Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Day Trade - Bsico ao Avanado Aes & Mini ndice" |
"Objetivo desse curso: Tudo que voc precisa saber sobre Day Trading reunido em um nico curso.Guia passo a passo para iniciantes.Aprenda desde a anlise grfica at taticas especficas para day-trade. utilizado uma plataforma gratis durante o curso. Qual o diferencial desse curso ?1) Autor Experiente ( Trader desde 2007 )2) Didtica: animaes para facilitar o aprendizado.3) Curso objetivo e sem enrolao.--"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Curso o Segredo Pensar!" |
"Nesse Curso o que eu vou falar no contedo terico aprendido em sala de aula e sim o que eu apliquei na minha vida e que funciona para qualquer pessoa. Vamos falar sobre o que PRECISO TER para que a vida mude de forma imediata; Vou te mostrar tambm como mudar crenas que aprisionam, ou seja, programaes mentais que nos impede de GANHAR DINHEIRO e viver o melhor da vida; Eu vou te mostrar como conquistar qualquer Sonho e Objetivo na Vida; E muito, muito mais;"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Docker od podstaw - dla programistw i nie tylko" |
"Przygotuj si na przyszo zwizan z kontenerami i konteneryzacj.Bez wzgldu na to jakiego jzyka jeste programist niemal pewne jest, e w najbliszej przyszoci w swojej pracy spotkasz si z kontenerami oraz konteneryzacj. Nie czekaj i ju dzi przygotuj si na to co nastpi.Wedug ostatnich bada ju ponad 80% firm wykorzystuje kontenery (Portworx container adoption survey report 2018). Jeszcze w roku 2017 ten wskanik wynosi 58%. Prawdopodobiestwo tego, i dziki znajomoci takich narzdzi jak Docker bdziesz w stanie wypromowa si na rynku pracy jest ogromne a ju w niedugim czasie znajomo omawianych w tym kursie zagadnie bdzie nalee do abecada kadego programisty / inyniera IT.Docker to narzdzie, ktre zrewolucjonizowao rynekCo pewien czas w brany ITzachodzi do rewolucji w podejciu do infrastruktury IT. Kiedy mielimy maszyny typu mainframe, nastpnie nastpia era PCi maszyn fizycznych, pniej pojawia si wirtualizacja a ostatnie lata to boom na rozwizania typu cloud a w wraz z nim dominacja kontenerw. Jeeli jeste programist lub inynierem DevOps zapewne zetkne si z chmur lub Twoja firma planuje wykorzystanie tego typu rozwiza. Bd pionierem i ju teraz zacznij uywa kontenerw w codziennej pracy.Dla kogo jest ten kursKurs przygotowany jest z myl o wszystkich tych, ktrzy chc zacz przygod z Docker-em. Gwny nacisk jest pooony na cz praktyczn i wskazanie co daje Docker w codziennej pracy programisty. Niemniej jednak kurs tumaczy rwnie szersze aspekty Docker-a jak i mechanizmy ktre skadaj si na to narzdzie dziki czemu nie tylko programici mog wykorzysta wiedz zawart w tym kursie.Poznaj Docker-a od podstawKurs poprowadzi Ci od podstaw w ktrych omwione zostan zalety kontenerw, pokazana zostanie architektura Dockera, podstawowe koncepcje i pojcia zwizane z tym narzdziem a nastpnie bdziemy przechodzi do bardziej skomplikowanych tematw.Zapoznasz si z uruchamianiem i monitorowaniem kontenerw. Poznasz jak dziaaj sieci wDockerze i jakie daj korzyci.Nastpnie nauczysz si tworzy i przygotowywa wasne obrazy i poznasz wygod jak daj one w codziennej pracy w zespole programistw. W przypadku jeeli do teraz musiae konfigurowa serwer aplikacyjny przez kilka godzin z wykorzystaniem Docker-a wszystkie te problemy znikn jak za dotkniciem czarodziejskiej rdki.Dowiesz si take jak bezpiecznie zapisywa Twoje dane z kontenerw i gdzie przechowywa wasne obrazy.Do bardziej skomplikowanych celw i jak rwnie do wygody poznasz narzdzie docker compose, ktre znacznie uatwi Twoj pracy w przypadku gdy bdziesz musia przygotowywa rodowisko zoone z wielu kontenerw.Na koniec wska gdzie dalej szuka informacji i dlaczego warto zgbia nadal temat kontenerw.O autorzePrzemysaw Nowak - Software Engineer skupiony gwnie na ""backend developmencie"" oraz kulturze DevOps. Uwielbia automatyzacj i prostot w kodzie. Od ponad 10 lat pracuje z jzykiem Java oraz JVM. Ostatnio coraz wicej z NodeJS oraz Python.Fan Docker-a oraz Kubernetes-a ze wzgldu na prostot, ktr te narzdzia wprowadzaj do wiata mikroserwisw. Od kilku lat pracuje z kontenerami na produkcji."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Chinese language for beginners : Mandarin Chinese HSK1-HSK3" |
"In this course you can start learning Chinese language from scratch or refresh it if you have learned it long ago and you have forgotten a lot. You don't need any knowledge of Chinese language to attend the course, but you can be on HSK1 or HSK2 level as well (just skip the parts you already know). We have made this course for people who are looking to learn Mandarin Chinese in a simple and easy way.After you finish the course, you'll be able to manage most communication in Chinese when traveling or living in China.Learn Chinese language with lessons made by real teachers.The course includes HSK1, HSK2 and HSK3.HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) or the Chinese Proficiency Test is an international standardized exam which assesses non-native Chinese speakers' Chinese language proficiency. It contains the most common Mandarin Chinese words and sentences. It fits all Chinese language learners, not only people who want to take the exams. You will gain confidence in using most common Chinese language words and phrases learned in this courseHSK1 Course includes 150 words, Around 200 sentences, 19 conversations and one HSK1 test.HSK2 Course includes 150 words, Around 300 sentences, 17 long conversations and one HSK2 test.HSK3 Course includes 300 words, Around 900 sentences, 25 stories and one HSK3 test.The course includes flashcards which can help you review and practice words and sentences from the lessons in a easy and funny way. We also added downloadable audio for every lesson (so you can keep learning while driving, running etc.) and PDFs. With all these things learning Chinese will be even easier!This course is easy to follow as it is divided into 3 parts:Part 1: learn new Chinese words and sentencesPart 2: learn a conversation or a story Part 3: review and homeworkThe course will help you with:1. Practicing both speaking and listening2. Understanding the most useful Chinese grammar rules3. Learning most useful words and phrases After studying HSK1 course you can understand and use very simple Mandarin Chinese phrases, meet basic needs for communication and possess the ability to further your Chinese language studiesAfter studying HSK level 2 you have an excellent grasp of basic Mandarin Chinese and can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.After studying HSK3 you can communicate in Chinese at a basic level in your daily, academic and professional life. You can manage most communication in Chinese when traveling or living in ChinaIn the course you don't have to learn Chinese characters, but it's strongly recommended to do it. Lets have some fun and learn Mandarin Chinese together!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Whatsapp Marketing training Get software increase your sales" |
"In this course you will whats-app marketing software which with alot of features and you can advertise your products and business very easily and no cost of sending message.Whatsapp is quickly becoming a powerful tool for businesses to reach their customers in a new way. With over 1 Billion active monthly users and one of the most used apps, businesses need to learn the strategies of how to jump on and take advantage of this network. This course teaches you how to leverage the power of Whatsapp to quickly grow, multiply and expand your business! The course has easy to follow case studies and examples that allow you to take immediate action so that you can get started quickly! The course is organized into 8 sections with videos and pdf's that will guide you step-by-step through the lessons. You will complete the course in an hour and be on your way to being a Whatsapp Marketing pro! Don't miss the opportunity to jump on this platform while your competitors aren't there yet! Who this course is for: This course is for any business owner or any marketer who has businesses as clients. This will walk you through step-by-step on how to incorporate Whatsapp into your strategy so you can grow, expand and multiply your business!Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Just you need Laptop or andriod phoneWho this course is for:Business ownerFreelancerHome base people"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"In 7 Days Get Mini MBA + Diploma in business management" |
"GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY FOR INTERNATIONAL COUNTRY EDUCATIONNoted:i am just business consultant and give overview of Mini MBA course but you once you enroll in the Mini MBA so universtivity professor will teach you directly online.Lifestyle has changed and so should education. In a time of movement, flexibility, and information overflow, we are determined to create a new learning experience that meets both your needs and todays business standards. we put you in the center of everything we do. With our expertise in distance learning, we seek to push your career ahead and offer you a high-quality learning experience.All of our courses were designed by business managers, finance experts, graduate economists, political scientists, marketing professionals, project managers, entrepreneurs, and top executives from around the world.The Mini MBA are designed to suit all ages, all academic levels, and all professions. No more classroom attendances or weekly assignments no more limitations. Because you simply know best when and where to study.Highly Keens Mini MBA is the essence of the management tools, which are necessary to perform in a corporate world where knowledge is power and personal development is the key to success. Highly Keens Mini MBA Program allows students to gain the training of procedural and strategic business knowledge and management skills offered in a more convenient manner. Further this program provides students with the opportunity to engage with complex business problems and learn from real-world scenarios through international and local case studies.The Benefits of Highly Keens Mini MBA You will learn practical Business Administration in extremely less time and cost. You will get promotion at job on managerial cadres. As an Entrepreneur and Family Business Owner you can manage your business in more efficient and effective manner through modern business management practices. You will gain knowledge and managerial skills that can be immediately applied to your work, your organization and your career in general. You will increase your ability to think outof-the-box and develop a holistic approach toward your organization. You will increase your self-awareness regarding your personality type, motivational drivers and personal values to set your future life goals. You will be able to develop leadership skills in a more practical way. You will become a part of inspiring and diverse professional network.A mini-MBA can be a wonderful alternative to the traditional MBA and thousands of business leaders are taking advantage of this learning opportunity all over the world. If you are looking for a way to obtain new skills, learn new business tactics, brush up on modern business practices, taking mini-MBA certification course is a right choice for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PMP Certification Update 200 Question bank ,MBOK 6th Edition" |
"If you purchased this course PMP Exam Prep 2019 : 2 Full Real Exams &Detailed PMP Math you may need to enroll in this course as well! Practice on the most important 200PMP questions (Timed tests).The practice tests are based on PMIs project management framework as explained in thePMBOK Guide, 6th Edition.You can pause the test in between and you are allowed to re-take the test later. Your test will resume from where you left, but the test time will be reduced by the amount of time you've taken in the previous attempt.This simulated PMPExam may be used in several ways. If you take it as a final, you will get a very good idea how you would do if you walked right in to take the PMP Exam. In that way, it can be a very good readiness indicator.The best way to use this exam is to take it again and again, reviewing the answers that go with each question. The answers and explanations will give you insight into the formation of each question and the thought process you should follow to answer it.Practice on 200 highly realistic PMP Exam sample questions that were developed based on the current PMP exam specifications and cover all Knowledge areas of PMBOK 6th.Edition.2 full high-quality real PMP Exams,questions has designed as you will see in the real PMP exam.Each Exam consists of200 questionsto be answered within 4 hours.If you score more than 70% in the Practice Tests,then you have a verygood chance to Pass easily the RealPMPExam.2.How to get every math questions in the real PMPExam correctly.Estimates activity duration and estimate costs and solved examples. Earned value management (Special focuses in EVM For the pmp Exam )Critical path and how to solve the question related (CPM) correctly in the real PMP Exam.All Contracts types and special focuses in the contracts types for the PMP Exam .Special focuses in cost of quality for the pmp exam.Communication channels and solved questions.Risk analysis.Make or buy analysis and how to solve the question correctly in the real pmp exam.Tricks for estimate costs and how to solve them correctly.-So if you are serious about earning your PMPCertificate this course for you. Who this course is for: Project managers who are preparing to PASS their PMI PMP examinationWho are needed to take the PMP Exam.Project managers who want to pass their PMP exam on the first trypeople who are interested in entering the field of project management engineers.Project Managers Planners, Cost Engineers, Quantity Surveyors, Project Control Engineers Sr. Managers and Executives All employees working in projects"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fire Safety Interview Prep Question & Answer" |
"If you purchase this course so its will helpful in your job interview because it is prepared by our one high level expert team In course are knowledge from beginner to advance levelWho this course is for: who want pass fire safety job interviewwho want make career in first safety industryafter taking this course you have to confident yourself that you will pass the fire safety job interview."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CCNA-Networks Certification Real Exam Practice Question" |
"The objective for this course is to take the exam simulation with real questions for the exam 200-125 and gain confidence for it.After taking this course. Students should be prepared to take the certification exam and pass it. I've included around all real questions for the exam with. You can take this course any time you want.We all know that the Cisco CCNAis one of the most sought after certifications in IT. It's also one of the hardest testing your knowledge and hands-on experience configuring and troubleshooting topics such as:Basics 1 Basics 2 Configuring VLANsAccess Networks Applying IPv4 and IPv6 access listsPhysical Layer Data Link Layer IPSecurityVirtual Private NetworksSMISNMPTelnet 1Telnet 2 Configuring BGP, EIGRP, OSPF and RIPTopologyNetwork ManagementNetwork UtilitiesEthernet MultiplexingDelays and Loss Understanding Cloud Computing modelsNetwork AttacksPhysical MediaOSPFOSPF ConfigurationDatagram NetworksFirewalls Packet Switching & Circuit Switching Securing routers and switchesApplication Layer 1World Wide WebIPv4IPv4 AddressingApplication Layer 2HTTPHTTP & FTPSocket ProgrammingCookiesWeb CachingPacket Forwarding and RoutingSecurity in the Internet FTPSMTP 1SMTP 2DNS Configuring DHCP, DNS and NTPUnderstanding WAN technologies (PPP, HDLC, MPLS)ICMPTransition from IPV4 to IPV6IPV4 and IPV6 ComparisionAnalyzing Subnet MasksDesigning Subnet Masks In order to pass the exam you must know the theory very well but also have high level hands-on skills. The element most students forget it drilling their knowledge with a ton of practice exams. Practice exams help you learn to apply theory to questions as well as expose weak areas in your knowledge.The CCNA exam currently costs around $300. It consists of around 50 multiple choice questions as well as several hands-on lab scenarios. The pass mark is around 85%. The pass rate is only 50% which means that half of the students taking it walk out of the exam feeling dejected and of course $300 worse off.If you combine practice exams with reading and hands-on lab time you greatly increase your chances of passing the exam. Let me help you by testing you on all the latest CCNA exam topics. I hit you with subjects from all exam areas and for many of the questions I give you explanations and tips to increase your understanding.There are verious practice exams in total, broken into various CCNA syllabus topics. There are over 700 plus exam style questions in total. Take the exams as many times are you wish and when you are getting around 95% every time you know you are ready for the real thing. we are been prepping students for their CCNAexams since 200, let me help you too.See you on the inside.Who this course is for:IT students who want to pass their Cisco examsCisco engineers who want to test their knowledgeStudents who want to assess their exam readiness"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Find a job in DUBAI Within 30 DaysSpecial for visit visa" |
"Welcome tothe This Professional Training course,''Find Jobs in U.A.E You will able to learnJob searching techniques and how to go United Arab Emirates on visit visa for job search, How to arrange your bed space and all those things which you have wish to know related to United Arab Emirates market from scratch.If you do not know any one in United Arab Emirates, After completing this course you will have confidence to travel alone and find job by yourself.This is the only course taught by a Professional Mechanical EngineerAfter the completion of this course,you can get aFull Knowledge of UAE market.I will bepermanentlyupdating contentso you can be Up-To date with the industry.I was involved in the Different construction and engineering related companiesinUnited Arab Emirates (Dubai).This course is designed for sub continent people, I tried to cover relevant topics in the industry.Who this course is for:Professionals. People who are already employed in the UAE, interested in learning what to do to increase their chances of finding a better jobJob Seekers from Abroad. People who are planning to move to the UAE and are trying to understand the local market in order to increase their chances of being employed successfullyTemporary Residents. People who are visiting the UAE on a three-month visa and need to get a good job urgently to stay in the country.Students & Graduates. People who have graduated recently or are about to graduate and are trying to figure out how to get a job in the UAE without previous experience."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Certification Exam Question" |
"DescriptionThis is the only course on Udemy that offers hands-on practice tests with a total of hand-selected questions, the current major certification exam and limited time, which will help you prepare for the exam environment. You will get a Good Score at least 80% on the Official Microsoft 70-533 Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions Certification Exam.Exam InformationExam Title : Microsoft 70-533 Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions Certification ExamExam Number : 70-533Duration of Exam : Per section 1 hoursNumber of Questions : (Multiple Choice)Passing score : 50% (30 out of 200)Exam Format : Multiple-Choice Why take this course?The questions in the practice tests always stay current. We ensure this by taking the Official Microsoft 70-533 Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions Certification Exam Certification ourselves.We always prepare/update questions for practice accordingly.These questions will help you will get a good score at least 80% on the main exam.Guaranteed passing the exam in the first attempt.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Who this course is for:Anyone who want to attend official Microsoft 70-533 Implementing Microsoft Azure Certification Exam"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Electrical Engineer jobs Test Interview MCQS" |
"these MCQs will fully prepared you for actual exam and professional jobs test and is prepared by electrical expert special for job seeker who pass the interview.Electrical Engineering is a branch of Engineering Science. It is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"In this course you will learnThe basics of querying databases with SQLFocus mainly of Query part of the Language (SELECT), i.e. tricky part of this language; all(95%+) interview questions are based out of SELECT.This course is for anyone whoLike to Learn SQLCrack a SQL round of Interview with great confidenceBrush up your SQL skills for your JobI have 8+ experience in Data warehousing/ ETL/ Database/ BigData/ Spark; where I spent most of my time on writing & tuning SQL queries. From the last 4 years, I have been conducting Interviews for companies on these technologies. I feel if you are a database developer, it's very import to have a very solid foundation of SQL language.I will keep updating the Practice question every week; so you keep on learning SQL."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Take your Test in Financial Accounting" |
"1) Conceptual Framework & Financial Reporting,2) Financial Reporting & Disclosure ,3) Assets & Related topics ,4) Investment, Business Combination, & Goodwill,5) State & Local Governments Part16) State & Local Governments Part27) Liabilities,8) Leases, Derivatives, Foreign Currency Accounting, & Income Taxes,9) Pensions & Equity,10) EPS , Cash Flows, & NFP Accounting.After completing this Practice Test students will have solid understanding of subject."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ademhaling : van mond- naar neusademhaling" |
"Veel kans dat jij ook bij die 7 mensen hoort. Maar wil jij er wat aan doen ?In deze cursus ga je leren wat er verkeerd loopt bij het ademen, hoe je dat kan verbeteren, en welke voordelen je er aan overhoudt.De cursus duurt in totaal een half uurtje. Na deze cursus kan je binnenkort verder aan de slag met het vervolg van onze onlinetraining.Deze eerste cursus bestaat uit 3 delen, met telkens korte stukjes van een paar minuten. Je kan er dus heel erg actief mee aan de slag om je ademhaling stap voor stap te verbeteren.Met behulp van onze oefeningen ben je zeker van een begeleiding bij elke stap in dit proces."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Breathing : improve your health with Nosebreathing" |
"You are probably one of those 7. And what are you going to do about it ?In this trainingprogramme, you will learn what can go wrong with breathing and how you can improve your breathing technique.This programme will take for about half an hour. At the end, you will be able to continue with our future advanced programmes that will be published soon.The first training has 3 parts, each containing short lectures of a couple of minutes. You can check them out on the go, and actively practice what you have seen in the lecture."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Learn 3D Modeling With Blender" |
"In this course, you will learn how to model various 3D objects in Blender, a free, open source software program. Iwas a high school biology teacher for 25 years and so Ihave a lot of experience in the classroom with students and Iknow that everyone learns at their own pace and sometimes you just need a caring, sympathetic teacher to get the most out of your education.I want to help you to enjoy 3D modeling in a sometimes complex software program. Let me guide you along as we make some interesting and fun projects together in Blender. I will go slow enough for you to follow me and along the way you will master many of the techniques you'll need to become very proficient in Blender."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Blender: Model a Military Canteen and Flashlight" |
"In this course, you will learn how to model a military-style canteen and flashlight. Follow along with me in easy, well-explained steps to complete these models. During the course, you will learn many useful methods to create 3D objects in Blender that can be used for so many other objects beyond the canteen and flashlight from this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"2019 Calendar App: Let's Build It!" |
"This entire course is one big code along, broken up into byte sized chunks. I start by creating the markup and styling all the pieces. The I use JavaScript to add all the front-end functionality. Then at the end I start using PHP and MySQL to connect to a database to make all of the changes made in the front end persistent, so that the app will remember how it was the last time you used it.Keep in mind that there may be some technologies used in this course that you aren't used to using. I use Flexbox, AJAX, MySQL, etc. These technologies aren't aren't taught in this course, as that isn't the main objective, for me, these technologies are just a means to an end."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CSS Master Course: For Beginners" |
"This course will take your CSS skills from the absolute basic to advanced. You'll learn everything you need to know to create complex layouts and elegant designs. During the course, we'll create 4 unique CSS projects, those projects will be covered in sections 6, 8, 10 and 12.Course MapSection 2) Basic CSS - This is the first real section of the course. This section starts off by assuming 0 knowledge of CSS. As so, I will start off by breaking down in detail the concept of a CSS rule and then move on to basic selectors. Before the end of this section you'll have all the skills necessary to alter and typographic and backgrounds elements of your web pages.Section 3) The Box Model - This section will breakdown the CSS box model. The box model is perhaps the most important concept that a web developer must understand before they can start creating any sort of layouts. I'll also cover in this section how to set the height and width of HTML elements.Section 4) CSS Units - Up until this section we'll have only used pixels for unit sizes. Pixels are great for some things, but not optimal for everything. This section will show you how you can use relative units to make your projects easier to maintain.Section 5) Positioning - CSS positioning can be a pretty complex thing, but it doesn't have to be. This section will simplify many of the more complicated CSS properties. Most notably things like floats, absolute positioning, vertical align, etc. After this section, you'll have the tools to create nearly and layout you'll ever need to create.Section 7) Advanced Selectors - CSS offers many different types of selectors and also allows combining those selectors to create an even more specific selection. This section will also introduce you to pseudo classes & pseudo elements.Section 9) Responsive Design - This section is short, but super important for modern web design. After this section you'll be able to use CSS3 media queries to drastically alter the layout of your pages based off the size of the screen currently viewing it.Section 11) Animations & Transitions - This section will breakdown CSS transitions and CSS key-frame animations. CSS transitions will give how hover effects a much smoother transition and can be a great way to add some life into your web pages. Key-frame animations are more about creating animations that play when the page loads. This section will also show you how to use the transform property.Section 13) Bonus - The final section of the course will go over many of the more ""fun"" CSS concepts that didn't fit anywhere else in the course. Including CSS variables, Gradients, Shadows, Filter, and much more.If you have any questions about the course, feel free to message me. I usually reply very quickly, if anything I'll get back to you as fast as possible. I hope to see you in the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Xamarin Android Uber Clone App with C# and Firebase" |
"Xamarin.Android Uber Clone App with C# and FirebaseThis course is designed to be a complete reference guide to building a fully functional Uber clone app in Xamarin.Android, search no further for a complete learning pack. The course content is very robust and covers several advanced concepts and topics ranging from Firebase Database and Authentication to Notifications and so much More.Why is This Course Right for Me?Absolutely Yes, the best way to gain good understanding of advanced concepts in Xamarin.Android is by practicing with real life examples that implements these advanced concepts in ways you will probably use them when building your own custom app. So you will learn to build and design beautiful real life app from ground up, we will teach you everything you need to know.Not Convinced Yet?This course will groom you to build your own app ideas, this comes in handy if you want to launch your own app and build a company around it. Modern day business run on automations which are made possible with apps, somehow in your business you will need a great functional app; and one way to achieve this without blowing your budget is by having hands on experience on building a real world functional application. you will literarily get most of the advanced knowledge you need for a price of cake. Secondly, having built a fully complete and functional Ridesharing application will be a very huge addition to your portfolio if you intend to get a high paying job. The job market these days are getting pretty competitive, you really need to show your worth. What's the best way to showcase your worth if not by showing real world applications you built?The Topic Seems Complex, Can I Scale Through The Course?The course was designed with the assumption that you know only the very little basics, most of the seemingly advanced concepts were over-explained using different scenarios in real life, hence you will easily understand. Even a 6 year old could go through the course and understand every bit of it.What Should I Expect After this Course?Good understanding of Firebase DatabaseHow to build a real world application in a very structured and organised mannerWork as an Android Developer and build your own custom appsOther Things to Learn IncludesAndroid UI and Design BasicsNavigation drawers and MenuFirebase Database DevelopmentFirebase AuthenticationGoogle Location servicesRealtime Location UpdatesGoogle Maps and Map stylesCalculating Distance and time difference between two pointsCreating Local Notifications with Notification ChannelsMaking Web Calls Using Rest APIProcessing Task in Background (Thread & Async)Loading and Displaying Data with RecyclerViewSave Data With Shared Preferences"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Xamarin Android: Learn to Build Native Android Apps With C#" |
"Build Native Android Apps with C# and Xamarin (Updated 2020)Welcome to the most complete course on the internet that teaches you how to build fully native android apps using C# and Xamarin. This course is designed to teach you everything you need to know to become a world class Android Developer. Search no further because this course covers several topics from beginner to advanced conceptsWhy Is This Course Right for Me?Everyone agrees that the best form of learning is to learn by doing, hence we designed the curriculum for this course to be very practical with some bits of theory to help you have a good understanding of why we do the things we do.After going through the course you would have successfully built a lot of practical Real-World Apps that will expose you to everything you need to know to be a pro. By doing so you have built a solid portfolio to land a high-paying Android Developer Job or even start your own app development company which ever resonates more with you. Can I Surely Scale Through The Course?The course was designed with the assumption that you know nothing about programming most of the seemingly advanced concepts were over-explained using different scenarios in real life, hence you will easily understand. Even a 6 year old could go through the course and understand every bit of it.Dont waste your timeDon't waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Your learning and your time is worth more than that. We offer the best instructors with carefully crafted content, beautiful animations and learning by doing. As you sit there contemplating the sea of different courses, you'll realise that there's no reason to deliberate. The best course is right in front of your eyes.REMEMBER There is a full money back guarantee, just as long as you request it within 30 days of purchasing the course.So what are you waiting for? Click the buy it now button. Youve got nothing to lose (and access to the best Xamarin Android app development course to gain)."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Xamarin iOS Uber Clone App with C# and Firebase (2020)" |
"Build iOS Uber Clone App with C# and Firebase (Xamarin.iOS)This course is designed to be a complete reference guide to building a fully functional Uber clone app in Xamarin.iOS, search no further for a complete learning pack. The course content is very robust and covers several advanced concepts and topics ranging from Firebase Database and Authentication to Notifications and so much more.Why Is This Course Right for Me?Absolutely Yes, the best way to gain a good understanding of advanced concepts in Xamarin.iOS is by practicing with real-life examples that implement these advanced concepts in ways you will probably use them when building your own custom app. So you will learn to build and design beautiful real-life app from the ground up, we will teach you everything you need to know.Not Convinced Yet?This course will groom you to build your own app ideas, this comes in handy if you want to launch your own app and build a company around it. Modern-day business run on automation which is made possible with apps, somehow in your business, you will need a great functional app; and one way to achieve this without blowing your budget is by having hands-on experience on building a real-world functional application. you will literarily get most of the advanced knowledge you need for a price of cake. Secondly, having built a fully complete and functional Ridesharing application will be a very huge addition to your portfolio if you intend to get a high paying job. The job market these days are getting pretty competitive, you really need to show your worth. What's the best way to showcase your worth if not by showing real-world applications you built?The Topic Seems Complex, Can I Scale Through The Course?The course was designed with the assumption that you know only the very little basics, most of the seemingly advanced concepts were over-explained using different scenarios in real life, hence you will easily understand. Even a 5-year-old could go through the course and understand every bit of it.What Should I Expect After this Course?Build a Complete Ride-Sharing on iOS using C# and XamarinGood understanding of Firebase DatabaseHow to build a real-world application in a very structured and organized mannerOther Things to Learn IncludesiOS UI and Design BasicsFirebase Database DevelopmentFirebase AuthenticationGoogle Location servicesRealtime Location UpdatesGoogle Maps and Map stylesCalculating Distance and time difference between two pointsCreating Local Notifications with Notification ChannelsMaking Web Calls Using Rest APIProcessing Task in Background (Thread & Async)Loading and Displaying Data with TableViewSave Data Locally on your Device"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-070-Oracle Exadata X5 Administration" |
"This course on Udemy that offers hands-on practice tests with a total of 85 hand-selected questions, the current major certification examand limited time, which will help you prepare for the exam environment. You will get aGood Score at least 80% on the Official1Z0-070-Oracle Exadata X5 Administration CertificationExam."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-063-Oracle Database 12c: Advanced Admin Practice Test" |
"This course on Udemy that offers hands-on practice tests with a total of100hand-selected questions, the current major certification examand limited time, which will help you prepare for the exam environment. You will get aGood Score at least 80% on the Official1Z0-063 Oracle Database 12C Advance Administration CertificationExam."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Design de Estampas para Serigrafia e Sublimao!" |
"Voc aprender todos os principais programas para o desenvolvimento de Estampas para Serigrafia! Sem pr-requisitos pois falaremos desde os detalhes mais bsicos at o mais avanado em Corel Draw, Inkscape, Photoshop e Illustrator voltado para o design de Estampas. E ainda como bnus de mostraremos como revelar sua tela de silk-screen e como estampar de diversos modos. No fim desse curso voc estar apto a fazer artes para fotolitos de serigrafia e artes para sublimao em 04 programas diferentes ou no que voc achar mais apropriado para os seu estilo."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Serigrafia prtica passo a passo. Silk Screen." |
"Nesse curso apresentamos aulas prticas de serigrafia(silk-screen) para voc se tornar um ninja na arte de estampar com telas!!! Em pouco tempo voc ser capaz de revelar suas primeiras telas assim como ser capaz de imprimir em diversos substratos como camisetas(tecidos e malhas), adesivos(plsticos), madeiras e muito mais. Daremos dicas de como comprar seu material e como calcular seus custos e preos."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop untuk Pemula" |
"Siswa akan mempelajari Photoshop dari nol!!! Dimulai pengenalan Photoshop, pengenalan prinsip Layer, pembuatan teks, sampai editing foto seperti Color Balance, Hue/Saturation, Black and White, Match Color, dan Replace Color. Siswa penggemar fotografi digital juga akan merasa asyik dengan video course ini karena ada bahasan tentang Lens Blur, Tilt-Shift, Surface Blur, Field Blur, dan Iris Blur. Jadi tak perlu beli lensa mahal untuk mendapatkan efek mewah pada foto.Penggemar seni lukis digital juga dapat mengikuti course ini sebab dibahas langkah-langkah melukis langsung menggunakan kuas tool. Bagaimana dengan Pen Tool? Video course ini membahas lengkap cara menggunakan Pen Tool untuk membuat desain-desain keren!Tak ada video course pengenalan Photoshop selengkap ini!!! Bahkan, seleksi objek pun dibahas hingga rahasia seleksi objek rumit seperti rambut. Luar biasa.Diharapkan, siswa dapat langsung menggunakan Photoshop, segera setelah video course ini ditonton dan dipraktekkan menggunakan komputer/smartphone pribadi sendiri."
Price: 350000.00 ![]() |
"Menggambar dengan Adobe Illustrator" |
"Semua desainer grafis, termasuk pengguna CorelDraw, wajib mengenal Adobe Illustrator. Software ini bakal booming dalam beberapa tahun ke depan sehingga mempelajari software desain grafis buatan Adobe ini sangatlah berharga. Oleh karena itu, siswa disarankan untuk mengambil video course ini dan mengikuti instruksi yang ada di dalam setiap video dengan tekun.Video Course ini cocok ditonton oleh desainer yang awam dengan Adobe Illustrator. Bahkan, siswa yang baru tertarik dengan dunia desain grafis pun disarankan untuk menonton video course ini sebab penjelasan dan langkah-langkahnya sangat sederhana, step-by-step, dan mudah dipahami.Siswa akan mempelajari berbagai macam cara mendesain. Pertama, siswa akan mengenal bagaimana menggunakan Adobe Illustrator. Di sini, proses pembuatan objek akan dijelaskan dengan baik. Pewarnaan, penataan layer, dan sebagainya hingga pengaturan melalui toolbar. Jika siswa tertarik membuat desain yang melibatkan teks, maka pembahasan tentang tulisan juga akan dijabarkan. Bagi siswa pengguna CorelDraw, jangan khawatir. Ada course selama 2 jam lebih yang menjelaskan bagaimana perbedaan antara CorelDraw dan Adobe Illustrator.Sebagian besar durasi yang ada di dalam video course ini bersifat latihan (tutorial menggambar). Jadi kalau ingin tahu cepat bagaimana caranya membuat objek, maka siswa akan sangat diuntungkan melalui video course ini. Aneka rupa bentuk desain telah disiapkan dan dalam waktu sesingkat mungkin, siswa dapat membuat bentuk objek menggunakan lingkaran, persegi empat, dan juga Pen Tool."
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"Pemrograman Python untuk Pemula" |
"Python adalah bahasa pemrograman masa depan!!!Anda harus buktikan sendiri dengan mengikuti video course ini. Diulas dan dikupas dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan TERLENGKAP di UDEMY.- Detail banget penyampaiannya. Great Job *****Abdurrohim - Memuaskan ... Penjelasannya terstruktur dan sistematis. Ga terlalu cepat *****Benedictus Andreas- Awal yang luar biasa *****Sri IndriyantaSiswa yang ingin mulai belajar pemrograman seharusnya mulai belajar Python terlebih dulu. Cara penulisan kode-kode program yang ringkas dan mudah dimengerti, merupakan salah satu kelebihan Python. Melalui video course ini, diharapkan para siswa bisa menjadi seorang programmer handal yang dapat membuat aplikasi top-notch di masa mendatang.Apa yang dipelajari di dalam video course ini?Pengenalan Python termasuk instalasi.Instalasi PyCharm dan bagaimana menggunakan editor ini.Dasar-dasar pemrograman Python.Pengenalan Operator-Operator Python.Mengenal Fungsi dan bagaimana membuatnya.Perulangan pada Python.Penggunaan struktur If pada Python.Sequence, List, Tuple, dan Dictionary pada Python.Graphical User Interface (GUI) pada Python.Bekerja dengan File.Selain itu, video course ini juga mengupas contoh-contoh kasus pemrograman Python. Jadi, silakan beli video course ini dan jadilah seorang programmer Python yang handal!Ayo jangan tunda-tunda lagi ... Video course ini dilengkapi garansi uang kembali selama 30 hari! Jika tidak puas, uang Anda kembali 100%. Anda akan mendapatkan akses seumur hidup ke seluruh materi di dalam video course ini dari awal hingga tuntas!"
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"HTML dan CSS untuk Desain Website" |
"HTML dan CSSmerupakan pemrograman paling dasar untuk pembuatan website. Sebelum mempelajari JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, dan bahasa pemrograman lainnya, kuasai HTML dan CSS dulu. Ini penting, sebab inti dari pemrograman website berawal dari HTML dan CSS.Video course ini mengenalkan dan mengajarkan HTML dan CSS, langsung kepada para siswa yang baru ingin mempelajari dunia desain website. Pertama-tama para siswa akan mengenal berbagai tool yang diperlukan untuk membuat desain website, memahami apa dan bagaimana fungsi tag, atribut, serta elemen, dan mencoba membuat objek-objek di dalam halaman website seperti teks, tabel, form, dan tak lupa--gambar serta link.Jika sudah, maka materi pembahasan akan masuk ke tema CSS. Di sini siswa akan mengetahui bahwa akan ada banyak imajinasi yang bisa disalurkan ke dalam desain website dengan mengandalkan CSS. Siswa dapat bermain dengan warna, membuat efek khusus, memilih font yang jumlahnya tak terhingga, dan masih banyak lagi.Akhir kata, video course ini merupakan sahabat bagi para siswa yang baru akan mempelajari HTML, CSS, dan desain website pada umumnya!"
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |