Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Gesto do Fluxo de Caixa na prtica" |
"Ol! Desejo-lhe as boas vindas a este curso INCRVEL em matria de Gesto do Fluxo de Caixa. Este curso possui abordagem clara, prtica e MUITO objetiva, visando a potencializao do seu conhecimento, para que voc possa aplicar o know how adquirido neste curso, no seu dia a dia. Portanto, permita-se aprender e muito sobre finanas empresariais. E assim, convido-lhe a se aventurar no universo do conhecimento, e assistir todas as aulas deste curso. Foco no controle das Finanas Empresariais;Foco no conhecimento;Foco nos benefcios.E a, bora aprender? Vejo voc, no incio das aulas! Grande abrao e at abreve!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo sobre Constituio do MEI na PRTICA" |
"Quer aprender MUITO sobre aspectos empresariais, com relao a tudo o que voc precisa saber sobre ANTES, DURANTE e o DEPOIS de constituir a sua empresa do MEI? Ento saiba que voc est no lugar CERTO! isso mesmo! Neste curso, voc ir aprender muito e de maneira objetiva, sobre diversos tpicos em matria de Microempreendedor Individual, na PRTICA. Foco na potencializao do conhecimento;Bora aprender;Bora empreender.Vejo vocs, no incio das aulas!Forte abrao, e at breve!Prof. Ademir"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Contabilidade 4.0" |
"Ol! Est buscando aperfeioamento profissional na rea contbil? Saiba que voc est no lugar CERTO! Este curso tem como foco central a demonstrao de contedos ATUALIZADOS sobre o MERCADO ATUAL na rea contbil, sobre as NOVAS TENDNCIAS e NICHOS para voc ter know how direcionado e estratgico como diferencial para a sua atuao profissional dentro do EMPREENDEDORISMO CONTBIL. Aprenda diversos contedos sobre inovaes tecnolgicas aplicveis a contabilidade neste curso COMPLETO sobre Contabilidade 4.0 que a contabilidade da NOVA ERA. E a, bora aprender e empreender?Vejo voc, no incio do curso! Forte abrao do prof. Ademir :)"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Create Hyper-Casual Games: The Hyper Casual Games Blueprint" |
"Over 12 hours covering the theory behind the Chart Topping Hyper Casual Mobile Games.Youll learn the essential game design elements that go into creating the Hit Hyper-Casual Games that you can see right now topping the charts of the App Stores. These games have generated millions of downloads and it's not by luck!In this course, youll discover all the ingredients of game design and game theory to put you on the path to success, create your own winning Hyper Casual games and wow potential mobile publishers.Weve broken down the entire Blueprint of the top Hyper Casual games piece-by-piece and laid out all the information youll ever need to create a game that the biggest Mobile Publishers are currently hunting for. Some people say you just need downloads, and sure, downloads are of course great, but what if your players are leaving after a day or worse still, a few minutes? What about CPI, Retention and important KPI's? We answer these questions are more!Were super passionate about game design and weve laid out the bullet proof essentials, broken the whole process down so you dont waste months or even years figuring this stuff out.Who this course is for:Beginner and Veteran Mobile Game Designers looking to move into the Hyper Casual space.Indie game developers, producers & designers who want to improve their games by having a stronger understanding of hyper casual game design methods and core principles.Mobile Game Creators who are excited make the hottest game genre on the App Stores today!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Mix and Master Rap Vocals and Hip Hop Vocal Effects" |
"AREYOUTIREDOFYOUR songs sounding nothing like you want ?Vocal processing is very hard and mixing and mastering isn't easy , but together we'll learn basic mixing and mastering that professional mixing engineers and studios use for artists such as travis scott, kanye west, drake.Learn essential mixing and mastering plugin chain or strip that works in all D.A.WsLearn all essential effects like reverb, delay, chorus and even move on to advanced effects like vocoderand pitch shifting.then watch examples of professional vocal chains of artists like drake , travis scott and kanye westlearn essential vocal effects to sound like Drake and travis Scott and your favorite rap artists today.This course is for all the rap producers and rappers and artists get the rap vocals you need now !"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mix and Master Trap Beats" |
"*CAUTION CONTAINSTOPSECRETTECHNIQUESTHEYDON'T WANTYOUTOKNOW*MAJORKEYALERT!!!!!!!This Course is intended for aspiring producers it aims to teach you how to mix and master your trap beats or even mix and master beats for other producers.If you don't know now you know! After finishing this tutorial you will be able to:* Mix and Master any trap Beat* Have a Great understanding of the intelligence needed to mix and master*Use EQs and Compressors and Limiters to get the best MASTEREVER"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Make Professional Trap Beats" |
"MAJORKEYALERT! WEBACKWITHANOTHERONE!After This Course You will able to create you're own TRAPBEATSeasily COURSESTARTSOFFWITH easy explanation for begginers and draws pathway for you to know where to improve in the future We will learn how to make HARDDRUMBEATS Instantly and how to get a hard bop that gets rappers flowinng. MAKE808 Glides That will leave other producers jealous.HOWTOFINISHUPANDARRANGEBEATIDEAS! HOWTOSTRUCTUREBeats !A COURSETHATWILLWHISTANDTHETESTOFTIME.BECOMEAPRODUCERANDSELLBEATS!!! COURSEINCLUDESPROJECTFILEFORABLETONANDSAMPLEPACKFORALLUSERSMATERIALCANBELEARNEDANDAPPLIEDINANYDAW"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Beatmaking : The Art Of Sampling" |
"A Good artist copy's a Great artist stealsThe advanced beatmaking: art of sampling : Sample Like Kanye West Course will show you how to integrate samples in your production workflow and achieve a high level of mastery in the art of sampling.This Course will show you how to use samples in your tracks and how to adjust bpm and get sample key.First we learn the art of sampling and then i give you a secret spot to get samples. Then how to use 2 samples at the same time.includes 2 20 minutes production sessions that will show you sampling in action so you can understand it practically."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Hack Music Theory : Make Melodies Like A Pro" |
"Major Key Alert !This course was designed for music producers to immediately start creating better melodies and chord progressions and songs using music theory essentials!however as with all other courses from trap school it is straight to the point !!! Integrated experimental learning model where you get the pack that will kickstart your results as well as videos to understand how to operate the midi pack correctly as well as recommendation for softwares+ Includes Huge Cheat Pack that includes :MIDI that contains notes for Each Scale 156+ ScalesMidi Pack that contains all chord progressions for Every Scale and for multiple genres. Results will show in 5 mins from enrolling"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Alteryx - Data processing, Data Manipulation and Analytics" |
"In this course we will make you a champion in Alteryx tool. From data extraction to business analytics this course will give you a good direction to kick start with your aspirations of delivering in Business Intelligence and/or Data Analytics. We will be majorly focusing on Business Intelligence and will add concepts of Analytics. You will learn how to extract data from raw data sources, manipulate data and utilize data for running linear and logistic regression models besides machine learning models like SVM and DT. You will also understand forecasting for a time series driven data."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basic SAS Programming" |
"In this quick and concise program you will understand the basic concepts of database and SAS aesthetics and basic programming. We will be explaining concept of how to create dataset, libraries and variables. Also we will be discussing how to create new variables with conditional ""if else"" statements. Data manipulation and data wrangling will be discussed briefly."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Vs R key differences in commands and syntaxes" |
"You will learn and reconcile the key differences in commands of R programming and Python. We have realized that professionals and students have to learn multiple languages to keep up to the needs of clients and organizations. R and Python are most common languages for a Data scientist/ Business Intelligence and big data developers and it often causes confusion between 2 languages. Our course will remove all such differences in these 2 languages which causes confusion"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Healing yourself with higher Consciousness: Being A Being" |
"Brought to you by Alive. Aware. Awake.This Course will help in Understanding Yourself as a energetic being capable of anything and everything. Realizing how much control you actually have over your life experience with just a few reminders of who you are and what most important applications for your Journey here on Earth. The knowledge begins with Self understanding, flows in to Purpose, Meditation, Law of Attraction, and simple tasks to make life less complicated. All through your own self realizations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Amor Pleno" |
"A receita de amor verdadeiro: aquela que dura, transforma, cura e provoca uma alegria inestimvel.Oferecendo o poder de nutrir e de beneficiar seu amor. um guia para o desenvolvimento de sua capacidade de amar. Adotando novos comportamentos, voc pode ter um relacionamento mais satisfatrio.O amor s floresce quando nos preparamos psicologicamente para isso. O amor tem o que nos levar - pelo meio da presena revelador da pessoa que nos ama - ao mais profundo do nosso ser e nos fazer sentir que a vida tem uma natureza que pode e pode ser atingido."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"stiridye Mantar Yetitiricilii Eitimi" |
"stiridye mantar yetitiriciliinin nasl yaplmas gerektiini tm ynleriyle ele aldmz bu eitim programnda mantarhanelerin nasl olmas gerektiini, Yetitiricilikte karlaabileceimiz ekil bozukluklar ve hastalklarn nedenlerini ve karlarsak nasl mcadele edeceimizi, kte istiridye mantar ekimini ve Ktk ve kompost hazrlamay anlatyoruzMerak edilen Evoparatif sistemleri ve kuluka odalarn inceleme altna alp, kompost geliim dnemlerini ve bu dnemlerde nasl hareket etmemiz gerektiini ayrntlaryla ele alyoruz."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"How to make great video in Wondershare Filmora 9?" |
"1. Let me introduce the tools of Wondershare Filmora 92. How to create text on the video?3. Insert photos, pan and zoom.4. How to make text animation.5.Insert audio,make sounds effects,fade in and fade out.6.Make blending mode video, insert the effect on the video.7.Use Chroma key in Filmora 9 (green screen).8.Cinematic effects,transition effects.9. Create a fast Parallax slideshow.10.Make GIF in Filmora 9.11.Record your work screen and voice."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"KickStart Your Brand: Create your Marketing Strategy" |
"Building a profitable business requires a positioning thats UNIQUE and stands out from the crowd. Finding a unique niche within your industry is VITAL for attracting the audience thatll help you build revenue in the first place.In this cutting edge and practical class, I will guide you through a step-by-step process so you can create your own brand marketing strategy."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Cubase Overview - What it is, and the right version for you" |
"This course is a great introduction into the world of Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) using one of the best on the market, Cubase. You will learn what Cubase has to offer you, in detail, with many musical examples along the way.Whether you are new to DAWs or experienced, there is a lot of handy information here. You may know that Cubase comes in 3 different versions, but do you really know what you can do with each version? This course explains it all.If you are trying to decide which version of Cubase is right for you, the lessons here will help you, and you may be able to save hundreds of dollars."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a la programacin con Python 3.6" |
"En este curso desarrollaremos la habilidad de pensar lgica y secuencialmente, para empezar a desarrollar programas en Python.Adems, aprenderemos sobre las instrucciones bsicas que componen un programa: - Variables- Constantes- Tipos de datos- Comparaciones entre los diferentes tipos de datos y sus valores- Condicionales (si pasa esto, entonces se hace una cosa, sino, se hace otra)- Ciclos (acciones repetitivas)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Hzl ve Pratik Uygulamal SPSS (v21-v25) Istatistik" |
"Aratrma raporu, yksek lisans veya doktora tezi ve makale yazm iin hzl, pratik ve uygulamal SPSS eitimine ho geldiniz. Bu eitim IBM SPSS version 21 'den version 25 'e kadar olan versiyonlarda rahatlkla uygulanacak ekilde anlatlmtr. Eitim ierii pratik ve hzlca iinizi grecek ekilde hazrlanm olup SPSS detaylar ile boulmadan aratrmanza odaklanmanz amalanmtr. Alacanz bu eitim ile aratrmanz yapp, rapor, tez ve makale yazabilir veya eitim ieriini lisans veya yksek lisans dersi olarak rencilerinize aktarabilirsiniz. SPSS konusunda her eyi bilmek istiyor ve SPSS uzman olmak istiyorsanz bu eitim balang diyebiliriz. Ama hzl ve pratik ekilde aratrmanza odaklanmanz iin gerekli bilgiler ve uygulamalar bu eitimde mevcuttur. Eitim ieriinde IBM SPSS istatistik paket programnn kurulumundan balanarak temel dzey terim ve aklamalar yaplarak parametrik ve parametrik olmayan testler hakknda bilgi verilecek ve uygulamalar yaplacaktr. Son olarak da faktr karma ve gvenirlik analizi anlatlarak uygulamalar gsterilecektir. statistiksel analiz gerektiren hemen hemen her aratrmacnn rapor, makale ve tez yazmnda karsna kan korkulu ryas SPSS olduka hzl, pratik, basit ve sade bir dil ile her sahadan aratrmacnn anlayabilecei dzeyde anlatlarak ilgili uygulamalar yaplmtr.Faktr Analizi iin gerekli Monte Carlo PCA programn (win ve mac iin) bu eitim ile birlikte kolayca indirebilirsiniz.imdiden Baarlar,Lead Academy"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Nodejs desde CERO: Paquetes y Entorno" |
"Este es un curso bsico pero completo para que puedas comenzar a desarrollar aplicaciones y paquetes en Node.js, una especie de introduccin a este framework para que entiendas su uso bsico.La razn por la cual este curso es gratis es debido a que te ayudar a saber si realmente es algo que te interesa para posteriormente ver cursos ms avanzados con diferentes temticas como el crear un servidor-web con Node.js e inclusive desarrollar aplicaciones con soporte de HTML y CSS.Como programador avanzado en este framework, puedo asegurarte que es realmente sencillo el entender el entorno de Node.js, de hecho si tienes conocimiento avanzado en JavaScript, entonces te dir que ya tienes ms del 50% aprendido sobre Node.js, as que ser pan comido para ti el aprender su uso y desarrollo.Si tu objetivo es el crear aplicaciones web, de escritorio o inclusive servidores web avanzados y potentes, entonces este framework es para ti, con una ampla comunidad, paquetes gratuitos y potencia mxima que te permitirn a ti como programador el crear fantsticas aplicaciones y/o servicios."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Create Icons in Adobe Illustrator for Beginners" |
"Are you a complete beginner to Illustrator?If you want to learn about Adobe Illustrator and icon design in an easy and clear way, this course isforyou. I have years of teaching and training experience under my belt, and I understand whatbeginnersto Illustrator want and need to know.Well start from the beginning steps of setting up your workspace in Illustrator all the way through to exporting your design as a JPG or PNG file.Filesforthis class are available for download in each section.Youll learn:The basics of illustrator, including Illustrators most important tools and palettesThe tools necessary to draw icons and then immediately put those new skills to use creating a coffee icon setKeyboard shortcuts to build designs quickly and easilyTips and tricks to improve your speedCourse content and OverviewWell create a cute coffee icon set from start to finish, learning the basics of Adobe Illustrator along the way.1. Intro2. Creating a New Document in Adobe Illustrator3. Setting Up Your Workspace in Illustrator4. Layers and Appearance Palettes5. Colors, Pathfinder, and Other Palettes6. Illustrator Tools Used in Icon 1 - Coffee Packaging7. Icon 1 - Coffee Packaging8. Illustrator Tools Used in Icon 2 - Tall Coffee Cup9. Icon 2 - Tall Coffee Cup10. Illustrator Tools Used in Icon 3 - Coffee Pot11. Icon 3 - Coffee Pot12. Collecting graphics and exporting.13. Wrap upDont worry if youre a complete beginner, even if youve never opened Illustrator before!As one of my students, Yesenia Castillo, put it:If you are lookingfora good start to learning Illustrator, this is the class to begin getting your feet wet. Anne speaks with clarity and balanced speed. The projects she has chosen are not too advanced, and she responds quickly. I would not hesitate to take another of her courses should the need arise."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Speed, Efficiency, and Productivity in Adobe Illustrator" |
"Do you find yourself saying ""There has GOT to be a FASTER way of doing this"" when working in Adobe Illustrator? Do you want to increase your speed and efficiency and learn a few new tips and tricks while you're at it? If so, this class is for you!!In this Adobe Illustrator speed and efficiency course, we'll cover tons of ways to increase productivity in Illustrator. By learning the ins and outs of working efficiently in Illustrator, you could find yourself completing your design projects in HALF the time!You'll learn new techniques to improve your Illustrator workflow, and we'll go over everything step by step.In this course, you'll learn: How to set up your workspace to work FOR YOU and optimize speed Illustrator keyboard shortcuts - these are absolutely essential to working quickly How to select and isolate objects easily The ins and outs of the appearance palette and how it works together with graphic styles New actions in Illustrator - we'll also go over how they work and how to set them up How to set up symbols and change all existing instances with one click (and drag) How to create and use templates - don't reinvent the wheel: reuse elements, work smarter, and pick up speed How to use color quickly - and we'll introduce a few tools you might not know aboutYou'll get access to awesome resources available in this class for free - they'll help you on your journey to Illustrator Speedtown!Once you learn Illustrator, the next step is increasing speed, efficiency, and productivity. This is an intermediate - advanced level course, so you'll need to have a working knowledge of the program to get the most out of the class.Get ready to learn all about Illustrator productivity, speed, and efficiency. Let's dive in!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre Langage C : Tout va bien !" |
"Ce cours va vous permettre acqurir les bases dans l'algorithme et la programmation en langage C. Durant cette formation nous traiterons deux projets. Premier projet : va vous permettre bien comprendre tous ceux qui consistent les types primitifs et structurs. On en crera un type structur avec les fonctions qui vont avec.Deuxime projet : est le projet final, a va vous permettre revoir presque tous les points essentiels de cette formation enfin de souder les acquis. Vous saurez comment installer quelques bibliothques, applications etc.Particulirement, je suis trs ouvert pour vous aider bien suivre ce cours en mme condition que ceux qui sont trs avancs en Langage C. Donc, vous pouvez me laisser des commentaires, et je saurez vous rpondre dans un meilleur dlai.NB: Je serai heureux de savoir vos retours pour bien amliorer mes prochaines formations. Cette formation pourra continuer pour que vous obteniez le niveau intermdiaire. puis on ferra encore 2 projets mais, cette fois-si on ferra de vrais jeux avec des joueurs. Pour que cette formation puisse avoir lieu, j'aimerais savoir votre dcision.Brf, je vous souhaite une bonne formation"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Langage C : Structure de Donnes et d' Algorithmes en C" |
"L'ensemble d'algorithmes qui sont tudis dans cette formation, peuvent tre appliqus d'importe quel langage de programmation Imprative. Pour ceux qui s'en sortent mieux en programmation oriente d'objet, peuvent appliquer toutes les connaissances qui seront acquises dans cette formation en POO.Le livre que j'utilise est un livre d'algorithme et programmation en Java, pour vous montrer que cette formation n'est pas limite qu'en Langage C."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"MySQL Database Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert" |
"This course will help you in reading and writing complex SQL queries using one of the most demanding database in industry which is mysql. These skills are also applicable to any other major SQL database like Microsoft SQL Server,Oracle, and much more.This course is designed for Students as well Software professionals who are willing to learn, understand the technique to create databases, tables or how to query that database.This course includes Creating database, different ways to insert values in the database as well as selecting queries and different types of joins.Each section includes practice problems or additional e-books to help reinforce what you learn in the video tutorials.If you are already a SQL programmer and looking for a reference course then this course is not for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Programacin de Arduinos" |
"IntroduccinEste curso es un curso introductorio enfocado a personas que quieren acercarse al Arduino por primera vez. El enfoque es el de trabajar con Arduino de forma directa y programando en tiempo real, no el de mostrar cdigos creados y explicarlos. El enfoque es sobre el Arduino ms que sobre electrnica, pues en mi opinin, la electrnica se puede resolver fcil, pero es en la programacin donde existe el verdadero poder de los micro-controladoresQue vas a aprender?Sobre las placas Arduino y su funcionamientoAspectos de programacin que son los ms importantes de entenderAlgunos circuitos bsicosUso de entradas y salidas del ArduinoDestrezas que obtendrsPensamiento computacionalConstruccin de cdigoQue necesitas para el curso?Una computadoraTener el Arduino IDE Instalado (ver abajo link de instrucciones)Tener una placa de Arduino disponibleLos siguientes compoentesBreadboardCables JumperLedsServomotorBotnRel (con breakout)Resistencias de 330Ohm y 10KOhmMotor DC de 5v"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Programacin Arduino Intermedia" |
"Este es un curso intermedio de Arduino, donde utilizando programacin orientada a objetos en C/C++ programaremos una mquina de estados (autmata de estado finito) en un Arduino. Las aplicaciones de mquinas de estado en Arduino son muchas, pues facilita la programacin sobre todo de procesos de automatizacin y permite adems incluir aspectos de aprendizaje mecnico.Este es un curso corto (yo no creo en cursos largos) y la intencin es enfocarse en un tema especfico pero con objetivos claros de aprendizaje. El curso lo desarrollo de forma fluida y en el instante, es decir me vern explicar y programar en tiempo real, para que ustedes puedan seguir el curso al mismo tiempo e ir programando de forma simultnea. El enfoque es de programacin y no de construccin de circuitos.Proveo adems material adicional para que puedan profundizar ms sobre el tema con material adicional. Cubriremos temas de programacin con objetos, uso de variables dinmicas, y programacin de mquinas de estado, utilizando algunos ejemplos sencillos.Al finalizar el curso quedarn ustedes con un cdigo construido por ustedes mismos para poder abstraer mquinas de estado en sus proyectos, y con el cual pueden seguir trabajando para generar ms posibilidades. Se tocan varios temas todos de forma dinmica y bajo la metodologa de aprender haciendo:Maquinas de estadoPunteros o apuntadoresEstructuras de dato structProgramacin con objetos en C++Diseo de cdigoMateriales que se ocupan:Arduino UNO o similarUn botnUn LEDCables jumperUn micro servoUn breadboard"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"construction management: How to become a bridge engineer" |
"Bridges are a crucial part of the traffic system, and it is used mainly to reduce the traffic jam and to connect areas where the terrain like rivers and mountain exists. The construction of bridges is essential in modern life to accommodate the massive increase in the number of vehicles. In this course, we will discuss the steps of construction Box Girder Bridge.We will discuss components of bridge such as pilling: method of executing piles and tests used to verify pile quality and ability to transfer the structure load. Also, we will discuss pile caps, piers, and superstructure.Prestressing is an essential part of constructing a bridge. We will discuss the component of the prestressing system, equipment's, stressing sequence, and prestressing losses. Also, we will discuss friction losses and how to obtain the friction coefficient from the friction test at site.Bride bearing is an essential element, and it transfers the loads from superstructure to substructure. Also, provide flexibility to the structure by allowing rotation and movement. We will discuss the reason behind using bearing, bearing types, bearing component, presetting, articulation of bearings and tests for bridge bearing.Finally, expansion joint's, reasons behind using an expansion joint, types, and the component of expansion joint and method of installing the expansion joint. This course intends to bridge the gap between practical life and academic life by presenting concepts that can't be found easily in books or academic study."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"construction management: construction field management" |
"This course designed to expand your practical side of engineering knowledge. This course concentrating on the practical side of the construction field. in the field, the construction work will be completed with the assist of the contract document such as contract drawing, specification, BOQ, shop drawing, method statement, and inspection test and plan. In this course, you will see samples for different contract documents, and you will know the importance of these documents and how to use it. This course will discuss other important topics, such as NOC. NOC is essential for almost all construction projects, this course identifying the NOC, the importance of NOC, and how to acquire it. Also, we will discuss here trial trenches and boreholes. A trial trench is an excavation used to explore underground, and it is used extensively at the beginning of the construction project. On the other hand, boreholes are used to acquire soil samples to determine soil bearing capacity for the design of the structure foundation. We will discuss these subjects here in detail. This course will discuss other important topics such as earthwork, formwork, falsework, concrete, waterproofing, dewatering, reinforcement steel. As a person working in construction, you need to know these topics. In the construction field, you will deal with 90% of these topics. In his course, you will acquire essential practical knowledge. This knowledge will help in managing your construction field. Part, this course will discuss the supporting of deep excavation and the different methods such as sheet pile, secant piles, and kingpost wall."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"construction management: concrete construction" |
"This course is designed to expand your knowledge. in this course you will learn almost everything about concrete. Concrete is the most used material in construction worldwide. We can find material almost in everything around us. Therefore, we need to understand the properties and behavior of this material and what the reason behind using it intensively in construction. In this course, we will study the different ingredients of concrete. Also, I will explain the admixture and how various admixtures can alter concrete properties. Recently the using of pozzolans increased sharply, adding of pozzolans to the concrete mix will enhance concrete properties. We will discuss the different type of pozzolans and their effects on concrete. Also, in this course, you gain knowledge regarding SCC and fiber reinforced concrete.Concrete cant survives without being reinforced with concrete. Here I will explain the reason behind reinforcing concrete and the grades and types of rebar. Also, we will discuss cracks in concrete and the prevention and repairing methods. The prestressing of concrete is relatively new. Here we will discuss the concept of concrete prestressing, the different between post-tensioning and pretention and the benefits of concrete prestressing."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |