Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Grade 9 Mathematics from start to finish" |
"Grade 9 Mathematics: from start to finish In this course you will find all the support from a qualified teacher to guide you through the course content. Each topic is explained through videos and your understanding is tested with either an online assessment or worksheet. Topics covered in this course: Numbers, Ratio, rate and financeIntegersCommon fractionsDecimal fractions ExponentsNumeric and geometric patternsAlgebraic expressionsAlgebraic EquationsConstructionGeometry of 2D shapesGeometry of straight linesTheorem of PythagorasArea and perimeterGraphs Surface are and volumeTransformation geometry Geometry of 3D shapes Organisation and representing data probabilityIn other words all the extra math help you will ever need to help you through the years work."
Price: 1250.00 ![]() |
"Technologies for the Flipped Classroom" |
"The flipped classroom is one of the most widely used blended learningmodels in universities and innovative schools. In this course, through video lessons, step-by-step tutorials, activities and articles, you will learn the concept of this active methodology, its principles and the most commonly used interfaces. In the end you will be able to design blended activities that promote student autonomy in building your own knowledge."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bakery Business Plan - Template Example & Sample Financials" |
"The Bakery business plan, startup and operating course; provides an extensive set of template, example and sample documents for starting and running a Bakery business and contains lectures on how to customize them.What you get in this course:1.) A full business plan template for a Bakery business. The document covers executive summary, objectives, marketing strategies you can use to get customers, and much more. The lectures show you how to customize the business plan for your specific company.2.) A complete financial model. An Excel workbook, that covers everything from start-up costs, income, expenses, assets, and more is included along with instructions on how to insert your own numbers so you can have a budget and financial projection for your Bakery Company. Sample numbers are included to help you along the way.3.) A Pitch Deck. A slide presentation template, that allows you to make a professional presentation of your Bakery Company.When you finish the course and customize the documents, you will have a professional business plan that you can use for your company to operate and obtain a loan or investment if needed.This course teaches students how to create a business plan for starting, expanding and running a Bakery. This course does not teach baking. This course is for those who already know how to bake and want to create a business plan for starting & running a Bakery business."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Easy 5-Step Fibonacci Swing Trading System" |
"If you've been trading for a while you've definitely heard self proclaimed ""gurus"" talk about their trading ""system"". The truth is that professional traders don't make up their own trading systems but instead they follow the successful methods that are outlined in the countless theories that retail traders completely ignore.Fibonacci is not only used by institutions like banks, hedge funds, mutual funds, and even insurance agencies, but also by millions of retail traders. The only problem is that the ""gurus"" teaching the Fibonacci trading methods usually have no idea what they are talking about. If you want to learn one of the simplest, most effective, and easy to apply trading methods, Fibonacci trading is for you.Fibonacci is found everywhere in the world such as in nature, art, architecture, and your body can even be measured in Fibonacci ratios. It's no wonder why the trading opportunities revealed by Fibonacci are among the most accurate trades of any indicator; in fact, you can use it alone to become a successful trader.In this course you'll learn everything you need to know in order to look at price movement in an entirely different way. Sometimes you might even feel like you are stealing money!This isn't some course talking about how to use an indicator, this is a course that gives you a deep understanding of when, why, and how prices reverses according to the Fibonacci method. You'll also be able to place highly consistent trades, including take profit and stop loss levels (which is one of the biggest thing lacking in most retail trading education).By the end of the course, you'll have a solid game plan for attaining financial independence, all with the help of Fibonacci."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Price Action Trading Foundation: The Dow Theory" |
"Do you want to trade anything successfully? Learning the Dow Theory is the first step for any professional trader. It doesn't matter if you trade stocks, futures, forex, or even crypto-currencies like bitcoin; The Dow Theory is your compass to navigate the price movements on any chart and time frame.If you are like over 75% of the population, you are most likely either actively looking for a new reliable source of income that won't fizzle over time. Trading stocks and forex is one of the most stable, high leverage,and reliable way to make money because no matter what happens, trading will be around in one way or another.The truth is that 98% of retail traders don't make money because they aren't studying thematerial that will allow them to make money. The introduction of the internet to the trading world has allowed for the creation of sub 1 day charts, trade copiers, algorithmic trading, and a slew of ""experts"" selling nothing but an unsuccessful trading system, so the need to learnmarket theory and psychology seems more unimportant every day.By learning the Dow Theory you are accessing the underlying foundation for all modern technical analysis. This information has been the backbone of institutional trading strategies for over 100 years which means you will finally have a seat at the table with the big boys.Everyone knows that trading education and theory can be boring and mundane but making money is not, and making money is the primary goal of trading. This foundational information will steer you in the right direction so you can begin to trade with the confidence and precision of a professional trader.This topic is meant for beginning professional traders but this is necessary for everyone to know at any level."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvendo Aplicaes Web Com Bootstrap 4" |
"O Bootstrap uma coleo de ferramentas de cdigo aberto gratuita que ajuda os desenvolvedores a criar sites ou aplicativos da web. Ele fornece uma soluo mais rpida, mais fcil e menos repetitiva para projetar e criar aplicativos. Ele rapidamente se tornou popular como uma estrutura de front-end que ofereceu um amplo conjunto de ferramentas a partir de grades de pginas at componentes para criao de grandes sites, tudo da melhor maneira possvel para qualquer dispositivo. Este cursocobre vrios exemplos que mostram como criar aplicativos web interessantes que se assemelham ao Twitter usando o Bootstrap 4. Comeamos com um aplicativo da Web que usa apenas elementos e componentes do Bootstrap. Em seguida, comeamos a usar alguns plugins de JavaScript no exemplo da aplicao web. No final deste curso, voc ter criadoum aplicativo web que se parece com Twitter e um painel de controle com vrios componentes."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PMP Exam Practice Tests" |
"Course covers the PMP certification exam questions, with detailed explanation of answers. Exam questions are designed to simulate the real exam.In this course you'll have four separate exams with total 400 questions. Each exam covers all the PMP exam domains. It is recommended to take one practice test, identify and revise the weak areas and then move to the next test. Each of the question set focuses on various detailed level topics of the exam and also on the different styles of questions so it is important that you take all four practice tests.PMP Practice Exam 1: 100 questions, 2 hoursPMP Practice Exam 2: 100 questions, 2 hoursPMP Practice Exam 3: 100 questions, 2 hoursPMP Practice Exam 4: 100 questions, 2 hoursBelow are the few reasons why students should take this practice or mock version of an exam before appearing for real exam:Practice tests tell candidates which topics they have mastered and encourage them to focus future learning on other areas. Students can spend minimal further time on the topics they already know.Since practice tests stimulate revision and studying it is likely to improve students knowledge retention.Taking a test can actually be more beneficial to learning than spending the same amount of time studying.Some students has anxiety around the exam process. Practice tests can reduce test anxiety.It gives students an idea about the question styles, to practice the time planning required and to have a fair view of what the exam consists of.Project Management Institute Inc., PMBOK Guide (Sixth Edition), 2017. Copyright and all rights reserved. Material from this publication has been reproduced with the permission of PMI."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Medical Hypnosis - Essential knowledge course" |
"In this course, we will be covering the general aspects, the relational skills, and the technical skills that you have to know in order to learn to practice medical hypnosis. There will be no practical exercises, because the practical training consists of supervised exercises in small groups, in face to face groups. For ethical reasons, the small groups practice can only be done among healthcare professionals. However, this basic knowledgecourse is open to all."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SEO Basics Beginner Training" |
"Before the advent of the Internet, customers searching for businesses used billboards, phone books, and print ads. While all of these marketing venues all have different advantages, its impossible to ignore the fact that most of your customers will be looking for you online. Search engines are gatekeepers, using algorithms that determine whether or not a site ends up in the results. To drive the most business to a site, a business needs to learn to use search engines to their advantage through precise SEO use.What is SEO? Think of SEO as the language of search results. In the early days of the Internet, the language was simple. Businesses could just use the same keyword repeatedly with decent results. But over time, as the Internet grew and diversified, the algorithms that drive search results have become much more complex.The end goal of this course is to give you a solid understanding of modern SEO terms and strategies, the knowledge and ability to use tools to drive visitors to your site and utilize search engines to your advantage. Upon completing this course, you will understand how search engines optimization works, what drives visitors to one site over another, how to design and structure web content, how to measure success, and what kind of keywords you should be using for peak site performance.Areas This Course Will Cover:How Search Engines WorkLearn the definition of a search engine and their basic mechanics. We will discuss how search engines like Google and Bing index content online and what causes certain sites to rank higher than others. You will learn how to use crawling, indexing, and search functions to your advantage. We will also discuss how to create proper ratios of keywords and content for the best ranking.Crawling and IndexingThink of the Internet as a giant spider web, with the search engine spiders crawling over it, constantly searching for new content to rank. Companies like Google are constantly trying to improve their own users experiences by finding the highest quality content to highlight. You will learn how to create simple, straightforward content using the appropriate and most effective keywords and related terms.Providing Search ResultsLearn how page rankings on search engine results affect your target audiences. Ranking on the first page of search results is an incredibly important priority for any online business. After all, who really ever goes past the second page of results? With literally hundreds of pages competing for their attention, you will discover what makes a page rank high and what hides it in obscurity.KeywordsGain an in-depth understanding of keywords. Targeted specific keywords and phrases elevate a sites ranking immensely in search results, but companies will often overdo certain words or fail to identify the proper keywords they should be using. You will explore why certain keywords and phrases work and how to avoid the ones that dont.BacklinksWhile keywords often get most of the SEO glory, backlinks are just as important to improving your ranking. Search engines often prioritize sites with backlinks, and backlinks help to boost the relevancy and popularity of your chosen keywords. You will learn how to use both these tactics in tandem, working smarter, not harder, when it comes to content creation.RankingsThe algorithm that Google uses for its search engine is constantly evolving, going through almost 300 tiny changes every year. That can make it difficult to stay ahead of the curve; but you will gain a solid understanding of ranking qualifications that are tried and true, such as design, coding, and original content, integrating what you already learned about keywords and backlinks to bring the whole package together in a dynamic site design.SEO That MattersWhile it can sometimes seem like getting more visitors is the only thing that matters, more visitors are useless if they are not the right visitors. Learn how to optimize for your target market, with search-engine friendly HTML text and content. We will also discuss how to tag media content, like videos and graphics, to enhance exposure and get a sites ranking high in the search results that matter the most.Writing for Humans, Not RobotsThe most basic priority of any business should be to create a website that customers genuinely want to use. After all, a flurry of clicks doesnt always result in sales. In this section, you will learn how to write content that solves a problem or answers a question first and how to optimize that content for search engines second.Keyword ToolsYoure not alone in figuring out which keywords will work best. Here well share some of our favorite keyword research tools and how to use them effectively.Measuring and TrackingLearn how and what you should be tracking to properly quantify successes and address failures and how to keep an SEO log and what metrics you should be following. You will also discover how to track and measure site traffic to identify what drives visitors and where they come from.Common SEO MistakesNo one is an SEO master when they start. Well cover some of the most common SEO mistakes sites make and how to fix them, including repetitive target words, irrelevant content, and a lack of proper site structure.Learn the Language That Gets You SeenBy the end of this course, you will have a confident, competent understanding of basic SEO strategies and tools, enabling you to improve your search engine rankings, generate traffic, and increase customer conversion. You will come away with a checklist and action plan that will help you to continue to practice and learn after you have completed this course.The Internet is not a mysterious force but an understandable machine, and SEO is the language that drives that machine. Learn how to master and use that language to compete in the global online market.Enrol now to start boosting your online presence and climb up those search engine rankings!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Spline Modeling Fundamentals in CINEMA 4D" |
"This course teaches you the spline modeling techniques using the spline tools and functions available in CINEMA 4D. This course first introduces you to the splines primitives and then shows you the functioning of spline creation tools such as the Sketch, Spline Smooth, Spline Arch, and Pen tools. Then, course jumps right into teaching you how to create 3D objects using splines, extrusion, sweeping, and lathing, and how to work with the other spline functions/tools/commands available in Mesh menu.This course includes stand alone hands-on exercises to hone your skills. Also, there are practical challenges included that will help you to assess your knowledge gained in the course.By the end of thiscourse, you will understand the tools and techniques available to you for creating 3D modelsusing splines. The working files are available so that you can follow along with me throughout the lessons.I'll be regularly adding more content to this course so keep coming back.Note:If you want to follow along, you should have CINEMA 4D Studio R19 installed on your system. However, this course is also compatible with R18 version of CINEMA 4D.The key features of this course are as follows:Splines and splines creation tools are explained.Splines Command and functions explained.Generator objects explained.Includes stand alone hands-on exercises.andpractical challenges.Tech support direct from the author.CINEMA 4D files, images, and other resources are available.Access to each tutorials initial and final states along with the resources used in the tutorial.So why wait?Enroll in the course and start creating 3D models using spines with CINEMA 4D."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kindle Outsourcing Success: Write Books Without Writing Once" |
"MYKINDLEBOOKAUTOMATION SYSTEMis the ultimate way of building a highly profitable online publishing business online. With this system, you won't be writing any of the books yourself. I will show you step-by-step,how to research profitable topicsandfind professional writersto write the books for you in 2 weeks.Iwill show you how topublish the booksas a kindlebook to Amazon's plethora of avid readers.Most books willpaythemselves back in 1-3 months, and after that, the books will just sit there andearn you passive income every month, for years to come.In fact, as time goes,your books will increase in valueas they get more and more reviews and therefore more sales.And once you have gone through the process, I will show youhow to automate thebusiness 100%, so all you have to do is find abook topic for the next book.This business model is great if you are looking for ahands-off businessthat will grow it self, while you only oversee it from time to time. It's awesomeif you want to pursue other interests, hobbies or business models.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------What is a Kindle?A Kindle is a small hand-held electronic device for reading books, which has been developed by online retailerAmazon. Rather as you download an iPod or MP3 player with music, you download books (via wireless technology) on to a Kindle and read them on it. The latest model is the Paperwhite, which has a touchscreen, and is available from December 2012.Launched in early 2012 was the Kindle Fire, and latterly the Kindle Fire HD, with more functionality than previous Kindles and similar to a tablet device, based on an operating system calledAndroid. It has a colour screen and offers basic features such as the ability to stream video and music as well as continue to be an e-reader.You buy these books as Kindle versions of e-books from the Amazon website. In addition, you can also downloadPDFsof any sort of document, which makes this an ideal way of reading for work and study.Even though the device is extremely lightweight and portable, you can keep a huge number of books on the Kindle. It has a six-inch screen to read from, plus a small keyboard that lets you perform internet searches and other relatively simple web-oriented activities.Most people use a wifi connection to download books on to their Kindle. However, newer, more expensive models come with 3G mobile phone technology, which makes it possible to download books no matter where you are. With both versions, you can also download books to a PC or Mac and then transfer them to the Kindle via a USB cable.Key benefits and features of a Kindle: Stores up to 1,400 books.Special high-contrast screen allows you to read even in bright sunshine with no glare.Clear text and fonts, and a sharp display what you see resembles a book page.Adjustable text size.Built-in wifi or 3G connection.Battery life of at least a month if wifi is turned off.Page-turning function so you feel as if youre reading a real book.Integrates with Facebook and Twitter and allows searching on Wikipedia.Never heats up like a laptop.Books can be categorised or stored as collections.Automatic archive function: you can delete books and download them another time.Screen can be rotated for better viewing of pictures, diagrams, maps, etc.Also able to read newspapers, magazines and web pages.In-built keyboard enables searching within a book, a library or online.You can add your own annotations to the text.Automatic bookmark.Built-inOxford English Dictionary.Password protection.Things to consider before outsourcing eBooksNow that you have become more knowledgeable and familiarized yourself with the basics of digital book writing, youre almost ready to start scouting for the most fitting writer for your next page-turner. Before you embark on this hunt, put on the thinking cap and ponder on these two important questions. Knowing the answers will be a tremendous aid in better preparing to speak to a writer or account/project manager:Are you aiming to outsource an eBook that falls under the category/niche/business in which you're working now, or do you want to have someone create an eBook in a different niche?To help you better assess what type of outsourcing process to use, which of the following is your main goal?Put your ideas into the worldBe an Amazon bestsellerCreate material that captures your experienceDraft original content for a topical ideaTips for outsourcing eBook writing Video your thoughts - If you are knowledgeable about your subject of choice, record a few short videos about the topics so your writer can find inspiration and individualize their writing style according to your personality.Inquire about current knowledge- Most writers are also excellent researchers. If you are not acquainted with a subject, odds are you can rely on them to look into it. With an eBook, however, finding someone who has some pre-existing knowledge on your subject may be the cheaper and easier road to take. A writer who is already familiar with your topic of choice will often translate into better quality and a quicker turnaround.Solicit samples - Once you have shortlisted a few writers, pay them to create a few short write-ups on the subject of your eBook. This approach will help you gain greater insight into which writer will work with your writing style preferences and within your deadlines. Another plus is getting samples you can later reuse in your digital material.Get organized with your tasks and goals - Divide the entire process into tasks and subtasks, setting goals and deadlines for each. Research is different than writing, so you may need a different person for it, or you may necessitate to budget extra time. If you get organized with a task list and feasible deadlines, you will give your writer something to work toward. Dont forget to build in a little flexibility though!Pay attention to the resume and reviews - The writers on your shortlist should be more than willing to share resumes or past writing experience with you. Inquire about their specific skill sets, assess their expertise, and check for online reviews before making a final decision.Do your own research beforehand - You can help your writer out tremendously by researching the subject and making a list of everything they should know before getting their creativity wheels moving. It will make the whole process smoother and eliminate a great deal of futile back and forth. You can save even more time by creating a detailed outline including chapter titles, research, and main idea sentences.Think format - Check the format types and alternatives available for eBooks and finalize your choice before the writer begins. It is best to share this kind of relevant information with the writer from the get-go to stay on track.Follow up - Expecting to get the whole book written in one go is an unrealistic approach. Getting someone else to write down the thoughts and ideas in your head is a process that requires constant communication and multiple drafts. Its best if you stay in touch at least 2-3 times a week (or a day if you have tight deadlines!) and inquire for chapters to be sent as they are completed. This way, you are working on editing/commenting on the material in tandem with the writer working on a new chapter.For more,Enroll this Course !"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Beginner's Guide to PayPal & Payment Processing" |
"Learn everything you need to know about PayPal and how to startaccepting payments online in minutes.If you plan on setting up an online business in future you ought to have plans for integrating PayPal payment among your payment options. PayPal is internationally know and respected. Accepting online payments through PayPal is both secure and painless.You can create various types of PayPal payment buttons,such as:Buy Now,Add to Cart(often forEcommerce),Recurring & Donations.Of course,you'll need to have an account on PayPal to create these buttons.One big advantage is that you do not need to write any HTML code togenerate the buttons.PayPal makes it as easy as 1-2-3, along withcustomization &specifications you can addwhen creating the buttons to keep track of inventory, new shipping addresses and more!---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------What Is PayPal?PayPal bills itself as a service that enables users to pay and send cash, and accept money, on its global digital platform.In effect, PayPal acts as a ""middleman"" between buyers and sellers, accepting payments and steering them on to recipients without, hopefully, sharing any critical personal data, like bank account information, to potential fraudsters.Like most major online financial services providers, PayPal deploys security tools like data encryption and anti-fraud technology to curb the risk of data fraud and to keep user data as secure as possible.Additionally, when PayPal users send or receive a payment, they'll receive an email confirmation letting them know their transaction was sent and that it was successfully received by the intended recipient.Basically, if you're diligent about keeping your PayPal password different than other financial account passwords (that makes it harder for data hackers to breach your PayPal account after a separate hack), and you avoid clicking on any email or web links that don't seem authentic (ask PayPal if you're unsure), your chances of having a safe and enjoyable user experience on the platform are solid.PayPal is safe, but users will need to take some specific actions to maximize data security when using the digital payment platform.PayPal is safe for both buyers and sellers if they follow the appropriate security protocols like using two-factor verification, and take full advantage of the security measures PayPal offers its customer base, according to security experts.Still, with the burgeoning use of PayPal - there were 237 million active PayPal accounts in the first quarter of 2018 - users have every right to wonder whether PayPal is safe to digitally send and receive money.PayPal certainly believes it's safe to transmit money on its platform.""Yes, we keep all your information safe,"" the company states on its web site. ""When you send a payment using PayPal, the recipient won't receive sensitive financial information like your credit card or bank account number. This way, you don't have to worry about paying people you don't know.""PayPal does offer a service called PayPal Purchase Protection that covers any platform payer if there's a problem. Also, if an item doesn't arrive or is significantly ""not as described"" by a seller, PayPal will arrange for a full refund. The company also offers similar ""backstop"" programs to protect companies and individuals who sell products and services on its platform.But those are after-the-fact protections. What users really want to know is what PayPal is doing to protect their personal data before any data hackers or fraud artists can strike.How Buyers Stay Safe on PayPalIn general, PayPal appears safe for buyers, as the site platform is both secure and encrypted.The key data protection issue for buyers may be external to PayPal - they'll need to have a secure digital connection to PayPal, so their data should be kept safe from prying eyes. PayPal does use data servers that constantly scan your browser to ensure it's using the most recent, up-to-date data encryption technology. It also monitors (and lets you know) that your data is stored on a computer server that isn't Internet-connected.PayPal takes its platform security so seriously that it offers financial rewards to computer security experts who discover any breaches, flaws and vulnerabilities in PayPal's digital data defense system.How Sellers Stay Safe on PayPalIn general, PayPal sellers can count on an honest and safe user experience. The same data security tools that PayPal uses to protect buyers also protect sellers.One key difference isn't necessarily a data privacy issue - it's a transaction and dispute issue.By and large, PayPal makes it easy for buyers to dispute transactions for a variety of reasons that are difficult for sellers to disprove. For example, disputes over shipments that never arrived or arrived damaged are hard for sellers to win. Buyers can say the shipment never arrived, was stolen, or was damaged, or can even say they were unsatisfied with the product. PayPal seems disposed to favor the buyer over the seller in these cases, unless the seller has a solid defense on his or her behalf.Sellers can better protect themselves in disputes by only shipping goods to credible, verified destinations, and insisting on a proof of delivery message by delivery systems. (UPS, Federal Express, Amazon and the U.S. Postal Service, among other delivery providers, all offer delivery confirmation notices for PayPal sellers.)For pricier items, PayPal sellers should insist on a signature from the buyer, stating the item was received and was in good condition.With PayPal sellers, documentation of every step of the sale and delivery process is the best protection if a transaction winds up in dispute.Is PayPal Safer Than Banks and Credit Cards?In actuality, using PayPal may be even safer than using a check or your credit card or bank account to make a purchase.With PayPal, your financial data is stored away in a single online ""vault"", whereas the same can't be said when transmitting credit card or bank data online on the internet. Also, paper checks can easily be compromised by fraudsters - all they need is a bank account or routing number to crack into a buyer's account and cause serious financial damage.PayPal offers buyers ""payback"" protection if their payments are made, and they don't receive the merchandise they ordered - giving buyers some peace of mind that they're money transmittal on PayPal is covered.PayPal buyers should also add their own level of data security by always keeping their data security software updated on all of their digital devices and not using public Wi-Fi to make purchases, as it's easier for data hackers to breach than a secure and private Wi-Fi connection.It's also a smart move to fund your PayPal account via credit card rather than bank account/debit card. That's because credit card companies are more likely to approve a payment dispute and refund your money than a bank/debit card provider.For more details,let's meet inside !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Email Marketing: The Ultimate Autoresponder Template to Copy" |
"Would you like more money, more time-off and more happiness and excitement in your life?Then you need email marketing. And with the right autoresponder, you can educate your readers onWHYthey need to buy whatever it is you are offering. Inside this course, I'm going to show you how to do JUSTTHAT!If you've ever wondered how some people make money on the internet, work 4 hours a week and travel the world, you can bet that they're probably experts in email marketing.Because I'm one of them... by leveraging the power of email marketing and autoresponders.What you'll get in this course:Email marketing campaigns and email autoresponders are automatic sales machines.First, you study the science of email marketing.Second, you write your emails and upload them to your autoresponder.Third, you turn your computer off and go travel the world.OK. While there is MORE to it, it sure beats cold calls, cubicles and coffee runs.So join me as weexplore how to communicate with your list and turn them into HYPER-BUYERS!---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------Autoresponders can be a very powerful tool for those who want to automate online marketing processes and thus save money on their campaigns, as well as to create a more effective strategy. What is an autoresponder? is a feature provided byemail marketing platforms like Mailrelaywhich allows you to send one or several emails when a new user registers using your website or blog.An autoresponder can also be preconfigured for one or more specific dates.It is a feature provided byemail marketing platformswhich allows you to send one or several emails when a new user registers using your website or blog.An autoresponder can also be preconfigured for one or more specific dates.It is a simple, fast and effective process.To see this feature more clearly we can think of this example.You have a website where you sell your products, and you have created a blog with tips on them, user guides and general information on how to make the most of the Products offered.In addition, you decide to create a series of emails; about 7 would be enough:1)After the user fill in the form, the system will send one or more scheduled emails to inform the user that he just registered. As well as informing about useful things like how many times the subscriber will receive your newsletters each month or week, or asking the user to add your email in his address book. 2)During the following days, you can send emails to the subscriber, to inform or provide useful tips.3)At some point, after a reasonable period after the suscription, you could send an email with an offer or voucher. Now, it will more likely that the subscriber has more confidence in your brand and, therefore, this user is more likely to decide to buy for the first time.What are the advantages of using autoresponders and why the main email marketing platforms should offer this feature? To save time:Nowadays it is no longer necessary to send an email for each user manually. After setting the parameters for the campaign, you just have to create the email design once, and this message can be used for all users. This is a quick and easy way to work with email marketing.To increase the number of visits to your website:If you are creating emails which will contain information related to what the user wants to receive, or if you offer information of interest, it will be more likely that the subscriber decides to visit your website. In turn, these visits will be of higher quality, as this user possibly will spend more time on your website, which can help you to reach your goals.Added value:The quality of the information offered will be seen as an added value. The purpose of the autoresponder should be, equally, a way to save time in the company and a way to provide quality content to the client effectively and quickly, as it was previously prepared. If the information you offer the user is relevant, you are offering added value.Create trust and improve sales:When you contact the customer and provide useful information you are improving his confidence in your brand, which will in turn encourage sales. Basically, the main objective of any good email marketing strategy.How can you start using this feature?Having seen what are autoresponders and the benefits for your email marketing strategy, we will see in more detail now what do you need to start working with this important feature. First, you should select between the email marketing platforms that offer this type of feature.Secondly, the creation of lists with the specific information for each user category(for example, dividing them by services you provide). The third and final point is to create sequential autoresponders, for instance, if you estimate that a total of 7 emails will be required before the subscriber decides to purchase, nothing better than prepare this information at different stages to answer all the questions of your potential customers and thus be able to help and improve the decision-making process, so that the subscriber can purchase without any problem or doubts from your company. Are you ready to save time and money on your online marketing?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Automation Marketing: More Facebook Friends on Auto-Pilot" |
"Why do you need 5,000 Facebook friends? Because you can talk to FIVE-THOUSANDPEOPLE every time you post.Facebook marketing & social media has never been easier than utilizing the FREEside of Facebook. Forget the ads (for the moment) and forget trying to ""go viral"" and just work grass-roots for your campaign. Think about it. Being friends with 5,000 people who are interested in what you have to talk about. That's like having an email list of 5,000 people to sell to EVERYSINGLEDAY!1 FB post = 5,000 potential leads.Are you starting to see how powerful this really can be?Not only that but once you reach the Facebook friend limit, you'll then add every future friend or request as a FOLLOWER!!! Why is this so cool? Because a follower expands your reach potential and can have you showing up in TENSOFTHOUSANDS of people's feeds and getting dozens of interactions.Your business can 2X in just a few days with your Facebook following and communicating with it right. So why not let me show you how to add 5,000 friends on auto-pilot so you don't have to wasteHOURS, DAYS &WEEKS manually adding each and every friend.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------If youre a marketer, youve probably heard of marketing automation. Were going to bet though, that 90 percent of you have no clue what the term means. We dont blame you marketing automation is a mouthful to say, and there probably should be a better way to describe the concept.Marketing automationrefers to software platforms and technologies designed formarketingdepartments and organizations to more effectively market on multiple channels online (such as email, social media, websites, etc.) and automate repetitive tasks.Automation Marketing through Auto-Pilot : Autopilot is an easy-to-use software program for your companys multi-channel marketing automation needs. Delight your customers and convert more leads by creating personalized journeys for your contacts by sending texts, letters, or emails to the right people and at the right time.You can connect your favorite apps to boost your customer journeys, with the use of built-in integrations with Twilio, Segment, Salesforce, Lob, or even your own.You can convert sales easily and make decisions sooner by tracking real-time activity and visualizing your return-on-investment campaign with pre-built reports.It offers end-to-end marketing automation tool features that can give your sales and marketing teams freedom from IT. It is simple enough for your teams to execute any campaign, whether they are regional or global, just by dragging and dropping. It also offers campaign management as well as ROI reporting.Features:Outline of Auto-Pilot Features:Bulk data import as well as exportAction-based trigger automationUser-friendly drag and drop interfaceMulti-channel lead nurturing: SMS, direct mail, email,Built-in integrations using the best-of-breed technologiesUniversal form captureUnlimited custom fieldsHTML email editorDynamic text personalizationKnowledge-baseLead nurture guide templates that offer best practices and ready to useReal-time prospect activity feed as well as behavior trackingFunnel visualization, lifecycle, as well as revenue reportingUnlimited emailsStatic as well as dynamic smart list segmentationAdvanced email analyticsDevelop unlimited third-party integrationsFree trial availableEmail supportSo if you are looking into software,Weve listed four of them below in details:1. Marketing Automation Users can put together journeys based on who they are trying to reach. Autopilot has a convenient workflow tool that allows users to determine the action that will happen at each stage of the journey, such as after a visitor subscribes to an email list. Moreover, the software allows for the creation of dynamic audiences based on certain parameters, then trigger messages and engage automatically.2. Activity Streams This featuremakes it easy to start streaming engagement activity of customers from Autopilot to a third-party analytics application for real-time analysis. Activity Streams unlocks the data from all of the users customer engagement, giving them the visibility they need to take data-driven actions across the whole customer lifecycle. This takes all the confusion out of setting up a stream and enables users to benefit from the incoming data in their favorite BI application.3. Multi-Channel Journey Setup Users can personalize their customers experience by sending targeted postcards, SMS, in-app messages and emails at the right time in their journey. They can also capture data and forms from their blogs, apps or websites instantly using Autopilots tracking code. With its drag-and-drop Canvas, Autopilot allows users to define full-on workflows (opportunities, tasks, contacts, leads) in their Salesforce CRM.4. Performance Tracking With Autopilot, users can track journey performance and get a high-level view into which journeys are trending, which campaigns convert and whats contributing to sales. They can also see common drop-off points and make appropriate changes on the fly. On top of that, Autopilot provides users with email reports that offer insights into deliverability rates and time trends."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google SEO for Images: Massive Growth Marketing Made Easy" |
"In this course you will learn 3 new ways to get traffic to your website:1) You will be able to rank every one of the pages on your website a little higher by doing correct SEOtagging of your images.2)You will be able to rank in image search, and get traffic from Google image search.3)You will understand how image size inside your web pages effects the image rendering, and you will be able to make ideal social media posts that render perfectly no matter which social network you are posting on, and by rendering perfectly, you'll have a nicer post which gets more engagement and more traffic to your website.UNDERRATEDBUTPOWERFULWhen you hear people talk about SEO, they rarely mention image-SEO. This is great because it isn'tas crowded as any of theSEOfields (Organic,Video, PPC, etc)and it is less competitive, which is good for YOU.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------One of the most important steps to take under the SEO umbrella is image optimization. A comprehensive SEO campaign includes a strategic plan for curating images that resonate with your audience while remaining relevant to your content. How to Optimize your Images for Google SearchImages are extremely important in todays digital world. The average internet user does not want to read a huge wall of text. They want to see a combination of text and images.Images arouse a users attention and help break up chunks of writing into manageable blocks. Furthermore, images can help convey messages and provide complimentary info to the text such as infographics.Alternatively, professional photographers and digital artists may simply want to showcase their images to potential clients. Whatever the reason,any images used on the web must be optimized. --What is the value of ranking on Google Image Search?When it comes to optimizing content, people often end up focusing almost exclusively on their text-based content. In reality, ranking highly for images that you use throughout your site can also help to increase your traffic rates and the popularity of your brand. When people click through from the Google image search, they are spreading your brand reach and reputation. They help to enhance the performance metrics of your site, which in turn can boost your rankings in the regular SERPs. --What is the ideal display item on Google image search?Google wants to show the user unique images that align with their query. This means that Google will not be displaying stock photos and will want to avoid showing the same picture more than once, even if it appears on different sites. For the same reason that duplicate content hurts the user experience on the standard SERPs, having multiple copies of the same picture will similarly be negative.Google will look at the content of the page where the picture appears as well as the picture itself in an effort to understand what the picture contains and how well it relates to different queries. Remember that Googles spiders cannot actually see images themselves, so they rely on tags and markups to understand the image and know where it belongs.--How do I optimize my images to improve their positioning in Google Image Search?To ensure optimal performance in Google Image Search, you will want to keep the following guidelines in mind: Find a balance between maximizing the aesthetic quality of the image and maintaining a fast load time. Google wants to focus on high-quality images, but those that load slowly will also be ranked poorly because of the poor user experience.Make sure the images you want to rank for are completely unique. As previously mentioned, Google does not want to display duplicates. Images of your products at work, your customers, your services, or any other photo taken by the brand itself are the optimal images to choose.Use a comprehensive labels on the image. Google spiders will be crawling as many details as they can to learn about your image. This means using alt tags, title tags, and image names. When possible use your targeted keyword and explain how to image ties into the topic.Use schema markups to draw attention to the image. This will make you eligible for any rich snippet options while also helping the search engine understand the image so it can be displayed at the proper times.Track your progress using various tools such as Google Webmaster Tools. With the webmaster tools, you can look at search analytics and filter by image searches to see your success within this exact category.Ranking highly for images on image search can be a valuable means of drawing traffic to your page and giving your page a boost. Keep these guidelines in mind as you add your images as see how visuals can work for you."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"The On-Page SEO Guide: Rank Page 1 in Google, Yahoo & Bing" |
"Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the activity of optimizing web pages or whole sites in order to make them search engine friendly, thus getting higher positions in search results for Google, Bing,Yahoo, Ask, Baiduand many more.This course explains simple SEO techniques to improve the visibility of your web pages for different search engines, especially for Google, Yahoo, and Bing.If you plan to do some basic SEO, it is essential that you understand how search engines work. In this course, you will learn SEO tactics and methods, website domain, optimized keywords, optimized meta tags, title optimization, optimized anchor, link building and mobile SEO techniques.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------What is On-Page SEO?On-page SEO is the optimization of the elements that exist on your own website, including content, the code behind every page, visual elements and user experience.This includes keywords, meta data, HTML code optimization, quality and freshness of content, a good website structure aided by internal linking and a user-friendly interface.On-Page SEO is usually complemented with Off-Page SEO, which is based on building trustworthy inbound links to your site this is most frequently called linkbuilding.In terms of ranking potential of these two activities, On-Page is not necessarily more important than Off-Page, but it should come first, since having a good quality website in terms of both content and technical aspects will be the thing that makes others want to link to you in the first place.Its also a good idea to start your approach to SEO with On-Page because you have much more control of your own websites issues, so youll be able to eventually start a successful linkbuilding campaign on a website that is well-structured and provides valuable information to its users.Main Aspects of On-Page SEOLets now look at the essential aspects of on-page optimization well provide some quick info on all of these elements, but for a more in-depth study you should the dedicated posts for each on-page factor.KeywordsWhenever you produce a new piece of content for your website, you should already have your main keywords in mind and try to make them stand out on the page.Ive written an entire in-depth article on keyword research on this blog, but in short it means that you should become aware of what people search for in your niche, how they search and how much competition there is for the keywords you may be thinking of targeting.Depending on the subjects you approach, you may notice that theres tough competition on the most obvious keywords, so youll have to at least begin by targeting long-tail keywords that will have a lower volume of searches but for which youll have a better chance of ranking in the SERPs.After youve built a good presence on long-tail keywords you may increase the probability of ranking for those highly desirable keywords as well.The most popular way of doing keyword research is by using Googles Keyword Planner tool, which will offer a lot of insight. However, you should know that since it is a tool thats included in Googles AdWords portfolio, it wont provide you with the exact search volume unless you have an active AdWords campaign in which youre spending at least a small amount of money.The free version of Keyword Planner gives you search volume estimations that are quite broad 1-100, 100-1k, 1k-10k, 10k-100k and so on; it also shows whether theres low, medium or high competition on the keyword.Keyword Planner isnt the only tool you can use to find keywords. You can find useful information on websites like Moz Keyword Explorer, AnswerThePublic, UberSuggest and others.Using Your KeywordsYoull certainly want to use your keywords a few times in your text, especially at the beginning of the post and wherever it stands out the most but keep in mind that keyword stuffing will do you no good, and it may even be penalized by the bots if it makes your post sound unnatural.In order to avoid repeating the same keywords over and over again, you can also use synonyms and context to indicate what your post is about to Google. These are also called LSI keywords (Latent Semantic Indexing).Meta TagsMeta data is written so that the search engines bots are able to understand what your page is about it includes the meta description and the meta title for Google, but Bing and other search engines may use meta keywords as well, so it may be worth it to add them.Meta TitleThe meta title has to include the keyword youre targeting, preferably towards the beginning. It should also invite the user to click on it through a call-to-action or a sense of urgency and enthusiasm.Many first-page results have numbers in them (e.g. 12 great summer destinations; where to go for Christmas in 2017), because people tend to like reading lists and they appreciate up-to-date content.Modifiers like how/what/why in the meta title are also useful, since the way people search for things has become increasingly conversational, so its best to prepare for question-style queries.Of course, these wont be applicable to websites in all industries and niches, but a lot of them can use this advice.Experts usually advise that the Meta Title of your page should be no more than 60 characters long, because otherwise it will be cut off in the SERP and it may lower your click-through rate.However, there have been some who claim that this doesnt have too much of an effect on users, so you wont necessarily lose a lot of clicks because your meta title is a few characters longer, as long as you structure it in a way that makes it pretty clear what the page is about from the first few words.The point where the search engine cuts off your title may even depend on the specific letters you use and how much space they take up for example, a lot of narrow letters like l will take up less than capital Ms.Most content management systems (e.g. WordPress) have an automatic option to add your websites name at the end of each meta title along with a separator (such as or ), so you could also keep that in mind when counting the characters of your meta title if you dont want it to be cut off.Meta DescriptionThe Meta Description is the small snippet of text that appears under the meta title and the URL in the SERP. Google will extract one from the page automatically if nothing is provided, but you should definitely work on it for each post.Google claims that the meta description is not a ranking factor and that its only for the users, but thats not a certainty, and either way, it should be as descriptive and include the main keywords in a natural way.Meta Descriptions should be around 150-160 characters including spaces, but Google may surprise you by cutting them off a little earlier or showing some that are longer and there may be differences between web and mobile searches.In any case, you should make sure that the essential information about your post or page is clear from the first hundred characters or so users might not necessarily mind the fact that the description is not shown completely as long as what they can see is useful.Header TagsThese range from H1 to H6 and they are part of the HTML code, providing a hierarchy for the stuff youre writing about.The H1 tag should only be used once on a page, as it is considered as the most important by Google therefore it should contain the important keywords and reveal the focus of the page.WordPress and other CMS automatically make the title of each post or page the H1 tag, but there are variations depending on the theme you choose for example, a category page that lists the most recent posts may use multiple H1 tags, but you could change that in the code if you thought it impacts your websites performance in SERPs.The rest of the H tags, from 2-6, should be used in the body text to signal its structure i.e. the smallest H tags should be used for the least important subheading in your text but you dont have to use all the tags for all post you may just use a couple of them depending on what youre writing. H2-6 tags dont have to be unique like the H1, so you can use more than one.Images & Other MediaThe two most important things you should know about photos is that they impact your websites loading time and that search bots cant read them or other media files but there are ways to handle both of these issues.In terms of speed, website owners are advised to use images with a file size that is below 100kb as often as possible, because large images will take a long time to load and site speed seems to be a big ranking factor, and it will definitely be even more important when Google switches completely to the mobile-first index.In order to explain to Google what your image or video is about, you should use the ALT text attribute for each media file this can be done in the HTML code, but most CMS have easier ways to add ALT text when you upload a file.The ALT text should describe the photo or video as well as include the main keyword youre targeting, but you dont need to stuff keywords in there excessively either.Another way to optimize images is to save them in your computer with a descriptive file name instead of IMG1231.jpg, an image of a dog playing in the park should be called dog chasing frisbee.jpg, for example.For videos or audio files, you must also provide a transcript that Googlebot will be able to read in order to understand what your content is about and be able to include it in search results.Do try to use images in all of your posts, since posts with zero images dont perform as well as those that use at least one image but using more than one image hasnt shown much of a difference in rankings, either (this also depends on your niche).Content LengthThe topic of how long content should be has been subject to vast debate, but unfortunately there isnt a straightforward answer. Longer content seems to be preferred by Google according to Backlinkos study, but it cant be a rule for each and every website.It all depends on the context, the subject matter, and the way other websites are doing it. If youre really in doubt, look at your most successful competitors blogs and see how long their posts usually are.However, its not enough if you simply create a longer post than your competitor. You also need to make sure that you provide quality, and that could even be done in fewer words just make it as natural, useful and informative as possible, as both users and Google will appreciate that.What is certain is that a very short post will most likely not perform very well as Google will probably see it as thin content that isnt helpful to visitors.Website Structure & Internal LinkingThink about what it feels like to be on a website that has a messy, vague and incoherent structure you immediately want to leave it and youll make sure to avoid it in the future.When we talk about a websites structure, the main thing that comes to mind is how pages are connected to each other and how logical the navigation is between these pages. A user should be able to find what theyre looking for in a matter of seconds and not be surprised by what they can (or cant) find on a particular section of the website.The way you link to your own pages matters as well youll usually use hyperlinks in your text and those hyperlinks will make use of a particular anchor text.You need to make sure that the links come up naturally and that it makes sense to link to a particular page in your content, and that the anchor text is relevant, and dont always use the same kind of anchor text, be it exact match, post title, click here, etc. you should try some variation and that might even help you find which anchor text type is the most useful.URLsFirst of all, you are advised to use static URLs on your pages because they are more descriptive and they may help with ranking if they contain a main keyword and are well-structured.The URL shouldnt be too long, so try to take out the stop words like in/of/the etc. and summarize the title of the page in a few words.Technical SEOThere are many elements included under the technical SEO umbrella. These are usually the things you need to do that require a bit more work done under the hood of a website, but you shouldnt feel intimidated because anyone can learn how to optimize them.Well cover technical SEO in much more depth in future posts, but in short, it includes things like site speed, crawl errors, redirects, duplicate content, canonicalization, mobile optimization, sitemaps, markups, structured data, and various HTML tags, such as rel=nofollow, that might be needed sometimes.Google Search Console will be very helpful for identifying the potential errors your website might have, such as 404 errors for pages that have been deleted or lost. It will also let you upload your robots.txt file which tells crawlers what they are allowed to access you might find out that there are some areas of your site that Google cant crawl and youll be able to fix them accordingly.Search Console will also show you whether you have pages with duplicate, too long or too short meta titles or meta descriptions. There are also other web tools that you can use to check your websites issues.For more details , let's meet inside !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Google Business Citation SEO: Local Rankings Made Easy" |
"Did you know that you can have a local business listing even if you only have a P.O. box? YEAH!Local rankings have long been misunderstood. When you rank locally, you are among Google's favorite listings to showcase. Anytime someone in your area does a local search, you are 10X more likely to show up over your competitors(even if they're better ranked organically).This new system of claiming local business listings, known as citations, builds ALOT of trust with Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yelp & 101 other search engines.Business citations arethe ONETHING every search engine agrees YOUNEEDTOHAVE if you are in business, online or offline.Learn how to move the tides in your favor and even outsource the entire process.Take my list of business sites YOUMUSTBEON and start ranking higher in days(not months like organic SEO makes you wait).---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------What is a Local Citation?A local citation is any online mention of the name, address, and phone number for a local business. Citations can occur on local business directories, on websites and apps, and on social platforms. Citations help Internet users to discover local businesses and can also impact local search engine rankings. Local businesses can actively manage many citations to ensure data accuracy. What are the types of local citations?Major Local Business Data Platforms- Local business owners and marketers can create citations on a variety of important local business data platforms which exist to publish this type of data. Core platforms include Google My Business, Acxiom, Localeze/Neustar, and Infogroup. Key local business listings can also be built on popular social and review-oriented sites like Facebook and Yelp.Geo/Industry-Specific Platforms- In addition to building local business listings on the major local business data platforms that serve all industries, your company can seek to build listings on websites that are specific to its unique industry and geography. Examples of these platforms would include chamber of commerce websites or the websites of professional associations and guilds.The Wider Web- Supplementary citations can either be built or earned on a wide variety of publications, including blogs, news sites, apps, maps, government databases, and more. You can either intentionally develop these citations for your business, or simply earn them based on merit and public interest/sharing of information.All of the above types of citations can be developed via the use of automated software (like Moz Local), by filling out forms directly on local business platforms manually, or via other methods of PR/marketing to various platforms.Finally, citations and local business listings frequently appear without any action being taken by the business. Citations can result from automated aggregation and theflow of data from local business data platforms. For example, data on a site like Infogroup can flow down to another site like Superpages. This reality of how the web works makes it especially important for local businesses to take control of the accuracy of their data, so that inaccurate data is discovered and corrected, preventing customer loss, revenue loss, and any negative impact on local search rankings.What are the components of a local citation?The core components of a citation are a companys name, address, and phone number (NAP) and can also include a reference or link to a designated page of the companys website. In addition to this, a citation may incorporate some or all of the following elements: Business categoriesHours of operationDriving directionsBusiness descriptionImagesVideosPayment forms acceptedGeo-coordinatesReviewsOwner responsesTaglinesLinks to social and other forms of mediaEmail addressesFax numbersAlternate phone numbersAttributesTo fully prepare for filling out the common fields of the citations youll be creating, please read: The Core Components Of Local Business ListingsWhy do local citations matter?Local citations significantly influence two scenarios relating to local businesses:Local citations either positively or negatively impact local search engine rankings.Thenumberof citations a business accrued, theaccuracyof the data they feature, and thequalityof the platforms they exist on all influence rankings. Search engines like Google amass data about each business. If what they encounter is accurate, the search engine trusts the validity of the data, which is believed to strengthen the business chance of ranking well. However, if the data search engines encounter is inconsistent, this trust is eroded, lessening ranking opportunities.Local citations either positively or negatively impact consumers.Accurate citationshelp people discover a local business, which can result in web, phone, and foot traffic, culminating in transactions.Inaccurate citations, however, can misdirect customers, leading to loss of reputation and revenue.Businesses at every level of local commerce from one-person startups to major brands are deeply concerned aboutrankings, reputation, and revenue. Local citations are vital, given that they factor into all three of these areas. How does active location data management relate to citations?Any local business developing its marketing strategy must understand the risk/benefit scenario of a passive vs. an active approach to citation management.Passive approach risks:Neglecting citation development and management risks the following damage to rankings, reputation, and revenue: A small/weak set of local citationsInaccurate citationsDuplicate local business listingsNo awareness of user or competitor edits to local business listingsNo strategy for discovering inaccurate dataNo strategy for managing citations in the event of mergers/acquisitions, rebranding, business moves, changes of phone numbers, hours of operation, or other dataNo strategy for discovering and managing reviewsLittle control over how the business is being represented across the webActive approach benefits:Actively managing citations can positively impact rankings, reputation, and revenue via: A robust, accurate citation set on major platformsAwareness, discovery, and correction of inaccurate dataPermanent closure of duplicate local business listingsA solid strategy for editing citation data in the event of mergers/acquisitions, rebranding, business moves, changes of phone numbers, hours of operation, or other dataA solid strategy for discovering and managing reviewsMaximum control over how the business is being represented across the webWeighing these risks/benefits, youll soon determine that active citation management can be neglected. It simply isnt good business.Citations in summaryCitations are publications of your core business data on the Internet. They influence consumer discovery and local search engine rankings. Accurate citations positively impact rankings, reputation, and revenue, whereas inaccurate citations detract from these assets. Due to the high stakes of these assets, active location data management is a necessity for all local businesses, and you can choose from manual, semi-automated, and automated solutions for your business. You must fully research each potential option or service you consider to discover whether your investment of resources will result in meaningful value."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Napoleon Hill's 13 Laws of Success (Think and Grow Rich)" |
"When Napoleon Hill wrote Think and Grow Rich! in the 1930s he expected the book to be a success and he expected to change the lives of many people, but he probably did not expect to change the entire personal success genre. From the books initial publication in 1937 until Napoleon Hills death in 1970, Think and Grow Rich! sold over 20 million copies. Since then sales have multiplied many times over. The book frequently hits best-seller lists, even in the 21st century. More importantly, however: the teachings have multiplied. Napoleon Hills philosophy can now be found repackaged in books, e-books, audio, video, and blogs, by the numerous authors who have taken Hills philosophy, expanded on it or scaled it down, and made it their own.It is not surprising. More than 70 years after its first publication, Hills lessons are as timely as ever. In Think and Grow Rich! he has divided them into 13 principles to be mastered: Desire, Faith, Auto-suggestion, Specialized knowledge, Imagination, Organized planning, Decision, Persistence, the Power of the master mind, the Mystery of sex transmutation, the Subconscious mind, the Brain, and the Sixth sense.Learn how to master each of the 13 Laws of Success.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------Napoleon Hill's 13 Laws of Success1.First Principle: DesireFor anyone to be successful, it is crucial that there exist within them the desire to be great or at least better than their current state. Without this desire, there would be no motivation or cause for action. Simple wanting or a wish will not produce results as it is just wishful thinking. What is needed is a deep burning desire for something that will automatically result in actions that will bring results. For true success, desire is necessary as wishes will only result in frustration. Desire focuses on the presence of something or the addition of something, whereas wanting focuses on the lack of something.Whenever you focus on the lacking part, you attract more lack into your life subconsciously. When you focus on the desire, you are consumed by the feeling of having that thing in your life to the extent that you are already picturing what it would feel like to have it in your life. It is this desire that catapults you into action that brings results. Desire pushes you out of your comfort zone because when you desire something, you will not sit idly without doing everything possible to attain the object of your desire. This creates the attraction and brings into your life everything you desire.2.Second Principle: FaithWhen a desire stems and attracts emotions that arise from deep within ones belief, it attracts faith as well. For a desire to come true, you must have faith that it is possible and that it will come true. When you truly have faith in a desire and believe it will come true, it starts manifesting into its physical self. Those who believe they are not worthy of love, even on a subconscious level, often find themselves continuously in the same pattern of relationships that they somehow sabotage even if it may seem that they are the victims in it. This is because of our own deep existing beliefs.Our beliefs hold so much power that they almost always come true so if you want a desire to become real, believe in it and have faith that it will come true. You have to truly believe that you deserve what you desire and it will be yours soon. It is faith that makes desires come true. If you find it is hard for you to have faith, repeat affirmations which state that the desire will come true. If you keep repeating something, it will start sounding true and soon enough the idea will not sound alien to you.Monitor your beliefs and when you start identifying a pattern of self-limiting thoughts, pick deliberate affirmations and repeat them in order to counter the limiting beliefs.3.Third Principle: Auto SuggestionThere is a strong reason why we do not believe in our own wishes and even though we want something, we do not believe we deserve it. This is a state of being brainwashed. We have been brainwashed by the society to believe we are unworthy of what we desire and that wanting something is sinful. Deep within us, these beliefs exist which makes it difficult for us to believe we deserve something.In order to get rid of these beliefs, you need to meditate. Go somewhere quiet, relax your mind and repeat the beliefs you want to plant within you. Focus on your worthiness and having faith. With time, the seeds you plant during your meditative stage using affirmations will transform into beliefs. Additionally, start writing things you desire on small placards or notes and read them several times a day in order to remember what you want and place them firmly in your subconscious mind.4.Fourth Principle: Specialised KnowledgeIf acquiring knowledge ensured success, professors would be the wealthiest of the lot. However, that is as far from the truth as possible. Just having knowledge doesnt make one intelligent or even successful. This is proven by the fact that information is available to everyone these days. All the knowledge of the world is just a mere click away and yet few in the world are successful.This is because it is not acquiring knowledge but using it that makes one successful. The correct use of specialised knowledge can make one successful which is why instead of focusing on gaining knowledge, focus on the knowledge that will make your desires come true and help you achieve success.5.Fifth Principle: ImaginationImagination can prove handy if used for the right purpose instead of just using it for ones entertainment. Creative imagination is the kind that comes in useful when you want to become successful. In other words, synthetic imagination is caused by the effects around us and creative imagination becomes the cause of the effects around us. When you use creative imagination to visualize and picture the fruits of your desires as a reality, they soon take form and in fact become a reality.6.Sixth Principle: Organised PlanningIn order to succeed, you need a concrete plan. This plan should be a way to achieve what you desire. Take your time to draft a plan and then write it down. Once you write it down, the chances of it becoming a reality increase, so always make sure that you write down your plans and then proceed to divide them into workable goals.7.Seventh Principle: DecisionThe type of decision Hill talks about in his book are firm and resolute decisions, instead of the ones that are formed and forgotten about in an instant. People who keep forming and changing their decisions are barely ever able to achieve what they desire. You need to believe strongly in your decisions to the extent that once you have taken a decision, it becomes concrete and must be followed through.However, this it doesnt mean a decision cannot be changed. However, a decision that is changed regularly is not much of a decision. Take strong and well thought-out decisions and then see them through to the end.8.Eighth Principle: PersistenceMany people fail at their first attempt. They might fail on their hundredth attempt but the simple fact is that the 100th failed attempt proves their dedication and this strength of desire will ensure they succeed at some point in the future. Many people give up on the first attempt, claiming that the challenge is too tough for them and as a result these people barely ever succeed. In order to succeed, there should be an unwavering quality to the desire. In other words, you want it and you will do anything and spend as long as it takes to make this desire a reality.9.Ninth Principle: Power of the Master MindOne of the most important principles, this principle explains that in order to achieve what you desire, you need to align your thought vibrations with similar vibrations which can be achieved by keeping company of likeminded people. By choosing your company wisely, you will be surrounded by the right kind of motivation that will inspire and challenge you. If, instead, you surround yourself with lazy people who tend to slack off, with time you will fall into the same mindset and forego all desires. By surrounding yourself with people who motivate you to reach higher, you will achieve more.10.Tenth Principle: TransmutationThis is one of the more controversial points in Hills book. He explains that we all have a strong sexual energy within us that we use to charm and attract the people we have an interest in. If we gather this energy and use it through creative imagination, we will be able to sound and seem more charming to people. This charm can help us get what we want by convincing people around us, through whom we may be able to achieve what we desire.11.Eleventh Principle: The Subconscious MindOftentimes, we truly want something but are limited by our beliefs and not being able to align vibrations in a manner that will help us make the desire a reality. We can control our subconscious mind by controlling and quieting our conscious mind and instilling the beliefs we want to see reflected in our lives. This is best achieved through meditation because we can truly control and tune into our subconscious. In simple words, our subconscious is the real master mind that decides what will and will not manifest in our lives.12.Twelfth Principle: The BrainAccording to research, when our creativity spikes, our subconscious mind reaches a state where it can be programmed comparatively easily which is why we need to be involved in creative tasks that help us get into the right state of the mind. When we repeat affirmations in our conscious mind while allowing ourselves to reach this state of mind through creative visualisations or imaginations, the pictures in our conscious mind are perceived as reality by our subconscious mind.In simple words, when we visualise something, our subconscious mind cannot differentiate between the scene being a figment of our imagination or actual reality.13.FinalPrinciple: The Sixth SenseThis is your intuition or gut feeling and it becomes more profound when you start meditating and tuning into your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is your connection with the infinite wisdom of the universe. When we tune into our subconscious, which is in turn tuned into the universe, we get answers to our questions that would otherwise have eluded us. These answers may come to us as hunches or gut feelings and this is why they must not be ignored.Let's meet inside !"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Create a WordPress Website in 24 Hours or Less Guaranteed" |
"Looking to build a blog for your business or Internet marketing? Maybe you want to create a small website about your favorite hobby.This course is for anyone that wants to learn how to build a website. The focus is on creating a WordPress site with your own domain and Web hosting and doing it the right way. While it is possible to use free online hosted blog solutions, the goal here is to build something that you control, manage, and can grow at your own pace. Not only will I teach you how to build a WordPress site from the ground up but will give you the knowledge and tools to make money through internet marketing.If you are new to building websites or don't think you are very computer literate have no fear! I have made the lessons easy to understand and follow and you should have no problems going through the material. The nice thing about this course is that with unlimited access you can watch the videos over and over again if something is not clear. Consider me to be your personal coach as I show you step by step how to do become a blogging master!You should have experience with computers and have a general understanding of the Internet. If you can browse the Web, check e-mail, use Facebook, or use any other computer software and can follow directions then you can definitely build a blog and we are going to teach you how.I've been building Websites for many years as a full-time job, as a freelancer, and Internet marketer and I switched to using WordPress some time ago after I discovered the power, flexibility, and speed at which you can build from the ground up.I created this course to share my knowledge and offer you my full help and attention at reaching your goals and creating the website that you deserve. So what are you waiting for? Get started now and with my money back guarantee you have nothing to loseand only knowledge to gain!---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------What Is WordPress?WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that allows you to host and build websites. WordPress contains plugin architecture and a template system so you can customize any website to fit your business, blog, portfolio, or online store.Wordpress dot org vs WordPress dot comThe difference between WordPress dot org and WordPress dot com has to do with who is actually hosting your website.How to Choose Between WordPress dot org or WordPress dot comYou may be wondering whether WordPress dot org or WordPress dot com would be a better fit for you. Lets review a few more of the pros and cons that come with both options so you can make an informed decision.Wordpress dot org is ideal if you want full power over customizing and controlling your website. However, there is a lot more responsibility that comes with managing a WordPress dot org website site. You have to purchase and set up your own domain name, upload and install all of your custom plugins and themes, edit your websites code, and manage your websites security. WordPress dot org is free to use, but you have to pay for everything else that goes into having a website (including but not limited to everything Ive just listed).WordPress dot com is preferable if youre looking for an option that has most of the hard work done for you. Youll never need to manage your server, pay for your hosting, or buy a domain. There are also a number of customization options that come with a WordPress dot com plan to help you make your website look the way you want it to.How To Create A WordPress WebsiteWordPress is one of the most popular CMS options available today. Its ease of use and versatility enable the majority of users and business owners to create a website that works for their needs with the software. Heres how you can do the same.1. Pick a WordPress planTo begin creating your website, pick a WordPress plan. As stated earlier, with WordPress dot org, you only have one (free) plan option but it requires you to buy your domain, hosting provider, plugins, themes, and everything else related to your WordPress site.When it comes to WordPress dot com, youll have to choose between the four plans they offer.The main differences between the four plans include the monthly fee, your ability to create a custom domain, and their number of features.2. Set up your domain name and hosting providerSetting up your domain name and choosing your hosting provider for WordPress typically happen around the same time in the website creation process.Before we talk about how to complete those tasks, lets cover the difference between your domain name and hosting provider.Think about your domain name as your home address its how your visitors are able to locate your website on the internet. Your hosting provider is where your website is actually stored. Without a hosting provider, your site wouldnt have space on a server to live.To put it in simpler terms: Imagine your domain name is your home address and your hosting provider is your house. Your data files, which make up your website, are the furniture in your house.How to pick domain and hosting providersAgain, WordPress dot org requires you to create your own domain and find a third-party hosting provider for your website. WordPress dot com allows you to decide whether or not you want a custom domain depending on the plan you choose, but you will still have to find a third-party hosting provider.There are hundreds of third-party hosting services, such as GoDaddy or Bluehost, that provide you with the ability to create custom domain names. (Again, this is why so many people pick their domain and hosting provider at the same time in the website creation process.) Your hosting provider is important not just because its how you host your site but because it impacts your websites speed, security, reliability, and more.3. Install WordPressIf you are using a hosting provider outside of WordPress, youll need to install the CMS to connect your new domain to your website.This time, lets use GoDaddy as an example. (Dont worry, no matter the hosting provider you choose, this process looks exceptionally similar.)To start, log into your GoDaddy account, click Web Hosting, and then Manage. You will be brought to a screen with your account details.Scroll down and under Options & Settings, you will see an area titled Popular Apps. Click on the WordPress app to begin the installation.After installing WordPress, there will be a few questions to answer related to the domain you want to use, the directory where you want to install WordPress, and your admin information.After about 24 hours, your website will be installed to your hosting account, and GoDaddy will send you an email confirmation.Now that you have your domain set up and WordPress installed, we need to set up your Primary Domain within WordPress so your visitors are actually sent to your website when they search your URL.In WordPress, go to My Site and click Domains. Select the custom domain you want to make primary.Then, click Make Primary.Confirm you meant to make this change by clicking Update Primary Domain.Verify the update was successful by looking for a green box with a checkmark that says Primary Domain.Onto step four making your website look nice.4. Choose Your ThemeYou can customize your website using WordPress themes and templates, which contain a multitude of layouts, formatting styles, colors, fonts, and other visual options.WordPress automatically provides you with a default theme that looks rather plain. Sure, you can keep it but your website visitors may not be so impressed. A custom WordPress theme, whether its paid or free, will make your website appealing to your buyer personas as well as ensure it looks professional.Similar to the wide range of hosting providers available, there are also hundreds of themes and templates to choose from. Thats why weve put together a guide to 20 of our favorite themes and templates and categorized them by purpose. Whether youre looking for a theme versatile enough for multiple different business types, or one suitable for your ecommerce site, portfolio, blog, or niche business, theres a theme that will work for your specific needs. If you can't find one that's right for you, you can build a custom website using a tool like Elementor.To find a theme that works best for you, head to your WordPress admin dashboard. Click Appearance and then Themes.You will then be brought to another screen to browse all available themes or search for a specific one you have in mind.Once you discover the perfect theme, simply Install it to begin customizing it and adding your own content, posts, and pages. Each theme has different steps required of you during the customization process, so be sure to follow them closely. Each themes website (which are often accessible through the WordPress theme and template library) has helpful information as you work through the customization process.5. Add Posts and Pages to Your WebsiteWhen you add content to your WordPress website, its displayed in the form of posts and pages.Posts (or dynamic pages) are typically used for blogs and portfolios because they automatically place your newest website content at the top. Pages are static which is why they often appeal to business owners the added content always remains in the same place.Start by deciding whether you want a post or page to serve as the homepage (or any page) of your website. To add a post to your website, go to the admin page, click Posts and then Add New. From this screen, add a title for your post, insert photos, change the format, and more.Click Save to save your changes as a draft or Publish so the post immediately goes live.If youre looking to add a page to your website, youll work through a very similar process. In your admin area, click Pages and then Add New.First, add a title to your page. Next, insert photos, embed videos, add written content and links, and more.Follow the same steps to create multiple pages for your website if you choose.Click Save to save your changes as a draft or Publish so the page immediately goes live.6. Customize Your WebsiteThere are a number of ways to further customize your website. Let's review a few of the more common customization options.First, create static or dynamic pages under the Settings tab in your WordPress admin page.Consider using a static page if youre a business owner who prefers having content remain in one place on your website. For example, it wouldnt make sense for your About Us page to contain content that moves around youd want that content to remain in one location for consistency. Consider using a dynamic page if youre a blogger who prefers having your newest content appear at the top of your pages. This way your visitors can easily find your latest posts.Titles can also be customized to do this, head to your admin page. Under the General section in Settings, add a website title and tagline.One particularly handy customization feature is a navigation bar. This enables your visitors to easily move around your website and find whatever they need.You can add a navigation bar by going to your admin page, clicking Appearance and then Menus.From here, you can determine how you want your bar to look, how many pages you want to include, what you want to title those pages, what order you want them to be listed in, and more.7. Install Your PluginsPlugins are how you choose options and themes. They also enhance user experience with the help of features that your Wordpress website doesnt automatically include. With over 56,000 available plugins, there are options for most every type of website and user. Some of the most popular plugins available include WordPress Contact Form, Yoast SEO, TablePress, The SEO Framework, HubSpot Conversion Tools, and Pixel Caffeine.To begin installation, head to the Plugins button in your admin area.Click Add New.Browse or search for your desired plugin and then click Install Now.WordPress Website Tips and TricksThere are a number of WordPress tips and tricks to make your website as impactful and user-friendly as possible some are here:1. Focus on the basics and create a great user experience with a WordPress theme that complements your business and website content.2. Use dashes and not underscores when naming your files in WordPress. Google looks as underscores as joiners, meaning your file will look like one big word. That wont help you with your SEO. Use dashes to make it obvious there are separate words. 3. Use WordPress online support for any questions or concerns you may have while creating or using your website. There are a number of forums and ways to reach out to WordPress experts listed on their website.4. Use Image Alt Text to your advantage. Image Alt Text can be used to improve your SEO and Google rankings when used appropriately.5. Keep your sidebar as organized as possible. Stick to the essentials and think about what your website visitors and buyer personas really need quick and easy access to.6. Back up your website regularly so if you ever lose access or have technological difficulties, you have everything you need to completely restore your content. There are a number of plugins, such as Snapshot Pro, made specifically for backing up your WordPress content.7. Learn and understand SEO basics to ensure your website is completely optimized so you can boost your conversions.8. Create a custom homepage. As mentioned earlier, WordPress will provide you with a default homepage. Take the time to create your own with a theme that works for your business remember, this is your visitors first impression of your business, blog, or portfolio.9. Keep an eye on your websites performance and know what is and isnt working for your visitors. There are a number of useful WordPress plugins, as well as Google Analytics software, to help with this.10. Include an About Us page on your website to show your visitors youre a trustworthy person and/or business. About Us pages are known to be the second most-visited pages on websites (after homepages) so introducing yourself is important11. Make sure your site is secure to ensure there are no hackers gaining entry. Again, there are plenty of plugins such as WP Defender to help you with this.12. Create custom permalinks. Permalinks are the permanent URLs that you plan to keep static for the foreseeable future. Theyre important because they improve user experience and enhance your Wordpress website SEO.13. Create a custom navigation bar (as we reviewed earlier) to make your site easy to use for your visitors.14. Include excerpts and a click-through on your blog posts so people dont land on your blog page and see your entire piece at once. By only including excerpts on your blog page, you make room to list all of your blogs in one location. Visitors can then read the excerpts and click-through to read the posts they are most interested in.15. Structure your website in a way that makes sense for your business, visitors, and buyer personas. For example, use posts if youre a blogger and use pages if youre a business owner.16. Remove Comment and Share buttons from specific pages of your website. You dont need (or want) a Comment or Share button on your About Us page, or any of your service pages for that matter.17. Consider what your website looks like on mobile. Its no secret people are searching the internet while on their phones, tablets, and other mobile devices these days. Consider using a plugin to help you achieve a responsive, mobile WordPress design.18. Use visuals and video content when possible to break up the text on your website pages.19. Update your WordPress site and your plugins regularly. WordPress will tell you when updates are released. This will keep your website looking fresh and working efficiently.20. Use social proof to show your new website visitors how many other people have already subscribed to your site and content. There are plugins to help you do this in a matter of minutes.For more details,lets meet inside !"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Goal Setting: Self Development for Instant Success" |
"Goal setting is the process of deciding what you want to accomplish and devising a plan to achieve the result you desire. For entrepreneurs, goal setting is an important part of business planning.This goal setting definition emphasizes that goal setting is a fivepart process. For effective goal setting, you need to do more than just decide what you want to do; you also have to work at accomplishing whatever goal you have set for yourself - which means you have to create a plan so your work gets you where you want to go.For many people, it's the third part of the goal setting definition that's problematic. They know what they want to do and they're perfectly willing to work on it but they have trouble creating a plan to get there.The undirected effort might help you accomplish what you want to do if by some fluke you do the right thing at the right time. Usually, it doesn't. And then, because you're not getting any results, you quit working at whatever it is and give up on whatever goal you've set.Sound familiar?So for successful goal setting, the first thing you have to do is close the gap between the end result you want and where you are now with a plan.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------Goal setting is everywhere in our world. We set goals for our careers, our health, and our lives in general. It seems modern society is always encouraging us to think about the next milestone. However, what we don't think about enough is the science and strategy of how to accomplish your goals. If you want to do something wonderful, the first step is to decide what that something will be. Goal setting is probably the most significant factor in improving performance in nearly every area of life. Goals are not only great motivators; they provide a focus for your efforts and help you make decisions along the way. When we set a goal we are actually stating how we would like to improve the world specifically some aspect of it that we can control. So we can express the goal as a description of the improved situation. How would you like to change your world? Start with the long-term view: what do you really want to achieve in your lifetime? Many people find this difficult: after all, it could be a long time, with many possibilities and opportunities. So put it another way: what would you really regret not having done or achieved in your lifetime? Think about what you could aim for in different areas of your life:FamilyCareerEducation and personal developmentHobbies and personal interests (art, music, intellectual pursuits, community, sports and fitness, etc)Peer group: career, social and neighborhoodWhatever goals you can think of in each area, write them down or put them straight into Goalscape!Make sure your goals are SMART. They must be:Specific:What exactly do you want to achieve? The more specific your description, the bigger the chance you'll get exactly that. S.M.A.R.T. goal setting clarifies the difference between 'I want to be a millionaire' and 'I want to make 50.000 a month for the next ten years by creating a new software product'.Questions you may ask yourself when setting your goals and objectives are:What exactly do I want to achieve?Where?How?When?With whom?What are the conditions and limitations?Why exactly do I want to reach this goal? What are possible alternative ways of achieving the same?Measurable: Measurable goals means that you identify exactly what it is you will see, hear and feel when you reach your goal. It means breaking your goal down into measurable elements. You'll need concrete evidence. Being happier is not evidence; not smoking anymore because you adhere to a healthy lifestyle where you eat vegetables twice a day and fat only once a week, is.Measurable goals can go a long way in refining what exactly it is that you want, too. Defining the physical manifestations of your goal or objective makes it clearer, and easier to reach.Attainable: 'Is your goal attainable? That means investigating whether the goal really is acceptable to you. You weigh the effort, time and other costs your goal will take against the profits and the other obligations and priorities you have in life.If you don't have the time, money or talent to reach a certain goal you'll certainly fail and be miserable. That doesn't mean that you can't take something that seems impossible and make it happen by planning smartly and going for it!There's nothing wrong with shooting for the stars; if you aim to make your department twice as efficient this year as it was last year with no extra labour involved, how bad is it when you only reach 1,8 times? Not too bad...Relevant:Is reaching your goal relevant to you? Do you actually want to run a multinational, be famous, have three children and a busy job? You decide for yourself whether you have the personality for it, or your team has the bandwidth.If you're lacking certain skills, you can plan trainings. If you lack certain resources, you can look for ways of getting them.The main questions, why do you want to reach this goal? What is the objective behind the goal, and will this goal really achieve that?You could think that having a bigger team will make it perform better, but will it really?Timely:Time is money! Make a tentative plan of everything you do. Everybody knows that deadlines are what makes most people switch to action. So install deadlines, for yourself and your team, and go after them. Keep the timeline realistic and flexible, that way you can keep morale high. Being too stringent on the timely aspect of your goal setting can have the perverse effect of making the learning path of achieving your goals and objectives into a hellish race against time which is most likely not how you want to achieve anything. Once you have collected all the goals you can think of, review them: narrow down your list and start to set priorities for those that remain. Consider what you have already achieved and how you did it; and where you have failed and why. What does this tell you about your strengths? Where might you need to develop and learn new skills? Answering these questions will provide clues as to which goals are within your reach. Play to your strengths in terms of your talents and skills; yet look for ways to extend yourself beyond your comfort zone. Make sure you choose your own goals: those that are in line with your own personal values, rather than merely reflecting the expectations or wishes of others (parents, teachers or peer group). Do however share your goals with those close to you, especially where they are involved in a particular area eg your partner, your boss and colleagues (for work goals), team members and coach (for sports goals) and take their wishes and opinions into account. Keep breaking down your big goals into smaller subgoals. Set their relative importances according to the contribution they make to their parent goal.Always be prepared to add or change some of your goals and their relative importance. Set specific targets in the lowest level goals, decide how to measure your progress and enter it into your plan as you go. Checking off completed tasks and seeing your progress advance will make you feel really good! Celebrate your major achievements with everyone who helped you."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Work Area Organization for Increased Office Productivity" |
"The #1 most important part of anybusiness, is havingan organization systemin place to succeed & increase productivity.The idea behind this course is simple.When organizing your stuff, whether that's digital files, paper files or all the physical objects in your home and or office, there are two questions:1. Where does this go?2. Where did Iput that?This course solves this problem with a system that has been perfected to be able to handle anything you throw at it. And it's a system that works using the exact same framework whether the ""stuff""you are organizing is digital or physical, so that you don't have to learn multiple systems.This allows you to take advantage of the extra efficiency of doing things in batch mode, while also allowing you to avoid clutter in the meantime by having all your non-organized-stuff in one place and hidden from view.You get the benefit of zero clutter, while at the same time getting the efficiency of batch processing.It's no exaggeration to say this system will change your life once implemented.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------Organization is a key component of productivity. When clutter accumulates, our attention diminishes and performance can suffer as a result. When your brain, time, workspace and projects are organized, it becomes easier to streamline both your actions and thoughts. We looked into some of the most effective ways to get organized, in every sense of the word, so that productivity will come naturally.What is Workplace Organization?Work organization is the way that tasks are distributed amongst the individuals in an organization and the ways in which these are then coordinated to achieve the final product or service. For instance, in a school the work organization comprises those workers providing tuition, secretarial staff giving administrative support and ancillary workers, such as the caretaker,who ensure that the facilities are ready for teaching to take place. These activities are coordinated in part by staff meetings,in part by the headteachers and their assistants. An alternative form of work organization would be where teachers also undertake some secretarial and ancillary tasks.Some modes of work organization may be more efficient in terms of labour utilization than others. The quality of work organization may thus have an important impact on the performance of the organization. Work organization may be determined by a number of factors:the nature of the technology used (in turn influenced by the nature of the product or service). Assembly-line technology, for instance, tends to discourage group working and to encourage a pattern of work organization where each worker does a single repetitive task;managerial choice. Technology may potentially be used in a number of ways (see SOCIOTECHNICAL SYSTEM)according to managerial objectives. Managerial competence is also important. Poor knowledge of production management may lead to inefficient work organization;workforce aspirations. Groups of workers are often able to modify informally the way that work is done and the way that tasks are distributed among them.Why Organizing the Workplace Is ImportantIf you've ever spent twenty minutes looking for a piece of paper that would have taken you twelve seconds to file, you have some understanding of the value of an organized workplace. Physical systems that reduce clutter and that help you find what you need go a long way toward creating order and reducing stress.TipOrganizing the workplace can help reduce the frustration of having to search for items that should be readily available. Taking the time to organize your space according to company activities not only improves workflow by saving steps, it also forces you to think through the different aspects of your operation, and how to approach them efficiently and systematically.Sharing Work, Sharing SpaceYou may have an impeccable memory that can help you locate every piece of paper on every pile, but one of your coworkers may need to find those same papers without the benefit of having handled them. Unless you work in a one-person office, you'll most likely be looking for items your coworkers have put away and they'll similarly be looking for things you have moved. Organizing the workplace can help reduce the frustration of having to search for items that should be readily available. Designate specific places for different types of papers and tools.Work with your coworkers to create a workplace culture in which items are placed where they belong right away, rather than pushed aside to be organized later. Label your bins, trays and file folders, and train new employees to follow your system so they'll be on board with your organizational systems from the start. Remove things you don't use regularly to keep them from tying up space and making it difficult to find items that you actually need.Efficiency and TimeAside from the minutes and hours you'll save by not having to search for indispensable items, an organized workplace can improve efficiency by aligning your space with operational processes. An organized manufacturing facility stores materials as close as possible to the location where they are actually used. An organized accounting office keeps recent files from current clients where they are most accessible, and older files from inactive clients are kept in storage areas where they can still be found, but not as conveniently. Taking the time to organize your space according to company activities not only improves workflow by saving steps, it also forces you to think through the different aspects of your operation, and how to approach them efficiently and systematically.Workplace Organization as a State of MindKeeping your workplace organized isn't just a matter of finding permanent places for essential items and instructing employees to replace them there. Workplace organization is a state of mind that takes ongoing work and thought. Create a culture of keeping your space clean and organized by taking pride in efficient physical systems and praising and rewarding workers who take these systems to heart. Create information systems with the same thought and care that you put into organizing your physical space.For more details,let's meet inside !"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Podcasting in 24 Hours: Setup, Record & Podcast in 1 Day" |
"This course is a technical walk-through of how to set up your own podcast in one day for a minimal cost. There is the need for hosting your podcast somewhere (naturally) and can cost as low as$5/month (but for unlimited podcasting only costs $15/month). By the way, I explain how/why thisis an unavoidable cost (and why you shouldn't try to avoid it).Every brand or business can benefit from the massive exposure potential of a podcast, and in this course Iexplain to you how to get over the technical challenges of setting up your own podcast to help you get up and running. Go ahead and get this course, and get your podcast set up quickly and without any glitches or confusion. And begin getting more exposure for your business the very same day you enroll in this course.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------What is Podcasting?A podcast is a media file (such as audio or video files) that is downloadable from the Internet. These can then be played back on a computer or be copied to and played by portable audio/video player (e.g.iPod). Video podcasts are also known as ""vodcasts.""A key feature that distinguishes a podcast from other media files that can be downloaded or streamed is the ability for end users to download the podcast automatically using software that readsRSSorAtomfeeds.The term ""podcast"" is both a noun and a verb. As a noun it refers to the file that is downloaded or streamed; as a verb it refers to the process or method of delivering the file.Why use Podcasting?By subscribing to podcast (using an RSS or Atom feed), users do not have to seek out files that are of interest to them. Instead they are received automatically using anaggregator. Users can then listen/watch previously recorded media files at their convenience.Commonly used in teaching: instructors podcast lectures so that students can listen to/view these as a review, if they missed class, or in distance delivery of a course, as the means by which they obtain information that is podcast. Also guest speakers who cannot come to face-to-face class can be interviewed (in person or via telephone or VOIP service) and the interview shared as podcast.Personal and professional use: users can subscribe to podcasts on a wide range of topics (such as through iTunes podcasting library). Increasingly articles from professional journals are available as podcasts (e.g.Educause, Phi Delta Kappa'se-Kappan). News organizations provide podcasts of news stories, and TV stations are beginning to podcast TV shows (for purchase by viewers).Students can create podcasts to demonstrate understanding or for final project (especially valuable in foreign language classes).How Podcasting WorksHave you ever dreamed of having your ownradioshow? Are you a recording artist hoping to have your songs heard by the masses? Decades ago, you would have needed a lot of connections -- or a fortune -- to get heard.But now, thanks to the Internet and its instantaneous connection to millions of people, your dreams can become reality. Just asblogginghas enabled almost anyone with a computer to become a bona fide reporter, podcasting allows virtually anyone with a computer to become a radio disc jockey, talk show host or recording artist.Although podcasting first found popularity within the techie set, it has since caught on with the general public. Log on to one of several podcast sites on the Web, and you can download content ranging from music to philosophy to sports. Podcasting combines the freedom of blogging withdigital audio technologyto create an almost endless supply of content. Some say this new technology is democratizing the once corporate-run world of radio.Podcasting is a free service that allows Internet users to pull audio files (typicallyMP3s) from a podcasting Web site to listen to on their computers or personal digital audio players. The term comes from a combination of the wordsiPod(a personal digital audio player made by Apple) andbroadcasting. Even though the term is derived from the iPod, you don't need an iPod to listen to a podcast. You can use virtually anyportable media playeror your computer.UnlikeInternet radio, users don't have to 'tune in' to a particular broadcast. Instead, theydownloadthe podcast on demand or subscribe via an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed, which automatically downloads the podcast to their computers. The technology is similar to that used byTiVo, apersonal video recorderthat lets users set which programs they'd like to record and then automatically records those programs for later viewing.Advantages of Podcasting?The automatic subscription feature of podcasts is a key advantage in ensuring that subscribers receive the latest files without having to go to each site that hosts media files check to see if there have been updates. This is especially helpful when users wish to keep up with multiple sources. e.g. (1) students do not have to check each of their course websites to see if there are any new podcast files; instead, using an aggregator, all podcasts from all classes will automatically be ""delivered"" to their computers. (2) users can keep up to date with latest podcasts from news and professional organizations.Flexible learning opportunities: can listen/watch any time.Do not have to use computer for playback --> can review audio files while driving, walking, biking etc.Valuable to students to review classes. This is especially an advantage for students who may have had difficulty understanding what was said during the ""live"" class (e.g. speakers of other languages, students with disabilities). If transcripts of the podcasts are also made available, students can read along and listen at the same time (note: accessibility issue: transcriptsmustbe provided to students with special needs who are unable to listen to the audio files).Students learn through more than one modality (listen to audio files/watch video on content as well as read course materials)Audio files can easily & inexpensively be created & uploaded to course website/blog/wiki.Greatly increases access to classes, lectures, talks (educational, professional and personal) by making these available for download to people who could not attend the session in person (this is especially an advantage to college students who miss lectures).For more details,let's meet inside !"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Free + Shipping Sales Funnel" |
"If you are a busy online entrepreneur and you are looking for simple to apply strategies to help you automate your sales process and get more sales then you are in the right place!Learn the power of The Free +Shipping Sales Funnel.On average, a typical funnel will convert 1% of all visitors. Compare that to the 5% average a Free + Shipping sales funnel does. With those numbers, you can see how you can DOUBLEor even TRIPLEyour profits overnight without making enormous changes to your this course you'll learn:- What is a sales funnel- How can you use sales funnels in your online business- What tools do you need to build your funnel- How to build your first email funnel with ease, fun, and zero tech headacheand as I always do, I never leave my students with just information! I always give you the knowledge, the plan, and the tools to help you get started right away!This is why I'm also taking you behind the scenes and showing you one of my successful email funnels AND I'm also including one of the most important tools you'll need to setup your funnels!Are you ready for more automation, ease, and fun in your online business? Then join this course RIGHTNOW!---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------What is a sales funnel and why is it important?One of the most common questions that I am asked by clients is, ""What's the most effective marketing technique which will get me leads?"" Unfortunately, the question is impossible to answer. It assumes that there is one technique that will turn someone who has never heard of your business into a paying customer. I wish it was that easy!Even if you spend thousands of dollars to drive qualified traffic to your website, it's unlikely that these visitors will be ready to buy your product or service right away. Rather than looking for the one marketing technique that will get you customers, instead think about how your marketing and sales efforts can work together to put your prospects on the right path. A sales funnel can accomplish just that.What is a sales funnel?Simply put, a sales funnel illustrates the ideal journey that your prospects go through on their way to becoming customers. While you may market your products or services to thousands of people, only a small percentage will provide contact information and become leads. Of those leads, only a fraction will become clients.By now you might have guessed why it's called a sales funnel. You have to funnel prospects down in order to get that amazing new client. To break this down even further, let's separate the funnel into stages.Attract: Marketing and advertising which bring visitors to your website.Convert: Offers that inspire visitors to share their contact information.Close: Efforts which encourage leads to close and become paying customers.Delight: Quality service that keeps your customers happy and inspires referrals.The ideal scenarioTo illustrate this process, let's assume that you're looking for a music subscription service.AttractYou head over to Google and search ""streaming music."" In the search results you see ""Spotify: Music for everyone"" so you click on the link and get directed to the Spotify homepage.ConvertYou scan through the homepage and notice the big blue button that says ""Get Spotify Free."" You enter your name and email address and sign up for an account. Before you know it, you're enjoying your favorite tunes!CloseA couple of days later, you receive an email from Spotify which describes the benefits of Spotify Premium (no ads, offline listening, etc.). The free service has been great, but the ads are a bit annoying so you enter your credit card details and subscribe to the premium account.DelightYou enjoy Spotify so much that you tell your friends about it and encourage them to create free accounts. You effectively become a promoter of the service and you continue to engage with other subscribers through shared playlists and social media.Tips for improving your sales funnelUse multiple marketing channels to attract visitors. Our most successful clients are using multiple marketing channels including pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, off-site SEO, direct mail campaigns, and cold calling. Your specific channels may differ depending on your industry, but it's best to not put all your eggs in one basket.Analyze the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. In order to learn what marketing channels are most effective, analyze your website traffic and inbound phone calls. This data will help you make educated decisions so you aren't throwing spaghetti against the wall and hoping for the best.Add new blog content to your website on a regular basis. Content is king and a blog is a great place to organize all of your great content. Writing useful blog posts can improve your SEO and help you engage with your current clients.Listen to your prospects and customers and adapt your website accordingly. If your clients and prospects are asking questions related to your products or services, consider answering the question in a blog post. Chances are that others have similar questions and adding the answers to your site may attract new visitors.Include more than one call to action (CTA) on your website. Chances are that your website visitors will be at different stages of the customer journey. Some might be ready to call or email while others might be researching. Make sure to include offers like free eBooks or whitepapers to capture names and email addresses for those who aren't quite ready to talk to your sales team.Re-target website visitors who don't convert the first time. You won't be able to capture lead information for all of your website visitors, but that doesn't mean you should give up on the visitors who don't convert. Consider running a retargeting campaign so you can display advertisements on popular websites which will display only to people who visited your website. This will give you another chance to draw them back in.Become an authority in your industry and/or region. If you're known far and wide for being an industry expert, you'll have prospects seeking you out rather than the other way around. Consider planning lunch and learn sessions or organizing webinars on a regular basis. As your brand recognition grows, you may even attract inbound links to your site which will benefit your SEO.Nurture your prospects. Don't give up on your leads. If they provided their email or phone number, it's likely that they have interest in your products or services. However, you may have to nurture them by sending monthly email newsletters, targeted email broadcasts, or email drip campaigns.Add an incentive to your referral program. If you have a referral program, make sure you're promoting it to your clients. You should have a page on your website which explains your referral program, but you can't expect your clients to hunt for it. Make sure to remind them in your email newsletter or email signature.Take action now! The first step to improving your sales funnel and marketing efforts is to take action. If you delay it until next month or next quarter, it likely won't get started until next year. You don't have to take on everything at once, but you should create a game plan with specific due dates to ensure you can start making progress.For more details , let's meet inside !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sales Optimization Skills: Increase Your Sales by 200%" |
"This course will help you boost yoursales by 100%up to1000%!!!I know you're not using ALLthe techniques, optimizations, tricks & tipsin this course to sell your products and services. I know thatonce you implement most of the strategies, your conversions will be 2X what they are right now.The best partis that you can implement almost all these strategies injust 1-2days. Most of these tactics are simple. So simple, you're going to be mad you didn't do it already. Others are so brilliant, you'll think you found GOLD!If you are selling anything online, this course is for you. Get the course now, and increase sales literally tomorrow.If you get no traffic, increasing conversion rates won't boost sales. This ISNOTa traffic course. This is increasing your conversion rates for both sales & emailoptins. ANDMOSTOFALL, if you get bad or low quality traffic, then youprobably won't convert very well, no matter what you do. Keep this in mind.Build a long-term successful business online & offline.You will definitely love all the tactics you'll learn. Selling your products has never been easier, so get the course now, and see for yourself all the goodies inside!I only show tactics that I've done formyself& my coaching students.All the tactics are either backed by very strong industry or market research from real customersor tactics that I've worked on and perfected myself. Plain & simple.Iam a 6-figure online marketer. Get the results that I have by using the strategies in this course.Understand customer psychology and behavior.Many of the tactics and strategies in this course play on known elements of psychology that come into play when a person is making a buying decision.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------The sales profession is undergoing some pretty radical changes. The buyer is in charge, field sales is moving inside, technology is transforming the profession. Its so bad that some people are predicting that 15M sales jobs will disappear in the coming years. To survive in this environment, salespeople need a new set of skills.1.UNDERSTANDING THE BUYERThe most important of todays sales skills is simply understanding the buyer. Its the foundation of effective selling. But it involves more than just understanding who the buyer is. As my partner Craig Rosenberg likes to say, This isnt just about knowing what brand of coffee the buyer drinks. Instead, its about identifying the experience that the buyer wants to have as they consider making a purchase in your market. You buyer has a set of expectations about that experience and your job as a salesperson is to exceed those expectations. You cant exceed them if you dont understand the experience that the buyer wants to have.2.BUYER-RESPONSIVE SELLINGWhen a salesperson understands the buyer, they can engage in whats called buyer-responsive selling. The idea here is to provide the buyer with what they want, when they want it. For example, if your buyer needs a trial to evaluate your product but cant allocate more than 30 minutes to it, give them a free trial. But dont just give them any free trial. Give them a free trial that is easy to set up, easy to use, and really demonstrates the value of your product in five minutes or less. One other point buyers like salespeople who have skills!3.THE PSYCHOLOGY OF BUYER ENGAGEMENTIts remarkable how few salespeople know how to use psychology to more effectively engage the buyer. There are a variety of techniques you can use to create deeper engagement with your target buyers. One really effective tip is to make sure that the customer knows that youwont take too much of their time. 4.ESTABLISHING TRUST WITH THE BUYERBuyers like to do business with people they trust. The stereotypical used car salesman just isnt relevant anymore. Good salespeople view their ability to establish trust with the buyer as a core sales skill. Helping the buyer goes a long way in this regard, as does understanding what the buyer wants.5.CONCISE COMMUNICATIONSGiven how busy the average buyer is today, a critical sales skill is to make sure that you communicate succinctly. The days of the silver-tongued, overly verbose salesperson are coming to an end. Buyers value how information is presented more than the information itself. Today, the preferred form of presentation is conciseness. A good rule here is to never try to communicate more than three important points in a single conversation with a buyer.6.CUSTOMER-DRIVEN RESPONSIVENESSA lot of sales leaders and pundits like to talk about good salespeople are good listeners. We think that goes without saying and that the best salespeople take action based on what they hear from their customer. Its not good enough to just listen. You need to internalize what the buyer just said and then do something about it.7.SALES SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTISESalespeople arent just vacuous portals anymore. They actually need to be subject matter experts in two areas. First, they need to understand the buyer. This involves knowing about the pressing issues that the buyer is facing and what the buyer wants as they work their way to a purchase. Second, salespeople need to know a lot about their own product or service.8.ALWAYS BE HELPINGBuyers dont want to be closed; they want to be helped. Thats why always be helping is the new always be closing. ABH is more of a mindset than a skill. A lot of salespeople struggle with this, but you should try to remember it every time you interact with a buyer.9.COMPELLING STORYTELLINGBuyers also dont want to hear about your product or service. Good salespeople know this and weave the product or service theyre selling into larger story that has an arc and ends with the customer receiving what they want (which is usually not your product). For example, when a business buys phone system, they dont really want to buy a phone system they want to grow their revenues and recognize that the phone is an effective tool for doing that.10.SALESPEOPLE AS COPYWRITERSSalespeople must be able to write. Its one of todays most important sales skills given how much sales now uses email to communicate with buyers. There are a few rules to keep in mind when it comes to sales copywriting. First, the less you write, the better. Try to keep written communications short and sweet. Second, avoid using generic copy. You should take the time to personalize as many of your communications as possible. Third, use bullets to format your copy lists are just easier for customers to digest. Finally, start and conclude your written communications with a call to action that asks the buyer to take a next step.11.PHONE-BASED SALESField sales is definitely moving inside and the face-to-face meeting is quickly becoming the 60 minute teleconference. As a result, salespeople need to be effective at managing sales calls using the phone. This requires different skills such as the ability to read the tone of someones voice or measure the cadence of the conversation to determine whether the prospect is satisfied or not. One important tip here is to make sure that you can use tools such as Clearslide to bring as much of the face-to-face experience to the phone.12.SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT WITH BUYERSSocial media has given rise to the field of social selling. A lot of good salespeople now view their participation on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn as one of the more effective sales skills. Thats all fine and good, but were not just talking about tweeting every now and then. Were talking about really engaging your buyers socially. Some of the best salespeople out there do things like organize dinners for groups of buyers that they are interested in getting to know. Theres very little selling that takes place at these mini-events. And its the salesperson who organizes them; not the company they work for.13.PERSONALIZED INTERACTIONSA lot of buyers want context when they have an experience with sales or marketing for that matter. They dont want the generic message orsales pitch. They want something thats specific to them. One way to do this is to weave messaging and content that is specific to the buyers demographics into your sales efforts. In a B2B setting, this might involve using specific industry examples when selling. On the consumer side, this might involve tailoring how you communicate with a buyer depending on their age and gender. You can also reference recent events in the buyers personal or professional life (depending on the sales context) to personalize your interactions.14.MARKETING SKILLS IN SALESSome very smart people think that marketing is eating sales. Were not willing to go quite that far, but we do agree that sales has a lot to learn from marketing and that sales people who possess advancedmarketing skillswill fare well. For example, content selling (youcan learn more by reading our post on content selling) is an emergent, but important sales skill that salespeople can use to move the buyer through the buying cycle. Some sales organizations are also using a campaign format to structure how they conduct traditional sales activities like prospecting. These activities used to be unorganized and non-standardized. Now, sales management is borrowing from marketing and enforcing campaign-like structure on many sales activities.15.HELPING PROSPECTS ACHIEVE NEXT STEPSThe buyer has less attention to give to you than ever before. Thats why its no longer good enough to agree on next steps. You actually need to help the buyer achieve those next steps. Lets say a buyer that youve been working with needs to get the CEOs approval before they can make the final decision. You should help the buyer achieve this next step by providing them with the information, content, and tools they need to persuade the CEO that your product or service is the right one.16.USING SALES TECHNOLOGY TO BOOST PRODUCTIVITYMany sales organizations are using technology to become more efficient and shorten the length of the average sales cycle. Salespeople are actually busier than ever as evidenced by a recent CSO Insights report that shows that salespeople only spend 37% of their time actually selling. The salesperson that can use technology to become more productive has a significant advantage over their peers they are able to spend more time selling. 17.LINKING DAILY ACTIVITIES TO QUOTAAchieving quota isnt something that magically happens at the end of the quarter or increasingly at the end of the month. The best salespeople focus on the daily tasks or activities that they know will set them up to achieve their quota. This sales skill is usually learned over time, but its invaluable. For example, a sales professional might know that if they have a certain number of meetings with prospects this month, that this will allow them to achieve quota next month. Its like the old Zen proverb on how to achieve enlightment: chop wood, carry water.18.MANAGING THE PIPELINE LIKE A PORTFOLIOThe best salespeople manage their pipeline much like a hedge fund manager would manage their portfolio. They invest time in a number of opportunities knowing that some will close and some will not. They track the performance of each opportunity, as well as the aggregate performance of their entire pipeline on a weekly, if not daily, basis. They are also able to conduct a bottoms up analysis of their pipeline at any time to determine where they sit relative to their quota target. For more details,let's meet inside !"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Udemy SEO: The Guide to Top Rankings & Sales [Unofficial]" |
"HOWCONFIDENTAMI? Take this course.If you don't makeMOREMONEYONUDEMY in the next 30 days, I'll refund every penny!---Want to createa courseOR already have one finished? Want to earnMOREMONEYfrom that course?If you aren't getting the results YOUNEED, then it's probably because you're Udemy SEO (Search Engine Optimization) isn't very good.In just 100 days on Udemy netted me$7,500.00+, enrolled 42,000+ students, garnered over 1,000+ reviews.(that's myDay 100snapshot.I've made even more since then)---ASKYOURSELF:Do you have the right keywords that are most searched inside Udemy(UdemyOrganic earnings)& in Google (Udemy Paid Advertising earnings)?Do you have an attractive course that people want to affiliate (Udemy Affiliate earnings)?Are you marketingyourself enough each month to get 1,000+ students in 24 hours or less (YourPromotionsearnings)?Are you properly setting expectations so you don'thave high refund rates (UdemyRefunds)?Is your title, subtitle &description properly optimized BUTNOTKEYWORDSTUFFED?Did you create an attractive cover image?Did you create an attractive introduction video?Did you choose the right category for your course even?Do you know how to get good reviews to your course in less than 24 hours?If you ARENOTSURE or DONOTKNOW the answers to these questions - then you NEED this course!---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------Are your Udemy course sales slow?Are you wondering if there's anything you could do to dramatically increase your Udemy sales?Do you wish a seasoned pro in the world of copywriting and online marketing would take you by the hand and show you the way to grow your Udemy course sales?Well then, you're in the right place at the right time because this course will walk you, step-by-step to optimizing your Udemy course landing page and maximizing your sales!These are proven strategies for:Optimizing your Udemy course title for maximum Udemy search traffic.Optimizing your Udemy course sub-title to grab the reader's attention and draw them in. (as well as for Udemy SEO benefit)Optimizing the number of ratings for your Udemy course.Optimizing the number of students for your Udemy course.Optimizing your Promo video for maximum connection, conversion and sales.Optimizing your Course description for maximum sales and conversions.Optimizing your Instructor Bio for maximum sales and conversionsOptimizing the flow of your entire page by using the AIDA formula so that it hits all the hot buttons and almost forces your students to enroll!When you implement the strategies you'll discover inside this powerful course, you will have the quite confidence in knowing that you've done everything possible to maximize every square inch of your Udemy course landing page!When you implement these proven strategies, your course will:Attract a LOT more prospective students...Show those prospective students the clearly defined benefits of taking your course...Give those prospective students plenty of legitimate, solid reasons and compelling arguments for taking your course.Enroll a lot more students because of this.Generate tons more sales than you would otherwise.I want to share the secrets, and simple strategies that I learned in order to save you the countless amount of hours, effort and mistakes that I repetitively made. So I have compiled them this unique step-by-step guide so that you can see the same results with your Udemy course too!Knowledge is power only if a man knows what facts not to bother with Robert LyndThe Video presentation is unique. It is a very direct and clear presentation that most efficiently gets the knowledge from our brains to yours. Its broken into easy to learn modules that both explain the theory behind the techniques, and show LIVE demonstrations of my testing and experiments!If you have, or are planning on creating a Udemy course, I GUARANTEE you that this investment will be the best you can make! It will pay you back every single day for the entirety of your courses life!!I will also personally respond to all questions and queries (and even provide my personal email address!) so that you can implement these simple strategies in a fool-proof way.I know the power of having these Udemy strategies, and I cant wait to help you get there!Here's the bottom line...You need this course because Udemy is quickly becoming a competitive playing field and you need every advantage you can get.You also need this course because the Udemy opportunity is drawing in more and more instructors who do know some of these strategies, so the sooner you implement these, the better for you.And, lastly, you need this course so that you can help a lot more people with your course, your message and your life-changing content!You have tons more students to gain and nothing to lose, so enroll today!Let's meet inside !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SEO Link Building: Rank in Google with EDU & GOV Backlinks" |
"Link Building Made Easy!As a website owner its hard to know what tactics are viable in growing your websites online visibility. Everyone says that links are important in gaining traffic from Google, but no one talks about how to secure good links that make sense from relevant websites.That's why we put this course together: we want to share our agencys experience. Weve built links for every business imaginable, from Fortune 500 to small online mom and pop shops.In our course, well cover the basics: why links matter, Google algorithm's that rank your site, how to build these EDU&GOVlinks, how to research the correct keywords and SOMUCHMORE!After that we will teach you how to find target sites for link prospecting, including analyzing a competitors backlinks, using advanced search in Google, and how to analyze a website and post a link to it.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------What Is Link Building & Why Is It Important?Whether you're brand new to link building or have been doing it for a while, we're sure you'll find something useful in this guide. The landscape of SEO and link building is always changing, and today, the importance of building high-quality links has never been higher. The need to understand and implement high-quality campaigns is essential if you're going to compete and thrive online, and that isn't going to change any time soon. This guide is designed to get you going quickly and in the right direction. There is a lot to take in, but we've broken everything up into easy-to-digest chapters and have included lots of examples along the way. We hope you enjoy The Beginner's Guide to Link Building!Definition of link buildingLink building is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. A hyperlink (usually just called a link) is a way for users to navigate between pages on the internet. Search engines use links to crawl the web; they will crawl the links between the individual pages on your website, and they will crawl the links between entire websites. There are many techniques for building links, and while they vary in difficulty, SEOs tend to agree that link building is one of the hardest parts of their jobs. Many SEOs spend the majority of their time trying to do it well. For that reason, if you can master the art of building high-quality links, it can truly put you ahead of both other SEOs and your competition.Why is link building important for SEO?In order to understand the importance of link building, it's important to first understand the basics of how a link is created, how the search engines see links, and what they can interpret from them.1.Start of link tag: Called an anchor tag (hence the ""a""), this opens the link tag and tells search engines that a link to something else is about to follow.2.Link referral location: The ""href"" stands for ""hyperlink referral,"" and the text inside the quotation marks indicates the URL to which the link is pointing. This doesn't always have to be a web page; it could be the address of an image or a file to download. Occasionally, you'll see something other than a URL, beginning with a # sign. These are local links, which take you to a different section of the page you're already on.3.Visible/anchor text of link: This is the little bit of text that users see on the page, and on which they need to click if they want to open the link. The text is usually formatted in some way to make it stand out from the text that surrounds it, often with blue color and/or underlining, signaling to users that it is a clickable link.4.Closure of link tag: This signals the end of the link tag to the search engines.What links mean for search engines?There are two fundamental ways that the search engines use links:To discover new web pagesTo help determine how well a page should rank in their resultsOnce search engines have crawled pages on the web, they can extract the content of those pages and add it to their indexes. In this way, they can decide if they feel a page is of sufficient quality to be ranked well for relevant keywords. When they are deciding this, the search engines do not just look at the content of the page; they also look at the number of links pointing to that page from external websites and the quality of those external websites. Generally speaking, the more high-quality websites that link to you, the more likely you are to rank well in search results.Links as a ranking factor are what allowed Google to start to dominate the search engine market back in the late 1990s. One of Google's founders, Larry Page, invented PageRank, which Google used to measure the quality of a page based in part on the number of links pointing to it. This metric was then used as part of the overall ranking algorithm and became a strong signal because it was a very good way of determining the quality of a page.It was so effective because it was based upon the idea that a link could be seen as a vote of confidence about a page, i.e., it wouldn't get links if it didn't deserve to. The theory is that when someone links to another website, they are effectively saying it is a good resource. Otherwise, they wouldn't link to it, much in the same way that you wouldn't send a friend to a bad restaurant.However, SEOs soon discovered how to manipulate PageRank and search results for chosen keywords. Google started actively trying to find ways to discover websites which were manipulating search results, and began rolling out regular updates which were specifically aimed at filtering out websites that didn't deserve to rank.This has also led to Google starting to discount a number of link building techniques that were previously deemed fine, for example, submitting your website to web directories and getting a link in return. This was a technique that Google actually recommended at one point, but it became abused and overused by SEOs, so Google stopped passing as much value from that sort of links.More recently, Google has actively penalized the rankings of websites who have attempted such overuse of these techniquesoften referred to as over-optimisationin their link building. Googles regular Penguin updates are one such example. Knowing which link building techniques to avoid and stay within Googles guidelines is an important subject that well discuss later in this guide.How can link building benefit my business?As we've discussed, links are a very important signal that the search engines use to determine rankings. So, we know that increasing the number of high-quality links pointing at your website can significantly increase your chances of ranking well.There are other benefits to link building, though, that may be less immediately obvious yet still worthy of consideration.Building relationshipsLink building can often involve outreach to other relevant websites and blogs in your industry. This outreach frequently relates to the promotion of something that you've just created, such as a piece of content or an infographic. A common goal of outreach is to get a link, but there is much more to it than just this: Outreach can help you build long-term relationships with key influencers in your industry, and these relationships can mean that your business becomes highly regarded and trusted. This in itself is valuable, even if we forget link building for a moment, because we are creating genuine evangelists and advocates for our business.Sending referral trafficWe've talked about the impact of links on your rankings, but what about the impact of links on referral traffic? A good link from a highly-visited website can lead to an increase in traffic, too. If it is a relevant website, chances are that the traffic is also relevant and may lead to an increase in sales, as well. Again, in this situation the value of a link isn't just about SEOit's about customers. A great example of this in action was this guest post written by Michael Ellsberg on Tim Ferriss' blog. He also wrote a case study on Forbes explaining just how valuable this guest post was to him. ""Theres a big difference between being exposed to a large audience,"" he says, ""and being exposed to a comparatively smaller (but still large) audience which is ridiculously passionate."" In other words, the avid followers of a single blog were far more likely to take the advice of the blogger than (for example) viewers were to pay attention to the anchor on CNN, even if the latter group outnumbered the former.Brand buildingGood link building can help build your brand and establish you as an authority in your niche. There are some link building techniques, such as content creation, which can show people the expertise of your company, and this can go a long way toward building your brand. For example, if you create a piece of content based upon industry data and publish it, you have a chance of becoming well known for it in your industry. When you do outreach and try to get links to the content, you are showing your expertise and asking other people in your industry to help spread the word and show others the same.An important note on link building vs link ""earning""Or, the importance of having webpages worth linking to.Before building links, you need something of value to build links to. Often its the homepage of your website. More often than not, though, you build links to specialized resources such as a blog post, tool, research study or graphic. Sometimes these assets exist long before you begin your link building campaign. Other times, you create these resources specifically with the goal of building links in mind.This introduces the concepts of link earning and ""deserving to rank."" All link building campaigns must start with something worth linking to. Its very difficult to build links to low-value webpages, but when you begin with something truly valuable that people find useful or share-worthy, link building is a much easier endeavor.For more details,let's meet inside !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate SEO Link Building Mega Course" |
"Welcome toThe Ultimate Course on SEOThis is a16-in-1multi-course. The list of courses included in this single purchase includes:Keyword Research:Beginner to ExpertLinkBuilding 101The Link Types YouCan BuildResearch withLongTailProScreaming Frog SEOGuideBuild .EDU&.GOVLinks to Page 1of GoogleGoogle MapsImage SEOHow toOptimize anArticle to Page 1 of GoogleOn-Page Website Optimization GuideVideo SEO (2-in-1 mega course)Link Building Software SuggestionsExpired Domains &301Redirect SecretsThe Guide to MasterManual LinkBuilding for IdiotsEmail Marketing MasteryThe PerfectAutoresponder Sequence Template to CopyIf that's not enough to wet your palette, then just get a load of the things we'll be talking about inside.We'll be learning about the 20+ link types you can build.Why is this so important?Well when you think about each link as it's own ""animal"", you can begin to see what types of links you want to keep in your ""zoo"" for Google to visit and grade (and by""zoo"" Imeanyour website). When you build a variety of links (and especially high authority/quality links), you'll rank extremely high in the search engines. The reason. Google is always on the look out for websites that are ""in high regard"" from other websites. Showing the RIGHTlinks, in the RIGHT niches virtually FORCES Google to rank you.If you're looking to get your website, blog or company to Page 1 in Google; this is the guide todo just that. We go over every detail you need to know. Starting withkeyword research and ending withhow to find SPECIFIC BACKLINKS for your website, in your industry/niche. We hand hold you the entire way, and let go of the bicycle when you finally know how to gather these backlinks and create content for each & every network.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------Links were the first major Off-the-page ranking factor used by search engines. Google wasnt the first search engine to count links as votes, but it was the first search engine to rely heavily on link analysis as a way to improve relevancy.Despite the chatter around other signals, links, along with content remain the most important external signal for Googles search rankings. But as youll find, some links are more valuable than others.Link qualityIf you were sick, which would you trust more, the advice from five doctors or from 50 random people who offered their advice as you walked down the street?Unless youve had a really bad experience with doctors, youd probably trust the advice from the doctors. Even though youre getting fewer opinions, youre getting those opinions from experts. The quality of their opinions is better, so they carry more weight.It works the same way with search engines. Theyll count all the links pointing at websites (except those blocked using nofollow or other methods), but they dont count them all equally. They give more weight to the links that are considered to be of better quality.Whats a quality link? Its one of those youll know it when you see it types of things in many cases. But a link from any large, respectable site is going to be higher on the quality scale than a link you might get from commenting on a blog. In addition, links from those in your neighborhood, sites that are topically relevant to your site, may also count more.Link text/anchor textAmazon has millions of links pointing at it. Yet, it doesnt rank for boats. It does rank for books. Why? Many of those links pointing at Amazon say the word books within the links, while relatively few say boats, since Amazon doesnt sell boats.The words within a link the link text or anchor text are seen by search engines as the way one website is describing another. Its as if someones pointing at you in real life and saying books and declaring you an expert on that topic.You often cant control the words people use to link to you, so capitalize on your opportunities to influence anchor text, within reason.Number of linksPlenty of sites have found that getting a whole lot of links can add up to SEO success. Even more so if youre getting a lot of links from many different sites. All things being equal, 1,000 links from one site will mean far less than 1000 links from 1000 sites.Long ago, the sheer number of links used to be far more important, but the number has decreased steadily in importance as search engines have learned how to better evaluate the quality of links.Tactics such as viral link baiting campaigns, badges and widgets can all be effective at securing large numbers of links, and even search engine representatives have suggested these methods.But in your quest for links, dont fire up automated software and begin spamming blogs. Thats a bad thing, in many ways, as well explore later in this guide.For more information about links and link building,let's meet inside !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Video SEO: Rank Higher in Google & YouTube" |
"I get it - you gota great video, but NOTHING has really happened since you posted it online, right?If you feeluseless withyour marketing, can'tget your video toshow upinGoogle, YouTube or other search engines - I'll teach you how to succeed!Even with ZEROSEO experience,youll be able to optimize and rank videos like a pro!Why learn SEOfor videos?>> Videos are much easier to rank than text content (about 10-20xeasier)>>50%+ of searchers click on avideoinGoogle search results>>You can DOUBLE conversion rates whenevera visitorwatchesa video (collect anemail, sell a product, etc.)So your video can be a great source of traffic and customers but only if your targeted prospects have the opportunity to watch it.Thats exactly what youll learn in this course:how to make sure that people will find YOUR VIDEOwhen they search for your type of product or service. You will become an expert at ranking your videos.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------Lets start with the basics. There are all kinds of practical things you can do to optimize your videos for search. However, for any of these methods to work, youve got to have a good video in the first place. All the SEO hacks in the world wont make a video succeed if its low on content or poorly put together.How to Create Awesome Marketing Videos on a BudgetBefore you work on your video SEO optimization and, for that matter, before you even start to create it identify its purpose. Some common purposes for marketing videos include educating customers, getting your brand on new leads radar, and selling products.After deciding why you want to make a video, set a concrete goal so youll be able to measure your videos effectiveness in real-world terms. For instance, you could aim to increase your sites traffic by a certain percentage or sell a specific number of item.Having a goal wont just help you create a stronger video it will help to guide your decisions about video optimization, too.The content and quality of your video also matter. Lets face it a video with poor lighting, fuzzy sound quality, or bad editing isnt going to impress viewers, no matter how great the idea behind the video is. Similarly, if a video is more fluff than actual content, no amount of clever production and editing can save it.So how can you know if a video is worth making and publishing?A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself whether the videos content would work in a different format. For instance, if youve written a script for your video, ask yourself if you could turn it into a blog post. If the answer is yes, youre on the right track your finished video will most likely be content-rich, useful, and easy to optimize.Finding Your KeywordsKeywords are the core tool of any SEO strategy, including your video SEO optimization. This is just as true for video as it is for text-based content, even though video has less text to optimize. Using keywords in your videos title, description, and tags is useful for human viewers and search engines alike. And if youre trying to get your site to rank better for certain keywords, creating videos optimized for those keywords can help you make it happen.You can do keyword research for a video SEO optimization just like you would for any other type of content. Visit your favorite keyword tool, like Googles keyword planner or keywordtool dot io, to get lists of suggestions. Try to use a tool that gives you information about how many searches a keyword gets in a month, as well as how competitive that keyword is. This will help you target keywords that will get you results, but wont be too hard to rank for.Once youve got some keyword ideas, you can check whether theyre video-friendly by searching for them in Google. Do video results show up? If so, youll know that your keyword is in demand among people who want video content.Deciding Where to Host Your VideosWhen it comes to video SEO optimization, hosting is a major consideration. Your two main options are either hosting your videos on your own site or using a hosting service. There are benefits and drawbacks to each choice, and depending on your goals, you may even want to incorporate both of them into your overall video strategy.Hosting your own videos means that your videos live on your website, not on YouTube or any other hosting provider. People will have to come to your site to watch them (unless the videos are embedded somewhere else).The main benefit of hosting your own videos is that you get to keep all the SEO optimization juice those videos create. You retain complete control over them, and all the traffic and links they generate will go directly into boosting your sites rankings. It might even help you get Google to index your website faster. Since Google favors sites that contain video content, this can be a very effective way to get a more powerful web presence.But self-hosting isnt the right choice for everyone. For one thing, it can be technically difficult. If youre unfamiliar with how hosting works, its probably best to steer clear of this option unless youre working with a good web developer. And for sites that are small or unranked, it can be hard for self-hosted videos to get enough traction to improve the sites rankings in the first place.For people who arent fluent with technology or who dont want to deal with the hassle of self-hosting, the better option is using a hosting service. YouTube is the best-known hosting service. You can also use alternatives like Vimeo, Wistia, and Facebook.Hosting services offer some extra benefits besides just being easy to use. Google owns YouTube, so if you go with YouTube for hosting, you ensure that Google knows about your videos which isnt always the case for self-hosted videos. Google also tends to prioritize videos from YouTube in search results. And a YouTube video may get more views than a self-hosted video, simply because people on YouTube are already there with the intent of watching videos.If you dont like the idea of your videos staying on YouTube instead of your own site, paid hosting providers like Wistia and Vimeo can help you get the best of both worlds. These services let you host videos on your domain without actually dealing with the technical side of self-hosting. As a result, searchers who find your video land on your site not on YouTube.How to Host Your Own VideosDoes self-hosting your videos sound like the right option for you? If so, heres how you can optimize a video on your own site.Start by creating a dedicated page for each of your videos. In addition, make a navigation hub, like a page that lists and links to all of your different videos. This makes it easier for visitors (and Googlebot) to explore your videos and find what they need, and it helps you stay organized.Include plenty of information on each videos dedicated page. Use the videos title in the pages title tag and H1 tag. Include a full, well-formatted transcript underneath each video. Insert a few still frames from the video throughout the transcript, especially at points when the video contains important visuals. You may also want to write a descriptive blurb about each video and include it near the top of the page.Next, use schema dot org markup to tell Google what each video is about.Metadata like a videos name, description, and thumbnail help Google decide how to classify and rank a video. For more information, you can check out Googles own guidelines for how to use schema dot org markup with videos. Google also provides a helpful chart of tags that are required or recommended for use with videos.In addition to using schema dot org markup, you should also submit a video sitemap for each video you create. A video sitemap is a text file that helps Google understand your video content. Google has published instructions on how to create a sitemap. Once your sitemap is finished, you can submit it to Google through Search Console. Heres an example of the code for a sitemap:Optimizing Videos on YouTubeUploading your videos to YouTube doesnt give you quite as much SEO control as self-hosting does, but theres still a lot you can do to give your rankings a bump. The first thing to do is to choose a good title and thumbnail. Many viewers make split-second decisions about whether to click on a video based on the title and thumbnail alone, so its worth spending some time on this step.Your title should be clear, concise, and descriptive. Put your main keyword near the beginning. Aim to make an emotional impact by using attention-grabbing words and emphasizing what the viewer will get out of watching your video.YouTube automatically generates three video thumbnails for you to choose from. If you have a verified account, though, you can create your own custom thumbnail in a program like Canva. Since your thumbnail is so important, making your own is generally preferable to using a random one. You can make an eye-catching thumbnail by:Using a brightly colored backgroundFeaturing a persons face, preferably smilingUsing text to highlight what your video is aboutUsing contrast to make the elements of your thumbnail stand out from each otherAfter coming up with your title and thumbnail, focus on your description. The description field is valuable real estate, so make use of it! At the top of the field, add a link to your site. Then add a descriptive paragraph or two you should do this with every video you upload, even the short ones. 200 words is a good minimum to shoot for. Make sure to include your keyword in the description. If you have space, you may also want to include a well-formatted transcript for your video in the description box.If you upload a lot of videos to YouTube, look into branding your work with a custom intro and outro. This helps you stand out from the pack, and its also a convenient way to include a call to action at the end of every video. Outros are commonly used to show related videos and to encourage viewers to like, comment, and subscribe. You can use a tool like to create your own outro, or you can hire someone on a site like Fiverr to make one for you.Finally, if you have a number of videos already on YouTube, create some playlists. Add new videos as you publish them. People are more likely to watch multiple videos if youve already done the work of turning them into a playlist. This is another opportunity to make keywords work for you, too make sure to include your major keywords in your playlist titles.Connecting with Your AudienceWhether youve already built up an audience or youre starting from scratch, youll need to promote your videos to help them get found. Self-hosted videos often dont get much attention without some outside help. And on YouTube, many of the most important ranking factors such as comments, views, and shares depend on your audience, not on you.The most obvious (and most effective) way to promote your videos is to have a social video strategy in place. Whenever you publish a new video, share it across a variety of social media platforms that your audience uses. Keep in mind that, while you dont want to spam anybodys feed, more people will see your videos if you share them more than once. Tools like HootSuite and Buffer can help you schedule your updates to occur at different times of the day.You can also promote your videos by using them in your other content. Try embedding a video in a relevant blog post or linking to one in a marketing email. Using videos on your landing pages is always a good strategy, too.Finally, dont forget your call to action! Youll get more likes, comments, and other engagement on each video if you actually ask for it. A custom outro is one good way to do this. And when people leave you comments and questions, either on YouTube or social media, always reply to them. It shows your audience that you appreciate them and want to interact with them.For more details,let's meet inside !"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SEO Secrets of Google: Expired Domains & 301 Redirects" |
"Did you know that Buying EXPIREDDOMAINS and then redirecting them using a301 Redirect will transfer 100% of THEIR SEO toYOURSITE?!?!It's true...Here's the catch... certain metrics need to align with your site, keywords & optimizations if you are going to reap the FULLBENEFITS of buying expired domains.Even cooler, I'm going to teach you how to get THESAMESEO... but WITHOUTBUYINGADOMAIN!!!Yeah, there are a lot of cool secrets inside this course.In fact, I know about 25% of my students will DOUBLETHEIRSEO from just 1 small change in their .htaccess file. And if you don't know what that is... then THISCOURSEISFORYOU!!!Get even better SEO, better rankings, and without having to do any real ""leg work"" of (take your pick): creating high-quality & originalcontent, videos, image editing, link building, time (aka patience), and so much more. You can SKIPALLTHIS with the use of 301 Redirects and the use of expired domains (whether you want to spend money buying them ORNOT) you can still get valuable links & link juice from them with this secret I'll teach inside.WARNING:The crazy thing about this ""SEOSECRET""is that Google WILLNEVERRELEASEANUPDATEthat gets rid of this SEO tactic for ranking your site. Crazy, but it'strue (and I'll explain why inside)!----If you need any help with SEO and ranking better - then this is the course for you!BUYNOW!!!---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------How to Use Expired Domains for SEOLeveraging expired domains is one of the most untapped and effective ways to accelerate SEO performance.What Makes Expired Domains Worth Pursuing?So, before I show you some ways you can leverage expired domains, I need to answer an important question: why are expired domains even worth using?Well, the truth is that an expired domain unto itself has no value.These domains become valuable when A) they have a quality link profile (with unoptimized anchor text), B) they were relevant to your website, and C) they werent previously used for spam.This criteria may seem straightforward, but it can be challenged to find domains that actually meet it.So, after I show you how you can use expired domains to amplify your SEO campaign, Ill then show you how you find quality domains.4 Ways to Leverage Expired DomainsHere are 4 ways you can leverage expired domains to grow your organic search traffic:1. Private Blog Networks (PBNs)Private Blog Networks (PBNs) are the most popular method for leveraging expired domains. The problem is that using PBNs is also the riskiest method on this list. I will tell you that I personally do not use PBNs. I was a PBN addict back in the day until I got obliterated.Listen:Im not one of those SEOs that bashes other peoples methods.If you want to use PBNs thats cool because they work.But, its my obligation to tell you that they come with substantial risk. Ultimately, your decision to use PBNs requires nothing more than risk/reward analysis. If you believe the reward (ie: organic search traffic) is larger than the risk of using PBNs, then go for it.The truth is that you do NOT need to use PBNs to get SEO results.Thats the one mindset issue I see with some die-hard PBN advocates They become so obsessed with the whole process of using PBNs, that they forget that there are other ways to rank.In fact, Ive seen threads of forums saying that anyone who says they arent using PBNs to rank, is lying.Having this type of tunnel vision will murder your success overtime. We all are trying to grow traffic organically, so why wouldnt you want to keep your tactics organic? Why would you want to be rigid with the tactics you use when SEO and business are fluid and ever-changing?Anyway heres the truth:You dont have to use risky tactics to grow your organic search traffic.Always consider the risk/reward of any SEO strategy you use. Dont just think in the short term. Envision every possible scenario. Both positive and negative.So, Ive completed my rant and as you can imagine, Im not going to be showing you how to create a PBN.If you are willing to accept the risk of using PBNs, then you should check out Matt Diggitys blog because hes the top dog when it comes to using private blog networks.The following three ways to leverage expired domains are much less riskier than using PBNs.2. White Hat Alternative to PBNsIf youre more risk averse, then the White Hat Alternative to PBNs might be a better approach. The good news is that this method has practically zero penalty risk. The bad news is that it requires a big time investment because you have to perform outreach.Time investment shouldnt be too big of a concern because A) all other tactics will take a similar amount of time to execute and B) you can easily create procedures and outsource these methods.The process is simple:Find a relevant and high-quality expired domainExtract its backlink profileFind contact information for all the quality link opportunitiesReach out and let the linker know that they are linking to a dead resource/websiteIf they respond, pitch the idea of them replacing the dead link with a link to your websiteThis method works best if you are promoting a relevant SEO content asset.3. The Merger TechniqueThe Merger Technique is my personal favorite method because it requires the least amount of effort, but usually gets the best ROI and ROT. The most time sucking element of this technique is the process of finding relevant, high-quality domains.So, what is The Merger Technique?Well, I have an entire guide dedicated to this tactic, but Ill briefly explain it here.The Merger Technique is the process of finding relevant expired domains with strong link profiles and then 301 redirecting them to your website.I stumbled upon this tactic when I was working with a data center company that would frequently acquire other data center companies throughout the United States. Every time they acquired a new company, we would 301 redirect that companys website to the appropriate local page.For example, when they would acquire a Dallas data center, we would 301 redirect the website to our clients Dallas landing page. This was incredibly effective to accelerating our clients website authority. This made their SEO campaign a breeze.The reason why the authority accelerates using this method is because of link quality and link quantity.4. Niche WebsitesThis method isnt necessarily a link acquisition method, but more of a strategy. If you have ever tried to start a niche website, you probably have encountered what is often referred to as the sandbox effect.In short, this means that Google inhibits new websites from performing well in organic search until they establish age, trust, and authority.If you have a new website, it can take months to get traction. One way to bypass this sandbox period is to start your niche website on an expired and aged domain. Just to be clear, this method is not foolproof, but its effective.Okay, so now that you know the four ways you can leverage expired domains, let me show you how you can find expired domains. Then, Ill show you how to qualify the domains you find.Then,Find Expired Domain.How to Qualify Expired Domains--What is the Domains History?Check the Domain History.--Is the Domain Indexed?If youre going to focus on expiring domains in auction, then its critical that the domain is indexed in Google. Some domains that have already expired wont be indexed. In these cases, once the domain becomes live again, Google will usually reindex it.That is, if its a quality domain and hasnt been used for any questionable objectives.--Does the Domain Have a Clean Link Profile?I think the easiest way to audit a link profile is understand what a quality link actually looks like.A quality backlink will have at least one if not all of these qualities:Its from a closely relevant domainGetting backlinks from relevant domains is the mecca of effective link acquisition. There are times when relevancy isnt always critical.For example, lets say the expired domain used to be an SEO company. After reviewing its link profile you discover that it has a backlink from the New York Times.Is the New York Times relevant to SEO? No. But is the New York Times a trusted, respected, and authoritative source for information? Yes.In this situation, relevancy doesnt matter as much because the New York Times authority counteracts the lack of relevancy.Its from a real websiteIm not going to insult your intelligence and tell you what a real website should look like. Youre currently on a real website reading this article. This website youre on has a voice, has user engagement, and most importantly, has real traffic.Use your best judgement (or your gut) on this because its probably right.Its anchor text makes senseIts okay to have some keyword-rich anchors in the link profile. However, the keyword-rich anchors should make sense. Ill use the SEO company example again.Does this anchor text make sense for a domain that was previously an SEO company? Absolutely not.Use your best judgement here and always ask: Does this make sense?One more important point is that the bulk of the anchor text profile for the domain should be unoptimized. You dont want to work with a domain thats been abused from an SEO standpoint.The linking domain has authority itselfIf the expired domain has many backlinks from websites that are unauthoritative, then it might not be a quality opportunity.And when I say unauthoritative, that means the linking domains dont have many backlinks themselves. This would be an indication the expired domain will have low trust and low authority.A combination of low trust and low authority equals a weak opportunity.Are the backlinks sticky?You want to feel confident the existing backlinks have a high probability to stick. Meaning, that there is a low chance they will be removed.An example of a backlink type that has a low probability of being removed is one from a dated article. On the opposite side, a backlink injected in a websites footer has a high probability of being removed. Thats why Im not a fan of leveraging domains that used to be web design companies (since thats usually the bulk of their link profile).For more details, let's meet inside !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Perfect SEO Audit in 2018: Screaming Frog SEO Spider" |
"If you are looking to perform an SEOSite Audit - YOUNEEDTHISCOURSE!OVERVIEW:This is ahighly recommended Site Audit tool that is a must-have for any serious SEO work! It indexes your entire site and creates a spreadsheet of all your pages and their SEO elements. Plus it finds broken links, bad tags and much, much more.Before optimizing any website, it helps to have a big picture view of the website. How many pages does it have? How are the titles and meta descriptions? Are there broken links? Site audit software is required for this job.What doesScreaming Frog SEO Spiderdo? It crawls through your whole website and creates a list of all your internal pages. It tracks:Crawl levelInternal and Outbound links per-pageKeyword elements like Title and Description and their lengths.HTTP status codesExports your data to a spreadsheetFinds duplicate pages with duplicate contentTracks the Meta Robots tag so you can find the noindex, nofollow problemsMeasures file sizeTracks Page Depth level (how many links from the homepage)Organizes Inlinks and Outlinks to any given URLTracks the Follow and NoFollow status of all linksCustom Source Code Search find anything you want in the source code of a webstieXML siteFirst, I index the whole website (as I show you inside)and save the results as the before crawl. This is helpful to demonstrate to a client what changes I have made to a website in the future, by having a snapshot of the website before I started. Site Audit software is essential for anySEO job.Second, I get the big picture of a websites SEO elements and find what needs updated or fixed.Screaming Frog SEO Spider collects the vital SEO elements for each page during the crawl: title, description, keywords, H1, h2 etc. This makes it easy to examine the whole website and see what needs to be updated. I like to make sure that every page has unique title and descriptions using this tool and also see if the H1 tags are used and the meta keyword is not being abused. Then, I review the lengths of the titles and descriptions and make sure there arent ones that are too long or too short. Keep in mind, I try to get all this info out ofGoogle Webmaster toolsfirst, before I use the Screaming Frog website audit tool.Third, I use it to find and fix broken links within a website. Websites, especially older and larger websites, often have many interior links that are broken. Screaming Frog makes it easy to find pages that are generating 404 errors and then it shows you every page on the website that links to that 404 page so you can fix all the links. Additionally, it also shows you 301 redirects, so you can update internal links to point to the new and actual location of the pages instead of being redirected. This is called the canonical URL and any link that doesnt point to it should be corrected. My goal is to fix every single 404 and 301 page!Fourth, I use it to find and fix broken links pointing to external websites.One of Screaming Frogs website audit reports shows external links and their http status. This allows me to fix an 301 redirects and especially in links resulting in a 404 page. I believe that Google may dislike websites with lots of bad out-going links and also web pages with bad external links. Plus, broken links frustrate visitors and reduce your credibility.Screaming Frog isfor indexing awebsite with less than 500 pages.It works on PC, Mac or Linux.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------What Is an SEO Site Audit?A website SEO audit is like a health check for your site. It allows you to check how your web pages appear in search results, so you can find and fix any weaknesses.An SEO audit is the best way to identify and implement improvements to help more people find your website when they search.Relevant, well-optimized sites get more traffic, and then you can use content and marketing campaigns to turn visitors into customers.An SEO audit is standard procedure for any website. In fact, if you are serious about your internet business, you will make sure you do it frequently.Unlike a traditional audit, this one is performed solely for marketing purposes.A properly done SEO audit should give you a better insight into your website, individual pages and overall traffic. It is a great way to improve performance allowing you to rank better in the SERPs.An audit should be performed:At the beginning of a new projectAt the beginning of a new quarterBut, like most other things, you have to take this with a grain of salt.Yes, an SEO audit helps us determine how our website is performing. But, if you are a small website, you do not have to overdo it. Concentrating on stats can be a waste of time especially if there are other things that you have to take care of.But, if you are medium sized website and you noticed drop in traffic, perhaps its better to perform a timely audit and discover the root of the problem.Performing an audit for audits sake is a waste of time.Audit strategyBefore anything else, you need to create a viable strategy that will help you establish your goals.There are numerous things that can be improved with an audit. You can gain insight into your competition, you can analyze your keywords, you can improve technical aspects of the website etc. Nevertheless, when people contact an SEO expert they only wish to know one thingHow to improve rankings?This is a bad way of putting things given that an SEO audit is a complex procedure. It is meant to analyze multiple aspects of your business and based on them, help you understand what is good and where you can improve.That being said, an SEO auditor needs to perform:Technical analysisOn-Page analysisOff-Page analysisCompetitive analysis and keyword research1) Technical analysisFirst thing that you have to determine is whether your website is working properly. This can be done with a technical analysis.It is highly recommended that you always start with this step. If you have a bad basis, you wont be able to build your website from the ground up. You wouldnt build a home on a bad terrain, would you?Technical analysis helps us with various things that we can group into:AccessibilityIndexabilityAccessibilityAs the name says, accessibility is connected to Googles and users ability to access the website. If your potential visitors are unable to see your pages, there is no point in creating new content.First thing that you have to check is your robots.txt file and robots meta tags. These two are important as they restrict access to certain areas of your website. Sometimes, a webmaster might have inadvertently blocked certain pages disabling Google from accessing them.Both meta tags and robots.txt files need to be checked manually in order to make sure that everything is ok.XML sitemaps are another important aspect of your website. They create a map for Google crawlers. Bear in mind that your XML sitemap needs to be properly formatted and submitted to webmaster tools account so that it can be accessed.Another important thing for your accessibility is overall website architecture.Here, a person doing the audit needs to make sure that you only need a few clicks from homepage to destination page. The smaller the number, the easier for crawlers to access that page.Redirects can also cause issues. Occasionally, you may delete or relocate your content. However, this means that crawlers are now unable to access that page. In order to allow access, you need to create a redirect leading them to moved page.So, these are all the procedures you have to perform in order to appease Google. But, what do we do with unsatisfied users?There are certain things that you have to keep in mind when it comes to your visitors.First and foremost, if a person is unable to browse freely, he will quickly bounce from your website. In that regard, it is important to improve your website speed.Even if you prefer having a nice and interactive interface, you will have to consider what kind of an impression it leaves on people seeing that page. Most of us surf the internet in order to get quick and reliable information. If we cant do that on one website, we will find an alternative.Same goes for mobile devices. Nowadays, most people use mobile devices to access the Internet. Having that in mind, your website needs to be mobile friendly so that the visitor can have all the options which they would otherwise have on a desktop computer.IndexabilityNow, if you have performed everything correctly during the first step, you are ready to go through indexability.When it comes to Google, accessibility and indexability go hand in hand. Both of them are necessary in order for your pages to be shown to end user.Remember; accessibility refers to crawlers being able to access your pages while indexability refers to those pages being presented within the search engine after being accessed.You might wonder if robots are already able to see your content, why wouldnt they show these pages to users?The first thing that comes to mind is Google penalty.In most cases, this will be the reason why some pages will not be shown. Have in mind that crawlers work differently from website to website. If you are a big company with lots of content, your pages will be indexed almost immediately.On the other hand, individual bloggers who occasionally post will have their content indexed more slowly.Most people will start panicking at this point, thinking that Google has hit them with a penalty only to discover they have an accessibility issue or some other minor problem.Nevertheless, if you actually did get a penalty, you would receive a message in your webmasters tool account.After that, procedure is as follows:Identify the reason for penaltyRectify the issueRequest reconsideration from GoogleThe worst thing that you can do is to deny your actions prolonging the agony. Face the charges, make the changes and resolve the issue.2. On-page analysisAfter the initial technical part, your website should look dandy.Youve made sure that everything is in order, that both people and robots can access your website and that everything is in working condition.Now, we need to consider pages themselves.There are two ways to view on-page analysis:General content issuesIndividual page issuesFor more details,let's meet inside !"
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"Retargeting & Remarketing: The Ultimate Guide Made Easy" |
"Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is a form of online advertising that can help you keep your brand in front of bounced traffic after they leave your website. For most websites, only 2% of web traffic converts on the first visit.How Does Retargeting Work?Retargeting is a cookie-based technology that uses simple Javascript code to anonymously follow your audience all over the Web.Heres how it works: you place a small, unobtrusive piece of code on your website (this code is sometimes referred to as a pixel). The code, or pixel, is unnoticeable to your site visitors and wont affect your sites performance. Every time a new visitor comes to your site, the code drops an anonymous browser cookie. Later, when your cookied visitors browse the Web, the cookie will let your retargeting provider know when to serve ads, ensuring that your ads are served to only to people who have previously visited your site.Retargeting is so effective because it focuses your advertising spend on people who are already familiar with your brand and have recently demonstrated interest. Thats why most marketers who use it see a higher ROI than from most other digital channels.When Does Retargeting Work?Retargeting is a powerful branding and conversion optimization tool, but it works best if its part of a larger digital strategy.Retargeting works best in conjunction with inbound and outbound marketing or demand generation. Strategies involving content marketing, AdWords, and targeted display are great for driving traffic, but they dont help with conversion optimization. Conversely, retargeting can help increase conversions, but it cant drive people to your site. Your best chance of success is using one or more tools to drive traffic and retargeting to get the most out of that traffic.So, if you're ready to take your marketing to the next level, learn more about how to utilize retargeting (akaremarketing) in your business now.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------Everyone deserves a second chance, and remarketing (also called retargeting) is your chance to get your business back in front of your customers eyes no matter where they go after theyve visited your site. But how do you get the most out of your retargeting efforts?--Build Brand Awareness for Newly Launched SitesIf your site is brand new, your goal is going to be building upbrand awareness. This is the most basic of all types of remarketing and the fastest to set up.In a nutshell, youll be displaying the same ad to everyone who has visited your site. The code is placed on a core area of your sitesuch as the header or footerso it executes site-wide.--Market to Customers Who Have Already Converted with Special OffersNext, there are the people who have visited your site and already converted. These people are a remarketing goldmine, since theyre already familiar with your brand and have taken that all-important first step toward interacting with you, be it buying a product, calling for a quote or signing up for your mailing list.It doesnt make sense to remarket to these people with the same generic brand-wide ad, so why not design and test a variety of creatives that entice the user to come back and save money? By targeting it only to people who have converted, youll greatly increase their chances of coming back and converting again.Since Google launched its remarketing platform, businesses are taking full advantage and increasing their conversions 300-400% plus. In addition to this you can reduce your cost per click (CPC) or place this spend into your remarketing strategy.If youve already set up your Facebook account todrive traffic and conversions, then you may want to try Adroll. SalesBlend used Adroll for their Facebook remarketing to target their specific audience. With Adroll, they paid a CPC of $1.62. Now, since switching to running theirremarketing directly through Facebook, theyve reduced CPC to an unbelievable $0.44. Thatsa 73% decrease.--Be the Helpful SalespersonHave you ever had a salesperson that stood out as someone truly helpful? Not only did they help you find that amazingly comfortable pair of shoes, they also suggested a fantastic pair of jeans to go with them. You could tell right away that they were interested in making you look and feel your best.Thats what your remarketing ads should do.If someone is browsing on your site, use remarketing to take stock of what they looked at, and suggest relevant accessories that would look or perform even better with whatever it was they had their eye on.--Avoid Shopping Cart AbandonmentIt begs the question: What approach are you implementing to minimize customers falling through the net?According to research conducted by Yoast,a whopping 56% of online shoppers abandon payment at the point of sale because of unexpected costs.Shopping cart abandonmentis a huge problem for even the most well-known retailers and presents the perfect opportunity for remarketing to shine. Not only can you remind customers by email of the products they left in their cart (provided you have their email), but you can also address any common issues they may have had shopping the first time that caused them not to order from you.For example, your creative might show the item(s) they left in their cart, along with a Free Shipping on Orders Over $25 note, just in case the user anticipated that shipping their items would be too costly.--Adjust for SeasonalityDepending on your business, you may see more traffic around certain holidaysor even months afterward. If you create a remarketing list of users who viewed your site leading up to, during and slightly after a specific holiday, you can use that list to send them reminders the following year.Something like this, for example: Remember how much your mom loved that personalized picture frame you bought her last year? We now have them available in a larger size so you can fill them with even more special family moments!--Experiment with Duration TimeWhen remarketing to your customers (or potential customers), you dont want to bombard them with ads to the point where their ambivalence toward you becomes downright animosity.With Google, as well as many other ad networks, you can set the duration time of your ads. While there is no best time that fits every business or industry,CPC Strategyhas a great outline of how to calculate a fair duration time for your ads depending on whether youre using Adwords or Product Listing Ads (PLAs).As you can see, every step of the retargeting process needs to be carefully considered and planned to avoid throwing money on the wall and hoping some of it sticks!--Segment Ads Based on User GroupsSegmenting users based on gender, location, device used and other attributes is just good marketing sense. Some ads go so far as to target clothing shoppers depending on the weather in their area.Each network has its own set of criteria, so understanding your market as well as individuals in that market can make a bigger impact on your remarketing efforts than broader advertising attempts.By the same token, if the user has already made a purchase of an item that might eventually require repair or upgrade (think electronics, mobile phones or services), segment them into a product lifespan group and remind them when its time to re-order or upgrade.Segmenting also allows you to personalize your marketing efforts. A survey byAdobe and Econsultancyfound that52% of marketers consider personalization as a fundamental factor to their online marketing strategy. You can do this by capturing; user preferences, on-site behavior, browser or purchase history, personal data.--Create Custom Landing Pages that Incorporate Your Retargeting MessageFinally, with so much attention on retargeting, creative, placement and segments, landing pages may seem like an after-thought thats cobbled together at the last minute. Unfortunately, this is the worst thing to do. After all, youve spent a good deal of money getting this farwhy settle for a piecemeal landing page when its your business moment to shine?Take the time to incorporate custom landing pages that reflect your retargeting message for each group/segment. Theres nothing worse than doing all that work to get the user to your landing page, only to have them think, Is this the right page? when they arrive.By using similar language and even the specific keyword or copy from your retargeting ad, youll create a smoother, more tightly integrated and relevant page that drastically improves your conversion rate.For more details,let's meet inside !"
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