Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Die Motivations-Formel" |
"Hast Du oft das Gefhl, Du hast dieses Projekt oder die Aufgabe, fr die Du brennst Du kannst Dich nur einfach nicht aufraffen?Du hast in Deinem Job, der Schule oder derUnischon Momentum aufgebaut, mchtest gerne mehr machen, aber schlagartig fehlt Dir die Motivation?Deine Batterien sind aufgebraucht. Egal was Du Dir vornimmst, Du kannst einfach nicht anfangen?Gerade heutzutage wird es immer schwieriger, langfristig die Motivation fr etwas aufrecht zu erhalten.Ein Blick aufs Smartphone, die Bestellung wird abgeschickt und am nchsten Tag kommt die Lieferung. Wie viel Geld es kostet ist dabeiegal, da wir eh kein Bargeld mehr nutzen.Serien schaut man mittlerweileauf einen Schlag. Das Ganze hat eine Schatten-Seite: Wir haben keinerlei Geduld mehr undMotivation fr langfristige Ziele ist quasi unmglich. Die Menschen leiden an Burn-Out, ihr Motivations-Tank ist aufgebraucht, sie hassen ihren Job und schleppen sich trotzdem zur Arbeit bis sie umkippen. Konzentration und Fokus auf die Sachen, die wir wirklich wollen, ist Geschichte, sobald unser Smartphone blinkt. Das Gefhl, nichts auf die Reihe zu bekommen wchst in uns.In diesem Kurs beschftigen wir uns damit, warum der Unterschied zwischen Motivation und Inspiration so wichtig ist und wieso wir uns so festgefahren fhlen.Dieser Kurs beinhaltet viele praxisnahe bungen, die wir zusammen durchfhren. Es handelt sich nicht einfach um einen normalen On-Demand Videokurs.Zu jeder Lektion bekommst Du PDF-Dateien, die Du zur Bearbeitung der bungen bentigst. Am Ende hast Du ein ganzesWorkbook bearbeitet.Entfache noch heute ungeahnte Motivation!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"How to Create a WordPress Website - 2018" |
"DO YOU WANT LEARN WORDPRESS FROM SCRATCH?Make Your Own Professional Website Easily?Using theMost Popular CMS in theWorld?! Used by millions of users and famous websites!!JOIN THIS COURSE AND CREATE YOUR OWNINCREDIBLEONLINE WEBSITE WITHWORDPRESS!Learn How To MakeA Website Using WordPress...A Step by Step Tutorial for Beginners!Why Take This Course?Learn To Create A WordPress Website in Less Than 2HoursThe Website Will Be Fully Responsive (Mobile Friendly)I have got 3+ Years experience of working with WordPressIalwaysrespond to my students questions!I Will Share A Coupon Which Gets Your First Month Hosting For 1 Penny!Learn To Create A Logo For Free!Using Most Up To Date Version of WordPressAll Lectures Are DownloadableThere are a total of 20Lectures. This seems like very little time, but believe me when I say that its MORE than enough time to create a website using WordPress!!Don't worry if all you have you used your computer for so far is sending and receiving emails... by following this course I can almostguaranteethat you will be able to create a website using WordPress.So go ahead and enroll today and let's make a WordPress Website together.What are the requirements?If you can use your computer to send an email... you will easily be able to create a website with WordPress!Create a fully functional and PHENOMENALlooking website using WordPress and leave with the skills to add more content and change the content you have already added.Contact me if they have any questions about creating their new WordPress website!;)What is the target audience?This course is NOT for people who want to learn HTML or CSS codingThis course is for people who want to create a fully functional website within an hour or twoThis course is for people looking to learn the basics of WordPressThis course is for small business ownersThis course is for online marketersThis course is for studentsThis course is for affiliate marketersThis course is for almost ANYONE!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Power Productivity - Unlock your inner productivity WARRIOR!" |
"This productivity course will reveal your hidden productivity potential. Unveiling your unique attributes and harnessing them to unlock your Productivity Warrior! You will learn what works for you and what works against you.How to combat potential blocks to your productivity and the hacks you need to free up your time for what truly matters.Become a Productivity Warrior, unlock your potential and achieve your goals!Everyone suffers with productivity challenges at some point. Whether its in your professional career or another aspect of your life, having the right mindset and tools to hand can help you power through barriers to achieve success. If you want to make the most out of your potential, our productivity course is a must, turning you into a true productivity warrior.The accelerated learning course is designed for the individual that has big dreams. Our course promises to support your ambitious, creative nature by exploring how productive you are now and how to work smarter. With an approach that considers you as a person, we deliver real results that have a positive influence on every aspect of your life.The aim of the Power Productivity course is to unlock and unleash your potential.How do we do this? We offer you practical and honest advice that you can actually act on. After completing the course, youll feel motivated and inspired, putting you in the right frame of mind to both plan and execute the steps you need to reach your goals. Our pragmatic approach to boosting your productivity unlocks your abilities and capabilities, placing the power in your hands.Throughout the course, youll take a comprehensive look at your productivity. Youll be able to objectively assess what stops your focus and the areas that are holding you back. With a clear picture of your productivity obstacles, youll gain a better insight into how to overcome them. Armed with the knowledge of how to leverage key tips and tricks to get the most out of every situation, your productivity will soar. Our goal is to help you improve productivity, allowing you to complete tasks efficiently and to high standards, with minimal procrastinating. From mastering new skills to staying on top of busy work schedules, the productivity course helps you make better use of your time.Caroline Ellis is an experienced, inspiring and personableinstructor. Her passion is to inspire people to break boundaries and become their best self they can be. You will enjoy her unique style and fun approach to inspire you into action.Productivity Power is split into nine bitesize lessons, allowing you to progress through the course at a pace that suits you. Whether you want to take it one step at a time or complete it at an accelerated learning pace, youre in control. With over 45 minutes of original, invaluable content to tap into, its a course that can transform how you approach everything from routine tasks you complete daily to challenges that you need to rapidly overcome.With the right productivity hacks, youll notice real results to how you approach tasks. You can achieve your goals you just need the right tools for the job!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
React+Redux |
WebReactReduxReactReactReactReduxWebWebWebWebReactReduxTodoReact + Redux
Price: 7200.00 ![]() |
"The Secret of a Successful Strategy" |
"Bring them all, your dreams and plans, you current strategies and all things in between!This course will help you make anyone of your many dreams become reality!In 30 minutes you will have the tools needed to change the rest of your life, and help others change theirs.If you are a manager, a planner, executive at a company, a business owner or any type of entrepreneur. This is an investment into a way of making Strategies that you have designed yourself on a professional level, to enrish every aspect of your life that you apply this to.I do recommend taking my free course: Plannig for Beginners as it describes a lot of the terms and helps you understand what I am talking about. Its all up to you, but it will complete the experience and make you all the wiser."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Laravel 8: E-Commerce Shop Website with PayPal System" |
"You'll learn how to code your own E-commerceweb application using the most powerful and user-friendly framework available to web developers, Laravel.By the end of the course, you'll also be able to build and add powerful features to your web appsincluding PayPal Payment SystemIf you have basic knowledge of Laravel and you want to go to the next level - this course is definitely for you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ruby on Rails: Twitter Clone" |
"You'll learn how to code your own twitteeerweb application using the most powerful and user-friendly framework available to web developers, Ruby on Rails.We will use next Frameworks systems and libraries:Ruby on RailsHeroku service to deploy our applicationWhat are the requirements?Basic understanding of the Ruby on Rails frameworkBasic knowledge of HTML/CSSHave a Ruby on Rails setup on your systemWhat am I going to get from this course?Build custom Ruby on Rails video subscription applicationUse Bootstrap 4 for your Rails appDeploy to HerokuInstalling DeviseAdding Users with DeviseExploring Our New Devise FunctionalityCreating a User DashboardSign Up andSign In LinksCustomize Devise RoutesRedesigning the Sign and Sign Up PagesPushing Our Code to HerokuCreating a ScaffoldResources in RailsExploring Tweet ViewsAssociating Tweets and UsersCreating Tweets Through Current UserForcing People to Log InReplicating Twitter StylingAdd Gravatar Image"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Jobboard: Ruby on Rails with Stripe System" |
"You'll learn how to code your own jobboardweb application using the most powerful and user-friendly framework available to web developers, Ruby on Rails.What are the requirements?Basic understanding of the Ruby on Rails frameworkBasic knowledge of HTML/CSSHave a Ruby on Rails setup on your systemWhat am I going to get from this course?Build custom Ruby on Rails Jobboard application with latest Stripe PaymentIntegrate latest Stripe javascript formUse Bootstrap 4.1 for your Rails appInstalling DeviseAdding Users with DeviseExploring Our New Devise FunctionalityCreating a User DashboardSign Up andSign In LinksCustomize Devise RoutesRedesigning the Sign and Sign Up PagesCreating a ScaffoldResources in RailsExploring JobsViewsAssociating JobsandUsersPost jobs with integrated Stripe PaymentThrough Current UserForcing People to Log InDesign Navigation bar and javascript"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Master Of Metal Series" |
"This course will provide you with a mastery of modern metal guitartechnique.Five killer metal etudes will serve as the vehicle to accomplish this goal.Down picking, palm muting, power chords andalternate picking are just a few of the topics covered inside the course.Theetudes containunique musical elements to embellish the metal sound. Among them, pedal tones, melody and modal modulations.An in depth music theory analysis will accompany each etude.Use the backing tracks and tablature provided in the course materials for the best results. Get ready to become a metal guitar god!!DescriptionWhat Is The Master Of Metal Series?The Master Of Metal Series is the ultimate comprehensive guide to metal guitar.Why should you listen to me?Because I said so! Just kidding ;)I've been teaching all styles of guitar for 12 years. I received a degree in music theory and composition from Azusa Pacific University in 2006. Check out my YouTube channel to see examples of my playing and teaching style.What does this coursemean for me?It means good things for you. Unlimited chicks and guitar chops.Upon completion of this course, you'll become a master of modern metal techniques!Is this course better than free YouTube lessons?Yes. For two reasons. Firstly, the information is provided in the proper sequence. This expedites the learning process. As opposed to finding bits and pieces of random information across endless YouTube viewing sessions. It's also very in-depth and comprehensive.Secondly, feedback and interaction with the instructor. Getting feedback on your playing is really invaluable. You often don't know you'redoing something wrong until someone points it out.I like what I'm hearing, how can I learn more?Check out the course description and promotional video to get a feel for what you can expect from this series. I'm looking forward to seeing your awesome new metal chops!Course MaterialsEach installment of the Master Of Metal Seriescontains the etude tablaturepdf and the respectivebacking track mp3.Who is the target audience?Those who want to learn how to play metal guitarThose who want to develop speed and accuracyThose who want to learn about music theoryThose wanting to become better musiciansThose who want to learn specific metal guitar techniques"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Modal Mayhem" |
"What Is The Modal MayhemSeries?Modal Mayhem provides the most comprehensive modal pedagogy in existence. It's designed to unlock the truepower of the sevenmodes in your playing. This is accomplished with my 3 keys.1. Scales2. Chords3. LicksWe'll use the 3 note per string scale system for maximum speed and efficiency. For chords, I've devised 2 and 3 chord progressionsthat encapsulate the sound of each mode. This is the most important part. You won't find these chord formulas anywhere else. Finally, I've constructed shred licks for each mode, targeting their modal tendency tones. We'll execute these licks using sweep picking, alternate picking, legato and finger tapping.What does this coursemean for me?Internalize the material in this course and I guarantee you'll turn into an epic modal bad ass! The clarity and insight provided in this course will put you on the fast track to modal mastery. Finally, you'll gain a powerful command of the 7 Diatonic Modes.It means you'll be able to draw on the vast emotional reserves of each mode at a moments notice. While improvising, jamming with others, or impressing the babes!Bonus FeaturesFor the more advanced student of music theory, I've provided two bonus features.1. Harmonizing2. Ultimate Chord WorkoutWe'll harmonize twinkle twinkle little star using each mode. This provides context and real life application for the unique modal character of each mode. The Ultimate Chord Workout, is a fretboard chord inversion exercise. Utilizing every set of strings and 30 plus chord voicings across the neck.Course MaterialsInside the course materials you'll findthe following tabsand mp3's for eachmode.1. 3 Note Per String Scales2. Primary Chords3. Licks4. Twinkle Twinkle Harmonizations5. Ultimate Chord Workouts6. Backing Tracks For Each ModeTake This Course If You Want ToLearn the 7 diatonic modes of the major scaleLearn the chord progressions associated with each modeLearn sweep picking, alternate picking and finger tapping licksLearn modal music theoryLearn chord inversions across the fretboard"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"MVC : Crer des sites web PHP performants et organiss !" |
"Si vous tes dbutant en PHP et que vous souhaitez amliorer vos comptences ainsi qu'avoir une meilleure progression, alorsce cours est fait pour vous !Dans cette formation, nous allons voir ensemble la cration (dans son intgralit) d'une structure MVC*pour en comprendre son fonctionnement et toutes ses possibilits.Ce type d'organisation de sites web permet de diviser clairement tous les composants qui le compose, ainsi que de le modifier trs facilement.Nous allons aller encore plus loin car nousvous proposonsde dcouvrirdes astuces de productivit en dveloppement trs utiles (SASS, autoloading de classes, url rewriting, ...).En plus de tout cela, vous apprendrez crer un systme multi-langages de A Z ! Ce systme sera directement intgr la structure MVC que l'on vous propose.PS : N'oubliez pas de donner votre FEEDBACK a la fin du cours !* Modle - Vues - Contrleurs"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre Node.js & Crer une API REST de A Z !" |
"Dans ce cours, apprenez crer des applications avec Node.js !Ce cours vous permet d'apprendre toutes les bases de Node.js, en comprenant la technologie et le fonctionnement, en analysant le systme des modules, en apprenant de nombreuses commandes lies NPM, et mme en s'intressant l'ES6/ES7 !Dcouvrez le fonctionnement et la puissance des API REST !Les API REST sont le futur des sites web, plus prcisment des ""web app"" qui sont indispensables pour ce type de relation client-serveur. De nombreux grands groupes comme PayPal, Microsoft, ou encore LindekIn utilisent les API REST, de plus : elles sont dveloppes avec Node.js, qui permet de crer une API complte, scalable, simple et cela rapidement !Ce type d'organisation est fait pour le web, car cela utilise les mthodes du protocole HTTP (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc..), si vous ne comprenez pas tout cela, ne vous inquitez pas, j'explique a rapidement dans le cours, afin de dvelopper le plus possible des API avec Node.Cette formation vous permettra de dvelopper avec Node.js et de savoir crer / se servir d'une API REST."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Xero - Mastering Sales in Xero" |
"THERE IS A NEW INVOICING SCREEN (FROM JUNE 2019) WHICH THE COURSE HAS NOT BEEN UPDATED TO YET - IT USES THE CLASSIC INVOICING RATHER THAN THE NEW INVOICING.*THE COURSE HAS BEEN UPDATED TO REFLECT THE NEW XERO NAVIGATION INTRODUCED AT THE END OF NOVEMBER 2018Are you an accountant, bookkeeper or aspiring bookkeeper who wants to earn a decent living from Xero?Are you a regular Xero user, but feel that you could get much more out of the software?Do you want to save time, avoid mistakes and improve your cashflow by really getting to grips with Xero?If you answered ""yes"" to any of the above then this course has been created specifically for you.In this ""Mastering Sales in Xero' course I will teach you everything you need to know about sales in Xero. This includes many tips and tricks I have learned from using Xero for over 5 years.I will show you step-by-step how to enter simple transactions, deal with tricky transactions and run reports. We will then cover in detail Quotes, Rebillable Expenses and finally Opening Balances.The course is geared for all levels, so although basic accounting knowledge would help it's not essential. Regardless of your level of expertise in Xero, you will learn new skills that you will be able to use on a daily basis.I look forward to sharing my Xero knowledge with you, so let's get started!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Xero - Mastering Projects in Xero" |
"In this 'Mastering Projectsin Xero' course I will teach you everything you need to know about the all new Xero Projects. I've done all the hard work so that you can go from beginner to expert in 2 hours.I will show you step-by-step how to set up Xero Projects, enter transactions and invoice your customers.I will then explain in detail how to review Xero Projectsandrun reports to check the profitability of your projects.At the end of the course there is a practical assignment for you to complete.This is great for determining if Xero Projects is right for your business.As well as being suitable for regular Xero users, it's a great course for busy accountants and bookkeepers who quickly want to get to grips with Xero Projects so that they can give support to their clients.The course is suitable for all levels, so although basic accounting knowledge would help it's not essential.I look forward to sharing my Xero knowledge with you, so what are you waiting for?"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Xero - How to become a successful Xero Bookkeeper" |
"*THE COURSE HAS BEEN UPDATED TO REFLECT THE NEW XERO NAVIGATION INTRODUCED AT THE END OF NOVEMBER 2018*In this'How to become a successfulXero Bookkeeper'course I use my own UK business experience toteach you step-by-step everything you need to knowto set up your onlineXero bookkeeping business.I debunk the myth that you need an accountancy qualification to do this.We start with making sure that this is the right decision for you, then discuss your business branding before even thinking about setting up your business.It's important to thenget your business set up properly and to start learning the basics in Xero. With support from Xero, you can then look at joining their Partner Program.Then I remind you that as a business owner it's not just about the bookkeeping. You need to market your business and keep an eye on your business finances. There's no point doing this if you don't achieve your goals.And at the end of the course I encourage you to continue learning.Once you complete the course, you will have the confidence to go ahead and become a successful Xero bookkeeper.The course is suitable for all levels, so although basic accounting knowledge would help it's not essential.If you are good with numbers, want to help others and want to have the flexibility of your own online business, then this is definitely the course for you.I look forward to sharing both my business andXero knowledge with you, so what are you waiting for?"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Google Sheets - how to master your personal finances" |
"Are you ready to invest a few minutes a day to improve your personal finances?Using Google Sheets, in this 'Mastering your Personal Finances' course I will teach you step-by-step the proven method that I have used for over 30 years to master and improve my own and my clients' personal finances.It's a very hands-on practical course, so you have to be prepared to do the work (but it will be 100% worth it!)We start by talking about the benefits of mastering your finances and getting you thinking about what you want to achieve from the course.You need to know what you are spending your money on, so we have to think about all the types of expenditure that you have.Early in the course, we aim for some quick wins - let's make improvements to your finances as soon as possible!We then talk about improving your income - it could be easier than you think!Then I want to ensure you make improvements and savings every time you renew a contract. We're talking about things such as mortgages and mobile phone bills here!And although this course is not focused on debt management, I will help you to take action on any credit card debts you have.Then we continue with practical exercises where you create a spending plan, track your spending and then review it compared to your plan.And of course, we do this so that you can take action, make changes and continue improving your finances.I'm committed to helping you Master your Personal Finances.Are you committed?Then let's do this together!!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Hacking tico Profesional - Reconocimiento de Objetivos" |
"Top 10 - Que opinan mis Estudiantes: Gustavo Adolfo Jose Valenzuela [5 estrellas] ""Termine este curso feliz, lo realice despacio y siguiendo la sugerencia del Profesor Diego, anotar lo que me interesa e indagar, me parece excelente el curso, para entender lo basico de la primera etapa de reconocimiento, ya adquiri el de hackeo mediante google, y me faltaria los 2 restantes para terminar lo que es la etapa de Footprinting o reconocimiento. El curso deja bien en claro la etapa de reconocimiento de objetivos, super recomendado, aparte Diego ensea de una manera unica, que se hace adictivo, ya que como explica esto es por etapa, cada ves se pone mejor. Felicitaciones Diego, gracias por compartir tu conocimiento con nosotros. Ojala sigas sacando mas cursos"". Fabricio Daniel Loyola [5 estrellas] ""Transitado ya el 2do. curso de Hacking tico Profesional - Reconocimiento de Objetivos, el aprendizaje se vuelve cada vez mas interesante y apasionante. Puedo reconocer que el Instructor, o mejor dicho, Diego; es una gran persona que adems de compartir sus apreciados conocimientos de una manera muy asimilable, genera una ligera motivacin captando toda la atencin en cada una de las clase. Todo lo aprendido es perfectamente contrastable en los ejercicios de laboratorios, las consultas son brevemente respondidas, etc., como quien dice, sin palabras.. Nos vemos en el prximo curso de Hacking tico Profesional - Google Hacking!!"" Zacaras Gmez Lobatos [5 estrellas] ""Excelente Curso"". Jose Useda [5 estrellas] ""Bueno, interesante. Comprensible"". Roberto Almanza Nieto [5 estrellas] ""Explicaciones claras y buenos ejemplos"". Alejandro Orlando Garca Ramos [5 estrellas] ""de maravilla lo recomiendo aprend mucho, eso de footprinting desde el celular esta genial es lo que viene, felicidades diego barrientos muy preparado no tuve dudas por que no saba nada jaaa... aprend un mundo, pero s que no nos da carne por que hay que tomar leche primero hee... animo mentes inquietas."" Corsi juan [5 estrellas] ""es excelente 200% recomendable el curso muy completo ejemplos entendibles 100% ...muy recomendable ,y voy a comprar el curso en cevicas ,sin mas nada que decir me despido "" buena vida"" Cesar Andrada [5 estrellas] ""Excelentes datos y informacin para la etapa de reconocimiento, me gusta la forma que dicta el curso, simple y sencilla, un ejemplo da miles de explicaciones"". Jose Rotte [5 estrellas] ""me explica bien y claro"". Eugenio Gambelin [5 estrellas] ""muy buena.!!""Descripcin:En sta segunda parte de mi curso sobre Hacking tico, de carcter Profesional, aprenders porqu es necesario el Reconocimiento o Footprinting, su metodologa de implementacin y como se ubica en el ciclo del Hacking tico. Sers capaz de desenterrar la informacin inicial de un objetivo seleccionado, llegando incluso, si se desea, hasta los individuos (datos de las personas fsicas y sus allegados).Instrumentars el estudio de las residencias y los diferentes puntos de inters sobre los objetivos.Tendrs la capacidad de operar con la Obtencin pasiva de Informacin por Inteligencia Competitiva y Hacking Cognitivo.Utilizars diferentes Herramientas para realizar la etapa de Reconocimiento o Footprinting desde tu mvil o tablet con Android.Finalmente descubrirs que son los Spiders, Leechers y monitores de informacin y cmo utilizarlos a tu favor."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hacking tico Profesional - Hackeo mediante Google" |
"Top 10 - Que opinan mis Estudiantes: Diego pennente [5 estrellas] ""Impecable como siempre... un placer recibir este tipo de capacitaciones"". Asasas [5 estrellas] ""la verdad un curso muy completo de google hacking en el cual se muestran procedimientos que el buscador permite, es increble toda la informacin que se puede encontrar usando el buscador, interesante si alguien tiene una pagina web o servidor, para aprender las debilidades que existen, y como evitarlas hasta donde sea posible, o por conocimiento tico. me gusta porque deja buena base para que cada uno contine investigando por cuenta propia teniendo nuevas armas y conocimiento. de ms est decir que sigo con el cuarto curso. :)"". Fabricio Daniel Loyola [5 estrellas] ""Finalizado el Curso de Hacking tico Profesional - Hackeo mediante Google. Sorprendido de todo lo que he aprendido, Cada vez mas se acercan los detalles, al tecnicismo, se genera un desafi de los conocimientos que marcan la diferencia entre el antes y el despus. Lo mas importante, es saber que la fuente de estos conocimientos que se transmiten son de una marca registrada pero al alcance de todos, me refiero al instructor, Diego. Con permiso de uds, paso a tomar el prximo curso de Escaneos!!. Saludos"". Cesar Andrada [5 estrellas] ""Nunca me imagine que el motor de bsqueda de google pudiera sacar informacion y hubiera tcnicas de hackeo mediante google, la informtica es muy amplia nunca terminas de aprender algo nuevo. El curso es excelente y me re gusto, es una muy buena herramienta y de la forma que explica y dar casos reales es lo mejor. una imagen es mas que 100 palabras, en este caso un ejemplo practico es ms que una explicacin con palabras! Abrazo grande diego me re encanto el curso, Felicitaciones!"". MIguel gonzalo Talero Mora [5 estrellas] ""Excelente curso lo recomiendo"". Manuel Molina [5 estrellas] ""muy buena, estoy siguiendo toda las serie"". Alejandro Orlando Garca Ramos [5 estrellas] ""excelente curso bien explicado agradezco a mi inventor le he aprendido mucho gracias por su conocimiento paciencia para elaborar este curso que por cierto no hay muchos de este tipo en espaol aparte es adictivo el aprendizaje..."". Jhon Eduardo Florez [5 estrellas] ""interesante curso,estoy aprendiendo un montn"". Jose Useda [5 estrellas] ""Buenas explicaciones y comprensibles"". Gabriel Israel Cruz Lira [5 estrellas] ""Muy intuitivo, bien explicado"".Descripcin:En esta tercera parte de mi curso de Hacking tico, de carcter Profesional, utilizars varias tcnicas no muy conocidas, para obtener informacin de carcter sensible de uno o varios objetivos, a travs de la base de datos de bsquedas de Google, utilizando cortes y operadores avanzados, como as tambin facilidades de anonimato, intermediacin de datos y enumeracin de topologas, tanto lgicas como fsicas de la red y sus Servidores."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hacking tico Profesional - Redes y Escaneo de Objetivos" |
"Que opinan mis Estudiantes: Manuel Molina [5 estrellas] ""Muy buen curso, te engancha desde el principio hasta el final, lo revisar varias veces"". Roberto Almanza Nieto [5 estrellas] ""Excelentes explicaciones, buenos ejemplos"". Cristian Pesse [5 estrellas] ""Muy buen curso, con mucho contenido, buenas explicaciones y varios ejercicios para realizar y poder practicar. lo recomiendo, a por el proximo curso"". Jose Useda [5 estrellas] ""Muy bueno. Explicaciones comprensibles"". Jhon Eduardo Florez [5 estrellas] ""va bien, y muy emocionado por continuar"".Descripcin:En estacuarta parte de micurso de Hacking tico,de carcter Profesional yprctico, aprenders sobre los diferentestipos de escaneos que realiza un Hacker tico, como operan las banderaso flags de control, del protocoloTCP en los mismos yel uso pormenorizado delescaner de redes Nmap.Vers tambin las diferentes tcnicas de Escaneo (ms de 15 maneras), incluso los escaneos deRecursos compartidos, informacion NetBIOS, porprotocoloUDP y de Vulnerabilidades y utilizarsdiscadores de guerra [WarDialers] desde el telfono celular.Instrumentars Escaneos Activos, Pasivos y deBannerGrabbing, para obtener informacin relevante que plasmars en diagramas (son's) de lared Objetivo descubierta, desdetu mvil.Preparars mquinas Proxies para ocultar tusdatos, anonimizars todoel trfico yusarsnavegadoresSeguros.Estudiars y configurars varios serviciosAntisensura, de Despistey vers las formasde deteccindel Spoofing en tus redes.Para finalizar, descubrirs las Contramedidas al Escaneo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hacking tico Profesional - Enumeracin de Objetivos" |
"Que opinan mis Estudiantes: Cristian Pesse [5 estrellas] ""Buen curso, muchas cosas para aprender y poder repasar, me gusta seguir tomando los cursos, ahora a seguir por el proximo curso, un grande el profesor, como ensea y como persona, un abrazo!!!"". Jose Useda [5 estrellas] ""Muy bueno. Es un profe que enciende la chispa de la curiosidad por el aprendizaje"". Manuel Molina [5 estrellas] ""Muy bueno, siguiendo toda la serie del instructor, te engancha"". Juan Jos Milln Bauelos [5 estrellas] ""Un muy buen curso, mantiene el buen nivel al igual que en los otros cursos de la serie. Me parece muy bien narrado, clarifica las explicaciones con los ejercicios presentados, es de resaltar como todo el curso est dado desde un dispositivo mvil. Voy a regresar a las lecciones del curso ya que necesito repetir los ejercicios intentando tambin con otras herramientas alternativas. Excelente Diego, estoy enganchado a esta serie de cursos, pienso terminarlos todos"".Descripcin:En esta quinta parte de mi curso de Hacking tico, de carcter Profesional y prctico, aprenders sobre los diferentes tipos de Enumeracin que realiza un Hacker tico, como operan las sesiones nulas, como solventar el error de sistema nmero 5, en las mismas y el uso pormenorizado de herramientas automticas bajo GNU/Linux, Android y Windows.Vers tambin las diferentes tcnicas de Enumeracin (ms de 16 maneras), incluso la Enumeracin de Grupos, Usuarios, Servicios (Roles) de los Servidores, recursos compartidos, tablas de informacin NetBIOS, deteccin de dominios internos y polticas de Seguridad de sus contraseas (edad, privilegios, nombres completos, comentarios, etc.).Definiremos la Enumeracin SNMP y sus tablas MiB's, utilizaremos Enumeradores LDAP de Active Directoy, desde el telfono celular o cajas Microsoft (Windows).Instrumentars Enumeracin de los protocolos SMTP (correo), NTP (fecha y hora remotas), HTTP (pginas Web), vers la utilidad de los ASN's y descubrirs enlaces ocultos en las pginas Web objetivo.Hars ""sesiones nulas"" contra mquinas en la red, desde tu mvil con Android, Windows y GNU/Linux, valorars su peligrosidad y estudiars las contramedidas a las mismas.Preparars mquinas Virtuales que ejecutaremos desde nuestros telfonos celulares o tablets con Android, para poder correr sistemas Microsoft (Windows) y GNU/Linux (Kali Linux) y as ocultar nuestras operatorias al ser totalmente mviles.Estudiars y definirs a la Enumeracin dentro del ciclo del Hacking tico y vers un tpico escenario de uso.Analizars las contraseas predeterminadas y los escaneadores rpidos de NetBIOS y vers como, ""bajo ciertas circunstancias"", te ser posible remotamente, listar y cerrar procesos (incluso apagar o reiniciar al objetivo), enumerar las caractersticas de hardware, ejecutar y cerrar aplicaciones, ver los archivos abiertos por otros en el Servidor comprometido (nombre del file), que usuarios estan logeados en el mismo en esos momentos y mucho mas.Para finalizar, descubrirs los servicios que se estn ejecutando en puertos cambiados o no estndar, para poder derrotar a las tcnicas de ""Hardening"" o endurecimiento de la Seguridad por ofuscacin, que les puedan haber configurado a los objetivos, los auditores de Seguridad de IT."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hacking tico Profesional - Ingreso al Sistema" |
"Que opinan mis Estudiantes: Jose Useda [5 estrellas] ""Interesante. Buen curso al igual que todos los dems y que nos ayuda a ser precavidos de lo que bajamos de las redes"". Cesar Caravantes [5 estrellas] ""esta super interesante..!!!"". Pablo Ezequiel Cordoba [5 estrellas] ""es notablemente un experto en la materia, se comprende a la perfeccin todo lo explicado, uso herramientas que para mi eran desconocidas, lo que mas me atrapo y me enamoro fue la idea de trabajar con maquinas virtuales desde un dispositivo porttil, creo que es lo que mas destaco del curso , a pesar de que todo el contenido es de muy buena calidad, yo como hacker tico, consegu reforzar en muchos aspectos mis conocimientos y habilidades. me reforso temas de mucho inters que es lo que buscaba para poder crear conciencian y darle las mejores recomendaciones a mis futuros clientes"". Luis Angel Prez Jurez [5 estrellas] ""Excelente curso. El expositor domina los temas"". Antonio Hervella [5 estrellas] ""Fue una gran eleccin el curso de hacking ingreso al sistema lo que ms se me qued es el pass guessing ataque por fuerza bruta con hydra tambien los exploits, y escaneo con netmap. El profesor del curso es bastante atento siempre responde a las preguntas lo mas rapido posible"".Descripcin:En esta sexta parte de mi curso de Hacking tico, de carcter Profesional y prctico, aprenders sobre los diferentes tipos de tcnicas que realiza un Hacker tico en la etapa de pentesting o ingreso (hacke0) al sistema, y el uso pormenorizado de herramientas automticas bajo GNU/Linux (Kali, preferentemente), Android y Windows.Utilizars mquinas Virtuales que ejecutaremos desde nuestros telfonos celulares o tablets con Android, para poder correr sistemas Microsoft (Windows) y GNU/Linux (Kali Linux) y as ocultar nuestras operatorias al ser totalmente mviles (quien lo desee, tiene la libertad de utilizar netbooks u ordenadores reales).Analizars los tipos de contraseas y sus formas de ataque, mediante el uso de herramientas de software, estudiando tambin las contramedidas, vers como realizar la escalada de privilegios en un sistema comprometido, en forma local y remota. y como, ""bajo ciertas circunstancias"", te ser posible la ejecucin furtiva de ciertas aplicaciones de control, remotamente,Instalars Keyloggers, abrirs cmaras y micrfonos sigilosamente en el objetivo, en forma remota y local, para finalizar, descubriendo los ootkits y como esconderlos en la vctima."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mastering SharePoint A-Z Complete Boot Camp 5-1 Course(13hr)" |
"New content updated every week. The content wise probably the best course available on UDEMY! 13 Hours of SharePoint Labs - build your organization SharePoint site collection from scratch. New, updated and Latest over 100 lectures ! Most up to-date SharePoint Course. From Zero to Become A Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint 2019/2016/2013/ Power User, Site Admin , Developer or Consultant! (12 hours)Less Lectures - More Hands On. Learn SharePoint PowerShell using PnP commandsSharePoint 2019, 2016, 2013 Complete Boot Camp 5-Course BundleStep-by-Step InstructionsStart Your SharePoint 2019/2016 Training from scratch!Implement SharePoint 2019 from scratch in your companyConfigure your existing SharePoint 2016 on premises versionCreate site collection, Team and Project site, list and librariesImplement Document Management system in your organization - learn how to configure metadata, views, archiving and moreLearn SharePoint and Office 365 app integrationNot just learn but complete hands-on Labs - step by stepWork with views, web parts and content typesCreate Project site and work with Task List, Calendar"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Tableau ile Veri Grselletirme & Veri Analizi" |
"Gnmzde, birok kurum tarafndan Veri Analizi ve Veri Grselletirme alannda kullanlmakta olan Tableau, sunmu olduu kullanc dostu arayz ile, ksa srede veri setinizi bir grsel lene dntrmeye imkan tanmaktadr.Tableau zerine hazrlanan ilk Trke kaynak olan bu kurs boyunca, gerek hayattan alnm rnekler zerinde uygulamalar gerekletirerek, veri analizi sonularnzn grafikler araclyla, kullancya etkileim imkan tanyacak ekilde, kolaylkla nasl grsel bir hale getirebileceinize tank olacaksnz.Kurs boyunca: Tableau ile farkl veri kaynaklar arasnda iletiim kurma Veri setinin grselletirme ncesinde dzenlenmesi Verinin, serpme diyagram, aa grafikleri, baloncuk grafikleri, stun grafikleri birok temel grafik tr ile nasl grsel bir hale getirilecei Etkileimli harita kullanm rnekleri Dashboard oluturma ve kullancya dashboard zerindeki elementlerle etkileim imkan tanma Join ve Blending gibi temel veri balants kavramlar Filtreler ve Highlight (Vurgu) ayarlar Data analizinde sklkla kullanlan Continuous & Discrete gibi temel kavramlarn aklanmasTableau, sunmu olduu kullanm kolayl ve renim erisinin dk olmas bakmndan, birok farkl evrenin gnlk hayatta, sklkla kullanmakta olduu bir program haline gelmitir.ster bir irkette veri analisti olarak alyor olun, ister akademik hayatna devam eden bir renci Artk, sunumlarnzda ve hazrlayacanz raporlarda, zamann gerisinde kalan grsellikler yerine, tamamen kullancya etkileimli bir sre yaatan dashboardlar araclyla fark yaratacanzdan eminim. Tm bunlar, birka admda gerekletirdiinizi fark ettiiniz an, veri grselletirme alannda dier programlara bir daha ihtiya duymayacaksnz!nmzdeki dnemde, her ay kursa yeni blmler eklenecek ve Tableaunun yeni zelliklerinden bahsedilecektir. Kurs ana sayfasnda yer alan Sorular & Cevaplar blmnde, merak ettiiniz tm sorulara cevap vermenin yannda, sizin beklentileriniz dorultusunda kursu ekillendirmeyi planlamaktaym.Eer veri grselletirme alanna ilgi duyuyor ya da gnlk hayatnzda kullandnz programlar, artk size yetersiz geliyorsa; Tableau tam da size gre!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Kripto Para Piyasas Alm & Satm Rehberi" |
"""Kripto Para Piyasas Alm &Satm Rehberi""kursuna hogeldiniz.Eitim program sresincekripto para piyasalarna,bir yatrmc perspektifi ile bakmanz iin gerekli olan tm konular adm adm inceleyeceiz.* Yatrmc asndan, kripto para piyasasile hisse senedi, FOREX gibi geleneksel piyasalar arasndaki benzerlikler nelerdir, bu piyasalar hangi noktalarda birbirlerinden ayrmaktadr?* Borsalarda yer alan yzlerce coin arasndan, yatrm iin uygun olanlar nasl tespit edebiliriz?* Bir coinin altyapsn incelerken hangi detaylara dikkat etmemiz gerekir?* Teknik analiz nedir, grafikler neden analizlerimize yn vermektedir?* Teknik Analiz ve Temel Analiz nasl bir arada kullanlmaldr?* zellikle kripto paralar gibi volatil piyasalarda nasl hareket etmemiz gerekir?* lemlerimiz srasnda, riski minimum seviyede tutarak, karmz nasl maksimize edebiliriz?* Portfy oluturma srasnda nasl bir strateji izlemeliyiz?Eitim programna katlan herkes, piyasalar hakkndaki bilgimizi daha rahat paylaabilmek adna oluturulan Slack grubuna dahil olacaktr. Bylece, gncel durumlar hakknda paylamdabulunabilir;dier rencilerin analiz ve dncelerini gzlemleme olanana sahip olabilirsiniz.Temel ald teknoloji ve yeniliki yapsyla, mevcut sektrlerde kkl deiimlere neden olmas beklenen bu piyasa hakknda, daha detayl bilgi almak istiyor ve 800 milyar dolara ulaan bu piyasaya, siz de bilinli bir yatrmc olarak dahil olmakistiyorsanz, bu kurs tam da size gre!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Foundations of Marketing: How to Plan Your Marketing Policy" |
"Hello and welcome to this course on Marketing Policy!The management guru Peter Drucker once said there are only two functions or departments in a company that earn money every other function or department just costs money. The two functions that earn money are Innovation and Marketing.Innovation brings new products and services to birth. And Marketing brings them to the customers which will result in revenues and profits.So it is absolutely essential to get the basics of marketing if you want customers to buy your products and services.In this course, we will give you a solid introduction to marketing and marketing policy, the so-called 4P which are: product, price, promotion, and placement policy. Marketing policy means which strategic and tactical decisions to make in four major realms of marketing.Many beginners in marketing think that they have to know how to write posts for Facebook or other social media channels. However, all this is worthless if you dont understand the basic mechanisms and methods of marketing. And this is what this course is about.The introduction to marketing covers the definition of marketing, the role of the market in marketing, how markets are structured, how to get to the customer and how customers make buying decisions.We then move to the 4P approach and start with product policy. Youre going to learn the differences between products and services, the difference between products and brands and the difference between brands and private labels. We will take a close look at the product development process and the so-called product life cycle.The second P stands for price policy. This is a very underestimated part in marketing. But its actually one of the most important ones, as the level of process directly influences the level of revenue. It makes a huge difference if you sell 1,000 pieces for 1 or for 2 Dollars or Euros. Therefore, we will cover the price policy determinants, intelligent price strategies, price tactics, pricing methods, and price discounts. You need to know these in order to make good decisions when it comes to pricing your products or services.The third P stands for promotion policy. And most beginners in marketing think this is all marketing is about. In this section of the course, we will deal with the promotion process, and how to write a promotion plan. You will also learn which promotion instruments there are.Finally, the last P stands for placement policy. This is how you distribute goods to the customer. Youre about to learn the structural channel dimensions, the social channel dimensions, the physical distribution mix, and virtual distribution.You see, marketing is much more than posting on Facebook or running Google Analytics. Before you do these things, we think it is important to have a solid foundation to build on. Its not only important HOW to do things, but also to know WHY to do things.Lets get started see you in the course!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Staffing: How to Find and Select Most Talented Employees" |
"Hello and welcome to this course on staffing!In our knowledge- and service-based economies, human resources are the most important and most valuable assets for most companies.Staffing or employee resourcing is the process of having the right person, in the right place, at the right time. The objective of this course is to give you all the systematic knowledge you need to have in order to make sure you have the right people in the right place at the right time.Youre going to learn the importance of staffing in organizations, the support and core activities of staffing, the causal relationship of the activities within support and core activities of staffing. You will also learn the methods and techniques of staffing, legal issues and ethical practice. In other words, you will be able to manage the whole staffing process.Make sure you have the right people, in the right place, at the right time see you in the course!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"4 (Bootstrap 4 Web Design Tutorial)" |
"2017 4(Bootstrap 4) . HTML, JavaScript, CSS . . 1 100g 200g 4 HTML, JavaScript, CSS . 4 . 3 ( , , ) . .( PPT 1 . 1 . )"
Price: 55000.00 ![]() |
"(Android Application Hacking)" |
". HTTP . , .(2018-08-13) '' . APK ."
Price: 88000.00 ![]() |
"Crer des rapports avec Reporting Services SSRS moins d'1h!" |
"Bien souvent les BA ou managers demandent la cration de rapport des dveloppeurs (du moins c'tait mon cas) qui ont dj beaucoup de travail sur des tches avec un grosROI et, en consquence cela prend des semaines pour avoir ce satanrapport ! Alorsque soi-mmeon peut lefaire en moins d'une heure !Il y a donc tout intrt passer quelques heures pour suivre cette formation et apprendre crer ses propres rapports !On va apprendre crer des rapports complets avec SSRSpour nos utilisateurs, le tout en un temps record et sans grande difficult.Dans ce cours nous allons crer desrapports avecSQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). Aucune connaissance pralable n'est ncessaire, mais une certaine connaissance de SQL est utile. Aucun logiciel payant ou licence est ncessaire, tout est gratuit !Savoir crerdes rapports est essentiel pour tout professionnel souhaitant faire de la Business Intelligence.Nous crerons diffrents rapports, dveloppant nos comptences petit petit. Dans le cadre de la conception d'un rapport, nous allons:Crer les composants du rapport (matrice, tableau, graphique),Crer la source de donnes,Grouper les donnesCrez des rapports dtaills et des rapports d'aggrgation.Formater notre rapport, y compris le formatage des couleurs, des dates et des nombres;Configurer la page pour l'impressionImplmenter les en-ttes et les pieds de page;Mettre en uvre des matrices, des tableaux, des graphiques, des images, des cartes et des groupes dans les rapports;Ajouter un tri interactifCrer des colonnes escalierCrer des rapports avec des donnes gospatiales (cartes)Crer des rapports dynamiques dans SSRS en utilisant des paramtres;Implmenter show / hide proprit;Filtrer les donnesCrer un rapport avec du DrillDown pour une meilleure exprience utilisateurAjouter des actions (accder au rapport et l'URL)Ajouter des graphes sparkline pour amliorer encore plus la valeur de notre rapport aux yeux des utilisateurs.Ajouter des en-ttes fixes et un explorateur de documentCode source inclus pour gagner encore plus de temps lors de la cration de vos rapports !Nous allons tlcharger une version de SQL Server qui inclut SSRS - gratuitement. Nous allons galement tlcharger une base de donnes appele AdventureWorks, que nous utiliserons dans nos rapports. la fin de ce cours, vous devez tre en mesure de crer facilementert rapidementvos propres rapports avecSSRS.N'attendezpas !Quand vous attendez, le monde avance et vous tes laiss pour compte! Voyez combien peu d'efforts vous devez faire pour apprendre construire des rapports et acqurir de nouvelles comptences! Rejoignez moi et apprenez contruire des rapports professionnels !"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Swift and SpriteKit: Space War-5 !" |
".The most comprehensive course on iOS SwiftSwift - , Apple. (Android, desktop .) StackOverflow, Swift, . ! 2-3 !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC 2018 Fundamentals" |
"This Course Includes:Photoshop Layer BasicsPhotoshop Basics with MaskPhotoshop Blend ModesPhotoshop Blend Modes ColorsPhotoshop Adjustment layersPhotoshop Blend Modes MultiplyPhotoshop Most Used Blend ModesPhotoshop Layer Type ToolsPhotoshop Layer CurvesPhotoshop basic LayercompsPhotoshop Advanced LayercompsLearn how to use Photoshop layers & Various Blending Modes to get cool techniques applied to your photos.I will explain all the secrets and tips ofPhotoshop Fundamentals foryou people.I will introduce Photoshop in a very excellent way that you people will simply learn of its amazing techniques. I am sure that this tutorial will really help you. If You spare some time for this course, then definitely this course will pay you off! in your future projects of Photoshop."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |