex shapes, working with properties and layers, edit commands, blocks, annotation, dimensions, hatching, templates, xRefs, printing and publishing.AutoCAD is used by engineers, architects, 3D visualisers and projects managers and with this course, you will gain the skills you need in order to understand what it takes to create technical and precise drawings.And finally, by joining this course, you automatically receive a 50% discount on the official AutoCAD certification exam!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Latin Language: The Pronunciation of Ecclesiastical Latin" |
"This course is designed to guide you from the fundamental sounds of Ecclesiastical Latin all the way to reading key texts clearly, confidently and correctly. Furthermore, you will learn how to read aloud any text you may encounter: Gregorian and Ambrosian Chants, Latin Operas, Latin Prayers, the Latin Bible, etc. Great care has been taken throughout the design and development of this course to make sure that you will not simply learn to parrot correct pronunciation but to understand why texts sound as they do. If you are a student of Ecclesiastical Latin or a member of a choir or an actor wanting to learn how to read Latin texts in an authentic voice, this course is for you! "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Excel de A at Z: do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Passe em todos os processos seletivos!Crie apresentaes de destaque!Trabalhe com produtividade!Transforme dados em informao, em sua tomada de deciso!Faa Gesto parecer a coisa mais fcil do mundo!APRENDA AGORA A MELHOR FERRAMENTA QUE SER POSSVEL FAZER TUDO ISSO E MUITO MAIS: EXCEL!GRFICOSFUNES LGICASPROCV E PROCH (AS FORMULAS MAIS TEMIDAS)TABELA DINMICAPAINEL DE GESTO (DASHBOARD)VALIDAO DE DADOSFILTRO DE INFORMAESE MUITO MAIS ..."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Primavera P6 & BOQ (Scheduling, Cost Baseline & More) Arabic" |
"- ,- BOQ Primavera P6- Excel Excel - .- Planning Engineer"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Guia completo para incluir pessoas com deficincia" |
"Esse treinamento tem o objetivo de sensibilizar e educar as empresas, tanto o RH, quanto gestores e colaboradores em geral sobre o tema incluso de pessoas com deficincia. Com esse curso voc vai aprender a desmistificar padres sociais e superar barreiras. A quebra de paradigmas estimula um ambiente mais inclusivo e acolhedor para todos. :)A incluso comea por uma cultura organizacional inclusiva e se reflete no comportamento dos colaboradores. Ento vamos juntos nessa?Contedos:Lei de Cotas;Tipos de Deficincias;Nomenclatura;Realidade do Brasil;Acessibilidade e Tecnologia assistiva;Deficincia X Ineficincia;Senso colaborativo Acessibilidade Humana;Sensibilizao e Empatia;Dicas de convivncia e equipe de trabalho;Incluso X Insero;Cases positivos e dicas prticas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Paint Eyes with Watercolour" |
"Hello my dear friend! In this course I will share with you all my experience with eyes drawing and painting for portraits. Eyes are the most impressive part of human face and one of the most difficult for artists at the same time. I'll try to provide all information you need in simple words. You have a chance to see a whole process from sketch and analysis to final brushstrokes and accents. So, let's Rock!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to Paint Lips with Watercolour" |
"Hello again! In this course I again want to show You the part of portrait painting. This time it would be LIPS. My way to draw it is academic as well, but I want to explain the process as simple as possible. At the beginning we will se how to create different pencil sketches. Next level is watercolour sketches. When you understand the concept we will paint lips in portrait but without many details and finally we will create really detailed lips with two layer in quite realistic but still impressionistic portrait. Let's begin!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sunflowers with Watercolour" |
"In this course I'll try not just create sunny illustration with such interesting flower but also to show you three different techniques of work with different paper. I want you to not just join me in my creation but to see and understand whole process from the sketch to the final brushstroke. I'll try to comment as much details during my work as it possible. I would like to share with you my logic of work with watercolour paper."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Three Watercolour Techniques for Flowers" |
"Hello my friends!In this course we will discover three the most popular watercolour techniques which is perfect not only for professional illustrators but for beginners as well. In this lesson first of all I'll show You process of painting with pigment (without pencil sketch). You will watch the creation of 4 illustration with my explanations when it is necessary. This kind of course topics are really good as for me, because it doesn't teach You how to paint just certain things, it gives You much more and You are free to choose what do You want to paint. Good luck!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico de Manga Desenho de Personagens" |
"Este curso direto ao ponto. Focado em mostrar detalhes de proporo e anatomia, pois essas so a base para o desenho correto de qualquer personagem. Veremos tcnicas de criao de personagens que facilitaro o desenho de cpias ou criao de seus prprios personagens. Vamos ver tcnicas de esboos ou rascunhos iniciais, acabamento do desenho a lpis e aprenderemos a realizar arte final tanto com tinta no papel como em plataformas digitais."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Desenho Mdulo 01 - Desenho do Rosto Masculino" |
"Um curso bsico sobre o desenho da cabea masculina no estilo americano de quadrinhos ou Comics. Neste curso aprender passo a passo a desenhar cada elemento do rosto separadamente. Logo em seguida ver como desenhar expresses faciais e ngulos da cabea. Tudo de maneira prtica e explicado passo a passo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Desenho kawaii fofinhos para Crianas" |
"Aprenda a a arte de desenhar kawaii e divirta-se. Aprenda de forma simples a fazer desenhos fofinhos e divertidos nos mais variados estiloss Kawaii. Aompnhe seus filhos que gostam de desenhar e aprendam e faam juntos desenho fofos e divertidos. Neste curso voc desenvolver as habilidades que voc precisar para conseguir a confiana que voc precisa para desenhar seus prprios personagens kawaii, cute e fofinhos."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Mini Curso de Desenho Personagem do esboo a Arte Final" |
"Este curso um treinamento bsico sobre desenho e criao de personagens. Um modelo utilizado para desenhar qualquer personagem independente de que estilo de desenho voc prefere desenhar. Seja para o estilo manga de desenhos japoneses ou os comics do estilo americano. As dicas so simples e fceis de conseguir assimilar e adicionar a qualquer outro personagem."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |