Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Curso Prtico: Aprenda a Comprar e Vender Bitcoins" |
"O curso iniciado dando suporte para conseguir acessar uma corretora de negociao;Na corretora (exchange) voc aprender a se cadastrar, validar a conta e obter a autenticao de 2 fatores;Em seguida, aprender a transferir dinheiro da conta bancria para a exchange;Usando dinheiro, vamos comprar, vender e transferir bitcoins;Para finalizar, ensinado a sacar o dinheiro da exchange para a conta bancria."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso Prtico: Aprenda a Comprar e Vender Aes na Bolsa" |
"O curso totalmente prtico, onde a tela do meu computador gravada e exibida.Primeiramente, ensinarei a se cadastrar nas corretoras. Em seguida, vamos aprender a depositar dinheiro na corretora e a comprar e vender aes na mesa de operaes.Aps assistir o curso, voc saber a comprar e vender aes na bolsa brasileira."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Tesouro Direto: Do Zero ao Primeiro Investimento" |
"Voc sabia que investir no Tesouro Direto rende mais do que a Poupana?Dessa forma, esse curso iniciar pelos conceitos Fundamentais do Tesouro Direto, explicando sobre os Ttulos Venda na pgina do Tesouro Nacional.Em seguida, ser ensinado os principais Fatores que Interferem no Lucro dos Ttulos.E para finalizar, voc aprender a Escolher o Melhor Ttulo Venda e acompanhar um eu Comprando um Ttulo do Tesouro Direto. Alm da compra, estarei relatando o Andamento da Rentabilidade desse ttulo comprado."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Como criar Marcas do Zero - Pequenos e Mdios Negcios" |
"Voc est comeando um negcio? Ou j tem um, mas no tem conhecimentos nenhum de marketing e propaganda e gostaria de aprender mais? Ento vem c que esse curso para voc! Em qualquer ao de marketing ou propaganda, o principal ter um conceito de marca j bem estabelecido. Saber quem voc e o que voc representa no mercado. Tambm saber quem o seu pblico e qual a melhor maneira de se mostrar para ele. E pode acreditar, de nada vai valer aquele curso super avanado de marketing se voc no tiver essa base to importante.Este curso um composto de vdeo-aulas, tarefas e leituras que vo te ensinar como criar uma marca desde os primeiros passos. Pensado para pequenos e mdios negcios e para pessoas iniciantes na rea. So conceitos tericos e prticos para que seu negcio vire um grande sucesso! E aproveita que est baratinho, uma chance dessa no d para deixar passar."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Programao para Iniciantes usando Portugol Studio" |
"Ol! Eu sou Elieser A. de Jesus, bacharel em Cincia da Computao e mestre em Computao Aplicada!Nesse curso vou compartilhar com voc o que eu aprendi em 14 anos envolvido com programao de computadores.J programei jogos, sistemas e leciono em universidade a quase 10 anos.Alm disso, eu tambm sou msico, e juntei as minhas paixes em um projeto chamado JamTaba, um software que permite tocar online com msicos de outros pases. Nesse projeto eu sou o principal programador e trabalho com colaboradores de vrios pases.Nesse curso voc aprender a base para a programao de computadores: a lgica de programao.Eu planejei esse curso baseado nas dificuldades que eu venho observando nos alunos. Como professor eu percebo que a dificuldade para aprender a programar est relacionada com dificuldades de raciocnio lgico e resoluo de problemas. Pensando nisso eu criei esse curso dando nfase nessas questes, e s depois entramos na codificao. Para iniciantes muito ruim tentar codificar antes de entender a lgica de programao. Geralmente isso causa muitos problemas de aprendizagem.Esse curso est direcionado para:- Pessoas que no tem qualquer noo e querem aprender programao;- Estudantes de graduao que queiram complementar suas aulas relacionadas programao; e- Estudantes de ensino mdio que cursam disciplinas relacionadas com programao e que queiram se aprofundar.Seja bem vind@!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Understanding Systems of Oppression" |
"Understanding systems of Oppression to better access leverage points for personal and collective liberation. How to decolonize your mind, your relationships, and your organizations. A comprehensive course unpacking social justice theories. No quiz/test evolving education model. Resources to meet multiple learning styles. Goal of collective Liberation. Some of the subjects covered: Systemic Oppression Defining Social Justice Terms.Social Permaculture and Climate Action Trauma Response (Intergenerational Transmission) and Trauma recovery MicroaggressionsSocial Science Evaluation & Monitoring techniques Racial Identity formationBronfenbrennersGenogramsPsychology and Social Justice Multicultural competent counselingBowens Theory Social Dominance TheoryWhite Fragility Tools for White Allies in Countering RacismEmpowerment Tools for marginalized communities like LGBTQI & BIPOC and much morespecial focus on intersectional movements Detailed Description: Understanding Systems of Oppression:How Sustaining Self and Others forms a feedback loop.Decolonization, Empowerment, and Trauma focus on anti-discriminationIntersectional movements and approaches to increase efficiencyInnovating activism to bridge across divides.Introverted activism, and a revolution of the heart.Unpacking social justice theories to better access liminal spaces as leverage points for personal and collective liberation.Utilizing comics, games, exercises, articles, lectures, case studies, journaling, mindfulness & meditation, somatic trauma release practices and more to meet multiple learning stylesIntersectionality (Racism, Sexism, Ableism, Xenophobia, Homophobia, Transphobia), hegemony, Institutional racism, and white cis-patriarchial heteronormative supremacy, legitimizing the authority of the normative and power. Intersectional movements (such as social justice & climate action)Systems Theory The role utilizing larger models and assessments on assisting in comprehensive analysis of how oppression is woven and unwoven in individuals and collectives. Genograms and tracking intergenerational patterns, Bronfenbrenner model, Social Dominance Theory and Testing, Bowens Nuclear Systems Theory and inventory. Evaluation methods for multicultural competence.How the legitimization of authority and identity formation plays a role in countering or perpetuating oppression: medical-industrial complex classifying defect to necessitating cure, How integration is not assimilation development of psychologically recognized Racial & Integrated models (other social locations) of Identity formation stages and phasesTrauma How it factors into the perpetuation of oppression as a barrier to engagement and a catalyst for transformation. Dialectic deficiencies from subversive triggers (white fragility), contexts such as how the oppressed becomes the oppressor. the accumulation of trauma on lowering self-determination. limited emotional Intelligence and social capacity's role in creating far-right thinking, Microaggressions & Intergenerational Transmission:Trauma Healing as a radical act of Social Change. Trauma, a catalyst for resilience: post-traumatic growth. Integrating Trauma recovery methods and practices to co-create effective intersectional movements.Utilizing spiritual technologies for the sake of countering oppression reclaiming its appropriation as a form of spiritual bypass. Two eyes seeing form of Integrating western healing practices with indigenous ways of knowing to co-create more effective transformative programs.Somatic inquiry into power and understanding modes of power: social power, power over/under, power with and power from within.Diversity's role in increasing positive fiscal outlooks and innovative approaches in business management.A comprehensive look at the perspective of collaborative hierarchy attenuation regenerative leadership as a means to counter oppression.Exercises and Practice to gain fluency: The Power Shuffle/ Step Forward Step Back etc.Tools for marginalized communities to gain empowerment. Tools for Privileged Allies in Countering OppressionHow to be an ally and proper ways to engage in discussions on the topic without committing classic faux paus of re-traumatization. Interactive practice to familiarize participants with having anti-oppressive dialogues. Microaggressions and theater of the oppressed.Decolonize minds, movements, & collectives to increase effectiveness."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
self_efficiency |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Finanziell Fit: Erfolgreich mit Geld umgehen" |
"Du willst nie wieder Geldsorgen haben?Du willst den Grundstein fr einen langfristigen und erfolgreichen Vermgensaufbau legen?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich!Hier lernst du...wie du dir das richtige Geld-Mindset aneignest. wie du Schulden mglichst effizient abbaust und in Zukunft keine mehr machst.wie du monatlich mehr Geld zur Verfgung hast, ohne mehr zu verdienen.was der grte Denkfehler beim Umgang mit Geld ist.welche drei Fragen dich vor finanziellen Fehlentscheidungen bewahren.wie die finanzielle Grundregel #1 lautet.Auf dieser Grundlage kannst du aufbauen und deinen Geldsorgen fr immer Tschss sagen!Ich freu mich auf dich,Carsten"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Desvendando os segredos da Escrita" |
"Neste curso, sero apresentados contedos para a elaborao do trabalho de concluso de curso. Dessa forma, voc aprender desde estabelecer um plano mental adequado para obter sucesso ao decorrer da pesquisa at a construo e desenvolvimento do seu TCC.Mindset. Tema e delimitao do tema.Problema e objetivos.Metodologia e justificativa.Referencial terico; resultados da pesquisa.Tipos de citao; expresses latinas no texto (apud; infra; supra; sic.).Consideraes finais.Bnus: Manual prtico para Artigo Cientfico.Professora Priscila Goes @priscilaagoes (Instagram)"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How To Pitch Anyone On Anything" |
"Hey guys, my name is JB and Ive launched this intensive mini course to give you that immediate confidence and ability to sell from the get go without any BS that youll find in other courses.Are you completely new to sales and want to stand out above the competition straight away or do you have your own business and you're fed up of getting rubbish results?Whatever the reason is, youre here right now looking at this course TAKE ACTION.My course How To Pitch Anyone On Anything will go through the full basics of a sales pitch, the techniques I use, train my staff to use & have coached countless business owners to use, how to handle objections and techniques for this PLUS my bonus section *State of mind*You will also get my cheat sheets you can download and print out to remind you while selling!This course isnt for people who want to spend a couple of dollars and forget about it, this course is for the people who want to make a drastic change in their sales performance and take action. Ill see you in my first lesson."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin al mundo de la Cerveza" |
"Te gusta la cerveza y quieres aprender pero no sabes por donde empezar?Has asistido a catas pero no entiendes el lenguaje que se utiliza? Te cuesta trabajo mantener una conversacin sobre cerveza y temes quedar como ignorante?Este curso es para t!__________________________________________________________________________________________________Bienvenido al curso completo: Introduccin al Mundo de la CervezaEsto es lo que aprenders en nuestro curso:Conocers la historia de la cerveza y su papel en diferentes culturas.Desarrollars el lenguaje apropiado para hablar de cerveza.Entenders el proceso de elaboracin de la cerveza.Conocers el origen de los principales estilos de cerveza dentro de su contexto histrico y geogrfico.Sers capaz de identificar las principales caractersticas organolpticas de la cerveza.Sers capz de interpretar la informacin mostrada en las etiquetas de las cervezas.Habrs mejorado su capacidad para desgustar cualquier estilo de cerveza.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________Con tu gusto por la cerveza y procesando la informacin que te proporcionamos en el curso, estars aprendiendo de manera estructurada desde la leccion 1. Inscrbete ya!Nos vemos en el curso,Atentamente:Hctor Lpez Maldonado"
Price: 945.00 ![]() |
"Diseo de Recetas de Cerveza" |
"Te gusta la cerveza, ya sabes cmo se hace pero no sabes cmo disear tus propias recetas? Quieres hacer que tus recetas no solo sean excelentes sino que sea nicas y que reflejen tu talento?Quieres acortar el camino para ajustar tus recetas al punto que tengan un nivel que te permita comercializarlas?No quieres limitarte a hacer recetas copiadas de la web?Quieres hacer tu propia interpretacin de algn estilo o marca exitosa?Quieres crear tu propio estilo?Este curso es para ti !______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Bienvenido al curso completo: Diseo de Recetas de Cerveza- Nivel BsicoAl finalizar este curso:Sers capaz de seleccionar tu plataforma de diseo de recetas que mejor se ajuste a tus preferencias.Podrs interpretar cualquier receta de cervezaSers capaz de definir tu flujo de trabajo del proceso de diseo basado en tus requerimientos personales.Podrs crear tus propias recetasPodrs convertir cualquier receta a las unidades de medida de tu eleccinPodrs escalar tus recetas a cualquier tamao, tecnologa y eficiencia de equipo. Aprenders a llevar una bitcora de tus lotes.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Con tu gusto por la cerveza y procesando la informacin que te proporcionamos en el curso, estars aprendiendo de manera estructurada desde la leccin 1. Asimismo, hemos incluido una serie de recursos que te ayudarn a formar tu caja de herramientas de software para que disear recetas sea fcil y gratificante. Deja los clculos manuales y concntrate en la parte creativa del proceso. Despus de todo, tus cervezas sern un reflejo de tu personalidad y de tu talento cervecero y con ste curso podrs dar rienda suelta a tu creatividad. Inscrbete ya!_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________NOTA IMPORTANTE: Este NO es un curso de Elaboracin de Cerveza. Se asume, como se dice en la descripcin que ya ests familiarizado con el proceso de elaboracin. Si no es as, quieres reforzar tus conocimientos, te recomendamos que primero tomes nuestro curso sobre ese tema_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Nos vemos en el curso,Atentamente:Hctor Lpez Maldonado"
Price: 1545.00 ![]() |
"Simulados para Scrum Master" |
"Este curso comprende dois simulados com 60 questes (30 cadas) relacionadas a conhecimento bsico da metodologia gil para Scrum Masters e participantes de projetos geis. Tendo em vista que o gil mais uma mudana de mindset do que uma metodologia, os conceitos iniciais so primordiais para o bom aprendizado do mtodo. Teste no s o conhecimento do mtodo mas tambm a vivncia e a aderncia ao mtodo em seu ambiente de trabalho."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Auswandern nach Irland" |
"Erfahre alles, was du frs Auswandern auf die grne Insel brauchst!Von der Beantragung der Irischen Sozialversicherungsnummer bis hin zur Job- und Wohnungssuche, sowie wichtigen Alltagsfragen. In diesem Kurs helfe ich dir mit meiner langjhrigen Erfahrung als Irland-Auswanderer, dir den Einstieg in dein neues Leben in Irland so leicht wie mglich zu machen!Du wirst erfahren wie du Zeit, Geld und Nerven bei der Job- und Wohnungssuche sparst und du bekommst Wissen auf wichtige Ressourcen, die bei Alltagsfragen (Fragen zur Steuererklrung, zum Internet Provider oder Mlltrennung) helfen. Wenn du nach Irland ziehen mchtest oder gerade einen Job bei Apple, Amazon, Google oder Facebook in Dublin oder Cork angenommen hast oder du als Au-pair nach Irland gehen mchtest, dann ist dies der perfekte Kurs, um dich auf dein neues Leben vorzubereiten!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Workouts to Get You Moving" |
"In the following short sessions, students learn nutritional strategies and practice proper exercise form with guided instructions, in a small space, using little or no equipment.Learn nutritional strategies for eating healthier, and losing weight.Practice and learn a 3.5 Minute cardio warm-up routine to become energized, and ready for weight training. Practice and learn a 4 Minute Full Body workout.Practice and learn a 5 minute arms & shoulder muscle building workout.Practice and learn a 5 minute lower body and core workout.Practice and learn a 5 minute upper back workout."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy Home Workout & Diet Program to fit into your busy day." |
"Students will practice daily 15 minute body weight routines demonstrated by ALL Bodies Fitness Master Trainer, Patricia.Section 1 - WelcomeWorkout Overview video Video introduction to this home workout program.How to use this program video. Free PDF exercise and diet journal download.Section 2 - Nutritional StrategiesNutritional video for healthy strategies to lose weight.Free PDF E-Book about a fiber intake diet strategy.A 3-page PDF of common foods and their fiber content.Section 3 - StretchingIntroduction to Stretching. Free Stretching Chart DownloadsSection 4 - Daily 15 Min Beginner Body Weight WorkoutsDay 1 - Body weight exercises for beginners. Only a chair and your own body weight needed. Includes 6 mins low impact cardio, squats, wall push-ups, slow marching for Abs/Balance, and finishes with stretching. Does not require you to get on the floor.Day 2 -Body weight exercises for beginners. Only a chair and your own body weight needed. Includes 4 mins low impact cardio, wall push-ups, hip opening gate swings, firebucket reaches, and finishes with stretching. Does not require you to get on the floor.Day 3 - Exercises for beginners focusing on upper body. Only (2) sixteen oz. canned goods, a chair, and your own body weight needed. Includes 4 mins low impact cardio, wall push-ups, bent over rows, triceps wall push-ups, front and lateral shoulder raises, bicep curls, and finishes with stretching. Does not require you to get on the floor. (This is a video using weights, and should not be practiced consecutive days before or after the video on day number 6, or completed independently two days in a row.) Review section 1, (""How to use this program"") video guide for more details.Day 4 - Body weight exercises for beginners. Only a chair and your own body weight needed. Includes 3.5 mins low impact cardio, kickbacks, leg extensions, squats, sumo squats, standing inner thigh adductions, and finishes with stretching. Does not require you to get on the floor.Day 5 - Body weight exercises for beginners. Only a chair, your own body weight needed, and any size book is optional. Includes 3.5 mins low impact cardio, squats, wall push - ups, seated Abs, hip opening gate swings, and finishes with stretching. Does not require you to get on the floor.Day 6 - Full body exercises for beginners using light weights. Only (2) sixteen oz. canned goods, a chair, and your own body weight needed. Includes 3.5 mins low impact cardio, squats with a bicep curl, lateral raises, wall push-ups, kickbacks, seated Abs, triceps push-ups, front raises, leg extensions, sumo squats, bent over rows, and finishes with stretching. Does not require you to get on the floor. (This is a video using weights, and should not be practiced consecutive days before or after the video on day number 3, or completed independently two days in a row.) Review section 1, (""How to use this program"") video guide for more details.Section 5 - Bonus 30 Minute Cardio and Strength Workout - NEWAre you ready for a full 30 minute workout? Are the 15 minute sessions not enough for you? Want more cardio? Try this 30 minute session of low impact cardio combined with a sprinkling of body weight strength training that will keep your heart rate elevated as you burn lots of calories! Remember you can try this and hit pause/stop if you need to go back to the 15 minute workouts. Just make sure that you cool-down and stretch properly if you do not complete the entire video!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Retake Control Over Your Life" |
"Who Is This Class For?This training class is designed for anyone who is interesting in retaking control over his/her life and wants to learn the simple steps on how to do so. If that sounds like you then lets get started right away. You deserve the freedom to retake your own life under your control.Class DescriptionIn this training class, you will learn how to use simple steps to retake control of your life. Master the one thing that most successful people attribute their success to, control.So you are going to pay particular attention to this class.More Into The ClassLet me start by asking you a question. Are you living the life you have always dreamed of? If not, does this make you feel down? Maybe even making you miserable?Does it seem like you have tried everything in your power to achieve more in a shorter time, and yet, despite your best intentions, you are still plagued with: Not knowing how to stay focused on the task at hand? Not making the most of every situation and you procrastinate? Not knowing how to find direction and purpose?If the above describes you, then you need this training class.At the end of the class, you will discover the key to achieving anything you want in life. So, set up your mind for it.What You Can Gain In The ClassThe class will guide and provide you with the key to finally get rid of procrastination and time-wasting, and help you to start living the life you truly want.Yes, and this will be archived by learning how: To put an end to excuses and take action, To discover disciplined risk-taking to take you to the next level, Quickly get your priorities in order, The magic of the Pomodoro technique, Learn the time management skills of winners and much more.Just pay attention. By the end of this training class, you will understand how to retake control of your everyday life. Get ready for your newly found adventure and vibes of life.So, lets get started right now by clicking on the enrolment button."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Fiverr Guide For Beginners" |
"Who Is This Class For?This class is designed for you if you one of those interested in the power of Fiverr marketplace and will like to master it with few essential steps.Class DescriptionIn this class, you will learn the key knowledge of Fiverr marketplace and how to navigate through it for your success. Of course, its all broken down for you on step-by-step bases so you can grasp the needed information to take you to the next level within the Fiverr business world.As stated by the company itself, Our mission to grow and cultivate the world's largest digital marketplace, a place where people can find and purchase any service they need, and build any business they dream.That should sound both interesting and promising to you, I want to believe. Yes, I do and this is the reason this training class was created, to help you tap into that enormous marketplace of opportunity in this digital economy.What You Will Gain In This ClassIn this training class, you have a lot to gain because its packed full with the right information that can take you to the next level within the Fiverr marketplace and beyond. What is Fiverr, How To Create And Configure Your Own Fiverr Account, How To Identify Hot Selling Gigs, How To Optimize Your Profile, How To Create A Gig, How To Be Featured By Fiverr, How To Generate Traffic To Your Profile and many more.Whether you are just starting in Fiverr platform or you have been there for sometimes now, this training class is going to be very useful to you.The class is a fruit of many years of experience, so brace up for some life-changing tips and be ready to put out the best of your success in Fiverr marketplace."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Easy Traffic Strategy" |
"Who Is This Course For?This course is designed for those who are interested in traffic strategy and want to learn how to drive real traffic to their online business without breaking their bank.DescriptionIn this class, you will learn how to generate high traffic to your web business. The most interesting part of this training class is that you are going to learn 10 proven strategies to do it free of charge.Is that not interesting?As it has always been, popularity and reputation are two essentials elements of a successful business. Even today in a digital world, the rules are still pretty much the same, so every serious business owner needs to know the values of Easy Traffic Strategy to their online business and take advantage of it.Do you want to reign as the king of your online business? I think you should and this is exactly what this training class was created for.The popularity of your online business is in the hand of Search Engines. Through continuous updates of web algorithm, search engines help to keep your site ranking high and different from the masses of fake raking out there.Trust me, you need the real and authentic raking strategy, the true strategy to keep your business in front of the potential clients that matter. That is what this course was designed for.For the good and survival of your business, Google, Bing, and Yahoo are all working hard to provide the most authentic search results and they make the difference for your online business, as you will soon learn in this course, with easy-to-apply traffic strategies.In more specific ways, this class will teach you: How to optimize your website for better ranking, How to choose the right keywords for your business, How to use social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more, How to use backlisting, How to create authority about your services and many more.Note that as our world is fast-changing, so are peoples approach to businesses. Now, most people do business with the people they can trust and relate with. So, be able to gain the trust of your visitors or potential clients through a robust traffic strategy is a big plus to your online business today and you want to think seriously about that.We Have Made It Easier For YouRunning an online business is not the easiest thing in the word and we know that, especially if you are on a tight budget. For that reason, this class of 10 easy-to-follow training video has been created to make things easier for you.We know how important good traffic can mean to your online, so we have specifically created this highly effective free traffic generation strategy for your business, and in a simple format that you can easily consume without the unnecessarily technical difficulties.Take advantage of this training class, starting today and move your online business to the next level. Good luck!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Email Copy Strategy" |
"Who Is This Class For?This class is designed for those who are interested in email marketing and want to learn how to communicate the real benefits of their goods and services, through effective email copy. Learn The Secret Of Email strategy in a few simple steps.Class DescriptionThe hidden power in your email copy is your choice of words. Remember that your readers are not seeing you, to feel your physical energy and enthusiasm, but by carefully choosing the right words that speak to their emotions and feelings, you can still reach them and get them to take action.For this, you dont necessarily need to hypnotize them. Its more about motivating and inspiring them to take the right action. Remember that they are human beings, just like you.Of course, you dont have to simply fire up words in your email copy and hope that your readers will take action on them. Effective email copy is much more than just that.There are some strategies involved; some proven principles of crafting email message for your desired result and this is what this training class is going to teach you in a few simple steps.By the end of the class, you will be able to craft your first email copy that should get you a positive response.What You Can Gain In This ClassHow to craft a compelling email to inspire your readers and make them respond to your business positively,How to use the power of questions in your email communication, so you can know your readers even better,How to use stories in your email messages and how to choose the right words to convene your true message,How to use curiosity and other powerful strategies to grab the attention of your readers and how to convert them to high paying clients and many more.There are lots you can learn in this class. So, get ready to take your business to the next level and we will take care of the rest.We have made sure that by the end of the class you are armed with the right preparation for your business success. So, get started now."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Video Sales Formula: Promote Your Business Through Video" |
"Who Is This Class For?This class is designed for you if you one of those who have finally released that in todays business world, you need to use videos to promote your business. This is one opportunity you must take advantage of if you want to succeed in the business of today and this training class is perfectly created to help you do just that.Class Description Are you struggling to make sales? Are you so fed up and wish there is an easier way to sell your products and services to your potential clients?If your answer is YES then this class is definitely for you.Now, how would you like to know how to skyrocket your sales, boost your conversions and gain more leads with nearly hypnotic video messages? By the end of this class, you will learn the Easy Formula to craft the video message that truly converts.We are not talking of having just any kind of video out there; we are talking of the type of video messages that sell your good and services because that is why you are in business.But those kinds of videos are created based on a certainly proven formula and that is the same reason they work because they have been studied to perform with excellence.Yes, you heard me right, this class will help you create a video message of excellence performance.You will discover a systematic approach to Double or even Triple your conversions. No, you dont necessarily need an amazing video making or editing skills to make this happen. Just follow through the simple formula that has been designed for you in this training class.What You Can Gain In This ClassIn this class, you will learn how to correctly use video as a major tool in your sales pitch.Of course, you can still use the written sales copies. But if you want to take your business to the next level and in todays world, you will need to use video to:Engage your potential customers,Set yourself apart from your competitors who are not doing so,And dominate the marketplace instead of just survivingYou owe it to yourself to get this training class this is the make or breaks it and you want to take advantage of it.Convert your traffic website visitors into paying client! Get started now!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Basic Computer Class For Beginners" |
"Who Is This Class For?This class is designed for those who are interested in learning how to use a computer. Even if you have never used a computer before, and especially if you are willing to invest in yourself. You will find the class particularly useful if:If you want to know how to use a computer,If you work in a place where computer usage is a requirement,If you own or think of owning a small business,If you want to better find your way around in this computer world and more.Class DescriptionIn this class, you will learn the basics of how to use a computer, even if you have never touched a computer before.The objective of this training class is to take you from a level of no knowledge of the computer to self-sufficiency in its usage.But first thing, first what is a computer.More About The ClassAs we shall learn in this training class, the computer is not just a tool to consider in our house or business these days. Those days of considering computer as an optional tool to have around have passed.It is now become an essential instrument to make our lives easier if we dont want to be left behind. So, you want to know how to use a computer and you want to start today.Come to think of it. Learning how to use a computer is so easy as you will find out in this class. Apart from being easy, the computer is also pretty interesting to use.Personally, I have benefited a lot from the use of computer and I think everyone should have access to the same opportunity.I know you might be busy or thinking that its going to be difficult to learn.Well, dont worry. Its going to be easy. I have created the training class in a way that it should be easy for you.So, take advantage of it right away.How You Can Benefit From ComputerBy gaining the basics knowledge of computer, we have access to a lot of information and opportunities you might not have even known are there right now.Consider for example:Electronic mail: Every week, more than 20 million e-mail messages are sent and received through the Internet. You could finally be closer to your relatives and business associates through email messages.Downloading files: Have you ever seen a film and wished you could have that film in your home to watch anytime you want? What if you could be able to do that whenever you want?Shopping: With the limited time we all have today, you will love to do your shopping at the comfort of your home? Am I correct?What about playing games, helping your children to do their homework on the computer, or even doing businesses online through your home or office computer?Quite frankly, the benefits you can derive from the usage of computer are endless.So, let me help you get started and it will be much easier than you have imagined.Click on the enrolment button and lets get the ball rolling on your basic computer knowledge."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Fitness Strategy With KettleBell Advantage" |
"Who Is This Class For?This class is designed for you if you are a lover of fitness and wants to learn how to transform your body with kettlebells advantage. This is probably the best class you have been looking for because it is designed to get you the result you truly want.Class DescriptionIn this video training class, you will learn how to take your body transformation to the next level by applying proven methods and strategies. Through simple and practical guides from the experts in the field, you will gain insight into how to take real advantage of Kettlebell in your training exercises, and the result will surprise you. Absolutely yes.Just For The CuriosityWhat if you were told that about 90% of what you have read or heard about fitness is more about the marketing buildup, making sales of gym memberships or pushing near insignificant supplements than providing the real information that can truly help you get fit, healthy and strong?What if you were told that much of the time you have spent in the past, sweating on high priced exercise machines or tripping around, following over-complicated workout routines were pretty close to being a total waste of time?What if you were told that there is a much simpler way to get the body of your dreams with just one very simple tool, plus some smart training tactic, the willingness to work hard and the right attitude towards your body?This its true!Welcome to Fitness Strategy Through Kettlebell Advantage, one training class that will put the power of your fitness in your hand. That is if you are ready to take it.What You Can Gain In This ClassThe best thing you will gain in this class is how to get great results fast and avoid training mistakes or wastage of your precious time. So, get ready to:Learn how to transform your body with kettlebell training,Quickly get results by avoiding common pitfalls in fitness,Know the all-time best kettlebell movements and much more.Are you ready? Click on the enrollment button and get started on working on the body you truly deserve to live in.Like many of our happy students have already done before you, its time to learn about this winning fitness strategy and develop the body of your dream. Good luck!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Dealling With PAB - Passive Aggressive Behavior" |
"Who Is This Class For?This class is designed for you if you are interested in learning about passive-aggressive behaviour so you can better protect yourself and your loved ones.Class DescriptionIn this class, you will learn about Passive Aggression behaviours and how it affects people, which in some cases, the people dont even know of.Just because its passive doesnt mean its any less damaging to the victims and sometimes even to the aggressors. That is another you need to pay attention to this disorder with grave consequences to relationships between people in families, romances, work colleges and more.What About You?Has passive-aggressive behaviour ever affected your life in any way? Well, there is a likelihood it has, even if you might not know of it. But dont worry.By the end of this training class, you will learn about the principles and guides to help you break free from passive aggression or help anyone who is affected by the disorder!More Info About This Training ClassPassive Aggressive Behaviour or PAB can be intensely frustrating because its hard to identify, difficult to prove, and may even be unintentional. Sometimes, it can lead to more conflicts and intimacy issues, because many people struggle to have a direct and honest conversation about the problem at hand, Dealing with Passive-Aggression, Psychology Today.What is important to note is that many people are not even aware that they might be having a passive-aggressive disorder.The problem with the above is that if they continue to lack such knowledge, they will continue to live out their lives as though it were normal or even acceptable to be living with this correctable disorder.Come To Think Of It,No one ever attempts to fix something that doesnt appear to be broken, so a good place to start would be to educate yourself about passive-aggressive behaviour and then to review your life up until now to be able to determine whether or not your concerns need to be acted upon.If your concerns, on the hand, is about someone else, then you can develop a strategy of support to help such a person through the additional insights and knowledge to gain in this training class.To put it simpler, this training class is going to very helpful to you, whether you are the one suffering from a passive-aggressive disorder or the victim of it. So get ready to learn and live better.What You Can Gain In This ClassThanks to the clear layout of this training class, you are on your way to having your PAB under control. If you carefully follow the guides here provided for you, you will be able to: As the passive aggressor, cope better with the disorder while finding the right solution, As a relative of the aggressor, provide the necessary support to him/her, As a victim or possible victims, know the proving signs of a passive aggressor and how to avoid the aggression.Through this class, you will gain an in-depth understanding of passive-aggressive behaviour and the guide to combating it.Main ObjectiveThe primary objective is to be free from passive-aggressive behaviour and this training class is perfectly designed to do just that, with active participation from you.So, lets get started and right now."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How To Find Your Inner Happiness" |
"Who Is This Class For?This training class is designed for anyone who is interesting in personal happiness and wants to learn how to look inwardly to finding true peace and happiness. If that sounds like you then you are in the right place. So, lets get started and right away.Class DescriptionThis training class will teach you how to find your inner happiness and remain in a positive mood. Follow the simple guides in this class and create true happiness in every day of your life!We live in an incredibly beautiful world, yet most of us can barely even glimpse at this beauty because of what we chose to focus on our lives. Why?What if the wrong things we contumely occupy our life with, worrying ourselves to death are unnecessary? What if we can reflect on our lives just a bit more, to see the beauty and positivity sounding us every day?At this moment, are you unhappy with your current situation? Does it seems like you have tried everything in your power to figure it out, and despite your best intentions, you are still plagued with: Not knowing how to be happy in the situations of your life, Not understanding how to trigger your inner happiness, Not knowing how to create happiness in your life and more?This training class has been created to help you find inner peace of mind. At the end of the class, you will not only learn how to find your inner happiness but also able to help your loved ones do the same.Yes, you can be an agent of peace and happiness, and flow to other people like a river of life!What You Can Gain In This ClassThis training class is everything you need to finally get rid of the anxious feeling that arises within you every time.Pay attention to this training class and you will learn how to face even the most uncomfortable situations in your life and still live the kind of life you want.More precisely, you will: Learn Why You Feel The Way You Do In Certain Situations, Discover How To Begin The Pathway To Change, Quickly Change Your Thoughts And Expectations when The Need Arise, Revealed! How To Gain Confidence In Your Daily Life, Learn How To Enjoy The Simple Things In Life And Much More.I want to believe that you deserve a happy life.So enrol today and get ready to finally lead the fulfilling, happy and worry-free life you have always wanted.Learn how to follow a simple roadmap that thousands of others have followed before you to conquer their unhappiness.Its easy and achievable! See you in the class"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Weight Control Strategies During Holiday" |
"Who Is This Class For?This training class is designed for those who are interested in how to control their weight during holidays without sacrificing their holiday happiness. If that sounds like you then you are in the right and lets get started right away.Class DescriptionIn this class, you will learn how to avoid the customary holiday weight gain through some simple-to-follow strategies. Follow the tips and tricks in this class and you will not only avoid the dreaded holiday weight gain but dramatically increase your fitness in only a few minutes per day!More Info About The ClassWe are all thrilled by the holiday moments The parties, the celebrations, the food and the fancy champagnes. That irresistible juicy Christmas turkey and the sumptuous pudding, That delicious new year buffet and the traditional countdown champagne, These are only a few of the holiday temptations. But at what price?Of course, Im not trying to discourage you from your holiday celebration. That is not the point of this class Weight Control Strategies During Holiday.You can even improve your body over the holidays and slap the common Holiday Weight Gain. You only need to follow these tried and tested methods that it wont hamper your holiday, yet keep off the extra pounds.Are you ready?What You Can Gain In This ClassThis class was designed to help you with everything you need to finally avoid the unwanted weight gain during the holidays.Knowledge is power and once we understand the root causes of weight gain during the short but sometimes overloaded season, we are well on our way to being able to overcome it.Specifically, this class will teach you: A simple eating strategy that allows you to indulge at those holiday parties while still melting fat off your body! A killer time-based training techniques for more efficient workouts and more rapid metabolism-boosting results! How to survive dinner parties whether you are the guest or the host! How to do your workouts in a way that burns 9 times as much fat. And youll do it in less time! A full daily workout schedule created for the holidaysNote that the tips in this class have been learned the hard way and are backed up by real-life experience in addition to good practical research.Your take away from this training class is a fun-filled and enjoyable holiday without the excess food and high calorie treats.Its an achievable goal for all of us. So, let get started and right now."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Branding Strategies To Stand Out From The Rest" |
"Who Is This Class For?This class is designed for anyone, business owner or individuals who are interested in branding strategies and wants to learn how to stand out from the rest. If you need a different result for your business, Branding wise, you need to consider taking this training class?Class DescriptionThis class is designed to equip you with powerful branding strategies for your business needs in this highly competitive economy. The training class is filled with tactical tips that will help you build an awesome brand that will surely get you the attention of your loyal customers.More Info About The ClassBelieve me. All businesses are not the same, but in most of the cases, they all face similar challenges.Yesterday, I was listening to Brian Tracy, the Canadian-American motivational public speaker and self-development author.In his video presentation on marketing, he highlighted the following as key marketing principles of any business: Specialization, Differentiation, Segmentation and, Concentration.I found that to be very interesting in line with this class.By now, you may have already figured out on your own what I am here pointing out to you your business needs to stand out from the rest if you want to survive the competition and write your ticket.And to accomplish this uniqueness, you need to effectively communicate it in your branding and every other way necessary. Do you agree with me?I want to assume that although you might not exactly know how yet, but you are: Looking for a way to make your brand stand out from the rest, Feel that your product or service just doesnt seem to stick in peoples minds enough, Wondering why other brands have more impact than yours.So now, what do you do? Wait a moment!Instead of jumping out to spend thousands of dollars on social media marketing and other advertising strategies, it is essential to first develop a proper branding strategy for your business. Otherwise, your money might just be a total waste.You would notice that every successful business out there has that particular branding that we immediately associate with something of great value.As soon as you hear its name, you relate it with either a particular service, name, person, or reputation you name it. Thats because they can capture peoples attention.Thats because they have mastered how to create a proper branding strategy that works for them.How do they do it?How do some companies successfully create a brand that remains in the hearts and minds of their clients?There is actually a replicable process to it, and you will learn about that process in this training class.What You Will Gain In This ClassApart from learning the basics and philosophy about branding, colours and logo creation for your business, this class will teach you how to boost your brand in a way that your business can stand out from the rest.The most interesting thing is that the training class is that it is set up in a simple step-by-step guide, so you that you cannot miss anything in the learning process.In respective of why you started your business the reason you remain is that it makes you money. So, this training video designed to help you magnetize your customers, and get them where you want them to be.That is a clear objective in this class, your (ROI) Return On Investment to keep at the back of your mind.By learning these simple strategies, you will refine and tailor your mindset so that your clients will see you as a solution to their problems.Are you ready to take your business to the next level?Then lets get started and right now."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Email Campaign Ultimate For Beginners" |
"Who Is This Class For?This class is designed for those who are interested in email campaigns and wants to learn how to effectively explore the power of email campaigns to sell and keep their business growing from strength to strength. If that sounds like you then you are in the right and et get started.Class DescriptionBy the end of this class, you will learn how to correctly automate and write winning email messages that convert.Every trade has its strategies and tactics.You will learn that of email communication in this training class and the next email you send out after this class will result in a high boost and trigger the appropriate response from your subscribers.More Info About The ClassThis training class is a fully-loaded firearm for your email campaign, but the firing of the trigger will depend on you. Do you want that positive result in your business? Lets find out.One of the most common mediums to promote products online is through email. In the past few years, email marketing has grown extensively and it has become relatively important for every internet marketer to boost sales and conversion.Also because email is the only method you can use to keep in touch with your subscribers, your potential customers.But email marketing isnt a piece of work you can easily take care of. The main purpose of email marketing is pre-selling.All you need to do is continue to persuade your subscribers to click on the affiliate or product link you have provided to them with all the psychological triggers involved.If you are like many others who sell products or services out there, especially through email marketing, you are most likely to experience the following problems: Low open rate; your subject line isnt attractive enough to raise the curiosity of your subscribers to think of whats in it for me, Some subscribers are freebies seekers, they unsubscribe as soon as they downloaded their free gift, Spent a small fortune for SEO and CPA but attracted the wrong audience who does not understand your business at all, Subscribers feel annoyed for receiving emails from you because all you do is just keep selling and pushing your sales or maybe, Your offer doesnt excite your subscribers to take action, the content of your email is probably too vague for them to understand.We know all these through thorough research and that is why this training class was created to help people like you overcome the problems.You dont want to rely on the do-it-yourself gimmick to resolve an issue this important to your business, or worst still the over-simplified and general counsels out there. Do you?What You Will Gain In This ClassAs a business owner with a relevant online presence, you will have a lot to benefit from this class! This is a clear and simple guide on every single thing you will ever need to know to kick start your online business, through email marketing.In case you are losing subscribers and have a low open rate, this class will refresh your knowledge on email marketing and help you to resolve your problem.Researching on your own is tough because what you can find online is all general knowledge which is lacking in helping you to achieve something tangible. Especially if what you need is the realistic and useful information, you can find right it in this training class.Again, researching is time-consuming. Especially if you are new to this. So, you need more time to study bit by bit on your own. But, this class has saved you that time. Everything you need to know is already done for you.All you need to do right now is to click on the enrollment button below and get started!See you in the class!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Sales Funnel Blueprint For Beginners" |
"Who Is This Class For?This training class is designed for businesses and individuals who have products for sales and want to learn about the secrete of creating sales funnel blueprint for beginners.Class DescriptionAt the end of this class, you will understand how to set up sales funnel and place products in it. And once you make use of the easy strategy here crafted for you, you will find yourself making more profits with less effort.That is the underline objective here.More Info About The ClassNo doubt that there is a lot of talk about different sales funnels and blueprints out there, but oftentimes beginners are left in the dark, wondering how to put the different ideas into practice.That is why we have created this training class, to make it easier for you as a beginner while developing a giant step in your online business.Now, a few questions for you. Reflect on them for a moment:What kind of offers should you create to have a high converting funnel?What should your front-end offer be like?What should be your best freebies for people to opt into your list so you can promote your front-end offer?These are only but few of the many unanswered questions in the minds of many beginners in product creation and sales funnel.Like many, you dont have to learn this it the hard way. Do you?So, take advantage of this training class and move on to building a sales funnels that truly converts.Yes, you can start right now and continue to reap the reward for your entire lifetime.What You Will Learn In This ClassNote that this class was designed to help you create a long-term conversion funnel and the strategies presented here are well-researched to make it even simpler for you to apply.As designed, you will learn how to:Go from basic understanding to full implementation of sales funnel strategy,Learn how to set up your products and services inside your sales funnel and to create the highest converting funnel right off the bat,How to create a true lead magnet that converts for your business,How to avoid the mistake most businesses often make in their sales funnels and much more.Do you want to get serious with your sales funnel business?Enrol, now and by the end of the training class, you will have a finished and complete sales funnel, filled with the right products in a few minutes.The only way to know this is by starting right now. So see you in the class."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Be Productive In Home Business Without Losing Your Health" |
"Discover how to be productive and efficient in your home business and yet live a healthier lifestyle. Through the simple video training you will find out the exact steps and methods you can use to change your lifestyle and improve your healthHonest Evaluation About Starting Home BusinessThroughout this class are important guides to help you build a healthy business and a healthy life. If you are starting out in business, particularly an online business, you are probably going to be working from home; at least, in the early months and maybe years in the business. For this reason, you need to ask yourself an important question and be honest about it: Will home business be right for you or not.The answer to the above question is mainly about your familys support of your business more than anything else. Remember its called Home Business, because it involves your own family your living space and well-being. If your family is not supportive, you are going to find it very difficult to run your business from home.This is why you need to be badly honest with yourself in evaluating whether home business is good for you or not.Who Is This Class For?This class is for everyone, especially those who are starting up their business for this first time.What Are The Benefits Of A productive Business and Healthy Life?Imagine this: You are more productive; you are more creative and you have better live better lifestyle with your family. Not only that, but your health is improved and you are no longer so stressed out! As business owners we all wish that we could have more time to work on projects, right?Well, by leading a healthier business life you can make better use of your time. That means your time is more valuable, you will get more done each day and your work will be of a higher quality instead of more time.we are not simply talking of sacrificing your businesses success and quality of your service. Not at all. This is why this class is essential for you, because it will teach you how to achieve this double success, in your personal life and in your business.The how is this: we have carefully put together all the information that you need to reevaluate your life, redesign your lifestyle and lead a healthier and productive lifestyle without sacrificing one for the other.What You Will Learn In This ClassIn this well packaged class, you will discover how to put your lifestyle first. Put yourself first, and lead a life that you have always dreamed of! This is the essential objective running throughout the class, to help you succeed in your home business without sacrificing your happiness for it. Consider the following more benefits you can gain in the class: How to design your lifestyle and place your home business without stressing your health. How to apply discipline and structure when you work from home. How to manage your workflow and communicate with your clients and customers in efficiently. How to fit the right diet and training regime in and around your work. How to sleep better and see this impact on your productivity and health. How to work from home without creating conflict with your family. How to transition to working for yourself. How to generate passive income."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |