Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Exam Preparation 70-740 Installation, Storage, Server 2016" |
"Welcome to Exam 70-740 Practice test.This course (Practice exam) help you to pass the Microsoft certification exam (MCP OR MCSA).Candidate should have experience, hands-on and knowledge of:- Install, upgrade, and migrate servers and workloads.- Create, manage, and maintain images for deployment.- Configure disks and volumes.- Implement server storage.- Implement data deduplication.- Install and configure Hyper-V.- Configure virtual machine (VM) settings.- Configure Hyper-V storage & Configure Hyper-V networking.- Deploy Windows containers & Manage Windows containers.- Implement High Availability.- Maintain and Monitor server installations."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Superando a Crise e o Desemprego" |
"O curso apresenta formas de superar a crise econmica que o Brasil vem enfrentando nos ltimos anos, atravs de vivncias prticas do autor nos ltimos 365 dias.Mostrar como enfrentar a falta de recursos, como buscar a recolocao no mercado de trabalho, atuar como autnomo ou ainda empreender em um novo negcioApresentar ferramentas de mdia digital para divulgar suas competncias e vivncias, mostrando-se para o mercado de trabalho. e tendo resultados em curto prazo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"From Panic To Power!" |
"Would you like FREEDOM from the panic that controls you?In this mini course I will take you through everything I learned when suffering with generalized anxiety disorder/panic attack disorder.After completing this course you will have the tools needed to challenge your panic, and bring back joy into your life.From Panic Into Power is the course created by someone who knows your struggle, and has now found her way to recovery."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Designer Grfico com o Photoshop, Corel Draw e Cinema 4D" |
"Neste curso, voc aprender a desenvolver peas de social media para os mais variados tipos de negcios com a ferramenta photoshop.Desenvolveremos vrias trabalhos e aprenderemos novas tcnicas que aperfeioaro os trabalhos e ajudar na melhora do seu work-flow.Ser um curso voltado para os que desejam aprender sobre as ferramentas e os meios de trabalho dentro dela.Aprenda tambm a desenvolver peas de social media com o COREL DRAW. Como bnus, teremos um curso voltado para a criao de letterins em 3D com a ferramenta CINEMA 4D.Ao findar, voc receber um certificado de concluso do curso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Flyers e stories animados com o After Effects em 2020" |
"Entenda como animar suas artes dentro do After effects e criar timos trabalhos para seus clientes.No mercado de trabalho, voc tem que ter um diferencial para se destacar entre os demais que tambm atual na sua rea.Esse curso, far com que voc se destaque podendo proporcionar outros tipos de servios para seus clientes gerando assim uma receita maior no final do ms."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Marca Pessoal e Comportamento Virtual (Netiqueta)" |
"Voc sabe como a sua imagem pessoal ou profissional no Mundo Virtual? Como as pessoas te percebem em seus perfis? Quais so os resultados positivos e negativos que voc tem alcanado no Facebook, Instagram ou WhatsApp?Chegou agora na Udemy o contedo da palestra assistida por mais de 3 mil pessoas.Seja um dos primeiros a conhecer um novo modelo de pensar e agir nas redes sociais. No existe milagre no Marketing Digital. Mas sim uma srie de comportamentos e posturas que podem fazer de voc uma pessoa notvel no mundo virtual. Na Internet, voc tambm uma marca. Todos ns, hoje em dia, somos uma marca que conhecida e percebida pelo que fazemos e falamos em nossas redes sociais. O Comportamento Virtual tem funo importante nos resultados que voc alcana nas suas redes. um dos assuntos mais discutidos e debatidos da atualidade. So inmeros avanos e evolues. Muitas coisas boas e outras no to boas esto acontecendo em nossa vida por causa das nossas conexes diretas com aplicativos e redes sociais.Pelos conceitos do 'Branding', hoje a marca um produto, servio ou pessoa que contm dimenses que o diferencia dos outros, de forma simblica, emocional e intangvel, relacionada ao que representa pras pessoas. Ou seja, no d mais para medir o que uma marca, um profissional ou uma instituio podem representar para as pessoas. Essa percepo est no sentimento e na alma de cada um. Voc vai se identificar com muitas coisas que so faladas neste treinamento.E A CADA MS EU VOU SORTEAR, ENTRE OS INSCRITOS, UMA ANLISE DE PERFIL DIGITAL PARA VOC CONHECER COMO AS PESSOAS TE PERCEBEM NAS REDESEstou abrindo essa Palestra super didtica com as melhores prticas de comportamento virtual e as tcnicas importantes sobre Branding (Gesto de Marcas) pela tica da marca pessoal de forma simples e de fcil entendimento. Noes de Marketing Digital para uso dirio nas redes sociais, incluindo vrios segredos importantes para voc obter melhores resultados com o seu perfil pessoal, profissional ou corporativo."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"ACRYLIC LANDSCAPES with a Painting Knife. Beginners Level 1" |
"This Level 1 course will introduce you to simple Landscape Painting using Acrylic Paint and a Painting Knife. If you have no previous knowledge or experience of painting with acrylics, you will quickly and easily learn the basics of how to use 3 Colours and White to paint a an Impressionist style Landscape. If you do have some previous experience you may not have painted a landscape with a Painting Knife before so you will definitely benefit by taking this Landscape Painting course and return to some fundamental principles of mixing and working with a limited range of colours.In this easy to follow course you will start painting immediately using a small piece of rag to tint your canvas and outline the composition. You will then block in the big shapes of colour and tone. You will learn to use a Painting Knife to mix and apply the paint to help you keep a broad loose approach without getting bogged down into doing detail. You will complete your Landscape Painting through a 4 Stage Process. I will demonstrate the various steps in each stage so that you can watch and paint along with me as you progress through the course. You will also see plenty of close ups of the colour mixing technique with the Painting Knife.After taking this ACRYLIC LANDSCAPES with a Painting Knife course you will be able to:Paint a simple Impressionist style Landscape using 3 Acrylic Colours. Ultramarine Blue, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Yellow and WhiteTint your canvas with a rag technique and compose and outline your landscape breaking it up into big shapesApply paint to your canvas using a Painting KnifeMix colours from the darkest through to the lightest and place highlights that add a spark to your finished paintingCreate the illusion of depth from foreground through to far distanceWho is the ACRYLIC LANDSCAPES instructor?My name is Gerald Ashcroft and I have created this course for beginners who want to explore LANDSCAPE PAINTING with a Painting Knife and also learn the fundamental principles of mixing and working with basic colours. If you have some previous experience you will also benefit from this Acrylic Landscapes course by learning what can be achieved from using just 3 Primary Colours and White.Workshop Testimonials Western Australia:I think what I enjoyed most about my course in Painting Landscapes with Gerald Ashcroft was his gentle way of putting everyone at ease, regardless of our experience or level of skill. Genuinely interested in each student, he encouraged us to explore techniques and research other opportunities to develop our practice.Jo Perth WAThis is just a note to thank you for your excellent recent workshop.As usual you displayed a high degree of professionalism and knowledge coupled with a friendly, encouraging manner.Your classes are always enjoyable and importantly your style of teaching, which is focused and structured, enables real learning to take place. I particularly appreciated your emphasis on tone and the 'blocking in' method you taught and found it to be very helpful.Thank you and I look forward to the next workshop!Chris Perth WA Prior to joining Geralds Abstract Workshop I had no experience painting since I left school several decades ago. With great patience, Gerald guided our group through colours, mixing shades & different techniques with painting knife, brush to good old gravity. From being very apprehensive at the beginning, I gained much needed confidence with Geralds step by step approach.My opinion of my own ability has grown in a positive way since these workshops & I now look forward to putting brush to canvas on a regular basis.Liz Perth WA"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"An Intro to the Technical Processes of Project Management" |
"This course introduces and briefly explains many of the principles of the technical processes of project management (time and resource planning and management), including the five primary obstacles to successful project management and a debunking and analysis of many of the misconceptions of these methodologies. The five primary obstacles to successful Project ManagementApathy Lack of commitment; lack of buy-inEgo Denial;Fear The dilemma of planning projects; fear of consequences; fear of helpIgnorance How smart people can also be ignorant; lot to learn; Project Management Software The issues and problems with project management software tools in Time Analysis and Detail Resource PlanningThe Key Technical Processes of Project ManagementAn introduction to Time Analysis (Critical Path Method or CPM)An introduction to Resource PlanningAn introduction to performance measurement and performance managementAn introduction to the integration methodologies (Vertical, Horizontal and Cost-Schedule or EV methodologies)An introduction to Risk and Opportunity ManagementThe primary problems and issues with conducting Time Analysis in a project management software applications(Microsoft Project, Oracle Primavera, Deltek Open Plan, Aurea Artemis, etc.)The proper use and abuse of Date Targets / ConstraintsThe various types of relationships (task dependencies) and their proper usesWhen and where lag values on relationships are proper, and when they are improperNeglect of the Backward Pass (Late Start and Late Finish dates) and its consequencesThe proper ways to status project models and the impact of improper methodsIntro to Time AnalysisThe basics of CPM ( Forward and Backward Passes plus Float calculation)Introducing the many critical fields of Time AnalysisIntroducing some of the issues, errors and idiosyncrasies of project management softwareIntro to Detail Resource PlanningIntroducing the two primary methods of Detail Resource PlanningExposing the myths and misconceptions of Resource Planning in existing project management softwareIntroducing the key Detail Resource Planning Variables: [Estimated work to accomplish each task (labor-hours); Schedule of each task (time); and time-phased resource availability]Intro to Performance Measurement and ManagementIntroducing the principles of Performance Measurement (Effects of Change and Status)Introducing the principles of Performance ManagementIntroducing the key Integration Methodologies (Vertical; Horizontal; and Cost-Schedule or EV)Introducing Risk and Opportunity measurement, analysis and managementDebunking:The misconceptions of how the CPM process works or should workWhat Total Float / Total Slack really areThe reality of negative float / slackThe resource planning capabilities of ALL project management software"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Google Cloud Platform(GCP)" |
"GCPWEBGoogle Compute EngineCloud SQLGoogle Compute EngineInstance GroupCloud Load BalancingCloud ShellGoogle Compute Engine,Google Cloud Storage,CloudSQL,Instance Group,Cloud Load Balancing,Cloud DNS,Cloud Functions,Google App Engine,Cloud Datastore"
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"Batera: Aprende el Press Roll" |
"Aprende a tocar el Press Roll desde cero con el curso de batera ms completo y progresivo de internet: tcnica y subdivisiones bsicas, lectura, solos y todos los ejercicios para construir y aprender a tocar uno de los rudimentos ms musicales para batera. Introduccin-Grip y Presin - Pirmide de Rolls-Repaso y Correccin-Clarificando el final de tus Rolls-Tempos y Subdivisiones y mucho ms!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Batera desde 0: Primeros Pasos, Curso Intensivo." |
"Aprende batera con la didctica reconocida de Juan Cruz Martnez y su escuela online aulaVIRTUAL. A lo largo de las videoclases de este curso acceders a los fundamentos ms importantes y desarrollars las habilidades ms importantes a la hora de comenzar con la batera: Set Up, Nomenclatura, Tcnica, Golpes Bsicos, Coordinacin, Figuras Bsicas, Disociacin, Lectura para Batera, Ritmos, Fillls y ms!Adems, suscribindote durante esta promocin recibes acceso a un curso extra completamente GRATUITO para aprender a obtener mejores resultados con tus prcticas, el curso: ""cmo estudiar batera"" de 12 videoclases. Has que tu tiempo de prctica rinda ms y mejor con estos tips!nete a la didctica del DrumSTudio, ms de 20k de seguidores en las redes y alumnos en 15 pases de habla hispana respaldan los cursos de Juan Cruz Martnez y el aulaVIRTUAL."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Batera: aprende a tocar Songo, fcil!" |
"Aprende el lenguage del ritmo del Songo para Batera, construyendo la independencia y la coordinacin necesarias para desenvolverte en el estilo y respetando las caractersticas que lo hacen un estilo nico y muy entretenido para tocar en la batera. Aprender Songo nunca fue tan fcil y divertido. Historia y generalidades sobre el estillo, independencia sobre el tumbao, primeras rtmicas para el tambor, relleno con notas fantasma, acentos y fills caractersticos del estilo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Batera: Aprende a tocar Shuffle Blues, fcil y rpido!" |
"Con este curso vas a desarrollar las habilidades ms importantes para dominar un increble estilo que todo baterista necesita tener entre su armamento: el Shuffle Blues! Desde el conteo y la coordinacin bsica, los primeros ritmos, ejecucin sobre pistas y playalongs .mp3 para descargar, Fills, puntos de resolucin y mucho ms! El curso culmina aprendiendo uno de los temas shuffle ms icnicos del estilo. ""Batera: Aprende a tocar Shuffle Blues, fcil y rpido!"" es el curso en castellano ms completo sobre el tema. No te lo pierdas y suscrbete para comenzar ya mismo!Tambin chequea el siguiente paso en mi lista de Cursos: ""Curso de Half Time Shuffle para Batera"", de nivel intermedio."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
xtjdqvfo |
". . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . okr . . . .From 04Academy Team we wish you a very enjoyable learning."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
2019-usu |
".1 .2 .3 ..4 .5 ..6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 .13 ..14 ..15 ..16 ..17 ..18 ..19 ..20 .21 .22 .23 .24 swot tows.25 .26 okrs .27 .28 .29 .30 .31 .32 ..33 PEST.34 PEST .35 Gap Planning.36 ..37 ..38 ..39 ""Porters Five Forces""..40 VRIO.41 .42 .43 .44 .45 .46 .47 c 7c .48 .49 .50 .51 From 04Academy Team we wish you a very enjoyable learning."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
2019-dor |
":: : : : : : : : : Janus Cones : . : Generational Arcs : Future User : Future telling : : : : Buddy Checks : VOICE Stars : Crowd Clovers : : DARPA . : : Pathfinders"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
2019-lkm |
":: OKRs : OKRs : : : : .: : : : : ""IDP "" : : : : : OKRs : : :"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
2019-cfi |
": : .: .: .: : : .: .: : .: : : . : : : . : . : . : . : .: . : . : . : : . : . : . : . : : .: ."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
2019-muc |
":: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . : .: . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : .: ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
2019-ihp |
":: .: .: .: .: .: .: .: .: .: . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
2019-fxk |
":: .: . : : .: .: : : .: OHSAS 18001 and the new ISO 45001: OHSAS 18001 and the new ISO 45001 1 .2- .3- . . : : : . : . : . : . : PDCA . : ISO High Level Structure : : : : : . : . : . : . : . :Hazard Hazid Hazan Hazop : . : .: ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
2019-lhe |
". :1- .2- .3- .4- .5- .6- .7- .8- .9- .10- .11- .12- .13- .14- .15- .16- .17- .18- .19- .20- .21- .23- .24- .25- .26- .27- .28- .29- .30- .31- .32- .33- . 34- .35- .36- .37- .38- .39- .40- .41- .42- .43- .44- .45- .46- .47- .48- .49- . 50- .51- . 52- .53- .54- . 55- .56- .57- .58- .59- .60- ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Office (Word-Excel-PowerPoint)" |
":: Microsoft Word Tabs .: Templates: .: .: Header And Footer .: smart art .: Word .Excel: : .: . : SmartArt : . : . : action buttons : . : Zoom : PowerPoint . : . : F4: Excel. : Excel. : Pivot table Excel . : Excel . : Power Pivot Excel . : solver tool goal seek Excel . : Excel ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
keebozsr |
":: .: .: .: .: .: .: .: .: .: . : . : . : . : . : ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
jitgkbux |
". . . . ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Raft Consensus Algorithm" |
"This is a basic course for understanding Raft. Raft is a consensus algorithm for managing a replicated log. It produces a result equivalent to (multi-)Paxos, and it is as efficient as Paxos, but its structure is different from Paxos; this makes Raft more understandable than Paxos and also provides a better foundation for build- ing practical systems. In order to enhance understandabil- ity, Raft separates the key elements of consensus, such as leader election, log replication, and safety, and it enforces a stronger degree of coherency to reduce the number of states that must be considered. Results from a user study demonstrate that Raft is easier for students to learn than Paxos. Raft also includes a new mechanism for changing the cluster membership, which uses overlapping majori- ties to guarantee safety."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Art Of Reggae Roots Drumming" |
"Melhore o seu ritmo no Reggae, aprenda tcnica, postura, engrenagem ... Aprenda novas vertentes do reggae variaes de chimbal e muito mais! Leve seu jogo para outro nvel! Aprenda sozinho, na sua prpria casa!Aprenda Grooves de reggae na bateria mesmo que voc nunca tenha tocado reggae antes!Neste mtodo passo a passo em video aulas online.Vamos juntos!Aprenda a tocar reggae na bateria com o verdadeiro Reggae drummer! Isso real!O baterista Renato de Saldanha de reggae reconhecido internacionalmente como Ras Saldanha j tocou e gravou com mais de 32 bandas de reggae. Aprenda a tocar reggae na bateria com Ras Saldanha. Pea seus vdeos de instruo agora. Voc pode comear a baix-los em questo de minutos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Core Subjects Test Review for Social Studies" |
"This course is specifically designed to help people pass the social studies section of the Core Subjects exam. The course organizes the social studies TEKS for grades 1-5 into easy-to-follow sections. It presents each content section through video lectures, downloadable and printable handouts, and review quizzes. In the video lectures, Dr. Neumann explains the essential elements of each topic and adds context and connections among the sections to help students gain a fuller understanding of the material. At the end of course, students take two practice tests that will further prepare them for the Core Subjects exam."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ingls auditivo para iniciantes" |
"Aprenda tcnicas de expanso de vocabulrio, sons bsicos do idioma ingls e como aprender ingls com filmes e sries. Muitos tentam aprender ingls com filmes e sries, mas desistem, pois no tem o vocabulrio e conhecimento de sons necessrios. Esse curso a soluo deste problema! Curso feito com muita dedicao destinado a iniciantes e entusiastas da lngua. Vdeo aulas separadas por mdulos com didtica simplificada. Sou Paulo Srgio Duff, desenvolvedor de software. Como desenvolvedor de software tive que buscar minhas prprias tcnicas para aprendizado do idioma ingls. Tcnicas que disponibilizei neste curso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Digital RPIDO para Iniciantes I ATUALIZADO 2020" |
"Aprenda em apenas 02 horas o que demoraria meses! Contedo:- Crie a sua estratgia Digital em 05 Passos- Aprenda a criar seu Site com custo zero- Destaque o seu site no Google com o SEO- Descubra como bombar as suas Redes Sociais- Anuncie no Google e fique na primeira posio- Aprenda a usar Landing Pages e venda mais- Economize utilizando o Google Analytics- Aprenda a calcular o seu lucro e retornoBenefcios:- Contedo 100% em vdeo- Linguagem simples para iniciantes- Professor com grande experincia- Certificado oficial"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Meditation and Mindfulness Immersion: Overcome The Overwhelm" |
"Does this sound like you:You're overwhelmed with stress at home or at work and you...Don't know how to help yourself wind down after a long dayTry to relax and unwind but don't have the proper tools or guidance for the taskAre looking for a structured yet intuitive approach to your anxietyImagine not only knowing how to calm your mind but also why these techniques work. You're not meant to be on 100% of the time, but it's difficult to relax and take time to breathe.That's why it's important to learn and maintain a meditation practice.It's not about being perfect, it's about learning how to help your mind and body cope with stress and over-stimulation.Welcome to a guided practice for focusing on how and why you feel with journal reflections, breathing exercises, mindfulness activities and meditations."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |