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"How To Run A Successful Retail Store" |
"This course has a lot of valuable content if you have a store or want to open a store. I go into things you need to know such as where to open a store, find the perfect place, sell the products you love and get lots of customers to buy. If you already have a store or want to open a store, I go into everything you need to know to make the right decisions along the journey. So, take my course, it will help you make your dreams a reality and have a fun, profitable and successful store."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sales Techniques That Take You To The Next Level" |
"Whatever level you are at, this course is for you. Guaranteed to take you the next level. Everything you need to know to improve your sales and increase your revenue. This sales structure applies to any customer. A complete course, beginning to end of how to befriend customers, charm them and get them to buy. This is such a fun process that does not seem like work. Have more fun, sell more, and create a positive buzz. increase your client base and sell to more people who love you. Increase your sales with this course. Please enroll and enjoy a better relationship with customers and a boost in your business."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Best Business Practices For More Sales And Happier Customers" |
"This course is about sales and business practices that sell better. It's great that you're a good salesman, but what you sell is just as important. There are sales practices that when properly presented to the customer can make selling to them more engaging and more effective. There are policies such as the best price and refund options that make buying from you a better deal to the customer. I talk about what these policies are and how to use them for your business. If you are in sales this is a must have course that will increase your revenue and make buying from you a great deal that your customers will love. Watch the course and you will improve your sales technique and make your offers attractive to your customers. Learn new things and learn more about why customers buy and why they will like buying from you. Check it out and I'll see you in the course. Thanks."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sales Theory. How Sales Works And How To Sell More" |
"Learn the theory behind sales. Make more money and get more success. Say the effective things to make your customers see that you are the person to buy from. Get recommended from customers through word of mouth and social media. Keep customers love buying from you on a long term basis. Craft a sales presentation that will show your customers that you are the person to buy from. Enjoy the process of sales, have more fun and sell more effectively. This course has tons of information that is designed to make customers buy from you. You will succeed in sales with this course and its valuable insight. Enjoy."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Run A Retail Business" |
"Everything you need to know about running a retail store. Whether you are working in a retail store, running a retail store or want to open a retail store, you need this valuable course. Use these practices to help you succeed in your retail business. From locating a retail store to selling to your customers, learn these essential things that will increase your success in retail."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Powerful Techniques That Make More Sales" |
"Original sales techniques that you can only get here. Compel customers to buy and show them the value of your product. Get them to talk about your business and recommend you to friends, family, and social media contacts. Grow your customer base. Enjoy selling more and have a great time while making lots of money. Make it fun and profitable for you. Make your customers love buying from you and make it lots of fun for them. A very win win selling style that gives value to everyone. Enjoy this highly useful course. Effectively communicate high value to your customers. Enroll and get these powerful techniques now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sales Techniques To Make You A Master Salesperson" |
"These are original techniques that sell better to customers. Just by using these techniques, you can improve your sales and get customers to recommend you to friends, family, coworkers, and social media connections. How to get customers to buy from you. These are techniques I have used successfully, have invented or learned over the years that I have been selling. This course is designed to boost your sales and your success at selling."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Get Customers To Walk Into Your Store" |
"This course is about getting people into your store! You have an amazing store, now get people to come inside. I have strategies and tactics for getting people to come into your store. Get people to come in off the street and shop with you. How to get people's attention and contact information. Get them interested and start them on the process of buying from you. It's fun for your customers and fun for you, and a win win for everyone. Great advice for getting people to enter your store from the street and start buying from you now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Your Guide To Traveling On An Overseas Vacation." |
"This course is designed to give you the best vacation possible. If you're going overseas or just to another country and want to have an awesome vacation, this course is for you. How to get the best hotel at the best price. How to get the best flight at the best price. How to get around a foreign country. How to pack, and what you need and don't need to take with you. How to get around and find the best things to do. Lots of content covering everything you need to get your vacation right and make it the best it can possibly be. Take the course and you'll be on your way to planning the ultimate vacation of your dreams. Here's to having a great time overseas. Enjoy!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Get Your Customers To Like You!" |
"Customers buy from who they like the most. Get them to like you. This course is about all the things you can do to get your customers to like you. Things you can say that make your customers prefer shopping with you. Things you can do to make your customers get the best shopping experience and get them to refer you to friends, family and social media contacts. Get your customers to like you more by creating a long term relationship that makes them prefer you over the competition. All the things that will make shopping with you, your customers preference and have your customers enjoy buying from you more. Here's to our success."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Create Great Word Of Mouth Advertising To Grow Your Business" |
"This course is about generating great word of mouth advertising for your business. How to get people to talk fondly about you to their friends, family, coworkers and social media contacts. Word of mouth advertising is free and the best advertising there is because it's other people, highly satisfied customers recommend you to people they know. Advertising is more effective when customers speak highly of you and if done the right way can lead to increased sales and increased growth in your business. How to get customers satisfied so they speak highly of you and get more customers to come to you. I teach you strategies to get your customers to talk highly of you. Here's to our success!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Talk To Your Customers For Sales And Self Promotion" |
"Hi. This is a course designed to get you more than great sales. Make such a positive impact on your customers so they talk about you to their friends, coworkers, family and social media followers. Network with customers so they send you business and you send them business. Learn the most effective way to sell to get repeat customers and long term relationships with them that pay off in the long run. What really gets customers buying from you and what gets them talking about you in a positive way so you grow your business."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Hc Excel ng dng thc t trong doanh nghip" |
"Kha hc Excel ng dng thc t trong doanh nghip cung cp cho bn nhng kin thc v nghip v thc t trong doanh nghip v Microsoft Excel.Bn c th hc Microsoft Excel d dng v nhanh chng nu n c dy mt cch chnh xc vo trng tm. c pht trin bi mt Hng dn vin c hn 10 nm kinh nghim lm vic vi Excel, kha hc ny cung cp nhng kin thc thc t m doanh nghip ang ng dng vi Excel, Ni dung c tng hp li mt cch c h thng t c bn n nng cao, gip cho ngi hc tip cn v thc hnh mt cch d dng nhanh chng thnh tho vi Microsoft Excel.Kha hc c thit k khong ba gi video, c cung cp cho bn trong 43 bi ging video ring bit khng c video no qu di, bn s tm hiu tt c nhng iu sau y v Microsoft Excel: Cc thao tc c bn vi Excel (cc thao tc vi phm, chut v cc nh dng v cu trc ca bng tnh Excel, mo tng tc hiu sut cng vic vi Excel) Cch s dng cc hm trong Excel (cu trc ca hm, cc hm c bn nh hm SUM, IF, VLOOKUP, n cc hm nng cao nh PV, FV v cch hc s dng c tt c cc hm trong Excel) Lm vic vi c s d liu (Lc d liu, tm kim v thay th hng lot, bo mt d liu v cch in n) Phn thc hnh (tng hp nhng kin thc hc c, cch to cc phiu thu, chi tn qu v bng bo gi trong thc t)y l kha hc thc t, khng mang tnh nh hay thi c, tuy vy vic hc c hiu qu bn cn lm theo mi thao tc trong video, mt trong nhng nguyn tc thnh cng n gin l bn ch cn lm theo. bn cng c th dng video li trong khi hc thao tc theo, v sau nhn tip tc hc tip.Sau khi ng k, bn s c quyn truy cp vo kha hc ny trn i. Bn s lun c th quay li lp Excel ny xem li ti liu hoc tm hiu ti liu mi v cch s dng Excel.Kha hc Excel ng dng thc t trong doanh nghip s mi mi bin i cch bn lm vic vi cc con s. Hy tham gia kha hc s hu nhng k nng tuyt nh v Microsoft Excel, mt cng c m c hu ht cc doanh nghip v chuyn gia trn th gii s dng gn 30 nm qua.Hn gp li bn bn trong bi hc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kim tin bng cch to kha hc online vi Camtasia" |
"Chia s kin thc bng cch to ra cc kha hc online ngy cng tr nn ph bin,Nelson mandela tng ni ""Gio dc l v kh mnh m thay i th gii"".Cc quc gia pht trin nh M, Canada, Nht, c, Singapore v khu vc Chu u u c nn gio dc tt.Nhng kin thc ca bn s gip ch cho ai v c th lm thay i cuc sng ca h.V vy gp phn vo kho tng tri thc ca nhn loi l s mnh ca mi chng ta.Kha hc ny gm 2 phn:Phn mt : Hng dn bn nhng k thut trong phn mm Camtasia to nn video kha hc c cht lngPhn hai : Hng dn cch tm ni dung v ng kha hc online tip cn hng triu hc vinVi phng php truyn t trc quan d hiu s gip bn nhanh chng to ra nhiu kha hc cht lng ngay sau kha hc.Vi s h tr mnh m ca phm mm Camtasia v cc nn tng web hng u Vit Nam v trn th gii.Sau kha hc bn s bit cch chia s tt c nhng kin thc, k nng bn c cho hng triu ngi.V hn na nhng kin thc s to nn ngun thu nhp th ng cho bn.Vy nn hy bt u kha hc u tin ca bn ngay by giHn gp bn bn trong bi hc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tin hc cn bn - Lm ch my tnh trong 2 gi" |
"Kha hc ""Tin hc cn bn - lm ch my tnh trong 2 gi"" l nn tng bn khi u cng vic, l cnh ca bn bc vo th gii tin hc.+Nhng k nng v cng c bn v cn thit trong kha hc s gip bn T TIN hn trong cng vic cng nh hc tp.+Kha hc gm 3 phn v c thit k khng qu di bn ln u lm quen vi my tnh tr nn d dng hn bao gi ht, ni dung bao gm:Phn 1: Cc bi hc tng quan v my tnh, phn cng, phn mm, gip bn d dng lm ch my tnh v Windows v ci nhn tng quan v tin hc.Phn 2: Hng dn cch son tho vn bn thc t vi Microsoft Word t c bn n nng cao.Phn 3: Hng dn khai thc thng tin trn Internet gip bn tip cn vi kho tng tri thc khng l ca nhn loi+Kha hc c hng dn bi mt ngi c hn 10 nm kinh nghim lm vic thc t vi my tnh v cng l mt lp trnh vin lp trnh phn mm tin hc.+Nu bn mun c thm mt k nng trong thi i cng ngh ho bn ang c d nh lm vic trong cc vn phng, cng s, hay kinh doanh online th kha hc ""Tin hc cn bn - lm ch my tnh trong 2 gi"" chnh l cha kha bn bt u.u t cho vic hc chnh l u t cho bn thn nng cao gi tr ca bn ngay t hm nay.Chc bn c mt khi u tuyt vi vi kha hc ny."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"This course will teach you how exactly RPA is being used by bigger companies. How you can make money with this trending and limitless opportunity. You will be able to know each and everything about RPA. What is RPA, its uses, application and tools that are used to write workflows to automate boring and regular stuffs."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Diseo de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos Aislados de Red (Off-Grid)." |
"El Curso de Diseo de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos Aislados de Red (Off-Grid) tiene como objetivo ensear al participante las tcnicas para analizar, determinar el tamao, disposicin y diseo de sistemas fotovoltaicos aislados de red elctrica. En el curso se analizan conceptos, componentes, clculos energticos, anlisis elctricos, dimensionamiento, diseo y criterios de eleccin de los equipos para la posible instalacin, adems, a lo largo del curso, encontrarn una serie de ejercicios prcticos que ayudar al estudiante a consolidar conocimientos.El curso de Diseo de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos Aislados de Red (Off-Grid) lo podrn estudiar personas con diferentes intereses y/o aptitudes. Ya que los anlisis se inician desde el nivel ms bsico, hasta el desarrollo de diseo final, por lo que inscribirse ser de mucho inters para personal tcnico y/o elctrico, Arquitectos, Ingenieros y/o personas interesadas en el diseo de nuevas tecnologas sobre energas renovables."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Cloud Services with Java and Node.js" |
"Do you want to develop or migrate your existing web applications to run in the cloud? Perhaps you have an environment with multiple languages and runtimes at the same time? In this course, you'll learn how to create Java SE and Node.js applications and run them in Oracle Application Container Cloud Service and take advantage of the power of the cloud. You'll learn all about integration with other Oracle Cloud Services such as Database. You'll also learn to deploy, monitor, and scale your applications instantly from the Web UI. By the end of this course, you'll know everything you'll required to create applications and run them in Oracle Application Container Cloud Service."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"PHP Development:2 Course Bundle" |
"This is a package of two independent PHP courses:- Predefined Variables in PHP:Make your sites more powerfulApart the interaction between the website and the user, predefined variables can provide key information about the server environment and the user. In this course, you'll learn how to make your website more interactive. First, you'll discover how to create more robust forms, leveraging sessions that span multiple pages of data. Next, you'll explore the ability to save cookies. Finally, you'll learn how to upload files and other form data, which utilize these predefined variables. When you're finished with this course, you'll have a stronger understanding of the PHP programming language, and have the ability to create more interactive websites with predefined variables.- App for million users:PHP High Performance You too can create fast-running PHP apps that support millions of users. This course, will teach you tips and tricks for speeding up your PHP application. You'll start by learning about micro-optimizations at the code-level, moving on to how many child processes you should be running on your webserver and database options. Finally, you will learn about profiling your code and load testing your application, so you can be confident that it will perform well no matter how large your application becomes. By the end of this course, you'll be able to easily create and optimize PHP apps for speed."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Cloud Services and Spring Batch:2 Course Bundle" |
"This is a package of two independent courses:- Oracle Cloud Services with Java and Node.jsDo you want to develop or migrate your existing web applications to run in the cloud? Perhaps you have an environment with multiple languages and runtimes at the same time? In this course, you'll learn how to create Java SE and Node.js applications and run them in Oracle Application Container Cloud Service and take advantage of the power of the cloud. You'll learn all about integration with other Oracle Cloud Services such as Database. You'll also learn to deploy, monitor, and scale your applications instantly from the Web UI. By the end of this course, you'll know everything you'll required to create applications and run them in Oracle Application Container Cloud Service. - Spring Batch Framework for beginnersAt the core of batch processing is an understanding of the basic concepts and patterns common to most batch products. In this course, you will learn these concepts and patterns in the context of one of the oldest and most mature open source batch frameworks available. First, you will learn about why you may need batch processing, including its benefits and drawbacks. Next, you will explore the foundation of Spring Batch terminology and offerings. Finally, you will follow along in a demonstration of building a full, production-ready Spring Batch job that reads input from a file, processes, and then outputs the information to a database. When you are finished with the course, you should have the basic knowledge needed to start building your own batch jobs using the Spring Batch framework."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC 2018/2019" |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC" |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"La historia del Arte Griego: de las Ccladas al helenismo" |
"Curso consagrado al estudio y exposicin amena y rigurosa de las grandes etapas experimentadas por el arte en su desarrollo en el Egeo, desde las primeras manifestaciones con el blanco mrmol de las estatuillas de las Islas Ccladas, hasta la agona -representada en una de las ms exquisitas cimas de la escultura- del Laooconte helenstico.Un viaje por la sorprendente por la tradicin artstica griega enriquecido por una mirada filosfica, mitolgica e histrica nica que har las delicias de todos los amantes de la belleza y el legado clsico."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop Course for Beginners,Every Basic Step" |
"Welcome to the course on ""Adobe Photoshop Course for Beginners,Every Basic Step"".This course starts with basic introduction and follow it up with tools like Selection tools, Move and Marquee Tool,Crop Tool in Adobe Photoshop & also learn the different ways to use pen and other selection tools.This practical course focus on the most important photoshop techniques.Photoshop has been around for over 20 years, and while it's certainly become far more powerful, the interface remains clean, logical, and easy to learn. Using Photoshop CC, I'll show you the basics, and how to keep moving forward. I hope guys this course will be more beneficial and informative for you. Thanks"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Learn All You Need To Know About Yupo Painting In One Course" |
"In this course you will learn all about Yupo paper and how to achieve wonderful effects with watercolours. I will show you four full demonstrations on different subjects from simple flowers, a bamboo painting, how to paint trees in a negative style, and then a more detailed painting of an elephant, each step guiding you along the way. There are downloadable PDF files on Yupo paper and Watercolours to assist you as well as images from the finished paintings for you to use as you paint along. I have also added some slides of Yupo paintings that I have done previously that you may like to have a go at when you have completed this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Paint a Traditional English Watercolour in Easy Steps" |
"The course starts with some practice demonstrations on how to paint summer trees, stonework, cottages against dark trees, and a graduated sky wash. The full lesson is a painting of an old mill wheel with buildings and surrounding trees using features from the example demos. The course is broken down into bitesize pieces so that you can have a break at any point you fancy. At the end I will show you how to present your artwork. I have included a photo of the finished painting in the resources section for you to download and work from."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Pen and Ink with Watercolour Wash" |
"In this course we visit Ambleside in The English Lake District where we draw the well visited Bridge House using Pen and Ink. Then you will learn how to float in watercolour washes to make a delightful painting. I also show you how to get more from this lesson by making prints from the finished pen and ink drawing, and then hand colouring the prints for more sales."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Has tenido unas primeras experiencias negativas con el Dropshipping?Si ese es tu caso, en este curso aprenders a respaldar tu inversin antes de empezar, aprende a identificar un producto ganador mediante analtica, deja de lado datos ficticios ofrecidos por la intuicin y la famosa formula que muchos cursos venden en la que solo te ensean a mirar campaas ajenas en facebook ads, en este curso vas a aprender a analizar un producto, saber sus datos reales de demanda mensual, pas por pas, no te lo pienses y cambia tu forma de arrancar en este negocio sin arriesgar tu dinero.Aprende a NO perder dinero haciendo DropshippingEn este curso, aprenders a respaldar tu producto, mediante analiticas y datos reales que te indicarn si un producto realmente se vende o no, adems de descubrir posibles nuevas oportunidades o productos relacionados.Que es el mtodo Dropshipping Analtico?Una formula sencilla, alejada de mtodos milagro, puro analisis de producto con herramientas al alcance de todo el mundo que te ayudarn a saber si tu inversin relamente vale la pena y si tu producto realmente tiene o no buena acogida por el pblico de un pais concreto.Si quieres aprender, nos vemos dentro."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crie Sites Profissionais do Zero com Wordpress Essencial" |
"Domine o WordPress com este curso, WordPress Essencial, sem aprender a codificar e sem nenhuma programao!Aprenda a criar sites profissionais em menos de 24horas e comece a vender!Voc chegou at aqui porque deseja criar seus prprios sites WordPress, certo?Este curso de WordPress Essencial o lugar perfeito para comear. Este curso completo do WordPress foi desenvolvido pra iniciantes como voc, que nunca criaram um site WordPress ou qualquer outro tipo de site.O WordPress a ferramenta perfeita para criar um site totalmente personalizado para qualquer finalidade. Se voc deseja criar um blog, um portiflio pessoal, um site de negcios, de produtos e servios, voc pode fazer com o WordPress.Por mais que possa parecer assustador, como o WordPress e funciona, uma vez iniciado voc ver o quo intuitivo essa poderosa ferramenta.Tudo, desde a hospedagem at a instalao de um tema e, em seguida, a criao das primeiras pginas, pode ser aprendido nas lies deste curso.Por que aprender o WordPress comigo?J construo sites h anos, houve um tempo em que eu era um novato apenas, assim como voc, e estava com medo de trabalhar com o WordPress, pois no sabia absolutamente nada, parecia assustador trabalhar com uma ferramenta que promete muita coisa. E realmente descobri que ela cumpre o que promete, e desde ento, passei a estudar e a criar sites completos com essa ferramenta mais utilizada para sites na internet mundial.Se o seu foco comear logo, a construir sites e comear a vender e faturar uma boa $$$ grana por ms, esse o curso certo para voc fazer!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
business_profile |
Price: 19800.00 ![]() |
B2B |
Price: 19800.00 ![]() |