Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Design an Abstract Poster using Cinema4D and Photoshop" |
"What do you need to create the artwork:Adobe PhotoshopCINEMA4D ( WITHOUT EXTRA PLUG-INS)This artwork or poster, is like a practise for you to get started with cinema4D and learn some great tools on photoshop.You will have the possibility to experiment with the tools and get some unique results.You can apply that technique on different projects or client works that you may have, like posters, backgrounds, wallpapers, cover artworks or whatever you like.Please share your project too, I would love to see it."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop and Cinema 4D - Design 3 Abstract Posters" |
"On this class you will learn to Design 3 Freestyle Abstract Posters using Photoshop and Cinema4D.We will start by creating a simple gradient on Photoshop and then move to Cinema4D.On cinema4D we will create geometric 3D objects ( black&white and colorful ones )Then we will come back on photoshop and create our first poster.After that we will start doing a similar process, by going on cinema4d to create abstract geometric 3D shapes and come back on photoshop to do the composition and color adjusements.This way we will create 3 experimental posters."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Design a Modern Poster using Photoshop" |
"On this class you will learn to Design a modern Poster using Photoshop. Lately, abstract posters with geometric shapes and colorful gradients are in trend and I have been experimenting with it a lot, lately.I see it more like a poster Art, where you can experiment with the tools to create something unique, artistic and trendy.The Statue is an element that we are going to use as a photo reference, so you will learn more about the color adjusements, contrast and composition.So it is a fun project to learn Photoshop by creating a trendy poster art."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Respiro - Breath & Movement Training for Better Health" |
"Reconnecting with the true power and hidden health benefits of your breath is something that all of us should do. Respiro has been created by Marco Tesi who is a highly experienced Exercise Physiologist and health practitioner. Marco helps people that have fallen foul of the modern day lifestyle of sitting, poor diet and poor exercise. And now he is going to help you to quickly and easily retrain yourself and in the process you'll discover a permanent solution for preventable challenges of our modern world and lifestyles.As you would know the modern world is full of all types of unnecessary health problems, chronic diseases and preventable illnesses. The first symptom of many of these preventable problems often shows up in a the way that person breathes.On this course you will discover that deliberate, structured and focused attention to your breath, and the way that you move, can create health benefits that were previously never experienced, or even totally unknown, to the person practising these simple techniques.Absolutely any one can follow these steps, and with some practice, and a very short amount of time the health benefits will show up. Usually after the first session of deliberate reconnection with your breath you will feel a whole lot better than you did before you started.The good news about this course is that it creates an incredible positive feedback loop in your life. The more you practice it the better you will feel and that will make you want to learn more and practice more because it leaves you feeling just so good!Reconnecting with your breath is not something that a person would necessarily ever think about. Why would they? After all they are already living so they must be breathing right? They are all natural questions, however once you discover the many ways you can alter the chemistry of your body with deliberate and focused breath, you will be awakened to the incredible possibilities that this can do for you.This course is not about meditation, although there seems to be some parallels, it is totally different and nothing like meditation. This course is about the connection between your breath, your body, your brain and your emotions. This is much deeper than mediation and the physical health benefits are far easier to measure than emptying your mind or contemplating upon something that you cannot measure physically.Once you master the daily rituals that are taught to you in this course youll see fast and noticeable changes to your physiology, it will reframe your nervous system and it will reintroduce your senses and invigorate your life in ways you may never have experienced before. Now let's get you started and reconnected to the very essence of your life, your breath..."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Live Stream Like a Boss for Home-Based Entrepreneurs" |
"Broadcast your fascinating story, inspiring message or educational information to your engaged audience and potential clients through live stream video. Increase your visibility and credibility to achieve trust and transformation from your viewers for your coaching or consulting business.Lead Your Tribe Daily on the Path to Success Through Live Streaming VideosGet tips on sales and marketing using live video to promote and grow your businessTurn your small desk space into a home studio with our recommendationsImplement simple solutions to professionally live stream your story onlineQuickly learn and get started with step-by-step instructions that empower even the least tech-savvy business owners to achieve their live streaming goalsNo More Networking When You Become the NexusEngage and connect with your potential clientsLead your team toward amazing growth and successShare your story to inspire and transform your audience into a loyal tribeOffer personal development advice to help others transform their livesIncrease your visibility to reach around the worldEvery home-based entrepreneur, coach and consultant needs two things:more time and more clients. When you add live streaming videos to your business, you combine online networking with your value-based offers that build loyalty in your viewers and potential clients. Save time by meeting daily with your community online while you avoid wasting time on uninterested, unqualified prospects or editing for hours to create videos that impress and influence your audience.We'll show you how to create high-quality, branded videos that connect, engage and enlist your audience members in the quickest, most efficient way possible.Get started today! Begin live streaming your message to the world and soon you will experience spectacular growth in your business as you positively impact your audience by giving them hope for a brighter future."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Sales skills: A complete sales training to increase sales" |
"Making a sale is not just about talking to your prospects doing blah blah blah and getting money out of their pocket. Thats not a sale.The sale is a blend of many things, your converting sales presentation, powerful delivery of your message, using persuasion, getting the product planted in your prospects mind, knowing your audience, their different personalities and how to deal with it, controlling the conversation, asking the right questions and identifying the pain points of your prospects and then how you craft your offer that is irresistible and makes people take fast action, which all has the ultimate effect on your close and thus the sale.Closing sounds like stopping but we are here to initiate a relationship, a long-lasting one.Getting a customer is not an end but the beginning of a relationship. To increase sales you need to learn and work on every aspect that the sale is associated with and thats what Im going to take you through in this course.Youll learn 1) Powerful delivery techniques2) Mass persuasion strategies3) How to craft a sales presentation that converts?4) Knowing your audience- The DISC personality system and how to deal with it.5) How to create an irresistible offer?6) What all materials to be included in your offer to make it a hot offer that no one can refuse.Always be an Encore, under promise and overdeliver. You are in the business of serving people not selling, and you are an entertainer, not a teacher. This complete sales course with strategies that work in todays generation of 2019-2020, will not only help skyrocket your sales but also teach how to influence people and touch their lives and contribute your share to make the world a better place."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"New Year's resolutions: from vague ideas to actionable steps" |
"A workshop to make resolutions you can actually stick to. This is a journey of self discovery as well as a technique that will help you make a plan of concrete, actionable steps out of fluffy and vague ideas.You will start by reviewing your past year:what has worked well, what hasn't and you will try to understand what happened. You will then gain clarity on what you want to achieve next year and make a concrete action plan to get there."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with the Red Tea Detox Diet" |
"Based on more than a decade of research spanning over500 medical studiesas well as almostthree yearsof real-world testing, this program has the results and the science to back it up.Liz Swann Miller, creator ofThe Red Tea Detox, is a six-time best-selling author with over 10 years of experience as a practicing Naturopath (ND).She discovered the unique recipe for this energizing tea, the foundation of the program, during her travels deep into the heart of Africa. And best of all, the ingredients are so common they can be found in virtually any store.Reproduced here for the first time in the Western world,The Red Tea Detoxpasses on the recipe for this incredible tea in the form of a fully digital product, making it available to customers instantaneously.This comprehensive book is broken down into three different sections:Diet:This portion ofThe Red Tea Detoxoutlines the importance of detoxifying the body before weight loss efforts, why toxins can hold your metabolism back, and the overall benefits of a red tea cleansed system for both the body and mind. Whats more, it outlines in detail which energy-rich foods can help your burn fat faster than ever before.Exercise:The exercise section is designed to complement the diet portion ofThe Red Tea Detox. It consists of a variety of supercharged exercises that will help melt body fat even faster. Coupled with the metabolism-boosting diet, these quick and effective routines have the potential to almost double the weight loss results."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Demystifying the secrets of Blood Types" |
"As per World Health Organisation, 96% of the world population is unhealthy. Inflammation is believed to be the cause behind the top 2 causes of deaths which are Cardiovascular and Cancer. The course is explaining the reasons 1) Why such a huge population is suffering on the health front ?2) Why some of advanced countries are struggling with high mortality rate due to Cardiovascular and Cancer diseases ?"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Videotraining Social Media Starter" |
"Du hast bereits eine Facebook Seite oder ein Instagram Profil, weit aber nicht so richtig, wie du dort mehr Reichweite und mehr Interaktionen bekommst? In diesem 30 Minuten Videotraining erklre ich dir wie du mit Facebook, Instagram und anderen Plattformen neue Kunden, neue Mitarbeiter und treue Fans generierst.Trainingsbersicht:1) Intro2) Profile auf Vordermann bringen3) Social Media Mindset4) Fotografie Tipps5) Die AIDA Struktur6) Beitragsideen7) Aktivitt im Netzwerk8) Unterschied organische & bezahlte Reichweite9) Wie viel Reichweite brauche ich?10) Der perfekte Social Media BeitragDieser Kurs ist ideal fr alle Unternehmer die Ihre Social Media Kanle selbst managen wollen und eine Hilfestellung fr Ihre Marketingroutine bentigen. Denis Sandmann ist seit ber 7 Jahren im Bereich Online Werbung selbststndig und betreut hauptschlich die Facebook & Instagram Kanle seiner Kunden."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Powerful ideas for a remarkable career" |
"From this course you will learn: five characteristics to look for when looking for a job, five things to consider when setting your career goals and how to manage your time to achieve them, six character traits that make the difference between failure and success and how you can use it in your favor, the most important principle in relation to money, three strategies to control money, six techniques by which you can differentiate yourself from competition and get the job you want."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Belajar pemprograman PHP" |
"Menjelaskan mengenai dasar-dasar awal membuat suatu program website dengan menggunakan bahasa script PHP ,Menjelaskan sintaks ,tipe data dan operator yang digunakan ,kemudian mengenai metode post , get , session, cookie hingga membuat sebuah CRUD Sederhana dan yang terakhir adalah penjelaskan mengenai OOP ( pemprograman berbasis objek ) dalam membuat program dengan menggunakan bahasa script PHP."
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"Belajar membuat Jaringan dengan Cisco paket tracer" |
"Kursus ini mengajarkan tentang jaringan komputer sebagai awal perkenalan mengenai jaringan komputer kita akan belajae mengenai apa itu jaringan hingga mengenai OSI layer. kemudian belajar mengenai cisco paket tracer dan kemudian kita akan membuat sebuah jaringan dengan menggunakan cisco paket tracer dimulai dari membuat jaringan sederhana hingg interconect routing, seting DCHP server, DNS server akan kita pelajari disini"
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"Elite Literary Book Group: Their Eyes Were Watching God" |
"These courses are built for AP Lit students and teachers; however, anyone eager to enlighten their mind and soul by studying or re-studying classic literature may enjoy taking this literary journey with me. I explore each novel through various literary theories and lenses and help students understand the relevance of the text. Learn what makes a novel a ""classic"" and why these novels are considered a part of the literary cannon and as such required for the study of AP Literature."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Elite Literary Book Group: Catcher in the Rye" |
"These courses are built for AP Lit students and teachers; however, anyone eager to enlighten their mind and soul by studying or re-studying classic literature may enjoy taking this literary journey with me. I explore each novel through various literary theories and lenses and help students understand the relevance of the text. Learn what makes a novel a ""classic"" and why these novels are considered a part of the literary cannon and as such required for the study of AP Literature."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Draw - Creating digital art! Drawing A-Z on your iPad" |
"You want to draw on your iPad, create fast and simple digital art, build realistic illustrations and discover the easiest way of portrait drawing in just a few minutes? Than this is the correct course for you!My name is Gergo, and I always loved simple, minimalistic and powerful representations of our world, in ways that you see in cartoons and comics. I started drawing as a little kid - first with pencils, markers, crayons, different paints, then slowly advanced into digital art: I was fascinated by the simplicity, the vibrant colors and the efficiency of digital technologies. Iexperiented with a large variety of graphic boards, digital tablets from the most simple ones to the most professional ones, until Ifound the iPad and the iPencil. The sensitivity, the precision, the simplicity and the drawing speed convinced me to stick to this tool, and ever since then I'm trying to find the quickest and the easiest way of creating beautiful art.User Review - Mechthild Rennebaum:Easy to follow explanations with great visuals! I watch the videos on my Mac and follow along on my iPad. I am having a lot of fun learning new techniques! In this beginners course you willDiscover one of the most simple and efficient iPad drawing apps Improve your drawing skills with the iPencilCreate high quality, compelling illustrations in the shortest timeMaster one of the easiest forms of digital artAdvance in realistic portrait drawing, based on a photoTake the first step towards creating your own styleI love quick and simple digital illustrations, and I would love to show you how you can create them in the shortest time. The techniques I'll show you will enable you to create realistic illustrations of almost anything, and make sure you have fun on the way. Even though this is a beginners course, and you can start with absolutely no drawing skills (I will explain everything in details), I will be using professional techniques so even designers can learn a few new things.On the top of all the solutions, techniques and tips, you will receive:all the pictures we're working withthe drawing exercises for your practicemy ongoing support throughout the whole course, if you have any questionsIn order to make sure you are getting what you signed up for, my course has the Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee.I'm happy to have you here, let's embark on your journey through digital art right now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Iran Culture - Persian foods" |
"Iranian cuisine comprises the cooking traditions of Iran. The term Persian cuisine is also used due to the fact that Iran is also known as Persia, even though the ethnic Persians are only one of Iran's native ethnic groups that have contributed to the culinary culture.Typical Iranian main dishes are combinations of rice with meat, vegetables, and nuts. Herbs are frequently used, along with fruits such as plums, pomegranates, quince, prunes, apricots, and raisins. Characteristic Iranian flavorings such as saffron, dried lime and other sources of sour flavoring, cinnamon, turmeric, and parsley are mixed and used in various dishes."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Creating Amazing Videos Using Artificial Intelligence." |
"The Primary purpose of this Course is to Illustrate How to Create Amazing Videos using a Robust Yet simple platform, In this Course I put together, I will show you how to make Free High Definition Videos For Any Platform could for Udemy, YouTube or Social Media, After This Video Series You will be Comfortable With Creating Videos for Various Applications such As Branding,Advertisement Inspirational and Educational Videos, Being A seasoned Freelancer I made this Course for Absolute Beginners in mind who what to expand or establish their online Presence. Its also Idea for Youtubers who might not find the time to create upload Video Content on a daily Basis. Additionally i have demonstrated how to use simple editing tools like Wondershare Filmora and an Introduction to Photoshop and Everything I have used to create this Course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mempelajari Asuransi dalam Property Management" |
"Lecture : Property Management CourseSection : Insurance in PropertyTitle :Bagi anda yang tertarik dengan dunia properti, dan ingin mengetahui tentang insurance dalam property management. Course ini menyajikan materi insurance yang disampaikan oleh Ludy Hadiyanto, MSi, ANZIIF (assoc), CRMP yang ahli dalam bidang asuransi. Course ini mengajikan beberapa materi, diantaranya:1.Risk Management2.Produk Asuransi Umum3.Jenis Polis Property"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mengenal Legal Aspect dalam Property" |
"Lecture : Property Management CourseSection : Legal Aspect in PropertyTitle :Bagi anda yang tertarik dengan dunia properti, dan ingin mengetahui aspek-aspek legal atau hukum dalam property management. Course ini menyajikan materi legal yang disampaikan oleh Hendri Nofialdi, S.H, CN seorang praktisi dalam dunia hukum.Course ini mengajikan beberapa materi, diantaranya:1.Overview Legal in Property2.Perjanjian Properti3.Hak-Hak Atas Property"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mempelajari Finance dan Accounting dalam Property Management" |
"Lecture : Property Management CourseSection : Accounting in PropertyTitle :Bagi anda yang tertarik dengan dunia properti, dan ingin mengetahui aspek-aspek finance atau accounting dalam property management. Course ini menyajikan materi finance & accounting yang disampaikan oleh Juardi, S.E., M.M., M.Si seorang yang ahli dalam bidang finance. Course ini mengajikan beberapa materi, diantaranya:1.Memahami Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan Property2.Komponen Laporan Laba/Rugi Perusahaan Property3.Analisa Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan Property4.Budgeting Perusahaan Property5.Pengenalan atas Fraud"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mempelajari Cara Membasmi Hama & Tikus dalam Gedung" |
"Lecture : Property Management CourseSection : Mempelajari Cara Membasmi Hama & Tikus dalam GedungTitle :Bagi anda yang tertarik dengan dunia properti, dan ingin mengetahui bagaimana mengontrol hama di rumah atau pun di kantor. Course ini menyajikan materi pest & rodent control yang disampaikan oleh Z.B Bahang seorang praktisi dalam dunia pest & rodent.Course ini mengajikan beberapa materi, diantaranya:1.Pengendalian Hama Terpadu dan Sanitasi Lingkungan2.Identifikasi Hama3.Monitoring dan Evaluasi4.Metoda Aplikasi"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mengenal Tenant Relation dalam Dunia Property" |
"Lecture : Property Management CourseSection : Tenant Relation in Property ManagementBagi anda yang tertarik dengan dunia properti, dan ingin mengenal atau mengetahui tentang ilmu tenant relation dalam property management. Course ini menyajikan materi tenant relation yang disampaikan oleh Donni Desyandono seorang praktisi dalam bidang tenant relation.Course ini mengajikan beberapa materi, diantaranya:1.Tenant Relation & Service2. Space Zoning3. Communication"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mempelajari Pengelolaan Parkir yang Efektif" |
"Lecture : Property Management CourseSection : Mempelajari Pengelolaan Parkir yang EfektifTitle :Bagi anda yang tertarik dengan dunia properti, dan ingin mengetahui tentang bagaimana mempelajari pengelolaan parkir yang efektif dalam property management. Course ini menyajikan materi parking yang disampaikan oleh Achyan Adinata seorang praktisi dalam bidang parking.Course ini mengajikan beberapa materi, diantaranya:1.Overview Parking2. Optimalization Parking Management3. Parking Revenue4. Question & Answer"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mengenal Security & Safety dalam Property Management" |
"Lecture : Property Management CourseSection : Security & SafetyBagi anda yang tertarik dengan dunia properti, dan ingin mengenal atau mengetahui tentang Security & Safety dalam Property Management. Course ini menyajikan materi Security & Safety yang disampaikan oleh Brig. Jend (Purn) TNI-AD Andreas Mere seorang yang ahli dalam bidang security & safety. Course ini mengajikan beberapa materi, diantaranya:1.Overview Security & Safety2. Security Task3. Develop Security Organization4. Work Program"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Extended exercise program for low back pain relief" |
"Exercises that stretch and strengthen the muscles of your abdomen and spine can help prevent back problems. If your back and abdominal muscles are strong, you can maintain good posture and keep your spine in its correct position.A typical response to experiencing back pain is to take it easy - either staying in bed or at least stopping any activity that is at all strenuous. While this approach is understandable and may even be recommended in the short term. When done for more than a day or two it can actually undermine healing. Instead, active forms of back exercises are almost always necessary to rehabilitate the spine and help alleviate back pain. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Are you making videos but still not getting enough attention or are you looking for fastest way to learn to edit videos? I was there 4 years ago as well. I bought my first camera ever and started recording. I never uploaded that videos somewhere, because they were awful. I was so frustrated, I was spending months watching tutorials and reading how to improve. After 4 years I have the results of hard work. YouTube channel with over 11 milions views and being featured on biggest pages in the world. I want to help you to achieve the same but much faster! That's why I am going to teach you everything I know in just 1.5 hour!"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Matriser Adobe Premire Pro CC" |
"Ce cours va vous apprendre utiliser Adobe Premiere Pro d'une faon simple et efficace, on va parcourir les bases, ainsi que les paramtrages les plus importants, comme aussi connaitre les meilleures fonctionnalits.Vous allez pouvoir prendre une vido de votre propre bibliothque et me suivre pendant ce cours en utilisant votre propre vido! En consquence vous allez avoir toutes les connaissances ncessaires pour produire vos propres vidos.Si tu es un dbutant, cette formation est idale, on dbutera ensembles et on finira ensembles, je te montrerai comme cest facile dutiliser ce logiciel, et je te montrerai aussi comment aller plus loin encore!En premier on va analyser notre matriel ainsi que les meilleurs paramtrages pour bien commencer.Deuximement, on va jeter un coup dil toute lorganisation dans Adobe pour bien dbuter Troisimement, on fera le montage ensembles avec un de vos morceaux.Quatrimement, on va analyser ensembles quelle est la meilleure mthode pour exporter un de vos projets!Si tes une passionne de vido et que tu veux dbuter dans le domaine de vido montage, ce cours est idal pour toi!On se retrouve en salle virtuelle, ensembles on feras la force!Stphane SANTANA Crateur de Vido et Photographe"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
500-zgwx |
"5001601_02_03_ 304_05_06_07_08_09_10_11_12_ 13_14_15_16_"
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
"Civil Rights Enforcement" |
"This course provides an introductory overview of investigative, administrative, and judicial processes involved in the private enforcement of civil rights laws in the United States. Lectures further introduce participants to the network of nonprofit organizations, law firms, administrative agencies, federal agencies, and courts that work together to advance civil rights through enforcement. This course is designed to provide information to participants interested, personally or professionally, in the protection of their own and others' civil rights. Participants will develop civil rights resource guides unique to their jurisdictions: guides to local, state, and federal civil rights protections and enforcement mechanisms. The primary objective of this course is for participants to complete it with a basic but firm grasp of how civil rights enforcement works, coupled with the desire to become involved in local and nationwide civil rights enforcement efforts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Formao em Consultoria de Imagem - com Paula Martins" |
"O curso de consultoria de imagem ministrado pela estilista e consultora Paula Martins agora pode ser realizado distncia, de onde voc quiser. Toda a expertise da Paula passada neste curso, que conta com:- Uma rica abordagem terica sobre a profisso- Dicas preciosas de fontes diferenciadas para enriquecer seu conhecimento sobre moda- Atualizaes sobre como exercer a profisso em conjunto com os movimentos de moda- Lies sobre negcios e empreendedorismoTudo isso com o selo de qualidade Bir Paula Martins. O curso livre e pode ser feito tanto por quem almeja se tornar um consultor de imagem, quanto para consultores j formados ou em processo de formao e que queiram um contedo diferenciado e exclusivo para aumentar seus conhecimentos."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |