Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Melhorando a Iluminao de Fotos com o Photoshop" |
"Bem-vindo ao curso Melhorando a iluminao de suas fotos com o Photoshop. Com esse curso, voc aprender tcnicas simples e rpidas para melhorar a iluminao de suas fotos do dia-a-dia, alm de se familiarizar consideravelmente com o Adobe Photoshop.Esse curso totalmente voltado para as pessoas que no tm nenhum conhecimento do programa. Se voc no um fotgrafo profissional, mas que gostaria de conhecer um pouco mais do Photoshop e editar suas fotos do dia-a-dia usando um dos programas mais usados do planeta, esse curso ser ideal para voc.Eu me chamo Jamil e serei o seu instrutor. Eu tenho formao acadmica em docncia h mais de 20 anos e comecei a trabalhar com fotografia, vdeo e edio em 2012. Atualmente, continuo trabalhando na docncia, tambm como tradutor e intrprete de portugus, ingls, espanhol e francs e na rea de fotografia, vdeo e edio.Eu projetei esse curso para todas as pessoas que gostariam de conhecer o Photoshop. Se voc nunca usou o programa com medo ou pensando que ele muito complexo, ver que eu explico cada parte bem detalhadamente, para que voc, mesmo no sendo um fotgrafo profissional, seja capaz de entender o funcionando desse programa e aplic-lo na edio de suas fotos. Tenho certeza de que at o final do curso, voc ser capaz de ver o Photoshop com outros olhos e no pensar duas vezes em usar outro programa de edio.Voc ver como melhorar a iluminao de suas fotos usando as ferramentas mais simples, como tambm algumas mais complexas. Com isso, voc ser capaz de editar suas fotos bem rapidamente e como eu disse, ficar familiarizado com o programa. Vamos aprender um pouco sobre as tcnicas mais usadas na indstria da edio como Dodge and Burn, por exemplo. Voc ver que eu fao uso da terminologia usada pelos estdios profissionais para que voc possa ficar por dentro de como o jargo dessa rea. Alm de aprender correes de iluminao, voc ver aqui no curso, como criar raios de luz, feixes de luz, adicionar o tom do sol, criar um sol na foto, substituir o cu e muito mais. Voc aprender tudo o que precisa saber para corrigir ou melhorar a iluminao de suas fotos do dia-a-dia usando o Photoshop.Ento, o estudante ideal para esse curso aquele que no sabe nada do Photoshop, mas que gostaria de usar esse programa para corrigir ou melhorar a iluminao de suas fotos.Para terminar, convido-o a assistir as lies que esto abertas e quem sabe, se esse curso for para voc, ficarei muito feliz em t-lo aqui, como estudante. Venha fazer parte desse curso. Estou esperando por voc."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Build, Modify, Upload and Sell iMessage Sticker Packs!" |
"In this course we are going to build an iOS Sticker Pack and distribute it to the App Store. All the Images used in this course are free to use for commercial use! This means you can actually use these Emojis in your app and sell it as your own! If you can't wait to complete the course, you can find the completed Xcode project, plus the iTunes Connect screenshots, Promotions Texts and Vectors in the downloadable resources of lesson 15! The course also comes with a very handy LINK document. In this document you can find links to handy websites, such as App Icon creators, Screenshot creators, Free Emojis and much more! Enrol now and start working as an iOS developer and explore the world of iOS Sticker Packs! You will learn everything you need to know to become a Sticker Pack Developer. We are going to learn about Xcode, Apple developer accounts, iTunes Connect and we are going to learn how to test and publish your app to the App Store. I'm also showing you where you can find great commercial free Vectors for your new projects and I'm going to show you how you can sell your app to other developers. Enrol now and start making that passive income!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Build a customisable Sticker App for iOS + In App Purchase!" |
"In this course you will get a skeleton Xcode project, which we are going to use to create our own sticker pack app! With this skeleton project you can create unlimited new stickers pack apps who look every time different! Included in the course; 50 original Emojis which you may use for your first project, App Icons, multiple different app backgrounds and a Photoshop file for In App purchase app store Promotion material. I will show you how to tweak the background of the app, the font type, the in app purchases, how to add new images, how to change the Lock image and and how to set up you in app purchases in iTunes Connect. If you have an iPhone, please download the app youre going to make in the app store now! The app also has got a nice browse more app section. Which will show all your app in the app store! In this way you can.Have a Previous of the App we are going to make in the App Store. See the Link in lesson 1!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Your Money 101" |
"In this course you will learn the foundation of becoming a money master, including:Where all your money is going?How you can demolish your debtHow to understand your credit scoreIdeas to make more moneyIncreasing your savingsThe Financial Freedom Formula so you can be a money masterand how you can reframe your money mind!You will also get a money meditation and money mantras to help you develop and strengthen your money mind!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Electrocardiografa bsica: Bases tericas e interpretacin" |
"ste curso es ideal para estudiantes de diversas carreras relacionadas con ciencias de la salud, aqu podrs aprender sobre lo bsico de la electrocardiografa de una manera simple, adems tambin podrs ver los pasos a seguir para poder interpretar un electrocardiograma y saber cundo es un resultado normal o cundo est alterado, con ejercicios prcticos para que puedas visualizar no slo como medir la duracin de los intervalos, segmentos y ondas, sino que tambin logres aprender a calcular la frecuencia cardiaca mediante ste estudio , a sacar el eje elctrico y hasta a corregir el QT, de una forma didctica, sencilla y entretenida; no hace falta que tengas conocimientos previos de ste tema, aqu aprenders todo desde cero, y si ya tienes una base, tambin eres bienvenido porque te ayudar a repasar y as fijar bien todos tus conocimientos. Aprenderemos mucho juntos! Es un gusto que podamos estudiar en equipo sobre este importante e interesante tema."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Logo Tasarm Eitimi + Temel Illustrator Eitimi" |
"Profesyonel bir logo tasarmcs olmak istiyorsanz doru yerdesiniz. Trkiye'nin en kapsaml logo tasarm eitiminde, batan sona bir logonun geliim srecini birlikte inceleyeceiz. stelik Illustrator bilginizin olmasna ya da pahal bir izim tabletine ihtiyacmz yok. Eitim seti ierisindeki temel Illustrator derslerini takip ederek ksa srede eksikliklerinizi kapatabilir ve logo tasarm yapmaya balayabilirsiniz.Logo tasarm sektrne ilgi duyuyor ve bu sektrden para kazanmak istiyorsanz, bilmeniz gereken btn detaylar bu logo tasarm kursunda bulacaksnz.Bu kurs her ay yeni ierikler ile gncel tutulacaktr."
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"Le webmarketing pour les vidastes, ralisateurs & youtubers" |
"Accessible 100% en ligne, la formation promotion et distribution pour lesvidastes accompagne les crateurs de contenus vidos (ralisateurs,socitsde production professionnelles ou amateurs, cinastes indpendants, youtubers) se dvelopper sur le numrique grce au web-marketing.Trop peu de crateurs de contenus vidos ont compris lintrt du marketing digital. Soyez prcurseurs et rejoignez le mouvement des entrepreneurs vidastes qui profitent des opportunits offertes par la rvolution numrique pour sortir du lot."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Music Production Masterclass Dance and Pop Music" |
"In this course i will teach you the relevant things as a music producer. It will cover the important things you need to know about getting started and dont invest 20.000 Dollar in software you never will use. The music industry is like a wild jungle when you first step into where it might get difficult to find a path.The best comparison ive read was compare a music producer with a cook. As a cook you have to know every ingridient you want to put in your own meals, how it tastes and how you mix all different ingridients together. Then you can start cooking with the same recipe over and over and the result will always be the same, with the same amount of quality.I can give you a direction based on my experience in the industry where you can easily see results after taking this course. That means you are able to finish remixes in under one week with the right preparation. As a music producer you dont have to be a perfect piano player or making an MBA in songwriting or mixing.Its also not really productive if youre spending3 months on tweaking your drum tracks for one track or tweaking a sine wave in a synthiesizer for over a month. Producing Music or making music is limitless, but to begin with you have to set yourself into a box with some rules to see real results. I will not teach you every detail of a compressor or how a delay is working. This course features not the nerdy stuff, after this course you have the knowledge of the relevant things you need to know as a music producer to get things done quickly. In the music industry a typical timeframe for submitting a remix to a customer is between 2-4 weeks. For one remix you can charge between 500 to 5000 dollars, it depends how big the artist is.This course features the most important things like too get as loud as David Guetta, to get as fat drums as Timbaland and a sound which is as nearly as fat as BEYONC`s. Beyonc is working with 2000 to 3000 tracks per song.If you think why is Rihanna making one hit after another one, or David Guetta. Every track of them has a minimum of 10-20 people working together, one for songwriting, one for writing lyrics, one for writing melodies and so on. I remember Rihanna booked a villa for her recent album with 8 studio rooms and in every room were some songwriters and producers working on different tracks and she is jumping from room to room and told them what she wants.There are only a few tasks which you have to learn and implement in your music production workflow to get to the same quality level as typical TOP 10 radio chart tracks.You also get some insights how the music industry is working in terms of publishing and releasing your music and remixes. In terms of entertaining and social media, spotify plays, youtube plays you will also get some interesting links to save minimum 5.000 dollars on promotion.After this course your sound will minimum improve by 300 percent and maybe you soon get signed by a Major Label like Sony or Universal Music.I designed this course in a way that you can see results very quickly and most importantly having fun with producing music where you not have to watch 36 hours-72 hours of technical stuff which in the end nobody cares, except some nerds."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ingls Tcnico para Contadores: Vocabulario Esencial" |
"IMPORTANTE: EL CURSO TIENE UN NIVEL BSICO Y NO TIENE EL ORDEN DE UN DICCIONARIO. POR FAVOR NO LO TOMES SI ESTA DESCRIPCIN NO CUMPLE CON TUS EXPECTATIVAS.Este curso est diseado especialmente para Contadores Pblicos, Profesionales de la Contabilidad y Estudiantes de Contadura Pblica de habla hispana que deseen fortalecer su ingls tcnico.El curso te permitir a adquirir vocabulario tcnico-contable en ingls y te ayudar a superar la inseguridad en el uso de ese idioma. Aprenders 360 palabras con las cuales podrs: - Comprender contenidos contables en ingls, como instrucciones para reportes al exterior y estados financieros escritos en ese idioma.- Asegurar que tus informes contables contengan la terminologa correcta.- Darte bases para comunicarte con otros profesionales en ingls y desempear tu trabajo en contextos de habla inglesa.El ingls que enseamos en el curso americano y contiene explicaciones en espaol.La metodologa de enseanza tiene un enfoque grfico y consiste en construir una red de palabras mediante la asociacin entre ellas y su contexto. En cada seccin daremos explicaciones en espaol y en ingls americano.Adicionalmente, tendrs una presentacin adicional gratuita al final del curso con 9 Recomendaciones para escribir Informes a la Gerencia."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Professional Shopify Store Development Course (Updated)" |
"ANNOUNCEMENT: If you face any difficulty after purchasing the course, please put your question / query in FAQ section I will record dedicated video to sort out your problem immediately. If video will not resolve your issue then I will help you via Skype.In This Course of ""Complete Professional Shopify Store Development"", you will be able to start Building your E Commerce website in a couple of hours professionally. You can start FREELANCING using Shopify Store development. We will cover all of main topics for Shopify Store Development from start to end to allow you to get the professional knowledge in Shopify store development.Who this course is for:Anyone wants to learn Shopify Store development.Everybody Wants to earn around 6000$ monthly.Take this course if you want to start your own business.Take this course if you want to start FREELANCING and earn awesome amount of money.Take this course if you've decided shopify is the right ecommerce website platform for you"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Scratch mBot Arduino ile Robotik Kodlama" |
"Merhaba arkadalar Bu eitim temelden balayacak olanlar iin tasarlanmtr. Eitimin her detay ince ince dnlm olup rnek projeler ile zenginletirilmitir. Eitimdeki ierikler Arduino, Scratch, MakeBlock mBot robot kullanlarak oluturulmutur. zellikle Scratch rnekleri, retmenlere ders ierii oluturmada yararl olaca dnlerek tasarlanmtr. Eitimin esas amac; kodlarn iinde kaybolmadan blok mantyla da robotik almalarn yaplabileceini gstermektir.Eitim temelde 7 blmden olumaktadr. lk blmde programlama ve algoritma hakknda teorik bilgilerin yan sra, algoritma retiminde hangi web sitelerinin kullanlabilecei de ksaca aklanmaktadr. kinci blmde Scratch yazlmnn ierii incelenirken, nc blmde ise animasyon, izim, oyun, interaktif, matematik ve mzik kategorilerinde proje almalar anlatlmaktadr. Drdnc blmde MakeBlock firmasnn mBot robotu ile robotik almalara balanrken, bir sonraki blmde mBot nasl kodlanr, mBot ile neler yaplabilir incelenmektedir. Eitimin altnc blmnde Arduino ve Temel Elektronik Bilgisi anlatlm olup, son blmde ise temel Arduino projelerine yer verilmektedir. Ayrca Arduino programlamas yaplrken blok tabanl kodlama almalarna yer verilmitir. Eitim 10 ya zeri her birey iin uygundur. Bu eitimin sonunda orta seviyede ""robotik ve kodlama"" etkinliklerini renmi olacaksnz."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Vegas Movie Studio Vegas Pro - Beginner Tutorial" |
"MAGIX Vegas Movie Studio and Vegas Pro are among the most powerful, most cost effective and most user-friendly video production software available on the market. This entry level course will teach you all the essential skills for using Movie Studio or Vegas Pro effectively. After completing the course, you will have the knowledge to effortlessly navigate the software and create great video productions with ease."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"O Poder da comunicao para profissionais de TI" |
"Este curso visa elevar o patamar intelectual do profissional da Tecnologia da Informao ""TI"", com uma fluente comunicao e oratria, dinamizando e universalizando de forma mais direta a comunicao e simplificando o entendimento e a compreenso entre os setores da empresa e o pblico externo, clientes, fornecedores e prestadores de servio. Como tambm, ""Tornar-se Interessante, Persuasivo e Influente para conquistar pessoas, alcanar alta performance profissional com status de liderana e referncia dentro e fora da rea de trabalho!."""
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Guitar Solo Masterclass - Core Patterns" |
"Discover how to take your guitar solos to the next level by learning the core patterns that every single guitar solo is based on.In this course you will learn how to create amazing guitar solos on the spot simply by knowing how to use a few simple patterns. When Iwent to school for music, Ilearned how scales and chords are put together. However, Iquickly discovered that even though Iknew how things worked, it didn't mean that Icould practically apply it. Sometimes the song would just fly by too quickly for me to have any time to think things through. Ithought that there had to another way of doing things. How could some great players play these amazingly complex solos while Iwas stuck?Iknew that there had to be a way of taking all this complex information and simplify it. After many years of hard and frustrating work, Ifigured it out. Every single one of my favorite players, be it Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, or Wes Montgomery, all have developed a few simple patterns that they use repeatedly. In the Guitar Solo Masterclass - Core Patterns, Ishow you the patterns that Iuse every day in my playing. The patterns are simple, but the combinations are endless!So let's take your playing to the next level!- Jonathan"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Por que, como estudar a bblia, por onde comear essa uma pergunta que todos nos ouvimos as pessoas falarem mais fique tranquilo(a) pois no se trata de uma questo difcil de entender.COMO ESTUDAR A BBLIA um estudo bblico sobre de como estudar a bblia por assunto e por isso criamos as Introduo aos Livros da Bblia, que feito para ajud-lo a fortalecer seu entendimento do evangelho de Jesus Cristo e aplicar seus ensinamentos em sua vida diria por meio do estudo das escrituras sagradas. Para seu estudo neste curso, primeiramente voc vai aprender como estudar a bblia com eficincia, como estudar a bblia de forma correta, como estudar e compreender a bblia ,como estudar a bblia de aplicao pessoal e Ver as videoaulas e completar as designaes de leitura dos textos das escrituras sagradas e depois completar as lies individuais.Esse curso de como estudar a bblia foi feito para iniciantes, e com certeza voc vai aprender como estudar a bblia sozinho,vai aprender como estudar a bblia em grupo, como estudar a bblia e aprender, como estudar a bblia e entender,como estudar a bblia com o namorado, como estudar a bblia em casal, como estudar a bblia passo a passo, e no vai mais se preocupar com as perguntas que todo mundo faz de como estudar a bblia para pregar,porque devemos estudar a bblia e porque importante estudar a bblia..As respostas dessas perguntas esto nesse curso, ento no perca tempo e matricule-se e saiba como estudar a bblia."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Building a Business" |
"This course will give you knowledge on Starting a Business from the Idea to Building Business Relationships. This knowledge is the beginning of the Business Building process. In another course you will be able to extend this knowledge to further your Boss skills! You will need to use other strategies to be successful in the Business Ownership. So stay tuned and don't allow procrastination or being too busy stand in your way of becoming Financially Independent.Once completed you will receive a FREE 60 minute consultation with me."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda testes integrados com Selenium em C#" |
"Neste curso vamos criar do zero um projeto em c# (visual code) usando selenium para testar um web application, vamos aprender tambm boas prticas e um pouco sobre o conceito de SOLID.Curso 90% pratico e 10% terico, isso por que vamos fazer juntos um projeto de testes automatizados (xunit), passo a passo, do inicio ao fim.O Curso est leve e com bastante contedo, sempre direto ao ponto maximizando o aprendizado"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Certified Retail Salesman Training Program" |
": . : 1. . 2. .3. .4. .5. (Upselling/Cross-selling)6. .7. . :1- .2- ( ).3- .4- .5- ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Winning Customers Loyalty -" |
": ( )"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Practical Introduction to Machine Learning with Python" |
"LinkedIn released it's annual ""Emerging Jobs"" list, which ranks the fastest growing job categories. The top role is Artificial Intelligence Specialist, which is any role related to machine learning. Hiring for this role has grown 74% in the past few years!Machine learning is the technology behind self driving cars, smart speakers, recommendations, and sophisticated predictions. Machine learning is an exciting and rapidly growing field full of opportunities. In fact, most organizations can not find enough AI and ML talent today.If you want to learn what machine learning is and how it works, then this course is for you. This course is targeted at a broad audience at an introductory level. By the end of this course you will understand the benefits of machine learning, how it works, and what you need to do next. If you are a software developer interested in developing machine learning models from the ground up, then my second course, Practical Machine Learning by Example in Python might be a better fit.There are a number of machine learning examples demonstrated throughout the course. Code examples are available on github. You can run each examples using Google Colab. Colab is a free, cloud-based machine learning and data science platform that includes GPU support to reduce model training time. All you need is a modern web browser, there's no software installation is required! July 2019 course updates include lectures and examples of self-supervised learning. Self-supervised learning is an exciting technique where machines learn from data without the need for expensive human labels. It works by predicting what happens next or what's missing in a data set. Self-supervised learning is partly inspired by early childhood learning and yields impressive results. You will have an opportunity to experiment with self-supervised learning to fully understand how it works and the problems it can solve.August 2019 course updates include a step by step demo of how to load data into Google Colab using two different methods. Google Colab is a powerful machine learning environment with free GPU support. You can load your own data into Colab for training and testing.March 2020 course updates migrate all examples to Google Colab and Tensorflow 2. Tensorflow 2 is one of the most popular machine learning frameworks used today. No software installation is required.April/May 2020 course updates streamline content, include Jupyter notebook lectures and assignment. Jupyter notebook is the preferred environment for machine learning development."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
learn_english_with_manga |
Price: 7800.00 ![]() |
"Kindernotfallkurs (Erste-Hilfe am Baby & Kleinkind)" |
"In unserem Video-Kindernotfallkurs zeigen wir dir wie du lebensbedrohliche Notflle beim Baby und Kleinkind schnell erkennst und was im Fall der Flle zu tun ist. Dabei konzentrieren wir uns auf das was wirklich ist. Nicht mehr und nicht weniger.Der Online-Kurs beinhaltet im Gegensatz zum Prsenzkurs mehr Themen. Auerdem kannst du den Videokurs jederzeit Online starten, unterbrechen und fortsetzen. Das Ganze einfach und bequem von jedem internetfhigen Gert aus.brigens: Viele Krankenkassen bernehmen die Kosten fr die Teilnahme an unserem Online-Kindernotfallkurs und belohnen die Teilnahme mit Prmienpunkten.### Sichere dir jetzt einen Rabatt in Hhe von 10 mit dem Gutscheincode ""NOTFALLABC"" ###InhalteEinfache theoretische Grundlagen und praktische bungen zum Mitmachen schenken dir die Sicherheit im Fall der Flle schnell und richtig handeln zu knnen. Die Themen des Kurses sind speziell auf die Besonderheiten im Kindesalter ausgerichtet:Unfall- und NotfallprventionWiederbelebungErstickungsanfallFieberkrampfPseudokruppVerbrennungen & VerbrhungenVergiftungenStrze und VerletzungenGehirnerschtterungAllergische ReaktionenSonnenstich & HitzschlagErtrinkungsnotfallHerzstck des Kurses ist unser Notfall-ABC-Konzept:Diese Vorgehensweise kann in kindlichen Notfllen jeder Art angewandt werden. Egal ob ein Kind einen Gegenstand verschluckt hat, einen Fieberkrampf erleidet oder schwer gestrzt ist: Dank dieses einfachen Konzeptes weit du in Zukunft in jedem Fall wie du lebensgefhrliche Situationen schnell erkennst und was dann zu tun ist.Selbstverstndlich kannst du uns jederzeit ber ein virtuelles Forum individuelle Fragen stellen. Einer unserer Notfallprofis wird dir so schnell wie mglich antworten.ZielgruppeDieser Kurs ist geeignet fr Eltern und Groeltern, aber auch fr Au-Pair, Babysitter und alle die beruflich oder privat mit Suglingen und Kleinkindern zu tun haben.Bitte beachte, dass dieses Kursformat nicht als offizieller Erste-Hilfe-Kurs nach den Vorgaben der Berufsgenossenschaften und Unfallkassen anerkannt wird.Dozenten & TrainerAlle unsere Dozentinnen und Dozenten sind examinierte Rettungs- oder Intensivpflegefachkrfte oder Hebammen mit mehrjhriger Berufserfahrung und zustzlicher pdagogischer Ausbildung. Vor allem aber sind wir nett und sympathisch :)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"6 Secrete pentru o Dictie Remarcabila" |
"Daca lucrezi in vanzari, PR sau vorbesti in public acest curs este pentru tine.Vei invata:- cum sa vorbesti mai clar- cum sa transmiti mesajul dorit astfel incat sa te faci inteles- cum sa fii relaxat in timpul discursului, prezentarii- cum sa dai dovada de profesionalism in activitatea ta prin cateva trucuri usor de pus in practica"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction of Clinical Research for freshers" |
"Basics of clinical research. Learn from the start. All you want to know about clinical research basic. We have divided modules in 7 parts plus a video on drug discovery and development. These module will help you understand various aspects of clinical research. Our course include introduction to clinical research, glossary in 2 parts, ethics committee, regulatory, GCP, Data Privacy and Protection, GDPR. Our course design will provide you detail information about clinical research with highly interactive videos. Please use headphone to have better audio quality."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Estadstica descriptiva e inferencial con R" |
"En este curso aprenders desde cero todos los conceptos ms importantes de Estadstica Descriptiva e Inferencial y a usar R para poder aplicarlos y trabajar con estadsticos de forma mucho ms rpida. Tras esto, lograreis obtener unos resultados del anlisis de datos fiables y visuales de vuestras investigaciones.En este curso trabajaremos con R y la interfaz de Rstudio. R es un software libre y gratis y es el lenguaje de programacin ms utilizado por estadsticos, analistas, cientficos, tanto a nivel acadmico como empresarial.Este curso lo podrs seguir aunque trabajes en un PC o en un MAC, ya que RStudio est disponible para ambos.El curso est dividido en varias partes tericas de Estadstica(incluyendo ejemplos para todos los conceptos) y sus respectivas partes prcticas con R dnde aplicaremos los conocimientos y mtodos para analizar datos. En el curso, comenzaremos con lo sencillo, haciendo una introduccin tanto a la estadstica como a R. De tal modo que podris entender los mtodos estadsticos, en que ramas se divide la estadstica y los conceptos base. Adems, os mostrar como aprender a utilizar R desde su instalacin y los pasos ms bsicos que debemos saber para poder manejar esta programacin de forma rpida y sencilla. A continuacin veremos un gran bloque de Estadstica Descriptiva y como poder aplicarla en R, tanto para la obtencin de medidas que resuman nuestros datos como para representaciones grficas.Trabajaremos algo en la parte de distribuciones de Probabilidad ms frecuentes. Y acabaremos con Estadstica Inferencial aplicando algunos ejemplos en R, centrndonos en la estimacin de parmetros para poblaciones a partir de una muestra de datos, de manera puntual como en intervalos de confianza, y realizaremos el planteamiento y anlisis de algunos contrastes de hiptesis.Actualmente, la manipulacin de datos y los procedimientos de anlisis estn presentes en la mayora de nuestros estudios y trabajos por lo que es fundamental adquirir conceptos y una destreza de este manejo mediante programas informticos."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Animate for beginners" |
"For professional web designers, mastering this program is a must. Because it is by far the one with the greatest potential. Previously there was the Flash hype, today there is Animate with HTML5 Canvas. By the way, you can get a free trial version form Adobe website for learning.I have been a successful user for many years and convey my know-how in a highly practical way. I've designed the course the way I would have liked it myself as a beginner. Focused on the important, providing an overall view of the many functions, peppered with many practical tips and understandable explanations. This will give you the ""driving license"" for Animate in a few hours.Except in one chapter that systematically goes through the menu items (that must be), everything is explained by concrete applications.There is no other designer software that allows you to create web content as freely, creatively and interactively. It is compatible with the new, even mobile, web standards.Be at the forefront when the current, boring web standards are enhanced by HTML5 animation and interaction. Animate HTML5 files can of course also be integrated into WordPress-Templates and spice up them so much. Animation, interaction, quizzes, configurators, only your imagination sets the limit.It's about creating graphics, icons, timeline, tweens, bones, masks, scripts, and more."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"C# ile Web Kazma (Web Scraping & Web Crawling), Fiddler" |
"--- BULUNDUUNUZ AY ADI ve YILI YAZARAK O AYIN KUPONUNU UYGULAYABLRSNZ. RNEK KULLANIM: TEMMUZ2020, AGUSTOS2020, EYLUL2020 --- Veri madenciliinin en nemli gerelerinden biri olan scraping ve crawling gn getike daha da yaygn hale gelmektedir. zellikle yapay zeka ile btnleeceini/btnletiini dnrsek crawler uygulamalarna olan ilgi gzle grlr seviyelere gelmi durumda. Crawler kavramn bir basamak daha rneklendirecek olursak; Kasko ve zel salk sigortas hizmeti veren bir brokerlik dnn. Bir ara kaskosu iin yaklak 15 ile 20 arasnda sigorta paneline girerek mterinizden aldnz (TC Kimlik, ara plaka ve ruhsat bilgileri, tarihler, aracn hangi segmentte ve trafikte hangi kategoride olduu bilgileri, renk bilgisi v.s.) parametrelerle formlar doldurup bir cret kartarak mterinize bu teklifleri sunuyorsunuz. Tek bir mteri iin bir personelin harcayaca sre en az 30 dakika olacaktr. Oysa bu 15 sigorta panelini crawl ettiinizde uygulamann bir mteri iin oluturaca 15 teklifin sresi 1 dakikadan daha az srecektir. Baka bir rnekte ise; elinizde 1000 tane website listesi olduunu varsayn. Bu website ierisinde aradnz bir kelime veya cmlenin hatta bir paragrafn analizini yapabilecek ve elde edilen bu veriyi eitli ihtiyalarnzda kullanabileceksiniz. Crawl ile alveri sitelerinde elde edilen verilere gre siyah beyaz oduncu gmleinin yln hangi mevsiminde, mevsimin hangi aynda sat rekoru krd analizini yapabileceksiniz. Ksaca hayatn her kesinde iinize yarayacak bu sistemi renmek iin vakit kaybetmeden kursa abone olmay unutmayn. Kurs boyunca sorularnz en erken ekilde yantlanacak, gerektii yerde danmanlk hizmeti verilecektir. Yorumlarnz ve mesajlarnz sabrszlkla bekliyor olacam. :-)"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Wake Up, Mum: Effective Tools For a Happy Life" |
"Hello, I'm Nika! I am a wife and a mother of two children. This course is not for your children. This is for you, mums!Are you tired or even exhausted? Do you feel that your days are same and every day is just like the day before? If your answer is yes, I invite you to my course!At the beginning of my motherhood, I tried to be a perfect mum, but after some time I felt so tired, I did not have energy to do anything. It was difficult time for me.But one day I stopped myself, because I wanted to be relaxed and happy woman, and mum again. And I did it! Today I enjoy time with my children, I feel happy.Do you know where your happiness is? It is inside you and I will help you to wake it up again.The course consists of eight sections, where I'm sharing my techniques, that I'm using for relaxation. My goal is to help mums. I want more and more women enjoy their life and to move focus from negative to positive."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dchiffrez le bilan comptable comme un as de la comptabilit" |
"Le but de ce cours est de vous permettre de dcrypter le bilan et le compte de rsultat des entreprises avec le mme regard que celui qu'y porte un financier de mtier.L'analyse financire des entreprises et la comptabilit gnrale sont standardiss pour permettre la comparaison des entreprises entre-elles.Ainsi, quand vous aurez appris interprter les tats financiers d'une entreprise, (peut-tre la vtre ?), vous pourrez reproduire votre analyse critique en interprtant les synthse de comptabilit de n'importe quelle entreprise.Les enjeux :faire une critique objective des risques et opportunits que prsentent la situation d'une entreprisecontribuer plus efficacement aux changes avec des professionnels tels votre banquier ou l'expert-comptabledensifier votre culture conomique : le mcanisme conomique dont les tats financiers sont la synthse sont universels.Notre promesse : vous mettre l'aise avec le jargon et dmystifier les principes de comptabilit.Ceux-ci sont affaire de simple logique et donc accessibles aussi aux ""non-financiers"".Bonus : explication de la faillite de la banque Lehman Brothers, des bulles financires et des subprime, suivi d'une vido explicative des enseignements tirer de cette crise conomique, afin de ne pas soi-mme dpendre de fonds pourris.Bonne progression."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Der kreative Mensch" |
"Jeder Mensch ist ein Knstler, bedeutet nicht, dass jeder ein Picasso oder Mozart ist. Es bedeutet und das glauben wir zutiefst, dass jeder Mensch den Hunger und die Sehnsucht nach dem eigenen Ausdruck in sich trgt.Kunst kommt nicht von Knnen, sondern vielmehr von Wollen, und Drfen. Wenn Sie also bereit sind, zu wollen und zu drfen, um eben selbst abzurufen, was in Ihnen an kreativen Mglichkeiten steckt, dann sind sie hier genau richtig.Wirtschaft trifft Kunst, eine Symbiose fr die nun die Zeit gekommen ist. Jeder kann vom Anderen lernen, davon sind wir berzeugt.Programm:Wir mchten Sie ermutigen und begleiten, die Kraft selbst zu schpfen und selbst rauszulassen, was in Ihnen schlummert.In einer Onlinebegleitung werden wir Werner Sattlegger (Grnder Art of Life) und Oliver Welter (Mastermind von Naked Lunch) Ihnen in 8 Modulen bisher noch unbekannte, sehr praktische Zugnge zur Kreativitt und dessen Phnomene erschlieen.Wir haben fr Sie kein Allheilmittel oder magische Geheimrezepte, weil es die unserer Meinung nach gar nicht gibt. Aber wir haben was anderes: viel praktische Erfahrung ber Flow, Scheitern und Blockaden, ber die Glckseligkeit schpferischen Ausdrucks und eine lebendige Freude, uns darber auszutauschen.Mittels verschiedener bungen und Zugnge werden wir Sie dahingehend anleiten. Und wir werden Sie fordern. Fordern zu tun, worin Sie vielleicht noch nicht gebt sind, fordern verschlossene Tren aufzustoen.Am Ende der Reise nmlich, wenn sich verschlossene Tren geffnet haben und das eigene kreative Potenzial zu Tage gekommen ist, dann werden wir belohnt werden mit Lust, Freude und einem Hochgefhl, das nur Kreativitt im Stande ist in uns zu entfachen. Mehr geht nicht!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Meu Aplicativo de Sucesso" |
"SAIBA COMO TRANSFORMAR SUA IDEIA DE APP EM UM NEGCIO DE SUCESSO!O treinamento meu aplicativo de sucesso um guia para transformar seus apps em empresas bem-sucedidas.Neste treinamento, apresento o caminho das pedras para voc faturar com o seu negcio de apps. No importa se voc um novato total neste mercado ou um desenvolvedor experiente, voc aprender a criar um negcio que lhe permita levar o estilo de vida que voc quer, enquanto sua conta bancria aumenta ano aps ano.Nele voc aprender:- Selecionar a melhor ideia para o seu app, levando em considerao as caractersticas dos aplicativos de sucesso e as tendncias mobile- Como conseguir os recursos financeiros para bancar os custos do desenvolvimento e como montar uma equipe capaz de construir o aplicativo- Montar um estratgia de marketing que traga resultados para o seu aplicativo- Avaliar a performance do seu aplicativo e a implementar mudanas que faam os downloads crescerem- E por fim voc aprender como gerar receita com seu aplicativo implementando as estratgias que melhor se encaixem ao seu app e ao seu pblico.Este um momento na histria em que a tecnologia nos deu as ferramentas para viver como ns queremos. Tudo o que voc precisa o desejo e o plano certo. No importa o seu histrico, sexo, raa, educao ou situao, voc pode construir um imprio de aplicativos enquanto est vivendo a vida que merece.Voc no tem que esperar at sabe l quando para realizar seus sonhos. Voc pode comear hoje."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |