Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"JavaScript ES6" |
"Uno de los cambios ms importantes dentro del lenguaje JavaScript, uno de los ms utilizados actualmente en el desarrollo web. La nueva versin web de la especificaciones del ECMAScript 6 o 2015 (European Computer Manufacturers Association) que tambin se le conoce como ES6. En este curso podrs actulizar tus conocimientos en JavaScript con los siguientes objetivos:El alumno comprender los cambios en el manejo de las funciones en ES6, como las flechas, las funciones generadoras y el pasar argumentos por default.El alumno aplicar el nuevo modelo de manejo de variables de bloque y constantes, los templates de cadenas, el nuevo tipo de dato primitivo de smbolo, as como los tipos de datos numrico binario.El alumno aplicar las nuevas funcionalidades de los objetos, el objeto nuevo de internacionalizacin, los objetos de propagacin, as como una introduccin a la programacin orientada a objetos.El alumno aprender las nuevas caractersticas de las expresiones regulares, los nuevos mtodos en JavaScript as como el manejo de las funciones de callback por medio de las promesas.Este curso est enfocado a los desarrolladores con conocimientos de JavaScript que deseen actualizar sus habilidades en este lenguaje. por que necesita contar con conocimientos bsicos de HTML, CSS y JavaScript."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Actualizacin PHP 7" |
"Uno de los mayores cambios de PHP se ha realizado de la versin 5.6. a la 7.x.PHP 7 es una nueva versin de PHP y promete ser una revolucionaria plataforma para aplicaciones y su manejo en la nube.Se considera el mayor cambio en el lenguaje desde PHP 5 en 2004.Las principales caractersticas son:Mejora en el desempeo: Llega ser hasta 2 veces ms rpido que PHP 5.Consume menos memoria: Por ser optimizado, consume menos recursos.Declaraciones de tipo escalado: Ahora los parmetros y tipos de retorno se pueden forzados.Extensiones y SAPIs obsoletos removidos o sustituidos por nuevas versiones.Nuevo operador null aadidoCreacin de clases annimas.Soporte a zero cost assert.Soporte a 64 bit: Soporte consistente a computadoras con arquitectura de 64 bits.La jerarqua de excepciones mejorada.Algunos errores fatales se convirtieron en excepciones. Nuevo generador de nmeros aleatorios.PHP 7 utiliza el nuevo motor Zend 3.0 para mejorar el rendimiento de la aplicacin casi el doble y el 50% mejor consumo de memoria que PHP 5.6.Permite servir a ms usuarios simultneos sin necesidad de hardware adicional.PHP 7 est diseado y refactorizado teniendo en cuenta las cargas de trabajo actuales.Para tomar este curso debes tener conocimientos en la programacin en PHP en versiones anteriores y experiencia en el desarrollo web. Este curso est enfocado para desarrolladores web con experiencia en PHP y MySQL."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Realizar Quizes con Captivate 2017" |
"Como parte fundamental en cualquier curso, ya sea presencial o virtual, es la evaluacin del conocimiento, ya que nos indica si hemos o no alcanzado o no nuestros objetivos pedaggicos. Adobe Captivate tiene muchas herramientas que nos permitirn crear pruebas o quizes que enven las evaluaciones a un LMS o hacer exmenes preliminares o exmenes para verificar el conocimiento sin necesidad de reportarlo a la ""boleta"" del alumno.Tambin importaremos diferentes tipos de preguntas en el formato GIFT, as como importar grupos de preguntas desde otro proyecto de Abode Captivate para realizar diapositivas aleatorias. Veremos todos los parmetros dentro del paquete, lo cual nos permitir realizar quizes o pruebas de forma muy flexible y a la vez poderosas.Los objetivos de este curso son:Utilizar todas las diapositivas de preguntas de Captivate 2017 para realizar pruebas o quizes.Podr importar las preguntas en formato GIFT, crear grupos de preguntas y generar preguntas aleatorias.Comprender los diferentes parmetros para el manejo de las pruebas en Captivate 2017.Aprender a hacer diferentes tipos de exmenes con Adobe Captivate.El alumno empaquetar la prueba en formato SCORM y lo subir a una plataforma LMS.Los requisitos para tomar este curso son:Conocimientos generales de eLearningConocimientos generales Captivate.A quin va dirigido este curso?Desarrolladores de cursos eLearning.Profesores y pedagogos que desean realizar evaluaciones con Captivate.Qu herramientas necesitasUna computadora con conexin internet.Instalar Captivate 2017Deseable un LMS como MoodleQu no es este cursoNo es un curso introductorio de CaptivateNo es un curso de diseo instruccional"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Leitfaden fr Beratung, Kommunikation und Gesprchsfhrung" |
"Du mchtest hilfreiche Gesprche mit deinen ""Mit-Menschen"" fhren? Dann bist du hier richtig. Der Fokus dieses Kurses liegt auf der guten Kommunikation, ohne dabei zu manipulieren. Ein hilfreiches Gesprch ist kein Zufall! Es kann geplant und gestaltet werden. Dabei ist die Vorbereitung, aber auch die innere Haltung dem Gesprchspartner gegenber genauso wichtig, wie das aktive Zuhren und die Lenkung in Richtung Lsung mit Hilfe bestimmter Fragetechniken. Durch meine langjhrige Gesprchserfahrung in unterschiedlichsten Bereichen, habe ich dir hier meine wichtigsten Gesprchstechniken in Form von hufig verwendeten Stzen, Fragen und Formulierungen in einem bersichtlichen Sketchnote-Leitfaden zusammengetragen. Dieser Kurs soll dabei lediglich eine erster grober Leitfaden fr das Thema der helfenden Gesprche sein."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Money, wealth and happiness" |
"Warning: This is not a course about becoming rich!Many people have a disturbed relationship to money. Some are too greedy, others too careless and others reject money at all. With this course you discover what is behind your need for money or your resistance against money. These insights will transform your attitude towards money. The lessons help you to find your best way to deal with money. If you deal well with money, you can give money the adequate place in your life and enjoy it when you have it. Then maybe you will even attract it.You benefit from my experiences of 40 years of working as a therapist with NLP, hypnotherapy and family constellations. Many exercises from these fields lead you to new insights.Relax with money and enjoy it!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Make your own Netflix clone website 101" |
"in this course you will learn how to create a clone Netflix website. At the beginning you will understand how to buy a web hosting server with cheap prices, get the script and upload it into theCpanel, creating database & user, give the permissions or the privilege to the user. You will understand how to configure ad customize the clone website like (add pages, change the backgrounds ... etc). And i will help you make a payments system to help yourself make extra money from the membership options. Before theendof the course you will be able to make a full Netflix clone website and start sharing movies,Tv series, actors, genre and more ..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make Animations with a Character That Looks Like You!" |
"How to use animationsoftware to make something magical attractive for clients: Personalised Animation,with characters that look like your clients in Vyond(GoAnimate).Make a character that walks and tals like you, but can also do impossible things, like flying, and present your message with humorSix challenges to become a professional animator and practise with animation softwareVyond(GoAnimate)!And I will share with you what you have to do to find clients for animation, or let them find you.Proof of myVisibility as an AnimatorLinkedin with thousands ofviews, likes and comments.Examples from my Youtube channel, where the amount of views for my animation is close to 100.000.Take this course now and find paying customers for animation just like me!To your success!Anneke Camstra"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Venta basada en valor" |
"En este curso aprenders las mejores tcnicas para realizar ventas basadas en valor y lograr que tus clientes se olviden del coste, mejorar tus margenes y ratios de conversin.Ingresaras al selecto grupo de los vendedores altamente efectivos, aprenders tcnicas de negociacin, eliminaras la barrera del costo en tus productos ofertados y lograras obtener mas si como respuesta."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
peachtree-for-accountants-in-arabic-by-sameh-dorgham |
"- : :1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- .. 7-"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Wilderness (Outdoor) First Aid" |
"SPECIAL - Free enrollment for a limited time - please help me by leaving your ratings and comments!Welcome! We never know when we will be faced with a medical emergency, often at the worst place and away from medical professional help. This course will teach you how to respond to multiple common outdoor medical emergencies. Here you will learn the steps to take if faced with injury to yourself or others. Providing immediate first aid treatment can be essential to reduce further injury to the patient and even death. Don't go into the outdoors until you are prepared to handle a medical emergency! Looking forward to seeing you in the class!Thanks!Jeremy W"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Grade Comic Books" |
"Hello, Im Kevin Volo, and Id like to thank you for checking out my Learn to Grade Comic Books course. When you have completed this course and practiced, you will be able to pick up and grade any comic, whether it's one in your collection or that grail book you finally found at a con.The Learn to Grade Comic Books course is the most comprehensive course of its kind. In it, I walk you step by step through 27 comics at every grade level from 0.1 to 10.0, explaining in detail why they received that grade. For the 25 grade levels from 0.5 to 10.0, I bought and cracked professionally graded books just for these videos 24 graded by CGC and one by PGX so that we would have a solid baseline for understanding the criteria at each grade level.In each video, we move up the grading scale, first examining the CGC graded comic, and then we look at two different comics with the same grade to compare and contrast their differences, because even though they are the same grade, they can look quite different.Well examine these differences and learn additional details of handling, grading, and properly caring for comics in more than 30 1080p HD videos, with high resolution images to help make the details crystal clear. Thats over 8 hours of course content. Plus bonus material!Ive been reading and collecting comics since I was 12 years old and love everything about comics. I had a blast creating these videos, looking through and grading some really amazing comics. So I hope youll enroll in the course and take the first steps to learn to grade your comic books with confidence! Thanks."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Travel Photography: Bring Home Awesome Photos!" |
"In this course you will learn to take awesome and memorable travel pictures. We start with lessons on how to use your camera properly so you get the bet possible exposure. We then move on to photographic composition so that your photos are not only exposed well, but are composed well.We Also Cover Travel Topics Such As:Best camera optionsWhat camera equipment to packWhat else should you pack to make your trip easierTravel safety, and much morePhotography Basics You'll Learn:ExposureISOShutter SpeedApertureDepth of FieldComposition BasicsWhite BalanceLightingI've been a photographer my whole life and have taught traditional and digital photography classes for 20 years. I love everything about photography and hope you will enjoy the course and learn about the joys of travel photography."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"3D Printing: From Start to Finish" |
"3D printing is magical! You take a file, or create your own, send it to your printer and after some time you have an actual solid object. It reminds me of something from the Jetsons. In this course you will learn all stages of 3D printing, from its history, ways to get the best print, using slicers and even finishing your prints. Yes, 3D printing is magical, but there is also a lot of technical parts to the process, and this course will help you navigate the challenges 3D printer enthusiasts encounter when they start out. This was a fun class to create and I hope you enjoy it and learn how to make great prints!Thanks. :)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Harmonica Beginners: 17 Hacks & Tips - Kickstart Your Skills" |
"Hey all, and welcome to the harmonica beginners course that will kickstart your harmonica life!In this course, you'll get some of the best of my knowledge that I gathered throughout the years of playing. This knowledge will literally cut off months and even years off of your learning curve, and will let you ""get to the fun parts"" a lot faster. Keep reading below to see what you're going to earn from the course.Among the lessons you'll find:4 Principles of Playing the Harmonica with the Full, Confident Tone of a ProMy 3 Biggest Tips to Any Harmonica BeginnerWhat's the Best Beginners Harmonica?Which Harmonica Key is the Best?5 Steps to Playing Any Song BY EARHow to Play the Major Scale (and Almost ANY Song as Well, by Using It)The #1 Hack for Improving Quickly on the Harmonica.5 Challenging & Fun Harmonica Songs to PlayHow to Make Your Harmonicas a Lot Easier to play A bunch of harmonica reviews, and also harmonica performances by me and by others.Why should you listen to me?Hi, my name is Alon Cooper. I am touring the world while running my online teaching business, playing venues (solo or with a band), and learning from the best musicians wherever I go. I am the founder of Guitar Songs Masters, one of the top five most read guitar blogs worldwide, and of the GuitarSongsMasters Video Courses Academy, which has over 70K students in more than 10 unique guitar courses.----Cheers, and I'm looking forward to seeing you inside, -Alon*According to stats by SimilarWeb-com** The course featured picture (painting) is by artist Ken Powers. Check him out!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Play Songs on the Piano FLUENTLY: Smooth Chord Changes" |
"NOTICE: This is a course for people who have some basic experience on the keyboard already, (if you can play basic chords so this is for you!) but who want to make their playing WAY smoother and more fun. ""A couple of days in and it already makes a huge difference in my playing. My fingers are moving on the keys with a lot more ease and precision."" -Barak Yaari""Very good course with very clear explanations and great bonus material! ""Alfredo""An awesome course, just exactly what I looking for. The exercises are so powerful, just as Alon said. I am really impressed. Alon provided great tricks and tips. His teaching style is very engaging as well. I have learned a lot and improved a lot in a short time."" Napalai Sky--------- How would it feel like - to know that you can FLUENTLY play all the songs that you were struggling with for a long time?- To know that you can execute (without even paying attention to it) any chord transition that you used to struggle with?Sounds good, right?Welcome! This is what you've been looking for. By the end of this course - you will be able to easily execute the chord changes between all the basic chords - in a smooth and lightning-fast way. Without even looking. The result: You will be playing songs effortlessly.--------Are you a beginner piano / keyboard player - who was some knowledge in chords but still can't ""translate"" it to fluently playing songs? Does every song you play still feels like a lot of WORK instead of FUN and good music?Here, you will learn how to play all of the songs that YOU love, in an EFFORTLESS way, that sounds way better than how you're used to. In this class I'll share with you the several absolutely most powerful exercises to what I call ""the most important ability of all when it comes to playing songs smoothly"" - and this is the ability to quickly move between all the different CHORD INVERSIONS, and to completely control your right hand and your left hand in the context of playing songs. I was stuck for a long time at the place where I couldn't really make my way through a couple of chords fluently until I started using these exercises, and that's where everything changed. I'll be happy to share them with you as well!When you have total control over at least the basic chords + all of their inversions, (later you'll also start gaining control of the more complex chords)You can literally play not just a couple of tunes, but THOUSANDS of songs open up for you. Your song playing will be a lot more fluent for you and will seem like much less of a ""work"" - and instead more as ""pure fun"".Also - moving between the inversions (instead of just the simple triads that start from the root) will enable you to ""automatically"" have excellent voice leading in the songs that you play - which simply means that everything will sound a lot more smooth and pleasant to the ears of the listeners.I am a professional piano and guitar player and I still do these exercises every morning on the piano - that's how effective they are - not only to gaining this skill, but also to keep always improving it with the more complex chords that you keep learning. So that means that you get exercises for life here!Other things that you will dramatically feel improvement in:Memorizing all of the chord inversions that you'll encounter.You'll develop an independent left hand that can play complex bass lines with ease.A basic playing pattern to bring thousands of songs into life on your piano - which will open up the doorways for more playing patterns. Developing a much stronger neural connection to the weak fingers - fingers 4 & 5, that would then operate with a LOT more ease.Gaining the ability to spice up popular songs, ""jazzify"" or ""funkify"" them to make your covers a lot more interesting and unique.Why should you listen to me?Hi, my name is Alon Cooper. I am touring the world while running my online teaching business, playing venues (solo or with a band), and learning from the best musicians wherever I go. I am the founder of Guitar Songs Masters, one of the top five most read guitar blogs worldwide, and of the GuitarSongsMasters Video Courses Academy, which has over 70K students in more than 10 unique guitar courses.----Cheers, and I'm looking forward to seeing you inside, -Alon Cooper"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Protect Your Digital Identity" |
"We bring out our new Course on Protecting your Digital Identity and Curbingoff all the End User based Attacks targeted regularly. This course gives an in-depth perception on the Advanced Identity Theft and Ransomware based attacks and also to protect ones privacy. We train the students on different tools and applications that could be used to protect their individual privacy. And overall it would be a fun way to learn Security."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Trading - trader avec les vagues de Wolfe sur les marchs" |
"Profiter des marchs financiers grce auxvagues de Wolfes !Les vagues de Wolfes sontune configuration prcises des cours - l'instar des figureschartistes classiques - qui permettent d'anticiper et d'exploiter au mieux un changement de tendance.Dcouvertes par Bill Wolfe, ces Vaguesprsentent de nombreux avantages :Systme de trading facile exploiterTradable sur tous les marchs :Forex, cryptos, indices, actions etc...Utilisable dans toutes les units de temps, mme en trs courttermeSuperbe ratio risque/rendement permettantun exellent money managementFigures trs courantes sur les marchsContenu de la formationLa formation est compose de3parties:1) prsentation des vague des Wolfe et de leur caractristiques2) Stratgies avances et entre en position surles vagues de Wolfe (et exemples)3) Exemple de trading en live sur diffrents actifs"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre trader les Indices Boursiers - le guide complet" |
"Apprenez trader sur les diffrents indices boursiers en partant de 0!Dans le monde de la Bourse, les Indicessont probablement les actifs financiers les plus connus et les plus populaires auprsdu grand public. Si vous avez envie d'apprendre trader par vous mmesur le CAC 40, le Dow Jones, le NASDAQ... vous tes au bon endroit !Aucun prrequis ncessaire, dans cette formation nous verrons tout ce qu'un dbutant doitconnaitre pour se lancer dans le trading sur les Indices via le march des CFD -Contract for differences (le march le plus facile prendre en mainpour dbuter), cela nous amnera voir :Le fonctionnement des principaux indices nationaux Un tour d'horizon des grands indices mondiaux et deleur spcificits en trading(CAC40, DAX, SP500, US30 ...)Le fonctionnement d'une plateforme de tradingComment choisir un broker et crer un compte de dmonstration pour s'entrainerComment passer ses ordres de marchL'analysedesgraphiques boursiersen pratiquant l'analyse techniqueLa gestion du risque via des rgles de ""money management"" optimalesUne mthode de trading reposant sur l'analyse techniqueDes exemples de trades en direct avec la mthodeLe cours est prvu pour tre facilement comprhensible par tout le monde et il n'est pas ncessaire d'avoir des connaissances en conomie ou en trading pour le suivre. Nous verrons ds le dbut comment sentraner trader sur les Indicesavec un compte de dmonstration sans aucun risques.Dpassez les apriori que le grand public peut avoir sur le trading et les marchs financiers en gnral :Tout le monde peut apprendre trader,il n'est pas ncessaire d'avoir un gros capital pour se lancer -on peut ouvrir un compte de trading partir d'une centaine d'eurosAvec un bon money managementon contrle et on dcide durisque qu'on prend sur chacun denos tradesSi vous dsirez apprendre le trading sur les indices, il ne reste plus qu'a vous lancer !"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Matriser les chandeliers japonais en trading" |
"Les chandeliers japonais sont le mode de reprsentation des cours le plus populaire sur les marchsgrce aux nombreux signaux avances qu'ils donnent. Une bonne lecture des chandeliers japonais est un prrequis indispensable pour tout bon trader !Apprenez reconnatre les bougiesou les combinaisons de chandeliersles plus importantspour dtecter l'avance les changements de tendances, les hsitations de march ou les structures de continuation de tendance.L'analyse des chandeliers japonais permet d'amliorer considrablement toutes vos mthodes de trading en vous donnant des signaux supplmentaires sur le march.Dans cette formation, nous aborderons les principales configurations connaitre, des simples chandeliers ""marteaux/ pendus / dojis ...""jusqu'au moins rpandues ""3 mthodes ascendantes / gapping play / couverture en nuage noir ... ""Le sujet tant trs vaste et les diffrentes structures extrmement nombreuses, j'ai garder un aspect rsolument""pratique"" pour le cours et nous nous focaliseronssurles formations les plus courantes sur les marchset sur celles qui sontleplus bnfiques traders.La dernire partie de la formation montrera des trades en lives, pris partir de configurations de chandeliers fort potentiel afin de montrer que certaines structures extrmement simples peuvent en mme temps tre trsrmunratrices !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Le scalping - Apprendre le trading court terme" |
"Apprenez scalper sur les marchs financiers !Le scalping est une faon de trader trscourt terme. C'est le mode de trading le plus dynamique possible sur les marchs.Le scalping vous permet d'effectuer un grand nombre de trades dans des units de temps trs petites (de1min 15min).Si vous ntes pas du genre vouloirpatienterderrire vos graphiques pendant des heures pourattendre le bon point d'entre, le scalping est l'alternative idale !Dans ce mode de trading,ds que vous avez un moment de libre vous pouvez vous amnager des sessions de 15min 1h ,passer quelques trades rapidement et tout clturer avant de vous dconnecterl'esprit serein.Dans cette formation nous verrons comment fonctionne le scalping et quels sont les points a matriser avant de se lancer. Je vous proposerai ensuiteune mthode cl en main pour scalper sur tous les actifs et nous verrons une srie de trades effectus en live avec cette mthode. Al'occasion de cette formation, j'ai cr un micro-compte exclusivement destine la mthode avec un ""track recordautomatique"" des diffrents trades effectus-qui vous seraprsentlors des leons -et aprs 29 positions prises sur le Forex et les Indices,le taux detrades gagnants est de ~83%Si vous avez envie d'apprendre le scalping, il ne reste plus qu'a vous lancez !"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"How to target your Facebook boosts so you get a response" |
"So, you've noticed other businesses succeeding on Facebook? You've heard about the power of this social media platform for creating relationships with prospects and customers? But when you go to boost posts for your business, you lose confidence and you aren't sure quite what to do?Facebook is a fantastic platform on which to promote your small business. The functionality allows you to build a following of your target audience. In this course I will explain the value of Facebook boosting and how to make the most of it. I will show you how to set-up a boost from scratch and guide you on who to target in your audience, what posts to boost, and how much to spend on a boost so you can boost confidently.My name is Kelly Hodgkins and Im here to guide you, step-by-step, through this process! I have loved marketing for as long as I can remember and I have been working in the industry for over ten years. I am the co-owner in my own marketing consultancy in South Africa.As social media have come to the fore, I have engaged with them, created strategies for them and implemented these strategies for a broad range of markets. I have taught several students the Facebook basics in person and this platform allows me to teach you, wherever you are in the world! I want your Facebook page to have remarkable reach and engagement and for you to feel confident boosting.In this course,we will identify who you are talking to and how that affects your boostswe explore the different kinds of Facebook boosts you can choose fromwe will discuss the key elements to a Facebook boost including:the postthe visualthe audiencethe durationthe costwe will create your Facebook boost, step-by-stepwe will analyse your first boost, step-by-stepTo get the most out of this course, you need to have a Facebook business page and use Facebook regularly. You also need to have a credit or debit card to hand to load onto Facebook for payment.My objective is for you to create an effective Facebook boost and feel confident your boosting will have an impact on increasing your reach and engagement. I will explain each decision we make, what we are doing and why we are doing it, and I will show you step-by-step, click-by-click, how to do it."
Price: 300.00 ![]() |
"Sales & Marketing Training for your Business 2020" |
"No matter if you are running your own affiliate marketing website or you have a client based service, this free Udemy course will help you to get more customers. I will teach you how you can use creative methods likeFacebookFiverrFreelancerMany order to Tripple Your Sales within the next 10 Weeks.Why is this course so powerful?The best thing about this course is that you will learn methods that your competitors have never heard of. This way you can create a monopoly within your niche. Doing SEO in order to rank higher on Gooogle of course is a good way to get some customers but it is by far not the most effective one. There are hundreds of methods that are way better, yet no is creative enough to think of them. This course was made in order to inspire you to think of your own creative ways to get more customers.I will teach you all of those methods based on my own service based company called Marketinghope. We are focusing on doing SEO and SMM for our clients. Since its really tough nowadays to get customers with conventional methods, I came up with those awesome ways. If you are looking to do affiliate marketing for me then I would be more than welcome if you would like to join our team. We are hiring anyone thatsuccessfully completes the Quiz at the end of the course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CCNA2 : Apprenez Devenir un Administrateur Rseau certifi" |
"Le parcours de formation CCNA pour russir la certification Cisco CCNA 200-301 se compose de 7 cours CCNA.+ d'infos dans la liste de mes coursVOS COMPTENCES ENFIN RECONNUES AVEC LA CERTIFICATION CCNA !Que diriez-vous de pouvoir attester professionnellement de votre expertise dans le domaine du rseau informatique ?De pouvoir vous perfectionner et vous spcialiser sur un march trs demandeur ? Tout a avec une certification reconnue la cl !La certification CCNA est un puissant levier professionnel qui permet de :valoriser son CVScuriser son emploiCertifier ses comptencesMais se faire reconnatre comme administrateur rseau, et dcrocher son ID Cisco est un vrai parcours du combattant.VOICI LE PROBLME AVEC LE PROGRAMME CCNALe programme CCNA compte officiellement plus de 280 heures de cours thorique, dont 60 h de pratique. Or, cest tout fait impossible tenir dans une simple formation de type prsentiel qui dure gnralement 2 semaines.ET EN PLUS, il ny a aucune prparation lexamen.Cette frustration je la comprends trs bien, car jtais moi-mme dans cette situation, et ai rat 2 fois lexamen officielET POURTANT, IL EXISTE UNE SOLUTIONJe mappelle Damien et je suis formateur rseau IT sur les certifications Cisco.Quand jai commenc ma route vers la certification CCNA, je partais de ZRO, car je venais du monde des tlcoms. Un monde qui ntait pas encore coupl linformatique.Aprs avoir suivi 3 formations en prsentiel, toutes identiques et aprs avoir chou 2 fois lexamen CCNA, jai compris que je devais revoir mon processus dapprentissage.Jai investi dans de nombreux outils et formations en e-learning avant de dcrocher enfin mon CCNA.Ce qui reprsente au total + de 5 annes.5 ans pour arriver russir mon CCNA et obtenir mon numro Cisco.Alors issue de ma propre exprience et pour aider ceux qui veulent russir dans cette voie, jai cr le parcours de formation CCNA en 15 coursCe parcours a t conu pour vous offrir toutes les comptences techniques et professionnelles indispensables tout administrateur rseau.Que vous soyez technicien support, administrateur rseau ou en reconversion professionnelle, cette formation en ligne est un puissant levier professionnel qui vous ouvrira les portes dopportunits de carrire.La formation intgralement en ligne contient des outils digitaux et des mthodes pdagogiques la pointe des tendances actuelles, rendant ainsi votre apprentissage bien plus efficace.Je suis galement le formateur francophone n1 sur les produits Cisco de la plateforme Udemy. Cela reprsente plus de 5 000 participants dans 110 pays. Tous prpars lexamen Cisco.VOICI QUELQUES-UNS DE LEURS TMOIGNAGES :Merci votre soutien au long de ma prparation au CCNA. J'ai commenc de zro, et je vois le rseau d'une toute autre manire prsent et ces connaissances vont m'tre extrmement bnfiques dans mon parcours professionnel.Encore merci pour tout et bravo pour la richesse et la qualit des cours ainsi que pour les changes.Olivier.GSi vous avez zro base d'informatique rseau comme moi, cette formation est faite pour vous.Le formateur a une trs bonne pdagogieThierry.CAlors est-ce que cela changerait votre vie ?Vous pouvez dvelopper ces connaissances techniques hautement utiles et recherches dans le monde professionnel informatique en suivant le parcours de formationCette formation prpare pas pas, votre rythme, la certification Cisco CCNA.Et vous savez que cest important dattester de vos comptences pour ce mtier o il nexiste aucun diplme !Mon principal objectif est que vous russissiez votre CCNA ! Jai conu ce programme limage de celui que jaurais aim avoir, quand jai commenc ma route vers la certification Cisco, ce qui maurait vit davoir 2 checs lexamenEt je lai cr, pour quil soit motivant, dynamique, et quil vous aide progresser.La voie Express vers la Certification Cisco CCNA Le parcours CCNA est la voie express vers la certification Cisco, en apprenant pas--pas, devenir administrateur rseau.Jaime interagir avec mes participants, nhsitez donc pas poser des questions ! De plus, le cours dispose d'une garantie satisfaite ou rembourse de 30 jours. la demande de plusieurs participants, qui ont des difficults d'internet, j'ai activ le tlchargement de la formation sur l'ensemble de mes cours. Je suis ravi de partager mes connaissances avec vous et vous souhaite un max de succs !LA CERTIFICATION CISCO N'A JAMAIS T SI PROCHE DE VOUS !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Postnatal Pilates: 4th Trimester Core Strengthening program" |
"Postnatal exercise is so beneficial for mother and baby, but it must be safe, effective and appropriate. This course consists ofA preparation phase to help you begin the healing process and put you in touch with your core muscles to aid recovery from the inside outTen progressive exercises to strengthen the core, tone the abdominal muscles and flatten the bellyValuable resources accompany each section to help you understand what is happening to your body post-partum and quizzes to help your understanding. Topics includePost-natal changesBenefits for you and babyRisks and contraindicationsRecommended exercise and the all-important types you should avoidInformation on diastasis recti and the role of the coreNutrition & weight lossPost natal check up checklistMany clients have found that their abdominals are in better shape after this programme than they were pre-pregnancy. I've helped many women rebuild their self-confidence and take back control of their body. Let me help you too."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Pilates Back Care: Treat, manage & eliminate back pain" |
"If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old. If it is completely flexible at 60, you are young. - Joseph PilatesPilates is widely recognised as a means of correcting muscle imbalances and improving posture, crucial for the health of your spine. This course uses Pilates, yoga and other therapies to help you live a life free from back pain.Back pain affects around 80% of us at some time or other, with many people living with constant chronic back pain. In most cases, back problems can be eliminated and prevented with some very simple strategies. This course will teach youHow to relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the early acute phaseYoga Nidra relaxation to release tension and help you relax in order to promote healingStretches for the three muscle groups that commonly contribute to back painExercises to get you moving safely again and further promote healingBasic anatomy & physiology to help you understand how back problems occur and why exercise is key in preventing future problemsSimple core strength exercisesAn exercise sequence to aid recovery and build a girdle of strengthAn exercise sequence to maintain a healthy backBall rolling self-massage techniques to release myofascial tension and decompress the spine to allow for freer movement"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Certification Exams (6 Exams)" |
"** Based on the latest PRINCE2 2017 Objectives **Have you already taken an PRINCE2 Foundation course from a registered Accredited Training Organization (ATO)?Have you self-studied using the Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 textbook?Are you still not quite confident that you are ready to take the certification exam? If so, you've come to the right place! I have personally trained over 5,000 people in how to pass their PRINCE2 Foundation exams on the first attempt!With my 6 practice exams containing 60 questions each, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test. After passing these exams, you will be fully prepared for what it is like to take the PRINCE2 Foundation Certification Exam.This course is designed around the official Exam Guide from PRINCE2, so you can pass the actual PRINCE2 Foundation Certification Exam with confidence! You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to pass the exam, saving you time and money. After practicing these tests and scoring an 75% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-scheduling fees. After each practice exam attempt, you will receive your total final score, along with feedback on each and every question -- telling you exactly why each answer is correct so that you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and perform some additional studying. These PRINCE2 Foundation practice exams have the timed-test taking capability and provides you with interactive, question-level feedback. These practice exams are constantly updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the PRINCE2 Foundation exam, and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked! What Other Students Are Saying About My PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Exam Course here on Udemy:The practice questions are really helpful. I highly recommend to anyone looking for perfect practice exams. (Vamsidhar, 5 stars)Great practice exams... if you can answer these, you can definitely pass the exam! (Miguel, 5 stars)Excellent training material. I don't think I would have passed the exam without working on these extra practice exams first. (Anders, 5 stars)** Dion Training Solutions (diontraining) is an Accredited Training Organization (ATO) for PRINCE2 Foundation certification. These practice exams make an excellent supplement to your other study efforts for the PRINCE2 Foundation certification, but should not be your only resource for studying for this exam. It is recommended that you attend a full training course prior to taking the exam. **The PRINCE2 course on this page is offered by Dion Training Solutions, LLC, an ATO of AXELOS Limited. PRINCE2 and the Swirl logo are registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How To Create A Web Hosting Business - WHMCS Tutorial" |
"WHMCS TUTORIAL With WordpressWelcome! In This Wordpress Tutorial, I Will Show you How to use the WHMCS App to create your own web hosting business from scratch!The WHMCS platform is an automated platform that basically allows your to create your own web hosting company. People can come to your wordpress website, purchase a domain and hosting and also install wordpress. Many companies use this same platform like nameheroand a2hosting. These same web hosting companies use the WHMCS platform because off the automation and ease of use. Its really easy to use WHMCS to create your own web hosting business with wordpress.You can run your reseller hosting business with the WHMCS platform. You can purchase reseller hosting with name hero and in this video, i show you how you can automate your web hosting company with wordpressIf you want help with your WHMCS template, I recommend going to the following sites to get help and also add more decor to your website:FiverrFreelancerIf you are looking to create your own web hosting company with wordpress, this is the best whmcs tutorial video available! You can setup your resller hosting to make a complete web hosting business with wordpress and the WHMCS automated platform"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Make A Wordpress Website - Divi Theme Tutorial" |
"Why Take This AMAZING Course?Highest Rated Instructor Here On Udemy For Wordpress LessonsUse The #1 Selling Theme for Wordpress On The PLANET. I Have Helped Teach And Create Over 500 Wordpress Websites! Get a Modern And Amazing Look For Your Website That Will Impress!Learn From A Professional Who Creates Websites For a Living with over 6,000 Visits!THE MOST UPDATE AND MODERN TUTORIAL. Dont Settle For Outdated Content!Get A fully Responsive Website And Mobile ResponsiveUnlike Other Lectures. I Cover Everything. Dont be left in the dark with other lectures that are only one hour long. I help my students and make sure they are 100% informed on all wordpress features. This lecture is very detailed and will make you fully understand how you can create your wordpress website from scratch as a beginner. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Make an eCommerce Website With Wordpress" |
"Why Take This AMAZING Course?Highest Rated Instructor Here On Udemy For WordPress LessonsMaster eCommerce. Learn About all products and WooCommerce options!Use The #1 Selling WooCommerce Theme!Get a Modern And Amazing Look For Your Website That Will Impress!Learn From A Professional Who Creates Websites For a Living with over 6,000 Visits!THE MOST UPDATE AND MODERN TUTORIAL. Don't Settle For Outdated Content!Get A fully Responsive Website And Mobile ResponsiveI Have served over 82,000 Students With 5,200 Reviews with an average of 4.6/5.0!Unlike Other Lectures. I Cover Everything. Don't be left in the dark with other lectures that are only one hour long. I help my students and make sure they are 100% informed on all WordPress features. This lecture is very detailed and will make you fully understand how you can create your WordPress website from scratch as a beginner. What Will I Learn From This Course?Setting up your domain and hostingCreate Modern,beautiful, and STUNNING Websites!START SELLING Your Own Products Simply and EasilyMaster The #1 WooCommerce Theme On WordPressMaster WordPress. Create Your Own Website Simply And Easily.What are the requirements?No Experience Required. Complete Beginners Welcome!What am I going to get from this course?Create An eCommerce Website With WordPress! FROM SCRATCH!Create A Modern And Beautiful Website. Images ProvidedFully Control and Manage Your eCommerce WebsiteSet up Taxes, Shipping, and Manage OrdersCreate Unique Coupon Codes!What is the target audience?Anyone. This Course is for anyone with a desire to learnAnyone Who Wants To Start Their Own Online ShopWhat are the requirements?You Don't Need To Have Any ExperienceComputer And An Internet ConnectionWhat am I going to get from this course?Create Your Own Website From Scratch!Start Selling Your Products OnlineWhat is the target audience?Anyone Who Wants To Create a Professional And Modern Looking Website!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Make A Wordpress Website -Elementor Page Builder" |
"Why Take This AMAZING Course?Highest Rated Instructor Here On Udemy For WordPress LessonsMaster WORDPRESS and Elementor Page Builder. Complete Beginners GuideUse and MASTER The Elementor Page Builder for FREEGet a Modern And Amazing Look For Your Website That Will Impress!Learn From A Professional Who Creates Websites For a Living with over 30,000 Monthly Visits!THE MOST UPDATE AND MODERN TUTORIAL. Don't Settle For Outdated Content!Get A fully Responsive Website And Mobile ResponsiveUnlike Other Lectures. I Cover Everything. Don't be left in the dark with other lectures that are only one hour long. I help my students and make sure they are 100% informed on all WordPress features. This lecture is very detailed and will make you fully understand how you can create your WordPress website from scratch as a beginner. What Will I Learn From This Course?Setting up your domain and hostingCreate Modern,beautiful, and STUNNING Websites!Create Pages With Elementor and WordPressCreate Pre-Made layouts for clientsMaster The Elementor Page Builder and even start your own business!Master The #1 FREE Page Builder - ElementorLEARN HOW TO USE THE DRAG AND DROP MODULES + VISUAL BUILDER. EASY!Master WordPress. Create Your Own Website Simply And Easily.What are the requirements?No Experience Required. Complete Beginners Welcome!What am I going to get from this course?MASTER WORDPRESSCreate Your Own Website From ScratchCreate MODERN Style WebsitesMASTER The Elementor Page BuilderWhat is the target audience?Anyone. This Course is for anyone with a desire to learnAnyone Who Wants To Start Their Own WebsiteAnyone Who Wants To MASTER WordPress And Elementor Page Builder"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Portrait Pro Body Impara dalle Basi ad un Utilizzo Pro senza" |
"Portrait Pro Crash Course il primo VideoCorso completo in Italiano su questo potente software.Mauro Prelli, gi autore del corso di successo attualmente pi venduto al mondo sui Nik Software, propone per te una soluzione completa partendo da zero.Dalla prima accensione, dalla spiegazione dei pannelli partendo da un utilizzo semplice fino ad un uso evoluto del Software per ottenere modifiche al corpo in maniera semplice e credibile.Alla fine del Corso sarai in grado di replicare con velocit e semplicit il mio flusso di lavoro, conoscendo alla perfezione gli strumenti pi importanti.Te lo spiego in modo semplice, capitolo per capitolo, in modo tale da rendere ancora pi utilizzabile uno dei migliori e pi potenti Software sul mercato del ""body sculpt"" .Otterrai delle splendide immagini partendo da corpi non perfetti, rendendo felici sia i soggetti fotografati che i clienti per i quali lavori.Risparmierai molto tempo e potrai davvero realizzare immagini ad alto impatto anche quando la lente grandangolare, oppure l'inquadratura non lo consente.Il Corso diviso in capitoli, chiari, semplici e diretti per ogni pannello di Portrait Pro.Compreso nell'acquisto avrai un' assistenza a vita nel mio Gruppo di Supporto Facebook.Gurdati i capitoli gratuiti direttamente da questa pagina e ricorda che hai diritto alla GARANZISSIMA , la garanzia offerta dal Maui che ti permette di provare il Corso senza spendere nulla.GARANZISSIMA soddisfatto o rimborsato entro 30ggNessuna domanda, nessun problema.Ti restituir l'intero importo se non sarai soddisfatto.Provarlo non ti costa nulla, non provarlo pu farti perdere molto tempo invece.Ti aspetto in classe_Maui"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |