Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Linux and LAMP Stack Fundamentals (Hosting Websites)" |
"DescriptionIn this project based course we explain and demonstrate:How to host websites professionally and inexpensivelyLearn about Multiple Linux Distros with Desktop VirtualizationHow Domain Name Services (DNS) workLaunch and configure Linux Instance in AWS LightsailHow Configure DNS in AWS Lightsail and Route 53The fundamentals of Linux and various distributionsHow to install Linux on a virtual machine running on Windows and Mac. We will install Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Desktop, Mint and LubuntuLinux file system basicsMany Linux commands to navigate search and manipulate files and directories and permissions. Configure a swap file for Linux server for optimum performanceHow to install Apache web server and configure it to run multiple websites on a single server with a single IP address and tune it for WordPress 5.How to encrypt the website on Apache with SSL / HTTPS for freeHow to install MySQL and create databases and users. How to assign rights to user to databasesInstall and use a GUI for database managementHow to install PHP and tune it for WordPress (include email)Install 2 sites (well just a single page this isnt a web development course), with the unique domain names we registered earlier, on the Linux serverSecurityBackupSecuring your AWS Account:1. How to create Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) for you AWS Root Account.2. How to create billing alerts for your account with CloudWatch, SNS and the Billing Console. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Alexa Skill Coding Class for Beginners - (new 2019)" |
"Description In this project based course we explain and demonstrate how to create an Alexa Skill for a Business, School or Organization:How to Build an Alexa Skill with the Latest SDKWe build and Publish 2 skills in this CourseDeep Dive of the JavaScript / Node.js Sample CodeBut not an Exhaustive JavaScript / Node.js CourseYou will Understand the Sample Code and how to Manipulate itNot just plug in data textBuild Alexa Skills, Code Alexa Skills, Publish Alexa SkillsSynonymsNot just the Interaction Model, we will modify the Code to use the SynonymHow to work with Multiple Languages and have Alexa Respond with the Language that reflects the Locale of the Echo DeviceBuild an Alexa Skill with Alexa Self Hosted, no AWS Account NeededBuild an Alexa Skill that uses AWS Lambda and how to make it with the Interaction ModelAWS S3 Object Storage BucketsPicture CardsVerify Cards look good on all types of devicesProfessional looking Alexa Skills for Business or School should have picture cardsSSML and Playing MP3 files for ResponsesFiltering the SSML Codes out of the Alexa CardsHaving code show up in the card will prevent the skill from passing Certification for Publication in the Alexa Skill StoreCreating Dialog in an Alexa Skill that Normally doesnt have itTest the Alexa Skill Code in AWS LambdaCustom SlotsCustom IntentsCustom Intent HandlerscanHandle()File DependenciesHow to Publish a real Skill and Re-Certify it after ChangesHow to use a Code EditorSecuring your AWS Account:1. How to create Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) for you AWS Root Account.2. How to create billing alerts for your account with CloudWatch, SNS and the Billing Console. a. We use the Free Tier for everything in this course, but you can set up a billing alert in case you go over 1,000,000 requests and there is some spend on your account."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Alexa Skills Fundamentals (New 2019)" |
"In this project based course we explain and demonstrate how to create 2 engaging Alexa Skills with no prior coding experience required. You will know how to create a skill with no coding.Understand and modify the sample code.Create an Alexa skill for a business, school, church or city.Create an Alexa skill that gives random tips.Create a city guide (and understand what you are doing and how to make changes).We walk you through everything you need to know to build a skill, from a detailed lecture to step by step demonstrations.See a skill get published, and how to modify the skill after it is published.Did I mention, you don't need any coding experience?! All coding is done via copy / paste.Learn how to make cards look right.Learn JavaScript and Node.js basics (no exhaustive lecture on either).Write Alexa SkillsPublish Alexa SkillsSecuring your AWS Account: 1. How to create Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) for you AWS Root Account. 2. How to create billing alerts for your account with CloudWatch, SNS and the Billing Console. a. We use the Free Tier for everything in this course, but you can set up a billing alert in case you go over 1,000,000 requests and there is some spend on your account.Write Alexa SkillsCode Alexa SkillsUS English"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Giving and Receiving Effective Feedback" |
"""We all need people who give us feedback. That's how we improve."" ~ Bill Gates. During my relatively long career in Human Resources and being fortunate enough to work across different sectors and industries from hospitality to corporate I thought I have seen it all and yet the lack of basic management skills does not stop to surprise me.In most companies I worked with, the issue of junior to middle management not having relevant or enough skills is normal, but with the right training and guidance this can be fixed (this is what I and people like me are here for :)).What astonishes me the most, I think, is the number of people in Leadership positions that really lack these skills. There is a big proportion of senior managers, director, CEOS who we look up to and who suppose to drive the business forward to success, but who do simply not know how to speak to their teams. That is, if the team is lucky enough to hear them speak usually its an email by the way! (Do any of you guys have also experienced this in your workplace??)Open communication and effective feedback are two of the most important things in employer-employee relationships and when these are jeopardized, the relationship becomes unstable. Employees loose their trust in those who fill the leadership positions and, as a result, become disengaged and unhappy. They also loose the satisfaction in their job. And giving employees annual appraisal or performance reviews that last 7 minutes (yes, thats correct 7 minutes, emphasis on ANNUAL also) really does not helpI think it is worrying, unsettling and there is a lot of work to be done in this area. Have you guys had a similar experience?Timely and constructive feedback will massively improve the situation and prevent this from happening in the future.Enroll on to Giving Effective Feedback Course and acquire the skills that will allow you to become one of the best managers and leaders and a manager who will never let the situation like above happen under their watch.The course will help you to become a manager who is confident and knows how to communicate with their team in the right way to get the desired results. A manager, who is inspiring and motivating and who sets the right goals and develops their people and brings the best out in them.The purpose of this course is to give you an understanding of what the feedback actually is and help you to develop the skills necessary to plan and deliver effective feedback to your team and colleagues in a way that is understandable and acceptable to them. This will, us a result, increase your team's morale, motivation, engagement, productivity and performance.And remember, your team's success is also your success!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
". I:" |
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Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Visio (office) -" |
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"Din Kltr ve Ahlak Bilgisi retmenlik Alan Bilgisi Testi" |
"ABT DKAB snavna hazrlanan arkadalar iin kaynak mahiyetindedir. Bu kursumuzda aadaki dersler olacaktr. Dinler Tarihi, Hadis Tarihi, Hadis Usul, Tefsir Tarihi, Tefsir Usul, Siyer Hz. Muhammed'in (s.a.v) Hayat, slam nan Esaslar, slam Hukuku ve badet Esaslar, Din Sosyolojisi, Din Psikolojisi, Mezhepler Tarihi, slam Felsefesi, slam Ahlak, Din Eitimi, slam Sanat ve Estetii, Alan Eitimi"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Sportwetten Basiskurs: Langfristig Geld verdienen mit Wetten" |
"Schon wieder eine Kombiwette nicht aufgegangen? Willst du gern neben dem Spa und Nervenkitzelauch einenkleinen Nebenverdienst erzielen,um dirzustzlich etwas leistenzu knnen?Die meisten wetten aus dem Bauch heraus und das nutzen die Wettanbieter aus. So wirst du langfristig nur Geld verbrennen.In unserem Sportwetten Basiskurs lernst du die wichtigsten Grundregeln, die professionelle Sportwetter nutzen, um langfristige Erfolge zu erzielen.Ich, Daniel Winter-Holzinger beschftige mich schon seit 18 Jahren mit Sportwetten und habe mehrere hundert tausend Euro gewonnen. Jetzt habe ich mir zum Ziel gesetzt, mein Wissen weiterzugeben, um DICH VOM HOBBY-SPIELER MIT VERLUSTENZU EINEM VERANTWORTUNGSBEWUSSTEN, GEBILDETEN SPIELERZU MACHEN.Was beinhaltet dieser Basiskurs:Das Fundament, welches du bentigst, um dein Ziel ""erfolgreich mit Sportwetten zu werden"" erreichen zu knnenNotwendige Gedankengnge, Tools und Wissenswertes, rund um das Thema Sportwetten3 Strategien, plus vorgefertigte Exceltabellen, um diese gleich umsetzen zu knnenSchon ber 75.000 Zuschauer unterrichte ich auf meinem YouTube Kanal, wie man z.B. Kombiwetten absichert. Hier einige Feedbacks:""Hallo Daniel!Danke fr die ausfhrliche und schrittweise Erklrung!Ich habe das ExcelSheet mitgemacht und mathematisch ist alles klar!"" ""Danke fr deine Videos, genau soetwas habe ich gesucht..."" YouTube KommentareAlso sichere dir jetzt diesen Videokurs und gehre zu den 3%die langfristig mit Sportwetten erfolgreich sind. Die Aktion endet bald! Also beeil dich!Wir gewhren dir eine 30Tage Geld-zurck Garantie, sodass du sorglos starten kannst.Also starte jetzt mit diesem Kurs und mache noch heute deine ersten Gewinne!ABER ACHTUNG:Wenn du nichts dazulernst, wirst du weiter Geld verbrennen mit Sportwetten. Also investiere in diesen Kurs und ndere das. Werde zum Gewinner!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Challenge your knowledge on LTE Network" |
"After completing successfully this practice test and understanding all its questions, you will highly increase your chances to pass all LTE certificates and succeed LTE job interviews.This practice test contains five parts:- LTE-EPC Network Architecture Interfaces and Protocols- Evolved Packet Core- LTE Bearers, PCC and QoS- LTE Logical Transport and Physical Channels- LTE Air Interface"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Challenge your knowledge on 5G New Radio and Core Network" |
"Nowadays, all mobile vendors are working in introducing 5Gproducts and the majorityof mobile operators planning to upgrade they network to the 5G. That's why 5G is hot topic right now.After completing successfully this practice test and understanding all its questions, you will highly increase your chances to pass all 5G certificates and succeed 5G job interviews.This practice test contains 3 parts:- 5G Standards, Use cases and Requirements- 5G Core Network- 5G New Radio"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn Arabic Language with: Arabic Made Simple" |
"Arabic made simple course is a language course that teaches the Standard Arabic language for beginners. The course starts by teaching the Arabic alphabets, then forming words, sentences and questions. Other topics including, but not limited to, short and long vowels, pronouns, verb conjugations, introducing your self and talking about your family and many other topics. In each chapter there is a reading practice in which I will read different sentences, a speaking practice in which I will read slowly and I will ask you to repeat after me, and a writing practice in which I will write in front of you and you will have to write after me in a special document with dotted characters that is created particularly for beginners. In addition, I attached through out the main chapters, a PDF document that summarizes the important topics covered in that chapter. You can feel free to print it and review the content after each chapter."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Statistical Thinking and Cognitive Bias: The Fundamentals" |
"Do you want to see the world more clearly? Learn to think like a statistician and question the numbers all around you? Make better decisions at work, when investing, and in life? Then you are in the right place.This course is not a regular introduction to statistics. There will be very little math so you wont be asked to complete lots of mathematical problem sets. The focus of the course will be on the intuition and practical application of statistics in making better decisions and judgments. We will explore the fundamental ideas and concepts of statistics but with with everyday examples, answering questions such as: if correlation does not equal causation, then what does? have humans really wiped out 60 percent of animals? and do 9 out of 10 dentists actually recommend this toothpaste?You will learn how not to be fooled by data visualizations, and how an understanding of probability can change the way you view everything from prosecuting criminals to financial crises.The course has two sections diving into the world of cognitive bias and the work of Hans Rosling on Factfulness thinking. Our inherent mental biases can affect the way we perceive and interact with the statistics we encounter every day; whether in the news, on social media, or in advertisements. The goal of this section is to learn how to spot these logical fallacies so we can keep them at bay and interpret the world around us more objectively.In the penultimate section, we shall encounter the tricky world of inference, causation, and the trusty work-horse of statistics; regression analysis. This section will explore everything from buying apples, to p-hacking, and to what caused physician John Ioannidis to proclaim that ""most published research findings are false"".The final section will look at prediction and forecasting; exploring why predictions fail, how they can succeed, and if perfect prediction will ever be possible (or indeed desirable).With a world of information now at our fingertips, being able to think statistically is an essential skill for all those living in the 21st century. Indeed as Herbert George Wells said, statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write and that day has come."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Road to Exhibition" |
"In this course, you will be first introduced to techniques on how you can brand yourself as an artist. Then, you will be introduced to venues where you can stage your work and how to approach them. From there, the course gets into the details of planning an exhibition. You will be given guidance and will be exposed to key aspects of preparing and running an exhibition together with budget considerations. You will as well be presented 3 methods for pricing your artwork as an emerging artist. Ultimately, you will be initiated on how to prepare and hang an exhibition of your own artwork and what to consider when running an opening (vernissage) and increase artwork sales opportunities. "
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Master Global Trade--How to Import & Export in 2020!" |
"This is the best time to engage in global trade! Why? The increase in technology and software available to the masses, the rise of low-cost manufacturing world-wide, and the rise in the global middle class have created tremendous opportunity never seen before in history. I teach you the basics of import-export, supply chain, trade compliance and ecommerce. Global trade and selling online are on the rise---get your piece of the pie today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learning basic Spanish" |
"These beginner practice Spanish tests have 10 questions with multiple choice answers for numbers and common phrases used in every day vocabulary. There is no requirement for taking this test and you can take it as many times as you wish. The goal is to practice, learn, and accomplish. Choose one correct answer for each question. You need a score of 70%to pass. Buena suerte!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Canva for Entrepreneurs, Freelancers and Online Money Makers" |
"Canva recently made an update and they call it Canva 2.0!This course is recorded in Canva 2.0. In other words, this is the most up-to-date course on Canva.By joining this course you'll also gain access to a private, exclusive and closed Facebook Group where I post more tutorials on Canva every week. So, unlike most courses, I will walk with you till the end. There will be constant support from my side.If you are reading this, probably:You design your social media graphics for your business but they don't look good.You are tried of outsourcing your work to someone else and you are tried of paying more.You want to make extra income on the side.You want to live a life of your dreams.I have put every effort to ensure that the course is up-to-date, relevant and informative. I don't claim to be a 'guru' in Graphic Design. Whatever I have put in the course is my experience in working with Canva for almost 3 years. I firmly believe that this course is very different from any other course on Udemy. This is how:Probably the first course to teach Canva 2.0.The Secrets in Section 3 is gold!The only Canva course that teaches you how to make money online!This course is practical and hands-on unlike many other courses.Loads of Projects to make you understand every detail.Constant help from peers and Instructor (me!)Exclusive Facebook Group where we discuss insider secrets.Here is a list of projects included in the course:Facebook AdFacebook CoverYouTube ThumbnailYouTube Channel ArtInstagram PostInstagram InfographicTwitter HeaderTwitter PostAdding very soon:Business cardFlyerGIFs in CanvaHope to see you in the course! : )There is a 30 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee, so you can take this course risk-free!Enroll now, and Ill speak to you soon."
Price: 5120.00 ![]() |
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Cook rice on the Egyptian way (4 different recipes)" |
"Do you get bored of the same dishes you have every day?Do you want to try something new?In this course you will learn how to cook very delicious dishes from the Egyptian kitchen.And if you want some new ideas for dishes you want to cook for your family or in feast days or in a restaurant you have, this course is a perfect choice for you.If you interst in knowing about the different cultures generally and the traditional cooking specifically,it is the most suitable course for you to know about one of the greatest cultures like Egyptian culture.The Egyptian cuisines...There are many delicious recipes in Egyptian traditional food.And the people in Egypt are used to cook for more than century ago.These delicious recipes vary among: Kushary,Mahshy,Egyptian Rice ,Mulukhya and many other recipes.""In this course...""In this course we will cook a main component of lunch meal every day in Egypt and one of the most popular Egyptian food ingredients ""Rice"". You can't imagine how delicious these cuisines are and nutritional values they have.In this course we will cook Egyptian Rice by many different ways.Enjoy the course ;)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Philosophy, Yin Yang Theory & Application" |
"Many people have heard the term ""Yin and Yang"" and most people think that ""Yin and Yang"" belongs to the thinking of ancient people and has nothing to do with our today's life.In fact, ""Yin and Yang"" is a broad concept and a philosophy. When you understand this concept deeply, you will find that ""Yin and Yang"" is alive in every part and every detail of our lives.You will find that many scientists, especially western medicine, could not adequately explain many phenomena, especially on diseases. But with the application of ""Yin and Yang"", you will be surprised to say: ""Wow, it turns out to be so simple.""More interestingly, after you understand "" it turns out to be so simple."", you will know how to take actions to make improvement.In this video course, we discuss the source of the concept of ""Yin and Yang"", how it came about, how the ancient sages observed everything in the universe and applied the ""Yin and Yang"" thinking model"", and from the concept of ""Yin and Yang"", how the ancients established a set of rules and principles to understand the changes of everything, especially concerning diseases, and apply these theories to improve and regulate, in order to achieve ""Yin Yang"" balance, thus attaining health of body and mind.Ancient sages said, ""Balancing Yin and Yang achieves harmony and optimal health.""We use many events in daily life to bring out the application and understanding of the Yin Yang theory.(This is another video course of the series of Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic courses. This series of 6 courses are inter-related. However you can take up this course to start learning first.)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Qi (Its mystery unfolded), 5-Essential Human Life Variables" |
"""Qi"" is a word and concept often used by Chinese in many different contexts and situation. e.g. ""I am very angry"", the world Qi is used. or ""I am full of passion"", the world Qi is used.Most westerners associate Qi with Chinese Qigong, implying that Qi is only used in Qigong context.Unfortunately it is not so. Hence this video course will enlighten you the use of Qi can be very profound and effective, with useful application of this Qi concept in daily living, health, sickness, diets, emotions, psychology etc.Westerners translate ""Qi"" as ""Energy"". After you finish this course, you will find that the word ""Energy"" cannot fully bring out the concept of this mysterious "" Qi"". In fact, there is no such English language that is about Qi. You will surely benefit greatly in this video course which talks on Qi.When we discusses the ""5-Essential Human Life Variables"", ""Qi"" is one of the five fundamental variables. This shows that ""Qi"" is very important to our lives.In our other ancient wisdom course on , ""Food Therapy"", we also mentioned that foods also has property and function of ""Qi"". You are sure very surprised, because western nutrition theory does not have the concept of ""Qi"" in the foods.You will find that. ""Qi (Its mystery unfolded), 5-Essential Human Life Variables"" is an invaluable and indispensable knowledge, related to your life and happiness.(This is another video course of the series of Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic courses. This series of 6 courses are inter-related. However you can take up this course to start learning first)."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Simplicity & Practicality of Ancient Wisdom on Health" |
"This video course is for creating greater awareness of our built in belief system, in what way we should re-examine and challenge such unconscious belief system.Through discussion of a few topics in this video course, we begin to see a new perspective, particularly concerning how we understand our body system, mind, emotion and our health.This awareness creation will lead us to explore further to learn the ancient system for better well being for ourselves and our loved ones."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Organs Functionalities (What Western Medicine does not know)" |
"Organs Functionalities, what the western medicine does not know."" is the subject of this course. You may be puzzled, how can today's advanced science ""do not understand the functions of the body organs"".This is what we will discuss in this video course.In this course, we also agree that the application of Science and Technology in Western medicine today is very developed and advanced. Undeniably, the development of science and technology today has brought us the most advanced computers, rockets, airplanes, trains, transportation, etc. Our material quality of life has improved, and all aspects of life have certain conveniences and benefits.After studying this course, you will understand that it turns out that we are not referring to the degree of scientific and technological development, but to discuss the difference between the main philosophical and theoretical starting points of Western medicine and the ancient wisdom, Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic.Philosophical concepts and theories are a very important beginning. No matter which theory, the subsequent development has its logic. It means that a set of logic is limited to the theory adopted.To make an analogy, I have a heavy object in my hand. When I let go of the object up, this object must fall to the ground. This is a logic that many people can accept. But if I am in space, this object just stays in place. It does not drop.In the same way, when you understand the philosophical views and theories of the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic, you will start to have a paradigm shift to your understanding of the functions of your organs in your body system. With the new understanding, you will appreciate what exactly is happening to your health or sickness issues.At the end of the video course, you will be eager to take the next step.(This is another video course of the series of Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic courses. This series of 6 courses are inter-related. However you can take up this course to start learning first)."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Food Therapy 4 the unique you with your own Body Constituent" |
"It is amazing to see, practically the whole world, see the importance of Nutritious Foods.It is the notion that certain foods are nutritious, some foods are not nutritious.Supposing I bring you back to the old days, whereby you have natural foods : crops, vegetable, fruits, cattle chicken meat etc all from farms and garden. Which of these foods are nutritious, which are not nutritious?If not nutritious, why cultivate the plants, why rear the animals?In 1770, Antoine Lavoisier, the Father of Nutrition and Chemistry. and later in 1800s food components were broken down, giving rise the notion of nutrition in term of components of the foods. Since then, the world thinks in term of a set of formulae consisting of certain components of foods like Carbohydrate, fat, proteins, vitamins, etc.So our understanding of nutrition is guided by a set of formula.Given the best external conditions, good education, good financial assistance, good social contact, does it guarantee you can be successful in life? Obviously, not. A more important factor is your Internal Conditions : Your attitude towards life, your personality, your psychology. Do you not agree?Then given the best external conditions, ie. best nutritious foods, (assuming you do regular exercise too), does it guarantee you can achieve good health? Obviously not. A more important factor is your Internal Conditions : your digestion, your absorption capability of the small intestines, your excretion system, your metabolism, your emotions that may affect digestion, without such well performing functionalities, the so called nutritious foods you consume could be poison to your body system.This video course : ""Food Therapy for the Unique you with your own Body Constituents"" brings to you the key message from the ancient wisdom, food consumption must be compatible with your body internal system.And in the video course you will find that foods are categorized in term of what foods for the many internal processes of your body system, digestion, breathing, blood circulation, etc. etc.There is really no fixed formula to guarantee you success or happiness in life. Neither is there a fixed formula in food intake to guarantee your health.You certainly need to have a high degree of consciousness of your body system first, i.e, your own Body Constituents.Do you find this logical in thinking?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Meridians, Qi-exercises & other self-help Healing Methods" |
"Almost everyone recognizes the importance of exercise, that it is good for health. At the same time, there are many different notions and understanding about exercises.We have experts in exercises like sport-persons or athletes develop in sickness like cancers. Some die in the midst of their sport performance.This raises questions about the general idea that ""Exercise is good for health?"".In this video : ""Meridians, Qi-exercises & other self-help Healing Methods"", we analyze and put in place the definition of exercises, that of the western types of exercises and the ancient wisdom Qi-exercises.In ancient wisdom, the concept of Qi exercises is related to Meridians. And Meridians with their associated acupoints are the area of application by Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) doctors. It implies that Qi exercises or application of Qi movement can bring about healing.There are more to Meridians. Food classification is also associated to Meridians, what foods can help nourish what Meridians, which in turn helps which organ functionality like Liver, Heart etc.The concept of Meridians can be applied to understanding diseases like cancers, Parkinson, Autism etc. And the Solutions are in the Meridians too.What we see is the pointing to a direction of holism and integration. It is not just exercises per se, or health, but include so many like food therapy, our emotions, psychology and personality and our lifestyle and life attitudes.I hope you find it amazing."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
fooddrink |
", ?1770Antoine Lavoisier 1800"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
meridiansqi |
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
zangfuorgans |
""""" """". Organs Functionalities, what the western medicine does not know."" is the subject of this course. You may be puzzled, how can today's advanced science ""do not understand the functions of the body organs"".This is what we will discuss in this video course.In this course, we also agree that the application of Science and Technology in Western medicine today is very developed and advanced. Undeniably, the development of science and technology today has brought us the most advanced computers, rockets, airplanes, trains, transportation, etc. Our material quality of life has improved, and all aspects of life have certain conveniences and benefits.After studying this course, you will understand that it turns out that we are not referring to the degree of scientific and technological development, but to discuss the difference between the main philosophical and theoretical starting points of Western medicine and the ancient wisdom, Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic.Philosophical concepts and theories are a very important beginning. No matter which theory, the subsequent development has its logic. It means that a set of logic is limited to the theory adopted.To make an analogy, I have a heavy object in my hand. When I let go of the object up, this object must fall to the ground. This is a logic that many people can accept. But if I am in space, this object just stays in place. It does not drop.In the same way, when you understand the philosophical views and theories of the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic, you will start to have a paradigm shift to your understanding of the functions of your organs in your body system. With the new understanding, you will appreciate what exactly is happening to your health or sickness issues.At the end of the video course, you will be eager to take the next step.(This is another video course of the series of Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic courses. This series of 6 courses are inter-related. However you can take up this course to start learning first)."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"5-Element Theory : Build Relationship of parts for Holism" |
"When you hear ""5-Element Theory"": Earth, Water, Fire, Metal and Wood, I believe that you are like many people, in your mind, you think this is an ancient superstition.If I propose ""A success model of Five Interacting Key variables"", for example, leadership attributes under what circumstances, the quality of leadership will be controlled or curtailed, although the leadership ability can also bring about many positive effects. Then under what other circumstances, the thing that controls leadership is also being controlled by another variable, you are probably interested in participating in the lecture.In fact, the ""Five Elements Theory"" is similar to this thinking model, which logically connects the key variables into relationship, and shows how these variables have certain natural laws of operation with each other.When you finish this course, you will greatly admire and appreciate the ancient wisdom. This simple Thinking Model can clearly analyze various phenomena, the relationship between our different body organs, and it can also be used to analyze the relationship between different diets and emotions. This will bring about greater understanding about your health, mind, emotions, and diseases (if any).You will also realize that ""cause and effect"" is not simply the consequence of something or one thing, but the consequence of many factors. You will then, not easily influenced by commercial advertisements promoting certain health product that can prevent cancer.(This is another video course of the series of Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic courses. This series of 6 courses are inter-related. However you can take up this course to start learning first)."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
fiveelement |
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
yinyangg |
"Wow, ( ()"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
qi5variables |
", Energy. , ""Qi"" is a word and concept often used by Chinese in many different contexts and situation. e.g. ""I am very angry"", the world Qi is used. or ""I am full of passion"", the world Qi is used.Most westerners associate Qi with Chinese Qigong, implying that Qi is only used in Qigong context.Unfortunately it is not so. Hence this video course will enlighten you the use of Qi can be very profound and effective, with useful application of this Qi concept in daily living, health, sickness, diets, emotions, psychology etc.Westerners translate ""Qi"" as ""Energy"". After you finish this course, you will find that the word ""Energy"" cannot fully bring out the concept of this mysterious "" Qi"". In fact, there is no such English language that is about Qi. You will surely benefit greatly in this video course which talks on Qi.When we discusses the ""5-Essential Human Life Variables"", ""Qi"" is one of the five fundamental variables. This shows that ""Qi"" is very important to our lives.In our other ancient wisdom course on , ""Food Therapy"", we also mentioned that foods also has property and function of ""Qi"". You are sure very surprised, because western nutrition theory does not have the concept of ""Qi"" in the foods.You will find that. ""Qi (Its mystery unfolded), 5-Essential Human Life Variables"" is an invaluable and indispensable knowledge, related to your life and happiness.(This is another video course of the series of Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic courses. This series of 6 courses are inter-related. However you can take up this course to start learning first)."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |