Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Aprende Redes desde Cero: Curso Completo" |
"Ests interesado(a) en las redes de comunicacin y computacin? No tienes conocimiento tcnico alguno? Entonces este curso es para ti y para toda persona interesada o aspirante al mundo y campo de Sistemas de Informacin (Tecnologa de la informacin). En este curso completo te ensear todo los fundamentos de redes, funcionamiento y diseo para que puedas aplicarlo en tu ambiente de trabajo o para que puedas comenzar en tu desarrollo y ampliar conocimiento en el mundo de la tecnologa y redes de computacin.Que aprenders?Beneficios de las redes de comunicacinFuncionamientos bsicos y utilidadTopologas de las redesEquipos y tipos de cableados utilizadosDireccionamiento IP y SubnetsPlanificacin y DiseoY mucho ms..."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"7 Signs You're In a Toxic Workplace & What To Do About it!" |
"This course will help you identify whether you are in a toxic work place and what you can do about it as an employee or manager. Workplace culture is particularly important because it impacts so many areas of people's lives. It is important to understand how to identify toxic practices and how you can rise above them. Ultimately, successful people make successful businesses and people cannot be successful in a toxic environment. It does not work in that way. Learn more about these areas through this course! You won't regret it."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"How to Measure Customer Service" |
"This course is designed for mid to senior level managers and leadership who want to get a deeper understanding of how to measure customer service. In the training we will discuss 9 key areas you should be measuring, managing, and benchmarking for your business. Customer service has evolved dramatically in the past 20 years and it is important to understand why it is quickly going from a cost center to a growth engine. Don't miss the boat!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Tips On How To Prepare For A Job Search & Interviews" |
"This course is designed to help anyone who is currently looking for a job or a new opportunity in the workforce and is intimidated of that notion. If you are currently intimidated, scared, or lack confidence in finding a new job, then this is the course for you. Great candidates for this course would be: College graduates UnemployedStay at home individuals returning to the workforce Individuals looking to change job, careers, or direction The course will not only walk you through every aspect of finding a new job, but will also provide you with great templates and tools to use to practice. You can't go wrong with this practical course."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"How to Manage a Startup Company" |
"Starting a company can be exciting, but also filled with costly mistakes.As someone who has worked on over 50 startups, I've learned that entrepreneurs typically make the same mistakes in terms of managing their startup concepts.This course is intended to help you navigate the start up journey effectively from a Management and Operations perspective.It will give you insight into what to look for and what to be aware of when laboring a start up company.30% of the reason why startups fail is due specifically to Management.How you manage your startup might very well be the reason you fail or succeed!"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"How to Introduce Change to Teams" |
"This course is designed to help managers, team leaders, or leaders introduce any type of change in the workforce, that can include:System changesNew processes New management team members New owners New softwareNew roles All of these changes have one thing in common: they involve people. Change is one of the hardest things to master out there. Naturally, people reject it, are scared of it and typically fight it. In my experience, I have become very effective in managing change and it is due to the strategies outlined in this course. If you have had trouble managing change or have been thrown into a massive change in the workforce, this course is for you!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"I am sure you must have learnt one or two things from the volume 1 of this course.It is about time we moved on to the second phase, where we shall learn different concepts and elaborate on the previous.The Job selection process task in this volume will expose you to some analytical thinking.This course is designed to provide 100% hands on. It will help participants gather the necessary SQL skills required to succeed on the job.You will be exposed to building SQL queries from scratch to finish. It is my aim to move you to a comfortable level in your SQL writing after the completion of this course.So, get ready as move on to the next level."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Metodologas giles Scrum para Latino Amrica" |
"Las metodologas giles SCRUM es la herramienta mas efectiva para definir equipos de alto rendimiento. cumplir con los objetivos y establecer comunicacin adecuada en pro de negocio.Aprende de la metodologa de forma didactiva y comprensible para entender las ceremonias y la deferencia que existe entre las Metodologas Tradicionales y SCRUM. Scrum es algo leve de entender pero su practica puede ser lo mas difcil de establecer, el romper paradigmas y cambiar la cultura laboral es pieza clave para mejorar las relaciones y comprender el verdadero trabajo en equipo. Todos somos lideres, todos trabajamos hacia un mismo objetivo evitando sobrepasarnos con los dems; el control de las emociones y el saber comunicar hacen parte de su comprensin.Debes saber que la lectura te ayudara y lo comprenders de forma directa y rpida pero a la hora de aplicarlo sera el reto mas grande que encontraras. En este curso aprenders sobre los principios del SCRUM, sus ceremonias, SCRUMPOKER, ROLES, entre otros. te invito a que hagas parte de este curso y comprendas la importancia nos solo en el desarrollo de software si no en el da dia."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Windows 10, de manera fcil y rpida." |
"Hola Bienvenido a este nuevo curso.Te doy la ms cordial bienvenida A esa nueva experiencia en tu vida ya que aqu vas a poder aprender a manejar Windows 10 el nuevo sistema operativo ms actual en dnde vas aprender desde el entorno desde Windows cmo organizar y manejar las carpetas las ventanas las herramientas que nos brinda as como todo lo relacionado a Windows 10 me da muchsimo gusto que ests aqu con nosotros ya que t experiencia y t conocimiento se van a acrecentar con este curso por favor no olvides suscribirte a este curso YA qu vas a encontrar un sinfn de conocimientos y experiencias Qu te ayudarn a tener un mejor rendimiento ya sea en la escuela en tu trabajo o personalmente enhorabuena bienvenido"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Chinese Grammar: knowing Eight Chinese sentences structure" |
"Do you find it difficult to make your own Chinese sentence? This course is going to help you know eight Chinese simple sentence structure. It helps you to know the sequence of Chinese sentence, as well as the common grammar structure in Chinese. At the end of the course, students will not be confused with Chinese sentence sequence. students with learn six basic sentences structure in Chinese. 1. Sentences with verbal predicates. 2. sentences with adjectival predicates. 3. sentences with norminal predicates. 4. sentences with S-P phrases as predicates. 5. sentences with "" 6. sentences with 7. sentences with verbal constructions in series 8. Pivotal sentences"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Horticultural therapy" |
"AN INTRODUCTION TO THE SUBJECT OF HORTICULTURAL THERAPY AND IT'S CONTEXT. IT EXPLAINS HOW AN INDIVIDUAL CAN ENGAGE IN HORTICULTURE AND GARDENING AS A THERAPY.A GUIDE FOR SUCCEEDING IN HORTICULTURAL THERAPY EVEN IF YOU ARE A COMPLETE BEGINNER!An introductory and comprehensive course in horticultural therapy to launch your new career. The Introduction to Horticultural therapy course is uniquely tailored and designed to prepare you for a career in the industry. This course combines academic and creative skills in a relatively short format. Throughout the course you will be trained to think like a horticultural therapist, as well as expand your knowledge.HT offers positive and rewarding experiences for the program participants, therapists and those who come into contact with the growing environment. People that are involved in these programs intuitively know the many benefits and joys that come from connecting with nature, because there is a deeper pull that attracts us towards it. In this course you will learn the objectives and principles that are essential for developing a horticultural program. So, GET THE COURSE NOW to take advantage of this.COMPLETE SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK!Id like to remind you that when you buy this course, your purchase is RISK-FREE! Either youre satisfied, or you get your money back. By the way, Im convinced that this is the best course on the topic youll be able to find online, because its the result of knowldge and experience, and is taught by a professional!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Crystal Healing for Animals Certification" |
"Now you can help animals both personally and professionally as a Crystal Healer. This course will provide you with all the tools and methods, including the proper forms to prepare for your business. Regardless of your experience in working with holistic modalities, this course will take you step by step so you will have the confidence in preparation, self-care and improving the well-being of the animals around you.Here's What You'll LearnHow to Choose Your Crystals, Cleanse, Energize & ProgramDirectory of Crystals and Their Healing PropertiesFocus on the Chakras & How to Read AurasHow to Support Traumatized AnimalsHow to Perform Hands-on & Distant TreatmentStudy Animal Behavior & Create Treatment PlanPrepare Yourself & the Animal w Several Meditations& Much More!Study at your own pace, with life-time access. Downloadable colorful PDF manual included with many PDF's to support your studying. Here is what some students are experiencing:""This course is a powerful, enlightening, inspiring; it is a beautiful and significant contribution to the areas of crystal healing, energy healing, the human-animal bond, and beyond. The information about crystals and their healing and other attributes, color and associated healing and other properties are brilliant, useful and more. This course will contribute also to the bond and connection between human and their non-human (and other humans) companions. This course clearly acknowledges and celebrates that 'everything is energy, and everything is connected.' Thank-yous and congratulations to the Instructor for her time, experience, and expertise in developing and implementing this course...."" - Cythnia H""I found the crystal session (long distance) very relaxing and provided clarity on how my energies can affect my day and for my dog, he came into the session and stayed with me the entire time. It has been a long time since he has quietly sat with me! Thank you Dulsanea!""- Stephanie, C.""Dulsanea taught me how to meditate and use crystals for grounding and overall wellness. The two remote, over the phone Reiki sessions were more than I anticipated. I could feel the energy permeating my body. She is gentle, kind and explains everything. The long-distance session was amazing! I highly recommend Dulsanea for a Reiki & Crystal Therapy Session! "" - Beverly B."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"YouTube pour les dbutants" |
"YouTube en quelques chiffres : Utilisateurs actifs mensuels : 1,5 milliardNombre de vues par jour : 4 milliards72 heures de vido ajoutes chaque minuteEt surtout, c'est une plateforme indispensable pour dvelopper son entreprise sur le web.Vous savez qu'il est important de vous lancer sur YouTube, mais vous avez toujours trouv une excuse pour ne pas le faire ?Les difficults techniques vous dcouragent ?Dans ce cours en ligne, nous allons l'essentiel. En mettant en application pas pas ce qui est dcrit, vous aurez une chane YouTube et votre premire vido en ligne en seulement une demi-journe.Enfin, une section sur la montisation complte ce cours en ligne.Personnellement, la vido prend une part trs important de ma stratgie de communication digitale. J'accompagne des clients sur ce sujet et les rsultats financiers sont toujours l... condition de s'y mettre srieusement. Mais pour le moment, il s'agit simplement de lancer sa chane YouTube. Et ce cours est parfait pour vous !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Test automation with Cypress basic" |
"Cypress is an open-source test framework that allows writing automated tests in an easy, quick and reliable way, all in JavaScript, and this is what you will learn in this course.During the course, we will install Cypress, we will set it up to write the tests, we will cover different ways of interacting with web applications, such as navigation via URLs, different kinds of actions (e.g.: typing on text fields, selecting options, clicking on buttons, etc.), we will learn how to create test assertions to verify that the application under test is behaving as it should be, and finally, we will learn how to run the tests both in interactive and headless mode.At the end of the course, you will be able to start applying your learnings in real web projects.Come learn how to use this modern test framework that is simplifying the life of software development professionals, and stand out in the market.Requirements and recommendations:git, Node.js (12.13.0) e NPM (6.13.2) installed on your computerBasic knowledge of HTML and CSS selectorsBasic knowledge of JavaScript (ES6 is a Plus)Basic knowledge of command lineBasic knowledge of gitBasic knowledge of NPM (Node Package Manager)Introductory course of testing automation"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Google Benim letmem Haritalara Ekleme" |
"Google iletmeler haritalar yeni i yeri yerel kaytlar yapabileceiniz ve potansiyel mterilerinize daha iyi hizmet etmeye yarayan bir uygulama dersidir. Markanz tantma ve yerel iletme ziyaretlerini arttrma yntemidir. ehrinizdeki iletmeleri kaydetme ve o iletmeye uygun reklam vermeye yarayan bir kurstur. Her iletme sahibinin zellikle bu kursumuza kayt olmalar daha fazla mteriye ulama imkan sunacaktr. rnek: Hava limanlarn da bulunan iletmeler zellikle yeni hava limanna tanan iletmeler eski konumlarn bu yntemler deitirip tayabilirler. Araba kiralama ve ustalk isteyen bu benim iletmem sayesinde online randevu alp para kazanabilirler."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"LIFE COACHING com Marco Meda" |
"O objetivo deste curso de formao PROMOVER MUDANA, desenvolvendo as HABILIDADES e COMPETNCIAS necessrias para traar um plano de rota de desenvolvimento pessoal em busca dos resultados mais audaciosos. Alm de passar pelo processo de Life Coaching voc estar habilitado a transformar pessoas.Mas o que o COACHING?Coaching um processo que visa aumentar os resultados pessoais e profissionais de buscadores de autoconhecimento que desejam experimentar uma vida melhor, com mais propsito e mais significado. Por meio do uso de tcnicas, modelos, ferramentas e estratgias mentais modeladas de pessoas de sucesso, o Coach (profissional habilitado) potencializa os recursos internos do seu cliente (Coachee) e os seus talentos, propondo o desenvolvimento de novas, habilidades, novas competncias, novas atitudes comportamentais que possam favorecer a mudana de ambientes e de crenas.Pra quem o COACHING? Pra voc que possui um talento ainda escondido Pra voc que busca uma oportunidade nica Pra voc que pode ir alm Pra voc que busca uma nova competncia Pra voc que vai tomar a deciso correta Pra voc que decidiu criar um novo momento na sua vida Pra voc que quer novas opes Pra voc que precisa reconstruir uma nova relao Pra voc que quer otimizar tempo, agenda e buscar eficincia Pra voc que pode conduzir pessoasPor que estudar COACHING? Para desenvolver um plano de vida Para desenvolver um planejamento de carreira Para desenvolver o seu negcio Para buscar foco e alinhar prioridades Para potencializar os resultados do seu negcio Para desenvolver equipes Para desenvolver uma nova Profisso Para conquistar uma posio de liderana Para Alinhar foco e Atingir Sucesso Para Conquistar sonhos, atingir metas e objetivos Para agregar no Currculo Para Empreender um Novo Negcio Para equilibrar vida pessoal e vida profissional Para ser Feliz!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Algerian recipes: how make Algerian Mdeker And Tsharek" |
"Do you have an idea of Algerian cuisine?Do you have an idea about Algerian Food ?What is Tsharek ,What is Mdeker?Why Algerians are preparing sweets on Eid? Why the Algerian bride is preparing the Tsharek before her wedding day? Why nuts are part of Algerian sweets preparation ?Tsharek and Mdeker is two of the most famous traditional dishes in the Algeria Making Tsharek and Mdeker requires few ingredients I would be glad that you are one of the students of this course"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
cybersecarabia |
". . . .. , ,. ( ) . . . . . . : . . . . ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Biomechanics Lumbar Spine Module 5 /" |
"3 1 2 (ROM) 3 - - - - - - ETC. Sat 9 Feb 201909.00-10.30 Anatomy of the Lumbar spine ()- Osteology: structure and function ()- Arthrology: structure, function, prevention and joint management ( )- Myology: structure and function ()10.30-10.45 Break ( )10.45-12.00 Biomechanics of the lumbar spine ()- Transitional area ()- Flexibility and stability ()12.00-13.00 Break ( )13.00-14.30 Biomechanics of low back pain ()Posture, acture and balance (,)14.30-14.45 Break ( )14.45-16.00 Adaptation of back muscle and exercise()Sun 10 Feb 201909.00-10.30 Functions of the lumbar spine ()10.30-10.45 Break ( )10.45-12.00 Identification of imbalances: essential first step ()- Stress factors and homeostasis ()- The contextual environment ()12.00-13.00 Break ( )13.00-14.30 - Soft tissue spinal support()- Coordination central and peripheral control for the lumbar spine()- lumbar muscles and stability of the lumbar spine()14.30-14.45 Break ( )14.45-16.00 -Specific muscle involvement in stabilization of the lumbar spine()- Endurance factors ()"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Biomechanics Sacral Spine Module 6 /" |
"Day 1Anatomy of the sacroiliac joint ()- Bone, ligaments, muscles, and blood and nerve supply( )- Biomechanics of the sacroiliac joint, including coupled movements, normal and abnormal joint barriers, kinesiology, and reactions to various stresses( )- Common lumbopelvic disorders: self-care (: )- Mechanical low back pain - Lumbar spondylosis - Lumbar stenosis - Lumbar spondylolisthesis - Sacroiliac joint dysfunction - Sacroiliac joint pain Day 2- Posture creep and functional pathologies( creep )- Fasionable exercises of lumbopelvic spine disorders() - The role of motor control training()- A person-centred biopsychosocial approach to assessment of pelvic girdle pain()-A critical viewpoint on models, testing and treatment of patients with lumbopelvic pain()- Aging of lumbopelvic spine ()"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"- - Biomechanics of extremities 7" |
" ()Day 1- - - - - - - - - - 2- - -"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Hair masking with Photoshop" |
"This course is about hair masking. If you can use Photoshop, but you still can not do good hair masking, this course will offer you a series of techniques to fix your problems. The first part is about masking starting from the basics: you will learn diverse ways of selecting and masking the hair and the fur. In the second part, you will see how to improve the masks: how to refine the details, how to fix colored borders, how to design tiny hairs."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"IOT Cihaz Tasarm Web Servis ve Mobil Uygulama Gelitirme" |
"Bu eitim ile Arduino, MVC Web Api, HTML, MsSQL, Gml Sistemler, IOT Nesnelerin interneti temel olarak anlatlp gerek bir proje prototipi yaplacaktr.Bu eitim ile web dnyasnn alma mantn ve bugn'e kadar ilgilenmediimiz taraflarn grerek, gl temeller ile WEB API projelerinin nasl gelitirileceini ASP.NET WEB API teknoloji ile NET Framework gcn kullanarak giri yapabilirsiniz.RESTFUL servisler gelitirerek farkl platformlardaki cihazlara ynelik hizmetler sunabilecek ve karlaabileceiniz sorunlarla ilgili nceden zm senaryolar hakknda bilgi edinebilir ve kendinizi en iyi ekilde gelitirebilirsiniz.Bu teknolojiyi rendikten sonra projelerinizin RESTFUL servislerini yazmak sizin iin hi sorun olmayacaktr. Hatta en zevk aldnz taraf bile olacak diyebiliriz.Eitim esnasnda C#, Entity Framework & LINQ, Javascript ve JQuery gibi eitli dil ve framework'lerden faydalanyor olacaz. Dolays ile ilgili konularda eksiiniz varsa ltfen bu konularda eksiklerinizi gidererek kendinizi gelitirmenizi neriyorum(Bu konulardaki derslerimden faydalanabilirsiniz)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Perform Umrah Easy Umrah Step by step" |
"Step By Step Guide How to Perform Umrah:There are four (4) Rites of Umrah:Putting up of IhramTawafSayeeQasar / HalaqYou will learn about all the steps of Umrah with Du'a Virtues of UmrahUmrah is expiation for the sins committed between it and another Umrah. (Bukhari, Muslim) The act of Umrah is known to cleanse ones soul from past committed sins. It is advised to do Umrah more than once in your lifetime so that it can act as a washing of the sins from the last time one performed Umrah.Performing Umrah also protects one from poverty since they are there solely for the sake of Allah(SWT) spending their wealth and time in completing the deed.Like Hajj, the act of Umrah is amongst the best deeds one can perform when pleasing Allah (swt). In the blessed month of Ramadan, the reward of performing Umrah is equal to that of performing Hajj with the Prophet (S). Another great virtue of Umrah is that if one passes away in their journey of Umrah, the reward for them is Jennah."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Read Quran verse by verse Juz 26 (Ha'a Meem)" |
"Quran Recitation CourseThe primary objective of this course is to help students recite Quran in the way it is to be recited. This course helps the students regarding the rules that need to be followed in order to recite the words and verses properly. After completion of this course successfully, a student is able to recite Quran like an expert. Insha'AllahImportance of Learning Quran:The importance of learning in general and learning Quran in particular is evident from the first revelation that Allah Almighty bestowed on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The verses of the first revelation say:""Proclaim! (or read) in the name of the Lord and Cherisher, who created, -created man out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood""(Chapter 96; Verse 1-2)Thus Islam from its very beginning has been a proponent of learning, and what better book for learning can be other than Quran which is the word of Allah Almighty. Furthermore, pertaining to learning of Quran, the following hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) speaks for itself:""The best of you is he who has learnt the Quran and then taught it.""(Bukhari)Thus the learning of Quran and its teaching is one of the sacred acts a Muslim can perform.Prime Goals of Learning QuranLearning Quran is a religious obligation hence its learning fulfills this duty.By learning Quran you can understand the ultimate guiding rules and principles.We come in direct contact with the word of Almighty Allah.Access guiding principles regarding the way of living life as Allah Almighty wants us to live."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Read Quran verse by verse Juz 25 (Elahe Yuruddo)" |
"Quran Recitation CourseThe primary objective of this course is to help students recite Quran in the way it is to be recited. This course helps the students regarding the rules that need to be followed in order to recite the words and verses properly. After completion of this course successfully, a student is able to recite Quran like an expert. Insha'AllahImportance of Learning Quran:The importance of learning in general and learning Quran in particular is evident from the first revelation that Allah Almighty bestowed on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The verses of the first revelation say:""Proclaim! (or read) in the name of the Lord and Cherisher, who created, -created man out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood""(Chapter 96; Verse 1-2)Thus Islam from its very beginning has been a proponent of learning, and what better book for learning can be other than Quran which is the word of Allah Almighty. Furthermore, pertaining to learning of Quran, the following hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) speaks for itself:""The best of you is he who has learnt the Quran and then taught it.""(Bukhari)Thus the learning of Quran and its teaching is one of the sacred acts a Muslim can perform.Prime Goals of Learning QuranLearning Quran is a religious obligation hence its learning fulfills this duty.By learning Quran you can understand the ultimate guiding rules and principles.We come in direct contact with the word of Almighty Allah.Access guiding principles regarding the way of living life as Allah Almighty wants us to live."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Read Quran verse by verse Juz 24 (Faman Azlam)" |
"Quran Recitation CourseThe primary objective of this course is to help students recite Quran in the way it is to be recited. This course helps the students regarding the rules that need to be followed in order to recite the words and verses properly. After completion of this course successfully, a student is able to recite Quran like an expert. Insha'AllahImportance of Learning Quran:The importance of learning in general and learning Quran in particular is evident from the first revelation that Allah Almighty bestowed on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The verses of the first revelation say:""Proclaim! (or read) in the name of the Lord and Cherisher, who created, -created man out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood""(Chapter 96; Verse 1-2)Thus Islam from its very beginning has been a proponent of learning, and what better book for learning can be other than Quran which is the word of Allah Almighty. Furthermore, pertaining to learning of Quran, the following hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) speaks for itself:""The best of you is he who has learnt the Quran and then taught it.""(Bukhari)Thus the learning of Quran and its teaching is one of the sacred acts a Muslim can perform.Prime Goals of Learning QuranLearning Quran is a religious obligation hence its learning fulfills this duty.By learning Quran you can understand the ultimate guiding rules and principles.We come in direct contact with the word of Almighty Allah.Access guiding principles regarding the way of living life as Allah Almighty wants us to live."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Quran verse by verse Juz 22 (Wa Manyaqnut)" |
"Quran Recitation CourseThe primary objective of this course is to help students recite Quran in the way it is to be recited. This course helps the students regarding the rules that need to be followed in order to recite the words and verses properly. After completion of this course successfully, a student is able to recite Quran like an expert. Insha'AllahImportance of Learning Quran:The importance of learning in general and learning Quran in particular is evident from the first revelation that Allah Almighty bestowed on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The verses of the first revelation say:""Proclaim! (or read) in the name of the Lord and Cherisher, who created, -created man out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood""(Chapter 96; Verse 1-2)Thus Islam from its very beginning has been a proponent of learning, and what better book for learning can be other than Quran which is the word of Allah Almighty. Furthermore, pertaining to learning of Quran, the following hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) speaks for itself:""The best of you is he who has learnt the Quran and then taught it.""(Bukhari)Thus the learning of Quran and its teaching is one of the sacred acts a Muslim can perform.Prime Goals of Learning QuranLearning Quran is a religious obligation hence its learning fulfills this duty.By learning Quran you can understand the ultimate guiding rules and principles.We come in direct contact with the word of Almighty Allah.Access guiding principles regarding the way of living life as Allah Almighty wants us to live."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Quran verse by verse Juz 21 (Utlu Ma Oohi)" |
"Quran Recitation CourseThe primary objective of this course is to help students recite Quran in the way it is to be recited. This course helps the students regarding the rules that need to be followed in order to recite the words and verses properly. After completion of this course successfully, a student is able to recite Quran like an expert. Insha'AllahImportance of Learning Quran:The importance of learning in general and learning Quran in particular is evident from the first revelation that Allah Almighty bestowed on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The verses of the first revelation say:""Proclaim! (or read) in the name of the Lord and Cherisher, who created, -created man out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood""(Chapter 96; Verse 1-2)Thus Islam from its very beginning has been a proponent of learning, and what better book for learning can be other than Quran which is the word of Allah Almighty. Furthermore, pertaining to learning of Quran, the following hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) speaks for itself:""The best of you is he who has learnt the Quran and then taught it.""(Bukhari)Thus the learning of Quran and its teaching is one of the sacred acts a Muslim can perform.Prime Goals of Learning QuranLearning Quran is a religious obligation hence its learning fulfills this duty.By learning Quran you can understand the ultimate guiding rules and principles.We come in direct contact with the word of Almighty Allah.Access guiding principles regarding the way of living life as Allah Almighty wants us to live."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Quran verse by verse Juz 20 (A'man Khalaq)" |
"Quran Recitation CourseThe primary objective of this course is to help students recite Quran in the way it is to be recited. This course helps the students regarding the rules that need to be followed in order to recite the words and verses properly. After completion of this course successfully, a student is able to recite Quran like an expert. Insha'AllahImportance of Learning Quran:The importance of learning in general and learning Quran in particular is evident from the first revelation that Allah Almighty bestowed on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The verses of the first revelation say:""Proclaim! (or read) in the name of the Lord and Cherisher, who created, -created man out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood""(Chapter 96; Verse 1-2)Thus Islam from its very beginning has been a proponent of learning, and what better book for learning can be other than Quran which is the word of Allah Almighty. Furthermore, pertaining to learning of Quran, the following hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) speaks for itself:""The best of you is he who has learnt the Quran and then taught it.""(Bukhari)Thus the learning of Quran and its teaching is one of the sacred acts a Muslim can perform.Prime Goals of Learning QuranLearning Quran is a religious obligation hence its learning fulfills this duty.By learning Quran you can understand the ultimate guiding rules and principles.We come in direct contact with the word of Almighty Allah.Access guiding principles regarding the way of living life as Allah Almighty wants us to live."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Quran verse by verse Juz 19 (Wa Qalallazina)" |
"Quran Recitation CourseThe primary objective of this course is to help students recite Quran in the way it is to be recited. This course helps the students regarding the rules that need to be followed in order to recite the words and verses properly. After completion of this course successfully, a student is able to recite Quran like an expert. Insha'AllahImportance of Learning Quran:The importance of learning in general and learning Quran in particular is evident from the first revelation that Allah Almighty bestowed on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The verses of the first revelation say:""Proclaim! (or read) in the name of the Lord and Cherisher, who created, -created man out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood""(Chapter 96; Verse 1-2)Thus Islam from its very beginning has been a proponent of learning, and what better book for learning can be other than Quran which is the word of Allah Almighty. Furthermore, pertaining to learning of Quran, the following hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) speaks for itself:""The best of you is he who has learnt the Quran and then taught it.""(Bukhari)Thus the learning of Quran and its teaching is one of the sacred acts a Muslim can perform.Prime Goals of Learning QuranLearning Quran is a religious obligation hence its learning fulfills this duty.By learning Quran you can understand the ultimate guiding rules and principles.We come in direct contact with the word of Almighty Allah.Access guiding principles regarding the way of living life as Allah Almighty wants us to live."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |