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"Crear apps para Android y iOS Nivel Avanzado" |
"Ahora es el momento de hacer ms compleja aquella aplicacin que realizaste con nosotros en el curso elemental de creacin de apps. En este curso, aprenders a actualizar mdulos, a agregar una portada para tu aplicacin y generar un enlazado interno entre las distintas vistas y secciones de tu app, sin necesidad de pasar por el men. Aprenders a insertar cdigo de terceros, lo cual multiplicar las posibilidades de la herramienta. Realizaremos aplicaciones con una estructura ms compleja que la vista en el anterior curso. Adems, te explicaremos cmo configurar y enviar Notificaciones Push. Visitaremos la seccin de analtica interna integrada en la propia plataforma de King of App. Tambin, aprenders a integrar AdMob en tu aplicacinPor ltimo, visitaremos la seccin Configuracin Avanzada. Ests preparado para dar el salto a un nuevo nivel con King of App? Empecemos!Plan de estudiosFuncionalidades especficas de elementos individualesIntroduccin al Curso AvanzadoActualizacin de MdulosCreacin de una portadaMens y estructuras ComplejasEstructuras ComplejasGroup ListButton ListEnlazado InternoMdulos ContenedorMultiidiomaInsercin de Cdigo de TercerosInsercin de Cdigo de TercerosSpotifyFormularioCalculadoraConfiguracin AvanzadaNotificaciones Push: ConfiguracinNotificaciones Push: EnviarAnaltica Interna de King of AppMonetizacin con AdMobConfiguracin AvanzadaEdicin Avanzada del Mdulo HTML"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Criar apps para Android e iOS Nvel Elementar" |
"Neste curso voc aprender:Definir sua ideia de negcio antes de iniciar o desenvolvimentoNoes bsicas sobre design de aplicativosRecursos, funcionalidades e possibilidades do construtor King of AppPrograma de estudos 1. Introduo e apresentao da ferramenta A. Apresentao do King of App e do Curso Elementar de Criao de AplicaesB. Insira, registre e valide sua contaC. Seleo de ModelosD. Tela de mdulosE. ServiosF. Personalizao e AparnciaG. Prova Mdulo 1 2. Criando seu primeiro aplicativo A. Definindo o conceito do aplicativoB. Vamos criar um aplicativoC. Adicionar e configurar o primeiro mdulo - HTMLD. Adicionar e configurar o segundo mdulo - YouTubeE. Adicionar e configurar o terceiro mdulo - TwitterF. Adicionar e configurar um servio - Google AnalyticsG. Ancorando mdulos usando um menuH. PersonalizaoI. Prova Mdulo 2 3. Seleo do mtodo de compilao e publicaoA. Mtodos de publicao do King of AppB. Crie sua conta no Google PlayC. Crie sua conta na App StoreD. Processo completo de publicao com o prprio IDE. Prova Mdulo 34. Compilao e Publicao A. Preencher os dados para a seo ""To Market""B. Dados geraisC. Dados do Google PlayD. Dados da App StoreE. Carrinho e pagamentoF. Painel Geral ou DashboardG. Upload ao MarketH. Prova Mdulo 4 5. Obteno do certificado A. Instrues para apresentar o projeto final e obter seu certificado"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Criar apps para Android e iOS Nvel Avanado" |
"Agora a hora de tornar mais complexo o aplicativo que voc fez conosco no curso elementar de criao de aplicativos.Neste curso, voc aprender a atualizar mdulos, adicionar uma capa para seu aplicativo e gerar um link interno entre as diferentes visualizaes e sees de seu aplicativo, sem ter que passar pelo menu.Voc aprender a inserir cdigo de terceiros, o que multiplicar as possibilidades da ferramenta.Vamos realizar aplicaes com uma estrutura mais complexa do que a vista no curso anterior.Alm disso, explicaremos como configurar e enviar notificaes push.Visitaremos a seo de anlise interna integrada na prpria plataforma King of App.Alm disso, voc aprender a integrar a AdMob ao seu aplicativoPor ltimo, visitaremos a seo Configurao avanada. Voc est pronto para dar o salto para um novo nvel com o King of App?Vamos comear!Programa de estudosCaractersticas especficas de elementos individuaisA. Introduo ao Curso AvanadoB. Atualizao de mdulosC. Criao de uma capaMenus e estruturas complexosA. Estruturas complexasB. Group ListC. Button ListD. Link InternoE. Mdulos ContainerF. MultilngueInsero de cdigo de terceirosA. Insero de cdigo de terceirosB. SpotifyC. FormulrioD. CalculadoraConfigurao avanadaA. Notificaes Push: ConfiguraoB. Notificaes Push: EnviarC. Anlise interna do King of AppD. Rentabilizao com o AdMobE. Configurao avanadaF. Edio Avanada do Mdulo HTML"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Kit du parieur gagnant" |
"Le nombre de parieurs en ligne est pass de 118516 comptes joueurs en novembre 2010 553000 comptes joueurs au 3 me trimestre 2018. C'est donc plus de 400%de joueurs en seulement 8 ans d'aprs l'ARJEL.D'aprs un rapport d'analyse de l'ARJEL publi au 2 me trimestre 2018, la moyenne des gains/pertes par joueur est de -1458 /ans.Ces chiffres sont affligeants car ils nous apprennent que de plus en plus de personnes s'initient aux paris sportifs sans aucune connaissance, pensant pouvoir gagner de l'argent facilement mais qui pour l'crasante majorit voit leur rve de gloire et fortune, devenir leur pire cauchemar. Cette formation ne vous apprends pas :- parier sur votre sport prfr- parier sur votre quipe prfre- devenir rentable en pariant un montant de mise hasardeuxEn revanche, cette formation a pour but de vous apprendre la seule mthode qui permet d'tre rentable long terme :- avec une stratgie simple trs d'excution (mais extrmement puissante)- connaitre les rgles suivre pour l'appliquer rigoureusement- savoir dtecter une valuebet (une opportunit de paris rentable statistiquement)- savoir quel montant de mise faire chaque paris- savoir comment battre votre bookmaker- faire parti du club trs priv des parieurs rentablesCette mthode a demand 7 annes de recherche et dveloppement pour en arriver cette version qui nous permet aujourd'hui de vivre de nos paris sportifs.Dernire prcision mais pas des moindres. Cette formation vous permet de faire a en complment de votre travail ou temps plein et devenir parieur professionnel. Elle rponds donc deux catgories de personnes :- Les personnes dsirant avoir un complment de revenu en passant seulement quelques heures par semaine- Les personnes souhaitant devenir parieur professionnel temps plein et de vivre de leur paris sportifsAurlien Rieu (Moniteur de tennis diplm d'tat et galement professeur de mathmatiques)et Florian Webb (Expert dveloppement algorithmique, machines learning et blockchain)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Espiritualidade: transforme sua existncia em 7 passos" |
"O conhecimento e aprofundamento sobre o tema visa transformar sua viso sobre a vida e a espiritualidade em apenas 7 passos. Voc vai entender sobre os assuntos mais misteriosos da vida que eu tive que aprender na marra, vivendo experincias muito intensas e sem o devido apoio, at o dia em que fui levado a um centro esprita que me acolheu e me desenvolveu para que eu chegasse nesse nvel de conhecimento:- Vida espiritual;- Mediunidade;- Conexo entre os planos;- Encarnao e reeencarnao;- Sade fsica, emocional e periespiritual.IMPORTANTE: Esse o nico curso de espiritualidade que 100% ministrado por espritos desencarnados em parceria com o mdium que empresta seu aparelho (corpo fsico) para o verdadeiro mestre desse curso, a sabedoria emenada da espiritualidade.OBS: parte dos valores pagos por voc para fazer esse curso sero doados para o Centro Esprita Nossa Casa, que mantm trabalhos gratuitos de atendimento ao pblico que necessita de amparo espiritual e tambm ajuda entidades de apoio a drogados, enfermos, creches e outras casas de doao e amor ao prximo."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Disclaimer - Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, PSM, PSM I, etc. is the protected brand of Scrum .org. Our course and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum .org.This course is generally suitable for all students interested to test their knowledge of the role and responsibilities of Product Owner in a scrum team, And who are planning to appear in any of the PRODUCT OWNER CERTIFICATION (PO) exam. The questions are based on authors understanding and own readings."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"29 tips para transformar tu vida" |
"29tips son unos tips de como transformar los 4 pilares de la vida. Aqui te enseare paso a paso de como girar la vida que ests viviendo y empezar a vivir una vida de alto rendimiento. Tambien basado en estos aprendizajes te voy a llevar a aplicar estos pilares en tu dia a dia, tambien te voy a dar una guia de cumplimiento de como cumplir tus metas que siempre has tenido pero no has cumplido. - Tener relaciones extraordinarias - Sanar su relacin con el dinero - Que habitos te llevan a ser abundante - Estrategia para que en un ao empiezes a invertir. - Conciencia en la alimentacion - Como agradar a Dios - Como crear una relacion genuina con Dios - Focalizacion de nuestras metas"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 ACE Exam" |
"AdobeCreative Cloud20201("""") Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 ACE Exam (ACE)ACE Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 ACE Exam ""2015""Photoshop CC 2020 Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 ACE Exam Adobe Photoshop CC Photoshop CC 2015 (ACE) ""2015"" Photoshop CC 2015 Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 ACE Exam 20207Photoshop CC 2015 (ACE)Adobe Photoshop CC ACE Exam Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Certified Expert - Photoshop CC 2015 Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Photoshop CC SNSUdemy 30"
Price: 12000.00 ![]() |
"- Adobe Photoshop CC" |
"Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Photoshop CCAdobe Photoshop CC (Adobe Adobe Sensei)Adobe Sensei71. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 17 Adobe Photoshop CC Adobe Photoshop CC Udemy 30"
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"CS-Cart ile E-Ticarete lk Adm" |
"CS-Cartkk ve orta lekli firmalarn e-ticaret ilemlerini batan sona kadar karlayabilecei bir e-ticaret scriptidir. Merkezi Rusyada bulunan, Amerikada da ofisleri bulunan CS Cart 2005 ylndan beri yaklak 35.000 e-ticaret sitesinden kullanlyor.CS-Carte-ticaret sistemi web standartlara uygun olarak PHP ve MySQL teknolojileri kullanlarak gelitirilmitir.Hemen Sata BalaynCS-Cart, kurulumunu yaptktan sonra hemen sat yapmaya balamanz iin gerekli olan tm zellikleri salamaktadr.Gl rn ynetimi ile, rnlerinizi hemen ekleyebilir ve dzenleyebilir, rn seeneklerini, zelliklerini ve filtreleri kolayca ynetebilirsiniz.ok Satanlar ve Sattaki rnler, Birlikte Satn Aln, Bunu alan bunlar da ald ve dierleri gibi apraz sat aralar, satlarnz artrmanza yardmc olacaktr.ok kanall sat da mevcuttur: Daha fazla mteri ekmek iin maazanzn widgetini herhangi bir web sitesine veya bloga yerletirebilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Become a Freelancer for Hire Creating Video Animations" |
"Making money online has always been our day to day dream, and Videoscribe kind of makes everything easier, quick and simple. Creating whiteboard animation is much similar to imagining the best Artwork you have ever seen drawn in seconds, but in this case, it is a reality. This course is for these people but there no limits. Marketers, teachers, students, video creators, young youths, freelancers, and the genral public. The fact is, It is structured to make sure that a 7 years old will understand the concepts. Why should you take this course now and not tomorrow?Create marketing videos and advertisementsCreate explainer videos that help customers understand your businessCreate educational tutorials that are fun to watchStart your YouTube Channel and Start earning money with animations Become a freelancer on platforms like Fiverr and earn money making videos for clientsand so much more reasons, the list is endlessFree Videoscribe software (No extra fees). You do not need to buy videoscribe to start creating animation videos because I am offering free software."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make a Living Selling Whiteboard Animations (arts)" |
"DESCRIPTIONMake a living with whiteboard animations (Videoscribe)Learn to create professional and market ready animation videos with the best animation software in the market place (videoscribe).With the software provided, you have absolutely no excuse not to venture in the video industry. Whether you want to start a YouTube Channel, Work for Clients, Animate as a hobby, or send short animated videos as gifts, I got you covered.Do you want to get started with the video creation experience?Awesome! VideoScribe is the perfect application to use, and this is the perfect course to learn how to use VideoScribe.Whether youre a video creator, marketer, or teacher, this course walks you through the entire process of creating a whiteboard animation by yourself!A short list:Social media managers, Video creators, marketers, online instructors, YouTubers, video editors, graphic designersAnyone who wants to create whiteboard animationsStart making your own whiteboard animations today!By the end of this course, youll feel confident using VideoScribe to create your own whiteboard animations!Why should you learn to use VideoScribe?Create marketing videos and advertisements (Fiverr)Create explained videos that help customers understand your businessCreate educational tutorials that are fun to watchWhy take this course?The course is designers for beginners and advanced level users like you!If you ever get stuck or have a question, just post it to the course dashboard and Ill be there to help you out!If you arent happy with your purchase, we have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee.I will see you inside the course!Cheers,SamuelBASIC KNOWLEDGEA PC or MacSoftware to be downloaded once enrolledAudacity a free audio creating and editing softwareOptional (internet connection)Commitment and dedicationNO experience with VideoScribe is neededYou will download the software in the first lesson, no need to spend your moneyWHAT YOU WILL LEARNStudents will understand the workflow of VideoscribeStudents will understand how to use VideoscribeStudents will be able to tell captivating stories using Whiteboard animationYou will learn how to add voiceover on your videoYou will learn how to add text on your videoYou will learn how to import images and also how to use your own imageStudents will be able to tell stories visually using whiteboard animationsStudents will be able to tell stories visually using whiteboard animationsStudents will be able to create an engaging whiteboard animationStudents will get a glimpse into using VideoScribe tooStart a VideoScribe project from scratchAnimate all of your whiteboard elementsCreate your own whiteboard animations from scratch with VideoScribeExport a high quality video file"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Masterclass: From Zero to Hero" |
"I am samuelAnd I will be teaching you how to earn legitimatelyOnline. This class is all about how to create a successful YouTube Channel. They are many ways people earn money onlineWhile some are legitimateOthers are shady or illegal.While many people have not realized the potential YouTube has, It is one of the best ways that you can make money. This course gathers numerous resources that guide you from starting a channel to how you should sustain your growing audience. I believe this is a great deal for anyone who have been figuring out ways to make money online but ended up being scammed. I am happy to have composed this short course. Let me know what your take is immediately you're through with learning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Docs for teachers and students (Featuring APA Style)." |
"In this course I will show you how to reference your work in Google Docs and leave Microsoft word (office) forever.Imagine having the ability to do everything you do in Microsoft using your browser.The catch here is that you do not have to worry about saving your work every 20 sec!You will need to install (google docs extension, google docs offline extensionYou will learn how to insert headers and page numbersformat page headers and numbers (times new roman)Insert title page elements and formatformat page one to reference page (indent (first line, insert in-text, spacing, font, font size, and headers)reference page ((indent hanging indent), correct spacing, font)page setup (changing background and margins)share documents (send email links), download, print"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
numbers-and-their-distinction-in-arabic-grammar |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
emphasis-in-arabic-grammar |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make Yourself into a Living Buddha" |
"In this challenging and unpredictable modern world, the profound teachings of Buddhism have never been more needed.What is a Buddha? Who was the first historical Buddha? Can anyone become a Buddha?In this 21-day introduction to Buddhism, the author guides you through the worlds within worlds that make up reality.Each lecture ends with a personal challenge that will enable the reader to gently and quickly guide his or her mind to the profound truths that lies at the heart of Buddhism. This is an introduction to Mahayana Buddhism and is suitable for the complete beginner."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Tarot and Sex Magick" |
"There has never been a more important time in history for the Tarot to make a revival on the world's spiritual stage. This course is an introduction to the profound teachings of the Tarot. The student will learn how the cards describe in detail that journey that we each take through life. The student will also learn how to read cards for themselves, friends or clients.This course is different to other Tarot introductions as it also focuses on the occult, magickal, witchcraft side of the cards. The student will learn about the use of Tarot in an easy to learn ritual of sex magick that can be performed with or without a partner.Another lesser known technique in the course is the use of Tarot for cursing. We end this practical course by studying and practising the innovative technique for using the Tarot to gain advice from the dead.This is a course of interest to the student who is looking to learn the Tarot from an occult viewpoint.I can provide a certificate for all students who complete the course. This can be used to show potential clients before paying for a reading that you have a achieved a competent level in Tarot reading.Love and peaceSirius Rising"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Writing For A Living" |
"Looking to earn freelance income during the Covid-19 crisis? Want to reinvent yourself as a writer, blogger or influencer?Alternatively, has your business been forced online by the international lockdown? It's vital now that you reach your customers and keep your business going - and one key way to do that is by going online.But first, you need skills. This short, concentrated course, presented by an author and journalist, now reaches over 2,200 students in more than 100 countries, and has excellent reviews.Aimed at bloggers, influencers, public relations officers, marketing staff, aspiring journalists, or anyone who needs to get results on social media, the course teaches the basic skills of professional scripting - the intro, the inverted pyramid, the 5 Ws, the 3 Cs and, most important of all, storytelling. The companion ebook and book, Writing For A Living, are both now available on Amazon.Students will learn how to write for online, print, radio and TV - and, crucially, how to produce powerful written content for social media.Using real-life situations, and working through assignments and a quiz, students learn to turn words into sentences, sentences into stories - and stories into income.The course is suitable for people trying to break into journalism in any medium; for university students of all disciplines who want to write more clearly; and also for professionals wanting to market themselves or their products to the wider community.Niall O'Flynn is an author, director and former journalist who covers major news and sports stories across the world, working in newspapers, radio and television. He has taught his Writing For A Living course in colleges, boardrooms, public libraries, and to multiple corporate clients. This is the first time the course has been made available online.No matter who you are, no matter what your job, it has never been more important to be able to speak, write and do business in English. If you want to reach the English-speaking world, you must be able to apply for jobs, write emails, and make a name for yourself on social media.We want you to be satisfied, so this course comes with a full 30-day refund, if you're not entirely satisfied.Good luck!REVIEWS for Niall O'Flynn's books...'Niall O'Flynn's exhaustive Olympic investigation is required reading... deserves to be acknowledged as the most comprehensive, educational and readable account yet written of where Irish Olympic sport stands... If you think sport in Ireland is important, then this book is too... This book needed to be written and people need to read it.' - Sunday Tribune'This is an eye opener, a revelation' - Irish Examiner'Examines big questions... fascinating reading' - Irish Independent 'Digs deeper... the focus is on seeing what makes our Olympians tick.' - Sunday Times'The ultimate guide... magnificent.' - Verbal Magazine'A beautiful book... a must read.' - Kildare Nationalist'Essential reading... a rare insight... a must not just for sports fans, but for anyone with any interest in how Ireland deals with its top athletes in the 21st century.' - Ireland's OwnDisclaimerAll information provided by Udemy/Niall O'Flynn is of a general nature and is furnished for information/educational/entertainment purposes only. Use of this course does not form a professional relationship. There is no guarantee that online content, blogging, or freelance writing, will earn you income. By using this course, you agree that use of this information is at your own risk and hold Niall O'Flynn harmless from all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting. N xing shu - xi - zhuny yngy ma?Wln n sh shi, wln n de gngzu sh shnme, nng shu yngy, xizu h zu shngy cng wi rc zhngyo. Rgu nn xing yo jnr yngy shji, nn bx nnggu shnqng gngzu, zhunxi dinz yujin, bng zi shjio mit shng wi zj mngmng.Gi kchng yu chbn zuzh h jzh tgng, y bi chogu 80 g guji de 550 du mng xushng xizi.Zhndu b zh, yngxing zh, gnggng gunx gunyun, yngxio rnyun, yu bof de jzh hu rnh xing yo zi shjio mit shng qd chnggu de rn, gi kchng jioshu zhuny jiobn de jbn jnng.Xinzi gumi, zi fichng yuxin de shjin ni, y 9.99 Miyun de go zhku jig gumi.Dinj ximin de linji hud zhku......Zh ho yn!Quieres aprender a escribir en ingls profesional?Suea con escribir lo suficientemente bien como para ganar dinero como periodista internacional, blogger o influyente?Este curso es presentado por un autor publicado, un periodista que cubre las principales noticias e historias deportivas en todo el mundo, trabajando en peridicos, radio y televisin.Dirigido a blogueros, personas influyentes, funcionarios de relaciones pblicas, personal de marketing, aspirantes a periodistas o cualquier persona que quiera aprender ms sobre el oficio de la escritura, el curso ensea las habilidades bsicas de la escritura profesional: la introduccin, la pirmide invertida, las 5 W, las 3 C y, lo ms importante de todo, la narracin de cuentos.Los estudiantes aprendern cmo escribir para la prensa, la radio y la televisin, y, de manera crucial, cmo producir contenido escrito poderoso para las redes sociales.Utilizando situaciones de la vida real, y trabajando a travs de tareas y un cuestionario, los estudiantes aprenden a convertir palabras en oraciones, oraciones en historias e historias en ingresos.El curso es adecuado para personas que intentan ingresar al periodismo en cualquier medio; para estudiantes universitarios de todas las disciplinas que desean escribir ms claramente; y tambin para profesionales que desean comercializarse a s mismos o sus productos a la comunidad en general.Niall O'Flynn ha enseado su aclamado curso ""Writing For A Living"" en colegios, salas de juntas, bibliotecas pblicas y a mltiples clientes corporativos. Esta es la primera vez que el curso est disponible en lnea.Queremos que est satisfecho, por lo que este curso, como todos los cursos comprados en Udemy, puede reembolsarse dentro de los 30 das. * * * * * * * - 5 W 3 Cs - ;;Niall O'Flynn - Udemy - 30 * * * * * * *N xing xux yng zhuny yngy xizu ma?Zuwi y mng guj jzh, b zh hu yngxing zh, n shfu mngxing xi d hoho zhunqin?Bn kchng yu y wi chbn zuji, y wi bodo shji gd zhyo xnwn h ty bodo de jzh jisho, tmen zi bozh, gungb h dinshti gngzu.Zhndu bk, yngxing zh, gnggun rnyun, yngxio rnyun, yu bof de jzh hu rnh xing yo gng du de lioji xizu jqio de rn, gi kchng jioshu zhuny jiobn de jbn jnng - jisho, do jnzt,5 W, 3 Cs, zu zhngyo de sh jing gsh.Xushng jing xux rh wi ynshu, gungb h dinsh xizu - rqi zh gun zhngyo de sh, rh wi shjio mit zhzu qingd de shmin nirng.Tnggu xinsh shnghu zhng de qngjng, tnggu zuy h cyn, xushng xuhu jing dnc fny chng jzi, jing j z fny chng gsh, jing gsh fny chng shur.Gi kchng shh sht zi rnh mit shng chung r xnwn de rn; duy xing yo xi d gng qngch de suyu xuk de dxushng; yj xwng xing gng gungfn de shq tuxio zj hu chnpn de zhuny rnsh.Niall O'Flynn zi dxu, dngshhu, gnggng tsh gun yj du g qy kh zhng jioshule tzhe mng de xizu shnghu kchng. Zh sh gi kchng shuc zixin tgng.Wmen xwng nn mny, suy bn kchng - y zi Udemy gumi de suyu kchng yyng - k zi 30 tinni tuhun. * * * * * * *"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Strengthen Your Psychic Skills & Intuition" |
"This course is designed to give the student all the information one needs to help them as they embark on their journey into developing their psychic skills and intuition. This course will not only cover the different ways in which one receives psychic information, but valuable tools to help one as they embark on their spiritual path as well as bonus lectures, trainings and free resources!In this course, the student will learn:-Basic grounding and protection-The different type of energy-How to clear ones energy and space-The 7 major chakra systems and how to clear them-The 15 main Archangels-How to do a traditional psychic reading-How to read an Aura-How to 'take inventory'-Tools & Divination-EFT Tapping for Doubt/Imposter Syndrome-The Psychic Centers aka 'The clairs'-Different exercises to strengthen the psychic centers-Various exercises for practice-Ethics and guidelinesBONUSES:-Meet your spirit guide meditation-Soul inquiry with Merlin meditation + journal prompts-How to do an accurate psychic reading: WEBINAR REPLAY-Aura Training & Aura Color Meanings PDF"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Crystal Healing" |
"Crystal healing has become a popular alternative in healing methods and modalities. With the rise and popularity of the ""new age"" concepts and ideas, people are now more than ever interested in the healing powers of crystals.This course covers the basic essentials in crystal healing as well as different ways you can use the healing power of crystals in your everyday life.WHAT THIS COURSE COVERS:-Brief history of crystal healing-Why Crystals Work-The differences between minerals, crystals, and gemstones.-Different ways to incorporate crystal healing into your life.-Different crystal shapes-How to clear and charge your crystalsBONUS CONTENT:- Guided crystal meditation-Spiritual Bath Recipe-Crystal Healing Step-by-step guide-Crystal Grid PDF Printables"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Cultivate balance & happiness through mindful living" |
"Mediation and the practice of mindfulness is a growing trend. Have you ever been interested in taking a deeper dive into why everyone is raving about the mindfulness revolution? This course gives you the basic definitions of what meditation and mindfulness is as well as exercises that you can use to incorporate them into your life!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Shadow Work" |
"When you embark on your spiritual path, healing past stories, wounds, hurt, and trauma are imperative for spiritual and personal growth. 'Shadow Work' can be messy, uncomfortable and make you feel totally alone. This course will give you the tools and exercises to allow you to honor your shadow self and to grow not only as a person, but as a soul.WHAT YOU WILL LEARN IN THIS COURSE:-What shadow work is.-The importance of healing and honoring your shadow.-Tools and exercises for shadow work.-Tools to help you as you embark on your healing journey.-Other FREE resources for your Spiritual Journey."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Master your Spirit Symbols" |
"Have you ever wondered if spirit was trying to communicate with you? Have you ever questioned synchronicities, your dreams, or repeating patterns in your life? The truth is, Spirit is ALWAYS trying to communicate with us, help us, and guide us - WE just don't know how they are communicating. This course will teach you how to understand the language of spirit and how to decipher their messages and symbols.WHAT THIS COURSE COVERS:The history of Symbolism and popular spiritual symbols and their meanings.Dreams and popular themes and the meanings behind them.Different colors and their spiritual meanings.Different ways spirit communicates with us (animals and nature, synchronicities, ect..)Different tools to strengthen your spiritual connection and symbol dictionary.Meet your spirit guide guided meditation20 exercises to strengthen your psychic centersBONUS LECTURE: Your psychic centers"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Astrology" |
"Astrology has been used for thousands of year to decipher and analyze the characteristics, personality traits, and past present and future events of ones life. This class will give you a very basic understanding of Astrology and how to understand and decipher a birth chart.WHAT THIS COURSE COVERS:*Introduction to Astrology*The 12 Major Signs of the Zodiac*The planets and there impact on onces life and traits*The 12 Zodiac HousesBONUS CONTENT:Zodiac House PDFPlanet Breakdown PDFResource for Online Birth ChartHow to figure out your birth number - VIDEO"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"The 12 Universal Laws Masterclass" |
"Have you ever wondered how some people seem to manifest the life of their dreams and others struggle to make ends meet and to stay positive? It is because one has understood the laws that govern our entire universe and use them to create a life beyond their wildest imagination.There is religious, politics, and belief systems that make our world a very diverse place to live. Yet, there are 12 abslute laws that every person in the solar system is obligated to live under. These are the 12 Universal Laws.This course will go through each of these 12 laws and bring a basic understanding of how they work in your life.THE UNIVERSAL LAWS THAT ARE COVERED IN THIS COURSE:The Law of Divine OnesnessThe Law of VibrationThe Law of ActionThe Law of CorrespondenceThe Law of Cause and EffectThe Law of CompensationThe Law of AttractionThe Law of Perpetual Transmutation of EnergyThe Law of RelativityThe Law of PolarityThe Law of RhythmThe Law of Gender"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Abundance Rituals Masterclass" |
"We all want more of the good stuff. Happiness, joy, love, wealth... But we sometimes find it hard to find the tools that will allow us to create more abundance in our everyday life. This course gives you seven daily rituals that will bring more abundance into your life as well as mindset tools, and other exercises to help transform your life.WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THE COURSE:-7 Daily Abundance Rituals-Different Mindset Tools-Exercises to cultivate more abundance and joy-NLP Inspired Exercises-Bonus Offers & Resources"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Biodecodificacin: Taller de Autoestima" |
"En este curso aprenders los motivos por los surge la baja autoestima y herramientas prcticas que te ayudaran en la vida, y podrs usarlas cuando las necesites. Adems de trabajos mensuales para completar un ao de sanacin y auto descubrimiento. Todo lo que aprendas en este curso debers aplicarlo siempre con todo el amor de tu ser sin juzgarte y as podrs lograr resultados increbles y positivos para tu vida diaria. Te esperamos para emprender juntos un camino de crecimiento emocional y una vida ms plena y feliz."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Miedo, Culpa y Perdn: 28 das para cambiar tu vida" |
"En este curso iniciars un viaje hacia tu interior para comprender y sanar tus miedos, aprenders cmo expresar y gestionar de manera positiva el sentimiento de culpabilidad, las ansias de perfeccionamiento desmedido y autocrtica, y encontrars el verdadero significado del perdn. El curso est diagramado en cuatro segmentos: El primero es el Miedo, el segundo la Culpa, el tercero el Perdn y el cuarto Afirmacin de lo aprendido. En cada uno de ellos encontrars videos explicativos, ejercicios diarios y meditaciones basadas en PNL y Un Curso de Milagros. Todo lo que aprendas en este curso te llevar a la felicidad, la paz interior y el autodescubrimiento. Te espero para emprender juntos un camino de crecimiento emocional y una vida feliz."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Claves para lograr la abundancia" |
"Tus hbitos de pensamiento son los creadores de tu realidad y ahora puedes cambiar tus mandatos de limitaciones econmicas y alcanzar la prosperidad para tu vida.Si has heredado de tus ancestros el programa que te hace creer que el dinero se consigue con sacrificio, que tu riqueza depende de un sueldo o un gobierno, que las personas que tienen dinero no son buenas o tienes la costumbre de quejarte por tu situacin econmica, tus programas mentales se basan en el miedo Y detrs de cada miedo hay una carencia. Las mentes altamente positivas atraen la abundancia y el xito."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Neuroanatomia Simulados" |
"Domine a Neuroanatomia a partir de exerccios cuidadosamente elaborados para garantir seu aprendizado. Voc ter acesso a centenas de questes, de diversos nveis de dificuldade e uma certeza: foco no seu sucesso! Neste simulado voc ir interagir com os principais conceitos abordados em Neuroanatomia, numa abordagem morfolgica e funcional. Ter excelente aplicabilidade em seu desenvolvimento profissional e um grande diferencial em conhecimentos especficos. Conhea melhor a Docente Daniele Pedrosa e descubra uma Rede de Aprendizagem em Neurocincias em nosso Youtube: Profa. Dani Pedrosa."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |