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"Certificao Scrum Developer" |
"O mercado agilista est em constante crescimento, e o framework mais popular o Scrum Framework.O mercado possui um grande nmero de Scrum Master e Product Owner, porm, um nmero ainda pequeno de profissionais certificados Scrum Developer.Existe uma necessidade de profissionais com conhecimento sobre desenvolvimento de software, construo automatizada e testes automatizados e com a certificao em Scrum Developer.Este curso foi elaborado para voc aprender os detalhes do papel do time de desenvolvimento no entendimento do Scrum Framework visando atender a necessidade da organizao e gerar produtos de valor e melhoria contnua.O curso vai te preparar para a principal certificao em Scrum Developer do mercado criada pelos fundadores do Scrum:PSD I da Scrum,orgDiferencial: curso direto e objetivo, focado na certificao com dicas e prticas.Simulados para que voc possa estar totalmente preparado para o exame.O curso tambm atende a quem j possui o conhecimento Scrum Framework e est em busca de simulados para praticar e avaliar o seu conhecimento.ATENOEste curso preparatrio para a certificao Scrum Developer. No Workshop/treinamento para se tornar Scrum Developer.Professional Scrum , Professional Scrum Master, PSM, PSM I etc is the protected brand of Scrum,org Our course and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum,org.All the content related to Scrum Guide is taken from scrumguides,org is under the Attribution ShareAlike license of Creative Commons.Este curso no endossado pela scrum,org"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"3 Gnde Mkemmel Psikolog Sitesi na Edin Sfr Kodlama" |
"Dnyann en byk web yazlm marketi olan (Envato Market) ThemeForest'ta bulunan 59$'lk Orijinal Wordpress Temamz yasal olarak 59 TL'ye alyor, yllarca kullanlacak mkemmel PSKOLOG/YAAM KOU sitesini 3 gnde tasarlyoruz.Eskiden lks saylan ""web sitesi sahibi olma"" fikri artk tam anlamyla bir ihtiyatr. Kurum ve kurulularn tesinde artk insanlar bireysel olarak da web site sahibi olmak iin bir devinim ierisindeler. Nitekim bu durum piyasay olduka gl hale getirse de niteliksiz ilerin de says bir hayli fazla! Bu kursta anlatlanlar dikkatle dinlediiniz taktirde hzl ve sonuca ynelik bir biimde web sitesi tasarlamay reneceksiniz. Tabii ki de tm bu teknik konularla beraber web tasarmdaki etik deerler hakknda da bilgi sahibi olacaksnz!Bu tasarmlar orijinal yazlmlarla yapacanz iin kalc, kaliteli ve itimat dolu bir hizmeti mterilerinize sunacaksnz. Bu yolda size lazm olanlar: Bilgisayar, cep telefonu, internet ve alma azmi! Tm bunlara sahipseniz, artk web tasarm iinden ksa zaman ierisinde, zgrlnz kaptrmadan ok ciddi gelirler elde edeceksiniz demektir."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Mster en Web Services con C#" |
"En este curso desarrollaremos y consumiremos servicios web, usando el lenguaje de programacin C#.Iniciaremos desde lo mas bsico, creando servicios muy sencillos de consultar, para luego trabajar con servicios que reciban como argumento vectores, XML, y JSONTrabajar con el formato JSON, en C# por lo general, es un poco complicado, pero en este curso te enseare algunos trucos y formas de trabajar con este formato.Usaremos Internet Information Services (IIS), para publicar nuestros servicios y el consumo lo realizaremos por consola.Para hacer un mejor seguimiento a nuestros servicios, te enseare a almacenar un Log, durante el proceso de consumo.Crearemos un mtodo especial, que va a retornar los datos de la base en formato JSON, de manera dinmica.Tambin implementaremos unos servicios web realizados en otro lenguaje de programacin y los consumiremos con C#, de esta manera te quedara mas claro, la facilidad con la que se comunican 2 lenguajes de programacin, bajo un mismo estndar.Aprender este estndar de comunicacin te abrir las puertas en el mercado laboral, tanto en corporaciones que tienen toda su infraestructura en servicios web, como en pequeas empresas que desean integrarse con un proveedor.Finalmente, aprenderemos a usar la herramienta SoapUI, la cual nos sirve, para testear nuestros mtodos, adems de hacer una demostracin al usuario final sobre el funcionamiento de los servicios.Solo me queda desearte lo mejor, y bienvenido al curso.******************** English *******************Master in Web Services with C #* You will learn to create and consume Web Services, using the C # programming languageIn this course we will develop and consume web services, using the C # programming language.We will start from the most basic, creating very easy to consult services, and then work with services that receive vectors, XML, and JSON as argumentsWorking with the JSON format, in C # in general, is a bit complicated, but in this course I will teach you some tricks and ways of working with this format.We will use Internet Information Services (IIS), to publish our services and the consumption will be done by console.To better monitor our services, I will teach you how to store a Log, during the consumption process.We will create a special method, which will return the database data in JSON format, dynamically.We will also implement some web services made in another programming language and we will consume them with C #, in this way it will be clearer to you, the ease with which 2 programming languages communicate, under the same standard.Learning this communication standard will open the doors to you in the labor market, both in corporations that have all their infrastructure in web services, and in small companies that want to integrate with a provider.Finally, we will learn to use the SoapUI tool, which is useful for us, to test our methods, in addition to demonstrating to the end user how the services work.It only remains for me to wish you the best, and welcome to the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine 4-Hayalinizdeki Oyunu Gelitirmeye Balayn" |
"Unreal Engine 4 oyun motoru ile nasl kodlama yapabileceinizi ,planladnz oyun fikirlerini nasl uygulayabileceinizi renmek iin oluturduum bu kursta kod bilginiz olmasa bile sadece nasl bilgisayar kullanacanz bilmeniz yeterli.Bu ksmdan sonrasn derslerimizi dikkatli takip ederek ,bize sorular sorarak Unreal oyun motoru ve ktphanesini nasl kullanacanz renebilirsiniz.Oyun motoru ierisinde kullanlan Blueprint Grsel Yazlm dilini kademe kademe renecek ve kurs sonunda kendi oyununuzu tasarlamaya balayabileceksiniz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Beginners - Make your own Awesome Websites Today." |
"If you are a person who is looking to be shown an easy to follow Step-By-Step training that would make it easy for you to make your own website exactly the way you want it to be, for your business, brand, or personal life, this course is for you.There are thousands if not millions of web design stars amongst you that do not take the first step because you are unsure if web design would work for you.This can be a big problem if you have to pay for a website domain name and web hosting before you find out if this is right for you.Being busy working or studying leaves very little time to pursue your passion, and monthly costs would definitely discourage most people.In this course, I show you how to download and install FREE software that allows you to create WordPress websites on your personal Mac or Windows desktop so you can practice website creation at your own pace without having to worry about monthly costs of web hosting or paying for a domain name.Take as long as you need to make your perfect website for free and only when you are ready to take it online, pay for your domain and web hosting.In this step by step training, I will guide you to create your website with free WordPress installation and show you how to customise it using Free Themes, Plugins and widgets.After you create your perfect website and want to launch it online, I will show you how to migrate it with a few clicks to your online web hosting. To put the icing on the cake, none of the training steps involve any coding or programming which means anyone interested in webdesign can learn to create fully functional and professional websites.When you've done all that, your website will look like it has been created by an experienced professional web designer.If you know how to use a computer, have access to the internet and have a passion to learn, this course is for you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Chart Topping Country Guitar!" |
"Throughout this course, we'll be covering acoustic rhythm, electric rhythm and electric lead guitar within the world of modern country guitar. We'll explore not only the techniques and styles but also how multiple guitars can work together to create clean and contemporary country sound in a range of styles. With high quality backing tracks produced by an award winning guitarist, there's something for everyone within this course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's Japanese: Daily Phrases to Travel and Communicate" |
"Beginner's Japanese: Daily Phrases to Travel and Communicate will cover everything you need to know to travel to Japan without worrying and mastering the whole language.It is designed for Japanese beginners to master the greetings, travel phrases and vocabulary, Kanji signs and understand some cultural tips and customs to travel Japan.You can gain access to dozens of sample phrases that will rapidly improve your understanding of the language."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Recipes For Authentic Japanese Meals" |
"Welcome to ""Recipes For Authentic Japanese Meals"" !!In this course, you will be cooking Japanese soul food.Yes, the dishes that Japanese people have been eating since their childhood. You do not need to be a skilled chef or have special cooking tools to make them. You'll learn how to prepare them withing about 30 min !!There are 8 popular Japanese home-cooked dishes in this course. -Perfect Sushi Rice-Chirashi Zushi -Tonkatsu-Katsu Sandwich -Japanese Omelet Sandwich-Takikomi Gohan (Shiitake Mushrooms)-Takikomi Gohan (Ginger Abura-age)-Japanese CurryFor each of the dishes, I created the following videos:-introduction (explanation of each dish),-ingredients-preparation and cooking. You'll be guided through video demonstrations from preparing ingredients to serving the dishes. Downloadable ingredients lists are attached to every dish!Enjoy cooking Japanese soul food!"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
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"Consumer Behavior"
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
"Kids Coding - Program A 3D Video FPS Games With Ease" |
"There is no other game programming course like this one. I will teach you how to create a fully working video game easily. From scratch! You will learn how to design and program your game and it will be easy and fun even if you never wrote a single line of code before. Unbelievable right? right!And this is not all. I'm also going to teach you how to pack your program and all the necessary assets into a single executable file ready to be deployed to online stores like ""itch"" so you can actually make some money out of it.This course comes with all the software and assets that you will need for creating your 3D games - The development environment, 3D graphics, audio files, background images and 2D sprites. Everything is bundled in one quick small installation and you are good to go.So who is this course for? It's for anyone who is interested in programming and video games creation students/teaches/kids as long as you know basic English read & write.See you inside,Adi Barda"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Guide on how to create 2D Animations in After Effe" |
"In this class I will show you how to create a simple and basic animation in After Effects. After I will show you how you can improve your animation simply by adding some basic effects.You only need to have the basic program Adobe After Effects.You will be guided step by step. The class is beginners friendly so don't be afraid to jump into it and have some fun.You will learn:Part 1 - The workspace of Adobe After EffectsPart 2 - How to create shapes using the pen and shape toolPart 3 - Anchor point toolPart 4 - Transform optionsPart 5 - Hide, solo and lock layersPart 6 - Animating shapes using the Transform OptionsPart 7 - Loop expressionPart 8 - Easy ease keyframingPart 9 - Creating background and water bubblesPart 10 - Exporting the animationPart 11 - Wave WarpPart 12 - DuplicatePart 13 - PlantsPart 14 - Chromatic AberrationPart 15 - Creative Simple EffectsLet your Imagination run wild and create your own original animation using what you learn here. Good luck and have fun!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Cmo elaborar un proyecto: Paso a paso y con ejemplos" |
"En este curso voy a ensearte las cualidades personales necesarias para desarrollar un proyecto, diferenciar el mbito en el que puedes aplicar tu proyecto, hacer la planificacin de tu proyecto, que debe contener, cmo redactarlo punto por punto, saber hacer una evaluacin en las distintas fases del proyecto, cmo seleccionar el proyecto adecuado y cmo publicitarlo y divulgarlo."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"The Definitive Guide To Mindfulness & Mindfulness Meditation" |
"The Definitive Guide To Mindfulness & Mindfulness MeditationA Complete & Effective Course On How To Live A Mindful Life Through Meditation, Reducing Stress, Anxiety & Depression.Learn the powerful foundations of mindfulness and mindfulness meditation to help with stress management and personal development. This simple course will take away all the myths of meditation and allow you to truly move forward even if you have the most active mind in the world.This course has been updated with a comprehensive 14 mindfulness challenge which will truly help you to live a mindful life.It now has over 7hrs of content and is a great teaching resource as well.Meditation and Mindfulness isnt complicated and this easy to learn course will give you all the foundations you need to live a happy life with clarity and purpose.Certified: This is a certified course and a personal certificate from myself will be issued at completion on request.Mindfulness is a powerful tool to help people develop themselves, understand and work with stress, anxiety and life's super highway. We all need to spend some times on ourselves and Mindfulness is a great gift not just to use ourselves but also the course gives you the ability to teach others. This course will give you the foundation to build a stronger connection and relationship with yourself, allowing you to grow psychically and spirituality, but furthermore allowing you to teach others these very powerful tools to cope with everyday life, loss or anxiety or mental issues. As always my courses are un-edited and cut through the complications and the noise of complexity to deliver in a way that will resonate with you.I have two 5 Star reviews from Daiva & Sandra I am so pleased they have seen results and transformation and if you sign up today you can too.Daiva DugnaitaReally enjoyed this course thanks you Julian by helping others to connect back to ourselves and be able to understand Spiritual Mindfulness and how to work with it. Very grateful being able to do this course ??Sandra CampbellJulian comes across as a sincere genuine person who is focussed on helping others to achieve inner peace. His voice is soothing to listen to and easy to stay connected with during his videos.#mindfulness #spirituality #mindful #meditation"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Definitive Guide To Chakra System & Energy Healing" |
"The Definitive Guide To Chakra System & Energy HealingCertified: Understand Your Chakras, Your Energy Body: Become A Healer, Helping Others & Yourself Live A Healthy LifeDo you want to feel energised and balanced?Do you want to live a life with clarity and purpose?Would you like to help other achieve this outcome?Certified: This is a certified course and a personal certificate from myself will be issued at completion on request.With this course you can truly delver for yourself and for others in a meaningful way.*****This course is the highest rated chakra course on Udemy and the reason for this in my eyes is the content is delivered from the divine via my spiritual guides. You will feel the energy in a way like never before.*****This spiritual healing and chakra energy masterclass will help you to work with spirit in an authentic and intuitive way. Spirit is there to help us develop along our pathway enabling us to serve spirit and work in a healing way with people whilst developing our psychic mediumship. Understanding the spiritual connection and then using that energy to firstly understand the chakras but then to balance and allow them to resonate with the earths own force is key to helping people live healthy happy lives with purpose and clarity. This course will allow you to work within your self but also to help others. If you are looking for a healing course based around energy and spirit this course is for you. All my course are channelled from spirit and enhanced by my own spiritual experiences they are unedited and always cut through the complexity of human layers.I truly believe this course can help you unlock health and happiness and has a extensive ebook for further help and guidance.I am here to help you so join me on this journey now.Here are two of many 5 Star Reviews ***** from Mary & Amy, I am so glad they have seen results and you can to if you sign up today.Mary PorterEverything I have questions about, is all in the course. Julian Jenkins delivers over and above my expectations.Amy HongThis course was my introduction to chakras. I liked that I didn't drown in information; the course was practical and informative, and the chakra meditation in section 3 was incredible. Thank you, Julian.#Psychic #Mediumship #Spirituality #PsychicMediumshipDevelopment #spiritualhealing #chakra #energyhealing"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Psychic Mediumship: How to connect with your Spirit Guides" |
"Spiritual Psychic Mediumship: How to connect with your Spirit GuidesCertified: This is a certified course and a personal certificate from myself will be issued at completion on request.One of the biggest questions I get asked is about connecting and working with spiritual guides during psychic mediumship development. There are many myths about guides and the awakening of your spiritual self, this course cuts through those myths and will allow you to connect and build personal relationships with your spiritual guides and inspirers. As always all my courses are un-edited and are channelled to me from my spiritual guides and enhanced through my spiritual experience of over 40 years.If you are looking to build a stronger connection with spirit and in-particular your guides then this course if for you.Sign Up Today and enhance your spiritual journey like so many of the spiritual lights that enrol on my courses. I believe this is my true spiritual calling and I am one of the highest rated spiritual teachers on Udemy as all my courses are a mixture of my experiences and channelling from spirit.They are not edited and the connection and intimacy of spiritual guidance is a joy to behold join me today and lets enhance your spiritual journey.Join me on one of the highest rated spiritual courses here is a review from one of my graduates Alicia *****""I started training with Julian and suddenly, after 35 years.. everything started to fall into place and make sense! There is no doubt in my mind why I was guided to Julian .... he is truly amazing.. so gifted... so passionate and has this unbelievable gift to make you feel like there is only you and him in the room... it feels like he is directly speaking to you! He works and speaks from the heart! I am so incredibly grateful for Julian and his teaching and guidance! If you are reading this youve also been guided to Julian! So take the leap.. I promise, its something you wont regret it x""#Psychic #Mediumship #Spirituality #PsychicMediumshipDevelopment #Spiritguides"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Develop Psychic Mediumship As A Career" |
"Learn How To Develop Psychic Mediumship As A Career Certified: Learn How To Deliver Your Natural Psychic Ability To give Psychic Readings For Spiritual Guidance & MoneyDevleop Yourself To Work Full Time As A Psychic Medium Helping People Heal.Certified: This is a certified course and a personal certificate from myself will be issued at completion on request.I have mentioned the word money in the subtitle and some people feel strange when discussing being paid for delivering spiritual services, it took me a while to get used to this, but if we are the bright guiding light that spirit wants us to be we have to devote time, effort and energy and like any service we have to be paid otherwise we cant do it.Never feel bad or wrong for being paid for what we do, it is a valuable service and if you follow this course your clients, friends and family will gladly pay due to the quality and love you give.I have conducted hundreds and hundreds of private readings and over the years I have adapted and changed the format of my private readings. The reason for this is to better serve spirit and to also give the sitter exactly what they need right here right now. Building the relationship with spirit and understanding the core foundations of the spiritual team will allow you to truly give and receive the necessary information or healing for the person you are working with in the sitting. This course will unpack my journey and help you better understand how to set up, frame and conduct a personal reading for those who would like to use your spiritual services and create a full time occupation This is one of the highest rated courses on Udemy and I am so proud to have helped so many, here is a review from Debbie who took the course.Debbie SwansonAs usual Mr Jenkins explains things thoroughly, I have blossomed taking his courses, and with practice and implementing the information given I feel growth is imminentSign up today and start your new life and career in the spiritual world.#Psychic #Mediumship #Spirituality #PsychicMediumshipDevelopment #tarot #tarot reading"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Angelic Psychic Mediumship: Learn to talk to your Angels x" |
"Angelic Psychic Mediumship: Learn to talk to your Angels xLearn how to connect and talk to your angels to receive healing & powerful guidance from the angelic realmCertified: This is a certified course and a personal certificate from myself will be issued at completion on request.How To Psychically Work With Angels allows us to get a much deeper understanding of the Angelic Realm and the amazing gifts and relationships we can cultivate truly enhancing your psychic and mediumship spiritual development. Angels for hundreds of years have featured in our world and the ability to build an intimate relationship with them is hugely rewarding for all. They can help with all aspects of our physical and spiritual lives and this course will allow you to get so close you will see and feel their presence.Angels are always ready to help and they are waiting on your instruction and connection this course will ensure that you receive the many gifts such as healing, love, protection, inspiration, and guidance.I am one of the highest rated spiritual teachers on Udemy and that makes me so proud that I can share my experiences with others and help them along their own spiritual journey. There are many amazing reviews on this course, but here is one that I truly love as it has made a difference to Diane's life xHere is a review from the courseDiane Nobles EldakakI have awakened to my own spiritual journey and need the guidance of the Archangels, as well as my Spirit Guides. Julian has given me a deeper understanding of who the Archangels and Spirit Guides are, and how to call upon them based on my needs and as support in all my endeavours.#Psychic #Mediumship #Spirituality #PsychicMediumshipDevelopment #Angels"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Spiritual Psychic Mediumship With Confidence" |
"Advanced Spiritual Psychic Mediumship With Confidence,Certified: Trust your spiritual psychic mediumship & enhance your spirituality & psychic development remove doubt & fearCertified: This is a certified course and a personal certificate from myself will be issued at completion on request.Learn how to build psychic confidence, trust your connection with spirit and your gift as a psychic medium... Eradicate self doubt and the muggle mind to help grow and unveil your amazing psychic spiritual abilities.You will need to have a basic understanding of psychic mediumship.This course is taking an in-depth look at how we need to take the pressure off ourselves, let spirit take some of the load.We will learn how to build a stronger connection and how to surrender to the love and development of our spiritual journey through, Be Love, Give Love and provide evidence of eternal love.If you want to truly provide evidence through mediumship with confidence then this course is for you.Just think how much more connected you would be if you managed to remove your self-doubt?Fulfil your true higher self and develop the psychic mediumship qualities and skills you have always wanted.#Spirituality #Spiritual #Mediumship #Psychic"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Psychic Mediumship: Spiritual Past Life Regression" |
"Psychic Mediumship: Spiritual Past Life Regression: Heal and Help HealI am so proud and excited to launch my new course: Psychic Mediumship Spiritual Past Live Regression.One of the highest rated spiritual course on Udemy. *****Certified: This is a certified course and a personal certificate from myself will be issued at completion on request.Past life regression training started in the 1970s with Morris Netherton and he started the very first past life regression programs, Today the treatments and therapies have been changed, modified and adapted to suit todays needs.I like to take this one step further and not only work with you in terms of your regression but call upon my spiritual team to do some further detective work and healing within the course.We will look at all the core areas of PLR but the main output like all my courses are channeled by spirit, simple to follow and can be used by yourself or there to teach others the amazing benefits of past life regression.Work your way through this powerful online course and add more transformational techniques to your spiritual tool box.Learn how to take yourself and clients back in time to past lives and early childhood memories to help clear any unwanted emotions, habits and blockages that may be holding them back.If you want to find out more about Past Life Regression and how you can use these techniques to help others then my new online course is for you!Does a past life influence our present, every day lives?Do you sometimes wonder where a certain unusual habit, fear, or other strange behaviour comes from?Why do we often sometimes think that weve been somewhere before?Well, maybe we have!Spiritual Past life regression is an exciting trip into your own past lives, unlocking doors in your mind that open other worlds, worlds that were yours in another timeI have been working with spirit for 40 years and all my courses on Udemy are bestsellers or some are the highest rated in their area.So if you are looking to unlock some of those past life manifestations, just curious about what your life was before or even want to set up a practice to help or teach PLR then this course is for you.There will be a certificate at the end of this and you will be able to practice this on others.As always you get my full support along this new and exciting journey.Five Star Reviews of the course.***** Lara Jamieson *****It was an informative course that explained everything I needed to know to understand the basics of Spiritual PLR. I enjoyed my own Past Life Regression Meditation and I am looking forward to developing these skills to help others on their journey. Thank you for the experience and opportunity to learn and grow from your knowledge and sharing your gifts with us. I found Julian sincere and engaging and although it was video, I found him to be a person I could trust. Sincerely, Lara***** Cheri Baker ********** ""Fantastic Course!!! Julian explains so well, I was able to retrieve and begin healing myself straight away! I look forward to practicing more with the detailed Ebook! Thank you for all you do Julian!! A true blessing and inspiration. Much love Cheri""Thank you for your supportBe Love & Give LoveJulian x"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Psychic Mediumship Development: How To Activate Your 3rd Eye" |
"Spiritual Psychic Mediumship Development: How to activate your 3rd eyeCertified: Awaken Your Spirituality & 3rd Eye Allowing You To Amplify Your Psychic Mediumship & Spiritual Development***** Highest Rated Course*****This course will help you to truly understand your Spiritual Third Eye unlocking your Psychic Mediumship development. It will take you on a spiritual journey that will fundamentally change the way you see things, the way you react and also completely amplify your spiritual awakening and enhancing your psychic mediumship development and clairvoyance.I will help you to cleanse, build energy and activate your third eye in a way that will truly enhance your spiritual development.All my courses are channelled and unedited, so my experiences and spirits knowledge is a perfect blend to you unlocking your spiritual journey.Please read my reviews and you will see this is my spiritual calling and I don't just offer courses i offer continued support along your pathway.This course is one of the highest rated Psychic CoursesCheri Carpenterthis is a great course! lots of good info. i loved the meditations! they're very helpful for increasing your psychic awareness and very relaxing. i have 5 of Julians courses so far and plan to get more :) he's a great teacher. i highly recommend Julians how to be psychic with psychic attunement course, that's a great course with lots of great information.Anne Scarlato Wow! Amazing meditations! Julians classes are enjoyable, thought provoking & he can transfer experiential learning of when the teacher appears. He is a wonderful guide on the spiritual path.Sign up today and lets grow together xxxx #Psychic #Mediumship #Spirituality #PsychicMediumshipDevelopment #Clairvoyance"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How To Be A Psychic Medium: Psychic Mediumship For Beginners" |
"How to be a Psychic Medium: Psychic Mediumship For Beginners.Certified: Learn The Core Principles Of Psychic Mediumship Development & How To Enhance Your Spirituality & ConnectionCertified : This is a certified course and a personal certificate from myself will be issued.This wonderful psychic mediumship foundation course will help you to get a firm understanding of the core principles of living a spiritual life through spirituality and building an inner connection with self and a strong connection and relationship with spirit. If you have started to feel a little different lately, if you have found that you are starting to change the way you think about life and you have more questions than answers, then maybe you are starting to awaken spiritually.This course will help you build your own spiritual framework in a way that cuts through a lot of the spiritual noise that is taught and as always all my courses are not off the cuff, but I don't prep anything as it is completely channelled from my guides and the divine.I hope you enjoy the course as much as I love putting them together, for me this is a calling and it is my aim to help you to help yourself to live a spiritual life with clarity and purpose.With this in mind, I have so many ways I can offer support from my Facebook group which you can access, plus my youtube channel where I create content based on your questions and speed bumps.I am so glad you are reading this because it is where you are meant to be. All my courses are amongst if not the highest-rated and the reviews constantly blow me away.Here is a review from Valerie who took the course. xValerie AdamsI am so excited to have been guided to Julian. I feel like I am finally in the right place at the right time. He is easy to follow and keeps a steady pace that helps you remain interested and engaged. I highly recommend his courses. I plan to take them all!#Mediumship #Psychic #Spirituality #Development."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Spiritual Healing Through The Divine Feminine And Masculine" |
"Julian Jenkins and Rev Linda Rauch will be exploring the Divine Masculine and Feminine, looking at how we can access these qualities, how they are embodied in Gods and Goddesses and how our upbringing influences how we connect to these Divine aspects within. The course includes some deepening meditations to help recognise our Divinity and heal our wounds."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Intuitive Tarot: The Complete Tarot Card Reading Masterclass" |
"Intuitive Tarot: The Complete Tarot Card Reading MasterclassEnhance Your Intuitive Psychic Mediumship Ability & Deliver Accurate Spiritual Tarot Card Readings ConfidentlyHave you always wondered about tarot cards? Have you picked up the cards and wished you could read tarot cards for others?Have you always wanted to take tarot card reading up as a career move?Well if the answer to any of these questions is yeas that this Intuitive Tarot Masterclass course if for you. This extra-special course is brought to you by the experienced and one of Udemy's highest rated tutors Julian Jenkins and Linda Rauch who has been reading and teaching Tarot Cards and the art of Tarot Card Reading for over 30 years. The combination of the Tarot knowledge and intuitive mediumship makes this course even more compelling. We would recommend this course if you are a beginner starting or an experienced professional looking to sharpen your intuitive skills and learn to read your cards in a more connected and spiritual way. I always believe in the saying when you are ready to learn your teacher will appear and this course is very much that. We are here to help you develop a spiritual skill that you can share with others and develop in a way that will allow you to teach those who want to understand and learn the way of spiritual intuitive tarot. This is more than a tarot course, this is a spiritual masterclass. #Tarot #TarotReading #spirituality #spirit #mediumship #psychic #TarotCardReading"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Certified:The Definitive Guide To Trance Psychic Mediumship" |
"The Definitive Guide To Trance Psychic Mediumship DevelopmentCertified: Learn How To Perform Trance Psychic Mediumship Development & Enhance Your Spiritual JourneyThis course is designed for those who are looking to develop Trance Psychic Mediumship Development. It has fantastic 13 chapters filled with advice, exercises and a demonstration by one of the teachers, all about this wonderful form of mediumship. It will open your awareness to your Spirit team in the altered state of consciousness known as the trance state and help to guide you on a pathway of discovery. You will understand where trance mediumship fits into the mental mediumship categories, and about the control element in this discipline.It will be a great foundation to build on for those setting out on the journey, but it also contains lessons that will help those who are already studying this form of mediumship. So, whether you feel you are a complete beginner or that you have some experience already, then this is the course for you.This course is certified and a personal certificate will be issued at request on completion****** Course update this is now the highest rated Mediumship course on Udemy and it is amazing the wonderful emails and reviews we have received who have seen spiritual transformation and results.Here is a review from Sven and the words mean so much to us.Sven MissfelderI'd enjoy this course very much. The course opened a new, for me, dimension of Mediumship, I haven't heard about before until Julian mentioned it on his Facebook side. The course lay out is very good and the practical information is superb. If spirit wants me to become one of the world best trans mediums I will always say that this course is the foundation of my skill. Thank you Julian and thank you Martin all your efforts is much appreciated by me.So join Sven and us on this amazing journey by signing up for the course today x#Psychic #Mediumship #Spirituality #Trance"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Spring Live - Hands on web application development" |
"Web development is a wanted skill that every developer need to learn. Most applications are going web these days, so learning the Spring framework to develop web applications is a must. The Spring framework is very popular in the industry, and if you are going the web way then this course might be something for you. In this course Iwill teach you how to develop Spring web applications. Iwill take your with me and explain every single line of code in a very down-to-earth way. Iwill not bore you with long slideshow or theory lessons. In fact about 90% of my course is pure live coding. Have a great day learning something new, see you out there."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Live - Hands on Python 3 development" |
"This course will introduce you to Python 3 the fast track way using hands on teaching methods. All videos is 100%live coding with me talking and telling you all the needed details to venture fourth your journey with Python 3. Iwill make sure to teach you the most needed things in Python 3 for you to continue on your own. If you already know a programming language that would be the best, but if you total new to all programming maybe this course is not for you. Please make sure to get at least 1-3 months of programming experience before you continue with this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Test your knowledge: Kubernetes (Set of 4)" |
"Kubernetes TodayIf the term DevOps has anything to do with your career, then it is safe to say that you have at least heard of Kubernetes. If Containers are created to make sure that your Web Applications or Micro-services don't turn into a wreck; Kubernetes is developed to make sure that the Containers don't turn into a wreck! From an impressive idea to a wave of adoption, Kubernetes easily found its way from Google's data centres to servers across the globe. In 2018, Kubernetes was one of the most sought after and professionally promisingskills in the IT community and 2019 doesn't seem to be any different. Although Certified Kubernetes Admins and Application Developers are still an Elite class in terms of availability, leading Cloud providers are making sure that no industry (big or small) should hesitate towards migrating to Containers. Kubernetes is now easy and economic to adapt. All of this has caused a well-expected rise in Kubernetes jobs with a varying level of skills and promising pay. Credibility and PracticesKubernetes (also written as ""k8s"" in short) is open sourced and managed by CNCF which stands for Cloud Native Computing Foundation. It is a child organization of the Linux Foundation and it is responsible for vendor-neutral open source growth of projects like Kubernetes and Envoy as well as for providing credible certifications to aspiring professionals.In the case of Kubernetes, CNCF provides two different certifications. CKA which stands for Certified Kubernetes Administrator (suitable for the Ops side of DevOps) and CKAD which means Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (suitable for the Dev side of DevOps). Both of these certifications are definitely one of the most credible ways of proving your proficiency with k8s. So, you might think that clearing the certification after sufficient practice and preparation should pave your way to your dream k8s job, right?Well, No.You can strengthen your profile significantly with these certifications but the scope of Kubernetes jobs is wider, much wider. For example, it is quite likely that your next employer firm is using a hosted k8s solution on Cloud (like GKEor EKS) instead of running turnkey solution locally. On top of that, many of the k8s applications are deployed using third-party package managers (like Helm) and monitored using external agents (like Stackdriver). The ones mentioned above and other such tools are surely easier to learn compared to k8s itself. In fact, it is quite likely that you could be aware of 5 of such tools and your firm would end up using the 6th one. In such cases, even though learn-as-you-go would be the most efficient practice, knowing the types, basic structure and uses of such tools and plugins definitely helps a lot. About this Test - Background, Curriculum, Guidelines and RulesThis test is a meticulous compilation and arrangement of Multiple Choice Questions which challenges your k8s knowledge and skills not just as how it is documented, but also as for how the industry has adopted it. While keeping k8s as the undeniable focal point, this exam also explores the world around it. We gathered a team of over 15 experienced professionals from a spectrum of industries (ranging from Start-ups to MNCs) and asked them which parts of the whole k8s feature pool were most relevant and important to them. Then we collectively represented that insight as a large bunch of questions and equally divided them into 4 sets. Each set consists of 25 questions with a balanced weight on topics mentioned in the Curriculum given below. Curriculum:Basics of Containers and Container OrchestrationKubernetes Architecture (Working, Components and Configuration)Kubernetes Clusters (Set-up, Solutions, Nodes, Communication between Nodes)Kubernetes Workloads, Networking, Load Balancing and StorageBasic Kubernetes Practices (Cluster Administration, Orchestration, Resource Management)Advanced Kubernetes Practices (Troubleshooting, Logging-Monitoring, Security, Access Management)Kubernetes on Cloud (Offerings, Implementation Specifics, Set-up)Storage, Networking and Security for Hosted Kubernetes on CloudExternal package managers and other plugins [OPTIONAL]What to Expect from this Exam?Here is what you can expect in terms of the nature of questions:Basic and in-depth theoretical questionsQuestions based on kubectl command line and k8s object YAMLsQuestions relevant to hands-on k8s practiceTrue/False and Multiple Selection questions (where more than one answers are correct) are also presentQuestions based on practical application scenarios and/or troubleshooting instancesHow to prepare for this Test?Fortunately, preparing for this exam is a simple 3-step process:Go through the Kubernetes Documentation thoroughly and practice your concepts and applicationsOnce you are comfortable with k8s, try to explore its hosted solutions on cloud. Notice the similarities and differences and explore documentation wherever necessary. Optionally, you can also explore external tools like package managers and widen your scope of k8s applicability.Practice, Practice and Practice!Exam RulesEach set contains 25 Questions and each question carries one mark.The questions are of Multiple Choice Questions (One answer is correct), Multiple Selection Questions (More than one answers are correct) and True/False statement types.In case of Multiple Selection Questions, tick all the answers which are correct.Passing score per set is 80% which is deliberately kept a little higher than most of the interview passing thresholds. There is no negative marking.We encourage you to attempt all the questions and you will get 45 minutes to attempt every set.In case your answer is incorrect, you can use the solution hints and/or links to correct yourselves.Questions regarding Hosted Cloud implementations will carry less than 15% weight in-total across the sets. This has been deliberately set to serve the students who do not intend to opt for interviews or to use cloud anytime soon.You can attempt each set as many times as you desire.These exam questions do not claim to spoil any interview questions for any industry. Rather they are crafted to prepare you for what you may face during interviews. Even if you are not a future interview applicant, this exams aims to serve as a self-evaluation material to strengthen your Kubernetes practice.We want this exam to be useful for a longer period of time. We also want this exam to grow with its student community. Keeping that in mind, we will add two more sets of questions before the end of 2019 based on student demands and further surveys.We hope you have a pleasant experience and useful takeaways from this exam. Wish you all the best, Happy Learning!Thumbnail inspiration credit: ""freepik"""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5G and Wireless Communication for Beginners" |
"5G, the 5th Generation of Wireless Mobile Communication has taken 2019 by storm! Some people are making optimistic expectations, some are making ridiculous theories while others are awaiting any and every update about 5G. If we look at a few decades in the past... 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G have changed our social, professional and personal lives drastically. Yet 5G is expected to be the biggest game-changer of all which is amazing but not surprising! But, what exactly is 5G? This question is simple on the surface but gets more and more interesting as you dig deeper.5G is the fastest wireless mobile internet ever. It will serve ~10 times more devices than 4G and it will also empower Millions (let's say it again, Millions) of jobs! That's not all. 5G is like an entry pass for some of the following technologies to comfortably take over the commercial market.Internet of ThingsIndustrial AutomationMixed RealitySelf Driving vehiclesUnmanned locomotives and dronesCloud ServicesMore progressive web and so on.5G is revolutionary in many aspects. From antennas to frequencies, from networks to roll-outs; it's a major overhaul which was long-awaited and needed. But without understanding these basics, learning about 5G is like making lemonade without knowing what's a lemon!This course is your perfect companion for the Journey of understanding 5G from its roots.It starts off with the first generation of wireless telecom and takes key topics from every consequent update.Every essential concept of wireless communication is explained with simplicity, visually appealing graphics, animations and engaging narrative. From what is an antenna to how can Cloud aid 5G, from what is a frequency to how VoIP fits in mobile communication... You will get answers to all of your questions. You will also get business insights via stories and case studies. Mini assignments will keep you active and engaged. Articles and Stat-sheets will add value and longevity to your learning experience.That's not all, we have made sure that this course appeals to everyone because 5G will touch all of our lives equally. So, you don't even have to be from communications background! All you need to be is an average cellphone user! This course will start with easy and familiar beginnings and go to deeper and interesting ends. If you're from Communications though, some parts will be your quick revision while others will provide you largely overlooked but important insights! So whether you're a school student, an industry professional or someone in-between. There are different but satisfactory takeaways for all of you.You will love this course. Don't just take our word for it, check out what some of our 20000+ happy students have to say.Evan Payne ""Very clear, precise, step-by-step instructions. I've learned a lot! Great course.""Vitaliy Kim ""I will recommend this course to my friends as the starting point for the beginners or as the notes for those, who already have experience.""Ahmad Ali ""Love the short videos for each topic. Clear instructions. Each topic connects to the next one.""Piotr Sobczynski ""Simply Great! Covers every topic I needed. Thank you!""What are you waiting for? See you in the class!Happy Learning :)Note:Speed Test Visual Credit: Marques Brownlee (Youtube: MKBHD)Isometric Graphics Credit: Freepik (User: Freepik)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Planta Humanizada no Photoshop" |
"Seja capaz de cria uma planta totalmente diferenciada e profissional em um dos programas mais usados em todo o mundo, atravs de um arquivo de Autocad. Apresente para seus clientes ou professores de faculdade, plantas com uma aparncia realista ou artstica. Voce que arquiteto ou designer de interiores ficar surpreendido com oque o PHOTOSHOP capaz de fazer para transformar seus projetos. No fique ai parado, torne-se um profissional em plantas humanizadas, assim voce tera condies de mostrar que um profissional de alta qualidade."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D - Aprenda a criar uma cena LowPoly animada." |
"Neste curso voc ser capaz de criar uma cena LowPoly em um dos programas que mais vem ganhando usurios em todo o mundo. Aprenda a modelar, iluminar, aplicar texturas e a animar o seu projeto. Se voc nunca mexeu com o Cinema 4D e apaixonado por 3D este curso para voc . No fique ai parado, entre nesta jornada comigo e vamos juntos aprender e criar uma cena LowPoly."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Laravel + Vue: Create an advanced forum" |
"Hello guys! Iam back with my 2nd course on Udemy, this time on creating an advanced forum application using Vue and Laravel. Basic understanding of how Vue and Laravel work is required, as basics are not covered in this course. With that said, I hope you enjoy my course and don't hesitate to contact me for whatever reason!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |