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"Blender Now: The Essential Guide to Animating Now!" |
"You want to learn how to make your own animations, and you want to do it now! Thats why youre here, and Im so excited to have you!I've been using Blender 3D for over a decade, and in that time I've learned that Blender is POWERFUL! The power of Blender comes from understanding the fundamentals , and I've spent years figuring out what parts of Blender are MOST ESSENTIAL for beginners to create their own content. I've taken years of learning and condensed it into a four hour course!In this course, you will learn how to: -Use the creative process to plan your animation from start to finish -Create custom objects from scratch -Understand how to find non-copyrighted textures for your creations -Use textures to create stunning materials -Animate your scene -Give the ""final touch"" to your scene so it looks incredible -Add sounds and music to your animation -Export a finalized video that is ready to be posted onlineFrom start to finish, you'll have the tools you need to create and finalize your own animations! If you have any questions throughout the course feel free to message me! For nowLets get started! (Still deciding? There's a present for you at the bottom of the description!)This course is so valuable! I had to spend years learning the very techniques I'll be showing you in this course because I didn't have someone to show them to me. I wish that I had had this course during my early days with Blender! I would have spent less time learning by trial and error and more time creating animations.Not only do you learn about creating the animation, you also will gain insight on how to start your project on the right foot by learning crucial steps to outlining your animation. You'll understand how to refine your idea for an animation and turn it into a video that is ready to be shared with your friends, family, subscribers and followers!This course focuses on creating the highest quality content in the shortest amount of time. In my early days of animation, I found creating good textures to be particularly difficult, especially with Blender's complex system for creating materialsbut after months of looking I finally had to just create my own ""recipe"" for outstanding textures, and you'll get to learn it WITHOUT wasting months looking!I also focus on creating a balance between quality and performance. Early on I didn't realize how quickly your computer can become overwhelmed while creating a scene to animate in. In fact, I had Blender crash a few times because even my high end rig copped out. But now I don't need a high end computer to create a great animation because a few of the tweaks I teach in this course!Still mulling it over? Well congratulations for making it to the bottom of the description, a place few people dare to venture! Unless you're like me and you skipped ahead. Either way, as a reward, I'd like to offer an insane discount! Why? Because I need your help and you need mine. I need you in my course so that I can learn how to make it better, and you need to learn quickly how to animate. In exchange for my discount, all I ask is two things: 1. Message me in Udemy and tell me how to make the course better and 2. Rate and review the course so that other potential students know what to expect. I can't wait to help you start creating your own amazing animations!"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Conquer College Writing" |
"This course guides students throughthe complex process of writing a first-rate research-based persuasive academic essaythe kind of writing most frequently required of students in college. It introduces students to essential skills and concepts they need for successful college-level academic writing, covering key strategies for planning and drafting. Along the way, the mini-course introduces students to the culture of college academics, including the behaviors and awareness that are expected in college classrooms but rarely taught in high school."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Fusion 360 CAD fr Jedermann!" |
"In dem Kurs werden dir die Grundwerkzeuge zum Umgang mit CADan die Hand gegeben. Ich zeige dir die Tricks der Profis und ein schnelles und sauberes Arbeiten, mit welchem du schnell deine Projekte verwirklichen kannst. Du wirst als erstes die Arbeitsweisen und denAufbau vonCADProgrammen gezeigt bekommen. Auerdem wie man Krper erstellt und diese sauber nachbearbeitet. Sobald der Theorie Teil vorbei ist, kannst du in den 9 Aufgaben beweisen wie viel Wissen du mitgenommen hast. Zur jeder Aufgabe gibt es eine ausfhrliche Video Lsung. Hier erklre ich dir einfach nochmal auf was zu achten ist und wie man sich Zeit beim Arbeiten sparen kann!Auerdem befindet sich ein kleines Extra im Kurs worum es geht finde es heraus ! Viel Spa und gutes Designen !"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"C Programmier Kurs Praxisorientiert fr Einsteiger" |
"Erlerne in einemKurs wie du einfach Verarbeitung von Variablen machen kannst bis zu einer komplexen Liste mit Hilfe von Pointer. Einfach und Anwendungsnaher Kurs in dem Praxis vor der Theorie steht. Dennoch werden in den Verstndnisfragen dein Theoretisch erlerntes Wissen abgefragt.Egal ob du noch nie was mit C zu tun hattest oder bereits C Kenntnisse hast in diesem Kurs erlernst du die Sprache."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Fusion 360 Autodesk CAD English" |
"In this course you will be given the basic tools to work with CAD. I show you the tricks of the professionals and a fast and clean work, with which you can realize your projects fast. The first thing you will learn is the working methods and the structure of CAD programs. Also how to create bodies and finish them cleanly. As soon as the theory part is over, you can prove in the 9 tasks how much knowledge you have taken with you. For each task there is a detailed video solution. Here I simply explain to you again what to pay attention to and how you can save time while working!In addition there is a small extra in the course what it is about find it out! Have fun and good design !"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Python for Beginners - Learn Python Programming in Hindi" |
"Learn Python which is the most demanded programming languages of 2019!Become a Python Programmer in the easiest way possible. The content is purely in Hindi, for those who find English challenging and can learn in a native environment in their own language! The concepts are very clearly and concisely explained with hands on parallel examples on screen.This course has over 50 lectures and approximately 9 hours of video content. Here is a brief listing of what all you will acquire from the course content:Start from the very basics (Introduction, history and present of Python)Learn Python in a practical manner. This whole course is a screencast of parallel coding with detailed explanations of everything being done.Learn how to use Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for programming, specifically PyCharm.Installation and setup walkthrough guide in Windows to become familiar with Python first.Source codes will be provided at the end of every lecture for every module. Additional resources including websites to learn more about the topics of a section will be provided at the end of every module/section.Learn to code with three Live Projects including one game, one script, and one intermediate level project of networking in Python. Get the gist of the whole in the Projects and be able to develop your own!Additional Resources at the end of the course including links to books for Python, topics, practice projects, beginner, intermediate and advanced levelThe following major topics have been covered in the course:IntroductionInstallation and Setup Python and PyCharmData TypesNumbers, Integers, Floating Point NumbersStringsListsTuplesDictionariesSetsPrint FormattingBooleans and None typeComparison and Logical OperatorsConditional Statement (if, elif, else)Loops (for and while)Some useful functions and operators (range(), zip(), enumerate(), etc.)random ModuleList ComprehensionsFunctionslambda expressionsObject Oriented ProgrammingClasses and ObjectsInheritance, Polymorphism, PrivacyFile HandlingException HandlingModules and Packagespip and PyPiRegular ExpressionsProjectsThere is much more than this in the course! You will get lifetime access to over 50 lectures along with source codes and additional resources!Not satisfied with the course? Don't worry, your money is safe. There is a 30 day money back guarantee! You can get a refund."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Cracking PHP Interviews : 80+ Question and Answers" |
"How about Quickly Revising all the Important PHP Concepts in less than 3 hours before an interview?Preparing for PHP Interview is tricky. You would need to get a good understanding of new features and revise the concepts you used in your preparation. This course helps you Prepare for PHP Interview with hands-on code examples covering 80+ PHP Interview Question and Answer on a varied range of topics listed below. ******* What You Can Expect from this Course ******* Real Interview Questions with detailed answers Friendly Support in the Q&A section Free Udemy Certificate of Completion on Completion of Course 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!Zero risks. 30-day money-back guarantee with every purchase of the course. You have nothing to lose!Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!******* Questions Discussed in this Interview Course *******PHP PlatformWhat is PHP?Is PHP case sensitive?Is PHP weakly typed language?How do we install PHP?What is Composer?What is Packagist?How do we execute a PHP script from the command line?What is virtual host?What are XAMPP & WAMP?What is Apache server?How to check current PHP version and other information about our system?What is interpreter?Is PHP compiled or interpreted?What do we mean by a Framework?What is MVC?Datatypes and variablesWhat is a datatype?How many datatypes are there?What are rules for naming a variable?How will you define a constant?What is the purpose of constant() function?What are the differences between constants and variables?What are the different scopes of variables?What is string?What is the difference between single quoted string and double quoted string?How can you convert string into array elements?How can you convert array into strings?How can you concatenate two or more strings?Differentiate between echo and print().Explain static variables.What are PHP magic constants?Why do we need trim() function?Can you count the number of words in a string?How to reverse a string?How can you change cases in a string?Can you replace a substring?Differentiate between str_replace() and str_ireplace().Differentiate between printf() and print().Differentiate between strstr() & strchr() functions.Differentiate between strstr() and stristr().Can you encode a string in PHP?Differentiate between strcmp() and strncmp().Is it possible to remove the HTML tags from data?What is the use of gettype() in PHP?What is heredoc and nowdoc?Flow control and IterationsExplain if-else statement.Explain switch statement with example.Differentiate between switch and if-else statement.What are the different types of operators?Explain arithmetic operators.Explain the assignment operators.Explain the logical operators.Explain the unary operators.Explain the comparison operators.Differentiate between === and == operators in PHP.Explain pre and post increment with example.What do you mean by operator overloading?How many loops are available in PHP?Explain while loop with example.Explain do-while loop with example.Explain for loop with example.Explain foreach loop with example.How can you implement an infinite loop in PHP?How can you implement recursion in PHP?Differentiate between iteration and recursion.Explain break statement with example.Explain continue statement with example.Give example of declaration in php?What is require in PHP?ArraysWhat is an array?How can you print an array in PHP?What do we mean by the base address of an array?What do we mean by keys and values?What are the keys & values in an indexed array?How can we convert array into string?How can we convert a string into an array elements?How can we concatenate arrays in PHP?Which function counts all the values of an array?How can we check if an element exists in an array?Which function inserts an element to the end of an array?What is the use of array_chunk() function?Why do we use extract()?FunctionsWhat is a function?What are the different types of functions?Explain call by value.Explain call by reference.Following questions are available with the Q&A PDF provided in the course (videos on the following questions are coming soon)What are the function declaration rules?How can we declare user defined functions?What do we mean by actual and formal parameters?Maximum how many arguments are allowed in a function in PHP?Explain header().What do we mean by return type of a function?What is the return type of a function that doesn't return anything?Do we need to mention the return type of a function explicitly in PHP?What is function that can be used to build a function that accepts any number of arguments?Explain the return statement.Can we use multiple return statements in a function?What is the use of ini_set()?What is the difference between unlink and unset functions?How ereg() function works?How eregi() function works?What is the purpose of getdate() function?What is the purpose of date() function?How will you call member functions of a class?Requests and responsesHow can we display the correct URL of the current webpage?How to get the information about the uploaded file in the receiving script?What do we mean by server?What is a client?What do you mean by a response?What is HTTP?What are PHP superglobals?How will we get information sent via GET method?How will you get information sent via POST method?What is the purpse $_REQUEST variable?What is the purpose of $_FILES variable?What is the purpose of $GLOBALS variable in PHP?What is the purpose of $_SERVER variable in PHP?What is the purpose of $_COOKIE variable in PHP?What do you mean by environment variable in PHP?What is the purpose of $_ENV variable in PHP?What is the purpose of $_SESSION variable in PHP?How will you redirect a page?What is the purpose $_PHP_SELF variable?How will you get the browser's details using PHP?What do you mean by HTTP status codes?What are the HTTP client error codes?What are the informational status codes?What are the HTTP success codes?How do you get the redirection related information?What are the HTTP client error codes?What are the HTTP server error codes?What is API?What is the use of an API?What are types of API?What is REST API?Why do we need REST API?Where REST API is used?What is JSON?Why do we need JSON?How can you exchange data using JSON?Differentiate between JSON & XML.What are the advantages of JSON?Sessions and CookiesWhat is Session?What is Cookie?Differentiate between Session & Cookie.How do we start a session?How can we set session variable?How to destroy a session?How to remove value from session variable?When do we need to set session variables?When do we need a session and not a cookie?When do we need a cookie and not a session?How can we set a cookie?How to modify a cookie value?How will we make a check that a cookie is set or not?How to retrieve all cookie values?How to delete a cookie?How can we implement 'remember me' using PHP?Classify cookies.How will you delete a cookie?How to track login and logout using PHP?Filesystem managementHow to create a file?What are the other way to write in a file?How will you check if a file exists or not using php?How to delete a file?How to copy a file?How to rename file?How to check whether a file or directory exists?How to check path of the file in PHP?How to check size of the file in PHP?How to write the contents inside file?Explain file() method.How To change the file permissions?What are different ways to get the extension of a file?How to create a directory using PHP?How to get files(contents) from directory?How to open a directory?What is include in php?What is require_once in php?What is include_once in php?What is require() in PHP?What is difference between require and include?Regular ExpressionsWhat is RegEx?Why do we need RegEx?How preg_match() function works?Regualar Expression Notations.Regualar Expression Examples.OOPs ConceptsWhat is OOPs?What is an object?How can we create object of a class?What is a class?What are the basic features of OOPs?Is PHP purely an object oriented language?Differentiate between OOPs & POPs.What is generalization?What is specialization?What is aggregation?What is composition?What is association?What is abstraction?What is encapsulation?What is inheritance?What is super class?What is a sub class?How can you inherit a class in PHP?What is a constructor?Explain __construct().Classify constructor.What is a destructor?Explain $this.Explain multiple inheritance.Does PHP support multiple inheritance?Explain multi-level inheritance.What is polymorphism?What is method overloading?Does PHP support method overloading?What is method overriding?What are interfaces in PHP?What does the presence of operator :: represent?How to define a class in PHP?How will you add a constructor function to a PHP class?How will you add a destructor function to a PHP class?How will you access the reference to same object within the object in PHP?What do you mean by access modifier?Explain access modifiers in PHP.Explain final class in PHP.Explain abstract class.What is interface?Exception HandlingWhat do you mean by an exception?Define Exception class Hierarchy.How do we handle exceptions?Differentiate between exception and error.What do we mean by error log?How do we see PHP errors?What are the exception class functions?What does the expression Exception::__toString means?Security and CryptographyWhy do we need cryptography?What do we mean by hash functions?Whart is hash function in PHP?Example using hash().What is encoding and decoding?What is SHA1?Can sha1 be decrypted?What is sha1_file()?What are the disadvantages of sha1()?What MD5 means?Why can not a MD5 hash be decrypted?Is md5 reversible?Compare sha1() and md5().What is enctype?Explain each Mcrypt function supported in PHP.What is cryptography authentication?PHP and HTMLWhat is HTML?Differentiate between PHP and HTML.What are the different methods or HTTP verbs of sending data to the server?What's the difference between GET and POST methods.How can we send email?How file upload works?PHP and SQLWhat is SQL?Why do we need SQL with PHP?How many types of database connections possible in PHP.Adavantages of PDO over MySQLi approach.How connect to the database using PDO?What is SQL injection?MiscellaneousHow can we get the browser's details using PHPWhat is the use of Xdebug extension?What is the purpose of php.ini file?What is curl?What is PDO in PHP?What is autoloading classes in PHP?Discuss die().What are variable variable?New features in PHP 7What are return type declarations?Explain the Exception Hierarchy introduced in PHP 7?What is use of Spaceship Operator?What is use of Null Coalesce Operator?Start Learning Now, Happy Learning.Hit the Enroll Button!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Predictive Modeling and Regression Analysis using SPSS" |
"Predictive modeling course aims to provide and enhance predictive modeling skills across business sectors/domains. Quantitative methods and predictive modeling concepts could be extensively used in understanding the current customer behavior, financial markets movements, and studying tests and effects in medicine and in pharma sectors after drugs are administered. The course picks theoretical and practical datasets for predictive analysis. Implementations are done using SPSS software. Observations, interpretations, predictions and conclusions are explained then and there on the examples as we proceed through the training. The course also emphasizes on the higher order regression models such as quadratic and polynomial regressions which arent covered in other online courses.Essential skillsets Prior knowledge of Quantitative methods and MS Office, PaintDesired skillsets Understanding of Data Analysis and VBA toolpack in MS Excel will be useful"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"MULTISIM - Circuit Design, Schematics Capture and Analysis" |
"In this training, we will learn Sheet properties, Global preferences, Placing and Wiring Components, Inserting Buses, Inserting title block/s and Adding sub-circuits in the introductory sessions. Then we will start Working with Instruments such as Virtual instruments such as Multimeters, Oscilloscopes etc, Measurement probes, logic analyzers and converters. Then wee will move on to Understanding MCU (Microprocessor Control units) i.e. Microcontrollers such as 80X and PIC, RAM chips, Integrating and designing motherboards. Finally we will be working with Analyses and Results where we will see AC/DC transient analysis, Fourier analysis, Distortion and Noise analysis, Sensitivity analysis, Precision measurements and Post processing.This training will help you learn about the National Instruments software Multisim to study and evaluate the performance of circuits. Throughout this training the learners shall understand about circuit designing, simulation and performing analysis on the circuits. By the end of this training you shall be able to perform analysis of circuits more effectively and also understand its working practically."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Power Pivot in Microsoft Excel 2016" |
"This course will help you to learn from the scratch level about excel its basic & advanced functions. In this course of Power Pivot in Excel you will be learning how to import millions of rows of data from multiple data sources into a single excel workbook. Knowing excel is must in this world and this course will help you to work with data more effectively. You will be learning in-detail about all the techniques of Power Pivot of excel and what are its usages & benefits. This course will help you to know how power pivot will help to analyze the comprehensive data to make timely business decisions."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Predictive Modeling, Regression and Statistics using Minitab" |
"The objective of the course is to provide skills from the basic to the advanced level for the implementation of the concepts of Predictive Modeling with the help of the Minitab software. Although, development of the concepts of Predictive Modeling is significant, the capability of implementing it by making proper use of the appropriate software packages is of equal significance. The course attempts to fill in the gap that exists between an understanding of the various concepts and their practical implementation. T-test, Standard Deviation, Means and Descriptive Statistics are all explained by this course. The concepts of descriptive statistics that are explained by this course act as the building blocks for the other related courses that follow this course.Quantitative methods along with the concepts of predictive modeling will be made use of in an extensive way for an understanding of thecurrent behavior of the customers, movements of the financial marketsand for the purpose of studying the tests as well as the effects in thesectors of pharmaand medicine after the administration of the drugs. For the purpose of predictive analysis, the practical and also thetheoretical databases are covered by the course. As the participant goes through the training that this course provides, the observations and interpretations along with the predictions and conclusions are explained then and there and relevant examples are also provided. This course will be helpful in working across a number of software packages like Paint, PDF writers, MS Office and Minitab. Apart from this, the distribution of the course has been done through six sub courses"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Econometrics#2: Econometrics Modeling and Analysis in EViews" |
"Please note that, We have divided the ""Econometrics"" course in to TWO parts as follows:Econometrics#1: Regression Modeling, Statistics with EViewsEconometrics#2: Econometrics Modeling and Analysis in EViewsThis is the Second part and will cover Multivariate Modeling, Autocorrelation Techniques, VAR Modeling, Stationarity and Unit Root Testing, CoIntegration Testing and Volatility & ARCH Modeling.This course aims to provide basic to intermediate skills on implementing Econometrics/Predictive modelling concepts using Eviews software. Whilst its important to develop understanding of econometrics/quantitative modelling concepts, its equally important to be able to implement it using suitable software packages. This course fills the gap between understanding the concepts and implementing them practically. The course works across multiple software packages such as Eviews, MS Office, PDF writers, and Paint. Econometric modeling course aims to provide quantitative/econometric modelling skills typically/specifically in Finance sector. Quantitative methods and predictive modelling concepts could be extensively used in understanding the financial markets movements, and studying tests and effects. The course picks theoretical and practical datasets for econometrics/quantitative/predictive analysis. Implementations are done using Eviews software. Observations, interpretations, predictions and conclusions are explained then and there on the examples as we proceed through the training. The course also emphasizes on the regression models, and AIMS to also cover Auto-Correlation, Co-Integration and ARCH (Auto Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity) models. Essential skillsets Prior knowledge of Quantitative methods and MS Office, Paint Desired skillsets Understanding of Data Analysis and VBA toolpack in MS Excel will be usefulThe course works across multiple software packages such as Eviews, MS Office, PDF writers, and Paint."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Econometrics#1: Regression Modeling, Statistics with EViews" |
"Please note that, We have divided the ""Econometrics"" course in to TWO parts as follows:Econometrics#1: Regression Modeling, Statistics with EViewsEconometrics#2: Econometrics Modeling and Analysis in EViewsThis is the first part and will cover mostly basics such as descriptive statistics, correlation techniques and regression analysis. The course aims to provide quantitative/econometrics modeling skills through Descriptive Statistics, Correlation Techniques, Regression, Predictive and Econometrics Modeling skills. Quantitative methods and predictive modelling concepts could be extensively used in understanding the financial markets movements, huge datasets and statistics and studying tests and effects. The course picks theoretical and practical datasets for econometrics/quantitative/predictive analysis. Implementations are done using Eviews software. Observations, interpretations, predictions and conclusions are explained then and there on the examples as we proceed through the training. The course also emphasizes on the regression models. The 2nd part of the course, that is Econometrics#2: Econometrics Modeling and Analysis in EViews, AIMS to also cover Auto-Correlation, Co-Integration and ARCH (Auto Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity) models Essential skillsets Prior knowledge of Quantitative methods and MS Office, Paint Desired skillsets Understanding of Data Analysis and VBA toolpack in MS Excel will be usefulThe course works across multiple software packages such as Eviews, MS Office, PDF writers, and Paint. Furthermore, the course is distributed across 4 sections details of which are bulleted below, with brief descriptionSection 1:Eviews and Its Application to Econometrics Modelling: This course aims to provide basic to intermediate skills on implementing Econometrics/Predictive modelling concepts using Eviews software. Whilst its important to develop understanding of econometrics/quantitative modelling concepts, its equally important to be able to implement it using suitable software packages. This course fills the gap between understanding the concepts and implementing them practicallySection 2:Descriptive Statistics, Means, Standard Deviation and T-test This course explains descriptive statistics concepts which will act as building blocks to subsequent coursesSection 3:Correlation Techniques Correlation techniques explain relationships across variables and are important in explain the model fitment in regression coursesSection 4:Regression modelling Regression modelling forms the core of Predictive modelling course. The core objective of this course is to provide skills in understand the regression model and interpreting it for predictions. The associated parameters of the regression model will be interpreted and tested for significance and test the goodness of fit of the given regression model"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Informatica PowerCenter - Beginner to Expert Level" |
"Informatica is a widely used ETL tool which is used to extract the raw data and load it into the target data after making some transformations. ETL stands for Extract Transform Load which refers to the processes performed when transforming raw data to a data warehouse or data mart or relational databases. Informatica is an easy to use tool and it also has a simple visual interface like forms. Through this training, you shall be equipped with skills needed for Informatica development, architecture and various transformations. Through this training, you shall be equipped with advanced skills needed for Informatica development, architecture and various transformations. Informatica is the leader of ETL. The components within Informatica PowerCenter aid in extracting data from its source, transforming it as per business requirements and loading it into a target data warehouse. The main components of Informatica PowerCenter are its client tools, server, repository server and repository. The PowerCenter server and repository server make up the ETL layer, which completes the ETL processing. Informatica Power Center is an easy to use GUI based tool. Components are used by a simple drag and drop features for objects like source, mappings, worklets etc. The training will cover the followings:Introduction Informatica Powercenter 9.6.1 Getting StartedPower Center DesignerDownload and Install InformaticaClient and Server InstallationExample SolvedRouterTransformationFilter TransformationRouter TransformationAggregator TransformationJoiner TransformationDemoRank TransformationLookup TransformationAnalyzing the Designer PatternCreating a WorkflowUse Router TransformationExpression TransformationMapplet"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Splunk Hands-on - The Complete Data Analytics using Splunk" |
"Working with huge volume of data? This Splunk training will help you learn all the skills needed to analyze machine-generated data using Splunk. Splunk is a leading software in the field of analytics and will help you monitor and visualize data effectively. This training provides to solve data analytics issues of any size. Upon completion of this course you will be able to easily implement Splunk in your workplace. In this Splunk course, you will understand live practices, demos and trained well in the data collecting process. The software developers who wish to implement Splunk in operational intelligence of machine data will find this course useefull. Splunk fundamentals is where you learn to correlate events, dynamic searching, workflows. This coursee helps to use Splunk in Application Management, Business Analytics. Splunk is a revolutionary analytical tool. The training will include the following:- Course introductionSetting up a Splunk enterprise environmentBuilding a basic production environmentSplunk inputsParsing and searchingSplunk resource managementImplementing knowledge objectsCreating lookupsCreating field Aliases and calculated FieldsCreating field extractionsCreating tags and event typesCreating workflow actionsCreating alerts and scheduled reportsCreating macrosCreating data models"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to SAS" |
"SAS which stands for Statistical Analysis System is a software developed by the SAS Institute a private company based out of Cary, North Carolina, USA. Its primary objective is to be able to process large chunks of data and analyse it to aid in the process of intelligent decision making. SAS has has been widely accepted in the world and it accounts for almost 70% of the data processing market place.Through this training you shall be able to Create SAS data sets and run SAS programs effectively.The training will include the following:Introduction about SAS and its interfaceLibrariesIntroducing SAS datasetsExecution of programs : PDVVariables in SAS : Formats and InformatsImporting data to SAS."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Understanding on Google Charts" |
"This course is basically intended for users who are interested to learn about how google charts can be used effectively to analyze data on a website. Google Charts provides many chart types for you to use. The default look will usually be all you need, and you can always modify a chart to fit the look and feel of your website. Charts are highly communicating and expose events that let you connect them to create complex dashboards or other experiences integrated with your webpage.this course will teach you basics of Google Charts. It contains chapters discussing all the basic components of Google Charts with suitable examples and is designed for Software Professionals and students who are willing to learn Google Charts in simple and easy steps. This course will give you great understanding on Google Charts concepts and after completing this tutorial you will be at intermediate level of expertise from where you can take yourself at higher level of expertise.Types of charts covered Pie chartBar chartHistogramLine chartMapsTimeline chartScatter chartsCombination charts"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Understanding of MATLAB" |
"MATLAB is considered to be a common programming language used for analyzing large amount of data. This training is a basic understanding of getting started with using MATLAB technical computing environment. This course is planned for beginning users and those who want to understand what is MATLAB basically meant for. No prior programming experience or knowledge of MATLAB is required, and the course is structured in a way that we move from one topic to another through hands-on examples and exercises. MATLAB competency is developed in a natural way, with an emphasis on practical application. Themes of data analysis, visualization, modeling, and programming are explored throughout the course.Topics that you are going to learn through this MATLAB beginners training include;1.Introduction2.Matlab Variables3.Graph plot4. Array operation and linear equation5.Control Flow6.Scripts7.Matlab Function8.Debugging matlab function9.OptimizationIn this training you will learn about;1. More graph plotting2. File System3. Data structure4. Probability and Statistics5. Symbolic expression and Algebraic equation6. Basic design in simulink7. Debugging and Speed tricks"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"C++ Programming - Beginners to Beyond" |
"C++ supports (almost) all the features of C. Like C, C++ allows programmers to manage the memory directly, to develop efficient programs. C++ is Object Oriented Programming Language. C++ enhances the procedural-oriented C language with the object-oriented extension. The Object Oriented extension facilitates design, reuse and maintenance for complex software. C++ introduces generic programming, via the so-called template. You can use these templates in our application. C++ provides a huge set of reusable standard libraries, in particular, the Standard Template Library (STL).1) Classes: classes are used to create user defined data types. In other words the class is collection of data member and member function. The objects are the instances of classes.2) Inheritance: Inheritance use to code reusability. in inheritance we use property of another class in other class3) Data Abstraction and Encapsulation: Encapsulation means binding data and function in other words wrapping up of data in single entity is known as Encapsulation. This means the data is not accessible to outside world. Abstraction can be defined as the act of representing essential features hiding background details.4) Polymorphism: it particular function called depends on object type.5) Dynamic Binding: It means that the linking of a procedure call to code to be executed in response to the call. A function call depends on polymorphic reference depends on the dynamic type that reference.6) Message Passing: An object-oriented program consists of the set of objects that communicate with each other by functions.C++ compilers are known to produce more efficient machine code than any other compilers. There are billions of lines of code already written in C++. Programmer can reuse the huge code. Well defined ISO standard that is updated by a group of experts from time to time. Supported on most platforms, from microcontrollers (actually C language) to cell phones. C++ used as a common language between programmers who work in different languages,. Base for Object Oriented Programming Language such as java C#. C++ mostly used in system software, device drivers, application software and entertainment software such as video games. Understanding memory allocation and deallocation and pointer usage. Creating your own class hierarchy instead of using pre-packaged libraries from your language vendor. Learn how to use templates and generic programming principles in C++ programming. Many Collages and university starts the computer science curriculum with C++ programming courses so this course is useful for student in IT related Courses. C++ is widely used in the software industry. No of Job Offer available in C++ Domain"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Hands-on Deep Learning Training" |
"Deep Learning is a new part of Machine Learning, which has been introduced with the objective of moving Machine Learning closer to Artificial Intelligence. Machine learning is a scientific discipline that explores the construction and study of algorithms that can learn from data. Such algorithms operate by building a model from example inputs and using that to make predictions or decisions, rather than following strictly static program instructions. Machine learning is closely related to and often overlaps with computational statistics; a discipline that also specializes in prediction-making. Through this training we are going to learn and apply concepts of deep learning with live projects. The course includes the following;Prediction in Structured/Tabular DataRecommendationImage ClassificationImage SegmentationObject DetectionStyle TransferSuper ResolutionSentiment AnalysisText GenerationTime Series (Sequence) PredictionMachine TranslationSpeech RecognitionQuestion AnsweringText SimilarityImage CaptioningImage GenerationImage to Image Translation"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"How to write erotica and earn an ongoing monthly income" |
"A course that will teach you how build a successful erotica writing business, and lead you through the minefields of ebook self-publishing. You will learn how to write and publish a new book every 10 days, that people want to buy, and all the steps, tips and skills required to earn an ongoing monthly income - even when you take time off!If you've dreamed of enjoying an independent, empowered, lifestyle, where you are judged solely on the quality of your writing, this is the course for you."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Growth Mindset Course" |
"What will I get? You will...believe that you can grow and develop.see many more personal and professional opportunities.develop techniques to overcome difficulties of any type.know how to support the development of a growth mindset in others.finally understand why people do what they do (and become less judgemental).activate techniques to reap the most from your perfectionism without suffering from it.master motivation and set goals that propel you towards your ideal outcome.What are the topics?Lecture 1NeuroanatomyNeuroplasticity (preview available)IQLecture 2Praise and CritiquePositive Rephrasing (preview available)MotivationGoal SettingLecture 3Action MotivationStereotypingLecture 4TransferabilityWillpowerLecture 5Limiting Beliefs (preview available)Fear of FailureLecture 6PerfectionismSummaryI added short quizzes and assignments to the lectures which are not to assess you but to help you on your path. If you listen attentively, they'll be easy to answer and help you deepen you learning. If you have any question at any point in the course, post it into the forum or send me a message and I'll do my best to clarify all your doubts!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Effective Communication Certificate" |
"We all have the ability to communicate however over the years we have lost this subtle art of being able to be more convincing and able to communicate even with the hardest of clients. In this course you will learn why even the smallest detail counts as an advantage. Imagine speaking to a person who has been in the same industry as you for a lot longer and showing him/her that you not just some fly by night rookie, how awesome would it be if that person respected you?You will learn:How to sound like an expert even if you have just startedLearn to spot the pains of a prospectHow personality plays a roleWhat lingo to use to be more convincing"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvendo aplicao, bsica, em Windows Forms" |
"Atravs deste curso voc poder ver alguns recursos da linguagens C# como a utilizao de Generics. Alm disso, saber como criar um projeto com estrutura de camadas, empregando a arquitetura MVC, ver alguns componentes grficos e como customiz-los, de acordo com sua necessidade e como desenvolver algo de maneira genrica, podendo empregar a reaproveitamento de cdigo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Marketing 2020: Wie du aktive Follower gewinnst!" |
"In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir Schritt-fr-Schritt, wie du es schaffst, 10.000 echte & aktive Instagram Follower in wenigen Monaten aufzubauen! Jeder Instagram-Nutzer wei es: neue Follower zu gewinnen ist sehr schwer geworden. Selbst mit gutem Content, den richtigen Hashtags und tglicher Aktivitt ist es zunehmend schwierig, die richtigen Nutzer zu erreichen und seine Followerzahl zu erhhen. In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir deshalb effektive und geheime Instagram Strategien, mit denen du schnell 10.000 und mehr aktive & echte Follower aufgebaut haben wirst. Auerdem wartet auf dich am Ende des Kurses ein Bonus, der dir dabei hilft, deine Engagement-Rate deutlich zu steigern!Also dann, worauf wartest du? Schreibe dich gleich ein und lass uns beginnen :)viele Gre, DominikP. S. Gefllt dir der Kurs nicht, hast du natrlich die volle 30 Tage Geld-Zurck-Garantie von Udemy!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Das beste Instagram-Marketing Tool in 2020!" |
"In diesem Kurs stelle ich dir das aktuell beste Instagram-Marketing Tool fr 2020 vor, welches auch von Social-Media-Agenturen genutzt wird.Mit diesem Tool verwaltest du deinen Account auf einem ganz neuen Level. Wer folgt dir? Wer ist dir entfolgt? Wann hat der User das letzte Mal mit dir Interagiert? All das kannst du mit diesem Tool analysieren. Durch effektive Strategien, welche ich dir ebenfalls zeige, wird dein Account explodieren! Du wirst tglich mehr Follower und Likes erhalten.Schreibe dich gleich ein und fhre deinen Instagram Account aufs nchste Level!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Google Analytics Masterclass" |
"Become an expert at Google Analytics by taking the official Google Analytics certification exam in hours!Develop your professional skills with Google AnalyticsWork with real world data to understand how to make data driven decisions for your job or businessHow this course is arranged:Part 1: Getting your Google Analytics CertificationThe Google Analytics Certification is an industry-wide symbol for data-driven professionals. It proves that you are qualified to lead and work with digital analytics teams in todays data-driven world. The exam is 90 minutes long, 70 questions and FREE to take.Why should I complete the Google Analytics Certification?The Google Analytics Certification is the industry gold standard for digital marketing professionals. Whether you are looking to improve your job prospects, or improve the insights into your own business, this certification is the starting point to marketing yourself and your business in the digital world.Do I need any experience or related skills to complete this?All you will need is access to a computer. Google Analytics is the most powerful analytics system on the planet and it is free to use. The Certification exam is also free to take.What is included in the certification materials?We include all the materials you will need to pass the certification exam. This includes all high definition videos that cover the exam topics and main questions as well as 80+ practice exam questions that cover both the beginner and advanced Google Analytics topics.Part 2: Hands on experience with Google AnalyticsAfter gaining our certification, we will build on our academic skills using real world data in Google Analytics. We'll analyze real life report data in Google Analytics to understand how to make decision for our job or business. Why do I need to practice with real world data?A Certification will teach you how, working with real world data will teach you why. Such as why are most of your users coming from one region or device? Or why are users not completing checkout? The certification shows you how to view it, but working with real data teaches you to think about the deeper questions and will stand you apart from candidates, and help you grow your business."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CATIA V5 course for beginners" |
"This Course will help you to acquire CAD Skill Set in CATIA V5 by:1. Understanding CATIA V5 user interface2. Learning sketch tools to create 2D profiles3. Learning part design feature tools to create 3D geometry from 2D profiles4. Learning assembly tools and constraints to assemble the 3D part files in a spatial relationship to function as a single product5. Learning Drafting tools to create Engineering 2D Drawings to convey important manufacturing information6. Learning Wire-frame and Surface modeling tools to create surface based 3D models."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Design a grid tied solar photovoltaic system" |
"A practical DIYers guide to understand and design your first solar photovoltaic system.Wether you want to start a career in the solar industry, have a system installed, or install your own system yourself, this course is a great resource.We go through the process that professionals use to design solar PV systems and the explain the fundamentals along the way in order to give you a working understanding of the mechanics of solar PV.Solar Energy Simplified has been professionally installing solar photovoltaic systems for over 10 years. We are now focused on having the biggest positive impact possible by teaching as many people as possible how to install their own solar energy systems.We have spent a lot of time simplifying the process in order to provide you with a unique, straight forward way to learn practical solar energy knowledge."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Remarkable Memory in 21 Days" |
"Imagine never losing your keys again...Remembering Names, Dates, Facts and Figures...Reading a Book Faster and Having Better Recall...Staving off Dementia...Having HYPER-FOCUS and getting More Done!In Remarkable Memory in 21 Days, you'll learn key techniques to improve your overall memory. Youll be immersed in fun and engaging activities training your brain to increase your visual memory, auditory memory and even your muscle memory! Youll learn how to use everyday objects, like a deck of cards, to train your brain and working memory. Youll learn exciting tricks to show off your new memory master skills. You want to see results from your investment in Brain Training.You want to be able to feel the differenceYou want to see the improvements in your life, in your productivity. You want your brain to be processing at PEAK Performance! I'll show you how to achieve those goals! I will guide you step by step in improving your WORKING MEMORY (that's your everyday, every way memory). I'll teach you how to hone your VISUAL MEMORY (that's remembering what you see). And I'll train you how to heighten and enhance your AUDITORY MEMORY (remembering everything you hear)."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Complete HTML5 & CSS3 Course in Arabic" |
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Price: 99.99 ![]() |