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"Oracle 11g: DATAPUMP (expdp e impdp) na pratica" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo mostrar os recursos do DATAPUMPcom as ferramentas expdp e impdp, mostrando os principais recursos dessas ferramentas:Roteiro:- Introduo Objetivo do cursoApresentao do roteiroApresentao do ambienteO que e o DATAPUMP(expdp, impdp)Objeto de directory- Export usado expdp expdp help expdp estimar tamanho backupexport todo database export apenas tablespace export apenas schema export apenas table export com flashbackexport somente dados ou metadadosOutras opoes para export- Import usando impdpPre-requisitosCaractersetTablespace impdp help import todo database import apenas tablespace import apenas schema import apenas schema remapeandoimport apenas tableimport apenas table remapeandoimport apenas table renomeandoimport apenas table remapeando e renomeandoimport somente dados ou metadadosOutras opoes para import- Extraindo informaes do backup logico- Export e import com arquivo de parmetros- Scripts"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 12c: Migrao Non-CDB Database para CDB Database" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo mostrar as tcnicas que podem ser utilizadas para migrao de um banco que no e CDB (Multitenant) para um banco que e CDB (Multitenant) entre as verses 12c para 12c e entre as verses 11g para 12c.Sesso 1: Migrando Non-CDB Database 12c para Multitenant CDB Database 12cRoteiro:- Introduo Objetivo do cursoApresentao do roteiroApresentao do ambienteO que e o Multitenant?Sesses do curso (12c p/ 12c 11g p/ 12c)- Migrando atraves do DATAPUMP Validando MultitenantFazendo export Database Non-CDB 12cImport Database Multitenant CDB 12c- Migrando usando DBMS_PDB (Non-CDB Database)Iniciar banco READ ONLY Usar a procedure DBMS_PDB.DESCRIBEDesligar banco - Criando PDB (Multitenant CDB Database)Criar PDB do arquivo XML do banco Non-CDBRodando script ""noncdb_to_pdb.sql""Validando novo PDBSesso 2: Migrando Non-CDB Database 11g para Multitenant CDB Database 12c- Migrando atraves do DATAPUMP Fazendo export Database Non-CDB 11gImport Database Multitenant CDB 12c- Migrando atraves de Transportable TablespaceFazendo checagem EndianCriando tablespace 11gCriando user 11gFazendo export Transportable Tablespace 11gCopiando backup e arquivos Fazendo import Transportable Tablespace 12c Validando os dados 12c"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 12c: Adm. de banco de dados - Dia a Dia DBA - parte 1" |
"Este curso e um primeiro compilado de rotinas e tem por objetivo mostras quais atividades so mais comuns no dia a dia do DBA Oracle, e mostra tambm como o DBA deve agir caso seja necessrio em um determinado cenrio.Roteiro:IntroduoObjetivo do cursoApresentao do roteiroApresentao do ambienteVariveis de ambienteVariveis necessriasArquivo env_db_sidBash_profileGerenciando startup e shutdownManeiras de fazer startupManeiras de fazer shutdownVerificando status do banco Configurando startup automticoGerenciando o listenerStart, status e stop listenerExplicando pontos que envolvem o listeneriphostname Gerenciando tnsnamesCriando arquivo tnsnames.ora netcanetmgrarquivo Criando entradas no tnsnames.oraTestando entrada do tnsnames.oraFerramentasInstalando client Oracle Overview sobre a ferramentaCriando arquivo tnsnames.ora Criando entradas no tnsnames.oraTestando entrada do tnsnames.ora SqlplusOverview sobre a ferramentaFormas de conectarComandos uteisSqldeveloperOverview sobre a ferramentaComo criar uma conexo"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 12c: Adm. de banco de dados - Dia a Dia DBA - parte 2" |
"Este curso e um segundo compilado de rotinas e tem por objetivo mostras quais atividades so mais comuns no dia a dia do DBA Oracle, e mostra tambm como o DBA deve agir caso seja necessrio em um determinado cenrio.Roteiro:IntroduoObjetivo do cursoApresentao do roteiroApresentao do ambienteObtendo informaes do banco Views do dicionario de dados dba_all_user_Views dinmicasv$ (v_$)Quando usar?Gerenciando Tablespaces e DatafilesObtendo informaes sobre tablespaces e datafilesTipos de tablespacesTablespace permanente default Tablespace temporria defaultCriando tablespacesDropando tablespacesAjustando tablespacesredimensionando datafilesadicionando datafiles/tempfiledropando datafiles/tempfilealterando definio de datafiles/tempfileoutros comandos uteisRenomeando ou alterando localizao de datafilesGerando comando para criao de tablespacesQuando usar? Possveis errosalert logGerenciando RedosObtendo informaes sobre redosColocando banco em archive log modeCriando grupos de redos Multiplexando redos Dropando redos Redimensionando redosQuando usar?Possveis errosalert logGerenciando ParmetrosObtendo informaes sobre parmetrosArquivos de parmetrospfilespfileParmetros dinmicos e estticos Parmetros de sesso e de instanciaComo alterar parmetrosParmetros no documentadosQuando usar? Possveis errosalert logGerenciando MemoriasObtendo informaes sobre memoriasTipos de configurao de memoria AMMASMMManualParmetros de memoria Alterando memoria do banco relao memoria banco memoria S.OQuando usar?Possveis errosalert log"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 12c: Adm. de banco de dados - Dia a Dia DBA - parte 3" |
"Este curso e um terceiro compilado de rotinas e tem por objetivo mostras quais atividades so mais comuns no dia a dia do DBA Oracle, e mostra tambm como o DBA deve agir caso seja necessrio em um determinado cenrio.Roteiro:IntroduoObjetivo do cursoApresentao do roteiroApresentao do ambienteGerenciando UsuriosObtendo informaes sobre usuriosCriando usuriosAlterando usurios senha tablespace permanente e temporria default atribuindo quota em tablespacebloqueando e desbloqueando alterando profile Dropando usuriosMtodos de autenticaoautenticao por senhaautenticao por aquivo de senhaautenticao pelo S.Oautenticao externaGerando comando para criao de usuriosQuando usar? Possveis errosGerenciando ProfilesObtendo informaes sobre profilesCriando profiles Alterando profiles Verify FunctionDropando profiles Quando usar? Possveis errosGerenciando PrivilgiosObtendo informaes sobre privilgiosPrivilgios de sistema e de objeto Atribuindo privilgiosSinnimosRevogando privilgios Quando usar? Possveis errosGerenciando RolesObtendo informaes sobre rolesCriando roles Dropando roles Atribuindo e revogando privilegio para roleVer privilgios de uma roleAtribuindo e revogando role de usurio"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Change Your Life in 30 Days" |
"Take less than 10 min for the next 30 days to change your life. Get focused. Get organized. Get moving! This is your year and this program can help you make it the best year ever. Every day you will have homework, every day you will have a mindset to focus on, every day you will prepare for a better life."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Electrical Design Bootcamp - Project.1 - Packaging Machine" |
"*** UPDATES *** - October 10, 2019 - Captions in English (EDITED, not auto-generated).Dear Student,I welcome you to my first in the series course on electrical design - electrical design of an industrial packaging machine.So far, in the previous courses I created for you, we learned:- how to use tool EPLAN Electric P8 to create various circuit diagrams- how to size cables and protection devices in SIMARIS DESIGN for a power distribution system- how to calculate the heat dissipation and dimension fans and air conditioning in RITTAL THERM for an electrical enclosureNow we can start mastering electrical design.This is a project I was designing for my customer about two years ago. In this course I am going to talk about this project, first the basic info and then with every further lesson we are going to dig deeper into the project.We are going to learn about the power system, about the control system (PLC Siemens S7-1200) and about the safety system (SICK Safe EFI-pro System).I am also going to explain how this machine is controlled and I will explain why we need the input and output signals we used in the project.By the end of the course you will be able to understand how to design an electrical system for this kind of machine.I also highly recommend that you take the document I provided as a download (circuit diagrams in PDF) and the videos I created for you and that you create EPLAN project, for your exercise. With all the circuit diagrams, with the 2D panel layout and if you are really interested, all that in 2 languages.If you are a beginner in EPLAN then please refer to my EPLAN courses where I will teach you how to use EPLAN properly, with a lot of examples.I hope you will enjoy this course I created for you and I wish you great success in mastering electrical design!Your Instructor for Electrical Design,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ePLAN Electric P8 aus der Praxis" |
"***WICHTIGES INFO***Kein Zugang zum Data-Portal erforderlich, um die Lektionen erfolgreich zu folgen und gemeinsam mit mir zu arbeiten.Alle Projektdateien kannst du in der Lektion 1 herunterladen (Die Datei heit """") z.B. :alle Seiten des Projekts als ein Seitenmakro (solltest du mal was checken mchten)Artikeldatenbank (Edu100.mdb) - hier findest du alle Artikel die wir im Kurs verwenden (Siemens, Phoenix Contact)Siemens S7-1500 Eplan Makros (du kannst SPS Makros von der Siemens website herunterladen, als "".edz"" Datei)Dateien die wir whrend der Lektionen erstellen usw_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Lieber Student,herzlich willkommen zu meinem ersten (auf Deutsch) Eplan Electric P8 Kurs.Eigentlich habe ich schon 7 Kurse auf Udemy verffentlicht (Stand Oktober 2019).Jetzt habe ich endlich Zeit gefunden, auch meine Kollegen in der DACH Region mit meinen Kenntnissen zu untersttzen. Deswegen dieser Kurs fr dich. Gut abgerundet und total praxisorientiert, mit Beispielen aus einem Projekt in der Automobilindustrie (Karosserierohbau), an welchem ich vor ein paar Jahren als E-Planer gearbeitet habe.In diesem Kurs werden wir ein typischer Eplan Projekt bauen. Das heit, wir werden ein Eplan Projekt erstellen und danach uns mit den Strukturen in Eplan richtig auskennen (mit Beispielen aus der Praxis).Nachdem wir die Strukturen absolvieren, wir werden erlernen, wie ein Eplan Standard-Normblatt nach unseren Wschen zu anpassen. Das gleiche machen wir mit einem Formular (Deckblatt als Beispiel). Danach werden wir verschiedene Schaltplne erstellen, erstmal Leistungstechnik (400/230VAC, Siemens Artikel) und danach Steuerungstechnik (24VDC Verteilung und SPS - Siemens S7-1500)Nachdem wir mit den Schaltplnen fertig werden, werden wir daran arbeiten, unser Projekt zu optimieren, von Fehler und Warnungen zu bereinigen und unser Projekt erfolgreich zu abschlieen.Mit jeder Lektion werden wir Neues erlernen und unsere Kenntnissen ber Eplan weiter vertiefen.Am Ende des Kurses wirst Du bereit, ein gut abgerundetes Eplan Projekt aus dem Gebiet Automatisierungstechnik eigenstndig zu erstellen und an Kunden zu bergeben.Ich wnsche Dir viel Spa mit der Lektionen und wir sehen uns bald!Beste Gre,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Overview Of A German Automotive (Karosseriebau) Project" |
"Hello,this is one of the highest value courses I published so far. I wish I have had such information available when I was planning to find a job as an electrical designer in the automotive industry. That's why I've created this course for you.This kind of insight information is not possible to find anywhere on the internet, decently put together in one place.This course is going to cover two major topics related to electrical design in the car body manufacturing sector in Germany,First the general info how the system works, what are the qualifications needed to increase your chances to land a job in Germany in the car body manufacturing sector. Then the software you need to know in depth to dramatically increase your chances for employment (these software are going to be your entrance ticket at the beginning, like they were for me). Also, when you land a job, what happens then in the company and how is it organized in case you have no previous experience in the automotive industry but have a decent experience generally in the electrical design.Second part of the course is going to be all about a real-life project from the car body manufacturing sector I have worked on a couple of years ago.So I am going to talk a about the project, first the general info and the technology. Then, as we progress deeper into the course I am going to concentrate more and more on the technical side of the EPLAN project. So starting from how do you even start to design such a complex automation systems (that also has robots) and then I am going to cover the power system (400VAC distribution across cabinets), the control system (Siemens S7-319F CPU and ET-200s distributed peripherals and how this looks like in EPLAN project) and the network topology (PROFIsafe and the architecture of the control, safety and networking system on this project). In the last lectures I am going to cover also examples of the sections in the safety system (laser scanner, light barrier, emergency stop pushbutton, maintenance door safety switch etc.)So altogether a highly valuable overview of how thinks work when you work as an electrical design engineer in the automotive industry in Germany, in the car body manufacturing sector plus a very nice example of a project, a production line, a robotic cell with all of its features.PS: I unfortunately don't have photos of the robotic cell and the elements (we are going to instead google some of the special elements found in a cell) but I do have an overview of the robotic cell inside EPLAN project where you see the robots and the manual infeed stations and all the important elements including the safety elements. All that with the part numbers for the most important devices that you can check those datasheets and manuals on your own.Hope you'll enjoy this course and I wish you a lot of fun in the lectures!Yours sincerely,Ivan (aka EplanTutor)"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Introductory Financial Accounting-A Simplified Approach" |
"This course is designed to develop and enhance the accounting knowledge and skills of students. Students will be introduced to important accounting concepts and learn a range of accounting skills which include:1. Classifying and analyzing transactions2. Preparing general journal entries3. Posting journal entries to the general ledger accounts4. Preparing a trial balance5. Preparing a profit/loss statement6. Preparing a balance sheet7. Preparing a cash flow statement Students can successfully complete this course with minimal or no prior knowledge of accounting. Understanding and application of basic maths is recommended. A calculator, pen and writing paper are required. Students will learn about the accounting equation and all the components which make up the accounting equation such as assets, liabilities, equity, capital, drawings, profit, revenue and expenses Students will learn the double-entry rules of accounting and how to apply the rules to classify and record transactions. Students will also learn how to record transactions using the general journal and general ledger. The course structure is as follows:- Section 1-introduction Section 2-accounting concepts Section 3-accounting equation Section 4-double-entry rules of accounting Section 5-transaction analysis Section 6-general journal entries Section 7-general ledger accounts Section 8-trial balance Section 9-profit and loss statement Section 10-balance sheet Section 11-cash flow statement Section 12-practice quiz 1 Section 13-assignment-calculate monthly profit Section 14-practice example 1 Marys tuition service Section 15-practice example 2 Alberts car wash Section 16-accounting for merchandise businesses Section 17-practice example 3 Janes perfume shop Section 18-GST transactions Section 19-practice example 4 Harrys stylish hairdressing Section 20-course review practice example 5 J&J gourmet chocolates Pty Ltd Section 21-course review Section 22-course review quiz"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Financial accounting for a service business" |
"This course will facilitate the development of accounting knowledge and skills for students.Students will be introduced to the conceptual foundations of accounting including the accounting cycle and double-entry rules of accounting.Students will learn how to:Classify and analyze transactions.Process general journal entries.Construct general ledger accounts.Prepare an adjusted trial balance and 10-column worksheet.Prepare financial statements such as an income statement and balance sheet.Course requirementsStudents can successfully complete this course with minimal or no prior knowledge of accounting.Understanding of basic math is recommended.A basic calculator, pen and writing paper are required."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"I will teach you how to play chess openings - 4 beginners" |
"If you just learned the very basics of how to play chess, or are a chess beginner, this is the perfect chess opening course for you!With the lessons in this course, I guarantee you to get much better in chess with the materialI have gathered here for you!50videos with over 7 hours ofvaluable lessons- ranging from strategies to tactics- how to defend and attack- use tactical moves to give your opponent the final blow- exercise 64 tactical chess problems- advance to the chess(ck)list to improve the most essential opening principles- find your favorite opening with a personality test- etc, etc, etc...I was working on this course for over 4 months and deleted hours and hours of repetition, to make this course a ""chess beginners opening bible""on how to become better in chess.If you enjoyed my first course ""I Will Teach You How To Play Chess"", this course is perfect to continue with."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Whatsapp Web" |
"Que veremos en este curso?USO DE WHATSAPP WEB1. Definicin2. Generalidades3. Cmo instalar4. Perfil5. Grupos6. Herramientas y uso cotidianoWhatsApp Web tiene muchas ventajas! Te las presentaremos en este curso para la optimizacin de los servicios que prestan los profesionales del sector salud y para generar comunidad de conocimientos.MODALIDAD: ON LINE Totalmente: GRATISEl objetivo de este entrenamiento es que nuestros participantes conozcan y aprendan a utilizar la plataforma desde la perspectiva de @citorushtc para luego dar utilizacin ptima en la prosecucin con los cursos. Todo esto, de la mano del Especialista en marketing, Msc. Gabriel Galu adems de ser unos Expertos en #MarketingSanitario, tiene como propsito formar y actualizar a personas en toda Latinoamrica.Si quieres ser parte de este selecto grupo de personas que cada da estn formando la comunidad ms grande de Latinoamrica de conocimiento en Citopatologa Esta es tu oportunidad."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a realizar proyecciones y pronsticos en Excel" |
"Este curso te guiar paso a paso en la elaboracin de proyecciones y pronsticos en la herramienta ms sencilla y comnmente utilizada para hacer clculos, Excel. Todo esto con ejemplos prcticos y aplicados.Empezaremos con la comprensin del concepto de Series de tiempo y sus componentes bsicos, para posteriormente aplicar diferentes mtodos de proyecciones segn el comportamiento de los datos histricos, empezando con los mtodos ms sencillos hasta los ms completos y robustos.Haremos una revisin de cada uno de los mtodos ms efectivos y comnmente utilizados en la prctica para la elaboracin de proyecciones y pronsticos de demanda, ventas, materias primas, flujos de efectivo, etc. Si bien los temas en su nombre pueden parecer muy tcnicos y complejos, slo necesitas unos conocimientos muy bsicos en Excel y estadstica descriptiva, y veremos como cada uno de stos mtodos se puede aplicar de manera simple y efectiva para la elaboracin de proyecciones.Se incluyen todos los materiales utilizados en los ejemplos de las clases, as como ejercicios adicionales para que puedas practicar los temas y mtodos revisados durante el curso."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Business Analytics con Data Studio de cero a profesional" |
"Data Studio es la plataforma gratuita de visualizacin de datos de Google, que te permitir realizar cualquier tipo de informe y paneles dinmicos, incluso si slo manejas Excel. Si bien Google Data Studio es muy fcil de usar (de all que muchos profesionales estn usando la herramienta hoy en da) te permitir utilizar todo su potencial mediante diferentes tipos de grficos y clculos avanzados para crear informes de manera profesional.Si quieres aprovechar todo el potencial de tus datos y agruparlos en un solo lugar para hacer anlisis, este curso es para ti."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre la data science par la pratique avec Python !" |
"Lunivers de la data et plus particulirement de la data science est un domaine de comptence en explosion depuis plusieurs annes travers le monde. Vous le savez dj ? Cest pour a que vous tre l ? Parfait !Cette formation vous propose de plonger au cur de ce sujet passionnant en partant de zro et dobtenir des connaissances oprationnelles sur un trs large ventail de sujets :- Les bases du langage Python- Les plus populaires librairies pour manipuler de la donne- Les principales mthodes dextraction de donnes (fichier, API, SQL, webscraping)- Lanalyse de donnes- La Data visualisation- La construction de vos premiers modles de machine learningPrrequis Aucune comptence prliminaire requise Un ordinateur (ah, vraiment ?!) Pouvoir installer un logiciel (gratuit)La construction du cours : de la pratique, de la pratique et de la pratique !Les cours thoriques base de 300 slides Powerpoint a nest pas votre truc ? Moi non plus !Limmense partie du cours se passe directement dans linterface de programmation o vous pourrez suivre mes diffrentes manipulations sur les principes que viendrez dapprendre avec moi. Lide est que vous suiviez mon rythme et ainsi lancer vos premiers scripts ensemble, pas pas.A la fin de chaque partie vous aurez un travail pratique raliser seul partir dun jeu de donnes fournies, puis passer aux corrections avec moi.Si vous aviez t sur le Titanic, pensez-vous que vous auriez fait partie des survivants ?Quelle est la boisson la plus calorique de la marque Starbuks ?Savez-vous quel jour de la semaine sont le plus souvent mise jour le prix des articles sur les sites e-commerce ?Pensez-vous quil est possible de crer un assistant vocal en 3 lignes de code ?Saviez-vous quil existe un groupe de musique mtal connu en Andorre ?Si vous ne vous tiez jamais poser ces questions mais que cela a attis votre curiosit, sachez que vous dcouvrirez vous-mme les rponses grce aux TP ludiques crs pour ce cours !Que contient ce cours ?- 15 heures de cours vido avec correction des exercices inclus- Tous les jeux de donnes bruts utiliss durant le cours- Tous les supports de cours au format notebook- Tous les exercices et TP au format Notebook- De la bonne humeurInformations importantes savoir Si cette formation ne vous satisfait pas alors vous pouvez obtenir un remboursement sous 30 jours. Une fois que vous avez rejoint la formation, vous y avez accs vie. Vous avez galement accs gratuitement toutes les mises jour que japporterai cette formation. Vous pouvez menvoyer des messages personnels avec toutes vos questions ou suggestions concernant la formation. qui ce cours s'adresse-t-il ?Toute personne souhaitant apprendre le langage Python pour la dataToute personne souhaitant comprendre ce quest la data science.Toute personne voulant tester ses connaissances et se frotter des cas pratiques complets"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"MTA 98-361: Software Development Fundamentals Prep Exam" |
"Do keep in mind that this is a preparation course, consisting of only practice questions and detailed solutions (with resources you can study), to help you successfully pass the MTA 98-361 Exam.These MTA Software Development FundamentalsPrep Tests - Will test your knowledge on the following categories: Understanding core programmingUnderstanding object-oriented programmingUnderstanding general software developmentUnderstanding web applicationsUnderstanding desktop applicationsUnderstanding databases**No repeating questions, every question is unique**"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"MTA 98-364: Database Fundamentals Prep Exam" |
"Do keep in mind that this is a preparation course, consisting of only practice questions and detailed solutions (with resources you can study), to help you successfully pass the MTA 98-364 Database Fundamentals Exam.If you are completely new to the world of databases, I'll advise you to take the preparation course. The preparation course will guide you through the fundamentals of databases and covers all the exam objectives.These MTA Database Fundamentals Prep Tests - Will test your knowledge on the following categories: Understanding core database conceptsCreate database objectsManipulate dataUnderstanding data storageAdminister a database**No repeating questions, every question is unique**"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"MTA 98-388: Introduction to Programming Using Java Prep Exam" |
"Do keep in mind that this is a preparation course, consisting of only practice questions and detailed solutions (with resources you can study), to help you successfully pass the MTA 98-388 Introduction to Programming Using Java Exam.These MTA Introduction to Programming Using Java Prep Tests - Will test your knowledge on the following categories: Understand Java FundamentalsWork with data type, variables and expressionsImplementing flow controlPerform object-oriented programmingCompile and debug code**No repeating questions, every question is unique**"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"70-761: Querying Data with Transact-SQL Prep Exam" |
"Do keep in mind that this is a preparation course, consisting of only practice questions with detailed solutions (or resources you can study), to help you successfully pass the Exam 70-761 Querying Data with Transact-SQL.These Exam 70-761 Prep Tests - Will test your knowledge on the following categories:Manage data with Transact-SQLQuery data with advanced Transact-SQL componentsProgram database by using Transact-SQL**No repeating questions, every question is unique**"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"[HINDI] - React Native" |
", ! ! React native course in hindi"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Como grabar un grupo completo en tu Home Studio" |
"GUA PASO A PASO Estamos conscientes que quieres empezar a sonar mejor de inmediato, es por eso que hicimos este cursoen forma de sencillos pasos para que puedas aplicar el conocimiento desde el primer instante.La gua se entrega en formato PDF para que te sirva de manual en cada grabacin en tu Home Studio. VIDEO TUTORIAL Con el formato de nuestrosRB Podcastte explicamoscomo leer la gua paso a paso que sera tu punto de partida al grabar. Ejemplificamoscada uno de los puntos con audios y grabaciones reales. Entender conceptos es lo mas importante, por eso te damos elporqueycomode cada movimiento.EJERCICIOS MP3 Al inscribirte a nuestro curso completo podrs descargar a tu computadora los mismos audios con los que ejemplificamos cada proceso, as podrs comparar tusresultados con los del Video Tutorial. CERTIFICADO Como parte de nuestro esfuerzo por que aprendas lo mas y mejor posible, puedes tener tu certificado haciendo el test del curso y recibindolo directamente a tu correo en formato digital. ATENCIN Podrs hacer cualquier pregunta o duda que tengas respecto al curso dentro del chat en la seccin de miembros. Nuestro objetivo es que tengas un conocimiento solido en el tema."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corso GDPR (R.E.2016/679) in materia di protezione dei Dati" |
"Corso dedicato all'apprendimento delle nuove regole imposte dalla Privacy, (GDPR 2016/679).Tutte le persone che gestiscono dati personali, devono realizzare il Manuale GDPR e fare formazione obbligatoria per assolvere le richieste dell'Autorit di controllo.Questo corso online ha lo scopo di sopperire a questa necessit, infatti il nuovo di gestione del GDPR prevede la formazione per i soggetti interessati.Il corso diviso in moduli, con un test finale, che una volta superato, vi far ottenere l'attestato.Nel corso vengono trattati i seguenti argomenti:I principi generali del GDPRI Diritti degli InteressatiGli Adempimenti necessariil DPOLe figure soggettive; la cooperazione e la coerenzaLobbligo formativo non deve essere in alcun modo sottovalutato da parte delle pubbliche amministrazioni e delle imprese: nel caso di mancata erogazione della formazione pu scattare, ai sensi dellart. 83 par 4 del Regolamento privacy europeo, la rilevante sanzione amministrativa pecuniaria fino a 10 milioni di euro o, per le imprese, fino a 2 % del fatturato mondiale annuo dellanno precedente se superiore."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Shopify Dropshipping - Scale to 7 figures with Clickfunnels!" |
"This is the complete Shopify Dropshipping Masterclass - Learn everything you need to know from building your Shopify Store; choosing winning products on AliExpress; building product funnels with Clickfunnels from start to finish; automating orders with Zapier, and exactly how to run targeted ad campaigns to your funnels using Facebook and Instagram. This course is perfect for all skill levels, including absolute beginners. You will gain all skills necessary to build a profitable eCommerce business. Do you know what it takes to build a profitable drop-shipping business in 2020?ECommerce has been growing 23% year over year and it's not about to stop any time soon. While retail stores are going out of business, more and more people are shopping online. People are making TONS of money online every single day with eComm, and there's no better time to start building a eCommerce business than in 2020.But the rules for eCommerce and drop-shipping have changed in the past few years. Advertising costs are rising and it's just not enough to add an AliExpress product to a Shopify store, start some ads and think you are going to break even, much less rake in those massive profits that were possible a few years ago with this strategy. In 2020, you need to know the smartest strategies for selecting winning products on AliExpress........You need to know Facebook advertising in and out to be able to SCALE your ads and rake in those massive profits.... ....And finally, you need to know Clickfunnels - the biggest kept secret in eCommerce - this one strategy alone will make you 5x as much money per campaign because you can UPSELL and massively increase your average order value!I see eCommerce advertisements all the time that are just running some ad straight to a product page in Shopify...where potential customers promptly get distracted or bored and simply click off of the page.... ...Worse yet, a staggering 70% of the customers that actually add a product to their cart will abandon their purchase, never to visit the store again... Too bad these stores weren't using a sales funnel! With Clickfunnels, eCommerce ads get over 5x more conversions because they focus on a specific call to action and take advantage of psychological sales principles that practically force people to buy... ...The average order values typically double or triple with upsells, downsells, and order bumps.......AND customer emails are collected so you can sell your customers later, without spending a DIME on advertising. And I am going to be teaching you exactly how to do that in this course.......As well as automating these processes so you can spend less time on your business and make more money. I created this course to help beginner entrepreneurs who are aware of the potential of eCommerce to provide a lifestyle of financial freedom - but who need a little guidance to build their business successfully to start seeing results FAST.In this course, you will learn all my secrets to success so you can crush eCommerce in 2020 and take advantage of this huge opportunity. You'll also receive the following free for joining:3 x Done-For-You High Converting E-Commerce Sales FunnelsPLUS the E-Commerce Bonus funnel that we will build in the course!The Ad Cost Calculator tool How to Get a Free Clickfunnels #FunnelHacker T-ShirtSoftware discounts This is THE MOST complete and comprehensive course that will take you from absolute beginner to profitable business with eCommerce drop-shipping! So what are you waiting for?Join the course to learn Shopify Drop-shipping in 2020 and start making money with eCommerce now!....Also Note that Udemy Offers a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. So what do you have to lose? Invest in your future today and live the life of financial freedom tomorrow. I'll see you inside the course!To your success!Cheryl A. Spencer"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Shopify Sales Funnels for eCommerce + Facebook Advertising" |
"This is the Shopify Dropshipping scaling course - Learn exactly how to increase revenue by building product funnels with Clickfunnels from start to finish; automating orders with Zapier, and exactly how to run targeted ad campaigns to your funnels using Facebook and Instagram. This course is suitable for all skill levels, and is perfect if you are already familiar with Shopify, but are looking to increase your revenue and scale your eCommerce business. It does not include learning how to build a Shopify store. For the complete Masterclass, please visit our other courses. Do you know what it takes to build a profitable drop-shipping business in 2020?ECommerce has been growing 23% year over year and it's not about to stop any time soon. While retail stores are going out of business, more and more people are shopping online. People are making TONS of money online every single day with eComm, and there's no better time to start building a eCommerce business than in 2020.But the rules for eCommerce and drop-shipping have changed in the past few years. Advertising costs are rising and it's just not enough to add an AliExpress product to a Shopify store, start some ads and think you are going to break even, much less rake in those massive profits that were possible a few years ago with this strategy. In 2020, you need to know the smartest strategies for selecting winning products on AliExpress........You need to know Facebook advertising in and out to be able to SCALE your ads and rake in those massive profits.... ....And finally, you need to know Clickfunnels - the biggest kept secret in eCommerce - this one strategy alone will make you 5x as much money per campaign because you can UPSELL and massively increase your average order value!I see eCommerce advertisements all the time that are just running some ad straight to a product page in Shopify...where potential customers promptly get distracted or bored and simply click off of the page.... ...Worse yet, a staggering 70% of the customers that actually add a product to their cart will abandon their purchase, never to visit the store again... Too bad these stores weren't using a sales funnel! With Clickfunnels, eCommerce ads get over 5x more conversions because they focus on a specific call to action and take advantage of psychological sales principles that practically force people to buy... ...The average order values typically double or triple with upsells, downsells, and order bumps.......AND customer emails are collected so you can sell your customers later, without spending a DIME on advertising. And I am going to be teaching you exactly how to do that in this course.......As well as automating these processes so you can spend less time on your business and make more money. I created this course to help beginner entrepreneurs who are aware of the potential of eCommerce to provide a lifestyle of financial freedom - but who need a little guidance to build their business successfully to start seeing results FAST.In this course, you will learn all my secrets to success so you can crush eCommerce in 2020 and take advantage of this huge opportunity. You'll also receive the following free for joining:3 x Done-For-You High Converting E-Commerce Sales FunnelsPLUS the E-Commerce Bonus funnel that we will build in the course!The Ad Cost Calculator tool How to Get a Free Clickfunnels #FunnelHacker T-ShirtSoftware discounts This is a comprehensive course that will help you increase your revenue and build a profitable business with eCommerce drop-shipping and sales funnels! So what are you waiting for?Join the course to learn Shopify Drop-shipping in 2020 and start making money with eCommerce now!....Also Note that Udemy Offers a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. So what do you have to lose? Invest in your future today and live the life of financial freedom tomorrow. I'll see you inside the course!To your success!Cheryl A. Spencer"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Shopify Dropshipping - Scale to 7 figures with Clickfunnels!" |
"This is the Shopify Dropshipping basic scaling course - Learn exactly how to increase revenue by building product funnels with Clickfunnels from start to finish and how to automate your orders with Zapier. This course is suitable for all skill levels. This is the perfect course if you are already familiar with Shopify and advertising strategies, but are looking to increase your revenue and scale your eCommerce business with sales funnels. It does not include learning how to build a Shopify store, or how to run targeted advertising campaigns. For the complete Masterclass, please visit our other courses. Do you know what it takes to build a profitable drop-shipping business in 2020?ECommerce has been growing 23% year over year and it's not about to stop any time soon. While retail stores are going out of business, more and more people are shopping online. People are making TONS of money online every single day with eComm, and there's no better time to start building a eCommerce business than in 2020.But the rules for eCommerce and drop-shipping have changed in the past few years. Advertising costs are rising and it's just not enough to add an AliExpress product to a Shopify store, start some ads and think you are going to break even, much less rake in those massive profits that were possible a few years ago with this strategy. In 2020, you need to know the smartest strategies for selecting winning products on AliExpress........You need to know Facebook advertising in and out to be able to SCALE your ads and rake in those massive profits.... ....And finally, you need to know Clickfunnels - the biggest kept secret in eCommerce - this one strategy alone will make you 5x as much money per campaign because you can UPSELL and massively increase your average order value!I see eCommerce advertisements all the time that are just running some ad straight to a product page in Shopify...where potential customers promptly get distracted or bored and simply click off of the page.... ...Worse yet, a staggering 70% of the customers that actually add a product to their cart will abandon their purchase, never to visit the store again... Too bad these stores weren't using a sales funnel! With Clickfunnels, eCommerce ads get over 5x more conversions because they focus on a specific call to action and take advantage of psychological sales principles that practically force people to buy... ...The average order values typically double or triple with upsells, downsells, and order bumps.......AND customer emails are collected so you can sell your customers later, without spending a DIME on advertising. And I am going to be teaching you exactly how to do that in this course.......As well as automating these processes so you can spend less time on your business and make more money. I created this course to help beginner entrepreneurs who are aware of the potential of eCommerce to provide a lifestyle of financial freedom - but who need a little guidance to build their business successfully to start seeing results FAST.In this course, you will learn all my secrets to success so you can crush eCommerce in 2020 and take advantage of this huge opportunity. You'll also receive the following free for joining:3 x Done-For-You High Converting E-Commerce Sales FunnelsPLUS the E-Commerce Bonus funnel that we will build in the course!Software discounts How to Get a Free Clickfunnels #FunnelHacker T-ShirtThis course will teach you how to increase revenue and create a profitable business with eCommerce drop-shipping using powerful sales funnels! So what are you waiting for?Join the course to learn Shopify Drop-shipping in 2020 and start making money with eCommerce now!....Also Note that Udemy Offers a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. So what do you have to lose? Invest in your future today and live the life of financial freedom tomorrow. I'll see you inside the course!To your success!Cheryl A. Spencer"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Aliexpress Dropshipping" |
"Do you know what it takes to build a profitable drop-shipping business in 2020?ECommerce has been growing 23% year over year and it's not about to stop any time soon. While retail stores are going out of business, more and more people are shopping online. People are making TONS of money online every single day with eComm, and there's no better time to start building a eCommerce business than in 2020.I created this course to help beginner entrepreneurs who are aware of the potential of eCommerce to provide a lifestyle of financial freedom - but who need a little guidance to build their business successfully to start seeing results FAST.In this course, you will learn the secrets of AliExpress and Shopify success so you can crush eCommerce in 2020 and take advantage of this huge opportunity.Heres just a fraction of what you will learn:Exactly how to build a Shopify storeCreate your own custom domain and themeHow to find WINNING products on Aliexpress and the KEY criteria you must usePLUS secret strategies for finding winning products that already have been proven to sellUse the Oberlo app to connect your Shopify store with AliExpressAnd so much more!So what are you waiting for?Join the course to learn Shopify Drop-shipping in 2020 and start your eCommerce store with AliExpress and Shopify today!....Also Note that Udemy Offers a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. So what do you have to lose? Invest in your future today and live the life of financial freedom tomorrow.I'll see you inside the course!To your success!Cheryl A. Spencer"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn PCB Designing with Altium Designer for 2019" |
"Course is About:Students who is willing to learn PCB design with the help of Altium designer. This course will help him to get the basic concept of PCB design with easy steps. Course is designed in such way that any college students will learn it just by following the steps mentioned in the tutorial."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Your Ultimate Blueprint to Sell Products Online" |
"I believe that either you want to sell products or services online or start your own online business from your home. Now, I have created this super course which will take you on a rollercoaster ride on how an online business actually works and how you can start your own.Let me tell you that this course is not for everyone but, if youre serious with creating a long-term business, you are going to make one of the best investments in yourself. The course includes everything you need to know to prepare your mindset on selling physical / digital products online along with me standing beside on your every step.You're totally covered by a 30-dayRefund Policy by Udemy so there's nothing to lose here, but only learn about the secrets which you might not know.Click the Take this Course button & lets begin this journey together.Best Regards,Suraj Lulla"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Design Job, Portfolio, and Interview Guide" |
"This course will teach you how to succeed in your search for a high-paying digital design job. Through video lectures, articles communication templates, and portfolio building exercises, you'll learn how to optimize your resume, portfolio, and job applications to show employers exactly what they're looking for in a great designer. This course is our way of helping designers avoid the years of struggle that too many of us have had to learn through. Take Your skills and turn them into an enjoyable, lucrative career."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"50 kurze Tipps gegen Stress + psychologische Hintergrnde" |
"Ich gebe Tipps fr mehr Kraft und Energie bei den Dingen, die Ihnen Spa machen.Weniger Stress zwischen Arbeit und privaten Pflichten!Der Kurs besteht aus zwei Teilen:Schnell umsetzbare Tipps gegen Stress, kommentiert vom Autor und aufgeteilt in 5 Blcke 10 Tipps und4 groe Einheiten zu den Begriffen Stress und Burnout.Denn ich bin der Meinung, dass man langfristig Stress nur reduzieren kann, wenn man sich mit den krperlichen Hintergrnden auskennt und Frhwarnzeichen rechtzeitig wahrnimmt.Die Einflsse der Wissenschaftler Herbert Freudenberger, Hans Selye, Christina Maslach und Evangelia Demerouti auf die Geschichte der Stressforschung auf der einen Seite und auf die Entwicklung des Burnout-Begriffes auf der anderen Seite werden beleuchtet.Wann Stress hilfreich ist und ab wann er schdlich wird, wird genauso besprochen, wie welche Teile unseres Gehirns in Stressituationen involviert sind und welche nicht, was unser Krper an Hormonen ausschttet um eine adquate Stressreaktion auszulsen und warum uns das evolutionr groe Vorteile gebracht hat.Die Stresstipps sind so formuliert, dass sie direkt umsetzbar und fr mglichst viele Lebenssituationen anpassbar sind. 50 unterschiedliche Angebote Ihr Stresslevel direkt zu reduzieren ohne groen Zeitbedarf.Ich helfe Menschen, Resilienz und Stressmanagement zu lernen, damit sie trotz den Widrigkeiten des Lebens glcklicher und entspannter Leben knnen. Unser Plan ist da anzugreifen, wo Sie am ehesten etwas ndern knnen. Bei Ihnen selbst. Denn Umfeld, Job und diese ganzen Dinge, lassen sich leider nicht so einfach ndern, wie manche Motivationsposter uns einreden wollen.Aus dem Inhalt:Tipps 1-10Stress allgemein und BegriffsklrungArten von StressSelye - Der Vater der StressforschungTipps 11-20Stress und unser KrperPhasen des Stresses - Kmpfen oder FliehenStressoren frher und heuteInvolvierte Teile unseres GehirnsTipps 21-30Stress und BurnoutForschung zu Burnout - Modekrankheit?Das Anforderungs-Ressourcen-ModellZusammenfassung BurnoutTipps 31-40Stress und unsere HormoneHormone - Adrenalin/NoradrenalinHormone - Die GlcklichmacherHormone - KrankmacherTipps 41-50"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |