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"Capital Gains Tax on Sale of Property & How to save Tax" |
"In this course, the participants will learn how to Gains are computed on Sale of any Property in India (i.e. Land, Building, Commercial, Residential etc) and how Capital Gains Exemptions can be claimed to reduce the Tax Liability to 0.The participants will also get a free e-book worth Rs. 147.The language used by the trainer is Hindi"
Price: 2560.00 ![]() |
"Basic English Grammar course: 12 (All) English tenses" |
"Who want to improve their Basic English Grammar and Structures?This course about forms of English tenses. You will learn different tenses and will learn to say it in a statement sentence, in a negative sentence and then a question sentence. So it's about practice, you have lots of practice and it's a full video course. Improve your TOEFL or ESL! Start learning the different English tenses today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Grammar Practice Tests Level B1: Active and Passive." |
"Improve your English! A Practice Test Course level B1: the Active Voice And Passive Voice.It's a must-have course for anyone who wants to master English grammar and know how to use it in real life. This English Grammar course is a perfect tool for anyone who is planning to take IELTS, TOEFL in the nearest future, and is not sure in their knowledge.Sentences written in the active voice are easier to understand than sentences written in the passive voice. Switching the passive voice into the active voice is straightforward, but it requires a bit of practice. In the equivalency test below, notice that the tense of the verb to be in the passive voice is always the same as the tense of the main verb in the active voice. In order to use the active voice, you will have to make the subject of the action explicit. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ArcGIS Pro - Aprenda fcil" |
"Aprenda como usar las herramientas provistas por ArcGIS Pro, iniciando desde cero.Este curso incluye, los aspectos bsicos de ArcGIS Pro; edicin de datos, mtodos de seleccin basado en atributos, creacin de zonas de inters. Luego incluye digitalizacin, adicin de capas, edicin de tablas y columnas en los atributos.Tambin aprender a crear simbologa temtica en base a atributos, importar datos de Excel, anlisis de zonas de influencia y georeferencia de imgenes.Aprenders a compartir datos y entender como se generan mapas finales.El curso incluye ejercicios guiados paso a paso aplicados en el entorno de AulaGEO."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"ArcGIS Pro avanzado" |
"Aprenda un nivel avanzado de ArcGIS Pro.Este curso incluye, los aspectos avanzados de ArcGIS Pro; Manejo de imgenes satelitales (Imagery), Bases de datos espaciales (Geodatabse), Gestin de nubes de puntos LiDAR, Publicacin de contenidos con ArcGIS Online, Aplicaciones para captura y visualizacin mvil (Appstudio),Creacin de contenidos interactivos (Story maps),Creacin de contenidos finales (Layouts).El curso incluye bases de datos, capas e imgenes usadas en el curso para hacer lo que aparece en los videos.Todo el curso es aplicado en un solo contexto conforme a la metodologa AulaGEO.The course includes a subtitled version."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Recap & Regard3D - Modelo Digital de Terreno" |
"En este curso aprenders a crear e interactuar con modelos digitales.-Crear modelos 3D utilizando imgenes, tal como la tcnica de fotogrametra con drones.-Utilizar software libre, Regard3D y MeshLab-Hacerlo utilizando AutoDesk Recap,-Hacerlo utilizando Bentley ContextCapture,-Generar nubes de puntos-Crear superficie en Civi3D a partir de nube de puntos-Limpiar, tematizar y exportar modelo de nube de puntos,-Compartir el modelo en Internet usando SketchFabY sobre todo, con un mismo modelo.Incluye materiales y ejemplos para replicar prcticas."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Revit - viendo como se disea una casa desde cero" |
"Este es un curso para introducirse al modelado de Revit, viendo como se hace de forma prctica.En el curso, vers de forma progresiva el proceso, mientras el instructor lo explica paso a paso durante 3 horas, sin hacer parusas.Introduccin a RevitLectura 2: Ejes, cimientos y paredesLectura 3: Losa de entrepiso, techos, puertas y ventanasLectura 4: Dimensiones y cuantificacin de objetosLectura 5: Detalles constructivos y layout para impresinLectura 6: Un ejemplo de un proyecto grandeLectura 7: Acabados y detallesLectura 8: Mobiliario y descargas de librerasLectura 9: Libreras e iluminacinLectura 10: Render + iluminacinLectura 11: Render, iluminacin, animacinEl curso incluye archivos y libreras usadas en el curso para hacer lo que aparece en los videos."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Revit - seeing how a house is designed from scratch" |
"This is a course to introduce you to Revit modeling, seeing how it is done in a practical way.In the course, you will see the process progressively, while the instructor explains it step by step for 3 hours, without making pauses.Introduction to RevitLecture 2: Axes, foundations and wallsLecture 3: Mezzanine Slab, Roofs, Doors, and WindowsLecture 4: Dimensions and quantification of objectsLecture 5: Construction details and layout for printingLecture 6: An example of a large projectLecture 7: Finishes and detailsLecture 8: Furniture and library downloadsLecture 9: Libraries and lightingLecture 10: Render + lightingLecutre 11: Render, lighting, animationThe course includes files and libraries used in the course to do what appears in the videos."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ArcGIS Pro advanced" |
"Learn an advanced level of ArcGIS Pro.This course includes the advanced aspects of ArcGIS Pro;Handling of satellite images (Imagery),Spatial databases (Geodatabse),Management of LiDAR point clouds,Content publishing with ArcGIS Online,Applications for mobile capture and visualization (Appstudio),Creation of interactive contents (Story maps),Creation of final contents (Layouts from .mxd and from scratch).The course includes databases, layers and images used in the course to do what appears in the videos.The entire course is applied in a single context according to the AulaGEO methodology.The course includes a subtitled version."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Advance Steel Design for BIM projects" |
"Learn Advance Steel Design.This course includes Autodesk structural design;Design a complete buildingFoundation, structural columnsBeams, detailsQuantificationPlans and layoutsThe instructor explains aspects of interpretation of structural drawings, and how these can be carried out in three-dimensional modeling. It is explained how to create printing layouts and gradually it is understood all the comados of structural elements.The course includes files used in the course to do what appears in the videos.The entire course is applied in a single context according to the AulaGEO methodology."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"QGIS - Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica" |
"Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica usando QGIS.-Todos los ejercicios que puede hacer en ArcGISPro, hechos con software libre.-Importar datos de CAD a GIS-Tematizacin basado en atributos-Clculos basados en reglas-Layout de impresin-Importar coordenadas desde Excel-Trucos de digitalizacin-Georreferenciar imgenesTodos archivos disponibles para que pueda poner en prctica el conocimiento adquirido.Hecho por un experto, hablado en voz alta, en un solo entorno de trabajo par aprender de forma gradual usando la metodologa AulaGEO"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"QGIS - Geographic Information Systems" |
"DisclaimerThis course originally was built in spanish, following the same lessons done in the popular course Learn ArcGIS Pro Easy! We done it to demostrate than all this could be possible using open software; always in spanish. Then, some english users asked us, we created a english version of the course; its the reason why the interface of the software is in spanish.----------------------------------------------------------------Geographic Information Systems using QGIS.-All the exercises you can do in ArcGIS Pro, made with open source software.-Import data from CAD to GIS-Attribute-based thematization- Rules-based calculations-Layout print-Import coordinates from Excel- Digitalization tricks-Geoeferencing imagesAll available files so you can put the acquired knowledge into practice.Done by an expert, spoken aloud, in a single work environment to learn gradually using the AulaGEO methodology"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Recap & Regard3D for Digital Land Modeling" |
"In this course you will learn to create and interact with digital models.-Creating 3D models using images, such as the technique of photogrammetry with drones.-Use free software, Regard3D and MeshLAb-Make it using AutoDesk Recap,-Make it using Bentley ContextCapture,-Generate point clouds-Create surface in Civi3D from point cloud-Clean, thematize and export point cloud model,-Share the model to Internet using SketchFabAnd above all, with the same model.Includes materials and examples to replicate practices."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ArcGIS Pro & QGIS 3 - complete paralell course" |
"DisclaimerThe QGIS course originally was built in spanish, following the same lessons done in the english popular course Learn ArcGIS Pro Easy! We done it to demostrate than all this could be possible using open software; always in spanish. Then, some english users asked us, we created a english version of the course; its the reason why the interface of the QGIS software is in spanish but all the audio is english.----------------------------------------------------------------With this course you can expand your curriculum to know how to do the same task using ArcGIS Pro and QGIS.-Import data from tables-Import data from CAD-Georeference imagery-Buffer analyisis-Create bookmarks-Thematize and labeling-Drawing tools and editing tables-Final productsThe course includes materials data to download and do the task as in the videos. Is developed over the last versions of QGIS and ArcGIS Pro."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ArcGIS Pro - basic, advanced and ArcPy" |
"Learn how to use the tools provided by ArcGIS Pro, starting from scratch.This course include, the basic of ArcGIS Pro; data edition, methods to selection of spatial data based in attributes and location and creation of bookmarks. Then, we include digitization of shapefiles, addition and digitizing layers, editing attribute and column attributes.You will learnt to use symbology within features and labeling of points, lines and polygons. Includes buffer analyisis, import of Excel data and georeference of images.To share data you will learn how to share data online and generate final maps.Includes step by step excercises in the AulaGEO environment.Learn how to use the advanced aspects of ArcGIS Pro:Handling of satellite images (Imagery),Spatial databases (Geodatabse),Management of LiDAR point clouds,Content publishing with ArcGIS Online,Applications for mobile capture and visualization (Appstudio),Creation of interactive contents (Story maps),Creation of final contents (Layouts from .mxd and from scratch).Python programming in ArcGIS ProThe course includes databases, layers and images used in the course to do what appears in the videos.The entire advanced sections are applied in a single context according to the AulaGEO methodology."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ArcGIS Pro - Curso completo de cero hasta avanzado y ArcPy" |
"Aprenda como usar las herramientas provistas por ArcGIS Pro, iniciando desde cero.Este curso incluye, los aspectos bsicos de ArcGIS Pro; edicin de datos, mtodos de seleccin basado en atributos, creacin de zonas de inters. Luego incluye digitalizacin, adicin de capas, edicin de tablas y columnas en los atributos.Tambin aprender a crear simbologa temtica en base a atributos, importar datos de Excel, anlisis de zonas de influencia y georeferencia de imgenes.Aprenders a compartir datos y entender como se generan mapas finales.El curso incluye ejercicios guiados paso a paso aplicados en el entorno de AulaGEO.Aprenda un nivel avanzado de ArcGIS Pro.Este curso incluye, los aspectos avanzados de ArcGIS Pro; Manejo de imgenes satelitales (Imagery), Bases de datos espaciales (Geodatabse), Gestin de nubes de puntos LiDAR, Publicacin de contenidos con ArcGIS Online, Aplicaciones para captura y visualizacin mvil (Appstudio),Creacin de contenidos interactivos (Story maps),Creacin de contenidos finales (Layouts).Programacin de Python en ArcGIS ProEl curso incluye bases de datos, capas e imgenes usadas en el curso para hacer lo que aparece en los videos.Todo el curso es aplicado en un solo contexto conforme a la metodologa AulaGEO."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Civil 3D - Civil works specialization" |
"Disclaimer:We have selected this course to offer it in English for its high pedagogical quality and user acceptance. We done an effort to bring this 32 hours of course to english speach. But the version of the software used is in Spanish, ant the support material, but the whole explanation of the instructor is narrated in English.---------------------------------------This is a set of 4 courses called ""Autocad Civil3D for Surveying and Civil Works"" that will allow you to learn how to handle this fabulous Autodesk software and apply it to different projects and construction sites. Become an expert in the software and you can generate earthworks, calculate materials and construction prices and create great designs of roads, bridges, sewerage among others.This set of courses has been the product of hours of dedication, work and effort, compiling the most important data on the subject of Civil and Topographic Engineering, summarizing large amounts of theory and making them practical, so that you can learn in an easy and easy way. Fast with short but specific classes for each topic and practice with all the (real) data and examples we provide here.If you want to start managing this software, participating in this course will save you weeks of work by investigating on your own what we have already investigated, doing the tests we have done, and making the mistakes we have already made.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENT OF THE BASIC SECTION (LEVEL 1)INTRODUCTION TO SOFTWARE:Description of the software interface.Summary and list of commands and main functions.Project configuration in Civil3D.POINTSImport terrain points from a text file.Definition of styles of points, texts and descriptors.Configuration, editing and management of terrain points.SURFACESCreation and definition of TIN land surfaces.Definition of styles and presentation (level curves, slope map, address map, thermal floors).Editing and configuration of surfaces.HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENTSCreation and configuration of horizontal alignment (axis via).VERTICAL ALIGNMENTSCreation and configuration of the longitudinal profile of the terrain (vertical alignment).Vertical alignment design (project grade).---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENT OF THE MIDDLE SECTION (LEVEL 2)ASSEMBLIES AND SUB-ASSEMBLIESTypical sectionDefinition of assemblies (structure).Configuration of sub-assemblies (type objects: terrace, lane, sardinel, canal, gutter, bridge, intersection, etc.).LINEAR WORK, SURFACES AND MATERIALS:Definition and construction of the linear work.Linear work surfaces and limits.CROSS SECTIONS OF SURFACESSampling linesSection viewsCUBICATION AND EARTH MOVEMENT:Cubing and reports.Surface comparisonVolume surfaces---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENT OF THE MIDDLE SECTION (LEVEL 3)SURFACES IISurface model editing, interpolation, improvements, export.Styles of surface models, presentations, map analysis.Model overlay.Cubing, volume reports between various surfaces.HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENTS IIAdvanced style managementEditing and construction of design criteria and tables.Graphic, geometric and tabular edition (advanced).Parallel axes and over-widths.Definition and diagrams of cant.VERTICAL ALIGNMENTS IIConstruction with design tables.Profile overlay.Projection of objects from plant to profile.Graphic, geometric and tabular edition (advanced).Advanced handling of styles, bands.TYPICAL SECTION IIDefinition of assemblies (structure). Advanced.Creation and configuration of sub-assemblies, codes and links.Definition of horizontal and vertical transitionsLINEAR WORK IILinear work with several alignments.Linear work with different regions and structures.Advanced edition of linear work, sections, frequency, regions, surfaces.CROSS SECTIONS IIAdvanced handling of styles, tables, objects to be displayed.Editing sampling lines.Advanced configuration of materials and prices.Mass diagram and reports.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENT OF THE ADVANCED SECTION (LEVEL 4)PLAN SETTINGSTemplate building.Automatic generation of floor plans.Automatic generation of planes in profile.Automatic generation of floor plans-profile.Automatic generation of cross section planes.EXPLANATIONS (GRADING)Definition and configuration.Sloping and transition of slopes.Volume balance.Surface generation.INTERSECTIONSCross intersection construction.Adding branchesLinear work design from intersectionConstruction of a roundabout or roundabout.PLOT CONSTRUCTIONCalculation of areas and perimetersAlignmentTopologyLocationsEnglobes and desenglobeCALCULATION OF SURFACE ESCORRENTYSurface designBasin analysisDrains and hydrological sub-basinsDRAWING OF SANITARY NETWORKS AND PIPESObject projectionProfilesMaterial calculations"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn web-GIS easy! + Python for ArcGIS Pro" |
"This is a course focused on development and interaction of spatial data for internet deployment. For this we use three free code tools:PostgreSQL, for data management.Download, installation, configuration of spatial component (PostGIS) and insertion of spatial data.GeoServer, for data stylization.Download, installation, creation of data stores, layers and deployment styles.OpenLayers, for web deployment.Includes code development in an HTML page to add data layers, wms services, map extension, timeline.Python programming in ArcGIS ProArcPy for geospatial analysis.The course is from scratch, step by step with example cases and data according the AulaGEO methodology.For this course was used, and the download steps are included in the lessons:Geoserver : 2.15.1PostgreSQL (Postgres): 12.1 (64 bit)Postgis : 3.0Openlayers : 6.1.1ArcGIS Pro :2.4"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Jenkins Pipeline tutorial for Beginners with 100+ examples" |
"Jenkins Pipeline script or Pipeline as a code is a feature to write our build's CI and CD process with the help of a codeIn this course we'll see the examples for following topics.1. JIRACreate Ticket if build failedClose the TicketSearch and more .....2. How to execute bat commands and shell commands .3. Execute Stage based on the commit message/committed files.4. Pause the build and Wait for the approval from specific user.5. Commit code to GIT if build success6. How to work with SVN.7. Parameters, Variables, Options, etc.8. Pause job to read input from user.9. Multiple examples on POST."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
rousokuashi-losscut |
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trade-gensyo |
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shinyotorihiki-kiso |
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tenjyo-soko-break |
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dekidakapower |
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kessan-keikakakusyo |
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shinyo-ouyouhen |
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