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"Como Ser Prspero Desenvolvendo a Autoliderana?" |
"POR QUE FAZER ESTE CURSO?O mercado exige alta performance. Corremos em busca do sucesso, excelentes resultados, estratgias vencedoras, competncia em ser, fazer e transformar.Buscamos liderana pessoal, profissional, felicidade e reconhecimento. As pessoas se movem em busca da melhoria contnua. uma corrida com foco assertivo.No h tempo para errar. A melhor estratgia acertar.Qual o segredo para otimizar o tempo, liderar com maestria e se destacar?A resposta autoliderana, afinal qualquer caminho ser trilhado com os nossos passos.O que a autoliderana pode fazer pelo caminho? Direcionar para vitria.O que a ausncia da autoliderana provoca? Ela provoca a nvel inconsciente a auto-sabotagem.Um resultado excepcional est vinculado qualidade da autoliderana e ao grau de inteligncia emocional.OBJETIVOS:- Acessar ferramentas extraordinrias que impulsionaro a carreira e a vida pessoal para um patamar acima da expectativa.- Aplicar conceitos inovadores despertando a fora pessoal, a energia da vitria e a certeza do eu posso!- Preparar um refgio interno para acessar recursos como: equilbrio, lucidez, coragem e segurana para elevar a autoestima pessoal e tambm dos liderados. - Descobrir o segredo para otimizar o tempo, liderar com maestria e se destacar.O QUE MAIS VOC APRENDER:Como sofisticar a autoliderana e apreciar sua companhia?Como programar a mente para alcanar sonhos e reforar o poder pessoal?Como transformar a vida e usufruir o sucesso?Como motivar-se para ir muito alm?Como lidar com situaes adversas, presses emocionais e estresse?Como ampliar as capacidades emocionais e romper com conceitos impostos?Como gerenciar conflitos entre a carreira e a vida pessoal.Como investir na autoimagem e na autoestima?Como intensificar a competitividade e esforo pessoal?Como acessar competncias que forneam suporte e encorajamento para lidar com situaes de mudana e presso.Como ampliar a concepo de mundo garantindo a felicidade humana e corporativa.Faa agora sua inscrio para o Curso Como Ser Prspero Desenvolvendo a Autoliderana?"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"1 Saatte Harika Websiteler Hazrlamay renin!" |
"Bu kursta, kodlama bilmeyen ve Wix deneyimine sahip olmayanlar iin, 1 saatte herkesin hayran kalaca websiteleri tasarlamay reteceim. HAYALLERNZ VE KARYERNZ bir tk ileriye tamak iin hemen kaydolun!Bu kurs kimler iindir?Kodlama bilmeyenlerWix deneyimi olmayanlarWebsite tasarlamak isteyenlerYaratcln website hazrlayarak konuturmak isteyenlerFreelance website tasarmcs olmak isteyenler iindir.Bu kursta neler reneceiz?CRETSZ Wix Hesab OluturmaCRETSZ Wix ablonu Seme CRETSZ Wix ablonu KurmaWix ablonu zelletirme Wix Blogu OluturmaWix Forum OluturmaWix Galeri OluturmaInstagram Ak EklemeWix Bookings OluturmaWix Chat Box KurmaWix Sanal Maaza AmaWebsiteniz zerinden deme Alma DetaylarDier Wix Uygulamalarn Tanmazel Alan Ad Satn AlmaWix Premium Planlarn Akllca SemeWix SEO'yu KurmaBONUS: Giriimcilere zel : erik retmek in AlternatiflerVe dahas...Neden Wix websitesi kursuna baylacaksnz?HIZLI RENMESize 1 saat iinde nasl bir Wix web sitesi oluturulacan gstereceim!PRATK UYGULAMASiz de 1 saat ierisinde bir Wix web sitesi oluturabilir hale geleceksiniz!PARADAN TASARRUFWebsite tasarm kurslar pahal olabilir, ancak bu Wix kursu ve biraz yaratclk ile herhangi bir web sitesini ok az bir cret karlnda oluturabilirsiniz.YEN BALAYANLAR NBu Wix web sitesi kursu tamamen yeni balayanlar iin uygundur. Wix, kodlama hakknda hibir ey bilmenize gerek yoktur.HARKA UYGULAMALARBu kurs, HAYALNZDEK web sitesini nasl yapacanz retir. Belirli bir stille snrl deilsiniz. ONLARCA FARKLI TEMA'dan istediinize en yaknn bulup, zelletirerek, harika Wix uygulamalarn sitenize kurarak, 1 saatte herkesin hayran kalaca websiteleri tasarlayabilirsiniz. HAYALLERNZ VE KARYERNZ bir tk ileriye tamak iin hemen kaydolun!DESTEKBana her zaman yazabilirsiniz.Sevgiler,Selin"
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Deseas atraer tus clientes deseados, crear las alianzas que necesitas y mantener una comunicacin efectiva con la gente que te rodeas? Este programa es para ti!Se trata de un curso introductorio de consultora donde aprenders a crear y formar espacios para atraer relaciones en esencia que generen negocios exitosos. A travs de tu reconocimiento como lder, las habilidades sociales que tienes, la forma a la cual dirigirte a los dems a travs del reconocimiento de su comportamiento y personalidad podrs desarrollar una comunicacin mucho mas efectiva del mensaje que quieres transmitir.Adicional obtendrs tips para dirigirte a las personas que no conoces, como enfrentarte a la creacin de una nueva relacin, como recargar tu energa interna para contagiarla y finalmente la clave del seguimiento como factor de xito para el crecimiento de tu negocio!Estas preparado para contagiarte de energa y llevar a tus relaciones a un siguiente nivel?Para mi ser un honor compartir contigo estas maravillosas herramientas 100% experienciales!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to find, analyze and target your right costumer online" |
"This course will show the best analysis and research to carry out to understand and target the right people that will buy your product and services online.It will show you 15 proven analytic tests to know if your product will sell or not and determine your market size.You will discover how to target the right audience by answering 31 check list questions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to choose a profitable online business" |
"This course will show the best analysis and research to carry out to understand and target the right people that will buy your product and services online.It is basically geared to show you how to choose a profitable online businessIt will show you 15 proven analytic tests to know if your product or service will sell or not and determine your market size.You will discover how to target the right audience by answering 31 check list questions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Super Guide to LinkedIn Ads" |
"This course teaches you about Linked Ads and advertising. How to manage your Linkedin profile account and grow your business with Linkedin.In this course, you will learn: Video 1- LinkedIn walkthroughVideo 2- what is LinkedIn video 3- why you should choose LinkedIn adsVideo 4- how LinkedIn ads can help your businessVideo 5- blueprint for creating a marketing plan for LinkedIn ads video 6- best practices for content campaign video 7- dos and donts of LinkedInVideo 8- recommended tools and functionsVideo 9- campaign manager walkthroughvideo 10- How to create a company pagevideo 11- How to create an ad account video 12- how to create a content adVideo 13- how to create a text adVideo 14- how to create an inmail adVideo 15- how to collect leads with company pageVideo 16- locating qualified leads for your audienceVideo 17- creating a showcase pageVideo 18 How to collect leads with inmail ads"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso completo de ARKit para iOS con 7 apps profesionales" |
"ARKit es una de las libreras mas populares en la actualidad para construir apps para iOS y pues no es para menos, pues esta interesante tecnologa aprovecha los avanzados sensores de los dispositivos apple as como la alta capacidad de procesamiento de imgenes para traer a los usuarios una novedosa experiencia en las aplicaciones, sobre todo en juegos.Se estima que esta industria valga $165 billones para el ao 2024 y es que la gente ya se esta acostumbrando cada vez ms a ella y tienen hambre de aplicaciones novedosas.Este es el primer curso en UDemy de ARKit totalmente en espaol.En este curso aprenders los fundamentos de la realidad aumentada utilizando la librera ARKit para iOS. Abordaremos temas como:- Texturas- Modelos 3D- Cmo funciona la realidad aumentada en iOS?- Reconocimiento de el mundo real- Animaciones en 3D- Deteccin de planos- Deteccin de imgenes- Reconocimiento facial (tipo snapChat)- Posicionamiento de nodos y figuras 3D en la realidad- Fsica en 3D- Editor de escenas 3D en Xcode.y ms!Abordaremos estos temas creando 7 novedosas apps que te permitirn aprender los fundamentos de ARKit y ten por seguro que te sentirs seguro de ejecutar cualquier idea que tengas en una aplicacin de realidad aumentada.Estas son las apps que haremos durante el curso:1 - App que muestre un planeta tierra a escala, con la luna y que simulen el movimiento que tienen en la realidad. Dicho planea se mostrar en el mundo real a travs de una experiencia de realidad aumentada.2 - Juego de dados en AR. Este juego detectar una superficie horizontal como una mesa o un suelo para poder aventar 5 dados a la superficie, dichos dados tendrn un comportamiento muy similar a la realidad (fsica, texturas, colisiones, etc).3 - App de reconocimiento de imgenes. Gracias a las novedosas funciones de ARKit podemos reconocer una imagen compleja en el mundo real, obtener las posiciones 3D as como el tamao de dicha imagen y mostrar contenido 3D sobre ella.4 - App Portal. Esta app detectar una superficie, de preferencia un suelo, y simular un portal a ""otra dimensin"" que nicamente podremos visualizar a travs de nuestro dispositivo.5 - App tipo ""SnapChat"". Gracias a la tecnologa True-Depth que viene en el iPhone X podremos hacer una app que detecte la cara del usuario y con esa informacin ponerle mscaras en 3D con movimiento y gesticulacin. 6 - Juego coche de RC. Este divertido juego detectar una superficie y colocar un coche en 3D de radio control, en este caso el control remoto ser el dispositivo.7 - Juego dibujo compartido. Este juego se trata de generar un mundo compartido para que dos usuarios en dispositivos diferentes, pero conectados entre ellos, puedan dibujar y ver los resultados de uno al otro.Este curso es trado a ti por Quartz Byte. Somos una empresa de desarrollo de software ubicada en la Ciudad de Mxico. Nos apasiona aprender y compartir conocimiento, queremos que este curso sea realmente fructfero para ti y te genere un valor agregado a tu perfil profesional, es por eso que al adquirir este curso nos comprometemos a:- Contestar tus dudas a la brevedad.- Agendar una sesin de video-charla con duracin 2hrs cada semana para dudas.- Agregarte al GITprivado con el cdigo fuente de los proyectos terminados.- Actualizar el curso con cualquier novedad relevante, y cuando haya oportunidad tambin agregaremos ms secciones prcticas con novedosas apps.nete a esta nueva tendencia en el desarrollo de experiencias mviles."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Stories e Vdeos Animados com PowerPoint" |
"Finalmente uma oportunidade de aprender criar Stories e Vdeos Animados de um jeito simples, rpido e descomplicado, e cobrar2 VEZES MAISpelos seus trabalhos de Social Media usando o PowerPoint.O Treinamento Stories e Videos Animados a 100% online com um contedo prtico e direto com foco na criao de peas grficas para Stories e divulgao do Instagram, Facebook e WhatsApp utilizando o design estratgicoideal para para designers e donos de agncia de marketing digitalque desejam alavancar seus resultados atravs do design."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PACK Imagens Ads E-commerce e Dropshipping" |
"Imagens Ads um PACK de artes 100% editveis voltadas para criao de imagens para anncios ou postagens em redes sociais, nesse pacote contm mais de 150 arquivos 100% editveis.O pacote tambm acompanha: Um Curso de EdioUm Curso de AnimaoUm curso de AdsUm Pacote de 1600 Fontes EspeciaisIdeal para que tem uma Loja virtual, Fsica ou quem trabalha com Dropshipping e queira divulgar seus produtos com qualidade focado na alta converso.* Aprenda a editar as imagens de seus produtos do absoluto Zero.* Aprenda a modificar os mais de 150 modelos editveis do pacote.* Aprenda a fazer animaes para Stories e Feed de notcias.* Aprenda criar campanhas de venda para seus produtos.* Aprenda a Instalar as melhores fontes do mercado.* Suporte Prmium via WhatsApp para alunos."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Became Expert Revit MEP ( Beginner to Advance Level)" |
"his course is a Advance course in REVIT MEP 2019. Those who want to learn REVIT MEP 2019 and understand its basics to Advance Level within minimum time shall take this course.What youll learnArchitectural DesigningLand scaping3D ModelingLink ActivitiesHVAC DesigningPlumbingCHILLER PLANT DESIGNING.Fire Protection system DesigningElectrical DesigningWho this course is for:people having background of following field can do this courseArchitectsMechanical EngineersElectrical EngineerHVAC EngineersPlumbing Engineers"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"REVIT 2020_Learn Architectural,MEP&Chiller Plant Designing" |
"This course is a Advance course in REVIT MEP 202O & MEP Theory. Those who want to learn REVIT MEP 2020 and understand its basics to Advance Level within minimum time shall take this course.What youll learnArchitectural DesigningLand scaping3D ModelingLink ActivitiesHVAC DesigningPlumbingCHILLER PLANT DESIGNING.Fire Protection system DesigningElectrical DesigningWho this course is for:people having background of following field can do this courseArchitectsMechanical EngineersElectrical EngineerHVAC EngineersPlumbing Engineers"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Como Criar Sites Incrveis - Curso Divi WordPress" |
"Uma nova era de temas para WordPress est chegando! Nesse Curso estaremos mostrando como usar o Tema Divi da Elegant Themes, um dos temas mais populares do Wordpress. O Curso Divi WordPress um treinamento totalmente em vdeo aulas que ensina o aluno passo a passo, do incio ao fim, como usar o Tema Divi para montar um site, blog, landing page, onde eu literalmente te pego pela mo e te guio durante todo o processo, mostrando cada etapa nos mnimos detalhes. O Curso possui 4 mdulos com mais de 25 aulas, onde eu vou desde os passos Iniciais at a finalizao do site. So mais de 5 horas de vdeos gravados em alta definio mostrando passo a passo como criar um website do inicio ao fim, do bsico ao avanado."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Como Criar Uma Loja Online Profissional - E-commerce Divi" |
"O comrcio eletrnico deve atingir R$ 79,9 bilhes em vendas neste ano, estima a Associao Brasileira de Comrcio Eletrnico (ABComm). O montante representaria um crescimento de 16% sobre 2018. Segundo a ABComm, o comrcio eletrnico deve registar um tquete mdio de R$ 301, com um total de 265 milhes de pedidos efetuados pelos consumidores at o fim deste ano. O nmero de lojas virtuais deve totalizar 87 mil. As micro e pequenas empresas devem ampliar sua participao no faturamento, para 29%.Uma loja virtual fica aberta 24 horas por dia, todos os dias do ano e tem um custo de praticamente ZERO para comear.Mas, como criar uma Loja Virtual?Como aproveitar o poder da Loja Virtual para atingir mais pessoas e vender muito mais produtos?Como evitar perder horas e horas tentando criar a sua loja e tentando entender toda a parte de tecnologia, pagamentos, integraes, inventario, etc.Quais so as coisas que voc precisa fazer, e as coisas que voc deve evitar?No tendo uma loja virtual, voc esta perdendo dinheiro e clientes a cada dia. E evitando que os seus produtos e suas ideias se espalhem pelo Brasil e pelo mundo.Pelo contrario, Com uma loja virtual bem otimizada voc poder aumentar as suas vendas, atingir milhares de novos clientes e pegar a sua parte nos R$79 Bilhes de Reais que lojas online faturam a cada ano!Neste curso voc vai aprender como Criar um Loja Virtual passo a passo comeando do Zero utilizando o WordPress, Tema Divi e o WooCommerce.E vai aprender como Personalizar a sua loja online para deixa-la profissional e ser a sua empresa na rede, e garantir mais vendas e clientes satisfeitos.Voc tambm ir aprender como criar um sistema de pagamentos online para aceitar cartes de credito, debito, boleto bancrio e tambm como integrar a sua loja ao PagSeguro e o Paypal. Dessa forma os seus clientes tero todas as opes de pagamento disponveis no mercado ali na sua loja.E como um bnus, eu vou te ensinar a configurar o plugin correios e assim sua loja no ter de se preocupar com os clculos dos fretes dos produtos.Eu tenho certeza que voc vai adorar o curso e que no final vai ter a sua loja virtual super otimizada e rentvel.Espero voc nas aulas do curso!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Funis de Vendas Segmentados Por Interesse ActiveCampaign" |
"Importar Listas de e-mails:O ActiveCampaign uma das ferramentas de automao de marketing mais poderosas do planeta.E, tem um preo ridiculamente baixo, que seus clientes como MailChimp, Aweber e at mesmo a InfusionSoft esto se esforando para acompanhar.O Que o Torna To poderoso?Alm de seu construtor de automao visual ser fcil de usar, o ActiveCampaign oferece recursos avanados de automao, como marcao, instrues if/else, metas, rastreamento de abertura e clique, espera at que determinadas condies sejam atendidas e muito mais.Alm disso, suas funes de segmentao condicional esto a anos-luz frente de qualquer uma das concorrentes. Esse recurso permite segmentar sua lista exatamente da forma que voc precisa, para que voc possa receber a mensagem certa das pessoas certas, no momento certo.Finalmente, o ActiveCampaign permite rastrear os visitantes do seu site.Sim! Voc pode literalmente ver como seus assinantes se envolvem com seu site e acionar automaes com base no que eles esto procurando!Todos esses recursos tcnicos so bons e elegantes; no entanto, sem a estratgia adequada, eles no vo te servir muito bem. por isso que, alm de ensinar os INS e OUTS do ActiveCampaign, este curso ensina: A estratgia dos funis de vendas segmentados por interesseEssa estratgia ensina como construir automaes e funis que se moldam aos interesses particulares dos seus assinantes - permitindo que voc se relacione e venda mais!Essencialmente, funciona observando como seus assinantes se envolvem com seus e-mails, sites e outros contedos e, em seguida, aciona automaes adaptadas a eles.Sim, estamos falando de marketing comportamental.Para resumir, este curso no s ensina-lhe como usar corretamente ActiveCampaign, mas tambm ensina voc a estratgia para que voc use esta ferramenta poderosa para multiplicar seus negcios ... automaticamente!PS : Voc sabia que 90% dos empreendedores digitais no sabem como fazer um funil segmentando seus LDERES por interesse? Voc pode aprender como segmentar os seus assinantes por interesse e por isso representa a prtica de vendas, no pode mais enviar os e-mails para as pessoas, elas precisam fazer o e-mail certo na hora certa com o produto certo."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Pengenalan Pembelajaran Mesin (Intro to Machine Learning)" |
"*Apa kamu siap untuk menjadi Machine Learning Engineer? Atau apa kamu tertarik untuk belajar materi Machine Learning? Tunggu apa lagi? Ini adalah pelajaran yang cocok untukmu!**Saat ini, teknologi berevolusi dan berkembang pesat tanpa henti. Apalagi, didukung dengan adanya era pembelajaran komputer generasi ke-5 yang melahirkan adanya Artificial Intelligence atau Kecerdasan Buatan, yang mengharuskan individu untuk memiliki skill tambahan agar lebih kompetitif dan lebih mahir ketimbang yang lain. Dalam kursus ini, anda akan belajar mengenai Artificial Intelligence atau kecerdasan buatan yang sangat diminati di berbagai industri yang tak terhitung jumlahnya. Machine Learning adalah tiket kelas satu ke karier paling menarik di AI.**Pembelajaran mesin atau Machine Learning menyatukan ilmu komputer dan statistik untuk membangun daya prediksi. Anda akan menjelajahi banyak algoritma berbeda selama kursus ini yang akan mencakup banyak pemrosesan data dan penanganannya. Dan lebih lagi mengenai regresi linier dan logistik yang menghasilkan beberapa prediksi.**Kami akan memandu Anda langkah demi langkah dalam Pembelajaran Mesin atau Machine Learning. Dengan setiap tutorial, anda akan mengembangkan keterampilan baru dan meningkatkan pemahaman Anda tentang Pembelajaran Mesin.**Kursus ini akan menjadi panduan Anda untuk belajar bagaimana menggunakan kekuatan Python untuk menganalisis data, membuat visualisasi yang indah, dan menggunakan algoritma pembelajaran mesin yang kuat!**Kursus ini dirancang oleh profesional Data Scientist dan Insinyur Pembelajaran Mesin (Machine Learning Engineer), sehingga kami dapat membagikan pengetahuan baik teori, algoritma, dan kode perpustakaan. Tenang saja, kami akan membantu anda untuk mempelajari itu semua dengan cara semudah mungkin.**Kursus yang menyenangkan dan mengasyikkan ini membuat anda secara tidak langsung dapat menyelami Algoritma Pembelajaran Mesin. Selain itu, tentu saja dikemas dengan latihan praktis. Jadi, anda tidak hanya akan mempelajari teorinya, tetapi anda juga akan mendapatkan praktik langsung membangun model anda sendiri.**Daftarkan diri anda di kursus Pengenalan Pembelajaran Mesin dan mulailah karirmu menjadi seorang Machine Learning Engineer!*"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Python for Machine Learning (In Indonesian)" |
"Phyton bisa dibilang merupakan bahasa pemrograman utama dengan tingkat perkembangan yang pesat. Phyton bisa berkembang pesat dan cepat karena memiliki bahasa pemrograman yang cenderung 'ramah' dibanding lain nya. Dengan struktur sintaksis yang sederhana sehingga mudah dipelajari. Bahkan seseorang dengan pengetahuan pemrograman yang sangat mendasar pun dapat memahami Phyton dengan mudah. Fitur yang mudah dipahami serta perpustakaan pendukung menjadikan Phyton yang terbaik diantara pemrograman lain nya. Phyton memiliki banyak suplai siap pakai yang telah teruji dapat melakukan program berat. Poin tersebut merupakan poin plus dari bahasa pemrograman Phyton. Karena memiliki pusat informasi yang sangat besar, Phyton dapat mengerjakan koding lebih cepat. Ada pusat informasi dalam komputasi ilmiah, perhitungan numerik secara cepat, serta implementasi algoritma. Phyton dianggap lebih baik karena dapat mengerjakan proyek tadi dengan lebih cepat. Berbicara mengenai Machine Learning. Phyton banyak digunakan dalam komunitas Machine Learning dengan aplikasi pendukung seperti Tensorflow, PyTorch, Keras, Caffe dan lain nya.Saat ini banyak orang sedang belajar Phyton karena merupakan bahasa pemrograman yang paling populer. Jika anda sedang mencari kursus Phyton yang membahas dasar-dasar Phyton, anda berada di tempat yang tepat ! Video ini akan menunjukkan kepada anda peng-aplikasian Phyton. Phyton adalah bahasa pemrograman terbaik untuk dipelajari bagi para ekspert maupun pemula. Phyton tidak serumit apa yang anda bayangkan, merupakan bahasa pemrograman yang cukup mudah dipelajari, Phyton memiliki cara penggunaan yang 'alami' untuk sekelas bahasa pemrograman, membuatnya menjadi salah satu bahasa pemrograman yang mudah dipelajari dan di pahami."
Price: 350000.00 ![]() |
"Reconocimiento de Huella Digital en Java - FingerPrint" |
"En ste curso aprenders a usar el SDK de DigitalPerson para el reconocimiento de huella dactilar usando el lenguaje de programacion Java, creando un aplicacin de escritorio en Java swing.Aprenders a guardar la huella registrada en una base de Datos SQLite, as mismo realizar la bsqueda de las huellas registradas, para la verificacin y validacin.Se requiere conocimientos previos en programacin Java y consultas a base de datos (SQL)."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Reconocimiento Facial con JavaFX, OpenCV y BD SQLite" |
"Curso de Reconocimiento facial en Java usando la tecnologia de JavaFX y SQLite como almacenamiento de datos.Aprenderas y conoceras las tecnicas, software, librerias y algoritmos que se utilizan para emplear un software de reconocimiento facial usando el lenguaje de programacion Java.Almacenamiento del nombre del usuario en una base de datos local y portable en SQLite."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Drone Video for Real Estate Masterclass" |
"Join over 700+ of your fellow entrepreneurs, realtors and drone pilots in learning the exact system I used to grow my real estate business from 0 customers to multiple multi-million listing contracts.I will walk you through every step of setting your real estate business apart from the competition with maximum success.Whether youre already in the real estate business or looking into starting your own drone video production studio, this course is for you.******************************************************************************************In this Drone for Real Estate Course, you will learn:The Real Estate video industry is oversaturated? Wrong! Ill explain why in Module 1.What to never do with a drone, and why (If you get this wrong, customers will walk away and youll lose a lot of money).How to effortlessly film a property and create a cinematic look.The art of effective video editing that immediately catch the interest of the viewers.How to publish your videos and raise awareness of your brand.What you should do when dealing with clients.And much more!For way less than the price of a single professional video, my blueprint will teach you invaluable skills that will let you use your drone to its full potential, sell properties quickly and be the envy of your colleagues.From learning how to fly a drone, dealing with clients, editing and publishing videos, we'll cover everything you need to know, no fluff. If youve never flown a drone or have no idea how to edit a video, this course is for you. If you know the basics but want to dig deeper, this is also a course for you.******************************************************************************************A contemporary, high quality real estate listing is not complete without a professional looking video. Over the last few years, the proliferation of high quality, inexpensive drones allowed essentially anyone to get into drone video production. The resulting videos tend to be hideous, often negating all the effort that was put into the filming and editing and making the listing look cheap.Then theres the difference between a video thats of good technical quality and a video that adds this little something. An emotional connection. Thats what sells a property.Learn how to create professional, emotional real estate videos with my proven step by step system.******************************************************************************************By the time you complete the course, youll have a complete system designed to approach potential customers and share a portfolio that sells. And the more you use it, the less time it youll need to complete a video. So more customers, less time = more money doing what you love."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Tableau 101 - Up and running in 60 minutes" |
"After I downloaded Tableau, my biggest challenge was knowing what to do next. In 60 minutes, you will learn how to navigate around the work area and create five different types of charts and a data table. The two assignments at the end of the course reinforce what you have learned and identify areas you may want to review."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"16 Most Useful Chinese Speaking Classes" |
"In this course,We don't teach Chinese vocabulary, grammar.We teach the most useful ,most popular Chinese sentences and expression.The whole course is divided into 16 lessons, covering every aspects of the Chinese daily life.Lesson1-6 we talk about Conversational Chinese.Lesson7-12 we talk about Travel Chinese.Lesson13-16 we talk about Business Chinese.All the sentences and expressions are come from real life ,not text book.The course contains 16 times one-on-one assignment guidance which is the core part of this course.All the assignments will be guided by Daisy Wang, using the ""Purposeful Practice""theory from Professor Anders Ericsson.All the assignments should be finished by your speaking, you should record it using your voice recorder or handphone.We will give you elaborative feedback and correction. The whole course has English,Pinyin,Chinese combined caption."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"50 most essential traditional Chinese culture" |
"Language is the fish while culture is the water.Without water fish will die,it is the same for language and culture.So,If you think it is hard to learn Chinese,you should know the Chinese culture.If you think it is difficult to use Chinese,you should learn the Chinese culture .We have to find a way to learn Chinese more efficiently.Here is the course 'Learn Chinese from 50 most essential traditional Chinese culture'We selected 50 articles and stories which can represent China.All of them are the bricks of Chinese culture.Each lecture has Chinese,Pinyin,and English to explain the culture.At the end of each lecture, you should learn the new words and expressions.After this ,there are two questions about the text,you should answer them in speaking or writing ,and we will give you feed back."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Juvenile Delinquency" |
"This course will provide students with an introduction and overview of Juvenile Delinquency. Beginning with a definition of juvenile delinquency, this course will provide a brief examination of those factors that distinguish delinquent behavior within a common culture, social and economical class, as well as family background.Students will be introduced to the criteria for defining what constitutes ""delinquent behavior"" in research, how society responds to it, and the gender differences that have attempted to explain delinquent acts. Similarly, we will explore the effects of juvenile delinquency on the delinquents family, victim, community and society in general. Students will be provided with a basic understanding of the risk factors associated with juvenile delinquency and challenge them to consider whether early intervention and prevention programs are effective."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Notorious Juvenile Delinquents 1" |
"Are you addicted to TV shows like Mindhunter or Criminal Minds? If so, this course is for you! Do you find yourself up all night binge watching true crime shows? Then, this course is for you!Do you sit at home watching, Killer Kids, thinking to yourself, What could make someone so young kill? Well now you will get a better understanding.Notorious Juvenile Delinquents 1 , explores what motivates a child to engage in horrific, sometimes unbelievable criminal acts.This course is perfect for anyone interested in the mind of criminals, specifically juvenile delinquents. It, offers a terrifying and fascinating journey into the disturbing lives of minors who commit acts of murder. If you are interested in particular case studies then the Notorious Juvenile Delinquent 1 course would be the ideal choice."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Notorious Juvenile Delinquents 2" |
"Notorious Juvenile Delinquents 2, blends compelling interviews with an assessment of male adolescent murderers, creating a thought provoking and interesting course. This course explores several factors that contribute to the rise of juvenile homicide including home and family environments, parental drug abuse and incarceration, poverty, the witnessing of violence and the cumulative effect of having little to lose.Notorious Juvenile Delinquents 2, will take you inside the harsh realities of the lives of these infamous child killers. In this course, you will follow the journeys of more of MY KIDS, whose cases I managed while they were residents of the Cook County Juvenile Detention Center. These now adult juvenile offenders have been permanently affected by growing up behind bars. Many of these young offenders struggle to return to life outside of institutions.This course on notorious juvenile delinquents will benefit both undergraduate and graduate students, and professionals in criminal justice, criminology, sociology, social work, counseling, and clinical psychology.Much success with your study of Notorious Juvenile Delinquents 2we hope you find the course thought provoking and inspiring."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Como escoger el instrumento mas adecuado para su hijo" |
"Cmo encontrar el instrumento ideal para tu hijo. Una gua paso a paso para escoger el instrumento que mejor se adapta a su perfil y sus necesidades de manera que pueda disfrutar y beneficiarse de todas las bondades que trae el hacer msica alejando el riesgo de que abandone la actividad"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Windows Server 2016 - Avanado" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo promover conhecimentos avanados sobre o sistema operacional Windows Server 2016. O curso indicado para qualquer nvel de conhecimento sobre a verso do sistema operacional Windows Server 2016, Administradores de Redes ou profissionais que esto buscando atualizar seus conhecimentos.O curso avanado de Windows Server 2016 prepara totalmente o aluno a administrar em alto nvel uma estrutura de redes baseada em Windows Server 2016, tendo conhecimento sobre todas as principais funcionalidades utilizadas por essa verso de sistema operacional"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Tender Academy - An Introduction to Tendering" |
"This is a densely packed, short course with 59 minutes of narrated video animation spanning 8 lectures, introducing you to tendering in the public sector, full of information, guidance and tips on how tenders work and what to do when preparing your tender bids. The tendering process in the UK public sector can be a bureaucratic minefield with each public sector body (local council, NHS trust, university etc) having its own set of rules and procedures. However, there are some general, governing principles that apply to all competitive tenders. Competition can be fierce as public bodies spend a lot of money outsourcing contracts to businesses, and everyone wants a piece of the pie. Many larger organisations have bid writing teams to compete for these contracts. However, tender writing is an art. It is a skill and it can be learned! You don't need a bid writing team to win a tender. Dont be intimidated by the bureaucracy and process because in the end it all comes down to knowing your business and knowing what your buyer wants. This course will cover the basics. It will introduce you to key concepts like:what is a tenderopen (1 stage) vs restricted (2 stage tendering procedures)selection questionnaires (SQs)OJEU thresholdsthe general structure of most tendershow are tenders evaluatedscoring mechanisms used in tenderswhat quality questions will be asked and how to approach themhow does the pricing work in tendering You will get lifetime access to the course, all of it's content and resources. This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you'll get your money back. Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Access to a computer with an internet connectionComputer literacyProficiency in EnglishWho this course is for:Beginners who have never bid for tenders beforeBid writers, managers or business owners who have struggled to break into the public sector marketExperienced bid writers who want to check their understanding of the UK Public Sector procurement processPeople looking to work in public sector procurement"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Walking Tour Guiding" |
"Walking tours are a way to promote a town. A good walking tour guide will let the town and the buildings tell its story. Learning how to be the best tour guide, to give visitors an enjoyable experience, will not only help the local economy, but will also spread the word about the town, or the village."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aesthetics: the Philosophical Blueprint of Art." |
"Aesthetics in the philosophical sense deals primarily with the visuals, because philosophers used to favour eyesight as the strongest of senses. The discipline of aesthetics dwells at the surface of philosophy, because it deals with the visible aspect of reality, particularly visual art. It is probably the easiest to grasp in contrast to other philosophical disciplines but it still preserves all philosophical insightfulness and deep scrutiny.The course is a journey presenting the principles of aesthetics being created and applied from the furthest beginning to modern time. It is primarily set in the European tradition. However, it does mention the modern worldview currently influencing both art and people's minds originating from United States and having its roots in other cultures, in the bonus material.There is also additional section discussing postmodernism and its relation to modernism. Aesthetics: the Philosophical Blueprint of Art covers the philosophical fundamentals of aesthetics you should ever need. It is a source of numerous implicit hints on how to deepen or specialise your knowledge if you feel like expanding it even further.Take the course and make yourself knowledgeable in the Principles of Aesthetics!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Prepara las mejores paellas y arroces" |
"La paella es un plato de origen humilde nacido en la Albufera de Valencia, concretamente, segn la tradicin oral de la zona, en la localidad de Sueca. Es un platillo icono cocina y gastronoma espaola que se ha expandido mundialmente por su delicioso sabor y su posibilidad de variar los ingredientes.En este curso de cocina aprenders a preparar cuatro versiones de paella, para complacer todos los gustos de la familia: La autntica paella valenciana, el arroz mixto a la paella, el arroz negro y la Fideguada o fideua, una versin con pasta que est para chuparse los dedos. Cada una de ellas tiene una explosin de sabores nica que te harn lucir como Todo un chef ante los comensales.Ahora manos a la obra y a preparar estas cuatro versiones de la paella."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |