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"Beginner's Guide to Information Technology" |
"Have you ever wondered what happens under the hood when you type in a URL? Did you ever wonder how the internal parts of a computer work? This course will demystify the workings of information technology, making all of these things clear to students. If you are a beginner looking to obtain a tech job or internship or you are a college student looking to get a competitive edge, this course will give you a foundation of basic IT and Computer Engineering knowledge. First, we will look at the basic architecture of a computer, in other words, the parts that make up a computer and what they do. Next, we will look into the concept of networking. Topics explored here will include the 7 layer network model, servers and clients, network topology, and the basic parts of a URL. You will get hands-on experience using proxy software to see requests and responses in real time. Finally, we will look at the basics of the terminal, or command line. We will explore topics like system file structure and hierarchy, basic terminal commands, and will do a hands-on demo of how to use the command line to perform basic operations such as navigating a file directory and performing operations on files. By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of the basic internal workings of a computer and the internet. Next time you turn on your computer or type a URL into the search bar, you will understand what is happening and why things work the way they do. Remember, even though technology may seem to work like magic it is really just a bunch of 1s and 0s communicating with the hardware to perform operations."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Guide to Debugging in Unity" |
"Do you get frustrated when you run into errors in your code? Do you spend countless hours staring at your computer only to find that you made a small oversight that broke your code? This course will teach you tips, tricks, and techniques that will help you to approach debugging in a strategic manner. No more guess and check or random deletion of buggy parts of code. You will be able to precisely narrow down the cause of an issue and fix it. This course will teach you how to save time by speeding up your debugging workflow using step-by-step techniques. This course has two major parts. In the first part you will learn the basics of debugging and understand the tools that Unity provides you to track down and fix errors. In the second part of the course, you will learn about common errors and how to fix them. We will go through step-by-step looking at each error type, possible causes, and debugging checklist to narrow down the issue. Then I will go through hands-on examples in Unity showing an application of the techniques taught. Its not about memorizing how to solve each error, it is about understanding the mentality of debugging and applying what you know to each situation. Are you ready to become a master of debugging and speed up your development time in Unity? This Ultimate Guide to Debugging in Unity will get you there."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Conquiste clientes com o Mapa de Empatia" |
"Todo empreendedor necessita de habilidades e tcnicas para alavancar o seu negcio. Nestecurso voc ir adquirir conhecimentos sobre uma importante tcnica para compreender melhor o seu cliente. Voc aprender como utilizar o Mapa de Empatia, alm disso,algumas orientaes sobretcnicasde pesquisaque iro auxiliar na construo do Mapa."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Mind Over Monster" |
"How are things going at work? Do you sometimes feel like your own worst enemy, your mind producing all sorts of negative stuff that gets in the way performing well on the job, and your prospects for advancement? You can fix that ... this course will show you how! It's a friendly, plainspoken presentation of practical wisdom that can change your life by showing you what's going on ""upstairs"", why, and how to fix it. A small investment in time right now, can make life at work, and at play, a whole lot better, now and forever!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Business Englisch fr Anfnger-Sicher im tglichen Gebrauch" |
"Finden Sie es manchmal schwierig, mit Ihren Kollegen auf Englisch zu kommunizieren? Werden Sie nervs, wenn andere Menschen Sie auf Englisch ansprechen? Haben Sie Schwierigkeiten E-Mails auf Englisch zu lesen und zu schreiben? Haben Sie Angst, wenn Sie ans Telefon gehen oder einen Anruf ttigen mssen?Sie stehen mit diesen Problemen und ngsten nicht alleine da, denn viele Menschen haben mit dem Englisch am Arbeitsplatz zu kmpfen. Zum einen ist man in der Regel schon lange aus der Schule raus, und hat vieles vergessen.Zum anderen lernt man in der Schule normalerweise kein Geschftsenglisch.Deshalb habe ich einen speziellen Kurs entwickelt, der Ihnen hilft, ein gutes Niveau von Englisch im Beruf zu erreichen. Die wichtigsten grammatikalischen Kenntnisse werden wieder aufgefrischt, bzw. neu vermittelt und besonderer Schwerpunkt wird auf Vokabeln und Ausdrcke gelegt, die im Berufsleben hufig vorkommen.So wird beispielsweise gebt, wie man an einem Meeting teilnimmt, eine Prsentation hlt, am Telefon spricht, Fragen im Bewerbungsgesprche beantworten und formale Briefe und E-Mails schreibt.Im Laufe des Kurses wird zudem Ihre Aussprache verbessert und Ihre Kommunikation flssiger und sicherer.Dieser Kurs richtet sich an deutsche Berufsttige oder Einsteiger, die in der Schule Englisch gelernt haben und mssen jetzt ihre Kenntnisse in Geschftsenglisch verbessern."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Ziele erkennen, anvisieren und erreichen" |
"Dein Ziel finden, anvisieren und erreichen!Falls Du zu denen gehrst, die nur wissen, was sie nicht mehr wollen, findest Du hier Abhilfe. Formuliere positiv Dein Ziel. Finde Deine Ressourcen und Strken und lerne, wie Du mit blockierenden Glaubensstzen umgehen kannst.Techniken, wie Du Dein Ziel in Etappen erreichst mit vielen Arbeitsblttern, um Ergebnisse zu fixieren und zu reflektieren.Eineangeleitete Meditation hilft Dir, Blockaden aus dem Weg zu rumen.Viel Spass bei Deinem Erfolg :-)Herzlich,Deine Michelle"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Change or transform blocking beliefs with intuitive drawing" |
"Transforming blocking beliefs with the special technic ""neurography""Its a special technic from Russia! This Course is aCoaching-Session: Avery intensive and creative (graphic) processing of blocking beliefs and experiences or inner beliefs... inner conflicts. Subconsciousprocesses are made visible.How? We draw together! And your hand leads you.You havea block, for example in the creative field? Or a belief, somethingthat limits you?The principle of neurography is simple and understandable:We draw themes and energize inner themes.I guideyou in real time through the different drawing steps and coach you - during drawing,you bring thoughts and experiences topaper. In every drawing we always draw ourselves, our world and oursolutions. With the help of neurography this is very effective and ina very nice way!This releases internal restrictions. It is about creating your own drawing and modeling it in such a way that your themegetsin harmony. You create your new path."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mindset Finanzielles Wachstum: Graphisches Coaching" |
"Ein Coaching auf kreative Art und Weise - wir zeichnen gemeinsam!Du hast eineBlockade oder hemmende Glaubensstze,zum Beispiel in Bezug zu Deinem finanziellen Wachstum? Oder einen Glaubenssatz, etwas dass Dich einschrnkt?Das Prinzip von Neurographik ist einfach und verstndlich:Wir zeichnen Themen und laden sie mit Energie auf. Alles was in Deinem Unterbewussten schlummert, ist fr Dich nicht sichtbar - Deine zeichnende Hand lgt nicht, was Dir nicht klar ist, das kann in dieser Session sichtbar werden. Nur was sichtbar ist, kann auch transformiert werden. Du kann in der Zeichnung Deine Ziele und Deine Realitt verndern/gestalten, damit es dannin Dein Leben treten kann.Ich fhre Dich in Echtzeit durch die verschiedenen Zeichenschritte und Du lernst eine Zeichentechnik, mit der DuGedanken, Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen zu Papier bringst. Injeder Zeichnung zeichnen wir immer uns selbst, unsere Welt und unsere Lsungen.Mit Hilfe der Neurographik gelingt dies uerst effektiv und auf eine sehr schne Art!Dabei lsen sich innere Beschrnkungen. Es ist ein Prozess -Es geht darum, eine eigene Zeichnung zu schaffen und sie so modellieren, dass in ihr das Eigene mit dem Universellen in Einklang kommt.In dieser Session wir ein wunderschner Baum gezeichnet, ein Geldbaum, der Dein Wachstum symbolisiert."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Ansible, Automatizacin de Principiante a Experto" |
"Ansible se ha convertido en la herramienta de automatizacin ms famosa en la actualidad. Gracias a la no necesidad de agentes y basndose simplemente en SSH y Python, unido a la facilidad de su sintaxis, la convierte en la solucin ideal tanto para administradores de sistemas, de red y programadores.Este curso va desde lo ms bsico hasta elementos avanzados, facilitando el aprendizaje de todas las personas que quieran aprender a utilizar Ansible. El curso cubre desde la instalacin y configuracin. Cambios:Como todos saben, los objetivos del examen de certificacin de Red Hat RHCE han cambiado, donde ahora se basan ms en la autimatizacin. Por lo que este curso ahora es valido para esta certificacin.ACTUALIZACION -> Versin de Ansible utilizada en el curso:La versin actual de ansible hasta la fecha ( Julio 2019 ) es la 2.8. En el curso comenzamos trabajando con la versin 2.4, pero esto no es problema para entender los conceptos de los componentes de Ansible. Pero no debe preocuparse por las diferencias entre una versin y otra, ya que una vez que entienda como trabaja Ansible va a comprender y saber las diferencias entre las versiones. Y como complemento del curso, he comenzado a trabajar en nuevos videos donde comenzamos con la versin 2.8. En donde muestro algunos ejemplos que son muy importantes para la certificacin RHCE (RHEL8)El curso va orientado mayormente al examen de certificacin EX407 ""Red Hat Certified Specialist in Ansible Automation"" y a la certificacin ""Red Had Certified Engineer"" RHCE en RHEL8Obejtivos: Understand and use essential tools Operate running systems Configure local storage Create and configure file systems Deploy, configure, and maintain systems Manage users and groups Manage security Inventories, Modules, Variables, Facts Plays, Playbooks Configuration files Install required packages Create a static host inventory file Create a configuration file Create and distribute SSH keys to managed nodes Configure privilege escalation on managed nodes Validate a working configuration using ad hoc Ansible commands Create simple shell scripts Create simple shell scripts that run ad hoc Ansible commands Know how to work with commonly used Ansible modules Use variables to retrieve the results of running a command Use conditionals to control play execution Configure error handling Create playbooks to configure systems to a specified state Software packages and repositories Services, Firewall rules, File systems, Storage devices, File content Archiving, Scheduled tasks Security, Users and groups Create and use templates to create customized configuration files Work with Ansible variables and facts Create and work with roles Download roles from an Ansible Galaxy and use them Manage parallelism Use Ansible Vault in playbooks to protect sensitive data Use provided documentation to look up specific information about Ansible modules and commandsTambin deben haber notado que este examen de certificacin va a desaparecer, o le van a cambiar el nombre. En donde estos objetivos del curso ahora van a formar parte del examen de certificacin RHCE (RHEL8).TE GARANTIZO que si prcticas todos los objetivos como los muestro en los videos, absolutamente pasars el examen real.RESULTADOS:Ya suman mas de 100 estudiantes ( y contando ) que se han certificado gracias a mi curso. Puede ver los comentarios, valoraciones, y reseas positivas que han dejado los estudiantes que toman este curso. Actualizaciones:El curso siempre esta en constante actualizacin. Basandome en los comentarios de los estudiantes, los cuales me recomiendan temas que quieren que muestre."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The complete ASP.NET MVC Core 2.0 Course" |
"This is an introductory course on ASP.NETMVCCore 2.0 that will take you from basics all the way to advance mode. This course is for anyone who is new to core 2.0 or who is familiar with ASP.NETMVC and wants to take a first stab at understanding what is different in core 2.0. From there we would be building multiple projects to understand all concepts in ASP.NETMVCCore 2.0Throughout this course we would understand the evolution of ASP.NETCore and then we would take a look at the modified files and folder structure.We would then take a look at new concepts in ASP.NETMVCCore 2.0We would build a small book list application with CRUD operations using entity framework for integration with database.We would build CRUDOperations application with EFand use Razor Pages for the next projectFinally we would build an auto garage application for maintaining car records for our final project"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Complete ASP.NET Core 2.0 with Razor Pages" |
"This is an complete course on ASP.NETCore 2.0 using Razor Pages that will take you from basics all the way to advance mode. This course is for anyone who is new to core 2.0 or who is familiar with ASP.NETMVC and wants to take a first stab at understanding what is different in core 2.0. From there we would be building multiple projects to understand all concepts in ASP.NETCore 2.0Are you interested about learning the most latest framework Microsoft has introduced? Not just that long with that also use the most recent introduction to their stack?If so then this is the correct course!ASP.NETCore and then we would take a look at the modified files and folder structure.We would then take a look at new concepts in ASP.NETCore 2.0We would build CRUDOperations application with EFand use Razor Pages for the first projectFinally we would build a restaurant application where we could place order after adding items to Shopping cart."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Windows Server 2016 Administration" |
"Learn to manage Windows Server 2016 with more than 10 hours of content that every systems administrator and/or network administrator should know. Some experience with Windows Server operating systems would be beneficial, but not a requirement for attending this course. This course is also beneficial for those intend to take the Microsoft 70-740 certification exam, which is one of the required MCSA certification exams. Course topics include:Deploying Windows Server as a Nano Server OS that is a 500 MB OS Deploying a Windows Server Core OS for increased securityUnderstanding how PowerShell can be used for many administrative tasksManaging Active Directory in a Windows Server enterpriseUnderstanding Windows Server Group Policy processing and troubleshootingAdministering Windows Server Group Policy settings and preferencesManaging DNS on a Windows Server, including management of Active Directory Integrated, Primary, Secondary and Stub zones, Records, Scavenging and more.Manage Windows updates using WSUSImplementing and Managing DHCP on Windows Server, topics such as DHCP Failover, DHCP Split-ScopeWindows Server folder quotas and file screensDeploy DFS Namespace and DFS Replication using Windows ServerManaging Print Servers and deploying printers using Group Policy PreferencesLearn to install and configure Windows Deployment ServicesUse Windows Server Hyper-V to create and manage virtual machinesUnderstand Windows Server built-in monitoring toolsBackup and Restore Windows Server using built-in toolsImplementing Network Load Balancing (NLB)And more...."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Hyper-V on Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10" |
"Hyper-V is Microsoft's hardware virtualization product. Itallows you create and run a software version of a computer, called a virtual machine. Each virtual machine acts like a complete computer, running an operating system and programs. When you need computing resources, virtual machines give you more flexibility, help save time and money, and are a more efficient way to use hardware than just running one operating system on physical hardware.Hyper-V runs each virtual machine in its own isolated space, which means you can run more than one virtual machine on the same hardware at the same time. You might want to do this to avoid problems such as a crash affecting the other workloads, or to give different people, groups or services access to different systems.This course will cover the following areas, and many more:Understand Server and Desktop virtualizationCreate virtual machinesInstalling an operating system on a virtual machineCreate virtual switchesUse PowerShell to manage virtual machines, virtual switches and Hyper-V settingsSecure virtual machinesUnderstand virtual hard drive typesManage advanced network settingsManage checkpointsConfigure replication of virtual machinesMigrate virtual machinesExport and Import of virtual machinesManaging NUMAConfigure virtual nestingEnable virtual machine shieldingConfigure SmartPagingConfigure integration services"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"PowerShell for Active Directory Administrators" |
"This is a 'living' course that will be continuously updated.This powershell course is designed for those that work with active directory on a regular basis that needs to automate tasks using powershell.Create and modify active directory user accounts with powershellLearn to import active directory users in bulk using .CSV files using powershellCreate and manage active directory computer accounts with powershellCreate and manage active directory group membership and properties with powershellUnderstand the security issues related to powershell and powershell remotingInstall active directory using powershellManage Server Core operating system locally and remotely using powershellSearch for inactive user accounts and inactive computer accountsEnable the active directory recycle binLearn the capabilities of the Active Directory Administrative Center (ADAC)And more. . ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Return on Investment (ROI) Analysis for Manufacturing" |
"Return on Investment (ROI) Analysis for Manufacturing teaches the tools, models and concepts manufacturing professionals need to determine if a significant investment like a new piece of equipment will be financially beneficial to their organization. This course teaches the basics of ROI analysis such as estimating revenues, on-going expenses, and the initial investment. It also explores more advanced aspects of capital investment justification such as adjusting for risk, changes to net working capital, and estimating overhead. It then shows the student how to assemble these projected expenses and revenues into a financial model designed to return the Net Present Value (NPV) of the project. NPV is the method experts agree is the best for evaluating capital investments.If you are eager to add business finance and financial modeling to your skill set, then this is the class for you!If you are looking to merge your project engineering skills with the real world of business finance, or move from an engineering role to a managerial one, then this course is for you!If you are looking for a clear and straight-forward explanation of the sometimes confusing world of business finance, then sign up today!""It is comprehensive and straightforward instruction with practical examples."" - Ben P."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Basics of Business Accounting" |
"The Basics of Business Accounting starts at the very beginning introducing the student to essential accounting principles and concepts that apply to any business or industry. Through this course, the student will learn to interpret the key sections of the Four Main Financial Statements: the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement, the Cash Flow Statement, and the Statement of Owners' Equity.Students will learn to apply the Fundamental Accounting Equation, and other vital accounting concepts such as depreciation, revenue recognition, accrual accounting, cash flow, and many others.The Basics of Business Accounting will add the crucially important skills of understanding, interpreting and building financial statements to your existing business and management skill base.""Ray has done a great job by teaching a robust approach to accounting that has ranged from its history to practical development and application."" - Dion B."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel: From Zero to Hero in 58 Minutes" |
"Microsoft Excel: From Zero to Hero in 58 Minutes will give you the foundation you need to advance your skills in Microsoft Excel. In this course, you will learn how to navigate Excel workbooks, enter and format data, make your presentations look sharp, an introduction to formulas and data models, and much more. I even give you a look at moreintermediate tools like Data Validation and VLOOKUP.This course is the starting pointyou need. After taking this course, you will be well-prepared to use Excel for your home or business projects, and to further advance your Excel skills. You will NOT be an expert at the end of this course, but you will have some essential skills that you can put to use immediately.Thousands of students agree thatMicrosoft Excel: From Zero to Hero in 58 Minutes is an AWESOMECOURSE. Here's just a sampling of what student said:Very satisfied with this course and I highly recommend it Yves L. Very interesting insight of Excel! J Very brief but great introduction into Excel. Would very much consider more courses from this teacher. :-) Sandy J. the instructor was throughout and explained everything very well, with good real-life examples and the necessary amount of information. Sofia M. There was a lot of important information covered in the short time span. Jeanine P. A short, yet easy and descriptive course with really important techniques. Ivana B. This is a very good course for people, who want improve their knowledges in Excel. Dmitri H. A good course for beginners. Barcan D. Quite Awesome - Mxolisi N. I just wanted to thank you for this zero to hero course, I already had some knowledge on it but I did get a couple of more useful tips and they will come very handy. Thank you again! Monica C. The trainer was very clear and concise. Ronald D. Everything so far has been explained very clearly and at a good pace, not too quickly and not too slowly. By the end, I had a great overview of how Excel can be used in everyday life. David S."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Business Finance: A Complete Introduction" |
"As its titles suggests, ""Business Finance: A Complete Introduction"" is the first course you need in understanding the financial activities and constraints of an organization.The first section titled ""The Basics of Business Accounting"" lays the groundwork for understanding business finance. Accounting is calledthe ""language of business"", and in order to understand business finance, you must speak thelanguage. This section explains the essential accounting terms and concepts such as assets, liabilities, equity, revenue recognition, accrual accounting and so much more. This course will also teach you how understand andinterpret the FourMain Financial Statements of any business: the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement, the Cash Flow Statement and the Statement of Owners' Equity.In section two titled ""Financial Ratio Analysis"", you will learn how to draw informationfrom an organization's financial statements and use it to measure a company's performance in four key areas:Profitability, Liquidity, Solvency and Efficiency.You will then learn touse those calculations to make comparisons year over year andbetween companies. You can then use the includedExcel templates to perform you own financial ratio analysis.In the third and final section ""Return on Investment"" analysis, you will learn how to determine if a major capital purchase such as a new factory or piece of equipment will be financially beneficial to your organization. This class will teach you how to identify and estimate the key financial inputs for a Return on Investment financial model that we will build together inExcel. A complete ROI model will estimate all relevant costs and revenues over the life of aproject,then convert those estimate into a single Net Present Value thataccountsfor risk and the time value of money.Once you have completed this course, you will have a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts of business finance. With the purchase of this course, you will receive all the slides for your reference, all of the Excel templates used during the video, LIFETIME ACCESS to all of the material, and a 30-day money back guarantee,Take you business knowledge to the next level today!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate AWS Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exam" |
"You've learned all about AWS and have mastered the knowledge for the AWSSolutions Architect Associate certification. Now you're ready to take the exam.But wouldn't it be great if you knew you'd pass the exam on your first try?Of course it would.That's why Icreated ""The Ultimate AWS Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exam"" course.It has practice exams that represent just what you'll encounter on your big day when you take the official certification exam.Each practice exam has 60 questions with a time limit of 90 minutes. The questions are just like those you'll see on your exam day, and are drawn on the official AWS preparation materials. If you successfully pass these practice exams, you can be confident you're ready for the real thing.You'll walk into your certification exam fully prepared to pass with flying colors!Please note: These questions represent certification exam questions, but are not the actual certification exam questions themselves. And while these practice exams (and my Ultimate AWSSolutions Architect Associate course itself) prepare you to pass the exam, I can't guarantee you'll pass -- that's up to you. But this is the best preparation for the certification exam you can get!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Yoga fr alle" |
"Sicherlich kennst du auch das Gefhl von verspannten Schultern, Stress und du weit nicht womit du anfangen sollst auf deiner ToDo Liste und mit gestreckten Beinen kommst du schon gar nicht auf den Boden....Wenn du dich hier wieder findest, dann bist du in meinem Kurs genau richtig. Denn es ist mglich, hier Abhilfe zu verschaffen :)In diesem Kurs findest du verschiedene Yogasequenzen sowohl zum dehnen um beweglicher zu werden als auch zur Krftigung des Krpers. Du kannst dir die Sequenzen aussuchen, die fr dich am wichtigsten sind.Der Kurs ist sowohl fr Anfnger als auch leicht Fortgeschrittene geeignet und die einzelnen Module sind zwischen 10 und 20 Minuten lang. Ideal fr Menschen die wenig Zeit haben.Es ist ein Kurs mit 9 Modulen die wie folgt aufgebaut sind:Video 1: Einleitung ins YogaVideo 2: Atmung und MeditationVideo 3: Der SonnengruVideo 4: Schulter und Nacken YogaVideo 5: Beine und HftenVideo 6: Vinyasa FlowVideo 7: Vinyasa Flow inkl RumpfkrftigungVideo 8: Happy Hips Vol. 2Video 9: Vinyasa Flow Krftigung"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Yoga for athletes" |
"Yoga ist nicht einfach nur sitzen und Ohmm singen sondern weitaus mehr. Durch Yoga verbesserst du deine Beweglichkeit und dein Krper regeneriert schneller. Die Einheiten sind nicht zu lang gehalten, damit du sie optimal in deinen Alltag integrieren kannst.Wenn du sonst noch nie Yoga gemacht hast, dann ist dies der ideale Einstieg um mit Yoga zu beginnen.In diesem Kurs erwarten dich verschiedeneYogasequenzen mit unterschiedlichenSchwerpunkten wie z. B. Hften und Beine, Schulter, Nacken und auch Ganzkrperflows zur Krftigung. am ende des Moduls erwartet dich noch eine Bonussequenz: ein 45 mintiger FlowViel Spa beim Kurs"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Bot Expert" |
"Cze, z tej strony Mirosaw Skwarek,podobnie jak ty byem sfrustrowany niedocierajcymi e-mailami, coraz nisz otwieralnoci i czasem, ktry mija od wysania mailingu do pierwszej reakcji klientw.Z drugiej strony znaem potencja Facebooka i Messengera ( W Polsce uywa ich 90% internautw). Zauwayem, e coraz wicej rozmw i sprzeday, ktre finalizuj prowadziem za pomoc Messengera.Gdy zaczem si zastanawia, dlaczego jest to coraz bardziej popularne narzdzie, odpowied zawieraa si w dwch sowach szybko i wygoda. Smartfona mamy cay czas przy sobie, laptopa czy komputer stacjonarny nie towarzyszy nam w kolejce, czy podczas stania w korku. Za pomoc Messenger moemy byskawicznie odpisa klientowi i dopi transakcj.Dochodzi do tego jeszcze inny argument. Polacy uwielbiaj Messsengera. W obecnej chwili ponad 90% polskich internautw w wieku15-54 lat korzysta z Facebooka, a co za tym idzie moesz napisa do nich na messengerze.Co, gdyby mc zbudowa list mailingow na Facebooku i mc dociera do ponad 90% polskich internautw bez filtrw, blokad i ogranicze, ktre nakadaj serwisy pocztowe?Pomyl co stao by si z Twoj sprzeda gdybyTwoje e-maile nie ldoway w spamieGmail nie wrzucaby ich do OfertOtwieralno twoich e-maili skoczyaby do 98%Mgby w cigu 60 sekund dotrze do 30% odbiorcwW atwy sposb mgby zmienia fanw w subskrybentwBudowaby list 2x razy szybciej ni dotychczasKoszt pozyskania leada mgby spa nawet o 70%To tylko cz korzyci, ktre daj boty na facebooku. Ja uywam narzdzia Manychat i gdy pierwszy raz wysaem mailing do swojej listy messengerowej, nie mogem uwierzy w statystyki otwar. Przecieraem oczy i pisaem do znajomych marketerw o 23.00 cieszc si jak dziecko. Oto statystyki moje i moich klientw."
Price: 384.99 ![]() |
"Digitale Marketing Strategie mit XING 2020" |
"XING ist die B2B Social Media Plattform im deutschsprachigen Raum mit ungefhr 14 Millionen Mitgliedern und vielen vertretenen Unternehmen. XING sollte deshalb ein Teil jeder digitalen Marketing Strategie sein um sein Produkt- oder Serviceangebot bekannter zumachen, gezielt neue Kontakte aufzubauen und einen zustzlichen Kanal zur Traffic Generierung auf die eigene Webseite zu etablieren. Zielsetzung von Social Media ist nicht vordergrndiger Verkauf sondern Prsenz zu zeigen und den Bekanntheitsgrad zu erhhen. Mit hochwertigem Content werden potentielle Interessenten ""angelockt"" und Vertrauen aufgebaut.In meinem Kurs zeige ichDir wie Du mit XING einen Kanal fr Deine digitale Marketing Strategie aufbauen kannst. Du lernst die digitalen Bausteine von XING kennen und wie Du sie umsetzen kannst: Portfolio und persnliches ProfilFr Dich geeignete XING Gruppen finden und Sie fr Dich nutzenArtikel verffentlichen und Traffic auf Deine Webseite umleitenGezielt Kontakte herstellen, die Dich weiterbringenEine eigne Business Seite auf XING aufbauenEine Eventseite mit Deinem Angebot bauenAktuelle Bewertung: ""Ein Ideales Beispiel das Werbung und Marketing nicht immer tausende Euro kosten muss! Ich werde die Tipps umsetzen. Danke hierfr!"""
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Linux Super Cert Prep: Get Certified as a Linux System Admin" |
"Have you ever sat down with RedHat, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu or openSUSE and thought it was difficult? Are you an otherwise competent computer user that understands some of the nuts and bolts of using and maintaining a computer that is lost when faced with the Linux command line? This course is for you.Linux is different. Once you learn it, though, it makes a lot of sense. Some of the complexity can be a little intimidating at first -- but once you know how the system is organized, why things have been done the way they are, and how to search for answers to your questions you will be a lot more comfortable using any GNU/Linux-based operating system."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"How To Dunk! (Improve Your Vertical) Full Exercise Library." |
"The full exercise library and step by step process on how to jump higher, dunk, increase your vertical jump, and become a better athlete!If you haven't seen the first free course on the knowledge on how to dunk and jump higher, CHECKITOUT, that was part one, and this is part two. This is the actionable plan to get you serious gains to your vertical jumpand athleticism.This course is for all levels but can be rigorous. It's important to eat a good diet and complete the warm-ups before every workout session. All you need is 4 days a week to work out. Each session can last anywhere from 1-2 hours. Not only great for jumping higher, but becoming healthier and living a better lifestyle.An object at rest, stays in rest. An object in motion stays in motion. Get movin the first week, the rest is a BREEZE!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Master Linux administration using the secure shell" |
"Whether you are a UNIX/Linux administrator, a casual user, a macOS owner, or even a Microsoft Windows user, you've probably used SSH (secure shell) in some way or another. This course is going to uncover some of the less-known features of SSH. Yes, it will teach SSH for the total beginner, but it will also show SSH veterans some tips and tricks that perhaps they don't know they ever existed.I tried to make this class as modular as possible. This means that you could skip lectures whose topics you already know, and watch only what want to gain knowledge about. You can view the lectures in any order you want because they are largely non-dependent on each other.Have a quick look at the lecture titles, watch the free preview and enroll now to become an SSH wizard!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Grficos estadsticos creativos e impactantes en excel 2016" |
"El curso tiene como finalidad ensear a los profesionales a comunicar de manera apropiada los datos obtenidos en los diferentes momentos de su proceso laboral, a prender a mostrar y a crear graficas estadsticas muy creativas, diferentes e impactantes para mostrar en tus reportes y as poder comunicar de manera asertiva y no aburrir en tus informes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Diseo Arquitectnico BIM con Revit" |
"Que aprendersen este curso?Este curso cubre las habilidades bsicas y los conceptos necesarios para comenzar a usar Revit para disear proyectos arquitectnicos. Se revisar cmo crear y modificar los componentes principales en un diseo de construccin, as como tomar un modelo preliminar y agregarle capas de inteligencia para ayudar a analizar y optimizar sus diseos. No abarca todos los temas o todas las caractersticas de Revit, pero proporciona una base slida que puede utilizar para realizar tareas bsicas. Estos fundamentos pueden servir como un punto de partida para aprender ms habilidades avanzadas y trabajar hacia una comprensin ms profunda de Revit. Quin debera tomar este curso? Este curso est orientado para arquitectos, diseadores, ingenieros civiles, estudiantes o cualquier persona que necesite o quiera comenzar a aprender Revit, aunque es para aquellos que no tienen experiencia o habilidad con Revit, tambin puede servir como gran recurso para refrescar su base de conocimiento y/o complementar las bases que se tienen de este programa. Algunos ejemplos especficos de individuos que se beneficiaran al tomar este curso son: Estudiantes que siguen una trayectoria educativa relacionada con el diseo arquitectnico. Los estudiantes universitarios que aprenden a ser arquitectos o ingenieros civiles. Los empleados que se han incorporado recientemente a una empresa que utiliza Revit. Los empleados que trabajan para empresas que han implementado recientemente Revit. Personas que buscan certificarse en el uso de esta herramienta. Usuarios experimentados de Revit que son autodidactas y que quierenoptimizar el uso de este programa. Que se cubre en este curso? Este curso est organizado para proporcionarle los conocimientos necesarios para dominar los conceptos bsicos de Revit: Seccion 1: Introduccinintroduccin a la interfaz de usuario donde te familiarizaras con las herramientas y la tecnologa (flujo de trabajo) detrs del software. Seccion 2: Muros y muros cortinate ayuda a construir ese conocimiento inicial de Revit estableciendo algunos de los componentes bsicos de la arquitectura: los muros. Seccion 3: Suelos, cubiertas y techoste presenta los otros bloques bsicos de la construccin: pisos, cubiertas y techos. Al final de los primeros tres captulos comenzar a ver lo fcil que es crear los elementos centrales de un edificio. Seccion 4:Escaleras, rampas y barandillasexplica los conceptos bsicos de las escaleras, rampas y barandillas. Estos componentes bsicos son verstiles, y su uso puede ser un poco complicado, as que te guiaremos a travs del proceso de creacin de varios tipos de escaleras y barandales. Seccion 5: Agregar familias muestra cmo agregar un elemento central a su proyecto: familias. Se utilizan familias para crear la mayor parte del contenido dentro de este software y Revit (Arquitectura) por defecto viene con un suministro amplio de familias. Seccion 6: Edicin de familiasabarca como crear una familia de puerta desde cero, haciendo uso de plantillas de familia en Revit para crear elementos personalizados con las mismas propiedades que los elementos que se incluyen por defecto en Revit.Seccion 7: Diseo esquemticote presenta flujos de trabajo de diseo conceptual utilizando archivos de Autodesk FormIt y Autodesk Sketchbook Pro para generar bocetos de diseo. Usando esos bocetos, podemos tomar un diseo de construccin y modelarlo en Revit. Seccion 8: Habitaciones y esquemas de coloresmuestra cmo agregar elementos de habitacin a sus espacios, asignarles informacin y crear diagramas de colores basados en espacio, departamento o cualquier otra variable que necesite.Seccion 9: Anotaciones y Detallesrevisa como agregar lineas de modelo, regiones y texto para crear planos de detalle de modelo ms completos."
Price: 1020.00 ![]() |
"Evitar ser vctima de una agresin." |
"Si usted tiene miedo al salir a la calle por cualquier tipo de amenaza, si usted tiene una hija o familiar cercano y teme por su seguridad, sobre todo al salir de fiesta el fin de semana, aqu encontrar consejos para principiantes, en los que descubrir mltiples pautas de comportamiento evitando ser vctima de una agresin en la calle. Esto no es un curso de defensa personal ni de artes marciales; en este curso aprender pautas de comportamiento a la hora de salir a la calle:Pautas de comportamiento al salir a la calle, a la hora de tomar un taxi;si va a una entidad bancaria laspautas de comportamiento en los cajeros automticos. Las tarjetas de crdito.Las pautas de comportamiento en los interiores de los aparcamientos, al subirse a su vehiculo, entrar a los garajes pblicos y las medidas de seguridad durante sus recorridos en coche.Pautas de comportamiento en zonas peligrosas, zonas de alto riesgo, andar por la noche.Pautas de comportamiento sobre el secuestro virtual y todo lo que debe usted saber y hacer en ese tipos de situaciones.Conocer las actitudes sospechosas del comportamiento de posibles atacantes.Conceptos de peligro, agresiones y amenazas.Pautas de comportamiento que debe tener presente al entrar y salir de casa.Una colaboradora nos va relatando sus experiencias vividasal mismo tiempo que usted va adquiriendo conocimientos."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Primeros auxilios para salvar la vida de los que amas." |
"Conocimientos minimos imprescindibles que debe poseer cualquier persona para que, en el DEBER DE PRESTAR AYUDA, sea eficaz la labor de auxiliar a la victima hasta la llegada de los servicios de asistencia sanitaria, basados siempre en la conducta P.A.S.Las emergencias pueden ocurrir en cualquier momento, tambin a tu seres queridos, y en cualquier lugar y afectar a cualquier persona. En emergencias, personas como usted salvan el 90% de vidas. Aprende a prestar ayuda en una situacin de peligro o necesidad:Aprende a Salvar Vidas!."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Fotografa bsica con Adobe Lightroom CC" |
"Quieres aprender a tomar tus propias fotos y retocarlas?Fotografa + lightroom es un curso pensando para que los amantes de la fotografa puedan sacarle todo el provecho a su cmara profesional y posteriormente mejorar sus fotografas a travs de un programa editor fotogrfico como lo es Lr. Tenemos como objetivo que una vez terminesel curso puedas dominar la cmara en modo manual, conocer diferentes tipos de encuadres , composicin, esquemas de iluminacin , normas estticas de fotografa, guardar fotografas en el ordenador, clasificarlas, mejorarlas e incluso subirla en lnea.Espero verte realizar las metas propuestas en este curso, estar contigo para ello as que Vamos!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |